#Heritage 300K
swpics · 3 months
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This stunning replica of a 1935 Mercedes Benz 500K Roadster was getting plenty of attention at the Stone 4 Wheel Festival. report in current issue of Classic and Competition car magazine. Free to read at www.classicandcompetitioncar.com
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antianakin · 7 months
So I was recommended Out With Lanterns by SkyBean in this post about other potential masters for Ahsoka back in October, and I've finally gotten around to finishing it (as well as most of the other fics in the series) and I HAVE to say something about it because I feel like this fic has changed my brain chemistry just a little.
For reference, Out With Lanterns is a fic where Ahsoka is chosen by Mace to be his Padawan about a year or so prior to AOTC and follows her life and training with him through the clone wars.
Since this is a fic rec, I'm going to put a few warnings out front. There's absolutely going to be spoilers for this fic because I have a lot to say about it, so if you are interested in the basic premise and don't want to know any of the details so you can experience it for yourself, please don't read past this paragraph. This fic is NOT Anakin friendly, in any way shape or form. It isn't what I would consider a character bashing and he only shows up like 3-4 times total in a fic that's 300k words long, but it doesn't try to be particularly kind to Anakin when he is there. It's also not super kind to Padme or Anidala, unsurprisingly. The fic is completed, but the series is still ongoing. This fic takes the war a LOT more seriously than the show did and it doesn't shy away from some of the darker things that can happen in a war or the violence that the characters might have to go through as a result of fighting in it. Some of the other fics in the series continue past Order 66 and look more in detail at what life might be like for Jedi who have to go on the run and constantly fear persecution. It's dark, it's painful, it's harrowing, but it's VERY very good. This fic is also INCREDIBLY pro Jedi and Jedi friendly.
On to the spoilery bits.
I've been sort-of on the fence about Ahsoka since her show came out last year and it's embittered me towards her character quite a bit, which is sort-of sad because I HAVE really enjoyed her in the past, but nothing about her current trajectory is anything I like or find interesting and in fact it feels like it's leading that branch of Star Wars in a direction I find actively distasteful. And it's hard to look at her character and not REMEMBER where she's ended up, it's hard to look at her in TCW and Rebels and not see all the things that were signs of where she was heading.
But this fic has done a lot to make me like her again. This fic is written by someone who so clearly understands what made Ahsoka a really compelling character initially and focuses in on that in such a way that it makes me remember what I HAVE liked about Ahsoka. It allows Ahsoka to be incredibly flawed, even as she grows and develops and matures, she still makes mistakes and struggles and needs guidance from her master. But those flaws don't make her incompetent or a bad person, quite the opposite. Ahsoka, by virtue of having a real Jedi Master instead of Anakin, ends up capable of acknowledging her own flaws and learning from them. She knows where her strengths and weaknesses are and is able to make decisions with that in mind, and when she makes mistakes she doesn't sit there and dwell on them, but she DOES let herself learn from them. Ahsoka in this fic does not feel like a mouthpiece, she feels like a real distinct character and I LOVE THAT about her.
I love the ways we see her become the Jedi she can't be in canon due to Anakin's influence, the ways she retains so much more of her Jedi heritage as a result of not learning from him, and how that helps her SO MUCH MORE than anything Anakin's training does for her in canon. I also love seeing how much of MACE gets reflected in Ahsoka, the things she specifically picks up from him, both good and bad.
I love the complexities of Ahsoka's relationship with the clones and how it develops from the first initial overtures to the deep friendships she has with them by the end to the complicated feelings she has after Order 66 and after discovering the chips. Her relationships with the various clone characters she interacts with don't feel like they're all the same, they're distinct from each other the way they should be because the CLONES are distinct from each other. I like the balance she has to manage between being their commanding officer and their friend. I like that she can love them and recognize that there are things about the clones that she doesn't want to replicate in herself because it would make her a worse Jedi. In particular, she understands that there's a REASON the war feels very "normal" for the clones and so their reaction to the horrors of it are very different than hers, but she doesn't want to end up becoming numb to the horrors to the point that war starts feeling normal to her because she feels like it would end up making her a worse Jedi down the line. I love the complexity of that, the lack of judgment towards the clones but the recognition that their experiences are very different from hers and she cannot and does not want to be like them in this.
I also love that there's equal attention paid to Ahsoka's relationships with other Jedi and how distinct THOSE feel from each other because the Jedi are also individual people and not a monolith. Her relationship with Adi Gallia is very different from her relationship with Obi-Wan or Agen Kolar or Kit Fisto and Nahdar Vebb. She learns different things from each of them, intentionally or not, and she likes some of them better than others. I love how much Ahsoka loves her own culture and the different ways we see that expressed, from needing to meditate every day to the many times we hear about her interacting with younglings when she's at the Temple. Ahsoka finally FEELS like a Jedi again here and that identity actually means something to her in a way I think canon has sort-of forgotten or intentionally dismissed.
One of the things I think this fic REALLY does well is taking Ahsoka's general irrelevance to the Skywalker Saga and making that a GOOD THING. Ahsoka being Mace's padawan changes nothing. The people who die in canon still die. The war still happens. In general, the missions we know about from TCW still happen and happen almost exactly the same way. Anakin still marries Padme and still joins Palpatine to save her and murders the Jedi. Ahsoka's addition to Anakin's story changes exactly nothing about it because it CAN'T. She isn't the reason he falls, she doesn't save him and never could have, everything he does happens with or without her. So removing her from his story changes exactly nothing about it. But the change in her position within the narrative does change HER. SHE'S impacted by the narrative far more than it can ever be impacted by her. And her irrelevance to the Skywalker Saga doesn't mean she isn't a compelling character anymore, she's almost MORE compelling now than she's ever been before specifically because she's more outside of it and can see it from that perspective. Ahsoka is compelling because she's AHSOKA, not because she's Anakin's padawan the way Felony seems to think. She can be compelling WITHOUT HIM if they would just believe in her ability to tell her own story. And she doesn't need to be relevant to the Skywalker Saga in order for her story to be important simply for being HERS. She has a story to tell and it's a good one, even if nothing major changes because of it.
I love the way that that is woven into the fic because I kept EXPECTING things to change due to Ahsoka not being Mace's padawan. I kept expecting her presence to save some of the people who die during TCW, I kept expecting endings to change somehow, and they just... don't. And even when it DOES, right at the end, when she escapes with some younglings and an injured Mace, and they apparently go on to create an underground Jedi Order, it doesn't change the end of the story in the OT. Luke and Leia still go to Tatooine and Alderaan, they still end up fighting on and over Endor as the final battle, Luke still goes off alone to face Anakin and Palpatine and that confrontation goes exactly the way it did in canon. Ahsoka's presence and the things her new backstory have changed in the background of the narrative have no actual bearing on the major Skywalker Saga. But there are more Jedi survivors in this AU than there are in canon, an entire Order that has been slowly piecing itself together in secrecy for the last 20 years, and even though that doesn't change the actual story, it's not nothing. It's not insignificant that they survived and they're there.
And I think the last thing I will discuss that I absolutely adore about this fic is Anakin's padawan. This character is an OC created seemingly to be a foil for Ahsoka, a mirror into the person she could've been had she ended up with Anakin instead of Mace, a reflection of her canon self even though neither Ahsoka nor this new padawan would ever be able to know that. I love the way that this allows the author to make that comparison for the readers without it being super in your face about it. Ahsoka isn't facing a literal reflection of herself and the new padawan IS her own person with her own personality and struggles, but she still definitely feels like "who Ahsoka would've become if she hadn't been saved by Mace."
The new padawan isn't supported by Anakin, but she's really close with Rex. She ends up feeling almost DEFINED by her years with Anakin and can't really connect to her Jedi upbringing anymore after Order 66 even though she spent far longer without Anakin than she did with him. She's young enough that she can't see the truth about his darkness and defends him to others no matter what, even though she admits after Order 66 that there were signs she can see now and blames herself for not being able to see the truth of them then. She succumbs to her own darkness because it's the path Anakin guided her down and she can't quite figure out how to get back onto the path of a Jedi, no matter how much Ahsoka and Mace try to help her. She's lost, floundering in her own darkness because the person who was supposed to guide her towards balance ended up isolating her from the rest of the Jedi and making her feel dependent on him and then he discarded her like she never mattered to him at all.
And I LOVE how broken and shattered she is, I love how consumed she is by her pain and grief and anger because she's known little else for like two years, I love the way she lashes out because she doesn't know how to control it, I love how difficult she finds it to act like a Jedi anymore, I love how much she feels like she doesn't know who she is anymore. THIS is what I wanted to see Ahsoka struggling with in the aftermath of her revelation about Anakin. THIS is the kind of person I wanted Ahsoka to be in the Ahsoka show. THIS is why I can't agree with anybody saying that she came across as particularly unkind or prickly or broken at the beginning of that show because she really isn't. She's BARELY upset every so often, she's SO calm and in control at all times. I wanted to see her ANGRY, I wanted to see her LOSE CONTROL, I wanted to see her lashing out at people who are just trying to help her because she's lost all sense of who she is in the wake of realizing the person who had guided her on her current path became a monster and she has no idea how much of that has impacted the person she's become and how much it will CONTINUE to impact her going forward. I wanted to see Ahsoka GENUINELY STRUGGLE with the things that have happened to her and see her REALLY changed by it all before being able to come back to herself in the end. And that's not what I was given. Not until this series entered my life, anyway, and it's not even technically happening to Ahsoka herself.
(I'll also point out here that at no point does the padawan ever say anything Jedi critical. Even as an Ahsoka foil who is partially representative of canon Ahsoka, she never falls so far that she blames the Jedi for their own genocide. So despite how much more she's struggling than canon Ahsoka does, she's still a better person than canon Ahsoka has become.)
So if you hated the Ahsoka show, loved the Kenobi show, and want something that's immensely Jedi friendly and Anakin critical that takes things like the war and Order 66 and the ensuing Purge VERY seriously, give this series a whirl. It's definitely an epic (and it's not done yet) and I had to take breaks every so often by reading something a little more light-hearted, but it's SO worth it.
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Following the June 7 release of the latest federal jobs report — which showed that employment increased by 272,000 jobs in May, far more than the expectations of 180,000 jobs — many right-wing commentators responded by denouncing the job creation witnessed during the Biden administration for mostly going to “foreign-born workers” versus “native-born.” In some cases, these commentators indirectly or even explicitly referred to the racist “great replacement” conspiracy theory, a white nationalist belief that immigration is being used to intentionally decrease the share of white people in the total population to benefit a left-wing political agenda. What these right-wing conspiracy theorists overlooked in their complaints about job growth among “foreign-born” workers is that nearly half of that group are already American citizens, while millions more are lawful permanent residents who legally work in the United States.
Conservatives denigrated the positive jobs report by highlighting job gain for foreign-born workers
Multiple right-wing media personalities, conservative outlets, and even Republican officials criticized the jobs report for showing gains by foreign-born workers and losses for native-born workers. On its @GOP account on X (formerly known as Twitter), the Republican National Committee posted: “Employment for native-born American workers fell by 663,000 last month per today’s jobs report.” Heritage Foundation economist E.J. Antoni wrote: “No wonder Americans view economy so terribly: they aren't the ones w/ the jobs; native-born employment is not only millions below pre-pandemic trend, but even below pre-pandemic level, while millions more foreign workers are employed today than Feb '20, and back to trend.” Antoni later added, “All of the net job growth over the last year has gone to foreign-born workers, (a category which the Labor Dept. admits includes illegal aliens) while native-born Americans have lost a net 300k jobs.” Other responses were more explicit in connecting the jobs report numbers to immigration policy. Breitbart posted: “Border remains open, jobs report exceeds expectations. Simple as.” Former Fox News producer Kyle Becker wrote: “Where are Americans' jobs going? The Foreign Born. Illegal aliens literally ‘took our jobs.’” And MAGA strategist Alex Bruesewitz wrote: “Biden continues to put illegals ahead of Americans.”
Right-wing media respond to the May Jobs report with baseless nativism.
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etherealspacejelly · 29 days
you ever see a post and you're like. if this was made in 2014 it would be called a heritage tumblr post and have 300k notes but it gets like 14 likes and 3 reblogs so it never takes off. because i think thats actually really sad if you think about it
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walkawaytall · 9 months
Any of these for the end of year fic ask game?
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3 was answered here!
1. I think Brief Shadow, though I also really like Purpose of Heritage (obvs or else I would be losing my mind even more than I already do with that thing), Far Too Violently, Far Too Long, Reconstitution, and Confirmed by Sources Close to the Subject (I just really like Leia to be incredibly sad, apparently. Ha...)
2. Either Speak Louder or Terrified Without You.
Speak Louder I actually like overall, but there is one absolutely absurd scene where Leia's dressing down some anonymous Alliance member for ignoring Han and I think it's a little too over-the-top; I thought that when I posted it, but sometimes with my one-shots, what decides when I post them is less about them being perfect and more about me being like, "I cannot keep editing this. This'll have to do." It's been good for my crushing perfectionism, tbh.
And Terrified Without You was the product of me going, "I want to write the tropiest fic that ever troped" and...uh...I think it succeeded, but I just don't love it. I love certain pieces of it, and it gave me a place to stick the "You'll speak at my funeral, won't you?" conversation that got yanked out of Purpose of Heritage for a number of reasons, but it's just not my favorite fic overall. I mean, I've still gone back and read it because I never post anything I despise or that just isn't working for me, but the question was least favorite, so...
4. I've written well over 300K, but so far I've posted 291,009
Thanks for the questions!
fanfic end of the year asks
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cowardstiel · 1 year
thing that kills me about heritage tumblr posts in general is even the most famous posts that everyone talks about have less than 300k notes. nowadays u see a post with those numbers and never think about it again. sad.
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eayzibrianolumaley · 2 years
Eayzibrian Olumaley Biography; Early Life, Education, Family & Career
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Olumayowa Akinjisola Brian Olakunley popularly known as Eayzibrian Olumaley is a fashion artiste, graphics designer & creative director at Street Hype Collection.
Early life
Olumaley was was born on 1st June, 2001 in gombe wakiso district.
He was raised by a single mother & grandmother
Educational background
He attended prince mbogo Muslim school from where he shifted and completed his primary seven at adwari primary school in lira. He later joined Greenland high School for his Olevel from where he dropped out school due to covid-19
Olumaley is popular for his graphic style of clothing. He got inspiration from his friend.
His creativity fuses traditional west African fabrics with modern offbeat pattern , rich texture &. electic colours that reflects African heritage.
He launched his fashion brand known as street hype in 2020.
His senses of modernism in all of his designs has made stand out of his peers in fashion & graphics field.
His pieces of design such as facemask & branded tshirts are showcased in various fashion runways in Kampala, lira & wakiso.
Follow eayzibrian olumaley on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and Snapchat
Eayzibrian Olumaley is a successful fashionista, graphic designer and creative director whose net worth is estimated to be around USD 300K
He is currently the CEO at Street Hype Fashion collection & Nile painters
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spacenutspod · 7 months
3 min readPreparations for Next Moonwalk Simulations Underway (and Underwater) A computer generated image of objects in Earth orbit that are currently being tracked. Credits: NASA ODPO NASA’s Office of Technology, Policy & Strategy is soliciting research and analysis related to the social, economic and policy aspects of space sustainability. This topic area is further refined into two separate elements: orbital space sustainability and lunar surface sustainability. OTPS will provide up to $300K (orbital) and $200K (lunar surface) for between 1-3 proposals in each element. Key questions are featured below.  Orbital Space Sustainability: Economic, Social and Policy Research and Analyses Proposals should be responsive to one of the following questions: What are current policy, regulatory or legal gaps to improve space sustainability in various orbital regimes (LEO, MEO, GEO, Cislunar, and/or Lunar) and what specific measures should be taken to address them? Proposers may address one or several orbital regimes.  Considering various scenarios for the space environment in the 2040 timeframe, what policies, regulations or other support are forecasted to be needed? Research should take into consideration that potential policies for space sustainability may be incentivized or rendered unnecessary by advancements in technological capabilities and differing assumptions about the future operational environment; therefore, the research should assess the robustness of various policy proposals under realistic assumptions. What are the costs to spacecraft operators from interacting with debris in GEO and Cislunar space? What are the benefits of potential risk-reducing actions? How effective are various policy tools and mechanisms (for example, performance bonds, incentives to improve PMD compliance/fees for bad behavior, global minimum tax, and environmental liability insurance)? How might such interventions impact the business of satellite owners and operators or government owners and operators? Lunar Surface Sustainability: Economic, Social and Policy Research and Analyses The sustainable development of the lunar surface acknowledges that current operations may impact our ability to conduct future operations (indeed current operations may also impact other current operations. Whether we seek to protect critical areas for scientific investigation (e.g., Permanently Shadowed Regions), preserve lunar heritage areas (e.g., Apollo sites) or incorporate other technical, economic, or cultural considerations may all factor into our mission planning, policy and potential regulatory approaches. Analyses may help disentangle and characterize the goals of sustainability, develop frameworks for evaluating the sustainability of operations, or compare and contrast the different definitions of sustainability. Proposals should consider both human and robotic missions. All proposals must be submitted to one of the ROSES calls (F.21 or F.17) by May 17, 2024. Proposers can submit different proposals to each element. However, duplicate proposals submitted to both elements will only be considered for a single element (NASA will make most appropriate determination). To submit proposals, visit: Orbital Sustainability https://nspires.nasaprs.com/external/solicitations/summary!init.do?solId={63F3CFBC-9BC2-7518-9DD5-D1B4887109E5}&path=open Lunar Surface Sustainability https://nspires.nasaprs.com/external/solicitations/summary!init.do?solId={48D6B21B-0171-D79D-E111-BCDFCC02E0F0}&path=open Share Details Last Updated Feb 15, 2024 EditorBill Keeter Related TermsGeneral
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fabulousfamilyfinds · 10 months
Look what we've found! Great Groupon deals that are heavily discounted, Choose from some of the following deals.
Fabulous Family Finds has been searching the internet for fantastic deals for all the family to enjoy, check out these great finds and get booking!
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Santa's Last Christmas Parcel Virtual Escape Room Game for Up to Six from Elgin Escape (42% Off)
Highlights - Up to 6 players can help Santa deliver a Christmas parcel to the child with this online escape room game.
What's included: virtual escape room game for up to six players
Players can be across multiple households
Available room: Santa's Last Parcel
Age restrictions: under 13s should play with an adult
Game can be played on a PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone with an internet connection
Was €11.99 now €6.99 and when using promotion code, JUST4U it's only €6.29,
Hot Dog and a Soft Drink for One, Two or Four at Hanley's Cornish Pasties (Up to 62% Off) Merchants Arch, Temple Bar , Dublin
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Why not treat yourself to this amazing offer if you're out and about in Dublin city centre
Offer includes For one: Hot dog 7 soft drink for only €3.25, or for two people €6.15, amazing value here guys!
Entry with Audio Guide and The LEGO® Mini Hunt for Family of Four at Medieval Mile Museum (33% Off)
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Families can explore the past of Kilkenny using digital devices and meeting Lego Minifigures as medieval characters.
What's Included:
All-day family pass to the museum with an audio guide and The LEGO® Minifigure Hunt
Family ticket is valid for two (2) adults and two (2) children
Children classified as aged 6-18
Free admission for children under 5
All-day tour contains individual exploring of Kilkenny’s heritage
The LEGO® Minifigure Hunt is a chance to meet fascinating characters of Kilkenny’s past as little figurines
Price - Was €22.50 now €15.00 or €13.50 with promo code JUST 4U.
For more great offers and deals check out the link below,
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thewul · 1 year
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The next wonderful wonderful surprise was the palm tree, when I started thinking what trees are these, and it turned out that oak trees capture the most CO2, in the end I settled for oak, maple, and cedar trees and I thought wait a second half of the country is arrid and that means palm trees as well
They do not offset as much but are good at sinking CO2 in the soil and in numbers it becomes a sizeable quantity, that is when I realized that most of it would be palm trees
I also realized that in the High Atlas conifers would fare much better so there was Pines as well, to arrive at these figures depending of the different environments that the country provides, in acres
Southern regions, PALM 300K
Maâmora forest, OAK 200K
Middle Atlas, MAPLE 150K
High Atlas, CEDAR/PINE 150K
We are overshooting at 800K acres vs the 617K acres workable but that is where things are heading longer term
CCP2 turned out to be the bulk of it, with palm trees in Southern Morocco to fight desertification
We also have a lot of CCP1 for the rest, especially the Maâmora forest which has dwindled from 130K acres to 50K acres
Maâmora is to regain most of its superficy even if that means displacing encroachments, and continue to be the largest suberaie in the world, in its original oak tree composition, Maâmora is one of the things with the Marrakech Palmeraie that makes Morocco Morocco we can absolutely not have an ersatz of it because of zoning mistakes from the past, whatever constructions are not supposed to be there to start with has to move elsewhere
Nowadays countries value their natural heritages they don't destroy them when they are irreplaceable to put concrete there instead, there are other areas for that, tourist come and they want to see the Maâmora you show them concrete that's not it, most whom come from large cities already have plenty of concrete
Conversely having the largest suberaie in the world has huge value precisely because it is the largest, it is not only ours really its worldwide heritage and has to be considered as such
The Palmeraie same thing, we are past I think in our day and age no this is my Palmeraie this is my Amazon forest, these are worldwide heritages, not one single government can deteriorate them anymore than Egypt can sell its Giza Pyramids for bricks
But let us consider the alternative of say 617K acres workable of forested land in Morocco, and beyond carbon offsetting the change it effects in the climate of the country that is facing droughts
These trees essentially make Morocco greener more resilient to droughts, trees retain water in the soil and create a micro climate of their own something we can all experience in forested areas they are inherently more humid and cooler
Carbon capture is only an aspect of it, CCP in Morocco has climate engineering goals
fending off the Sahara's dry hot winds from the south
shielding more humidity behind the Atlas mountain range
augmenting the humidity capture of the Atlas itself
Every year hot dry winds from the heart of the Sahara make their way as far as the north of Morocco and even Europe, and so the palm tree was that wonderful discovery also for the reason that we can mitigate that seasonal dryness factor at a fraction of the irrigation that other trees would require
A national long term initiative, involving schools and high schools, CCP has a lot to hold for Morocco, and a cohesive strategy involving large scale wind, solar, and water desalination, if the Sahara can be greened anywhere in the world it's in Morocco, where Mauritania further south becomes of interest to strengthen an artificial but viable climate system
Basically the further south we can fend off the Sirocco and the Simoun, strong desert winds from the Sahara, the more temperate it becomes further north, I am also convinced that it is how the Sahara progresses, its winds make the soil dry, after which it gains and that reinforces it further, it's a mighty desert that can be fought with one tree at a time
Thank you for having followed
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lionews · 2 years
Kay#258398 telling a 300k that they should make their stud fee cheap with a tri rose + 6k stats because of their lion being “dirty”. There’s 0 inbreeding in the kings heritage. Now they’re claiming there’s a “big 5”
I thought it was only 4, and that nobody gaf about it anymore 💀
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hakesbros · 2 years
Las Cruces To Be Featured On April 20 Episode Of House Hunters
Homes for sale in have a median listing price of $300K. Some of these homes are Hot Homes, that means they're prone to sell rapidly. Buy the best home on the proper worth near new homes las cruces with a local Redfin actual property agent. The Mesilla Valley is a world-renowned agricultural community. From wine vineyards and pecan orchards to cotton fields and alfalfa farms, this spot of desert is surprisingly fertile.
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ronaldjohndagar · 2 years
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The Residences at The Westin Manila Sonata Place offers prime branded residential condominium development located at the heart of Ortigas Center. It provides generous living suite-like unit spaces, a comprehensive medley of amenities, hotel-like signature services, and exclusive VIP benefits provided by the heritage of excellence expected from a Westin brand –creating a haven of serenity and an experience of pampered living for well-traveled individuals and expatriates who appreciates luxury and world-class standards. located at 📍San Miguel Avenue cor. Lourdes Street, Mandaluyong Units offer: 🛏️ 1BR (77 - 82 sqm w/ or w/o Balcony) 🛏️ 2BR (96 - 160 sqm w/ Balcony) 🛏️ 3BR (173 - 254 sqm w/ Balcony) 🛏️ PH (234 - 249 sqm w/ Balcony) A SEMI-FURNISHED home that allows you to experience the luxury of living well. ✨ 5𝟬,𝟬𝟬𝟬 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚 𝙖 𝙪𝙣𝙞𝙩. Price Range: Php 23M - Php 70M ☑️ Generous Living Suite-Like Unit Spaces ☑️ Premium Deliverables ☑️ Four Floors of Medley Prime Amenities ☑️ Hotel-Like Signature Services ☑️ Pet-Friendly Community ☑️ Hotel a la Carte Services Exclusive for Westin Residents ☑️ Flexible Payment Terms 𝐖𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍 𝐒𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐬 & 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐮𝐦 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐬: ⭐️ The Westin Heavenly Bed worth Php 300K ⭐️ The Westin Heavenly Bath Shower Experience ⭐️ Duravit & Hansgrohe T&B Fixtures and Finishes ⭐️ Leicht Kitchen Cabinets ⭐️ Gaggenau Kitchen Appliances 𝑺𝑬𝑵𝑫 𝑼𝑺 𝑨 𝑴𝑬𝑺𝑺𝑨𝑮𝑬 𝑭𝑶𝑹 𝑴𝑶𝑹𝑬 𝑰𝑵𝑭𝑶 https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckf4zQJv9cD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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caddyedge · 2 years
Cadillac CELESTIQ Production Details Announced
Let’s cut immediately to the chase. The CELESTIQ is the $300k+ car we predicted. But, it sounds like Cadillac has pulled out all the stops to make this the hand-built, custom designed, ultra-sedan that we thought they might be planning.
Cadillac announced today that the CELESTIQ will enter production in December 2023. Every car will be a one-off where the customer will work with a concierge as well as Cadillac designer to choose all the specific design elements to make their car truly unique.
Each car will be built in GM’s Global Technical Center in Warren, Michigan. No more than 6 cars will be built at a time to ensure quality and production will be extremely limited.
The CELESTIQ will bring a ton of brand new technology and luxuries to market from banks of thousands of LEDs inside and out that provide unique lighting designs and colors, a 41 speaker sound system with car-wide and seat specific noise cancelling features, and GM’s first example of their Ultra Cruise self-driving technology. That only scratches the surface of the technology and craftsmanship that Cadillac is brining to market with this impressive sedan.
Every surface that looks like metal -is- metal. No simulated metallic surfaces or finishes. The front display is door-to-door and 55” in total size. Front and rear passengers have center-mounted touch-screen controls. The rear passengers have large infotainment screens integrated into the rear of the front seats. The roof is a active glass panel where each seat can control light with active tint.
Certainly more details about how the CELESTIQ will be built and what buyers will be able to choose will be revealed between now and production. We’ll bring those details to you as we find them.
Cadillac press release below:
October 17, 2022
Cadillac has drawn from every era and element of its rich heritage to deliver the most advanced, most luxurious and one of the most important vehicles the brand has ever produced.
The Cadillac CELESTIQ is a handcrafted, all-electric, ultra-luxury flagship that reestablishes the iconic brand as the Standard of the World, while serving as the flagship for the brand’s electric future.
“CELESTIQ is the purest expression of Cadillac, acknowledging our incredible history and driving us to a bolder and brighter future,” said Global Vice President of Cadillac Rory Harvey. “It is a completely bespoke work of automotive art, built around the most advanced and innovative technology that we have ever engineered into an automobile.”
The CELESTIQ story is built on legacy, with its design, cutting-edge technology, and personalized luxury rooted in Cadillac’s history of building handcrafted, iconic vehicles such as the 1933 V16 Aerodynamic Coupe and the 1957 Eldorado Brougham.
Each CELESTIQ is personally commissioned — no two will be alike. Clients will work directly with their selected dealer and Cadillac designers to realize their unique vision for the car, with unprecedented levels of personalization tailored to reflect the owner’s tastes. 
This unique and individualized experience is augmented by Cadillac’s global leadership in electrification, available hands-free driver assistance technology and connected services. CELESTIQ sets the benchmark for handcrafted, multisensory and immersive EV luxury experiences.
“CELESTIQ is like no Cadillac before it and the client experience is equally exceptional,” said Harvey. “Each vehicle is a unique expression of its owner, leveraging leading-edge technologies that make the driving experience personal and rewarding.”
BESPOKE CLIENT EXPERIENCE Every CELESTIQ is a custom-commissioned reflection of its owner’s individual tastes and preferences — a one-of-one combination of artistry, authenticity, craftsmanship and unparalleled refinement.
The client’s journey is fully bespoke, with a highly personalized experience led by their chosen CELESTIQ dealer in collaboration with a one-on-one concierge to guide them, as well as access to a Cadillac designer and exclusive services. This process will be meticulously curated to forge a unique relationship between Cadillac, the client and their CELESTIQ through the Custom Commissioned build process.
“With an extremely low volume of hand-built vehicles to be offered globally each year and an exclusive declaration process, CELESTIQ will truly be a custom-commissioned one-of-one,” said Harvey. “Each client will experience a personalized journey to make their vehicle exactly the way they desire.”
ENGINEERING EXCELLENCE To create the most unique and expressive Cadillac ever, the CELESTIQ team rethought everything, resulting in the most technologically advanced vehicle in the brand’s history. This technological innovation enables CELESTIQ to be the ultimate expression of ultra-luxury and client customization.  
CELESTIQ and Ultium CELESTIQ channels the power of the revolutionary Ultium Platform, which is the foundation for CELESTIQ’s exhilarating performance and range. This dedicated EV propulsion architecture combines a 111-kWh battery pack and a two-motor, all-wheel-drive propulsion system to offer a GM-estimated 600 horsepower and 640 lb-ft of torque — and a GM-estimated driving range of 300 miles1 (483 km) on a full charge.
Unique among Ultium-based EVs are CELESTIQ’s 11.59:1 front and 11.63:1 rear gear ratios, which were specially calibrated to optimize range and performance. In addition to the impressive horsepower and torque, the vehicle is also projected to deliver one of the quickest 0-60-mph accelerations in the segment of 3.8 seconds.
The Ultium Platform also serves as a structural element of the vehicle, contributing to its overall strength and feeling of solidity, in addition to its performance. The CELESTIQ’s battery cells are mounted horizontally, enabling the vehicle’s long, low and lean proportions, while the low mounting position of the pack drops the vehicle’s center of gravity, enhancing handling and ride comfort, as well as maximizing interior spaciousness.
Regen on Demand Braking2 is standard and helps maximize driving range by converting the kinetic energy of the vehicle’s forward momentum into electricity that’s stored in the battery pack. It also includes One-Pedal Driving3, which can slow the vehicle to a complete stop using only the accelerator pedal, for very fine vehicle control.
Isolated Precision The CELESTIQ ride and handling experience will elevate the already-exceptional Cadillac reputation for isolated precision, meaning CELESTIQ offers the ultimate in ride refinement without sacrifices – the best of both worlds. Through the concept of isolated precision, clients will experience a luxury driving experience but still feel connected to the road at the same time. A suite of advanced automotive technologies will offer clients the luxurious, isolated ride experience they demand from an ultra-luxury vehicle, while packaging an incredible amount of sophisticated content in a large, spacious vehicle.
“CELESTIQ offers responsiveness and athleticism typically associated with smaller performance vehicles,” said Tony Roma, CELESTIQ chief engineer. “We have incorporated Cadillac’s expertise developing advanced chassis and suspension systems into an entirely new experience for the client.”
Indeed, CELESTIQ’s engineers made the most of the robust architecture and developed Cadillac’s most technologically advanced suspension and other performance systems ever.
It includes:
Adaptive Air Suspension: CELESTIQ makes use of an air suspension system, rather than the coiled springs used in a traditional suspension system. Compared to traditional suspension systems, air suspension offers a softer, more isolated ride for greater ride quality.
Active Rear Steering: CELESTIQ will offer up to 3.5 degrees of out-of-phase rear steering, in which the rear wheels turn in the opposite direction of the front wheels for greater maneuverability at low speeds. At higher speeds, the rear wheels will turn in-phase with the front wheels.
Magnetic Ride Control 4.0: A signature Cadillac engineering innovation will find a new home in CELESTIQ. Originally developed for the Cadillac CT5-V Blackwing, the system is the world’s fastest-reacting suspension technology, which allows for greater responsiveness and enhanced isolation from road imperfections.
Advanced AWD: CELESTIQ offers a two-motor electric drive unit. These motors work with torque optimizer modules that analyze torque requirements for given vehicle inputs. These modules turn the front or rear motors on and off as required to provide optimal torque to enhance ride quality and electric driving range.
Active Roll Control: The Cadillac-first Active Roll Control feature is a significant contributor to the vehicle’s nimble handling. It employs stabilizer bars embedded at the front and rear of the chassis to mitigate the rolling force exerted on the vehicle during turns and other maneuvers, enhancing the feeling of stability, control and occupant comfort.
Active Rear Spoiler: The CELESTIQ Active Rear Spoiler deploys at lower speeds to help improve aerodynamic efficiency and further raises at higher speeds to help keep the vehicle balanced.
Ride-focused tires: CELESTIQ will feature available 23-inch forged aluminum wheels with 23-inch summer-only Michelin Pilot Sport EV tires. This combination will offer strong rolling resistance performance and precision steering. Designed specifically for Cadillac, the tread pattern, self-sealing technology and foam inserts enable a quiet tire for greater ride isolation.
Electric Power Steering: CELESTIQ features a variable ratio front electric power steering system, similar to that found on the Cadillac Blackwings but calibrated specifically for CELESTIQ, that works in coordination with active rear steering to automatically adjust to the ideal steering ratio depending on vehicle speed resulting in an engaging and intuitive driving experience.
5-link front and rear suspension: CELESTIQ’s 5-link front and rear suspension provides exceptional performance tailored specifically for the high torque output of an electric vehicle motor. The suspension isolators are precisely tuned to minimize cabin disturbances yet allow proper road feel and handling response, delivering on Cadillac’s promise of isolated precision.
“CELESTIQ continues the 120-year Cadillac history of leveraging the most advanced automotive technology in the service of luxury. The innovations CELESTIQ uses to offer its sophisticated ride isolation are the pinnacle of Cadillac automotive achievement,” said Ken Althouse, CELESTIQ lead development engineer.
Charging When it comes to charging, Cadillac is committed to creating a seamless experience for clients, whether at home or on the road. When looking to charge quickly, CELESTIQ is equipped with a 200 kW DC fast charging system capable of adding up to a Cadillac-estimated 78 miles of range in only 10 minutes of charging4 at a public DC fast charging station.
CELESTIQ clients will also have access to Ultium Charge 360, a holistic approach to EV charging that’s designed to simplify the overall charging experience. It includes access to more than 110,000 publicly available charging points in the United States and Canada. And through the myCadillac Mobile app5, clients can find nearby charging stations, see real-time charger availability, plan routes, start charging sessions and more.
All told, CELESTIQ includes approximately 300 approved and pending patented technologies and processes, including innovation in hands-free driver assistance features, safety features, electrified propulsion systems, connected technologies and many advances found throughout the Ultium Platform.
CELESTIQ Body Structure In creating one of the most important Cadillacs ever, the CELESTIQ engineering team rethought the fundamental building blocks to not only accommodate its all-electric propulsion system but provide a platform for the ultimate expression of ultra-luxury and unmatched client customization, enabled by advanced manufacturing techniques.
Achieving that required an all-new architecture dedicated exclusively to CELESTIQ. It is based on the Ultium Platform, which integrates the propulsion system’s battery pack and serves as a structural element of the vehicle, contributing to its overall strength, durability and performance.
Mega Castings: The CELESTIQ underbody includes six large precision sand-cast aluminum components. Each casting reduces part count by 30 to 40 components, compared to typical stamped construction. The benefits being more efficient use of space, simplicity and improved structural rigidity. The CELESTIQ precision sand-casted content and processes are ideal for low volume, handcrafted, bespoke vehicles.
Additive Manufacturing: With 115 3D printed parts in the production vehicle, the CELESTIQ demonstrates GM’s broadest use of this process.
The steering wheel center is the largest metal part GM has printed in production, combining the show surface and the structural B-side of the part, while the seat belt adjustable guide loop is GM’s first safety-related 3D printed part.
Other 3D printed parts include: window switches, grab handles, console decor and structural pieces under the vehicle’s surface.
Flex Fabrication: Each CELESTIQ vehicle will feature over 300 fabricated pieces throughout the body structure, chassis, interior and electrical components. This “Flex Fabrication” process utilizes metal sheets that can be folded and manipulated into the unique shapes required for the CELESTIQ design — a process more akin to metallic origami than traditional stamping.
Additional details:
A long dash-to-axle ratio lends to CELESTIQ’s classic proportions that are evocative of performance vehicles.
Precision advanced aluminum castings combined with advanced engineering and manufacturing allow CELESTIQ to house large 23-inch wheels.
The use of advanced casting techniques allowed CELESTIQ engineers to efficiently package all technologies – never compromising on design or client comfort.
Inside, the low, flat floor allows every seat to have equal levels of comfort – each with a full range of comfort adjustability.
The Fixed Smart Glass Roof eliminates the need for a sunshade or headliner, maximizing headroom.
The CELESTIQ architecture also incorporates a unique 48-volt electrical system that’s driven by a digital electrical architecture of its own, which supports the vehicle’s advanced technologies and features. More than 30 virtual controls accommodate the vehicle’s high levels of seat and climate customization without the need for traditional buttons and switches.
CELESTIQ DESIGN: ARTISTRY AND CRAFTSMANSHIP CELESTIQ is the manifestation of Cadillac’s Art of Travel design philosophy, which informed the styling of the LYRIQ, in tandem with the brand’s transformation to be all electric by 2030.
The Art of Travel considers the entire encounter with the vehicle, from its visual presence, to the rich feel of its components, and the choreographed experiences in which curated “sense of occasion” features transform the ordinary into the extraordinary. This tailored approach to every experience an owner has with their car makes common elements feel distinctly personal.
“CELESTIQ is the purest expression of Cadillac’s legacy of design excellence,” said Erin Crossley, design director, CELESTIQ. “It revives the spirit of handcrafted coaches in a vehicle that is both an artistic tour de force and a peerless sensory experience.”
In that regard, CELESTIQ’s exterior and interior were designed together to present a more holistic vision of ultra-luxury, electrified mobility.
The members of the design team are artists themselves, with unique backgrounds in fashion, architecture, industrial design and beyond. Each brought their experiences and perspectives from those different genres and channeled them into the vision of CELESTIQ.
“Everyone poured their passions into CELESTIQ,” said Crossley. “The result is an automobile that redefines luxury through the experiences it offers its driver and passengers.”
Exterior Design: Embracing the Avant-Garde The silhouette of CELESTIQ is immediately striking. It is a bold, fastback profile, challenging the ultra-luxury space with the spirit of futurism and the avant-garde. The boldness of the grille and the vertical lighting signatures flow seamlessly into the sloping windshield, creating a harmony of surfaces. CELESTIQ breathes ultra-luxury, but with an edge, a sense of modernity unlike anything else in its segment.  
“It’s a progressive vision of Cadillac exterior design language that breaks from the norm of the ultra-luxury paradigms,” said Taki Karras, exterior design manager, CELESTIQ. “Every element and every surface was pushed to the next level with meticulous detailing, delivering a visionary design that is unique and breathtaking.” Every metal surface seen on the exterior of the vehicle is real metal — including an aluminum grille, brushed aluminum bodyside, aluminum eTrunk™ lining, rocker, taillamp and headlamp trim, and brushed metal liftgate body openings.
The aluminum grille and Goddess in the fender is milled into cast aluminum, then the piece is machine-polished, brushed and tinted. The Goddess trim also features a unique crystal element to house premium LED lighting elements.
CELESTIQ’s full exterior embodies thoughtful details for an ultra-luxury experience.  
To embody the avant-garde, futuristic vision the CELESTIQ silhouette evokes, the vehicle features several innovative technologies including:  
Fixed Smart Glass Roof: In an industry-first feature, Suspended Particle Device Technology, multi-color ambient lighting, and lighting choreography create a unique interplay between the exterior and the amount of light allowed into the cabin through the four-zone Fixed Smart Glass Roof.
Automated Illuminated Charging Indicators: The charge port is surrounded by a ring of light that responds when the CELESTIQ is plugged in for charging. Visual cues indicate the state of charge, including a lit Goddess emblem above the charge port — a visual representation of how electrification is the soul of CELESTIQ and Cadillac. Additionally, the vehicle’s vertical lighting signatures in the headlamps and taillamps offer charging status indicators, indicating 10% charging increments.
Materials: Carbon fiber comprises several areas of the exterior, this material choice enables the designers to create distinctive forms not possible with traditional metal body panels. The visible metallic surfaces are authentic metal, including the aluminum grille, header, rocker, taillamp and headlamp trim, brushed aluminum bodyside trim, aluminum eTrunk™ lining, and brushed metal liftgate body openings.
3D Printing: The use of 3D printing and additive manufacturing is cutting-edge technology that produces several important CELESTIQ design elements, such as the steering wheel décor, which would be impossible to create with typical metal castings and CNC milling.
Exterior Lighting: Every single point of light in a CELESTIQ lighting animation is its own light source rather than the banks of lights used in many other vehicles. These individual LEDs — more than 1,600 per vehicle (depending on the sales market) — create a richer, deeper lighting experience. The choreography is accented by the Cadillac-first Digital Micromirror Device headlamps with 1.3 million pixels per side.
Lighting Choreography: The exterior lighting choreography begins when the client is approximately 15 feet away from the CELESTIQ and it detects the client’s key fob. The vehicle welcomes the client by illuminating the front Cadillac Crest, before light cascades from the middle of the black crystal shield grille to the headlamps, creating the impression the vehicle is powering up and preparing for the journey.
Power Open and Close Doors: There are no exterior door handles, for a cleaner, more aerodynamic appearance. Instead, the client can power open and close the doors easily with the press of a button.
Wheel Choices: Carefully proportioned to fit its frame and proportions, the 23-inch wheels offered on CELESTIQ are available in almost countless color choices. All are matched with Michelin tires in which the sidewall is adorned with the Cadillac Precision pattern to inform the client that the tire was designed specifically for CELESTIQ.
Interior Design: A New Standard of Ultra-Luxury The CELESTIQ interior is where Cadillac’s Art of Travel design philosophy is fully realized, the craftsmanship is evident the moment a client enters in the cabin, the sensory experience is ignited through the use of authentic materials and indulgent details. The client-selected hand-wrapped materials, immersive interior lighting, and embellishments embody Cadillac’s vision for exclusivity and customization.   “With CELESTIQ, we’ve been able to push classic American luxury into a new modern space,” said Tristan Murphy, interior design manager, CELESTIQ. “Executed with exceptional craftmanship, there is a staggering variety of colors, trims and genuine materials that ensure no two vehicles will ever be alike.” With a clean, minimalist aesthetic, the cabin of the interior acts as a pure showcase for all the different materials and color options. “The interior is defined by long uninterrupted surfaces and theme lines, the sense of movement is all around you. With such a clean design, it allowed the details to shine, emphasizing precision in even the smallest of areas, truly highlighting a sense of space and scale,” said Murphy.  Immersive Lighting: The interior lighting is fundamental to CELESTIQ, featuring more than 450 distinct LEDs, delivering an immersive sensory experience. Clients can personalize their color selections for each interior lighting zone or let CELESTIQ curate the lighting combinations to harmonize throughout the cabin. In addition, CELESTIQ includes 18 different lighting animations which showcase the interior’s lighting capabilities where the choreography of light enhances the mood.
Color, Material and Finishes Design: Individualized & Handcrafted CELESTIQ is the expression of Cadillac’s artistic vision rooted in the concept that every handcrafted vehicle is a piece of commissioned art made with authentic metals, leathers, along with a premium selection of more bespoke materials. “CELESTIQ provides an unparalleled freedom of expression for the client to create their dream vehicle with a multitude of possibilities to customize and personalize their interior and exterior through an immersive experience guided by the Concierge and Cadillac Design Team,” said Laetitia Lopez, lead colors, materials and finishes designer, CELESTIQ. “CELESTIQ is so much more than the vehicle itself, it is a piece of art. We considered all aspects of the experience — from immersing the customer in the experience to creating an intimate connection with the vehicle through genuine materials, exceptional detailing and advanced technology.”
Hand-Finished Metalwork: Many of the metal elements throughout CELESTIQ require detail and finish work such as fine milling, anodization and a final polishing by hand, reflecting the authenticity and high level of finish detail that goes into each handcrafted vehicle.
Hand-Wrapped Leather: CELESTIQ leather surfaces are made with premium leather wrapped by artisans.
Art and Color: The client is involved in every decision when it comes to the colors, materials and finishes, including the opportunity to develop new colors or paint to match in collaboration with the Cadillac design team. This enables an essentially infinite number of choices, ensuring each client’s vehicle will be a truly one-off creation.
A Variety of Finishes: CELESTIQ will offer an endless range of exterior and interior colors, materials and finishes enabling clients to design a truly unique vehicle.
CELESTIQ is distinguished by artfully integrated technologies that exhilarate upon first impression and become indispensable elements of every driving experience.
Infotainment Experience The centerpiece of the interior and the CELESTIQ technology interface is a pillar-to-pillar, 55-inch-diagonal advanced HD display — the largest in the segment. It is a technological marvel, containing two separate screens under a single pane of glass. The driver-side display — with pixel density comparable to an 8K screen — shows driver and shared vehicle information, while the passenger side allows the occupants to play media, use the internet capability, connect their smartphones, and more. In order to separate the passenger display from the driver, Digital Blinds Active Privacy technology provides a virtual privacy shield, dimming the passenger screen from the driver’s view when in use.
The expansive, 55-inch-diagonal advanced HD screen is one of five high-definition displays in the vehicle, including a front console mounted 11-inch-diagonal touchscreen Front Command Center and a rear console mounted 8-inch-diagonal touchscreen Rear Command Center, which allow clients to control many features within the vehicle such as the seating positions, cabin temperature, door opening and closing, tinting the all-glass roof panel and more.
Rear passengers have their own 12.6-inch-diagonal advanced displays in front of them, mounted on the front seatbacks.
A crystal multi-functional controller directs the primary screen and is the crown jewel of the front center console, offering intuitive control of the infotainment system and other features. The exquisitely detailed dial is composed of fine metal and glass, and it houses the Cadillac Goddess emblem.
Connected Cameras: Starting with CELESTIQ, Cadillac will introduce a new connected camera platform. This platform will provide clients added peace of mind by giving them access to interior and exterior cameras through an intuitive mobile interface along with theft detection, crash recording and other useful features.
Google Built-In6: Google built-in is a helpful, personalized and seamless way to enhance your in-vehicle experience. With Google Assistant, Google Maps, and Google Play you get access to hands-free help, live traffic updates, some of your favorite apps and more.
Fixed Smart Glass Roof: The all-glass roof panel, the largest in the industry, employs Suspended Particle Device technology to allow variable transmission, meaning the client can control the amount of light allowed into the vehicle in four zones — one for each passenger area. A feature unique to CELESTIQ. The effect enables ultimate control over the amount of light entering the vehicle. The tint levels for the zones vary from less than 1%, for the darkest level of opacity, to 20%, which is the standard tint level of a traditional sunroof. It is also treated with infrared reflective and low-emissivity coatings that help retain heat and prevent sunlight from raising the cabin’s temperature.
Furthermore, acoustic laminated glass is used extensively throughout the exterior of the vehicle, including all windows, to maximize sound isolation and provide a truly luxurious experience.
Advanced Climate System: CELESTIQ is the first vehicle to feature a Gentherm ClimateSense® four-zone microclimate system as standard equipment. It features 33 unique microclimate devices that allow each occupant to tailor their seat heating and cooling, along with advanced airflow technology that creates truly individualized comfort. All four-seating positions will feature the same level of individualized comfort, including a neck scarf, heated armrests as well as heated, cooled and ventilated seats. The system can also significantly reduce HVAC energy consumption.
Ultra Cruise7:  CELESTIQ advances Cadillac’s expertise in hands-free advanced driver assistance technologies with Ultra Cruise. The vehicle will be equipped with all of the necessary Ultra Cruise hardware to enable incremental feature growth via over-the-air updates in 2024.    
Additional CELESTIQ technology highlights include:
A full suite of advanced, active safety features8 that’s backed by the most advanced sensor systems available from Cadillac.
Remote Auto Parking8. When activated, it allows the vehicle to detect a parallel or perpendicular parking space and guide itself into the space — shifting gears, braking and steering, as needed. This is accomplished with the driver’s supervision, whether in the driver’s seat or outside the vehicle. The feature can also “unpark” the vehicle, pulling it out of the parking space without the client needing to be inside.
CELESTIQ Sound Experience Sound is a fundamental component of the CELESTIQ sensory experience that plays a vital, complementary role to the visual and tactile elements.
Designers and engineers approached CELESTIQ sound features holistically, involving them in almost every aspect of the driving experience to elevate clients’ sense of place and environment.
CELESTIQ offers 41-speakers, including three exterior speakers. In the cabin, a 38-speaker AKG Studio Reference Audio System custom tuned by professional audio engineers utilizes three separate amplifiers powering 30 channels for complete audio immersion. The system features technologies such as 3D Surround, Vehicle Noise Compensation, Conversation Enhancement, Phone Zones, and more.  Altogether, it is designed to deliver a crisp, nuanced and undistorted listening experience. 
The CELESTIQ sound experience also offers quietness when desired. The vehicle will be equipped with Next Generation Active Road Noise Cancellation which works much like noise-cancelling headphones to help eliminate road noise. When coupled with other vehicle sound reduction measures, Next Generation Active Road Noise Cancellation helps to provide a clean sound canvas within the cabin. 
The CELESTIQ sound experience is further elevated through Electric Vehicle Sound Enhancement technology, which balances and blends the propulsion system’s sound. When coupled with Cadillac’s curated sound library, the system provides an incredible aural experience.
Even the Fixed Smart Glass Roof contributes to quietness, as it is made of 7.5-mm-thick advanced noise-dampening glass — twice the thickness of a high-grade acoustic windshield, which helps minimize road noise.
Additionally, CELESTIQ introduces a Cadillac-first Vehicle Exterior Sound System, which provides Cadillac curated propulsion sounds while driving.
CELESTIQ World-Class Quality and Manufacturing To deliver a Cadillac unlike any other, CELESTIQ is the recipient of a commensurately advanced quality program. It’s the most ambitious in the brand’s 120-year history, leveraging the full weight of its global testing centers for real-world validation, as well as the capabilities of state-of-the-art virtual testing that helps to reduce development time. 
An unprecedented, sophisticated artisan manufacturing process for CELESTIQ also contributes to its quality, as each handcrafted vehicle will be constructed with obsessive levels of detail.
“Cadillac’s brand legacy was forged with hand-building the most advanced vehicles of their era,” said Roma. “We are returning to that tradition with CELESTIQ, creating a piece of automotive art with each one produced.”
Every CELESTIQ will be constructed at the General Motors Global Technical Center, in Warren, Michigan9. It will be the first production vehicle ever produced at the company’s 66-year-old landmark design and engineering campus, with $81 million invested to support it.
The CELESTIQ manufacturing area is a high-security “clean room”-type environment known as the Artisan Center, with access granted only to the artisans involved with construction. No more than six vehicles will be assembled at any time, ensuring the many layers of attention and quality control are painstakingly executed.
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People being scared of Mal!Yuu but it's really just resting blank face. Does Malleus mind his older sibling following him around? I'm pretty sure at that point Dire just knows not to say anything about Yuu being in the wrong class.
Lilia probably takes being followed the best, then Silver (who might be a little like ???). Sebek probably handles it terribly.
Poor Leona though. Now there's two lizards hanging around the school.
What’s funnier is that while there are people who’s scared of Mal!Yuu, Malleus is still the feared Draconia out of the two of them. Case in point, Ace and Deuce. These two who share a braincell may have actually not realize that Mal!Yuu was a Draconia and have gotten into shenanigans with them, only realizing their heritage soon after but by that time they’re like, “Yuu and Grim aren’t scary at all. 100/10, would defeat the Dwarf’s Mine monster with them again. :D” After that, it’s just downhill from there. Yuu gets caught up in overblot after overblot but they do meet and acquire more friends so that’s a plus.
I believe Malleus doesn’t mind his older sibling following him to class. He sees it as a way of them bonding together and everyone's having a good time so all is right. Though, the students in the class they were in were all suspiciously silent and their backs were straight and stiff as boards, pointedly looking at the teacher in front and refusing to look behind them where the two dragon fae were sitting seem to say otherwise.
Also, yes, Lilia likes being followed by Mal!Yuu! They knew each other way, way back before so it isn’t a surprise if Yuu gets into shenanigans because of Lilia and become close friends because of this. (enemies to lovers to amnesiac, very slowburn, >300k fic lmao you wish) Unfortunately for Lilia, though, it seems the Mal!Yuu still can’t remember much of anything before they woke up from deep sleep so he can’t act overly familiar with them.
Silver’s pretty much neutral about being followed to class and Yuu even helps carry and move them around when he starts feeling drowsy when walking through the halls. Mal!Yuu’s going to make sure Silver arrives to class on time!
Sebek handles it terribly because this is like Malleus 2.0 following him around, only older and was technically the heir to the Valley of Thorns if they only didn’t willingly give that title to their own brother. Don’t worry, though, he relaxes a teensy, tiny little bit when he joins the braincell group.
Poor Leona. He’s just sleeping and the moment he wakes up, Ruggie’s already telling him about the rumors that Malleus’ apparently older long-lost sibling appeared and was now going to this school. He stares at Ruggie for a moment, turns to the side and goes back to sleep. He doesn’t want to deal with whatever thatis. He also learns that Mal!Yuu’s willing to give the title and being next-in-line as the heir for the Valley of Thorns to Malleus and he’s like ‘Damn, why can’t Farena be like that? Tch.’
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walkawaytall · 9 months
I didn't think it was realistic for me to try to get to 300K words posted by the end of the year, but, y'all, once I post the final chapter of Hearthstide, I'll be at 290K and chapters of Purpose of Heritage run between 8K and 10K so...
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