#He's not a misanthrope!!! He wants to believe in people SO MUCH!
randomszzz · 4 days
"love has always been the world's best secret ingredient" -> "I'd rather just get rid of them" Joshua kiryu
"there's only one way to stay alive in this shibuya: Trust your partner" -> "in a way, he's been alone all his life" Joshua Kiryu
#twewy#joshua kiryu#ahisoaihih where am I going with this how to express it....#also like. Just the whole of day 5's quizzes#Joshua LOVES people Joshua LOVES shibuya Joshua doesn't want to erase it#He's not a misanthrope!!! He wants to believe in people SO MUCH!#but. he's about ready to give up. He doesn't WANT to. He jumps at the chance for megumi to prove him wrong#aio;iejaoij cursed with being inarticulate.#And. Joshua's love in no way moves him to 'protect'. Or even stops him from he himself harming them... wordshard#he's a lil screwed up (affectionate)#he rewards his proxies for making the choices he himself does not (can not? will not?)#Joshua's willingness to erase shibuya being motivated in part to protect the rest of tokyo/japan/the world#Also like. Sota and nao. A part me wonders#well watching endless failures of the reapers game may sap his faith and being able to see those two partially reignited it#BUT#Sota and nao also feel like they're supposed to be so unextradordinary#I can't believe they're so much better than the previous plethora of players so hmm they shouldn't be so foreign to him#hmmm hmmm hmm endlessly fascinating#Originally I was thinking: well twewy was made for the ds partnership is mandated by hardware and not so much meant to be reflective of the#in game composer. But then in interviews where they were like 'early twewy was also based on team concept' before slimming it down to duo#More is said about 'alone all his life' Joshua running a game about partners than his metaphysical status ever could
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edelgarfield · 8 months
gods i haven't seen this parallel drawn before but it is something that drives me insane
everyone knows gortash was sold to raphael by his parents and one can only imagine the awful things he went through. and like i don't think it's too far of a stretch to think that abuse plays a heavy role in what led him to bane, how do you avoid being owned and used for other people's gain? by being the one with all the power and bringing them under your heel.
which is the exact same logic that drives astarion towards ascension. hells, the rite is a contract with mephistopheles, raphael's DAD.
imo gortash is a glimpse of exactly what lies in ascended astarion's future. he's the most powerful man in baldur's gate but he's completely alone. he's sold out and alienated every single person that ever cared about him, his power is the very thing that keeps him from ever being able to trust anyone else, all his allies are transactional and based on mutual gain, and one slip up means a knife in his back. durge, seemingly the one person he genuinely cared about, was taken from him because of the power they held. their affection for him put a target on both of their backs. he had all the power he could ever want and it did nothing to save the person he cared about most.
by the time you meet him, he is far far far too gone imo. i'm not even sure whether he cares about how isolated he is, or if he sees it for the weakness it is. if there was ever a time to convince him to choose another path, it is long gone, now he's too entrenched in his own schemes, that even if he WANTED to change (unlikely), it would spell his death.
if you don't ally with him, his isolation is the very thing that kills him; he believes he has no need of flesh and blood allies bc he has an army of tin soldiers to keep him safe. but once you take out the steel watch he's practically defenseless. he's the most powerful man in Baldur's gate, but you can literally just stroll up to his office and kill him on his own turf and no one comes to his aid. if you do ally with him, it's his ambition that puts the final nail in his coffin, his means to dominate the world turns on him and spells his doom.
and this is exactly what we begin to see happen with ascended astarion. his obsession with power and need for control makes him turn a genuine partnership based on love & mutual respect into one based on control. from party banter, we see pretty much all the companions immediately turn on him. these are people who genuinely cared for him & fought for his freedom, but after watching him ascend they wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire. and he doesn't even care! he's so entrenched in his own misanthropic worldview that he only sees the power he's gained & not everything it cost him. the cost of ascension isnt just 7000 souls, it's 7000 souls and the love of every single person who could have ever cared for him.
if astarion ascends how long until he bites off more than he can handle? how long until his enemies realize the best way to get to him is through you? how long until all his allies turn on him? (if you choose to control the absolute, the answer is somewhere between a few days and a few weeks). all the power in the world can't protect you from your own hubris and astarion has it in spades.
whether you view durgetash & durgestarion platonically or romantically I see it as two opposing narratives held together with Durge as the lynchpin. durgetash is abt being doomed by that narrative, two people who genuinely cared for each other but were the wrong people at the wrong time to save either of them. had they met earlier, if one of them had been slightly less entrenched in their roles, perhaps they could have been saved, they could have lived and had something real.
& durgestarion is the opposite, had they met any earlier, they would have brought each other to ruin. two doomed people, once beyond saving, meeting at the perfect time and finding the strength in each other to break their chains, to choose a path for themselves. where before durge failed to save gortash (& every person they ever cared for) they can save astarion now (& all their other companions).
& the real tragedy is by the very constraints of the narrative, you cannot save them both. if durgetash hasn't been the people they were, Astarion would never have his chance at freedom, he would've been consumed in cazador's ritual with no one to mourn him. but in order to orchestrate the events that allow astarion his chance at freedom, gortash is long past the point of no return. it takes MULTIPLE extremely unlikely events and literal divine intervention to free Durge from Bhaal's clutches. The chance of the same happening for Gortash is infinitesimally small.
it's abt the cruelty and chaos of the world, how fate, destiny, and chance intersect to either bind us or set us free. it's abt second chances, walking through the ruins of your past mistakes & choosing to build something from the rubble, it's abt how love & loss are two sides of the same coin, how sometimes the only choice available is to love, & that love won't save you, but it's there and it leaves its mark.
thank you for coming to my tedtalk.
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thebibliosphere · 1 year
Joy! I've officially jumped on the Phangs bandwagon, so I can finally send coherent questions about it—how did you come up with the political landscape? I imagine it's at least partially inspired by true events, but how do you keep straight the political compasses of each character?
Eeey! Welcome aboard!
And yeah, a lot of it's based on history, but also a lot of current events if you squint. (Or maybe you don't need to squint.)
As for how I keep the characters straight (ha!) I had definite ideas about them while forming their personalities and history.
Nathan is the youngest and only starting to question the political landscape around him. He's not politically unaware but perhaps a little naive and unwilling to see how corrupt everything is.
He's been conditioned from a young age not to question authority. Military indoctrination will do that to you. Only when he finds himself on the frontline of an unjust and hopeless war does he realize things aren't what they seem. He still toes the line... until he gets injured, and the true depths of how little the military or government cares for people like him gives him a nasty jolt. Even in the first book, he's still somewhat in denial because part of him doesn't want to admit that he's been complacent. You can see what in the conversation with his brother Miles. His realization that he's spent his whole life following orders doesn't sit well with him, and that's a theme that will continue for his character in all future books.
It's only when he meets Vlad that he genuinely starts to question things, and that's because Vlad is the walking embodiment of a homemade Molotov cocktail wrapped up in a silk suit and a fierce, unshakeable sense of justice.
Vlad was created as a challenge to the bored, misanthropic vampire stereotype who doesn't give a shit about humanity because they've been around for hundreds of years and lost all faith in humanity. If anything, the longer Vlad is around humanity, the more fiercely he loves it and wants to do everything he can to help them. He grew up under the bloody iron fist of his grandfather's regime and saw firsthand what happens in a world devoid of democracy, and he's been running from it ever since.
He can only do a little under his father's thumb. But what he can do, Vlad does with all of his being. He's found ways to enable free schooling and medical care on the island, and if you give him a few more decades, he'll find a way to make housing accessible, too. (It's a numbers game, and he's very good with numbers. And honestly, his father doesn't pay too much attention to what he's doing. Not if he's careful about it...) He's also a staunch believer in the power of worker's unions, and despite technically being the person the unions would fight against, he is trying to help the workers of his island unionize because he believes it is the just and right thing to do.
Ultimately, Vlad is my firebrand catalyst for change, and I am really looking forward to exploring his arcs in future books.
Ursula is... tricky. She's in a precarious situation where she can't afford to draw attention to herself and, at times, has been forced to side with people she'd otherwise cheerfully drown because they could offer her the best protection. It's exhausting and soul-destroying, and it leaves her feeling powerless. Which is laughable when considering who she is. What she is.
She hates it. She wants it to be different. She doesn't like feeling so hopeless. Defeated. But she's tried to change things in the past, and it almost destroyed everything. So now she just keeps her head down and works from the shadows. It's safest that way. Not to mention quicker. After all, what's one more human war to an immortal [REDACTED]? If she ignores it, it'll go away. Eventually. Right? Right? (This may or may not be the denial talking.) (It is absolutely the denial talking.)
The fact that human politics are about to severely and unavoidably affect her will not go down well. Ursula is, in fact, going to be bloody livid about it. Not to mention guilt-riddled for burying her head in the sand and letting the humans go unchecked for so long.
Fortunately, she's got some new allies in her corner. A fiercely protective werewolf with a newfound sense of political rage and a vampire who's been spoiling for a fight of this magnitude for over four hundred years. Maybe, just maybe, this time, things will be different...
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rayshippouuchiha · 9 months
I remembered your idea about Grimmjow mentoring Izuku and I have world building/background.
Grimm got to the bnha universe because some idiots were trying to summon a demon to kill some heroes and since there aren't any in universe the magic spell outsourced. The idiots did not survive their stupidity. Grimm is really annoying because he's pretty sure it's going to take at least a year to get home.
Finding and starting to teach Izuku delayed his plans, but not by too much. Grim figures he'll just wait for the kid to die and bring Izuku's soul back with him. Classic Arrancar adoption tactics.
Inko is a little uncomfortable with a demon adopting her son with a plan of making him another demon, but honestly Izuku's just so happy these days that she's cool with it. She does the paperwork to make Grim a distant relative.
People in the bnha universe don't really have reiatsu but they still have souls. Grim just has to teach izuku to reform his soul so it's bleach style instead. He's pretty sure that any of the many mad scientists he knows would tell him it's impossible, but izuka did it anyways so there.
For paperwork they claim that it's a family inherited work that is super finicky and requires a lot of control and often doesn't activate without life or death danger or knowing how to activate it beforehand. Which it is true, using reiatsu for stuff more complicated than "be stronger and hardier," let alone kidou, takes decades of learning. Even if hollow style kidou is easier to learn, it's not by that much. Grim mostly focuses Izuku on learning the basics of combat and maybe sonido.
Izuku ends up good at kicking people in the face like canon, but he also has throwing knives and a tanto to complete the danger gremlin evolution.
He kicks Bakugou in the face and breaks his nose. Their relationship isn't great but it's not as awful as in cannon.
Grimmjow is setting up connections with the villain community one day when he hears about some mysterious, powerful fucker called All For One. He hasn't eaten in a while, and that seems like someone no one will miss so he eats out for the day. The villain underground immediately falls into chaos but that isn't his problem.
Coincidentally, Inko's deadbeat husband finally stopped sending money. (Whether he's AfO or just some asshole who died in the chaos is up to you.) She shrugs and moves on. She saved and invested most money he gave them anyways.
Grim ends up running a dojo. First he just needs space to teach Izuku but I firmly believe that despite his general misanthropic tendencies he actually likes kids, so the whole thing balloons pretty fast. He ends up with this weird teenager who calls himself Dabi as an assistant, since the kid already knew how to fight pretty well.
With an actual support system Dabi ends up significantly less burned and significantly more sane. He works as a vigilante, killing marital and child abusers. He's really uncertain about what to do about Endeavor, because he wants to kill him but the man also scares the shit out of him, and he doesn't want to free his siblings just to put them in the spotlight. Grimmjow is less than zero help, but Inko gives him a big hug and helps him start to set up a legal case if that's what he decides to do. He's like Izuku's weird, obnoxious older cousin.
Speaking of the lov, Kurogiri got out and took Shigaraki with him when AfO died. They end up picking up the rest of the league overtime. All the kids try to convince Kurogiri to reach back out to his friends from when he was Oboro. They might or might not be vigilantes.
What are you talking about, this isn't a fix it fic.
The UA staff are deeply baffled when they meet Izuku's guardians: the sweetest little lady you ever did meet and what Aizawa is pretty sure is an actual, literal demon from hell. In hindsight, though, it makes sense.
Thank you for the idea! Sorry for shoving this thing in your inbox.
Never apologize because this is fantastic.
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hatchetmanofficial · 11 months
Why does Alan seem less supernatural than his coworkers?
Of course he’s just as dangerous but a lot of his unhinged behaviour and readiness to break the rules can be explained by the way he grew up abused, was being forced to be aggressive to defend himself, his lack of socialisation, being rebellious against a society that didn’t help him, and even an underlying mental condition (maybe inherited from his dad). With the trauma, isolation and demands of his job then turning it all up to 11. I mean, despite being axe crazy and a bit sociopathic Alan still seems mostly human. If a little animalistic. He’s very strong and fast and completely ignores the norms of society but still looks and acts basically human.
Whereas you’ve got dudes like Carver whose whole appearance has warped, and Stitches who was literally created a month ago from components and kills in a body horror way. One look and you know something is very wrong.
Alan also seems to be the only one with the wish or ability to defy the boss. Is it because he rejected the work name and mentally kept his own identity? Are names power here? Literally or symbolically.
It feels like the Boss employs vulnerable drifters, the lost souls. Does the Boss find it easier to control you if you want to reject/forget your identity, are running from your past or a bad situation, or (like Stitches) never had one?
Obviously it is a predatory Leonine contract, basically a deal with the devil. Nobody ends up like this coming from a good situation or with any better choices available. And the horrific consequences if you leave or disobey are a huge factor. But I’m covering subtleties and the differences between the coworkers.
Or is it because in spite of how cruel life and people have been to Alan he still has a tiny scrap of humanity left? Before he only had the solace of animals. Doe Eyes has reminded him how starved he is for kindness and love, maybe recalling the time before his mom died when he had a family, and Doe Eyes is human.
It makes it hard to obey the solitary rule. To stay misanthropic and emotionally shut down enough to continue indiscriminately killing people for the Boss.
(I’m the shy anon who suggested the idea of untraumatized Ranger Alan a long while back 👋 Wherever he is, whenever he is, I hope he’s happy and well adjusted.)
(I love this question and I love your username!!!)
I like to think that Alan still has a part of him, that wants to weasel his way back into society, especially after meeting his Doe-eyes. But he can never have it. It's selfish of him to want.
Boss is unpredictable and very much so picks those who believe they are someone without a cause. I'd like to think that The Beast's song "Come Wayward Souls" applies to him. However, he can still influence his employers. If he sees someone get out of line, he would simply have to put them back in place. Alan, however, never gave Boss any hassle, not even when he first found him. You could say he has a clean track record when it comes to his job. Until doe-eyes that is.
When I say that Boss kinda has favorites.
He truly does.
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hamlets-ak · 1 year
his last letter ༊*·˚
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masterlist ◦ askbox
synopsis: regulus writes you a letter before he goes to the cave
My Dear Y/N,
If you are reading this, it’s too late for me.
I am writing you from my room, at 12, Grimmauld Place. My doom is hanging on my neck like a rope. It’s heavy and unbearable. I can already feel it dragging me down.
That night, that I sneaked out just to meet you, I gave you a promise, that I was going to change, that I was going to be good. You said you loved me either way and nothing mattered to you.
It mattered to me though, because I wanted to be good. I wanted to do the right thing. The time has come to keep my promise and be good. And if the right thing is going to cost my life, then so be it.
Y/N, my dear Y/N, I need you to know that I’ve changed. I need you to know that I did the right thing, that in my last moments on this earth, I was good.
I am writing to you determined to do what I have to. Y/N, my heart, please forgive me.
I wish I never had to write this letter to you, but I know that my road has no return. It’s not just me being pessimistic, no. I can feel that this is not going to end well for me, for us. The earth has prepared a deep and narrow place for me and I can do nothing but get in.
Please forgive me for not meeting you tonight. Forgive my sloppy handwriting. Forgive fate. Forgive Kreacher, the bearer of the bad news, and please don't be mad at him. Forgive me.
If I regret one thing in this life Y/N, is not giving you more kisses, not hugging you tighter, not saying « I love you » every minute of every day.
Light of my eyes, a million hearts wouldn’t be able to carry my love for you. I love you unfathomably, no words can describe it. If only you could jump into my body for only a few seconds, you’d see for yourself. But I would never let you. I love you too much for this. You are everything to me.
You were the first person that made me feel truly loved. I know, my brother loves me too, or at least he tries to. I don’t blame him for taking his distance. After all the things I’ve done, I feel disgusted in my own skin. But you… how could you not be disgusted? How could you not leave me? How could you be there for me? How could you love me? People like me don’t deserve to be loved. I wouldn’t love me... I don’t love me; myself, what I am.
The only times I’ve ever loved myself are the ones spent with you.
You made me feel like I wasn’t as bad as I thought. I had a good side, I wasn’t always as menacing and misanthropic as everyone believed me to be. With you I felt like a person, normal, I wasn’t a burden. You truly did love me and your love made me beautiful. Honestly, I’m still not sure why you loved me like that. But I know you did. I could feel it every day, even in our worst moments.
I need you to know, you are the one and only for me, and you will always be. No matter what happens to me tonight, my soul will always be with you. I will always be yours. You will be my last thought, and my last breath will be your name.
I love you.
I’m afraid that you’ll forget me. Me, and everything we did together, everything we were.
Please, think of me sometimes. But not the bad things; the fightings, the tears, the sadness, the fear… think about the good things.
Do you remember the night after that stupid Ravenclaw party? I was pissed. I could barely walk and, oh Merlin, I was so, so dizzy. You couldn’t stop laughing watching my anarchist side come to the surface, as I was going up and down in front of Dumbledore’s office. I thought it’d be hilarious if we managed to get inside and burn the place to the ground. Well, we didn’t do that, obviously. From walking so fast, I ended up sick, vomiting in front of the gargoyle. I could still listen to your voice, as I was holding my knees, letting my guts out, and your laugh — I love it so much when you laugh. You then walked beside me, pulled my hair back, looked me in the eyes, and kissed me. I was staring at you like an idiot because I was too drunk. You smiled and then hugged me with your warm hands, your smell being the only thing I could sense.
That was the moment I first realized you love me. Who else would kiss the lips of a person that was vomiting only seconds ago?
I’ve never told you, but until now I’ve been thinking of that moment. Why would you be so kind to me? To me, of all the people on this Earth. And how can you love me?
Remember this time I was crying so hard without a reason, and I was just so angry that I was kicking the bathroom door and I was completely out of control? That day was terrible. I was hitting the wall so hard that my fist started to bleed. You had never seen me like that and I knew you were scared of me, but you hugged me tightly and didn’t let me go until I calmed down.
I asked you that day, why didn’t you leave me alone? Why did you have to be there? You said that you loved me so much nothing could drive you away. When you left I cried and didn’t go to class.
I was so confused. But I knew one thing, I wasn’t one hundred percent evil like everyone wanted me to believe.
We had so many dreams and plans that will never come true. I should’ve left this whorehouse when I had the chance. I should’ve left with Sirius. If it wasn’t for my ego... And then, when we were done with school, it was foolish of me to stay at my father’s funeral. We could have been in the countryside now, married, away from everyone. I really wanted to marry you, to spend the rest of my life with you.
I’ll stop thinking about that.
You have no idea how much it hurts knowing that you are reading this letter. It feels like a knife twisting deep into my soul.
Please, Y/N, you have to understand why I did this. I had to. I owed it to everyone. I owed it to myself.
I know it’s very selfish. I left you just so I can live up to the expectations I built for myself.
I am never going to see the day that awakens with you ever again, but I hope the light of the world is bright and gentle to you. I hope the people are good. I hope you smile and laugh every day. I hope you think of me sometimes, just once in a while.
My love, my heart, please don’t do anything crazy. Stay alive, do it for me. Live. I need you to keep going. If you love me, keep going. And please, get out of this place. Go to your friends, to my brother and Remus. I don’t want you to be here. And don’t even think about passing by my house.
I don’t know what else to say. I wish I could write you everything but time is running.
Please, know that I am not scared. I am not scared at all. I want to do this. It’s my decision, probably the only one I’ve ever made.
Don’t forget to burn the letter.
It’s so cold here and I can't stop remembering. My heart has no mercy on me.
I love you forever.
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princelylove · 10 months
Synopsis: Post-canon vento aureo, you are Giorno Giovanna’s bodyguard, and his obsession. 
Warnings: typical possessive yandere behavior, reader is trapped later on, not sfw later on but it’s just masturbation, I’m a Giorno pussy truther it’s not explicitly stated but I want you to know
Length: A little over 2k.
Giorno Giovanna is something out of a dream. It’s difficult to not stare. His presence itself is enchanting, although often overwhelming.
He’s often misunderstood. Misrepresented. He’s a complex individual, it’s unfair to put his psychology in the same category as someone more simple-minded.
You can’t think of why his presence overwhelms you. His perfume is subtle, he’s well mannered, well spoken, well educated and cultured, well groomed, and relatively charming. There’s just something off about him, in your point of view. 
Giorno is naturally graceful, he’s only become more pleasing to the eyes as he’s gotten older. The way he holds his fingers up for birds to rest on him is something out of a fairytale.
You took this job because of the pay. Never mind the fact that your client is handsome, and generally pleasant to be around. His other bodyguards aren’t so bad either- Guido’s a nice man, when he’s not working. Sheila E seems fine to be around as well, but you haven’t really interacted with her much. They’ve both warned you about how Giorno is to be your absolute top priority- you’re not a mafioso, you’re just a bodyguard. It must be nice to have someone’s absolute loyalty like that, you think.
The way Giorno asks to be taken home to his room… It almost makes you believe that he really does need you. He seems soft compared to the others- like he isn’t hardened by the burden of life, or whatever that ‘Murolo’ guy was on about. 
Giorno’s voice is comforting and refreshing. His tone is quiet, and soft. You’re only really certain he’s speaking when he makes harder sounds, such as ‘t’ or ‘k.’ The way he looks at you with his doe eyes, and soft tone… it eats you alive to not succumb to his will. 
This misinterpretation would cost you your life, as Giorno falls head over heels at such a romantic, protective gesture of guiding him up his own staircase and reassuring him that all is well, you’re right there. 
He smiles. You can’t help but watch his lips as he speaks in that same soft spoken manner.
“Thank you, but you’re dismissed for the night.”
Giorno’s obsession drives him. He is nothing without hope, there is always a way for him to achieve his goals. He doesn’t really understand why he keeps getting off track- his only love is justice, and hope, it doesn’t make any sense for his mind to cling to a human being. 
Humans are vile things, really.  His stepfather was evil, his mother was evil, his peers were evil- there was no good in humanity besides from him.
There are humans who are good, there’s just a lot of problems that need fixing before he feels comfortable saying that all of humanity hasn’t failed him. 
Giorno is often well intentioned; It kills him to see people go through what he did. If he had the ability to protect others from the fate he once had, why not? He just knows he can do better. There is always more to be done, always more to improve upon. Self betterment is the path to freeing the soul. 
That has nothing to do with his methods, or his real opinion on the majority of people.
Giorno’s dream is to protect the innocent, above all else. 
His misanthropic point of view still seeps into the way he handles most situations. Passione hasn’t had a single slip up in many, many years. Having faith in your own men, and having faith that everyone other than your possessions will do what they can to get up in the world is a bit depressing, but it’s been working. 
As long as his possessions adore him, they won’t leave for something better. Not that you could leave Passione, betrayal means death, but Giorno will do everything in his power to not feel the sting of being left alone.
Giorno is most comfortable when he knows he has everyone in the room wrapped around his well manicured pinky finger. He doesn’t particularly mind playing into their fantasies, or allowing them a sense of control. You can think that you’re the boss in your relationship with Giorrno, but that’s never going to be true, even if you’re physically stronger than him. 
You probably think you are, too. Bodyguards are meant to be strong, it’s a part of the job description- why would someone strong hire three bodyguards? Giorno’s lack of height and subtle muscle make him look like he isn’t a threat, you might compare his body to a ballerina. A weapon would work against him, maybe… if it didn’t turn into a small animal every time you picked one up without asking for permission first. 
Giorno will often play damsel in distress to get what he wants. Even if it isn’t his preference, he’s fine with taking on whatever role he needs to take in order to maintain control. 
He keeps Guido happy by pretending to be considerably more delicate than he really is. He’s easily frightened, and happy to play into Guido’s need to be needed. He showers him with praise fairly often- and will do the same to you, if you react well enough. 
Giorno keeps Sheila E happy by allowing her to ask him as many questions as she’d like. She’s still young- a little bit of curiosity won’t kill him. Why, when he was her age, he was probably more curious. No harm done, it’s nice to stimulate himself with questions he normally wouldn’t think of. 
Those two are easy to please. He… doesn’t know how to keep you happy, yet. The last thing he needs is a resentful bodyguard. Attention, money, affection, and basic human needs are all bartering chips to Giorno. 
He doesn’t want to kiss you on the cheek, it makes him feel easy, but if you want special attention, and that’s the way to get you obsessed with him, fine. Run your hand over his stomach and watch him purr. He’ll fool around with you for a little bit, but he stops you before it can go any further. You’re his bodyguard, this is so inappropriate… If you think you can move on from this and go back to just watching him, let’s just pretend this never happened.
When you come in the next day, he trails his index finger down your spine, and smiles at the way you shiver for him.
He seems like the prissy type, you think. Like he’d die if he got dirty or his hair was out of place. You’re just joking, it’s a way to pass the time while you’re at work… you can’t help but smile at the lack of dirt under his fingers despite handling plants all day. 
Giorno smiles back, eager to know what could possibly be making your lips curl up into a smile. 
“Do you like her? She’s gotten so big, lately. I think it’s all the attention I’ve been giving her.” 
Giorno is referring to the philodendron in his arms- a rather large pot with a clingy pile of vines sitting in the dirt. It’s his favorite at the moment, seeing it sprawled out always seems to put him in a good mood. 
“She’s great, sir.” You respond. You’re not really meant to talk to him too much- a bit of advice from Guido rings in your ears whenever Giorno attempts conversation with you.
‘When you’re watching him, you should watch the room, rather than him… it’s kinda easy to get lost in staring. Dude’s pretty.’ 
… You kind of see his point. 
Giorno has all the power in the world. He is life itself. He forbids evil from reaching the truth. But he’s soft, isn’t he. He needs someone to watch over him, to protect him. 
Maybe you’re content with a job like this. It’s not like he’s an awful boss. 
Giorno has always felt like a bird in a cage, placed next to a big window. Just out of reach of his fantasies. He won’t allow anything to be out of his reach, now that he’s free. 
Giorno won’t take what is not his. You have a choice, even if it’s clear what you should be picking. 
His hand rests on top of yours. You’re holding his fingers, and just placed a kiss to his porcelain skin. It’s meant to be symbolic- becoming a formal member of passione and a long-term bodyguard instead of part time is a fairly big deal. 
The words ‘freedom’ and ‘fate’ ring in Giorno’s ears. They aren’t foreign subjects to him. Fate has always been his, and freedom is something he’s always wanted. 
“You’ve become mine, my beloved.” He coos. You might feel your face heating up at such a statement. 
He plans on keeping you now that you’re officially one of his possessions. Your owner is not the one who rests in your bed, but the one who disrupts your sleeping schedule. 
Giorno isn’t sure what to do with himself when he finds himself wanting to be yours instead of the other way around. 
He’d let you take him. He fantasizes about it often- sometimes while you’re on the other side of his door, unaware that he’s touching himself to the thought of you being even slightly possessive towards him. 
You’re already his. He owns you, body and soul, there’s no question about it, but he wants you to want him, and not just in the physically attractive sense. Well. Right now he means in the physically attractive sense. 
What does it matter, though? Of course you’re his, you’re a living being. As far as Giorno’s concerned, life is his, and he is life’s. 
Oh, God, shut up. He can’t think about the technicalities, he’s too busy shoving his fingers into himself and trying to imagine what sort of tone you’d take with him- Would it be loving? Would you be firm? Would you scold him for looking at another? He needs it, he can’t live without it, devote yourself to him and expect a level of access to him in return, he’d happily slut himself out if it was for you and you alone-
You knocking takes him out of the mood entirely. His hands shoot out of his pants, and he backs himself up against the door to make sure you don’t come in.
“Yes, dearest?” He’s trembling. 
“Just making sure you’re alright, I haven’t heard you make any noise in a while…” 
“Oh! I’m fine, I was just… reading, and now I’m getting changed…”
Giorno has a habit of talking when he’s nervous, on those rare occasions, so him choking up like this is entirely unprecedented.
He makes a mental vow to never let you witness him like that again. 
You’re not really sure how you ended up moving with him into his new house.
It’s not like you’re the best person for the job. A live-in bodyguard is a lot more than what you originally signed up for, and when you voice this complaint, Giorno doesn’t seem to take it into account. 
He sighs a little, and makes a gentle reminder: You do as he says, and this is what he is commanding you to do. 
It’s not so bad living in a big house where all you ever do is make sure Giorno doesn’t drop dead. You’ve adjusted well to it, but it’s had it’s ups and downs. 
He’s gotten a lot more attentive, something you have mixed feelings on. 
Should you choose to hide from his ever-present stare, Giorno would pretend to not be able to find you, but speak.
“It’s instinct to fear what you do not understand. Your body serves you very well, darling.”
He opens the closet, where you obviously are not. 
“But I mean you no harm. You are very precious to me.”
The door shuts, and he flicks the lamp off- the only non-natural light in the room. The moon is full, and the curtains are always pulled back- Giorno loves the sun.
His eyes have already adjusted, but he’s sure yours have not.
“Let’s stop playing for tonight, dear. I’ll let you keep that hiding spot provided you return to me in ten seconds. I’ll even close my eyes.”
He starts to count out loud.
“Ten, nine…”
Oh God. What should you do? He’s pissed- you know it.
“Eight, seven, six.”
It’s better to obey. Just give in. You’re not risking his stand pulling you out by your hair again.
“Five, four…”
As you start to crawl out, you wince at the light coming back on.
There’s nothing on his face, not even a smile. The way he looks down at you as if it’s his rightful position is something you’ve become accustomed to, but it still hurts.
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illym · 6 months
Translating the Human Side introductions for Witch's Heart, because I've always wanted to know what they said. If someone else has translated these without DeepL, please let me know.
[ translated with DeepL. ] [ localized by me. ] [ DeepLで翻訳 ] [ ローカライズ ]
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Claire Elford
"I'll take care of it!"
The main character of this story.
She loves pretty and beautiful things,
and longs to live in a fairy tale world.
She lives alone in the forest on the outskirts of town.
She is earnest at heart and quite good-natured.
She also works out on a regular basis and is extremely strong.
and I'll include the Japanese text as well, because there's no reason not to. The golden text [ 操作キャラクター ] is just [ character ].
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Ashe Bradley
"You know what they say about researchers.
I can do anything for the sake of research.
I can even camp in the wild…………….!"
A man who travels around the world for one reason or another.
He is energetic, cheerful, and friendly.
However, he is a bit too talkative.
He likes to cook.
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Wilardo Adler
"How much fun is it to go to the same place over and over again?
It doesn't change."
A taciturn, unsociable man.
He only speaks the bare minimum.
It is unclear why he came to the mansion.
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Sirius Gibson
"Do you people really believe those fantastical rumors?
They're absolutely ridiculous."
A man who claims to be the owner of the mansion.
He is misanthropic and hysterical.
He is especially hostile to Claire.
He reveres "The Witch Dorothy",
and is sensitive to any mention of her.
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Noel Levine
"Look, look.
The stars are so beautiful tonight!"
A soft-spoken man from downtown.
He is a sensible man with no venom in his voice.
However, due to his work, he is nocturnal and sleeps all day long.
[ Obsessed with Noel being from downtown... And Sirius' hysteria ]
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mauesartetc · 1 year
So I was watching this bonkers roller coaster of an analysis video that bounces from topic to topic with a psychological thriller plot playing out in the gaps between them (though it does arrive at a point eventually). A bit before the 18-minute mark, it brings up the infamously bad movie "The Room" and how one specific character is written as unrealistically malicious, with no clear motivation or logic behind her behavior. It's as if Tommy Wiseau purposefully crafted a sadistic monster with no redeeming qualities in order to make the audience hate her.
Then it hit me. That sounds terribly familiar.
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I can't believe I can say, with zero exaggeration, that the characterization of Stella from Helluva Boss is on par with that of Lisa from The Room. And yet, here we are.
The video speculates that Lisa and Johnny's relationship could be based on an actual breakup Tommy Wiseau went through, and that this is his perspective of how things went down. Johnny (a fairly transparent self-insert) is portrayed as the innocent hero who's practically perfect in every way, while Lisa is cruel and vindictive for no good reason. It's obvious viewers are meant to see Johnny as the good guy and Lisa as nothing but a loathsome villain to boo and hiss at, much like Helluva Boss's narrative wants us to sympathize with Stolas and curse Stella's name.
Fun fact: One of my own characters is also unsympathetic by design. He's an obnoxious sleazeball who constantly hits on women and has a hair-trigger temper. But he's also witty, an ardent defender of his beliefs, and individualistic despite the strict, conformist environment he was brought up in. Every time he sees a loophole to exploit, he will, for better or worse. It would've been the easiest thing in the world to make this character a one-note asshole with no substance, but where's the fun in that? How would that be interesting?
But how a writer develops characters isn't just an indicator of their work ethic, their commitment to quality, or their enjoyment of the act itself. It also says something about how they see the world, or more specifically, the people in it.
I'm just wondering what the hell it takes to be okay with writing strawman villains like Lisa and Stella. How misanthropic and/or sheltered do you have to be to view anyone, even fictional characters, as this thoroughly monstrous?
Tommy? Viv? Are you okay? Who hurt you?
Seriously, who hurt you?
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arkham-dossiers · 3 months
Patient File: Lysandre
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It's the 4th of July.....so naturally I'm analyzing a Frenchman.
In public, Lysandre is the head of Lysandre Labs, a charitable philanthropist responsible for the Holocaster technology used across the Kalos region. In secret, Lysandre is the boss of Team Flare, a criminal group that wants to wipe out all life in Kalos, and then the world, save for a chosen few that will restore the environment to its original natural beauty and purge all perceived ugliness from life.
The difference between Lysandre's public perception and his true self is quite stark. What led a man of privilege like him to such extreme, misanthropic beliefs? And is there anything that can remedy it?
To start with, it must be noted that Lysandre is descended from ancient Kalosian royalty, being the brother of the infamous King who built and activated the Ultimate Weapon of legend. This status warped Lysandre's view of people early in his life. It made him believe that certain people are inherently better than others, that they are "chosen" for greatness. This belief also placed a great sense of burden upon him, as he made it his life's mission to live up to that greatness. He saw it as his duty to provide for his region, to give to those less fortunate, to help shape a brighter future for everyone.
But Lysandre's ideals ended up clashing with reality. For everything he provided, there were people who misused or squandered it. For all he gave to the poor, he couldn't single-handedly solve income inequality meaning there were always more poor people in need. And for as much as he tried to create a better future, he ended up seeing signs everywhere of a worse on. Some signs may have been legitimate, many likely just in his own paranoid mind, but whatever the case it left him devoid of satisfaction and fulfillment. Being a man whose emotions burn fiercely, Lysandre began to feel deep hatred. Hatred for people who didn't notice or care about how they were affecting society. Hatred for the poor whom he saw as "parasites" who didn't fight hard enough to advance themselves in favor of taking from those who worked for their fortune. And hatred for things like deforestation, pollution, crime, war, and general lack of decorum. Lysandre became a misanthrope, seeing fault in everyone but himself and "chosen ones" that he deemed respectable like himself.
While Lysandre does feel remorse for the lengths he is willing to go to in order to cleanse the world of all that he perceives to be ugly, knowing it to be morally wrong, he keeps himself on this path anyway because he feels it's the only solution and that as a chosen one it is his burden to bear - that he has come too far to turn back now. Despite this, Lysandre is pathologically hypocritical. He wishes to be someone who gives, and yet his ultimate plan is to take the lives of many. He hates selfish, greedy and frivolous people and yet many such people make up the ranks of Team Flare all because they had a lot of money which Lysandre automatically thinks makes them self-sufficient workers who benefit society. And he considers himself to be an idealist even though his view of everything and what must be done about it is so deeply cynical. It's to the point where he can manipulate and threaten and do unimaginably cruel things while still insisting it's other humans, including his victims, that are the problem. In one famous instance, he wept for the Pokémon of the world that he felt he had no choice but to kill, saying as long as they exist humans will be tempted to abuse them as tools, making them and others suffer. He says this while he is enacting a plan that is abusing Pokémon as tools, making them and others suffer! The depth of his delusion and utter lack of self-awareness is stunning to behold.
Diagnosis: Lysandre suffers from a triple whammy of Paranoid Personality Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder, and Narcissistic Personality Disorder, with sociopathic tendencies as well even if he lacks the criteria to be a full sociopath. Treatment will be exceedingly difficult, but one aspect of his warped psyche can be used to the advantage of this end: his respect for fellow "chosen ones". Lysandre is not narcissistic enough to believe that only he has value, as he takes the views of other chosen ones seriously even if he disagrees with them - a prime example being his friend Professor Sycamore. If such people keep working with Lysandre to show him better alternatives to the problems he sees than his genocidal aims, it is possible that he will calm down and adjust to a safer way. It will take a lot of time and effort, but it is recommended as the only way to save him. For if he isn't saved, then the likelihood of self-destruction is great, and unfortunately Lysandre is a man with the will and power to take many others down with him.
This patient is sometimes dangerous. It depends on whether or not he views you as among the "chosen" or not. If he does, you may engage with him intellectually. If he does not, avoid at all costs.
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pitviperofdoom · 8 months
Tell me about your Mycroft on Enola Holmes opinions please! I also have opinions about his characterization in the movie :) they’re not nice opinions but I otherwise enjoyed the movie
Yeah overall I enjoyed both Enola Holmes movies but this One Thing made me mad and I'm gonna bitch about it under the readmore.
I spent every scene he was in wanting to eat glass, his characterization made me so angry. It's almost impressive how they utterly failed to make Mycroft Mycroft-like at pretty much every possible angle.
Is Mycroft Holmes a misanthrope? Absolutely. But that doesn't mean he's an angry, hostile asshole who treats everyone like shit, it means he avoids people. Like here he is going out of his way to be unpleasant, as if Mycroft Holmes has ever in his life gone out of his way to do anything. This man has computer brain and lives at a club where he can sit in a corner and not talk to people because he can't be arsed to participate in polite society, and you want me to believe he's wringing his hands over his sister not participating in polite society? No sir I am not buying what you're trying to sell me.
Mycroft with a young lady in his charge would basically be Mr. Bennet from Pride and Prejudice--he'd be shutting himself away with books and puzzles and occasionally laughing at the antics from a safe distance.
Honestly the final nail in the coffin was when the maid character flat out told Sherlock that Mycroft didn't have the same spark of genius as him and Enola, he's basically a weird angry OC at that point because Mycroft's entire character is "smarter genius than sherlock, but lazy."
I also have a couple of minor gripes about Sherlock's character: First, Enola tells him that he can deal with the "hoits and toits" while she takes care of the common people, when in the original stories Sherlock's whole thing was taking cases from regular people with problems that the police either couldn't or wouldn't address. Second, the part in the first movie where Enola gets slapped by the school headmistress and immediately runs to her brothers and they blow her off? You're telling me Sherlock Holmes wouldn't take one look at her and know someone just hit her, or that he'd let it slide if he did? The man who told Violet Hunter in the Copper Beeches that Rucastle's job offer was shady as hell and he wouldn't allow a hypothetical sister of his to take it? That Sherlock Holmes???
Rest of the movie was fine though. And the second one was good because Mycroft wasn't in it.
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leitereads · 2 months
Hello hello! I'm here for the QnA tag game! I'm a very big vampire fan and loved the quotes from Eugen Schulze. I would love to know more about him and maybe some insights on your vampire lore. Anything you wish to share!
Thank you!
Hello hello! Goodness, I have so many question to ask you as well!
I am really glad that you enjoyed his witty side. It has been really fun to roleplay as him, because I get to be this witty, but that is only his coping mechanism for all the morality he is trying to regain.
Some info about Eugen:
As bad as it is, back then he worked as a doctor/scientist for the Third Reich. The reasons behind this are, in fact, many, but the most important one, and the one he was the most apologist of, was eugenics. He truly believed in medical racism. This is, until he started to realise that his experiments weren’t consistent with what he considered to be true in the beginning, And he shifted his beliefs to a simpler one: all humans are weak, and they do not possess the control to be the best version of themselves. From this moment on, he abandoned his racist views, adopting a more neutral/pessimistic view on Humanity.
His character arc is based on regaining the Humanity he lost during WW2, though I don’t think he’ll be able to reach the end of that arc, since he still thinks quite poorly of the human condition. He also think poorly of the vampiric condition and the 3 basic curses of it (sun, fire and only being able to feed on blood). So, currently, he is doing scientific and esoteric research on how to surpass those curses and get only the best of the vampire condition.
During his decades of slumber (torpor), he started to have visions based on Gnostic beliefs (God, the false god, spiritual enlightenment as the key to “Monad”, etc.), and currently he is part of a cult that worships this god, that’s more akin to an Eldritch being, this Monad. However, the ones that are part of this cult (at least the guy that presented it to him) is not well-intentioned, so I think that this cult sold Eugen a false truth. This depends on the Storyteller, so I am still waiting to see what will come out of it.
Despite his misanthropic tendencies, Eugen actually enjoys people. Sometimes. He just wants to leave his mark on Earth by making it a better place, by sharing his knowledge with others. The ways in which he does so… however… are very morally grey…
Some other random facts about him:
- he collects coupons and he always like a good discount. You can find all of that in his jacket/coat.
- he is a goth, usually assuming a goth look when not working (long straight black hair, leather jacket and/or overcoat, combat boots, spikes, chains, black nail polish, etc.).
- when he was alive he suffered from an incurable neurological disease, that left him truly incapacitated. His sire (the vampire that transformed him) did so so he wouldn’t lose his memory, preserving the knowledge he was able to gather in life.
- he still works with his sire’s wife. It’s… very awkward at times…
- Eugen is a cleaning freak: if everything isn’t tidy around him, he starts stressing out (which happens frequently, because most part of our coterie - vampire group - is quite messy).
- regarding his political believes, they shifted around, quite much. He considers himself apolitical nowadays, and indeed, he left his old ideals behind, since they don’t make scientific sense to him anymore.
The lore around Vampire: the Requiem is biiiiig. Very, very big. But here are the basics:
- he is from a vampire clan called “Mekhet” (known for being scholars and for lurking in the shadows), more specifically a bloodline called “Norvegi”. Norvegi, generally, don’t have vampire fangs, feeding through touch (from their hands thousands of small needle-shaped projections emanate, sucking the blood of the victim they touch). Not all Norvegi are like this, and Eugen does have fangs, indeed.
- Vampires have many different powers, and clans usually have affinity for a certain set of powers. Eugen has Auspex (super-human intuition/clairvoyance), Protean (fleshcrafting) and Obfuscate (being one with the shadows).
- by spending some of the blood (Vitae) he drinks, he, like any other vampire, can pretend to be human (Blush of Life) for a limited time period.
- From his coterie (vampire group), the person he likes the most is Sue Jackson, and old vampire lady from the US, who has no clue on how to speak German and that walks around with false $500 dollar bills (as if they even existed).
- His two touchstones (the things that tie him to Humanity) are Alina, his therapist and Noah, an elderly man suffering from brain cancer, a survivor of the concentration camps, someone who crossed paths with Eugen back when he was alive and that he is trying to save at all costs, since he is hospitalised at the hospital where Eugen works in.
The whole point of Eugen’s character arc, in my perspective, is that, despite changing and being a new person, that does not erase the mistakes/horrible things he did in the past. And he knows that. But he is actively working towards the fact that those mistakes are not the only thing he’ll leave in the world, before suffering the Final Death. So, although I don’t think that there is any possible redemption for someone who was so inhuman as Eugen was, it is quite ironic and cathartic knowing that, as a vampire, he is more human than he was as a human.
Hope it helps to get a new perspective over Eugen, and if you have any doubts regarding any of the info, please just hmu!
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celeste-i · 5 months
max nolastname and John silver (fake name) are twins of not caring about the wider world beyond their own survival (and of their loves) because the world has kicked them far too many times for them to think they can change it. max being a slave and the daughter of her master, then subjected to the brutal life of a sex worker serving pirates. silver being [REDACTED]. they both believe there will always be a boot on the necks of the weak, that it's simply how the world is. destroying England will only allow for a boot of a different color to take its place. they will keep their heads down and nod and make a show of obeying so they are trusted and liked by the boot, while plotting for their own survival in secret. the devil you know, etc. they are both incredibly cynical and misanthropic. they detest bloodshed not for its cruelty but for how it stirs people up and unsettles what could be a peaceful (in their worldview) existence.
max, once she experienced having every ounce of control taken away from her, entrenched herself in a position where she was in complete control of her own fate, one where she ruled from the shadows but still appears to obey the boot. even if it eats away at her, even if it takes everything personal from her. unfortunately for silver, his rise to power (and in opposition to the boot) was not his own doing and is a prison for him as much as it is his lifeline. as a disabled man, he would have no option of survival under the boot, so he has to live in this undead prison Billy has crafted for him which stands in direct opposition to how he believes the world to be. and in many ways he views flint as the new boot, or at least allows him to take that position in his mind. silver obeys him most of the time, nods and keeps his head down until he plots for his (and madi's) survival
and they're both so good at this trickery that you forget who they are. you're told in the first episode what type of people they are -- opportunists, through and through. but they're likable. you want to believe them to be different. but they arent. max doesn't oppose her former allies being hanged; she just thinks it's bad for morale and thus ruins her business interests. silver doesn't care about the war; he suggested it only so the maroons wouldn't kill them and then ended the war once he realised the danger inherent to him and Madi. the rest of Nassau and the rest of the slaves toiling in the new world are of little concern to either one of them. what fascinating characters
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ladymirdan · 2 years
What is your opinion on the "Female Space Marines" thing, Lady Mirdan?
Are you trying to get me cancelled, my good man? 😅
Strap in. This is gonna be an unhinged and unfocused ranty wall of text.
Short answer: 
Female space marines are a primaris level of a bad idea, and I really hope it doesn't become canon.
Slightly longer answer: 
I feel like people forget that the Imperium are bad guys. Even the Emperor's “dream” for the Imperium is a fascist utopia, with all its horrible connotations going along with that.
There are good/interesting people/characters mixed into this mess, and I find it so interesting to see them interact in a world where the morals are (sometimes not) so radically different from the one we are living in.
The Imperium is a horrible, xenophobic, misogynistic, misanthropic hellhole. 
The rotting carcass of the Emperor on a golden throne is a perfect metaphor for this.
The only thing that matters is brute strength or power/resources.
Human lives are very cheap in the Imperium. I have heard the argument “It doesnt make any sense to ignore half of your population when making space marines”, yes it does. Geneseed is rare and valuable, but humans are not. There is always someone willing to give up their son for a chance to get the God Emperors' blessing.
But let's say it is possible. Geneseed is fully compatible with female anatomy. Would someone still do it? 
My guess is: probably not. 
The Imperium can't even come up with a new pair of shoelaces without the inventors risking being called heretics. None of the bigger, more established chapters would risk it. Entire chapters have been wiped out for less.
I would also expect that the Ecclesiarchy would be rather unhappy with the Astartes dipping their toes into their own military recruitment pool. Terran bureaucracy is not a thing to be taken lightly.
Can’t Roboute Guilliman just go in and make it a thing?
Maybe, but why would he want to? What has given anyone the opinion that Guilliman is a “good guy”?
He often (in my opinion) wrongly gets accredited as the primarch of reason/tactics/politics when he is clearly the master of Propaganda. 
He is memed to be this chivalrous boy scout when he absolutely is not. That is his carefully crafted public image.
Look at what types of men he chooses to promote when given the chance. Strong and dumb, every time.
But how about the chaos space marines?
Here we actually have an argument to do it. We have seen in several books (Nightlords, Fabius Bile etc,) that human fertility drops dramatically in the warp.
Here every body counts, and they have to be more economical with their initiates.
Fabius Bile himself is working hard to make this a possibility. Even though he wants to do his own thing and not just more space marines, they are close enough for me to be called female space marines, and I'm fine with them. The EC can have them… but do we really want them to?  
What about the other Traitor Legions then?
Most of the traitor Legions leaders grew up in the Imperium and shares a lot of their sensibilities and morals. 
I would doubt that the Black Legion would be fine with it even IF (big if) Abaddon himself were ok with it. A lot of his warbands would be pissed. There aren't good and rational people; they are just as brainwashed as the imperials. (I imagine a good re-enactment of this happening would be the Templin institute’s comment field on their video about this, but with (actual) curses and no profanity filter)
But GW has done bigger retcons in the past!
Yes, they have. And most of them have been handled badly.
I fully believe that female space marines CAN be introduced in a good way. 
Do I trust GW/BL to do this well? Absolutely the fuck not.
I have read a good number of BL books by now, and I think I have come across well-written female characters… twice?
But my friend has a kitbashed army with female space marines, and he wants to play with them. Hell yeah! Can I see it? I love kitbashes, and I much rather see a female space marine on the table than an “Angry marine”, for example. I’m not bothered in the least by anything fan created. It is GW I don't trust.
You don't want female space marines because you are a sexist!
I'm not gonna bother defending against this because that would make me a hypocrite.
Yes, the primary reason I don’t want female space marines is so I can have a harem of imaginary big, buff boyfriend waifus that will never ever have an unmotivated, badly written love interest written in. Do you have any idea how rare that is to come across in a fandom? 
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dracomort · 23 days
I would trust Draco to be my healer. Even if he‘s not connecting with me or smth, as long as he does his job and keep me alive. Idk maybe I watched too much House MD but I really couldn‘t careless if the doctor really cares.
And I would like to think that Draco would make a very skillful healer. Knowledgable and good with healing spells (unicorn hair wandcore duhhhhhh) and generally keeping it real w/ me. If I am dying he would def say so to my face. Which is probably bad for most people but good for me tbh.
The only reason I can think of to not want Draco as my healer is that he will looks so ugly in the healer outfit and seeing ugly Draco might put me into an actual coma. But to be fair, even Tom would look ugly in the healer robes. Whoever designed that atrocity should be publicly humiliated and get thrown tomatoes in their face. Unacceptable.
See, misanthropic genius with poor bedside manner (ie. House) is something I would associate more with Snape. Being intelligent and good at your job but not very nice isn't the biggest issue with Draco as a professional. At my least flattering interpretation of him, I would be more concerned about greed, laziness and bigotry. Can Draco Malfoy be trusted to listen to and believe patients regardless of their blood status, gender, socio-economic status, etc.?
But that's the unfun, real-world question. In fiction, we can assume Draco will move past his biases and privilege and become a better, self-aware adult. In which case, I have no idea what his bedside manner would be like because I have vanishingly few memories of him being nice and in all of them he was talking to an authority figure lol... all I can say is I'm sure he won't tolerate angry/abusive patients or their families.
On the uniforms... I'm sure Draco would get them changed once he moved up. Hell, Lucius is probably a big enough donor to get them overhauled at once if his son demanded it.
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nomairuins · 10 hours
future for scientist, bound for cadaver, and monster for both of them? 🤔
future: What's the worst possible future for your OC? Are they taking steps to avoid that outcome? Are they even aware it's a possibility?
SO unfortunately for scientist i think the worst outcome for her is. achieving immortality FJNFJFN despite that being the one thing shes working towards yk. i think deepdown she knows this but shes still pursuing it bc shes basically in denial abt it... i think her being immortal would rly enhance some of her worst traits. like she already feels disconnected/dofferent/isolated from other people (which is partially why shes pursuing immortality in the first place) but if she got it it would just be. soooo much worse. i truly believe if she did become immortal shed fuck off to like. the most isolated place on earth and shed never talk to another person ever again. Which she might think is a good thing but it absolutely would not be
bound: Has your OC ever been imprisoned or captured? What happened? How did they get out? Did the experience leave any scars?
soo this one is difficult bc cadavers backstory im changing my mind on it majorly atm... previously i did have him being arrested and held in prison for a while and then being broken out/recaptured by scientist but im not sure if i still want all that .. the like. nature of his ... Whole thing has changed a lot since i originally came up with her so im not sure if that still works. like it Could but idk... so this one is a bit of a weird question to answer atm bc i havent fully decided yet... i suppose depending on how much control you view cadaver as having you could say like. living with scientist is imprisonment but i do think if cadaver actually wanted to get out it probably could. SO idk... also scars r also being reconsidered in my mind bc previously i had him Getting scars but now im not sure if that actually makes sense with the healing thing... but the issue is one of the main reasons i made him is bc i think autopsy scars r cool 😭😭😭 so i dont know...
monster: Is your OC monstrous in any way? Is there something that makes them monstrous? Are they aware of their own monstrosity? Do they accept it or reject it?
scientist: YAY so i think scientist has always felt inherently other. but i think meeting cadaver RLY changed her for the worst like. she literally regularly murders another person. and yeah he gets better but you dont just like... even if its not permanent you cant just become ok with killing someone without being a little bit off. yk. i think physically shes human (unless i decide that she Does take on the whole possession thing. constant flipflopping in connorland) but i think mentally she goes from being like. kind of a misanthropic loner to being like. she basically simultaneously views cadaver as an ideal that shes jealous of (bc he has the one thing she wants, and bc she feels a sort of connection w it bc they have like.. similar but different motivations. yk...). and if the only person youve ever felt any sort of similarity to is a corpse possessed by ambiguous force i dont think youre like . you know ...
cadaver: so this is soo fun bc ive actually been considering having cadaver a bit more monstrous like. physically. bc obviously shes not human anymore BUT i think itd be fun if the possession had some physical effects on him... currently he just has the extreme healing/resurrection abilities but id imagine hed probably have some sort of enhanced strength as well. and i just love when possession has a physical component... but yes. EMOTIONALLY i think cadaver is weirdly in denial abt being a monster. like. i think she views the original part of her the one that died as like. the monstrous one. it feels more human now that its possessed bc prior to her death she was like. Somewhat similar to scientist in that she was very isolated but it was less of a choice if this makes sense. like scientist consciously isolates herself from ppl bc she just Assumes that they arent like. sorry im turning this into being about scientist again DJFNJF cadaver go lay at the bottom of the pool or something im busy. but yk she has that like. a view of herself thats seperate from other people/from humanity so she just doesnt bother talking to other people bc she assumes they would never understand. yk. so it is A choice to isolate from ppl (altho she also like..does not have social skills at all. as a result of this choice. so yk...) but w cadaver cadaver was alllways desperate for connection but in a like. rather than searching for One specific like. Unattainable kind of connection he wanted anything. and thats why she was so enthusiastic abt the connection bc it meant there would always be like. Someone. yk. and obv post connection shes a lot more like. confident and Able to make friends despite being physically more disconnected from humanity if this makes sense. so yes. i think cadaver is Literally more monstrous than scientist but i dont think thats how he feels abt himself at all.
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#i hope this makes sense i rambled so bad i love thinking abt like. their views of themselves. yk..#the parallels between predeath cadaver and scientist r rly rly fascinating to me which is funny bc I made them up DJFNFJFN but like.#bc w scientist like. her motivation for immortality is bc she wants to know Everything. she wants to transcend like. humanity and she wants#fully seperate herself from the human part of herself that shes always hated. which is the part that Wants connection and wants to feel#understood. she basically wants to be a robot or a god or something like that. yk. a part of her wants to remain human and the rest of her#Hates that part. yk. whereas w cadaver her immortality motivation was kind of like. tbh the immortality was a side effect NDNFJFNF he was#just like Ooh boy a thing who lives in my head who will intrinsically get me and never leave me and well be together forever. And bonus will#help me talk to people and everyone will love me and view me as a god. YAYYYY YAYYYY. and then the immortality is just kind of another bonus#bc w cadaver it just loves like. attention. and being seen in ANY way. so post death i think likeee. bc of its immortality other ppl tend to#revere it . yk. its personality is sort of magnetic despite the feeling of it judt being like. off. yk. i think that fulfills the need and#it kind of doesnt care that its like. they still dont actually understand him yk. hes still An other to them. she just views it as adoration#which is what it wants. you know. i think theres a partnof cadaver that still feels empty and longs for like. Genuine care#if this makes any sense at all. BUT YA IDK. THIS MAY MAKE NOOO SENSE AT ALL. the ramblerrr
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