#Help me I can imagine karamatsu in this
merodythann · 23 days
Yuichi Nakamura voicing a pillow in a commercial
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totokoismyfav · 5 months
hi i have a request for headcanons :] how would the sextuplets react to an s/o who is objectively a functional member of society (job and/or school, booming social life, well liked, etc) but for some reason simps really hard for them. it can by goofy or not, depends on what you think!
osomatsu san/reader | reader who is a functional member of society who is head over heels for the brothers
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A functional member of society in love with a NEET? Oh, what a thought! All of them equally are just as infatuated with you, maybe even more so as you are just shining with confidence and wit. So imagine their surprise when you finally ask them to be your boyfriend! They all react differently so let’s see up close and personal.
Osomatsu: - How are you with him, seriously? Everyone wants to know. - A shitty NEET with such bad habits like gambling and drinking and you looked in his direction? He’s just as shocked as everyone else to be honest. - Although, he’s not complaining one bit.  - Proudly parades you around in front of his brothers, like damn he might as well have won the lottery. - Oh, they are so jealous by the way. - At first, he doesn’t really change besides that but a little bit into your relationship, he starts making small changes and working up to the big ones.  - At first, it’s picking up after himself and doing more chores around the house, then it’s actually looking for jobs and talking about moving out one day. - Soon enough, he ends up doing just that and moves in with you, even holding a job and stops complaining about it all the time. - He’s trying, for you, and that is a lot coming from him. 
Karamatsu:  - Oh, be prepared anon.  - This man will make it known that he is just as much in love with you back.  - Things like surprise flowers and gifts show up at your work’s front desk, only the best for his Karamatrsu darling! - “Oh my darling flower, it makes my heart palpitate just to know how much you adore me!”  - Of course, you are eating up every cheesy line and equally spoiling him despite his surprise when you do so, despite still living with his mother he’s not used to being spoiled like this. - Like you swear you saw tears when you gave him a gift on your first date, and it was something so simple too. A guitar pick with yours and his initials on it. He swears to use it all the time, and he does, especially when he serenades to you. He even started to freak out when the image on it started to fade.  - At first, he refuses to let you pay for things even though you have a job and he doesn’t. After a few high-priced dates, he finally lets you help with the costs and even slightly enjoys being spoiled by you. - To still help out and spoil you, he even starts working at a nearby clothing store. - Your love is so annoying to everyone around you but the both of you don’t care, not one bit. 
Choromatsu: - To his non-existent calculations, you two should NOT be a thing, but he doesn’t care at this point. - He’s also kinda jealous of you? Like you’re everything he wants to be but he quickly gets over that once you ask him out.  - At the beginning of your relationship, he is constantly stuttering and sweating from his nerves but he’s over the moon about finally dating you, he always has his signature smile on his face.  - When you start holding hands, you can physically feel his whole body shake just from your palm against his.  - Of course, you are no better as you are in LOVE with this man. - You’re both a couple who are head over heels for one another and very much show it instead of saying it. - It took you guys weeks just to say ‘I love you’ which ended in you running away with your hands covering your face and Choromastu shouting to the night sky of how he was in love.  - He also starts to become a functional member of society (with your help and motivation). - Soon enough, he’s living with you and has a job of his own, and surprisingly to him he couldn’t be happier getting out of the NEET lifestyle he was in for so long. 
Ichimatsu:  - He can barely believe it himself, how could someone like you be in love with him? - You were a knockout, a functional member of society and he was just a shitty NEET, a nobody who no one wants. You must be fucking around with him.   - And he really thinks that at first, it takes a bit of persuasion for him to believe you are actually infatuated with him.  - On your first date, he would sit tables away from you as you drank a milkshake. His face turned bright red as he tried to sip from four tables away with a long straw. - You would simply smile at him, telling him it’s ok to get closer and that you were truly interested in dating him. - Soon enough, you two were doing regular couple stuff like holding hands and regularly going on dates.  - As you both get further into the relationship you notice he starts to really change things, Ichimatsu even gets a job at a local cat cafe. - Soon enough, he’s living with you and holding down a job he actually enjoys (although interacting with people still irks him).  - Although, when you first asked him to spend the night at your house, he spontaneously combusted right on the bench. 
Jyushimatsu:  - Oh ho ho! This man is ecstatic! - His brothers swear that he’s been faster with his batting swing when you both start dating. - It’s like he has a new form of motivation when practicing baseball, running faster, swinging harder and throwing farther all at the same time. - He also seems happier than usual (somehow) , his smile widening whenever he sees you and your wonderful face.  - Will point you out to his brothers whenever he sees you, like he’s bragging or something. “Ha ha look, it’s my partner! Do you see them, huh? Huh?”  - He also starts working as well, hoping to start working as a baseball player in the future. - With your help, he eventually works up to that point and starts playing in local leagues!
Todomatsu:  - Oh he’s the most smug out of all of them. - Of course, he has no idea why you looked in his direction but he’s so glad you did.  - When you told him you were in love with him, he dropped his coffee you two had gotten minutes prior. Of course, he spilled it all over you and profusely apologized about it while helping to clean you up. - Luckily, it was iced so it didn’t burn or anything so you simply just smiled and told him he was fine and it was ok.  - Totally rubs it in his brother's faces, just like Oso and Jyushi but he’s more of a bitch about it.  - “Oh would you look at that, I have a partner now who’s actually interested in me. Score one for the youngest!” - He actually got a scoreboard for it too, the bastard. - He eventually goes back to Sutabaa, working the same position he did before. - He’s officially out of NEET status when he moves in with you and he’s so happy about it as he went up a level as a human once more!
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dreamsfulblues · 5 months
Sending this ask because I wanted to tell you I’ve started Mr. Osomatsu!
And I’m fucking loving it. Holy shit, I don’t know really what I was expecting, but it certainly wasn’t this (in the best way possible.) I’ve watched the first three episodes and I just had a big goofy smile on my face the whole time!!
Every time Karamatsu speaks I get jumpscared hearing Bruno’s voice 😭 it makes me so happy!! 😭 oh my god the things he says kill me. Do you know how much edit potential Karamatsu’s lines have??? I could just rip his audio and slap a picture of Bruno on it 😭
I’m watching the subs right now, but do you know where I can find the dubs? I’ve seen clips and I NEED to watch them. I’m having a hard time finding them...
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(If you can accept the insanity/stupidity it’s such a fun little show :>)
And I feel you on the voices part😂
I had the opposite effect when I watched part 5
I was like: „What is Karamatsu doing in my JoJo????“ i couldn’t believe my ears back then pffff
When I heard his voice I automatically see Karamatsu and since he and Bruno have such strong differences when I heard him it had me like: Woah 😳😳😳💦
Loved it (And the more you watch of the show the more you see Karamatsu could actually work as a JoJo character lol)
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Gosh can you imagine a world where Bruno is super goofy, flirty and a try-hard cool guy?
„So you are finally here, Bucciarati Girls~“
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(You inspired me with new art ideas thank youuuuu💕✨)
As for the dub there is a reason why it’s so hard to find. From what I heard there were difficulties with the dubbing but I’m not fully sure of it💦
To my dear Oso-san fans can you help us out? Do you by any chance know where you can watch the Eng dub?
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malaierba · 8 months
Curently thinking about the Kara being adopted fic. Ngl, I kinda wanted to know what his original family was like? Imagine he was supposed to live a life of luxury since his biological parents were rich, but fate intervened, causing Kara to be where he is now, with his brothers??? Idk why, but I some times think of how crazy it would be if Kara's parents would have lived. Not me making another AU somehow 😭
Oh, I never really gave his original family's background much thought beyond "I wonder if he was born before or after the sextuplets, it'd be funny if he was actually older / younger than everyone lol". The thing that had me losing sleep was thinking about him making the effort to know more about his parents, the way he'd mourn them, the way the others would help him through it, bruh I literally daydreamed for days on end about them going to Sapporo and what that'd be like for everyone, if the fact that he was adopted ever came up in a fight and how everyone would react aksfjksdf etc.
That said, I think that wondering about what any of the sextuplets would've been like if they had been raised without siblings is a question that can get pretty, PRETTY meta.
After all, one of the main themes in Osomatsu-san is that the siblings are kind of unhealthily codependent :-/c They're too used to their group dynamic and they're so used to being othered by others on the basis of being sextuplets and not being the best at integrating social groups that aren't their own*, that they simply can't break out of that status quo for good.
(*parenthesis: I've seen people argue that even Todomatsu, for all that he brags about being socially savvy, only really manages to engage people on a superficial level. You have to pay attention to the type of conversations he has with his friends to realise that. Honestly? IDK. Personally, I'd argue that from a writers POV there's not a lot of motivation to hint at him having meaningful conversations with extras, and that's why all his friendships SEEM superficial. It could be that Totty's issue is just that he's not serious-serious about rising in the social pyramid properly. And part of the why could be the point I discuss below)
Expanding on the last point, I think Totty actually exemplifies perfectly how the sextuplets kind of keep each other stuck, wether intentionally or through the power of inertia. And I say this while keeping in mind that Matsunos one through five were actually behaving (as much as they can lol) UNTIL they realised that Totty had lied about being a sextuplet, being a NEET, etc etc, which is hurtful af and these guys are unhinged in a group so ofc they were going to sabotage.
Wo with that in mind, what would it mean for Karamatsu of all people to not be INSIDE that type of group?
I think the one AU were we get to see a glimpse at what everyone would be like had they been raised as only children is Denki Mystery (MY BELOVED), in which Karamatsu actually happens to be raised by Matsuzo and ends up becoming a journalist for a supernatural magazine (love that for him lol, love that he still had Matsuzo's influence and I choose to believe that's how he maintains a vague fixation on the 80s, love that he studied journalism which is not an easy career, love that he ended up working in a spooky magazine, love it).
So! To answer your question! in the context of the Adopted Kara AU, I think an Only Child!Karamatsu would be a lot like Karatsugu, in that he'd be forced to be more down-to-earth. Karatsugu still has some Kara-Kara moments, but for the most part he's independent and unafraid to speak out his mind, and it shows... and it's just a flavour thats ever so slightly different from canon!Karamatsu like, yeah, we Karamatsu wander on his own a lot, we see him say stuff that's unpopular with characters like Totoko and Choromatsu and Totty, but Karatsugu... He just does it different. I wonder if its his journalism training showing through. Like, he still plays the role of mediator and pacifier alot, much like Karamatsu; He tries to keep the group from fighting too seriously, but where Karamatsu sometimes falls to group mentality or is simply too passive, Karatsugu often surprised me with dialogue that felt more assertive, more rational than Kara's, more based on him trying to be objective.
I think an OC!Karamatsu would also feel a bit more absorbed by whatever interests he has. I remember reading an analysis on Ozou (Denki Mystery!Osomatsu) that highlighted how, without siblings and without the role of the eldest, Osomatsu felt even more listless than usual. Unlike Karamatsu, Osomatsu doesn't really have interests that are obvious to us viewers (besides gambling?), let alone hobbies to hyperfixate on to the degree that Kara does. Osomatsu is very comfortable in the place he takes within the sextuplets dynamic. Without it, Ozou gives off the feeling of being nice and caring and chill, but he's distant in a way, it's like something's lacking. It seems that he struggled to make connections that allowed him to explore himself through others, which landed Ozou in the role of a nice taxi driver, a guy that's everyone's good friend but no one's best friend. His is perhaps the saddest story in Denki Mystery.
I started talking about Osomatsu because it is my belief that Choukei were both HEAVILY influenced by their role as eldest siblings. Karamatsu less so than Osomatsu, as he's the second eldest, but still. Karamatsu is also the type of personality that seeks connection, that is gregarious, that likes to maintain good relationships with those he's close to. We've seen in canon that Karamatsu is sensitive to both friends and family's moods, that he'll go along with what they want if it's what they expect of him (even if he doesn't always want to, it took 3 seasons for him to realise that he can opt out of situations if he wants lol), that he can and will act responsibly almost on instinct if he decides that he must.
Without siblings, Karatsugu just gives off this vibe that he really, really fixated on journalism, and everything that involved his father's job. Which makes sense... this is a bit of a headcanon, but I feel like fantasy plays a big role in the way Karamatsu relates to and understands reality. Like, Kara is a biiit of an idealist, he's an empath too, he's introduced to us as an ex-actor. I can't help but see him as the type that relies on stories to (try to?) understand how other people see the world. He's aware that he plays different roles for different people but he also wants to play the lead, and because he sometimes gets too lost in his own fantasy world, the end result is the flamboyant, nonsensical guy we all know and love.
You know what grounds him most effectively? His siblings. Sure, there's many skits where the joke is that his siblings (mainly Choromatsu and Todomatsu) fail at bringing him back to reality, but in other Ososan media we also get plenty of moments where either: 1. Karamatsu gets serious because someone asks him to drop the theatrics seriously enough, or 2. He realises that he's in a situation where HE (no one else!) NEEDS to get serious, so he gets serious.
So, Karamatsu without siblings? This guy who seeks connection so desperately? I think he'd end up looking for it in other people, but also in things like stories, music, things that let him know that what he thinks and feels is something that others also think and feel, hobbies that let him believe that he can connect with others on that level too.
Karatsugu for example, is amazing in that its our dear ditzy Kara-kara, filling out so, so confidently the role you'd expect a journalist to fill. He's interested in others, he quite evidently uses his job as a way to get to know more about the world around him + the people who cross his path, he poses good questions a lot of the time, he suspends disbelief too since, well, he is working for a supernatural magazine. He's just a perfect mix of eagerness to connect with people, tamed by the hat of professionalism and by the fact that he HAS had to learn to be self-reliant.
So with all that said, when I think of OnlyChild!Karamatsu I kind of envision a guy that's going to be soooo into his hobbies, so very extra about them, a musical theatre kid through and through that's just ever so obviously quite lonely. Like... you know all those sad!Karamatsu fics? Where Kara is secretly lonely and whatnot (love them btw, fic writers you are valid idc what people say), when in canon he's happy-go-luck for the most part and his introspective moments mainly show after he's had a reality check?
I think this Karamatsu, heart-on-his-sleeve, wants-to-be-useful, empathetic Karamatsu, would feel somewhat jealous of his 5 cousins. Because see, it's one thing to be a only child on your own, and to have no one to compare yourself to, your reality is the default and that's that. It's quite another to have cousins and to see that they get to always have someone to play with, that they've got each others back for the most part, that they make a group you kind of want to belong to but that you just can't integrate in the way they do.
It'd be interesting because on one hand, I do see Karamatsu as being vulnerable to being taken advantage of in an attempt to "belong", but I also think that deep down and especially as time goes on just KNOW the he can't belong. He'd definitely end up with a sense of individuality that's stronger than what current Karamatsu has... and on the other hand, he'd actually feel as othered as fanon!Karamatsu sometimes is made out to be.
Because lbr, in canon, no matter how eccentric Karamatsu is, part of the reason why he's not self-conscious about it is that in the back of his mind he's comforted by the knowledge that no matter how far he takes his bits, he'll always have a group he belongs to, a group he loves and that he trusts to love him. He wrote them a song for gods sake lol. When you're on your own, being a dissonant note (especially in a society like Japan's) takes a lot more spoons.
I want to trust that, much like Karatsugu, a Karamatsu that feels self-conscious, that's still searching for the confidence to be the way he wants to be, would eventually find it. I just think that, again, like Karatsugu, it'd be a bit more subdued. He's still kind of eccentric and extra for sure, but its below the surface. I think he'd be aware of the fact that his flavour of personality is hard for most people to swallow, unless its a bit diluted.
And much like Karatsugu, I think it'd still be very important for SC!Karamatsu to find a way to be a part of the quintuplets lives. The difference would be that on this AU, they aren't all on similar standing. He's on one side, and they're on another side. I can see Karamatsu, especially as a child, trying hard to be The Cool Cousin, to embrace the role like it makes him especial: The cousin with the big house, the cousin that's always down to enable his other cousins, the cousin that his cousins are all jealous of because he takes english, and guitar, and singing classes, and he gets to keep all his toys for himself, nevermind that he has to play on his own (and not by choice), obviously for the most part.
He's The Cousin, in the same way that Chibita is An Orphan, and Totoko is The Pretty Girl. Because the Matsunos are An Unit, "i am you and you are me", they are a freaky little group and everyone else exists outside of it.
Anyway. Childhood and teenage loneliness aside, it'd probably pay off in the sense that SC!Karamatsu would probably be more of a functional adult than canon!Karamatsu currently is. Totty would be jealous of him and would try to leverage his ridiculous cousin to raise in society (like with Atsushi lol?), Choromatsu would attempt the same thing but through his responsible skit (I think the incredible relationship they have in canon Ososan would be completely gone which is so sad), Jyushimatsu and Osomatsu probably just still appreciate the cousin that's always down to having fun, probably not much of a relationship with Ichimatsu (for better and for worse)... and that'd be it.
The Matsuno siblings together create a dynamic that's too difficult to penetrate. Of all of them the only ones we've seen successfully form relationships with people outside their group are Jyushimatsu (Homura, Eitarou and his mom, essentially all the recurring characters), Totty (Atsushi, Sutabaa friends), Karamatsu himself (Chibita, biker friends), and I'm reluctant to count Osomatsu since Totoko and Chibita he's known all his life.
I can't help but think that Karamatsu would probably end up like Totoko's brother: A cool guy that in the best of cases, finds his path outside of Akatsuka Ward, and forcibly cuts ties with everyone in there as a result. If he remains in Akatsuka, he'd either be like Atsushi or Chibita (mainly called upon when the Matsunos need something from him, and in the best of cases, to tell a melancholic story once per season at best)
And if you ever asked him if he liked being a single child, he'd 100% tell you that it was fine, but he would've loved to have a little sibling.
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libertys-lovers · 2 months
Experimenting with make-up for the first time in forever, and of course it made me brain-rot.
See, usually my version of messing with make-up is just trying to doodle around my eyes. Tonight I tried doing stars. I am not posting photos of the stars they came out absolutely dreadful (the photos, that is. The stars were actually kinda decent-).
Anyways, I’m just imagining Freedom trying to do that star make-up for a date night with Kara, but she just keeps fucking it up. So she crawls over to Karamatsu and is like “hooonneeeeyyyyy…. Can you help me 🥺?”. And he immediately falls to her whim because of course he would-
But, in Karamatsu fashion… he doesn’t actually do the proper stars around her eyes. Instead, he’s somehow able to make miniature versions of his face, in make-up form, around her eyes. And he’s like, “heh, you asked me to give you stars, so I gave you the brightest one of them all~!”.
And the bit of course would be like… Kara, dear… that’s not what she asked for. But I don’t think she’d have the heart to wipe them off. She just looks at them in the mirror and goes “holy shit, how did you make these so realistic-?!“. And then she proceeds to completely revamp her date-night outfit so it fits the make-up.
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vrisrezis · 3 years
Ooo au imaginee huh? How about mafiamatsus with an s/o who got kidnapped by a rival gang? I bet thered be hell to pay, especially if s/o was injured
You gotta be stupid to fuck with any of the matsus s/o, but fucking with Osomatsus is next level kinda stupid. Osomatsu is tough and when you fuck with him he is absolutely ruthless, somehow even moreso with you. Regardless, does not hesitate to murder everyone in that room even if they’re of use to him somehow. If you were injured, he’d probably torture them before slowly killing them, He seems uncaring to the situation, as he gets you out of there, but behind closed doors he’s kissing you passionately, and of course this pervert wants to have his way with you after you just got kidnapped 🙄 but hey, it distracts you from what happened doesn’t it?
Karamatsu is not as ruthless as Osomatsu, but he’s certainly no pushover. He originally planned on having somebody deal with this and getting you out of there himself, but if you were injured he will kill the person responsible. When he finally finds you, he actually shows some vulnerability by hugging you, and checking to make sure you’re okay. However, he’s back to that cold killer look until you two are finally alone together. He gently hugs you, actually you don’t think he’s ever been this gentle and sweet with you before (and that’s saying a lot because this man is so sweet to you oh my god?) he cups your checks, giving you a passionate but sweet kiss, “I’m glad you’re okay my love..” he whispers quietly, lovingly.
Choromatsu would find out a lot quicker than the other two, but he’s still a busy man. When he finally does find out though, he’s quick to find who did it. He will deal with this pathetic gang by any means necessary, I imagine that if you’re not used to violence though he tries to keep violence to a minimum (Kara is the same way but if somebody injured you he cannot help himself). Choromatsu is able to keep a level head and get you out of there, but when you’re alone he’s uncharacteristically affectionate as he starts to make out with you (something he like never initiates). You two do this for awhile, but if you want things to go farther you have to initiate. However, that session is his way of letting you know he’s glad you’re okay.
Ichimatsu is as ruthless as the eldest can be, but he’s a lot quicker about this rather than taking his sweet time and enjoying it. It’s almost like he’s worried something else is gonna happen to you, he gets overly paranoid. Nobody can tell he’s being paranoid except you, but to you it’s obvious since he makes you walk in front of him (if you can walk) and he’s always looking over his shoulder. Even the people that helped him kill this gang he’s squinting his eyes at to see if they’ll do something. When you do are alone hes clingier than he usually is, and like Osomatsu wants you to fuck him, by the end of it telling you “love you. Glad you’re still with me.” He’s not always good with telling you these things, so you take what you can get.
Jyushimatsu is a bit ruthless too, he might back off and let his men deal with the rest so he can get to you. He gives you a big hug as he gets to you, making sure you don’t see any of the blood and gore if you’re not used to that kinda violence. He gives you a big smooch, that’s the most you get outta him (and also him carrying you the whole way, regardless of if you can walk or not), before kissing you all over your face when the two of you are finally alone. He needs you to know how much he loves you, otherwise it might be too late. However, he does intend on keeping you around with him for a very long time. He’ll definitely make some sort of statement, some warning, to let other gangs know not to fuck with you. If they’re fucking with you, they’re fucking with him and the rest of his brothers.
Todomatsu immediately notices your gone, as busy as he is he is a clingy boyfriend and loves having you around like all the time. Everyone should know your his, so this gang must be asking for a death sentence. He’s more for simply torturing them, and then just leaving them there to slowly die or just hope they’ll be saved. He’s evil. When he finally gets to you, he tries to act uncaring, though it’s quite clear he was very happy to see that you were mostly okay. Gives you lotsa kissing when the two of you are finally alone together. He’s more emotional, “I would be so fucked without you.. promise you won’t leave?” He says in between kisses, you’re not used to this kinda vulnerability from him, but you agree.
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whumpmatsus · 3 years
So. Todomatsu always ACTS like he hates that Karamatsu is so eccentric, but we all know he actually doesn't mind that much. If anyone else made fun of him for that stuff, I can't help but think he wouldn't let it fly. So what about a situation where Karamatsu gets made fun of/bullied/put down by someone OUTSIDE the family for being the way he be and Todomatsu gets an opportunity to go into full protective mode over him??
OH SHIT the youngest of them goes feral
dare I say... RELEASE THE BABY!!!!!
God I love Zaimoku, it’s so good <3
If Totty is being completely, utterly, unfailingly honest with himself, his brothers need his help if one of them is going to be going on a date.
Really, he’s the only one who has any clue about how to act on a date! He could hit his big brothers over the head with a Clue-by-four with that shit and they still wouldn’t really get it.
Even so… part of him thinks he shouldn’t really be following Karamatsu to a date. Karamatsu is the one Totty knows is never going to come running to him for advice or assistance, especially with girls; he’s got the undeserved ego of an avocado toast sandwich. Totty isn’t sure he’d be pleased to know his baby brother tagged along not because he has to sort out a schedule thing at work, but because he wants to keep an eye on Karamatsu.
What else is he supposed to do, though? Just let Karamatsu go alone and totally blow it? His usual behavior aside, Totty really wants his big brothers to be happy and have fulfilling relationships. He thinks if he can be there to keep an eye on things, well, maybe it won’t go so bad. Maybe Karamatsu will have a shot with this woman. Maybe he’ll get a girlfriend!
The very idea was enough to make him feel a little better about lying so that his brother will take him along. It eases his conscience, imagining that if he manages to help Karamatsu out to the point that the second eldest ends up in a loving, joyful relationship, (obviously as opposed to the past few horrible ones he’s had), then a little fib isn’t so bad, is it?
After all, if he were the one in need of something like this, he’d be grateful for his brothers’ help however they did it.
Of course, when he sees the look this girl gives Karamatsu, a look like the kind a baby gives after licking a lemon for the first time, Totty can’t help but wince. This isn’t off to a great start. He lingers by the counter, greeting Sacchi and Aida, trying not to look as if he’s watching his big brother’s date.
“Aren’t you off today, Totty?” Sacchi hums as she turns to start making a drink.
He nods. “Yeah, well, I can’t stay away, I guess, haha.”
Aida jerks her head toward the table where Karamatsu and his date are. “That’s one of your brothers, right? Still as painful as ever,” she teases. “Is he… oh, my God, he’s on a date??”
“Shhhh, shh!” Totty waves his hands a little, hoping to get his friends to quiet down a little. The last thing Karamatsu needs is to be drawing attention. “He thinks I tagged along to talk to you guys about my schedule. But, yes, he’s here on a date.”
Sacchi finishes serving her customer, one of the few in the shop at the moment, and then leans against the counter to look over. “Aw, good for him. He’s not either of our types, but he deserves a shot with someone who’s interested.”
He lets out a soft sigh. “Agreed there. I kind of just wanna keep an eye on him, you know? To make sure he doesn’t mess it up too much. He should have let me pick his outfit, ugh… that aside, he’s doing okay so far, though, I think.”
Aida frowns as she slides a cup of coffee toward her coworker. “Um, I hate to burst your bubble, but he’s got his work cut out for him. I’ve been to some mixers with that girl, and she always finds something wrong with every guy she hangs out with.”
“She’s right,” Sacchi adds. “Good thing you came along so you can carry him home, ‘cause that girl’s gonna tear him to pieces. I mean, she went out with Atsushi and the next day he was in here crying and telling me she made him feel two inches tall. Nobody’s good enough for her.”
Aida clicks her tongue. “Your big brother’s in big trouble, Totty.”
It’s Totty’s turn to frown as he looks toward Karamatsu. Unfortunately, Sutabaa is so small and he’s close enough that he doesn’t have to strain too much to hear what’s being said.
The woman is laughing. However… Karamatsu hasn’t even really opened his mouth yet. “Oh, my God! You’re my date, huh? Last time I let my sister set me up. That bitch, haha. Ah, well… wow, your jacket is hurting my eyes. Could you take it off?”
Karamatsu seems to be trying his best to smile. “O-oh, yes, of course.” He moves to tug it off, folding it over the back of his chair. “Please forgive me. Anyway, my name is Karamatsu. And you, my angel?”
“Ahaha, WHAT?” The woman raises an eyebrow at him. “C’mon, dude. Don’t call me that. I’m nobody’s angel.”
Totty feels himself starting to steam. You’ve got that right.
“A-ah… right, my apologies.” Karamatsu just keeps smiling. The expression on his face reads almost like he’s in pain. “Well, should we order?”
She gives a cursory glance toward the menu, then suddenly her eyes are drawn to Karamatsu again. “Oh, my God, hold on… is… is that your face on your shirt?! Holy shit! Are you really that full of yourself?”
Totty’s heart sinks as his brother’s cheeks flush bright red. This is not going well. And while, yes, Karamatsu probably should have picked a different shirt, what’s really wrong with what he’s wearing? Even though he’s a little over-the-top and dramatic, this woman can’t know whether or not he’s ‘full of himself’ when she’s barely letting him get a word in.
Totty is the most socially intelligent of his brothers, and even he doesn’t think Karamatsu’s actually doing anything wrong. He hasn’t drawn anyone else’s attention like he usually does, he hasn’t gone overboard with any poses, and he’s… kind of just being himself, slightly toned down. It’s not like he’s bragging or being a jerk. Hell, it’s just a strange fashion choice; how the hell does she think it has any bearing on what he’s like as a person?
“Damn,” Sacchi cringes. “She’s not wasting any time, is she?”
Aida gives a pout toward her friends. “He didn’t even do anything wrong yet. He’s been a perfect gentleman.”
“Yeah, he’s just a little odd and, like, a tiny bit painful. But he’s acting really nice and polite.” Sacchi sighs as she props her head up on her hand. “There’s no pleasing some people. Aida, why don’t you go take their order? Maybe you can accidentally spill it on that pretentious top of hers when you bring it to them.”
“Pfff, if only. I’m on it, though.”
Totty continues to fume as he watches his poor brother try to impress this girl, pretty much in vain. He gets the feeling that nothing Karamatsu says or does is going to be good enough. For some reason, that really pisses him off. Despite the fact that Karamatsu can be a bit much, that he’s overcompensating for being insecure on the inside, that everyone rolls their eyes at him… Karamatsu isn’t a bad guy. He tries hard to make other people happy and treats them with respect. Even his brothers who don’t always return the favor.
By the point Sacchi and Aida are finished making their order, the youngest is ready to explode at this woman. She never even told Karamatsu her name, but she’s spent the whole time talking him down. When she asked what he did ‘besides be super excruciating’, and he told her he didn’t really have a job, she laughed at him. He tried to save it by saying he occasionally played guitar at coffee shops, and she responded something along the lines of, “What kind of hipster loser does that these days??”
Listening to it just makes him so angry. She doesn’t think Karamatsu is attractive, she’s called him embarrassing more than once, and no matter what he does or says, she’s not happy with it. Why the fuck did she even bother going out with him, then?
Totty was worried that Karamatsu was going to screw this up; so far he’s actually managed to be a decent date. He wasn’t prepared for his brother’s date to be the shitty one.
Sacchi brings him a simple iced coffee while Aida returns with the serving tray, a fake smile on her face from laughing uncomfortably at one of the woman’s comments. “God, she’s exhausting.”
“I don’t even know her and I can’t stand her,” Totty mutterrs before taking a sip of his drink. “Why the hell is she treating him like that? He’s just… being himself!”
Being himself. Karamatsu’s really not doing anything wrong. He’s trying to talk himself up when this woman gives him a chance to, but who doesn’t talk themself up on a first date? He just wants to impress her.
It makes Totty feel a little guilty to realize that, honestly, all Karamatsu really wants is to impress everyone because he wants people to like him… including his brothers. If Karamatsu feels the need to seek love and acceptance from strangers like this girl, to the point that he’s willing to put up with the horrible way she’s treating him, what does that say about his brothers? It’s not the first time he’s sucked it up and dealt with something he shouldn’t have from someone just because he wants that person to love him.
His attention is drawn by the woman giggling a little too loudly. “Fuck, you wanna go out with me again? I mean, how do you think this is going? I’m two seconds away from sneaking out the bathroom window. You’re so obnoxious, you dress like an edgy middle schooler, and who wears sunglasses inside, especially when it’s raining outside? You’re, like, cringe incarnate.”
Completely contradicting every statement she made, she slid her hand across the table to take his, if only for a brief moment. The wicked look in her eyes, more sadistic than even Ichimatsu, made Totty’s stomach twist in anger. “I might keep you around, though. You seem like a guy who’d keep me laughing for a while. Maybe next time I’ll take you out with my friends so everyone can laugh at you.”
Oh, that’s it.
He doesn’t know if Karamatsu is oblivious to what she means because he’s blinded and deafened by the promise of another date, or if he knows exactly what she means but perhaps thinks it’s worth it. His eyes light up… and behind that hopeful spark is the pain she’s already put him through.
Baby of the bunch though he is, Totty isn’t going to sit around and twiddle his thumbs while some bitch takes advantage of his big brother.
“Oh, that is sooooo not happening!” he calls as he approaches the table. Although he feels a little bad about just stepping in like this, he’s not gonna let her get away with treating Karamatsu like that. Laughing at him herself was bad enough; parading him in front of her friends for all of them to laugh at him when there’s nothing wrong with Karamatsu isn’t gonna happen if Totty has something to say about it.
The woman gives him an unimpressed look. “Who the fuck are you?”
“T-Totty!!” Karamatsu,  on the other hand, looks immediately panicked. “I can handle this… please, go back and fix your schedule, and I’ll meet you at home.”
“Wait, you work here?” She tilts her head at him. “Oh, shit, hold up. You’re the asshole who messed up my drink last time I was here.” Her gaze flits between the two of them, and she laughs again.
“― Oh, my God! You had to bring your twin brother along to come on a date? You’re pathetic!” Her hand pulls away from Karamatsu’s. “Oh, you’re definitely coming out with me and my friends.”
Totty hisses and pushes her hand away from Karamatsu’s. He steps in front of his big brother to physically block this woman from him. “Keep your hands off him! You’re not taking him anywhere. He’s never seeing you again, because you treated him like… like, fuck, I wouldn’t treat a rock the way you treated him!”
He hears Karamatsu make a noise of almost-protest behind him; he can just imagine the other man sinking down in his seat and trying to hide his face. “Totty, please…”
“No! No, she doesn’t get to just treat you like dirt, Karamatsu-nii-san! You think my brother’s just some kind of dumbass you can show off to your friends and laugh at and treat him like crap?!” he snarls. “Well, guess what? He may be sort of a dumbass sometimes, and maybe he’s a little painful, and maybe he’s not the perfect guy you’re looking for! But he’s a whole hell of a better person than you are!”
Although Totty could kick himself for not saying anything to Karamatsu before, it might be best it’s coming out now. He doesn’t have a lot of time to really think about it or pretend or rehearse. What he’s saying isn’t practiced, it’s real. “Karamatsu is the kindest person I know, and you wish you had at least half the passion he does for the things he likes! Who cares that he wears a shirt with his own face on it? He was bending over backwards to make you happy, even though everything out of your mouth was word barf about how embarrassing he is! And, by the way, you’re wrong!”
It only takes half a step for him to reach over to grab his coffee from the counter, assisted by Aida who’s smirking as she holds it out for him. “If my choice was between you or him, I’d be way less embarrassed to be seen in public with him than with you! He’s not perfect, but he cares about people, and he’s always there when you need him, and ― and all this stuff you think is embarrassing, who the hell gives a shit?! It’s what he wants to do and it’s not hurting anyone! I’d break my phone before I let my big brother go out with someone like you again! Maybe he keeps striking out with dates, but he’s never going to be that desperate!”
He feels a little bad about what he’s about to do. That feeling is mitigated by the fact that at least his coffee isn’t hot.
“And, you know, I actually am sorry about messing up your drink last time. So here, you can have mine!” Almost before he’s finished speaking, he’s dumped his entire cup over her head.
He doesn’t stick around to deal with the aftermath aside from seeing the look of abject horror on the woman’s face as the coffee makes her bad mascara drip. And even though there’s a little bit of guilt over the fact that he’s leaving his coworkers to deal with her, the fact that Sacchi and Aida are cackling while they gather up napkins eases his mind.
He grabs Karamatsu by the hand and leads him out, tossing his coffee cup on the way. There’s not much choice on Karamatsu’s part, except he doesn’t particularly look as if he minds that.
“You didn’t… have to do that, Totty,” Karamatsu mumbles. When Totty glances over, the second eldest looks more tired than anything. He knows that look; the exhaustion of something not working out, of thinking you had a chance only for it to all go up in smoke.
Totty huffs, marching the two of them in the direction that leads back home. “Of course I did! You weren’t going to do it, so someone had to. God… you’ve gotta stop letting people walk all over you, Karamatsu-nii-chan.”
The shift to the more affectionate honorific suggests to Karamatsu that this is really, truly something Totty cares about. He squeezes his baby brother’s hand with a thoughtful hum. “… If that’s the case, perhaps a romance for me just isn’t in the cards. I… really thought it was going to go somewhere this time.”
At last Totty slows slightly, from an aggressive pace to something a little calmer. He’s still pissed off that someone treated Karamatsu like that, and although he’s a bit upset that Karamatsu sit there and let it happen, he knows what it’s like to want people to like you so much that you’ll put up with nearly anything.
However, that’s also the reason he doesn’t want Karamatsu just putting up with it. He deserves so much better than to have people treat him like dirt. It’s not right to do that to anybody, but… especially not to Totty’s big brother.
“I’m sorry I kind of… tapped into Murder Totty in there,” he sighs. “Did I go overboard?”
Karamatsu shrugs. “Maybe a little. But I wasn’t truly enjoying myself and I didn’t want to go on another date with her. I just… didn’t know how to tell her no. I suppose I really am lucky you were there, too.”
Silence falls between them while they walk, then after a moment, Karamatsu clears his throat. “Totty… did you… mean all those things?”
“Huh? All what things?”
“Those things, you know… you said I was… kind and passionate and reliable.” He lets out a soft laugh. “You… you said you’d rather break your phone than let me go out with her again.”
… Oh. He. Did say that, didn’t he?
He pouts a bit, then squeezes Karamatsu’s hand. “Yeah, I meant it. Of course I meant it.”
“But as much as I love you, I’m just glad I don’t have to do that.”
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v-entiii · 4 years
Song Headcanons || All Matsu
summary: songs I think the boys would dedicate to you !! bonus !! songs i'd personally dedicate to them
a/n: i just started watching osomatsu-san !! i'm really enjoying it so far so I wanted to write some headcanons for the boys :>
Osomatsu ❤️
Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby - Cigarettes After Sex
"Whispered something in your ear, It was a perverted thing to say, But I said it anyway, Made you smile and look away"
•I think we all know this line makes sense
"Nothing's gonna hurt you baby, As long as you're with me, you'll be just fine"
•I think he would just want you to know that you're safe with him and he'll be a good bf and protect you
•Baby just wants you to feel so loved and okay with him 💔
Again - Doris Day
•I just know he'd give you a relationship to remember
•He would make sure to make himself memorable, that is unless he'd marry you
Karamatsu 💙
505 - Arctic Monkeys
•I think he's in the lingo of knowing EVERYONE wants this song dedicated to them
"In my imagination, you're waiting, lying on your side"
•Knows you'd wait for him who wouldn't
"But I crumble completely when you cry"
•It's a given that they all would hate it when you're sad, but I think Kara especially would want to make sure you're okay
•Would hold you until you stop crying, hiding the fact he feels like crying just seeing your tears
Streets - Doja Cat
"Cause you're one in a million"
"I found it hard to find someone like you"
•He would love you like no other
•He would absolutely treat you like royalty
Choromatsu 💚
Are You Bored Yet? - Wallows
"But I can't help from asking, 'are you bored yet?'"
•At the start I think he wouldn't be so sure, baby is insecure 💔
•As long as you constantly let him know that yes you do love him, he'll warm up and be a lot more confident
"Feels like I've known you my whole life"
•I feel like Choro, deep down, definitely believes in soulmates
•Has that kind of love where you really do feel like you've known him in a past life
American Money - BØRNS
•Honestly, it's just because of the "Green like American Money" line
Ichimatsu 💜
Scary Love - The Neighbourbood
"Baby I got good luck with you, I didn't know we'd get so far"
•I think he's not so experienced with dating, so he isn't really used to people being interested in him for a long time so he gets genuinely confused when you stick with him
•Baby is afraid of rejection :<
•Just needs confirmation from you and he'll be okay, although it still confuses him from time to time
•He doesn't complain though, as confused as he might be, he loves you very deeply
Do I Wanna Know? - Arctic Monkeys
•Ichi may be my favorite but I feel like it would be hard to know how he feels and if he reciprocates your feelings
•He's closed off but I think if you get to know him better and become closer then you'd figure out that he does love you back
Jyushimatsu 💛
So This Is Love - Ilene Woods
"So this is love, So this is what makes life divine"
•He would be so in love with you, different from past loves
•Loves and cherishes you so much, you show him new ways to love every single day
•Loving with him feels like a constant honeymoon phase, even though you two aren't married yet
"My heart has wings, And I can fly"
•Baby is just so starstruck by you
•He is very much in love with you
Always Forever - Cults
•He would be so in love with his s/o, wanting to be forever together
Todomatsu 💖
Single - The Neighbourhood
"I don't know if we should be alone together, I still got a crush, that's obvious"
•He would fall so hard for you
•Scared he'd mess up 💔
"You know you got all my attention, You know you got all mine"
•When you two are together, I just know he'd let you know you're heard
•He knows how it feels to feel like you aren't heard, even though he is the baby he still has lots of brothers and sometimes so many people talking at once
•Would put his phone down for you
•Would make sure you're heard, seen, loved and cared for
Tongue Tied - Grouplove
•Loving with him would be an experience
•Would probably take you to meet his parents sometime, hesitant because of his brothers being able to meet you too
•After he rips the bandaid off, you'd probably spend a lot time with him there since he's there the most
•Meaning you'd see all the chaos and fun him and his brothers get into
•This song screams young fun and excitement to me
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osomagine-san · 3 years
Soooo, what would be the best way to befriend the mastus and Totoko? Where would be easy to meet and know them?
Ooooooh okay okay. Again, sorry, no readmore because I’m on mobile!!
The best way to meet Osomatsu is probably at a bar, or maybe even Chibita’s stand. He’s a little tipsy, but that just means he’s in a good mood! You’d also have to catch him by himself, because he’s really at his worst around his brothers. He might try to flirt a bit, but he’s really all about having a good time— and it’s not that hard to change the topic of conversation. I think that, if everything goes perfectly, he forgets that he was trying to flirt with you at all!
Getting to know him would probably be easiest on walks around the park. He doesn’t have money, so he probably doesn’t like to go out properly (except to pachinko, but honestly, that seems like a really boring place to go with a group of people; and as for the horse races, that’s hardly a good place to sit and talk with someone). He’s happy to walk laps around the park just talking, until all of a sudden the sun has set and you should both head home. ☆
As for Karamatsu, you might find him at the local fishing spot! You might only be able to talk to him after whoever is with him leaves (even for a second), because as long as someone is with him, they’re likely making fun of him. Your first meeting is probably not that long, but you think he’s joking around with his cool persona and hit it off.
He’s not a hard person to get to know, because he’s pretty aware of how he’s treated. He acknowledges that he doesn’t like it, but that he’d still do anything for his brothers. When you respond with, “You don’t need to put up with that,” he quiets. And smiles. And he seems like a different, quieter person. Honestly, I see Karamatsu as one of the quietest (second, or maybe even tied, with Ichimatsu) of the six— getting to know him probably involves a lot of silent communication and reading between the lines. ☆
To make friends with Choromatsu, you have to catch him when he is in no perceived position of power. Meaning, maybe he’s out with Osomatsu, or maybe he just failed a job interview (is that something you fail?)— he’s a bit entitled, so meeting him when he knows he’s not his best actually helps with this first impression. I don’t know the details of where, necessarily, but I think it might have to almost be in passing. Maybe he gets your contact information from someone else?
Letting him be vulnerable and honest is the best way to get to know him. He’s always talking about getting a job and becoming “proper” and living a life, but he already knows the reason that hasn’t happened is because he doesn’t want it to. When you’re getting to know him, you have to prompt him to be honest about what he wants— not just in life in general, but right in that moment. And you have to offer a similar honesty in return. ☆
There is a quick and easy way to meet Ichimatsu, and it’s by volunteering at the local animal shelter or by working at a cat cafe or something of the like. Anywhere there are cats, he will be there. He’s really not friendly, so I can’t imagine a particularly good first impression with him no matter what, but watching him engage with the cats assures you that he’s not a bad person.
The way to get close to him is through something he likes. You’d probably have to get to know him through things he mumbles to the cats when he thinks you can’t hear him, and then use that information, later. For example, “Mm... Mom peeled pears for me yesterday... you wouldn’t know how good that is, because you’re just a cat.” And then when he comes by the next day, you just so happened to have packed peeled pears for your lunch... and you just so happen to be on your lunch break. You’re willing to share! And, like a cat, if you come on too strong, that will put him off. After these little gestures, you have to let him come to you. Once he feels comfortable enough, seemingly out of the blue, he’ll say, “Hey... I know this place... If your shift ends soon, you could come with me.” ☆
Meeting Jyushimatsu is not the hard part. He frequents parks, and the cliffs, and pretty much anywhere he can swing a baseball bat. He’s similar to Ichimatsu in that you have to let him go to you, but for a different reason— there is no way you’re on his level. Trying to chat with him on your terms will be fruitless, so he has to chat with you on his. This is a little different if he’s around his brothers, but for the most part, meeting any sextuplet while around the others is challenging.
It’s surprising how good he is in public, though— so getting to know him probably takes place in a public area. Almost always outside, but still somewhere there are a lot of people in the background. While getting to know him, it’s good to have someone to translate his nonsense; bringing a more laid-back sextuplet along could help with this! ☆
Finding Todomatsu is easy. Getting to a place where he wants to keep talking to you is hard. But meeting him at a mixer is probably your best bet. It’s obvious right away that he’s not interested in meeting friends at these things— but picture that scene in Aggretsuko with Retsuko and Resasuke where they happen upon each other at a mixer, and then spend the whole night texting while the others grow louder. I think that’s how your first meeting would have to go— he’s striking out entirely, and you happen to not be very involved in the discussion, either.
I think that he’s a very honest texter. I think that he can’t say out loud what he thinks and feels— he’s not thinking about it at the time, or he just can’t find the words in the moment. So getting to know him probably comes in late nights in the comforts of your respective homes; he tells you about his hopes and dreams. And when he’s just comfortable enough, he listens to yours. ☆
Honestly, I think a great place to meet Totoko would be at one of her concerts! I haven’t seen all of S3, so to the best of my knowledge, she still really isn’t all that popular. So the area is nearly empty, save the sextuplets. Then she sees that there’s a new face in the crowd! After the show, she starts asking all kinds of questions, fishing for compliments (hahaha I didn’t do that on purpose, but it’s still kinda funny).
She probably sees you as just a fan for a really long time, assuming you keep going to her concerts. But she always notices you in the crowd and waves hello. She approaches you all the time after concerts, asking for a detailed review— and not the spineless ass kissery the sextuplets usually offer! I mean, don’t get me wrong— she doesn’t want to hear any bad things, but when she isn’t being drooled over, it’s a little bit easier to slide in an objective opinion. Before long, she seeks you out before concerts. And then she invites you out after concerts. And then you’re just hanging out, as friends! ☆
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shimmeringclouds · 3 years
Karamatsu - Prepared?
𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘴𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘭!𝘬𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘴𝘶 𝘟 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
Whenever you were at school, the hands on the clock seemed to purposely take forever to reach the final minutes of the day.
You tapped your finger impatiently against your cheek, staring blankly outside the window beside you. The droning voice of your teacher at the front of the class went through one ear and out the other, making the lesson just that little bit more boring.
You had other things to think about besides some useless math equations, anyway.
Looking up towards the clear, blue spring sky, your thoughts were drawn back to exactly that: blue. Or, more specifically, to the person you associated with the colour blue;
Karamatsu Matsuno.
One of the infamous sextuplets that attended your highschool. With his bowl cut brown hair, large round eyes and slightly red cheeks due to small blemishes, he was the definition of cute in your books.
You were lucky you were able to talk to him, too, seeing as you weren't exactly a social butterfly. He was in most of your classes, and as if it were fate, your teachers almost always paired the both of you up (although, that may have been to prevent him from sticking with his brothers, which would have led to no work being done).
So of course, the both of you were practically forced to communicate with each other. And on top of that, you were both walking home with each other nowadays, as you both were headed in the same direction. That, and the fact that he didn't really walk with his brothers anymore, which you actually found to be quite the shame.
They were so lively together, and their bond seemed so strong... What happened?
You sighed softly, eyeing the birds that flew swiftly over the school campus. You knew exactly what happened. People in your school were quick to judge them all for the things that the Matsuno's did together as brothers - as family - and to make themselves fit in, they slowly drifted apart. They don't even acknowledge each other anymore...
And now, Karamtsu seemed to be falling back into his shell of shyness. Without the support of his brothers, he didn't know what to do with himself. Slowly but surely, he became meek again, and struggled talking to others.
Including you.
Especially today, for some reason. It seemed as if he was trying to make an effort to speak, but every time you asked what was wrong, his cheeks flushed a deep red, and he stammered an excuse that you couldn't understand before running away. That had happened three times today. Did you do something wrong?
You did try asking Ichimatsu, as he seemed to be the easiest to talk to, but even he had no idea why his brother would act in such a way.
"Maybe he's just getting a little shy again. Who knows?" He had shrugged, giving you a smile before leaving to meet his friends.
At a loss, you could only watch Karamatsu's actions from the side, wondering continuously what was wrong with him. You wanted to help him, as a friend. Since that's probably all you'll ever stay to him, or you might be nothing to him now since he can't talk to you...
Your cheeks turned a light shade of pink as you thought this. Brows furrowed, you let a small pout cross your lips. You really liked Karamtsu. A lot. Over the past year or so since you got to know him, you realised a lot of things about him, and you found your eyes always wandering back to his figure subconsciously.
And you wanted to tell him how you felt so badly, but you were scared of it causing a rift in your friendship, as you were sure he didn't see you the same way. He was just shy, that's why he couldn't talk to you much. He probably only stayed with you because he had to for a project, or he might have felt bad for not walking with you on the way home. He was nice like that.
The bell suddenly rang, snapping you out of your thoughts. Quickly, you packed up your things and decided to head home straight away. It was the end of the week, and all you wanted was to stay as far away from school as possible until Monday.
Leaving the classroom, you went down the few flights of stairs to the main entrance, changing out of your school shoes to your comfortable pair of white and blue sneakers; a colour combo you chose without even realising because you were too busy thinking about Karamatsu whilst out shopping-
You groaned internally, begging yourself to stop acting like those girls in your class who just acted so love struck over every guy they've ever met. You were better than this! You're 18, for goodness sake, get a grip girl!
Despite thinking this, you took one small glance back over your shoulder to see if a familiar worried face was coming towards you as usual to accompany you home...
But nobody came.
Dejectedly, you dragged your feet away from the school gates. You knew it. He was just sick of you now. That's what he was going to tell you, wasn't he? But he was just too nice for his own good to get it out, so he left you instead.
Looking up, your eyes locked onto the countless Sakura trees lined against the empty sidewalk, hundreds of pink petals twirling in the air and dancing around you in the breeze. Ah, Sakura trees... A sad reminder of just how short beautiful things can last.
Just like your friendship with Karamatsu...
Wow. You were imagining his voice now? That's pathetic.
"[Y/N], wait!"
...Is that coming from behind you?
Turning on your heel, your eyes widened as a figure ran closer towards you, eyebrows creased in worry and panting heavily from having to catch up to you.
"Kara...matsu?" You mumbled confusedly, watching as he stopped in front of you, leaning his palms on his knees to catch his breath. It was silent for a few moments before the boy looked up at you slowly, cheeks flushed red again. Seriously, did he have a fever?
"I-I.. uhm..." he started quietly, straightening himself out. His mouth opened and closed a few times, hands making small gestures as he tried to speak, but nothing came out. Feeling slightly awkward, and worried for Karamatsu, you spoke first.
"Karamatsu," you began. He immediately froze up, eyes focused solely on you. You fidgeted slightly under his gaze, but took a small breath.
"Take a deep breath first. Then tell me what's wrong, okay?" Even though you knew what he wanted to say, you still gave him a small smile, encouraging him to speak.
Taking your advice, he sucked in a deep breath, loosening his joints so that they weren't as tense. Then, he raised a hand and rummaged through his pockets, pulling out a pile of notecards. You could only stare with a slightly raised brow, curious as to what he was doing.
"Uh, hey... so.. uhh.." he looked down at his notecards. "Did you, Uh- did... you fall out of heaven because, um-" due to the shakiness of his hands (and voice) he ended up dropping his cards all over the floor.
In a panic, he fell to the ground too, scrabbling to pick up the pieces of paper and sorting them back into their original order.
"Shit, fuck oh god fuck I'm so sorry you're- you're just s-so pretty I'm sorry-"
He continued rambling like that, his face looking like a cherry as he sweated profusely out of nerves, entire body shaking and words continuously pouring out of his mouth, making no sense to you.
However, your face was cherry red too as you processed what just happened.
He... he used a pick-up line on you? To confess? Is that what was going on?
...Your heart throbbed painfully, reminding you just how in love you were with this complete dork in front of you.
As Karamastu stood back up, still mumbling, only one thought was going through your head. And it slipped out.
"Kiss me, Karamtsu."
Time seemed to stop, and this was the only time you were grateful for that.
Blushing furiously, Karamatsu's brown orbs were blown wide, darting from your face to his cards, looking through them desperately.
"I um... don't have a card for... this," he replied, his voice higher than usual. You breathed out a giggle, stepping closer to him as you took advantage of this small piece of confidence you suddenly picked up.
"That's okay. I don't think we need it."
With that, you stood up on your tiptoes and pressed your lips against his. They were soft and slightly plump, fitting against yours like a missing puzzle piece.
Karamatsu froze up again, eyes squeezed shut as he dared not move, scared that he would ruin the moment if he did anything. Even so, he melted into you, pushing back against your lips in hopes that he was conveying his feelings like he wanted to.
Breaking away from each other, breathless, you spoke softly for only him to hear.
"I think you're really cute, too, Karamatsu."
The boy could only stare at you, face red, unable too tear his gaze away. He was floating up in the clouds right now, not entirely believing that this was real.
Smiling gently, you held out a hand towards Karamatsu.
"Shall we head home? Together?" You added. Glancing at your hand, a soft and sheepish smile worked it's way onto his face, cheeks flushing cutely. Slowly, he placed his larger hand into yours, squeezing gently.
"Y-Yeah... That sounds like a good idea."
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devillexi · 3 years
Hm? What about the Matsus all have a male rival except, whoops, they developed feelings. What are they rivals in and what do you think would have to happen for them to fall in love? Would it be sudden realization or slow? PS. Loving all the content you put out, whether it’s dirty or sweet it’s always great to see the boys get the love they deserve
((I was writing this little by little and I was almost done, but Ichimatsu's threw me in for a loop so I dropped it and came back to it. Hope you like it, anon!))
Osomatsu and his male s/o would be rivals in class. And by that I mean social class and you bet your sweet ass it was Osomatsu who started it with little jabs here and there at his rival. They'd been rivals since high school and it only came to a head while they were adults when they actually exchanged fists and had a heart to heart. And it was Osomatsu who opened up about his fears and his actions, and that he never really meant all the things he said to his rival as he was jealous about how he could be independent and Osomatsu couldn't. His rival, taking Oso's words into consideration, offer his friendship and to put the past behind them and start anew as friends now that they have a proper understanding of one another. Of course, things progress with each developing feelings for the other and they end up confessing.
I feel like there really is no rivalry with Karamatsu and his rival. Like it would appear that way since both respect the other when it comes to their talents, but it seems like misunderstandings throw these two in a loop. While they have respect for each other, neither know how to properly show that. Karamatsu is definitely into his rival but he doesn't know how to properly convey it and that's the problem he and his rival have to get over. It will take literally one of them to give the other a compliment before the other feels comfortable to do the same and that's how they get closer.
Choro and his rival are idol fans but like 2 different idols and this is why they are enemies. Choro thinks Nyaa-chan is the best while his rival thinks his idol is the best. And they just have beef everytime they meet or see each other. They could be passing each other in a grocery store and they'll just glare at the other. Like everyone around them can tell tensions are high between them. Now how they become friends is that one day they see each other, the usual glares and whatnot, at a manga store and they both find out that they're into the romance manga. Choro casually mentions how one of his favorite mangas happens to be one that his rival is holding in his hands. His rival bursts in excitement how that manga is also his fave! And a mutual bonding over romance manga is born and it progresses from there as they share a lot of interests.
Hmm I kinda see this being an entirely one-sided rivalry but it's the rival with the problem as Ichimatsu is completely unbothered. The rival is the only one who thinks that he is the rival of Ichimatsu, but in reality, he actually just has some boggled up feelings for Ichimatsu. And he doesn't actually know how to really show them. Ichimatsu will probably be the one to initiate building the bridge and help his 'rival' come to terms in how he has been treating Ichimatsu and how Ichimatsu believes that they could be somewhat friends when he isn't being a jerk. While they hang out more and more, feelings start to develop and the ex-rival will confess to Ichi since he recognized that he had really liked him all this time.
Baseball fan rivals!! Sports is a serious thing around here and its intense when there are two teams and the other hates the opposing team. Jyushimatsu and his rival have butted heads numerous times about whose team is better. It has never resorted to blows, just glares and petty, snarky comebacks. A way that they resolve differences is when they have a moment together that is of mutual understanding outside of baseball. It would take a while for Jyushimatsu to realize that he loves his rival turned best friend. And even more time to have the courage to ask him out.
Both Todomatsu and his rival are cute! And that's where they have conflict. Akatsuka is only big enough for only one cute boy, damn it! Anytime they cross paths, they actually never fight because neither wants their looks to be even scratched. But they will glare, swear, and even badmouth the other in a 'sweet' way so that it doesn't come off as badmouthing. However, despite themselves, their spat actually backfires on them and people start to pair them together ironically. They hate it at first but, as time goes on, they start to tolerate each other's company. And they decided to put their differences aside and respect the other. Eventually, they start hanging out on their own. And for some reason, I can see them actually getting drunk and they confess their feelings that way. But they run away and sober up and confess again to make sure they weren't just imagining it all. So now the two cutest guys are dating!
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akai-hito · 2 years
All this Ayaoso daydreaming make me realize that men called cute is often seen as a bad thing, that it mean that he's not taken seriously, that he have to "step up as a man" somehow
And like... Say in BL which is the only genre I know where I can see men being submissive in a romantic relationship.
That one of the guy define the other as cute isn't seen as weird right?
I felt a lot that Ayane mostly seeing Oso as someone cute was bad, but it also feel wrong to force gender role into her so he have to "dominate" her at some point.
It's Aya who lead in their relationship, it's just that she doesn't do it in a "daddy Dom sadistic" way. She keep a sweet exterior even in that kind of situation.
It feel like to keep them equal, there's always a nee do show a guy doing something a bit more on the agressive side to prove that he's a man... Yet I can't imagine Oso do that with Ayane or at least win her over like that
I don't think I have to force it if it's not something I can't see with these two.
It doesn't stop Ayane to find Osomatsu cool and the moment he does charming things with her is usually in a more gentleman way. Like it's not similar to how Karamatsu would do for example, but he can recall something he saw in a show and just try it with Ayane.
Or even just doing it for being helpful. It's already something he did before their relationship start and it's how effortlessly caring he can be without thinking about it much that charmed her.
Anyway... Chapter 16 and "they're together" arc have to start!
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kim-chann · 4 years
Matsu’s reacting when you say you want a baby (Yes and No):
//season 3 spoilers: I’m so soft after hearing that some of the Matsu’s wants future kids in episode 5 hhhh, so sweet 💕💕✨✨
The house that they shared was too quiet, so quiet, that he could hear his own heart beat in his ears. Comparing to a quiet hike, the mountain of quietness whenever you stop walking made you feel like someone was covering your ears.
The ringing in his ears because of the sudden quietness made him anxious. It was natural sure, but here he stood, in his house, in front of this S/O where silence deafened their ears just after four words left his S/O’s mouth.
“I want a baby.”
Yes: “A baby?” Osomatsu spoke, repeating what his S/O said. His eyes were wider than usual and his face was visibly anxious. His S/O nodded, “Yes, I want a baby with you, Osomatsu...” As they stepped closer to him, he his knees felt weak; like an unknown weigh was pulling him down. As soon as his S/O cupped his hands, he collapsed into his lovers arms and let out a sob that he didn’t know that he has been holding. 
“Of fucking course, babe, I thought you’d never ask.” His voice was shaky and muffled in his lover’s shoulders but he couldn’t help it. Kids are great after all, and he wanted his own-- his own offspring where he can love and raise with his lover. But never in a million years where he thought his S/O would want a child with him. It was like a dream to him. 
Osomatsu feels a bit embarrassed that he got so emotional at his S/O’s proposal, he just wasn’t mentally prepared for such a scenario. 
Osomatsu removed himself in his lovers arms before he smiled at his S/O. His smug grin returned to his face and he smothered his lovers face with kisses, “Want to try? Right now?” He’d ask between kisses.  
“Osomatsu!” A giggle left their throat at soon as he begun to kiss at their cheek that trailed down to their neck. “Come on! Not here!”
“Aww! Fine... let’s go to the bedroom.”
No: His face was pale, his eyes were unreadable as he bit in his lower lip. “K-Kids?” He repeated. He thought of such a thing, wanting kids with his lover was a good thing, yes, but was he really prepared for this?
“Yes, Osomatsu, I want a child with you...” As his lover approached him, he felt a wave of guilt wash through him. His lover gripped his hands as his arms felt limp; like he had no control over them. His muscles felt so tense that he couldn’t move. 
“I--” He tried to speak but his speech was incoherent as his emotions were all over the place. With little control over his hands, he gripped his lovers hands tightly and forced out the words: “I can’t.”
“You can’t?”
“No, babe, I can’t.”
The look of disappointment flashed on his lovers face and the weight on his chest doubled. He panicked a bit and tried to reassure his lover, “I-I mean, think about it! Kids are great and all, but are we even prepared for this? Kids are expensive and loud as hell. I...” he sucked up a breath.
“I just don’t want kids, S/O... I’m sorry.”
Yes: His eyes were sparkling bright as soon as he hears his lover say those words. “My love!” He exclaimed and brought them into a hug, planting kisses onto their face and brought them into a deep, long kiss. “I’ve always wanted to have kids with you, dove, it’s like a dream that I’ve always pictured! A family with you, and the kids that we must have.” He emphasised his point by rubbing your belly with a painful smirk. His smirk only widened when his lover giggled. 
“Really!” His lover would exclaim, sharing the same excitement that Karamatsu had as his cheeks were reddening from smiling so big. 
“Of course my love! I was wanting to ask about kids for a while now, but I couldn’t have the confidence to ask.” He confessed, trailing his hands over his lovers waist and gave them a warm smile. He felt a bit embarrassed by the confession, and that his lover was the one that had to ask such a life changing question. 
“Well, it’s better now than never.” His lover shrugged. Karamatsu smiled and brought them into a deep kiss, the kiss begun to make the lovers into a more intimate mood as Karamatsu broke the kiss with a loud smack.
His lover exclaimed when Karamatsu carried them bride-style and laid quick kisses on their cheeks as he led them towards the bedroom, making his S/O giggle at his excitement and affection.
“I can’t wait to see my little Karamatsu Jr~”
No: “You want kids?” He’d repeat, making sure that he was hearing his lover correctly. He felt his heart stop in his chest as his body straightened; nervous and frightened from the sudden confession. Karamatsu always fantasied about wanting kids, but now that he had a lover, imagining a family made him feel... anxious. 
His lovers voice snapped him out of his head as his eyes stared deep into his anticipating lover’s eyes. He knew that they wanted him to say yes, he wanted kids, of course he did. But... he just wasn’t ready.
“My love, please...” His spoke gently, his voice was oddly quiet which surprised both him and his lover. “I don’t think that I’m ready for kids.”
“...But I thought you said you wanted kids?”
“I know, my love, I know.” He spoke, “I want a Karamatsu Jr. but I don’t think I’m prepared to become a parent. My love... can you give me time to think about this?”
His lover’s eyes were filled with disappointment from his answer, but as soon as they smiled at him, they nodded, “Of course, Kara, take your time.”
“Thank you, my love...”
Yes: “Huh? Kids! With m-me?!” He pointed at himself, his voice loud as it echoed throughout the house. His cheeks were flaring as he felt himself die internally. This was something that he’d thought about, and the thought itself made him feel painful butterflies in his stomach. 
“Yes, Choro! I want kids with you!” His lover would exclaim, matching the same energy that he resinated. “I’ve been wanting to have kids with you for a while now, but I didn’t know how to ask you. But I needed to get it out of my chest, can we have kids?”
His eyes were wide and his face was red with such embarrassment. He didn’t know what to say. He took a second to think about the scenarios of having a family with his lover. Unexpectedly, the thoughts made him extremely happy.
Choromatsu swallowed a breath and grabbed his lovers hands, “Y-Yes! I would love to have children with you!” He’d rest his forehead onto their hands, as if he was bowing in a begging way. 
His venerability made his lover laugh as Choromatsu raised his head up in confinement, “W-What’s so funny?”
“You don’t have to bow, Choro! You’re so cute!”
His cheeks flushed, and gripped his lovers hands even tighter, “I’m serious! I want to have kids with you!”
His lover’s giggles subsided as they cupped his cheeks, “I got that mister, and that makes me incredibly happy to hear that...” 
Tears leave his eyes in happiness as he brings his S/O into a hug, “I love you so much, S/O, I want to be married to you one day too...” 
No: “Eh? K-Kids?” He would stutter as soon as he heard his lover confess such a thing. He loved his S/O, yes, of course he did, but staring a family? That was something that he never really thought about. “Are you sure? Why do you want kids?”
His lover smiled at him, “I love you so much, Choro! It would be my true happiness if I could have kids with you.” Their hands cupped his and he felt how clammy and sweaty they were. They were nervous, he could tell. Kids was such a huge thing to think about, and to even have as lovers. It took huge responsibility, and the thought made him sick to his stomach.
Imagining kids with his lover made him happy, but his heart banged with guilt, knowing that he never dreamed to have kids. 
“S/O, kids with you would be wonderful...” His lover smiles, “But I don’t think that we’re ready to have them.” The smile dropped. 
“Kids are a huge responsibility, we don’t even know how to manage children, and don’t know the first thing about them. We’re not ready...” He confesses. He tried to remain confident, but his heart was betraying his demeanour. 
“So... you don’t want kids?”
“...No... I don’t... I’m sorry.”
“Ah, o-okay...”
Yes: He’d choke on his tea as his lover confessed those words. “Kids? W-With me?” His half-lidded eyes would be wide as shock wrote his every movement. “This is just a joke, right...? You’re pranking me, aren’t you? Hahahah, very funny, kitten...” He laughed dryly, taking another sip of his green tea. 
“No, Ichi! I’m serious! I really want kids with you!” 
He spat out his tea once again as he faced them, “N-No, you’re not serious, c’mon, stop messing with me...” 
His lover approached him and gripped his hands and squeezed, “Matsuno Ichimatsu, I want to have your kids and want to raise a family with you, It would be my dream to start a family with someone like you.”
Ichimatsu froze where he sat and stared at his lover, his throat making incoherent noises that tried to imitate words. “W-Why? I’ll be a horrible dad, I’ll be such a bad influence, our kids would hate me, and--”
A quick kiss silenced his anxiety as his words no longer came out of his mouth. “I know this is a big decision, Ichi, I’m serious that I want to have kids with you. I love you so much, I would love to take a big step forward with you.”
Ichimatsu hands shook in his lovers hands, “I--”
“If you don’t want kids, Ichimatsu, that’s fine! I love you, and anything that you want and don’t want is alright, it is a big decision after all, so--”
“...I do want kids.”
“I want kids...”
Now it was his lovers turn to be shocked. His S/O was lost for words as Ichimatsu stared into his lover eyes with nervousness, but determination in his eyes, “H-having kids... would be nice...”
His lover smiled as tears formed into their eyes, “You don’t understand how happy that makes me feel, Ichi...!” 
Ichimatsu’s flushed cheeks made it hard to smile with his burning cheeks, “I’m am too...!” He pulled his lover into a tight hug. 
No: “K-Kids? Are you serious?” He’d ask, laughing dryly as he rolled his eyes, “Kids are nice, but having my own would be troublesome... I’d be a bad dad too.” He took a sip of his green tea. 
The silence made him curious as he turned to face his lover. The unreadable expression on their face made his heart race a bit, “Wait, are... you were being serious?” HIs eyes widened. He pinched himself in his hand and winced when he felt the wave of pain. 
This was fucking real. 
Ichimatsu tried to calm himself down, realising that this wasn’t a prank and that his lover genuinely wanted children. He tried to speak but he didn’t know what to say. “W-Why would you want kids with me...?”
HIs lover stepped closer to him and sat down in front of him. The distance made him a bit more nervous, but felt appreciative that his lover understood that he needed his own space. 
“It’s because I love you, Ichi. I love you so much that I really would love to raise a kid together.” Their smile made his heart pang with guilt. 
He never dreamt of having kids, and the thought of him made him scared. He knew by heart that he doesn’t want any of his own offspring and take care of them because he knew he’d raise them in such a bad way unintentionally. 
Ichimatsu sucked up a breath, “I don’t want kids...”
He’d never forget the look of sadness in his lover eyes before they locked hands and smiled. He could see all the pain just by staring into them. 
“T-That’s fine, Ichi, I love you and respect your decision.” 
Yes: “Kids! Kids!” He’d exclaim, “Of course I would love to have kids!” If it were even possible, his smile would widen and his would pick up his lover and spin them around. The sudden act of eagerness made his lover laugh as he laughed along with them. 
He wanted his own kids and even he was prepared to be a father with his lover. With his learned ability from Eitarou, he knew at least some knowledge of how to raise kids. He placed down his lover and gave them a kiss, “I’ve always wanted to have kids with you, S/O, but I thought that you’d refuse to have kids with me.” He scratched the back of his head, self-conscious of his own confession. 
“None-sense, Jyushi! I love you so much, I’m so sorry that you thought I don’t want to have kids with you.”
His wide smile returned to his face as his cheeks flared up in happiness. “I love you so much, thank you so much!” He’d pull his lover into a hug that was gladly returned from his lover. 
Tears and sobs escaped Jyushimatsu, surprising himself and his lover. He’d never experienced so much happiness before that he couldn’t help but cry in joy. 
No: He covered his mouth with his sleeve, “Kids? Are you sure?” HIs eyes were shaped as a cats as if he were in thought. “Why?”
His lover felt a wave of anxiety from the way he was acting. “I love you, Jyushi! It would be amazing to raise a child with you!” They’d confess, their cheeks glowing red from the words that they spoke. 
Jysuhimatsu removed his sleeve from his mouth and stared at his lover with a sad look in his eyes. His smile was not as big as his S/O was used to as he stepped closer to his S/O and linked hands. 
“S/O, having kids with you would be amazing,” His voice wasn’t loud, as it was kept at a in-voice volume. It scared his lover a bit. 
“But... I don’t want kids.” His smile dropped and he refused to look at his lovers eyes. 
The house went quiet as the ticking of the clock echoed in their ears. 
“I’m sorry, S/O.”
He could hear his lover suck in a painful breath, “No, i-it’s alright... erm, excuse me.” His lover shuffled away from him as he sighed out and covered his face with his hands. 
“Im sorry.”
Yes: “Kids!” He exclaimed, his phone dropping from his hands as his body froze where he stood. “Are you being serious? You want to start a family with me?” He asked, spitting out questions as his lover tried to answer them all. 
“Yes, Totty! I want to raise a family with you!” They smiled at him, their cheeks red from the confession. 
Todomatsu smiled and brought his lover into a tight hug, “You don’t understand how much that makes me feel...! I wanted to have a son or a daughter with you! Raise them to be a prince, or a princess. I-- ugh! I love you so much!” He’d kiss his lover’s cheeks as they giggled in unison. 
“I honestly, thought you’d say no!” His S/O said, making Totty shake his head. 
“I didn’t like the concept of kids, but as I was on Instagram, babies are so cute! It would be so cute to raise one with you and spoil them.” Tears were in his eyes that spoke true happiness. 
“You changed your mind because of Instagram?” His lover asked, a chuckle left their mouth. “That’s so funny and cute at the same time!” 
His S/O laughed at him, but Todomatsu shut them up with a quick kiss. “But even if it weren’t for the media, I would still love to raise children with you, S/O! I love you so much!”
“I love you too, Totty!”
No: “Huh! Kids?” He’d ask, his attention was now on you instead of his phone. “Really?”
“Yes, really.”
“I mean, kids are super cute and all, but they’re loud! All they do it scream, make a mess and cry all the time. I don’t really want a baby because I’m the one that’s your baby.” He winked.
His lover was a loss for words. That wasn’t that they expected at all. 
“So... you don’t want a child?”
“Mm... no. You have me! I’m your baby, right?” He laid his head into your lap and gave you puppy eyes. Your cheeks flared from how cute he looked, as you stroked your hand through his hair. 
You wanted a baby with him, yes, but he must’ve thought that this was some sort of joke because of his reaction. I think you should ask him again, without him being on his phone. 
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malaierba · 10 months
Apocalypse KaraNozo??? Gem KaraNozo??? Please I wanna hear more of this!!! I kinda see Nozomi as either a pearl or a jade tbh.
MY PHONE FARTED WHILE REPLYING TO THIS..... AND I HAD WRITTEN SO MUCH....... NFUDJFJJDJF......... I'm living today in hard mode is2g 🫠
Post-apocalyptic AU
God I hope I'll manage to remember everything. First things first: there's not much of a plot for this. It was inspired by the Zombie AUs that made it to my dashboard, but it is NOT a Zombie AU. It's something different.... Lamer.... Really, just a vehicle for KaraNozo hurt/comfort scenes.
For starters, is it really the apocalypse? It'd feel that way to the characters. The basic idea is that the world is plunged into darkness for some reason, or maybe it's the characters who get randomly spirited away to an alternate dimension that they don't understand. There's also things that lurk in the dark, Shadows; no one knows for sure what they are other than they're Bad News.
The story starts like this: Karamatsu is paying a visit to the hospital after a very stupid, very inconsequential accident. Nothing serious, I haven't even figured out what it was. Maybe he fell from the roof again. He's checking out when suddenly there's a disturbance, a commotion, like the world's axis is suddenly forced two degrees to the right and it's very Wrong and reality fights it with all it's got, only for it to be a losing battle.
Karamatsu and Nozomi bump into each other as the darkness starts to take over. There's a moment of shock, of the two of them being about to apologise and continue their escape (towards what? From what? No idea, they're acting on instinct here) that's interrupted by Recognition, by "hey, aren't you—?" that gets cut short as the darkness suddenly swallows the hall they're in and they plunge into the darkness.
Karamatsu is the first to react: in true Big Bro slash Wannabe Protective Gentleman fashion, he manouvers Nozomi in the air so he'll break her fall. (Headcanon: Kara is... Maybe not sturdy, but he has a high recovery level. That is: he bounces back quickly from physical damage, heals fairly quickly, and has a high pain tolerance AND a high threshold for pain). After making sure he's okay, he turns to Nozomi and is like "Nozomi?" and Nozomi is like "Matsuno-kun?" and then a very funny, VERY AIRHEAD CORE scene ensues where these two immediately forget the most pressing matters as they go full "I ran into a highschool friend at the supermarket", like, omg is it really you, how have you been, I can't believe I ran into you like this I was just thinking about you the other day, oh my god me too, etc.
The scene here is cut short as the Shadows make their first appearance. Creepy stuff, imagine two creatures that look vaguely animalistic lunging for the two of them. Karamatsu manages to fight them off while Nozomi acts as the eyes that see the bigger picture, helping Karamatsu by telling him the position of possible weapons, the shadows, where they can escape to, etc.
It is only once they make it somewhere safe (the roof... I love clichés) and they see how very... Wrong everything looks (dark dark dark, the sky is pitch black, there's no stars, the city looks off, uncanny, several buildings are leaning against each other unnaturally, that's no natural light apart from some street lamps and the such, which flicker pitifully and barely do anything against the darkness), that reality finally hits them. Here they share their first emotional moment: I like to imagine that Nozomi has an older sister that she wonders about, while Karamatsu thinks of his brothers. They don't know where their loved ones are, they don't understand what's happening, and the definitely aren't in the best shape to face whatever is going on. (Here, Nozomi would talk very vaguely about her reason to be in the hospital. Karamatsu senses that it's private and doesn't push too much).
Kara is the first to get a hold of the uncertainty he feels, mainly because he takes in how unsure and fearful and worried Nozomi looks and decides to reassure her. He tells her that it'll be okay, they're together in this and he'll help her out. He promises they'll find her sister first, together, because after all Karamatsu's brothers are tough guys, they'll surely be okay.
Nozomi looks somewhere between thankful and uncertain, she vaguely implies she may slow him down. After some back and forth, Karamatsu finally convinces her that it's better to stay together, Nozomi makes him agree to looking for his brothers while they're looking for her sister / they'll help look for them even if they find her sister first. They seal the deal with a pinky promise (Nozomi's idea).
(by the way, just for the sake of world building, the sextuplets are divided as follows: Oso + Ichi + Totty, and Choro + Jyushi. Why? Honestly in part because I think it's a good balance of mental smarts + physical abilities, MAINLY. BECAUSE I LOVE WAKABA SKKDJS. GOD they're so stupid together, this is arguably the worst scenario for Jyushi them and I love it. I'm gonna talk wakaba now sorry but they're SO funny together 💀 Choromatsu thinks Jyushi is an idiot, and Jyushi is not only aware of that, he ALSO thinks that Choromatsu is an idiot and worse of all, unaware of it. Jyushimatsu is constantly soooo done with Choromatsu. Peak comedy to me is putting together the two characters with the biggest thug history who are the best at pretending it's behind them, and watching chaos ensue lmfao.
And so the adventure begins! Here's the main ideas I play with, scenes, tropes, etc:
There's 3 main things driving the story: The need to survive a situation full of variants they don't understand, the need to find their loved ones, and the promise to survive this together (which sets the state for the two of them to reconnect, get to know each other again, and support each other).
Again, I can't say there's a lot of world building in this idea... But there's a few concepts that I'm very committed to. The shadows, for instance, should be symbolic of the characters' shadow selves, fears, and secrets. They push them to get better, since they seek to exploit their shortcomings. In KaraNozos case, they're both very "no plan" people (although for very different reasons that they discover the more time they spend together), they can be a bit avoidant when it comes to difficult situations, and they sometimes aren't the best at prioritising the right stuff (airheads).
I'd also like for Nozomi's cat self and Karamatsu's mask Alterego from Pazzmatsu to make an appearance somehow, not that I know how just yet.
A lot of scenes are driven by the different shadows they can encounter. So far there's:
A shadow that hides in dead ends and alleyways. It will cry in a way that will always sound like a loved one to listeners. Our duo figures this out the hard way. (Nozomi realises that something is iffy first: she hears her sister, runs towards the noise; Karamatsu follows her apprehensively until he realises he can hear Todomatsu. He voices as much, excitedly, and runs past Nozomi, but that makes Nozomi pause because she knows Todomatsu but she can't hear him, only her sister, anyways you can imagine what happens next).
A hideous, very grotesque shadow that will advance towards you if you look away from it. Just full of uncanny valley, body horror. The duo deals with those by advancing back to back and planning escape routes in advance, since once you're no longer looking at it you gotta get away fast.
A spider-like shadow that will spit ink-like globs at potential victims. The ink will trigger feelings of unease and distress that, if left unchecked, can lead to a panic attack. The first time it hits Karamatsu, Nozomi makes him close his eyes, place his hands on her shoulders, and follow her as she tries to guide his breathing. On another time when it hits Nozomi, Kara carries her on his back and coaxes her into singing a lullaby with him.
Now on to the hurt/comfort scenes that dominate my brain 👁️:
Nightmares are VERY common for everyone, both because the subconscious are working extra hours to process the stress of this reality, and because it's just the nature of this world.
Fear attracts shadows. Our duo figures this out the hard way the first time they try to catch some ZZZs. They've found a way into a safe space or something, they lay down to sleep, back to back with a backpack of supplies they somehow found been them (both BCS Kara wants to be gentlemany and give Nozomi some space and to keep it secure). They're awoken by nightmares, both their screaming, and when they open their eyes there's a sleep paralysis demon-like shadow crawling towards them. They have to sacrifice the backpack (they chuck it at its face lol) to get away.
So from then on they take turns. When it's Nozomi's turn to sleep, Kara tells her silly fairytales, monologues from back when he did theatre, etc, and when she starts having nightmares he sings lullabies. When it's Karamatsu's turn, Nozomi will talk about birds, stories she's read, and when he starts having nightmares she'll pet his hair.
At one point they accidentally make it to Karamatsu's house (again, Akatsuka looks wrong, everything is too different and tbh KaraNozo are the most lost out of everyone. The city's make-up DOES follow a new logic, but they think to start mapping it out very late in the game and they don't do it very well. The group that figures it out first is not them, basically). As you'd expect, it's empty. Karamatsu, despite knowing better, does take it hard, because of course he's the type to get his hopes up even when he shouldn't.
Nozomi eventually proposes that they spend some time there, hoping that it'll comfort him and also so they can rest properly for longer than a few hours. They set camp in a room that seems most untouched, they barricade it, and after some prompting from Nozomi, Kara takes out a futon and some photo albums, etc, and they spend a good chunk of time just. Remembering. And laughing. And it's melancholic and nostalgic, but it's also very normal, all things considered.
Eventually they lay down, both hugging a pillow but also facing each other. Karamatsu seems a bit far away, so Nozomi reaches over, holds his hand, and when he seems surprised she tells him she'll sing him a lullaby.
They both fall asleep holding hands just like that.
(They don't have nightmares)
And unfortunately for Karamatsu, they are woken up by the worst set of siblings he could hope to have discovered them in such a situation lmfao (take a guess :_-) )
And that's it!!! I SPEND SO MUCH TIME THINKING ABOUT THOSE TWO WALKING IN THE DARK, ESCAPING unknown and abstract threats. This, too, is a love language
If I ever figure out an actually good world building I may ponder the idea of doing something with this AU.
Okay. Negl this is even worse than the AU up there 💀 I... Don't actually remember much about SU's Lore, i couldn't tell you what gems suit any Ososan character the best 😔 I was really mainly trying to figure out the typical stuff when it comes to fusions, aka: aesthetics, personality, stability.
If you're still into it, here's what I've got!
Aesthetics: Main inspiration is drawn from iridescent fishes. I think it's a good middle ground between Kara's glittery aesthetic and Nozomi's more pastel one (yes, this is a headcanon unfortunately 😔 I see her as very cottagecore princess, although hidden behind sweaters. Lots of pastels). I think they'd have a flowy cape, similarly flowy samurai-style wide legged pants (not showing leggy, although when seen with backlighting you can see their silhouette), and the upper part of their outfit looks something like this:
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In true Karamatsu fashion, there's cleavage lol, but since we have Nozomi too and I perceive her as more modest, they're using a sheer lacy turtleneck tank top underneath.
Personality: Very nice/kind, very well attuned to his loved ones emotions, but also VERY MUCH a space case. I think both of them have a tendency to get lost in whatever is nice, daydreams and the such, and being together isn't always grounding in that particular regard. Their strength is interpersonal intelligence, and they both get a boost on their intrapersonal skills from being together (emotion processing, not catastrophising, stuff like that)
Not as verbose as Karamatsu, but there's definitely still a tendency to use flowery language and poetic sounding words every now and then. I don't think Nozomi minds his way of speaking, after all. KaraNozo does have a tendency to notice stuff people often don't notice (because it's typically regarded as pointless or mundane), and to think appreciatively of it. This would be because Karamatsu is a very "loly at the bright side of life" person, while Nozomi strikes me as a bit unconventional in the things she finds nice and meaningful, as exemplified by the fact that she liked the sextuplets when no one else did dkdkfkk
Like sometimes they say things that make sense only to them lmfao
At their worst, their anxiety gets the better of them and they may be prone to decision paralysis. And again, they are really not the best at adhering to unspoken societal expectations as a first impulse. Like, they can get there eventually.... It's not like either is impolite, but sometimes they just don't catch on subtext.
The thing about KaraNozo is that rather than balancing each other out by having complementary strengths, I see them as having a lot of the same strengths and weaknesses. So that's interesting!
Stability: Maybe I'm biased but very, very stable, I think. Karamatsu brings some bravado, maybe even confidence to the fusion, and Nozomi brings honest grace. They can stay fused for very long because even when their opinions happen to be at odds with each other (rare), Karamatsu's tendency to avoid conflict and Nozomi's desire to solve things peacefully kind of smooths everything out. Again, at worst, they'd simply experience decision paralysis, but it wouldn't necessarily be enough to unfuse them.
Probably the easiest way to get them to separate is to really, REALLY get under Karamatsu's skin lmfao. If you make him wanna honest to god kick your ass, he'll separate from Nozomi on purpose just so he can go do exactly that.
Powers: HM. Here's where my SU knowledge gap holds me back. I guess... It'd be interesting if Nozomi had a crack. Some gems are cracked, aren't they?
I don't think they'd be very powerful if I'm honest. If I were to give them powers, they'd be more of the Special Effect type.
I've been playing with the idea of them being able to peak at the past, rather than the future, although with the caveat that they can only do it from a person's POV, which also means that it's not an objective appreciation of it.
Also, maybe something related to flying, since Nozomi seems to like birds?
Perhaps the ability to influence (but not manipulate) emotions through music?
I can't even think of a weapon for them kdkfkd. idk. A FAN 🪭.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this too, I'm sure they're way more logical and coherent within the SU canon 🥺
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stormra · 4 years
For Osomatsu-san: How would the brothers treat their S/O, who’s a popular musician but has to travel around all the time (tours, concerts, etc)? Would they come with their S/O? Or stay and support them from afar because they don’t want to get in their way?
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❝ 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐨 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐩𝐨𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐫 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐒/𝐎
— type : headcanons
— characters : the matsuno brothers
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❧     While he’d support you and love you unconditionally regardless of what you want from him, he’d definitely want to leech off of your successes. You can expect him to instantly say yes upon being asked to travel with you. Staying home wouldn’t even be a consideration for an array of arguably stupid reasons that read as follows:
❧     “It’s no big deal! What’s mine is yours and what’s yours is mine, baby~”
❧     However, if you’re into being a less-official version of a sugar Mommy/Daddy/Parent, you might not care about him tagging along and using you for your money/fame. At least he loves you? Just look at it that way! Osomatsu isn’t all that bad.
❧     Sure, he’s greedy, but he’s not extremely selfish. He’d recognize that you have feelings that deserve to be acknowledged. Besides, we all know he doesn’t think very highly of himself in the first place. 
❧     He’d love to listen to you play/sing for him and would often go out of his way to watch you perform. While he might not know much about music, he’d value your dedication, as he has exactly 0 ounces of that mystical concept. Knowing that the people he loves are successful is euphoric.
❧     If you show him off to the public or so much as walk around with him in public, expect him to die. He wouldn’t be focused on suddenly gaining fame and popularity like some others would. Instead, he’d be stuck on the fact that you, a popular musician, chose to show the world that you belong to him and that he belongs to you... just a lowly NEET dating someone exponentially more successful. Something about that would warm his heart and make him feel valued for once.
❧     Did someone say he’d finally accept his identity? He’s constantly having internal crises. Your presence would only solidify his existence.
❧     While he wouldn’t be much of a comforting boyfriend, he’d pose as a great distraction. The celebrity life can get rather tiresome; Osomatsu would recognize this without a problem. Instead of coddling or comforting you, he’d use his childish nature to distract you from the stresses of the music industry, influencing you to take breaks and lazy days with him.
❧     He’d constantly ask to be in any sort of photo shoots you may have. He just wants to pose in funny positions with you! 
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❧     While Karamatsu wouldn’t exactly want to stay home in order to keep himself from making things harder for you, he’d do so if you asked or made it clear that you’d prefer such an option. If you’d expect him to ask, no. He’s far too polite to do that. 
❧     It’s important to note that he considers himself to be a bit of a musician as well. Therefore, he’d be even more compelled to go with you, but, again, he’d never ask. You’d have to ask him and express a trillion times that you actually want him to tag along. 
❧     This might sound like a stretch, but that grandiose act he loves so much? It would disappear rapidly with the knowledge that so many people could learn of his existence just by dating you. Without even being the celebrity in the relationship, he’d crack under pressure, reverting back into the timid, people-pleasing man he truly is. Get ready to have some fun teasing him and/or helping him establish true confidence. 
❧     Expect a lot of praise to fall from his lips. He would admire your successes without being overbearing. In fact, you’d inspire him. A lot. You can also expect a lot of his own songs to center around your success and beauty.
❧     Honestly? Give him musical advice! He’d accept it wholeheartedly; especially if it comes from someone like you. Your career would influence him to grow and learn from his mistakes in the field. You might have a model singer as a boyfriend before the end of the tour! While giving him critique, be sure to praise him just as much. He loves you endlessly, but lots of critique with little praise will leave him feeling a bit insecure. However, I’m sure you know this, as this aspect of his character is far from unnoticeable. Be gentle with him. He deserves it!
❧     If you imagine playing/singing duets with him, you’re on the right track. He’d love to sing for you and hear you sing with him in return. The same can be said for any instrument you may happen to play. He’d eat it right up! You’re his everything, after all.
❧     Will wear your merch—especially merch with your face on it. Please wear his tank top with his face out of respect.
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❧      Although some would assume he’d want to stay home for your sake, as he calls himself the most “responsible” brother, I know it wouldn’t be anything like that. Have you seen the way he acts around Nyaa-chan? This guy would ask you daily, disguising his motives with innocent claims. He’s a tricky bastard who should never be underestimated.
❧     “I only want to make sure everything goes smoothly for you!”
❧     “Don’t you need an assistant? Emotional support?”
❧     “If you don’t want me to come, I understand, but I think this could be a learning experience for the both of us!”
❧     While he would be more than willing to be your crutch and sense of normalcy, for he isn’t heartless, we all know he has a weird thing for idols and that would primarily spawn his desire to travel on tour with you. It doesn’t matter if you’re nothing like the idol he praises. You’re close enough and that’s undeniably attractive to him. 
❧     The fact that he’s even dating a musician is enough to scare him. Can you imagine how he’d act traveling with one? Pushy and controlling, you’d hardly catch a break, as he’d be riding your ass to get things done and to take care of yourself. If you like that sort of thing, good for you. If you don’t, then you’d need to talk to him about it. Although executed with good intentions, his overbearingness can be... well, overbearing. 
❧     Please keep him humble. As we know his ego is the size of the sun, he’d willingly or unwillingly use your existence as his partner to set himself apart from his brothers. Again, we know he already thinks very highly of himself, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he started using your relationship as a boost to get ahead of his “worthless” siblings. 
❧     “I’m dating a musician and you five can’t even get jobs!” 
❧     However, he’d never you to show him off to the public.
❧     On a more wholesome note, as I feel bad for giving him mostly negative headcanons, his doting-ness would be welcomed as well as detested. On your bad days, he’d be there to comfort you and offer objective solutions. Albeit uncharismatic, he’s rather skilled at speaking and getting his words across when they need to be conveyed properly.
❧     He buys all of your merch and wears the shirts everywhere. Really. 
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❧     It would take a lot of convincing on your behalf if you desperately want this man to travel with you.
❧     The threat of exposing himself to the public is a deep-rooted fear that keeps him from doing simple things within his mundane life—so one can only imagine the stress that would sit on his shoulders in an environment such as the celebrity one. He’d constantly find himself within ruts and deep pits, trying to stay out of the spotlight. 
❧     In that case, he’d be staying home. Let him stay home. However, the problems wouldn’t end there, so you best be on your toes.
❧     Jealousy can overrun the best of us. Ichimatsu couldn’t stomach the idea of going with you in the first place, but that wouldn’t stop the intrusive thoughts telling him that you’d end up leaving him for another musician who is leagues more talented and better looking. This obviously wouldn’t be your fault; he’s always been disgustingly insecure. A lot of communication would need to be reached: such as phone calls and texts. Although he wouldn’t be clingy, he’d need some frequent reassurance that you, in fact, love him. Praise him for being so sweet for you. Call him handsome as you FaceTime. Hell, write a short song for him. 
❧     On another note, you as a musician would literally be his northern star. As a man so shrouded in negativity, seeing you, a person who can communicate feelings through fingers or a voice, shining like the sun whilst on a stage surrounded by thousands, would leave his soul feeling all light and fuzzy. The mere thought that his partner is someone so ethereal would bring him some form of internal peace.
❧     He’d listen to your music every night. It’s how he’d fall asleep. 
❧     Surprisingly, he’d be the best at comforting you and helping you stay grounded. He knows what it feels like to feel hopeless. 
❧     Sing him to sleep over the phone! If you play an instrument, play for him! Oddly enough, he’d have one of the most prominent adorations for your musical skill out of his brothers. Something about it just warms his heart. You’d impress him to no end and inspire him to try and do something with his life. 
❧     He’d name one of his cats after a song of yours! 
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❧     Undoubtedly, he’d be the most eager to travel out of his brothers. He’d ask you daily, jumping up and down like a hyper puppy. He’d hardly have a reason as to why he’d like to go, but something about it would forever and always appeal to him for some unspoken reason. He might just crave adventure and some excitement. 
❧     Are we really surprised?
❧     Identical to a dog, he’d beg. He’d ask with various bone-crushing hugs and weird stares that are hard to deny. He’s not exactly the brightest, but he’s cute and knows it. No, he’s not manipulative, but if he wants to go, he’ll sure try his best to convince you to take him with you. 
❧     He compares you to Karamatsu a lot. In good ways, of course. 
❧     Upon letting him travel with you, he’d be one of the best distractions on a bad day. Of course you can’t silence discomfort by just “being happy”, but Jyushimatsu sure likes to make you laugh even on your darkest days. He’d be a great listener that lets you spill all of your darkest worries as an artist. He wouldn’t give the best advice, but his presence would be an award in it of itself. Like Osomatsu, his childish nature is a breath of fresh air. He’d also be remarkably skilled at reading how you feel. 
❧     Undoubtedly the loudest supporter at your performances. Will go out of his way to make sure his voice is the one you hear screaming over a sea of thousands. Also, I can’t promise he won’t tackle-hug you after performances, let that be offstage or onstage. Be ready! 
❧     He’d love wearing your merch—specifically oversized t-shirts with your face on them! Much like Karamatsu, he thinks that’s all sorts of romantic and cute. He could care less about being viewed as weird. 
❧     There’s no way you can keep Jyushimatsu out of the public eye. He loves you and he loves having fun! The poor guy would probably have a hard time understanding why he shouldn’t tackle you in front of your fans. Your best bet is to establish some boundaries and come to a conclusion that works best. If I’m being honest, he’d be a harmless public partner. He’s just all smiles and laughter... mostly. (:
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❧     Ultimately, this little bastard is hard to read. He can either be the sweetest man to ever grace the Earth or the most devilish and selfish.
❧     He’d tell you he doesn’t need to go on tour with you, but the answer he’s looking for is a yes. He enjoys playing “hard to get” and wants to come off as responsible and kind. Much like Choromatsu, he knows how to play his social cards and will do what he can to seem like a perfectly indecisive partner who is “totally okay with whatever you want.” That’s a lie. If you wouldn’t allow him to travel with you, he’d try to give you reasons as to why you should let him go. He’s complicated and I won’t sugarcoat that. You’ll find that I try to be realistic with these heavily romanticized NEETs. 
❧     Regardless, if and when he goes on tour with you, except to have yet another mini assistant. He’d always try to offer fashion tips and elements of which you should include in your songs to appeal to the public. Although a NEET, he’d have a strong idea of what the fans are looking for and what you could do to be more appealing. However, he’d understand if you’d like to keep up with your own thing and stray from conforming. He’d be fine with whatever you want, but that wouldn’t stop his opinions and tips. Maybe he should become a musician. 
❧     He’d get fussy over not having enough of your attention. His degree of fussiness wouldn’t become overbearing, but it’s always important to acknowledge the feelings of your partners to reach a conclusion. Remind him that you love him and he’ll eventually come around. 
❧     Easily the best advice-giver. Can both solve your problems or be the shoulder you cry on. He’d be fantastic at helping you through the trials and tribulations that come from being a musician. While he might seem apathetic, he really isn’t and understands just how pressuring expectations can be. This star of hope has seen some things.
❧     Although it may seem easy to assume he’d only be there for the fame, that wouldn’t be his only motivator. He’d truly want to see his beloved grow beyond others. His confidence will skyrocket whilst on tour with you.
❧     He’d design most of your merch: very minimalist designs that fit in with almost all aesthetics. When all is said and done, he’d wear the clothes with pride. What a dork.
❧     Likes to post pictures of you with him on his social medias. 
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yandere-musings · 4 years
Not a request just an idea: with this whole self isolation thing, my usual weed guy isn't delivering anymore. So I started using this other stuff. And I don't know why, but anytime I smoke it, I get SUPER horny. Must be chemicals in the brain changing. Anyways, imagine a yandere who laces their darling's daily medication/recreational drugs with aphrodisiacs in hopes that one day, they would get so desperate, they cave in and turn to the yandere for help?
Oh god that sounds like a fun time anon, I'm jealous. (u gotta tell me what strain it is, if you know lol). I can see mostly delusional or obsessive yanderes doing this, ones who are willing to be manipulative to get more love from you, but don't want to scare you away. This method is a last ditch effort for softer yanderes who would normally never force themselves on their darling, but also want to be more intimate with you. Yanderes who adore you and want to elevate your relationship to the next level of intimacy. They are so eager to help and just know they could satisfy you if given the chance. They just wanted to give you a little push to get you there. They will be so helpful too, reminding you to take your medication so you don't forget.
They want you to make the first move, that way they can act surprised at your sudden forwardness. That way they can say they tried to resist you, they tried to to respect your boundries like you asked. But with you pressing against them, acting so needy and begging so sweetly, how could they not cave in and help their Darling in their moment of need? A couple yanderes who I can see resorting to this off the top of my head are Izuku Midoriya, Tamaki Amajiki, Hanzo Shimada, Angela Ziegler, Yoosung Kim, Jushiro Ukitake and Karamatsu Matsuo.
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