#Headcanons are fun
panicloser · 1 year
Some crying headcanons for DDLC
-Natsuki hates the fact that she cries so easily. It makes her feel so weak and stupid but unfortunately for her it’s often how her body reacts to pain 
-She hates it when people make a big deal about it 
-Used to be good at holding back her tears but ever since she joined the literature club and made friends there, she struggles to 
-Natsuki’s “friends”/ex-friends would always make fun of her for crying over “stupid things” 
-Her Papa has always told her not to cry, but he’s a hypocrite, he secretly cries just as easily 
-A sympathy crier. If she sees someone that she cares about crying, she’ll also start tearing up 
-When she’s sobbing, she wants to be hugged so bad but she can’t ask for it 
-Brags that she never cries over fiction, do not believe her, it is a lie, she has bawled more times than she can count to anime and manga. She’s less likely to in front of others though 
-Mostly cries in private, crying in front of others makes them worry, obviously she wants to avoid that but many of her friends have seen her tear up before 
-When she’s having a very bad day she either can’t stop crying or feels to numb to cry at all 
-Hates the numb feeling more than the crying. At least crying feels therapeutic 
-Knows how to fake cry, can make herself tear up with ease 
-Her real cry is actually very quiet which is convenient for her when she wants to hide in her room and cry 
-Surprisingly isn’t a sympathy crier, she feels the need to stay strong when others are in distress 
-She’s a bit more okay with crying in front of others if it’s over fiction 
-Rarely cries, at least that’s what she has everyone believe 
-She’s remarkably skilled at holding it together when she feels like she might burst into tears. A skill she’s perfected over the years 
-When she’s alone and her stress is building up, she finds it helpful to have a stress cry 
-An ugly crier. Big time. One of the reasons why she refuses to cry in front of others, she finds it horribly embarrassing 
-Sobs over romance novels/movies while saying “that should be me” 
-First time she cried in front of the club no one knew what to do 
-Recovers quickly 
-Gets crying headaches 
-Despite being a very emotional person she rarely cries. Only in her most emotional moments 
-You know she’s really fed up and/or scared when she’s crying over it 
-Although when she does cry it’s never just tearing up it’s always full-on tears streaming down sobbing and it’s impossible to hide it 
-It’s reassuring to know that she won’t cry in front of people if she’s nervous or something like that, so she has one less thing to worry about when interacting with people 
-Sometimes she wishes she could cry more easily so that she would have a healthier coping mechanism 
-Feels like she’s way too loud when she cries 
-Has a cried over a select few pieces of fiction and they’re very special to her 
-Also gets crying headaches 
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lilcookiebugg · 3 months
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Is a Jewel.
Started reading IDW again. And decided to draw her. She so cute.
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🌸 with MK and/or Macaque? :D
Yes. Headcanons you shall receive!
I like MK eating/chewing on hoodie strings (because it seems like something he'd do) but I also think MK skateboards. And I like to think MK can floss his nose with a noodle. (Gross I know)
I like grey-eyed Macaque headcanon but also I like the headcanon that if he didn't have six ears he'd be hella into music and might even join a band.
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kylecrane · 2 years
hiiii, do you think you could do some dad!crane headcanons? (Really just him Aquiring a kid and being like "welp, I'm a dad now") thank you in advance if you do :>>
Alright. So. First of all (I hope you are listening):
I. Am. An. Amazing. Dad.
Yeah, I admit I didn't want kids for a long-ass time. They're a lotta work and my plates are always pretty damn full already, but sometimes you just have that calling you know? And my calling is to dad the shit out rugrats, 'lill punks, and 20-somethings who think they're hot shit already but haven't learned how to not get sucker punched every five minutes.
But anyway. Five Papa Crane facts coming right up.
*holds up a finger* One: No child of mine grows up without a dog.
Two: I'm the dad with the baby sling. I'll be carrying that muchkin around all day if I can get away with it. DISCLAIMER: This only applies to children of the appropriate age, I am not about to strap Aiden to my chest. Okay, so, I may have done that once but that's called tandem paragliding, alright?
Three: Lullabies. They may not all be PG, but there will be lullabies. This applies to children of all ages, whether they like it or not. But we'll call them sea shanties for the big ones.
Four: Every child of mine learns how to deal with bullies and how to not be a bully. The Crane household is a bully-free zone. That goes for any child acquired at any age.
Five: The wife says I have a problem. I keep adopting more. Help.
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theaberrantreport · 2 years
Feel free to claim all of my characters as autistic, or ADHD-ic, or queer, or whatever y'all relate to the most.
Headcanons aren't ruining fandom.
Yes, this is directed at a rando on TikTok I'm mad at. Leave me alone >:(
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tafferling · 2 years
Kyle Crane is the type of guy who’ll apologize if he stepped on a snail by accident.
And then he’ll feel bad at the most inconvinient of times in the middle of the day.
The snail just wanted to snail around god damnit.
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jojoblessed365 · 2 years
Just thinking about what song would ASP use, if she ever scripted Jess and Rory's love scene?
In my head, I would love to hear Blossom Dearie's Lucky to Be Me, or Ronan Keating's All Over Again, or Barbara Streisand's I Finally Found Someone (from The Mirror has Two Faces 1996).
Sound off your thoughts and choices!!!
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nums-bird · 1 year
I know.....I just fucking know that Atsumu's hair after the post time skip is fucking dead.Mans bleached his hair way to much to the point I will actually bet it feels like dried up grass and in contrast to that,Sakusa's hair is silky smooth and he uses leave-in treatment to help his curls be extra curly.Atsumu is absolutely jealous of Sakusa's hair but he doesn't want to have "boring hair"That's it.That's the entire headcanon
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bixiebeet · 2 years
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Thanks @spengnitzed for inspiring and headcanoning this ongoing story! More to come…
Egon was surprised how much Janine loved anything related to the ocean. Some days she’d arrive with a big bag of seashells that she’d string into wind chimes. Other days she’d set up an easel in the store and paint the shoreline in water color. She was also always eager to dine at the beach. Sadly, she always seemed to be in a hurry. If only he knew why…
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khlegacynexus · 7 months
Another Rise head canon Santa exists and he’s a Yokai and Leo has Quoted Bart about Santa at one point Leo: There’s only one fat guy that brings a present in his name ain’t santa
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turtleblogatlast · 11 days
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Leo learns something about himself 🏳️‍⚧️
Based roughly on this old post.
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[Leo is taking the fact that he was born biologically female simultaneously very well and also not so well but overall he’s mostly coping with the fact that it was Draxum that just essentially gave him the turtle equivalent of ‘The Talk’.]
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt leo#rise leo#trans leonardo#trans leo#rottmnt headcanons#turtle art tag#rise draxum#happy pride everyone~#if you’re wondering why there’s no backgrounds that’s because my files got messed up so just blankness in the bg sorry#but yeah!#this is forever and always my fav headcanon for Leo it makes too much sense to me#I wanted to make sure I got it done in time for pride haha#I don’t know if it’s obvious by the end but Draxum ran off because he was for once doing something nice for Leo#that being leading him somewhere else not in front of everyone so Leo can process the fact that he was born female in peace haha#(but he also just - wanted to avoid the ensuing awkward Talk as long as he could lol)#“how would Leo NOT know’’ he had an inkling but never thought much of it because he’s a teenage turtle mutant with no access to healthcare#also yeah that’s splinter’s hand at the end there I just KNOW he’d want those pics#also also - Leo here can technically be trans or even intersex in some way too#both is good#making this made me remember why I never do color#at least for comics#it just takes sooo long#but it was fun and worth it for my fave hc#this is like the first time I’ve drawn Draxum and man he’s kinda hard to draw#also their sizes are just 1 2 and 3 because Draxum had a simple system in place for sizing his subjects#(aka I was too lazy to think of anything else to put there)#also dunno if anyone noticed but look at Raph’s paper and look at his baby’s self’s photo
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rxbin-iii · 7 days
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the Wayne siblings
Batkids (1/2)
Do not re-upload/re-post my work.
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mybuginette · 5 months
i'm obsessed with this shit now
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sorry, in universe social media is my roman empire now
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iiping · 2 months
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what happens in the ruins stays in the ruins 🙈
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kylecrane · 2 years
How would they fare in a zombie apocalypse?
Are they a good kisser?
What do they smell like?
What’s their body count, if they have one?
How would-- How would I fare in a zombie apocalypse?
You know, I think I am doing pretty damn good, all things considered. I got all the prep work out of the way with Harran and do you know the HOURS I logged in L4D before that?
It's many.
Many hours.
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Am I a-
Why, yes. I do like to think I'm an amazing kisser. I got them all down: forehead kisses, nose kisses, we're about to die this is our last chance kisses and everything in between.
What I smell like-
Uh. *lifts an arm, sniffs*
Finely aged and peaty?
Yeah okay, I probably just need a shower.
What is my body count-
I don't know how to answer that one without first getting absolutely shitfaced. It's too high. And I don't like that. Every life has value, either on its own merit or to someone else.
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azure-blaze92 · 11 months
Caleb's thoughts on Halloween? 🎃 👻
I think he would enjoy Halloween, I Hc that the BI has something similar to it and Caleb really enjoys that :)
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