#Heapass X Reader
personafanfic · 4 years
Alt Ego’s//Mastlist–Symbols for Fics–★-Popular♥︎- Fluff✘- Angst✔︎- Smut/NSFW
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Coming Soon
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yourpalheapass · 2 years
I've seen some scenarios of what the moon boys go through when their S/O gets snapped
But what about the S/O
1st scenario could be where you are hanging out with them at Steven's apartment and you are in the kitchen making dinner since it's your guy's anniversary and while Steven is fronting and feeding gus it's when he starts to dust. Steven calls out for you and you reply with "yeah?" And you enter the room and see no one. You then call out to him, then Marc, then Jake. But at first you assume they went out for something and you have the TV on and there is breaking news you don't believe it and you try calling them and a phone rings from next gus' fish tank then you realize they had become victim to the snap.
You mourn and call Nat (you were a former Avenger) and then 5 years later you left Stevens apartment [but you still sort of live there] but its not the same so you rent a small apartment in the city and try helping Natasha find Clint and you are not your usual self anymore like you are more tired and you get easily irritated, you are much more blunt. But then you get a call from Nat who's been keeping touch with you and she tells you that they have found a way to bring everyone back.
You can't believe it and you tell her your on your way there. You suit up and make your way there.
You go with Rhodey and Nebula to retrieve the space stone. You come back to the present and you feel hopeful until you hear the news of Natasha.
You sit by a window anxious as the Racoon you know as Rocket , Tony, and Bruce make a gauntlet similar to Thanos'.
When the gauntlet is done you stand behind Tony next to Clint. Watching as Bruce snaps his fingers and a flash of lights blinds you and the dims down. You look around the room "did it work?"
Your phone goes off and you get startled by the sound. You get your phone from your pocket and see Steven's contact pop up. You feel yourself tearing up and answer the phone.
"S-steven?" You say
"(Y/n)! Where are you love? I thought we were having our dinner but the apartment is empty" he says
You were about to respond but the building exploding interrupted
You fight your hardest and think hope is lost until the portals appeared and the day was saved again.
Tony sacrificed himself and dusted Thanos and his army away and everyone was able to go back to their families.
You are in the elevator anxiously waiting for the door to open. You make it to the front door and open it with the spare key you had.
"STEVEN? MARC? JAKE?" You say as you get inside the apartment
You turn and see him in the same clothes he wore when he bliped. You make your way towards him and hug him tightly letting out all the pain and loneliness you've felt when they left.
You pull away from him and kiss him. You pull away once more looking at him with tears of relief and joy. "I cant believe you're here"
"Sweetheart you look tired" Steven says hug8ng you again
"Time without you guys has been hard"
"Everything is okay baby we're here we're not going anywhere" Marc says now fronting
"I've really missed you guys so much"
End 1 of 2
Senario 2
I was also thinking like what if you went immediately on call with them after fighting thanos in wakanda saying if they are okay and Marc says that they are okay but while saying that he gets cut off and you hear panic. So you start to panic and yell out their names only to realize they are gone too.
And then what if khonshu goes to you and asks you to become his avatar as a way to cope with your loss and to protect the remaining people on this planet.
You say yes and begin doing vigilante stuff. So basically like Clint when he took on the name Ronan. You turn out the same from the last senario blunt, tired, and short tempered.
Then you have Nat tell you that there is a way to bring them back
And it ends off the same way the last senario did.
Idk I feel like I wrote too much lol but let me know which one you like the most.
Edit: I'm sorry I forgot to give Jake some writing time in this one 💀💀
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faeriescorpio · 4 years
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Unintentionally reminds me of the smiling girl next to the burning house meme
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chelseareferenced · 5 years
Big Strong Hands and Other Things (Warden x Fem!Reader) WARNING LIME
------------- LIME STARTS HERE
Well once again Mark had fucked up.
I think that one flies! Why did you pick a helicopter if you don't know how to fly it!
Now you were stuck in jail. Being an ex-attorney could only help you so much! And Mark had screwed up the charming the warden.
That... Stupid handsome Warden... Mr Murderslaughter... And his big... Strong... Hands.
You looked at Mark who was fast asleep on his bed. And the nice guard had left the cell door open. And there was the maid's outfit and feather duster... And right now you didn't want that stupid box. You wanted to held in those big strong hands while he spoke to you with that goddamn gorgeous accent.
Throwing caution to the wind you pulled off your prison clothes and hummed happily as you put the outfit on. It showed you off in all the right ways. And it was actually quite comfy.
Grabbing the feather duster you skipped out of your cell. There wasn't any catcalls at all. Which surprised you.
A prisoner with his arm in a cast, Heapass? You think his name was Heapass. Well anyway he actually wished you luck. Although you did feel a set of eyes on you. A guy with tattoos and a funny accent but right now you didn't care.
You knocked on the Warden's door.
"State your name and purpose." You gulped but took a deep breath.
"Mr Murderslaughter sir... It's y/n, I'm here to clean and apologise for before"
Then finally.
"Come in." You took another deep breath and opened the door. There he was.
Sitting in desk looking over some papers.
"Ahh Miss Y/n... I was just looking over your file..."
Oh damn you loved the way he said your name. You felt you knees go weak a bit and without looking up from the file on his desk the Warden gestured to the seat in front of his desk. You say down and looked at him.
The Warden finally looked up at you and looked up and down your body. "Well well well... Someone isn't wearing the correct clothing for a prisoner..."
Damn that look was... Intense. He gave a crooked smile and you couldn't help but stand up and move closer to him.
He moved quickly and wrapped his arms around your waist and yanked you onto his lap. You squealed and blushed. "And I thought you were being such a well behaved lady here..." He whispered in your ear and you felt your face grow hotter.
"What are you going to do to me Mr Murderslaughter..."
"Now now little bird... You shall address as either Warden... Or Sir, understand?"
"Y-yes sir..." He grins and holds you closer.
"Good little bird. Now get up and be a doll and lock the door. Can't have anyone walking in while I'm punishing you..."
As you stood up and locked the door you couldn't help but make a smart ass comment. "But Warden I thought that here at Happy Trails Penitentiary you believed in rehabilitation over punishment."
He raised an eyebrow at you and you then realised that you were going to be extra... Satisfied once he was done with you.
"Well little bird, maybe once I'm finished punishing you I'll see about letting you out... And taking you on an actual date. Now get that smart mouth over here. I have a better idea on how to use it..."
Oh shit.
Ending 34 of 31: Big Strong Hands and other things
So do any of y'all remember my first lime? Well funny story, I wanted to write something with Warden and then the same song that came on when I wrote He Could Be Sexy came on and chaos happened
@raimeyl @purple-anxiety-blog @statictay @toasty-tart @captainsaltypear @gay-spaghetti @withjust-a-bite
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jaxxandcomet · 4 years
Goodnight, Pogues ∞ JJ x Reader
Summary: The carefree, confident and kind kook turned Pogue has an encounter with Rafe on the beach, leading to a few shots being fired. 
Warnings: Blood, death, swearing, guns, sexual assault, sexual references ( if there is more let me know! )
Word Count: 2k!
This was not requested but I had the idea of a series where the seemingly perfect girl gets in an accident and it changes how she sees the whole world. Loosely based on On My Block, at the end of Season 1. 
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GIF by heapass
The day had been amazing. Full of blue sky, puffy white clouds, and salty spray. The ocean felt amazing underneath your board. The sun shifting through the water and rippling the sand below. 
“Surfs up bitches!” You yell jokingly as JJ hits a huge wave, riding it perfectly before falling off at the end. You and Pope, who stands in the shallows next to you, leaning on his surfboard, laugh. 
“You never swear.” Pope says and you nod at him. He was right, you never did. You were the perfect daughter to the kooks, smart, independent, kind, confident, carefree but because you hung out with the Pogues, basically lived at John B’s, and were dating JJ, the high strung people from Figure 8 never called you their own. 
“I was joking mother fucker.” You answer Pope, as he smiles, bursting into laughter. 
“I guess you’re changing then y/n.” Pope says and you shake you’re head. 
Little did you know you would have no choice over the change coming. 
A few minutes later JJ and John B paddle towards you all and you fall into you’re boyfriends arms. John B splashes you as a joke and you sink under the water, swimming under your surf board to grab his leg. 
Popping up a few seconds later, Pope and JJ are doubled over in laughter, leaning against their boards for support. 
“You screamed like a little baby, man!” JJ moves your board to hug you and you flip off John B, who’s face is almost too red. 
“Good one y/n. You and JJ are the funniest people in all of Kildare County.” Pope said and John B shook his head. 
“Sorry Johnny, its true.” You joke and flash another smile. By the time you hit more waves and walk back to shore, JJ and John B are drinking beers and the sun says its almost four. 
“Chief. Nice waves you caught, baby.” JJ gives you and smile and pats next to him on a towel. A group of tourons next to you give you a look and JJ flips them off as you sit next to him. 
“Sorry about that.” You say to the tourons. Its not like they know that you and JJ are together. Maybe they want to get in his pants, which you can understand. If you were them you’d want to steal JJ for yourself. 
“So whats for the eating boys?” You ask and Pope walks up, shrugging. He sits down to your left. 
“You.” JJ says and you playfully slap his arm. 
“Sarah Cameron.” John B says and you roll your eyes at both of them. 
“Not girls, dingus one and dingus two. Thank you for the compliment babe, but I mean like actual food.” You say back and they look unfazed. When John B started dating Sarah it was like a blow to the heart for you. John B and JJ had been there for you when you’re father left and your mother married a rich kook on the other side of the island. You’d basically fallen apart then. You felt like he’d been replacing you. But Sarah and him were made for each other, and you couldn’t break them apart if you tried, and you never would. 
“We could throw a kegger after begging Ki for free food?” Pope suggests and you shrug. 
“I’ll pay for you guys. Ki told me once that they give the leftovers to the homeless.” You say and JJ squeezes your arm. 
“Your too amazing y/n.” He was right, you were the calmest, neatest, therapist like person the Pogues ever met. You’d never be seen getting angry, or not seeing the other side of things. If you friends got into an argument, you were always the mediator and tried to help them see the other side of the misunderstanding. 
Loading up your gear, as well as helping Pope out, you pile into John B’s van and head over to The Wreck, and you see Ki outside, taking someones order. 
You let JJ and Pope get out first and then shut the door behind you to grab your boyfriends hand and rub the back of his hand comfortingly. Sitting down at one of the tables near the back of The Wreck, Ki comes over, wearing a light pink ruffle crop top and jean shorts. Her curly hair is pulled up into a half bun, the ends frizzing. Her eyes sparkle as she eyes you all down. 
“I got your orders already in boys and girl.” She says and sits down, signaling to her father at the bar that she is now on break. “I get off work in 30, what are we doing?” She asks, leaning against Pope as his face turns red. You’ve known forever that he is head over heals in love with Kiara, and you can’t really blame him. She’s gorgeous, smart, cares about the environment. You’ve tried to get the answer out of her if she likes him, but she never says anything, so you stopped pressing. You didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable. 
“Kegger,” John B says and you see him typing something on his phone. 
“Inviting Sarah Mr Kook?” JJ asks and you try to read John B’s face. He smirks and then looks up. 
“What? Uh, yes. I think.” You nod your head. Sarah is a good person, perfect for John B. She, too, was entirely beautiful, kind and the best girlfriend for John B. They fit together like puzzle pieces. 
“Have you given her some of that John D already, mate?” JJ asks and you groan, fixing your posture after you leaned over in fake anger. 
“You don’t have the answer that John B, but we all want to know.” You say. He’d told you that he nailed a few girls, which you were okay with. John B had nailed you and been your first kiss, which was hard to explain to JJ. You’d been so into him freshmen year, and then, it happened. But now, John B was entirely Sarah’s and JJ was yours. 
“I mean, yeah.” John B blushed and JJ’s hand and his met in a high five, just before he setting a hand on your thigh. The warmth spread through your body and you grinned at your boyfriend, leaning in for a kiss. 
“Thats my boy, Pogue style.” JJ says and you cringe. 
“Okay ya’ll, this is getting weird. I’ll be back with your food soon.” You watch as Ki walks away, and then turn to JJ to see his gaze following her, landing on her ass. 
“Well since the food isn’t here yet, JJ, do you want to go and get the stuff for the par-tay?” John B says, scooting his chair loudly to get up. JJ shrugs and you give him one more kiss as he walks away towards the door. Its just you and Pope now. 
“Did you see him watch Ki?” Your best friend says and you nod. 
“Don’t you feel jealous? Like I mean, if I were dating someone and the person looked at another girls butt, I would be pissed.” Pope says and you make eye contact with him, shifting your weight on the table. 
“I don’t blame him. I know I’m beautiful, but he spent a lot of his life looking for a girl to have sex with. He told me sometimes it slips his mind. Then he feels bad about it. I love him, I know I’m enough for him. We are a good couple. I feel safe, you know.” Talking through it made your emotions feel better. Even though you didn’t get mad, the feeling of saying things out loud always helped. 
A few minutes later, JJ and John B come back, and Ki brings the food. Once everyones eaten, you all pile into the car, and John B hands you the keys to his van. You smile at him. 
You normally drove John B’s car, mostly because you were the most confident and had the longest attention span. You sat in the front seat and look back. 
“Everyone buckled up?” You ask and Pope groans. 
“Yes, Mrs bus driver.” JJ says in a high pitched voice, you break out a laugh, just like you have hundreds of times today. Sometimes your friends don’t understand that even though you feel great about your driving skills, and fairly sure you won’t crash the van, you just want them to be safe. 
When you arrive at the boneyard, some kooks are already there, and you see Rafe Cameron with his stupid buddies Kelce and Topper doing a line of coke. Your face crinkles up with anger. Drugs are not a way to lessen the pain. Nor is drinking or smoking, for that matter, but especially not things like coke or dope. You shrug them off as people start arriving for the kegger, mostly just tourons looking for a good ol’ hookup on their week or two of vacation. 
The sun starts to set as your boyfriend and John B set up the fire. You’re sitting next to Pope, who’s explaining something about dead bodies farting to a tourist that keeps checking her phone. You would normally listen to him, but you zone out. 
Rafe, Topper, and Kelce are still doing lines of coke, even though they must be soaring high right now, and some blondie delivers a few cases of beer to them, adding to the pile of disguared bottles littering the sand. 
After looking back at Pope and the girl, who walked away, you touch your best friends arm and pull him gently up. 
“Want to go and look for sand dollars and watch the sunset?” You ask, and he nods his head. When you and Pope both met, you found matching sandollars, small and perfect, and got them made into bracelets. You’d been on the beach after a fight with John B, and Pope came up to you, wondering what a kook was doing on the cut. You didn’t explain the circumstance, and you don’t exactly remember how you both found the sand dollars, but now they were tied around your necks as perfect pendents, keeping you guys together. 
You grab JJ’s arm and whisper what you and Pope are doing before he tells you to be safe. You lean in for a kiss and you can feel his smiling, tasting beer and mint on his lips. 
“I love you, and I will.” You say, and he turns back to John B, who is talking to Sarah about something. 
You and Pope walk past the other groups of people, getting wasted, as usual, and then find your way to the ocean. For a few minutes its quiet, just you and Pope shifting through the sand to look for anything beautiful, until you both sit down on the edge of the foam to watch the sunset. Its red tonight, a deep and startling color. Full of hints of gold, and sandy colors, and then some darker ones mixed in. 
“You always try and watch the sunset.” Pope says as you pull out a small notebook from your shorts pocket. Inside, you describe the sunset tonight. Its colors, how it made you feel. Try and compliment it. 
“I try to. Somedays I miss it, but its nice to see something beautiful every day.” You say, and then stand up suddenly. You see something in the sand in front of you. Bending over, you find its a broken sand dollar, one side torn to a sharp, serrated edge that would cut your skin. 
“Ugh.” You say, kissing it before someone whiles behind you. 
“Nice ass, y/n.” Rafe says, and you turn around to see him stumbling towards you, empty beer bottle in his hand. 
“Thanks Rafe, but stop looking at it.” You say and he grins, tossing the bottle on the ground. Pope’s up in seconds, glancing back at the firelight where the kegger is still happening. Its the only thing, other then the moon, lighting the scene about to take place. 
“I don’t want to. You know, maybe I could have some of it.” He says and you shake your head. He’s coming closer to you and Pope steps beside you, fear, and anger, in his eyes. Your scared to, but don’t let it on. No one can know your emotions, especially not this high, and drunk kook. 
“I don’t think so. In fact, maybe go back to your friends.” You say as he comes into three feet of you. His hands reach out to grab you and Pope pushes them away, just as Rafe shoves him to the ground, kicking his side. You push the sandy haired boy and his knuckles dig into your skin. Pope is trying to get up, but Rafe must have broken a rib because his breathing is hard and flushed. 
“You must have known you’d get fucked tonight, with that outfit you’re wearing.” Rafe says, and you kick him at his groin. You were wearing a pair of Levi jean shorts, a lacy white bra, and one of JJ’s button shirts to cover up your breasts, leaving the rest unbuttoned. 
“What I wear has no affect on if I want to have sex with you Rafe,” you say, calmly, though fear is coursing through your bones. Rafe, struggles to get up, and almost falls over again, and your backing towards the waterline. 
“Whatever you want to believe y/n, but you’ve made me very angry.” Rafe says, a little to loudly, and you cringe. Any chance at this not getting physical was out of the picture now. “And you know what happens to people that make me angry.” You stop moving backwards as your heals touch the water, and glance back at JJ, who, once he heard Rafe’s voice, came turning and walking quickly towards the scene unfolding. 
While you were looking at your boyfriend, and now John B, who are both making their way towards you, Rafe, puts his hands on your waist and shoves you down. You try and punch him in the face, and grab his ankles and you kicks you in the side. Crawling away and standing up again, five feet away, he comes running at you. 
Cold fingers slide around your neck, and you can’t breath. Rafe must be choking you out. With a last grain of effort, you spit in his face and try to back away, and then he pulls something out, and two shots are fired. 
For a second, you didn’t know it was you that got shot. People were screaming and running away from the boneyard, and something wet was seeping into your shirt. 
Then, the pain hit, and a scream came erupting from your mouth. Thousands of knives stabbed you right below your ribcage, in two different spots, and you fell to the sand, shaking. 
This was like the movies. It was the movies. How could you be feeling so much pain? You must be dead already. It only made sense. This was to much. But you couldn’t leave JJ or Pope or John B or Sarah or Ki without saying goodbye. 
Someone was right next to you, looking into your eyes. The pain was getting worse, and making your vision white. All at once, your hearing came back, and Pope was next to your left side, with JJ on the other. Both were holding your hands, which were laying in red sand. 
You look down, but the pain stops you from seeing the bullet holes in your chest. 
“Call 911!” Ki shouts and Sarah picks up the phone, dialing the number. 
Your breaths come out in shocked waves, pulling and turning. Its getting harder to get oxygen as well. Somethings clogging up your throat. 
As you wheeze for air, and try to stay afloat, you desperately want to watch whats happening, but your so tired. What time is it? It must be past your bed time by now. You have to tell JJ and Pope goodnight, just like you always do. 
“I-I lo-love you gu-guys.” You muster out quietly, and JJ shakes his head. With each word and breath your getting more ready to fall asleep. “Goodnight, Pogues.” You say, and JJ clutches your face. You’ve never seen him cry like this before. Big tears sliding down his face. 
“Don’t fall asleep. Please don’t fucking fall asleep!” He screams and you hear something wailing in the distance. 
“But I-its getting hard-harder to breath JJ. I don-don’t want to fight any lo-longer. Please let m-me sleep.” Your voice is horse and choked. Your breathing is the same, only coming in short bursts.
“Don’t give up, please.” Pope says and you shake your head. 
“Listen to Pope, don’t fall asleep. We love you. Keep fighting!” JJ orders, but you zone out. Is that blood in your mouth? Something tastes metallically. 
“Don’t let her fall asleep JJ. She might not wake up.” John B says, and you watch as he stares at you, Sarah hugging him tight. She must have already called the ambulance. 
“Look at me, okay,” JJ says. You try to, but yours eyes are closing. Pain stiffles a cry as Pope is leaning over your midsection, pressing something to seep up the blood pooling from out of you. “Your going to be okay,” JJ says. 
“Goodnight John B, goodnight Sarah and Ki, goo-goodnight Pope. Goodnigh-good-goodnight JJ. I love you guys.” You speak slowly, and JJ shakes his head. 
“Don’t fall asleep, please.” 
“We love you Y/N. Please don’t leave us.” Ki sobs and Pope looks into your eyes. 
The wailing is getting louder. Closer. And then the long awaited sleep breaks through. 
Tell me if you want it to be continued! 
a and c 
@apoguecalledjj​ @drewswannabegirl​ @yuxsh06​ @kindapinkskies​ @spider6oy​ @jjmaybankwildtimes​ @midnightmagicmusings​ @r0s3mm​ @pankowrudeth​ @ijustreallylovethem​ @love-chx​ @girlsru1eboysdroo1​ @ceruleanjj​ @outrebanx​ @thegreatestofheck​ @anonymous0writer​ @poge-life​ @popcsheyward​ @ad-infinitums​ @jjsmaybcnk​ @collecting-stories​ @maybebanks​ @northcarolinanative​
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maria-scribbles · 4 years
glitter + crimson (let’s start a riot)//part one
“and that’s sailor, our resident mermaid, shell collector, surfer chick, and all-around ray of sunshine. she’s always down for a kegger at the boneyard so she can show off her dance moves; they’re not the best but she doesn’t let that stop her from getting down. her mom owns the surf shop on the beach, that’s how jj and i met her when we bought our first boards when we were ten. she’s been part of the crew ever since.” ~john b routledge
pogue sailor flynn just wants to have a great time with her friends this summer and try to ignore the fact that her flight-risk dad took off again to gamble his life (and her family's savings) away in atlantic city, leaving her with a mom who doesn't know how to cope. between surfing at the beach and cruising around on the hms pogue for hours, it's easy to keep her mind off her shitty home life. what isn't so easy though, is trying to deny her feelings for her best friend, jj.
summary: the pogues hit the beach for a day of sand, surf, and shells. sailor commandeers a hat, willingly participates in cardio, makes bank, and has a heart-to-heart with jj.
word count: 4k+ 
ship: jj maybank x oc (sailor flynn) 
warnings: mentions of abuse/neglect/parental abandonment, swearing, fluff, a lot of flirting 
a/n: hi there! i’ve had this little plot bunny in my head for a few weeks now and it wouldn’t leave me alone so here we are! this is the first piece of writing i’ve posted in a very long time so i apologize in advance if it’s terrible. i’m planning on this whole thing being at least eight to ten parts so get ready for the long haul! i actually split this into two parts cause my word count was insane and way too long for one post lmao. let me know what you guys think! title comes from “glitter & crimson” by all time low. also this is unbetaed, so i apologize for any mistakes.
another quick thing: i tried writing this with sailor as an unnamed or y/n reader but it just wasn’t the best. i adore fleshing out characters and i had so many good ideas for her backstory and personality that she kind of just wrote herself and i went with it. i hope you all enjoy reading about sailor as much as i enjoyed writing her!
part two | part three | part four | playlist
gif credit goes to @heapass​
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part one: catching waves
The beach has always been special to Sailor; the soothing crash of waves against the shore, the warmth of sand under her feet, the comforting feeling of salt drying on her skin. It’s where her mother taught her to surf, where her father taught her to dive, where her friends taught her that family didn’t always mean having shared blood. It’s her home, her place, her safe haven. Nothing is more perfect than a day at the beach with the pogues, her board, and a bucket for shells. 
Today is shaping up to be one of those days. The weather’s balmy, the water’s clear, and most importantly, she hasn’t seen these many perfect shells in quite awhile. Sailor reaches out and grabs the delicate golden scotch bonnet from the ocean floor, inspecting it closely for any cracks or holes. When she finds none, she smiles and runs her fingers over its smooth surface, marveling at the way the sun’s rays filter through the water and make the entire shell shine brilliantly. Although she sells most of the shells she finds at her mom’s surf shop (or gifts them to her friends), this one’s going to be proudly displayed on the shelf in her room. 
She scans the sand for her next target before pushing off from the floor and heading to the surface where Kiara floats on her board, legs dangling in the water as she watches the rest of their group surf. 
“Kie, check this out! It’s a scotch bonnet!” She exclaims, placing the shell beside the half full bucket in front of her friend. Resting both arms on the board, she lets herself take a quick breather as the other girl gently picks up her treasure and turns it over in her hands. 
“Holy shit, how do you always find the good ones?” She asks, gently putting it into the bucket with the others as Sailor shrugs, tucking a wet strand of red hair behind her ear. 
“You guys always say I’m part mermaid, so...” Kiara rolls her eyes and splashes her friend, who just laughs. “Are you done now? We can’t let the guys have all the fun.” 
“Almost, there’s a gorgeous whelk down there that I have to have. Be right back!”
She dives before the dark haired girl can reply, swimming down twenty feet to where she spotted the shell. When she was younger, she used to find the pressure on her ears a bit painful but now she hardly notices, instead focusing on the muffled sound of the waves above. Down here it’s just her and the water: peaceful, quiet, and oh so beautiful, infinitely stretching out in front of her. It used to scare her, the vastness of the deep ocean, the secrets lurking in its depths, the unknown. Now, it brings her comfort. Inspiration. Hope.
She plucks the shell from the sand and heads back the the surface, where three more boards have joined Kiara’s. She swims straight under Pope’s, knowing he’s the most ticklish of the group, and runs the tip of the whelk along the sole of his foot. His yell is so loud she can hear it clear as day under the water and she laughs bubbles as his board wobbles before he topples over with a splash. The other three are still laughing as she surfaces beside her fallen friend and feigns shock.
“What happened? Did he touch a fish again?”
“Oh ha fucking ha. So funny.” Pope deadpans but he’s smiling as Sailor holds his board steady so he can climb back on. “I’m surprised you actually touched my foot, Miss Feet Are Disgusting.”
“First off, smelly, dirty feet are gross. And second, I didn’t,” She replies, pulling herself onto JJ’s board without warning and laughing as he nearly falls off just as Pope had. She sticks her tongue out at him as he shoots her a mock glare and shifts closer to he for balance, their knees knocking together.
“This did, here.” She holds the shell out to Pope, who inspects it like Kiara had done earlier and nods in approval before passing it off to John B.
“It’s...nice, right? It’s a good one?” He asks as he hands it over to Kiara. She meets Sailor’s eyes and shakes her head, mouthing ‘boys’ while carefully placing the whelk in the bucket.
“Seriously, JB-”
“Whoa, wait! I don’t get to see it?” JJ pouts, crossing his arms over his chest and Sailor fixes him with a flat look.
“I seem to remember that you, like a damn child, dropped and broke the last one I let you hold.”
John B laughs so hard he nearly falls off his board while Pope and Kiara glance at each other and hide matching snickers behind their hands. JJ has the decency to look embarrassed as he pleads with her and she tells herself that the slight flush creeping up the back of his neck is just from too much time in the sun, nothing more.
“Hey, I said I was sorry for that and I meant it! I swear I’ll be more careful, please, Sail?”
Trying her best to ignore the little thrill she feels at the sound of her nickname coming from his mouth, she relents with a sigh, “Fine, on one condition.”
He looks at her expectantly as she holds up one finger and points at the black hat turned backwards on his head.
“Gimme that, I can feel my scalp burning as we speak.”
“Holy shit, you’re such a fucking ginger,” He laughs but pulls the cap off anyway, running a hand through his blond hair before fixing it on her head properly, the bill facing forward and giving her eyes a much needed break from the bright summer sun. She only hopes her face feels hot as he lays one hand on her knee and holds the other out to Kiara, palm up. “Fork it over, Kie.”
Kiara hands it to him with a roll of her eyes and then fixes Sailor with a pointed look that the redhead pretends not to see; instead, she watches JJ carefully turn the shell over in his hand before holding it aloft, like Rafiki held Simba in The Lion King.
“Listen up, class- especially you,” He says, the hand resting against her leg pointing at John B, who looks affronted at being called out, much to the amusement of the rest of the group, “This here is a lightning whelk and yes, JB, as a matter of fact, it’s a great one. No holes, minimal damage, and defined markings. Ten out of ten would recommend.”
He passes the shell to Kiara with a satisfied grin as everyone sits in stunned silence, just bobbing up and down with the waves until Pope finally says, “Damn. Better watch out, Sailor! We’ve got a new shell expert in town.”
“Yeah, I don’t think so. I’m not giving up the crown that easily.” As the others burst into laughter, she turns to JJ and pokes him in the side, asking, “Since when you know so much?”
The look he gives her is all mock offense, but his blue eyes are soft as he says, “I always listen when you talk, you know.”
His answer catches her so off-guard that she tries and fails to form a coherent reply as her face flushes before settling on giving him a sweet smile, which he returns with a playful tug on one of the tiny braids in her hair. Out of the corner of her eye, she can see Kiara staring at them with a devious smirk on her face and she knows she’ll be hearing about this later.
“Enough shell talk- no offense, Sail,” John B says, steering his board toward the waves. “We’ve got surfing to do.”
Sailor waves her hand dismissively then reaches over and grabs the bucket from Kiara. “None taken, I’m just gonna drop these off at the shop real quick and I’ll be right back.”
“I’ll go with,” JJ says, popping up onto his knees and turning his board toward the shore. “After all,” He yells toward the rest of the pogues over his shoulder, “you guys need all the practice you can get!” He winks at Sailor and she laughs as she turns to face forward, pulling her legs onto the board and placing the bucket in her lap while the other three flip him off in perfect unison.
The two teenagers paddle toward the beach together and catch a small wave that shoots them straight to shore. JJ holds the board steady as she hops off and then touches his shoulder in thanks before they walk toward where Sailor’s own board is propped in the warm sand with their things. She puts the bucket down and kneels beside it, carefully digging through the haul to find the scotch bonnet.
“There you are, gorgeous.”
“I didn’t go anywhere, babe.”
She snorts at JJ’s quip but doesn’t give him the satisfaction of looking up from wrapping the shell in a small towel and placing it in her backpack (she does blush though, and hopes he doesn’t notice.). As she stands to pull on her shorts, the redhead can’t help but glance at the lightning whelk, sitting pretty in the sand where she put it while looking for the bonnet. It really is beautiful, a ten out of ten as JJ put it, and damn it, she just can’t let it go to some touron who won’t appreciate it. So before she can change her mind, she kneels again to wrap it in another towel and gently nestles it alongside the other shell.
“Chop chop, time’s a wastin.’“ He says, grabbing the bucket with one hand and holding the other out to her; she rolls her eyes but takes it anyway and lets him pull her to her feet, muttering, “Jesus, you’re impatient.”
“It’s all part of the charm. Come on, race ya!” After a quick squeeze to her hand, he drops it and takes off running toward the shop without warning, leaving Sailor scrambling to catch up as she yells, “If you break those shells you’re buying them, Maybank!”
The duo weaves through the crowd of tourons and natives alike, ignoring the dirty looks thrown their way as they run by, kicking sand up in their wake. Fifty feet ahead stands The Sandbar Surf Shop in all its salt-weathered, sun-bleached glory, all but two of the rental boards gone from the stand out front. Alison sits on a stool with one of them on her lap as she waxes it, the boom box resting on the floor beside her blasting The Beach Boys as usual. She looks up in surprise as Sailor bounds onto the deck and slaps her hand against the shop’s door a few seconds before JJ does, both teenagers out of breath.
“Sweet victory!” The redhead shouts, sending a quick wave toward Alison, who returns it with an amused smile and watches the blond roll his eyes, holding the shell bucket close to his chest like a football.
“Victory my ass! I saw you jump over that cooler and that’s cheating.”
“Oh, I cheated? Who gave himself a head start? Oh yeah, you!”
Alison returns the now waxed board to the rack and wipes her hands on a spare rag. “Sounds like you both cheated, so no one wins.” She says with a shrug, chuckling to herself as they both stutter excuses and follow the older redheaded girl into the shop, empty sans for a young boy browsing the display of shells.
“I’ll get your mom.” She says to Sailor before heading through the beaded curtain to the back room and she’s grateful. She doesn’t think she has the strength to go back there anymore.
“I was carrying extra weight,” JJ says, placing the bucket onto the old surfboard-turned-counter and then leaning his back against it, “so I think the head start was justified.”
Sailor props her chin in her hand and drums her fingers along the board’s worn surface, her eyebrow raised. “And I think my jump was justified considering I had some ground to make up from that head start so...”
“Agree to disagree.” They say together, sharing a quick smile before he picks a pair of heart shaped glasses from the stand and puts them on, looking at her over the neon pink frames as he asks in a high-pitched British accent, “What do you think, darling? Too much?”
“No, I think they’re quite dashing!” She bursts out laughing as he strikes a vogue pose, then spins and dramatically leans back against the counter. “Rock that pink.”
“Hell yeah, fuck gender norms!” He says loudly, both middle fingers raised toward the roof.
“In this house, we stan non-toxic masculinity-” she starts, but she’s interrupted by a stern voice from behind the counter that says, “If you’re not going to buy those, put ‘em back, kid.”
Sailor’s mother sweeps into view and stares pointedly at JJ, who hastily stands up straight and returns the glasses to their place on the display as Alison silently heads back outside, shooting both teens a small, awkward smile.
“Sorry, Mrs. Flynn.”
Sailor wants to tell him there’s nothing to apologize for, that he did nothing wrong, but she knows he already knows that, so instead she just scoots a little closer and presses her hip against his. His hand moves to rest on her lower back in thanks and her whole body feels the sparks from his touch.
“I-I found some good ones today, Mom.” She says, pulling shells from the bucket one by one and lining them up on the counter. “A few coquinas, some scallops, a whelk or two...”
She trails off when Carmen doesn’t respond and looks down at her hands, twisting her fingers together anxiously as her mother inspects each shell. her face blank. JJ’s thumb starts to run tiny circles on her back and she concentrates on the feel of his ring, warm and soothing against her bare skin, instead of the fact that her mother hasn’t even glanced her way yet. She hasn’t looked her in the eye in almost three months.
The silence is thick in the air until Carmen finishes her evaluation and gives a small nod in her daughter’s direction. “Good job.” She says, heading to the register and pulling out some cash before counting out five twenties and holding them out to Sailor, her eyes fixed on a point somewhere over the teenager’s shoulder. She swallows thickly and takes the money with a near inaudible thank you, slipping it into her back pocket before grabbing the now empty bucket and nudging JJ toward the door with her hip.
As she’s about to cross the threshold she pauses with one hand on the door frame and turns back, asking, “Hey, Mom? Are...are you gonna come home tonight?”
Carmen’s brown eyes only meet her green ones for a split second before she looks away to fiddle with the register and Sailor can’t help feeling the dull stab of disappointment as she says, “Oh, um, I don’t think so. I’m pretty busy here with, uh, inventory, bookkeeping...”
(That stab used to be sharp as a knife, cutting her to the bone, but she’s almost gotten used to the pain.)
“Oh, right. Just...text me if you do, okay?” She takes one last look at her mother, bathed in the cool shadows of the shop that’s tearing her apart before turning and stepping back into the bright sunlight without another word, her throat tight. She’s not sure Carmen was even listening anymore.
“See ya later, brat.” Alison calls to her as she lets the screen door swing shut behind her with a slight bang. The older girl may not be related to her by blood but she’s most definitely Sailor’s honorary big sister, having babysat her for years in addition to working at the shop, so she waves to her with a small smile and a “bye, ho” before joining JJ on the beach.
The duo slowly starts walking along the water together, a stark contrast from their earlier mad dash and Sailor’s mind races with a million thoughts, most of them her hating herself for foolishly putting a scrap of faith in her mom once again.
“Whoa, you okay? That bucket’s not going anywhere, promise.” He says, pulling them to a stop with a gentle tug on her elbow and reaching down to take it from her clenched hand. She doesn’t even realize she was holding it that hard until she sees the little half moons pressed into her palm from her nails and she sighs, rubbing them away with her thumb.
Opening up has always been something Sailor struggles with, even with a friend group as close as the pogues. She’s the one who’s all sunshine and good vibes, the one everyone goes to for cheering up, the one that’s always...happy. She’s the friend who listens, the open ear, the trusted confidante. She knows all her friends struggles: John B’s fear of being abandoned that often keeps him up at night, Kiara’s terrible guilt over leaving her friends behind during her kook year, Pope’s feeling of drowning under his dad’s impossible expectations, JJ’s abusive household that has him convinced he’s not worthy of love. Every secret she holds close to her heart, guarding them with impenetrable walls that no one can break through.
The walls protecting her own secrets, though? They may be strong around the others but they crumble like sand when she’s alone with the boy standing beside her, his hand still holding her elbow as he starts drawing circles on her skin once again. Talking to JJ has always come easy to her, almost infuriatingly so, and she has no qualms about calling him her best friend. While the other pogues know she’s been having some problems at home with her flight-risk dad and indifferent mom, none of them know almost the full story like he does, just as none of them know exactly how horrible his father really is.
(She knows. She’s seen the aftermath far too often and has been there each time, cleaning cuts, soothing bruises, holding him in her arms and never wanting to let him go.)
“I just...don’t know what to do anymore.” She can feel him watching her as she talks and she avoids his gaze like her mother avoided hers, instead staring out at the ocean. In the distance, she sees one of their friends -Kiara, she thinks- drop in on a wave while the other two look on a little further away. “She won’t even look at me and I don’t know what I did wrong.”
“Hey, it’s not you, got it? God, you’re...perfect, Sail.” JJ says softly, so soft that the crashing surf nearly drowns the sound of his voice as the water washes over their bare feet. Sailor curses the fact that she blushes so easily because her whole face is on fire at his words, and she’s so distracted that she almost misses what he says next.
“Your mom’s always, uh, weird when your dad dips. It’ll be better when he comes back.”
Her heart clenches in her chest. If only it were that simple. She turns to face him and meets his eyes, blue as the ocean, open and honest, and sends him a smile that lacks its usual brightness. “I think you might be right, J. For once.”
His thumb stills on the crook of her elbow and she knows he knows she’s not telling him everything. She feels like she should say something, anything- apologize, explain herself, just tell him the damn truth- but before she can even open her mouth he says, “Listen, I get it.”
She can feel the hand on her arm start to slip away and she grabs it between both of hers, her voice tight as she says, “No, you listen. Today’s been...so perfect and I don’t wanna bring everyone down with my problems.”
“You know they won’t mind.”
(She does, but that’s beside the point.)
“I know they won’t, but I do.”
It’s her turn to run her thumb in circles on the back of his hand now as she continues, “I’ll tell you everything later, okay?”
“You don’t have to-” He starts but she smiles, genuine and bright this time, and cuts him off.
“I want to, J. And I will, promise.” Like a child, she holds her pinky out expectantly. He quickly glances down at her hand and then meets her eyes again before finally returning her smile, showing off that dimple that makes her heart skip a beat, and hooking his finger around hers.
“Come on, we’ve got waves to catch and friends to show up.” He says and just like that they’re back to normal. Sailor’s hyper aware of the fact that her pinky is still linked with JJ’s, but he doesn’t pull away as they start walking back to their things again and she can’t help but hold on a little tighter. She doesn’t think he notices until he walks a little closer, his shoulder brushing hers; out of the corner of her eye, she sees him smile and feels herself mirroring him without a thought, her cheeks turning as red as her hair.
Talking with him may be the easiest thing to do for her, but flirting comes in a close second. It’s natural: the teasing, the casual touches, and especially the clothes stealing (a good fifth of her sweatshirts probably actually belong to him). He’s the biggest flirt she knows, with that bad boy swagger and killer smile that make all the giggling touron girls fall over themselves to get to him. She tells herself it’s fine, that she’s so not jealous, when he dances with them at keggers on the beach, whispering things in their ears that make them blush, taking their hands and leading them away to dark corners or the spare room at the Chateau. After all, there’s the one golden rule of their group: no pogue on pogue macking, so friends is all they’ll ever be, all they can be.
She tells herself she’s fine with it, really. Being his friend is better than being nothing at all, and she wouldn’t trade his friendship for the world. Deep down though, she’d give anything to kiss him again -the first time was when she was eleven and JJ had just turned twelve, awkward yet sweet, the day she first saw the full extent of his dad’s abuse- but she holds herself back, unwilling to ruin the relationship that means so much to her. And sometimes, like now, she thinks (hopes) that he’s holding back, too.
Their pinkies linger together when they come to a stop at their things, both holding on just a bit longer than what’s considered friendly before their hands drop away. Sailor feels his eyes on her as she pulls off her shorts, money still in the back pocket, and stuffs them in her bag.
(So she just might’ve taken them off a little bit -okay, a lot- slower because he was watching, sue her.)
“I hope you know this is mine, now.” She points to his hat before freeing her board from the sand and waiting for him to do the same, hand on her hip.
“It looks better on you, anyway. Here,” He says, taking a step closer and reaching up with one hand to turn the cap backwards. “Don’t want you to lose it.” His finger brushes along her jaw when he drops his arm and she feels her breath catch as she replies, “Wouldn’t dream of it.”
JJ smiles at that, then nods toward the waves. “Race ya? I’ll play fair this time.”
“Nah, but I’m glad you can admit that you cheated!” She says, pausing for a second to laugh at the way his jaw drops before she takes off running and leaves him hurrying to catch up. “I’m proud of you!”
“I changed my mind, I want my hat back now, Flynn!” He yells after her and she just laughs harder as they splash into the ocean.
tagging some of my fave writers ❤: @pogue-writings​ @o-b-x​ @jjbabyouterbanks​ @heywards​ @obxsummer​ @jjmaybanky​
let me know what you think!
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spookyold-saintjm · 5 years
yancy 182 184 and 192(?)
182: “I’ve wanted this for so long.”
184: “Can I touch you?”
From this prompt list
A little heated, but wasn’t feeling up to full Yancy smut yet. Soon!
I didn’t put in 192 because I have an idea for it elsewhere 👀
NSFW(ish) Yancy x reader
Weeks, months had passed since you’d agreed to stay at Happy Trails Penitentiary, and you and your new friend Yancy had spent much more time together than you’d anticipated. Yancy’s prison family, which had quickly become yours as well, might have given him a hard time about it, had he not knocked out one of Sparkles McGee’s front teeth the first time he brought it up.
There was nothing overtly romantic about anything the two of you did together, playing card games, sharing stories, watching tv, eating meals together…
But, there were instances when Yancy would throw his arm over your shoulders, or that your hand would accidentally brush over his when reaching into the popcorn bucket sitting between the two of you during movie nights. Moments that sent tiny jolts of electricity through your nerves.
Sometimes you’d feel Yancy stiffen up when you sat down beside him on one of the benches in the prison yard, close enough to him that your thighs touched, or he would start to stutter when you’d make a compliment about his appearance before a performance with the family’s little musical theater group.
If you weren’t together, you were probably thinking about him. You’d settle down for bed at the end of the night and find your thoughts drifting to fond memories of the day, of plans you had coming up. You would even catch yourself thinking about just him, his slicked-back hair, his deep voice, his muscular arms, his hands, his lips… 
You were quick to shake those thoughts from your mind. You couldn’t be attracted to Yancy like that. You couldn’t. He had better things to worry about than you. 
What you didn’t know, was that Yancy thought about you, too. The few extra minutes he put into perfecting his appearance before popping over to your cell to visit, the extra hours he’d been putting in for new songs he’d been working on…he wouldn’t admit it, but it was fueled by you. The hopes to impress you, to maybe, give him the courage to say something to you about how he felt. How interesting and attractive he found you, how your voice made his entire day brighter, how he had never felt so good inside before, so…whole, when he was with you.
One evening, everyone was in the game room to play a rather intense night of Bingo, but you both had fairly shitty cards and after a few rounds had given up and decided to instead retreat to Yancy’s cell to catch up on the books you both had been reading. You split from Yancy to grab your book from your own cell first, quickly grabbing it from the bedside table, but paused when you decided that you wanted to be a little more comfortable for the night. You unbuttoned the black-and-white striped shirt you’d been wearing and tossed in onto your bed, leaving only a white tank that rested just a little above the waistband of your striped pants before you strolled back over to Yancy’s cell. 
You found Yancy already sitting on his bed, legs stretched out across the floor and crossed at the ankles, his book already open in his hands.
He looked up to greet you, but froze. You stared back at him, quirking an eyebrow at his sudden mood shift, then realized that this was likely the first time he had seen you in any sort of remotely revealing clothing. You forced yourself to quickly, casually, plop down beside him, grinning as you lightly punched him in the arm. 
“Don’t distract me this time, this book is getting good.” you said playfully, praying that ignoring his reaction to you would make the blush creeping its way up your neck and into your cheeks die a rotten death.
“I, ah…oh! Yeah, yeah, youse got it.” he trailed off, quickly shifting his gaze back down to the book in his hands.
You settled into a calm silence as you both began to read, but you couldn’t get past the first two pages of your book. Yancy’s very presence next to you was, like it had been for some time now, clouding your mind. You were all too aware every inch of his skin that touched yours, and one hand holding his book with the other resting dangerously close to your thigh. The scent of whatever infuriatingly intoxicating cologne he’d managed to swipe from a security guard’s locker was coursing through your senses. The sound of his breathing rang in your ears like a siren. 
Yancy was in a similar situation. You’d come into his cell, and were sitting on his bed, looking like…that. You hadn’t meant anything by it, he knew this, but you continued to give him more reasons to find you handsome and/or beautiful, inside and out.
He let out a short, but heavy sigh. He was really going to do it, wasn’t he?
“Y/n.” He began, but stopped when you looked over at him, your eyes staring holes through to his soul. He had to work the words around in his mouth a couple times before they would come out. “There’s something I wanna tell youse, and, well, I don’t want youse to think I’m, ah fuck, well, what I means is—“
Your lips slammed against his in a single, sudden movement, and Yancy fell back a little bit at the abrupt contact. The tension that been thickening in the room seemed to dissipate, and soon Yancy had recovered and pushed himself back up, his mouth now exploring yours as if it were the last time he’d have the opportunity. 
You slid your body even closer to his, turning so that you were all but sitting on his lap. He pulled away from you just slightly, for the two of you to catch your breath, your foreheads resting against each other.One of his hands suddenly reached out for you, but he withdrew it just as quickly. He was itching to put his hands all over you, everywhere at once, but he couldn’t focus on a single place to start.
“Can…can I touch you?” he asked. You nodded, and when he still hesitated, you gently guided one of his hands to now fully rest on your thigh. His fingers quickly glided up to rest around your waist, and his other hand followed suit. You slid yourself now fully onto his lap, and your lips met again once you threw your arms around and behind his neck. The kiss was far more heated this time, and you felt Yancy’s grip on your waist tighten when you allowed him access into your mouth. You were certain there wasn’t much of a first time for anything like this for him, but it had definitely been a while. You could feel the adrenaline and pent-up desire practically begging to get out. And you couldn’t say you didn’t quite feel the same. 
His hands started to wander, up the sides of your body, and back down again. You returned the favor by pulling your mouth away from his, earning a grunt of frustration from him which quickly turned to a catch in his breath when you began to scatter kisses along his jaw, down the side of his neck. 
“y/n…” he sighed when you landed on a particular spot on his collarbone and you smiled into him as you gave the spot some extra attention.
His fingers slid under your tank top, teasing the skin underneath. You helped him slip the tank over your head, and you tossed it somewhere to the other side of the room. His shirt followed behind not long after, and soon you both were a mess of wandering hands, frantic to learn every inch of each other. You turned to wrap your legs around his torso, and he held you tight against him, your bare chest pressed against his. 
When he pulled you in for a kiss again, you tested him with the slightest roll of your hips and were pleasantly surprised to not only hear but feel the effect you were having on him. You huffed out a curse at the realization and felt Yancy smile into your mouth. 
“I’ve wanted this for so long…” he admitted, his voice almost a whisper in your ear, sending a shiver through your entire body. 
“I know,” you sighed, pulling a curl of his now-messy hair away from his face. “Me, too.”
He moved to kiss the skin under your ear, down your neck. Your fingers trailed down his chest, leaving the faintest of marks while he took his time tasting your skin.
Between the sound of both your heavy breaths, a herd of voices faintly registered in your ears, then grew louder as a group of other inmates turned the corner that led down the hall to Yancy’s cell. You cursed and leapt off the bunk, scrambling to grab the clothing you’d both thrown across the cell. You threw Yancy’s shirt to him and quickly pulled yours back over your head as the footsteps drew closer. You ran back over to sit next to Yancy, although a little farther apart than you’d been before, swiftly fixing your hair back to its normal state with one hand and flipping your book open to a random page with the other.
  You both recovered just in time, as Tiny, Jimmy, and Heapass walked by the open cell door, laughing about something that had happened during the Bingo game. They only greeted the two of you with friendly waves, thankfully noticing nothing amiss about the two of you.
Well, except for Tiny, who silently gestured to your now-backwards tank top. She wiggled her eyebrows at you then flicked her gaze over toward the now crimson-faced Yancy, the smug amusement glowing in her eyes.
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teejiplier · 5 years
A Ring of Roses
Summary: Yancy was always busy doing something, taking care of the family, but what happens when he can't take care of you?
Content Warning: Angst, Hanahaki Disease
Relationship: Yancy/Reader
AO3 Link: X
AN: Happy Visitation Day folks!
Staying in prison arguably was the best decision of your life. You had plenty of activities to keep you busy, a nice, comfy bed, and friends, a family, even.
Like a fish takes to water, the gang had taken to you. You truly were never alone unless you wanted to be, seldom as that was. You could be found with anyone, trying out new recipes with Hank, lifting with Jimmy out in the yard, or having late night philosophical conversation with Heapass pondering the nature of how you came to be and what would happen after. More often than not though, you were with Tiny, as you were now.
"Look all I'm saying is that there's nothing wrong with a little romance. It could do you some good, and I'm sure she likes you too." You say, braiding her hair.
"Easy for you to say, your love life is non-existent." She snorts. You feel your face heat up at that, glad Tiny couldn't see it.
"Hey, there's nothing wrong with being single, but as much as you've talked about her, I feel like you should do something about it!" You say, directing the conversation back to her.
"I know, I know. You're right. Whether or not I'll actually do something though…" She trails off.
You hear him before you see him. A whistling coming down the hall, accompanied by a specific pattern of taps, meant he was working on a new number. As he neared the cell you were in, he swung himself around the bars.
"Afternoon, folks." He greeted.
"Afternoon yourself Yancy." Tiny retorted playfully.
"Hey Yance." You say, not making eye contact, putting all your focus into the braid.  
"Who's you gettin' all dolled up for?" He asks.
"None of your business." Tiny says, sticking out her tongue.
"She's just worried you'll tease her again, like you did last time." You laugh, finishing off the braid. "There, you're all good!"
"Thanks (Y/N)!" She says, turning around to hug you before rushing out of the room. "I have to do this before I lose my confidence." She yells as she runs down the hallway.
"Never a dull moment with her, huh?" You laugh, turning to face Yancy.
"Hey, she keeps us on our toes." He chuckles.
"Heard you whistling on your way down here, working on a new song?" You ask, trying to make conversation to cover up the embarrassment you felt.
"Yeah, jus' a little ditty. Nothin' special."
"Nothing you do is never not special." You say, words tumbling out of your mouth. He gives you a soft smile, and shakes his head.
"If youse say so." He turns around and begins walking away from the cell.
"Where're you headed?" You ask as you get up from the bed, really not wanting him to leave yet.
"Gotta go spot Jimmy. You know how he is 'bout his workouts." He says over his shoulder.
"Ah." You say, nodding your head, watching as he walks down the hall. You sigh, but feel it turn into a cough. You can feel something in your throat, something that doesn't belong there. You want to go get some water, but part of you thinks that that won't help. You need to get it out.
So you cough and hack, doing your best to get it dislodged, when it finally comes out. You almost don't notice it, it's so small. Put you see something fluttering down to the floor. You crouch down to look at it. It's small, pink, almost purple, and familiar. You couldn't place it now, but soon enough you would remember. You decide to avoid Yancy for a bit after that.
"Hey Tiny." You say, sitting down next to her for lunch.
"Hey (Y/N)!" She responds, rather cheerily.
"You seem rather upbeat. I take it the confession went well?" You ask.
"It did! She said she felt the same way! And that she'd be willing to try it out!" She says, smiling wide.
"That's great to hear." You reply, picking at your food. It doesn't go unnoticed, as Tiny's happy expression is immediately replaced by concern.
"Hey," she says, hand going to your shoulder,"is something wrong? Did something happen? Do I need to kill somebody?" She asks, rapid fire.
"No, no," you sigh, bringing your hands up,"if you killed them then shit would really hit the fan."
"What happened?" She asks again.
"So you know how you said my love life is non-existent?"
She nods, before she starts smiling again. "You have a crush!"
"Tell the whole world why don't you." You say, putting your head in your hands.
"Who is it?"
"It's… Yancy." You mutter.
She perks up even more, her hands grabbing yours. "(Y/N)! This is fantastic! Once you tell him then we can go on double dates, and do trivia night together, and-"
"No Tiny, I, I can't tell him." You cut her off.
"Why not?" She frowns.
"Because, he's got this whole place to take care of, all these people, and if I tell him then I could seriously mess up the dynamic here."
She pauses for a moment, just looking at you.
"Bullshit. You're just scared." She says, matter of factly, causing you to crumble.
"What if he doesn't like me back? It's a perfectly rational fear!" You counter.
"Look, nothing good comes from bottling it up, I would know! And like you told me, it could do some good!"
"I just don't think I can do it Tiny. I don't want to mess up what we have."
"Look, I'm not gonna force you, but I really think you'd benefit from telling him."
"Maybe I would." You muse.
Tiny gets up to leave, to throw away her trash, so she doesn't see you get choked up as you have another coughing fit. You rush off as you feel it coming, leaving a confused Tiny at an empty table. You still don't know what's going on, so you don't want to worry her. Especially when you see that there are more petals this time.
You're in the yard, spotting Tiny when Jimmy and Yancy come up to you. You can already see the gears spinning in Tiny's head on how to get you and Yancy alone, and you couldn't help but wonder if this was why Tiny wanted to workout. You want to stop her from whatever she might do next, but you also really would like to be alone with him.
"Hey Tiny." Jimmy says, as Tiny runs up to hug him. As Yancy strides over to you, you can feel your heart start to pound.
"Afternoon Yancy." You say as you turn towards him, putting on a brace face.
"Hey (Y/N)." He responds, looking and Jimmy and Tiny. "Like two peas in a pod, ain't they?"
"They sure are." You can see Tiny trying to pull Jimmy to a different area under the guise of she needed his help. "Look like my workout partner just stole your workout partner."
"Guess that means wese gotta be partners, huh?" He says, punching you in the arm lightly, nodding his head towards a bench press.
You help him adjust the weights before he lies down. He starts his reps, and really, you want to pay attention so that if he needs help you can help him, but you can't help but stare at his flexing muscles.
"Eh (Y/N), youse still with me?" You hear him ask. You snap out of it and help him reset to barbell.
"Yeah, I'm here."
"Good, it's youses turn." He says, getting up. You take off some of the weights he had put on before lying down and beginning your set. It's always been a bit difficult, you want to push yourself, but with Yancy watching you the fear you'll mess up is elevated. He manages to make it worse by trying to talk to you.
"Ya'know, it feels like youse been avoidin' me recently." He mentions.
"Oh. Really?" You pant, feeling your chest tighten.
"Yeah, what's that about? You gettin' tired of ol' Yancy?"
"No! No, it's not that. I've just been busy is all." You say, hoping he'd believe you. You realize now, your chest feels actually compressed, like something is crushing your lungs.
"Ah, I get that. Youse should come to rehearsals though. Even if we ain't got time to talk."
"Yeah. I'll try." You say, as you finish your set. Yancy helps you reset the barbell before you go looking for Tiny. You can feel that tell tale scratching in your throat, and it's worse this time. You don't want to go through it alone.
You find Tiny still talking to Jimmy, and pull her away abruptly. She lets out a squeal as you pull her, turning towards you to ask what could be going on, but when she sees your face she goes silent. She instead becomes the one dragging you, taking you to a secluded corner.
"(Y/N), what do you need right now?"
You hold up a finger, rasping out the word time, before you feel like you're going to throw up. You want something, anything else to come out, but it's still just the flower petals. They're full flowers this time, with drops of blood spattered here and there. How such a small thing could cause you so much pain, you didn't know.
You look up at Tiny, wanting to ask her so many questions, but she just looks at you in horror.
"You need to go see Heapass." She says, before you hear footsteps approaching you.
"Hey Tiny, is (Y/N) alright? They jus' rushed off all o' sudden, and Jimmy says they didn't look too good." Yancy says. Tiny manages to not let him come any closer, not to see you like this. He keeps Yancy talking, giving you an opportunity to leave.
You sneak away, looking for Heapass like she said. And as if by magic, he's there as you turn a corner.
"Heapass, something's wrong with me. I don't know what to do and Tiny said to come find you and I'm just really scared because I feel like I can't breathe and these flowers just-"
"Flowers?" He asks.
"Yeah, flowers. Here." You say, handing them to him. He examines them intensely, for just a moment before speaking.
"From your lungs?"
"Yeah. How did-"
"It's Hanahaki. They're azaleas. Caution, danger. Who is it?"
"What?" You ask incredulously. It was so much to take in, you weren't sure what to make of it.
"Who is the source of your feelings?"
"Are you saying this is because of Yancy? Heapass what is going on?" You plead. He sighs, before speaking slowly.
"Hanahaki is a disease, where flowers grow in your lungs due to unrequited love. It will either kill you or cause you to not be able to love again. At this stage, you either must undergo surgery immediately, or your days are numbered."
You're speechless from his explanation. Heapass is typically a man of few words, so him taking the time to explain it to you meant the situation was dire.
And just like that, Heapass is gone, and you're alone. What were you supposed to do now? Tell everyone goodbye? Hide out until this passes? Somehow convince Yancy in the next few days to fall in love with you? Maybe you could go away silently, and leave everyone in unaware. No, you couldn't do that. Not to your family.
In the days you had left, you spent as much time as you could with everyone. Tiny and you had many a sleepover, Jimmy had taught you some proper fighting techniques despite your weak form, and Yancy, well, he had asked you to come to his rehearsals didn't he?
You can't stay long, you don't have the endurance for it, but you manage to come in for a bit, say hi, tell them they're doing great, and then leave. You don't see the concerned looks they all share once you leave.
Honestly, hanging around Yancy was probably your worst idea. It only seemed to worsen the process. On the days you weren't able to get out of bed, Tiny was right there next to you. And when you start coughing up equal parts blood and flowers, she only leaves to go get Yancy. 'He deserved to know' was her reasoning.
She returns with Yancy, and the moment he sees you he rushes to your side.
"What's goin' on?" He asks, frantically.
"Nothing too special." You joke.
"Hey, don't say that." He says softly. "How'd this happen?"
"I hate to say it, but I'm in love with you."
You see his face fall when you say that, and he shakes his head.
"Oh doll…"
"Take care of everyone, alright?"
He doesn't say anything, so all you do is smile at him, eyes soft, before you cough up one last flower. You see Heapass out of the corner of your eye, and he nods.
At that, everyone around you is crying, and Yancy is left thinking to himself
How come he couldn't take care of you?
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folinasahlo · 5 years
“I love you, my Angel”.
So... This is a thing now. This is the first thing I feel confident about posting in 5-ish years of being around the internet... I hope you enjoy!
Pairing: Yancy x GenderNeutral!Reader
Warnings: ANGST (with a happy ending)
Words: 3627
You looked one last time at the prison doors, clutching the skeleton key in your hand. Visitation, every third Sunday. It was a promise.
November 17th, the third Sunday. You stepped out of the car and looked at Happy Trails Penitentiary. You started wearing contact lenses and dyed your hair, cutting it pretty short, with a big stuffy scarf hiding your face, with the excuse of the mid-autumn cold on Ohio. You hoped that Yancy could recognize you, but not the guards, although you weren't that relevant, you only stayed like one or two days.
Your heels clacked against the tile floor, accompanied by the shake of the keys at the guard's belt. You looked at Yancy, sitting at the visitation room, with a confused look, he never had visitors. He looked up when you entered. He smiled, with a glint of recognition in his eyes.
"You came!" You nodded and texted at your phone, the robotic voice started speaking, you look at him in the eyes.
"Promised. Every third Sunday." The grin on Yancy widened, he extended his strong big hands, taking yours.
"I'm really glad youses here! The rest of the family wondered how you were after you disappeared, in fact, Heapass was the last one to see ya', after I broke youses out." You nodded and started typing again on your phone.
"Heapass is the creepy dude that has a tattoo on his forehead?" The British voice read without feeling.
"Yeah! He's actually a really chill dude. He trespassed after he couldn't sell more of his yard grass, and has lots of tickets for speeding." You repressed a chuckle and spent the fourteen-minute visit talking about Yancy's Family in prison, and you "talked" really few words, only commenting that you returned with Mark at the base. Nothing more. You said your goodbyes and left the prison.
Outside, once more, you looked at the building. The Skeleton key now dangling in your neck, you touched the cold metal. One day, maybe, you could return the favor.
You kept your promise, every third Sunday. On the clock. You were there. Talking with Yancy about your life, and He talked about his. Sending each other's letters was also common, both happy about the new bond you were forming.
One summer night, after visiting Yancy, you looked again at the prison. You felt the weight of the Skeleton Key for the first time in months. It was maybe time. You approached the back door, the last time you were there, Yancy was on the other side. Stealthily, you opened the door. Closing it right after you. You walked a little bit aimlessly, the guards were inside, they were not preoccupied with anyone escaping.
You made your way to the Cells. Some still had the light on, and on one of them, there was Yancy, on the top bunk bed humming a song. He looked at you. And shocked, he stumbled to the bars.
"Y/N?" He whispered. You gulped, trying to put your mind straight. You felt really comfortable with Yancy and felt like you could be more like yourself with him
"…Yes." You stuttered. When you looked at the prisoner, his eyes were wide in shock.
"Y/N! You… you just talked…" You nodded. You could hear your heart pounding. But the soft warm touch of Yancy's hand went through your nerves with a soothing effect.
"yes, um… Can… can I come in?" You touched the Key dangling in your neck, and with it, you opened the door. He nodded, still surprised about your presence. You closed the door behind you.
"But, what are youses doin' here, Red?" You looked down for a moment.
"I've always thought… fourteen minutes is really little time… and today I'm not feeling like going home…" You sat at one of the chairs of Yancy's room.
"Y/N, Can I hug you?" You only nodded, incapable to use more words. Your hands were trembling. "Can youse tell me what happened? If not, that's okay." You gulped, still unable to articulate anything. You took out your phone and started writing.
"I argued with Mark, about me visiting prison. I'm not happy about it." He read, whispering. He hugged you again, calming your nerves. "I'm sure you could beat 'im up, hell, youse beat me to a fight." You chuckled. And nodded.
"Thanks, Yance. I needed this, but I should really go. Thank you for letting me enter." He read again from your phone. "It's no big deal, doll. Youse can come whenever you feel like it!"
You hugged again, one last time. Before fleeing the prison.
The illegal visits to Yancy started to become more and more common. And you felt like Mark was annoyed by that, and it made you feel uneasy about him. In exchange, you could feel that the bond you created with Yancy was getting deeper, making you more and more comfortable talking with him. With time, you started to develop feelings for a specific soft-hearted greaser. Time passed fast and two years since you broke out passed already.
Mark took the mail and as he opened the door he read the senders. He stopped and you gave you a letter, looking at you with a strange look.
"Happy Trails Penitentiary?" He inquired, you recognized the glint of jealousy in his eyes but decided to ignore it, blaming your slightly paranoid mind
"It's where Yancy is…" You sat on the couch and opened the letter. Reading it with attention, you squealed. "Yance got parole!" You saw the forced smile of Mark, while you bounced around.
"You surely got acquainted with that prisoner, huh? I hope this doesn't interrupt our plans, last time you deviated from the plan we got arrested, I got punched by that Spider webbed head dude, and you got in a fight." You chuckled, remembering how the same prisoner you fought, was the one you found yourself taking a liking on. "I just miss my good ole' partner, Y/N."
"I promise you, Me having Yancy in my apartment won't change anything!"
"Wait, wait, wait… You said he is coming here?" You nodded, excited.
"Yeah! He has nowhere to go, so Imma help him, why not? He helped me escape prison, is the least I should do."
"Okay, just be careful, and… If you need a ride you can call me." You argued that you had your own car, so you wouldn't need it. "Okay, now I have to go, I'll see you tomorrow in the base, we have things to plan!" He left the apartment, leaving you with the word in your mouth.
One last time, you looked at the building. Yeah, this felt definitive, the cold sky of the morning was clear, shining in a bright blue, you hid your face in the scarf, waiting impatiently for the now ex-convict. You saw him. The cuffed black jeans substituted the striped prison pants, his white t-shirt still rolled up, having the cigarette pack hid in one of them. On one hand, he had a little sports bag with the few things he had. He ran to hug you Throwing the bag at his side. You embraced him, his skin cold from the wind, he smelled like smoke and mints, something that was already familiar to you.
"I missed youse, Doll." He tightened the hug.
"Aren't you cold? I brought something in the case." You separated from him, and you reached into the passenger seat on the Pick-up truck. A big black leather jacket. "It's from my father, he doesn't use these anymore and I thought It would fit you better than mine." He smiled tenderly, putting on the jacket, fitting him almost perfectly. He looked curiously at the patches of old bands that decorated it.
"It suits you perfectly, Yance." You smiled at him and took the bag from the floor, putting it in the back. You hopped on the driver's seat while Yancy sat on the passenger's one. You drove to your apartment, talking to the ex-convict about how much you were excited to show him everything.
You helped Yance accommodate his new room, you got lunch in a café near your apartment and showed some places in the city.
"Have you already met your parole officer?" Yancy nodded.
"I told 'im that I already had a place to stay, and he said that he will help me to find someplace to work. The warden was surprised when I said to him that I was considerin' parole."
"I also was surprised to receive your letter. I know that it's scary, but we have each other now. Although I have some projects with Mark, so I might have to travel, but I promise I will try to get in contact with you even then, okay?"
"Yeah!" You felt the strong arms of the ex-convict wrap around you, you smiled fondly, and put your arms around his neck, looking at him. His face reddened, and you approached even more, clashing your lips against his, he stuttered a bit, surprised. "I… um…"
"Oh, no! sorry, I'm really sorry, I should… I shouldn't have done that!" you muttered, separating yourself from him. He only took you softly by the hand, making you approach him. This time he kissed you, you grinned.
"We have each other, right?" He asked, looking at you in the eyes.
"Yes, we do." You whispered, before kissing him again.
Living with Yancy was really good. You started movie nights on Thursdays, where you mostly cuddled and ended sleeping together in your bed. Yancy started to work as a barista in a nearby café while you continued your work. Sometimes Mark would come and hang out, but always if Yancy was outside working, or with his Parole Officer.
One night you and Yancy decided to go on a date, but before you could go outside, it started pouring, so you decided to stay at home, eating pizza, watching a movie and snuggling together. In the middle of the movie, you heard a knock on the door.
 "Were youse expectin' someone?" You shake your head no.
"I'm going to see who is it." You said, pausing the movie. You walked to the main door. On the Hallway, you found a soaking wet Mark. "Mark?! Oh my god, how could you think of coming here?! It's pouring outside!" You made him enter.
"I need to talk to you, alone." He side-eyed, Yancy, who got up as soon as he saw Mark, almost dripping.
"That can wait, go to the bathroom and take a shower, there are some towels in there. Yance, could you lend him some of your clothes?" Yance nodded, entering your room, two months after moving in, Yancy started sleeping in your room and you started using the spare room as an office. "Is it really that important that you had to come when it's raining like this outside?" You said to Mark, while you guided to the bathroom.
"It had to be the soonest as possible, Y/N" He looked really serious, making you a little bit preoccupied.
"Okay, okay, now go, I don't want you having a cold." You closed the bathroom door. You bit your nail and entered your room. Yancy was searching in his drawers.
"Do youse think this will fit 'im?" He showed you the clothes, you nodded, Yancy was more buff than Mark, but they had a similar complexity. Yancy could sense that something was up. "What's goin' on in that beautiful and/or handsome mind of youses?" You chuckled, still a little bit distraught.
"I think that I know why he is here… I'm hoping that this is only my imagination, but he wouldn't come on the pouring rain if it wasn't important." Yancy put carefully the clothes on the bed and wrapped you with his characteristic comfort that his presence gave you. He kissed the top of your head and he muttered a soft "I love you, no matter what." Mark knocked softly the door, a towel wrapped against his body. Yancy looked at him, and separated from you, he took the folded clothes and gave them to Mark, who glared at him with suspicion.
"I'm going to prepare some tea, you should stay in the living room, okay? I love you." You gave him a peck on the lips, before leading the way to the kitchen, where you started boiling some water. You heard mark sitting in one of the chairs around the small round table while you finished steeping the tea, you leaned against the counter next to the stove. "Tell me." You sighed, looking at his figure.
"The crew and I have another project… but is really far from here." He looked back at you. You turned, poured the tea into two cups and added some sugar.
"And you need me?" You turned and offered one of the cups to him, he took it.
"Yes, you are my partner Y/N, you promised me that having him over here wouldn't change anything about future plans." You bit your lip while staring at your cup.
"I know… Where do you need me?" You tried to disguise your shaky voice. "I will talk with Yance, he will understand." You felt a lump in your throat. Mark just nodded and started to tell you the plan. You had to go to Thailand to steal an important box, similar to the one you supposedly lost once you got out. You didn't tell him that the key that you always wore was the thing inside the box.
"Thailand? That's really far…" Mark took your hands between his. You knew they needed you. You swore to them that you will be with them for the long run… "Could we talk at the base tomorrow?"
"We leave tomorrow, Y/N, if you come tomorrow to the base is to leave." You sighed. "I have to go, I hope to see you there, I have to explain to you the plan." You accompanied Mark to the entrance, shoving an umbrella at his chest, and slammed the door at his face. You felt silent tears running through your cheeks. You punched the front door, angry. You were really angry, angry at Mark, for having so bad timing, but especially angry at yourself, for promising you were for the long run at the crew, for promising Mark that you would be at his side, for falling in love with Ohio boy with a heart of gold over there.
"Y/N, youses okay?" The voice of Yancy interrupted your thoughts, you didn't look at him, but you felt his arms wrap around you. He lifted you pretty easily, you looked at him and wrapped your hands against his neck, he sat on your bed and cradled you. "I know I shouldn't have done it, but I heard youses conversation with Mark…" He whispered. You sobbed against his chest. "You have to go… I understand."
"I don't wanna go, Yance. I want to stay with you… But I don't really have a choice…" You muttered. "I'm really sorry…" He shushed you, planting soft kisses at the top of your head. You don't remember that much, only that you ended packing your things between tears before returning to bed with Yancy, who didn't stop hugging you while you cried yourself to sleep.
You woke up at 5 am. It was still night-time. Yancy was hugging you like it was the end of the world, and low-key, it was. You hope this time the heist would be faster. You slipped out of the grasp of your lover, feeling cold without him at your side. You changed fast, driving through the night to the base. You promised Yancy you would return. You felt your vision blurring from the tears.
You entered an underground basement with the car, parking it next to a black car, Mark's. You got down the pick-up truck. Mark smiled upon seeing you there. He accompanied you to the table, where he started explaining the plan.
The annoying sound of the alarm woke Yancy up when he opened his eyes, he realized, you weren't there. For a moment, the bed felt empty without you at his side. He sobered up with the realization. You left with Mark. The ex-convict wandered through the apartment, thinking of the memories that he had at your side. The kitchen still smelled like tea. The leftover pizza was still in the living room. He looked at his old bedroom, now your office. A paper was taped at the dark wood door, he snatched it, recognizing your handwriting. He went to sit in the living room and started reading the letter, the tears piling in his eyes.
 "Dear Yance,
If you are reading this, means that I had to go far. I don't know how long I will be away; I don't even know if I'll ever have to use this letter I'm writing. Do you know you look really cute when you sleep? You look even more like an Angel, Ohio boy.
Anyway. I really, really hope that I won't need to give you this, but I promise you that I will return, that sooner than you expect it I will be next to you, again, cuddling in the mornings on the bed, making tea and having movie nights with you. I just want you to know that I really love you, and I really wish I could be at your side.
I love you, my Angel.
The tears stained the paper, the memories on loop in his mind, what the heck did you to affect him so badly?
Months passed, Yancy didn't have notice of you. His day now seemed empty and boring without you at his side, teasing and loving him. The door of your office remained closed during all this time. One morning the Ex-convict received a letter with familiar handwriting, yours. The paper inside was really wrinkled and stained, the words were written fast and slightly hard to read, but Yancy recognized that it was you.
"So, we had complications… But I promise, I'm coming home, I might need some months more… Remember Yance, I love you. I always think about you, angel boy.
And so, Yancy remained hopeful. He knew you would come, you promised, right?
A year passed since you left. It was midnight, Yancy already lost the hope of you coming back months ago. A soft knock made Yancy stand up, curious, who could be at midnight? Maybe they found your dead body, and wanted to talk with him… He opened the door. Mark, holding you, knocked out in bride-style. Yancy, fast, took you in his arms, protectively.
"What the FUCK did you do to them?" Rage quickly invaded Yancy.
"Nothing! Look, they are not okay right now, they need some rest… I can't take care of them, but you can." Mark tried to explain, with the intention to enter the apartment, but moving back a little bit when he realized Yancy didn’t step back
"Of course I can take care of them." Yancy kicked the door, slamming it in Mark's face. He carried you to bed. He assured your breath and pulse were stable, he realized you had a high fever and some bad scarring in your arms. Put a slightly wet cloth on your forehead, and sit on the other side of the bed. What the heck did you do this year without him?
You opened your eyes, groggily. The last thing you remember is patching quickly the wounds in the plane back home. You looked at your side, a man giving you his back, you swore he looked familiar. He heard you shuffle and looked at you. Could he be?
"Doll, youse awake! Let me help you." Yes. He was. Your Ohio boy, your angel. You smiled sheepishly.
"Angel, my angel, It's you?" You muttered. Yancy just nodded, crying silently. You just hugged him, still feeling a little woozy, and planted soft kisses in his neck, just to hear his giggles that you loved so much.
"Could you help me to the bath, My Ohio boy?" You teased, pretty sleepy. He just smiled, flustered, he accompanied you to the bathroom and started to fill the tub with hot water. He helped you undress, trying to not say anything about your new scars, he carried you to the bathtub and kneeled at your side. Watching you, fascinated, like it was the first time he had seen you. "What?" You couldn't stop smiling. He was real. He was at your side. Your angel, your Ohio Boy. You moved slightly and kissed him. He took your face between his hands and deepened the kiss.
"I missed you, my Songbird." Your heart fluttered. God how you missed his voice, his accent, you craved his touch. "Do you feel better?" You just nodded. Yancy helped you finish the bath and wrapped you with a warm fuzzy towel, carrying you to your bedroom. You dried and changed into more comfortable clothes, not without the help of Yancy.
"I missed you so much Yancy, I couldn't stop thinking about you… I'm really sorry for leaving, it's just that I owed one really big to Mark and I couldn't say no and I…" You sobbed, watching him kneeled in front of you, taking your hands between his.
"Y/N, Y/N. I understand, okay? You're here and that's what matters. I won't let him take you this far away ever." Yancy seemed really angry, you could see his tattooed knuckles going white.
"I know, I am here. That's what matters, I love you, my angel" You kneeled, looking at his handsome face with a smile, kissing him.
A/N: And that’s it! Likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated, It’s really what makes me keep going.
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Yancy x reader
(Sorry it’s not the best. It started out stronger than it ended so I hope you all like it.) @shaydeevee33
So I promised a fellow Yancy stan a fanfic and I really hate to disappoint so here we are. 
Warnings: Super fluffy and lovely ft. our prison gang and our lovely little DA. 
Yancy hated to get his hopes up for anything, especially when it came to people. He had been taught from a very young age that the only one he could rest complete faith in was himself. But there was just something about you. He didn’t know how to describe it but something about you was so alluring to him. The way you looked sweet as sugar but could put up a serious fight if need be. The way your eyes sparkled when you heard his musical number. It made him want to trust you in a way he had never trusted anyone but himself. 
So when you tried to break out he decided to help you, even if the last thing he wanted was to watch you go. Of course you had promised to come and visit him on visitation day, and for the first time in a long long time he had allowed himself to trust. Now he sat here in line for visitation ringing his hands nervously and looking anywhere but the curious stares of his family. He had never been in line for visitation and all he had to say was that right now he hated it. He hated feeling the aura of curiosity from those around him, he hated their stares that seemed to penetrate his skin like a laser.  For the first time since he was first brought here he felt nervous.
It came in waves really smaller at first then growing larger and larger as time went by. He felt the waves begin to wash over him and consume him. He suddenly felt as if his lungs were empty, he tried to take a deep breathe but all he could get was a shallow sharp inhale. He suddenly felt his body start to get tingly. It was an almost buzzy feeling as if tv static had somehow manifested itself into a physical feeling. He felt it first in his toes, the tip of his nose and his fingertips. 
Then suddenly it was everywhere as it got harder and harder to breathe. He felt himself go from short silent breathes to heavy gasping. Still despite all of his breathing his lungs felt empty as if someone had a vacuum and was sucking out all the air he was taking in.  
“.....YANCY!” was the last thing he heard before it all seemed to go dark 
Your POV 
I walked into the doors of happy trails penitentiary giving the Director and guards a quick smile before ducking into the cafeteria where visitation was happening. I sighed a breathe of relief when I wasn’t immediately recognized and arrested. I mean unlike Mark I had been smart and temp dyed my hair and wore colored contacts to the heist. Coupled with that and my fake name and I.D. (courtesy of a friend who owed me a favor) I would be surprised if Mark himself recognized me. Which now that I put more thought into it was kind of the point. I glanced down at my watch checking the time 10:15, good I should have around three hours to talk with Yancy now I thought as I leaned back in my chair watching the door as the guard walked over. 
As he opened the door prisoners filed in one by one, some rushing with sheer joy towards their family or friends. Others making their way to tables with a seemingly rehearsed statuesque composure. I waited for Yancy to come in impatiently, my foot tapping the ground rapid fire. I scanned the faces like a security camera looking for any hint of the bombastic over the top musical nerd with the cute accent and cool greaser style that I had come to see. The last people started to trickle into the room and I felt my heart sink into my stomach. Did he not want to see me? Had I done something to annoy him last time and that was the real reason he wanted me gone? 
I know I had hurt him during our fight but I honestly hadn’t meant it I had been reacting on pure instinct and adrenaline. As soon as I felt the familiar panic start to set in a small package with a sticky note on it was placed on the table in front of me. I turned to say something to the person but thy were gone. I picked up the package and read the note ‘We know it’s you change into the uniform and wig. Heapass will help you from there.’~Tiny
I felt the panic rise in my chest as I shuffled my way into the rest room and changed. I knew that this was dangerous, I mean this could land me back in here permanently but I had to check on Yancy. I walked out of the restroom to be greeted with a young man with a slightly sinister smirk and a hidden tattoo. “I take it your the Y/n loser who put Yancy into the infirmary?” He said with a dry chuckle and a sneer. 
“HE’S WHERE?!! I shrieked once we had made it into the cells part of the building. “Jeez woman hes in the infirmary like I said calm down.” Heapass said to me shrugging as if it was no big deal at all. I grabbed him harshly by the shoulders turning him to me quickly. “Take me to him right now.” I grumbled harshly probably scaring the poor man senseless. “Ah jeez sure lets go.” he said as he grabbed my arm and dragged me to the infirmary. 
Yancy’s pov again 
I woke up in the infirmary bed with tiny sitting next to me looking disappointed. “You know you would have saved us all a lot of trouble if you had just told us how nervous you were getting.” I looked away ashamedly “I’m sorrys I worieds youses.” (And i’m sorry for my terrible attempt at writing accents) I said awkwardly feeling terrible for causing them any kind of trouble. “Wait whats about Y/n? Theys didn’t show up did they?” I let out a defeated sigh as I looked to her for confirmation of my fears. 
However before she could answer the door was flung open and I was tackled into a hug. I looked down confused to see someone I didn’t know with their stomach buried in my chest crying their eyes out. “I’m sorry I didn’t know you were hurt I came to see you and when you didn’t show I thought maybe you never wanted to see me again.” came a muffled comment from my stomach. Then they looked up and I knew exactly who it was. “Y/n Youse came to see mes?” I said as I felt tears rise to my eyes. I leaned down pulling them up into my arms hugging them close. “I’m so glad yous came I thoughts that yous didn’t wanna come sees someone as bad as me.” they grabbed onto me tighter as they lifted their head and looked at me with beautiful (E/c) eyes. “Yancy I could never not visit you I…. I have kind of fallen for you I guess.” They said with an adorable pink blush coating their cheeks. “I’ve fallen for yous too.” I said pulling them into a sweet kiss forgetting about the other people in the room. That was until I heard a door shutting and locking. At that moment I thanked them silently for letting us talk in peace.  
(I hope you all like it I hope it’s enjoyable sorry it’s not longer.) 
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failedclone · 5 years
Hey bone gang/Heapass family I’m making this post abt my upcoming fanfics so y’all can reply to which y’all want to be tagged in
Title: Heapass’ Matching Making Service
Pairings: Yancy x Y/N, Heapass x Y/N, Yancy x Heapass x Y/N
Heapass is Y/N’s cellmate so he was the perfect person to help Yancy win their affections
(Reader uses they/them pronouns)
Title: The Mortifying Ordeal Of Being Known
Pairings: Dark x Y/N, Heist! Mark x Y/N
It’s hard to be a bad guy when you’re around your crush
(Reader uses They/Them)
Title: The Demon’s Song
Pairings: Dark x Y/N (one sided, Crack)
Dark went through all this trouble and Y/N didn’t even go down the dark tunnel
(Reader uses They/Them)
Title: Lover Boy
Pairings: Yancy x Y/N, Heist! Mark x Y/N
Nobody at Haply Trails Penitentiary really knew Y/N’s name but they knew why he was here
(Reader uses He/Him)
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yourpalheapass · 2 years
I was just thinking about scenarios after watching triple frontier yesterday
Imagine like you used to be married to Santiago but then his work kinda got in the way so words got said and you guys separated. After a few years he comes to your job place (I was imagining a dealership or something idk) and offers if you wanted in. Btw like you used to be in the army to as a medic. It's just like tense during the entire convo because you're like "I thought wasn't gonna see you anymore after what happened" with an annoyed expression he tries to tempt you and says
"after this job we can part ways and never see eachother again". You accept already starting to regret it. Your still miss him but you wouldn't want to go through the pain you went through before. So then sometimes it's just awkward and tense between the two of you. But then when you almost fell from the cliff breaking things shifted a bit. Like Santiago is keeping more of an eye on you and is a bit overprotective. So when you guys send to check if the guy there you guys camp out and you question Santiago you're like "okay so what's the problem?"
"What do you mean?"
"I don't know maybe how you're like always breathing down my neck every fucking minute"
The you guys get into an argument until he does something cheesy like " I only wanted to protect you I cannot lose you again"
And then you comfort him tell how you actually felt. Then you guys are now in the friends phase woooah.
Then after getting to the boat and getting to you and the guys say goodbye and now it's just you and Santiago
"Well I guess this is where we part ways now" you say giving him a awkward smile
"Well I'll see you around then" you say heading to where the others went
You turn back to him confused
"Can we...can we try again?"
You accept and you guys go together
You guys do live a better life than before
Yeah this took longer than I thought lmao
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teejiplier · 5 years
Not if it’s Youse
Summary: Yancy hasn't been acting himself lately...
Content Warning: Angst, Self-deprecation
Relationship: Yancy/Reader
AO3 Link: X
AN: This was me projecting onto Yancy, that’s all this is. 
You had taken to the prison family quite easily, sharing jokes with Bam Bam, doing jazzercise with Sparkles McGee, and just planning little pranks and hijinks with Heapass. Though, despite rubbing shoulders with the majority of the family, your relationship with Yancy had been rocky to say the least.
When you first joined, he was eager to gain a new member of the family, and spent enough time around you for the two of you to grow close. It was a bit more push and pull, a will you won't you situation. You had grow quite attached to Yancy, but what he thought of you was still a mystery. He seemed to enjoy your presence, often times seeking you out to just spend time together.
He would show you the latest song he was working on, or the latest dance number, or something. And you would seek him out, to talk about anything that came to mind. Though lately, he had been showing up less and less. You figured he was busy, and left it at that. But after a while, you noticed Yancy was getting into more fights, being put in solitary more often, and talking to the family less and less.
After asking around you had gathered that Yancy was avoiding everyone. He had spent so much time in solitary recently, no one had the chance to talk to him. And when he was around, he tended to be alone, never initiating anything with anyone, and sometimes straight up ignoring someone if they had tried to talk to him.
And that's what pissed you off the most. People would ask him if he was ok, and he would just walk away. You had had enough. It was time you got to the bottom of this.
You went looking for him, as you would usually do, looking around, checking outside, the cafeteria, and then finally, his cell. At first, he didn't seem to be in there, but then you heard muffled sobs coming from the corner.
"Yancy?" You called out softly.
You heard the muffled sobs stop for a moment, a deep inhale, and then a response.
"Whaddya want?" He said shakily.
"Can I come in?" You asked, gripping the cell bars.
"It'd be better if youse just left." He said, and the sadness in his voice broke your heart.
"Yancy, please, let me in." You pleaded.
"Ise said get lost." He said. Though you knew an empty threat when you heard one.
"Yancy, I can't just leave you like this." As you spoke you heard a sharp inhale and a broken sob. That was the final straw, you opened the door to his cell to see him in the corner, curled up on the floor, his knees to his chest, eyes red and raw.
You heart shattered. What could've put him in this state?
"Yancy, what happened?" You whispered, you wanted to approach him but you weren't sure if he would reject you. But you took the risk. You walked over to him, and as soon as you sat next to him he fell into you. And he sobbed. All you could do was hold him as he did, you didn't know the situation so how were you supposed to help? You could find out later, but right now, you need to support him, figuratively and literally. You rubbed his back as he cried into your shoulder, your hand going through his hair in hopes to calm him. Eventually, his breathing evened, and he was able to pull himself from the crook of your neck.
"Hey." You said, softly as he brought his head up to look at you.
"Hey." He rasped back.
And you sat in silence, just looking at him, holding his hand, playing with his fingers, reminding him you were there.
"Ise...am sorry bout all dat." He said meekly.
"You have nothing to apologize for." You reassured him.
"Ise just, ise been havin a bit of a rough one." He started.
"Ise been havin dese thoughts lately, like, Ise ain't doin enough for da family and such. Thoughts like Ise can't take care of everybody an cuz of that Ise is a piece of shit. That Ise is worthless and stuff like dat. Stuff like Ise shouldn't be around people like youse. People like youse are too good for people da likes of me."
You were silent for a moment. All you could do was look at Yancy and take in what he just said. Though to him, it seemed like you were off put and he started to pull away, his face downcast Before he could detach himself completely from you though, you responded.
"Yancy, I need you to know that none of that is true." You stated firmly.
"As strong as those thoughts may be and as much as you may believe them, I need you to know that they. Aren't. True. None of it." You said as you pulled him back to your side.
"I know what it's like to have these thoughts. To think you're not enough, to feel like a failure. And Yancy, you were the one that helped me get past those. You made me feel worthy. You made me feel loved." You said pulling him into a tight embrace.
"And you're too good to not feel the same way." You whispered.
At that, you heard him sniffling again as he began to cry softly into your neck.
"Theys just so loud. It's like, hows can I ignore them?"
"I"ll help you Yancy. I'll help you feel worthy, I'll help you feel loved. I'll take care of you."
"It's rotten work." He responded.
"Not to me." You whispered. "Not if it's you."
And the two of you just sat there, holding each other as though if you let go they would disappear. And for a moment, everything was ok.
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