#Hello my hatchling prince
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sterkeyra · 10 months ago
Atelier Resleriana - Roman
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Roman finally is here and ahhh Atelier Resleri blessed me with him on first try! I got lucky because he was one characters i definitely wanted and finally the hatchling prince joined my squad.
And a prince he is, as he is actually Richard Lantana of the Lantana kingdom. So basically he is the representation of Gio and Tantris. Gio the runaway king and Tantris that joined by giving us a false name 😂
I love Roman already (even though his cape looks like eggshells when he wears it over his head) and I bet Sterk might lash out at him just like at Gio😂
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reyraereads · 5 months ago
Hello, there! I started reading your fanfic, Through the Raging Flames: The Gold Rises, and I am very intrigued and sapped into it. I was wondering if I could ask some insight on how characters in the fic are and would react to Aegon's actions and character — mainly Team Black.
I mean, I would have no doubts that they would start suspecting changes, Aegon is undergoing, maybe even as early as the visit to Driftmark chapter, though some — Daemon and Corlys — wouldn't suspect much of it. They would think Rhaenyra and Laenor had some misinformation on Aegon's character. Largely, because in the fic, it is in Aegon's point of view, I wouldn't be surprised Viserys made a comment or two on Aegon's new personality and maybe a couple of brownie points (this man just loves tearing his family apart as a part-time, let's be honest 💀) on how PROUD he is becoming of him.
I was wondering how do, Rhaena and Baela view their cousin too? I mean, they are obviously influenced by Daemon (who should never be one's parental role model.. ) by how they regard the Targtower children — from Aegon's point of view. It is obvious they have no malice towards them but are just somewhat indifferent to them. I mean, so far, I can tell Baela admired Aegon and Sunfyre (the comment Jace said that she said Sunfyre was a big dragon), and after his skit at the Squire's Tournament.
Lastly, does any of Sunfyre and Aegon's extra dragon-riding training time(and just avoiding family time 😭) mean Sunfyre would be stronger than in general? In Chapter 9, Daemon comments how impressive Sunfyre's growth was even though he is still a hatchling and the obvious comment by Baela that Sunfyre is big and Viserys's notice by the Dragonkeepers, that Sunfyre is growing stronger. I wouldn't be surprised if Sunfyre is growing stronger, just like Aegon is growing in this timeline.
For example, in terms of mass and wing-span in general, I read a Reddit post, and the person said that the dragons grown in captivity are smaller than those in the wild and thus restricts their natural growth (lack of space) and I'm slightly convinced of that. In the books, as biased as it can be, Syrax is mentioned to be the dragon equivalent of a pet cat if she didn't breathe fire — always being overfed and spoiled and can't even hunt a sheep properly. In the show, they do try to make Syrax a bit more competent and show that she can fly even if her abilities are more on the dragon rearing side like Dreamfyre (well, even Dreamfyre has the advantage of both size and ferocity).
So, in Sunfyre's case in your fic, would that make him stronger and grow a bit larger than his book and show counterpart? Even if it was just a bit, it would still make somewhat of a difference seeing how much faster and durable Sunfyre is in your fic.
(Okay. I lied, I'm sorry 😭 But in this, do you think it would be more obvious to many that when Daemon and Rhaenyra named their kid Aegon as a slight to our Aegon? I know it was mentioned in the book, and Alicent was angry about it, but I'm just curious. Surely, more and more people would notice this as an insult seeing how popular the Golden Prince is becoming with the people..)
TB insights on Aegon--
Daemon-- This kid is proving to be more of a challenge than I thought. But let's wait it out as he grows older; cups and whores will interest him, and the interest in kingship will wane.
Rhaenyra---What is happening?
Rhaenys---My cousin is such a fool. What did he think would happen? That his son would accept being second-fiddle to his sister?
Corlys---Conflict can arise, but Viserys has not changed the succession in 13 years. He'll not change it now. As long as we marry the twins to the boys, everything will be fine.
Rhaena and Baela are quite young, 7, and Aegon is their older cousin, so he'll always be kind of cool regardless of what Daemon says. Like they're too young to understand 'Valyrian racial purity' and 'bastardly', so they don't really know what 'Hightower whelp' means and that it's meant to be an insult. Now, Team Black kids are very sheltered---they live on an island---and seem not to stay in court longer than a month, so the opinions of Rhaenyra and Daemon impact how they see their cousins. Still, the large age difference means they don't really know them, and they're too young to make an informed opinion. Also, unlike before, Aemond claimed Vermithor, not Vhagar, so there's no bad blood between the twins.
Sunfyre is growing bigger and stronger since Aegon rides him daily. I actually like Sunfyre's size on the show. It is one of the only things they did well. It's pretty accurate for a dragon that fought Meleys, Greyghost, and Moondancer. However, Moondancer's size annoys me, she should be as small as Vermax when we first saw Jace's dragon. Meleys is far too small for a dragon that in the book could have taken on Vhagar, and Caraxes is too small as well. I cannot imagine show! Caraxes killing Vhagar--- I just cannot, especially since Vhagar's neck is quite thick. Sunfyre, like his rider, is very resilient.
The thing with Syrax is that the book explicitly says that she was used to being chained, which tells me that she's not ridden that often, which is not surprising considering Rhaenyra is the Princess of Dragonstone, the liege lady of the island with her own busy duties. She was pregnant six times, and I'm sure she can't ride in the last months of pregnancy and needs at least a month to recover before getting on a dragon. On the other hand, Aegon had no duties and could ride his dragon as much as he wanted, which certainly impacted Sunfyre's resiliency.
For your last one, the response would be similar to the book. Both Alicent and Rhaenyra are trying to capitalize on their sons having a conqueror's name to prove their worth. People would not see it as insulting. It is more like recognizing the deep rivalry and both sides trying to claim the legacy of the conqueror.
At this point, none of Rhaenyra's kids have a 'royal' name and look nothing like Valyrians. Rhaenyra's child with Daemon is purely Targaryen and made with the man she always wanted to marry. So, to Rhaenyra, her child deserves the best name, and she'd not care if people thought it was insulting--- they're not going to say it to her face anyways.
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wordsifelt · 1 year ago
Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
Also, just curious, is there a story behind your name "wordsifelt "?
Hello! To be honest I don't really read much fanfic cause it I get irrationally upset when it doesn't go exactly how I want it to. I had to dig for the ones I HAVE read (which is why I'm late to reply), but in the end I could only find five:
Natsu no Hina(Summer Hatchling) by OAZUKE (Type: Doujinshi, Ship: Miyusawa, Genre: Angst, eventual fluff ig?)
Sorry For All the Trouble by user @ganen-cheese (Type: short fan comic, Ship: Wangxian, Genre: comedy)
Laundry Room by anewkindofthrill (Type: ao3 fic, Ship: Miyusawa, Genre: angst, smut) {side note about this, I read it after a particular manga chapter dropped cause I was desperate for fics abt a scene, and I loved it, despite the fact that I don't really read smut, because of he way the characters were portrayed}
The Student Prince by FayJay (Type: Published? long form fic, Ship: Merthur, Genre: Modern AU, rebirth, High school) {read this after I watched Merlin and got denial after it ended. I don't remember it too well but I think I liked the relationship dynamic}
Peter Darling by Austin Chant (Type: Published adaptation of fairytale, Original Source Material: Peter Pan, Genre: angst, romance, personal growth and healing (also transmasc MC, tw: dysphoria and transphobia tho))
There's others but I either couldn't find them or I couldn't remember their names. I gotta start keeping track of my fics.
As for your second question, when I created this account I was in a low, hollow sort of space. Detached from everything and feeling kinda empty. The only thing that let me feel alive was stories, and I devoured them. My username was a sort of declaration, an epitaph in a way, that I wasn't unfeeling or empty, and that there is something that makes me too want to live.
Thank you for the ask! I'm sorry I couldn't answer properly 😅
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lcveblossomed · 10 months ago
"Some do not like Caraxes he has an abnormally long neck for a dragon and a hot temper. I will always have a soft spot for him though." Baela says with a smile cooing and fussing at him like he's a sweet little pup. Caraxes of course loves the affection from Baela he seems to melt when one of the girls is there. It made him happy enough that he seemed to have not noticed Robb yet which was probably for the best. "A dragon's relationship with their rider is the most important of course but the next most important is the one they have with their rider's children. My sister and I are extensions of our father and Caraxes loves our father. It also helps that we took many dragon rides on him when we were young."
Baela did not remember it obviously but her mother had told her the story many times. "It is a tradition my father continued on- I had my first ride on Caraxes before I was a week old. Strapped to my father's chest flying through the skies. I only stopped when Moondancer became big enough to ride." She hears a loud roar and lets out a soft laugh. "Speaking of which she hears us. She will let you pet her Caraxes not so much." She kisses Caraxes on his cheek before leading Robb deeper into the dragon pit.
"The golden one is the Princess Rhaenyra's dragon her name is Syrax. The two dragons with her are her hatchlings Vermax and Arrax they are the dragons of the Princes Jacaerys and Lucerys respectively." Baela explains as they walk past them. Finally, she heads to a corner where a beautiful green dragon not as big as the others but still rather large. "I am surprised she is usually with Vermax but I suppose she wanted some time alone. How are you, darling girl?" She asks walking up and petting her dragon.
"Moondancer would you like to say hello to Lord Stark?"
"I have found that the interesting stories are not allowed at parties," Robb said with a wry smile. Then, remembering his manners, he added, "But I would welcome any story your Lord Grandfather would be willing to share, of course." Robb was biased, perhaps. His father never shared any of the good stories with his children at festive occasions; in fact, it was a considerable effort to get any good stories out of Eddard Stark at all. He spoke well of his friends and his allies, of course, but his stories were short and simple; he had made a point to never romanticize or elaborate on stories of war, never wishing his children to develop a false idea of their glory. There was no use, Ned would say, in dreaming about the past when it was the future they should be preparing for: winter, after all, was always coming, and a bard's song never saved anyone from the cold, nor brought them back to life.
Robb, like his sister Sansa, however, was a dreamer, fascinated by tales of knights and lords and ladies of dragons and direwolves, and the white walkers and the children of the forest. So as they entered the dragon's pit, his eyes widened, his breath catching in his throat. He knew that for the common folk, his direwolf was a sight to behold, that people peered out their windows or stepped outside to get a better look at Grey Wind anytime Robb went into the villages. He was too close to the wolf himself to feel the same surprised awe, but he certainly felt it now: the overwhelming size and magnitude of the dragons, the way they loomed overhead, the sleek scales and the wings that seemed to go on for miles.
Robb walked alongside Beala, holding the torch between them, lighting the path as they went. He moved it so as to catch the way the light flickered on the dragon's scales, watched as the beast nuzzled against the girl as meek and tamed as a rabbit. He wanted desperately to touch the beast himself but valued his hands too much to try. He knew very well what a poor idea it was for others to put their hands anywhere near Grey Wind's mouth without Robb's permission. Surely a dragon was the same--even more fearsome, and thus deserving of respect and care. "Caraxes," he repeated the name carefully. "You seem to know each other well."
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arsenic-catnep · 2 years ago
aemond catching the reader taking care of a baby dragon that’s hungry and needs attention (so cute) without fear and he is completely enamored by it? 💓
Anon asked: Can you make a hc of Aemond opening up to the reader about his insecurities?
I mixed these two asks
Keeper of his Heart
Aemond Targaryen x GN!Reader
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Aemond had gotten tired of his brother rather quickly that day. Aegon had brought up his favorite subject; the pig, and his eye. Aemond quickly excused himself, ignoring his brother telling him to "Stop being so sensitive."
The young prince wished he could take his brothers eye just to show him how it feels. Aegon's whores would surely turn in fear.
Aemond made his way to the Dragon Pit, he needed to clear his head. A ride on Vhagar may accomplish that. As he approached, he nodded a greeting to the Keepers.
The men looked at each other, almost in fear. Then one stepped forward. "Uh, your grace. Vhagar has brought back an egg. We don't think it's hers, but she refuses to give it up." the Keeper stated at his feet as he spoke, not wanting to look Aemond in the face.
"Let her have it, maybe if she hatches it I'll have two dragons." the prince smirked and continued his way into the Pit. He said hello to Sunfyre and Dreamfyre as he passed them.
The deeper into the Pit he went the more he started to hear this odd noise. It was like small screeching, but not of pain. More like laughter. Curiously he slowed his pace as he turned the corner to Vhagar's den.
There he saw his favorite Keeper, they had always had a kind word for him and never feared to look him right in the eye.
The Keepers back was turned and Vhagar was intensely focused on what was in their lap. She hadn't even noticed her rider. Aemond continued watching from afar, wondering what could possibly have his old girl so enthralled.
Soon that question was answered, he saw the flutter of tiny wings. Small screeches and growls echoed through the den, as well as laughter from the Keeper.
Aemond was in shock, they were playing with a baby dragon. Completely without fear, with childlike wonder even.
Vhagar huffed and stared at the Keeper. That must have been the hatchling from the egg she found, Aemond thought. How crazy it was to think that this Keeper is able to play with a hatchling in front of its mother. Whether she laid it or not.
Aemond smiled, and stepped forward finally gaining Vhagar's attention. The great she-dragon gave a rumbling purr in response as she looked at him. The Keeper turned around, and smiled when they saw the prince.
"Look what Vhagar brought home, my prince!" the Keeper lifted the hatchling. It's scales were a deep green, and the wing webbing was a golden yellow. It was beautiful.
Aemond approached the Keeper and the hatchling. "You're not afraid?" he asked as he came to a stop, staring down at them on the floor.
"Why should I be? If you respect a dragon it will respect you. You can't show fear." the Keeper responded, their eyes never leaving his.
The prince hummed, he knew this Keeper was special. He lowered himself onto the floor next to them. "What are you going to name it?" he referred to the dragon.
The Keeper looked at him wide eyed. "It's not mine to name, I can't ride a dragon. I'm not a Targaryen." they protested.
Aemond could think of a few way to remedy the Targaryen issue, he smirked at the thought. "Well, it seems you'll have to tell that to the baby in your arms." the hatchling nestled itself further in the Keepers lap, preparing for a nap.
They stared into Aemond's eye, a beautiful smoky blue, they thought. "Why is it you always wear your patch? Certainly your scar can't be that bad."
The prince scoffed a laugh. Then looked to the ground, they had not been around when he was maimed. Only arriving after he started wearing the patch in his late teens. They never got to see the way men and women alike, would turn away from him in fear and disgust. Even when he began wearing his sapphire, the whispering and teasing never stopped.
Aemond worked hard to become someone to fear, no one would dare say anything to the man that can have their head in seconds. Aside from Aegon unfortunately.
"I promise, this patch keeps you from the horror below." Aemond looked back up at the Keeper. "It's a scar, and a missing eye. A horrible thing that happened to you. You shouldn't be feared for what others have done." their voice was steady as they spoke.
"My dear, I wish that were true."
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thelargefrye · 2 years ago
hi! i was wondering if i could request a smut scenario with dragon! yungi 👀 and maybe they’re all competitive with each other and fighting over who’s going to breed her first skshdh
[ SANDWICHED BETWEEN ] —— recently you’ve noticed your mates have been having a little competition between each other. what exactly you aren’t too sure.
pairing : dragon!yunho x witch!f!reader x dragon!mingi (background poly dragon!ateez) genre : dragon au, fantasy / medieval, smut
smut warnings : language, unprotected sex, double penetration, breeding kink, cumplay, mxm, monster cock! yunho and mingi, mingi your breast milk kink is showing
tag list : @atiny-piratequeen @kangskims @watamotee33 @frankenstein852 @cvpitvno
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something felt off. you didn’t quite know what, but it was like something in the back of your mind kept nagging at you.
and it definitely wasn’t your grimoire nagging at you for the millionth time over how wooyoung threatened to use him as firewood.
no, this nagging was different. but again you couldn’t quite pinpoint it.
“miss y/n! you’re here!” your mind was drawn back to the little hatchlings who started to run towards you. their little dragon forms waddling cutely towards you.
“hello, my flowers, how are you all?” you ask as you crouch down for some of them to jump into your arms or even climb up onto. their heads gently nudging up your chin.
“it’s been soooo boring without! we’ve missed you so much!” one of the hatchlings, naeun, says and you can imagine her pout if she was in human form.
“but hasn’t prince mingi been with you all! surely he’s been keeping you all company?”
“no! prince mingi is boring now! we want to play with you and your mr. bookie!” hyukwoo exclaims making you let out a little laugh at how cute they all are.
“hmph! it’s weiss to you, little hatchlings!” your grimoire speaks, floating up behind you.
“who are you all calling boring?” you can only imagine the pout on mingi’s face as he speaks. you turn with a soft smile as you look at one of the younger princes to see that, yes he did in fact have a pout.
for the rest of the day, you and mingi spent taking care of the hatchlings. and so by around evening, one of the other caretaker dragons came to relieve you and mingi of your duties.
as you were leaving the nursery, you were greeted by the sight of yunho waiting. you assumed yunho was here for mingi and so you began to try and excuse yourself, weiss lingering next to you as he does.
“where are you going, little witch?” yunho asks, hand reaching out to stop you.
“oh, um, i was just going back to my room.”
“why don’t you spend the rest of the evening with us?” yunho asks, head tilting to the side as a smile graces his lips.
you let out a gasp as you feel yunho slowly begin to enter you. his cock sliding in almost painful slow against mingi’s own cock.
mingi’s hands did well at holding your legs open while yunho’s own hands held bruising grip on your hips. once yunho was finally bottomed out, all three of you couldn’t help the moans that escaped you.
yunho’s cock mixed with mingi’s own cock made you feel the fullest you have ever felt. you had been preparing for when you have to take more than one of them, but two have the two biggest cocks at once?
fuck it was like euphoria to you. having both of them stretch you out made you almost cock-hungry. you needed them to move, now.
“fuck— please move, yunho, mingi. you both make me feel so full,” you whine as you try your best to begin moving.
yunho let’s out a small laugh as his hand comes up to splay across the center of your back. he pressed down to make sure you didn’t move, he didn’t want you to move.
soon enough yunho began moving, he cock rubbing against your walls and mingi’s cock. the movement causing the both of you to moan. you move your head slight to look at the younger dragon of the two to see his face beginning to look just as fucked out as you feel.
“feels so good,” you moan as you feel mingi also slowly begin to move. his one hand coming up to grip your hair harshly before he’s moving your face closer to his in order to kiss you.
the kiss felt hot and full of spit that you couldn’t swallow. spit running down the corners of your mouth as mingi shoved his tongue down your throat. when he pulled away, you witnessed the string of spit that was connecting the two of you and moan as you felt mingi’s tongue lick the spit that was at the corner of your mouth.
“gonna breed you so well, princess,” he says, the nickname making you clench as much as you could with two dragon cocks in you. the nickname always did stir up something within your gut, whether you would ever officially hold that title is up for debate that you would rather not think about.
“gonna pump you full of mine and yuyu’s cum and make you so full. you’ll be so nice and round with our hatchlings. breast so nice and big and full, fuck i can’t wait to suck on them. you’ll let me suck on them, right?”
“yes! yes, fuck— i will. whatever you want, i’ll give it to you,” you cry out as they begin to pick up their thrust. when one goes in, the other pulls out. you can feel their balls smacking against your ass, against each other even and the wet sounds only draw you closer.
“can i— can i come, please? please?” you beg as you feel their pace starting to stutter as they also draw near their orgasms.
“go ahead, little witch, whenever you’re ready just let go,” yunho says as his hands come back to gripping your hips tightly and you feel mingi’s also join. they quickly do a little position shift and you suddenly feel mingi starting to thrust up into you at a ruthless pace.
then your orgasm hit you seemingly at the time as theirs. you let out a high pitched moan as you released and felt their seeds pumping into you. overstuffing you and you feel some of it try to seep out of you already even with their cocks still inside of you.
with your energy running low, you let yourself rest against mingi and let out a little huff as yunho lays on top of you.
both of them remaining inside you for a little while longer before yunho is pulling out first. you suddenly feel an emptiness even with mingi still inside you, and you silently dread when mingi will also eventually pull out of you.
when he does, yunho makes sure to pull you into his arms as you slowly begin to feel their mixed cum start to drip out and down your thighs. yunho has you pulled to chest, before he’s tilting your head up and gently kissing you.
“you sounded so cute while being stuff with our cocks,” he says, his same smile from earlier reappearing. “can’t wait till you are one day round and pretty with all our hatchlings.”
“i can’t either,” you say with a dazed smile.
you then cuddle back into yunho’s side as he slowly begins rubbing soothing circles into your back.
the feeling slowly lulling you to sleep.
“why don’t you join us tonight?” yunho asks, head tilting to the side as a smile overtakes his lips.
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sleeplessdreamer123 · 2 years ago
Fanfic Idea! (ABO Lucemond, Part 2 of omegan Dragonkeeper Lucerys)
First part:
It hatched. The egg hatched. His dragon was beautiful. He was pearlescent white with a yellow flame, with golden eyes and a golden chest. He knew, from the moment he heard the egg shells cracking, the moment he saw his tiny head popping out, that he would love him and treasured him with all his heart and being. Finally, a dragon of his own. A living proof of what he is. A Targaryen with his dragon.
His mother was less than enthused. He didn't understand it at first, but it gradually dawned on him that she didn't see them as anything more than large, dangerous beasts. Her views on them are so unlike his own. He, who sees them as the majestic, powerful, beautiful creatures that they are. She didn't like it when Aegon visited Sunfyre, and showed relief when both his and Helaena's dragon didn't hatch. He knew she secretly wished they'd never bond with a dragon, that they'd stay on the ground rather than on a fire-breathing beast up in the sky, and there was a time in his life where Aemond secretly thinks his mother's inner wishes were granted by the Faith, blessing her while cursing them, cursing him to such a fate. It was a hard truth to swallow, the fact that his mother, the one person he felt truly loved him, would never understand his near desperation to have a dragon. With a dragon, he was no longer, in a sense, incomplete. He couldn't tell her that though.
Aegon congratulated him in his drunken haze, and Aemond smirked as Aegon yelped, the dragon nearly biting off his fingers when he tried to touch him. Helaena just smiled, saying things about a black thread, and Aemond just nodded along to appease her. Even his Sire seemed glad for him, congratulating him, calling his dragon beautiful. It was unexpected, seeing as he only ever talked about his eldest half-sister (the one that never visits, despite his father's numerous attempts to call her back), and that was when he had his fill with his medicine, the milk of the poppy. Still, a small part of him was happy his sire showed any interest in him at all (an even smaller part wondered if he would have shown any interest in him if he never had a dragon. He pushes that part deep, deep down).
It took a few days of him parading around before he remembered his promise to a certain little dragonkeeper. He decided that it was time to present the dragon to Luke. After all, he chose him for Aemond, it's only fair he gets to see him hatched.
When he reached the Dragonpit, he started walking through the tunnels, until he finally saw a familiar small, curly haired boy. Luke was with another young dragon keeper, and it took a moment for Aemond to recognize him as the one who brought the pig. Aemond felt a wave of anger, hurt and betrayal, before shaking it off. Of course he was with another dragon keeper. They looked so much alike, they could be brothers, for all he knew. Why would he feel betrayed?
Aemond called out for him, and Luke turned to see him, bade a hasty goodbye to the other dragonkeeper, and ran straight to Aemond like an obedient puppy to his master. When he saw him with the dragon on his shoulder, his eyes said everything. He was in awe. Aemond felt pride. Yes, his dragon should inspire awe. He was going to be the most powerful dragon, the most beautiful, even more than Aegon's Sunfyre.
"He's so pretty, My Prince. His scales are like the moon's." Luke said, still looking at the dragon. Said baby dragon seemed to preen with the praise. Said owner also preened with the praise.
"Do you have a name for him yet, My Prince?"
Of course Aemond had a name chosen, ever since he learned about dragons, ever since his first egg didn't hatch. Looking at the hatchling, Aemond knows knows it fits him.
"Arrax, the Ruler of the Old Gods."
"Hello Arrax." Luke greeted his dragon in High Valyrian, and Arrax made crooning noises as a response.
Aemond decided that Luke would be a good dragonkeeper for Arrax, at least, once he's old enough.
Aemond visited him almost every day. Luke was a bit shy at first, though eager to please. Once they've gotten close enough, and Luke felt comfortable with him, he began sharing a lot of stories about the dragons, though most of what he shared were from the older dragon keepers.
Aemond liked that. He liked learning about dragons from the very people who trained them. Luke does tend to babble a lot, taking detours in his stories, but all he needed to do was clear his throat for Luke to stop with his side stories, blush perfusedly, and continue on with the main ones.
He also has the habit of blushing brightly when he realizes he said too much, glancing at Aemond to see if he was angry, then continue on when he sees no trace of annoyance.
Aemond liking of little Luke slowly grew. He likes how knowledgeable he was about dragons, likes learning some secrets that dragon keepers learned through generations, and he was beginning to like whenever Luke speaks in High Valyrian when he doesn't know the word in common tongue.
It helps him learn more about the language. It was rather embarrassing for him to admit it, even to himself. A Targaryen prince not knowing how to speak High Valyrian. His mother didn't really see the point of him learning a language few people use in Westeros, the fact he didn't have a dragon until recently only strengthened her resolve to give him a different subject to focus on. So, while his older brother got to learn High Valyrian (not that Aegon cared to actually learn the language), he was stuck learning about the Faith of the Seven. He eventually taught himself the language through the use of old books, so he could understand it to an extent, but without someone actively teaching him, guiding him, correcting his pronunciation, he fears he doesn't know as much as he should. He refrains from actually using said language, afraid he would butcher it somehow. Luke's jumble of both common and High Valyrian has proven to be quite helpful, as he notes the particular way every word was said, commiting it to memory so he may practice once he was alone.
Aemond also learned about bits and pieces of Luke's life. He was apparently the second youngest bastard being watched over by the dragon keepers, the other two being his brothers, the youngest being a toddler, and the eldest being the one who brought out the pig. Aemond greatly disliked that one. Luke, however, loved him very much. And liked talking about him. A lot.
"Jace watches over Prince Aegon's Sunfyre, My Prince. He's also the one who gives me lessons on how to properly train a dragon when the other dragonkeepers are busy. Oh! He also sometimes play with Prince Aegon in the pit - Elder Byron wouldn't allow us out of the pit until dusk - though they won't let me join sometimes. But that's ok, because he makes it up to me by teaching me more secret tricks, and-"
Aemond sighs, before clearing his throat. While it was good to know that his brother wasn't always sneaking out to the Streets of Silk, or at Fleabottom, he didn't really want to learn about their brothers' little "adventures".
"Oh! I'm sorry, My Prince. It's just that I never had anyone to tell these things to. Um, where was I again? Oh, right! So Syrax continues to refuse to eat, and Elder Byron was worried she was sick. She wasn't though! She just didn't like the meat. The others said she was the most spoiled dragon they ever had to watch over, and-"
Luke was used to having Prince Aemond as company. He usually arrived after the dragons were fed, with Arrax on his shoulder, demanding stories that Luke was eager to regale, while he simply listen, an eager audience. He never had people close to his age (besides Joffrey, but he's too small, he can't even talk yet) and he greatly enjoyed his time with the Prince.
So when he didn't arrive at his usual time, he began to worry. When Arrax was sent to him to care for, he really got scared.
Did he somehow manage to offend the only other person he could talk to besides his brothers? No, that couldn't be it. If it was, then Arrax would have been given to one of the older dragonkeepers to care for. Then did Prince Aemond somehow got hurt?
He knows of tales of assassinations, the royal life isn't always easy, especially for the women and children. They were the easiest targets, after all.
But that wouldn't be the case, because he saw Prince Aegon running around with Jace a few hours ago. He knew the queen, well, knew of the queen, through talks and rumors, and she wouldn't have allowed Aegon out of her sight if anything like that would have happened.(A small part of him wonders if Prince Aemond was bored of him already. That part grew larger with every thought that enters his head).
Did I bore him? Were my stories too confusing? Did I say too much? Did I annoy him in some way?
Thankfully, he remembered that there was someone who might know what was going on with him. He went to Jace, who looked at him with a look of amusement.
"Nothing happened to him, Luke. The prince just presented. He entered his first rut yesterday."
Luke felt the weight on his chest lessen greatly. So that was it. He was just having a special kind of sickness, like Jace recently had. Everything was fine.
He guesses he would need to start watching over Arrax now while Prince Aemond was gone. What sort of tricks should he teach him? He ponders over that while Arrax stay perched on his shoulder, contently crooning over him.
So, this is fun, and I'd like to make more parts soon.
If anyone wants to write a full length fic with this concept, please tell me!
Thoughts? Violent reactions?
Update: I'll be using the hashtag (#omegan dragonkeeper lucerys) so it would be easier to read all the different parts.
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butler-bovine · 3 years ago
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my name is Hail.
Yes, just like the ice that comes from the clouds when its really cold. You are quite smart!
Interacts from @garlicgoat
butler of @sir-not-a-knight-anymore
he / him
19 Years Old
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Some of my hobbies & task include:
Cooking meals for the Royal Hatchling
Construction around the palace, especially the prince’s room
Fixing toys & other various devices
Tending to the garden
Here’s some shows I watch and enjoy with the royal hatchling in no particular order:
Arthur + Bluey + My Little Pony + Paw Patrol + Sesame Street + Phineas & Ferb + Clifford The Big Red Dog + The Lion Guard + Wild Kratts + Thomas & Friends + Max & Ruby + SpongeBob + Hello Kitty & Friends
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going-fancognito · 5 years ago
I was thinking of a jealous s/o over a close friend of Revali or Sidon (maybe both of them ??)
BWAHAHAHAH!! I’m sorry, but I can easily see how both of these lovable dorks just make the situation worse.
Lol, I see Revali with two types of friends: The sharp tongued ones, and the admirers
You had a hard time with one of the admirers
Revali assures you that they were only a friend
But, did they have to cling onto his wings like that?
Being a Champion, it was normal for people to admire your Rito, so this type of thing shouldn't bother you
However, Revali seemed to especially revel in his friends flattery
Sure you were proud of him, but you knew better than to over-feed his ego
(His head was big enough as it is)
But watching him take pleasure in his friends praising, doubts began seeping into your thoughts. 
Does Revali prefer that kind of behaviour? Perhaps, he wasn’t satisfied with your support as a partner?
(Oh hello insecurities, where’d you come from?)
 For the next two weeks, you shower your boyfriend in endless praise, even playing up your reactions to his boasting achievements
You’re acting sweeter than a Disney Christmas special
And it was really freaking Revali out
(Yeah, looks like your plan backfired)
He has no clue what caused your sudden change, but doesn’t like it
He wants a refund
Eventually, you’re confronted about your 180* turn in demeanour 
But it wasn’t by Revali
It was his friend
They noticed the tension whenever the three of you were together, and Revali isn’t friends with an idiot
They connect the dots pretty quick, and decided to step in before things got out of hand 
(’steal yo man’ cliché dodge)
They quickly explain that their friendship with Revali took on a more ‘student and mentor’ dynamic. No romantic feelings from either side
Plus, while they certainly idolized him, they’d rather be slow roasted over a fire then date him
(Honestly? They want to give you a medal for handling with his more.....challenging moments)
However, they do insist that you talk about this with Revali
(PSA: Communication is key for any relationship)
After enduring one his smug speeches (Well, I can hardly fault you for your envy Y/N. After all, I AM quite the catch.) He does what he can to help quell your worries
Makes more time for you between training, spontaneous dinners and your personal favourite, impromptu cuddling 
You and his friend even wind up becoming besties
They have a lot of tea on your boyfriend >:)
Oh sweet baby fishcakes
This guy is like a giant teddy bear with scales
(and abs *swoon*)
Combined with his naturally friendly personality, who could resist loving this Zora prince? (Not you, obviously)
So why did it bug you so much to see him around his childhood friend?
Maybe it was the knowledge that they’ve been together since hatchlings, or that you would always find them being physically affectionate (by that I just mean they hugged or held hands, tame stuff)
They were also stunning, with an athletes physique and scales that practically shined under the sun
A nasty voice in your head noted how they would look good with Sidon
(Shut up brain, no one asked you)
The two of them were also swimming buddies
Now, Sidon was undoubtedly loyalty to you
Shark babe would go live in the desert before he’d even think about being unfaithful
(Please don't ever let him try though, poor baby needs his water)
But that doesn't stop your worries, that his friend might be looking for more than friendship  
Oh Hylia, what if they went swimming, when they actually wanted to go ~swimming~
(Congrats, you’ve officially belly flopped into the river of paranoia)
One great thing about Sidon, is his sensitivity.
It gives him a knack for sensing others emotions
,As his s/o, this goes double for you. So it doesn’t take long for him to pick up your unease
(He could give Revali some lessons)
He sits you down somewhere private and softly. inquires about what’s troubling you
Try to deny those puppy shark eyes of his, I dare you
All of the fish cuddles after you tell him
“Oh my darling, you have nothing to worry” He wraps you into an embrace. “They are merely a friend, we see each other as siblings”
You figured as much, but hearing him say so out loud finally put you at ease
“Besides,” He caresses your cheek in his palm “not even an angel could tear my eyes from the Goddess in front of me.”
(Pft. Wow Sidon that was so cheesy)
(No wait, that doesn't mean I wantyoutostopcomeBACK-)
After some shark cuddles, Sidon decides to let you in on a little secret regarding his friend
 It turns out their affections were already reserved for a certain Goron
Looks like Yunobo has a secret admirer
(He’s been wondering who was sending him those rock cakes)
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bewarebugbear · 4 years ago
trolls hcs because why not
hello its so late/early and im going to lay the groundworks for my ideas for troll genres as well as the sancirc twt au more under the cut
for transgenre trolls: they will slowly shift into their new genre naturally, although not fully
rock trolls: very fuzzy and need to teeth as hatchlings often, have long tails that can extend with their hair! more heavy than other trolls and arent good swimmers due to their tendency to sink, set in a large interconnected kingdom country trolls: as depicted in the movie they are honse, however tend to have warm palettes, have a more vegetarian diet and have a few spread out towns that dont contact each other often
techno trolls: are bioluminescent! very animated and can emote more vividly than other trolls due to particle effects around them! connected to each other with an underwater cave system
funk trolls: very big on decoration and enjoy different hairstyles more than the other, all funk trolls live on the airship, and there have been a few new airships in construction to accommodate more trolls
classical trolls: operate on a province system, consistent meetings. are more than often very small and bug inspired with molting exoskeletons, there are few big classical trolls that cannot grow exoskeletons and have bird wings instead.
pop trolls: very gummy like consistency, stretchable and are prone to being a little bit translucent around the edges or glittery on their joints! they absorb shock very easily and have a softer skeleton. the current pop tribe are the only pop trolls currently left.  N E WAYS im going to talk about sancirc twt au now so feel free to scroll away  fletch is an emo rock troll and attley is an electroswing and indie alt troll that was born rock. nimbus is a bubblegum dream pop troll and steven was born country but is neo-classical. sammy is born pop and is a country troll
the original plotline is changed to attley discovering the other troll tribes and other genres and trying to adapt to their responsibilities as a monarch with their best friend fletch as king. however the rock tribe went into hiding because of the bergens eating their original king, fletchs father in which fletch holed himself up from his duties as king until attley coaxes him out of his shell.
meanwhile the pop trolls monarch goes missing, tedley, the king of classical trolls stepping in to raise the princev and prince of pop, posey and sammy. sammy eventually grows tired of living under tedley and exiles himself to lonesome flats and learns about and falls in love with country and folk. 
when steven and nimbus are sent to the rock trolls as ambassadors attley and fletch decide to meet and form relations with the other troll tribes, which allows tedley to start stealing string and put a bounty on attley and fletchs heads.
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theredhairedmonkey · 5 years ago
Do you think Callum will end up joining Rayla on the Dragon Guard?
Well, anon, I suspect others have answered this question before, and I might not be the best one to answer this question, however I’ll give it a go anyway!
I realize I’m a minority on this, but I actually don’t think there will even be a Dragon Guard when tdp resumes. Rayla’s status as “the Last Dragon Guard” seemed to carry an air of finality to it, so I thought that story-wise it would make sense that her defending Zym from Viren is what wraps up this group’s mission to protect the Dragon Prince. That might be slightly undermined if she would be one of eight total Dragon Guard members, seven of whom are nameless characters.
And that’s really just my opinion (I imagine most of the fandom disagrees with me on that). However, I think the show hints that the Dragon Guard’s objective is only to protect the egg of the Dragon Prince.
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There’s a reason why Zym has a Dragon Guard, but Avizandum and Zubeia do not. A dragon’s egg is described as “so rare and precious” by Rayla, but a mature dragon has no need for eight elven protectors, no matter how well trained. There’s almost nothing that a warrior could do for a dragon capable of wiping out entire legions of enemy soldiers.
Now, Zym might be a hatchling, but he seems to be maturing pretty quickly. It’s only been a few weeks at the very most, yet he’s already flying and capable of firing lightning. Where do you think he’ll be in a year’s time?
Also, what doesn’t sit well with me is that, once Rayla and/or Callum join the Dragon Guard, how does the story get them to leave? The Dragon Guard is a secluded, isolated job that doesn’t seem to include any Paid Time Off, so to speak (judging by the fact that Rayla hardly ever saw her parents once she became a teenager). 
Callum would jump at the opportunity to explore Xadia and learn other arcana. Does being on the Dragon Guard give him that opportunity? If he leaves, can Rayla join or will she have to stay behind? Is it even in her character to leave Zym if he still needs a Guard? What has to happen for them to leave the Guard on good terms, and can the story invent a good enough reason for that?
Just a lot of in-narrative issues that get dredged up if either or both of our heroes remain as Zym’s Guard. And I realize that none of that throat-clearing really gets at your question, so—let’s suppose that Rayla is a member of the Dragon Guard. Would Callum end up joining her?
So, for starters, there’s no reason why he would be prevented from joining; he had a hand in protecting Zym every bit as much as Rayla did (and was even responsible for him being born in the first place!). Additionally, it would solve a lot of issues if they’re both Dragon Guards, since that would give Callum a reason to stay on the Storm Spire (Ibis only visits the Spire from time to time, so what would Callum be doing in the meantime?).
But this really boils down to whether Callum would really want to. Like, if Zubeia asked him to join, he’d probably consider it, and if Rayla asked him, then he certainly would. But is this really for him? Remember that the Dragon Guard carries great significance to Rayla, but almost none to Callum. 
He has no relationship to the Guard. It was never his dream to join their ranks. He’d be in Xadia, but isolated from almost all of it, and thus not have the opportunity to explore this magical world or build on his own abilities. He’d do a great job as a Dragon Guard, but would he feel fulfilled? Would he feel happy? Probably not—he’d be doing it for Zym and possibly for Rayla, but he’d have to sacrifice a lot to do it.
However, there is a solution, one that keeps Rayla on the Dragon Guard and Callum on the Storm Spire. Funnily enough, I was literally just talking to a friend about this:
The Storm Spire happens to sit in the Sky Nexus, according to Justin and Aaron. We saw from the Moon Nexus that often there’s a Guardian appointed to protect it, a powerful mage who can keep dark forces at bay. 
Now, it seems like the Sky Nexus has both a vacancy as well as a need—it’s just been attacked by the same Dark Mage twice, who bested two sets of Dragon Guards and nearly killed the Dragon Prince on two separate occasions. We know that his daughter, a powerful prodigy in her own right, is still out there. The Storm Spire needs a Guardian!
And who better to fill that role than Callum? He defended the Storm Spire from an invading army.
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He then climbed up to the pinnacle to save the Last Dragon Guard from falling to her death.
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He’s a powerful mage now, capable of flight and with an unlimited potential to learn sky magic.
If the Sky Nexus needs a Guardian to protect the Storm Spire and its inhabitants, then he’s your guy.
Say hello to Prince Callum, the First Human Guardian of the Sky Nexus!
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theatresweetheart · 5 years ago
Brook’s Masterpost
I have finally managed to get myself organized enough to compile all of my stories into one place! I put everything underneath a “Read More,” as I’m not entirely sure how long this post will get through time.
This Masterpost will be continuously updated with every story I have and will release.
I have a mix of G/t Stories and Non-g/t Stories. 
Some of my stories are In Progress, some are On Hiatus, some are Complete and some are just purely One-Shots. (Unless I get inspired by something and feel compelled to write more for that certain universe, in which that story will then be re-marked.) I will label these all accordingly! 
--- G/t Stories ---
- Borrowers in the Attic - Virgil, a young borrower, is abandoned by his parents after they told him to wait for them to come back. Patton finds him in the attic and decides that it isn’t fair for him to try and survive on his own. Pairings: (Implied) Romantic/Parental Logicality, Platonic Moxiety [ Chapter 1 ]  - On hiatus -
- Welcome to Fatherhood - Roman is having trouble bonding with his boyfriend’s son. Virgil is convinced Roman is exactly like the rest of them, bound to leave him and Patton sooner or later. Pairings: Romantic/Parental Royality, Familial Moxiety, Familial Prinxiety, Platonic (endgame romantic) Analogical. [ One Shot ] [ Ask Blog ] - On hiatus -
- Nightingale - Roman is captured by a group of bandits and is used for their entertainment because of his voice. Logan hears the soft tune, the breaking voice and the shouting and he lets his curiosity of the situation get the better of him. Pairings: Platonic Logince, (Mentioned) Romantic Prinxiety [ One Shot ] - Complete -
- High Strung Hearts - Patton can’t help a sad Logan, so he recruits Virgil instead. Pairings: Platonic Analogical, Background Platonic LAMP/CALM [ One Shot ] - Complete -
- Heavy Silence - Virgil refuses to speak. Logan and Roman are frustrated and Patton tries for what feels like the hundredth time. Pairings: Platonic Moxiety, Background Platonic LAMP/CALM [ Part 1 ] - In progress -
- Horror Movies and Soft Landings - Horror movies can be the bane of one’s existence, especially with an overactive imagination. Good thing Virgil drops in to ease Roman’s worries. Pairing: Platonic Prinxiety [ One Shot ] - Complete -
- Thorns and Arrows - Virgil, after narrowly escaping capture by humans who believe his witchcraft is demonic, ends up getting caught by Roman instead. Pairings: Platonic Prinxiety, Brief Mentioned Logince [ Part 1 ] - In progress -
- Desperate Measures - Logan, a borrower who has been captured by humans, is stuck inside a pet shop and separated from his family. Roman makes it his mission to get Logan out and back home with the assistance his borrower accomplice, Thomas. Pairings: Romantic/Parental Logicality, Platonic Logince, Platonic TLAMP, Familial Analogical, Familial Moxiety. [ Chapter 1 ] [ Chapter 2 ] [ Chapter 3 ] [ Chapter 4 ] [ Chapter 5 ] [ Final ]  [ Epilogue ] [ Homeward Nightmares ] - Complete -
- Broken Words - Rescuing humans has never been too difficult for Roman. However, the little one currently glaring at him from its enclosure has proven to be a very different case. Pairings: Platonic Prinxiety, incredibly brief mentions of Royality/Logicality. [ One Shot ] - Complete -
- Quiet Comfort - When Virgil just wants to nap, Patton is more than happy to help. Pairing: Platonic Moxiety [ One Shot ]  - Complete -
- The Idiot Jar - When Roman gets irritated enough with Remus, he puts his tiny twin into what he has proudly dubbed “The Idiot Jar.” Pairing: Creativitwins [ Part 1 ] - On hiatus -
- A Little Lovesick - Patton is a borrower that has a huge (pun intended) crush on Logan. Thing is, the human is so frustratingly oblivious to literally anything emotionally related. Pairings: Romantic Logicality [ One Shot ] - Complete -
- A Little Misunderstanding - “Good news: Logan’s shrink ray works. Bad News: Logan accidentally shrunk himself in the process. ??? News: He has been mistaken as a fellow “Borrower” by Patton, a tiny humanoid being who apparently has been living in his walls all this time.” Pairings: Platonic Logicality [ One Shot ] - Complete -
- Snap-traps and Misconceptions - In a world where humans are viewed as pests, Logan is constantly asked to set traps “just in case.” However illogical he believes this to be, he is pleasantly—and completely—surprised to find that the trap actually works. Pairings: Platonic Analogical, Platonic Logince [ One Shot ] - In progress -
- Enchanted Shackles -  When Virgil, a Shifter, is wrongly imprisoned for something he didn’t do, he has to pay the consequences of another’s actions. Except for the fact that he’s sick and tired of the whole charade and is ready to do just about anything to get out. Pairings: Platonic Moxiety, Platonic Analogical [ One Shot ] - Complete - 
- Crash Landing - When a ship goes into auto-pilot and ends up hurtling towards earth, there isn’t exactly much one can do.  Pairings: Platonic Moxiety, Mentioned platonic Analogince [ One Shot ] - Complete -
- Glass Jars and Rolling Thunder - A concerned veterinary student and an injured merman stuck in a jar cross paths. Things can only go up from here... Right? Pairings: Platonic Analogical [ Part 1 ] - In progress -
- What’s in a Name? - Roman’s a fae with a soft heart. This soft heart eventually leads him into getting seen by the human child he didn’t want to be seen by. Unfortunately, while he knows leaving and never coming back is the right choice, hearing about Patton’s guardian leaves him feeling conflicted. Pairings: Platonic Royality [ One Shot ] - Complete -
- Paint Water - Roman takes an accidental dip into Virgil’s paint water. Who knew a human could be so annoying about it. Pairings: Platonic Prinxiety [ One Shot ] - Complete -
- Student Struggles - He knew it had been an illogical descion. And yet, he’d made the choice anyway. Pairings: Platonic Analogical [ One Shot ] - Complete -
--- Non-g/t Stories ---
- Thunderstorms and Stowaways - Logan is a dragon that has seen the horrors of humanity and refuses to allow such poisoned mindsets to infect his son. Keeping Virgil away from humans has been relatively simple—until one all but stumbles into his presence harbouring a hatchling of his own. Pairings: Platonic Logince, Familial Analogical, Familial Royality [ Part 1 ]  [ A Snowy Twilight Find ] [ Childish Innocence ] - On hiatus -
- Sick and Sleepless - Virgil gets food poisoning and Logan is quick to assist him through it. Pairings: Parental/Romantic Analogical, Familial Logicality, Brief Familial Moxiety [ One shot ] - Complete -
- Blink and You’ll Miss It - Roman has been crushing hard on his best friend but not wanting to break up the group or risk Virgil hating him, he suffers in silence. Up until Logan has had enough of it. Pairings: Romantic Prinxiety, Romantic Logicality [ One shot ] - Complete -
- Parental Prinxiety Verse -  [ Dad Against the Darkness ] Being a father is a lot of responsibility, being a new father even more so. When Virgil wakes with a nightmare in the middle of the night, Roman is right there with him. - Complete - [ Snipped Wires ]  School can be rough, especially when one’s peers already see them as the “odd one out.” It only gets worse when Virgil’s headphones get snipped. After trying to stand up for himself and instead gets painted in the wrong light, the school calls his Dad—but Roman only gets one side of the story.   - Complete - 
- Platonic Anxceit Short - Virgil struggles with his anxiety, and Deceit steps in to assist him through it. [ One Shot ]  - Complete -
- Of Stars and Royal Gardens - When the king of the Eastern Kingdom falls ill suddenly, the wedding that was supposed to unite the Eastern and Northern Kingdoms via the princes suddenly gets moved immediately.  Pairings: Romantic Prinxiety, Familial Analogical, Platonic Logince [ One Shot ] - Complete -
- A Dragon’s Prince - When Prince Virgil gets kidnapped right from the castle gardens by a dragon, he expects nothing less than never seeing the light of day again. However, this particular dragon seems to be a bit...odd. Pairing: Platonic Prinxiety [ Part 1 ] [ Part 2 ] - In progress -
- A Curse and a Promise - The Imagination can be a dangerous place. Navigating it can be difficult. It’s worse when the one person you were there with is knocked out cold. is True Loves Kiss really as true as the movies make it out to be? Pairing: Romantic Prinxiety, Background Romantic Logicality [ One Shot ] - Complete -
- Catharsis - Virgil receives letters from resentful relatives. It’s a good thing he doesn’t have to fight this battle on his own. Pairings: Romantic Prinxiety [ Part 1 ]  [ Prequel ] - Complete -
Daily Ficlet Masterpost!
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randomyetnot · 5 years ago
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Mulberry Dragon Cookie, Legendary
The Prince Dragon is a... balanced dragon. Tart but also sweet. Usually very forward with the way he speaks. Not hiding how he feels about certain beings or creatures, but he... does play down the opinion if it is possibly too rude. Though sometimes a bit more irritation slips out then necessary. None of the tart is ever seen by hatchlings or young cookies. None. He speaks with them politely, but never harshly. No one quite knows the true form of the Prince, and few have seen the half-version. Well, some of the older dragons remember what he looked like, but it's been ages since they've seen it.
He warms the island with his power and keeps secret the thing or being that aids him with that. But a lot of it is his own.
He and his subjects are on a group floating islands (called Drifting Islands) that are chained together and warmed by their Prince's fire and something else... The island drifts closer to the realm of cookies.  And Only gets involved with the other kingdom(s) after certain other cookies make a fuss in his kingdom and with his subjects. He opened up his Obsidian Castle to the runners as a resting place.
Pet: Shines Hoarder
Ability - Treasure After his ability charges, he turns normal jellies into Red Gem jellies. Upgrade to shorten the charge time! Magic Candy - Adds a large Blue Gem that is worth more points right as the ability is ending. Upgrade to make it worth more!
Greet "Leave me alone." "I suppose you don't have to bow. Nobody does." "Fine. Hello to you too."
Cheer up "Just leave me in peace." "I suppose my hoard is rather amazing." "You... aren't that bad yourself."
Chat "I am a prince, not that anyone cares." "The Red Dragon is a fool." "...Just cause I'm a dragon doesn't mean I have to like gold."
Gift "Finally, some respect." (default) "Cheap." (Bent Bronze Key) "Ok fine. I do like Gold." (Mysterious Golden Pouch)
Relationships Knight Cookie (rival)- "He cut of a dragons tail?! HOW DARE-" Purple Yam Cookie (neutral)- "A warrior worthy of respect." Cherry Cookie (tension)- "That. That is a child with explosives. Why?" Walnut Cookie (Friendly)- "...you can investigate, because you look polite." Pitaya Dragon Cookie (tension)- "You're not welcome among my subjects..." Ananas Dragon Cookie (tension)- "I've seen better."
Others' Relationship to him Knight cookie (rival)- "He better not get near my princess." Fire Spirit (tension)- "Ya know what? I don't think he likes me." Dark Choco Cookie (friendly)- "Does not judge me for my... previous actions." Pitaya Dragon Cookie (tension)- "Sssome dragon you are..." Ananas Dragon Cookie (tension)- "You are below me."
Bonus relationship
Candle Cookie (neutral)- "Rather weak. Easy to scare... I don't mean too" Pine Cookie (tension)- "Yeesh. Watch where you're going. Oh..." Chocolate Milk Cookie (neutral)- "...just don't sleep on the stairs. Don't want you getting stepped on." Charred Cookie (tension)- "You're... You're alive. I didn't know." Irish Cream Cookie (trust)- "I don't know what to do..." Cranberry Dragon Cookie (family)- "...nothing you can say would make it better." 
(⬇These characters belong to @kirbyisdead ⬇) 
  Honey Cookie (friendly)- "Golden treasure. In a way, I suppose." Chocolate Sauce Cookie (tension)- "stop BrEAK AND ENtERInG!" Shrimp Cookie (neutral)- "Just... just don't break anything while you're here." Cocoa Butter Cookie (neutral)- "...Just don't break things like the other dancer." Cardboard Cookie (neutral)- "Gah, you've got me." HighLighter Twins (Bright & Light) (neutral) - "You can try the crown on, if you wish"
(A chest filled with that which is most precious to the royal dragon family. Every ruler must put something into Shines during their rule, and Mulberry is no exception. The Prince cannot become King until he does. And until then, Shines will guard the irritable ruler of the Drifting Islands.
Ability: Comps up missed jellies till a certain amount has been eaten. Then goes ahead of the cookie and spits out gold coins.
Combi bonus: Speeds up abilities charge)
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maskedmuses-archived · 5 years ago
Snake of Golden Wings
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This is a story of how a mother molded a man. 
Please be advised of the following tags: tw death, tw mental abuse, tw abuse, tw child abuse. Readmore for content and length.
Within Rusephine’s domain, good fortune had always been categorized by the colors white and gold. When the queen had produced a pearly egg, the kingdom had rejoiced, thinking her to have consummated a relationship with a new found king after three hundred years of rule. Whispers of a visitor from the Reptile Kingdom joining Rusephine had come to fruition when Gyasa, prince of the Snakes, had been discovered leaving behind the woman and egg he had helped borne into this world to return to his jungle.
There was no celebration when there was no King to accompany their Matriarch. No merriment when the egg shifted towards a gold, then twisted to a green sheen across its shell. Only fear erupted, when the crown prince emerged from the cracks in his birth casing. Golden hair dribbling down his face, and green eyes pupiless stared up at his mother, who glowered at the hatching of her only child.
Ensuring he imprinted upon her, Rusephine made eye contact merely once in the birthing room to bestow the hatchling a name: Osiris, the ancient human god of death. Then, with a purposed step, turned away from her newborn son, never to meet his gaze again for the next few years.
As a young child, he only aimed to impress his mother, to get her to look upon him with a smile without any success. Whether he made small drawings, or behaved well, nothing but a scowl was given before his mother would retire into her locked room, incapable of penetration by any aside whom Rusephine allowed.
His tiny wings began to flourish, the golden color predicted by his egg’s hue giving them a glittering color as he tried to flap and use them, honing his skills for flight. His body grew lanky, his tail stretching to accommodate his form, but the reptilian aspects taking form. Points along his canines, the skin that sloshed off of him in baths, his pointed ears coated with soft scaling.
Of course, there were those eyes that even the servants within the palace would not look directly upon.
Once Osiris managed to hover for more than a few seconds, he requested an audience with his mother. A proud child of five, able to hover longer than any else who had wings double his age, displayed the ability before his mother in the royal throne room. As she stared upon her creation, Rusephine’s face was cemented into a frown before she extended her hand, her feathers shooting out and surrounding his wings.
“No monster like you should be flying without permission.” Her voice echoed in the hall, striking his chest hard. Pain began to surge through his wings, his mother’s feathers crackling with a hellish static. A cry resounded in his head, only to realize it was his own screech as the power from the General took to his wings. Suspending them in time, they no longer grew, stumped, and the pain was blinding as he fell to his knees.
Nothing hurt more than the pain of being considered a monster.
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Months began to pass and with the inability to fly, Osiris had become trapped within the palace. Creeping about and exploring new ways to make his home more interesting, Osiris stumbled upon guests that had been invited to their home. They were humanoid, one of them very pregnant. They had come to check up on his mother. A meeting of the Generals, as it would be later told to him by his room’s guard.
Crawling out of the vent in his room and to peer upon the meeting, eight adults surrounded a table, the boy finding it fascinating. All different people with so many names, Osiris had only ever seen bird-like Enterrans before. One was a large Taurian of sorts, one aquatic, one that seemed like a lion, one armored and bug like, a blond like him, who had fearsome green eyes. Then, there were the two humanoids.
The brunette, who began to speak, sounded kind. “Rusephine, Osiris seems to be growing very well. You should send him to Shindou sometime.” A gentle pat to her swollen stomach. “Koyakumo will need someone to look after her.”
“He is not some caretaker for your spawn, human.” Rusephine spoke flatly, riling the male humanoid before letting out a sigh. “I will consider visiting your little village when he is older. He needs to be taught his duties first.”
A huff came from the blond man, who crossed his arms and frowned at the Bird Queen. “He ought to learn it from his father. After all, my cousin may have his own quirks, but you did allow him into your chambers without any consult.”
A fist slammed down on the table, eclipsing the small gasp from the rafters, feathers bristled, but the woman was smiling. “Ryuma, you know I dislike mention of him at these meetings. Shall we move on from talking of our progeny, when you have none after your failure to make the human your bride?”
The silence that fell upon them was ignored as Osiris began to shift quietly away. He had a father. A father! He wanted to know more and plotted to greet the guests as soon as they left.
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Crawling back to his room and bursting out of the room he had been sequestered in, the boy rushed down the hall, encountering the group as they began to exit. The female human had spotted him, and tugged on the male’s arm at her side, beckoning him to look. The violet haired man turned, the small child coming only to his knee.
“May I…May I visit you?” He blurted out. “You and your egg?” He pointed towards the brunette’s stomach causing laughter to ring from the woman as she nodded.
Smiling down upon the boy, she leaned down, gently patting his head. “Come any time you like, Osiris.”
A gasp emitted from his tiny frame. “You…know my name?” The two nodded, before Ryuma began to encroach.
“I’m sure Rusephine calls him something quite different.” As the woman’s hand began to move away from his golden locks, the man’s fingers extended down, giving him a small tap along the head. “I’m sure the boy hasn’t heard his name in years.”
“Don’t scold me, huma—Yakumo.” A glance towards the male beside the woman made Ryuma reconsider his words. “Just because Mushra has bested me before does not make me wrong.” A turn and wave to them before he walked beyond the large doors, leaving behind the couple that had stopped. Both of them offered a smile to him before waving and giving pursuit to the other general.
Osiris stood in awe for a moment. A smile, a kindness. His name. It was all so new, his clawed fingers coming to touch the top of his head where he had been patted and given affection. Yet, it still felt empty; he only yearned it from his mother.
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Sneaking out into the world had become common place for him when his mother’s attention was distracted by the Generals—people she had come to learn and understand their roles in the world as he grew—and met with the people in the city. Most were afraid of his appearance, but appreciated the help he could muster to them, from carrying groceries, to helping people with household chores.
Finally, cultivating enough bravery from those he helped, Osiris mustered enough strength to approach his mother once more. To ask to fly to this place that had been established: A city called Shindou.
“Alone? Little monster, are you mad?” Rusephine scoffed before looking away. “Guards—“
“Mother, if I am to be a good heir, don’t I need to see the world?” That was what he had deemed his role as a prince was, to become the successor to her throne. To make her proud. With how suddenly the Queen was upon him, her fingers digging into his face to the point he feared he might bleed and the rage swirling in her eyes, Osiris realized in an instant he had been far too mistaken.
“You are not my heir. I will rule for all time, do you understand?” A hastened nod that made her grip tighten painfully was made from his frame. “Good. Now, we can put this to rest—“
“If I see this place, I can become of better use to you!” Osiris sputtered out, his mother releasing his face and staring upon her son as he began to explain. “I…I can fly there and we can use this.” Plucking one of his small feathers, he knelt down and offered the golden gift to her. “My power can communicate with you. I can tell you if they are plotting anything. So that way, no one can challenge your authority!”
Silence fell between them, only the sound of the guard’s armor shifting nervously as Rusephine inspected the feather. Finally, her hand came down, placing firm upon his crown. “What a good little thing you are, thinking of your mother.” Slipping her hand away, Osiris was able to peer up, seeing his mother, wings expanded, and a smile stretched across her features. Truly, she was angelic and the boy felt weak before her.
“Let’s restore those wings of yours, my little monster.”
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Shindou was a wondrous place to Osiris. All sorts of people were bustling around and finding the two who led the city—Mushra and Yakumo—hadn’t been easy. Practically lost, it was a small voice that had found the boy. “Hello!” Sounding akin to a chirp, confusion filling the prince as he glanced about, only for the voice to beckon once more. “Down!” It offered out.
The boy dipped his head, finding a violet haired child bowing to him before lifting up and smiling broadly. “Birdy!” She giggled out, he furrowing his brows in confusion until the girl pointed at his wings. “Mama said to find birdy!”
Once he arrived at the home of the Generals, Osiris had learned that was not what Yakumo had told the child, Koyakumo. Instead, she had told her to find someone with wings, but the three year old barely knew what that meant, so her father had clarified it was like a bird.
Osiris already felt tired and he had just arrived. Feeling as if this might have been a mistake, he turned, but his shirt was tugged on by the child, beckoning him to look back at her. When he did, he expected her to cower, just as all other children did. But instead she stared in awe at him, her mouth forming a circle in surprise. “Birdy has pretty eyes!” She cheered out, boy’s cheeks turning a bright red with a sputter.
It was a first, and the woman, Yakumo, swooped in to garner her child. “Forgive her, she speaks her mind ever since she learned to talk. Reminds me of someone I know.” A playful gaze was thrown to Mushra who chuckled. “Make yourself at home, Osiris.”
Home. That was what Shindou became for the boy.
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Especially when it was where his father could meet him without the hounding from his mother.
Osiris had not held up his end of the bargain, instead giving his mother some information, but not all of it. Some that had been withheld was that of meeting with Gyasa within Shindou’s walls. It had been his mother that banished the prince from seeing his egg, and truthfully, the man seemed grateful. As Osiris grew towards a man, the more and more he realized the Snake Enterran would never have offered more than simply conflict within his life.
But the rebellion felt nice. The doors began to open to Osiris and upon his sixteenth year, he was openly helping the city, quelling their fears of him and instead his connections began to rise, not only of the other nobles, but of the common people. However, no matter what, any say of his succession was squashed, his mother always on the tip of his silver tongue.
She only left his mouth when his chambers were filled, those wishing to taste royalty, and deprived as he was, Osiris welcomed them, even without any enjoyment of his own. They smiled at him and relished his presence.
Even if they avoided his eyes.
The playboy was settled in his life, at least, until a visit when he was seventeen, and Gyasa had brought with him an attendant that wanted to meet his lord’s son. Older than him, the man was a reptile Enterran, a long green tail and scaling around his eyes and shoulders. His golden eyes were enticing, and despite being within the center of Rusephine’s domain, Osiris welcomed his father and his guest, Dipil, into the palace for the former to have conference with his mother.
The latter? Within days has Osiris wooed and welcoming him into lover’s embraces, all other expelled from his chambers in favor of his lover.
For the first time in years, things had seemed to be going well for the man, he was in love. He finally felt like the walls of the palace were a safety, not a prison. He could relish his company and fall asleep in his arms. A blissful dream.
But nothing more than that.
On the eve that Gyasa was to depart, a small glimmer of steel reflected the moonlight that filtered into the prince’s chambers. Dipil awoke the naïve man with blade to his throat, threatening to end his existence. He was a danger to those in the reptile kingdom. A posed false king among those in the actual ranks who worshiped his father. “Who could ever really love a monster like you?” A hissed out insult that snapped the last thread of hope in his heart.
“I do.”
The woman’s voice radiated, the reptile hissing as he was lifted up from atop his former lover’s frame, instantly his limps being split by razor sharp feathers. Blood rained from above, splattering the prince with crimson, which cleared only when tears rushed down his cheeks, leaving pale streaks in their wake. His mother stood at the door, holding the feather he had given her years before. “I never trusted this man. Finish this, Osiris.”
A command from his Queen, his mother, Osiris could not refuse. His body moved on its own, green stare unable to break away from Dipil. A trembling hand reached for his longer feathers, intending to turn them to steel, as the barely living man whispered from above. “…I’m sorry. I love you.”
Before Osiris could strike, the man disintegrated into a card, which felt helplessly through the air and landed upon the floor. The prince crumpled to the ground, weakened, and Rusephine rushed in, wrapping her arms and wings around him, pulling his feeble frame close to her chest.
“It’s alright now.” Tears were renewed along his face, confusion lighting his features as his mother hugged him. “This is why you should listen. Why you should never leave. People will want to kill you, no matter how much good you do in this world. Do you understand why?”
Shaking his head, Osiris couldn’t comprehend. He had done everything, given everything, done everything to know what love was. Rusephine smiled, leaning close to his ear with a small whisper.
“Because you’re a monster that only I can love.” Her smile turned wicked as the light began to dim from Osiris’ eyes. “Do as I say, stay here with me, and we can rule this world, together. Have whatever toys you want, but in the end?” Pulling her face back and placing her hand on his bloodstained cheek, the boy unable to divert his gaze from the woman’s. “I shall give you whatever you wish, as long as you obey me. None else shall suffer this fate.” Her wing brushed against the fallen card, scratching into it. “As long as you be a good little monster and offer me all of your power whenever I call upon it.” Her smile turned tender, a gentle stroke of her thumb against his cheek. “Do you understand, Osiris?”
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magiccreaturecouncil · 6 years ago
In a world where a civilization of many different lifeforms exists, chaos is inevitable, but certainly not uncontrollable. A council of 10, each of whom represent each major tribe, has been instated in order to control the chaos in the land and bring peace among every creature. 
The group prepare themselves for the ceremony to have them become leaders. 
“I’m so nervous...”, Ellie, a young, pink female with skin made of cloth and thread, stuttered behind huge, blue curtains and looked outside to see the crowd of creatures waiting for the ceremony to start. “I can’t do this! I can’t LEAD!” Ellie yelped as a cold, wet hand was placed on her shoulder. “Ellie, calm down. You were chosen for a reason. other creatures love you!” A watery female figure, Terry, was smiling at her overwhelmed silk friend. “You’re gonna be an amazing asset to this team, El. I know it.” Terry smiled and Ellie, who smiled back nervously. 
At that moment, a fiery portal burst from the ground and a figure began to emerge from the lava pool. It’s top half was that of a semi-humanoid shape with a black mask with dark orange cracks, resembling scorched earth. Hot red eyes stare at the Terry, who looked indifferently at him. “Rag... I thought you weren’t coming.”  Terry said. “It’s not like I wanted to come. But my Majordomo insisted.” ,Rag scoffed, “Can we get on with this already? I have other things to attend to.” 
 “Pfft”, Terry chuckled, “If you stopped talking like we’re still in the primordial times, people would take you a bit more seriously.” Rag’s flame grew a bit, “I don’t know about you, but I am definitely talking correctly. You’ve been hanging out with mechs too much. The sludge oil must be getting to your head.” A splash of water hit Rag in the face and he hissed. Terry smirked, “Watch who you’re talking to ‘Fire Prince’, this council is supposed to bring all creatures together after all.” She smiled at him, to which Rag responded with a glare.
  Two more figures entered, one humanoid red and brown bird and a girl in a traditional pandaren dress, along with a red cricket hair clip in her straightened hair. The bird yawned, the girl looked at her companion and spoke in a soft tone, “Looks like someone didn’t sleep early enough last night.” Yuni giggled a bit before her companion, Aril, responded. “Hey.Don’t blame me!”, He yawned again before speaking, “Blame the hatchlings...they never stop moving...and getting lost...and...” He began to doze off before Yuni hit him with her elbow. “ Come on, Ari. What type of leader sleeps on the job?” “Well, I have no idea why anyone chose me, the hatchery caretaker, to lead when I already work three 6 hour shifts. Aril rubbed his eyes and slapped his face a bit to keep himself a wake. Yuni notices Rag and smiles brightly at him. “Ragnaros! I’m glad you’re here!” “I’m not.”, Rag replied. Yuni chuckled, “Well either way, we will soon be able to discuss some issues that our tribes have with one another, and hopefully settle our differences.” Rag rolled his eyes, “Yes. I’m sure this council will provide a very... interesting take into one another’s society.” 
Another woman wearing a jade green dress with a golden dragon embroidered onto it and a young man wearing a sky blue jacket with a golden tiger stitched to the back talked amongst themselves as they entered. “And that is why, I believe that Windwool is one of the best cloths to use in dressmaking. What do you think, Xu 'Fu? “ the woman asked. “I liked all your arguments, Yu’la. They are very well thought out”, Xu ‘Fu said with a smile and he turned to the others, “Hello everyone! is everyone excited for the ceremony?” Terry and Ellie raised their hand up high and shouted “Definitely!” at the same time. Rag was indifferent and simply shrugged and muttered “Meh” in response and Aril was passed out in his chair. Yuni came up and hugged Yu’la and Xu ‘Fu tightly,”I’m glad you two are hear!” They hugged Yuni back and were taken aback by how strong she was. “We’re happy to see you too..oof..Yuni. Could you.please loosen your hug though? I can’t breathe.” Xu ‘Fu said smiling nervously. Yuni immediately let them both go. “Sorry about that guys!” she apologized. Yu’la smiled “It’s alright, Yuni. I promise.”  
The room began had a sudden chill to it, as if the temperature had dropped tremendously in only a matter of moments. Yuni, Xu ’Fu, and Yu’ la had gripped their arms while Terry and Ellie hugged each other to keep warm. Aril was chattering his teeth in his sleep while Rag leaned against the wall, holding his arms, even he was getting cold. “This is no ordinary cold.. this is the chill of death itself.”, Rag looked to see a female figure who was slightly transparent and hovered with ghostly white wings. “Valitria, surprising to see you here.” Rag stated. Valitria spoke in a low, foreboding tone, “I could say the same for you, fire prince. It is simply an obligation that I must keep in order for our tribes to finally be united. Valitria looked around the room, “Hello beings of life, do not be alarmed. I have not come to take you...yet.”, Valitria stated. “That’s...good I guess?”,Terry commented ,” Alright. who are we waiting for now?” Ellie answered immediately, “I think that the mechanical and humanoid representatives aren’t here yet.” 
At that exact moment, a loud crash could be heard from just behind the group, all of which turned to see a small, impish boy in wore- down jeans and a rough looking jacket and a thin, dark-skinned male wearing sunglasses and brandishing jeweled rings and belts  come into the room grinning to themselves. “That was AWESOME!” exclaimed the impish boy, the taller dark-skinned male chuckled “Damn right it was awesome! We gotta do it again.” Rag spoke with a smirk on his face as he spoke to the taller boy, “Look who finally arrived, I truly wonder how it took you this long to get here, Bling. With all your ‘State of the art’ technology you keep preaching about.” Bling shrugged his shoulders and looked at his hand, “Oh well. I’m here, ain’t I?” He replied snarkily towards Rag. Rag rolled his eyes and chuckled as he slowly clapped, ”Bravo! You’re actually HERE. What an amazing feat! Want a cookie?” “Hmph”, Bling responded with a quick glare and irritation in his voice as he walked away from Rag.
 The impish boy approached Ellie and waved shyly. Ellie waved back kindly, “How are you today?” The impish boy replied with a much softer tone than what he had come in with. “I-I’m fine thank you. Y-yourself? I’m Kariz by the way. But you can just call me ‘K’.” Ellie sighed. “I don’t really know, K. I’m supposed to feel like a leader... but I just don’t see why anyone else couldn’t have been chosen.” Kariz sat beside Ellie “I know the feeling..” Ellie smiled at Kariz, “Well.. I guess with other people to help us, it won’t be as bad right?” Kariz nodded and smiled back, “ Definitely!” 
Horns began to sound and a small miniature robot came in from the other side of the curtain to greet them. “The ceremony has begun! When your name is called, please proceed to front stage.” Everyone waited as the announcements began. 
“To all my fellow creatures! I am proud to announce our elected council!” The crowd cheered as he spoke and the sound of stomping and clapping echoed throughout the audience. It took a minute before the speaker could silence the crowd again. “I know that many of our different tribes have indeed had their differences and struggles against one another but I believe that we must not dwell on the past and now focus on our future, not as strangers, but as friends and neighbors. Now, enough of the preliminary announcements, it time to present our council members! And the first tribe is... Magic!” A firework popped into the air and exploded, creating a four pointed purple star. “ Our Magical representative is Ellie Plush!” Ellie took a huge gulp and headed past the curtain, walking to the speaker and nervously shook hands with them before being presented a medal. “ I am honored and humbled to be the one who bares the responsibility I have. I will do my best to achieve peace and represent the Magic community in the council!” She said proudly with little nervousness in her voice. 
The crowd  was wild with laughter and excitement, clapping for her from the minute she got on stage to the moment she was off stage. Ellie breathed out heavily and smiled at her new peers, who congratulated her. The rest of the council was announced and with every single announcement, the crowd for each tribe roared loudest for each of their representatives. 
“Ragnaros II for Elemental representative!” 
“Terry Puddle for Aquatic representative!” 
“ Xu ‘Fu for Beast representative!” 
“Yu’ la for Draconic representative!”
“ Yuni, ‘Red Cricket’ for Critter representative!” 
“Aril Teroclaw for Flying representative!”  
“Valitria Deathblossom for Undead representative!”
“Kariz Fiendish for Humanoid representative!”
“Blingtron Mini for Mechanical representative” 
Bling groaned “I told them to leave that out..” 
At the end of the ceremony, all the representatives stood before the crowd and bowed, with the audience bowing back as a form of respect. They all said their vows. 
“This council shall treat each and every creature as an equal and will protect everyone from harm or wrong doing. This council will be a place to exchange ideas and also negotiate with each other. This council is only made possible by you and we are all forever grateful! Thank you!” The entire crowd roared over excitement and the newly formed council members smiled and were proud of themselves and their people. When they all went to sleep that night, they readied themselves for the challenges ahead. 
(I hope you enjoyed this little prologue of mine! took me about 3 hours to write it all 0w0. Let me know what youguys think! 
.Ragnaros, Terry, Yuni, Aril, Valitria, Kariz, Bling, Xu ‘Fu, Yu’ la, Yuni, and Ellie are available for asks.)
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misfits-fr · 3 years ago
Meet Windsong, the Reluctant Prince
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Clan Role: Stormy's right hand
Pronouns: She/He/They
"Oh, hello there! I wish I'd known we would have guests, then I would have tidied up. Let me at least put my books away!"
A motherly figure (in a genderfluid sort of way) who wishes more than anything to be the embodiment of what the Windsinger represents, Windsong is always a compassionate carer and guide in the clan. She loves helping to take care of hatchlings or familiars whenever needed. Her voice is soft and her singing is the most soothing sound there is. When she's not busy helping Stormy lead our clan, she's usually found learning how to bake and make candies.
She was the co-founder of this clan and came on board with the idea of growing a unique and diverse family of dragons, though she now feels more hesitant about her decision. She asked Whiskey and Rye to join the clan as soon as she had the chance to help her feel less lonely in all the mess.
Quote from Windsong: "Have you ever thought of that word... humane? Its roots come from a species long gone, but that word still remains to describe compassion for all beings. I wonder what kind of impact we will leave on the world and its language when we're gone."
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