starsambrosia · 1 year
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Thank you for your time.
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henasse · 2 years
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hildathesaint · 1 year
Tag 9 People you want to get to know better!
3 ships: yumikuri, Wenclair, Diakko
Last song: Vineyard valentine- Adeline Troutman
Last movie: Avatar 2
Last show: Flip Flappers
Last meal/snack: those crispy corn kernels lol
Currently reading: Black Beauty
Favorite flower: Imphepho
Currently craving: Miso soup!
now your turn ;)
Nine tags:
@demigoddisaster @salemsgrave @teawiththegods @darkacademymf @dionysian-bf @blyth-thehuman @goatjoy @henasse @princesmeadow
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I am going to post some Lyre audio later not very edited, my YouTube is going to have more of my weekly projects such as healing and meditative soundscapes. and my Tumblr is for fun and offerings.
I like that idea and the feeling it gives me so far...I may look familiar i am @demigoddisaster 's headmate. My name is Prince. Me, him and @henasse are all part of the body @sigmashub
I, Prince. Am a healer, I took on the role of Caretaker and to an extent I still am, however it is now more of a shared trait.
I dedicated my life to healing and aiding others through means of Magick, music, and relaxation, healing energy and a place where you can feel relaxed. Or swept away from the physical plane to not a fantasy but an astral location. I will take you places with my music you haven't seen it felt before or maybe better yet, places that you have. Familiar, safe places.
My YouTube is a baby but I have three years video editing and this isn't my first time trying to make a Channle haha.
In any case
I'll post some audios here but YouTube is where I do my heavy audio and some times visual videos. Meant mainly for meditation, journeys, spiritual awakening and food, spiritual self care. You get the idea, it's my Meadow! Feel free to join :) this weeks goal is to get a 10 min lyre video up that's edited the way I want. Let's see if I can meet that goal!
You can always support me on my Ko-Fi (also in baby stages!!! I'm working out my commission prices currently thinking of doing 2$ 3 spreads for a few months (lmk what you think please! I can use all the opinions, ideas, criticisms, ect!!!) /Gen /pos
/please use tone tags so I don't cry too much (⁠ ⁠・///﹏⁠///・;)/
And let me know if you have ideas about what you'd like to see from a mystic like me!
Hellene (Hellenic Witch/practitioner) 6yrs almost 6 and a half!!
General spiritualism 3-4 yrs (Buddhism, Hinduism, unfortunately fell into new age)
Yoga 4yrs
Tarot 7yrs
Divination: 16yrs
(Channel and found out how to use scrying at age 5)
Light worker/Energy Healer (so like Reiki): 4 1/2 yrs I have performed spiritual "surgeries" to remove heavy hexes and curses before. (By the way dm me if you need that and we can chat about it more)
That's all I can think of currently...do tell me your thoughts. :)
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444names · 2 years
french surnames BUT excluding "t"
Abecherrier Abissousse Abreg Agnore Alberno Alemon Allebouss Amberd Amiccasseau Amierse Anison Anlonelle Aprobille Ardon Arducuille Arobichamous Aréal Audeaux Audel Audrin Aulineau Auven Averelle Babrey Baloz Bapon Bardesaverne Barman Barry Bayer Bazerranele Bealoguenvin Beaule Beaulinge Beaussonis Beaux Begremandro Begrossarman Beille Belafore Belanchard Belgaber Belifourdin Belourse Bennelle Bequar Bergels Beros Beson Bidgerier Billefe Binciergy Blaclahamey Blair Blombain Blonne Bochelle Bodejeau Boierrie Boineauco Boineaurbon Boireance Bomber Borierensoue Bosimele Bosseladubin Bouerveu Boufolan Bouge Boulhaw Boulin Boulipper Bourd Bourne Boussau Bousson Bradefor Bradufordier Brais Brancierois Brane Bricoux Brierd Brinevelion Brocharavre Broche Brone Brourineau Brudemouraye Brunes Buchine Burge Burin Burivris Burson Busharoque Cagord Caier Cajeux Calcaindry Cames Candrin Capperse Carane Carceauzond Carduche Carge Carre Cavine Celle Chagne Challe Challegron Chandlon Chard Chashe Chenarrey Chenonie Cheur Cheux Chorier Clanguille Clavers Clebleaule Clemer Clochard Clogenier Cloud Coline Comas Comer Courairmine Crain Crand Crobin Crocheyon Croseau Croubrunson Dalinvilber Dandriau Danneau Dardinvie Deand Debeinais Deboups Decon Defris Dejeauvige Dejeauzy Delabereur Delladonnée Dellafor Dellembeaulx Deller Dellin Demasquer Demer Demesellemin Demier Demoguise Demon Dengerce Denollin Depaline Desacoury Desias Desis Desnever Desque Deureaux Deurgoschel Devainge Devarnever Devers Dichainvin Difor Dioper Doierier Dores Drenoissaux Dubarre Duberre Dubice Dubrau Duchaple Ducharrier Ducheen Duffe Dugagoon Dugond Duhamp Duheboux Duhourd Dukessime Dumeree Duquerese Durdarce Ecoud Enaire Eurnore Eynais Fachaire Faran Favard Folippeaune Fondre Fornars Fragna Frair Frechon Frierondeas Gadel Gadeny Gagois Ganbran Ganon Gardishuay Gardond Gardos Garnars Garregue Garrin Gasse Gauline Gauper Geaulife Geaulippeloi Geauzierlin Gerivellie Gerrie Giaulieree Gille Gimoury Gisairy Gisevin Gladucommy Glarand Goulier Gourquin Goussnoissin Gouvar Grameslin Groux Guargene Guevre Guiers Guillevin Guimon Guineond Guyer Hagond Haillemandon Harion Haudanee Henass Hiarionnoyé Hondoissaw Hudemon Humelle Hymore Hypoin Héond Jaccanbry Jalmeau Jamazurin Jeauzare Jeauzin Joldugagne Jolersau Jolinduprule Jollef Josierier Jourriers Julhileve Labon Laccade Lachackenzer Lacomierne Lacque Lacrobidge Lafaux Laflamon Lafouilles Lafoupron Lafranbra Lagobour Lahiber Lamankerel Lamblashfon Lamble Lameris Lampicarce Langee Lanoilan Lansoursier Lanvilbry Laped Laperoieneau Lapin Larade Lardin Lardineau Laren Large Larlin Larpon Larre Larse Laudinger Laver Lazain Leauchauger Leferd Lefrishelle Legraille Legrancalle Lelefone Lellefoune Lemard Lemardes Lemon Logue Lonne Lorin Lormene Louchacne Louziency Ludemy Luprier Lémyonne Mabaye Madier Mahibair Maillaneau Maissel Malber Mallemaisser Manbrau Mancharg Manis Marassabade Marne Mashurave Mazille Menoyer Micher Mieux Miguelleux Moire Monin Monne Mormin Moserre Mousser Muimor Neaux Offeras Offlair Olierey Oline Palin Paperreaux Papperwic Pareurd Parle Parme Payer Pelard Pelardin Pelle Pevrigneaun Phénie Picosson Pillemau Piloonguil Pinge Placrond Pland Plemon Pleuvalle Pocher Poiseu Poland Pollede Polloux Poque Pouaneaulon Preof Prier Prieron Prigne Probill Proche Provosy Rabosse Raclefevill Racquellin Raimps Rapron Rarin Rasse Ravandin Reche Remen Remillegilye Renzeau Reshame Riercer Rigrain Robidron Rocher Rombarbard Ronne Rosis Rouffebele Rourd Rovil Royeaulx Sabaymoneg Saise Sandin Sanorg Sarchon Schencos Schon Seanse Selardeau Sopuin Soudoison Supagny Surne Surnerrieux Vadulienolin Valis Vallanson Varier Vergerry Vesonewchard Vesquin Vichrin Vierossard Ville Wagne Wagouilley
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qoutesofthedamned · 3 years
Amadeos: i want some ham
Prince: lets make it a ham sandwitch for nutritional values!
Henasse: BEEF. RAW.
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allobitchavon · 2 years
Aug 4th 2022 around 9pm is when i Henasse came out to my boyfriend as Non Binary. And i was terrified he'd break up with me. But he is...
And he accepted me, and i as much as it pains me to admit it. I did cry, kind of a lot. Out of relief...
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starsambrosia · 1 year
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They stole the second day of inktober help-
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starsambrosia · 1 year
Flicks your room light on and off until you notice me
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Look at this Hermes doodle I did while we were driving
I have a need
That need is to draw Hermes
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henasse · 2 years
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henasse · 2 years
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henasse · 2 years
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henasse · 2 years
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henasse · 2 years
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henasse · 2 years
Just who do you think you are?
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starsambrosia · 1 year
Hey guys here's my Fucking Lore Dump
"OMG I waited so long for this" -at least 3 people.
Give up, there's nothing I can do about-
I've lost so much.
My friends, my family, spiritually, physically, all of it even my headmates some times...
My life, do you know what it's like to die alone? Do you know what it's like to let there and stare at the wall for hours as your body grows cold and you realize over hours of staring...that you have to get up. That nobody is coming for you. That you are alone.
And then you rise, because what else can you do, and you will no matter how long it takes. Because, what else would you do? You should've died hours ago. But you didn't. Aren't you blessed, aren't you a miracle aren't you special.
You lived.
And now you have to get up.
And again
And again
And again.
I lost track of times I died, how many times I stared up from the ocean floor with my lungs and nostrils burning staring at the fish because what am I going to do. Die?
I won't.
I can't.
So what? It's pain? Whatever. It'll get easier with practice so why not? Nobody cares where I go anyways I might as well not exist when they don't need a punching bag.
Did I mention I grew up in a cult?
I grew up in a cult and I can't fucking die bro
Ok so my primary bf is awake I need to go but like, mm. Mmm. Man. Imma. Imma be talking.
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