#He’s the most hufflepuff Slytherin ever <33
isalisewrites · 3 days
“Harry Potter.” The cold burrowed into his flesh, the scent of cloying death and molding earth clogged his senses.
“The Boy Who Lived.”
A strange sense of loss and disappointment rose within him. That brilliant, yet cruel boy could’ve been so much more if he’d not stepped down this bloodied path.
Terrible, but great. He pitied this creature.
“Come to die.”
Harry Potter faced the flash of green light with the bravery of a Gryffindor and the broken heart of a Hufflepuff.
When Death gives Harry a third option, one that can save everyone he ever cared about, he takes it unflinchingly. Even when that means doing the impossible: falling in love with the enemy, Tom Riddle.
Sebastian leaned forward in his seat. “You don’t think it’s Grindelwald, do you?” he asked with a frown. “Could a dark lord control them?”
“He didn’t say,” said Simon. “He did say that occasionally one or two of them will float out to sea before coming back, but…” Simon met Tom’s gaze, a dark look entering his eyes. “About six to seven of them have gone missing. They can’t find them and they have no idea what happened to them.”
“Fuck,” said Harry, growing pale. He rubbed his face with his hands. “Fuck.”
“Well, that can’t be good, yeah?” said Roland, glancing around the group.
Alphard shook his head. “The dementors aren’t supposed to leave Azkaban. They’re under ministry control or at least that’s what the public assumes.” He sighed. “However, the agreement between the ministry and the dementors is a delicate, fragile one. The dementors could turn on us at any time when they’ve found a better source of food.”
“Why is your father informing you of this?” asked Tom. “This shouldn’t affect us, should it?”
“The issue is their numbers are dropping faster than he realized,” said Simon. “He said even more might disappear or go missing. He’s advised us to practice the patronus charm as much as possible.”
“The patronus charm?” said Quintus. “But that’s not to be taught until the end of our sixth year. That’s advanced magic. He can’t think they’ll come here, do you?”
William shrugged. “There are plenty of towns and cities between Hogwarts and Azkaban, so he doubted it, but he still wanted us to practice. They’re going to alert the public soon and the staff of Hogwarts. Problem is I can barely conjure even a bit of some proper mist as a seventh year and most of you lot haven’t covered it yet.”
“He also said we should be on alert and always keep some chocolate on hand.”
Sebastian shook his head. “Chocolate, that I can do, but learning the patronus charm is out of the question.”
“Why?” asked Harry. “I’ve seen you duel in class. You’re strong enough.”
A number of Slytherins snorted.
“Strength is not the issue,” said Tom softly.
“Harry, it’s a light spell,” drawled Sebastian. “I was casting dark magic when I was five years old.”
“What does that have anything to do with it?”
“It doesn’t like dark magic,” said Marcus. “And I’d prefer to not die a horrible death by maggots.”
Harry rolled his eyes. “I’ve done a dark spell or two and I can cast it.”
“Come off it,” said Sebastian. He shook his head, while the others shifted with interest. “We all know you’re powerful, Harry, but the patronus charm is a different brand of magic. Most sixth years never master it and like Will said, he can’t do much of anything even in his seventh year. Hell, a lot of adults can’t cast it.”
Harry lifted a defiant eyebrow and pulled out his wand. A little chill of thrill ghosted up Tom’s spine. Harry… you can’t be telling us that you can cast the patronus charm… can you? 
He was powerful, yes. Tom had witnessed that power firsthand. He’d seen Harry’s mastery of wandless magic, of wordless magic. It came to him with ease. But a light spell of this caliber? That was something else entirely.
But Harry regularly proved himself to be extraordinary.
“Expecto Patronum,” whispered Harry.
Light pulsed.
White light glowed, power filling the room. Soft gasps rippled through the group. The blinding, glorious light flooded the dimly lit dorm room, chasing away the shadows in the corners. A misty stag stood tall in front of Tom. The stag dipped his head closer to him and Tom reached out, but the stag vanished. 
It left Tom bereft.
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olivers-cocoapuffs · 1 year
Evan strolled along the path, barely slowing to take in his surroundings, he’d been here enough times already. It was always the same anyway, the trees, the vines, the grass.
The walk wasn’t why Evan came out here, no. It was what was end of the walk, the small clearing with the clear stream running through it.
As he nears the clearing, he can hear the running water. It’s accompanied by the chirping of the birds and the occasional splash.
Evan broke through the tree line and automatically walked over to his tree. It was a willow with sweeping branches, and sat close enough to the stream that Evan could sit with his feet in the water and still be in the shade.
Evan sighed contently as he sat and took his shoes off, dipping his feet into the cool water. He stared into the water numbly.
The war was fast approaching, everyone could feel it. They all thought that they’d be safe at Hogwarts, but people’s families were being taken. It was coming closer to a time where Evan would need to choose a side.
It didn’t help that his friends were so divided. Regulus had taken the mark only a year prior, and Barry was talking about doing the same. Dorcas was already in the order, and had mostly cut contact with the boys. Pandora had also gone mostly radio silent, only talking to her brother and the others when she had to.
Evan was apprehensive. He wanted to protect Regulus and Barty- Merlín knows they needed it, but was it the right thing? Could he dedicate his life to a Lord whom he didn’t trust?
Idly, Evan picked up a blade of grass and started ripping it up, throwing the pieces into the water and watching them float away. “What do I do?” Evan spoke into the silence.
“I love Barty but he’s-“ Evan cut himself off and took a shaky breath. Barty hadn’t been quite himself lately, he was more reserved, and his usual twinkle of mischief had vanished.
“And Regulus.. he’s in too deep.” Not for the first time, Evan was scared for his friends, terror twisting through his chest, suffocating him. No matter the side they were on, casualties would be made and lives would be altered permanently.
War brings out the best and worst of people. Evan was terrified to see what that would mean for his friends, for his family, for his classmates, for him.
Deep down, Evan knows the choice he must make. Regulus was one of his best friends, and Barty was his soulmate; where they went, Evan followed.
He couldn’t leave them behind, not when everyone else so desperately wanted to. The Black heir and the son of a twisted politician, they need Evan.
Dorcas and Pandora both have other people to rely on, to lean on, to care for. Regulus and Barty were outcasts, and Evan knew they needed his support.
And he would gladly give it to them, even if it killed him.
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kquil · 1 year
🧁: cupcake
tell me about yourself, as much or as little as possible and i will ship you with whichever marauder i think you will go well with!
hi! congrats on 1k!! i love reading your writing <33 this is my first time requesting :))
i have lighter brown hair that has a few natural blonde highlights from the sun and blue/gray eyes. i’m about 5’3” and am really quite pale. i would describe my style to be a mix between whimsigoth and dark academia. i have 2 tattoos, one of my star sign constellation (pisces) and one of a hibiscus but i am definitely going to get a lot more. i am more on the introverted side and really appreciate my alone time but when i’m with my friends i could hang out forever (probably bc of my crippling FOMO tbh-). i love music and making playlists and i actually play the bass and sing a little. one of my major hobbies is theatre and acting- i love being on stage. i’m a slytherin but definitely have a little hufflepuff deep down. i love watching criminal minds and horror movies but also appreciate really cheesy romance movies. i have a major minor caffeine addiction- both coffee and tea. i love travelling and reading and writing occasionally. id say my love language is quality time with a little side of physical touch and maybe a little bit of words of affirmation.
anyway i think that’s about me in a nutshell ! thank you so much and once again congrats 🫶🏻 !!
Thank you for the congratulations, darling and thank you for sending in this request, i hope it’s to your liking despite it coming very very late (。Ó﹏Ò。)
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i ship you with, Remus Lupin
i. you often ‘borrow’ remus’ fluffy and thick sweaters on especially chill days. they were so big that they swamped your frame but that was how you liked it and you liked that they fit your dark academia aesthetic too. remus doesn’t mind, but acts like you owe him for being so generous with lending out his clothing — “you’re nice and toasty because of my sweater so you should help keep me warm,” was his most common excuse but that often led to you cuddling up against his chest, between his legs and on his bed while you read separate books. it was the perfect way to spend an evening together. 
ii. compared to remus, you’re quite short but he loves that about you, especially when you’re dressed in your whimsigoth attire. he thinks you’re adorable and always has this urge to hold you to him – like you’re his own pretty fairy, small and beautiful and someone he doesn’t think he could ever live without – but doesn’t want to come across as clingy so he usually just ends up fiddling around with the fabric of your clothes. you’ve come to see the gesture as a sign that remus needed to be cuddled so whenever you feel a slight tug on your clothing, you immediately turn to cuddle up against your boyfriend.
iii. when you and remus first got together, you were quite nervous about meeting his friends, especially because you knew how close they were. But, over time and with some prompting from remus, you’ve gotten just as close with the boys as remus has; you share a lot of sweets and inside jokes with peter, you help sirius with styling his hair and clothes and james likes to ask you for advice with lily. the boys often refer to you as ‘the missus’ or ‘remus’ girl’ or their ‘sister in law’ because you were all practically family to each other. 
iv. the time remus discovered your tattoos, he was entranced by them, he thought they looked beautiful on you and he’s grown to habitually kiss them whenever you two were intimate with each other. you’ve told him how you debated getting a tattoo dedicated to him, which he blushed at. he was incredibly flattered that you would want something of him permanently on your skin. you were strongly against getting a full moon however; you didn’t want something that caused him so much grief to represent him on your body, instead, you opted for tattooing a matching scar of his onto your own body – it was a favourite of yours and perfectly placed across the upper right side of his abdomen. “Why?” he asked you in disbelief when he saw your new tattoo, tracing it with his finger gently as his other hand moved to press against the matching scar on his own body. “because i think it’s beautiful,” was your answer and ohhhh how you made him melt!
v. one summer, you and remus decided to go on holiday together for a week before the full moon and he fully got to appreciate your love for coffee. you woke up to do mornings with coffee, spent the evening with tea and remus, being the loving and observant boyfriend that he was, helped brew you tea and coffee whenever that time of the day came along. It took you one time to show him how you liked your tea and coffee for him to nail it over and over again. he’s your little barista~
vi. your holiday together was spent in an airbnb located in a countryside village, watching criminal minds, horror movies and cheesy romance films in bed together, going on long walks and reading and writing at cute cafes. It was so relaxing and you had never felt so at peace… until the marauders decided to crash the party and surprise you two with a spontaneous visit of your little get-away together. It wasn’t an unwelcome visit, in fact, you were just beginning to miss the boys and they showed up just in time. “I knew it! I knew you missed us!” james cheered and sirius laughs with his arm thrown over peter’s shoulders, the three of them grinning widely at yours and remus’ cuddled up forms.
vii. as much as remus loved having the boys around, however, he wanted to be alone with you more so he set about planning a scheme to encourage their departure without making it too obvious — his plan: to be as lovey-dovey with you as they were willing to stomach and amping it up every time.
viii. “you’re so beautiful today, my love,” remus coos into your ear before pressing a kiss against your cheek. “No no no, let me get that for, my dear,” remus insists, hurrying to open the door for you to enter as he leans his face down and smiles expectantly. with a giggle, you kiss him sweetly as thanks and enter while the boys in the background pull faces at the lovey atmosphere you two were setting. “we can share the blanket, darling,” remus calls and opens his arms so you could run up to cuddle into his chest with the blanket wrapped around both of you. you were already wearing remus’ thick sweater but cuddling with him made you feel especially warm, which was needed for the chilly night. The rest of the boys glare at the two of you, feeling especially lonely as they look on with their marshmallows over the open fire and glaring when remus looks up from kissing you and smirks at their pathetic, shivering appearance under unbearably thin blankets.   
ix. by the end of day 2, they were packing their bags. “remmy…” you sighed and narrowed your eyes at your boyfriend after the two of you waved the boys goodbye. “yes, sweetheart?” he asks, pressing a kiss to your cheek after taking a strand of your blonde hair behind your ear. “i know what you did! i didn’t know you could be so devious!” he grins as you pout, “darling, i’m a marauder too, y’know~”
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noahkahansversion · 2 years
Regulus Black HCs
I’m a sad lesbian and he’s my favourite character at this point, so yknow, why not?
-him and pandora were best friends, and he would’ve been luna’s godfather
-he truly did love sirius, just never knew how to deal with his brother. the night sirius left to live with james, sirius forced reg to stay in his room so their parents wouldn’t take it out on him
-he loved gray. it was his favourite colour
-his hair was never as long as sirius’s. he kept it around his chin, sirius kept his around his shoulders
-regulus could speak better french than anyone else in the family
-pandora and narcissa hardly knew each other, but they both went to regulus’s funeral and broke down together, having lost someone who mattered the most
-him and narcissa were very close for a while. she had an absolute breakdown when he died
-regulus loved flowers. any flowers. bright flowers, boring flowers, just anything, he thought they were so amazing
-regulus was always the perfect child, and despite everything his mom did, he really did care about his parents
-he was a death eater. when he was young, he shared his parents blood supremacist views, but that changed by the time he turned 17
-since he got the dark mark at 16, he was the youngest of his friends to get it. when he got it, bellatrix cheered and was so proud of him, he felt like he’d finally done something right
-regulus was a cat person. he adored cats, and always wanted a pet
-he loved black coffee, refused to have anything in it, however he loved green tea and refused to have anything with it
-would not sleep for three days and then would wonder why he couldn’t function for the next week
-would’ve been a hat stall if he wasn’t a pureblood with blood supremacist views. could’ve been a slytherin, ravenclaw, or gryffindor
-discovered the room of requirement by himself and used to go in there to read or so he could just be by himself in peace
-knew all about the marauders being animagi, and about remus being a werewolf. he just never cared enough to say anything
-he was extremely smart. excelled in potions and arithmancy
-also did surprisingly well in divination, even tho no one expected it
-actually had several hufflepuff friends, just never let his parents know
-he used to dream of inheriting 12 grimmauld place if his brother didn’t want it. he loved the place, absolutely adored it, and he thought of it belonging to sirius and cried
-when he died, he watched over sirius constantly. his spirit lingered around grimmauld place
-he used to go on adventures through the forbidden forest. no one ever said anything to him about it
-he was queer, no clue how to explain his sexuality
-him and peter actually got along well in hogwarts, but when peter died regulus screamed at him for betraying his brother and ruining everything
-regulus and marlene would’ve been excellent friends. neither of them had any clue what was going on in their lives or what they were doing, and it drew them together
That’s all for now! Maybe I’ll make more sometime <33
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Locked up II Draco Malfoy x Reader
This drabble is part of my 800 Follower Celebration!
Summary: You get yourself locked into a small room at the Malfoy Manor together with a certain Slytherin.
Requested by a lovely anon:  “ Hi! I love your writing! Could I request a Draco Malfoy x reader locked inside a small room and dialogue prompt #12 “Wanna see what I’m wearing underneath all this” Thanks!!”
A/N: Why am I so bad at keeping the world limit? This was supposed to be 500 words! Thank you for the request though, it was a lot of fun!! <33
Words: 919 Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Reader Warnings: light swearing, set during Year 7 & Voldy never came back
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„Is it locked?“
„No, I just enjoy rattling doorknobs.”
“Don’t get cocky with me, Malfoy!”
“Don’t asked stupid questions, Y/L/N!”
“Just use your – ”
You stopped midsentence. Faint footsteps could be heard outside the door. They came closer and finally passed the storage room, in which you and Malfoy stood. Click click click. A woman, judging by the sound of heels on the marble floor.
“Why don’t we call for help?”, you whispered.
“No! I don’t want my parents finding me in here with you!”
Despite being not surprised by this, it still offended you. “What’s that supposed to mean?!”
“You’re a Hufflepuff.”
“And? You’re a Slytherin!”
How did you get in here? Well, that was easy. Your family had been invited to the Malfoy’s Annual Winter Ball. Once year, usually right after Christmas when all the students were still at home with their families, the Malfoys hosted a ball, inviting the most influential people of the wizarding world. This was your first time ever attending as your mother recently received quite a big promotion at the ministry. You were excited at first and then immediately disappointed when you saw upon arrival how boring this event was going to be. So without even taking off your cloak, you started wandering around until you found a kitchen and – cookies. Just as you had grabbed one, Malfoy walked inside, followed by the cook. Your brain went on autopilot and you did the most stupid thing you could think of – you ran. Well, the cook thought Malfoy was in on it and so began a very ridiculous chase across the halls until you both hid in here. And now the door was locked.
“Why don’t you use your wand?”, you asked.
“Doesn’t work on those locks.”
You frowned in the darkness. “Why?”
Malfoy sighed in annoyance. You had never been friends. In fact, you couldn’t remember speaking to him once in your now almost seven years of school. The only two things you knew about him were that his parents were fucking rich and that he hated Potter. “I don’t know. They implemented the rule when I was little.”
“Doesn’t make any sense.”
“Thanks, Y/L/N,” he groaned.
You grinned. Thank Merlin, he couldn’t see it. “The next time someone comes around, I’ll scream for help.”
“No!”, Malfoy almost demanded.
“Try and stop me.”
“I will.”
You leaned back against the wall and pulled out your wand. “Lumos,” you mumbled and a bright light illuminated the small room. You blinked a few times, letting your eyes adjust.
Malfoy stood in front of you. He had given up on the lock and leaned against the door. You weren’t gonna lie – he looked amazing tonight in his black suit. Like right out of a muggle magazine.
“See something you like?”, he asked with a smirk.
You shrugged. “It’s alright.”
He scoffed.
“What’s the plan when we don’t want to scream then?”, you wanted to know instead.
He thought for a moment. “Waiting until the party is over. The house elves will need to get into this room.”
You raised an eyebrow. “My parents will look for me.”
“Maybe the party is over sooner then.”
“Awesome,” you grumbled.
Malfoy watched you with a frown when he suddenly noticed something. “Why are you still wearing your cloak?”
“The cookies called for me,” you replied with a sarcastic undertone.
The corners of his lips began to twitch as if he was holding back a chuckle.
“Wanna see what I’m wearing underneath all this?”
His eyes widened at the question, causing you to laugh. “My dress, stupid,” you giggled. “It would be a shame if no one gets to see me in it, right?”
He cleared his throat. “Yeah, sure, right.”
You got out of the cloak, putting it onto the ground. The dress you wore was stunning – it fit like a glove, flowing beautifully down your body. It was a dark blue with little gemstones woven in it, making it sparkle like the night sky whenever you moved. It had been a present for your eighteenth birthday.
Malfoys gaze was fixated on you as he took it all in. His lips parted slightly and you saw his pupils dilate but weren’t sure if it was just because of dim light. The obvious reaction flattered you though.
He swallowed. “It’s pretty. I might even have asked you to dance.”
A chuckle escaped your throat. “Pretty. I look amazing, Malfoy, and you know that.”
He didn’t reply but his smirk was answer enough. You stayed in the room for at least thirty more minutes by yourselves. At first, you made random small talk but soon the topics began to shift. School, your plans for the time after graduation, even Quidditch came up once. You found out that he was easy to talk to if you were able to counter his constant sly remarks.
“Can I have a bite of the cookie you stole?”, he asked after a while.
“Already ate it,” you grinned.
He rolled his eyes. Another few minutes passed and you finally had enough. “Alright, I’ll try just for fun.”
“What?”, he asked but had already lifted your wand.
What happened next came completely unexpected – the door opened. It just flew open, giving a view of the large empty hallway. You slowly turned your head towards the Slytherin, disbelief written all over your face.
“Oh,” he stated simply. “They must have changed that.”
“I’m gonna fucking kill you, Malfoy.”
“How about we dance first?”
A/N: I hope you liked it!! <33 Thanks for reading!
Harry Potter Masterlist General Masterlist
Tag List: @writerdee1701, @zpandaqueen, @ladylizzieofdarbyshire, @aspiring-ginger, @strivingforelegance, @nobleking​,  @dracomalfoyswifey​, @donttellany1iusetumbler​
If you want to be added to my tag list, let me know! <3
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that-gayyy-bitch · 3 years
I have this headcanon that the Gryffindor Quidditch team were little shits, that Oliver could barely control, so he made a rule board, which started off pretty normal but got out of hand.
I imagine it was like this: (This is the Quidditch team in the first 3 books.)
1. Quidditch is not just a game. People who think otherwise will face the wrath of Mr Wood.
2. Mr Wood is NOT a cane to beat people with.
3. Don't let Fred and George near anything. Anything.
4. Friendly reminder that the chasers aren't secretly super Ministry spies who could kill with one glance if they wanted, no matter what Fred says.
5. Hufflepuff's seeker is not secretly a badger.
6. Harry is our baby-secret weapon, and must be protected at all costs.
7. Keep the Chocolate Frog Card stash away from Alicia and Katie.
8. Playing 'Spin the Broomstick' and '7 Minutes in the Broom Cupboard' is forbidden.
9. All pairing names are forbidden. Especially Johnwood and Wooter.
10. Oliver Wood is not a walking sexual innuendo.
11. Anyone who says 'Morning Wood' will be high-fived punished.
12. Harry I don't care if your scar is hurting, just catch the snitch for Merlin's sake.
13. People who say Fred and George are the same will be attacked by bludgers.
14. Incidentally, if Fred and George pretend to be each other one more time, they'll be attacked by bludgers when they're least expecting it.
15. The next person to ruin Wood's date by saying 'He's a keeper.' then winking is off the team.
16. Betting on how many times Wood will fall off of his broom is forbidden.
17. Beaters are not code words for prostitutes.
18. Anyone heard singing 'We saw Oliver's butt' will clean the broom cupboard for a week.
19. Discussing if twins are exactly the same EVERYWHERE is forbidden.
20. Oh they're not exactly the same. ;)
21. Fred and George are now forbidden from writing on the rule board.
22. Friendly reminder that Angelina is not to be trusted with our clothes, and the next time the twins convince her to take them, the three of them will be picking them out of the lake themselves.
23. Singing 'Potter for captain' and 'How will Potter end up in the Hospital Wing next?' is banned. (On weekdays.)
24. Insulting Slytherins is allowed if they start it, but if you don't want us to get disqualified, please refrain from sneaking live spiders into their quidditch robes.
25. Katie is not allowed to hold anyone down and give them a makeover.
26. George is not allowed to help.
27. Pranks wars between the Weasleys and the Chasers are forbidden.
28. Dragging Harry into these wars as bait is also forbidden.
29. Selling strands of Wood's hair to first years is strictly prohibited.
30. If Fred and George are huddled together, it's bad and they must be separated before someone's broom turns into a marshmallow.
31. Angelina and Alicia will refrain from singing 'We're the most sassy quidditch team on the planet with the best butts ever.'
32. Fred and George will not join in.
33. Fred and George will NOT EVER AGAIN show their butts no matter how 'glorious' they are. Well they are. No Katie.
34. Harry will not ask 'Where do babies come from?' in earshot of rival quidditch teams.
35. Professor McGonagall is not a cat who's animagus is a human.
36. Alicia will not ring a bell in Wood's ear every time he says Katie Bell, Katie, or Bell.
37. Bad puns are banned everyday except for Thursdays.
38. Though spraying shampoo on Professor Snape's head and blaming it on Zacharias Smith was funny, refrain from doing it in front of McGonagall.
39. 'Touching Wood' for good luck is prohibited.
40. Shipping McGonaWood is hilarious creepy and needs to be stopped.
41. Fred, George and Katie will not turn all of the Ravenclaw brooms into squirrels when they're not looking, even if 'It was only a joke' and 'We were going to change them back.'
42. Oliver Wood does NOT sleep with a toy golden snitch. Well he totally does.
43. Fred and George will refer to rule 21 and keep their filthy mouths shut.
44. Holding out a broom in front of your body and sniggering 'long' and 'hard' is immature and will be banned.
45. Threatening to shove broomsticks up people's butts/nostrils is not a good way to taunt any rivals, Slytherin or not.
46. Harry is NOT the Gryffindor mascot, and will not be forced to wear a lion costume and dance.
47. If it is heard that anyone has been insulting the team then rule 25 will be overlooked.
48. Reminder that Oliver Wood puns are banned, and any new ones will banned. Unless they're really good. No.
49. Playing '(Oliver) Would You Rather?' is forbidden.
50. Draco may be a slimy git, but de it's prohibited to turn his hair colour to red and gold, no matter how hilarious he looks.
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dongiovannaswife · 4 years
Would it be overkill if I asked for all of them?
How about 1, 3 through 8, and 11, 12 and 13? Oh wait, is that too much? Sorry if that's too much! ( > w < ') (I just love you and GioGio together❤)
It’d be a shame if I answered them all right here right now, during my break *eyes emoji* *eyes emoji* *eyes emoji* 
Thank you so much for sending this in! ily friend. ♥♥♥ 
@star-birthmark said: Alright so I'm gonna pull a Lena and just ask for all the questions. Is that good? Great. Love ya
I was just thinking about you doing the same to me so HA I read your mind. ASAsask. Thank you so much <3 
Under the cut for those not interested :D i did not proofread bc my head hurts ;w; 
1.       Does your F/O have a birthmark? (or any type of freckles or beauty marks?)
Beside the glorious star birthmark (which I know I have a spicy hc about uwu) Gio has this super curious and small birthmark on his back, it’s not that noticeable unless you see him closely uwuwuwu.
2.       Is your F/O the type to volunteer to their community?
I mean, he’s,,, literally a mafia boss. His posture on Passione and his work is far from honest, but I feel like he’d actually would open shelters or donate to good causes, and since I hc him as a lawyer, perhaps he volunteers from time to time so he can help people with cases, obviously he doesn’t accept any money from them, as he knows what it’s like.
3.       Does your F/O the type to be giving or to take?
Younger Giorno (I’m not talking from a romantic aspect, calm down please), is the one to always give and get surprised when he gets something in return —the adult Gio from my ship knows how to give and receive equally.
What I’m trying to say is yes, but I don’t know where yet, haven’t thought a lot about that.
4.       Does your F/O have any battle scars?
Better yet —is GER able to regenerate cells fully? That would make him like a super cell, you know. No but seriously, say GER is able to do so, and Giorno wouldn’t have any scares from the events of VA; but what if his moral called for him to do so, to let his skin carry some of them. Say, a scar from Narancia’s last moments on his chest, unnoticeable now due to the tattoo on his chest.
5.       Does your F/O wear make up? (Do you think they would be open to wearing makeup if they don’t wear it daily?)
I feel like he’d wear the casual lipstick from time to time, but not really always. Unlesss someone *wink wink* convines him to do his makeup one day so he can try it.
6.       Has your F/O ever dye their hair or worn a wig?
7.       What is your F/O fashion taste?
ignore the boob window and think about luke Hemmings or this. Exquisite, would give him kith.
8.       How tall is your F/O?
1.98 cm uwuwuwuwuw
10.   When if your F/O birthday?
9.       What is your F/O’s blood type?
April 16. ♥
11.   Does your F/O know how to cook? If so are they good at it?
He knows how to cook, yes, but he’s not that good —somehow I feel like his coffee would taste LIKE HEAVEN.
12.   What is your F/O favorite flavor?  (sweet, sour, bitter, salty and umami (savory))
Sweet, definitely. When he’s a bit tired from it, though, he goes for bitter things.
13.   If your F/O could be a fan of any video game what do you think it would be?
Metal Gear Solid 4.
14.   What type of aesthetic does you F/O have?
The sense of freedom when you glance at the sunrise. If that makes sense of course.
15.   What color if your F/O eyes?
Turquoise! So pretty aaaaa uwu.
17.   If you could matching tattoos what would it be?
16.   Does your F/O have any tattoos? If not do they like or hate the concept of tattoos?
An owl on his chest, a vine on his index from his left hand and a sunflower on his ring finer; he’s thinking of getting something for the twins, but he’s not sure about what yet. 
A small Aloe Vera potted plant on our necks (based off an ask I remember getting a while ago —if that person is still around, your idea might come true buddy).
18.   Does your F/O have any piercings?
I die for the thought of him with a lip ring. But I don’t really think he has any of them, the lip ring is a matter of,,,, other impulses akdjslkd.
19.   Is your F/O a cake or pie person?
Both. Both is good. Has a leaning to pie, but loves both.
20.   Is your F/O a morning or night person?
Night person.
21.   Is your F/O a coffee or tea person?
Coffee, I don’t think he likes tea *that* much.
22.   Is your F/O half empty or half full type of person?
I’m not sure, tbh.
23.   Does your F/O have a pet? If not in canon what do you think they would have if given the chance?
Listen, a panther would make the best pet for him. But I think he’s a cat person. Not like he doesn’t like dogs, but a cat is probably something he enjoys most.
24.   Is your F/O the type to want to live in the city or live out in the country?
25.   Does your F/O like to swim?
26.   What harry potter house would your F/O be in? (Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin)
Nah fam, I’m not really interested on HP, sorry.
27.   If your F/O was in “avatar: the last air bender” what type of bender would they be? (air, water, earth, and fire)
Some of you will kill me for this but I haven’t watched it, ever. :D
28.   Is your F/O LGBT+?
Nope, at least not for me. You are free to headcanon him as you wish. Pleadon’tstartdramathisisnotmeanttooffendanyone.
29.   Does your F/O have any artistic hobbies? (Knitting, drawing, painting, etc)
Drawing, but it’s most for stress relief.
30.   What’s a piece of clothing your F/O is never seen without? (glasses, a necklace, hat, etc)
The arrow he hangs around his neck or just carries around hidden.
31.   What type of scent does your F/O remind you of?
There’s this perfume I absolutely love and I can’t really describe it, but it’s WildCountry.
32.   What’s something you see often that has little to no relation to your F/O but always reminds you of them?
Flowers and vines :,)
33.   Do you have any silly nicknames or pet names for your F/O?
34.   What does your F/O house/apartment look like? (or what do you think it looks like)
If we talk about his years of “I live alone yeee” then pretty much no decoration, excepts for the plants or books he keeps —overall, what you could call monochromatic. Once we get married, we pick a style, with classical sculptures and roman like architecture
35.   What season reminds you of your F/O? (winter, spring, summer, fall)
36.   Have you ever had a dream with your F/O in it?
Yes uwu.
37.   Does your F/O play any musical instruments?
No really.
38.   What’s a song that reminds you of your F/O when you hear?
Gold by Prince.
39.   What is your relationship like with your F/O?
We,,, in love,,,, yes.
40.   How long have you been with your F/O? (or at least been interested in them?)
Interested in him,,,,,, I’m not sure if one or two years?? But in the “”””storyline”””” seven years.
41.   Where is your F/O from? (as in born)
42.   Is your F/O the type to read reviews, or just go with their gut
Better yet, contacts.
43.   What does your F/O’s Saturdays usually look like?
Some paperwork at home studio, comfy causal clothes (black jeans and white tee, barefoot).
44.   What is your F/O’s most valuable possession?
The arrow lmao.
45.   What’s a fad you can see your F/O taking part of?
Analyzing music together!! :D
46.   does your F/O prefer to work alone or with a team?
47.   How well does your F/O know tech? (such as computers, smart phones)
I feel like he knows a lot asdkad.
48.   What’s some advice your F/O would tell you?
“Stop thinking you are not enough, stop thinking no one loves you, stop thinking you are worthless; stop with all your self-destruction.”
49.   What animal reminds you of your F/O?
Lion!! :D
51.   What’s the most interesting fact you know about your F/O?
50.   What color reminds you of your F/O?
Gold AND turquoise
Canon or made by me?? The first would be his favorite musician, because OH I like that musician too, even before knowing him. The second it’s about his scars.
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2, 5, 9, 10, 11, 17, 20, 21, 23, 33, 44, 47, 56, 57, 59, 66, 74, 87 for all
2: She has a very silvery voice, so clear, light, and pleasant to listen to.
5: She just kinda walk it off and say she’s fine with gritted teeth. She won’t admit she needs help and will accept it when she’s dropped to the ground in pain.
9: She toss and turns a lot at night much to Vilkas’s dismay.
10: She absolutely loves lavender dumplings, but any kind of baked good in general.
11: Since she uses magic she sometimes get insecure about other Nords shunning her since magic isn’t honorable.
17: Oh drunk Ylva is entertainment..for the other patrons…She’s very clingy and affectionate, personal space? She’s never heard of it. She also has very loose lips when she’s drunk so expect the secret you told her to the latest town gossip the next day.
20: Small dark spaces, the people she cares for getting hurt, and spiders.
21: Rain. She loves the sound of it, the smell, and the atmosphere it creates.
23: Books and alchemy ingredients yes.
33: The amulet of Talos she wears was her fathers that he gave to her before he died.
44: She’s a honorable person that drops everything to help the people she cares for, having her in your corner is a good thing.
47: I’d hope so, she’s married to Vilkas.
56: Probably Gryffindor.
57: I’d say she’s Chaotic Good.
59: She slightly fears death. After what happened to Kodlak she fears the same thing will happen to her but she can’t bring herself to cure herself of lycanthropy yet,but she plans to because she wants to be with her dad again in Sovngarde.
66: She loves it, she’s into some pretty kinky shit too ;)
74: It takes a lot to make her mad but if you do manage to, you better fucking run because she’s out for blood. There’s been a handful of times that Vilkas has had to physically pull her off of someone before she beat them to death.
87: She’s a young 23 year old.
2. She has a smokey voice being a Dunmer and all that.
5. She grits her teeth and angrily waves the people that tries to help her off.
9: She sleeps with one eye open and never in the same place twice except for the sanctuary.
10: Sujamma..just sujamma.
11: She feels insecure about her people skills..she’s always so hostile towards people and she hates it.
17: She’s a very emotional drunk..she’ll apologize for past wrongs and break down crying afterwards.
20: She fears loosing the people she cares about and being alone.
21: She likes warm sunny days the most because it always seems to change her mood for the better.
23: She likes to collect different daggers she finds.
33: She has a bracelet her brother bought her for her 10th birthday that she treasures.
44: Despite having a hard and hostile exterior she has softer easy going side that she doesn’t show often and only select people.
47: After traveling with Teldryn for a few months she finds herself not guarding her walls as much as she used to and much to her dismay she has devoped feelings for him.
56: She’d definitely be a Slytherin.
57: Neutral evil is a perfect example of her.
59: On one hand she doesn’t really care but on the other she’s not keen on the idea of it.
66: She’s very cautious when it comes to sex and she’s only had a handful of partners.
74: Its very easy to make her angry and if you do you won’t have a chance to apologize because you’ll probably already be dead.
87: She’s 22
2: She is a very softly spoken person.
5: She’s got enough common sense to ask for help when she’s injured but she’ll scream her head off in agony if it’s really bad.
9: She’s a very light sleeper so it takes her a while to fall asleep.
10: She really loves Shepherd’s Pie because it’s what her other used to make a lot when she was a kid.
11: She’s lowkey insecure about her height when she’s around Nords.
17: She’s a very giggly drunk, everything is funny to her and you’ll have to carry her back to her bed.
20: Putting her friends and family in danger, small dark spaces, and heights.
21: The light drizzle of rain that makes the air smell fresh and makes everything more cozy.
23: She likes to collect necklaces from all the places (houses she’s stolen from) she’s been.
33: A locket that belonged to her mother that she never ever takes off.
44: She’s really a sweet girl when you get to know her just a…little..guarded..
47: She has a HUGE crush on Delvin and Brynjolf, she thinks they don’t notice but let me tell you..they do.
56: She’s a Ravenclaw ftw.
57: Chaotic Neutral definitely.
59: She’s afraid of it yes but at the same time she knows she’ll get to see her mom again.
66: Being a virgin she has no experience but has a good idea of what to do and can’t wait to try it out.
74: Considering she’s ticking time bomb she’s very easily angered, and its like the Oblivion Gates have opened up once again.
87: She’s a wee 21 year old.
2: He has a very throaty voice that makes him seem older than he actually is.
5: He’s skilled enough where he doesn’t get injured often but when he does he will kindly ask for help.
9: He’s an average sleeper, he stays in one spot and hardly moves all night.
10: He LOVES snowberry crostatas, well any kind of crostatas really.
11: Being a Bosmer he’s very insecure about his height when compared to others.
17: When drunk he gets a false sense of bravado and it ends up getting him a black eye most of the time.
20: He has a fear of water, or more accurately drowning.
21: Rain because it masks his scent and he can better stay off of an animals radar longer.
23: The antlers or teeth of his kills.
33: A saber cat tooth his best friend gave him before he left Valenwood.
44: He’s really a stand up guy and generally pleasant to be around.
56: He’s a Slytherinfor sure.
57: Neutral Good.
59: He doesn’t care either way he just wants to make the most out of his life.
66: This man is one kinky fuck let me tell you. So needless to say he loves it.
74: He’s a pretty chill guy so it takes a lot to make him mad. When he is mad you have a chance to apologize but if you don’t he’ll probably either sit down and simmer or break your nose.
87: He be 24.
2: He has a very husky voice that has women and men dropping to their knees.
5: He’ll admit that he’s been injured and will kindly ask for help to dress his wounds. Not without groaning in pain for a little while though.
9: He sleeps pretty soundly, but will wake up say if a twig snaps. He also turns a few times in his sleep.
10: He’s a huge fan of horker stew because it reminds him of when he was a boy.
11: He hates it but sometimes he gets insecure about being an Altmer. Even though he was born and raised in Skyrim people judge him before they even know him.
17: He’s a flirtatious drunk. Anyone in sight is fair game too.
20: He fears disappointing those who look up to and care for him the most.
21: He loves bright sunny days because he loves getting to see the world when it’s most bright and vibrant.
23: He collects samples of plants he finds interesting and researches them later.
33: A small whittled hawk sculpture that his mother made him when he was young.
44: He’s the sweetest and smartest guy around, who could not? He just has that charm that draws everyone to him.
56: He’s definitely a Ravenclaw.
57: He’s Lawful Good.
59: He doesn’t dwell on it just makes the best of every day and thanks the Divines when he gets to live another.
66: He’s had 3 partners at max but don’t you dare think for one minute that he’s inexperienced this man would have you begging in 5 minutes min.
74: Being the sweetie he is he never really gets angry but if he does he tries to hold his tongue and defuse the situation without violence.
87: He’s 24.
2: She has a small voice which makes people ask her to repeat herself.
5: She is pretty tolerant to pain will let you know when she’s injured.
9: Depends on how tired she is, either she falls asleep in 5 minutes and can’t be woken or she stares at the ceiling for 3 hours before finally falling asleep later to be rudely awoken by a loud crash.
10: She’s such a child at heart, this girl loves sweetrolls out of all foods.
11: Since she was just a hunter when she joined the Companions and can’t fight with anything bigger than a dagger she’s very insecure about her fighting skills.
17: She’s only gotten drunk once and that unfortunately was on full display to all the Companions…She gets really clingy and giggly..The poor girl was mortified when she learned she latched onto Farkas and Vilkas had to pry her off of him.
20: After loosing her parents in a fire she has a massive fear of loosing others that she cares for..that being said she gets jumpy around fire for that reason…
21: Sunny still days are her favorite.
23: She collects pretty or interesting rocks in her travels and displays them proudly on a shelf when she returns home.
33: An emerald ring that belonged to her mother and the bow her father gave her for her 16th birthday.
44: She’s a super sweet girl that’s actually the embodiment of sunshine, only a monster with no heart would hate her.
56: She’s a Hufflepuff.
57: Lawful Good.
59: She does hate the idea of it but she knows she’ll go to Sovngarde so she isn’t petrified of it.
66: Oh how sweet and naive this little virgin is, she gets super shy when it’s discussed but she does want to try it..with Farkas What? I didn’t say anything.
74: She hardly ever gets mad but when she does she’s a angry crier.
87: This sweetie is only 19.
2: He has a VERY guttural voice one where you can hear each consonant in his chest.
5: TOO. MUCH. PRIDE. He will not ask for help and hostile if you try to help.
9: He sleeps like a rock, not even Alduin himself could wake him.
10: He really likes venison stew, or really anything that contains meat.
11: He occasionally gets really insecure about harsh exterior but it passes.
17: He’s an angry drunk, everyone’s out to get him and against him.
20: He has a small irrational fear of skeevers any time he gets around them his skin crawls.
21: He loves dark clouds and thundering lighting followed by a downpour.
23: No not really.
33: A piece of braided twine that’s tied to his sword given to him by a cherished friend.
44: He has a unbelievably harsh exterior but when you actually take the time to get to know him he’s actually a really nice guy.
56: Gryffindorall the way.
57: He’s a True Neutral, he doesn’t care either way.
59: Being an Orc he doesn’t really care if he lives or dies.
66: Doesn’t do it often but when he does OH wOw HE iS hArD AnD RoUgH.
74: He’s pretty level headed but when he does get angry his Berserker Rage really shows when he breaks your spine in two.
87: He’s 25.
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mindareadsoots · 7 years
Highlights from Zach Callison’s Q&A panel
This weekend I got to attend Zach Callison’s Q&A Panel at Daisho Con (Not Dash Con). I shared the highlights with my Discord Server, so I thought it was only fair to compile my notes and make a tumblr post. A lot of these notes were taken immediately after the panel, so any quotes are as accurate as possible.
Questions Zach couldn’t answer (AKA: the most interesting stuff):
Q: “Will we ever see White Diamond on the show?” Z:  "This panel would blow up on the internet if I said anything... I hope so. I can say that."
Q:  “ Which Diamond court would you [specifically Zach himself, not Steven] be in?” Z: "Pink, I think. But yellow is a close second. Aww jeez, this is like picking a Hogwarts house. Let's say 66% pink, 33% yellow... Definitely not white." Audience:  "Can you say why?" Z:  "Nooooo." 
Not everyone in the audience had seen the most recent episodes yet, so questions about them were kept to a minimum. We did get a question about whether or not Stevonnie would have short hair due to Connie’s haircut.
"I don't really know how fusion appearances work with that. Steven and Connie are having a bit of a tiff now (spoilers), and it has been a while since we saw Stevonnie, so there might be some... cosmetic changes." 
Somewhat ominous, but that might have just been him covering since he definitely can't confirm something like that. 
Cute Stuff:
Zach has Dee Dee Magno Hall listed in his phone as “Bird Mom”. Consequently, when he searches for “mom” on his phone, she shows up before his own mother.
Zach and Grace Rolek recorded themselves laughing in character to help AJ Michalka get Stevonnie’s laugh down. 
Before he hit puberty, Zach was actually pitching his voice down to play Steven. After hitting puberty, this is obviously no longer the case.
He doesn't have a PS4 or Xbox, so he hasn't played Save the Light. [He has a gaming PC though, so I guess we can add him to the list of people waiting for a Steam release.]
There were a bunch more questions about characters’ Hogwarts houses after that Diamond court question, and the speculation was about what you'd expect: Slytherin for Peridot, Hufflepuff for Steven, Ravenclaw for Pearl, etc.
The actors have influenced how the characters behave. One specific example he could give was that Pearl became much more maternal because of how naturally Dee Dee could play that role. [It makes sense when you think about what Pearl was like in the pilot episode. She actually teases Steven at one point, and it’s the only moment in the entire pilot that feels completely out of character for anyone.]
Larsadie is his favorite ship.
He would love to see a fusion between Peridot and Steven, or Peridot and Lapis. (He could not comment on the status of Lapidot because of possible spoilers)
His favorite Homeworld gems (who are still on Homeworld) are Padparadscha and the Zircons. "It's crazy how they still have lawyers even though it's a total kangaroo court."
His favorite townie is Onion, but he admits he's biased because he voices him. 
Zach generally does not pick up on the subtle theory stuff. He gave several examples of things he had to be told, including that Garnet was a fusion, the Cookie Cat song was an allegory for the Crystal Gems, and the parallels between Larsadie and Rose/Greg.
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nekithamajere · 6 years
Dragon Age OC Asks: Jace Surana
No one asked for these but I thought I’d give them a shot anyway. Hopefully I haven’t forgotten to answer any.
1. What do they smell like?
Jace smells of woodsmoke and a bit like lyrium.
2. What is their voice like?
Start of Origins: steady and fairly deep. Very calming.
Around Inquisition: hoarse and rasping. Still calming, but in a different way.
3. What is their biggest motivator?
Jace wants to help people.
4. What is their most embarrassing memory?
In the opening months of Origins he is constantly making a fool of himself due to being a Circle Mage. Lots of ‘stupid questions’, misunderstandings, and more than a couple of stupid physical stunts he maybe shouldn’t have tried without training more.
5. How do they deal with/react to pain?
Jace can heal, so he grits his teeth and uses a healing spell usually. If he can’t he grits his teeth and deals with it until he either passes out or can receive medical attention.
6. What do they like to wear?
Functional robes, or something akin to Inquisitions Warden’s Battlemage armour.
7. Which of their relationships have impacted them most positively?
His relationship with Leliana, I think.They help each other a lot, and are really supportive and understanding. And Sten, because Sten taught Jace how to think effectively with different perspectives.
8. What’s the weirdest thing they’ve ever eaten?
Alistair’s surprise stew probably.
9. Describe the way that they sleep.
Start of Origins: Pretty stationary, very little movement because he’s still used to sleeping in the little cots in the Circle. Usually curled up to reserve warmth. He’s a cuddler and a blanket hog.
Start of Inquisition: Not nearly as stationary. Years of differing sized beds have allowed him to stretch out and move without falling, but he still curls into tight balls. He just shifts around a lot more. Still a cuddler and blanket hog though.
10. What is their favorite food/kind of food?
Pastries and breads, because there’s just so much variety and a lot of flavour that can come with them. Also cheese is beautiful.
11. What do they feel most insecure about?
Origins: Lack of knowledge about how things work in the real world.
Inquisition: His health (or rather his lack of health)
12. How do they like to dress?
When he’s not wearing armour (and even when he is) Jace is wearing a lot of layers. Allow him to be comfortable, or to become easily comfortable, in all climes.
13. How do they react to feelings of guilt?
Not well. If possible he tries to fix things, but if he can’t he tends to dwell off and on.
14. How do they react to/deal with betrayal?
Shock, numbness, anger. He’s quicker to make rash decisions, even when his heart is tearing itself apart.
15. What is their greatest achievement?
Killing the archdemon/marrying Leliana. Honestly they were both as frightening and equally rewarding.
16. What are they like when they’ve gotten too little sleep?
That would require Jace ever getting enough sleep, lol.
In all seriousness he tends to be more forgetful, and he forgets words sometimes. More scatterbrained.
17. What are they like when they’re drunk?
Jace gets more melancholy, also super sleepy.
18. What kind of music do they enjoy?
He really likes anything Leliana sings. Also loves hearing songs in different languages.
19. Are they right or left handed?
Right handed.
20. Fears?
3 Fears: ‘Surface level’: Being useless
‘Repressed’ Tranquility/Under Chantry’s thumb
‘Deep, dark fear’ People finding out the deal he made with Desire for Connor.
21. Favorite kind of weather?
When it’s cool and breezy but not incredibly damp.
22. Favorite color?
23. Do they collect anything?
Books and misfits.
24. Do they prefer either hot or cold weather more?
Personally he prefers cold, so long as it isn’t damp, but his lungs prefer hot and dry.
25. What is their eye color?
A very pale blue.
26. What is their race/ethnicity?
He’s an elf, and is quite pale.
27. Hair color?
Very near blood red in colour.
28. Are they happy where they are currently?
If he’s off searching for the Calling: No. He wants to be with Leliana, but he has to hope for something.
If he’s inquisitor: Kind of? He doesn’t like the position of power but he likes being near Leliana in such a tumultuous time.
29. Are they a morning person?
Oh sweet Maker no.
30. Sunrise or sunset?
31. Are they more messy or more organized?
There may be a mess but it’s an organized mess.
32. Pet peeves?
Nobles being stupid and reckless with other people’s lives. Writers forgetting the ‘e’ at the end of breathe.
33. Do they own any objects of significant personal importance?
He has his Warden’s Oath still. And the Reflection amulet. Has his first Mabari’s ear too. He had it preserved so he could always have something to remind him of Sev.
34. Least favorite food?
Alistair’s surprise stew.
35. Least favorite color?
Yellow plaidweave.
36. Least favorite smell?
The Blight.
37. When was the last time they cried?
When he heard the Calling for the first time.
38. Were they with anybody the last time they cried?
No, he was alone in the tent while he had a bit of a panic attack.
39. Tell us about one of the times they got injured?
When Jace killed the archdemon, and it exploded, he was thrown back. Hit his head hard. By the time the dust cleared and Wynne found him laying face down in one of the many large puddles of archdemon blood that were everywhere.
He didn’t drown, but they couldn’t get all the blood out of his lungs. It’s what’s causing 90% of his health issues.
40. Do they have any scars?
He has a lot. Couple of more prominent ones include:
-The huge scar on his left cheek that runs straight through his tattoo on that side. It was a dagger.
-He has a scar in the center of his left palm from the first time he used blood magic. He hates it. It reminds him of Jowan.
-Manacle scars around his wrists from when he was trapped in Fort Drakon.
41. Do they struggle with any mental health issues?
Depression mostly. A sprinkling of PTSD
42. Do they have any bad habits?
Bites his lips to shit if he’s not careful.
43. Why might someone dislike them?
He comes off as a know-it-all who won’t listen to others sometimes.
He’s pretty stubborn, and is very keen on keeping secrets.
44. Why might someone love them?
He does listen to people, and is in fact pretty knowledgeable about a whole host of things. He’s a good listener, and gives good advice.
45. Do they believe in ghosts?
Not in the traditional sense? He believes spirits/demons are sometimes stuck in the patterns and emotions of people who lived/died in an area, and that if they get powerful enough they can affect the waking world to an extent.
46. Is there anyone they would trust with their lives?
47. Are they romantically interested in anyone?
48. Are they dating/married to anyone?
49. Do they like surprises?
It depends on the surprise, and what constitutes a ‘surprise’. If he knows something is coming but doesn’t know what he gets nervous. A pleasant surprise out of nowhere is usually welcome though.
50. When is their birthday?
Late fall.
51. How do they usually celebrate their birthday?
If he’s not too busy doing other things, he tries to treat himself to something. A new book, a night at a tavern, a new blanket. Even if it’s pretty barren, maybe he’ll make camp early to cook a proper dinner.
52. Do they have any family?
He has a mother he dimly remembers from before the Circle.
53. Are they close to their family?
After leaving Kinloch he tries to get back in touch but fails.
54. What is their MBTI type?
0 clue.
55. What is their zodiac sign?
Maybe Scorpio if we’re using our calendar.
56. What Hogwarts House would they be in?
Hufflepuff or Slytherin I think.
57. What D&D alignment are they?
Chaotic good, I think.
58. Do they ever have nightmares? If so, what about?
Jace has nightmares often, which is part of why he’s so restless in his sleep.
He dreams of darkspawn and demons mostly. The demons don’t worry him so much, but the darkspawn dreams do.
59. What are their views on death?
He’s not sure what he thinks. He hopes people find peace afterward, he’s seen too much nasty death not to have hope, but he’s still not sure.
60. What is something that they’re sure to laugh at?
Stupid puns and dogs being adorable idiots.
61. When bored, how do they pass time?
Reading, studying, talking to other people.
62. Do they enjoy being outside?
Origins: All the time, even in inclement weather.
Inquisition: Yes, but he has to be more mindful of his health.
63. Do they have an accent?
A Ferelden accent.
64. Upon seeing a slice of chocolate cake, what is their first reaction?
Eat it probably, after making sure it wasn’t poisoned.
65. If they knew they were going to die, what would they do/say?
Try to comfort Leliana, most likely. Make sure she would be okay and safe.
66. How do they feel about sex?
Jace doesn’t seek sex. He only really wants it when Leliana does.
67. What is their sexuality?
Biromantic somewhere-on-the-ace-spectrum.
68. Do they become squeamish at the sight of blood?
No. Gods though, could you imagine a squeamish blood mage?
69. Is there anything that they find really gross?
Vomit. And the flesh bags the darkspawn make.
70. Which TV Trope(s) best describes them?
71. Do they enjoy helping people?
72. Are they allergic to anything?
Not really allergic to things but sand, dust, pollen, and really high humidity really irritate his lungs.
73. Do they have a pet?
Mabari. Loves him some dogs. Also has a soft spot for the Bog Unicorn and the Giant Nug if he’s involved with Inquisition.
74. Are they quick to anger? What are they like when they loose their temper?
Jace isn’t quick to anger at all, honestly. He has a really tight grip on his emotions. When he finally does, he’s vicious and cutting. His magic plays up around his fingers. Fire usually, burning with his passion. Sparking at his fingertips. When he’s angry but not heated the ice pools around his fingertips. 
75. How patient are they?
The man has too much patience.
76. Are they good at cooking?
He’s okay, not the most creative or best cook around. Give him a recipe and it’s usually edible.
77. Favorite insult? Do they insult people often?
No real insult comes to mind. Probably real specific ones if need be. He doesn’t really insult people with his words if he can help it, though he will in his own inner monologue.
78. How do they act when they’re particularly happy?
Jace becomes lighter, if that makes sense. More present and more apt to point nice things out. More likely to take some time to himself too.
79. What do they do when they learn about other people’s fears?
Do their best to assuage them if possible. If not Jace will just file the information in the back of his head in case something happens and he needs to comfort people. Or in case he needs to use the information later.
80. Are they trustworthy?
81. Do they try to hide their emotions? Are they good at it?
He tries to be pretty neutral most of the time, it helps him remain impartial when he needs to be. He’s been dabbling in the Game for a decade or so, he got good at politics and manipulation and lying during the Blight. Ten years later he’s a pro.
82. Do they exercise regularly?
He’s wandering around fighting things regardless of what timeline. He doesn’t have much of a choice.
83. Are they comfortable with the way they look?
Origins: Yes. He’s got some mass to him by the end of the Blight, and he’s clearly very healthy and fairly attractive.
Inquisition: Not really. He’s gone grey super early. He looks like a walking skeleton. He doesn’t really see himself as attractive anymore.
84. What are some physical features that they find attractive on people?
Voice is a big indicator. And he won’t admit it but he likes Leliana’s cute nose. Healthy hair is something he notices too.
85. What kind of personalities do they find attractive?
Intelligent, creative, and affectionate when possible. Caring and kind are also big ones. A sense of humour would be nice too.
86. Do they like sweet foods?
Yes, though he tends to have a slight preference for savoury.
87. What is their age?
19 at the start of origins. 29/30ish by Inquisition.
88. Are they tall or short or somewhere in between?
He’s tall for an elf but short for a human. Around 5’4, 5’5.
89. Do they wear glasses or contacts?
I always headcanon him that he should wear glasses. Whether or not he does, due to glasses maybe being a liability on the road and stuff I’m not sure.
90. Do they consider themselves attractive?
By the time of Inquisition, no. He’s too sickly, to worn to really consider himself attractive.
91. What is their sense of humor like?
Puns and watching cute dogs do stupid shit. Also sarcasm. Also the two sisters in Denerim at the time of the Blight was a huge Aesthetic. “The Maker brings ham…”
92. What mood are they most often in?
Fairly ambivalent. He needs to be semi-functional most of the time, so he’s usually pretty ready to slip into his ‘I need to get shit done’ mood.
93. What kinds of things anger them?
The Chantry. Oppression. Needless cruelty. Bureaucracy.
94. Outlook on life?
Jace hopes he lives long enough to create a future that allows the biggest number of people to thrive. He wants to ensure Leliana is safe and provided for.
Other than that, he doesn’t really have an outlook. He figures he’s going to die sooner rather than later, and has long accepted it.
95. What kind of things make them sad/depressed?
Failing to help people. Either by directly saving them or by messing something up that could have helped a number of people.
Also Haven in general was such a buzzkill for him personally. Too many bad memories sort of all stuck in one spot.
96. What is their greatest weakness?
His overly caring nature can get him into real trouble. If people are in trouble he tends to overlook fairly obvious signs of traps and/or ambush.
97. What is the greatest strength?
His willpower and his raw magical talent.
98. Something that they regret?
Making the deal with Desire that led to Connor’s eventual possession. Jace regrets it more than anything, and eventually has ‘Connor’ tracked down and killed.
99. Biggest accomplishment?
Saving the world.
100. Their favourite weapon(s)?
Starfang and Duncan’s Dagger for martial weapons. For a staff he uses Spellfury.
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Choose Me Instead II Draco Malfoy x Reader II Chapter 18 of 27: Revelations
Summary: Pretending to be in a relationship with Draco Malfoy to get back at your ex might have not been the smartest idea you ever had. Especially during your last year of Hogwarts where you should be focusing on exams and your future plans. However, you were just pretending. There was no way in hell you could actually catch feelings for someone like Malfoy. … Right?
A/N: So many people said that they suspect drama is about to happen at the Winter Dance. lol, you all know me too well. Thank you for all the support, my loves <33
Words: 4.5k Pairing: Draco Malfoy x fem!Reader, post war Warnings: mention of eating disorders, swearing
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 You saw him first.
 He stood at the end of the stairs, next to Theodore Nott. The Slytherins were laughing about a joke that got drowned out in the chatter of the other students. Still, the scene unfolding in front of you tugged at your heartstrings. Nott looked up and when he saw you, he nudged Draco with his elbow and a smirk on his face.
You came down alone, nervously lifting your dress with one hand, trying not to stumble and fall. Draco turned his head and the smile on his lips warmed your heart. At the end of the stairs, he extended his arm and you took his hand. He leaned forward and placed a kiss on it – such an old-school, traditional thing to do. Something you would have rolled your eyes at just a few months ago.
“You look …”, he began but closed his mouth.
You looked at him and wondered if he liked your dress. (And also wondered why the hell you cared about that.)
“Stunning, beautiful, gorgeous,” Nott said when Draco remained silent. “All of them are words you could describe your girlfriend with, Draco.”
You chuckled and Nott took a step forward to greet you, placing a kiss on your cheek. You were surprised by the sudden friendliness. Nott had always been more on the quiet side, hardly ever engaging in house rivalries. Yet, he used to be cold and distant to non-Slytherins. So this gesture was definitely startling.
“What he said,” Draco smirked at you. “You’re beautiful.”
“Well, you don’t look too bad yourself,” you admitted, reaching forward to touch the bow tie around his neck. “Who’s your date then, Nott?”, you asked the other Slytherin.
“Theo,” he repeated himself. “You’ve been dating for how long now? Call me Theo.”
“Okay,” you replied, even more surprised now. Had you made it into the inner circle of the Slytherins? Did they accept you already? “Y/N.”
“There she is,” Theo nodded in the direction of the stairs. “Have fun, see you later.” And with that, he left the two of you. You followed him with your eyes; how he walked up the stairs towards a girl with a smile that lit up the whole room. She wore a green velvet dress that complimented her dark skin beautifully. Theo kissed her on the cheek and said something that made her laugh. You recognized her – she was a year below you. And she was a Hufflepuff. And …
“She’s a half-blood,” you stated without taking your eyes off the couple.
Draco snorted. “Seriously?”
“Yes,” you nodded, still in awe at the simple fact that someone like Theodore Nott would even see girls who weren’t purebloods.
“Why does he always copy me?”
You furrowed your brows at the comment and looked over to Draco. “What?”
He shrugged. “I get a non-Slytherin girlfriend and now he tries to do the same.”
“Merlin, Draco,” you rolled your eyes. Yet another thought entered your mind, one that caused nothing but confusion inside of you as you didn’t know what to do with it:
He said ‘girlfriend’. He didn’t put the ‘fake’ in front of it.
The Winter Dance was everything you had hoped for – and more.
They decorated the Great Hall beautifully. Large chandeliers hung from the ceiling, bathing the room in golden light. Snowflakes danced above your heads, vanishing into thin air mere inches before they would have touched you. There were tables with white and golden linens all around where students could take a break for a moment while getting something to eat and drink from the refilling plates. In the middle of the hall was the dance floor – so far, not many students dared to get on it. It was still too early. You spotted Luna and Neville, laughing and holding hands while jumping up and down.
“Can you consider this a dance?”, you leaned over and asked Draco. He raised an eyebrow in response but couldn’t hide an amused smile.
Soft music came from an invisible source around you. When you saw the small stage behind the dance floor, you wondered if there would be a band performing tonight like at the Yule Ball during the Triwizard Tournament.
“They outdid themselves,” you said.
Draco shrugged.
You rolled your eyes. “Oh, come on! You must admit it looks beautiful.”
“You look beautiful, darling,” he replied.
You don’t know if it had been minutes or hours since you walked in the Great Hall – all you knew was that your hair wasn’t in perfect condition anymore, your feet hurt and you were thirsty. Draco danced like a young god. That didn’t surprise you at all, however, you didn’t expect him to do it so freely.
At some point a band whose name you had never heard before started to play. The songs changed from teacher-approved to faster and louder music. It reminded you so much of the Yule Ball, it physically hurt.
There wasn’t much talking going on between you and Draco that night. Just a lot of laughing and singing and dancing. Happiness rushed through your bodies and in those moments, no one else existed. Only you and him.
That was, however, until your best friend tapped Draco on the shoulder: Astoria Greengrass. The two of you came to an abrupt halt.
“May I have this dance?”, she shouted over the loud music, a smug smile on her lips. The Slytherin looked gorgeous in her green satin dress and those emerald earrings that shone brightly in the light of the chandeliers.
“Astoria,” Draco said, out of breath. “Absolutely not.”
The smile remained plastered on her pretty face. “Just one dance? With your future fiancée?”
You raised your eyebrows at that. Without noticing it, the grip on his hand tightened. The constant reminder of their soon-to-be-made betrothal slowly turned annoying. Draco looked at you and your intertwined hands.
“No,” he repeated himself.
What she did next surprised you: she laughed. A short high-pitched laugh. You flinched. “Draco,” she purred his name, taking a step closer. “Just. One. Dance.”
And then it hit you. Like a tile falling from the roof of the astronomy tower, the realization crashed into you. For the first time in forever, you saw her. You looked beyond the beautiful face and what you saw frightened you. She was thin. So thin that it made you wonder how she could stand upright, let alone walk or dance. Her skin was pale but not a “Slytherins-that-spend-to-much-time-in-the-dungeons”-pale. No, it reminded you of a ghost when you saw the blue veins underneath it as it stretched over her sharp collarbones. Astoria gripped her dress tightly but it didn’t stop her hand from shaking. Dark circles underneath her eyes decorated her face and her lips trembled.
Something was very, very wrong.
“It’s fine, Draco.”
He turned his head quickly and frowned.
“It’s fine,” you said empathetically.
He didn’t understand. Neither did you. But the desperation found in Astoria made you feel … pity for her. Judging by her narrowed eyes, she sensed that as well – and she hated it.
You leaned over to Draco and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. Before he could protest further, you left.
“That band is amazing, how have I never heard of them before?” You dropped onto the chair next to Ginny.
“Because you live behind a rock,” she replied. Strands of red hair hung into her face, her cheeks were red and she stretched her legs in an attempt to relax her muscles. “I haven’t danced that much in years. Everything hurts.”
You groaned in agreement. Letting your eyes wander through the Hall and over your classmates, you spotted Draco and Astoria. They stood together closely and Draco had his hands on her hips. It was a slow song and they moved accordingly, swaying to the music. He didn’t meet her eyes yet you saw how Astoria stared at him, her lips moving.
“Trouble in paradise?”, Ginny asked. She had followed your gaze and watched the two Slytherins with curiosity.
You shook your head. “No.”
“Then why’s he dancing with her?”
“Have you noticed something about Greengrass?”, you wanted to know.
Ginny tilted her head. “Huh.” Then she shrugged. “Not really. I’m not looking at her that often.”
Same, you thought ironically. You had so much contact with her and yet you never noticed anything else behind her strange behavior.
“She’s thin, isn’t she?”, you pondered.
Another shrug. “Aren’t eating disorders something they inherit along with their mansions and fancy clothes?”
Normally, that comment would have made you chuckle. Now, you didn’t react and kept your eyes locked on Greengrass. Ginny watched you awkwardly and was probably very relieved when Harry appeared with two drinks in his hands.
You wondered if Astorias appearance had anything to do with her odd behavior. Then again, you couldn’t really tell if her behavior was strange or not. You hardly ever spoke to her before this school year and had kept a safe distance from the Slytherins. Most of what you knew came from Draco and that wasn’t much. Besides, Draco had been too busy with himself this school year. You were pretty sure that he wouldn’t have noticed if anything was off about her.
A second song came on. Slow again. Greengrass was still talking but this time, she inched even closer. You narrowed your eyes.
“They’re cozy,” Ginny stated nonchalantly and Harry grinned.
That was enough. You rose to your feet swiftly and crossed the room in seconds. “I think I remember something about just one dance?”
Draco took a step back. Astoria copied him. She ignored you, staring at Draco as if she waited for him to say something. His face was blank, he avoided looking at her. The loud music blaring from the stage didn’t hide the heavy tension between them. You shifted uncomfortably from one foot to another.
“Nothing, Draco?”, she finally asked. You barely understood it over the singing students next to you. “You have nothing to say?”
His eyes darted to you. The look in them caused a shiver to run down your spine. You had seen it before. After the evening in his dorm when he came to you again in the Room of Requirements. Guilt.
“Not tonight.” He straightened his back and reached for your hand. You didn’t resist. “We’ll talk tomorrow.”
Talk about what? About their engagement?
Astoria scoffed. “Well then,” she shot you one last look. “Enjoy your night.”
“Everything alright?”, you asked when she was gone.
Draco pulled you closer and the two of you started swaying to the rhythm of the next song. “Sure.” His eyes travelled over the crowd as if he was looking for someone. Looking for her.
You stopped and let go of his hands. “Don’t.” Your voice was calm but firm. You wouldn’t accept this behavior. You weren’t his mother or Zabini or even Greengrass, where he could just avoid questions and give one-worded lies as answers. “We’re beyond this.”
Draco sighed. You saw it by the way his chest rose. After another brief moment of hesitation, he grabbed your hand and pulled you from the dance area. He walked until the two of you had passed the tables and leaned against a few steps away from the huge wooden door that led outside.
“Is this about your engagement?”, you wanted to know impatiently.
Draco opened his mouth and closed it again. You crossed your arms in front of your chest.
“Kind of,” he admitted. “I can’t say.”
A cold, heavy feeling set in your stomach. “Kind of?”
Draco let out a deep breath and reached for your arms to pull you close again. This time, you resisted. “Yes,” he nodded. “I really can’t say.”
“You can’t or you don’t want to?”
“I can’t,” his tone grew harder at your accusation. You narrowed your eyes.
“Look, Y/N, it’s something that doesn’t concern you. It’s personal for her and I don’t know enough to speak about this to you. She asked me not to.”
“Our arrangement is personal too and I’d like to know if it’s going to end soon,” you shot back. The feeling in your stomach grew heavier when you thought about the word end. It had only just begun. You didn’t want it to end. Not yet, at least.
To your surprise, Draco just snorted. “What we have isn’t going to end anytime soon if I have it my way,” he tried to reassure you. Again, he reached for your arms. Hesitantly, you let him pull you close. “It’s just not my secret to tell.”
You sighed. A part of you had to admit that you understood where he was coming from. If anything, it spoke for his character that he didn’t just blurt out whatever she had told him. “Since when do you care about these things?”
“Slytherin’s honor,” he replied simply and shrugged.
You raised an eyebrow. “What?” The corners of your mouth twitched.
“It doesn’t matter if I like her or not,” he explained. “She told me something and I won’t repeat it to others.”
“Because she’s a Slytherin?”
Draco nodded. “When three out of three other houses hate you, you have to stick together.”
You chuckled and leaned against him. “Makes sense. I don’t think everyone hates you though.”
“There are always exceptions to the rule.”
Late that night …
“The Weasel is looking at you.”
You chuckled against Draco’s chest. “I guarantee you, he looking at you.”
It was late and only a few of your classmates could still be found in the Great Hall; most of them sixth and seventh graders. Some of the teachers sat together on a table, watching the remaining students.
After the talk with Draco about Greengrass, you had gone back to dance and drink. It’d be lie to say you simply forgot about this even though you were certain that Draco would tell you all about it when the time came. But of course, the nagging feeling didn’t leave you. What could she have told him that was so shocking? What secrets were left in their families that he wasn’t able to look her in the eyes afterwards?
Only when Seamus slipped you one of his famous drinks did you start to relax a little and pushed the thought to the back of your brain. It was the same for Draco even though you saw how his expression would change once he spotted one of the Greengrass sisters. Was Daphne involved?
Involved in what?, you wondered when he twirled you around.
The sound made you look at the Slytherin. “What is it?”
“I can’t believe it.”
“Believe what?” You followed his gaze. Ron stood a few meters away from you, hands on Hermiones hips. She had her eyes closed as she moved to the slow sounds, unaware of her boyfriend’s preoccupation.
“I still can’t believe you let him-“
“Draco!”, you glared at him.
He shook his head before asking: “Was he any good though?”
You snorted. Was he serious? Judging by the way he waited for an answer, he was. “I had my fun,” you finally said diplomatically.
Again, Draco shook his head. He looked back and forth between you and the Weasley. “I don’t know what I’m going to do with that information.”
“Don’t ask me stuff if you’re not prepared for the answer,” you gave a half shrug.
The stones felt cold against your back when Draco pressed you up against the wall. The teachers had officially ended the Winter Dance just a few minutes earlier. Not wanting to go to bed early (or rather – go to bed separately), Draco and you snuck outside to the inner courtyard.
There was a storm raging on tonight. It rained heavily, the drops clattering against the ancient walls and the air was chilly. The two of you didn’t notice any of it. All you felt was his body against yours and his hands on your hips. He kissed you, deep and slow, with a longing that you blamed on the alcohol from Seamus. You buried your hands in his hair, chuckling as he playfully bit on your lower lip.
“Hey lovebirds! Get a room already!”, the interruption broke your kiss.
Draco cursed under his breath and turned his head, ready to tell them to leave you two alone. The words got stuck in his throat when he saw who it was.
Ron and Hermione looked at you, accompanied by Harry and Ginny. Rons stare reminded you of the one you got on your face when Moaning Myrtle would overflow the toilets again – utterly disgusted. Hermione squeezed his hand, a mixture of annoyance and nervousness written over her face. Ginny looked the same and Harry just seemed deeply confused.
“Oh for fucks sake!”, Ron exclaimed dramatically when he recognized Draco.
“Ignore him,” you said and held onto his arms. “He’s not worth it.” Despite the loud noises of the rain, the Redhead heard you.
“Yeah, listen to your girlfriend, Malfoy!”
Draco’s eyes narrowed.
“Ron, please,” Hermione chimed in, now more annoyed than nervous. “Let’s go inside. It’s late.”
“Yes, why don’t you just piss off, Weasel?”, Draco scoffed.
“Or what?”, Ron spat. “You tell your father?”
You rolled your eyes but Draco was quick to answer: “No, I’ll make just sure you’ll end up in the same place as him.”
“Ron, let’s go,” Hermione insisted.
He ignored her. “Oooooh, now you really scared me, Malfoy!”
“Draco, come on.” You sensed that this would end badly if no one would step in. Your eyes flickered to the door leading inside the castle, unsure whether you wanted a teacher to come out now or not.
“Ron, we’re leaving!”
Harry and Ginny glanced at each other. They had taken a few steps back and you saw how Harry opened his mouth. Ginny hissed something and he closed it again.
“No, we’re not done here.”
Your eyes darted back to Ron at his sentence. “Not done with what, Ron?”, you barked. “Just fucking go back inside. There’s really no need for this.”
He stared at Draco. The Slytherin straightened his back and his posture told Ron without any words what he thought of him. I’m better than you, it screamed. Arrogance dripped out of his every pore. You were taken aback by it – not having seen this side of him for a long time now. You had almost forgotten it was still there.
A sense of dread washed over you when you realized: Something’s about to happen.
Suddenly, a smug expression appeared on his face. Oh-oh.
“What?”, Ron spat out when he saw it.
“Nothing,” Draco replied but the smirk stayed.
“No, you arrogant prick! Spit it out!”
“It’s just hilarious how obsessed you are with her. Still.”
Lightning struck and your blood froze. Fuck.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
“Draco, don’t!”, you hissed.
From the corner of your eye you saw how Hermione frowned.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Ron still sounded firm but he grew pale. You were sure that Hermione noticed it as well.
“Sure,” Draco leaned against the wall next to you.
“I don’t know what she told you but –”
Anger. The feeling that began to boil up inside of you was exactly that – the anger you had swallowed down for months now. The rage, Draco had managed to calm down at least for a few weeks. He had made you forget it was even there, turning the memory of Ron and your last summer into a distant dream. Something so insignificant to you, it made the flies living in the Forbidden Forest seem more important.
Now, it was back. Right when you realized that the coward wanted to lie about you and him again.
“That sentence better not ends with ‘it’s not true’,” you blurted out. Thunder rumbled in the distance.
“Wait, wait, what’s this about?” Hermione took a step back. Deep lines decorated her forehead as her eyes darted back and forth between you and Ron.
Her boyfriend turned to her, wanting to reach out but she wouldn’t have it. She was now outside the shelter from the roof and raindrops landed on her pretty red dress. “Nothing, Mione,” Ron said. “I don’t know what they’re talking about.”
You scoffed.
“Just help me understand one thing, Weasel,” Draco – falsely encouraged by your reaction – began again.
“Draco, don’t!”
“Is this about the fact that she’s with me now or because you’re still in love with her?”
Lightning struck again.
“Draco!”, you gasped and so did Hermione.
“Okay, shut the fuck up now, Malfoy!”, Harry finally chimed in. “Let’s go!”
“No, no no,” Hermione muttered. You hardly understood her over the storm. “Wait, I don’t get it.” She raised her hands. “Ron, what’s going on?”
“Hermione …”, you began and even Ginny, who had been quite until now, started talking. More voices mixed in together – Harry and Draco cursing at each other, Ron trying to get Hermione to listen to him.
Silence. Immediate silence followed her scream. Hermione took a deep breath. “Quiet now!”, she repeated herself. “Everyone, please.” She turned to Ron, her voice surprisingly calm and collected again: “You’ve been acting weird around Y/N for months now. Don’t think I didn’t notice. What’s going on?”
More silence.
“I … we …”, he stammered. Your heart sunk.
“Oh god,” the muggle expression slipped out of her mouth. Tears began to form in her eyes.
“Mione …”, Ron began.
“You weren’t together,” you quickly said, knowing it wouldn’t make a difference now. Yet, you had to try. “It happened over the summer when you were … on a break. He ended it because he loves you and wanted to get back with you.”
Ron nodded violently. “Yes, yes, Mione, I love you so much!”
“You lied to me for so many months? Both of you?” The look of betrayal in her eyes broke you.
There it was. The lie you had carried with you for months now. It was all out in the open. You had often wondered if the guilt would vanish once the truth would be out. Now you found out that it didn’t. No, in fact it felt even worse. You lied to your best friend, a person who’d take an Unforgivable Curse for you.
And it wasn’t the only lie you told her.
“I’m so sorry …”, you whispered.
“She didn’t want to unnecessarily hurt you! That’s why she didn’t say anything! It meant nothing!”, Ginny suddenly said. Harry’s eyes widened.
“You knew?”, Hermione croaked.
Ginny opened her mouth, then closed it again and looked down to her feet.
“Oh god, oh god …”
“Mione …”, Ron took a step towards her into the rain and wanted to grab her hand.
“No, I … no,” she shook her head, not looking at any of you. “I need … I need space.” She pushed his hands away and turned around. Hermione hurried back inside, almost tripping about her dress twice.
“Mione …”, Ron cried after her.
“Don’t.” That was Harry. “Give her some time.”
For a while, no one said anything. An awkward silence settled between the five of you. Finally, Ron cursed and left as well.
“Why was I the only one who didn’t know about this?”, Harry looked at Ginny.
“Because you’re oblivious to everything and everyone around you,” she replied.
He raised his eyebrows, knowing she was probably right. “Not cool though, guys. Not cool.”
Ginny sighed and turned to you. “You have to fix this.”
You nodded. “I know.”
Another sigh left her lips, then she took Harrys hand and both of them made their way back inside the castle.
There were no sounds except for the howling of the wind and the thunder in the distance. You kept your eyes locked on the door as if you expected Hermione to come back outside any minute now. After a while, a shiver ran down your spine. When you felt Draco putting his jacket over your shoulders, your head snapped in his direction.
“Why the fuck did you say that?!”
He furrowed his brows. “Y/N …”
“Answer me!”
He sighed. “Someone had to say it eventually and –”
“Yes,” you interrupted him. “Someone. Not you! That wasn’t your place.”
“Her own boyfriend lied to her for months now!”
“As if you give a single fuck about her feelings, Draco!”, you fumed. “Stop pretending this was about anything over than your sick need to make yourself feel superior to everyone around you!” You pulled the jacket from your shoulders and threw it at him. “By Merlin, you’re still the same fucking jerk from third grade, aren’t you, Malfoy?!”
When you heard the footsteps on the stairs, you resisted the urge to roll your eyes. Fucking hell, why did he have to care so much?
About an hour had passed since you stormed away from Draco, right after insulting him. You had wandered through Hogwarts – dodging annoying ghosts and Filch until you finally hid up here on the Astronomy Tower.
You wanted to talk to Hermione. Wanted to clear the air and apologize. You never meant to hurt her … not that this excused your behavior at all. However, you knew that she wouldn’t want to see you tonight. She needed time to cool down and you wanted to give that to her. Besides, you were way too upset yourself for any kind of productive talk.
“How did you find me here?”, you asked him.
“I searched all of your usual spots,” Draco replied and sat down next to you. “You’ll freeze to death up here.” He was right. The wind on the Astronomy Tower blew relentlessly. He pulled his wand from his jacket and mumbled a spell. Warmth spread around the two of you, trying to soften your cold and stiffened muscles.
“You shouldn’t have come,” you mumbled. “You hate it up here.”
“I don’t hate it.”
“You never want to come here.”
Draco shrugged. “I used to come here quite often. Grew tired of it eventually, I guess.”
There was a moment of silence as both you watched the dark clouds in the night sky.
“I’m sorry,” Draco finally said.
You remained still.
“It wasn’t my place. I just wanted …”, he stopped himself. “I’m sorry.”
You glanced at him. He stared at the wand in his hand.
“You’re not a jerk,” you admitted. “Sorry for that.”
When you insulted him, it came from a place of misdirected anger. He wasn’t the responsible one for Hermiones pain. That was you.
“I am though.”
You chuckled. “Maybe. But you’re not the same jerk from the third grade.”
A small smile appeared on his face. You scooted closer to him and leaned against his body. Draco put an arm around you and together, you watched the storm.
A/N: A lot happened in this chapter :D Looking forward to your thoughts on it! Thank you for reading! <3
Choose Me Instead Masterlist Harry Potter Masterlist
Tag List:    @writerdee1701, @youareinllve, @sjmahoney, @detroitobsessed, @takura-rin, @jadam268, @wynterwind,  @renaissance-confiance, @doitforthevine67, @rinasrights, @flowerpowerpixie, @gold-flowing, @starkssnarks, @bookcornerkins, @harpersmariano, @markedsweetly, @iraniq, @pointlesscoconut, @hvrcruxes, @pillowjj, @idkatee,    @magicwithaknife, @graystherapy, @scoote-rankle, @nxstalgicnxbxdy, @sunsetsofanemoia,  @tommy-holland, @lordfxxker, @streetfighterrichie, @awaken-the-sirens, @destiels-assbutt13, @pockitparks, @just-addicted-to-bangtan, @cuddlykoala101, @zpandaqueen,  @natsiboo, @jjjmaybank, @justmesadgirl, @books-and-tings, @slytherinprincedracom, @katiaw2, @saintkore, @nctnight, @lifestragedy, @obxmxybxnk, @spideydobik , @ladylizzieofdarbyshire, @aspiring-ginger, @dracomalfoyswifey, @jpow345, @realistic-breadstick,  @abbs-is-tired, @alwaysbeanunknownfan, @niallsarmveinstho, @is-this-a-febreze-commercial​, @acciowilltolive, , @sexytholland, @faangirl101, @donttellany1iusetumbler​, @mendesmuffinsss​, @lilxnvm​, @kill-the-teen-memories​, @darkusangelus​, @itsbebeyyy​, @hesaidimcrazy​, @jenniweaslee​, @hpxpjo​, @brisbubble​, @xomaymay​, @shitnstuffillregret​, @serialkillme​, @angel-tears15​, @panicattheeverywherekid​, @obsssedwithjustaboutanything​,  @nobleking​, @tashii-blr, @ddaeing​, @randogirlo-fando-main​, @sadgirlnumber92899​, @captivateing​, @bitchyegirl​, @smiithys​, @ninipoo1​, @intheawks​,  @nothanksnyla​, @calpal-4ever​, @dracosathenaeum​, @belsandthings​, , @kiwi-sloan​, @xdmx​, @lexi-ravenclawdracomalfoy​, @kvyenxay, @live-awkward​, @babebenhardy​, @bitchysweets-blog​, @cravingmusic​, @frau-moon​, @ohissandhalasta​,  @broken-but-beautiful-cassie​, @lil-black-heart​,  @vminenthusiastt​, @dracos-sluts​, @mrmoonyy​, @saucysuazo​, @fuzzzwald​, @matsuno-nadeshiko​, @amber-arsenault​ ,  @loveableasshole​,  @spideycures​, @echpr​, @shiningstar-byulxx​,  @twinklebug2282​, @bloodiedroses​, @klthmef​, @ostorian​ ,  @bi-chai-tea​, @maddieisnotok​, @amandaluvssupernatural​, @makeoutwithstiles​,    @i-am-addicted-to-tea​, @tenclouds​, @lovingdracomalfoy​, @lannaax​, @dr-bitch-bby​,  @fallinallinmendes​, @suckerforparker​, @runninglownad​, @piercinghorizons​, @dosicas​, @yanaaaaaaa​,  @akzer300500​ @hoseokslily​, @dracofeltonmalfoy​, @emilianamason​, @tothemoonwithclifford​, @gcldreinhart​ ,  @angelofthorr​, @k-k0129​, @musicalmuffindog1410​, @andydre4m​, @mxl-foyrecs​, @seeinorange​, @vlgsqd​ , @justmimithings​, @allthevoicesinmyhead​, @pipppaaaaalouisee​, @yessirrz​, @2think2twice2​ @spencerreidisbootiful​, @find-a-little-faith​, @thatguppienamedbae​, @emmamarie7708​, @dontpanicitsdan​ @jordaangx​, @ceeellewrites​, @drxcomvlfx​, @7minutes-tomidnight​, @coldheartedslytherin​, @wingardiumdepressionosa, @perfect-storm95​, @danisaur1324​, @unlikely-y-bliss​, @trentdijklfc66​, @saptediavoli​, @treestarrrrrrrr​, @aangsupremacy​
If you want to be added to my tag list, let me know! <3
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Episode 7- “#MarshmallowMoves”-Landen
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I can't tell if I'm in trouble or not. They voted out Nick, which is something I really really didn't want to happen. Kevin is acting strangely towards me. The only person I feel like who is being genuine with me right now is Dan. I'm not sure if I should keep pretending that everything is fine, but I'm pretending that the last vote didn't bother me. 
1 hour and 33 minutes later
I hope the relationships I made before that disaster of a vote are real still. That's all I'm hoping.
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Today's immunity challenge is a luck challenge. There is no way to be "good" at rock-paper-scissors unless you are playing real-time. For this reason I have chosen to use random.org for all of my guesses. I hope that luck is on my side with my matchup. Also, I went to Potions Class today and looked in some cauldrons. No potions left behind. Thinking I will try luck potion tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be lucky and get an idol. Probably not. 
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YAYYYYY!  Another week with no tribal and I am very thankful because the one we had was wild and I don't have to deal with anything like that again for AWHILE!  I should be staying up to search right now but I am about to head to bed and then make my search time earlier for tomorrow, woohoo! I feel like after tribal something like a merge might happen?? maybe? I feel like it should be about time! 
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so Hufflepuff won (YET AGAIN!) and I'm feeling pretty great about that! there's not much to discuss about the actual events on this tribe, it's pretty much same old same old positioning. like stale cardboard! however, we got an exciting little hint of something at the immunity challenge today. it seems like there's going to be something coming up after tribal tonight, and particularly, i would guess that it will be a merge. of course i could be wrong and we could be thrust into another swap (a horrible outcome, really) but i'm hoping it's a merge. i've had a lot of paranoia about what would happen during a merge ever since the messy Jess rocks vote, so i just am excited to get it over and done with!! that being said i'm also not just like, throwing myself to the wolves of fate or something. i've also been doing planning ahead and thinking about the merge. specifically, i'm trying to calculate where numbers might go. right now, we have a group that is configured like this: -5 hufflepuff -4 Ravenclaw -3 Gryffindor -1 Slytherin (i know, crazy... and it's my least favorite one. UGH!) obviously, this puts a liiiiittle eensie teensie tiny target on the hufflepuffs' back, now doesnt it? and that's not very cute for me, someone who is very much IN hufflepuff - has had no time to form the strong relationships that kevin has with the other side - has burned the 1 ravenclaw and probably 1 of the gryffindors here on this tribe - and hasn't done any looking for spells! no, no, thats not very bueno at all, i'd say. of course, everything could be shaken up if kevin is taken out, but i'm not expecting that. it'll probably be a jacob or autumn boot.. i'm praying for a jacob boot but who knows. honestly just taking out that wildcard, one who is very fitting to his house mascot as a snake, that's something that would be VERY appreciated. i know i can't trust him after our experience in 2020 and it's not just bc i hold a grudge it's because i know the type of player he is, and that's not a type of player i can work well with in this game. Anyway, this brings us into the question of what the hell i am going to do to survive at the merge, and honestly, i have no fuckin clue. the good news is i do not think juls would be on board with a plan to vote me out, or at least she would do her best to vouch for me. as soon as we merge my sights will be set on autumn, too. i need to secure her loyalty and form a strong friendship with her, she's always seemed like a cool person and i wanted to do it anyway, but knowing i need to have her and juls on my side, makes this bond even more crucial. The bad news is Owen on this tribe, is a VERY dangerous player, will come into the merge with an army of 3 strong fellow Ravenclaw, and, last but definitely not least concerning - he comes into the merge with a strong relationship with Ruthie. This is VERY bad for me, because I know that if Owen decides to get Ravenclaw to target Hufflepuff and for some reason the Gryffindors (or potentially Jacob, if Autumn gets targeted, or even worse, Jacob AND autumn if Kevin goes home), he won't be going for Ruthie. If he's not going for Ruthie, he's not going to go for Lily, not to mention I highly doubt the Gryffs will go for her anyway because she's so lovable. Having Lily as my closest ally is a risk/reward, because when I enter the final rounds like 8, 7, 6, etc, she will be a HUGE shield for me and someone that will take off a lot of the heat on my name. But i need to get there, and that means i can't get taken out for being an extra vote for her during the early stages of the merge, i have to find my own way to survive. There is always the possibility they would target Max, but I have to be VERY careful in just assuming this, because i also know Max is probably going to look like a tempting goat to most people. he's not very great socially (at least individually) and he's not very active with his mom kinda grounding him all the time, like he just looks like an OTT goof and he'll probably come across as easy to manipulate once his ally Landen gets blindsided! I'm very worried that'll be the perception. So i need to start taking action now to make sure this early merge doesn't go down a dark path i see as a possibility. Step 1. Owen and Ruthie, Today. This is CRUCIAL. I am going to talk to Owen about game today whether he likes it or not, I'm going to drag it out of him and i'm going to fight like hell to get him to trust me even a little bit. I know I can be a good social player and I KNOW i can talk convincing game, but I also know Owen is very good at social skills and reading me so it's going to be a bit of a cagey death match with this one. I need to make sure Owen feels good about me moving forward into the merge and that I can "repent for my Sins" so to speak after basically throwing him up for crucifixion during the Jess boot round. If I can get owen into the idea of possibly an alliance of me, him, and ruthie, then maaaaybe i could protect myself a bit from him. perhaps i could also very subtly hint that lily is the one that's been coming after him harder than i have, i have to be careful with that because if it gets back to her i'm fucked, so i'll keep an eye out on the conversation and see how the tide's going and if it's worth hinting at. i also need to discuss with Ruthie and figure out what her other pregame relationships are, and see where we can get ins. I know being honest and open game talk with Ruthie earlier is what got her trusting me a bit more, so I want to just expand on some of the personal stuff I've been building on with her in the past couple days and just really start hitting the game talk home. Step 2. Max and Chips. If i can drive this wedge further, it would be faaanfuckintastic. I need to re-iterate to people that I DONT got Max's back. If people start pushing the narrative of me and max as a thing, or me as a hufflepuff strong person just because of the jess round, i'm screwed. so i'm going to have to be very careful to Make sure everyone knows exactly how willing I was to cut Max. When i get to the merge, the FIRST thing i'm going to do is literally have like, an hours long call with Kevin. I want to establish to him that i'm his extra number, his goat, his whatever he needs. I want to tell him how i was ready to sacrifice Max, i want him to give me ALL the details. Of course if Kevin goes home before the merge this is going to be a million times more difficult and so that brings me to Chips, my key plan today besides working on Owen is going to be to work on Chips. I don't want to give Chips too many promises I don't plan to keep because I don't see myself working with him super long-term, but I do want to Get a better read on him. Right now Chips is just an enigma to me and I need to get into his head, maybe at least get him to open up a *little* bit more, bc our game relationship right now is just a mess, he's so hard to talk to about these strategic things at times, even before the jess boot but especially after. as far as the other people go, the ones i didn't mention - owen's ravenclaw buddies, joanna, jules, and dan - who's to say they're even really tight with owen! I'll be curious to meet them, specifically Jules is someone that strikes me as someone I'd get along with. I also see a lot of potential for me to get along with Dan but we'll have to see on that one. I'm going to try to work on my relationships with Ravenclaw once I hit the merge too, but I'm gonna be careful because if I come on too strong, they'll consider me even more of a threat and that'll give them more of a reason to target me instead of Lily or Max. i know i'm in a precarious position and that's not even to mention spells, but I'm really trying to think over every angle here, and i think with some luck on my side and hopefully, some Kevin on my side, i can utilize kevin, lily, juls, and max as tight shields for my game, and continue working my way through the middle to make it alllll the way to the end. #MarshmallowMoves. i know this was an ESSAY so thanks for sticking it through. i really hope i don't write all this for nothing, because i'm starting to get excited that the big leagues are almost here, it's finally time for me to stop winning immunity every single round and actually experience the game, and i would hate for it to get cut short so soon. Game on wizards, cus this honey badger DONT care! >:D *flashes my claws but not in a furry way* haha thanks. bye ^_^ <3 
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So..... once again, I lost a BEST FRIend to ROCKS! I swear I’ve got some kind of curse. Every time people have gone to rocks for me in games, it’s always my closest ally that leaves. And this time is no different :( I’m so sad Jess is gone, but I know she’s rooting for me, and that’s what will get me through this. I know I should’ve known better than to leak everything Ruthie said but I really trusted that juls chips and jess would act in their best interest. Apparently it was Landen who told Ruthie..... so I dont know. Maybe I accidentally told Landen the things Ruthie told me!? Or maybe someone else threw me under the bus. Either way, all bets are off now. I want to get to a merge with dan Jules and Joanna and paint a huge ass target on these hufflepuff nerds. I’m boutta hex the shit out of those four til they’re all out of this game. I WILL! Get my revenge for jess. But to do that it’s basically about winning challenges to merge which thankfully we have done. People tried hard on the music video thankfully and then we got lucky with attack defend balance. All I can hope is we MERGE NEXT!!! There’s a bounty on my head and if we don’t merge soon I’m heading to Azkaban :(
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I’m soOoOoOoOoOoOo paranoid! I feel like it would be such a good move to get me out this round because I’ve been so loose with my powers. I feel like all it will take is for Jules to want jacob here more than me, tell everyone about my powers, and then have everyone vote for me!!!! Do I just waste powers tonight to make sure that doesn’t happen? Maybe. 
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I think jacobs going home :c which is so sad but he’s not really trying, it’s really quiet tho so anything could happen, joanna might still be upset I lied last round and flip things on me who knows !!
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Maybe Jacob is actually going home this time? Idk, last time they said Jacob and Nick went home so who knows what these people are telling me.
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The good news I pulled off the Nicholas vote. The bad news is we're back at tribal but are we even surprised lmao https://media.giphy.com/media/l4pTsh45Dg7jnDM6Q/giphy.gif the tea is I'm mad but I'm not pissed because I only want people who are down for the cause. It's gonna be all hands on deck once we hit merge and I don't have time for any disloyal non-Hufflepuff people. So Gryffindor constantly losing really means Owen, Chips, and Juls will actually live to see merge, all three of whom I know will join the coalition. Nicholas and Jacob on the other hand would probably link up with Hufflepuff and that's what I don't need. So if we merge tonight, it's a 7-5 breakdown with Hufflepuff being outnumbered. Mind you that depends on everyone in that 7 cooperating with each other but let's be optimistic and assume that everyone recognizes ALL of Hufflepuff is still in the game. And if you ain't Hufflepuff, you can and will get snuffed so don't fall for the hype at merge and any member of Gryffinclaw who does is dead to me. Ok now Imma need y'all to go ahead and merge us thanks
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I can't remember if I wrote one of these or not this round so here is another... Things are quiet on the Hufflepuff tribe and I'm nervous about the swap that i think is about to happen!!  It has been kind of quiet today. I've talked to Owen a lot and Landen, Lily and Juls a little today.  Being safe is nice but it will be fun to start competing for things individually. If we do merge I am excited to maybe work with Dan.  I want to be on his good side, lol, but he is a good player and I feel like if he doesn't go home tonight he and Owen will single handedly win every individual immunity. 
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We won the random.org immunity! I think we will likely merge now that numbers are low enough. You can not find an idol by brewing luck potion. You suck at brewing potions. Duh!
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Y’all I’m fucking screaming!!!! I found a third power lmao. I’m gooped! I found the riddikulus charm or something and I had to play a fake advantage at a tribal in order to power it up and I used Raffy’s rat ass to make it happen! I’m not sure what my power is rn but I’ll add it to my vote steal and my idol 😌
0 notes
xigseri · 4 years
4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28, 33, 36, 38, 39, 41, 40, 44, 46, 49, 50, 43 ? welcome to the self ship community!
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Oh wow...tysm!! No character is listed so I’ll go for Luxigbraig, I’ll have to put it under a readmore for length. Btw we ignore canon bc it’s rather... boring.
4. Does your F/O have any battle scars? 
Aside from the ones on his face...not really? I know the fandom HCs that he has a ton all over but nah. They base it solely on his face...
7. What is your F/O fashion taste?
Black, with boots and jackets because they just feel right for him. Tight pants or ripped jeans. I imagine that he wears a scarf as Braig to offer the security of a hood since the guard uniform doesn’t have one. Fashion sense of a goth or punk, personality of a jock.
8. How tall is your F/O?
He has no official height, but he’s 5′9′’ I know it. Someone used Sora’s KH3 models to create a chart for the characters and apparently he should be like 6′2′‘ but the models aren’t consistent between games so I don’t trust it one bit.
10. When is your F/O birthday? 
For fandom it’s 2/2 (otherwise known as Xigbar Day) but Luxu was born in late October, making him a Scorpio (because...the Ancrene Wisse theming). (source: dude trust me)
11. Does your F/O know how to cook? If so are they good at it? 
Barely, he knows how to cook enough to get by. I mean if you’ve lived for hundreds/thousands of years you gotta know how to cook for yourself.
12. What is your F/O favorite flavor?  (sweet, sour, bitter, salty and umami (savory)) 
Savory, salty and bitter are preferred, neutral to sweet, dislikes sour. In Braig/Xigbar’s body anyway, in his original body he liked Sweet and Salty and disliked Bitter.
13. If your F/O could be a fan of any video game what do you think it would be? 
Splatoon and Perfect Dark on n64, the latter being a bonding thing for us in particular. He also likes Fallout, Zelda and Borderlands, he tried Pokemon but decided it wasn’t for him after a few games, making me sad.
15. What color are your F/O eyes? 
Xigbar’s is a nice yellow, Braig’s were brown before the Nortening, and I HC that Luxu’s eyes were also yellow.
16. Does your F/O have any tattoos? If not do they like or hate the concept of tattoos? 
No, he’s had several bodies and thought tattoos would make him get too attached, why bother getting them when you might need to take a new vessel tomorrow? He would like to have some though, maybe as Xigbar he can since he won’t be changing any more.
18. Does your F/O have any piercings?
He got his ears and tongue pierced <3
19. Is your F/O a cake or pie person?
Pie pie pie, cake is fine every once in a while. But he loves a hot pie fresh out of the oven.
26. What harry potter house would your F/O be in? (Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin)
He’s both Hufflepuff and Slytherin. Outwardly he’s very Slytherin but deep down he’ll always be a Hufflepuff.
27. If your F/O was in “avatar: the last air bender” what type of bender would they be? (air, water, earth, and fire)
Airbender, since it fits his Space powers most, but he wouldn’t follow the Air Nomads’ traditions. Peace and non-violence and all that? No thanks, he does what he wants.
28. Is your F/O LGBT+?
He’s Non Binary and Bi. He’s taken on both amab and afab bodies and experimented, he’s too old for silly Gender nonsense. He doesn’t really specifically ID as NB or Bi, Genderfluid and Pan work too but he legit does not care for labels. He doesn’t care for other people’s genders and doesn’t know nor care what his own is. Though, he switches pronouns per vessel since he has to pretend to be other people. He has a preference for he/his and they/them pronouns and amab vessels for his own.
33. Do you have any silly nicknames or pet names for your F/O? 
I’m not really one for pet/nicknames bc I embarrass easily, but he calls me Babe among others and I’m autistic and pick up on habits of others so...I’ll call him Babe every now and then and get flustered when he points it out. I used to call him Xiggy early on but it was such an obvious and easy nickname that I dropped it. I suppose calling him Luxu counts? Since he likes me calling him by his old assigned name.
36. Have you ever had a dream with your F/O in it? 
TONS!!!! And we’re dating in the dream world too so I know it’s legit! Several dreams I’ve had where we’re definitely together as a couple and it makes me so happy to have them! I can’t really talk about the last one we had for Reasons, but the one before that, he was bragging about how he was around when the BotW shrines were built and proved it to me by showing me some while we were traveling the world. “Shouldn’t you be leaving them hidden for the Hero to find?” “The Hero? As if, I don’t care about that guy. I’m showing it to you because I want to. :)”
My first dream actually happened right after I started crushing but I can’t talk about it for.....Reasons, hehe.
38. What’s a song that reminds you of your F/O when you hear?
Sympathy For The Devil by The Rolling Stones, The Song I Heard Somewhere/Clockwork Lullaby 8 by Mothy/Akuno-P, and You’re Gonna Go Far, Kid by The Offspring.
39. What is your relationship like with your F/O?
Lots of teasing, mostly from him, sometimes from me. Lots of fun times, we enjoy cuddling and watching things and sharing memes. We’re both mentally ill so we try to support each other, like him constantly encouraging me bc of my low self-esteem and, with him, he struggles with being open about things because he’s had to hide himself for far too long, so I try to help him ease up, but I never tried to force myself into his business and he appreciates that. We both struggle with identity issues so that’s a common point for us too.
40. How long have you been with your F/O? (or at least been interested in them?)
I developed a crush in I believe October of 2015, started dating in Febuary of 2016 and we’ve been married since April of this otherwise hell year.
41. Where is your F/O from? (as in born)
Daybreak Town, which doesn’t exist anymore :( it was remade into Scala Ad Caelum but that’s gone too. The last place he’s “from” was Radiant Garden/Hollow Bastion.
44. What is your F/O’s most valuable possession?
The black box the MoM entrusted to him that he may or may not have lost, but it’s all good cause he found it and it’s safe.
46. does your F/O prefer to work alone or with a team?
He tells himself and others that he prefers to work alone. He’s used to it. But if he really likes someone’s company then he’ll yearn for the companionship even if it’s brief.
49. What animal reminds you of your F/O?
Goats and Scorpions (obvs) but I also associate him with foxes and bats. The fandom heavily associates him with rats and I really don’t vibe with that.
50. What color reminds you of your F/O? 
Black (outfit + hair + keyblade), Silver (hair), Yellow (eye), and Purple (arrowguns, bow).
43. What does your F/O’s Saturdays usually look like? 
Doing missions. The Organization gives us a day off like once a year. (No, really.) When he’s finally out of there, he likes to do stuff with me, be it relax at home or travel. Just as long as it isn’t Work.
0 notes
saeranlover · 7 years
1 to 99 for... iseul?
1... to... 99.... oh my god-
I’ll put it under a keep reading thing, because, uh... This is gonna be long...
1. What do they smelllike?
Iseul likes any sort of soap which smells sweet or sugary,so she often smells sweet – most commonly of raspberries or strawberries, asthey’re her favourite fruits.
2. What is theirvoice like?
She’s rather quiet, and at times, her voice is rather shakyas she doesn’t like talking to people. However, when she is talking to friendsand family, she’s quite a bit louder.
3. What is theirbiggest motivator?
Her biggest motivator is her family – specifically her papa,Saeran.
4. What is their mostembarrassing memory?
Being caught trying out her uncle’s maid outfits - she tendsto do that in secret, and prefers not having anyone witness it.
5. How do they dealwith/react to pain?
She doesn’t like pain. At all. She’ll have a breakdown inresponse to it, and cry for comfort from Saeran, or at the very least, Saeyoung(or, if Saeran is a Mint Eye member, from Rika.)
6. What do they liketo wear?
She likes to wear mostly dark colours – dark blue jeans,dark grey shoes, and a grey sweater which she only has pulled over one shoulder(kinda like the thing Sae does with his leather jacket), but also wears a pinkvest top underneath. Speaking of Saeran’s leather jacket, she wears that attimes for comfort. She will sometimes wear a variety of dresses at times, herfavourite one being a deep red summer dress.
7. Which of theirrelationships have impacted them most positively?
Honestly, the one with Saeran. It taught her that sheshouldn’t try to be bitter about things from the past, or else she would becomevengeful and angry… And she didn’t want her dad or uncle to witness anythinglike Saeran when he was still going by Unknown again.
8. What’s theweirdest thing they’ve ever eaten?
Anything that Saeyoung makes. Any food her uncle makes isweird to her.
9. Describe the waythat they sleep.
Very broken, very restless. She can’t keep still for thesake of things, and most often, she will only manage two to three hours ofsleep a night. She’s a very tired person because of that.
10. What is theirfavorite food/kind of food?
Sweet stuff, like her dad. However, chocolate chip muffinsare her favourite food, rather than ice cream like him.
11. What do they feelmost insecure about?
Iseul feels most insecure about her social anxiety. But shecan’t stand people, so it’s just a vicious cycle.
12. How do they liketo dress?
See question 6.
13. How do they reactto feelings of guilt?
She won’t physically react. She’ll stop responding to thingsand not do anything about it… But it will dwell and dwell and dwell in her headuntil she has an outburst.
14. How do they reactto/deal with betrayal?
It’s painful to her, and makes her angry to the point thatshe yells things that she doesn’t mean.
15. What is theirgreatest achievement?
Using some of her hacking knowledge to hack into the C&Rwebsite and make it about puppies.
And blaming her uncle for it.
16. What are theylike when they’ve gotten too little sleep?
Yawns a lot, and has a tendency to mumble “Tired…” beforeforgetting that she said it, and mumbles it again.
17. What are theylike when they’re drunk?
Issy isn’t old enough to drink, and never will drink becauseof stories she was told about what her grandmother was like.
18. What kind ofmusic do they enjoy?
Instrumental music, and film/game soundtracks.
19. Are they right orleft handed?
She’s ambidextrous.
20. Fears?
She has quite a few… Her main one is leaving places whichshe sees as her ‘safe haven’ (either her home or Mint Eye, depending on whatSaeran’s affiliation is). She also fears abandonment and crowds.
21. Favorite kind ofweather?
Heavy rain. The sound of the rain reassures her and keepsher calm.
22. Favorite color?
23. Do they collectanything?
No, she doesn’t really. She doesn’t see much point incollecting things unless it holds some sort of sentimental value to her.
24. Do they prefereither hot or cold weather more?
She prefers the cold, because she likes being able to layerherself up in clothes.
25. What is their eyecolor?
Depending on Saeran’s affiliation, it’s either golden yellowor mint green.
26. What is theirrace/ethnicity?
27. Hair color?
Red, with the tips dyed black by her dad.
28. Are they happywhere they are currently?
As long as she has her dad, she’s happy. He is the oneconstant in her life.
29. Are they a morningperson?
She’s not. She isn’t really a any time person, honestly.Lol.
30. Sunrise orsunset?
Sunrise. She enjoys daylight, so she likes to see thesunrise.
31. Are they moremessy or more organized?
She’s organised, because she doesn’t like holding onto muchstuff anyway.
32. Pet peeves?
When people don’t finish their sentences. She hates beingleft to try and think how they would have ended the sentences.
33. Do they own anyobjects of significant personal importance?
She possesses a necklace, given to her by either the RFA orRika, depending on where Saeran is. It means a lot to her, as she got it forher 15th birthday. She also has a laptop which is second hand, butshe cares for it almost as though it’s her own child.
34. Least favoritefood?
Anything with pasta or mushrooms.
35. Least favoritecolor?
36. Least favoritesmell?
37. When was the lasttime they cried?
After having a nightmare where she was all alone, being leftto fend for herself.
38. Were they withanybody the last time they cried?
No, she was in her bedroom.
39. Tell us about oneof the times they got injured?
Iseul was about ten years old when she was allowed to dobaking on her own for the first time. She was excited about it, and was quitejumpy as she got the ingredients together. However… She spilled some of thecake mixture at one point. She didn’t realise it, and she tried to run over tothe fridge to get some strawberries to put on the top. She slipped on the mix,and fractured her ankle in the process. Didn’t stop her from finishing makingthe cakes and baking in the future though.
40. Do they have anyscars?
She doesn’t like doing dangerous things, so she doesn’t havetoo many. However, if she’s with Mint Eye… She’s a bit more of a risk taker,and possesses more small scars.
41. Do they strugglewith any mental health issues?
She has anxiety, and though she does try to deny it, sheshows signs of depression too.
42. Do they have anybad habits?
She tends to pick at her fingernails and toenails, and shealso can’t be left near scissors as she has a slight tendency to give her haira few small cuts… And leaves her hair in a mess.
43. Why might someonedislike them?
Her outright refusal to leave her home unless she wants to.
44. Why might someonelove them?
She’s very affectionate, and would bake for them all thetime.
45. Do they believein ghosts?
Yep, she’s scared that her grandmother’s ghost is hauntingher because of the ‘mystery’ bruises which form on her sometimes overnight, butdoesn’t realise that it’s because of how restless she is at night.
46. Is there anyonethey would trust with their lives?
Her dad, and depending on the situation, her uncle.
47. Are theyromantically interested in anyone?
Not really. She doesn’t exactly experience romance untilshe’s close enough to somebody.
48. Are theydating/married to anyone?
She’s the girlfriend of one of my other OCs, Cheol Kim. (Funfact: I rp as Iseul in a server, and my husband rps as Cheol- Even thoughthey’re kiiiiinda in an on-off relationship because Cheol is yandere as heck attimes.)
49. Do they likesurprises?
Nope. She’ll likely punch anyone who tries to surprise her.
50. When is theirbirthday?
August 29th
51. How do theyusually celebrate their birthday?
With cake and ice cream!
52. Do they have anyfamily?
Her dad Saeran; her uncle 707/Saeyoung; her mother(deceased), and if 707 has children she has cousins.
53. Are they close totheir family?
Family means EVERYTHING to her. She’d be lost without herfamily.
54. What is theirMBTI type?
55. What is theirzodiac sign?
56. What HogwartsHouse would they be in?
Hufflepuff or Slytherin, depends on her upbringing.
57. What D&Dalignment are they?
Either neutral evil or chaotic good?
58. Do they ever havenightmares? If so, what about?
Isolation or death, and sometimes, of her dad and uncle’spast.
59. What are theirviews on death?
It’s terrifying, but some people deserve it.
60. What is somethingthat they’re sure to laugh at?
Dumb injuries, like the ones they have in clip shows andstuff.
61. When bored, howdo they pass time?
Playing games or hacking. She isn’t too good at hackingthough, so it’s most often gaming. She will bake at times too.
62. Do they enjoybeing outside?
63. Do they have anaccent?
Not really, she’s got a bit of a neutral one.
64. Upon seeing aslice of chocolate cake, what is their first reaction?
“If there is no note saying not to eat it, I’m gonna eat it.Actually, I’ll eat it anyway.”
65. If they knew theywere going to die, what would they do/say?
“Papa… C- Can I hug you until it’s over…?”
66. How do they feelabout sex?
She doesn’t really care for it, but if she feels comfortableenough in a relationship and if she’s old enough, she’d be down for it.
67. What is theirsexuality?
68. Do they becomesqueamish at the sight of blood?
Yes. She is horrified at the mere sight of it.
69. Is there anythingthat they find really gross?
Salty food.
70. Which TV Trope(s)best describes them?
The person who locks themselves up in their room doingcomputer stuff lol
71. Do they enjoyhelping people?
Not really, she doesn’t like people.
72. Are they allergicto anything?
Pollen – another reason why she prefers the cold, herhayfever doesn’t flare up as much.
73. Do they have apet?
74. Are they quick toanger? What are they like when they loose their temper?
She can lose her temper pretty quickly, and has a tendencyto say “I’ll fuck you up” when in a bad mood.
75. How patient arethey?
Somewhat. Depends on what she’s waiting for.
76. Are they good atcooking?
Yes, and she enjoys doing it too.
77. Favorite insult?Do they insult people often?
“Stop speaking with your ass instead of your mouth, ‘causeyou’re talking shit.”
78. How do they actwhen they’re particularly happy?
She’s very smile-y and hums a lot. She’ll also share her sweet treats.
79. What do they dowhen they learn about other people’s fears?
She’ll do anything to save people from going through orbeing met with their fears, because she understands what it feels like to bescared.
80. Are theytrustworthy?
Yep, as long as you’re on her good side.
81. Do they try tohide their emotions? Are they good at it?
She isn’t good at hiding her emotions at all, so she’ll hidein her room in an attempt to hide it.
82. Do they exerciseregularly?
Does running up and down the stairs for food often count asregular exercise?
83. Are theycomfortable with the way they look?
84. What are somephysical features that they find attractive on people?
She really likes long fingers, because she’s spent a lot ofher life on a computer and seeing her dad doing things like typing, so handsare the first thing she focusses in on and looks at. She also likes eyes.
85. What kind ofpersonalities do they find attractive?
Sensitive, understanding personalities.
86. Do they likesweet foods?
Sweet foods are her life.
87. What is theirage?
16 typically when I portray her. Sometimes 18, sometimesabout 5. Lol.
88. Are they tall orshort or somewhere in between?
Somewhere inbetween.
89. Do they wearglasses or contacts?
Both. It depends on whether she’s bothered to put thecontacts in.
90. Do they considerthemselves attractive?
Not really.
91. What is theirsense of humor like?
Somewhat dark. She finds it funny when people hurtthemselves, etc.
92. What mood arethey most often in?
She’s often bored, or in the mood to try and tease people.
93. What kinds ofthings anger them?
Her family being threatened, bad internet connection,arguments over petty things, being told that she has to go outside at somepoint.
94. Outlook on life?
She just thinks that as long as she’s accomplished anythingat some point, her life will have been worthwhile.
95. What kind ofthings make them sad/depressed?
Seeing her family upset, people closest to her telling hertruths that she wants to deny (aka what I said before – being told that she hasto go outside at some point.)
96. What is theirgreatest weakness?
Her low stamina, she can’t do too much before becomingexhausted and incapacitated.
97. What is thegreatest strength?
Her adaptability to new technology.
98. Something thatthey regret?
Not wanting to leave her room for weeks on end after hermother’s death.
99. Biggestaccomplishment?
Sneaking into her uncle’s costume closet right under hisnose to try on his outfits.
Wow, this is so long.... Hahahaha........
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noonetosmilefor · 7 years
Harry Potter-Themed Asks
So, @hopedreamssoul told me to answer all these asks. Thx love. <3
1. Hogwarts: Where's your favorite place in the world? - Wherever I’m with the people I love most.
2. Sorting Hat: What Hogwarts House would you place yourself in? - Ravenclaw.
3. Gryffindor: Talk about a situation where you had to be brave. - When my the mom of my half-sister died and everyone was crying. So I staid strong for them.
4. Ravenclaw: What's something you're good at? - Listening.
5. Hufflepuff: Talk about someone that you are loyal to. - My friends.
6. Slytherin: Talk about your greatest ambition. - To get as much knowledge as I can possibly get.
7. Diagon Alley: What is something you've always wanted to buy? - Plane tickets to every destinations I want to go to.
8. Ministry of Magic: What would be your dream job? - I don’t even know.
9(3/4). Platform 9 and 3/4: What's something that's always seemed impossible to you? - That everything will end up okay. (It still seems impossible.)
10. Hogsmeade: What's the best school trip you've ever been on? - I guess in 4th grade. It was a language project week and it was golden.
11. Harry Potter: Talk about a challenge you've overcome. - The challenge that I can do everything and anything and I’m strong enough. I got so much more self esteem now. I gained that in the last few months.
12. Ronald Weasley: Talk about a friend you once/still have. - He was one of my best friends and always understood me. But something went wrong and so we ended up not talking to eachother anymore.
13. Hermione: What's your favorite book? - Noah by Sebastian Fitzek.
14. Luna Lovegood: Do you believe in any superstitions? - I’m not really superstitious. 
15. Neville Longbottom: Talk about a fear you've overcome. - The fear of people judging me. I don’t even care anymore.
16. Ginny Weasley: Talk about someone you've admired. - I’ve always admired people who are straight forward and always honest.
17. Draco Malfoy: What's something you regret? - Not showing that much emotions.
18. Fred and George: Talk about a time you pranked someone/were pranked by someone - A girl I went to school with and me used to prank eachother over almost 7 years every week. Honestly it was just because we didn’t like eachother quite as much.
19. Dobby: What's a cause you're loyal to? - To my family.
20. Hedwig: Would you bring an animal to Hogwarts? If so, which one? - Yes, maybe a cat.
21. Astronomy: What's your favorite object in the night sky? - Stars.
22. Potions: Talk about someone you initially mistrusted but proved to be cool. - I mistrusted my best male friend when I was younger because he was a mystery to me. But now, you know he still is, but I do love him.
23. Quidditch: What's a hobby you enjoy? - Reading.
24. Transfiguration: If you could be an animagus, what form would you take? - A bird.
25. Defense Against the Dark Arts: What would you guess your patronus is? Why? - I already know it. It’s a robin. And i can kinda relate to it.
26. Divination: Talk about a dream you've had within the past week. - When I was a kid I always dreamt of a lion family who tried to eat my family. Idek why tho.
27. Muggle Studies: Name one muggle item you'd take to Hogwarts. - A microwave.
28. Care of Magical Creatures: Unicorns, Dragons, or Hippogriffs? - Dragons.
29. History of Magic: What's your opinion of Merlin? - Since I was little I loved Merlin. I was so fascinated of the whole “witchcraft” happening.
30. Herbology: If you could grow any plant, real or not, what would it be? - I’d grow a whole damn garden full of roses.
31. Nimbus 2000: What's something you've always wanted? - For all my friends and family to be happy.
32. Wingardium Leviosa: What's something you had initial difficulties with? - To trust people. I still have.
33. Boggart: What's your greatest fear? - Losing people I love.
34. Invisibility Cloak: What's something you've wanted to hide from? - Responsibility.
35. Polyjuice Potion: What's something you wished you could change about your appearance? - Nothing at the moment.
36. Amortentia: What would your amortentia smell like? - Like lilies.
37. Marauder's Map: If you could have a secret passage in your house, where would you want it to lead to? - Maybe to an underground library.
38. Time Turner: If you could go anywhere in Time, where would you go? - To the past to change a few things in my life.
39. Mirror of Erised: What do you think you'd see in the Mirror of Erised? - All people who were close to me but already died.
40. Deathly Hallows: If you had the choice, would you pick, the wand, the stone, or the cloak? - The cloak.
41. Bertie Bott's: What's your favorite candy? - I love orange cakes.
42. Parseltongue: What language would you love to speak? - French.
43. Ollivander: Describe your wand. - Rowan wood with a Unicorn hair core 13 ¾" and Slightly Springy flexibility.
44. Ghosts: Who's your favorite ghost/poltergeist in the series? - Peeves.
45. Miranda Goshawk: If you could invent a spell, what would it do? - Maybe a spell so I can be unavailable for some time without anyone noticing.
46. Goblet of Fire: If you had the chance, would you put your name in the Goblet of Fire? - Nope.
47. Room of Requirement: What sort of Room would you want to see in the Room of Requirement? - A big library with loads of books.
48. Gilderoy Lockhart: If you could live the life of a book character, who would you pick? - Legolas from Lord Of The Rings.
49. Fidelius Charm: Who would you pick as your secret keeper? - I guess I’m gonna pick my best friend.
50. Pensieve: What memory would you love to relive? - The memory of @hopedreamssoul and me sitting in a flat in the middle of the night, drinking wine and talking about all and nothing at the same time. <3
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izzyspussy · 7 years
1: Age Group   For fic tbh whatever, I know a lot of people in fandom are underage and are exploring and figuring out what they like, etc. Plus not all my stuff is explicit, and some of the stuff that is still isn’t porn so. As for original stuff that will likely all be explicit as well, so an adult market audience.
2: Genre   Usually fantasy, sometimes science fiction.
3: Big Idea or Detail Oriented Outlining   binch i cant outline for absolute shit. I guess big picture but like…. ?? the biggest possible picture, almost to the point of being useless lmfao. someone help me.
4: Line Editing or Plot Revision   I prefer line editing for fics because I’m lazy and it’s for free, but overhaul type revision results in a better finished product so I use that for original stuff (and commissions).
5: With or Without Deadlines    With deadlines, definitely. I can crank out 1k in an hour if I have a deadline, but without one it can take me 2 years to write just as much (see: Zwangsneurose, started the second I got home from seeing The Winter Soldier, still not finished, word count at ~800 lmfao).
6: The Biggest Compliment   I love it when people mention details that they noticed! Or if god forbid I was funny once.
7: Current WIP Length   I have 12 fic WIPs right now and the longest one is 7.7k. I have 4 original WIPs right now, but they are all in development stages, with no word count yet.
8: Author Comparison Goal   @neil-gaiman 110%. He is my ultimate goals and a huge inspiration, not to mention just a plain cool guy. I also would love to be compared to Rick Riordan or Gillian Flynn.
9: Biggest Struggle   Foreshadowing probably. I sort of wing it as I’m writing, and I can’t do a very good outline like I said, so it’s tough to get good hints and clues as to what’s coming. That’s part of the reason my originals are taking so much development (not just because I have to fill in all the worldbuilding that is already mostly done for fic).
10: Brainstorming With Others or Alone     I like to do a bit of both. I really appreciate input, plus talking things out can really get the creative ball rolling. But I like to get into Deep Shit on my own too, especially with worldbuilding. I’ll always share with others though, even the stuff I wanted to come up with all on my lonesome.
11: Characters Based on Real People     I’m sure there are aspects of people I know, and of myself, in every character I create, and likely even in characters that have already been created. What you know will always leak into your writing. However, I don’t usually base a character fully (or purposefully) around one real person. I do namesakes though, but they’re almost never modeled after that person, it’s just a shoutout to someone I find inspiring in some way.
12: Writing Space Clean or Cluttered     cluttered af binch u been here & seen it smh make me drag myself in front of everyone……
13: Character Driven or Plot Driven     Always character driven!! what kinda question
14: Favorite Writing Related Quote     “Stories may well be lies, but they are good lies that say true things, and which sometimes pay the rent.” - guess who lmao
15: My Characters in Someone Else’s World     I would transport my characters into (brace yourselves for a shock lol jk) American Gods, primarily so that they could get some good old fashioned “help” from the Big Guys.
16: Movie or TV Show     Well two of them have pretty finite endings. The romance legend could be a tv show but with a limited amount of renewal, ala A:TLA (but I’d like it better as a graphic novel). The vampire tragedy has a very finite ending so that would make a better movie. And the witch noir and girl gang are both a bit neverending-WIP-ish so they’d make pretty good shows.
17: Soundtracks     Yes! They help keep me focused and writing in a cohesive tone when I have to leave and come back. Y’all can listen to the playlist I have for witch noir here. Eventually I’ll split it up for character and/or scene mood, and I might add some scene suitable ambient noise tracks too.
18: One Song to Sum It Up    witch noir - Temptress, S.J. Tucker    romance legend - Take Me to Church, Neon Jungle    vampire tragedy - Bodies, Celia Pavey    girl gang - Weapon, Bastille & Angel Haze & FUGZ & Braque
19: Me There or Characters Here     …me there, I guess? In the romance legend, vampire tragedy, and girl gang not anything would really be different, but in the witch noir I’d probably have inherited some sweet powers. Not many of my characters are very friendly tho lmao.
20: Most Wanted Adaptation     Probably (a piece of) the witch noir. It’d be neat to actually see all those neat film noir lighting tricks.
21: Finish     Uh. I finish one shot porn a lot? lmao. Other than that, damn… no.
22: Made Myself Cry     lol yah
23: Proud or Anxious     usually I’m more proud, but sometimes when it’s something that’s very deeply personal or controversial I can get anxious.
24: When Did I Become a Writer     tbh sometimes I think I came out the womb that way. I don’t remember not being a writer, and I know I had legit novel ideas as early as like 3rd grade, and was making shit up with pretty words even earlier.
25: Must Reads in My Genre     three guesses what i’m bout to say y’all. Literally anything by Gaiman. Cornelia Funke’s Inkheart series. Any Pratchett. Donna Gillespe fucked me up with The Light Bearer. Bear Daughter by Judith Berman (although that is kind of a tough read, so I wouldn’t necessarily recommend it for everyone).
26: My Genre Needs More…     Diversity in general, specifically more people of color, queer people, and people with disabilities (that aren’t magically erased). Also in my opinion there needs to be more things in between grimdark and go-lucky fairytale.
27: Inspiration Source     History, anthropology, and pseudoscience.
28: Character Naming Stress from 1-10     Probably about a 2 or a 3. I use behindthename.com which can be searched for meanings, sound patterns, usage, and origin, and has a handy “name themes” search algorithm. I also recently found the legit U.S. census thanks to @peppersandcats helping me out with search terms, and that can be sorted by ethnicity, gender, time period, and geographical location. So I’ve got names pretty well covered!
29: Underwrite or Overwrite First Drafts     It could go either way, but generally speaking unless I have a word limit I usually like to add more during editing. Except when something is confusing or too complicated, then I’ll cut it.
30: Calming or Stressing      Not really either tbh. I enjoy it a lot, but it’s mostly exciting! Not calming or stressful, but either a fun adventure or a challenging puzzle.
31: Favorite Trope     Tough to pick just one tbh. I love tropes when they are done “right”. Even tropes done classically can be great (as long as they’re not -phobic of some sort), but I especially love when they are done satirically or inverted.
32: Backstories for Side Characters     Guilty af. Even characters that might not even make it into the finished book have backstories, personalities, and quirks.
33: Characterize Before Writing or Develop with The Story     A little bit of both. I like to have a solid character to work with at the beginning, but for in-text character development I like to let that unfold with the plot and the other characters.
34: Old Writing in One Word     Prolific
35: Villains or Heroes     I like them both pretty well, but my favorite characters of all time are always a little ambiguous so if I had to pick just one kind that’s what I’d go with.
36: B&W Morality     No way! I live in the gray area.
37: Advice     Have fun! Be proud of yourself for what you come up with and celebrate your creativity even if you think it doesn’t compare with other writers. The happier you are to create, the more creative you’ll get. Also, like with any other kind of art, pick a couple role models to emulate and that will help you develop your own solid style.
38: Advice I Fail At     The first draft doesn’t have to be perfect. I spend too long line editing while I’m writing my first draft and that makes it a lot harder to finish anything.
39: Importance of Positive Reinforcement     I’d say reasonably important. Definitely helpful. But I know I’ll keep writing even without it.
40: Question for Favorite Author     How much difference is there between how his creation is in his head versus how it came out in the words, and does he ever think about rewriting things that are long finished?
41: Distracting to Read While Writing     Actually, no. Reading other comparable works helps keep me motivated, inspired, and focused.
42: Motivated or Discouraged by Critiques     Tbh I don’t think I have ever received a real in-depth critique so I’m not certain? I’ve had idle “I liked this, but I didn’t like/understand that” type of feedback, and that has usually been pretty helpful and appreciated. If nothing else it lets me know what parts of the story might not be as accessible to an audience.
43: Protagonists in My Likeness     Yes, there’s a little of me in very many of my protagonists, and often even in fic characters that I write. But, like with other real people, they’re not usually modeled after me, we just have some stuff in common because I leak over into them (and sometimes they leak over into me) when I’m writing them.
44: Choosing An Idea      This is something I struggle with, really. My process is usually to try writing a bit of it, and if I hate it it’s probably not viable.
45: Harder or Easier While Stressed      It’s usually a harder to write when I’m stressed, and what I do manage to write doesn’t have as much quality.
46: Sort Protagonists      !!! There are too many!! these are just the Big Ones (so far) in witch noir      Gryffindor - toots, eddie, maddie, anca, seth      Hufflepuff - lily, charisma, s.j., angel, iris      Ravenclaw - fred, ariel, dido, father piero      Slytherin - evelyn, jessica, sloan, clara-claudia, aixa
47: Five Year Goal     Hopefully I will have fucking finished something. Maybe published? Or maybe getting my manuscript looked at. (I have a humble-ish time frame, I think. Writing is a lot of work, and five years is a lot less time than it sounds like.)
48: Co-Writing     I’m a huge control freak, so probably not. At least not with original characters. Maybe for fic tho, because that can be much lower stakes lmao.
49: Fast or Slow     When I’m in The Zone I speed thru, but it can take me a while to get started and I come up on blocks pretty often so I’m a slow finisher.
50: Worldbuilding or Characters     Shit man, that’s a tough choice. I guess characters? I don’t know.
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