#Headcanons; Main Verse
accultant · 1 month
thinking about iago as a companion ever since I saw puck's recruitment
You can find Iago at the last light inn after the Marcus fight, regardless of if Isobel is taken or not (though, they will congratulate the heroes and buy them a round of drinks if Last Light is saved). They will pose as another refugee and there is a passive perception check to see if you can recall seeing them before. On a fail, you get a headache from studying their face too hard.
You can also find Iago in Moonrise Towers before the Marcus fight where they are throwing a shriveled tadpole for Steelclaw to play fetch with. Trying to initiate dialogue with them here will generate a random excuse as to why they are "busy," leave the conversation, and they'll be unapproachable after that point. They will still meet you again after the Marcus fight, but pretend not to recall ever meeting you before and double down on the refugee claim.
You'll be able to actually recruit them in the first combat you get into after this encounter, in which they will aid you, having followed your party. They'll ask to join in order to help stop the absolute and to find someone they've lost.
If you do not recruit Iago here or if you never initiate the fight with Marcus, you will find their body discarded behind the altar when you confront Orin at the Bhaal Temple. From them, you can loot a tooth earring and a letter to their brother that is too bloodied to read.
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mintsuwu · 8 months
Are you familiar with the How to Train Your Dragon series? Since Fidget has a busted wing and Olivia's dad is a very skilled toy/robot maker he might be able to create a contraption for him to be able to fly. Fidget would let Olivia fly on his back.
Yes, I am! I'm really glad that you asked me this because I have wondered about it for a while now and even tried to incorporate a thing as such in a future design for him. I only had the idea of Dawson patching the wing for now as he is a surgeon and stuff, but I also really really love the contraption idea!!!
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These designs for adult Olivia and Fidget are a little old though, I plan on changing Fidget's peg leg to a metallic one like the one he has in his Lorcana card.
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And I also have an idea that these two become investigators like Basil and Dawson when they grow up, but I need to finish the concepts of their villains/rivals!! Which I hope it can be soon enough.
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downs1de · 4 months
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As Sam finishes portioning out the chicken stir-fry he had just cooked into containers, the sound of footsteps announces the arrival of another in the kitchen. Sam looks over his shoulder to see who it is, and a warm smile spreads across his face.
"Just in time."
Sam turns around, wiping his hands on a kitchen towel.
"I just finished prepping some food--Wanna try?"
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distopea · 2 months
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carrd is updated with his information
open for interactions 💋
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universestreasures · 3 months
Mokuba's Future Possibilities
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If there is one word I can use to describe Mokuba it would be potential. The kid in both anime and manga storylines is so full of it that the possibilities for what his future will be are pretty much endless. That being said, I'm going to go into some general concepts for that future, with concepts for the anime storyline, the manga storyline, or ones that work for both. These are ideas that either can be solo ones or can be combined together depending on plotting.
I also want to take a second to thank some of the folks who participated in discussions or plotting sessions in relation to some of these possibilities. Talking with mutuals is where a lot of the best ideas come out, so I have to send out thanks to everyone for doing that with me! So thank you @shachou @ofhardknoxxx @relevc @cyberends @apricotheart and anyone else I might have forgotten (Because my memory is horrible, forgive me.)! I appreciate all of you for discussing some of these with me! <3
Alright, let's get started!
The Capsule King (Manga mainly but could be for the Anime)
Mokuba has always been known as a champion of Capsule Monsters Chess. So, naturally, and similar to his bro, he'd strive to be at the very top of the game, to be the 'King of the Capsule Monsters' (also known as the Capsule King). This is one of the goals that Mokuba sets for himself during his high school, and he works very hard on his skills constantly. He has resorted to cheating in the past (especially in the manga verse). It's something he was not proud of and wants to rectify. It's why he starts at the local competition level, building to a regional, national, and then worldwide level. I imagine he meets many friends and rivals during his climb to the top (things I'd love to explore btw. Capsule Monsters OCs anyone?). Eventually he wins the world championship tournament (that I imagine KC-sponsored) and gains the title of Capsule King that he defends fiercely for years to come.
Game Tech Developer (Anime / Manga)
Considering his own gaming love and having his brother as a role model / inspiration, it's only natural Mokuba would want to try a hand at his own projects. The three ideas I currently have for projects he'd work on would have to do with something with Capsule Monsters Chess, a VR game similar to the Legendary Hero’s one from that arc, and a sorta triple hybrid game combining elements from Capsule Monsters Chess, Duel Monsters, and Buddyfight (his top 3 favs). These would be ideas he cooks up or makes prototypes or blueprints for all on his own without any help from anyone.
It would be a testament of Mokuba's growth in his own skills, and that he truly is capable of doing something on his own, proving assumptions or insults people (such as his stepfather) have made about him over the years were wrong. And it could become his full time role at Kaiba Corp depending on how things go as well.
Head Of Kaibaland (Anime / Manga)
Kaibaland is just as much Mokuba's dream as it is Seto’s, and he's had a big hand in it since its creation. Not only in terms of proposing ideas but also creating ride and merch concepts, testing rides, and reviewing guest satisfaction and feedback surveys. So it’s only fitting he’d move up as the leading figure for Kaiba Land when he’s old enough and ready. He takes the position very seriously, more so than anything he’s ever done. This is his and Seto’s dream. He can’t mess it up.
Such a change in role might require either frequent business trips overseas or relocation altogether, depending on things (anime or manga storyline, other plotting details, etc.). Whatever the case may be, I imagine in his role he’d be a very hands on figure. He’d want to oversee every aspect, from the big picture to the finest details. His creativity I can see leading the brand to new places and directions, perhaps even expanding into other related hospitality or destination realms such as cruising. He’d also add more variety of content into the parks with collaborations from other places and IP, such as perhaps collabing with Suzuha on a Buddyfight related attraction.
Mokuba would also definitely still collaborate with his bro or seek his opinion on things. This is still their dream, after all. Being in charge wouldn’t change that for him I think. Besides, if there if one thing Mokuba loves, it’s working with his bro on something they both care about.
Duel Academia Inspector (Anime)
Considering Duel Academia is one of his brother's most important post-anime verse developments, it's only fitting that Mokuba would have a part to play. While he would be too old to attend as a student or too busy / not qualified to be a faculty member, I like to imagine he plays the role of an inspector, coming to the school on occasion to see how things are running and report back to his bro.
He certainly has his own opinions about certain things he sees (like the school having no prom is an outrage) and he’ll make them known to the staff and the students. He’ll even pitch in to incorporate changes if needed. Like the Slifer Red Dorm? He’d so want that to be upgraded.
During these visits Mokuba will also be on the lookout for potential candidates both for KC but also to sponsor for the pro league. He has a good eye for talent so he def takes the chance to try and scout when he can.
Creator of Riding Duels As A Concept (Anime)
It was never stated who was the specific creative mind behind Riding Duels creation. We only know it was Kaiba Corp’s doing. The idea of ‘card games on motorcycles’ seems like something to me a creative genius like Mokuba would come up, combining two types of popular competitive sports (dueling and racing) into one experience.
Do I think it was realized in his lifetime? Probably not since I bet by 5D’s Mokuba is either retired or has passed on. But I do think it’s an idea that he has made and possibly would share with his bro that probably wasn’t fit for the current market but was revisited down the line.
So while he probably didn’t design the mechanics or the way the tech works, I do think the core idea was his that was later expanded upon. Like the image of his big bro riding a motorcycle with Blue-Eyes flying above is something he’d totally imagine and think: “Huh. I could be onto something.”
Family Man / Best Uncle Ever (Anime / Manga)
Now, while I currently do not have any romantic ships for my Mokuba (something I am open to discussing, as I am with romantic ships in general), I am 1000% convinced he will one day find a partner and get married, much more likely than his brother. Whether he would have kids (or adopt a kid) is something I don't know yet (but I say it's more likely than not tbh), but regardless, he'd be the best uncle to both Seto's kids (if he ever had any) or any of his friend's kids. One for sure example is with his friend Gao's two sons: Yuga and Haru. He spoils those kids rotten and does all he can to be there for him. Same would go for any other kids of his friends or brother. He's so family-oriented that this makes natural sense for him.
So if you all got any next gen YGO babies (like the lovely @aorigashi, who Mokuba adores already just from our plotting sessions ), throw them at Mokuba cause this man was built to be an uncle, okay.
Bonus: CEO of Kaiba Corp (Manga mainly but could be for anime)
This is a future possibility I’ll tell you all Mokuba doesn’t want (he was not happy I decided to put this on this post I'm just saying). He wouldn’t ever want to take his brother’s position. He knows how much he’s built his life around it and how important it is to him. The only way he’d ever take it is if he had no choice…which would only be one thing really: If Seto died.
If his brother died before his time, such as because of his actions in DSOD for example, he’d of course take the role in his brother’s stead. And by that I mean he’d make it his whole life. He’d do all he could to be a stand-in for his brother. He would start to talk like him, dress like him, and adopt any of his habits. He would, in this essence, cease being himself, which is a future that I’d argue would be the worst for him out of any possibility. After all, what’s the point of being ‘Mokuba’ without Seto around.
This concept is the basis for an au idea I have, actually, and I’d be down to explore it if anyone’s down despite the angst fest it be.
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cookieofearthbread · 5 months
@milk-and-trickery (White Lily and Blueberry Yogurt)
White Lily had wandered towards the Silver Tree before stopping in front of it and stared at it for awhile as her expression was unreadable and the hero was deep in thought.
Ever since she became the new guardian of the Silver Tree; she's been doing everything she could to learn as much as possible about the power gifted to her by the late faerie king…
Wanting to know everything about it to fill and satisfy the curiosity that plagued her dough.
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That’s when she discovered that she could peek inside of the tree; taking a glance inside of the prison if her heart desired it and with that piece of information discovered.
She couldn’t stop thinking about it as the cookie began to wonder what the prison was like inside of the tree and if it would allow her to take a peek at the other beasts as the only thing she got close was the silhouette paper puppets that the jester used in his play.
Thus, the visit to the Silver Tree to see if she could perform the magic.
She carefully placed her hand on the trunk, feeling the humming sound from the silver tree, before taking a deep breath and closing her eyes to focus. She knew it was dangerous but she just needed to know. Her mind would never rest until she got answers to her questions.
When White Lily opened her eyes; she found herself in what she could only simply describe as a black void and looking down on herself showed that she took on a ghostly appearance as her body was half transparent.
No doubt it was because she wasn’t truly inside the seal.
Regardless, White Lily wandered around to see if there was anything more to the prison instead the black void as surely that wasn’t it and a beast cookie had to be somewhere around even if she wasn’t planning to talk to them.
After all, why should she talk to them, especially Shadow Milk Cookie? Who would no doubt would not be happy to see her in the slightest.
Soon, the ancient hero sensed a presence nearby, causing her to wipe around, her eyes narrowing sharply, prepare to take a defense position, when she saw a glimpse of blue, however her expression shifted to a blank one when instead of the jester’s attic; the cookie was more regal in appearance.
It reminded her of a teacher or a scholar.
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“Who are you?” She asked, her tone firm and her expression returning to the sharpness, and the hero held her staff out to create distance between them, as despite the scholar appearance; the other did resemble the jester’s appearance to a certain degree, which put her on edge.
Was it Shadow Milk Cookie or another cookie?
Although that would beg the question that if this wasn’t Shadow Milk Cookie then who was he?
And why were they in the seal?
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soulsxng · 2 months
◯ Oleander
@arcxnumvitae | Muse Character Sheets | No Longer Accepting!
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Because you specified Oli, I'll also say that in the royalty verse, he's...probably around 22-25!
For strength, the big dot is physical strength, and the little dot is magical strength. Technically as Laisren, that second dot would be in the 3 spot, because Oli's been training a while by that point!
And for the priorities, I know it's kinda obvious, but nothing comes even close to getting revenge for their parents. Love is also really low because they haven't been in love before, but that would absolutely swing to the other side of the spectrum when/if they did (thank that fae extraness, combined with being a romantic from watching their parents together while they were growing up)
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phoenixfiiire · 4 months
happy sinday know that joshua would send your character nudes in modern after you've paid him
in ffvii he'd sadly probably do it for free; he doesn't have a good grasp on exchanging money for goods and services
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visionkept · 4 months
I am obliged to inform you all that in the modern verse Tomo sleeps with H.ELLO K.ITTY BED SHEETS. The reason behind it is simple, they were cheaper than ordinary bed sheets ( half the price and they sure needed to save the money ).
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iiguess · 3 months
character headcanon generator
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And that's a promise.
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radiaking · 3 months
Anyway coop loves being a dad and he is always up for having more.
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fctedivided · 4 months
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Mare's Abyssal form.
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(under the cut due the spoiler-ish content)
Unlike the other witches in her generation, Mare does have the ability to transform into her Abyssal form for a period of time, as its name would suggest, her appearance would change that mirrors the creatures in the deepest abyss of the sea;
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her skin and hair becomes much paler, gaining sharp teeth, having her slit eyes with a faint icy blue glow, having webbed hands, feet and ears, blue mermaid-like scales and spikes scattering all around her body and face, fins also sprouting from her body, and lastly gaining a sea serpent-like tail. Some of the features resembles of her familiar, Leviathan.
Also in this form, her personality would take a drastic change, her friendly and optimistic demeanor is replaced with a more cold and merciless side, though fortunately to her enemies only. At best, she would be mostly apathetic. But the most important part, is that she wouldn't be herself as she isn't in control.
Overall, Mare currently doesn't know anything about the origins about her transformation, nor could she use it at will, only to be triggered by emotional stress. This revelation also hints that she could be more than a mere witch.
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distopea · 2 months
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NAME — Gabriele Vasco, born in Trapani, a little sea town in Sicily (southern part of Italy)
PROFESSION — A police lieutenant, and investigator.
WHERE THEY CAN BE FOUND — In his office right in the morning, grabbing a lunch in a park at noon, patrolling the city during the afternoon, sometimes evening, and then either at his place or having a drink in a pub at night, or watching a movie at the local theater.
FAVORITE FOOD TYPE — Mediterranean food mostly, a big fan of his native country's cuisine.
FAVORITE ALCOHOIC DRINK — Red Wine, doesn't like strong alcohol too much.
WHERE THEY WOULD GO ON A DATE — Somewhere not too crowded, but he'd rather like taking a stroll somewhere, buying some ice creams on the go, chatting and observing nature. Gabriele doesn't really enjoy sitting at a table to have a conversation ; he would be distracted by the crowd surrounding him.
IDEAL GIFT — Small and meaningful, something which means something for the two of them.
HOW MANY DATES UNTIL THEY KISS — Perhaps three to four dates, if he feels the attraction blooming on the long run. He's not very much into flings, but it can happen. If he enjoys someone, he prefers to be patient and be sure he wants them to be involved in his chaotic life.
tagged by: @nezumivc103221 (thank you lovely fawn 🖤) tagging: @cantuscorvi (give me young verse Raum) @nvrcmplt (Tzvult!) - @royaletiquette (King Hibiya) - @badheart (Jiro!) - @avaere (Jackson!) - @sansloii (Mikah!) and whoever wishes to do it of course
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universestreasures · 5 months
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Mokuba Kaiba (Teenage / Young Adult)
Going into his teenage years and after a huge growth spurt (he is now 5'6 as opposed to him being 4'7), Mokuba decides to fully change up his style other than just a hair cut and wearing a suit at work. With the help of his fashion bestie Suzuha Amanosuzu, he is now embodying the look of a true gamer, the aspect of himself he hones following the events of DSOD / the end of the original anime's storyline. Not only does it feature his signature picture locket, he is also now sporting a purple shoulder cape, blue vest with a golden KC for a button, golden KC earings and light purple eyeshadow, a black and white collared shirt, black gloves, white and black sneakers, and a white belt with a hanging Level 5 capsule.
Art By: My Wonderful Boyfriend @throneofein <3
Coloring / Character Design By: Me.
Note: Please do not reblog or repost this art, or use this design! This design was made by me for my Mokuba specifically for my own use, and this art was posted with permission by the original artist!
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respondedinkind · 8 months
~ Character Info Sheet (MAIN VERSE)
name: Khan Noonien Singh
name meaning: Khan, which is more popular as a surname, is a Turkish boy's name meaning "prince". Khan is a shorter form of Khagan, and was originally a historic title given to military chiefs and rulers. Noonien is of Chinese origin and means "gifted one", though it's unclear whether this is accurate or not. Singh is derived from the Sanskrit word सिंह (IAST: siṃha) meaning "lion", and is used in the sense "hero" or "eminent person".
alias/es: John Harrison, created and given to him by Admiral Marcus as a smokescreen to hide his true identity.
ethnicity: Confidential information
one picture you like best of your chara:
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three h/cs you've never told anyone:
During his time under Marcus' command, Khan was not only forced to create powerful weapons and design an entire warship fitting to Marcus' demands, but he was also forced to go through mental as well as physical abuse. Marcus used his crew to control him, threatened Khan to take their lives if he were to disobey; Two of his people died this way, leaving Khan devastated and broken.
Khan is, in fact, not human - this information is confidental, however, and the few papers existing from the time he was risen are locked up somewhere in the archives. Marcus knows, however, with him being of high rank - which is precisely why he wanted to keep and use Khan for his purposes.
During his time as a ruler in between 1992 and 1996, Khan maintained a close relationship to a selected few of his following (mostly males, with a few rare exceptions) - the mentioned relationship included connections of sexual kind, but didn't really turn into romantic love-interests. They all enjoyed each other's company together, as a group, on more than just one occasion.
three things your character likes doing in their free time:
Reading. He enjoys a lot of different genres, prefers the feel of real paper between his fingers, but will also use whatever electronic device is offered to him to entertain himself.
Stargazing. It reminds him of his childhood, back when he'd been risen in the twentieth century; The stars have always fascinated him, perhaps it has to do with his origins.
Cooking. He rarely gets the chance to do so, but Khan enjoys the logical but also creative approach of creating dishes - he's a big fan of the asian as well as indian cuisine.
eight people your character likes / loves: His crew, obviously. Seventy-two people, still within their cryotubes; He would do anything for them, as he knows they would do anything for him in return. He considers them his family, his friends, people he holds most dear.
Besides them, he doesn't keep any close connections at the current time. While residing under Marcus' command, he didn't really care about anyone else, only had the occasional chat with others working at Section 31, but nothing of significant nature.
The rest is entirely thread-dependent; Khan is about to connect to @darehearts, he also feels very close to @sxbaist (in every single Verse) and, besides that, is starting to connect tentatively to a few other muses. (Also very verse-dependent; In his MCU verses he's getting relatively close to @bloodstainedstar and is already deeply in love with @mehrere-musen - in one alien verse he is friends with @noblehcart and in another alien verse he is also deeply in love with @ssolessurvivor)
two things your character regrets:
Having put his people into the torpedoes he'd designed. Back when he'd done it, there hadn't been any other way available for him to try and smuggle them into safety - yet, with how the events unfolded in the end, part of him regrets that he's executed his own plan and, sadly, got discovered in the process, forcing him to leave them behind while escaping alone.
Having put himself as well as his crew into cryotubes to begin with. Back when all of them had been forced into exile, he'd planned for them to sleep a few years while their ship drifted through space, far away from earth, so as to allow them all to resume their lives at another point. That his own cryotube malfunctioned, didn't wake him up within the estimated timespan, he obviously didn't account for; Ten of his friends lost their lives because of that, and, in the end, Marcus found them over two hundred years after the Eugenic Wars had happened, resulting in the whole desaster that followed.
Phobias fears your character has:
The fear of losing someone he loves, either plantonic or romantic. Because of what he's gone through while being held hostage by Marcus, made to witness the death of two of his people caused by the Admiral's hands, Khan ever since experiences the overwhelming fear of being unable to keep someone safe and, therefore, lose them forever. Whoever gets close to him, he intents to protect, and he might become a bit overly protective because of his mentioned fear.
A mild 'fear' of doctors / scientists. It manifests less in actual fear but more in varying stages of discomfort; Because of what he went through as a child as well as under Marcus' command, he's not too fond of being handled by either of them.
tagged by: no one tagging: @bloodstainedstar because I don't think you did this yet. :)
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Thinking about Lucid during this m!a Wrath of the Fallen and realizing just how traumatized he will be after the fact. To be forcibly fallen and halo snapped, severing all connection physically to Heaven, Lucid is gonna be broken. It was not a gradual downfall or trial deeming him fallen, it was instantaneous and out of nowhere for him. It’s like severing literal lifelines and connections to a greater power.
Even when it’s over and his halo magically mends and those lifelines are reinstated back into his being, Lucid will live with that trauma of knowing how it felt. And on top of that, he lost his mind to Wrath. Another thing that did not lead up to, but took over his entire self, drowning him out the whole time as Wrath blindly consumed and rampaged within him.
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