#Heilige drei Könige
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julialametta · 1 year ago
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"lost crown" / Vienna / Austria / ©Julia Lametta
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unfug-bilder · 1 year ago
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Die obige Karikatur stammt von Heiko Sakurai.
Aber ich gestehe, die unten vom leider verstorbenen (C) Uli Stein fand ich lustiger (und in diesem Fall auch passender).
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dasistleeway · 1 year ago
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A perfect "galette des rois" to end the Christmas holidays...
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le-martoon · 28 days ago
Today is Epiphany Day and give the three of them your pocket money. You can trust them!
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norbert-weber · 28 days ago
20250106 Die Heiligen Drei Könige
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wmlz · 28 days ago
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Die heiligen drei Könige 👑
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adriaticpulse · 4 months ago
Popis državnih blagdana u Bavarskoj za 2025. godinu
Bavarska, jedno od najpoznatijih njemačkih pokrajina, bogata je tradicijom i brojnim blagdanima koji se slave tijekom cijele godine. Svake godine stanovnici i posjetitelji Bavarske imaju priliku uživati u vjerskim i državnim blagdanima koji nude priliku za odmor, slavlje i uživanje u lokalnim običajima. Ovi blagdani su savršena prilika za obiteljsko okupljanje, putovanja, i uživanje u brojnim…
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taunuswolf · 1 year ago
Alle Jahre wieder: Ein Essay über die Heiligen Drei Könige, der ein wenig Licht ins Dunkle halbgebildeter lautstarker woker "Akademiker" bringen soll.
Keiner der Heiligen Drei Könige war schwarz, trotzdem wird fleißig über Rassismus diskutiert
Alle Jahre wieder, pünktlich zum Tag der „Heiligen drei Könige“ am 6. Januar, flammt sie wieder auf: Die Diskussion um den angeblich „Schwarzen König“ Melchior (In anderen Berichten ist von Caspar die Rede. In Wahrheit ist es Balthasar) Statt sich an der wunderbaren Legende zu freuen, dass auch aus Afrika ein König den Weg nach Bethlehem gefunden haben könnte und dies als Zeichen zu werten, dass für Jesus alle Menschen gleich sind, ist diese humanitäre, universelle Symbolfigur angeheizt durch bildungsferne von Selbsthass zerfressene Eliten zu einem Stein des Anstoßes geworden. Laut Albertus Magnus war der schwarze König ein Äthiopier. Vielleicht ist heutigen Beamten-Kirchenvertreter nicht mehr bewusst, dass es in Äthiopien schon seit dem 3. Jahrhundert eine Christliche Kirche gibt, die im Gegensatz zu Deutschland nicht mit Auflösungserscheinungen und massivem Mitgliederschwund kämpft. 
Bereits Weihnachten 2020 wurden im Ulmer Münster die historischen Krippenfiguren komplett entfernt. Dabei beriefen sich die Kirchenvertreter nach Meinung der Medienplattform katholisch.de möglicherweise auf Aussagen der umstrittenen Black-Lives-Matter-Bewegung, wonach der schwarze König eine „Verkörperung kolonialrassistischer Stereotype“ beinhaltet. Von dieser unseligen Diskussion betroffen sind auch die Sternensingen, deren Schminkaktion inzwischen als „Blackfacing“ geächtet wird. Facebook hat die Abbildung von farbig geschminkten Sternen Singer streng verboten. Wer viel Lärm macht und auch mal die Muskeln spielen lässt, scheint recht zu bekommen.
Dabei ist die Frage, ob es überhaupt einen farbigen König oder überhaupt „Könige“ gab, leicht zu beantworten. Laut Matthäusevangelium eindeutig NEIN. Da ist von „Sterndeutern“ die Rede, die aus dem Morgenland kommen (Math. 2,1fl). Damit ist wahrscheinlich Babylonien, Zweistromland gemeint, wo bereits vor 5000 Jahren von hohen Zikkuraten (Stufentempeln) aus, der Lauf der Sterne beobachtet wurde. Alle drei waren demnach Orientalen und mutmaßlich hellheutig. Auch auf frühmittelalterlichen Mosaiken sieht man nur hellheutige Heilige. Wie und wo entstand die Legende vom „schwarzen König“?    
Ein Edelstein aus der Antike wurde als Porträt gedeutet
Vieles deutet daraufhin, dass die wunderbare Geschichte vom farbigen König aus Afrika in Köln entstanden sein könnte. Dort werden seit dem siegreichen Feldzug Barbarossas gegen die Stadt Mailand im Jahre 1164 die Gebeine der Heiligen Drei Könige aufgebahrt. Einer der Heerführer war der Kölner Erzbischof Rainald von Dassel. Um der Kriegsbeute einen angemessenen Platz zu geben, wurde lange vor dem Bau des Domes jener Dreikönigschrein angefertigt, der auch heute noch bewundert werden kann. Absolutes Kleinod in dem goldenen Sarkophag war das sogenannte „Bildnis der Heiligen Drei Könige“. Ein wertvoller großer Cameo aus Sardonyx (Ptolemäer-Cameo). Er stammt aus einer anderen Kriegsbeute. 1204 plünderten Kreuzfahrer die Stadt Konstantinopel – den eigenen Verbündeten – und überschwemmten anschließend West und Osteuropa mit wertvollen Schätzen, Ikonen, Büchern usw. Darunter befand sich auch ein dreifarbiger dreilagiger Sardonyx, der zur Mineralien-Gruppe der Chalcedone zählt. Niemand ahnte, dass es sich bei den in Stein geschnittenen Porträts um die Abbildung des hellenistischen Herrscherpaares Ptolemaios II (308-246v. Chr.) und seiner Frau Arsinoe II. handelt. Das Kleinod war nach dem Tod der Königin Kleopatra in Römischen Besitz gelangt und zuerst in Rom später in Konstantinopel aufbewahrt worden, ehe er als weitere Kriegsbeute in Köln eintraf. 1574 wurde er gestohlen und gelangte nach weiteren Irrfahrten durch Italien und Deutschland nach Wien, wo er im Kunsthistorischen Museum besichtigt werden kann.  
Albertus Magnus entdeckte einen „bärtigen Äthiopier“
Wie man auch auf Wikipedia nachlesen kann, sah bereits der Kölner Scholastiker Albertus Magnus (1200-1280) in einer Figur auf dem Helm des Hellenistischen Königs – es handelt sich um den ägyptischen Gott Ammon - einen „schwarzbärtigen Äthiopier“. Tatsächlich heißt einer der Sterndeuter „Balthasar“ der „Schwarzbärtige“. Für den Hobby-Mineralogen, besser gesagt Pionier der mittelalterlichen Mineralogie, der nach eignen Aussagen Bergkristalle und Achate ausgegraben, und über alle zwölf Edelsteine des „Himmlischen Jerusalems“ (off 21,9) lange Abhandlungen geschrieben hatte, fügte sich alles harmonisch zusammen. Der Stein war ein Geschenk des Himmels und der kleine schwarze König – er wurde ohne Diamantbohrer aus den dunklen Onyx-Teilen herausherausgeschnitten – kam gleichfalls aus himmlischen Sphären.
Sah Albertus Magnus rassistisch oder herablassend auf Baltasar herab? Dazu war er im Gegensatz zu heutigen Gender-Woke-Eliten zu gebildet. Er wusste um die Existenz der Äthiopischen Kirche, die erfolgreich den islamischen Eroberern getrotzt hatte. Seine Kreation des „bärtigen Äthiopiers“ ist eine Verneigung vor einem afrikanischen Kulturvolk, dass bereits von Herodot erwähnt wird und sogar Juden während der Babylonischen Eroberung Zuflucht geboten hat. Als nationales Heiligtum wird die Bundeslade in Äthiopien verwahrt. Die Äthiopier haben also – abgesehen von der historischen Wahrheit – ihren schwarzen König doppelt und dreifach verdient. Dass ihn jetzt ausgerechnet weiße Eliten verdammen und als „rassistisches Kolonialerbe“ verbannen, grenzt an Schizophrenie und konterkariert christliche Werte. Es nährt den begründeten Verdacht, dass nicht der schwarzbärtige Balthasar abgeschafft werden soll, sondern das Christentum als universelle alle Hautfarben vertretene Religion. Dass Kinder sich rassistisch verhalten, wenn sie ihre Gesichter schwarz färben, ist schwer zu vermitteln. Umgekehrt färben in Haiti und Kuba farbige Anhänger der Santeria und anderer Yoruba-Religionen ihre Gesichter weiß, wenn sie zum Beispiel Aufnahmerituale praktizieren. Die Diskussion ist also schräg. Sie offenbart vor allem eins: Bildungsferne, Selbsthass und die Lust die eigene Kultur zu zertrümmern.                     
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krautjunker · 28 days ago
Der Kuchen der Könige
Rezeptvorstellung des Goswin v. Mallinckrodt Keine Zeit des Jahres ist mit so vielen schönen Traditionen und Bräuchen aufgeladen wie die Advents- und Weihnachtszeit. So sehr, dass man sich manchmal fragen mag, warum wir es eigentlich verlernt haben, auch andere Festzeiten des Jahres auf entsprechende Weise zu feiern und unseren tristen Alltag etwas zu verzaubern, ohne dabei gleich in den…
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the-silent-troubadour · 2 months ago
did u know
Christmas in Germany is celebrated over three days:
December 24th
Christmas Eve (Heiligabend) is the main celebration day. Families decorate their Christmas tree, eat a festive meal, and exchange gifts. Some attend midnight mass.
December 25th
Christmas Day (Erster Weihnachtstag) is a public holiday for relaxing with family. Many families have a big breakfast together and some attend a special church service.
December 26th
Boxing Day (Zweiter Weihnachtstag) is another public holiday for visiting extended family or having a day off.
The Christmas season is prepared for in the four weeks leading up to Christmas Eve, which is known as Advent. There is also a festive atmosphere throughout December, with Christmas markets and stalls selling traditional German food and decorations.
The Christmas season ends on January 6th, which is Three Kings Day (Heilige drei Könige). On this day, children dress up as the three holy kings and ask for donations for the church.
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subtile-jagden · 1 year ago
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Currently preparing for the Rauhnächte. Many traditions and rituals surround the time between Christmas and Heilige Drei Könige (Epiphany).
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str4wanzerin · 1 year ago
Ivo: Heute ist Heilige Drei Könige.
Franz: Ach, deshalb bin ich so myrrhisch...
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gwendolynlerman · 1 year ago
Deutschribing Germany
Public holidays
Public holidays can be set by the federal government or the Länder. Only the Day of German Unity is set by federal law; the rest of them, even those celebrated all over Germany, are made holidays by state legislation. As a result, there are between ten and thirteen (in Bavaria), depending on the state. Most states have either ten or eleven public holidays.
The nine holidays observed nationwide are the following: 
January 1 - Neujahrstag (New Year’s Day)
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Karfreitag (Good Friday)
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Ostermontag (Easter Monday)
May 1 - Tag der Arbeit (Labor Day)
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Christi Himmelfahrt (Ascension Day): it commemorates the ascension of Jesus into Heaven and takes place 39 days after Easter Sunday.
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Pfingstmontag (Whit Monday): it celebrates the descent of the Holy Spirit and marks the resumption of ordinary time. It takes place fifty days after Easter.
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October 3 - Tag der Deutschen Einheit (German Unity Day): this holiday commemorates German reunification in 1990.
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December 25 - Weihnachtstag (Christmas Day)
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December 26 - Zweiter Weihnachtsfeiertag (Boxing Day)
Public holidays observed in only some states include:
January 6 - Heilige Drei Könige (Epiphany) - Baden-Württemberg (BW), Bavaria (BY), and Saxony-Anhalt (ST): it celebrates the visit of the Three Wise Men after the birth of Christ. Groups of children dressed as the Three Wise Men known as Sternsinger (star singers) go from door to door to sing, ask for donations for worthy causes, and perform the traditional house blessing by marking the year over the door with chalk.
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The numbers indicate the year, while the letters mean either the names of the Three Wise Men (Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar) or the Latin phrase Christus mansionem benedicat (May Christ bless this house).
March 8 - Frauentag (Women’s Day) - Berlin (BE) and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (MV)
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Fronleichnam (Corpus Christi) - BW, BY, Hesse (HE), North Rhine-Westphalia (NW), Rhineland-Palatinate (RP), and Saarland (SL): it celebrates the Eucharist, that is, the body and blood of Christ embodied in sacramental bread and wine. It takes place sixty days after Easter Sunday.
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August 15 - Mariä Himmelfahrt (Assumption of Mary) - BY and SL: this holiday celebrates Virgin’s Mary ascension into Heaven after her death.
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September 20 - Weltkindertag (World Children’s Day) - Thuringia (TH)
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October 31 - Reformationstag (Reformation Day) - Brandenburg (BB), Bremen (HB), Hamburg (HH), MV, Lower Saxony (NI), Saxony (SN), ST, Schleswig-Holstein (SH), and TH: it celebrates the onset of the reformation, as Martin Luther nailed his Ninety-five Theses on this day.
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November 1 - Allerheiligen (All Saints’ Day) - BW, BY, NW, RP, and SL: this holiday commemorates all Christian saints.
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Buß- und Bettag (Repentance and Prayer Day) - SN: it falls on the second Wednesday before the First Sunday in Advent.
While Father’s Day has a fixed date (Ascension Day), Mother’s Day takes place on the second Sunday of May. Furthermore, there is another unofficial holiday, Rosenmontag (“rose Monday”), which takes place on the Monday before Ash Wednesday. It is a de facto holiday in Catholic western and southern Germany, and especially celebrated in Carnival strongholds such as Aachen, Bonn, Cologne, Düsseldorf, and Mainz.
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Some public holidays (Good Friday, All Saints, and Prayer and Repentance Day) are quiet days (stille Tage), which means that public dancing, live music at inns, and noisy activities around the house, such as playing loud music, vacuuming, and construction with electric tools, are prohibited.
Holidays that always fall on Sunday are not determined by law but are quiet days: Volkstrauertag (Memorial Day), which takes place two Sundays before the first day of Advent and commemorates people who died in armed conflicts, both military and civilian, and Totensonntag (Sunday of the Dead), which is the Protestant equivalent of All Souls’ Day that commemorates the faithfully departed and falls on the last Sunday of the liturgical year in the Evangelical Church.
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Some days that are not designated as public holidays are quiet days in certain states, such as Ash Wednesday, Holy Thursday, Holy Saturday, All Souls’ Day, and Christmas Eve (beginning in the afternoon).
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unterwegsistdasziel · 23 days ago
Samstagsplausch 25/2 "Schattenseiten"
Heute begrüße ich Dich zu meinem zweiten Samstagsplausch im neuen Jahr und es könnte sein das dieser Text nicht ganz so fröhlich wird wie der von Silvester in Frankfurt. Obwohl diese Woche sehr entspannt mit einem freien Wochenende begonnen hatte. Bei uns in Badenwürtemberg ist “Heilige drei Könige” ein gesetzlicher Feiertag und dieser fiel dieses Jahr auf den Montag. Ganz im Gegensatz zu…
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brookston · 27 days ago
Holidays 1.6
Armed Forces Day (Iraq)
Blessing of the Waters (Greece, Turkey)
Carnaval Blancos Negros, Day 3: The Day of the Whites (Colombia)
Carnival season begins (until Shrove Tuesday)
Children’s Day (Uruguay)
Cuddle Up Day
Daruma Ichi (Takasaki City, Japan)
Dezome-shiki (Tokyo, Japan)
Flying V Day
Four Freedoms Day
Greek Cross Day
Haxey Hood (Traditional Old English race, pushing a leather tub to a local pub)
Hornschlittenrennen (Horn Runners Race; Germany)
I Am A Mentor Day
International Day of Astrology
International Jewish and Proud Day
Insurrection USA Day (a.k.a. Jan. 6 Anniversary Day)
Kolmekuninga Päev (Belgium, Estonia)
Maroon Festival (Jamaica)
Missionary Childhood Day
National Davis Day
National Samantha Day
National Share a DAG Day
National Smith Day
National Standard Poodle Day
National Take a Poet to Lunch Day
National Take Down the Christmas Tree Day
National Technology Day
National Weigh-In Day
Nurse Day (Mexico)
Parents and Parents-in-Law Day (India)
Pathet Lao Day (Laos)
Phi Day
Ray Epps Awareness Day
Reionization Era Day (Early stars begin Ionizing Interstellar Gas; Universal Timeline)
Schoolhouse Rock Day
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell Day (Abeldane Empire)
Sherlock Holmes Day [also 5.22]
Shorinzan Daruma-Ichi (Shorinzan, Japan)
Surb Tsnund (Armenian Christmas)
Swap Day
Take a Poet to Lunch Day
Wheel of Fortune Day
World Day of War Orphans
Food & Drink Celebrations
Bean Day (New Orleans)
Creole Cuisine Day
Dry Bean Day
King Cake Day
King of the Bean (a.k.a. National Bean Day)
Marzipan Day (Sweden)
National Shortbread Day
Walker’s Shortbread Day
Nature Celebrations
Apple Tree Day
Pepe Le Pew Day
Wassailing the Apple Trees (UK)
Independence, Flag & Related Days
New Mexico Statehood Day (#47; 1912)
New Year’s Days
Kayin New Year (Myanmar)
1st Monday in January
Divorce Monday [1st Monday]
Handsel Day (Scotland) [1st Monday]
Makeover Monday [1st Monday of Each Month]
Meatloaf Monday [1st Monday of Each Month]
Meditation Monday [Every Monday]
Monday Musings [Every Monday]
The Most Depressing Day of the Year (UK) [1st Monday]
Motivation Monday [Every Monday]
National Rondling Day [1st Monday]
National Thank God It’s Monday Day [1st Monday; also 1st Monday in June]
National Weigh-In Day [1st Monday]
Postum Day
Weekly Holidays beginning January 6 (1st Full Week of January)
Braille Literacy Week [1st Week]
Diet Resolution Week [1st Week]
Napa Valley Restaurant Month (Napa Valley, California) [thru 2.2]
National Folic Acid Awareness Week [1st Week]
National Law Enforcement Training Week [1st Week]
Silent Record Week [1st Week]
Festivals Beginning January 6, 2025
Carnival (Cayenne, French Guiana) [thru 3.5]
Carnival (Guadeloupe) [thru 3.5]
Feast Days
André Bessette (Roman Catholic Church)
British Comedy Quotes Day (Pastafarian)
Carnival Season begins (Christian) [thru Tuesday before Ash Wednesday]
Charles of Sezze (Christian; Saint)
Christmas (Original Date) (a.k.a. ...
Christmas (Armenian Apostolic Church, Amish)
Christmas Day (Ethiopia)
Coptic Christmas (Egypt)
Día De Reyes (Kings Day; Mexico)
Heilige Drei Könige (Liechtenstein)
Kolmekuninga Päev (Belgium, Estonia)
Little Christmas (Ireland)
Nalujuit (Inuit Communities in Labrador)
Old Christmas (England before 1752)
Reyes Magos (Spain)
Sure Tsnund (Armenia)
Sveta Tri Kralja (Croatia)
Christmas Eve (Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Russia, Serbia, Ukraine)
Circle Sancuary of Mount Horeb Foundation Day (Wisconsin; Everyday Wicca)
Day of Kore Underground (Pagan)
Epiphany (a.k.a. ...
Adoration of the Magi
Baptism of the Lord (Romania)
Día de los Niños (Uruguay)
Dia de los Santo Reyes (Dominican Republic)
Dia de Reyes (Venezuela)
Heilige Drei Könige; Liechtenstein)
La Befana (Italy)
Nollaig na mBan (Ireland)
Þrettándinn (Iceland)
Race of the Three Kings (San Pablo, Peru)
Reyes Magos (Spain)
Theophany (Eastern Christian Church)
Three King's Day (Florida, US Virgin Islands)
Three Wise Men Day
Trettondagen (Sweden)
Uphaliday (a.k.a. Uphalimas; Scotland)
Epiphic (The Season of Bad Noise, Devoted to the Indefinable; Church of the SubGenius)
Erminold (Christian; Saint)
Extra Cuddles Day (Pastafarian)
Faery Lovers Day (Celtic Book of Days)
Guarinus (a.k.a. Guerrin; Christian; Saint)
Haley Hood (England)
Nalujuk Night (Inuit)
Orthodox Christmas Eve (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro)
Pinky (Muppetism)
Romulus (Positivist; Saint)
Taos Pueblo Deer or Buffalo Dance (Native American)
Triple Goddess Day (Paganism)
Tursi (Slavic pagan fertility rite of Jar-tur, the bull) 
Twelfth Day (a.k.a. Twelfthtide)
Twelfth Night Wassail (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Twelve Holy Days #12 (Pisces, the feet; Esoteric Christianity)
William McGonagall Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Wiltrudis (Christian; Saint & Widow)
Orthodox Christian Liturgical Calendar Holidays
Theophany  (a.k.a. ... 
Denho (Syriac Christian; Saint)
Epiphany (Eastern and Oriental Orthodox)
Great Blessing of the Waters (Eastern Orthodox)
Natlisgeba (Georgia)
Sure Tsnund (Armenian Apostolic Church)
Timket (a.k.a. Timkat, Coptic Epiphany; Eritrea, Ethiopia)
Secular Saints Days
Rowan Atkinson (Entertainment)
José Campeche (Artist)
E.L. Doctorow (Writer)
Gustave Doré (Artist)
Aleksandra Ekster (Artist)
Kahlil Gibran (Philosopher)
Jean-Robert Ipoustéguy (Sculptor)
Wright Morris (Writer, Photographer)
Charles E. Pont (Artist)
Carl Sandburg (Poet)
Alexander Scriabin (Music)
Earl Scruggs (Music)
Elizabeth Strout (Writer)
Baldassare Verazzi (Artist)
Alan Watts (Philosopher)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [4 of 37]
Uncyclopedia Bad to Be Born Day (because Christmas decorations come down this day. It's a sad day for all.)
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [3 of 57]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [5 of 30]
Ace of Spades (Fleischer Tarlkartoons Cartoon; 1931)
The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad (Animated Disney Film; 1950)
Agent Carter (TV Series; 2015)
The Bastard, by John Jakes (Novel; 1974) [Kent Family Chronicles #1]
The Body Machine (Science Rock Cartoon; 1979)
Casanova Cat (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1951)
Come Fly with Me, by Frank Sinatra (Album; 1958)
The Danny Kaye Show (Radio Series; 1945)
Don Quixote de la Mancha (Novel; 1605)
Frampton Comes Alive!, by Peter Frampton (Live Album; 1976)
Hallmark Hall of Fame (TV Series; 1952)
Hare We Go (WB MM Cartoon; 1951)
Hell’s Fire, a.k.a. Vulcan Entertains (Willie Whopper MGM Cartoon; 1934)
High School DXD (Anime TV Series; 2012)
Inspector Morse (UK TV Series; 1987)
County Fair (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1930)
Land of the Lost Jewels Noveltoons Cartoon; 1950)
Little Earthquakes, by Tori Amos (Album; 1992)
Luvcast U.S.A. (Animated TV Film; 1973)
My Hero, Zero (Schoolhouse Rock! Cartoon; 1973)
Mystic Pink (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1976)
Pill Peddlers (Heckle & Heckle Cartoon; 1953)
Pinknic (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1967)
Pluto’s Heart Throb (Disney Cartoon; 1950)
Polly Wants a Doctor (Phantasies Cartoon; 1944)
The Revenant (Film; 2015)
Schoolhouse Rock (Animated TV Series; 1973)
Shape of You, by Ed Sheehan (Song; 2017)
SWAT Kats: A Special Report (Hanna-Barbera TV Cartoon Special; 1995)
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (Film; 2012)
Wheel of Fortune (TV Game Show; 1975)
Today’s Name Days
Erminold (Austria)
Bogdan, Bogdana, Bogomil, Bogomila, Iordan, Iordanka, Teodosii, Yordan, Yordanka (Bulgaria)
Baltazar, Gašpar, Melkior (Croatia)
Tri králové (Czech Republic)
Aabel, Aabi, Aabo, Aap, Aapo (Estonia)
Harri (Finland)
Balthazar, Gaspard, Mélaine, Melchior, Tiffany (France)
Raimund (Germany)
Fani, Fotika, Fotine, Fotini, Fotis, Jordan, Ourania, Peristera, Photini, Photis, Theofania, Theofanis, Theopoula (Greece)
Boldizsár (Hungary)
Baldassarre Gaspare, Melchiorre Raffaello, Rafaelo (Italy)
Arnita, Spulga (Latvia)
Arūnas, Arūnė, Baltazaras, Kasparas, Merkelis (Lithuania)
Åslaug, Aslaug (Norway)
Andrzej, Balcer, Baltazar, Bolemir, Epifania, Kacper, Kasper, Melchior (Poland)
Evgenia, Klavdia (Russia)
Antónia (Slovakia)
Baltasar, Epifanía, Gaspar, Melchor (Spain)
Baltsar, Kasper, Melker (Sweden)
Cheyanne, Cheyenne, Howell, Hoyle, Kahlil, Khalil, Melchior, Rowan, Talullah, Tiffani, Tiffanie, Tiffany (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 6 of 2025; 359 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of Week 2 of 2025
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ruis (Elder) [Day 16 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Ding-Chou), Day 7 (Yi-Hai)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Coptic: 28 Kiyahk 1741
Hebrew: 6 Teveth 5785
Islamic: 6 Rajab 1446
J Cal: 6 White; Sixthday [6 of 30]
Julian: 24 December 2024
Moon: 50%: 1st Quarter
Positivist: 6 Moses (1st Month) [Romulus]
Runic Half Month: Eihwaz or Eoh (Yew Tree) [Day 15 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 17 of 90)
Week: 1st Full Week of January
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 16 of 30)
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brookstonalmanac · 27 days ago
Holidays 1.6
Armed Forces Day (Iraq)
Blessing of the Waters (Greece, Turkey)
Carnaval Blancos Negros, Day 3: The Day of the Whites (Colombia)
Carnival season begins (until Shrove Tuesday)
Children’s Day (Uruguay)
Cuddle Up Day
Daruma Ichi (Takasaki City, Japan)
Dezome-shiki (Tokyo, Japan)
Flying V Day
Four Freedoms Day
Greek Cross Day
Haxey Hood (Traditional Old English race, pushing a leather tub to a local pub)
Hornschlittenrennen (Horn Runners Race; Germany)
I Am A Mentor Day
International Day of Astrology
International Jewish and Proud Day
Insurrection USA Day (a.k.a. Jan. 6 Anniversary Day)
Kolmekuninga Päev (Belgium, Estonia)
Maroon Festival (Jamaica)
Missionary Childhood Day
National Davis Day
National Samantha Day
National Share a DAG Day
National Smith Day
National Standard Poodle Day
National Take a Poet to Lunch Day
National Take Down the Christmas Tree Day
National Technology Day
National Weigh-In Day
Nurse Day (Mexico)
Parents and Parents-in-Law Day (India)
Pathet Lao Day (Laos)
Phi Day
Ray Epps Awareness Day
Reionization Era Day (Early stars begin Ionizing Interstellar Gas; Universal Timeline)
Schoolhouse Rock Day
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell Day (Abeldane Empire)
Sherlock Holmes Day [also 5.22]
Shorinzan Daruma-Ichi (Shorinzan, Japan)
Surb Tsnund (Armenian Christmas)
Swap Day
Take a Poet to Lunch Day
Wheel of Fortune Day
World Day of War Orphans
Food & Drink Celebrations
Bean Day (New Orleans)
Creole Cuisine Day
Dry Bean Day
King Cake Day
King of the Bean (a.k.a. National Bean Day)
Marzipan Day (Sweden)
National Shortbread Day
Walker’s Shortbread Day
Nature Celebrations
Apple Tree Day
Pepe Le Pew Day
Wassailing the Apple Trees (UK)
Independence, Flag & Related Days
New Mexico Statehood Day (#47; 1912)
New Year’s Days
Kayin New Year (Myanmar)
1st Monday in January
Divorce Monday [1st Monday]
Handsel Day (Scotland) [1st Monday]
Makeover Monday [1st Monday of Each Month]
Meatloaf Monday [1st Monday of Each Month]
Meditation Monday [Every Monday]
Monday Musings [Every Monday]
The Most Depressing Day of the Year (UK) [1st Monday]
Motivation Monday [Every Monday]
National Rondling Day [1st Monday]
National Thank God It’s Monday Day [1st Monday; also 1st Monday in June]
National Weigh-In Day [1st Monday]
Postum Day
Weekly Holidays beginning January 6 (1st Full Week of January)
Braille Literacy Week [1st Week]
Diet Resolution Week [1st Week]
Napa Valley Restaurant Month (Napa Valley, California) [thru 2.2]
National Folic Acid Awareness Week [1st Week]
National Law Enforcement Training Week [1st Week]
Silent Record Week [1st Week]
Festivals Beginning January 6, 2025
Carnival (Cayenne, French Guiana) [thru 3.5]
Carnival (Guadeloupe) [thru 3.5]
Feast Days
André Bessette (Roman Catholic Church)
British Comedy Quotes Day (Pastafarian)
Carnival Season begins (Christian) [thru Tuesday before Ash Wednesday]
Charles of Sezze (Christian; Saint)
Christmas (Original Date) (a.k.a. ...
Christmas (Armenian Apostolic Church, Amish)
Christmas Day (Ethiopia)
Coptic Christmas (Egypt)
Día De Reyes (Kings Day; Mexico)
Heilige Drei Könige (Liechtenstein)
Kolmekuninga Päev (Belgium, Estonia)
Little Christmas (Ireland)
Nalujuit (Inuit Communities in Labrador)
Old Christmas (England before 1752)
Reyes Magos (Spain)
Sure Tsnund (Armenia)
Sveta Tri Kralja (Croatia)
Christmas Eve (Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Russia, Serbia, Ukraine)
Circle Sancuary of Mount Horeb Foundation Day (Wisconsin; Everyday Wicca)
Day of Kore Underground (Pagan)
Epiphany (a.k.a. ...
Adoration of the Magi
Baptism of the Lord (Romania)
Día de los Niños (Uruguay)
Dia de los Santo Reyes (Dominican Republic)
Dia de Reyes (Venezuela)
Heilige Drei Könige; Liechtenstein)
La Befana (Italy)
Nollaig na mBan (Ireland)
Þrettándinn (Iceland)
Race of the Three Kings (San Pablo, Peru)
Reyes Magos (Spain)
Theophany (Eastern Christian Church)
Three King's Day (Florida, US Virgin Islands)
Three Wise Men Day
Trettondagen (Sweden)
Uphaliday (a.k.a. Uphalimas; Scotland)
Epiphic (The Season of Bad Noise, Devoted to the Indefinable; Church of the SubGenius)
Erminold (Christian; Saint)
Extra Cuddles Day (Pastafarian)
Faery Lovers Day (Celtic Book of Days)
Guarinus (a.k.a. Guerrin; Christian; Saint)
Haley Hood (England)
Nalujuk Night (Inuit)
Orthodox Christmas Eve (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro)
Pinky (Muppetism)
Romulus (Positivist; Saint)
Taos Pueblo Deer or Buffalo Dance (Native American)
Triple Goddess Day (Paganism)
Tursi (Slavic pagan fertility rite of Jar-tur, the bull) 
Twelfth Day (a.k.a. Twelfthtide)
Twelfth Night Wassail (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Twelve Holy Days #12 (Pisces, the feet; Esoteric Christianity)
William McGonagall Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Wiltrudis (Christian; Saint & Widow)
Orthodox Christian Liturgical Calendar Holidays
Theophany  (a.k.a. ... 
Denho (Syriac Christian; Saint)
Epiphany (Eastern and Oriental Orthodox)
Great Blessing of the Waters (Eastern Orthodox)
Natlisgeba (Georgia)
Sure Tsnund (Armenian Apostolic Church)
Timket (a.k.a. Timkat, Coptic Epiphany; Eritrea, Ethiopia)
Secular Saints Days
Rowan Atkinson (Entertainment)
José Campeche (Artist)
E.L. Doctorow (Writer)
Gustave Doré (Artist)
Aleksandra Ekster (Artist)
Kahlil Gibran (Philosopher)
Jean-Robert Ipoustéguy (Sculptor)
Wright Morris (Writer, Photographer)
Charles E. Pont (Artist)
Carl Sandburg (Poet)
Alexander Scriabin (Music)
Earl Scruggs (Music)
Elizabeth Strout (Writer)
Baldassare Verazzi (Artist)
Alan Watts (Philosopher)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [4 of 37]
Uncyclopedia Bad to Be Born Day (because Christmas decorations come down this day. It's a sad day for all.)
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [3 of 57]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [5 of 30]
Ace of Spades (Fleischer Tarlkartoons Cartoon; 1931)
The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad (Animated Disney Film; 1950)
Agent Carter (TV Series; 2015)
The Bastard, by John Jakes (Novel; 1974) [Kent Family Chronicles #1]
The Body Machine (Science Rock Cartoon; 1979)
Casanova Cat (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1951)
Come Fly with Me, by Frank Sinatra (Album; 1958)
The Danny Kaye Show (Radio Series; 1945)
Don Quixote de la Mancha (Novel; 1605)
Frampton Comes Alive!, by Peter Frampton (Live Album; 1976)
Hallmark Hall of Fame (TV Series; 1952)
Hare We Go (WB MM Cartoon; 1951)
Hell’s Fire, a.k.a. Vulcan Entertains (Willie Whopper MGM Cartoon; 1934)
High School DXD (Anime TV Series; 2012)
Inspector Morse (UK TV Series; 1987)
County Fair (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1930)
Land of the Lost Jewels Noveltoons Cartoon; 1950)
Little Earthquakes, by Tori Amos (Album; 1992)
Luvcast U.S.A. (Animated TV Film; 1973)
My Hero, Zero (Schoolhouse Rock! Cartoon; 1973)
Mystic Pink (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1976)
Pill Peddlers (Heckle & Heckle Cartoon; 1953)
Pinknic (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1967)
Pluto’s Heart Throb (Disney Cartoon; 1950)
Polly Wants a Doctor (Phantasies Cartoon; 1944)
The Revenant (Film; 2015)
Schoolhouse Rock (Animated TV Series; 1973)
Shape of You, by Ed Sheehan (Song; 2017)
SWAT Kats: A Special Report (Hanna-Barbera TV Cartoon Special; 1995)
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (Film; 2012)
Wheel of Fortune (TV Game Show; 1975)
Today’s Name Days
Erminold (Austria)
Bogdan, Bogdana, Bogomil, Bogomila, Iordan, Iordanka, Teodosii, Yordan, Yordanka (Bulgaria)
Baltazar, Gašpar, Melkior (Croatia)
Tri králové (Czech Republic)
Aabel, Aabi, Aabo, Aap, Aapo (Estonia)
Harri (Finland)
Balthazar, Gaspard, Mélaine, Melchior, Tiffany (France)
Raimund (Germany)
Fani, Fotika, Fotine, Fotini, Fotis, Jordan, Ourania, Peristera, Photini, Photis, Theofania, Theofanis, Theopoula (Greece)
Boldizsár (Hungary)
Baldassarre Gaspare, Melchiorre Raffaello, Rafaelo (Italy)
Arnita, Spulga (Latvia)
Arūnas, Arūnė, Baltazaras, Kasparas, Merkelis (Lithuania)
Åslaug, Aslaug (Norway)
Andrzej, Balcer, Baltazar, Bolemir, Epifania, Kacper, Kasper, Melchior (Poland)
Evgenia, Klavdia (Russia)
Antónia (Slovakia)
Baltasar, Epifanía, Gaspar, Melchor (Spain)
Baltsar, Kasper, Melker (Sweden)
Cheyanne, Cheyenne, Howell, Hoyle, Kahlil, Khalil, Melchior, Rowan, Talullah, Tiffani, Tiffanie, Tiffany (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 6 of 2025; 359 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of Week 2 of 2025
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ruis (Elder) [Day 16 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Ding-Chou), Day 7 (Yi-Hai)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Coptic: 28 Kiyahk 1741
Hebrew: 6 Teveth 5785
Islamic: 6 Rajab 1446
J Cal: 6 White; Sixthday [6 of 30]
Julian: 24 December 2024
Moon: 50%: 1st Quarter
Positivist: 6 Moses (1st Month) [Romulus]
Runic Half Month: Eihwaz or Eoh (Yew Tree) [Day 15 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 17 of 90)
Week: 1st Full Week of January
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 16 of 30)
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