#Health Insurance for Gig workers
tankhapay01 · 1 year
Importance of Health Insurance for Gig workers
Healthcare is costly, frequently with unaffordable charges that can put individuals in poverty. In actuality, only essential health services are accessible to one third of the world's population. Over a billion people devote at least 10% of their household income on uncovered medical costs. Due to their out-of-pocket medical expenses, half a billion individuals are either driven into extreme poverty or are pushed deeper into it.
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electrictoes · 1 year
I read the summary for the OC episode with Kelli and they called her 'adjunct professor' which it makes sense but also I read on wiki and I quote: 'In the United States, an adjunct is, in most cases, a non-tenure-track faculty member' And also 'adjunct professors make up the majority of instructors in higher education (post-secondary) institutions. As with other part-time workers, they are paid less than full-time professors and do not receive employee benefits such as health insurance or an office.' which is crazy for me, and read somewhere they get paid way less. I wonder with 2 kids and one on the way if it's enough, I know now she's married so maybe she can also benefit from Carisi health insurance but I don't know if it covers the kids too since legally he's not their father yet. But also I don't know how insurance works there in US lol, I'm european that world is a puzzle to me, here we have free health care. With nypd she had everything covered and I believe svu detectives are paid better than others, I remember her saying in the past something like 'that's why we get paid the big bucks' or something, but now she works part time probably and paid not much. Also the writers probably don't care about all this since following reality sometimes is not their way lol, but I worry about my gurl lol. Who knows what they will write about her job, I'm curious. Sorry about my words vomit lol it's something that popped into my mind
They may never actually say on screen that she’s an adjunct professor, or maybe she’ll be picking up a side gig as an expert witness for the DA’s office (my wishful thinking).
Tbh, unless it some how plays into a way for her to come back I don’t imagine it’ll get mentioned at all.
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How would you like to get started on learning Human Design?
????? what the heck is that ??????
My Story
In December 2017, I was on a call with one of my teachers from the group Trillium Awakening. They asked me for my birthday, time and place of birth, and sent me my Human Design body graph. They talked about how I was a projector, and they were too, how it was a rare type, and that I had a lot of open centers, meaning, I was really open to conditioning from the outside world.
They suggested I check it out and some of its free resources. A small tool too accelerate my spiritual process. Which, by the way, could take up to 7 years.
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Yikes! This is cool, but heck if I had the time or money for more of that!
I hardly had enough money to pay for our weekly group calls in a women’s circle - that put a price beyond compare - but stretched me, even at the discounted rate they offered.
No one in my family had put money into spiritual or personal development work, while I was knee-deep in the stuff. To be honest, I didn’t really feel like I had a choice.
Doing work on spiritual development was a choice between “This stuff is so expensive. If I do this I won’t have any money and I will die” and “This stuff is absolutely what I need at this point in my life and that the world needs to evolve so if I don’t do this…I will also die.”
So? It was, as one of my teacher’s Marc Gafni would call, an erotic double-bind.
I made the choice to go knee-deep in work towards spiritual evolution.
I left the teaching world and I worked in the “gig economy.”
My resume had 5 different education companies.
I worked between 1-40 hours a week, and spent half of it driving.
For months at a time I did what I loved - working with kids - and had no “boss” to call me to the office.
Sounds good, right?
Finally free from educational institutions, I saw how life really worked in people’s homes. I saw the truth of District public and charter schools, and, no matter where I went, I taught kids in the way that felt good to me.
Of course, not everything ended well, and some parents and classroom teachers asked me to *get out* on the first day! But…the recognition of my abilities as a teacher *direct* and *instantaneous.* The progress of the children showed in their creativity.
Let’s get real though about this so-called “gig economy” that promised millennials freedom. No boss meant no W-2. No health insurance. No retirement plan. No coffee breaks. No co-workers.
The road was lonely.
Between driving to tutor or babysit kids at their home, substitute teach at a random school in Maryland, or attend a retreat in New Jersey, I started to feel less like a teacher and more like a truck driver. I took up bad habits that I never imagined as a yogi. I ate protein bars with more sugar than a Snickers and smoked the more the occasional American Spirit that even listening to Adi Da podcasts could not save me from.
I felt sad - but who else could see me but myself?
Some of my friends from my “previous life” no longer spoke to me. I felt ashamed I had left the active lifestyle I once had of biking, walking and yoga, but I knew I could not afford it. I paid for retreats by offering to cook batch meals for the sangha.
I lived in a basement apartment in a house owned by an electronic musician that hosted bands from all over the country. My next door neighbor was an indie musician as well with a great wardrobe and occasional clothing swaps with her New Zealand friends. My closest friend made her own jewelry and tye-die. Two blocks away from the thrift store! So… Major perk - getting to listen to and play music on the reg. and get free, cute clothes. Major downside - working all the time with hardly enough cash to pay the rent to show for my good deeds, and sometimes looking “woke up like this” and other time looking like I hadn’t changed out of my pajamas.
Okay, cool. So back to the start of the story. My teacher gave me a tool and I don’t think I looked at it for two years.
But then …. the covid, the lockdowns, the confinement , and suddenly we all had no where to go, everywhere to be (on Zoom) and time, too much of it.
How was I ever going to ‘be’ someBODY?
I won’t go into the depth of “the lockdown” story because at this point, we all have one.
But lockdown story did not produce the kind of “free time” that one might really hope for, unless, of course, you enjoy “free time” like a character from a Albert Camus novel.
Coincidantalment**, I spent the entire time of “confinement” in two foreign
No exit. Like - am I ever going to get out of this? Am I ever going to escape this like square box my form is trapped inside of, speaking to people in a language no one understands?
Okay. I am going to revisit this Human Design stuff. I am going to learn a language that describes the programming of the human body.
No, this isn’t some weird genetic altering stuff. Au, the contrarie!
A system of empowerment that came along at the right time.
When we are, as David A Temple puts it posed between utopia and dystopia. We are getting the call to know ourselves - NOW - in a progressively globalizing and demanding world. And not just globalizing in terms of “oh maybe this bag of chips I’m eating right now came from a Uyghur death camp and perhaps its made of sawdust.” Okay…maybe that too…but really…Globalizing in terms of the planet - the “PLAN-(N)ET” - has a plan to catch us and we best follow her word…or…else.
So I spent…every day of French class, every morning, looking at the transits (both astro and HD), recording my dreams, reading my graph, reading the Cross of the day, the Gate, drawing the iChing…taking a university-levelcourse on iChing…ok…maybe there was some magic involved…and many sleepless nights…and…yes…going down to the depths of the bottom of the bottom…the rabbit hole…the worm hole…the brain hole…you name it…its the the “dark night of the soul “ and there ain’t no batman to help you sidekick robin so you better be the hero of your own story and save the day.
I can tell you. I’ve been there. There’s no going back. 
…..*di di di di*** the song of “why do I like Human Design so much” ***do do do do**….
I like Human Design because it is a very transparent system. If you’ve gotten a reading in astrology or tarot, the “method” or “magic” is usually a little hidden from the person receiving the reading. This is more “Teach yourself your Self” and a reader is more like a guide.
Like a contractor explaining the blueprint of a house from the day it was built. You might not of had the tools to build the house - but you get it. The plan is clear.
It’s not like Enneagram or Myers-Briggs where you take a quiz and find out a type, only to have it change again half-way through your life. Those tools of human development are well and good (but are subjective), and you should use those too. But that’s not what this is.
This system starts with the objective.
And then you have to test it out.
2 - the 100% USE FOR 100%…KIDS
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This system, for as weird as the origin story may appear, was built by a teacher. It was built for children and the generations to come.
Anyone who has ever been a teacher (*and hopefully left the profession because they KNOW how the conditioning is happening) for kids under 7 can SEE how easily children and manipulated and cohereced into a “not-Self” program.
They are literally “programmed” to not-love themselves! The sh*t people are paying beaucoup bucks for to *fix* them later in life!
So let’s cut that s-t out before it beings. Let’s raise a generation of kids who don’t need to go to therapy when they grow up to un-do all the trauma that came from their conditioning.
And for you - “grown up” let’s help you re-parent your inner child.
(People always told me I needed to do that. I had no idea how, or the privilege, I felt, to do it.)
Let’s help you learn to “be alone” with your “Self” as you already are - whole.
Okay, let’s talk religion - if you grew up Christian (like “me” yay****) confirmed in the Christian church…yadda yadda…you probably have SOME trauma from that stuff. Don’t really care if you go to church every Sunday, are a flat-out atheist or extreme right..some body has GOT to say it…
Everything you have been brought up believe is not the meaning of the Christ.
With a little toe-dipping into esoteric Christianity…
The current image of “Jesus on the Cross” is no more than a sacrificial lamb that has you totally tricked into thinking you need to “die” (to the empire) in order to be “saved.”
No. You are a unique balance of light and dark. Although these do move in the 4 directions, they do not always look like a perfect “cross.” More on that later. 
BUT The beauty of it …is also that THERE IS a cross. And you can understand it. And you can be and become your own Christ. 
Your own Savior. And take back the power into your own life.
I don’t care if you can name me every book of gospel or if you tell me that Jesus was a historical figure or in fact never lived and is a myth in our imagination. Or if Jesus is coming back down from the heavens tomorrow so repent your sinners or oh shit maybe the world really *IS* on fire and maybe the highest court in the land (the UN) and now has “Inner Development Goals” and realizing that maybe infrastructure is not just made of things. It’s made of people. Who hurt. Who feel. Who laugh. Who cry. And is telling people that maybe they should consider working on themselves. 
In other words: It’s not just the third world world that needs supported. 
I’m not even sure if this has everything or nothing to do with a guy named Zeus with a big white beard who lives in the sky (although, I have had a couple teachers with big white beards that could compete quite fairly with Grandaddy Marx see “The Stoa” for reference)…but I do know this has everything to do with YOU and your unfolding FATE and DESTINY to live a radical life among the stars.
 Yeah…there. I said it. 
I’m prothetlytizing on the sidewalk sweeties and its time to convert.
Burn me for it. It’s okay. 
Joan was a 5/1. She dressed up as a boy.
They canonized her has a saint. 
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Let’s see what the rest of us can do. 
This knowledge is not free. So I do charge.
It’s an Interior Science. No one will do it for you.
It takes time. You have to test it out for yourself.
Let me ask you this: If you didn’t have a story before…do you have one now?
Try Human Design. 
My Design - A Poem
I’m a Savior, but not a Saint.
But the crisis is urgent. And the task is real.
There’s a Devil in command, and I’ve trained him to be quiet.
Wearing masks, playing charades, yet we know it’s all a game. 
Yes, it’s all an illusion of MAIA. She’s the goddess. The veil of illusion.
She’s written these words and she’s ended my confusion. 
Her values will break you apart and make you whole again.
Come home, and be your Self. No one else will do it for you. 
 ~*~ b3 @uTh3nTiC ~*~
**Spell check (?) You can send me a French dictionary later
***HD uses Kabbalah, iChing, Western Astrology, and the Chakra system.  
**** For the Americans out there, Labour Day in the rest of the world is May 1st
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fredseibertdotcom · 1 year
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 Fearless. Three stories. 
Bob Pittman was my boss (I wrote about Bob as one of my mentors here), the one who gave me a lifetime career in television, when I was positive I was going to be a record producer. Like great bosses can sometimes do, he drove me nuts on more than one occasion (God knows how many times I annoyed him!), but more often than not gave me the rope to hang myself (thanks Bob!). But over the years I watched him succeed over and over and I finally have had enough distance to see...
...that Bob is fearless. A fearless competitor, fearless leader, fearless mentor, probably a fearless flyer. It’s one of the many qualities of Bob’s that’s brought him from radio and MTV to the heights of media.
I had a first hand look on this numerous times, with Bob as a boss, then a client, and finally as a friend. Here are three stories that not only have stuck with me for the past 40 years but have affected my own behavior, but personal and professional ever since.
Very early on at MTV Networks, we had a management offsite meeting in Montauk. I’m not much of a joiner and not a drinker, but one night I found myself in a packed car of party co-workers; seven folks in a car meant for five. I was stuffed in the back with Bob and someone sprawled across our laps. 
You have to know how isolated Montauk is, and at night there are no streetlights, and here we were barreling through the darkest of roads. Suddenly, Bob leaned forward and put his hands over the driver’s eyes.
“We did this all the time at home in Mississippi. No one ever got hurt!”
I wasn’t so sure his luck was going to hold.
The woman on my lap leaned in close and said, “That’s what I like about Bob. He’s fearless.”
Bob was 25, I was 27, he was my boss as the head programmer at The Movie Channel, a start up, early cable channel owned by Warner Amex Satellite Entertainment (WASEC), a joint venture between two huge corporations, Warner Communications and American Express. Every expense was heavily scrutinized for efficiency and effectiveness, and my first production assistant was brought on as a freelancer only. He was creative, smart and funny, if a little disorganized.
A few months in he up and quit. “I’ve got an eye disease, I’ll be legally blind in a few months. I’m going to go live with my parents and I’ve sold my comics.” He’d been collecting since he was in grade school.
It came out that his vision was kind of like being underwater with eyes open and the degeneration would stop at a certain point. Reading was possible but only with a machine that could take books and papers and blow the type up by several inches. Insurance would pay for it, but he was a freelancer with no coverage.
“Well, I’m not going to let you quit. Your problem isn’t your vision, you’re just a little messy and undisciplined. Let's see what I can do.”
Back in the day, corporate health insurance wasn’t as computerized and organized –or quite as necessary– as it is now and maybe I could pull a weasel move and back date him as an employee for health coverage and get him his machine. I didn’t know Bob all that well, we’d met through my first media mentor, but he seemed like a real corporate type –at least compared to me– and he’d have to clear it.
I held my breath and launched into the PA’s issue.
“It’s simple, backdate his employment, get him insurance.”
The PA stayed, got his gizmo, and legally blind or not went on to become the company’s worldwide creative director for sister channel Nickelodeon.
Bob wasn’t a corporate weasel after all, he was a fearless warrior for his people.
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Bob in MTV days, with a frame from Silver Cloud Productions’ “Dot to Dot”
A month into my gig at The Movie Channel, Bob announced The Music Channel and asked me to lead the creative efforts of the channel-to-be. He had a clear vision of a format that would be, exclusively, music videos 24 hours a day, interrupted occasionally by “VJs.”
“So,” I asked Bob, “what else will be in the clock? Jingles, like Top 40 radio?” I hoped not, but I couldn’t really picture anything else.
“No! Are you kidding? NO!!! We’ll do animated logos.” Remember, we didn’t have a name no less a logo.
He could tell I was a little confused. “What?”
“Imagine this.” He was already sounded triumphant. “There’s an animated cow grazing around. All of sudden! An axe comes of of nowhere and cuts off its head. The head falls to the ground, veins spurting blood. The cow vomits! And in the vomit is our logo!!!”
Wow, I thought. Bob will let me do whatever I want!
Bob’s creative fearlessness was the beginning of a change in television that would reverberate for decades.
By the way, we’d never produce the vomiting cow, but...
"Bessie the Cow" by Tom Pomposello from fredseibert on Vimeo.
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Gig workers in Brazil stage 24-hour walkout targeting Uber and DiDi's 99
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Drivers of ride-hailing apps Uber and Didi’s 99 began a 24-hour work stoppage early Monday, causing cancellations and a slight increase in fares on both platforms. 
Associations of app drivers such as Fembrapp and Amasp used social media to call on colleagues across the country to join the protest, the main demand of which is an increase in drivers’ pay, which has been frozen for many years. They want a minimum payment of at least BRL 10 (USD 2) per trip and BRL 2 per kilometer. 
Drivers are also asking for a reduction in the apps’ commission rates — which, according to Amasp, can be as high as 60 percent per ride — as well as additional compensation for each stop requested by passengers within the same trip, and greater protection against robbery and theft in urban areas. They also want the companies to offer life and health insurance to their partner drivers. 
Uber and 99 have rejected these demands, according to Luiz Corrêa, the leader of SindiMobi, a union representing drivers in Rio de Janeiro.
Continue reading.
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perspectiveunbound · 8 days
Balancing Flexibility and Fairness: The Rise of the Gig Economy in Scotland
Navigating the Challenges and Opportunities of the Gig Economy in Scotland Hello, dear followers! Today, let's delve into the dynamic and rapidly evolving world of the gig economy within Scotland, examining its implications for workers' rights, economic freedom, and business innovation. The gig economy, characterized by flexible, temporary, or freelance jobs, often facilitated by digital platforms, represents a significant shift in how work is structured and compensated. Scotland's labour market has seen a noticeable increase in gig economy activities. Platforms like Uber, Deliveroo, and local tech startups are providing unprecedented flexibility and entrepreneurship opportunities. However, this shift also raises important questions about job security, benefits, and workers' rights. One of the chief benefits of the gig economy is its contribution to reducing unemployment and providing work for those who might not fit into traditional employment molds. It's particularly advantageous for students, caregivers, and the elderly who require flexible working hours. Moreover, it can stimulate economic freedom by allowing individuals to control their workload and directly benefit from their effort and skill. Yet, the challenges can't be overlooked. The lack of job security, unpredictable income, and minimal benefits such as pensions, health insurance, and paid leave are significant concerns. There's also the issue of job quality and the potential for exploitation due to the absence of stringent regulatory frameworks typical of traditional employment. As we embrace this shift, there must be a concerted effort to balance innovation with worker protection. Scotland can lead the way by crafting policies that ensure fair pay, working conditions, and access to social security for gig workers. Additionally, ongoing education about the rights and responsibilities in gig economy roles is vital for both employers and workers. I invite you to share your views and experiences within this modern economic landscape. How do you perceive the growth of the gig economy in Scotland? What measures do you think are necessary to ensure it benefits all participants? Your insights are crucial as we navigate these changes and envision an inclusive, fair, and prosperous economic future. Please add your thoughts in the comments below! Stay curious and engaged as we explore the intricacies of economic trends and their impacts on our everyday lives. Warm regards, Alastair Majury *Perspectives Unbound* --- *Follow Alastair Majury for more insights on Scotland's economic trends, gig economy, and the balance between innovation and worker rights.*
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jon-purizhansky · 29 days
Navigating Biggest Challenges in Modern World of Work: How Joblio is Making a Difference
The world of work is undergoing profound transformations, driven by technological advancements, globalization, and shifting societal expectations. While these changes bring about opportunities for growth and innovation, they also present significant challenges that impact workers, employers, and economies worldwide. Understanding and addressing these challenges is crucial for creating a more equitable, sustainable, and resilient workforce for the future. In this context, Joblio, a technology-powered social enterprise, is playing a pivotal role in mitigating some of the most pressing issues in the labor market.
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Automation and Job Displacement
One of the most pressing issues is the rise of automation and artificial intelligence (AI), which are fundamentally altering the nature of work. Technologies like robotics and machine learning are increasingly capable of performing tasks that were once the exclusive domain of human labor. While this can lead to increased efficiency and productivity, it also threatens jobs, particularly those involving routine and repetitive tasks. The fear of widespread job displacement is real, as entire industries may see a significant reduction in demand for human workers. This shift necessitates a focus on reskilling and upskilling the workforce to ensure that workers can transition into new roles that leverage their uniquely human capabilities, such as creativity, problem-solving, and emotional intelligence.
Workplace Inequality
Despite significant strides in promoting diversity and inclusion, workplace inequality remains a persistent problem. Gender, racial, and economic disparities continue to manifest in the form of pay gaps, limited opportunities for career advancement, and systemic discrimination. Women, minorities, and marginalized groups often find themselves underrepresented in leadership positions and high-paying industries. Addressing these inequalities requires comprehensive strategies, including equitable hiring practices, transparent pay structures, and targeted mentorship and development programs aimed at empowering underrepresented groups.
The Gig Economy and Job Security
The rise of the gig economy has introduced a new level of flexibility into the labor market, allowing workers to take on freelance, part-time, or short-term roles. While this model suits those who value flexibility, it often comes at the cost of job security and benefits. Gig workers are typically classified as independent contractors, which mean they do not receive the same protections as traditional employees. This lack of security extends to areas like healthcare, retirement benefits, and unemployment insurance, leaving gig workers vulnerable to economic instability. As the gig economy continues to expand, it is imperative to develop new policies and protections that ensure these workers are not left behind.
Remote Work and Work-Life Balance
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of remote work, offering employees unprecedented flexibility in where and how they work. However, this shift has also brought new challenges, particularly in maintaining a healthy work-life balance. The blurring of boundaries between personal and professional life can lead to burnout, stress, and mental health issues. Employers must recognize the importance of supporting their remote workforce by promoting a culture that values work-life balance, providing mental health resources, and ensuring that remote workers remain engaged and connected to their teams.
The Skills Gap
As industries evolve, the demand for new skills is growing, but the supply is not keeping pace. This skills gap creates a disconnect between the capabilities of the workforce and the needs of employers, leading to challenges in filling key roles and potential unemployment or underemployment for workers. Addressing the skills gap requires a concerted effort to invest in education and training programs that equip workers with the skills needed for the jobs of the future. Lifelong learning and continuous professional development must become integral parts of career paths to ensure workers remain adaptable and competitive.
Globalization and Labor Exploitation
Globalization has interconnected economies and opened up new markets, but it has also led to labor exploitation, particularly in developing countries. Companies often seek to minimize costs by outsourcing production to regions with lower labor standards, resulting in poor working conditions, low wages, and a lack of worker protections. To combat this, there is a growing need for stronger enforcement of labor rights, ethical sourcing practices, and corporate accountability. Consumers and investors are increasingly demanding that businesses adhere to higher standards of social responsibility, creating pressure for change.
Mental Health and Well-being
The growing recognition of mental health as a critical component of overall well-being has highlighted the importance of addressing stress, burnout, and mental health issues in the workplace. The pressures of modern work, coupled with long hours and high expectations, have led to a mental health crisis in many industries. Employers must prioritize the mental health of their employees by fostering supportive work environments, offering access to mental health resources, and promoting a culture that values well-being alongside productivity.
Aging Workforce
In many developed countries, populations are aging, leading to a shrinking workforce and increased pressure on social safety nets. This demographic shift presents challenges in maintaining productivity and supporting older workers who may face difficulties in adapting to new technologies and work practices. To address this, it is essential to implement policies that support the inclusion of older workers, such as flexible working arrangements, opportunities for retraining, and initiatives that leverage the experience and knowledge of older employees.
Climate Change and Sustainability
The urgent need to address climate change is reshaping industries and labor markets. The transition to a more sustainable economy is essential but poses challenges for workers in sectors reliant on fossil fuels and traditional practices. Job losses in these industries are a concern, underscoring the need for retraining programs and the creation of new jobs in green industries. At the same time, businesses must adopt sustainable practices that reduce their environmental impact while remaining competitive in a rapidly changing market.
Migration and Labor Mobility: Joblio’s Solution
Global migration is another critical issue, offering both opportunities and challenges in the world of work. Migrants can fill labor shortages and contribute to economic growth, but they often face significant barriers, including legal restrictions, social discrimination, and economic exploitation. This is where Joblio steps in to make a significant impact.
Joblio is specifically designed to address the challenges faced by migrant workers and to create a fairer and more transparent global labor market. The platform connects employers with migrant workers in a way that ensures compliance with labor laws, ethical recruitment practices, and the protection of workers' rights. By providing a transparent and efficient recruitment process, Joblio mitigates the risk of exploitation and ensures that workers are placed in roles that match their skills and experience, while also providing them with the support they need to succeed in their new environments.
One of the key initiatives of Joblio is the Applicant Concierge Experience Program (ACE Program). This program is designed to provide comprehensive support to migrant workers throughout the recruitment process and beyond. The ACE Program offers personalized assistance to applicants, guiding them through every step of their journey—from securing employment to integrating into their new communities. This level of support helps to reduce the stress and uncertainty that often accompanies migration, ensuring that workers are fully prepared and supported in their new roles.
The ACE Program goes beyond mere job placement by focusing on the well-being and long-term success of migrant workers. It provides resources for language learning, cultural adaptation, and access to essential services, ensuring that workers can thrive in their new environments. By offering this level of care, Joblio not only enhances the experience of migrant workers but also contributes to their upward mobility and long-term integration into the host society.
The challenges facing the world of work are complex and multifaceted, requiring coordinated efforts from governments, businesses, and workers themselves. Companies like Joblio are leading the way in addressing some of these critical issues, particularly in the realm of migration and labor mobility. Through innovative initiatives like the Applicant Concierge Experience Program, Joblio is ensuring that migrant workers receive the support they need to succeed, creating a more equitable and sustainable future for all. By providing a platform that ensures fair treatment, ethical recruitment, and comprehensive support, Joblio is helping to create a more inclusive and dynamic global workforce.
Originally Posted: https://medium.com/jon-purizhansky/navigating-biggest-challenges-in-modern-world-of-work-5283779debde
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selfgoodllc · 2 months
SelfGood, LLC
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At SelfGood, LLC, we specialize in providing self-employed health insurance that’s as flexible and dynamic as the lives of our clients. Whether you’re a freelancer, a gig worker, or an entrepreneur, we understand the unique challenges you face in securing affordable, comprehensive coverage—and we’re here to empower your success with tailor-made insurance solutions.
SelfGood, LLC is a customer-centric insurance technology company that provides customized insurance plans and benefits for self employed individuals and anyone without employer-sponsored insurance . SelfGood's mission is to revolutionize the insurance industry by shifting the focus from products built for large business organizations to the individual . SelfGood offers a variety of insurance options that meet your specific needs and budget, such as health insurance, supplemental health insurance, and life insurance. You can choose from different plans and levels of coverage, and get instant quotes and enroll online.
But SelfGood is more than just an insurance provider, it is also a community of thousands of other gig workers who share resources and support each other. SelfGood provides access to non-insurance benefits, such as unlimited telemedicine, discounts on prescriptions, and perks for business growth, through its Alliance of Gig Workers program. You can also join SelfGood's online forums, webinars, and events, where you can network, learn, and collaborate with other self employed professionals.
SelfGood's vision is to help you summit your career goals by providing you with industry-leading innovative technology and affordable benefits. SelfGood's core values are to consistently build consumer trust, deliver value for the dollar, challenge the norm and drive continuous improvement, ownership mentality, and adventure and be happy. SelfGood has received positive feedback from its customers, who have praised its customer service, custom offers, and value.
If you are looking for an insurance solution that is tailored to your needs, budget, and lifestyle, look no further than SelfGood, LLC. To learn more about SelfGood, visit selfgood.com.
Address: 2679 W Main St, Ste 300, Littleton, CO 80120, US Phone: (888) 546-0241 Website: https://selfgood.com/ Contact email: [email protected]
Visit Us: SelfGood, LLC Facebook SelfGood, LLC Instagram SelfGood, LLC Twitter SelfGood, LLC LinkedIn SelfGood, LLC YouTube
Insurance Designed for You - Health Insurance - Supplemental Health Insurance - Life Insurance
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healthinsurance28 · 4 months
How Can You Access Affordable Health Insurance For Freelancers And Gig Workers?
Accessing affordable health insurance in philadelphia pa as a freelancer or gig worker may require some research and creativity, but it is certainly achievable, even in cities like Philadelphia, PA, where healthcare costs can be a concern. Individuals can find coverage that fits their needs and budget by exploring options such as the Health Insurance Marketplace, freelancer unions and associations, health sharing ministries, short-term health insurance plans, and Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). With a proactive approach to healthcare planning, freelancers and gig workers can protect their well-being while confidently pursuing their professional goals.
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wordexpress · 4 months
Sethurathnam Ravi’s Guide to Thriving Financially as a Freelancer
In a world where traditional nine-to-five jobs are becoming less common, a new frontier of work has emerged—one defined by flexibility, autonomy, and endless possibilities. Welcome to the gig economy, where freelancers and independent contractors chart their own course, embracing the freedom to pursue passion projects, side hustles, and entrepreneurial dreams. Yet, amid the excitement of this modern-day gold rush, there lurks a challenge as formidable as it is exhilarating: achieving financial wellness in the ever-shifting landscape of gig work.
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Understanding the Gig Economy
The gig economy, often associated with individuals like Sethurathnam Ravi, refers to a labor market characterized by short-term contracts or freelance work instead of permanent jobs. Platforms like Uber, Airbnb, Upwork, and Fiverr have revolutionized the way people work, enabling individuals to leverage their skills and talents for income generation on a project-by-project basis. While the gig economy offers flexibility and the opportunity to pursue multiple income streams, it also presents unique financial challenges.
Challenges Faced by Freelancers and Independent Contractors
Income Variability
One of the biggest challenges for gig workers is the inconsistency of income. Earnings may fluctuate from month to month, making it difficult to budget and plan for expenses. Sethurathnam Ravi highlights the importance of creating a flexible budget that can adapt to these fluctuations.
Lack of Benefits
Unlike traditional employees, gig workers often do not receive benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, or paid time off. This places the responsibility squarely on the individual to manage their own benefits and savings. Sethurathnam Ravi advises freelancers to look into affordable insurance options and set up their own retirement accounts.
Uncertain Work Opportunities
Gig workers are subject to market demand and competition, which can lead to periods of unemployment or underemployment. This uncertainty makes it challenging to maintain a steady income stream. Sethurathnam Ravi recommends diversifying income sources to mitigate this risk.
Tax Complexity
Freelancers and independent contractors are responsible for managing their own taxes, including tracking expenses, deductions, and making quarterly tax payments. Without proper planning, they may face hefty tax bills or penalties. Sethurathnam Ravi suggests working with a tax professional to navigate these complexities.
Strategies for Financial Wellness
Budgeting and Cash Flow Management
Creating a detailed budget is essential for managing irregular income. Start by calculating essential expenses such as rent, utilities, groceries, and transportation. Allocate a portion of your income to cover these necessities and prioritize saving for emergencies and taxes. Sethurathnam Ravi recommends using budgeting apps or spreadsheets to track your expenses and monitor cash flow regularly.
Diversifying Income Streams
Relying on a single source of income in the gig economy can be risky. Explore opportunities to diversify your income by offering different services, targeting multiple client niches, or using various gig platforms. Sethurathnam Ravi emphasizes the importance of having multiple income streams to provide stability during slow periods and reduce dependence on any single source of income.
Building an Emergency Fund
Given the unpredictable nature of gig work, having an emergency fund is crucial. Aim to set aside three to six months' worth of living expenses in a separate savings account. This fund can provide a financial safety net during lean times or unexpected emergencies, allowing you to cover expenses without relying on credit cards or loans. Sethurathnam Ravi advises prioritizing this fund to ensure financial security.
Investing in Insurance and Retirement
While gig workers may not have access to employer-sponsored benefits, they can still invest in their financial future by purchasing health insurance, disability insurance, and setting up retirement accounts such as IRAs or solo 401(k)s. Explore options for affordable health insurance through marketplace exchanges or professional organizations. Sethurathnam Ravi suggests consulting with a financial advisor to develop a retirement savings strategy tailored to your income and goals.
Managing Taxes Effectively
Stay organized throughout the year by tracking income and expenses using accounting software or dedicated apps. Set aside a portion of each payment for taxes to avoid a large tax bill at the end of the year. Consider working with a tax professional who specializes in self-employment taxes to maximize deductions and ensure compliance with tax laws. Sethurathnam Ravi stresses the importance of regular tax planning to avoid surprises.
Continuous Learning and Skill Development
Invest in your professional development to stay competitive in the gig economy. Stay abreast of industry trends, emerging technologies, and new skills in your field. Take advantage of online courses, workshops, and networking opportunities to expand your skill set and increase your earning potential. Sethurathnam Ravi encourages continuous learning to enhance your marketability and adaptability.
Achieving Financial Stability
Financial wellness is paramount for freelancers and independent contractors navigating the gig economy. By implementing proactive strategies such as budgeting, diversifying income, building emergency savings, investing in insurance and retirement, managing taxes effectively, and continuously learning and developing skills, gig workers can achieve greater financial stability and success in their careers. Despite the challenges posed by the gig economy, with careful planning and diligence, freelancers can thrive in this dynamic and evolving landscape. Sethurathnam Ravi’s insights provide valuable guidance for achieving financial wellness and stability in the gig economy.
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kristenbrady · 6 months
Get Hired At One Of These Remote Jobs Always Hiring!
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I’ve got 15 remote job companies that you have never seen before that are always hiring! These are work-from-home or remote positions. These companies specifically are going to be hiring for entry-level positions.
So you’re going to be able to go into this whether you have a ton of experience or you have no experience at all. If you appreciate me doing these types of articles, sign up here to catch every story when I publish.
Sarnova is a US healthcare company, and they’re a distributor of healthcare products for EMS, fire departments, police forces, nurses, and hospital staff.
The reason I included this one on the list is because I only find the best stuff for you guys and this company won an award for the 2023 Great Place To Work certification and they won it for the third year in a row.
Some of the highlights here are the work that you do makes a difference in saving lives.
Also, there are going to be great benefits, like flex PTO, hybrid work-from-home schedule, full suite of health and wellness benefits, 401K, matching tuition reimbursement, adoption assistance, and let’s not forget about pet insurance.
One of the remote jobs that they often hire for is going to be a Customer Care Representative. This position makes between $36,000 and $46,000 a year.
There are a lot of other options at this company that are not entry-level, such as a Sales Account Manager that makes between $83,000 and $136,000 a year, or an E-commerce Merchandiser who makes about $56,000 to $85,000 a year.
They have some great ratings online, so it’s a good one to look into, especially if you want to work in the healthcare industry and especially if you want to get a remote job; here are some jobs that are available right now.
Check Out These Work-From-Home Opportunities for 2024
13 of the easiest WFH gigs for 2024
Reminder Media
Reminder Media works with business owners and sales professionals to streamline their client contact process. They focus on eliminating concerns about reaching out to clients and following up with leads.
The company’s goal is to create tools and services that automate your marketing process. This company has a Better Business Bureau A+ rating and it’s one of the top 5,000 incorporated companies.
This is an up-and-coming company and they have some great benefits. They have health insurance, they offer an HSA account, which is awesome, they offer college loan refinancing, which, as we all know, a lot of Americans need, and they offer a good amount of paid time off.
Some of the jobs that they often hire for are going to be Remote Call Center which make around $65,000 to $120,000 a year, Inside Sales where you can make about $65,000 to $120,000 a year, and Phone Sales which will make about $65,000 to $120,000 a year. They also have some great ratings online.
Triplepoint PR
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Triplepoint PR is a communications agency that offers extensive PR or public relations services including Media Relations Influencer, Marketing Event Management, etc. They have an extensive list of well-known clients. They work with Blizzard, Meta, Pokemon, Mario Brothers, and Sega.
They offer a good amount of bonuses, for one, a lot of their workers are remote, there’s profit sharing and bonuses, you get insurance, vacation, 401K matching, and you also receive a corporate Mastercard for any business-related expenses that you have.
Depending on your position, you may get to travel to different industry-related events.
They hire for several different positions, such as Account Coordinators who make about $42,000 to $56,000 a year, Account Executives who make about $61,000 to $100,000 a year and other associates who make about $46,000 to $78,000 a year.
They also have really good ratings online and that’s why I included them on this list.
R1 RCM is a leading provider of technology-driven solutions that enhance the financial performance and patient experience of healthcare organizations and this is an up-and-coming company that has over 28,000 employees.
They have pretty good benefits. Some of the remote jobs they hire for are going to be Follow-up Associates who make about $32,000 to $42,000 a year, Junior Recruiters who make around $48,000 to $72,000 a year and Patient Access Associates who make about $36,000 to $52,000 a year.
Onbe is a fintech company that specializes in modernizing and managing business-to-business individual disbursements. They focus on fast, convenient, and versatile payment solutions.
This company has won a bunch of different employee-related accolades, such as getting on the list of Built-In Best Places To Work Textio 2022, Growth Mindset Award, The Goldie Awards, Silver Winner for the Golden Bridge Awards, the Globy Awards, Golden Winner for the Women In Business Award, the Stevie Award for 2022, International Businesses and the Stevie award 2023 for sales and customer service.
They have industry-leading benefits, 13 paid holidays, unlimited paid time off, you can work from anywhere, parental leave for up to 15 weeks, they offer a great HSA, and of course, they have wellness benefits.
They have a 4.4-star rating on Glassdoor, which is awesome, and 93% of the employees approve of the CEO. One of the jobs that I saw them hiring for was Associate Java Engineer.
They make about $110,000 a year, plus bonuses, Client Support Specialist who makes about $49,000 to $61,000 a year with eligibility for an annual bonus and Fraud Investigations Associate who makes about $47,000 to $63,000 a year, plus bonuses.
Focus Forward
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Focus Forward hires in the US, as well as worldwide, and they provide a wide range of research services, such as recruitment, transcription, translation, and coding.
What they do is pay people who are in your company’s target demographic to do focus groups or to take surveys.
This is going to be one of the easier ones to get hired for and one of the positions that they often hire people for is going to be a Market Research Interviewer, and they get paid around $15 an hour.
They also hire transcribers who get paid around 40 cents per audio minute. This is another really good one to look into, especially if you’re just trying to get into a really quick entry-level position.
Enterprise Mobility
Enterprise Mobility is a transportation-focused, family-owned business and it operates across 100 different companies with a large fleet of trucks. They’ve got a ton of different awards.
This is one of those companies that’s pretty good, and they take their reputation very seriously.
They have a ton of different benefits. Some of the remote jobs they typically hire for are going to be Automotive Maintenance Coordinator who makes about $18 to $21 per hour, Automotive Service Advisors who make about $24 to $26 an hour, and Reservation Sales Representatives who make about $17.25 per hour.
One Support
One Support does exactly what they sound like. They provide customer support and technical support services. They primarily operate in the technology and telecom industries.
They particularly like to work with what they like to call e-government agencies. They have an A+ rating on the Better Business Bureau website and they hire a ton of entry-level jobs.
They don’t pay amazingly well, but again, this is one of those where you could get your first remote job just to get your foot in the door relatively quickly.
For instance, they hire Technical Support Representatives for $12 an hour, Sales Support Representatives for $12 an hour, Client Support Representatives for $12 an hour, and Bilingual Sales Support Representatives for $12 to $15 an hour.
This company has really good ratings online.
Maximus specializes in offering transformative technology services. They essentially focus on digital customer experiences and clinical health services.
They’ve won a ton of different awards, so they’re very well recognized and respected. They have a ton of different company benefits.
Some of the remote jobs they typically hire for are going to be a Trainer who makes around $16 to $36 per hour, a Customer Advocacy Specialist who makes about $42,000 to $50,000 a year, a Software Systems Engineer that makes $42,000 to $100,000 a year, and a Proposal Writer which makes $42,000 to $90,000 a year.
This company also has really good ratings online, of course, I try to only include companies that have good employee satisfaction scores.
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Nelnet is a company that services and takes care of student loans. They do other stuff outside of that, like insurance, financing, and other types of financial-related services, but the student loan thing is what they’re well known for.
They have a lot of awesome perks and benefits.
Some of the remote jobs they often hire for are going to be Nelnet Customer Service Advisor who makes about $16.20 per hour, plus an extra dollar per hour if you can speak Spanish, a First Mark Customer Service Advisor who would be making about $14 an hour and a Value Added Services Implementation Specialist which makes between $44,000 to $48,000 a year.
They hire people in the US, Australia, and Great Britain. Vanguard is an extremely well-respected investment company that provides a wide range of different financial services.
They’ve received a bunch of different awards throughout the years They have a ton of different benefits and perks. One of the remote jobs they often hire for is going to be a Client Service Excellence Representative and they get paid about $56,000 to $63,000 a year.
Sinch is a company that hires in the US and worldwide. This is a company that specializes in customer communication.
They offer a cloud-based platform that enables businesses to engage in meaningful conversations with their customers across various channels like messaging, voice, and email.
They’ve won a lot of awards and they’ve got some pretty good benefits.
Some of the remote jobs Sinch hires for are going to be Accounts Payable Specialist at about $23 an hour, Application Support Administrator at $17 to $23 an hour, as well as a Customer Support Specialist who makes about $36,000 to $45,000 a year.
Sedgwick offers risk and benefit solutions helping businesses and their employees with health, productivity, and claims management. The company operates globally, providing tailored support in various sectors like property.
They’ve won a ton of different awards.
Sedgwick also has a lot of perks and benefits. Some of the remote positions they often hire for are going to be Workers Compensation Future Medical Claims Examiner which makes about $80,000 to $90,000 a year. They also hire Proposal Specialists who make about $59,000 a year and they’ve got pretty good ratings online.
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Vanta is a trust management platform that simplifies and centralizes security for various organizations. About 4,000 different companies use Vanta to establish and maintain their security in a real-time, transparent manner.
They’ve won a bunch of different awards.
They often hire Payroll Specialists who are paid $91,000 to $107,000 a year, Technical Support Specialists who make $80,000 to $94,000 a year and GRC Subject Matter Experts who make $187,000 to $220,000 a year. This one is a little bit on the higher end of the spectrum.
Gramlee is available worldwide and they offer copy editing services that enhance writing clarity, grammar, and overall readability. Their service focuses on impactful writing that resonates emotionally with readers.
They offer revisions within 24 hours and they have a customer satisfaction guarantee. What they say is these are copy-editing services for those who care about perfection.
They’re kind of positioning themselves as a premium brand. Not only do they let you work from home, but they also let you work flexible hours, so you get to determine your availability.
This one is probably going to be better for people who live outside of first-world, English-speaking countries because the pay rate is going to be a bit low for the US, so this is going to be a better opportunity for people who live outside of the US.
They don’t say exactly how much they pay, but there are some estimates online that they probably pay around $5 to $10 per hour.
🎉Kristen is a contributor on Medium. Sign up here to catch every story when she publishes. Grab her eBook on Gumroad: How to Productize Your Services: How to Make Money While You’re Sleeping
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Note: This story includes affiliate links. I earn income from purchases through these links.
Originally posted on Medium
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famousqueenwonderland · 6 months
The Freelancing Revolution: Empowering Independence in the Digital Age
In the landscape of modern employment, freelancing has emerged as a dynamic and liberating alternative to traditional nine-to-five jobs. Defined by flexibility, autonomy, and entrepreneurial spirit, freelancing offers individuals the opportunity to work on their own terms, pursuing projects they are passionate about while enjoying a greater work-life balance. In this exploration, we delve into the world of freelancing, examining its rise, benefits, challenges, and future prospects.
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The Rise of Freelancing
The rise of freelancing can be attributed to a confluence of factors, including technological advancements, shifting labor market dynamics, and changing attitudes towards work. The proliferation of digital platforms and tools has democratized access to freelance opportunities, enabling individuals to connect with clients and collaborate remotely from anywhere in the world.
Moreover, the gig economy, characterized by short-term contracts and freelance work, has gained momentum, driven by the desire for flexibility among both workers and employers. Companies seeking specialized skills and cost-effective solutions increasingly turn to freelancers to fulfill their project-based needs.
Benefits of Freelancing
Freelancing offers a myriad of benefits for both individuals and businesses. For freelancers, it provides the flexibility to choose their own projects, set their own schedules, and work from virtually any location. This autonomy allows freelancers to achieve a better work-life balance, pursue their passions, and tailor their careers to align with their personal goals and values.
Additionally, freelancing offers the opportunity for higher earning potential, as skilled professionals can command competitive rates for their services. Without the constraints of traditional employment, freelancers can diversify their income streams, take on multiple projects simultaneously, and scale their businesses according to demand.
For businesses, freelancing provides access to a global talent pool, allowing them to tap into specialized skills and expertise on a project-by-project basis. This flexibility enables companies to adapt to changing market conditions, scale their operations efficiently, and reduce overhead costs associated with full-time employees.
Challenges of Freelancing
Despite its many benefits, freelancing also presents unique challenges and uncertainties. Freelancers must navigate the complexities of self-employment, including managing finances, securing clients, and marketing their services effectively. Without the safety net of traditional employment benefits such as health insurance and retirement plans, freelancers must proactively plan for their financial future and mitigate risks.
Furthermore, freelancing can be inherently unpredictable, with income fluctuating based on project availability and client demand. Freelancers must develop resilience and adaptability to thrive in this dynamic environment, diversifying their income streams and building long-term client relationships to sustain their businesses.
Additionally, freelancers may face competition from a global pool of talent, requiring them to continuously upgrade their skills, stay abreast of industry trends, and differentiate themselves in a crowded marketplace. Balancing the demands of client work with self-care and personal development is essential to avoid burnout and maintain overall well-being.
Future of Freelancing
As we look to the future, the freelance economy shows no signs of slowing down. Technological advancements such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and remote collaboration tools will continue to reshape the way freelancers work and interact with clients. These innovations will streamline processes, enhance productivity, and create new opportunities for freelancers to thrive in an increasingly digital world.
Moreover, the ongoing shift towards remote work, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, has normalized remote collaboration and opened up new possibilities for freelancers to work with clients globally. As companies embrace distributed teams and flexible work arrangements, the demand for freelance talent is expected to rise, further fueling the growth of the freelance economy.
However, to realize the full potential of freelancing, it is essential to address key challenges such as access to healthcare, retirement savings, and social safety nets for independent workers. Policymakers, businesses, and industry stakeholders must collaborate to create a supportive ecosystem that empowers freelancers to succeed while safeguarding their rights and well-being.
In conclusion, freelancing represents a paradigm shift in the way we work, offering individuals the freedom to pursue meaningful work on their own terms. With the right mindset, skills, and support systems in place, freelancers have the opportunity to thrive in an ever-evolving digital economy, shaping the future of work for generations to come.
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dachealthcare297 · 6 months
Navigating Healthcare: Strategies for Artists and Employee Well-Being Programs
As an artist, navigating the complexities of healthcare can feel like a daunting task. Whether you're a freelance creative or part of a larger organization, prioritizing your health and well-being is essential for sustaining your creative practice. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore health insurance options tailored to artists, strategies for securing coverage, and the importance of mental health programs within employee well-being initiatives.
Health Insurance for Artists: Finding the Right Fit
For many artists, traditional employer-sponsored health insurance may not be an option. Freelancers, independent contractors, and gig workers often face unique challenges when it comes to accessing affordable Health insurance for artists. Fortunately, there are several options to consider:
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1. Health Insurance Marketplaces: The Affordable Care Act (ACA) established health insurance marketplaces where individuals can compare and purchase health insurance plans. These marketplaces offer a range of coverage options, and financial assistance may be available based on your income.
2. Professional Associations: Some professional organizations and unions offer group health insurance plans for members. These plans may provide access to more affordable coverage and additional benefits tailored to artists' needs.
3. Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) and Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs): HSAs and FSAs allow you to set aside pre-tax dollars to cover eligible healthcare expenses, including insurance premiums, deductibles, and co-pays. These accounts can be especially valuable for managing healthcare costs as a self-employed artist.
Health Insurance Strategies: Making Informed Decisions
Securing health insurance is just the first step; optimizing your coverage requires careful consideration and strategic planning. Here are some key strategies to help you make informed decisions about your healthcare:
1. Assess Your Needs: Evaluate your healthcare needs and budget to determine the type of coverage that best fits your lifestyle and financial situation. Consider factors such as anticipated medical expenses, prescription drug needs, and preferred provider networks.
2. Research Plan Options: Take the time to research different health insurance plans, comparing premiums, deductibles, co-pays, and coverage levels. Pay attention to factors like network restrictions, out-of-pocket maximums, and coverage for essential health benefits.
3. Explore Alternative Options: In addition to traditional health insurance plans, consider alternative healthcare options such as health sharing ministries, short-term health plans, or direct primary care arrangements. These alternatives may offer flexibility and affordability for artists with specific healthcare needs.
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Mental Health Programs for Employees: Prioritizing Well-Being
In today's fast-paced and often stressful work environments, Mental health programs for employees play a crucial role in supporting employee well-being and productivity. Employers have a vested interest in implementing initiatives that address mental health challenges and promote a positive work culture. Here's how mental health programs can benefit employees and organizations alike:
1. Access to Counseling and Therapy: Providing access to confidential counseling and therapy services can help employees navigate personal and professional challenges, reduce stress, and improve overall mental well-being.
2. Education and Awareness: Employee education programs on mental health topics such as stress management, resilience-building, and self-care strategies can empower individuals to prioritize their mental health and seek support when needed.
3. Flexible Work Policies: Implementing flexible work policies, such as remote work options, flexible scheduling, and paid time off for mental health days, can help employees better balance work and personal responsibilities, reducing burnout and improving morale.
4. Collaborative Support Networks: Creating opportunities for employees to connect and support each other through peer-led support groups, wellness committees, or employee resource groups can foster a sense of community and belonging in the workplace for employee well being program.
Conclusion: Investing in Health and Well-Being
As artists and employees, prioritizing our health and well-being is essential for sustaining our creativity, productivity, and overall quality of life. By exploring health insurance options tailored to artists' needs, implementing strategic health insurance strategies, and prioritizing mental health programs within employee well-being initiatives, we can build a healthier, more resilient future for ourselves and our communities. Remember, investing in your health is an investment in your artistry and your ability to thrive in every aspect of life.
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hammadchauhdary · 6 months
Gig Economy: The Way To Thriving in the Freelance World
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The gig economy has become a trend term in recent years, revolutionizing the way people work and earn a living. But what exactly is the gig economy? Simply put, it refers to a labor market characterized by the prevalence of short-term contracts or freelance work as opposed to permanent jobs. In this article, I will delve into the gig economy, its history, benefits, challenges, statistics, and trends, and provide insights on how to thrive in dynamic work environment.
What is the gig economy?
The gig economy, also known as the freelance economy or on-demand economy, is a labor market where individuals work on a project or task basis, often through digital platforms, rather than being employed by a single employer. This shift in the way work is structured has been fueled by advancements in technology, which have made it easier for individuals to connect with clients or customers seeking their services. In the gig economy, workers have the flexibility to choose when, where, and how they work, providing them with a level of freedom and independence that traditional employment may not offer.
The rise of the gig economy
The gig economy has experienced significant growth in recent years, fueled by technological advancements and changing attitudes towards work. With the rise of online platforms and digital marketplaces, it has become easier than ever for freelancers to connect with clients and find job opportunities. This increased accessibility, combined with the desire for flexibility and autonomy, has led to a surge in the number of people participating in the gig economy.
Benefits of the gig economy for freelancers
One of the key benefits of the gig economy is the flexibility it offers. Freelancers and gig workers have the freedom to choose when and where they work, allowing them to create a schedule that fits their lifestyle and personal commitments. This flexibility can be particularly appealing to parents, caregivers, or individuals looking to balance multiple jobs or pursue other interests. Moreover, the gig economy provides opportunities for individuals to diversify their income streams and explore different industries or projects. By working on a variety of gigs, individuals can gain valuable experience and develop a versatile skill set.
Another advantage of the gig economy is the potential for higher earnings. In some cases, gig workers can earn more per hour compared to traditional employees. This is especially true in industries where there is a high demand for specialized skills or services. Additionally, gig workers have the opportunity to negotiate their rates and choose projects that align with their expertise, allowing them to maximize their earning potential. Furthermore, the gig economy can provide a pathway for individuals to transition into entrepreneurship. By starting as a gig worker, individuals can test their business ideas, build a client base, and eventually establish their own successful ventures.
Challenges of the gig economy
While the gig economy offers numerous benefits, it is not without its challenges and risks. One of the main challenges gig workers face is the lack of stability and job security. Freelancers often have to constantly search for new gigs and clients, which can result in inconsistent income and financial uncertainty. Additionally, gig workers are typically responsible for their taxes, health insurance, and retirement savings, which can be daunting and require careful financial planning.
Another risk associated with the gig economy is the potential for exploitation. Some gig workers may face unfair working conditions, low pay, or lack of employment rights. The gig economy also blurs the line between employee and independent contractor, raising questions about workers’ rights and legal protections. Governments and policymakers must address these issues and ensure that gig workers are treated fairly and have access to social protections.
How to thrive in the gig economy
Thriving in the gig economy requires a combination of skills, strategies, and adaptability. Here are some tips to help you succeed in this dynamic work environment:
Identify your strengths and niche: Determine your unique skills, expertise, and interests. Focus on developing a specialization or niche that sets you apart from the competition.
Build a strong online presence: Create a professional website or portfolio to showcase your work and attract potential clients. Leverage social media platforms to network and engage with your target audience.
Market yourself effectively: Develop a compelling personal brand and craft a clear value proposition. Communicate the benefits and value you bring to clients or customers.
Diversify your income streams: Don’t rely on a single client or platform for all your income. Seek out multiple gigs or projects to create a more stable and sustainable income.
Continuously learn and upskill: Stay updated with industry trends and invest in your professional development. Acquire new skills or certifications that are in demand to increase your marketability.
Finding gig economy opportunities
To find gig economy opportunities, freelancers can leverage online platforms and marketplaces. Websites such as Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr are popular platforms that connect freelancers with clients from around the world. These platforms allow freelancers to create profiles, showcase their skills, and bid on jobs that match their expertise.
Additionally, freelancers can join industry-specific forums and communities to network with other professionals and discover potential job opportunities. By actively seeking out gig economy opportunities and utilizing online platforms, freelancers can increase their chances of finding meaningful and lucrative work.
Building a strong freelance portfolio
A strong freelance portfolio is essential for attracting clients and showcasing one’s capabilities. When building a portfolio, it’s important to include a diverse range of work samples that highlight different skills and experiences. For example, if a freelancer specializes in graphic design, their portfolio should include examples of logo designs, website layouts, and branding projects.
It’s also important to include a brief description of each project, outlining the client’s objectives and the freelancer’s role in achieving those goals. Including testimonials or feedback from past clients can further enhance the credibility of the portfolio and instill confidence in potential clients.
Gig economy platforms and apps
The gig economy wouldn’t be possible without the proliferation of digital platforms and apps that connect gig workers with clients or customers. These platforms act as intermediaries, facilitating the exchange of services or goods and providing a marketplace for gig work. Some of the popular gig economy platforms include:
Uber: A ridesharing platform that allows individuals to become drivers and earn money by providing transportation services.
Airbnb: A platform that enables individuals to rent out their properties or spare rooms to travelers, offering an alternative to traditional hotels.
Upwork: A freelance platform where individuals can find a wide range of remote work opportunities in fields like writing, design, programming, and more.
TaskRabbit: A platform that connects individuals with various household tasks or errands, such as furniture assembly, cleaning, or grocery shopping.
Pricing your freelance services
Determining the right pricing for freelance services can be challenging, but it’s crucial for sustaining a profitable freelance business. One approach is to research the market rates for similar services and adjust pricing accordingly. Freelancers can also consider factors such as their level of expertise, the complexity of the project, and the estimated time required to complete the work. It’s important to strike a balance between competitive pricing and fair compensation for the freelancer’s time and skills. Additionally, freelancers can offer different pricing packages or options to cater to a variety of clients and budgets.
Marketing yourself in the gig economy
In the gig economy, effective self-marketing is key to attracting clients and standing out from the competition. The most powerful marketing AI tool for freelancers is their online presence. This includes having a professional website or portfolio, active social media profiles, and a strong online reputation. Freelancers should regularly update their online profiles, showcase their latest work, and engage with their audience through meaningful content.
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Managing finances in the gig economy
Managing finances as a freelancer is crucial for long-term success. Freelancers should establish a separate business bank account to keep personal and business finances separate. This makes it easier to track income and expenses and ensures compliance with tax regulations.
Freelancers should also set aside a portion of their earnings for taxes and consider consulting with a tax professional to understand their tax obligations. Additionally, freelancers should create a budget to manage personal expenses and plan for irregular income. This can help freelancers maintain financial stability and avoid unnecessary stress.
Gig economy jobs and industries
The gig economy encompasses a broad range of jobs and industries, catering to diverse skill sets and interests. Some of the popular gig economy jobs include:
Freelance writing: Writing articles, blog posts, or web content for clients.
Graphic design: Creating visual assets, logos, or illustrations for businesses or individuals.
Web development: Building websites or web applications for clients.
Photography: Providing professional photography services for events or businesses.
Consulting: Offering specialized advice or expertise in a particular industry or field.
Balancing work and personal life as a freelancer
Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is essential for overall well-being, especially in the gig economy where work boundaries can easily blur. Freelancers should establish clear boundaries between work and personal life by setting specific working hours and creating a dedicated workspace. It’s important to communicate these boundaries to clients and ensure they are respected.
Additionally, freelancers should prioritize self-care and make time for relaxation, exercise, and hobbies. Taking regular breaks and setting aside designated time for personal activities can help prevent burnout and promote productivity in the long run.
The future of the gig economy
The gig economy is expected to continue growing in the future, driven by technological advancements and shifting attitudes towards work. As more people embrace freelance work, new platforms and technologies will likely emerge to facilitate gig economy opportunities.
Artificial intelligence and automation may also play a role in reshaping the gig economy, potentially creating new job categories and changing the way work is performed. However, regardless of how the gig economy evolves, the underlying principles of flexibility, autonomy, and self-motivation are likely to remain central to this type of work.
The gig economy offers a wealth of opportunities for freelancers to thrive in the modern work landscape. While it presents its fair share of challenges, with the right strategies and mindset, freelancers can unlock the full potential of the gig economy. By actively seeking out gig economy opportunities, building a strong freelance portfolio, pricing their services competitively, and effectively marketing themselves, freelancers can position themselves for success.
It’s important to remember that managing finances, balancing work and personal life, and staying adaptable to the evolving landscape of the gig economy are all crucial components of thriving in this freelance world. With dedication, perseverance, and a commitment to continuous learning, freelancers can carve out a fulfilling and prosperous career in the gig economy.
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cindybanksteam · 7 months
How Can You Get a Mortgage If You’re a Freelancer?
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Being a freelancer, contract worker, gig worker, or anyone self-employed is more common and popular than ever right now. There are downsides, such as the lack of benefits like health insurance. At the same time, there are more upsides for many professionals who choose to work this way.
Upsides include freedom and flexibility to make your own schedule, unlimited earning potential, and the ability to have the work-life balance that allows you to create your own lifestyle.  
There is an issue that can arise if you’re a freelancer or contractor, though.
How do you get a mortgage?
When you apply for a mortgage as a traditional employee, you’ll probably show your proof of income through your job, but it can be a bit trickier if you don’t have a traditional employer. You’re also going to face more scrutiny from lenders.
Keep Up with Relevant Documents
Over the years, it’s easy to be disorganized as far as how you keep up with your earnings and expenditures, but come time to apply for a mortgage that can be problematic.
As a freelancer or anyone who’s self-employed, it’s normal that your income is going to fluctuate, and you’ll have up and down periods.
What you want to be able to show a lender is your long-term earning average.
You should be able to calm the fears of your lender by showing them at least several years’ worth of documents highlighting your earnings.
You need to be able to demonstrate a pattern of earning. If you aren’t able to do that just yet, you might have to hold off on buying a home.
Even better than showing steady earnings is being able to show upward trends.
Another note—if you’re self-employed, you likely try to write off as many of your business expenses as you can at tax time. This is understandable, but you also want to show as high an income as possible, so if you’re thinking about buying a home anytime in the future, keep that in mind with your deductions.
Be prepared to show at least two years of tax returns, which will likely be your 1099s instead of your W2s.
Beyond your tax returns, you may want to be able to show your bank statements, and any profit and loss statements. You can also provide letters from clients showing that you have a stable relationship.
Income Calculation
Your income is calculated differently if you’re a freelancer. Your lender will calculate an average monthly income by dividing the past two years of your adjusted gross income by 24.
Save As Much As You Can
You should aim to save at least 20% of the purchase price of a home because this will let you avoid paying for private mortgage insurance. You also want to be able to show your reliability as a borrower, so with that in mind, the bigger the downpayment you can make, the better.
Clean Up Your Finances
You can face more headwinds if you’re trying to buy a home and you’re self-employed in any capacity. You are inevitably going to be held to a higher financial standard, so prepare yourself for that.
You should aim to get your credit score up to at least 740, and the higher, the better.
Start working toward paying off debt, including your credit cards. Credit utilization is a big component of your score and also the willingness of a lender to offer you a mortgage. Try to have the amount of credit you’re using below 30%.
Before you ever start trying to apply for a home loan, look at your credit report.
This will allow you to see where you need to make improvements, and also spot any potential errors. There are errors on credit reports more often than we think.
Don’t open any new accounts or lines of credit before you’re going to start applying for home loans, because that’s going to impact your credit score negatively.
Finally, before you start the mortgage application process, separate your business and personal bank accounts. You shouldn’t use a personal bank account for anything related to your business.
As a freelancer, getting a mortgage is certainly possible but also more challenging. The more you can prepare yourself for that, the better off you’re likely to be in the process.
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researchgroupreports · 7 months
Commercial Insurance Market Share, Trends, Forecast Report 2024-2032
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IMARC Group, a leading market research company, has recently releases report titled “Commercial Insurance Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2024-2032” offers a comprehensive analysis of the industry, which comprises insights on the commercial insurance market trends. The global market size reached US$ 864 Billion in 2023. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to reach US$ 1,554 Billion by 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 6.53% during 2024-2032.
Request For Sample Copy of Report: https://www.imarcgroup.com/commercial-insurance-market/requestsample
Factors Affecting the Growth of the Commercial Insurance Industry:
Regulatory Compliance and Risk Management Awareness:
Governments and regulatory bodies worldwide have implemented stricter regulations and compliance requirements for businesses. These regulations often mandate certain types of insurance coverage, such as liability insurance, to protect stakeholders and the public. Moreover, businesses are increasingly recognizing the importance of comprehensive risk management strategies, where commercial insurance plays a pivotal role. As businesses continue to prioritize risk management, they are increasingly relying on commercial insurance as a tool for financial protection and stability.
Demographic Shifts and Evolving Workforce Dynamics:
The aging population in many developed countries is leading to a rise in health and liability insurance needs as businesses adjust to an older workforce. This demographic change increases the frequency and severity of health-related claims, driving demand for more comprehensive employer-sponsored health and liability insurance plans. Furthermore, the rise of the gig economy and freelance workforce is altering traditional employment patterns, necessitating new insurance models. These workers often lack the safety net provided by employer-based insurance, leading to a potential market for individual and portable insurance plans tailored to their unique needs.
Emergence of Insurtech:
Insurtech firms, utilizing cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of things (IoT), and blockchain, are transforming how commercial insurance products are designed, priced, and delivered. The rising use of IoT devices in various industries allows for real-time data collection and monitoring of business operations, leading to more accurate risk assessments and customized insurance solutions. AI algorithms enable faster and more efficient processing of claims and underwriting, significantly improving customer experience. Blockchain technology offers enhanced transparency and security in transactions, which is particularly beneficial for trust-building in insurance agreements. These technological innovations streamline operations for insurers and provide cost savings and value-added services to businesses.
Leading Companies Operating in the Global Commercial Insurance Industry:
Allianz SE
American International Group Inc.
Aon plc
Aviva plc
Axa S.A.
Chubb Limited
Direct Line Insurance Group plc
Marsh & McLennan Companies Inc.
Willis Towers Watson Public Limited Company
Zurich Insurance Group Ltd.
Commercial Insurance Market Report Segmentation:
By Type:
Liability Insurance
Commercial Motor Insurance
Commercial Property Insurance
Marine Insurance
Liability insurance represents the largest segment due to its essential role in providing protection to businesses against third-party claims, making it a fundamental component of risk management for various industries.
By Enterprise Size:
Large Enterprises
Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
Large enterprises accounted for the largest market share on account of their substantial assets and higher insurance needs, which often encompass broader coverage and more complex risk management strategies.
By Distribution Channel:
Agents and Brokers
Direct Response
Agents and Brokers hold the biggest market share due to their extensive networks and expertise in connecting businesses with suitable insurance policies, providing a trusted and personalized approach to clients.
By Industry Vertical:
Transportation and Logistics
IT and Telecom
Energy and Utilities
Transportation and Logistics commands the largest market share on account of its extensive network and the inherent risks associated with the transportation of goods, making it a key focus for insurance coverage.
Regional Insights:
North America: (United States, Canada) • Asia Pacific: (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia, Indonesia, Others) • Europe: (Germany, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Russia, Others) • Latin America: (Brazil, Mexico, Others) • Middle East and Africa
North America's dominance in the market can be attributed to its robust regulatory framework, a diverse range of industries, and a high level of awareness about the importance of insurance coverage among businesses in the region.
Global Commercial Insurance Market Trends:
The adoption of digital and automated solutions increasingly influences the commercial insurance market. Insurance companies are leveraging technologies like AI, machine learning (ML), and automation to streamline underwriting, claims processing, and customer service. This digital transformation enhances efficiency, reduces operational costs, and improves customer experience.
The insurers are developing more tailored insurance solutions, offering flexibility to adapt to specific industry needs and individual business risks. This trend is particularly evident in sectors like cyber insurance, where standard policies often need to be revised. Customization also extends to payment models and coverage options, allowing businesses to select insurance products that align closely with their risk profiles and financial strategies.
Other Key Points Covered in the Report:
COVID-19 Impact
Porters Five Forces Analysis
Value Chain Analysis
Strategic Recommendations
About Us
IMARC Group is a leading market research company that offers management strategy and market research worldwide. We partner with clients in all sectors and regions to identify their highest-value opportunities, address their most critical challenges, and transform their businesses.
IMARC Group’s information products include major market, scientific, economic and technological developments for business leaders in pharmaceutical, industrial, and high technology organizations. Market forecasts and industry analysis for biotechnology, advanced materials, pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, travel and tourism, nanotechnology and novel processing methods are at the top of the company’s expertise.
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