#Help do you have ice cubes in a float??
moment-live · 10 months
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Happy birthday Lunafreya!
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darkbluekies · 1 month
(Husband) Dr Kry & Hedwig drabbles: summer day activities
Yandere!doctor & yandere!richgirl
Warnings: none, this is probably as fluffy as you can come
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Dr Kry:
For once, you are allowed out of the white edwardian villa and allowed to take a walk among society. Dr Kry is wearing a white linen shirt and a pair of sand colored shorts. His blonde hair is brushed back and over his eyes are a pair of sunglasses. Summer brings out a more laid back version of him.
"Hey, hey, come here", he says as you start to walk away from the car. "You need sunscreen."
He helps cover your face with it. He's careful with his fingers, making sure not to poke you in the eye.
He holds your hand as you start to walk. You walk through greenery, past wooden houses in red and white, and by harbors with sailboats. It seems like all of Sweden population is out at the same time because you pass by more people than you have seen in years. Everyone else wants to enjoy the sunshine. Dr Kry doesn't greet anyone as they walk pass, and neither do them. He gives them a small, awkward smile and moves you closer in case you're about to walk into to someone.
"Karl, can we buy ice cream?" you ask as you walk by a kiosk.
"Sure, what flavor do you want?" he asks and takes out his wallet from his pocket.
"Mango", you say excitedly. "I haven't tried that before."
Dr Kry orders from the woman behind the counter.
"You should take some too", you say. "Don't pick the coffee one, you always take that one."
He sighs and looks at the different flavors.
"And a salted licorice for me, thank you", he says.
"Come on ...", you mutter.
"Don't knock it til you try it", Dr Kry smiles over his shoulder.
He pays and thanks the woman behind the counter. He gives you your paper cup and a small plastic spoon. The mango ice cream is refreshing, reminding you of sorbet. You get to try ice cream from Dr Kry’s spoon and you cough at the salty taste. Dr Kry chuckles and takes a bite.
You take lunch at an old café. Kry picks up his phone and snaps a picture of you that he immediately puts as his lockscreen.
"Can we please do this again?"
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Her pool is the perfect temperature. The two of you are planning to spend the entire day out by the pool. Hedwig have bought a new pink bikini that's she had forced you to help find. It took her three hours to decide on one.
"I'm thirsty", you say and sit up on your sun chair. "Would be nice to have something to drink."
"Trudy!" she shouts.
A small, older lady comes out through the doors.
"Yes, miss Hedwig?" she asks.
"Couls you please bring us something to drink?" Hedwig wonders. "And please make sure there are lots of ice!"
The woman nods and walks back inside. You sit down on Hedwig’s chair, eventually laying down. She guides your head to her bare stomach where you rest your cheek on her burning skin. She plays with your wet hair.
"We're going out with the sailboat in two weeks", she says. "We're going to sail around the Mediterranean. I want you to come. It won't be fun without you."
Her "sailboat" could very well be a small yacht.
"I don't know", you mumble.
Her father scares the living hell out of you.
"Oh, come on, you have to!" she whines. "I won't go without you. It'll be fun. We will visit all sorts if places. You have to come."
Trudy returns with two glasses of lemonade and ridiculously many ice cubes. The two of you thank her and start to gulp it down.
"Y/N get up, let's swim", Hedwig says and taps your shoulder.
She brings out a floating ring and tries to climb into it. You push her into the pool, hearing her scream cut off.
"Fuck you, Y/N!" she coughs and hurries to swim to the ladder. "You have to let me push you in now-"
"No, no-" you try, but she grabs your arms with an evil giggle.
"In you go!"
You're pushed into the water and hear her laugh. Hedwig jumps in afterwards and hugs you under water, smiling widely. She kisses you quickly before diving.
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tiredfox64 · 11 days
Hello! I know today is Father's Day and I don't see much father's day stuff so I was wondering if you could write different scenarios for each of the Lin Kuei trio that are surprised by the reader and their kids for father's day?
Happy Father’s Day
Yip notes: No fatherless behavior here
Pairings: Lin Kuei Bros x Afab reader
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Bi-Han was not big on Father’s Day. That day had been nonexistent for years and it truly ceased to exist once he let his father die. Even when he married you and you had his first child he could not care about Father’s Day. It’s just another day for him.
But he is a father now. You want to celebrate that because he was a good father to his son. He may be the grandmaster of the Lin Kuei but he still makes time to spend with him. He puts in a lot of effort to teach his son how to defend himself and encourages him to help you whenever you need it. Basically, he’s trying to teach him to be a man at five years old. It’s good to teach them responsibility early on.
There is one thing that Bi-Han wishes his son could be and that’s to be a cyromancer just like him. He hasn’t show any signs that he has this ability or any other powers. His son is an excellent fighter but he could do so much more if he had his father’s abilities. He can’t force the ability to perform cyromancy on his son, that’s obvious. He also won’t punish him for not having it.
But the universe is always surprising people. And there is a special surprise waiting for Bi-Han this Father’s Day that you have discovered.
While finishing up breakfast and giving your son his food you noticed him looking at his juice with a grumpy face. He looked at it like it insulted him. You checked to see if something was wrong with it but the only issue you could detect was that it was warm. No one likes warm grape juice. That’s when your son decided to place his hand over the top of the cup and you began to see cold mist emanating from his hands. Some of the juice began to freeze, even making a squeaking sound while forming. A couple of purple ice cubes floated to the top of the juice and your son continued eating breakfast like that was normal.
“Wha—When did you learn to do that?” You asked him. He shrugged like kids do when they can’t understand the impact that just had on a situation.
This was incredible. He’s a cyromancer just like his father! Oh you can’t wait to tell Bi-Han when he comes back. You gotta plan something to really surprise him.
By the end of the day all Bi-Han wanted to do was have a good meal and relax. There was something wrong with some of his clansmen, they were acting crazier than his son when he didn’t get fruit snacks. He’s happy to come back to a sane wife and a tranquil son. But that smile on your face does not yell sane. It yells ‘You have something planned and that could mean murder’. You ran up to him and hugged him so tightly that he wondered where you gained this strength. After placing a dozen kisses all over his face you ushered him to sit down and eat.
“What did you do? Have you murdered someone? Are you trying to murder me now?” He has always heard about wives killing their husbands in creative ways but never would he imagine he would be a victim.
“No! It’s just a special day.” You reassured him that you wouldn’t kill him.
Me personally-
Bi-Han still looked at you with the tiniest bit of concern, but he did notice that you made him his favorite dish. He was incredibly hungry after the day so he really wanted to eat. As he satisfied his hunger your son came in with the teacups so you could serve his father some tea. Tea that was hella hot. Like hell kind of hot. Woman! What are you doing?!
The amount of stream coming from the warm liquid as you poured it into the cup indicated how hot it was. Bi-Han stared at it wide-eyed before staring up at you. But you acted clueless and like it was a simple mistake.
“Oops, looks like it’s too hot,” You looked down at your son, “Sweetie, would you mind helping mama cool down daddy’s tea?”
Your son was shaking his head frantically with so much excitement in his eyes. You picked him up and brought him closer to the cup but not too close that he would actually touch it. He placed both of his hands out. Soon, Bi-Han started to hear the sound of ice cracking and forming in a matter of seconds. The steam from the hot tea began to dwindle until it was a faint vapor. When Bi-Han looked closer he found that there were a few pieces of ice that seemed to be made from the tea. His eyes were now wide with surprise.
A faint smile appeared on your husband’s lips as he looked at you and your son. He got up from his chair and began hugging you both. He congratulated his son for gaining his abilities and having some control over them. Better to find out this way than when he has a tantrum. Then Bi-Han looked at you. There was so much love and adoration in his dark eyes. You were the woman to give him a wonderful son who he feels pride in. A son who everyone will believe is his. He could not thank you enough for giving him such a wonderful gift that he will hold onto until his death. He will forever be grateful that you gave him the family he desired.
He could thank you on Mother’s Day though.
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Kuai Liang
You always informed your twins to respect their father. Kuai Liang was a hard-working man who built his clan from the ground up just so he could protect Earthrealm and more importantly his family. Even with all that responsibility weighing down on Kuai Liang he still made an effort to be with his children. He didn’t mind having his daughter and son by his side as he trained the initiates. They did help him calm himself down when the initiates were an absolute trainwreck. If his daughter wasn’t there patting his arm and telling him that he was doing his best he would have bursted out into flames a long time ago. She’s pretty smart for a five-year-old. And his son is pretty fiery. He’s yelling at those initiates like he was a drill sergeant.
Recently, the twins have been with you more often. That’s fine, he doesn’t think they are picking favorites, but he does miss their company. But they should get more time with mama. It’s important that you both get equal time with them.
Little does your husband know that you have been planning something for him. He didn’t even know Father’s Day was approaching. It will hit him in the morning.
The twins came sneaking into the bedroom in the early morning. They don’t understand time, they only understand that the sun is up so it’s go time. They got onto the bed and began lightly jumping as they told their dad to wake up. Kuai Liang groaned as he slowly began to wake up to the sound of his children giggling. They shook him away and finally, he sat up.
“What is the matter?” He asked in a sleepy voice.
“We have decided that we should begin training now.” Your son spoke for himself and his sister.
Kuai Liang fully woke up at that moment. He has been waiting for the chance to teach them how to control their fire abilities. They were early bloomers so he has been dying to do this for a long time. I was you who held back on allowing them to train even though they begged. You decided to allow it for his Father’s Day gift. You were still lying down when he turned to you for approval. That’s when you gave him a thumbs up and he was out of bed. You’ve never seen him tie his hair up into a bun so quickly.
Throughout the whole day, you saw your husband and children running around the place as he helped train them. They were focusing hard on getting their abilities to work just so they could impress their father. Your daughter was the first to get the fire started, literally. Her hand would produce this thick, black smoke before catching on fire. Her fire was like ethanol fire with the bottom having a hint of blue before transitioning into orange. It stayed steady and Kuai Liang was impressed by his daughter's commitment.
His son…well he is fiery. He so badly wanted to impress his dad that he put so much energy into it that both his hands ignited. He was so excited and he placed his hands together to see how large the fire could get. He didn’t expect to make a tiny fire whirl. The fire grew skinny but longer and burned brighter as it twirled in his hands. Kuai Liang was not ready for that at all and was worried for a second before his son closed his hands. The whirl disappeared and his son turned towards him with a large smile on his face.
“Daddy, did you see that?!” He yelled with enthusiasm.
“How could I miss it?” Kuai Liang responded.
After that fire hazard of a training session, they actually trained with the other initiates. They listened well to their father’s instructions, better than the other initiates even with some being adults. They weren’t perfect but Kuai Liang was still happy to see them making an effort especially when they helped each other out. Hopefully, that sibling love stays forever.
Half of the day was done and Kuai Liang was more than happy with the results of the day. Once he got back to you it only got better. You served him his favorite dish and you all sat down to eat dinner together. He told you all about the kids’ achievements. It warmed your heart to see his constant smile as he listened to his son or daughter explain how they felt at that moment. And then your son created another fire whirl to show you at the dinner table.
“Hey! No creating fire at the dinner table! You can only do that if we are under attack.” You scolded your son.
The end of the day came and you both put the twins to bed for the night. They were incredibly drained from the day. They have small bodies you can’t blame them. You and Kuai Liang made your way back to the bedroom and started preparing for bed. Throughout the whole time you were getting ready he would occasionally add in something else that happened in the day or something that was on his mind. It didn’t matter if it was minimal or something theoretical he wanted to talk more about the day. You started to wonder if you would get any sleep that night. But he eventually shut his mouth since he needed rest for the next day.
You both lay in bed, his forehead pressed up against yours and his arms wrapped around your waist. The only sound left was light breathing. Both your eyes were closed and you both slowly slipped into slumber. He heard you say one more thing to him.
“Happy Father’s Day.” You whispered.
“Thank you.”
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Father’s Day has been special to Tomas since you first told him you were pregnant on Father’s Day. Seeing that little onesie made his heart explode and filled his mind with the many possibilities that came with being a father. Even when your son was a baby you still made sure to make Father’s Day eventful to show how well he was doing as a father. He truly was wonderful both before and after your son was born.
Now your son is five and he understands the concept of holidays which makes it easier to plan something for Tomas. You and your son are a team with the goal of making Tomas happy for the whole day. Your son was actually the one to suggest getting his father a new karambit. It sounded like a great idea but you had to make sure to get the right one for him. Not one that was cheap or the incorrect style like a folding one. You know how much he loves his usual karambit so getting one that will make him put that one down even for a second would be a challenge. But there has been no challenge that you haven’t overcome yet. You will overcome this one as well.
You suggested to your son to ask his father to take him on a hunt. Tomas always mentioned how he wanted to teach his son to hunt both as a way to defend himself and give him a chance at survival. Your son was getting interested in finding a weapon that would fit him best. A bow and arrow was what caught his eye. So you can kill two birds with one stone by allowing Tomas to teach his son to hunt and allowing your son to figure out a bow and arrow.
A plan was made. Now to wait for Father’s Day to come.
The moment Tomas opened his eyes to the morning light his son was standing above him and asked him to take him hunting. It confused your husband because this was out of nowhere. But children decide things at random and go with it. So is it really all that strange?
Tomas debated for a bit, unsure if it was safe to do so. But he began hunting when he was six so what difference does it make? It’s one year early. If any danger were to occur, Tomas would defend his son to the very last breath. He looked towards you for approval and you said today would be a good day to do so. It was sunny and your son was clearly excited to go outside. Your husband smiled at you before giving you a kiss and getting ready for the day.
In less than an hour they were out of the house. Tomas had his karambit and a hunting knife while your son had a bow and arrow. That gave you time to prepare everything and hopefully that karambit you told Johnny to order for you will arrive in time.
Tomas was loving the conversations he was having with his son. He would randomly tell him facts about things in the woods that he learned from books you had around. He never knew there was a difference between an oyster mushroom and a maitake mushroom until it was pointed out to him. He decided to collect some for you to use later.
A few miles in, that’s when they spotted a pheasant in the distance. It was clearly a male since it was larger and more colorful. Tomas instructed his son to duck down behind a bush and keep an eye on the bird. They couldn’t miss it since its blue head popped out amongst the green foliage. Tomas helped his son to place the arrow correctly and told him to be very careful when pulling it back. Your son was very focused and his breathing was intense as he stared down the bird. Seconds passed, possibly minutes. The only sound that was heard other than the breathing was the wind. Finally, he let the arrow go and it flew in the air. It struck the pheasant and it fell limp on the ground. At that moment Tomas could not be any prouder.
He congratulated his son on his first hunt. Not only was it his first but it was a success. They were able to gather vegetables and meat to take home. When he looked down at his son from time to time he saw his younger self in him. A strong boy who was on his way to becoming a great hunter. He’ll be able to protect himself and hopefully protect you from any harm.
Once the sun began to set that’s when they made their way back home. Your son held onto his father’s hand the whole way even when they walked into the house. The pleasant smell of food hit Tomas’ nose and he recognized that you made his favorite dish for him. You absolute sweetheart, he’s so happy he married you.
He was ready to tell you all about the successful day they had once he sat down but when he did that’s when you placed a gift box in front of him. It didn’t look like anything extravagant but there was a soft smile on your face and an excited one on your son’s.
“Open it.” You gestured for him to do so.
Tomas was careful with taking the top off the box. The light reflected off the item and soon he realized what it was. A new karambit. It wasn’t just any ordinary karambit though. He took it and the handle felt perfect in his hands, like it was shaped for him. The blade was a nice, shiny black color with the sharp part of it being silver. Then something caught his eye. There was something carved in the blade. They were initials. They were his, yours, and your son’s initials.
Tears began to prick his eyes without him realizing it. The karambit just looked so beautiful and the day he had was so wonderful. He felt you and your son’s arms wrap around him before you gave him a kiss.
“Happy Father’s Day.” You said with love.
“Thank you…thank you both.” His voice quivered a little as he hugged you both back.
Yap notes: I would love to go to another baseball game with my dad. Or bet on horses. I love going to the racing tracks with him. Adiós!
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milkloafy · 12 hours
⋆。˚ ❀ summary: in which you get sick and blade is wondering how the hell he got stuck having to take care of you. ⋆。˚ ❀ contents: sickfic, fluff, swearing, gn!reader, stellaron hunter!reader, reader doesn’t like room temp water LMAO only ice cold, blade’s kinda mean but a softie trust me u.u ⋆。˚ ❀ wc: 1.8k+ ⋆。˚ ❀ a/n: i haven’t written for blade in ages so i am very rusty but i hope u enjoy <3 this is a self-indulgent fic i wrote while sick and bed-ridden yesterday :c if any of y’all got the summer cold/flu too i hope u feel better !! :> 
You felt like shit and the last thing you needed was someone threatening you to get better. 
It would have been one thing if those threats worked in scaring your illness away. But you were certain that it did the opposite of help— It simply gave you an unwanted headache instead. 
“Can you stop glaring at me whenever I blow my nose?” you demanded with a sniffle, tossing your tissue into the trashcan Blade so graciously placed next to your head.
“Can you stop blowing your nose so loudly?”
You glared at him, responding by grabbing another tissue and blowing your nose even louder. You winced at the force, feeling a slight throb in your head from the overexertion.
With an ever-present scowl on his annoyingly handsome face, Blade shook his head at you. You could practically sense the disappointment and annoyance radiating from him. “Don’t make yourself feel worse.” 
“I’m not trying to,” you said, choosing to lay back down on your bed rather than arguing with him.
Your throat was sore, your nose was both runny and stuffy with no in-between, your muscles were achy, and your body was tired. There wasn’t much fighting spirit left for you to spare in your current state. Hence, the reason the Stellaron Hunters had Blade stay behind on the mission until you recovered enough to join everyone. Why they didn’t leave someone more personable and caring like Sam behind was beyond you. But you supposed you should be grateful Elio let anyone stay behind instead of having you recover alone. 
Coughing, you reached for a glass of water to moisten your throat only to find it already empty. You groaned to yourself, the thought of having to get up from your warm and cozy bed to fill up your water in the cold, cold kitchen made you shiver. 
With a sigh, Blade exited your room while muttering a quick, “Stay put.” 
You blinked blearily, eyes barely able to follow his quick-moving figure out the door. 
In a flash, Blade returned with two separate cups—one filled with clear water, and the other with warm tea. He set them both down on your nightshade, collecting your empty glass to clean in the sink. 
“Thank you,” you murmured, touched that he brought you drinks without you having to ask. You grabbed the glass of water first, letting out a giggle when you saw the single ice cube floating on the top. With a smile, you questioned, “One ice cube?”
Blade shrugged, a nonchalant look on his face that one could easily mistake as uncaring. “You don’t like room temperature water. If I brought warm water to you, you would rather die of dehydration than drink it.” 
A nodded sheepishly, unable to deny what came out of his mouth.
“Still, you need fluids to feel better. I figured one ice cube might be enough to satiate you.” 
Staring at the melting ice cube, you assumed it didn’t do much to help the temperature of the drink, but the thoughtfulness of your fellow Stellaron Hunter was enough to coax you into drinking it regardless. 
“That’s…surprisingly sweet of you,” you said, taking a sip of water. It was, in fact, not cold enough for you, but you still pushed onwards. “Thanks, Bladie.” 
The scowl on his face deepended. “Don’t call me that. And drink the tea. I put honey in it since its anti-inflammatory.” 
“Your frown lines are forming prematurely,” you jested, setting the glass of water aside to pick up the steaming cup of tea. The warm mug felt hot against your skin and you felt a droplet of sweat forming on the side of your head. In the blink of an eye, you threw the blankets off your body and fanned yourself dramatically with one hand. You shared a look with Blade. “It’s too hot for tea.” 
“It’s not too hot, you just have a fever,” he said with annoyance, walking over to the thermostat and turning down the temperature regardless of his words. “But you can wait for it to cool down then—” 
Before he finished his sentence, you had already taken a sip of the drink. Immediately, you felt a burning sensation on the tip of your tongue and jumped. “Ow!” you yelped, placing the mug down and glaring at it. “That’s hot!” 
Blade glared at you. “Tea is typically made from hot water. I just told you to wait for it to cool down.”
“But you said that after you told me to drink it!” you sniffed, nursing your tongue by dipping it into the lukewarm glass of water. “You can’t give a sick person mixed signals like that.”
“You’re sick, not incompetent.” He paused. “Not more than normal, at least.” 
“Hey!” you protested. At the sudden overuse of your voice, you felt your throat growing more irritated. You coughed and coughed, taking in deep breaths of air to stop yourself. 
He folded his arms as he scolded you, “Don’t overexert yourself. Get some rest.” 
With tears forming around your eyes from coughing, you matched his haughty expression. You croaked out, “You’re naggy. Did you know that?”
“Only to those who don’t listen.” 
“You tell me like a million different instructions! How can I listen?” you retorted, your headache coming back as your shoulders tensed in irritation. 
When he noticed your slight wince of pain, Blade sighed and relented. He walked over to the side of your bed and picked up the cup of hot tea. With a blank expression, he blew the surface of the drink, cooling it down until the steam went away. 
“Here,” he said as he held out the cup to you. “Now drink.” 
Your stared open-mouthed at the drink. You felt as if he was giving you whiplash with his crass words and caring actions. You didn’t quite know how to feel, but you knew you were at least a bit grateful. 
Carefully, you sipped the cup of tea Blade gently (and begrudgingly) placed in your hands. This time, you did not feel the scalding heat burn your tongue. 
“Thank you,” you said, chugging as much of the tea as you could. “It wasn’t hot that time.” 
He nodded in response, stepping away from the side of your bed once he confirmed you finished your drink. Blade studied you as you laid back in bed, closing your eyes to try to soothe all your ailments. It didn’t work, but you would certainly keep trying. 
Without the blankets covering you, you felt cold again despite the sweat you felt gathering on your forehead. You heard rustling and the clanging of glasses next to you.
When you opened your eyes, you saw Blade walking away with the dirty cups in hand, muttering something about how he wasn’t your maid. You smiled weakly, knowing he was doing his best to take care of you regardless of his bitching and moaning. 
Blade returned with a slightly damp washcloth in hand, folded perfectly into a compact rectangle. You sniffled through your stuffy nose, watching as he held out the washcloth to you, before taking it back last minute. Confused, you pulled your hand back as well. 
“I’ll just do it. Before you mess up somehow,” he said, leaning down by your side and placing the damp washcloth on your forehead. 
The instant he placed the towel on you, cool relief coursed through your body. You shivered at the sensation, letting out a noise of satisfaction. 
You peeked one eye open, looking at Blade with another sheepish expression. “Thank you. Again…” 
“You don’t need to keep thanking me.”
“I do!” you insisted, staying as still as a board despite the passion in your voice. “I know you would rather be out on a mission right now, following Elio’s script with the others. But instead you got stuck here taking care of me.” 
He folded his arms as he leaned against the doorframe. “It’s not your fault. Kafka forcibly volunteered me.” 
You chuckled lightly at that. It certainly seemed like something Kafka would do. Either to annoy Blade, tease you, or irritate the both of you just for fun. 
“You just need to get better soon,” he said as if it were that simple. “Then we can both get back on the field.”
“Is that why you’ve been such a good little nurse, Bladie?” you teased, touching your fingertips to the cool washcloth on your forehead. 
He glared at you, but there was no anger behind the expression. “Call me that one more time and you will see what happens.” 
“Will you bring me more hot tea to burn my tongue on?” you asked in mock horror. Despite his menacing-sounding threats, you knew Blade would never hurt you. 
“I’ll bring you room temperature water with no ice,” he promised blankly. 
Your mouth dropped in surprise and you shook your head fervently, the small towel falling off your face. “No, please! I won’t call you Bladie again.”
Blade rolled his eyes at your dramatics but immediately went to pick up the fallen washcloth. “Stop moving around like that. You’re going to make your headache worse.”
“Sorry, mother.” 
He scowled and plopped the washcloth back on your forehead, less gently this time than the first. You stuck your tongue out at him in response before feeling another fit of coughs come your way. 
Once you managed to soothe your throat and gather your breath, you sighed. “I hate being sick.” 
“Then drink more fluids and go to sleep.” Blade grabbed the glass of water from your nightstand and began to walk out with it. “I’ll get you some more before you try to rest.”
Closing your eyes shut, you couldn’t help but smile to yourself despite your discomfort. He had a rough exterior, but he surprised you with how much effort he put into helping your sick self out. 
His hidden thoughtfulness was enough to stir something in your stomach—butterflies, you hoped, and not an unwanted stomach bug to add to your list of ailments. It was unfamiliar to you, but certainly not unwelcome. 
Blade entered your room one last time for the night, bringing you a new glass of water with a single ice cube, and a fresh new washcloth folded to perfection. 
You giggled, noticing his attentiveness to detail. “Thank you, Bladie. I really appreciate all of this.” 
He sighed but didn’t argue when he heard that nickname. Thankfully, he did not take the ice cube out of your water and hand the glass to you lukewarm.
“You are so… You’re welcome,” he relented, replacing the damp towel on your forehead with a fresh and cold one. “Now, hurry up and recover.” 
“I’m trying,” you laughed, no longer annoyed by his impatience. “I’m sure I will, with you doting on me like this.”
“I don’t dote.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night, Bladie,” you sang softly, your eyes finally feeling heavy after drinking more water and relaxing your muscles with the help of the cool washcloth. “I’m finally getting sleepy…”
He nodded. “That’s good.” 
“Mhm,” you murmured, your voice drifting into a sleepy mumble. “‘M tired. Goodnight… Blade.” 
There was a long pause before you heard Blade’s response while you drifted off into a deep slumber. “Get well soon, Y/N.”
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ghostchems · 3 months
infernal - terzo x f!reader - part four
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art by the amazing @piaart!!
author’s note: HAPPY FUCKING BIRTHDAY @angellayercake!! GO TELL HER HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
so sorry for the delay on this haha. i've been wrestling with this for a while but i'm pretty happy with it now! it is about 4.4k words. part one/two/three. ao3 linky.
Terzo’s house is different at night. The lights are dim and the shadows are long, every long, creaking corridor seemingly ending in a black void. You’ve never been here this late. In fact, you can’t remember what you were just doing… why are you working late? The hardwood floor rasps beneath your shoes as you turn a corner and see him inside the room at the end of the hallway, sprawled out across a plush purple couch. Terzo immediately perks up at the sight of you, propping himself on his elbows, the usual lop-sided grin sitting handsomely on his face. You feel like you float to him and you’re suddenly standing next to the couch, hovering over him. One of his hands crawls up your waist and then loops his arm around you to pull you down on top of him. It’s much more forward than the careful dance the two of you have been doing since the couch incident. You struggle to breathe in his lap, his hands firmly planted on your waist as he leans up to level his eyes with yours.
“This is what you want, si?” He purrs, his hands snaking up your back to hold you close to him, his face an inch away from you. His paint is sharp, more sharp than usual, and he feels hot to the touch, his fingers nearly burning through your shirt. Your heart flutters and you gasp, your mouth dropping open as his stuttered breath hits your lips. “You like me. You want me. You’ve wanted me from the start, haven’t you, puffetta?” You’ve heard him growl before but not like this, not in a low hum that sends a shiver down your spine. Words fail you but you manage to nod. And nod. And nod again before his large hand grabs the back of your head, his fingers knotting in your hair. You nearly moan in anticipation, wanting and needing this so badly, his lips just about to touch yours — so close to finally tasting him.
Instead, you wake up in a cold sweat, your fingers dug into the sheets and drool on your pillow. Your panting and your cheeks are flushed but you slowly start to cool off once you rip the comforter off of you, throwing it to the ground in frustration. Mostly frustration at yourself for continuing to watch videos of your boss performing. You can’t help it. Terzo let you in. He invited you to sit beside him and take a peak into his world. The memorabilia makes sense now, the posters, the photographs, the everything.
And you want to know more.
“Ah, it is really… coming along, eh?” Terzo sounds so sleepy, brushing the hair out of his eyes and gazing out of the kitchen window while his hip rests against the counter. You take a moment to look up from your laptop and out the window as well, silently taking in the improvements that have been made under your care. The grass is a lush green, a hammock underneath the only tree in the yard, now trimmed and shaped to actually resemble one. A patio with a stylish dark grey conversation set beneath a hardtop gazebo is just to the left of the window, nestled in a corner of the yard. The garden still needs some work but there are two small raised beds in the back corner, where the sun shines the most, and a few spots already reserved for jalapeno peppers at Terzo’s insistence. You turn back to look at him, unable to fight off the blush that rises to your cheeks.
“Do you like it?” There’s a lilt in your voice, lips pulling into a small smile. It makes him melt a little bit.
“Si, yes. It is much nicer than it was before…” He trails off as he slinks closer to you only to keep his gaze settled on the yard. “We must have spritz’s outside one of these nights.”
“Ehhh, it’s like rosso arancio — orangey **drink with ice cubes and, uhhhh, ah! Served in a wine glass.” His mannerisms make you smile even more. You feel like a fool and you’re sure you look like one but you can’t help it. Your dream intensified your feelings, making it nearly impossible to hide them at this point. Is it so bad? To have a crush on your weird, retired-rockstar boss?
“Oh, like in White Lotus?” You rest your chin on your hands and flutter your eyes at him. Terzo flashes a bright smile but you can see in his eyes that he has no idea what you’re talking about. Silence lingers with him hovering just above you, your eyes locked. The moment is interrupted by the buzzing of your phone. “Oh shit, the landscaper!” You grab your phone and hurry out of the kitchen and toward the backyard.
Terzo keeps his eyes on the yard, slipping his hands in his robe pockets as he waits for you to appear. You caught him off guard this morning, your dreamlike gaze and easy smile making it impossible for him to be anything other than endeared to you. He’s almost relieved for the interruption because of how close he was to breaking the tension, wanting nothing more than to shove his fingers down your throat and watch those bright eyes widen with shock. You come into view with the landscaper trailing behind you, looking over your shoulder with a smile as you use your hand to sweep across the landscape with your finger ending up pointing to some brush that needs to be cleared. Terzo has spent so much time just watching you operate and he hasn’t tired of it, which is a feat due to his relatively short attention span. In fact, he doesn’t think he’ll ever tire of it.
You’re a natural with people. You always have a cheery smile, a nice greeting and some banter to lighten things up. He’s been so shut-in, his only company either you or his own voice, that watching genuine human interaction makes him swoon hard for you. His mind drifts to the times when he used to be social and how it used to fuel him, how it used to keep him going even after his Papacy fell apart.
What fuels him now? His gaze falls to where you had been sitting and his attention is immediately captured. You left you laptop open.
Terzo has always been nosy, even during his days at the Abbey. He can’t help but allow his eyes to focus on your email inbox that you foolishly left open. How many secrets could be in your inbox? What could he find out about you through what’s there? Terzo resists. He truly does for a split second. But he just cannot help himself. He slinks into the wooden kitchen chair you are set up at and pulls his glasses out from his robe pocket. He clicks on the first thing he sees: Banana Republic and is disappointed that it is only clothes. One of the male models catches his attention, though.
His outfit, specifically. A henley and a cardigan, matched tastefully with a pair of sweatpants. Terzo wonders if this is the kind of style you like. He pulls out his phone and opens the Banana Republic website but freezes when he hears faint footsteps. Terzo scrambles out of your chair, only to settle close by, leaning against a nearby wall and pretending to be hopelessly distracted by his phone (aka, staring at cardigans).
You enter the kitchen and can’t help by eye him suspiciously, the look on his face perhaps just a bit too aloof. He keeps scrolling lazily and starts to lean backward, all too aware of your gaze. It lingers for a moment before you sit back down, knitting your brows together at the email open on your screen. Then, you see that it’s up to 50% off all items which could be combined with clearance items and you’re clicking the link, getting lost in the undeniable pull of online shopping. Terzo gives a dramatic huff and leaves the room, desperately trying to hide how tickled he is.
You stare at yourself in the mirror, unable to hide a grimace. This is silly. Today is date day. You ended up texting Dylan. How could you not? Something you’ve longed for since you were a girl was offered up to you on a silver platter. So — why aren’t you more excited? Instead, Terzo is on the mind. It feels like he’s consumed your whole life as of late, spending your days in his home working for him and now he’s seeped into your home time. You haven’t allowed yourself to fully go down the rabbit hole, sticking only with the videos he had shown you in his home despite your YouTube recommendations now being full of him but also… other videos of different singers and musicians under the same band name. Of course, you couldn’t ask despite your curiosity — it’s obviously something of a sore subject and he’s only just started opening up to you more about that time of his life. The last thing you want to do is press him on something so personal and painful to him.
But now you have to live with this knowledge.
You try to push the thought from the forefront of you mind, instead focusing on yourself in the mirror again. A black shift dress hugs your figure and you have your red scarf, your favorite scarf, loose around your neck. How are you supposed to dress for this occasion? A date after work? It’s impossible to put together an appropriate outfit for both. But also — who are you kidding? The idea of Terzo seeing you in a dress has you anxious in more ways than one. No one needs an excuse to wear a dress but for some reason you feel guilty. Guilty that this dress isn’t for him. Maybe… a little bit disappointed, too. But you should give Dylan a shot, right?
“Right?” Oh, you are anxious.
Something catches your eye in your mirror, your gaze slowly trailing toward it. Your red scarf. You hum in thought for a moment and then turn to snatch it off your dresser, quickly looping it around your neck. Immediate relief washes over you, something about the scarf soothing your nerves. Could be because it makes you think of the way warm knuckles brushed along your cool neck. A shiver runs down your spine and your cheeks flush from the thought. Fuck. You have to pull yourself together. Time to focus on work, on getting shit done to distract yourself from… well everything.
Meanwhile, Terzo is having a similar time looking at himself in disbelief. It’s the most put together he’s tried to be since his days as Papa. He sits on the edge of his bed, one hand on each knee, his toes tapping on the ground in front of him. The amount of thought that has gone into this outfit is silly, even though he basically bought exactly what the model was wearing. Now his thoughts have turned to how should he be sitting when you arrive? See? It’s silly*.* He almost ashamed of how **you’ve wormed your way into his cold, broken heart **when **that was not his plan. You’re supposed to be obsessed with him, waiting on him hand and foot while kissing the ground he walks on. Instead he’s fallen for you. How embarrassing. But how could it have been avoided?
Terzo rests his palms on either side of his bed as he leans back and spreads his legs, sharp eyes examining his position for a beat. Too forward? An amused grin flickers across his face at the thought of you reacting to him like this. Definitely too forward. He tilts his head and adjusts himself with care, back straightening out and he crosses his legs. Closer but not quite. Terzo stares at his own reflection, admiring his paint for the day. Every time he sees himself he wonders why he still applies it everyday. Perhaps it’s a comfort thing, makes him feel like he’s important again. Like he’s Papa.
He wonders if he’ll ever hear you call him that.
Terzo takes a deep breath and exhales with a rumble, his eyes falling shut. You would do anything he asked, wouldn’t you? His mouth splits into a grin as he runs his slender fingers through his hair. Eyes open slowly, gaze focusing on his reflection. Strands of hair had fallen into his face and his head overall looking stylishly unkempt. More giggles.
Some mornings it’s like you blink and you’re at Terzo’s home. Not this morning. You are hyper aware of every stoplight, every Dunkin Donuts as your commute drags out to the second. Too much alone time with your overactive brain plotting out kind of every situation where something could go wrong with the date or work today and coming up with attack plan after attack plan to fix the issue. Not fun. After what feels like an eternity, you pull through the eerie wrought iron gate and travel down the long, tree lined driveway. Tension fills your chest as you come to a slow stop. It’s just one weird day that you have to get through.
You got this.
Terzo is already in the foyer by the time you walk through the door which is unlike him, usually spending most mornings in bed or somewhere else dark and comfy until he can no longer tolerate his caffeine withdrawal headache. He’s balancing his coffee cup on his thigh, one hand resting behind his head while the other scrolls through his phone. Your feet come to a stop, blinking a few times to ensure what you’re seeing is real, having never seen him this clothed before*.* He’s still in sweatpants but they taper down to his ankles and he’s wearing a pair of moccasins, his hair expertly tousled and reading glasses perched on the bridge of his nose. He’s wearing a white henley that is artfully unbuttoned to expose his thick chest hair and a cozy navy blue cardigan draped over his slinky shoulders. Only his eyes are painted — giving you the chance to finally see his bare face, smooth olive skin wrinkled with age. You stare at him silently. He looks like he’s come directly out of a magazine. Terzo head tilts to face you, his eyes still focused on his phone until they unhurriedly drag away from the screen to settle on you.
“Ammazza…” The word is an impassioned whisper. He’s stunned, eyes wide as he looks over your figure with such a deliberate slowness it makes your cheeks burn. Dark eyes settle on your scarf, a smirk tugging on his lips, then his gaze flickers to meet yours. He rises from his seat, one hand clumsily snatching his coffee from his lap to stop himself from spilling, trying to hide his clumsiness with a cough. “Buongiorno mio toppolino… eh, you are wearing a dress?”
“I am. You’re wearing a cardigan.”
“I am.” Terzo purrs and slinks closer to you as he slips his phone into his cardigan pocket. His clumsiness is now replaced by that irresistible lazy swagger you are so familiar with. He lets his eyes wander again, tilting his head while regarding you. You roll your eyes and cross your arms over your chest but it’s impossible to hide the blush that creeps up your cheeks. “I do not think I can let you start work without a dance, not when you are wearing such a beautiful dress, puffetta.” There’s an undeniable heat in his words. It’s too early for this.
“It’s too early for this, Terzo.” You huff as you avert his eyes, a desperate attempt to not fall under his spell.
“Come now… I don’t want to pull the “boss” card but, eh…?” He sets his coffee down on the table as his other arm brazenly snakes around your waist. Your face is fully red now and your brain is in a deep state of fart but you manage to move with him. This is the exact opposite of what you wanted for today but you find your stress slipping away to focus on the warmth of his fingers from having held his mug of coffee. He guides your hand to his chest then slips his bare hand along your other arm until he laces his fingers in yours and raises them to lead the way. Terzo is taller than you, not by much but he still looms over you, those piercing eyes never leaving yours. He starts to slowly sway to imaginary music as your cheeks burn, your chest impossibly warm but you start to loosen up, especially as his movements grow more fluid. “There is always time for a little dance, eh?” Terzo leans in close enough that you can feel his warm breath on your lips then rests his cheek against your temple with a hum.
And you thought cuddling on the couch was intimate. You feel every inhale and exhale, his humming gradually growing stronger in your ear. His cool lips and warm breath giving you goosebumps. Cirice. You recognize it from your be various videos you’ve watched but bite your tongue and enjoy him. This may not be a stage in front of thousands of people but it definitely feels like a demonstration of some kind. Or he could just be pushing the boundary like the creeper he is and you’re eating. it. up. The last time you slow danced was at your senior prom with your date who was on probation — unbeknownst to you at the time he asked you. Somehow this is far less awkward than that. His arm around your waist starts to shift upward, his large hand pressing up your back. He lifts his head but is still only a breath away, his smile lines deep as his gaze meets yours. Your heart stirs in your chest, air caught in your lungs but before you get swept up in the moment he changes the tone.
Terzo starts singing, more energetic and loud as he leads you from the foyer into the den. You nearly trip over yourself when he twirls you, picking up the pace to be more jaunty, more goofy. But even with the fun movements you are extremely aware of his hand on the small of your back, fingertips pressing against you every so often. He’s smiling so wide that it makes it hard for you to hold it together. All of your worries about the day are gone, though — replaced by being completely entranced by him. You know just how special this song is to him, the moments he had on stage with fans, holding their hands and kissing their knuckles. And now he has you in his arms.
“I am going to dip you now.”
“You’re going to wha--?!” You squeal as he dips you, your hand frantically gripping onto his shoulder. He doesn’t drop you though, instead pulling you back to your feet with his toned arms curling around your back. You stop breathing, your chests touching and a strand of his hair brushing against your forehead from how close the two of you are.
“Mm… you are a good dance partner, you know? Easy to lead.” Is he trying to kill you today? Terzo gives you some space but still sways with you, the dance feeling more like… more like standing very close to one another waiting for something to happen. “You spoiled me today with wearing this dress.”
And a punch to your gut. Extreme guilt builds inside you and you can’t stop the distress from being all over your face.
“Oh…oh, puffetta, I am sorry, am I making you uncomfortable or—?” You cut him off with a sigh and take a step away from him, your eyes closing to give yourself time to collect your feelings while his arms fall from around you.
“No, I’m sorry. Ugh, this is so weird. I’m… I have a date after work today. So that’s what the dress is for.” There is no air in your lungs. Everything is so strained. “But you… this…” A flutter in your chest. “I like it. I’m… sorry this dress isn’t for you.” Do you even need to be apologizing? The answer would be no if it was anyone else other than him.
His face is stone cold, so different than the joy that had radiated from him just moments ago. The smile is gone and his brows are furrowed, lips pressed into a thin line. You think you’re going to, ummm, die? All you can do is stare back at him, eyes incredibly wide and worry etched across your face. What is he thinking? Why is he taking so long?
One of Terzo’s hands lunges forward and grabs you by the back of your neck, his thumb pressed hard right below your ear. A surprised yelp, grasping for his sleeve and his shirt as his grip on you only tightens. His lips crush against your mouth, tongue forcing it’s way inside. He tastes like spiced coffee. The kiss is ferocious, you feel like you’re disappearing into it, mind blank but fingers digging into the fabric of his cardigan. Terzo’s teeth graze your bottom lip as he pulls away, a fiery look in his eyes.
“Do not forget who you belong too.” A low, vicious growl with bared teeth, pointed fangs glistening in the morning light. He uses his strength to push you down to your knees by your neck, your legs now trembling beneath. Speechless, you can’t look away from him now. Silence stretches between you. And then… he leaves and doesn’t spare you another glance.
You think you are broken. There’s an ache, a primal ache between your legs that burns hotter than you’ve ever felt before. Your skin is on fire, your cheeks burning and numb. What the fuck? He kissed you. Your boss kissed you and then spoke to you as if you are his possession. And it makes you want him more than ever before.
How are you going to be able to think about anything else?
Lucky for you, Terzo is MIA for the rest of the day.
You work as if he is standing over you, watching your every move. You don’t want to disappoint him, not now. Not after he kissed you. But the date. Dylan. Oh, Dylan. Caught in the middle of something there is no way he will ever understand. You hover in your text chat with him a few times with intent to cancel on him… but you can’t. He’s the one who got away, the one who you pined for like an idiot throughout half your life. This date could close that book. Or it could be the prologue. You won’t know unless you follow through.
The end of the day rolls around and you can’t help but pause in the foyer on your way out. Your chest tightens. Such a pleasant start to the day only to spiral out of control. You’re almost happy he kissed you before you were able to tell him that your date was picking you up from his house. The front porch creaks beneath your feet, the rotting wood the focus of your work today. Dylan is already there, leaning against his car and he gives you a big wave. You smile and wave back, light on your feet as you head toward him.
“Ma che cazzo…?” Terzo stares in disbelief, watching from his bedroom window as your date opens the passenger side door for you. Rage boils up within him, his hands clutching at the hem of his cardigan. A ceiling light POPS! behind him, green electricity illuminates the room but only for a second. Flames light up the bottom of the curtains, slowly eating away at them until they are completely engulfed. He’s too angry to care. The shy smile you gave your date eats him up inside, churning his stomach and making his nerves spark. The car fades from view and he unleashes an anguished scream as his hands seemingly grow claws, tearing and ripping the cardigan he had so carefully styled that morning. He doesn’t stop until he’s shirtless and surrounded by shreds of fabric. A sloppy wave of his hand somehow extinguishes the flames, leaving him in his room in the dark.
The nerve of you. To flirt, to giggle, to flutter your beautiful, delicate eyelashes at him while entertaining the idea of another man in your mind. A whore for attention, aren’t you? Pain in his chest. He shouldn’t call you a whore. You don’t deserve that. But it hurts, puffetta. Is it because he slacked off? Or that he had gone soft on you? Terzo groans as he sits on his bed, lasting less than a second before he flops onto the mattress and sinks into the mess of covers. He has been too soft, fucking twirling you around the foyer like a lovesick puppy. A romantic at heart always, eh? It was worth it — seeing you smile and blush gives him life, a reason to wake up the next morning because he has nothing else to do. You’ve made this shithole the Ministry saddled him with into a place that actually makes him feel at home. So… maybe he could be somewhat lenient with your punishment.
Electricity crackles in his bones. He is going to spend the rest of the night here, he thinks, casting a glance at his ancient alarm clock. 5:30pm. What else could possibly get him out of bed at this point? Terzo huffs and swings one of his legs over his body to lazily roll over, dragging the covers along with him to successfully burrito himself with a scoff. Another instance in which someone stole the spotlight from him. At least this time it isn’t his decrepit father. He breaks into a wild chuckle.
That would be fucked.
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lumiconic · 10 months
" even the sun is soft on the eyes "
✧ swimming with them at different times of day
✧ lyney, lynette, arlecchino ; fluff; it was supposed to have childe and freminent but i ran out of steam T.T
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  lyney has a pyro vision, you know that; so his affinity for water must be nothing more than yet another magic trick. it doesn’t help that the golden sun, hanging high in the sky, practically blinds you with its light. when he flicks his hand and a spray from the river goes flying into your eyes, you consider dunking him if he likes it so much.
  “stop splashing me,” you protest, swatting him on the arm. “aren’t you supposed to be looking for rainbow lilies, or whatever?”
  “rainbow roses,” he corrects, wading through the river. his boots are on the bank and his pants are rolled up to his knees, but the vaguely expensive-looking fabric is already drenched, the stain spreading. he barely seems to notice, turning to you as he steps backward. “and if you aren’t gonna get in the water, then i’ll bring the water to – ”
  and then he’s gone with a massive splash, and you start laughing as you watch the flailing mass that’s his not-quite-able-to-swim self sink to the bottom of the river. and then you stop laughing and remember that oh yeah, he’s not quite able to swim. and then you start panicking and dive after him. 
  the water is freezing. it’s the hottest day you’ve had in ages but the deeper you swim, the colder it gets, goosebumps pricking up your arms that you’re barely able to see. you blink the blurriness from your eyes, chasing after lyney, who’s kicking furiously but still sinking with the weight of the heavy cape-thing trailing from his waistcoat. 
  he doesn’t look nervous or even slightly concerned yet. in truth, he could probably snap his fingers and magic himself back onto the riverbank. it’s ridiculous, but you can’t just swim away. at the very least, lynette would kill you. 
  he opens his mouth and a bunch of bubbles stream up towards the surface. his teeth gleam in the pale blue light. he seems to be able to see the scowl on your face, eyes crinkling; a school of gleaming silver fish whirls between you, and when it disappears, he’s on the bottom of the river, scraping into a gently waving anemone. 
  you want to shout what are you doing? but your voice won’t make any noise, much less travel to where he is, while in the water. you punch the water wildly, connecting with a fish exactly as lyney looks up. it squeals, darts away, and he looks at you like you’re a monster. you throw your hands up, floating in place for a moment, before paddling towards him again. 
  he’s still pawing through the fronds of a glowing mushroom-looking thing. you can see the shining blue powder collecting under his fingernails from where you are. he looks like he’s walking along the bottom, one hand clapped over his mouth and the other clenched on a rock to keep him anchored. you scoff, bubbles escaping your lips, and kick towards the bottom.
  “hey!” you hear him exclaim, though it’s more like a garbled shout than an actual word as you link one arm through his, tugging him away from the plants. this deep, it’s like you’ve plunged into a bathtub full of ice cubes. you have no idea how he’s dealing with the cold. “i’m – ”
  the rest of it is lost in bubbles as you brace your legs against the sandy floor, pushing downwards as hard as you can, and you go rocketing towards the sky. he makes some protesting noise, trying to wrestle out of your grip, but you hold on tightly. he would sink like a rock, and then you would have to fight him to come up again. you want to roll your eyes, but… you can’t force yourself to be annoyed. not really.
  you realize his vision is emanating heat. the longer he clings to your arm, the more warmth spreads through you. the river feels less like an ice cube, more like a hot spring. under his puffy sleeves, you can just barely feel his skin, as hot as a fire. if you held on for too long, you might get burned. 
  but right now, it’s okay. right here, when it’s just you and him.
  “i was doing fine,” is the first thing lyney says when his head breaks the surface. you let him go and swim a few feet away. he shakes droplets out of his hair, spraying in a circle; you can’t complain this time since you’re soaking wet too. it’s all you can do not to push him back under. “and i got a bunch of them!”
  “your sister would steal a gardemek and run me over if i just let you sink down there.” you glare at him, crossing your arms as you find a place to stand, feet barely scraping the underwater grass. “i’ve seriously had enough of you – how can you possibly live in fontaine and not know how to swim? and a bunch of what?”
  he digs in his coat, opening his mouth then closing it, a look of panic passing over his face. “w-wait – there’s no way i dropped it as i was coming up, right? after all that work?” he pats down his pockets, eyes going wide as plates. “i think i really did… oh, how could this happen! and i was so proud of myself, too.”
  despite yourself, your face softens. even if you’re annoyed, you have to feel bad at his rapidly mounting dismay. “what did you lose? i can go get it for you, if it’s that important.”
  his gaze whisks to you and you see the corner of his mouth turn up. he reaches towards you, scanning the water and the air around your face as you tilt your head up. “just – wait, i think i see it… aha!” he flicks the wet hair away from your temple and pulls a rainbow rose, shimmering and delicate, from behind your ear. “there it is.” 
  “you – ” you’re speechless, heat creeping up your neck. “where the hell… ”
  “a magician never reveals his secrets, etcetera etcetera.” lyney winks at you, peeling back his sleeve, and a whole pile of flowers falls into the water, bobbing there. the colors are iridescent, gleaming and fantastical. they looks like magic. though, maybe it’s not fair to compare them to magic, not when he’s right there.
  you search for words for a long moment. it’s harder than you would think, with his eyes on you. he shifts his weight forward, displacing the roses in the water. “... you know, you’re supposed to do that trick with a coin.”
  lyney clicks his tongue. “i thought you’d have figured out by now that i don’t do things the conventional way, my lovely.” the name makes your heart beat a bit faster. you swallow. he offers you the first rose and lifts his eyebrows. “go on, you can have it. put it in a vase and think of me whenever you see it.”
  “as if i need a reminder to think of you,” you mumble, taking it and rolling it between your hands. he seems not to hear you, humming as he turns, dragging the tips of his fingers through the surface. the petals are soft, yellow stamen dripping with a thick, sweet scented nectar. “but this is nice too, i guess.”
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   you sit on the beach, gazing at lynette through your sunglasses as she skips through the grass a little while away. her boots don’t sink into the ground, moving like she’s lighter than air, despite the sun-softened, slightly damp earth; the tides washing up gently on the sand don’t seem to have any effect on it, either. or maybe she’s not really touching the ground at all. 
  she bends, scoops a glittering silver shell out of the water and pockets it. the water drips through the gauzy fabric of her leotard, and she twirls in place, skirt spinning out. water droplets spray in a circle, carrying through the air in a sudden breeze. she looks towards the horizon, seeming to watch the grass and trees sway in the wind.
  “hey,” you call out. “come here a second.” her ears twitch in your direction and she approaches you, tilting her head down. her hair blows gently back and forth, carrying the sweet scent of peaches and mint towards you, like a fragrant tea. you wouldn’t be surprised if that really was a flavor of tea she had been drinking earlier; you need to tell her sometimes to quit overdoing the caffeine. too often you’ve found her after midnight, reading with bags under her eyes and a teapot emptied ten times over.
  she sits down and you slide your sunglasses onto her head, pushing them down over her eyes. her tail twitches. “what are you doing?”
  “you shouldn’t look directly at the sun,” you admonish. “i know a boy who went out every day without glasses or anything and one day he went blind just like that.” you snap your fingers on the last word. her expression doesn’t change and she doesn’t make any noise, but you feel like you can feel an aura of disapproval radiating from her. you wilt, pouting at her. “huh, no reaction?”
  “you’re obviously lying,” she says plainly.  “i can tell from spending so much time around lyney.”
  “oh, of course,” you say, a smile tugging at your lips. you get to your feet. “come on, we’re here, so why don’t we go in the water? you know a lot of tricks, so you should show me!” 
  you can’t quite see lynette’s eyes through the dark sunglasses, but she shifts her weight to one side, leaning on her hip and unbuckling her boots hesitantly. “... they’re nothing special, but if you really want to see, then i guess – ” 
  “great!” you cheer, pumping your fist and tugging her over the ground to the shallows by the arm. you can’t help but shiver at the sudden chill, but she barely looks bothered, moving like the water doesn’t even exist. her steps are light, sending pale gold sand billowing through the waves, and she whisks away from you in an instant as though she’s dancing.
  she reorients herself, facing a marble pillar edged in gold that sticks out of the water. in a matter of moments she’s submerged up to her chest, and your view of her lower body is distorted as she heads towards the pillar. you clap your hands delightedly, scanning the beach and then racing towards a nearby boat a couple feet from the shore. you scramble onto it, heaving your frame up and over the side to sit with your legs dangling into the lake.
  “go, lynette!” you shout, cupping your hand by your lips to project your voice towards her. she leans her head to the side and looks at you, bright purple eyes glinting as brightly as the inside of an iridescent clamshell. the side of her mouth ticks up in a half-smile. she has your sunglasses clasped in one gloved hand and tucks them into another unseen pocket as she propels herself to the pillar.
  the marble is wet and slippery and from where you’re sitting, you can’t see any cracks or bumps in the smoothly polished stone that could possibly allow her to have such a steady grip, but she climbs easily, scrambling up the side to prop her legs on the top. lynette stares out over the lake, over the city; she feels miles away, coils of hair fluttering around her face. she looks picturesque. she looks like a painting.
  in a heartbeat, she’s on her feet and raising her arms over her head. you’ve seen synchronized swimmers before, with their elegant movements and expensive costumes, and her silhouette against the sun isn’t so far from theirs; with her frilled leotard, gaze sharp as needles and hands reaching towards the sky, she could be one. just another one of her many talents.
  she leaps from the pillar, fingers stretched out before her, and you want to applaud. applaud before she’s even done anything. then again, being with her always feels like a performance. like a dance. here you are, barely a few meters away, and – her eyes are closed. she doesn’t see you as she plummets from the sky to the sea. it feels like there’s something between you, like if you held out your hand you would meet something solid. a wall. or a curtain. 
  there’s barely a splash as she plunges through the surface, tumbling into the water. she disappears in a mass of glittering white bubbles. you lose sight of her, and then she reappears, and you want to jump too, duck underwater to see her fully. to take in every bit of her. 
  her tail flicks behind her, hands pushing through the depths as she goes deeper, less like she’s sinking and more like she’s falling through a clear blue sky. her hair flutters like a bird soaring in the air. she looks so gorgeous, so graceful. someday she will flap her wings and fly away from you. you know that as well as you know anything. when the inevitable deadly winter comes – she will be gone.
  but not yet. you can still keep your eyes on her, floating in the water. you can cup this moment and keep it close to your heart until it’s all you have left.
  lynette surfaces, pushing wet hair out of her eyes, the platinum color darkened to silver. she looks exhilarated, cheeks filled with color, breaths coming fast for a moment before they slow down, returning to her usual impassivity. she looks at you, barely kicking to stay afloat. “... what’s with that look?” she asks, one eyebrow arching. 
  you blink, lean forward to see your reflection. it’s slightly distorted by the soft ripples, but you’re smiling, eyes sparkling. eyes wet. 
  “did something happen?” she asks. her tone is slightly laced with concern. it makes your throat tighten. “you look… emotional.” 
  you lift your head, brushing one hand over your face, avoiding her gaze. “just looking at something pretty,” you say, eyes on the horizon. “that’s all.” 
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  arlecchino’s face is cold and stony as always, like her features have been carved out of porcelain, but you think maybe you can trick yourself into seeing a hint of affection in her dark eyes. at the very least, she hasn’t drowned you yet, though her hands have twitched a few times towards your throat when you splashed her “by accident”.
  “it’s so cold,” you complain, dragging your feet through waving strands of seaweed. “it feels like winter.”
  “i don’t feel anything,” arlecchino says, hands laced behind her back. her voice is even, unbothered by the temperature. her suit’s train trails through the surface of the water, silken cloth fading in and out of ice-white, bloodred and gleaming silver. she’s tired today, unable to muster any more words than what’s strictly necessary.
  you tilt your head, smiling wryly as you step towards her. “probably because you’re the reason it’s cold.” it’s true, though she only blinks slowly at the remark; the water cools several degrees around her waist. you’ve made remarks before that she resembles a statue when she stands still, and now is no different – rising out of the lake with the sun setting behind her, hair gleaming like snow. 
  “why are we here again?” she questions. her heels are caught in the murky sand. “we both know that i’m not a swimmer.” 
  “just wait for a bit, until night.” your arms are wrapped around yourself, but you still manage an excited smile, an i-know-something-you-don’t smile. you’re the only person who ever looks at her like that; she’d bite the head off anyone else who dared, but… she just inclines her head. “fine. after that, i’m going home.”
  “okay, okay.” 
  the time passes leisurely. you float on your back, showing arlecchino rocks and shells that you’ve plucked from the sand. she doesn’t respond beyond a nod to most of them, but your pockets grow heavy with the ones that receive an appreciative blink. you snatch up a hermit crab and place it in her hand; when it pinches her palm, she threatens to crush and eat it, prompting a cry of outrage from you.
  the sun slowly drifts below the horizon; golden bleeding to red, then to dark orange, then a sedated gradient of blue. wind whistles through the trees surrounding the lake, and the cries of birds grow quieter and quieter. this secluded pocket of fontaine – far away from the city, the aquabus and anyone who could interrupt you – is somewhere arlecchino has never been. somewhere you’ve been begging to show her for a while now. so far she’s seen nothing remarkable about it, and if it was anyone else, she’d go home, but…
  the sun is completely gone by now, and the sky is velvet black and speckled with stars. you’re shivering, the shoulders of your gauzy shirt soaked through as you bemoan your decision to wear such thin layers. her face is cold, her eyelids are drifting shut; exhausted from days and days of nonstop work. a thousand duties for the tenth harbinger. 
  and yet you want so badly to show her, whatever it is that you’ve been waiting all day for. so she can stay at least a moment longer.
  the sky dims a bit more, and you push yourself up and onto the riverbank. arlecchino follows a moment after, and as the water laps at her boots, it feels like a shadow passing over her. she tilts her head up and sees that a cloud has drifted past the moon, dimming its silver glow; the air is cold and crisp like a peppermint. you’re sitting with your knees pulled up to your chest. 
  she sits beside you feeling like a child awaiting instruction, legs stretched out in front of her, and looks up at the sky. there’s a few heartbeats where the sound of your breathing fills her ears, shivering and frosty puffs escaping your lips, and then you make a delighted noise. “look, look,” you say, pointing at the water. “it’s glowing.”
  arlecchino glances at you, blinking slowly as if you’re playing a trick on her. but your eyes are riveted to the scene below. she tilts her head, looking down at it, and sees the bright blue sparkles, glimmering in the water like a thousand stars, fallen down from the night sky to rest in the sea. her breath catches in her throat. the river glitters as though it’s filled with gems.
  “isn’t it amazing?” your fingers twitch, like you’re going to try and reach out, touch it. she inches her hand forward inconspicuously, ready to catch you if you lean just a bit too far. you’re not looking at her, transfixed. “it’s beautiful. it looks like a dream.” 
  she peers at it. the azure gleam reflects in her black eyes, the red x-shape of her pupils standing out like fire in a field of flowers. she reaches out, stretches as far as she can, brushes her long, sharp nails through the surface of the water; blue light blooms wherever she touches it. her lips curve up slightly, then press into a flat line again.
  “it’s… ” she stops and blinks fast. “it’s just algae. it’s science. plants. it’s not… a miracle, or anything. there’s no need to fawn over it like that.” 
  you pull your knees up to your chest, touch the top of her hand. her skin is cold, dry and without pores, no marks in her skin anywhere. smooth and empty. you trace the silver lines threading over her fingertips like veins. “even if it’s not magic, it can still be a miracle. you know that, right?”
  she lets you run your hand over her fingers for a moment longer, then pulls it away. “... maybe. but it’s nothing exceptional. it’s a plankton. we could come back here tomorrow night and see it again. it’ll never go anywhere.”
  “that doesn’t change anything,” you say. arlecchino can feel your gaze on her. she looks down into the water, sees the fish swimming through the luminescence, tries to ignore your eyes burning like flames into the side of her head. it’s too pleasant of a feeling to her, who doesn’t understand pain. “just because it’s always there doesn’t mean it’s any less beautiful. maybe that makes it more special.”
  “absence makes the heart grow fonder,” she hums. “you’d probably appreciate it even more if it disappeared for a while.”
  “i don’t think so.” you lean into her, slowly, tentatively. she doesn’t push you away, tucking her hands into her pockets. you shift your attention back down to the sea, as if you’re speaking to it when you say, the radiance of the water illuminated in your irises, “i’d rather have you here with me.”
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© lumiconic ; please reblog and follow if enjoyed
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woncon · 24 days
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☼ summer tales
once upon a time there was a hybrid, a demon, a merman, a vampire and a fairy who fell in love with you on one summer day.
☼five drabbles with each txt member and you
☼bunny hybrid!soobin, demon!yeonjun, merman!beomgyu, vampire!taehyun, fairy!kai
☼summer themes, fluff, kissing, cuddling, comfort
☼special thanks to @honeytwo for helping me translate this into english, correcting my grammar and other mistakes. thank you for everything! °♡̷•.
☼finally, it's summer! i'll have more time to actually write & chill. 🥹
☼txt masterlist | main masterlist
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The carrot cocktail turned out terrible. Showered and changed, you're chilling in the coolest corner of your apartment, just like before you thought about making the refreshing drink, only with one more failure.
Soobin lifts his head from your belly, your fingers ceasing their movement in his hair as he looks at you with a sad, remorseful look, as if it's his fault that you can't handle the basic ingredients for a cocktail and the blender.
"You'll get it right another time. Don't feel bad about it," he gently nudges your wrist with his nose, then seeing you flash an unconvincing smile, he gets up so that your faces are at the same height.
"It happens to everyone." He strokes your face reassuringly. His voice is soft, kind and hopeful. You'd believe him if it weren't you, the mess of the kitchen.
"It's always likes this with me."
"You'll practice, and you'll get it right. It wasn't bad, by the way."
"What? You tasted it?"
"You made it for me, of course I tasted it. It was good."
"Carrot pieces floating in water..." You frown at the not very appetizing image in your mind.
"Shh," Soobin kisses you softly, then leans away with a smile, flashing his sweet bunny teeth. His lips taste like carrots, and you'd rather remember that later than the cocktail so you gently pull his fluffy ears, pulling him back to your lips.
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Yeonjun is having a great time in the sweltering heat. Where he comes from, thirty-four degrees is just pleasant weather. You, on the other hand, find it terrible.
"It's hot as hell!" You whine as you fan your stomach with the bottom of your leotard, your nose wrinkling into a grimace as the fabric sticks to your skin.
The boy stretches out on your bed and chuckles. You tilt your head in anger and resentment.
"Do you think this is funny? I'm dying!" You raise your arms to the sky, as if you're about to burst into flames and be consumed by your own body with self-magic, then stagger out of the room to get a glass of water with ice-cubes.
Yeonjun follows you, sneaking closer with deliberate, soft steps, and when you've finished your refreshing, cool sip then sigh, he decides it's time to wrap his hands around your waist and lean his forehead against the back of your head. You can feel the friction of your skin against his horns too.
"I'm sorry. You're just adorable when in despair."
"That's a very weird compliment." You groan and peel off his embracing arms. "And you're awfully hot."
"Sorry. I can't cool you down, only warm you up. But I'll run down to the store and get some ice cream, if that helps."
"Thank you!" You smile at the caring words, and press a kiss to the demon's cheek, indicating that your anger is only temporary, and that it's a very short period of time if he's out for ice cream for your sake.
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Beomgyu is looking up at you with a demanding gaze, but you're closed-eyed, enjoying the sunshine in your bikini, dangling your feet in the pleasant water. He swims closer to you, his golden-yellow tail snaking softly. He rests her head on your thigh, webbed fingers gripping your naked calves.
"Swim with me!"
"Won't it be very cold? My skin's super warm..." You smile down at him uncertainly. Your shoulders shine in the light.
Beomgyu smiles, dives into the water, and returns a moment later with a butter-white twisted shell. He proudly brushes his hair out of his face. He fills his treasure with water, then asks your permission with a soft gaze.
"May I?"
You nod, lean down a little. The boy gently drenches your shoulder with the cooling water. You shiver as the drops trickle down your arm, but as the next little one hits your skin, you slowly get used to it.
Eventually you can plunge into the water without difficulty through the Beomgyu fountain. As soon as your shoulders touch the water, Beomgyu wraps you in his arms and happily rubs his nose against yours. He was looking forward to hugging you.
"Won't we swim?" You cling to his neck, caressing his skin gently. It wouldn't be bad if you guys stay like this, it'll be perfectly fine.
"We will. I'll carry you, just let me."
Beomgyu kisses you on the cheek. But instead of swimming he only cuddles you in one place, while his muscular tail slaps the water to keep you from sinking.
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The blades of the little fan are spinning at max speed, you hold your face in front of it, trying to imagine that it's cool and it works, but in the end you always look longingly towards the closed door. You yearn for your boyfriend's embrace.
Whining, you turn off the machine, the paddles slow down, then stop with a sigh. It needs rest, and you need a good snuggle with Taehyun.
You open the door quietly, sneak into the completely darkened room and deftly dodge the clothes and other rubbish strewn on the floor to get to the bed. The boy lies on his side, hugging a pillow. His chest does not move. He is not breathing. It's not just like he's dead, he's literally dead.
You climb up onto the mattress, grab the cold wrist, take the pillow, then dive into his arms. Sliding his hand to your waist, you sigh happily at the pleasant sensation, for Taehyun's embrace of your warm body is like holding a refrigerator to your chest.
But unlike the fridge, Taehyun can hug you back, and kiss the tip of your nose, and caress your side. Right now he's squirming a little, gently stroking your waist under your shirt, making you shiver.
His red eyes squint dreamily at you.
"You feelin' hot?"
"And not just a little." You hug his waist, burying your head in his chest, where you hear nothing but your own breathing. “Do you feel it?”
Taehyun caresses your back and rests his chin on your head. His fingers brush softly against your artery.
"Your blood is a few degrees warmer than usual. But I'll cool you down, don't worry."
You giggle as he slips his leg over your thigh, wraps it all the way around you, and then lavishes you with sweet little kisses. He locks you in the coffin of his body, and there's nowhere else you'd rather be.
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You are curled up on the recliner, disappointed. The cushions are soft under your hands, the wind whispers sweetly of summer, bringing the nostalgic scent of mown grass and the distant sound of a lawnmower. The sun shines pleasantly. It's your favorite season, yet you're so sad.
"I'm late," that's what you say to your boyfriend when he sits next to you and asks you what has got your ever-excited self this time of year.
"What are you late for?"
"The cherries. I remembered too late to check. It's completely gone bad, but it's so good to pick and eat!"
Kai gently strokes your arm. You lean gratefully on his shoulder and sigh. The boy studies you for a moment, looking off into the distance, then pats your back and stands up. As you look questioningly towards him, he flashes you a kind smile and promises to be right back.
He then walks to the cherry tree behind the house. He rests his palm on the trunk of the tree, feeling the pulsing life energy inside. He asks the plant not to store up all its energy for next year, but to harvest on this day. The tree is a bit reluctant, worried about how it will survive the winter and how much energy it will have to produce next summer, but the boy reassures it that he will take care of it. The tree doesn't want to say no to a fairy anyway, so eventually buds sprout on its branches, white flowers bloom, and juicy cherries dangle from the branches.
Kai smiles in satisfaction and goes back for you.
"Come, I want to show you something." He takes the slightly puzzled you by the arm and leads you to the back garden, where the sun is perfectly focusing on the cherry tree.
"But... Just now... How?" You can barely speak, blinking at the tree then the boy.
You don't understand how it is that, while you were being laughed at by withered, ugly witches, can now look at you with mature, red, laughing, alluring eyes.
"Summer miracle." Kai smiles and presses a kiss on your cheek, which is made cute by excitement and disbelief, and makes you forget to blush by the soft gesture. “So we pick cherries?”
You nod, and your boyfriend reaches for the basket propped up against the trunk, then tucks it into the crook of your elbow. You look gratefully at the boy who made this possible. You know he did it, even if you can't put your finger on how. What is certain is that Kai is special.
You saw his translucent wings one early morning.
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lolathestoryteller · 3 months
kisses and quarrels (April 5th prompt; Laugh) @jilymicrofics
I’m back with another everybody lives au drabble (which kinda ended up being a bit longer than intended); Jily, little Harry & uncle Padfoot! read below :)
„We‘re heading out!“ Lily calls out from the entrance hall.
There’s cluttering coming from the kitchen, before James and Sirius step out into the hallway, both their faces smudged with flour.
“Have fun— wow, Harry! Mate you…look like a puffskein.” Sirius cackles, before looking at Lily. “How many layers‘s he wearing?”
“It’s cold out, alright? I’d like for my son not to turn into an ice cube.”
“Yeah,” Sirius chuckles. “He definitely won’t freeze…might float away though, won’t you? Just like a ballon!”
Harry, who’s been busy walking up to his Dad, giggles happily at his godfather’s funny face.
“Hilarious.” Lily says dryly.
Sirius‘ smile turns into a smirk at once, making her instantly regret her choice of words. “It’s Sirius, actually.” he states smugly, before he and James dissolve into laughter.
Lily tries her very best not to smile as she strides over to collect Harry from James’s arms. “Sometimes I really think I should question my choices,” she says teasingly, glancing up at James. “Marrying such a jester.”
“Oi!” James complains, before leaning closer to her face. “You love this jester.” he smiles, and Lily, despite her efforts, blushes. “Yeah…” she replies softly. “I’m afraid I do.”
She leans closer, until her lips brush his, closing her eyes as they share a gentle kiss.
Sirius’ groan makes them part after only a moment though, and both of them chuckle as they notice his overly dramatic frown.
“Ugh,” he whines. “Please, my eyes!“
“Sod off, Padfoot.” James laughs, bumping his friends’ shoulder, before kissing Lily again — loudly this time, and with way too much of a grin on his face.
Lily rolls her eyes, but all too gladly allows for Sirius to dramatically gag as she kisses him back — that is until they’re, once again, interrupted, this time by a small pair of hands, pushing their faces apart.
“No.“ Harry protests, with an expression that so perfectly and very unfortunately mimics that of his godfather. “Gwoss.”
Sirius barks a laugh, one that only increases as he spots James‘ dumbfounded expression.
“Did our two year old just say we’re gross?”
“Sorry mate, you’re officially embarrassing your kid. The pleasures of parenthood, right?” Sirius jokes, slapping James on the back.
Lily sighs, hiding her amusement behind a raised eyebrow. “He’s not embarrassed,” she says as she adjusts a squirmy Harry on her hip. “Right Harry? You aren’t embarrassed of us?” she asks sweetly, nuzzling his cheek. “Maybe a little of Dada…”
“Lily!” James cries dramatically. “You’re supposed to be on my side here!”
“Of course I am, dear,“ she replies with a nonchalant shrug. “It’s just fun to tease you.”
“Yeah, yeah…” James rolls his eyes, though with a warm smile on his lips. “Go on now, we’ll have dinner ready when you come back, I hope.”
Lily is doubtful they would, at least not without magical help and some healing charms. “Just promise me you won’t blow up our kitchen again.” she replies pointedly.
“I will make no such promises.” Sirius replies cheekily.
“We’ll manage,” James says genuinely. “Promise.“
Lily smiles, before turning her attention back to the toddler currently wiggling about in her arms. “Yes, yes, I know,” she says as she bends down to let Harry walk by himself. “You wanna go now, don’t you?”
She waves at the boys once more before taking Harry’s little hand into hers. „Harry, say bye bye to Daddy and Sirius.“
Harry nods excitedly, raising a little hand to wave at the men. „Bye bye!“
„Have fun with Mummy, Snitch!“ James waves back.
„And don’t float away!“ comes Sirius‘ reply, earning another giggle from the toddler.
Lily can only roll her eyes as she guides Harry outside. „Your uncle Padfoot is a bit silly sometimes, hm?“
„Funny!“ Harry replies happily, as if trying to correct her.
Oh dear, Lily thinks, glancing at her son with a soft smile on her lips, he’s the son of a Marauder alright.
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anonymousewrites · 17 days
Logos and Pathos (AOS Edition) Chapter Ten
AOS! Spock x Empath! Reader
Chapter Ten: Volcanic Arguments
Summary: The Enterprise has been on many missions with danger, but none have ever put a rift between any of the crew members until now.
            “Kirk to Shuttle One!” shouted Kirk over the communicator. “Locals are out of the kill zone. You are clear. Repeat. Spock, get in there, neutralize the volcano, and let’s get out of here!”
            “Captain, you’re still being pursued,” said Uhura, looking at the trackers and recordings of life-form activity on the planet.
            “He stunned our ride!” griped Bones.
            This was a common mission for the Enterprise at this point—surveying planets—but it had gone a bit array as Kirk accidentally took an artifact he should not have from the locals (though he had needed to lure them away from the path of the explosion because they were also going against orders to stop the volcano). Now he and Bones were running for their lives through a forest trying to escape while Spock went to detonate the device that would halt the volcanic explosion.
            “We have to do this now, Captain,” said Sulu on Shuttle One. “The shuttle wasn’t built for this kind of heat.”
            (Y/N) strapped Spock into his heat-proof suit, carefully checking for any cracks. They wanted their boyfriend as safe as possible during this dangerous mission.
            “Captain, did the indigenous life-forms see you?” asked Spock.
            “No, Mr. Spock, they did not,” said Kirk, obviously lying (though he had worn a hood and mask).
            “The Prime Directive clearly states that there can be no interference with the internal development of alien civilizations,” said Spock, and (Y/N) chuckled at his focus on protocol at all times.
            “I know what it says!” said Kirk, panting over the communicator. “Which is why I’m running through the jungle wearing a disguise! Now drop off your super ice cube and let’s go! Kirk out!”
            “You’re good,” said (Y/N) after checking the suit.
            Spock nodded and knelt to open up the device.
            “If we’re going to do this, we’ve got to do it now!” said Sulu. “This ash is killing our coils.”
            (Y/N) put Spock’s helmet on next and smiled at it. “Are you still sure you don’t want me to go?”
            “I’d prefer to risk my own life instead of yours,” said Spock honestly.
            “How sweet,” teased (Y/N), touching their fingers to his covered ones before letting him go.
            “We have to go now,” said Sulu.
            “I’ll see you in ninety seconds, okay?” said (Y/N), and Spock nodded.
            (Y/N) and Sulu sat in the cockpit, and the doors shut. Spock attached a coil to himself, and Sulu opened a trapdoor. Spock fell down into the volcano below that was preparing to blow. (Y/N) couldn’t help but wince in worry. They didn’t want Spock to get hurt. They loved him so much.
            The shuttle shook as the smoke and debris became too much, and the console began to flash in warning as they spun.
            “Prerequisite change: 2-7-3,” said the computer. The engine was overheating. “Reduce descent.”
            “I can’t hold this position,” said Sulu. “Spock, I’ve got to pull you back up.”
            “Negative, this is our only chance to save this species,” said Spock. “If this volcano erupts, the planet dies.
            The shuttle shook and swung as the pre-eruption hit it. It couldn’t take much more.
            “Pull him back up! Now!” said Sulu.
            (Y/N) grabbed the handle and pulled it down. The coil began to wind back as the shuttle sailed upwards.
            The coil broke, and Spock fell onto a floating rock, thankfully avoiding the lava flow.
            In a panic, (Y/N) cried, “Spock, are you okay?!”
            “I am, surprisingly, alive,” said Spock. “Stand by.”
            (Y/N) couldn’t relax, though. They were tense as the volcano rumbled ominously. Spock was stuck inside.
            “We have to get him back,” said (Y/N) to Sulu. “I can suit up and go down to get him.”
            “It’s too dangerous, your cord will break,” said Sulu.
            “We can’t leave him down there,” snapped (Y/N).
            “We don’t have a choice!” said Sulu desperately. “I’m sorry, (L/N).” His emotions were a mess of sadness, anxiety, and fear.
            (Y/N) clenched their jaw but opened the comms again. “Spock, we’re going back to the Enterprise, but we’ll get you out of there. I promise.”
            “Captain, we’re ditching the shuttle,” said Sulu, stripping into the wetsuit beside (Y/N). “You’ve got to make it to the Enterprise on your own.”
            “Wonderful!” said Kirk sarcastically, still running.
            “(L/N), you ready to swim?” asked Sulu.
            “Ready,” said (Y/N).
            They jumped out the trapdoor and landed in the ocean below while the shuttle careened into the volcano. (Y/N) and Sulu pressed the button on their mouthpieces to activate oxygen stores and small thrusters to propel them through the water. A few moments later, two other figures landed in the water—Bones and Kirk. All four swam towards the Enterprise hidden under the waves, and the ship picked them up.
            The water drained from the chamber, and Scotty opened the doors.
            “Do you have any idea how ridiculous it is to hide a starship on the bottom of the ocean?” he questioned. “We’ve been down here since last night! The salt water’s gonna ruin the—”
            “Scotty, where’s Spock?” asked (Y/N).
            Scotty swallowed. “Still in the volcano.” Concern wound through his aura and swept over (Y/N)’s skin. “We haven’t been able to get him yet.”
            Instantly, Bones, Kirk, (Y/N), Scoty, and Sulu ran towards the bridge to get to work.
            “Captain on Bridge!” announced Chekov as they all ran in.
            “Lieutenant, do we have an open channel to Mr. Spock?” asked Kirk.
            “The heat’s frying his comms, but we still have contact,” said Uhura. (Y/N) didn’t hesitate to put on a headset to keep track themself, as well.
            “Spock?” said Kirk, opening the channel.
            “I have activated the device, Captain,” said Spock. “When the countdown is complete, the reaction should render the volcano inert.”
            “Yeah, and that’s gonna render him inert!” snapped Bones, his anger belying his worry.
            “Negative, sir, not with those magnetic fields,” said Sulu.
            “We need to beam Spock back to the ship,” said Kirk. “Give me one way to do it.”
            “Uh, maybe if we had a direct line of sight,” said Chekov.
            “You’re talking about an active volcano!” cried Scotty. “Sir, if that thing erupts, I cannot guarantee we can withstand the heat.”
            “I don’t know that we can maintain that kind of altitude,” added Sulu.
            “Our shuttle was concealed by the ash cloud, but the Enterprise is too large. If utilized in a rescue, it would be revealed to the indigenous species,” said Spock.
            “We’re not leaving you,” said (Y/N) fiercely.
            Kirk nodded. “I’m with (Y/N). Spock, nobody knows the rules better than you, but there has got to be an exception.”
            “None. Such action violates the Prime Directive,” said Spock.
            “Spock,” said (Y/N), voice pained.
            “Shut up, Spock! We’re trying to save you, damn it!” said Bones, stepping up.
            “Doctor, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few,” said Spock.
            “We’re talking about your life, Spock!” said (Y/N).
            “The rule cannot be broken—” The channel cut off, and (Y/N) covered their mouth. Uhura moved to their side in worry.
            “Spock!” shouted Kirk, but no reply came. “Uhura, get him back.”
            Uhura nodded and worked on the controls. Instantly, (Y/N) was beside her, furiously working.
            “Ninety second to detonation!” warned Chekov.
            “If Spock were here and I were there, what would he do?” asked Kirk.
            “He’d let you die,” said Bones.
            (Y/N) whirled on him. “He wouldn’t. He cares about all of us.”
            Kirk and (Y/N) made eye contact, and he nodded. “Sulu. Take us up.”
            They all knew the risks and the issues with the Prime Directive. But they weren’t to leave their friend behind.
            “Yes, sir,” said Sulu, firing up the thrusters.
            The Enterprise erupted out of the water, right in front of the indigenous people. Ignoring the consequences, the Enterprise flew towards the volcano. Ten seconds were left to save Spock. Everyone was tense, and cloudy emotions floated around the Bridge.
            “I’ve got him!” said Scotty, programming from the Bridge.
            Not a second too soon. The device detonated, and an explosion went off below, freezing over the volcano. The Enterprise didn’t wait around, though, and flew out of the atmosphere, leaving the volcano and their disruption of the Prime Directive behind.
            Spock rematerialized in the Transport Room. Bones, Kirk, and (Y/N) were there in a moment to greet him worriedly.
            “Spock!” said (Y/N), hugging him. The heat of the volcano remained, but a little suit and warmth didn’t stop them. Spock let out a soft breath as he held them in return.
            “You alright?” asked Kirk.
            “Captain, you let them see our ship,” said Spock.
            (Y/N) let go and stepped back, frowning. “You’re alive and that’s what you say?”
            “He’s fine,” huffed Bones.
            “Captain,” said Uhura over the comms.
            “Yes, Lieutenant?” said Kirk.
            “Please notify Commander Spock that his device has successfully detonated,” said Uhura.
            Kirk smiled happily and nodded at Spock. “You hear that? Congratulations, Spock. You just saved the world.”
            “You violated the Prime Directive,” repeated Spock.
            “Oh, come on, Spock. They saw us. Big deal,” said Kirk, downplaying the severity.
            “Spock, we couldn’t leave you to die,” said (Y/N).
            “But the Prime Directive—”
            “How could you expect us to leave you there?” snapped (Y/N). Bones and Kirk took a step back.
            “It is protocol,” said Spock.
            “I couldn’t let you die,” said (Y/N), crossing their arms. “Do you think I should have?”
            “It would have been necessary,” said Spock.
            “So if someone else had been down there, you really would have just left?” (Y/N) knew Spock and knew all he’d been through and would do for those he cared fro, but his hesitance was infuriating. “Unbelievable.” They turned and stormed out of the Transport Room.
            “Good job, buddy,” said Bones, slapping Spock on the shoulder. “You angered your partner, probably the nicest person in the world.”
            “I…I would not have left them,” said Spock. As much as the Prime Directive mattered, to watch (Y/N) die would destroy him.
            “We know,” said Kirk. “But that’s the same way they feel about you.”
            “And it’s the face you think your death should matter less is exactly why they’re pissed,” said Bones. “Good luck!” He walked out of the room.
            “Don’t worry, Spock,” said Kirk. “(L/N) will come around as long as you show you’re glad to be alive.”
            Spock nodded curtly. He didn’t want (Y/N) upset at him…And he knew Kirk was right. (Y/N) loved him like he loved them. Undoubtedly, it would destroy them to watch him die. That being said, Spock would rather die himself than witness (Y/N)’s death.
            He would break if he lost them. (Y/N) was Spock’s heart.
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sophierequests · 2 years
a deal is a deal // set it up part one
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Pairing: Kaz Brekker x gn!Reader
A/N: I have no words or reason for this fic. I watched the movie 'Set It Up' recently, and I just knew that I had to write a fic inspired by it. I didn't intend on indulging in it this much, but this fic will definitely be a two-partner since I have written almost 10K words and I can't possibly post that monstrosity in good conscience. I absolutely love the concept of matchmaking and fake dating, so consider this fic one huge clusterfuck of tropes I enjoy. And I hope all of you can enjoy it too <3
You can find part two here!
Summary: Wylan and Jesper are helplessly pining over each other, and everyone is starting to get sick of it. Especially Kaz and the reader seem to have suffered enough under their friends' behaviour. So of course, the only reasonable conclusion is to set them up.
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 5.0K
Warnings: Cursing, feelings, Kaz being a little bitch, pining, mention of his touch aversion
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“Unless you saw someone cheat at Three Man Bramble, I don’t appreciate you spying on paying customers.” You were close to falling off your barstool when Kaz’s voice materialised beside you all of a sudden.
“For Saints’ sake, Kaz!” you hissed at the darkly-clad man leaning against the bar to your left, a certain look of amusement accentuating his features as he saw the way you panickedly held onto the counter. He shook his head at how easily startled you were. “You can’t just sneak up on people like that. I was dangerously close to knocking you out.”
He raised his brows, throwing a telling glance at his cane, and then back at you. Sneaking around wasn’t exactly his speciality. At least not during the main business hours of the Crow Club. He preferred to make his presence known.
“Didn’t I just tell you to stop prying?” Kaz repeated nervelessly when your eyes returned to the card’s table you had been staring at for about half an hour now. Not that he would know how long you had been sitting here. It’s not like he had been watching you during said half an hour. He had other - a lot more significant - tasks to tend to, rather than wasting his time by letting himself get distracted by you.
“Shush,” you silenced him quickly, craning your head slightly towards him to get a better view of your stalking victims. “I’m not spying on paying customers. I’m spying on Jesper and Wylan. That’s as far away from paying customers as it can get.”
“And why exactly would you do that?”
“Jesper went right to the gambling tables after we came back from the job earlier, and he has stayed there ever since. I assume you can guess who has been standing right next to him for just as long? Our little merchling is so in love, it’s painful to watch,” you whispered excitedly, completely ignoring the fact that Kaz was not one to necessarily care for dull relationship gossip.
“I should stop giving you this much time off if this is how you choose to spend it,” he grumbled, subtly following your gaze to watch the terribly awkward scene between the two Crows. Not because he genuinely cared about their immature ways of expressing their emotions, of course.
“Don’t be such a grump, Brekker,” you snorted, giving him a playful eye roll. “Admit it, they’d make such a cute couple! They could probably even compete with Nina and Matthias - don’t tell her I said that.”
“Judging by the fact that Zenik and Helvar were blood-sworn enemies before they fell into their…situationship, that won’t be such a difficult task.”
“See! You think they’d be a great fit too! What a shame one is just as oblivious as the other,” you sighed, twirling around the few remaining ice cubes that floated around in your drink.
“And you think staring them down will help ease their obliviousness?” Your head turned to face him fully, a mischievous glimmer present in your eyes. A glimmer he really didn’t like.
“Help me,” you blurted out.
“Help you with what?” he asked, a quizzical expression on his face.
“Oh, uhm, I have no concise plan yet since I thought you’d just immediately say no to me asking you for help. What I know is that I can’t watch them tiptoe around their feelings any longer. I need to do something. And you are precisely the right person to help me with that.”
“What exactly makes me the ‘right person’ to help you with getting these two idiots together?”
“Think about it. I’m Wylan’s best friend, you’re Jesper’s best friend - don’t you dare deny it! Together we can get all the intel - all the important information on how they feel about each other. It’s perfect! We could set them up and they wouldn’t even notice our involvement.”
“Absolutely not,” Kaz answered determinedly, choosing to not indulge in your childish games any longer. “As long as it’s not affecting their job performance, their relationship is none of my concern. I have more important things to do than worry about their problems with intimacy.”
“Come on, Kaz. Please?” you pouted as the man in question already shifted to head back to his office again.
“No, Y/N. They’ll be fine without our interference,” he tactfully ignored your overly dramatic plea.
“Alright, alright,” you mumbled, watching him leave with a hint of disappointment settling in your chest. “You’ll regret it eventually.”
“I’m sure I will.”
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“Jesper, you’ll need to- Jesper? Jesper, focus,” Kaz ordered, having to pry the sharpshooter’s eyes away from the window for what felt like the hundredth time today. He, Inej and the lovesick Zemeni boy had been working on the details of a minor upcoming job for over two hours, seemingly not making any noticeable progress. It was safe to say that this issue was instantly accredited to Jesper, whose mind appeared to be somewhere completely else.
Even though Kaz didn’t want to admit it, he did regret not taking you up on your offer of trying to get the two together. It had become more and more evident that they were too blind to see that their feelings were mutual, and Kaz was starting to get sick of it. Why couldn’t they just act on their feelings and spare everyone around them the pain of having to watch them act like insecure little kids? What did they have to lose? It was ridiculous, really.
Kaz knew that he was close to losing his patience. And his composure would jump out of the window soon after if things didn’t change.
“Sorry boss,” Jesper apologised hastily, sitting up a bit straighter and at least acting as if his attention was back on the mindless scribbles in front of him. “I was just a bit lost in thought. The…weather is so pretty today, after all.”
The weather in question was a mixture of dark gloomy clouds and the occasional rain shower - a typical day in Ketterdam, but definitely far from pretty. Maybe the weather that Jesper had in mind was ginger and able to play the flute, Kaz thought.
“We should probably leave this here,” he let out a huffed breath, meeting Inej’s confused glance.
“What? But the jo-”
“The job can only work if everyone is on the same page,” he interjected Jesper’s unnecessary attempt at defending himself. “You can leave - both of you. I’ll see what I can work out on my own.”
“Are you sure you won’t need any help with this?” the Suli girl asked hesitantly, waiting for her friend to give them another task instead of just letting them off the hook this easily.
“No, it’s fine. Go,” he nodded towards the door, his eyes following Jesper, who was already on his way out. Before Inej could do the same, he decided to give her one last task. “Inej? Tell Y/N to come up here in the next five minutes. I need to discuss something with them.”
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“You wanted to see me, boss?” you questioned as soon as you entered Kaz’s semi-tidy office space. When Inej told you that he wanted to speak to you, your heart almost sunk to the bottom of your stomach. People being called up to speak to Kaz rarely ever got out with their dignity still intact.
“Sit,” he demanded, his gaze never leaving the papers on his desk as he motioned for you to sit in the chair across from him.
“Kaz, if this is about th-”
“Don’t start. Whatever you were about to tell me has probably not been brought to my attention yet, so I won’t allow it to occupy my mind until it pops up on its own. Now sit.”
You carefully obeyed his request, slowly sinking into the offered chair while your eyes still remained fixed on the man in front of you.
“He has become absolutely insufferable,” Kaz sighed, letting his fountain pen drop out of his hand and finally acknowledging your physical presence with a defeated glare. “I didn’t even think it was possible for him to become even more intolerable.”
“Who exactly are you talking about?”
“Who do you think I’m talking about? Our favourite bawdy flirt-gill has been acting like an infatuated teenage girl and it is driving me mad.”
“Oh! You’re talking about Jesper!” you let out a stifled laugh upon seeing his tired expression. “So you’re basically admitting that I was right about us having to intervene?”
“I’m merely admitting that there was some truth to what you were saying. Don’t get it twisted and don’t get used to it,” he corrected dryly. “And wipe that self-satisfied grin off your face. I didn’t call you up here to bask in your supposed victory.”
“Well, what else am I supposed to do about it?” you replied sheepishly, fully aware that you were dangerously close to testing your limits.
“I’m agreeing to whatever you had in mind as long as it stops Jesper from acting like this.”
“Consider it a deal.”
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“When I told you that I’m agreeing to whatever you had in mind as long as it stops Jesper from acting like a dotty puppy, I didn’t mean that you were allowed to barge into my office whenever you please,” your boss grumbled, watching you stumble through the door like you had one drink too many.
“Good morning, Kaz, it’s lovely to see you too,” you dismissed his very obviously spiteful remark, walking right up to the chair you had dubbed yours. “I’ve been thinking a lot about our two problem children and I had an idea.”
“Oh, so miracles do happen,” he jeered, letting himself lean back in his chair as he watched you get comfortable.
“With all due respect - which isn’t a lot - go fuck yourself.”
“I’ll consider it once you’re done telling me about that magnificent idea of yours.”
“Okay, so, Wylan just stopped me in the hallway to ask whether I want to get coffee with him next Friday.” A waterfall of words began to tumble out of your mouth, giving Kaz quite a few difficulties following what you were trying to say. “So, wouldn’t it be an absolute coincidence if Jesper would also go out for a coffee on Friday? It would be such a nice change of pace for them to spend time with…different people - other than us.”
“I am not asking Jesper to go get coffee with me,” Kaz replied laconically, giving you a dissatisfied look in an attempt to convey that he was not too fond of your musings.
“I am not asking you to get a coffee with Jesper - Saints, that man is going to think that you have a thing for him. We don’t even have to leave the Slat for this plan to work.”
“Now I’m intrigued.”
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“Please explain to me again why specifically I have to join you on that job?” Jesper bemoaned as he followed Kaz down the stairs. He was not in the mood for playing his boss’ bodyguard today. He wasn’t even in the mood to leave the Slat. It didn’t help that a certain merchling had been occupying his mind for the entirety of last week, pushing every coherent thought to the furthest corner of his brain. “Can’t you ask Inej? Or Matthias? Or literally anyone else? Wait, why don’t you just ask Y/N? You two seem to be getting along surprisingly well recently.”
“Y/N is already busy,” Kaz objected skilfully. “And having a normal work relationship is not the same as ‘getting along surprisingly well’. Flush these thoughts out of your system immediately.”
“I’m just saying,” Jesper snickered, putting his hand up in front of him defensively.
“Kaz? Jesper?” your cheery voice greeted them as soon as they entered the living room area. Wylan and you had been lounging on the couch for quite some time now, simply chatting about life - and love, even though Wylan refused to give you too much information on his ill-fated crush. Of course, you had ulterior motives for staying that long, but your friend didn’t know that. “What are the two of you up to?”
"We have a job near Fourth Harbour," Kaz replied sternly.
"And he's forcing me to come with him," the sharpshooter groaned, his eyes drifting towards the timid boy sitting next to you, flashing him a cocky wink. "What are you up to? Whatever it is, it looks like a lot more fun than whatever Mister Ruin-My-Mood has in store for me."
"Jesper," Kaz warned, throwing you a quick glance, wordlessly asking you to take over.
"We wanted to head out for coffee and some sweet treats later," you mused, watching Jesper's expression turn sour.
"Won't you look at that, Kaz? This is what other friends do in their spare time," he grumbled.
"Hey, why don't you two just go and grab a coffee?" you offered, your gaze wandering between the two soon-to-be lovebirds.
"Us?" Wylan stammered, his finger pointing from him to Jesper, who looked equally as befuddled.
"Yes, you. Jes clearly isn't in the mood for going on a job today, and I haven't been on a proper one in ages," you suggested, giving your friends an encouraging smile.
"You genuinely want to join Kaz on a job with just the two of you? Like willingly?" the Zemeni boy joked, nudging your shoulder with his elbow.
"I'm sure I'll manage. Kaz?" You gave him an expectant look, watching as the ghost of a smirk flashed over his lips.
"Fine," he rasped, causing Jesper to break out into a wide grin, whilst Wylan looked a little short of horrified. "Maybe now we'll actually get some work done."
"And maybe we'll finally get some peace and quiet, won't we? I haven’t gone out just to get coffee in such a long time.” His attention turned to the young merch, whose head had turned as red as the soles of Jesper’s shoes.
“I’m sure you will have the loveliest of days,” Kaz deadpanned, gesturing for you to follow him outside into the hallway.
“Enjoy your day!” you called before quickly exiting the living room, leaving Wylan alone to deal with his crush. You could have sworn that he mouthed the word ‘help’ before you crossed the threshold to the corridor.
“That worked way better than I had expected,” he uttered, barely loud enough for you to hear his words clearly.
“I told you it would work,” you bragged, earning a disapproving headshake from the man standing next to you. “You’re not the only mastermind in this team.”
“So what’s the next step in your plan then?”
“We could just stay back here and wait for them to come back. I’m sure they’d tell us if something happened between them.” You locked eyes with him again, the intensity causing goosebumps to spread over his arms. “Or we could get out and follow them. Just to make sure that they’re alright of course.”
“I’m not following them.”
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“This is ridiculous,” Kaz said as he watched you gape at Jesper and Wylan who were currently sitting on the terrace of the café you had pushed them to go to. You found a corner table at the bakery across from where your friends were sitting, giving you the chance to stay unnoticed while also being able to see whatever was going on between them.
“This is fun,” you hummed, leaning a bit further forwards to flash Kaz a cheeky smile, which was slightly hidden by the obnoxious fake roses in the middle of the table. “Don’t you want to see how this will turn out?”
“No.” You frowned at the impassive tone of his voice.
“You didn’t have to join me, Kaz.” He didn’t. He knew that. As a matter of fact, the pile of unfinished documents on his desk only seemed to get higher by the minute. Yet, against all his better judgement, he still abandoned his work in an instant just to go and see whether your plan was working or not. It was foolish to agree to it, however, for some reason, he still did. He was going insane - he was sure of it.
“I don’t trust you to not fuck this up on the first chance you get,” he stated after a short moment of him just staring at the empty space beside your head.
“You trust no one, yet I don’t see you holding Matthias’ hand whenever you let him go on a solo job - well, metaphorically holding his hand.”
Before Kaz could defend himself, the waitress approached your table, bringing over both of your drinks. She had a sickly sweet smile on her painted lips that made him want to bash his head onto the table. He resisted said urge in order to not make a scene though.
“I’ll assume the black coffee is for you?” the woman joked, eying Kaz’s grimly-looking outfit from head to toe, silently accepting the cup and placing it in front of him. She handed you the drink you had ordered and turned around to attend to the other guests. “Feel free to call me over in case you need anything else. Enjoy your date!”
Kaz almost choked on his own spit when he heard that. This was not a date. Not in a million years would he consider this a date. He attempted to seek some sort of confirmation that you shared his sentiment, but when he looked at your face, you didn’t even seem to care about the waitress’ atrocious assumption.
“What is it?” you inquired lowly on taking notice of his slightly bewildered expression.
“She thinks that this is a date. Doesn’t that bother you?”
“… No? Why should it have?” Kaz mentally thanked his luck that Nina wasn’t around. If she had been here to hear the way his heart was running wild she would have probably thought he had a heart attack.
“This is not a date.”
“Yes, I’m very well aware of that fact,” you let out a breathy chuckle in response to that. “And that’s exactly why it doesn’t bother me. I know that this isn’t a date. You know that this isn’t a date. So why should it matter what some random waitress thinks?”
“Oh…” For some odd reason, your answer disappointed him. This wasn’t a date, so you were right to say it. But something inside of him was beginning to make itself known.
“Oh no,” you muttered, your gaze back on the people you were actually here for. He did the same, regretting it immediately as he saw the uncomfortable scene playing out in the other café.
Wylan and Jesper were sitting across from each other at one of the tables on the terrace, giving you the perfect view of every interaction between them. But instead of them looking like the happy couple you had imagined they would be by now, Jesper was frantically collecting paper napkins, trying to help Wylan clean up the massive coffee stain that had formed a deep brown blotch on his previously neat beige sweater. And to make things even worse, the clumsy sharpshooter had taken matters into his own hands, pulling the flustered boy closer to him by the collar, whilst wiping a dry napkin over the mess he made - his face a mixture of despair and complete distress.
“Idiots,” Kaz sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose in an effort to spare himself the embarrassment of watching them any longer.
“Maybe we should put them in a situation they’re more acquainted with the next time.”
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“Are you familiar with the concept of knocking?” He was close to jumping out of his skin when the door to his office flew open without a warning, only for it to be you standing on the other side with two cups of tea in your hands. He hastily caught himself, acting as if you hadn't just scared him shitless. It was way too late for any person with even an ounce of self-preservation skills to enter his space without giving him any sort of notice, but of course, you just had to be the exception.
“Are you familiar with the concept of locking your door if you don’t want to be disturbed?” you quipped, not waiting for him to give you permission to enter before waltzing right over to his desk. The mug was quickly placed in front of him and you threw yourself into ‘your’ chair.
“This may be the Barrel, but some of its inhabitants still possess the basic manners of announcing their presence when they intend to bother me in my own office.” Kaz eyed your offering suspiciously, pulling the cup towards himself as if he feared that you might have spiked its content. “What is this?”
“I know that it’s tea. I'm not dense,” he said, a bit annoyed now.
“Then why are you asking?”
“What am I supposed to do with it?”
“Kaz, you’re not a toddler. You know what to do when someone places a drink in front of you.”
“Why are you bringing me tea, Y/N?”
“That's an adequate question. I had another idea on how to get Jesper and Wylan to admit their feelings,” you began, enticing Kaz to internally question every single decision in his life that made him end up in this situation.
“And you needed to bring me tea to make me listen to that idea? You're either about to drug me into submission or you’re finally attempting to kill me.”
“Sadly neither - yet. But I had the idea while making tea. And I would have felt bad if I went up here without offering you something to drink too,” you replied meekly, a faint blush settling on your cheeks.
“I hope your idea isn’t tea-related. We shouldn’t bring the two dimwits near anything that's spillable anytime soon.”
"I solemnly swear there are no liquids involved in my idea. At least not explicitly," you assured.
"That better be the case. Let's hear it then," he muttered, begrudgingly taking a sip from his tea whilst waiting for you to collect your thoughts. It startled him how good the drink tasted. He hated that you knew exactly what tea he liked and how he liked to have it.
"You still haven't finished splitting us up in groups for the upcoming heist, have you?"
"If you hadn't dragged me along to play matchmaker, the plan would already stand," he grumbled, looking at the stack of blueprints he had yet to analyse for possible security risks.
"Then I'd like to make one suggestion. How about we - well, you - pair Jesper and Wylan together? We're all pretty familiar with jobs like this, so that shouldn't be an issue. Maybe having them work alongside each other could give their relationship just the push it needs."
Kaz looked like he was about to throw himself out the next best window. It was one thing that you had inserted yourself into the majority of his spare time like an unwelcome flu. Now you were also trying to insert yourself into his work? You were really trying to break him down to bits. And maybe he should let you.
"Please, Kaz. I'll even help you with all your boring preparation and mapping out. I genuinely think this could work," you put forward, knowing that the likelihood of him agreeing to this plan was close to non-existent.
"I'll allow it," he said, averting his eyes to look at basically anything else just to avoid letting them land on you.
"Have you gone deaf? I said that I'll allow it," he repeated.
"Kaz, I swear to every Saint you don't believe in, I'm so close to kissing you - you’re amazing!" you exclaimed jokingly, a wide grin on your face.
"Do it and find out what ditch you'll end up in," he threatened, but you were too excited to care about the murderous look on his face.
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After almost a week of scheming, scheduling and planning in the security of Kaz’s office, you had finally managed to put together a plan that would ensure two things. The success of the job. And the fact that Jesper and Wylan would be staying at each other’s side the whole time.
“I think we can pull this off,” Kaz muttered, visibly still very much in thought.
“You think we can pull this off?” you asked, absent-mindedly twirling one of his pens around your fingers.
“No.” He swiftly snatched it back, putting it down and giving you a self-assured grin. “We will pull this off.”
A few days later, all the Crows had gathered in the cramped attic space, more or less eager to hear about the plans for the upcoming mission.
“Please don’t tell me that we’ll have to go through all of these blueprints again,” Jesper whined as he saw the stack of layout plans that sat at the edge of Kaz’s desk. They had been on jobs in the University District before, so the quite hefty pile of blueprints wasn’t completely unknown to them. More than one evening had been spent slaving over them, spying out every minuscule detail that could give them any sort of advantage. But these plans were new - updated. And everyone dreaded having to do the whole ordeal of looking at them for a second time.
“Y/N and I already went through them, the annotations should suffice. Not much has changed,” Kaz answered, unaware of the suspicious glances his nonchalant comment created. It was well known that you avoided mapping out blueprints like the plague, so this revelation did raise some brows.
“Y/N and you?” Nina and Jesper blurted almost synchronously. They had noticed your absence from their usual evening get-togethers, simply chalking it up to you being under the weather or something. What they hadn’t expected was you sneaking away from them because you went to spend time with the Bastard of the Barrel. Now that they knew the latter had been the case, they had some certain thoughts on what the reason for these nightly visits might be - none of them strictly work-related.
“Congratulations, you have a basic understanding of auditory information processing. Yes, Y/N and I.” Kaz allowed his gaze to shift towards you. It felt odd to not have you sit in front of him, energetically discussing plans and ideas while the noise of Ketterdam’s streets seemed to have fully vanished underneath the sound of your voices. He hated to think that way, but he had grown used to having you around. Whether it be you staggering into his office to propose another utterly insane plot to get your friends to date, or just you keeping him company with whatever talk you could offer. The thought of this routine being ripped away from him once Jesper and Wylan realise their feelings are reciprocated filled him with more dissatisfaction than relief.
“Since when does Y/N care for analysing blueprints?” The Heartrender asked slyly.
“I don’t. It was my forfeit,” you replied before Kaz could. “We had a bet on how much money Jesper would be able to lose in a span of three days. Let’s just say that Kaz really does know you better than I do, Jes.” A lie. A good lie, Kaz thought. The only reason why you would spend your evenings talking to him would probably be the loss of a bet. But that didn’t make the pull on his heartstrings hurt any less.
“Rude,” the sharpshooter pouted.
“Anyway,” Kaz deflected, returning to his actual intention of this meeting. “We also took the liberty of assigning groups and tasks. So I’d advise you to listen carefully.” He adjusted the paper in his hands, letting his eyes fly over your jagged handwriting for the millionth time. “Helvar will pose as a guard - big and brawny with little to think about. One would say it’s the perfect fit.” Matthias let out a dissatisfied grunt at that comment. “Nina and Inej will keep an eye on who leaves, and who enters. And if there is anything suspicious you will alert me.” The two girls gave him a court nod, content that they were able to work together again. “I will attend as a guest. It’ll give me enough time and trust to hopefully get some information on the new ware shipments that are supposed to arrive the week after the ball. Our main objective is getting intel. Any other material acquisitions are just perks. And finally Wylan and Jesper.” The two boys stared at Kaz with an uncomfortable expression. He had never paired them up before. Why was he starting now? “Since the majority of university personnel will be present at the ball, you’ll take care of breaking into the administration’s office. I need some precise data on the involvement of the Council in sponsoring the university.”
“What about Y/N?” A brief pause followed Inej’s simple question.
After all these hours of planning, you had forgotten to add yourself to the equation. You had been so focussed on giving the two lovebirds some alone time that your absence went completely unnoticed. Both of you felt utterly stupid. How could you have missed that?
“They’ll be my date,” Kaz answered a bit too quickly, not letting the thudding of his heart betray his stone-faced expression.
“My condolences.” Matthias gave you an apologetic but calm look, whilst everyone else in the room seemed to be utterly shocked by their boss’ comment. Even you had to suppress the state of absolute shock that had threatened to spread over your face when he referred to you as his ‘date’. Saints, he himself didn’t believe the words that had just slipped out of his mouth.
“I’ll need someone to chat with the merchant spouses, or else I’ll lose my mind. Their presence can buy me enough time to get the information I need,” he explained, but the majority of his friends were too busy interpreting way too much into this situation to acknowledge his reasoning.
Maybe choosing Jesper as a partner would have been easier on his poor heart.
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Grishaverse fics in general: @yesshewrites1 @dal-light
Kaz Brekker: @ell0ra-br3kk3r @juneberrie @writingmysanity @b3kk3r-by-br3kk3r @brekkers-desigirl @fall-writes
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So I was watching Doctor Who, and something about this part from Twelve and Clara really struck me in the Good Omens. (And yes it's been awhile but obviously spoilers.)
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Specifically, it was the part after the Clara memory wipe where Twelve basically says that he doesn't directly remember her, but he can fill in the details based on the holes they left behind.
And that reminded me exactly of this part:
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This is how I feel about Crowley's memory.
Now, I may be wrong, but the whole "I don't remember you" parts are really suspicious to me. At first, I simply took it as him being cheeky or purposely snubbing certain people, and a lot of people interpret those scenes that way. However, I feel like he seems genuinely unable to remember them. This scene in particular strikes me as him speaking from experience -- something in his tone.
Say you move all the furniture out of a room -- you might still have indents in the carpet where a couch and table would've gone, and one can thus imagine how big of a couch and where people set their drinks. On the wall, a square of paint a few shades lighter than the rest -- there was probably a picture there. In the kitchen, there is no refrigerator, but you know that houses usually have one and you see where one would go, and you also see a water line, so it was probably a fridge that dispensed ice cubes and water.
See also: the fact that Gabriel doesn't know who Aziraphale is, but he knows how Aziraphale makes people feel, and thus he seeks him out for help. Looking at the outlines on the wall, the indentations in the carpet.
Kind of like doing an escape room. You get a set of directions -- hmm, what do you do with that? Oh look, you have a directional lock. Or maybe you have a password-like phrase from Heaven bouncing around your head but nowhere it fits. Oh look, you have a password-shaped hole that belongs to this folder.
Maybe there's different kinds of memory mucking -- like maybe there's "forget everything you ever were" and maybe there's "forget everyone you ever knew" (which would be quite interesting for Crowley and Aziraphale's story).
It occurred to me as I was writing this that Gabriel's amnesia is not indicative of how Heaven's forced memory wiping works. That's because Heaven doesn't actually wipe his memory, he takes it away himself and stores it in the fly. So I can't really presume anything based on his behavior.
But the show does imply Crowley was of high rank:
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And he does remember general events -- creating nebulae, passwords, the war. He just doesn't appear to remember other angels.
He doesn't even identify the Metatron by name, he refers to him as "the last time I saw you, you were a big floating giant head man" -- which he did literally just see, in Heaven. It's Aziraphale who identifies him by name.
I saw a meta earlier comparing Job to Crowley with an interesting suggestion: maybe Crowley never did anything wrong. Furfur's story implies Crowley was an active participant, but maybe there's more to it than meets the eye.
Last thing that comes to mind:
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I think it's super interesting that Muriel just happens to be the lowest ranking scribe, until the plan to yeet Gabriel from his position, and then he will just happen to be the next lowest after that. It makes me wonder who they were, or will become. But I am convinced that who they are isn't who they've always been.
Because that's what Heaven does -- they take away agency, they care not for the individual but rather the role the individual plays. Once the individual stops being useful towards that role, they discard them like one of God's favorite human's kids.
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e-dubbc11 · 11 months
Songbird Pt. 3
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Photos are not mine. They are courtesy of Pinterest/Google.
Pairing: Billy Russo x F! Reader
Warnings: Swearing, Smut (18+PLEASE) no minors or I’m telling on you, Oral (M! receiving), P in V sex, stalking.
Word Count: 4.7k-ish
Summary: Part 3 of 4. After explaining what happened to your ex boyfriend, Billy wants to tell you something that he normally keeps a secret. The two of you go out on a dinner date only to come home to an unpleasant surprise.
Part 1
Part 2
A/N: I’m very much in love with this series, even though it doesn’t appear others feel the same way. But it’s a good thing I don’t write for other people. For everyone who is enjoying this series, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for reading, commenting and reblogging. I really appreciate it. ❤️
As always, thank you for reading!  I appreciate it so much and comments, reblogs are welcome and encouraged. Don’t be shy to tell me your favorite part. 💕💕 💕
He hadn’t even tried to kiss you, not once. The soft kiss against your forehead was the only kiss he had given you, and his long slender fingers gently swept a stray piece of hair away from your eyes, while the two of you sat on the stairs in silence trying to figure out what to say to each other next.
He could have fed you a bunch of bullshit lines for the past few weeks while getting to know you better but his actions were completely out of character from what you had observed since you had moved into the building.
Was that all because of you?
Billy was the one who broke the silence. “I, uh, have something for you.”
You knew what it was already but you acted surprised anyway.
“Oh? What is it?” You asked.
He rose to his feet, held out his hand for you to take and helped you stand up. “They’re inside, would you like to come in? Have a drink? I have GOOD bourbon.” He joked.
You let out a little laugh. “I wouldn’t expect anything less. I’d love to.”
Billy took your hand, your fingers laced with his as he led you inside his apartment. You knew it had to be beautiful but you didn’t know just how beautiful it actually was until you saw it with your own eyes. It looked like pages from a furniture catalog, everything was neat and tidy.
“Wow…it really is beautiful in here. You want me to take my shoes off?” You asked.
A sly smile stretched across his face. “If you don’t mind.” He said.
You started to unzip your boots when he stopped you and started to laugh.
“I’m just kidding, y/n. Go have a seat, you like your bourbon with a little ice?” He asked.
“Three ice cubes…please.” You said.
The dark brown leather of the couch felt cool against your fingers as you looked around. The place looked like it hadn’t really been lived in. Everything still looked brand new like he didn’t really spend a lot of time at home.
You could tell he was a workaholic, just by looking at him. And that made you feel a little sad for him. Home was a place you come to, to relax and unwind after a long day but it just looked like he came home to do more work.
It was supposed to be cozy and lived in, yet he had probably never eaten a meal at his dining room table.
Billy came back with two glasses of bourbon, handed one to you and rested the other on the coffee table in front of you before walking away again. He was holding the books you had left in the store when he came back and set them down next to you.
Your heart was beating right out of your chest, your hand holding the glass of bourbon started to shake slightly, he really didn’t have to do that.
“You forgot these.” He said with a sly smile and wink.
Trying to fight the tears that welled up in your eyes, you said “Billy, you didn’t have to do this.”
He took a sip of his drink, the amber liquid floated back and forth against the sides of the glass before he set it down again.
“I know I didn’t have to but I wanted to.” He said, as he inched closer to you and you not minding that he did.
He was close enough that you could smell his cologne, the scent was intoxicating and he was looking at you like you were the only woman in the world.
His onyx colored eyes raked over you like he was committing how you looked at that moment to his memory. It caused you to draw in a sharp breath.
“I really don’t know what to say, Billy. T-thank you for these.” You choked out.
“You’re welcome.” He paused. “Y/n, I know you have shared a lot with me and you told me something tonight that was obviously very difficult to talk about, so I want to share something personal with you. You deserve an explanation.” He said.
You interrupted him.
“Billy, you really don’t owe me anything. You don’t have to tell me anything if you don’t want to.”
He picked up his drink again and took another sip. “But I want to. I bet telling me about Corey made you feel a little better, didn’t it. I bet it made you feel less alone, right?”
You nodded.
“Well maybe I don’t wanna feel alone anymore either.” He said with a hitch in his voice and pressed his lips firmly together.
You reached for his hand and held it tightly while he told you about his mother. She had abandoned him when he was a small child, left him at a fire station and never came back which forced him to grow up in the foster care system.
He said he felt alone, unwanted, and discarded like a piece of garbage, which shattered your heart. How could a mother do that to her own child? And not protect him at a time when he needed it the most, no child deserved that.
When he was finally finished, his eyes glistened with unshed tears and he turned away from you hoping you wouldn’t see them. It was difficult to find the words to say to him.
You guessed Billy must still feel like that broken little boy that no one loved and that’s why he never let anyone get close, that’s why he didn’t have relationships, and why he did nothing but play the field because no one could love him anyway.
But that wasn’t true…anymore.
Slowly over the past few weeks, your feelings for Billy had been growing. It was hard to admit that to yourself, at first. But the truth is, for the first time in a long time, you felt cared for and protected.
Billy wanted to know more about you, he gave you very thoughtful gifts that actually meant something and he just enjoyed being with you and you enjoyed being with him. He hadn’t shown his playboy persona since that first night at the club and that was weeks ago.
“I don’t share my life with anyone. I have my work and not much else because that’s how I like it and that’s how I’ve always liked it.” He said. “But I…care about you, y/n. I care about you a lot but it scares me.”
“Why does it scare you, Billy?” You asked.
He pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes before looking at you again.
“Because aside from my marine buddies, you are the longest relationship I’ve ever had and we’re not even IN a relationship! I don’t even know how to be in one.” He stated sharply.
“Well, I think you’re doing an ok job so far.” You said with a smile.
He looked at you with a confused look on his face. “What?”
You reached up and brushed his beard with your thumb, locked your eyes with his, and leaned in close. Delightful sparks were running along your spine as you softly touched your lips to his, and pulled away.
Unsure of what you had just done, you said “I’m sorry, Billy. I shouldn’t have—“
He cut you off as his lips crushed against yours, his hands cupped your cheeks as his kisses became insistent, and you felt a rush of helplessness in your body that left you limp in his arms. You knew this was the only place you wanted to be as his tongue parted your trembling lips.
Pulling you into his lap, you could taste the bourbon on his tongue as his gentle hands brushed the hollow of your neck. His lips were soft and warm against yours, entangling his hands in your hair, nipping the skin on your jaw and down your throat.
You choked on your need for him as your mouths slid together and his tongue swept your lower lip. His name broke free from your lips in a low whisper into his ear.
“Billy.” You gasped, feeling the brush of his eyelashes against your cheek.
“Yes, sweet girl?” Billy said, peppering kisses across your forehead.
“You know I care about you too.” You said, gently scratching his scalp with your fingernails.
Billy wrapped his arms tightly around your waist, his fingers skipped up and down your spine causing goosebumps to erupt across your skin.
“This is all new to me. So you’re saying, having you followed and eavesdropping is NOT ok, right?” He joked.
You smiled and leaned forward to kiss him again. “Typically, that’s not ok Billy.” You chuckled.
“Roger that.” He said with a nod. “Ok, so I need to tell you something else.”
With a concerned look on your face, you asked. “Oh? What is it?”
“I’m starving, you wanna go get some dinner?” He asked.
“Chinese?” You suggested.
A wide smile stretched across his face, like a Cheshire cat. “You read my mind, beautiful.”
After dinner, walking hand in hand with Billy back to the apartment building, you had never felt more at ease. It was comfortable, relaxed…and fun. He really was funny and matched your sarcastic comments with some of his own.
Anyone that could banter back and forth with you with quick wit and make you smile and laugh was your person. You had more in common with Billy than you thought you did and you helped each other. It was easy, like it’s supposed to be.
You don’t think he let go of your hand the entire night except while you were eating. He loved to hold your hand and gently brush your knuckles with his thumb.
To feel the light touch of his fingers on the small of your back as he ushered you through every door you walked through sent a surge through your body that you haven’t felt in a very long time. Like Billy, you were content being alone but you really missed having someone to make you smile as much as he did.
You were falling for him.
The night manager of your building stopped you before you and Billy got to the elevators. He had a letter addressed to you. “A man came by for you tonight, Miss Y/l/n. He asked if I could give this to you.” He handed you the envelope. “He seemed a little upset that I wouldn’t let him upstairs to let him drop it off to you himself. And he had on a hat and kept his head down so I really didn’t get a good look at him.”
“Oh…ok well thank you, Bob.” You said in a nervous tone. “Did he say anything else?”
Bob shrugged and said “Not really Miss, he just said to make sure you got that letter and that he was a big fan.”
Big fan? He must have been to the club to listen to you sing.
Out of the corner of your eye, you could seeing Billy narrowing his and he tightened his grip on your hand as you thanked Bob again and the two of you headed for the elevators.
As the elevator doors closed, Billy caged you into a corner as you slipped the envelope into your purse. You could tell he had wanted to have his lips all over you as soon as you left the restaurant and he covered your mouth with his own.
His kisses were passionate, firm, and the ache between your thighs grew with every kiss he placed on your neck. Your body molded perfectly against his as the bristles of his beard tickled your neck and your cheeks before pressing his lips to yours once again.
You giggled as his beard tickled your neck again. “So, this is how you thank me for dinner? I didn’t say you had to put out, Russo.”
He pulled away from you, laughing as he did it. “The only reason you got to pay for dinner is because you stole the check while I was in the restroom, you little sneak!”
The heat radiating off of his chest was intense and it was already warm inside the elevator as he held you close and kissed the top of your head.
“Well, you snooze, you lose, lieutenant. I don’t know what to tell ya.” You said softly, leaning against his chest.
Smiling down at you, he took your chin in between his thumb and forefinger and said. “You’re such a cheater.”
“I know.” You said with a gentle laugh.
Cutting through the brief silence, Billy asked you “So…are you gonna open that letter?”
Humming into his chest, you said “Hmmmm, not right now. I’m busy with you. Maybe tomorrow, it’s late.”
“Ok, sweet girl.” He said and didn’t push it any further.
Billy dropped you off at your door and after many, many long kisses goodnight, he finally made his way back to his apartment.
It was hard to contain the smile on your face. You didn’t stop smiling from the time you arrived home, taking your shower, and making your tea. When you poured the water from the kettle into your mug, you glanced over at the envelope sticking out of the top of your purse.
As you waited for your tea to cool down, you took the letter out of the envelope and began to read. The words written across the page caused your heart to jump into your throat and your hand began to shake while holding the paper.
You could still feel her soft lips pressed against yours. Her warm skin stippled with goosebumps every time you touched her and when you closed your eyes, you saw her smile and heard her laugh. Everything about her was enchanting.
Thinking about how she stole the check right out from under your nose made you laugh. Had it been any of the women you usually go out with, the check would have sat there until you got back and they would have acted like they didn’t even see it. But not your little songbird, she was unlike any woman you’ve ever known. Yes, she was beautiful but she was also shy, humble, funny, and had the biggest heart.
No woman had offered to buy you dinner before or even cook you dinner, for that matter. And you’ve never even thought about telling anyone about your childhood before her.
At dinner, she mentioned she and the band had been practicing another new song they’ve never performed before. And she said that she chose it specifically for you but she wouldn’t say what song it was, that you would have to find out at one of her upcoming shows which you couldn’t wait for.
Your last thoughts before drifting off to sleep were of her and as you laid there in the gathering darkness, you wondered what was in that envelope but you knew she would tell you. Maybe not tonight but she would.
The sound of your phone vibrating woke you. Wiping the sleep out of your eyes, you focused on the screen showing you her name and picture. You had managed to take her picture during one of her performances without her noticing, she looked perfect.
“Hey beautiful. What’s wrong? Are you ok?” You asked.
She sounded scared. “Billy? I woke you didn’t I…shit, I’m so sorry. I just didn’t know what else to do—“
You cut her off. “Y/n…what is it? Tell me.”
The silence before she spoke again was excruciating.
“That—that letter.” She said.
She didn’t need to say anything else.
“I’m coming down there now.” You told her and hung up.
The elevator seemed to move in slow motion and it took forever to even get down to her floor. When you finally made it to her apartment, you gently tapped on the door.
“Baby, it’s me. Open the door.” You said quietly.
She removed the chain and unlocked the door quickly and leaped into your arms as soon as she opened the door. She buried her face into the crook of your neck, her warm tears touched the skin where your neck met your shoulder and when she pulled away she apologized for getting your t-shirt wet.
“Oh Billy, I’m sorry…I got your shirt wet.” She sobbed.
You squeezed her tightly against your body and as you lightly stroked her hair, told her “Ssshhh, it’s ok. I’m here now. Where’s the letter, lemme see it.”
She pointed over at the kitchen counter and there it was sitting next to a mug of untouched tea.
It took me awhile but I finally figured out where you live…did you enjoy your date with that pretty boy from your building?...two dates in one day is pretty impressive…I could treat you better than he ever could…you’ll see very soon…I’ll write again.
Sitting at her kitchen counter, you read those particular lines at least three times. This person knew where she lived, he knew about you, and had been watching the two of you while on your date earlier tonight and at the coffee shop this afternoon.
The blood in your veins burned like wildfire at the thought of anyone hurting her or upsetting her but you couldn’t help but think that this was all your fault. She gave attention to her admirers during her performances but not outside of that. She left it all at the club, except for you. And now she was in danger because of it.
“Y/n, have you noticed anyone from the audience acting weird when you’re up there singing?” You asked.
She took a deep breath and exhaled sharply. “Sometimes it’s hard to see through the lights, Billy but no, I haven’t really noticed anything out of the ordinary.” She said.
“Well number one, we’re taking this letter to the cops tomorrow. Number two, you are going to have someone with you at all times, if it’s not me…it will be one of my people. And number three, you’re not going to stay here by yourself. I want—I want you to stay with me.” Those last words shocked her but they also shocked you.
“Billy, I don’t wanna disrupt your life or get in the way. You have your life, your home, and I don’t wanna put you out like that. I can stay here. What if someone just stands outside?” She asked.
You violently shook your head “no.” “Absolutely not, this is my fault—I”
She interrupted you. “Your fault? This isn’t your fault, Billy.”
“This guy is angry with you because of me, because we’re—together?” You asked nervously.
She smiled at you. “Are we together, Billy?” She asked.
Without another word, you left the letter sitting on counter and walked over to her sitting on the couch. She looked up at you through her long dark lashes, nervously biting down on her lower lip as you pulled her up to standing and kissed her.
“Well that was nice, but I asked you a question Billy.” She said with a cunning smile, like she knew the answer but wanted you to say it. “I know you have a hard time with expressing yourself with words but I really need to hear it. Please?”
You closed your eyes and inhaled sharply. “Well…if you’ll have me. Like I said, I don’t know how to do this. But I do know that I want you…and only you, my beautiful songbird. And I’m not gonna let anything happen to you.” You said, as you cupped her face and stared into her eyes.
You meant every word but you definitely weren’t used to saying how you felt about anyone. Until now, you had no interest in a relationship with any woman. She had a lot of patience which was required to be able to deal with someone like yourself.
Pulling her tight against your chest, the two of you stood there holding each other before she said. “You look really cute in your sweatpants.” And she started to laugh which made you laugh.
“We’re talking about a stalker, I’m trying to be serious and you’re talking about my sweatpants. What am I gonna do with you?”
“I don’t wanna sleep alone tonight, Billy. Will—y-you stay with me? Please?” Her tone turned back to serious and she seemed scared.
“Just try and stop me, sweet girl. I’m not going anywhere tonight, I promise.”
Bright sunlight spilled into your bedroom window through a crack in the curtains the next morning. The unforgiving glare of the sun danced across the high points of your face as you felt the bristles of Billy’s beard gently scratch your bare shoulder.
He pressed his lips to your warm skin, his long arms wrapped tightly around your waist as you remembered lying in bed with him last night. Resting your head on top of his chest, you closed your eyes and listened to his heart beating with only the dim city lights below your window coming inside.
He caressed your hand with his and smiled against your hair as you talked late into the night, only stopping so he could kiss you periodically.
Billy had told you earlier in the night that he wanted you and only you. You began to feel the desire between your legs grow more intense. From the way he answered your late night phone call, to rushing down to be with you when you needed him and telling you he would never let anything happen to you.
You wanted to show him just how much he meant to you.
Rolling over in bed, you placed one knee on either side of him, eased down to kiss him insistently and gently bit down on his lower lip.
Shocked with your actions at first, he tried to stop you in between kisses. “Baby…I can’t believe I’m actually saying this but what are you doing?”
His hardening length pressing against your most sensitive area.
He sat up and cupped your face as he returned your kisses. “I don’t wanna take advantage of you, sweet girl. This isn’t why I wanted to stay with you tonight.” Said Billy.
Holding the hem of his t-shirt in between your fingers, you inched closer to press your forehead against his. “I know it’s not, Billy. But I want this…I want you.”
Pressing yourself harder down into his lap, a low moan escaped his lips and he kissed you…hard. With a hushed growl against your mouth, Billy let you remain in control. You could feel how hard he was for you as you pulled his t-shirt over his head and discarded it on the floor.
His talented fingers extended under your sleep shirt and touched the warm skin of your lower back brushing the waistband of your panties causing shivers to run down your spine. His lips pulled back revealing clenched teeth as you continued to grind down onto his crotch and his cock aching to get out from his pants.
You peppered kisses from his chest, down his torso to the top of his waistband and in one motion eased his pants down his legs to remove them. He went rigid under your touch, as you took him into your mouth, your tongue running along the underside causing him to draw in a sharp breath followed by a guttural moan.
Clawing your shirt off and leaving you in nothing except your panties, he pulled you off of him to tell you “Baby, that feels so good but I won’t last long if you keep that up. Come up here.” He hissed.
Sitting up long enough for him to ease your panties off, you sank down onto him with ease. You were so wet, you didn’t even wait for him to stretch you out before you started to rock back and forth…slowly, allowing him to go deeper and sending sharp tingles throughout your entire body.
Your passion spun tighter and tighter inside you, and you clung to him like your life depended on it as your climax started building. His short quick thrusts were hitting the spot that quickly sent you over the edge.
Riding out one orgasm, his name fled from your lips over and over again as he pulled another one out of you, causing your vision to go white.
“That’s it, baby…shit!” He yelled.
He spilled into you, gripping your sides tightly as you tugged gently on his raven colored hair to kiss him again, his lips parting so he could entangle your tongue with his before collapsing into each other.
“So since you paid for dinner, you get to be on top?” He joked, breathing heavily.
His joke took you by surprise so you let out a loud laugh. “You’re damn right I do.” You joked back.
“Well, if you don’t let me pay for dinner next time, I’m not puttin’ out.” He said in a sarcastic tone.
“Alright, alright…you don’t have to use fightin’ words, soldier. At ease.” You were laughing now. “Goodnight, Billy.”
“Goodnight, sweet girl.” He replied.
That memory from last night still fresh in your mind as you felt him squeeze your hand under the sheet before popping out of bed like a jack in the box.
He was definitely a morning person.
“Come on…let’s go take that letter to the police.” He said.
Sounding a little deflated, you replied. “But Billy, he doesn’t actually threaten you or me in it. I just feel like it’s going to be a waste of time.”
And you were right, it was a waste of time. They kept the letter and opened a file for it but you didn’t leave the station feeling any better than before but you did feel safe because Billy was with you.
The only time he let you out of his sight was when you were at work, but he had someone outside of your building waiting for you anytime you needed to leave. No one could get into your building without an ID badge so he felt good about leaving you during the day.
Billy checked on you multiple times during the day before meeting you at home at the end of the work day. He made sure that no one was allowed past the front desk if they asked for you or him and aside from the initial letter, it had actually been pretty quiet for the past few weeks.
And with the exception of your new temporary living situation, your life went on as normal. Every time you brought up that maybe it was just an isolated incident and it was over, he would remind you that the letter said he would write again. So he still wanted you to stay with him until it was over.
You still performed at the club with Billy never very far away from you. He even brought his best friend Frank and his wife Maria to one of your shows. Singing relaxed you, it helped wash away the stress you had been feeling for the past few weeks but you could tell Billy was on edge.
He couldn’t even enjoy himself watching you at the club because he was too distracted by anyone who walked by, anyone that approached the stage or even just sitting in the audience, he always had his work face on.
You had gotten used to waking up in Billy’s arms every morning. His penthouse seemed less cold and empty since you started staying with him, it was lived in, and it was…home.
The two of you actually ate meals together at the dining room table, used the kitchen for cooking instead of just for coffee, and he sat in the stairwell with you while you practiced.
He said it was to keep you company but you knew it was to watch over you which is why he always brought his gun. You didn’t mind though, and he actually brought you to ANVIL to practice because he needed to know that you knew how to protect yourself when he wasn’t around.
After weeks of living your life as normal as possible without incident, Billy came home and found you sitting at the dining room table, eyes shining with tears that hadn’t quite spilled over yet.
And you were holding another letter.
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growsagain · 6 months
That chocolate ice cream and coke story is sooo good!
Can you imagine, the loop one could get stuck in, devouring a whole container of ice cream that was too good to stop… it reacting with all the coke you already drank… it expanding and bloating you up from the inside, stretching out your already massive capacity…?
Then you can’t help but notice you’re eating even MORE chocolate ice cream and coke the next time around, expanding you out even further and further….
Ohhhh that’s the dream really! 🥰 there’s no downside to that, I LOVE chocolate ice cream, I’d drink Coke all day long if I could, I LOVE the feeling of all that foam mixing and churning and bubbling in my stomach (plus the gurgly burps and rumbles are 🥵🥵🥵) and the weight those things pile on and all amazing, I would do this every day if I could!! 🥰
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We don’t have a freezer right now (we have a tiny freezer box in our little fridge that’s about 3 inches high and can’t fit anything in but ice cubes :/) so this is a long shot but if anyone wants to help us out getting one it would enable all kinds of extra food experiences, not to mention stocking up on lot of extra cheap stuff, and I’d be very happy to make a long Ice cream float bloat video in exchange 😇😁
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starlemonbunki · 6 months
Nothing on my mind except Chuuya with depression who gets some help from an expert in that field (dazai🙄)
It starts simple. Dazai and Chuuya often meet at an underground bar to have a drink together. It's the one time they can talk to each other peacefully, no need for their constant bickering and attacks, here they can actually be civilized.
Chuuya doesn't notice it at first. All he knows is that as of late, he hasn't really been in the mood. Jobs that he would finish in a heartbeat suddenly become such a burden. Things he used to love like music and wine are all but fuzzy memories, he doesn't feel anything for them now. He's always tired, and he's never tired. Chuuya would never admit when he wants to hit the hay. As long as the boss needed him, he was there.
He comes in late for his and Dazai's biweekly meetings. Dazai can already tell the other is in distress. His once so strong appearance that he accomplished with so much effort seemed improvised, shirt undone by three top buttons, jacket hanging by his arm, no vest, hair in disarray, it was barely like Chuuya anymore.
"What's wrong, Slug? You win a hobo costume contest or something?" Dazai tried to tease, to lighten the mood.
"Shut up, fish for brains, m' not in the mood." Chuuya says begrudgingly as he takes a seat one stool away from Dazai, like he always did.
"Oh? Do tell," Dazai slid a glass of shiny brown liquid and three floating ice cubes to his ex partner, who took it without a word.
"None of your goddamn business, Mackerel." Chuuya was grumpy, cranky even, at Dazai's poor attempt at comforting him.
"Aw, c'mon, Chuu! This is Lupin we're in! What's the point of this place still standing if we don't share anything and everything in it?"
Chuuya sighed a short "fine" and opened up.
"I've just been so tired lately." He said.
"Oh? Mori giving you trouble?"
"Nah, the workload's just as much as before, I checked. It just...feels like more than I can carry, y'know?"
"Well, maybe you should take a break," Dazai said in a cheerful tone. "I know a couple of islands you could visit for a vacation. They've got wine and music and probably some tacky hats if you feel like i-"
"That's the thing, I'm not in the mood to take a break. Or do the things I want. They just....don't seem that appealing anymore. And even if I do take some time off, what if the boss needs me? I can't just let go of that responsibility."
By now Chuuya has had one too many drinks than he can handle in this state, and by that I mean he's only had one, the one Dazai gave him. Already he was looking even worse. Dazai figured it was time for him to go home.
Usually when Chuuya was drunk and Dazai was the poor soul who had to take him home to safety, he would be met with countless insults and "I'm not drunk"s or "one last drink"s. But this time, Chuuya didn't resist a bit. He groggily got off the stool, greeted the bartender, took his coat and walked out silently with Dazai. It's a feeling the latter definitely wasn't used to.
They got to Chuuya's apartment, a luxurious suite at the top of a 30+ story condo that had a bigger bedroom than Dazai's entire home, and the brunette laid his friend down on the couch. Once he knew he was comfortable he slid down to sit on the floor with his back leaning on the couch, staying close to watch his friend. It wasn't the first time he'd done this, and it won't be the last.
"You get feelings like this too, right?"
"All the time, buddy. Why?"
"I was worried about that. Do you...have any tips on...how to deal with it?"
Dazai paused for a second.
"Have you thought about just...not dealing with it?"
"Can't afford to do that."
"Why not?"
"Well, unlike you, some of us are actually competent assets to our jobs. If I go down the entire Port Mafia will go down too."
"That's not your responsibility."
"It was when you left."
Another long pause. Chuuya was a little out of it, but even he could tell it was too quiet in there.
The silence was so long Chuuya's eyes started to get heavier. His long lashes would flutter up and down as he tried to remain awake. He didn't know why, there was no reason for him to stay away that night...right?
Dazai felt the change in Chuuya's atmosphere even while looking away. As he turned around he saw Chuuya's cute little eyelids flutter like butterflies and his bright blue pupils softening towards slumber.
"Are you going to sleep? Because I can leave if you want." Dazai was quick to get back up on his feet and make his way to the door. However he wasn't quick enough for something to not catch him by the tail of his coat.
"Wait," came a voice. Dazai looked behind him. Chuuya had pulled himself out of the couch just to reach him. His hand gripped on lightly to his coat yet it was probably all the strength he could muster.
"Could you...stay here for a little while?" He asked bashfully. They weren't little kids anymore, asking a guy to stay the night means something now.
Dazai's face went from confused to soft and reassuring. "Sure, Shrimp." He said as he made his way back to the couch. "Since Chuuya needs me so much, I guess I can stay."
"All I need you for is to repel any mice or rats that come in here. Your fishy scent will drive them away."
"Oh my! How hurtful! You've really done it now, Chuuya, I'm devastated!"
"Shut up..."
Neither of them know how it happened, but soon enough the two were asleep. Chuuya on the couch, stomach down and face to the side in case he needed to vomit (he didn't) with a hand reaching out. And Dazai leaning against the arm rest of the couch, also slightly on his side, hand almost touching Chuuya's.
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ete3rlips · 1 year
“For the first time” - Neteyam Sully
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You are in a committed relationship with Neteyam and then you find out that he has to go to a faraway clan, when his family returns you look for him to give him wonderful news, only to find out later that…
Warnings: mentions of death, pregnancy, pregnant reader, neteyam and adult reader, use of y/n.
Pairing: Neteyam x omaticaya fem! reader
You were escaping from Neteyam, both of you were on the floating mountains playing ball, the only thing that could be heard was your happiness at finally having some alone time with your fiancé, when you started to feel tired, you had been like this for days. And only you and mo'at knew the reason..
You were pregnant, and you just found out a few days ago and you were only two weeks pregnant, you were planning to tell Neteyam and his family today.
"It's almost the eclipse, we have to go honey" you heard Neteyam say before his headphones began to ring. It was Loak saying that he, Kiri, Spider and Tuk were trapped along with 5 avatars that were not his. After Loak and Jake finished talking, they both looked at each other and ran to their ikrans, Jake had given them the order to get away from there.
Several hours had passed since what happened, you and Neteyam were hugging while listening to Jake and Neytiri fight, "You can't ask me that, the children, me, the only thing they know is the forest, this is our home!" It was the last thing you heard from Neytiri, you didn't want to hear any more, your partner, your friends, would leave, you hugged Neteyam tighter and looked at him, they knew they couldn't do anything to stop him.
You saw Jake and Neytiri leave, their faces changed completely knowing that their children were there and that they had heard everything, you felt Neytiri's gaze on you, when you turned to see her her eyes were with some tears and reflected sadness, she knew how so much that his son loved you, and it would be hard to let you go.
The night had passed too quickly, something you cursed because you knew that on that day the Sullys would leave the forest indefinitely, it might even be forever. Now you were helping Neteyam to pack his most important things, they hadn't talked much that morning and you really didn't want to because you knew that if they talked more than "good morning", "I help you" or "thank you". "It would be to say goodbye, and you still refused, you still didn't know how to tell him that you were expecting a child, his first child, it wasn't the right time, but if it wasn't right now, then when would it be? You didn't know if they would return.
“I promise I'll be back, even if it's just me, you'll have me here, darling” Neteyam told you when he saw that you had been staring into space for several minutes “Mmh? Forgive me, I didn't hear you, I was thinking about something” you said hoping he didn't feel bad “I'll be back, you're not going to get rid of me so fast” he said trying to make a smile and he really had succeeded.
"Ma'Teyam..." you said, it was the moment to say it even if it wasn't the best, "Yes, princess?" He responded by stopping what he was doing and putting all his attention on you, that made you much more nervous "I have to tell you something, and I'm sorry it's now and here but..." and you were interrupted by Kiri, he just gave them One look and you felt like an ice cube had been thrown at you.
"Come on Ma'tanhí, it's time to see me fly" Despite the situation, he tried to make you laugh, even a little.
You did not want to say the last "see you later" and although he assured you that it would not be the last, nothing could guarantee it, so you decided to put yourself last at a time when Neteyam neglected you, you did. You didn't feel ready and you really believed someone else wouldn't be there either. Willing to say goodbye to his partner.
You were watching Tarsem slash Jake's chest, you hated that it was taken as goodbye, you hated that the leader had to "die" for the leader to be born.
You didn't know when, but you saw how everyone had already moved aside for the Sullys to pass and you had stayed in full view of the family, in full view of Neteyam.
"oel ngati kameie" you saw what Neteyam tried to tell you, you couldn't articulate the words so you just waved at him.
You regretted that this had been his goodbye, but you didn't have the strength to say goodbye or say "see you later."
You felt tears in your eyes as you looked further and further away at Josh, the ikran of Neteyam.
It had been 7 months since the Sullys had left the woods and your belly was showing more than anything.
Your family was taking care of you, because the first months you had relapsed from the sadness you had felt. In this time, Tarsem and you had established a good friendship, you knew there were rumors about the two of you but in reality it was that you were still being trained by Mo'at, you were still Neteyam's fiancée.
Tarsem was one of the only true friends you had left, he knew how much you blamed yourself for not telling Neteyam that you were expecting her first child, and he was the one who helped and supported you on many occasions.
It was not easy, you were 24 years old and you were expecting a child without your partner by your side, in a few months you would turn 25 and you hoped to turn 25 with your partner by your side.
"Y/n you have to come" you heard Tarsem say as he came in to help you to your feet "I have some of the best news for you" he was excited, you could hear the excitement in every word he said.
When you reached the place where the Tarsem had brought you, you saw that it was the same place where the Sullys had gone, in the blink of an eye you could see most of the Navis around, in the distance you could see 4 ikrans flying towards where you were, you became alert, but Tarsem calmed you down, it was them, it was the Sullys returning to their home.
Every time they got closer but you kept seeing 4, in your mind the death of one of them never occurred to you, you thought that there was one that was further back, you searched so much for the 5th and 6th ikran that were missing that you didn't realize that the one that was What was missing was the neteyam and lo'ak, when the 4 landed you were still looking for them, you felt happiness but you were also terrified.
"Y/n, look there, here they come" Tarsem pointed to two ikran, your soul had returned to your body, so you would greet them now you would go with the ones that had already landed.
"My child," you heard Neytiri say, "Y/N!" Tuk and Kiri yelled, but their voice tones sounded so muffled even though they showed emotion "it must be fatigue" you thought.
you leaned in to hug Tuk, when she looked down and noticed your big belly, at that moment you signaled to her to be quiet, still no one had noticed but her, "Where is she?" You asked looking at Kiri but there was no answer, just silence, the loudest silence you have ever heard. You were confused, but in the back of your mind you had already figured out what that meant.
You had seen that Loak had already landed, and although you still couldn't find Neteyam's ikran, when you went to greet Loak you asked him with your eyes where he was but again, there was no answer. All emotion that existed in your body was gone, you turned to Jake and Neytiri expecting an answer and ignoring the one you were already thinking, but Jake's nod and Neytiri's tears confirmed their departure.
"No, no, no" you said as you fell to your knees on the ground, Loak quickly walked towards you and that's when he noticed your belly and his worried look went to his parents, they had barely noticed too "Io'ak, please please tell me it's not like that, it's not true, he promised he would come back, he promised me" you felt more and more tears fall from your face, soon you felt someone carefully pick you up and hug you, it was Jake "I tried to take care of him my girl, I really tried because I knew how much I wanted to go home and hold you again" he said as he hugged you and let you cry in his arms. Soon you felt Neytiri's arms around you, and then there was all the family of his deceased fiance hugging him.
After a while, the lo'ak felt your weight, you had fainted, it wasn't the first time this had happened, but they didn't know it, they just knew that this wasn't normal, let alone a pregnant navi.
Two weeks.
Two weeks after the birth of his son, he named him after his father, "Neteyam".
Two weeks in which you had stopped going out unless it was necessary, you felt that everyone was looking at you with such pity, as if they wanted to remind you that your partner had died, you knew that it was not like that, you knew that some felt your sadness and the others wanted to see you well, but your mind betrayed you saying that they made fun of you.
The Sullys came to visit you from time to time, your son became your great company, he reminded you of him.
All your tears stopped that first week since you found out about Neteyam's death. Tarsem and Lo'ak decided to walk away, every time they entered where you were staying you let out a "Neteyam!" and your tears began to fall again.
And I had also created the first songcord for your son.
I guess I've written too much, but I didn't know when to finish it.
I wanted to put more on Tarsem and Y/N's relationship, but it would have been filler and too unnecessary.
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callmearcturus · 1 year
This is a LONG chapter so here is a peek at the first scene, in which Benji accidentally gives Ethan an existential crisis.
This is a look at chapter five of you'll need a new name to survive this
A few moments later, Benji returned to his side. "Where's best to grab you?"
"Left side." It hurt moderately less than the right. With Benji's help, Ethan climbed upright and was guided over to the big tub in the corner. They'd never used it before.
"Lean here," Benji told him, setting Ethan against the wall and bending to undo Ethan's shoes, helping him out of them.
Undressing Ethan, Benji was professional. Almost relentlessly so. When he was pantless, down to his shirt and boxers, Ethan let out a smirk, lifting his arms as Benji caught the hem of his tee and started to pull it up. "Awfully handsy," he said. Which was a lie, but a fun one. "Having fun?"
Still, Ethan jerked with pain as he tried to help get the shirt off. Benji tutted quietly. "You're not my type, Ethan, just relax. One arm through at a time, lean on me."
It was a testament to how jetlagged he was that Benji managed to fully remove Ethan's shirt before that statement connected in his brain like a fork into an outlet. "I'm not your type?" Ethan asked, unable to contain himself. "What does that mean?"
There was no play; Benji braced Ethan again. "Sorry to burst your narcissistic bubble, but I do need you to focus. Settle in carefully. We're doing this on a timer."
In the least shocking discovery of Ethan's life, the ice bath was horrible. Benji was next to him the whole time, helping him get in, bare skin and underwear and nothing else. It was worse than leaping off a building into open air, sinking into the cold water.
With the backing of torture resistance training, Ethan breathed steadily and didn't bolt.
Then, Benji added the fucking ice into the bath. "Easy," he soothed, sitting on a stool next to the tub with his arms folded along the rim. His gaze flicked between Ethan and the clock on the wall, never leaving Ethan for too long.
After minute three… Ethan started to get it. It was still heinously cold and unpleasant, but the constant drumbeat of pain that had been dogging him since that long, drawn out fight with Ambrose was being drowned in the cold water. With a slow exhale, Ethan leaned back, the ice cubes floating against his clavicle.
Still, Ethan knew the bath lasted eight minutes because he kept count in his head, and the relief when Benji helped him back out was intense; it melded with the similarly intense relief of not being in pain and Ethan staggered as Benji wrapped him in warmed towels. One around his shoulders, another around his waist (once it was knotted, Ethan shucked off his wet boxers, he could go home commando, who cared), and one around each leg as he was settled on the sofa again.
Benji handed him a mug of hot tea. "Drink that," Benji ordered, settling down at Ethan's side.
"What is it? English Breakfast?"
"I will staple my green card to your forehead. Drink it, you need to warm up."
"You're the one who put me in the ice bath."
"And how do you feel?"
Shutting his eyes, Ethan let Benji see a smile. "Better."
"Well, there you go." 
Coasting through the unexpected endorphin rush occupied Ethan for a while. Ice baths, he decided, were great actually, though he'd never admit that to Benji.
A cleared throat reminded Ethan to drink the damn tea; it was too sweet, but was so warm, he felt it move through his body as he swallowed. Glancing at Benji, he met his eyes. Often Ethan avoided that; sunglasses or staring just slightly off center, anything to avoid the soulgaze.
Benji, though, had weirdly compelling eyes. They were almost a shadowy blue, unseasonable to the late summer.
"What do you mean, I'm not your type?" Ethan asked.
Pressing a hand over one of his eyes, Benji groaned, animated and dismayed. "God, Ethan, I was kidding. What's your pain level?"
"Five," Ethan answered even though it was a transparent dodge and Benji didn't have that kind of verbal agility. "So I am your type?" The way Benji smiled and shook his head, not just fond annoyance, but an actual denial, hit Ethan like a sucker punch in the gut. "Not even in a shallow, raw attraction way?"
"Why," Benji asked slowly, voice strained with baffled laughter, "does this bother you?"
"Professional concern. The ability to rely on people being attracted to me is like oil in the engine, it just ensures everything runs more smoothly."
Unbidden, Swanbeck's words bounced around the hollow stillness of Ethan's skull. It didn't help much with Nyah, did it. Or maybe it helped too much. He still had to run that mental post-mortem.
"Is that your job?" Benji asked mildly, like it wasn't still obvious he was trying to get off the hook. "Are you a.. the hell is the term? A flycatcher?"
"A honeytrap, Benji, christ." Ethan winced. He was sometimes such a civilian. "And I'm whatever I need to be to get the job done."
"Well, I have been doing this job with you for… four? Five years? Clearly it's not an issue that I'm not throwing myself at you when you're damp and naked on my sofa. Stop," Benji said when Ethan opened his mouth. Clicking a pen and setting it against a mini-legal pad on his thigh, he asked, "What are we dealing with this time?"
That was not going to be the end of the discussion, but on the other side of the endorphin haze was the pain, looming.
"I crashed a motorcycle," Ethan started.
"Again? No, no. Go on, I'm listening."
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