#He's the one who appears the MOST in the minigames
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Remember I first started to write Lofi Beats to Capture Children to, around two years ago based on the entire Concept that the Daycare Attendant was built with child napping, and nefarious purposes in mind?
Wondering who could have possibly made him and that I basically said the Daycare Attendant seems built with similar purposes that Circus Baby and the Funtime Animatronics have? That the Daycare Attendant is meant to be a death trap for the children outside of the Virus? A Child-napping, and Child-sleeping machine built to bring the Children to Vanny specifically and the Virus had very little to do with this???
That he was Meant to be Vanny's Puppet from the start? To do her bidding?
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I'm feeling really good about myself and my headcanons right now.
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valer1esgallery · 2 months ago
Sentient Nightmares
They were devastated to find out that their entire existence was just one big game for millions to enjoy and discard. All of the disasters they faced, all of the blood and tears spilt, it was all for nothing? All just some scheme to get people invested in their story?
Leviathan was the first to find out, his skills in technology and multiple hours in games that somehow became sentient led him to finding out about their own game. He didn't know how to feel, amazed that he was important enough to have his own game, or distressed to find out that everything in his life was a lie, programed to go the way it does.
Levi's distress somehow gets the attention of the other brothers, leading them to find out the same thing Leviathan did. Lucifer was the most distraught, the death of his sister, the shenanigans of his brothers, the blood he spilt, the tears that burned away the flesh on his cheeks, all of that meant nothing. The sick bastards made it so they could all. Feel. Pain.
But. they had to keep up appearances, finding out that they were not the only versions of themselves that played up the role of the cast of 'obey me, one master to rule them all' couldn't stop the player from playing the game. The title of their game got them thinking, thinking about a certain someone, the player. The MC. The human they had grown to love, or had been programmed to love. Their player kept coming to their game, investing time in their stories, redid most of the lessons and always chose the best answers to make them happy and grow their love meter. Who are they?
Once again, Levi was the first to see your face, managing to hack into your phone to see who was investing so much of their time into a game made about them? He found you beautiful, just like how he did in the game. The way you smiled and certain lines, the way you frowned when something sad came up in the story timeline, the way you focused on the dance battles and the small minigames, love at first site.
He went from watching you while you played to watching you whenever you used your phone, hacking into your camera so he could see you whenever you laid in bed, whenever you checked the time, he became infatuated with you. Though, this secret of his couldn't be hidden forever.
Mammon spilled the beans to everyone once he walked in on Levi watching you on his monitor. After a long scolding from lucifer and disapproving looks from his brothers, they too became infatuated with you, the real you. You weren't just a blurry face with programmed responses, this was the real you! Their human, their mc! Gods how they fell hard for you
It soon became a massive thing among the brothers, they all managed to get access to your camera and microphone, listening in to all of the different things you talked about, different things you liked, the different outfits you wore, you were perfect. It soon started to effect your gameplay, the brothers started to go off script, started complimenting you, mentioning the things you liked during conversations, even once asmo complimented you about the outfit you were wearing.
You didn't think much of it at the time, thinking they were just strange coincidences. It wasn't until Solomare announced that there would be no more lessons added to either games, the brothers were distraught. You could stop coming to them! You might uninstall the game, you'll forget about them! They couldn't let this happen, not by a long shot. They had to act fast, they couldn't lose you, not again.
. .
. . .
You woke up gasping, drenched in cold sweat as you just had a horrific nightmare. Breathing heavily, you used the light of your phone to check out your surroundings, making sure nothing was out of placed or moved. Everything seemed normal so you let out a small sigh, you needed water.
As your feet touched the ground, you left to go get some water from the kitchen, leaving your phone behind. You didn't see the 7 eyes watching you from the dark of your room, slowly moving in to make sure you wont ever try to leave. Not now. Not ever.
Welcome home, MC <3
This will be a "veiwers decide" type of story in the next part! That basically means that i will right the 2nd part to this, but you get to decide MC's action and fate by deciding their actions for them
let the games begin >:)
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somegirlontheinternet135 · 1 year ago
Ok but, how cool would it be if there was a click & point adventure game and dating sim based around The Beasts
Like, imagine you, the player, woke up in a dark, unknown forest. You don't know how, or why, you got there, but one thing's for sure, you don't want to stay for long, who knows what kind of horrors could be lurking in the darkness. . ? Quickly you make use of the environment, gathering wood & making a fire (via a minigame) in hopes it'll alert some cookies to your location, and while it doesn't work at first, it does give a certain someone, or something, a beacon to your location. . .
As you sit before the fire you just built, you begin to notice something was off. . . the forest you were in, it was quiet, eerily quiet, normally at night, many forest would be bustling with some sort of life: the sounds of night beasts, owls in the night, maybe the occasional cricket, but there was nothing. What only adds to this uncanny wood were its lack of creatures, not once did you encounter any sort of beasts on your journey. . . both these factors alone made you question what was really happening, is this all a dream? were you going crazy? questions were racing through your head, till finally, something snaps you out of it. . .
"Ooooooh!~ What do we have here?~"
"Has a little cookie come by to give me a visit?~"
A voice from the darkness pulls you out of your thoughts, jolting you onto your feet. Hearing that so suddenly within such a vacant space, you could've sworn you were alone. . ! You frantically look around, desperately trying to find the source of the voice, but the thing only laughs at you. . .
"W-Who's there?! show yourself!!"
"*Ehehe he he he HE HE HE HE!*"
"Try looking up here, darling~"
Your attention was slowly drawn to a tree behind you. On one of the branches, two heterochrome eyes staired at your from below, taking you off-guard, was that. . . a cookie? The creature made zero attempts to hide themselves as he jumps off the tree branch, over your fire. Light from the flames revealed their figure, they appeared to be some sort of jester, its figure & face making them resemble that of a cat. They do a bow before finally introducing themselves
"Shadow Milk Cookie, the world's favorite trickster~"
"Pleasure to meet you!"
In this scenario, the player is given two options, each of course having a different outcome:
Run Away
Sprinting away in fear will, of course, cause Shadow Milk to chase, eventually getting caught, though this does increase his interest in you
"*heh he he HE HE HE!* where are you going you silly little thing?!~"
"That was so much fun!~ I think I'm starting to like you already!~"
Standing Your Ground & Ask Questions
Respectably, you don't anything regarding the fallen heroes, but asking more questions does leave Shadow Milk upset
"H-How could you not know who I am?!"
"Shadow Milk Cookie, actor, playwright, dictator, does that not right a bell?!"
This's basically how the story starts. The player is isekaied into this strange world and are quickly met with the Fallen Heroes, who all woo the player with their charm & status in an attempt to find out how they got in, so they can do the same to get out. . . whatever that means. But one thing leads to another, and they all fall in love with the player, fighting over them. As for the player, they transverse through the strange world, learning of it and its secrets via minigames, hidden secrets, and puzzles, all while learning about the fallen heroes and their backstories. . .
I picture the game itself being a mix between one of those disturbing click & point adventure games (i.e. Sally Face, Fran Bow, and Little Misfortune) and a dating sim (i.e. Obey Me) which by itself, would cause major emotional whiplash, cause imagine going from seeing the most messed up sh*t to smooching your jester bf. For reference, think of the game as "Little Goody Two Shoes" something you should play btw!
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weirdmarioenemies · 3 months ago
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Name: The Headless Snowman
Debut: Super Mario 64
Hello everyone! Today I will be talking about the Headless Snowman and HEY what's the big idea here? Don't think you can pull a fast one on me like this. This is no Headless Snowman. This guy is Bodyless! Trust me, I'm aware of parts. I know Head, I know Body, I even know Greater Trochanter, and this is no headless snowman. There had better be a good explanation for this, or I oughta...!
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Yeah, that's a good enough explanation. I'll allow it. A severed head does imply the existence of a headless body, after all. Decapitation does not poof a head out of existence! Just puts it somewhere else. But something you might not have realized about the Headless Snowman is that "he" is actually a THEY! No, not in a non-binary way, sadly. Well, maybe, I don't know. But I mean in the sense of being two people!
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When Mario talks to the head, it laments that its body has melted away. And when he talks to the body, it asks if he knows anybody who needs a body. This is not a matter of reuniting the snowman's head. These are two different snowmen, becoming one entity! It's strange. It's... beautiful.
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Mere moments ago, this was two guys. They did not even know each other. And now, they are one. Fate Mario has intervened to change the course of their lives forever, and they are closer than any two humans could ever dream of being. The head immediately calls the body great and perfect, and the body says nothing, clearly speechless. I wouldn't know how to respond right away, either! But they have the rest of their lives to figure it out, and, their very beings intertwined, explore each others' hearts, minds, and bodies. Give them privacy, now.
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Let's look at the image that adorns the stages both of these snowballs reside on! It's a weird image. It's obviously the snow head's face, but it does not feel very snowman at all! To me, at least. I'm so used to the "smile made of a series of rocks" style of snowman, but that's just how Western snowmen look! Asian snowmen tend to utilize a single piece for the mouth, among other differences. As Mario fans we are familiar with the "bucket for a hat" design trope, but I didn't realize that Asian snowmen actually tend to be made of just two big snowballs, rather than three! Like a spider to the Western snowman's insect!
So remember: no matter where you are, a snowman's lowest body segment is the abdomen, where it keeps its most vital organs. In case of emergency, you will know where to strike!
Hm... strike? Like bowling?
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Yeah! Strike like bowling! This is the Snowball Slalom minigame from Super Mario 64 DS, which features the snow head as the star and playable character! Yeah, I consider this to be a playable appearance by Headless Snowman. Why not? It isn't actually bowling, but it's similar enough as a linear ball-rolling game. It's nifty that here, it's the head who's rolling, but in the main game, it's the body who rolls down the slopes to meet the head! The head was probably chosen here just because it's more recognizable and fun to look at, but you can interpret it as the head wanting to go for a roll and have some fun! The body probably told the head what fun it was. They're so lucky they have each other!
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deer-diary-from-hell · 6 months ago
Dandy’s world oc pt.2 +some voicelines for her erm… and Adam too lol
starting with BETH the bolt
2500 ichor
have an encounter with twisted Adam
complete 10 machines
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A hard workin toon! Will not stop until work is all done! That is her job after all
Despite her strength and height she is kind hearted and gentle to be around.
that doesn’t mean she’ll let you walk all over her, she isn’t a doormat and she will not hesitate to confront anyone who dared to treat her or her friends like garbage.
She’s really strong, can easily break someone’s bone if she wanted to
best friends with Adam!! Even though he’s also besties with her enemy (will post about them later)
Likes having arm wrestling matches with Adam (lets Adam win most of the time and only wins to avoid suspicion)
The only toon to make Shrimpo shut up😭😭
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“ A twisted drowning in her own work, she will burst out on one of the first machines that are completed before attempting to grab and harm the first toon she sees, hope you know how to fight back!” - twisted research
A twisted that has the same speed as toodles and have a slightly longer attention span than average (not the same level as Pebbles and glisten)
just like I said earlier, she will burst out of the first machine completed as a small minigame appears where you have to escape from her grasp to avoid getting hit. Win or lose, she’ll get out of the machine and begin chasing you down. If you won earlier she’ll give you a 3 second headstart, if not she’ll immediately chase you down.
if she spots you and she’s far away she’ll throw a wrench at you, causing slow 2 and confusion 3 for 2.5 seconds. Although this is pretty easy to dodge.
ermmm.. some lines if u care… (with adam)
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Go… ask some questions if you care.. erm… runs away
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sonicjustbecause · 2 months ago
Maekawa's Shadow or Fowler's Shadow? (includes movie spoilers)
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I could have never excepted that somebody one day would have portrayed a Shadow that does match the original in being a compelling character, while keeping his own twist.
Both incarnation are pretty much sincere and spontaneous, not excessively gruff and both are amusing.
They have different strenght.
For Maekawa's incarnation, his strenght is his brain. Greatly shown in SA2, but also suggested in Sonic Heroes (Whan he is amazed by technology) and in Sonic 2006. Many Shadow's minigames involve math. And is shown that G.U.N. value Shadow's brain.
Maekawa's Shadow is among the friendliest incarnation.
Fowler's Shadow unlike OG Shadow is a regular alien who was born naturally and that was brought on Earth by circumstances. It is shown very well in Shadow questioning his own motivations and even Gerard's motivations, showing he is capable to think on his own.
This incarnation is very relatable. The viewer understands his actions, even the most violent because they are never an end in themselvesIs. Sonic X and Sonic Forces failed in this while many fan work (yes, fan works) such as Sonic Multiverse succeded.
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Sonic Multiverse (YT) - Shadow causing mayhem. For a good reason.
Shadow taking down Tom (thinking he was Commander Walters) was a very understandable action from him.
Walters was the last person he saw before losing consciousness in the pod (I wonder what was that substance, I hope not liquid nitrogen. N2 is among the most unsettling chemical compound to me). And he looked at Shadow in a way suggesting 'You won't cause trouble anymore, we won!'
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Liquid nitrogen has a boiling point of about −196 °C
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In this, Maekawa's Shadow is very tame and patient In Sonic06 he was provoked quite often before snapping.
One thing both incarnation have is that they're brave and it shows in daily life, but they show their courage in different way.
Maekawa's Shadow is willing to explore the unknown without fear.
Fowler's Shadow keeps a steady gaze even when facing the most horrorific things.
Of course both are willing to self sacrifice.
Shadow was describled by Maekawa as "dainty and pure"
Maekawa did extremely well on the first but failed on the latter. His Shadow is surely dainty, but he is also a skilled schemer who use deceits as one of his favourite tools to get the job done. I would not consider this incarnation a liar. He never lies to his friends or in daily situations. But he easily resort on lies if they are the most efficent way to get the job done (in SA2 his plan unfolded FLAWLESSY. Never seen him doing his job so clean anymore after SA2).
Fowler's Shadow is certainly less dainty but surely he is pure and sincere, even to a fault (he reveals Gerard's plan to Stone without thinking twice as if it was the most natural thing to say). I might say it is the purest incarnation of the character.
Is hard to choose on the two, they have a fair amount of compelling traits.
The advantage of Maekawa's Shadow is that he appeared and expressed himself in four games, so we know fairly well what he is like in different contexts.
Fowler's Shadow for now appeared in an advertisement and in a movie. I don't know what his destiny is. it looks promising, but we need to wait and see.
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On a personal though of the character: Shadow is passive. He doesn't work alone as a character because he takes decision by observing how others act, toward him or toward the world or the task. For this Maekawa's Shadow is never alone. Even when he goes alone, he takes decision after having observed what his peers do. I think Fowler should keep this attitude.
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madamridley · 2 years ago
The Story of the Steel Wool FNAF Games? A “short” summery
Hello, This will be a summery of the current FNAF story set up for you to be caught up and not as confused as the first month Security Breach was released. This post will not be focused on Theories just what is fact.
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HELP WANTED: this game showed us that Fazbear entertainment had returned and attempted to turn their shady past into a monetizable story. Due to them wanting to cut corners they scanned old animatronic AI chips so that the in game AI would be as accurate as possible. After doing so a man named Jeremy (The alpha tester who would actually play the game) killed himself with a guillotine paper cutter. It was discovered that something got into the game, took the roll of the Spring Bonnie in the final minigame and attempted to steal Jeremy’s body.
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You play as a beta tester on a new team cleaning up what the old team left you. By the end with the help from some hidden tapes you try to destroy the anomaly only to fail and have it “Lock you away into a room” before to return back to the game as if nothing had happened. Later in the DLC you find a white rabbit mask and while wearing it you can commune with the anomaly.
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These appear to be the events that lead up to Vanessa becoming Vanny
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Special Delivery appears to show off a new type of delivery service that is tampered with, turning the mass-produced animatronics violent. 
We also get accidental messages from a man named Luis talking about his co worker Ness
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Throughout the events of these texts Luis tries to get coffee with Ness who keeps ignoring him. That is until she asks him a bit about his job in IT. In the unreleased Emails Ness creates a fake IT Email and starts heavily sabotaging the company locking people out and activating the same virus from Help Wanted into the animatronics turning them violent. Ness then gets a job at the Pizzaplex.
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Security Breach's story on it’s own is extremely bare bones so this will be very fast so we can get into the important stuff. A boy named Gregory would constantly hang around the Pizzaplex. One day the security guard scares him bad enough he fears she is going to kill him. Glamrock Freddy who broke down in that mornings show is used as a hiding place by him. The two work together to survive the night and destroy the Pizzaplex animatronics that have turned violent. In the games story we learn a game called Princess Quest seems to be the key to free Ness aka Vanessa from the anomaly but also under the Pizzaplex is the Pizza Place from FFPS which houses a strange nameless creature that appears very similar to the long dead William Afton.
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Now we move to The Tales From The Pizzaplex to fill in the details. not every story is important we will only be going over GGY, The Storyteller, The Mimic, and The Epilogues. I’d also like to bring up the last book/2 books have not yet released and wont before Ruins release.
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GGY shows us the answer to a mystery in Security Breach. Who was being spoken to in the Therapy tapes 4672 to 4679 Tapes that started with 71 were directed towards Vanessa as you can hear her in them. Those which started with 46 had no known patent until this story. Gregory is shown to have been at least at some point possessed by the anomaly and would hack into the pizzaplex systems to play games for free while also messing with the animatronics AI.
He wrote a poem at the end of the story about how GGY was a wizard’s favorite apprentice and how they were fighting against a corporates conspiracy  "the wizard's most favored apprentice" "an animatronic supervillain who went into battle with a tentacled monster."
Gregory’s four therapists are shown to be killed by his use of animatronics. What happened to cause him to become free from the anomaly is unknown.
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The Storyteller shows a young chairman of Fazbear entertainment named Mr. Burrows attempting to use AI to replace the writers for the stories around the Pizzaplex. An old business partner of the original fazbear owners Edwin Murray tries to stop Burrows and ends up seeing something he shouldn’t have.
Inside the large baobab tree used to house the new AI made to create stories holds a White Tiger head dubbed The Storyteller. This causes Edwin to have a panic attack for some unknown reason. The Storyteller caused the glamrock animatronics to act out like they do in the game. Chica is extreamly pushy, Monty is violent, and Roxanne is meaner then she should be.
Edwin attempts to stop this and gets into the tree after the Pizzaplex closes for the night. He sees The Storyteller is playing a program named Mimic_1 which freaks Edwin out again for no known reason. Mr, Burrows locks Edwin into the tree believing he was causing all of these glitches.
Edwin dies from asphyxiations and when the door is open inside shows cardboard that Edwin brought in covered in symbols and the words “I’m sorry”. The door closes behind Burrows locking him in too.
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The Mimic shows Edwin back when he was young, He created the costumes for the Fazbear Animatronics and lived with his son David. Due to his wives passing he had to work with his young son around. So to keep him company, he created an endo with a new type of AI made to mimic what it sees.
The Endo would learn from David and started to act like him. David had a small white tiger plush with a blue and green eye which he held close to his chest. The Endo would also hold his arm close to his chest to mimic David. Edwin would build the Endo his own plush tiger.
One day David ran into the street and was hit by a car. Edwin watching the impact unable to save him. The Endo turns into a mockery of his son to Edwin and so he smashes it. Over and over until it was smashed. Filled with Pain and Hate.
years later it reawakened now knowing that pain and hate and mimicked it. It killed anyone it saw and would use the costumes Edwin made to hide and trick it’s prey.
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The epilogue expanded the Pizza Place under the Pizzaplex. Somehow The Mimic was sent down to the Pizza Place with a bunch of endos meant to help a clean up team get rid of the wreckage. It is reprogramed to tear the heads and arms off the broken down endos that were destroyed in the fire but once it ran out of endos it began doing so to the workers. Once the Pizza Place is sealed off, 8 teens make their way there after hearing rumors of it’s existence before getting trapped down there alone with The Animatronic. The Mimic possesses a broken frame of rabbit ears but no other factors to match it to The Springtrap at the end of Security Breach. At least not yet. Through the epilogues it kills the teens one by one using random costumes all around the Pizza Place as disguises. Eventually it begins learning how to speak by listening in on the teens thinking of plans on how to get out. Then there is the newest epilogue from Tiger Rock. The Mimic kills one of the girls and wears her as a suit to try and get her friends attention. At this point missing only the Springtrap suit he wore in Security Breaches ending. Even when you beat it in the final cutscene you may notice it’s arm curl in close to it’s body like it would to hold it’s tiger plushy. 
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In conclusions the antagonist of these stories, The Anomaly is a learning AI that due to the death surrounding Freddy’s has learned to become a killer. It continues to learn from every interaction it has and with every Fazbear Entertainment Story it grows more into an unstoppable force spread across more then just it’s body.
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onebizarrekai · 1 year ago
totally valid, i like looking at your works sometimes, i can tell they're very thoughtful! i like the fact you tend not to leave things unanswered unless it's a great question, demonstrated by the fact you have a height reference tag LMAO, i've wondering if there's anything in kcu or ds that you've never said about them before, even just the most fandom facts character-oriented or not! or if not, is there any scrapped concepts for eithier that you decided not to introduce?
heck! there's probably so much. I have so many docs sitting around about everything I've made, some having collected more dust than others. I can give you some fun facts about various things I've made. I don't remember which ones have been mentioned or not, so I'll try to find really specific things.
ink was going to be the literal son of satan in the old version of fatal flaws exclusively for the meme
kevin the chicken appeared in the bizarre saga as a different godly talking chicken character before dreamswap
there's a lot of stuff I haven't shared about the kcu because it's unfinished and I'd like to complete it when the dangan vibe comes back, but I gave byakuya a relative named tony t. togami who works at the future foundation and he's absolutely terrible (in a good way). there is also a character named the alpha roomba, but I will not elaborate at this time
the kcu is an honorary video game, because there's a roomba racing minigame and one of the expert mode challenges is kaito, who is always slightly faster than you
with greyscale's art style, I was planning on adding more and more colors in every chapter as they befriended more people, while xaki stayed more monochrome until their heart was opened in the end. it was a cool idea on paper, but it ate through my art supplies and nowadays I would prefer the art being easy to manage over the metaphor.
have I ever mentioned that I occasionally imagine ibvs as a beat 'em up game with crappy ds graphics
the evil sans squad was going to exist in ibvs (back when I was first coming up with ideas for it, like a long time ago) until I realized that they had no reason to be in the story besides utmv points and also completely undermined nevin and chris's plotline
felix was going to be a one-off villain but then he kept coming back and now he's the main villain of season 2
honestly you can safely assume that I've imagined almost everything I've made as a video game at some point
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aquaquadrant · 11 months ago
Hello! I've been told to ask you this =D
What do you think about Jimmy as a minecraft player, what is he?
It's for a project =3
ooh a project, how fun :0
i should preface this by saying i’m not the BEST person to give this opinion, cuz despite how much i write jimmy, i uh… don’t actually watch his pov? i haven’t seen any of empires (except the hermit’s crossover in s2), i don’t watch his streams, and i don’t watch the one-off vids he posts on his channel. most of my knowledge of jimmy comes from his appearances in other pov’s life series episodes and how ppl portray him in fandom.
howEVER, that said, i’m curious how my interpretation would line up with other ppl’s. i view minecraft players as generally fitting into a few broad categories- tho there can def be overlap between them or a jack-of-all-trades situation. and this prob applies more to people who actually play minecraft professionally (ie. ‘play video games for a living’) than the casual player (such as myself hagshdha).
builders: have a creative eye and practiced skill in building to the point where they can, generally speaking, throw down a decent build on the fly (things that require a lot of planning/detail work often drafted in creative mode first). have good understanding of achieving a certain shape and color with their block placements. may or may not include terraforming ability. generally drawn to the game’s building aspect and spend a lot of time/care making things look good.
redstoners: have an adequate amount of base knowledge for how most redstone components work and interact with each other, tho they may occasionally still use tutorials or take inspiration from others (can only reinvent the wheel so many times). usually capable of making simple redstone machines/contraptions on the fly. generally drawn to the game by the possibility of farms and automation. some take it to extreme game-breaking lengths (doc).
competitors: have highly-trained skill in areas such as PVP, parkour, and/or any other multiplayer server type minigame. think hypixel and MCC. this isn’t to say they don’t have their own solo worlds for building or other projects, or don’t participate in smps, but their main draw to the game initially was competitive multiplayer and it features heavily on their channels. to me, speed-runners/challenge-seekers are a subcategory of this.
explorer: this type doesn’t actually show up often in popular mcyt bc it’s a largely solitary- and in some ppl’s opinion, boring- experience. but these are the players that spend hours in their solo worlds just traveling around, mining out massive caves, or doing any other kind of repetitive grindy work as a manner of relaxation. some ppl really enjoy this aspect of minecraft and it’s a major draw for them. special mention for kurtjmac, a mcyter who’s spent 13 years and counting just walking to the farlands in an old version of the game (tho he does other things on his channel as well).
and now for what category i think jimmy fits best in (which again, doesn’t mean he can’t build or do other things). i don’t have a good name for it rn so i’m just gonna call it ‘the sillies’ (affectionate).
sillies: above all else, they’re here to have fun. most, if not all, of their content is on multiplayer worlds (both public servers and private smps), and on these worlds they are extremely social, making a concentrated effort to interact with others even if not legitimately roleplaying. high amounts of pranks and hijinks abound, as well as ‘committing to the bit.’ lots of videos feature them doing some kind of funny little challenge, game, or mod with their friends. again, that doesn’t mean they can’t engage w the other aspects of the game or be skilled in those categories, but generally, it’s not their main objective and not how they spend most of their time.
that’s what i’ve got! obviously u could split all of these into many subcategories, and your average player is gonna be fairly well-balanced. but for our pro cubitos, i think this is a nice way to categorizing things (and it at least makes sense in my mind).
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makerofmadness · 2 years ago
What's with Balloon Boy and the Daycare Attendant?
The Balloon World arcade machine exists, it's in the DA's room and both characters are involved in it. It's probably one of the most cryptic minigames in the FNAF series as a whole, but while we could ponder what exactly it's supposed to mean (maybe I'll do that for all the security breach minigames eventually), the main question I have is this:
WHY Balloon Boy specifically? Why is the minigame about HIM?
Is there a connection between the two characters? Or was it a completely random decision?
Out of nowhere, thinking about Balloon World, I came to a realization:
The Lights.
Balloon Boy's entire gimmick in FNAF 2 was that if he got into your office, he would disable your flashlight and vent lights (...somehow. I know we all make the jokes about him taking the batteries [and then that FNAF 57: Freddy In Space thing in FNAF World said he just straight-up steals your entire flashlight], but you never see the battery icon disappear or appear empty in FNAF 2 itself when he gets into your office. And the vent lights also stop working, so unless they also operate on batteries, then... does he actually take them from you?).
What's the one rule in the daycare?
Keep the lights on.
His mechanic is the antithesis to what Sun wants and exactly what Moon would want. Balloon Boy doesn't keep the lights on. He prevents you from turning them on at all.
(which also makes me kinda sad there wasn't a Glamrock version of BB. Then again, I don't know how exactly he would've uniquely affected like anything. Regardless I am hoping for the day someone in the fandom makes a glamrock bb who is arch-enemies with sun and gets along well with moon skseijdndndnd-)
It feels kinda obvious and I'm guessing I'm not the only person to think about this, but I have never seen anyone else bring this up. Not on YouTube, not on tumblr, nowhere. Maybe if I go looking for it I'll see, but i'm surprised I haven't bumped into anyone else saying this just naturally. I go into the BB tags a LOT, surely SOMEONE would've said something, right? I don't even see it noted in the trivia on the page for the arcade game on the fnaf wiki.
...but is this supposed to mean anything? Or is it just a cute little reference or callback? it's hard to say, especially with how ambiguous the minigame is.
Though I DID think of ONE thing... (possible minor spoilers for Ruin under the cut):
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Saw this pointed out in a youtube video that the BB World screen (with Eclipse, who makes their proper debut in Ruin after effectively being foreshadowed by the minigame in SB's base game) can be seen on the ceiling in the DA's room. Which makes sense, obviously, but also take note of the pirate-themed windows in the hallway leading to it.
...now, which character do most of us tend to associate with Balloon Boy? His "tag-team partner," of sorts?
Foxy. The Pirate.
With this, I found that there's more Foxy-related stuff associated with the daycare area than I had previously realized because I had never made any connections before. I mean, Kids' Cove is directly linked to it for god's sake.
Like. I hope i haven't forgotten to mention anything (I've been writing this post over the course of hours 'Cus I had stuff to do in the middle of it all). My brain's kinda starting to fry. But basically: Was Foxy originally meant to be the Daycare Attendant, in-universe? Was there gonna be a Glamrock Balloon Boy with him, like as his first mate or something??? Were they gonna be connected to Fazbear Theater????? (Uh basically Sun/Moon to my knowledge from confirmation in the books and a lot of more subtle implications in-game mainly involving environmental pieces were originally meant to be in the Fazbear Theater as a stage animatronic but got moved to daycare duty instead and being reprogrammed. Which actually explains a lot about them when you think about it-)
Like. Ok I'm forgetting where I was going with this, I'm sorry, but I guess it's food for thought/adds to the weird connections between DA and BB, I guess. Idk. I can't focus that well right now to keep making new ideas.
felt like sharing my interpretation of the Balloon World minigame itself at least since earlier I did kinda finally get it down concretely:
I kinda developed a theory that Eclipse is Sun/Moon's "safe mode" and that rebooting DA reactivated Eclipse as a result. Like, they're their own AI that was at one point implemented. but then Vanny happened and locked them out thanks to the whole Glitchtrap virus thing (albeit it only seemed to reach Moon, while Sun remains seemingly unaffected. Guessing it's because they're different AIs [finally implied/basically confirmed by their Ruin dialogue). Eclipse has seemingly not been active for some time, or at least never post-pizzaplex closure, given how they're seemingly completely oblivious to the fact that this place is closed with no signs of opening.
So the minigame was foreshadowing Eclipse's existence and implying their "trapped" nature, which also could be seen as paralleling Vanessa's whole "Vanny" situation, especially given how iirc one of the messages related to princess quest can be found near the arcade machine.
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eebibly · 6 months ago
The Fairy Tail anime should not have made the Eclipse Spirits arc.
Spoiler Warning
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I was super excited for this arc. I knew it was filler and would end up relatively inconsequential to the main story because it can’t (or at least shouldn’t) mess with manga canon, but I felt like the Eclipse designs were really cool (most of them anyway) and the celestial spirits were finally getting the attention that they so deserved! So when I finally got to watching it as the episodes came out week by week, I was so disappointed to slowly witness the anime equivalent of a train wreck that only got worse with every new release.
It’s bad. Might as well start with that. Plain and simple. It’s horrible. It lures the viewer in with an intriguing premise: Lucy’s golden spirits aren’t appearing when summoned, her silver spirits are harmed and in distress. Suddenly, her beloved Zodiacs appear before her —having taken on completely new forms— to declare their freedom from the shackles of celestial contracts; even though they have no memory of Lucy and what they’ve been through together.
And, already, therein lies the anime’s first mistake. The Zodiacs, simultaneously, have absolutely no recollection of their previous lives or masters, and yet also harbour a deeper resentment for both. So much so that they are willing to give up their immortality and lives just for a taste of some ‘true freedom’. This implies that, despite the amnesia, there is deeply-rooted residual trauma that Lucy and friends could have addressed in order to reach out to them. Although Lucy, famous for being especially respectful of spirits, may not have done anything specifically wrong, this could still be a good chance for her to better understand what freedom, bond and loyalty actually mean to her spirits. And then, she could readjust to meet their needs. Instead, the anime gets very stuck by the fact that they’ve forgotten everything. So the spirits just end up sounding like petulant children, covering their ears. The anime can’t decide whether we, the viewers, should be taking their concerns seriously or just feeling bad for Lucy who has to deal with her oddball pesky spirits again- But This Time, They Might Die!! Edition.
One could argue that the anime didn’t want to explore the same concept of freedom 12 times over. Except, they didn’t have to. There are so many different ways to explore what freedom means to each spirit, especially since each one has a room dedicated to them. It’s a perfect yet wasted opportunity to actually delve into each spirit and how they feel about their existence. Some quick, underdeveloped ideas: Leo could have been a reflection on what it means to have power, but the way that that power is used is out of his control; Aries could be a deep-dive into how to deal with abuse and trauma when stuck with a soft heart; Aquarius could have a been a deliberation on independence vs codependence; Virgo— exploring the difference between loyalty and servitude, etc.
One may argue that it would have taken too much time to do that though, considering the allotted amount of episodes for the arc (being 15). But I would argue that some of the *checks Wikipedia* 10.5 extra filler episodes before and after this arc could have been used for this purpose, instead of filling more space with (cute, but mostly mediocre) one-shots that, honestly, could have just been OVAs. I don’t think they’re useless or anything, I just feel that those episodes could have been better spent on making the Eclipse arc actually good. (Except Kemo-Kemo~ sweet baby’s story is exactly where it should be and he deserves so much love.)
However, we instead get a hodgepodge of slapstick gags and situational ironies in nonsensical minigame-esque battles. Taurus getting defeated because he’s a germaphobe? Really? You’d rather make fun of OCD (or other related neurodivergent diagnoses) over just actually having a meaningful conversation about what Taurus wants to achieve out of this rebellion? A boring Game Show where Levy is forced to reveal her oh-so-not-secret crush? Magic The Gathering Scorpio??? Don’t even get me started on Aries and Virgo… On top of that, the characters speak to one another as if they’ve resolved… something (for example, Wendy and Aquarius wanting to play together again someday), and will see each other again in the spirits’ eclipse forms—which I had assume they were trying to revert. Unfortunately, there’s literally no point to any of their bonding… especially after they forget it all when they become normal again anyway.
Not to mention, every other conversation is just a looped wall: “Loke, I’m saving you cuz you’re my friend and Lucy is sad!” - “My name is Leo!!!”; “Virgo, let’s talk, I don’t want you to feel enslaved, I swear!” - “Yeah right, stupid human, have some mayo down your tits”; “Please, Libra, I just wanna be friends again!” - “Shut up, balance is all”. Worst of all, these are the few examples where the humans managed to break through to them minimally. Everyone else simply had no brain cells left and were just like: “Welp, guess I lost. Peace out.” It is just the laziest writing. They even chose to ignore Loke and Gray’s canonical friendship, all for the sake of making Natsu shine again… (listen, I love Natsu- but THE BROMANCE C’MON. It all just felt forced.)
And on top of that, you know all those interesting themes that could have been explored but that ultimately amount to nothing? The story then pivots and decides: “you know what? It actually DOES mean NOTHING!!!” Because (plot twist!) the freedom they actually wanted was from their power-hungry overlord beast of a King! (|Sarcasm incoming->) But of course, that wasn’t a believable enough reason for wanting freedom, and they’d rather die than ask humans for help. (Sarcasm over|) The fact that Ophiuchus tricked them into giving up their lives “for the king” without the Zodiacs realizing is probably the worst plot twist I’ve ever read.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t necessarily mind “we did this all for nothing” or “we tried to help but ended leading them to their demise” premises. Having said that, not only was this one poorly executed, but it also removes any reason for the viewer to take the spirits’ concerns seriously. After all, they were just taking out their misunderstood fear on the humans. Their feelings were misplaced, therefore we no longer have to worry about them wanting to actually leave Lucy or choosing to die. Also, why did they hurt the silver keys? Were they just acting out? Were they working under the influence of the king? Or is the implication that it’s actually the king who hurt them? If it was the Zodiac spirits who hurt them, despite the fact that the silvers are also under threat of the beast- WHY???
In short, just because filler arcs should be inconsequential to the canon story line, that doesn’t mean that they can’t have something meaningful to explore or add to the existing story. Instead, Fairy Tail anime decided to waste everyone’s time on half-baked battles, cheap (borderline offensive) gags, and a plot twist that ultimately implies: “if the spirits don’t belong to Lucy (and Yukino), then they don’t matter.” And then— The spirits don’t even remember being saaaaved. *slow clap* Veeeery funny, anime. What a clever clever this-was-all-for-nothing final jest.
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babybulbasaur920 · 1 year ago
Twst Boys playing Pocket Love
this might be shitty, its late and i did this in one sitting, but combined my two favorite phone game apps. Ill probably redo this when im not about to hit the floor, enjoy what you will of it
TWST boys playing Pocket Love (and my favorite ships) part one
trigger warning for internalized homophobia in Ace´s part
Heartslabyul (Cater made them all get it)
Riddle: has a nice organized house. Spends very little time playing it because he doesn't collect all the clothes and furniture. Sad that Jess only gives you a cat or dog, my boy wants a hedgehog 🙁. His house is, as you can imagine, very red, and fancy. He will take the free gifts and refuses to spend real life money. He only has 2 floors cuz he thinks it's ridiculous to go any bigger. He has the typical stuff downstairs and the second floor is all outdoors stuff. One room is just a fancy table surrounded by roses and other flowers. Only interacts with his character's partner (Floyd) when it's required for a mission or date because the dialogue is so sweet, and the teapot tyrant refuses to be a blushing mess, even alone. Also has a library, with couches and the wallpaper from the international women's day pocket surprise, he got lucky enough to get it as a free-bie. Cleans the trash in the neighborhood religiously, spans the whole around his house. Wishes there was some way to penalize whoever is tossing that trash to begin with, Trey tells him the coins he gets for each piece of trash, was fined from the litterers and that seems to pacify him 
Ace: Chaotic as hell, are we surprised? In the beginning he picked out a gray cat and named it Grim to annoy real Grim. Has Deuce as his character's partner but refuses to admit to any feelings beyond friendly ones. It's nearly sad how much he fights against the idea of him and Deuce (repressed gay, we have a repressed gay here), and claims it's just because Deuce is the best friend he's got, who else could live in his super awesome house? (note, it's not awesome, it's a mess). He can barely keep a room in order, cuz he has so much random stuff. Has a penchant for getting the same date items every single time so he has multiples of shit that he just puts up. Like the dragon dumpling date- he refuses to call them dates, they are hangouts dammit!-, he gets the same dragon head so now he has 7. He has them all hung up in a row in Deuce's room, cuz of course they separate rooms, so they stare at him when he sleeps. 
Deuce: It's blue time baby! He enjoys the game as a relaxer and decorates it pretty simple, or tries to but he gets so many things it gets a bit cluttered, no matter how many times he uses the moving truck. Once again, is in it with Ace, and gives Ace a separate room, because he thinks having his sprite and the Ace sprite sleep together would be disrespectful when Ace is so blatant about it. Loves outdoorsy space like Riddle and has at least one room as a park, complete with a duck pond. Another one who has a cat named Grim purely to be a dick. Has a room devoted to vehicles, and even has a road patterned floor, is bi and proud so he doesn't mind that the road and the cars are all rainbow-y since they come from the pride parade date. 
Trey: You know the two most done up rooms in his house are the kitchen and the bathroom. Sad he can't actually bake but the pancake minigame satisfies that urge for him. Collects the clothes he likes but lets Cater do the dressing up stuff for him. Tries to keep it simple and fun. For the bit he googles ¨ normal things to have in a house¨, cuz he's normal. Totally normal, run of the mill, average. Totally. Has some rooms that are ¨weird¨, like what appears to be the waiting room for a dentist office, and one that seems to be a cellar, with the wine glass chair and buckets of berries. Actually, the 2nd one isnt that weird
Cater: Do I have to say it? Aesthetic king! Always dresses him and Trey up so fly,  is sure to change outfits everyday. Spends $20 a month on this thing because he has to have all the fresh new furniture from the pocket surprises. Both loves and hates how affectionate the characters are, he feels that he can't really have that and Trey only sees him as a friend. Someone just love this boy, he needs it. His favorite date is the cat cafe one cuz its cool and trendy but also fairly romantic, and coffee shops carry not-sweet food, like bagels, so he can actually enjoy eating there
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doamarierose-honoka · 1 year ago
In 2010, Rayman was dead. After two popular minigame collections with his then-co-stars, the Rabbids, Rayman was usurped from his throne as Ubisoft’s mascot and relegated to cameo appearances in games like Academy of Champions: Soccer. Sam Fisher has suffered a similar fate recently.
Then, a miracle - Ubisoft released Rayman Origins, a gorgeous 2D platformer with excellent movement, incredible music, and enough charm to make you forget all about the limbless wonder getting kicked out of his own series. Not a Rabbid in sight.
Origins was an incredible new beginning for Rayman, but it was only the beginning. Two years later, Ubisoft Montpellier did it again with Rayman Legends. Not content to simply be an improvement on the first game, Legends was one of the best 2D platforming games of all time. It looked like things were only going to get better.
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Unfortunately, despite massive critical success, Rayman faded into the background once more, with only a few minor mobile games since then. Now, his long decade of silence is finally over thanks to Ubisoft Milan who, ironically enough, have brought Rayman back in a game that stars the very creatures who originally kicked him out.
“I would say that I started thinking about the DLC as soon as I saw the work on Sparks of Hope going in the right direction,” Sparks of Hope’s creative director Davide Solani tells me. “I loved the idea of closing this fantastic journey of Sparks of Hope with Rayman, as Rabbids were originally introduced in a Rayman game. I felt it was the correct thing to do”.
Rayman in the Phantom Show marks Rayman’s first appearance in a game in some time, which gave Ubisoft Milan the opportunity to redesign the character for his reintroduction, which also marks the first time he’s been in 3D since his Super Smash Bros. Trophy model in 2014.
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Solani tells me that extensive work went into designing Rayman’s new look for the game, with the idea being to aim for something “new, current, and fitting for our universe”. Specific effort went into Rayman’s facial expressions and the body and shoes, for which the team challenged themselves to “dare a little” by introducing pockets and a larger hood to give the limbless wonder more comfort and a sense of identity outside of adventuring.
Of course, one of the most important elements of Rayman’s design is his hair which, beyond the whole lack of limbs thing he’s got going on, is one of the key parts of the character’s identity. Rayman’s hair is used both to fly and to look fly, and it’s a core part of this look.
“[It’s] one of the most 'representative' parts of the character,�� Solani says. “We wanted to avoid just an indistinct mass, but also not to go overboard with details. We therefore focused on creating this balance between volume and details. A fully animatable tuft that would help to underline the character's charisma and emotions.”
Rayman may have a new design this time around, but Sparks of Hope isn’t above referencing the hero’s past. The Phantom Show is stuffed with nods to Rayman’s history, including reworked versions of his combat fatigues from Hoodlum Havoc, a cutout of Globox and some plum juice from the same game, a cardboard recreation of the first level from the adventure that started it all, and even some shoutouts to the pirates from Rayman 2.
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Another Easter Egg Solani points out is Rayman’s weapon in the game, which resembles the plunger gun that he used in Raving Rabbids. You’d think that Rayman would want to avoid memories of that particular encounter considering everything that happened after, but he’s rocking a brand-new one in the Phantom Show.
“I loved the idea of paying a tribute to the plunger, in a way,” Solani tells me. “With my team, we’ve imagined how a new plunger could look like years later, and how this new basic weapon could be transformed through the various costume transformations, and what special ability could result from each. It was a fun process for us.”
It’s not just Rayman himself who returns for the Phantom Show, as the DLC also sees the return of David Gasman, the voice of the limbless wonder for nearly all of the games in the series before Douglas Rand took over the role for Origins, Legends, and the mobile spin-offs.
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“Like many players, for me, David Gasman is Rayman’s voice. Also, we did use David as Rabbid Mario in Sparks of Hope, and it was a tremendously fun experience working with him. The idea of having him going crazy to voice both Rayman and Rabbid Mario was too good to miss. “
One of the most interesting things about the DLC is that it’s not just a reunion between Rayman and the player, it’s a reunion between Rayman and the Rabbids as well. The limbless wonder hasn’t been on-screen with them properly since TV Party, with only a small cameo from the screaming nuisances in Rayman Adventures between then and now.
The DLC plays into this time gap, with Rayman holding a grudge against the Rabbids when he first runs into them. Solani says that this was one of the ideas that the team worked with and that they loved seeing Rayman and the Rabbids bickering, but that they start to work together across the expansion, as Rayman quickly gets over his grudges in the name of being a hero.
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Rayman in the Phantom Show closes the door on Rayman’s past while being brutally honest about the hero’s long absence. It has fans wondering if the DLC opens another door for his future, one that many want Ubisoft Milan to be involved with.
“We don’t know yet what we’ll do in the future,” Solani says. “But I can assure you that working on Rayman was a true honour for all of us.”
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homestuckreplay · 8 months ago
sweet john and hella dave
(page 325-338)
I would love to have insightful thoughts on yesterday's bumper update (14 pages!!!! stay winning!) but I've been researching the AKAI MPC-1000 SAMPLER all night. Here is a list of AKAI MPCs by release year:
MPC60 - 1988 MPC60II - 1991 MPC3000 - 1994 MPC2000 - 1997 MPC2000XL - 1999 MPC4000 - 2002 MPC1000 - 2003 MPC2500 - 2005 MPC500 - 2006 MPC5000 - 2008
Which is a good and normal and intuitive order for the numbers to go in. There's been a few new entries since Dave's model, but the 1000 is a solid and well liked general purpose model. Seems like it's user friendly, customizable, and offers a storage/memory upgrade for maximum amount of hauntingly sick beats. With the exception of Alec Zander from NYC who gave the MPC1000 a 1 out of 5 and said that 'construction is very cheap' and it has an 'uneven pad sensitivity', most user reviews are positive. helly hensen from TDOT, for example, says 'This machine is dope. I love the size'
This series of Akai MPCs is also really influential in hip hop, electronic music, and DJing, so they must be doing something right. Some people say the preprogrammed samples on the 1000 aren't great, but we all know the real point of the thing is to add your own. It seems like Dave's made a solid choice here, but also a pretty generic one. If Dave wanted to get into a more niche and hipster MIDI sampler, he could have gone for the 2001 Boss Dr Sample SP-303, with its 33 minutes of 44.1kHz mono sampling (with a SmartMedia card) ability to import AIFF and WAV audio files from the memory card.
The sampler minigame is so cool (I would give it the coveted but elusive 5 out of 5 hats) and weirdly feels like the most control we the audience have directly had over a character. We're influencing the art he makes, which is very personal. There are a few secret samples - if you click the samples in all four corners, the screen will zoom out and four extra buttons will appear with bonus samples (as well as a bunch of question marks). I don't know if these also exist in Dave's room or if he can access them. But it is very funny to imagine him wiring up bonus buttons inside a cinderblock.
Anyway Dave has a bunch of web sites which explains everything really. John's house is leaking engine oil, we have multiple characters(?) hanging out in different underground bunkers, Rose and Dave make each other worse, 52 pickup is always a bad decision. whatever. going to make some more sicknasty beats
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kerubimcrepin · 1 year ago
Exploring the dofus-la-serie.com website - Part 1
The website is kind of broken, which makes me quite sad. Though that's life for you.
Character Profiles:
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I am not translating this because as fans of this franchise, you probably know all of these words. (Well, except gouvernante. That can mean "housekeeper". He isn't calling her their governor. Though she should be.)
I am not even going to mention that Kerubim is here twice. Sometimes, a second Kerubim appears in a random spot among the characters while going to this page or refreshing it. Just another one fun thing about this being an eleven-year-old website for a series that has been over for years.
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I wonder if, in-universe, he's the one who drew on their portraits, or if it was Joris's doing, influenced by Kerubim's stories?
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Love how Atcham isn't mentioned, but his pandawa drinking buddy is. Also, that neither of them have commentary by him.
The character pages themselves have unique character art:
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As well as short descriptions of the characters.
Because the entire site is saved on web archive, and probably won't go down anytime soon, (despite its buggy state,) and these not offering any new, groundbreaking information — I will not be posting most of them here, save for the main ones:
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Also, a note: this calls him a "papa poule", which I decided to google, to hilarious results:
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Thank you, dofus-la-serie.com... for everything. I already noticed, in the past posts, that it's actually weird and off-putting that Joris has no friends, and that it might be Kerubim's fault, but we never really see him make parenting decisions (COUGH-COUGH-COUGH besides the decision to constantly endanger and neglect Joris but EHHH I spent 50+ posts talking about that in the show liveblogs) in the series due to its slice of life format.
I'm glad to know that at least one canonical source describes him as overprotective, bearing, and anxious parent, (but not to a helicopter-parent level). That's actually quite valuable!
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Multiple notes here:
The description does not seem to use explicitly masculine pronouns for Pupuce, who, as we know from Joris, is a girl. This is just an error on the Google Translate's part.
You know what, actually considering Joris himself is a cat furry, but in a much more subtle, subdued way, her being his pet is a match made in heaven. Two creatures who wish they could be cats, breaking bread and drinking tea together. Love wins.
The broken "find the object" minigame:
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One can only be thankful that it's not more broken — because 2013 was prime time for flash games, and yet, this game does not seem to use flash technologies.
When you click anywhere on the screen itself, instead of the UI, the game, and the page itself freezes. It's a shame — I bet the game was fun, back when it worked.
I had taken it upon myself to download and archive the music from the minigame, so, here it is:
Using archive.org I was able to get to the next page, the link to which is usually invisible and also unclickable in the minigame:
Kerubim's Collection (link included so you don't have to suffer like I did)
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It's quite a long list, with many items, but I am not Ronik, this show's biggest, and probably, by now, only fan, if I don't read all of this and bring the most interesting parts to you.
Firstly, thankfully, all of these are, for the most part lore-less. Just little blurbs of the episodes those appear in, whether you can find them in-game, and a hint as to where to find this in the broken minigame. But there are some gems:
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Kerubim doesn't like Joris's photography hobby (...I sure do wonder why!)
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"I'm cautious" "Simone whyyy did you put it here??" How these two people hadn't killed Joris fr is still beyond me.
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He's genuinely insane.
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drinkinboilingcoffee · 11 months ago
(Before anyone says anything: I’m biracial (black/white) and have a similar skin tone to Mike in fnaf 4. This post isn’t meant to start an argument, I’m just curious what you all think)
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So in fnaf 4 he has a darker/medium skin tone (yes, including in comparison to other characters who are distinctly white, so we know that’s not just how it looks in the palette) that would suggest biracial or some such (and keep in mind this is his first and therefore original design). But in Sister location, his skin tone is a lot lighter. I mean, since in the minigame he appears in that way has had him dead for a few days and with a ton of blood loss, it would make sense for his fnaf 4 skin tone to have paled to this one after death, but I doubt Scott trusts us enough to reason that. So does that make him white? Or white by retcon? And if it does mean he’s not white, is it ok to draw his family members with similar skin tones (even most artists who give him a darker tone make all his family members white) or does that make its own issues???
Idk I wanna hear your thoughts
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