#heapass mind palace
yourpalheapass · 2 years
I've seen some scenarios of what the moon boys go through when their S/O gets snapped
But what about the S/O
1st scenario could be where you are hanging out with them at Steven's apartment and you are in the kitchen making dinner since it's your guy's anniversary and while Steven is fronting and feeding gus it's when he starts to dust. Steven calls out for you and you reply with "yeah?" And you enter the room and see no one. You then call out to him, then Marc, then Jake. But at first you assume they went out for something and you have the TV on and there is breaking news you don't believe it and you try calling them and a phone rings from next gus' fish tank then you realize they had become victim to the snap.
You mourn and call Nat (you were a former Avenger) and then 5 years later you left Stevens apartment [but you still sort of live there] but its not the same so you rent a small apartment in the city and try helping Natasha find Clint and you are not your usual self anymore like you are more tired and you get easily irritated, you are much more blunt. But then you get a call from Nat who's been keeping touch with you and she tells you that they have found a way to bring everyone back.
You can't believe it and you tell her your on your way there. You suit up and make your way there.
You go with Rhodey and Nebula to retrieve the space stone. You come back to the present and you feel hopeful until you hear the news of Natasha.
You sit by a window anxious as the Racoon you know as Rocket , Tony, and Bruce make a gauntlet similar to Thanos'.
When the gauntlet is done you stand behind Tony next to Clint. Watching as Bruce snaps his fingers and a flash of lights blinds you and the dims down. You look around the room "did it work?"
Your phone goes off and you get startled by the sound. You get your phone from your pocket and see Steven's contact pop up. You feel yourself tearing up and answer the phone.
"S-steven?" You say
"(Y/n)! Where are you love? I thought we were having our dinner but the apartment is empty" he says
You were about to respond but the building exploding interrupted
You fight your hardest and think hope is lost until the portals appeared and the day was saved again.
Tony sacrificed himself and dusted Thanos and his army away and everyone was able to go back to their families.
You are in the elevator anxiously waiting for the door to open. You make it to the front door and open it with the spare key you had.
"STEVEN? MARC? JAKE?" You say as you get inside the apartment
You turn and see him in the same clothes he wore when he bliped. You make your way towards him and hug him tightly letting out all the pain and loneliness you've felt when they left.
You pull away from him and kiss him. You pull away once more looking at him with tears of relief and joy. "I cant believe you're here"
"Sweetheart you look tired" Steven says hug8ng you again
"Time without you guys has been hard"
"Everything is okay baby we're here we're not going anywhere" Marc says now fronting
"I've really missed you guys so much"
End 1 of 2
Senario 2
I was also thinking like what if you went immediately on call with them after fighting thanos in wakanda saying if they are okay and Marc says that they are okay but while saying that he gets cut off and you hear panic. So you start to panic and yell out their names only to realize they are gone too.
And then what if khonshu goes to you and asks you to become his avatar as a way to cope with your loss and to protect the remaining people on this planet.
You say yes and begin doing vigilante stuff. So basically like Clint when he took on the name Ronan. You turn out the same from the last senario blunt, tired, and short tempered.
Then you have Nat tell you that there is a way to bring them back
And it ends off the same way the last senario did.
Idk I feel like I wrote too much lol but let me know which one you like the most.
Edit: I'm sorry I forgot to give Jake some writing time in this one 💀💀
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yourpalheapass · 2 years
I was just thinking about scenarios after watching triple frontier yesterday
Imagine like you used to be married to Santiago but then his work kinda got in the way so words got said and you guys separated. After a few years he comes to your job place (I was imagining a dealership or something idk) and offers if you wanted in. Btw like you used to be in the army to as a medic. It's just like tense during the entire convo because you're like "I thought wasn't gonna see you anymore after what happened" with an annoyed expression he tries to tempt you and says
"after this job we can part ways and never see eachother again". You accept already starting to regret it. Your still miss him but you wouldn't want to go through the pain you went through before. So then sometimes it's just awkward and tense between the two of you. But then when you almost fell from the cliff breaking things shifted a bit. Like Santiago is keeping more of an eye on you and is a bit overprotective. So when you guys send to check if the guy there you guys camp out and you question Santiago you're like "okay so what's the problem?"
"What do you mean?"
"I don't know maybe how you're like always breathing down my neck every fucking minute"
The you guys get into an argument until he does something cheesy like " I only wanted to protect you I cannot lose you again"
And then you comfort him tell how you actually felt. Then you guys are now in the friends phase woooah.
Then after getting to the boat and getting to you and the guys say goodbye and now it's just you and Santiago
"Well I guess this is where we part ways now" you say giving him a awkward smile
"Well I'll see you around then" you say heading to where the others went
You turn back to him confused
"Can we...can we try again?"
You accept and you guys go together
You guys do live a better life than before
Yeah this took longer than I thought lmao
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