#Hellraiser inferno
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fanofspooky · 1 year ago
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It will tear your soul apart
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james-stark-the-writer · 1 year ago
on the opening credits for Hellraiser: Inferno (where's the number 5, guys?), and, they got John Turturro's brother in this? let's see if he's as good as his brother, i've never seen him in anything (at least i don't think i have) so here's to hoping he's as good an actor because if so, i'm going to be pretty entertained, especially if Scott Derrickson directs the shit out of this.
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duranduratulsa · 11 months ago
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Now showing on DuranDuranTulsa's Horror Show...Hellraiser: Inferno (2000) on classic DVD 📀! #movie #movies #horror #hellraiser #hellraiser5 #HellraiserInferno #clivebarker #pinhead #cenobites #dougbradley #CraigSheffer #nicholastuturro #jamesremar #jbgaynor #2000s #dvd #durandurantulsa #durandurantulsashorrorshow
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david-de-bergerac · 2 months ago
Did I ever post this
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deuterosapiens · 6 months ago
So uh... does anyone actually like Inferno?
I saw the genre swap, was exciting to see a detective noir Hellraiser film, and then, oh, then did I learn.
So, our first film without Clive Barker. What wonderful world of exciting new- hey, hey producers, whatcha got- hey, why do you have the screenplay to Se7en in your hand? What are you doing with that permanent marker? Why are you scratching the title out and writing Hellraiser V on the cover?
Okay, so, that might be a bit too much credit. A direct rip-off of Se7en with a coat of Hellraiser paint could be really cool. This was decidedly... not.
I'll give this sequel two things, and these two things only. No more, no less, only flesh:
The twin Cenobites feel as though they were created through sadomasochistic mutilation and therefore, while obviously designed with pointless sexiness in mind, feel compliant with the point of the Cenobites in the original novel. They appear disfigured due to the whole "pain and pleasure are the same thing" thing. This cannot be said of some of the designs in the early films. They aren't particularly interesting to look at, but they don't feel like the fucking CD thing from Hell on Earth.
The Lemarchand Box (identified as the Lament Configuration, spoken out-loud for the first time in the series) is not a Pokéball.
There's a direction these films have obviously talen that I don't much care for because it does conflict significantly with one of the most interesting aspects of film one. It's an aspect that Clive Barker himself kind of ignored in Scarlet Gospels, but since he's the creator, I'll accept his wishes on the matter. Seeing as Scarlet Gospels is clearly in greater continuity with the film than the novella, I guess I'll accept that too.
This little detail, humorously enough, I don't recall this line being in the book, is in the nail-headed Hell Priest's introduction to Kirsty: "demons to some, angels to others, explorers in the farthest reaches of pain and experience". Why do I like this line? Because it rather clearly states that they exist outside of the human morality spectrum. What that other hellsite would refer to as "blue/orange morality" (a term I do find quite useful to describing these sorts of things, I'll admit). Clearly, the later films prefer a literal Christian Hell approach, which is almost boring, as I believe it renders the idea of the Cenobites as simply outside of our realm of understanding quite pointless. Oh, so you exist to punish us for our sins. Cool. Great. Excellent.
I really hope the ploy twist here was able to fool someone. I truly hope someone was caught off guard by it. Someone watched this film and had a major Keanu Reevess style "woah!"- moment. I envy their ability to see the magic of incredibly obvious plot twists.
Oh, so you opened the Box and now you must live out an Inferno-based ironic hell as punishment for your personal indulgences. I feel as though being punished for engaging in vice, excess and sexual indulgence is kind of something the earlier films' Cenobites wouldn't really care about. All they care about is that you are having a good time, and that perhaps you'll have a better time without skin, or really, being in one piece.
Way to completely miss the mark on these characters, guys!
You like The Engineer, I like The Engineer. It's like the one singular Cenobite of the original novel that's given an actual name or title. Why did they give this title to the nail-headed Hell Priest? The Engineer is a creator of glorious devices by which to further explore the limits of the flesh (specifically, it's sundering from its owner's body). Kind of a completely different character!
This one was bad, just honestly bad. I did not enjoy this slow, introspective mess. I could get behind a slow, introspective Hellraiser, but let's not kid ourselves about what these movies are about. They are gorey films, that derive their most unpleasant imagery and fear from the beauty and horror of sex. They embrace the whole "one man's squick is another man's squee" mentality. Or they should.
I cannot reconcile this film with any real element from the previous ones. Oh, Leviathan, Lord of the Labyrinth, help me get through Hellseeker.
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kidamosher · 11 months ago
Just finished, Bloodline, so let's go with Inferno!
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 1 year ago
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ℌ𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔯𝔞𝔦𝔰𝔢𝔯: ℑ𝔫𝔣𝔢𝔯𝔫𝔬 (շօօօ) 𝔡𝔦𝔯𝔢𝔠𝔱𝔢𝔡 𝔟𝔶 𝔖𝔠𝔬𝔱𝔱 𝔇𝔢𝔯𝔯𝔦𝔠𝔨𝔰𝔬𝔫
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publicdomainbooksdevotee · 11 months ago
When you're about to lose the rights to Hellraiser:
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sesiondemadrugada · 1 year ago
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Hellraiser: Inferno (Scott Derrickson, 2000).
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mysticfrullato · 2 years ago
y'all why didn't anybody tell me that Hellraiser II is just a disappointing and extremely questionable piece of the saga
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victor1990hugo · 2 years ago
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james-stark-the-writer · 1 year ago
holy fucking shit, Scott Derrickson really is one of the greats tbh. he came on set with something to prove and to show everybody how it's fucking done and i had an absolute fucking blast, this movie rules so much. best Hellraiser movie (so far), and you're lying to yourself if you think otherwise. this also actually feels like a Hellraiser movie (even if i wish it was even weirder sometimes) unlike the last two. holy fucking shit, this is so fucking good it's genuinely shocking.
My ★★★★½ review of Hellraiser: Inferno on Letterboxd
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optboss · 2 years ago
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Os cenobitas de Hellraiser V mereciam um remake só pra eles.
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flipflopslapfight · 5 months ago
Review: Hellraiser: Inferno
Against all odds, I am still liking these movies, even as we move into the dreaded “direct to video” segment of the catalog. Continue reading Review: Hellraiser: Inferno
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cameronspecial · 10 months ago
Idk if you still take requests but if you do I would love to see a drew x reader where they have to do a sex scene (like in hellraiser) it’s so hot
Just Acting
Pairing: Drew Starkey x Reader
Warnings: SMUT
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 1.0K
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Sometimes when as an actor, the lines between what is real and fake can get blurred. The worst is when that happens during an intimate scene, especially if that scene is so primal with the coworker she has a crush on.
Drew’s grip pulls her head back so that his face is next to hers. His barely covered dick hits against her bum. She lets out pants as instructed and does her best to focus on acting instead of the numerous people behind the camera. “I knew you were a little Slut. Look at you taking it so good,” Drew growls in her ear in character as Alex Tanner, a professional escort. Her character, Stacy Morris, moans out and looks him in the eye with a small nod. “So good. Harder,” she asks in a babble. He chuckles, his hand going to grip her breast only covered in a skin-coloured nipple cover. He gives it the script squeeze before faking pulling out of her and flipping her on her back. He pulls her onto his lap so she is straddling him and the make believe thrusting continues. She bounces with him and struggles to conceal her real moans as his hard length slams against her protected pussy. “YES, ALEX. KEEP GOING,” she screams, running her fingers through his hair to yank on it. Her hands fall to his back and tear down it, which creates beautiful red steaks. 
She presses her lips against him and their mouths move in tandem. This is just acting. This isn’t real. She reminds herself, over and over again. “Cut,” the director calls out and it takes the actors a second to process the command. They begin to slow down and their breaths can be heard throughout the stage. Sweat runs down their faces and they look at each other with embarrassed smiles. She hates to admit that she got caught up in the moment and by the look on his face, he might have too. The director comes over to inform them that they got the shot and that they are moving to the next scene. 
Y/N is moving around her hotel room getting ready for bed when a knock comes at her door. She slips a strand of hair behind her ear and goes to get it. “Hey, Drew. Is everything okay?” she greets, steeping back to let him into the room. He looks nervous as he bites the corner of his lip. “Yeah, I was just wondering if we can run through the scene we did this morning. I know Wayne said we got it but…umm… I don’t feel like we did.” Her heart skips a beat at the reference of the scene. Her cheeks feel like an inferno. She nods, “Uh…yeah, of course. Anything to get the scene right.” He smiles shyly at her. “Cool. We don’t have our modesty wear; however, we are both adults so are you okay with being naked? We can practise fully clothed, if you prefer though.”
The gurgle in her stomach begins to grow. “I think we can do it naked. We are professionals after all.” He nods and they both awkwardly get stripped down. She isn’t surprised by the size of his length and she knows it isn’t going to be actually inside her, yet it doesn’t stop her from squeezing her thighs together in need. His heart stops when he notices the movement. 
She gets on the bed on all fours and looks back at him when she feels his hesitation. “It’s okay. We are just acting, right? This is for our job,” she reassures. His head bobs and he gets settled behind her as he is supposed to be for the scene. They go through the scene and everything feels like acting until she is straddling him. This new position means that their genitals are in direct contact and he shifts under her. He can feel how wet she is and he yarns to be buried deep within her. He notices her expression turning to uncertainty, so he pulls away. “Are you okay? We can stop if you feel uncomfortable,” he says. She shakes her head, “No. No. I’m fine. I can keep going.” To make her point clear, she does as she is scripted to do and rises to pretend to sink down on his cock; however, as she goes to pretend to ride him, she feels his tip fall at her entrance.
Their eyes meet and they stare at each other for a few seconds, trying to figure out what the other is thinking. Since nothing is said, she continues to allow his length inside of her. Her moans fall on his ear and this encourages Drew to begin bucking up inside of her. She bounces with the help of his hands on her ass to meet his movement. The two of them fall into pleasure and it starts to go off-script. His eyes lock on her breasts bouncing in front of him and he can’t help but lean forward to take one into his mouth.
She squeals in delight at the feeling and laces her fingers through his hair so that he stays in place. “Drew,” she calls out. They both freeze. The utterance of his name breaks the spell over them and it is time to admit what they are truly doing. “This isn’t just acting anymore,” he murmurs against her neck. “I want this to be real and if you don’t, then tell me now and I’ll leave.” She pulls his head away so she can crash their lips together, “This is very real to me. I want that too.” He smirks at her and his movements slow down. He flips them so that she is on her back and he is on top of him. His thrusts may have slowed down but they still reach every part inside of her that she needs. They are both brought to their orgasm and his movements stop while they recover. He slips out of her, dropping to her side on the bed. She looks up at him with doe eyes and snuggles himself into his side. He kisses the sweaty border of her hairline. “Please tell me this is real. That this isn’t us just acting or a dream,” she whispers. He lets out a low chuckle, “I promise. This is real and it definitely won’t be the last time we do that. I love you, Y/N.” She sighs in his hold. “I love you too, Drew.”
Taglist: @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming @magicalyoura @rubixgsworld
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fuckyourtriangles · 18 days ago
The Hellraiser films as light novel titles:
Hellraiser: How (not) to accidently summon sex demons
Hellbound: The sex demons won’t leave me alone, so I’ll remind them of their humanity and hope things work out for the best!
Hell On Earth: Since my soul was split in two, I’ll ruin everyone’s else’s day for fun
Bloodline: My sex demon co-worker makes my job harder than it needs to be (in space)
Inferno: Damning a man’s soul to Hell for being a terrible person for fun and profit
Hellseeker: Since I don’t want to become a sex demon, I’ll commit 1st-degree murder instead
Deader: Committing suicide is a bit complicated in Romania
Hellworld: What happens when you use a sex demon’s image to kill people and it doesn’t go quite as you expect.
Revelations: Making deals with sex demons in Mexico
Judgement: When fucking around and finding out in God’s presence goes wrong
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