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dinhui · 4 months ago
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prplocks · 4 months ago
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ᎄᎏᎍᎇʙᎀᎄᎋ: ᎘᎜ʀ᎘ʟᎇ ᮋÉȘss
reblog if you save
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basmathgirl · 3 months ago
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lilidawnonthemoon · 4 months ago
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just-a-little-fangirl-love · 4 months ago
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ecstaticdisregard · 4 months ago
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thatmcgwords · 5 months ago
Failure will never overtake you if your determination to succeed is strong enough. ~ Og Mandino
One of the greatest pieces of business advice is to know when to sacrifice something and when not to.
The actions you take even outside your business plan might go a long way to convince anyone that you are capable of being successful. ~ Og Mandino
“The first five scrolls read by Hafid show the importance of time and the value of belief. It explains why you must always make the best of the time you have and value yourself in all aspects of your life.
The first five scrolls are: “Today I begin a new life.”
This scroll tells the beauty of starting anew. It suggests a total reevaluation of your past and present, and how you want it to affect your future. Create a roadmap for yourself and apply it to achieve the goals you set for yourself, including sales goals.”
You must leave the past behind you and look towards the future. It’s never too late to start planning for a better future. ~ Og Mandino
Your primary focus should be on achieving your goals and following the plans laid before you. You must also enforce good habits in your life by constantly practicing on being a better person.
“I will greet this day with love in my heart.”
This scroll contains the key to success in sales and other aspects of your life. Wake up every day with love in your heart and happiness in your soul. Eliminate hate from your mind and treat everyone with respect. Let happiness lead each day you live and embrace the concept of love in all areas of your life. Avoid discrimination of any kind and make sure your heart is open and pure towards everyone.
Let your heart be the light that guides your day and the experience that guides your night. See any bad situation as an experience, and you’ll find it very easy to overcome any obstacle. ~ Og Mandino
“I will persist until I succeed.”
This scroll talks about the things you want in life. It explains that the success you seek will come at the end of your efforts, not at the beginning. Patience is a virtue that must be adopted by every salesman. A great salesman is never interested in quitting because he’s not scared to fail.
Failure is a stepping stone; you must see every situation as a unique experience. ~ Og Mandino
Take things one step at a time and celebrate your achievements no matter how small.
“I am nature’s greatest miracle.”
This scroll explains that you are special and unique in your way. It teaches you to be proud of who you are instead of feeling inferior about yourself. Don’t be scared to show yourself to the world. You’re a miracle that nature is lucky to have. See yourself as the world’s greatest salesman, and let nobody tell you otherwise.
You’re responsible for the level of confidence you exude. Never cower in fear because you’re extraordinary. ~ Og Mandino
“I will live this day as if it is my last.”
The scroll marked V teaches the importance of time. Start whatever you want to do today because time won’t wait for you. Don’t waste your time dwelling on the past because it’s only going to slow you down.
Time is a priceless gift, and you must utilize every minute you have. Tomorrow is never guaranteed, which is why you need to use your today very well. ~ Og Mandino
Today I will be master of my emotions.”
Your emotions determine how you approach a new day. Your mood determines how happy or unhappy you are — that’s why you must learn to control your emotions. To control your emotions, however, you need to master them. Learn what triggers your mood and learn to control how you react. You can develop mantras like: “If I feel depressed, I will sing.” “If I feel sad, I will laugh.” “If I feel complacent, I will remember my competition.”
Never let your emotions control the better part of you because your emotions can make or break you.
“I will laugh at the world.”
Don’t take life too seriously by thinking about the problems you have. If you can’t do anything about a situation, it’s best not to worry about it. ~ Og Mandino
Your problems won’t last forever as long as you’re determined. Keep a healthy mind, have fun, and enjoy your life as you work towards success.
“Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold.”
You have limitless potential, and the sky is only the starting point if you’re dedicated towards your sales. Spread your tentacles all over the world and add value to yourself and your sales. Let people know that what you offer is of premium quality and content. This is not to say you should be proud — be humble and see everyone as someone with value.
“I will act now.”
Avoid procrastination and act now. Don’t defer your dreams by being inactive.
Having a plan is not enough: You must take action to act out the plan lest you waste your time. ~ Og Mandino
Seize upon the moment and make the best use of it. Your life is a reflection of your actions or inaction. Don’t waste precious time sitting idle without acting out your plans.
“I will pray for guidance.”
Above all, never forget to pray. Praying is an act of piety that you must embrace, whether you’re religious or not. It doesn’t matter what you believe in; praying is essential for guidance. Pray for guidance and added knowledge. Find peace in the words you say and call on God at all times.
Make the best use of every situation you find yourself. Being a great salesman is possible as long as you are committed to achieving your goals. ~ Og Mandino
There’s no limit to what you can achieve as long as you exhibit confidence and convince people through your actions that you’re capable of becoming the best. ~ Og Mandino
Never feel shame for trying and failing for he who has never failed is he who has never tried. ~ Og Mandino
Selling ideas or beliefs to people requires several principles that must not be ignored. The world’s greatest people know these principles, and they follow it very well. They know that the first step to being a successful salesman is to know what it takes to sell.
Being a great salesman requires a lot of commitment, and unless you are determined enough, you can’t be the world’s greatest salesman.
It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve failed; you must always get back up and push forward. A great salesman knows that failure is nothing but a pathway to success. A great salesman also knows that perseverance is the key to prosperity.
Og Mandino has used very popular stories in the Bible to illustrate the importance of patience, time, determination and selflessness.
This summary teaches morals and values that are essential to the growth of man and his environment, as well as the importance of spirituality and belief to the society.
Try this:
Read the content of each scroll at least twice a day for a period of ten days. Put the content into practice and reward yourself consistently when you successfully apply the content to your daily life.
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Shared from The Greatest Salesman in The World on the Headway app
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Shared from The Greatest Salesman in The World on the Headway app
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Shared from The Greatest Salesman in The World on the Headway app
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Shared from The Greatest Salesman in The World on the Headway app
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Shared from The Greatest Salesman in The World on the Headway app
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Shared from The Greatest Salesman in The World on the Headway app
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My highlight from The Greatest Salesman in The World on the Headway app. Start making yours 👇
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Shared from The Greatest Salesman in The World on the Headway app
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passionlegend · 1 year ago
If you want to gain more insight, then be humble enough to ask questions. ~
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happilyhadesbound · 2 months ago
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not to be That Guy but this is something straight out of Fahrenheit 451
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withoutpleasing · 2 months ago
The “nicer” you are, the more uncomfortable and inadequate you feel. ~ Dr. Aziz Gazipura
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jobkash · 3 months ago
LPNP (Remote)
Search for the latest the USA jobs on Careerjet, the employment search engine. Covers all industry sectors. Missing: cache: us9bfb167ac244b05bdb4faf7a0b0d42b6 Click to Apply Direct
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dinhui · 4 months ago
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optiondigital · 4 months ago
Headway: Forex de Qualidade com Mais de 240 OpçÔes
A Headway Ă© uma plataforma de Forex e CFDs que vem ganhando destaque entre investidores por oferecer uma ampla variedade de opçÔes e ferramentas de negociação. Com mais de 240 ativos disponĂ­veis, a plataforma permite que traders de diferentes nĂ­veis explorem oportunidades de lucro em moedas, commodities, Ă­ndices e açÔes de forma prĂĄtica e segura. Se vocĂȘ estĂĄ em busca de uma corretora confiĂĄvel e com suporte completo, a Headway pode ser a escolha ideal.
O que Ă© a Headway?
A Headway Ă© uma corretora global que disponibiliza negociaçÔes de Forex e CFDs (contratos por diferença), proporcionando acesso a uma vasta gama de ativos. Com foco na qualidade e no suporte ao cliente, a Headway combina tecnologia avançada com uma interface intuitiva, adequada tanto para iniciantes quanto para investidores mais experientes. Com mais de 240 ativos, os usuĂĄrios tĂȘm a liberdade de diversificar seus investimentos, desde moedas globais atĂ© commodities, como ouro e petrĂłleo.
Vantagens da Plataforma Headway
A Headway oferece diferenciais que tornam a experiĂȘncia de negociação mais eficiente e lucrativa para seus usuĂĄrios:
Variedade de Ativos: Com mais de 240 opçÔes, incluindo pares de moedas, açÔes de grandes empresas, Ă­ndices e commodities, a Headway permite que vocĂȘ crie uma carteira diversificada, reduzindo riscos e aumentando as possibilidades de retorno.
Plataforma Avançada e Amigåvel: A plataforma é equipada com gråficos interativos, indicadores técnicos e ferramentas analíticas que auxiliam o trader a tomar decisÔes bem informadas, tudo isso em uma interface acessível.
Conta Demo Gratuita: A Headway oferece uma conta demo com saldo fictĂ­cio, ideal para iniciantes que desejam aprender e praticar sem risco, alĂ©m de ser Ăștil para traders experientes testarem novas estratĂ©gias.
Suporte ao Cliente e Material Educativo: A Headway disponibiliza uma equipe de suporte dedicada e materiais de treinamento como webinars e tutoriais, ajudando os usuårios a melhorar suas habilidades de negociação e a entender melhor o mercado.
DepĂłsitos e Saques RĂĄpidos: A corretora aceita uma variedade de mĂ©todos de pagamento, incluindo cartĂ”es de crĂ©dito, transferĂȘncias bancĂĄrias e carteiras digitais, permitindo transaçÔes rĂĄpidas e seguras.
Estratégias para Negociar na Headway
Para ter sucesso na Headway, é importante aplicar boas pråticas e estratégias que aumentem suas chances de lucratividade. Aqui estão algumas dicas:
Conheça o Mercado: Dedique um tempo para estudar o mercado de Forex e CFDs. Compreender as tendĂȘncias e os fatores que influenciam os preços dos ativos pode melhorar suas tomadas de decisĂŁo.
Gerenciamento de Risco: NĂŁo arrisque todo o seu capital em uma Ășnica negociação. Defina limites para perdas e lucros e utilize ordens de stop para proteger seu capital.
Diversifique sua Carteira: Explore os diversos ativos que a Headway oferece para equilibrar sua carteira. Com uma boa diversificação, vocĂȘ consegue reduzir o impacto de eventuais perdas.
Use a Conta Demo: Praticar na conta demo ajuda a ganhar experiĂȘncia e a testar novas estratĂ©gias sem colocar dinheiro real em risco.
Abra Conta Demo e de Parceiro aqui.
A Headway Ă© uma plataforma de qualidade para quem deseja explorar o mercado de Forex e CFDs, com uma ampla gama de ativos, suporte ao cliente e ferramentas de anĂĄlise avançadas. Seja vocĂȘ um iniciante ou um trader avançado, a Headway oferece uma estrutura completa para ajudar vocĂȘ a atingir seus objetivos financeiros com segurança e eficiĂȘncia.
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somegirlsfromk · 4 months ago
Comeback de PURPLE KISS avec un mini album trĂšs sympa. Tout l’album: Comeback live: (vo, pas de trad et micro d’ambiance) La veille du comeback (@ìČ­êł„ìȜ ëČ„ìŠ€ïżœïżœ): A suivre.
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married-2-the-music · 4 months ago
Purple Kiss Deep Dive: Can K-pop And Horror Ever Work?
Purple Kiss is under RBW Entertainment, the same company as ONEWE, Mamamoo, KARD, and Oh My Girl. They debuted in 2021 with seven members: Goeun, Ireh, Chaein, Dosie, Yuki, Swan, and Jieun (the last of which left due to health reasons in 2022).
Here are my credentials: I’ve been what I’d consider a casual fan of Purple Kiss for a little while now, and I first found them through a cover of Seventeen’s Adore U. I know their singles, their names and a little about the members of the group, but I’m the first to admit that there’s far more that I don’t know, and far more that I’m open to learning. So, let’s get started!
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jcmarchi · 7 months ago
AI in Search? The Grumpy Designer Isn't Impressed So Far – Speckyboy
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/ai-in-search-the-grumpy-designer-isnt-impressed-so-far-speckyboy/
AI in Search? The Grumpy Designer Isn't Impressed So Far – Speckyboy
Tech companies are baking AI into everything these days. It seems like you can’t avoid a heaping helping of bots and large language models (LLMs). I think I ingested some in my breakfast cereal this morning.
Thus, it’s no surprise that search engines have become best pals with AI. Google and Bing are joyfully adding it to their results. These generated answers are the first thing you see for some queries.
Both companies have a stake in the technology. Google’s Gemini and Microsoft’s Copilot will be keys to their future success. We’ll continue to see these tools added to flagship products.
The early results have been interesting – and perhaps a bit unsettling. For example, AI has recommended that we put glue on pizza. It has also displayed plagiarized content above the original works.
It’s just a reminder that no technology is perfect. And AI is still in its infancy. But there’s more to it. The relationship between AI and search represents a fundamental shift. I’m not so sure I like it. Here’s a look at why.
The Shift to Becoming an Answer Engine
The way search engines work has evolved. In the early days, it was all about matching the keywords used in a query.
That’s why keyword-stuffing and other nefarious SEO techniques worked. Search engines were looking for exact (or fuzzy) matches of keywords. It led to less-than-ideal results. Spammers were great at gaming this system.
Modern search now considers context. It combines content and structured data to determine results. That’s why we can search for “pizza shops near me” and get local results.
As always, these services pick winners. The top results favor sites that match the search engine’s indexing criteria and algorithm. The algorithms are mysterious to us mortals – but fair enough.
So, how does the current use of AI impact this process? For one, it attempts to provide us with a definitive answer.
Let’s forget about accuracy for a moment. Displaying this information first lends confidence to the answer. If it’s first, it must be right – right? Maybe we can skip all the results down the page.
We are no longer encouraged to look for the result that fits our needs. We are instead fed an answer – potentially discouraging us from digging deeper.
The Cost of AI-generated Answers
Perhaps the convenience of an AI-generated answer is favorable. But it also comes with some costs.
Website owners could see a drop in traffic. They already had to contend with sponsors clogging up the top portion of the results page. AI answers are just one more thing to hamper their visibility.
The other elephant in the room is that AI scrapes content from all over the web. The benefits for site owners are questionable at best.
A site that feeds the top result could see some extra clicks. Newfangled services like Perplexity are even offering to pay publishers. However, you might have better odds of winning the lottery than securing this arrangement.
We should also dive back into AI’s potential to discourage further research. Some users may accept that first answer and not bother to think twice.
Maybe this doesn’t impact longtime users. I’m used to scrolling through search results and clicking multiple links. I don’t foresee AI changing my behavior.
But what about younger generations? AI will be just the way things work for them. They may not realize that there’s more information available. After all, Google has already given them the “best” answer.
Here’s where accuracy comes into the picture. There are times when search engines will get it wrong. That seems like an unavoidable situation.
Users who aren’t familiar with researching answers will be misinformed. That could be dangerous, depending on the subject.
Most people won’t put glue on their pizza. But this type of “advice” could be taken seriously by someone. And that has real consequences.
Is This the End of Search as We Knew It?
I believe the relationship between search and AI is a long-term one. Companies like Google and Microsoft aren’t spending truckloads of money for nothing. Well, sometimes they do. But I digress.
The current phase is an experimental one. Search providers are trying to figure out where AI fits in. And, oh yeah, they want to monetize it.
There’s been some backlash at the technology’s integration so far. That has led to adjustments. It’s a matter of finding what users will and won’t tolerate.
Regardless, searching the web is going to look quite different. Sponsored and AI-generated results will continue to push organic results down the page. Large websites will rank higher than small ones.
Search is a pay-to-play proposition these days. AI is only going to amplify this practice.
That changes how we search as consumers. We may need to scroll past a lot of nonsense to find what we came for.
It might also change our expectations as website owners. That free traffic we’ve optimized for may not be as plentiful. We’ll have to adjust accordingly.
What Will the Future Bring?
Search is another area where web designers and marketers will feel the impact of the move toward AI. The techniques that previously performed well for us may be obsolete.
SEO will still be a worthwhile endeavor, though. Getting your websites indexed shouldn’t go out of style anytime soon.
However, using SEO as a primary marketing strategy doesn’t seem sustainable. Unless your clients are large or in a unique niche, you may struggle to make headway without paid promotion.
Such is life on the web. We can never get too comfortable! Search engines are just another in a long line of seismic shifts.
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