#Heck we can do a Knuckles & Chaotix bit
hypersonicfanxd · 6 months
Since the Sonic fandom is growing once more, might this be a good time to suggest a Team Chaotix detective show?
It'd be so nice
So cool
*Hoping someone sees this pitch and runs with it*
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nixtwix · 4 months
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alr, so...I have no clue if having your OC being shipped with canon is neccesary or not...so I asked people I knew what ships for Nix would be good. The main ones were Bark or Ray. This causes a literal fight in my family, one wanted bark,the other wanted Ray. So I asked the youngest and she didn't want part of it. So my mom was the tie breaker. And she chose Ray. So boom. there's finally an Oc ship. I present to you: Strawberry Lemonade (there's no yellow so it'll work) I have no clue what Rays Age is though mainly because by the time I got fully emerged into the sonic fandom enough to want to know there ages was around the time Sega took away there ages. and Archie aswell as the wiki didn't help because it would say "He looks 12, but he's actually 16!" or it would say there ages from when they first debut to now which would be 31. (Which mighty and ray's birthday game wise is June 1st!) So I was walking on eggshells, so I thought to keep the ship wholesome for now. instead of kissing they clean eachother's fur, and They Nuzzle eachother (which causes nix to have static electricity like surge and shocks both of them) They don't spend as much time however, due to Ray travelling with Mighty. but when they meet they make up for it with cuddles and hugs. Also during the modern time, Ray gets a little protective over nix due to what happened to her and she has a little bit of naivety. not as much as when she was younger, but still there. and he doesn't immediately jump the boat, he actually learned from the chaotix (and watching knuckles and rouge) to tell the difference between conversation,flirting,negging or if someones trying to get help without saying it. So when this happens he comes up and wraps his tail around nix, to and outside person he's just using his tail as a fancy scarf for her to keep her warm. on the other hand he's actually being protective and if things get out of hand will pick her up and go. (luckily it never has gotten that far yet.) also, Nix has a hard time keeping warmth or heat especially now that she doesn't wear as many sweaters so she tends to steal Ray's Scarf. Because if you unfolded it That Scarf looks THICK like three steps to a wrap around Poncho. Another thing, Is that Nix is very Shy and given her scars she's pretty self conscious about it. Ray Doesn't understand why and tries to help her accept her scars. occasionally, mainly when they get older, he sometimes kisses her face Scars to let her know he's not afraid of her and that she's not ruined. (another thing that has nothing to do with the ship, (well it might) is that Ray self proclaims he's weaker when in reality he's actually pretty strong, not like mighty or knuckles but when you think about it, Ray does A LOT of acrobatics and has agility (which you need at least some muscle from what i've heard. Added with almost his whole life he travels and trains with mighty. He is bound to have at least some strength over the years, I think he doesn't realize it, because we mainly see mighty and ray hang out with Amy,Knuckles and Maybe Bark. all who have or had some serious strength even before the modern timeline. so while he's not strong enough to move boulders or crack mountains, He can sure as heck leave a dent in metal...if only he got the chance...)
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latin-dr-robotnik · 3 years
Hola Sebas! I saw that you really like the character of knuckles and amy rose, and I though...
Do you have some headcanons about them? 👀 I like to think that knuckles and amy can develop a sibling bond.
For example, knux being worried about her and even trying to protect in a sibling way during a battle.
And with amy, she would try to mock out knux in a friendly way like she did in the episode of sonic x where she was saying to him that it was obvious that knuckles was grateful for sonic's help but didn't wanted to say that to him but amy could read that in a spare of seconds
¡Hola anon!
Headcanons? Back at the start of this year I was actually working on an actual KnuxAmy oneshot lol. It was a bit of a personal experiment to try and branch out of regular ol' SonAmy content and into a different type of dynamic. A slower, more intimate one. Although it's still incomplete to this day, the main points were that after some years of relative peace in the world causing the Sonic cast to split up and do their own things, an older Amy decides to drop by Angel Island unannounced to visit the lone guardian of the Master Emerald, catch up on what they've been doing, and maybe remembering some old adventures they took part. It's meant to be a rather chill and intimate read in a post-Forces alternate continuity that takes the two of them around some beautiful vistas and secrets of Angel Island that no one but Knuckles (and maybe Sonic) knew of, while they slowly realize they might have more in common than they think. They're older, their way of understanding life is different, and so they might end up working better as "more than just friends", or at least that's what I was working toward before leaving the project sitting on my drafts haha.
As for actual headcanons, that "they might have more in common than they think" point is something I can stand by for any context, not just my self-indulgent fanfic. Alternate Sonic media like the comics have tried to develop quiet moments between them to strengthen their friendship, and it's something I can also see working as a general series headcanon. Knuckles in the main series is a bit of a wildcard, swinging between being the hot-headed Master Emerald guardian that wants to be left alone (but will chase you to the end of the world if you piss him off or steal the Emerald) in the Adventure days, and a bit of a dumb jerk as of recent games (Gens, Lost World, to some extent even Forces); and while I like both approaches, my ideal Knuckles (as I talked about him in a previous ask) has more of that SA2 Knuckles interacting with Rouge or Heroes Knuckles energy. (I like Heroes Knuckles a lot, he's as ready for adventure as he can be, and he's having lots of fun throughout.)
Anyway, yes, headcanons:
For grumpy Knuckles, the one who doesn't want to be bothered when he's on his floating island, I think Amy of all people is the one that can better connect with him; and while at first he won't let her delve too deep into his own thoughts and motivations, at the end of the day it helps him a lot to know he has a friend that understands him on a more personal level than the rest. That's not to say Sonic and Tails aren't close friends to him, but both of them are always around for adventures and kicking Eggman's ass. Sonic will never have a heart-to-heart conversation with Knuckles because that's not his style, because he understands Knuckles as is, and the only thing he want is for Knuckles to be fine and in shape for both punching shit and messing with each other. But Amy? Amy's empathy is the one key aspect that always carried her very far, and I believe she wouldn't let Knuckles walk away back to his island without talking about it, not because she wants to change him and force him to be more open, more friendly or just a completely different person, but because she wants to understand what's up with him, and reassure him that she'll always be there if he ever needs her. Of course, even if Knuckles denies it, it doesn't hurt to have someone you can chat with when the fate of the world isn't at stake. The M.E. is great and pretty shiny but I don't see it being too talkative (unless you turn it into a real character and... hooo boy that's a rabbit hole for another time.)
As for Knuckles as a jerk, yeah, I agree with both of them bantering a lot. We kinda saw that already with Sonic X, Sonic Generations and Sonic Lost World (Knuckles makes a funny comment about Sonic, Amy immediately retaliates, often with a strong shove involved lol), but I can headcanon Knuckles and Amy being complete jerks to each other. Over every other headcanon, I think this is the one with the biggest sibling energy: Knuckles is the big grumpy bro while Amy is the cheery little sister, and they both go ham having lots of fun mocking and teasing each other, laughing and then having some ice cream together or something before calling it a day. But that's exclusively their thing, do not attempt to make fun of any of them or the other one will tear you to pieces. That "knucklehead" you just mocked is Amy's big bro and if you don't apologize you'll meet her hammer head-on; and don't even get me started on what happens if you make Amy cry (heck, I can headcanon Knuckles threatening Sonic to break all his bones if he ever breaks Amy's heart lol like that "Are you playing with that girl's heart again, Sonic?" Heroes quote but now a lot more serious, haha.)
Heck, take off the KnuxAmy component of my fic and it becomes a decent sibling headcanon: Amy will visit Knuckles over at Angel Island on occasion (don't ask how she gets up there... that's part of Amy's magic), and they may or may not end up spending the entire afternoon talking about Sonic. If Knuckles ever has to come down to Station Square, I'm sure the first person he visits is going to be Amy, maybe even stick around for a cup of tea! He doesn't understand tea, though, or even the concept of a city apartment, so Amy may need some extra patience to teach him how everything works. Sonic may even show up while Amy is teaching Knuckles how to make tea, and he'll make a funny comment about him, causing Knuckles to immediately drop everything and chase after the blue blur across the city only to kick his ass.
So, in conclusion: yes, I was working on getting into older!KnuxAmy and maybe take their dynamic one step further, but for actual headcanons I can see Amy being the only one Knuckles can actually and fully trust, since she can see right through him, leading to probably one of the most solid friendships in the entire series, on the same level as Sonic-Tails, the Chaotix or Shadow-Rouge (don't kill me, shadouge fans... haha... ha.) When Knuckles is in the jerk mood the sibling energy between them goes to the moon, and leads to incredibly fun moments when they playfully mess with each other, laugh a lot and maybe Knuckles gets the chance to learn a bit more of how the world works outside of Angel Island.
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soulonfire13 · 3 years
How about 3 through 8 for the video game asks?
Oooh these are all excellent ones.
3~ "Best game you've ever played"
Starting off with a very hard one to answer lol, but I think the best game(s) Ive ever played is a tie between "Prey" and "Red Dead Redemption 2". Both games Ive gone back to countless times and Im always finding something new and different when I play.
In Prey, I love, love, love the enviromental storytelling and how many different way you can solve the games mysteries and puzzles. It allows me to actually pick skills I want for that playthrough, and still be able to finish the game my way.
Rdr2, theres just so many little details and things that blow me away everytime I load into the game. Foreshadowing I might have missed earlier, realistic animals gorgeous thunderstorms ahhhh.
Both games also have excellent stories imo. Multiple points where I was sitting in my chair open mouthed and/or crying. So damn good. I love games where I have choices, even if the choices are small.
4~ "worst game you've ever played?"
For this one, I had to think a bit. I decided to pick a game that was the worst for me, personally; even though technically speaking its fine. Its also random as all heck hahahaha. Anyway that award goes to "Nancy Drew: Trail of the Twister"
I grew up playing the Nancy Drew cd rom games and that one just pissed me right off. The puzzles suuuuuck, especially for Nancy Drew (theres only a couple ND games with WORSE puzzles) but having to do the same puzzle like 4 times with no way to speed it up and having to watch the same aninations forever just threw any chance of me liking the game right out the window.
Also hated the storyline a bit more than other ND games and Ive played them all. Ive seen hokey storylines and obvious plot twists but this specific one was just.... bad.
5~ "Popular game series you just can't get into"
Theres a lot XD. I think the biggest is games like Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts. Theres just so much lore and so many games that while I respect the people who can get into all of it and actually know whats happening in those games; I will never actually play them myself.
I have watched a playthrough of the original Kingdom Hearts but thats about it.
6~ "Game that Changed You the Most"
I would say that the game that changed me the most was "Mario and Sonic at the Winter Olympic Games 2009" for the DS. It was my true 1st Sonic game. (I vividly remember my mom getting it for me because we'd been playing so many Mario games)
I immediately fell in love with the Sonic characters, Knuckles and Shadow being the og characters I ended up really liking and using for most of the events in the game. It was after I finished the game and was trying to 100% that I started really getting into Sonic as a series. The game has these collectables called "whitestones" that were scattered EVERYWHERE in the game. To find them, you button mashed near where you though there would be one and BAM another whitestone.
One of the characters you turn the whitestones into was Espio. And I was like; huh. This guy is cool. I should look him up. And that led to me finding and watching SonicX. Which led to me playing more Sonic games. Which led to me reading the comics. And the rest is history.
The Chaotix quickly overtook Knuckles and Shadow as my favorites (I still really like them) and eventually led to me making this specific blog! Being a sonic fan has been a huge part of my life for many, many reasons :)
7~ "Game you'll never forget"
"Sonic Heroes"! It will always be the most nostalgic and my favorite Sonic game. My brother and I split which teams we would play as and we would work together to complete the game. I got Team Dark and Team Chaotix and I absolutely loved playing both storylines so, so much. There was so many hours spent raging over the Rail Canyon level, and countless tries for the bonus levels and Chaos Emeralds. I put my blood, sweat and tears into that game and I loved every second of it.
8~ "Best Soundtrack"
Oooh theres so many I like ;-;. Skyrim's soundtrack is memorable and absolutely awesome. Stardew Valley has some of the best vibing music for a game. Sonic and the Balck Knight and Sonic Rush have some of my favorite Sonic songs. Rdr2 has a banger playlist of songs that cut DEEP. I could even cheat and say I like Miku rythm games and add a bunch of vocaloids to the list hahaha.
God I literally can't choose auuugh. Music is such a personal thing to me and I love video game music with a passion. Theres just too many to pick just one game jdhshdjfkfisysn
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mobius-prime · 5 years
97. Knuckles the Echidna #12
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The Forgotten Tribe (Part Three of Three) - Journey's End
Writer: Ken Penders Pencils: Manny Galan Colors: Barry Grossman
Funnily enough, the beginning of this issue directly breaks the usual trope of "if they explain the plan out loud, it's inevitably going to fail." Knuckles lays out a quick plan to save Yanar, and just as the hangman lowers the door, Rob's arrow slices through the rope, allowing Yanar to drop into Sonic's arms.
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With that, the battle begins, with Knuckles, Tails, and Rob fighting off their enemies while Mari-An and Sonic lead the others to safety. Rob volunteers to create a distraction so everyone else can get away safely, and soon the team is leading all the echidnas out to a nearby hill. Before they get very far, we see Rob stumble upon a room filled with dynamite, and seeing an opportunity, he sets it off, causing a huge explosion that decimates the castle. At first, everyone is worried about him, but after a few moments…
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He found Mari-An's brothers after all! While everyone celebrates their victory, and apparently forgets that an entire castle full of innocent mind slaves was just detonated with Antoine's father inside it, Locke and Sabre continue to watch over Hawking, still in a coma.
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Deo makes a very good point, namely that the echidnas kind of vastly overreacted about the whole technology thing. It's clear now that echidna society has kind of moved on from the "no technology" rule by now, as Echidnaopolis is clearly very high-tech, but all they accomplished with their past ban was to inspire the formation of the Dark Legion, a problem that still plagues them to this day. Locke answers the call on their comm panel, and it turns out to be Remington, who's continued to be pestered by Lara-Le to be able to speak with her ex-husband. Remington informs Locke of the Chaotix reluctantly accepting Julie-Su into their ranks, revealing to us that it was Locke who advised she be put there, and Locke tells Remington to tell Lara-Le that he'll be in contact "soon."
Back in Mercia, after a bit more celebration of their victory, Knuckles says goodbye to Sonic and Tails as they continue their journey to find Naugus. When he goes back to chat with Yanar though, Yanar's previous odd comment about "after all those years" becomes more clear - when the door dropped out from under him he had a brief vision just before he thought his life would end, of white cliffs and a glowing city, and he believes that Rob is the "other," the one who knows the way to their journey's end. Knuckles approaches Rob to ask about it, and well, he gets a response, kind of.
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Almost as if in a trance, he walks off to the exact spot Yanar mentioned, which is right close by, standing and staring out at the waters. He seems to feel called by this place…
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So journey's end is Stonehenge? Good to know. While this is going on we get a short scene of Lara-Le and Wynmacher in which nothing really happens other than discussing Locke's short and vague message, but the scene does make it clear that Lara-Le and Wynmacher are a committed couple, if it wasn't clear already. I don't think Knuckles has really picked up on that, but it's meant to be obvious to us readers, at least. Back at the beach, Rob explains that he's stood sentry to this place as long as he can remember, not really knowing why, but that "only the worthy" can get past him and that this group is indeed worthy. Knuckles complains that he "can't even swim," a far, far cry from his abilities in the games as one of the most notable playable characters who can swim (plus it seems a little odd to me that his father would have taught him everything he needs to know to survive and protect his island but neglected to teach him something as basic to survival as swimming). Yanar then says that he has to have faith to take the leap, and Knuckles interprets this as "well I guess I have to try walking on water then." And so, with a single step, he moves further into his transformation into a weird Jesus metaphor!
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I won't deny it's a pretty cool and cinematic series of panels, though. Also, hey, Mari-An's parents, are you kidding me? Your daughter is giving up on the thing she's been chasing all her life with the rest of her tribe to stay with a random guy she's only known for a day, and you're just like "make sure to invite us to the wedding"? Have you guys been watching too many Disney movies? That's not how love works, man! At least go on a date that doesn't involve smashing bad guys first!
With that, the rest of the tribe follows Knuckles across the water as the glowing city from Yanar's vision grows closer. Soon they're close enough to be greeted by a frankly very pretty echidna called Gala-Na, who welcomes them to Albion, like she's some kind of Wal-Mart greeter stationed here to welcome the new arrivals once every couple hundred years or something.
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She explains yet another missing puzzle piece of history, that Albion was in fact the first echidna city, and Echidnaopolis was a colony established by those with wanderlust centuries ago. They've always been watching the plight of their fellows out in the world, but never thought to lift a finger to help, I guess. But now that the lost tribe is here, they can come in and stay here, home at last. I just want to remind everyone that according to Yanar they were literally wandering for six hundred years, with entire generations being born and dying off again and again, and somehow they never managed to find their homeland, nor did those in their homeland bother to help them or anything. They were all just going off those prophecies in "the Tomes." I hate to criticize Penders on worldbuilding, because the worldbuilding is genuinely one of my favorite parts of his work on the comics, but this is one point that makes absolutely no sense. The sheer scale of time is just all over the place and the actions of everyone involved are kind of ridiculous. But eh, it's what we have to work with for now.
Gala-Na, after finishing her spiel, invites the tribe to walk into the city and find a home, and as everyone begins to follow her Yanar notices Knuckles off to the side looking morose. Knuckles explains that he can't stay even with everyone else being so joyful.
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…Okay, sweet ending and all, very cinematic final few panels, but what in the heck is a guiding star gem? I actually can't remember at all, so I have no idea here. Where did this thing come from? What does it do? Yanar just straight up plopped some random green jewel in Knuckles' hand and is just like "k bye" and Knuckles isn't fazed at all? Better not lose that thing, Knux, cause you of all people would know that your world is pretty obsessed over strange powerful gemstones…
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another-sonic-blog · 6 years
Not A Love Spell Pt.1 (One-Shot)
ShadAmy, Sonic Forces AU.
Somehow Shadow ended up in Amy's trap. He was too entranced by the full moon that he didn't pay attention to Amy's: "Stop! Don't look at it!." But he still did. He didn't realize he was holding Amy's hand tightly, forcing her to stay with him in the lover's pond.  Amy closed her eyes whatsoever, knowing that it will be her doom if she dares to look at it. A minute passed and Shadow finally noticed the pink hedgehog next to him. Before he was entranced with the full moon, but now for some reason, he couldn't dare to look away from her.  Amy felt a strong gaze on her, she slowly opened her eyes noticing Shadow's crimson eyes oh her.  Amy could keep away her sight from the moon but she wasn't capable to not stare at the two beautiful red gemstones in front of her.  As she saw Shadow wanting to turn around to look at the moon once again, she remembered.  
But it was already too late.
. . .
"So, you don't feel...different?"
"Sure? Not a tiny bit of I don't know...love?"
" No, and go away already"
Amy followed Shadow around the forest after the accident. What it was meant to be a love trap for Sonic had ended up horribly wrong. Shadow was there at the wrong moment and wrong place. "Well...I guess I didn't work after all. Although the villagers did say that this was their strongest love ritual they had."
"No, it didn't now leave me alone", Shadow wanted to faster as if to get away as soon as possible from the pink hedgehog but for some reason, his body wasn't letting him do so. He even stopped walking to make sure she would catch up to him.
"Sorry for the mess then. I'll see you around...I think", Amy gave Shadow a thumbs up kinda glad that her plan didn't work. Honestly, she couldn't imagine Shadow in love, especially with her.  "Wait!" Amy turned around immediately as she heard Shadow yell. It went silent a couple of seconds and Amy waited for Shadow to respond but that never happened. Instead, the only thing she for from him was a "Nevermind, go."
. . .
Shadow really thought that he was going crazy.  Whatever he would do she would be there.  Sleeping, eating, running, even fighting...she would be there! Just what the heck did she do to him? Everyone was meeting today. Rouge, Sonic, Tails, Silver, Blaze and even the Chaotix Team. From what he heard the Fox boy had finally been able to repair his ship so everyone was able to go back home. Except for Knuckles who decided to stay and guard the Master Emerald. Initially, he was planning to go back by himself since he wasn't one to stay with big crows. However, knowing that Amy would be there, that dragged him to come. He wanted an explanation as to why she was in his head all the time. Even as he got closer to the massive ship, he couldn't stop thinking of her. Her voice, her soft skin, her laugh, her hair, her eyes, her-
"Oh hey handsome"
It wasn't her.
"I have no time for this Rouge"
"Oh, but you do have time for Amy, don't you?", Rouge said teasingly and she knew that she had hit a soft spot in Shadow as she watched him flinched.
"How...do you know?", Shadow asked her. He still couldn't believe that Rouge was that aware of her surroundings.
"I saw you two at the lover's pond...you looked so in love with her. Even now I can tell that you look forward to seeing her." Rouge gave him a small hit on his shoulder. She was proud to see her little 'brother' getting along with the girls, especially with a nice girl like Amy.
"That was an accident...and after that, I couldn't stop myself from thinking about her." Shadow looked down to the floor. "That pink hedgehog said we had fallen into a 'love trap' of hers...I don't believe in those things. I must have eaten something bad."
"Maybe you just have a thing for her Shadow...its normal to like someone"
"Me? Like that pink-"
"Oh, look its Amy!"
"Oh heck, hide me!"
Shadow hide behind Rouge's wings. Amy was right there, in front of Tails' ship talking to the blue bur very happily. "Rouge go talk to her", Shadow demanded her. He wanted her to be away from the blue as soon as possible. However, for some reason, he couldn't dare to talk to her. "What? Why?", Rouge was very intrigued at Shadow's sudden change in personality. She never expected him to be the soft type.
"I don't want to her to be near the blue rat"
"Oh, who would have thought you would be the jealous type", Rouge had a smirk on her face, ready to start her devilish plan. "Just do it!", Shadow said a little bit louder.
"Alright, whatever you want...AMY! SHADOW WANTS TO TALK TO YOU!"
"Oh, fuc-"
Shadow made a note to himself to make sure that will make Rouge pay for this. Shadow noticed now that the Sonic and Amy were coming their way. He came out of Rouge's shadow and step aside. Trying to get his cool back, Sonic greeted him and so did Amy.
"What did you wanted to talk about Shadow?", Amy said smiling and that completely froze him. He didn't say anything, he just stared at her face in awe. Not noticing that time had passed between them.
"Sonic dear, I need to talk to you in private about this mission. Would you give a few minutes of your time?.", Rouge broke the ice and heavy air around them. Saving Shadow in a sense. "Sure thing Rouge", Sonic said along with his goodbyes to Amy and Shadow before leaving with the bat.
"So, you wanted to talk to me-"
"I can't stop thinking about you! I don't know why it just happened! I just to be near you!." Some weird force had taken over him and he just blurted out his feelings. He noticed Amy's panicked face, at least she wasn't mad at him. "Shadow...I am so sorry...you are in love with me because...because I was stupid enough to believe that Sonic would fall into my trap.", Amy said angrily at herself for forcing Shadow into her mess. A few moments passed and the last thing Shadow wanted was to make her feel sad. He wanted to say something but the words wouldn't come out.
"But I am going to fix this...come on!", Amy grabbed Shadow by his hand and he could tell that he was falling for her all over again. "We are going to go see   the lady that told me about the spell." Amy turned around and faced Shadow, confidently smiling at him, the bright sun shining on her delicate face. Shadow thought he was in the presence of a goddess. He couldn't deny it anymore.
"You will be back to normal...I promise!"
He had fallen for Amy Rose.
. . .
Amy and Shadow had stopped at the local nearby village of Green Hill after Amy reassure everyone else in the ship that Shadow and she will take their own path.
                         "Would you both be alright?"
                        "Yes, we just need to do this by ourselves"
                        "Well, please take care"
The last thing Amy remembered was Sonic's preoccupied face. Like if something was bothering him. She decided to let go of him for the few days she will be with Shadow. She had more sympathy for him now and was seeing a side she had never seen before. He was caring about her well being and she felt guilty about the whole situation she implemented on him. Shadow had forced emotions bestowed upon him, feeling something you don't want to feel...it must be something horrible to experiment, right?
However, things didn't turn out the way it was supposed to be.  As soon as they arrived at the village, Shadow had fallen sick. Something strange even to him. The villagers gave Shadow and Amy a small place to pass the night by. This was probably the worst night Amy ever had. She had never seen Shadow in such a bad state. He was sweating, trembling, mumbling to himself. For a moment she really thought she would lose him. She was next to him, sitting on a chair next to his bed making sure that he was comfortable at best. However, her current duty was interrupted when someone opened the door forcefully.
"MISS AMY! MERCENARIES! THEY ARE DESTROYING THE TOWN!.", A girl fox entered the room crying and desperate at the situation. Amy took one look at Shadow and had to trust him that as the Ultimate Life Form, he couldn't fail her.
"You stay here and take care of Shadow for me...I'll take care of the mercenaries." Amy stood up from her chair but realized that something or better say someone was stopping her from doing so. Shadow held her hand very delicately and he whispered something that only she could hear.
"Don't leave me"
"I'll be back, I promise"
This was probably the worst night Shadow ever had. He couldn't do anything. He couldn't move nor speak even breathing was hard for him. Of all of his five senses, the only one that was still strong enough to keep him from losing himself was his hearing. And Chaos, it was torture. He could keep on hearing the blasts, the collapsing of buildings and the constant fighting on what he supposed was Amy against the mercenaries. Although the fox girl was trying her best to take care of him, Shadow didn't want anything else but Amy on his side right now.  Being in 'love' with her made him see her in a different light. She was caring for others, positive and tried her best always. Amy had always been like that but it wasn't until he was in love that he actually took the time to notice all of her good qualities. Now that he had realized this, he couldn't bear the thought of Amy getting hurt. He constantly tried to stand up, to go and save her, to go and try to do anything to help her.
But he knew that in his current state he was going to be more of a distraction to her.  Shadow kept looking towards the door, waiting for the moment that Amy came through that door.   There was nothing he could do but to trust her and the promise she made to him. Shadow really wanted to see Amy come through that door. He really tried keeping his eyes opened and every time he would close them he would blame himself for not being strong enough. This was a battle he had lost.
. . .
Shadow heard the birds chirping and felt the heat of sunlight hit his eyelids. He opened them slowly and remembered everything from the previous day. He stood up quickly, already having full control of his body.  He looked for Amy around the room but found nothing, he went outside and found the villagers re-building their town as many houses and small shops were demolished by the mercenaries.
He walked some more and there he found her. Amy was helping to pick up logs. Shadow walked up to her and noticed bandages and scratches all over her body. Amy expected a 'Good morning' or something like that but instead, she faced Shadow's death stare.
"Did-did I do something wrong?", Amy asked him and she noticed that Shadow was looking up and down at her body.
"You said that you were going to come back," Shadow said nonchalantly.
"But, I am back"
"Back to the room I mean, look at you! You are a disaster! And you still are helping around? Amy, I was worried about-"
Shadow kept babbling and Amy just let him vent out.  Two minutes had passed and after Shadow finished his side, Amy began hers.
"Sorry Shadow, but these people still needed my help and I am strong. handle the mercenaries just fine"
"Yeah, that explains all your wounds", Shadow said sarcastically.
"Anyways, what about you? You said you were worried about me, but I was scared to death yesterday! I didn't even know you could get sick!" Amy defended herself.  "I..I honestly didn't know either. I think it was more of a physiological thing...my mind and body were always connected but this time...", Shadow looked at Amy in the eyes, not wanting to hurt her for what he was about to say.
"...My body had never experienced such thing as love. You know, your body actually changes some type of chemicals when you experience the feeling. My mind accepted the fact that I was in love but not my body...that probably triggered my sickness," Shadow was trying to be as delicate as possible by choosing his words but it seemed like it didn't matter since Amy looked down to the ground in disappointment.   "I am sorry"
"It's not your fault"
Amy felt horrible. First, she forced Shadow to have these unwanted feelings for her. Now Shadow had a terrible internal battle within himself because of her. However, she was finishing this now.
"Let's go...we are going to go see the witch that told me about the spell right now", Amy grabbed Shadow by his wrist but Shadow resisted by not moving. "Shadow, what's wrong?", Amy looked at him, preoccupied that he may be feeling ill again.
"I don't want to get rid of this spell", Shadow looked directly at her eyes and he grabbed her hands softly. Speaking loud, he wanted to make his point clear.
"I want to stay in love with you"
. . . . . . .
A/N: Did you miss me? The first story of the year, I think. This will only have two parts, which the second part I will write very soon. Thank you for reading the first part of this short story.
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isakthedragon · 8 years
A Dragon Sized Adventure Chapter 23
Chapter 23: The Dark Master's Puppets?
*Cubot and Orbot get off the ship to survey the new land. Orbot had placed the emeralds near the one they use as their power source thinking that no one would find them.*
Cubot: "Our captain would love this place! It lets him look down on the scallywags he can plunder below!"
Orbot: "That, and Sonic would have a tough time getting up here without getting noticed."
*Unfortunately for them, Spyro and all the others appear out of the rift just a few feet away.*
Sonic: "So this is portal hopping for you guys, huh? Efficient, but not great for us who are grounded." *He notices Orbot and Cubot and the flagship.* "Hey! What the heck are you guys planning?!"
Orbot gets surprised from their entrance. "Ah! It's Sonic, Cubot! What do we do?"
Cubot: "Yar! Pirates and fiends are about! Return to the ship and ready the cannons!"
*But before they can do so, a portal appears behind them and Eggman's arms can be seen grabbing the 2 and taking them with him before it shuts again.*
Crash's Universe, Death Head / Space Egg
Eggman: "Told you I would be back soon... and I can see that you left the emeralds there."
Orbot: "Ah! We're sorry, boss! I didn't-"
Eggman: "Relax. Your incompetence was for good reason, for once. I needed you to leave those Emeralds there for Sonic to find so they can eliminate the threat there. I knew you guys would not take them with you."
Cubot: "You're welcome, Capt!"
Orbot: "I think that was an insult to us."
Cubot: "Eh. Praise is praise."
Eggman: "Now, come on. I have to introduce you to Cortex..."
Sonic: "Darn it! We were too late!"
Tails: "I don't know, Sonic. I don't think they were expecting it either."
Rouge: "Enough about them. You noticed they left their ship here too. We need to investigate it."
*One ship search later and all they find is the logs of what they have done and...*
Vector: "Hey! You guys! Look what I found!"
*The others come his way and see...*
Knuckles: "The other Chaos Emeralds!"
Sonic: "So that's how old Eggface hid them. Too bad he didn't hide them well enough."
*Shadow can't help but notice the flaw in Sonic's thinking, but he knows that Sonic isn't going to care. He decides on being extra vigilant instead.*
*They exit the ship with their findings.*
Spyro: "So, you guys have 7 of them, huh?"
Knuckles: "Yep, and they serve to a larger, controlling emerald, the Master Emerald."
Spyro: "I won't really ask for much of a history lesson, but what do you guys use them for?"
Sonic: "Basically, a transformation to achieve a stronger state of ourselves. It usually means we move faster and are a lot more indestructible. Spikes and running into things won't hurt us."
Spyro looks excited. "That sounds cool! I wonder if I have one!" *But then he looks at the castle ahead of them.* "But first, we must stop Malefor." *Spyro charges into the door and heads into the castle. Shadow hurries ahead to join him.*
The Sorcerer's Castle
Gem Count: 2000
Black Critters: Critters that have pledged their allegiance to Malefor. They gain some horns, are now jet black with lizard-like yellow eyes, and have a dark aura around them. They're still pretty weak though. Dragon Rhynocs: Since he couldn't find any dragons, he decided create some rhynocs that have some dragon qualities, mostly the additions of wings and horns. They're jet black colored too along with those lizard like eyes. They look tough, but they are still weak enough to go down in a few hits. Crazed Demons: Strange beings that seem beyond the realm you're in. It appears they came from wherever Malefor left from. They were tricked by Malefor's corruption into serving him, perhaps explaining his escape, their lizard eyes suggesting the pact made. They chase you around, swinging their pitchforks and spikes at you. They are strong, but I wonder how they can take Shadow's Chaos Spears...
Welcome to Malefor's (originally the Sorcerer's) Domain. The castle is definitely foreboding, with its purple and red color scheme and its black and white checkered floor. It has furniture and items fit for a dragon, the most noticeable things being busts and paintings of the Sorcerer everywhere. The walls are made with gray bricks with purple and red banners all over the place. They all have the symbol of Dark Aether on it.
Your aim is to get to the roof from the use of the staircase, but force fields (With the Dark Aether insignia on them as well) prevent you from getting up the stairs. There is a switch on each floor that will drop the fields when hit, but watch for the enemies patrolling around. Fight your way to the top to come face to face with Malefor...
Achievement Unlocked: A Lesson in Evil Architecture
*Everyone gets on the roof when the barrier appears again, stopping them from exiting. A dark voice booms as Malefor appears from the shadows of the now dead Shadow Amplifier.*
Malefor: "Well, so the hero of everyone in this pathetic world has returned and has brought his friends to compensate for his weak nature."
Sonic: "Friends aren't a sign of weakness, Malefor! It just means you have more strong hearted heroes to deal with!"
Malefor: "Is that so, Sonic? Yes, I know all your names. Same goes for you too, Spyro. Let me show you just how weak you and your friends truly are!"
Malefor targets Tails. "I'm surprised you made any friends, Tails. Not many people like genetic freaks like you."
Tails: "I-I know my friends like me! They care for me!"
Malefor: "Do they? Or do they just use you as a tool, to either to fly around or to leech of your genius?"
Tails stammers: "I-I-I- AH!" *He is suddenly forced into his Were form, but his eyes are a white color with no pupil.*
Malefor: "Too slow! I know I had you! So weak mind- huh?!"
Sonic: "Tails! No, it's not true! Remember, you look up to me and see me as your hero! And you're my best friend, buddy! You're uniqueness makes you, you."
Tails: "Really?" *The dark energy is forced out of him, returning him back.*
Sonic: "Really."
Malefor gives a low growl. "Hmm, no matter, there's more here." *He turns to Knuckles* "Yes, like you, Knuckles. Protector of the Master Emerald... Tell me, who's watching it now?"
Knuckles is surprised at such a question. "N-n-no one..." *He is forced into his Were form, but...*
Sonic: "Hey, you confided to me that you want to explore the world, but you were worried about leaving the Master Emerald alone. But, remember, I said, 'it's okay to leave it alone'. Barely anyone can reach the island in the first place. And if Eggman takes it, we can easily get it back. I saw you had a nice face of relief on you when I said that."
Knuckles: "Hey, that's right!" *The dark energy leaves, and Knuckles is normal again.*
Malefor decides to move on to Shadow.
Shadow: "Your mind games won't work on me."
Malefor: "Hmph, I'm surprised you trust these weaklings. All they do is fight each other. How is that worth saving for your precious Maria?" *Shadow responds with a punch to Malefor's face. He barely flinches.* "See? You're just like them. Weak, easily angered; just the kind of being you hate and want to kill."
*Shadow is unfortunately thrown off guard long enough to be forced into his Were form, but Rouge saves the day.*
Rouge: "Snap out of it, Shadow! You can't let him insult you like that! I know that's not you. You're a compassionate hedgehog you are worthy of your 'ultimate' status you give yourself." *The others agree.*
Shadow: "I am? No, I am!" *The darkness blast off him*
Malefor moves to Rouge with a frown on his face. "You stupid bat! How can you say that when you would probably dump him for a cache of treasure and jewels?" *He makes some appear behind him.* "I bet you want that."
*Unfortunately, he gets a kick to the face and a Chaos Spear in his side, which he pulls out. So he moves on.*
Malefor: "Omega... Such a weird robot. You're aligned to Eggman, yet you want to kill him? Such a conundrum."
Malefor moves on to Amy, but she says: "Don't try it, lest you want a hammer swing. I know I need to reduce my wanting for Sonic a bit to not look crazy. Besides, I think I need a new approach any way."
Vanilla steps in front of Cream. "And don't try my daughter either, unless you want to incur my wrath."
Silver and Blaze show off their powers, making Malefor back off.
Malefor moves to Big. "Such a simple minded cat, all you care about is your Froggy! SO SIMPLE!"
Big retorts: "Looks are deceiving, Malefor. There are a multitude of things you are oblivious of. And hide that fear, it shows. And why do a sense a second entity?"
Malefor gives a loud growl, but calms down and moves on to Espio, Charmy, and Vector. "Ah, Team Chaotix, AKA, the worst band ever."
Espio: "At least we admit we suck. Your jedi mind tricks won't work on us, you clown!"
Charmy: "♪ Yeah! ♫"
Malefor starts getting angry as he moves on to Agent 9. "Oh, here's that action figure of a monkey. Don't you have Rhynocs to chase?"
Agent 9: "Nice try, but I don't care about them any more. I'd rather make you dance."
Bentley: "And I know Bartholomew is safe and can trust he can hold his own defense if need be."
Sgt Byrd: "Living with hummingbirds has been quite beneficial and they taught me the secrets of flight."
Sheila: "They don't call me a boxing kangaroo for nothing! I can kick your butt!"
*Malefor starts showing his fangs*
Elora: "I've dealt with fools like you. I know your tricks."
Blink steps in front of the Professor: "Don't underestimate moles, either. You don't even know what we do underground."
Hunter prepares his bow and arrows. "Do you think you can beat the speed of a cheetah? I wouldn't take your chances with my archery"
Bianca: "The Sorceress was worse than you'll ever be, and we beat her."
Ember: "You'll never break our love for each other." Bandit: "And I know I'm among friends here."
Malefor seethes as he reaches Cynder and Spyro. "You... you little weaklings! Thinking you can hide in front of your friends! I bet-"
Cynder: "Don't even try it. I was never your puppet. It was only fate that brought me and Spyro though everything."
Spyro holds his head up high. "And you'll never be able to take away those that I love and those that I care for. The world isn't meant to be destroyed by Purple Dragons. We are here to make it better! And you know what?! I think you're the weak on here!" *He fires a blast of Light Aether at Malefor, who is unexpectedly thrown back.*
Sonic: "Underestimated us, did you?"
*Malefor, in quite a surprise, collapses to the ground. A pillar of darkness is exorcised out of him and surrounding darkness collects in to a being nearby in the form of a jet black dragon.*
It snarls. "I can't believe it... weak fools like you have exposed me..."
Spyro: "No... it can't be!"
Ignitus: "But it is!" *He appears from behind them along with Volteer, Cyril, Terrador, and a large dragon army.* "It's the Dark Entity!"
The Dark Entity gives a deep, dark growl.
Sonic: "The creator of the dark elements?"
Ignitus: "Yes, but what you don't know is that he is the darkest evil. No one can resist his powers, or at least have lived to tell the tale."
Cyril: "So, does that mean..."
Dark Entity: "Yes... it was all me. You guys exiled an unfortunately named dragon for being too curious. It was easy to invade his mind, promising him a new world for him to be ruling over." *He looks at Spyro* "But you, you pesky dragon, have been my bane. You've never fallen for my corruption... and I think I figured out why! You... were met with Him, the Light Entity! You're too pure not to be blessed by Him!"
Spyro looks at Ignitus: "Is... is that true?"
Ignitus: "Yes, but don't be sad, son. You're were a miracle to me and your mother. She... she died giving birth. You should have been dead too, but it was a miracle. Your egg survived. I'm sure she would be proud of who you are."
Dark Entity: "It was bound to happen, we always have to meet, to battle for supremacy of this world! And I will win!"
*He fires some Dark Aether breath at Spyro, but Spyro's Light Aether dissipates it.*
Dark Entity: "Too bad you're still a child. Even then, you should still be easy to handle."
*The Dark Entity starts trying to barrage Spyro, and he attempts to fight back.*
Sonic ask Ignitus: "Is he right? Is Spyro too weak?"
Ignitus: "When he's in his pure form like this, maybe. He needs help."
Sonic: "Would something like these help?" *They pull out their 7 Chaos Emeralds.*
Ignitus: "Hmmm." *He examines them.* "I think so. Send their energy into Spyro, and let's see what happens."
*Sonic (Dark Blue), Shadow (Purple), Omega (Green), Silver and Blaze (Cyan), Amy (Red), Tails (Silver), and Espio (Yellow) stand near Spyro and direct the Chaos Emeralds' energy his way. Spyro absorbs it, and gains a white aura around him that blocks the Dark Entity's attacks.*
Dark Entity: "What the-?"
Spyro's scales change color from purple to white as his Light Aether power gains strength, matching up with the Dark Entity's power.
Dark Entity: "No! I will not be defeated by you! Prepare yourself!"
(At this point, Shadow jumps in to help, since he has the only energy attack of the group.)
Dark Entity: "Evil shall triumph!"
Here it is, the darkness that had corrupted Malefor into embracing the Dark Aether. And this being loves using Dark Aether, making it rain from the sky. He does have some other attack too, like shooting rings of Fear at you that need to be dodged or jumped through. If he feels really threatened, he will envelop himself in Shadow breath and disappear to a different part of the roof. And very rarely, he will use Poison grenades to force you away. Finally, if you get close, he will try to swipe at you with his front paws.
Thankfully, Spyro and Shadow don't necessarily have to rely on close combat. Shadow does have his Chaos attacks to hurt the Dark Entity from afar. As for Spyro, he does have his 4 Element attacks (Fire, Ice, Earth, and Electricity), but he does have his new Light Aether breath, which is, in a word, devastating. It will take away chunks of the Dark Entity's health when used on him. But you need rings to be able to use it. Hey, we need to be fair. Just go near Sonic's friends and they will drop rings for you. The Dark Entity won't know what hit him!
Achievement Unlocked: Shining a Light on the Darkness 
*The Dark Entity collapses and he starts dissipating away.*
Dark Entity: "Don't think you gotten rid of me, you worthless dragons! I'll be back! I am the destructive force of your universe!..." *He disappears entirely, his voice echoing.*
Sonic: "Good riddance!"
Ignitus: "Indeed, he shouldn't be bothering us for a while."
Sonic: "It's funny, he sounds similar to Dark Gaia in our world. Hopefully, you guys can keep handling this."
Ignitus: "I think so... Spyro will at least be older then. I know my son can handle it."
*Spyro has finally returned back from his super state.*
Spyro: "That... was AWESOME!"
Sonic: "Welcome to the club." *He rubs Spyro's head.*
Spyro: "So... what about Malefor? The Dark Entity's gone, but what about him? I don't get the feeling he is dead."
*Malefor stirs slightly, but falls back asleep.*
Ignitus: "Indeed."
Terrador: "I don't get that evil presences around him any more."
Cyril: "That means that it was all the Dark Entity's doing for all his evil acts."
Volteer: "No. Don't you see, it was all our fault. We made Malefor what he is. We stifled his curiosity and then exiled him. We gave him his hatred and the Dark Entity saw an opportunity to latch on to him. He amplified Malefor's negative thoughts, giving him contempt against us. I know it was fate, but we shouldn't have thrown him out like that. Thank goodness we had Spyro to help us."
Ignitus: "My, Volteer, I never thought your fast talk would say something so wise... but you're right. I think... we should allow Malefor back in. I think we can trust him. I hope the world isn't too strange for him."
Shadow: "Now that his threat is gone... can we go now and deal with The Doctor?"
Sonic: "Yeah! Sorry we can't stay, Ignitus, but we got our own villain to deal with."
Ignitus: "Of course, but I hope we can see you guys again sometime."
Tails: "Well, we aren't going to forget this adventure anytime soon. And I'm curious about this place too."
Amy: "Yeah, we will be back."
Espio: "Hopefully not on evil terms."
Ignitus: "Indeed..."
Next Time: "One more Sonic stage for you guys? It's not that expensive you know." -Moneybags
Pay Moneybags 10000 gems to move on to ARK Antics Zone?
        Yes.         No. ----->Fuck you, Moneybags! (Proceeds to attack him like in Spyro 3)
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