#He is also scared of being locked up in a lab to be experimented on
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You know, considering that Dale has a big interest in anything that can make him money
Would he use his newfound form to make a profit?
I feel as though, if it was Dev who got that bite, he'd totally use it for profit. Be it filming Dev like he's filming a odd dog, or caging him like he's some sort of attraction.
Oh, imagine all the promotions he could do! All the money he could make! All for the low low price of sacrificing his son
Too bad it wasn't Dev who got bit though
As addicted to money as Dale this is, quite literally, his worst nightmare come to life. He is horrified by his body and the idea of letting anybody see him like this is too mortifying to bare. not to mention he fully believes this is direct punishment for his actions.
As for using Dev a money making tool like that... horrifyingly, he probably would if he could get away with hiding that it was his child. That being said this never would have happened to Dev.
#fop nature au#He is also scared of being locked up in a lab to be experimented on#maybe one day he'll have a book written on this crazy supernatural experience he had#but right now hes much more concerned with trying to figure out if he can undo it#trying to think of a world where Dev has deer lycanthropy but Dale doesnt#If he's still recognizably Dev then like. tbh he'd proabably become the public face of werewolf acceptance#obviously it would be performative as hell#'give me money if you think my poor adorable son shouldn't be discriminated against for his lycanthropy🥺'#but like if you cant hide it profit from it you know#if he's not recognizably Dev then it'd proabably be darker
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I hope everyone likes it and thank you for your patience!
Snake Hybrid Yoongi x Female Reader
Warnings: Mentions of abuse, euthanasia, doctors office and sickness, mentions of mating/breeding but no smut, abandonment
Word Count: 6,432
Yoongi stared out of the passenger window watching an unfamiliar world roll by him.
“She’s a really good person, trust me. She’ll take good care of you and she won’t hurt you.”, Taehyung spoke from the drivers seat trying to calm his friend’s nerves.
“You said she was scared of snakes. I give it twenty four hours before I’m back at the adoption agency because she was too scared to have me in her house.”
It wouldn’t be the first time Yoongi was adopted and then swiftly returned.
The first time was when he was in his early teens. He had just been put up for adoption for the first time. It didn’t take long for someone to come in and show interest in him, a young mother had adopted him as a companion for her two kids thinking she was being a cool mom by getting them a snake hybrid instead of the usual dog, cat, or bunny ones.
Yoongi arrived to their home happy and ready to be there for the kids in any way he could only for them to scream and run in fear as soon as they saw the snake hybrid. He was returned first thing the next day after spending the night locked up and alone in the garage.
Then shortly after, he was adopted by some guy. They had an alright relationship for a few months until his new girlfriend came over. She took one look at Yoongi and gave the ultimatum of her or the hybrid. The guy chose her and Yoongi was dumped on the side of the road several days later.
Yoongi never had a real home even before those events. After being bred in a lab as part of an experiment he was used for research for many years. Kept in a room that was too small and not nearly warm enough. Fed barely enough to keep him alive. Poked and prodded for hours on end and threatened with euthanasia if he dared to act with aggression.
Then a couple weeks ago he overheard the director of the shelter he was currently being housed in. The guy made it clear that he was tired of wasting money and resources on an adult snake hybrid that no one was ever going to adopt. One of the volunteers at the shelter, Taehyung, begged and pleaded with the owner to give him more time to find a home for Yoongi. Taehyung had become somewhat fond of the stoic hybrid, but unfortunately didn’t have the time, space, or money to adopt him his-self. Ultimately the owner gave him two weeks to find a permanent home or it was the end of the line for him.
And that’s how Yoongi found himself in the passenger seat of Taehyung’s car on his way to meet some woman who he overheard is terrified of snakes yet for some strange reason agreed to adopt someone who has half the DNA of one.
You paced around your house trying to busy yourself and avoid the feeling of dread that was building up as you knew Taehyung was getting closer. You really regretted agreeing to adopt a snake hybrid. Ever since you were a small child you have been terrified of snakes. Even the sight of one could bring you to tears. You didn’t have much experience with snake hybrids either since they were pretty rare to begin with and you definitely never went out of your way to meet one but you imagined you wouldn’t like a hybrid anymore than a a pure snake.
Taehyung knew this. He also always said you had a heart of gold which he used to his advantage when he gave you a whole sob story about Yoongi’s life and everything he had been through. You did feel bad for him and genuinely did want him to have a good home. You just wished his new home was going to be on a luxurious island while he was being pampered and that it wasn’t going to be with you.
Taehyung had assured you that you wouldn’t even know Yoongi was half snake. He said he was calm, quiet, kept to himself. He ate normal food just like any person.
You cringed at remembrance of the awkward moment with you asking if you were going to have to store a bunch of dead mice in your freezer but he assured you with a smile that Yoongi would be happy to eat whatever you were but if you wanted to do something extra special then get him some tangerines as a treat. They were one of his favorites but gave him stomach aches so he couldn’t have them often.
There was also the issue of your cat, Alice. You felt bad for even thinking about it but you were genuinely concerned with having a snake hybrid under the same roof as a house cat. But again you were informed that it wouldn’t be an issue and that Yoongi actually loved cats even if he would never admit it. One of his best friends growing up was a cat hybrid named Jimin.
After a couple days of thought you finally agreed to let Yoongi stay with you. But you were severely second guessing that decision as you heard a car pull into your driveway. Your anxiety immediately sky rocketing.
Taehyung entered your home and quickly swallowed you in a big hug as he usually did.
“Y/N, this is Yoongi. Yoongi this is Y/N.”, he said getting right to business seemingly a little short on time.
At first glance you really couldn’t tell he was part snake at all. He was slightly shorter than Taehyung and only a little taller than you. His reddish orange hair really stood out as a surprise. You don’t know why you imagined him with jet black or maybe even green hair but then you remembered from the info packet you were sent that he was a corn snake and from the little bit of research you did before your fears got the best of you too much you remembered the colors of a standard corn snake and it made sense after all.
His eyes were a deep brown and didn’t appear snake like as you had imagined…one of your biggest worries. Something about their eyes was always so unsettling to you. You didn’t really see any terrifying fangs or a forked tongue. He had a cute button nose. No scales that you could see but Taehyung did mention he had some small scales sprinkled around his body. When you cringed Taehyung was quick to inform you they looked more like a cool tattoo than actual scales so you wouldn’t freak out if you ever were to see them. After all this Yoongi looked like any average guy about your age. You dared to even say he was attractive.
“Hi. Nice to meet you.”, you whispered.
“Yeah you too.”, Yoongi nodded feeling uncomfortable with how uncomfortable he could tell you felt.
Taehyung quickly said goodbye mumbling something about traffic and the rain and a hard ass boss so he left rather quickly even though internally you were pleading with him to not leave you alone.
“Umm so I guess I can show you to your room.”, you said wanting to escape the awkward silence.
Taking him upstairs you swung open the door making room for Yoongi to follow in after you.
“I’m sorry it’s not much. But I got you a bed and there’s a desk over here. Taehyung said you like to write so I got you a few new notebooks and some fancy pens. And uh maybe we can get you a tv or something but in the mean time you’re welcome to watch tv downstairs whenever you want.”
Yoongi looked around the room. He had never had his own bedroom before. The most he ever got was a corner of the basement and if he was lucky they might hook up a heat lamp for him. This was incredible and he didn’t really know how to respond but he also knew there was no way he was going to trust you even with all of this. Especially when he could sense how terrified you were just from standing next to him.
“Okay well I’m gonna go cook dinner. Um let me know if you need anything.”, you said before quickly exiting the room.
Yoongi waited all night and all of the next day to hear the familiar words he dreaded but had gotten so used to. Then one day turned into two and then into a week and then into three weeks and so on. You never mentioned anything about kicking him out or taking him back to the shelter. You offered him several meals a day even though he politely declined not needing to eat as much as you. When he did eat he preferred to do it privately and he appreciated that you respected his space. He kept to himself most of the time. He didn’t want to do anything to upset you and cause you to send him back. He could still feel the tension radiating off of you any time he did walk into the same room.
You were starting to feel terrible that you were still so scared of him. He had done nothing to make you think he was any kind of a threat other than the dna that created him which he had zero control over.
He was polite. He cleaned up after himself. He even took on some chores around the house like vacuuming and cleaning the litter box, two of your least favorite things to do.
You smiled as you remembered the day you came home to find him frantically tearing apart your house. Your blood pressure rose slightly worried that this was him beginning to act out until he dropped to his hands and knees to search for something under the couch. “Here kitty kitty kitty.”, he said shaking the treat bag.
When you finally asked what was wrong, it turned out that he couldn’t find Alice for their daily nap session so he was worried she had escaped when he took the trash out earlier. He had been looking all over for her. Your fear subsided and was replaced with admiration at the panic he was going through over the thought of loosing your cat who had since become his cat too. You were able to calm him down and show him her usual hiding spot in your closet where thankfully she was peacefully curled up in ball oblivious to the hysteria she caused him. He scooped her up mumbling something about never scaring him like that again and that now he needed double the nap time just to calm his nerves.
It warmed your heart however you still couldn’t shake the constant reminder that there was a snake in your presence.
Likewise Yoongi, while slowly warming up to you, was still waiting for those words. Every night when he crawled into his big fluffy bed that was in his slightly too cold room that he was too afraid to tell you about he wondered if the following day would be the day it all ends.
He really liked living with you. You left him to do his own thing most of the time. You gave him more food than he could eat. You even went out of your way to buy him a birthday cake when he said he had never had one. His birthday wasn’t for another six months but he ate the cake happily not wanting to let you know he thought it was disgustingly sweet and he hoped you would ever find out that it made him sick later that night.
You purchased him a bunch of new clothing when you noticed he wore the same two outfits over and over. He didn’t want to know how much you spent because it would only make him feel guiltier. He didn’t think he deserved it.
You even drove him an hour across the city so he could hang out with Jimin for a while. He didn’t expect you to and he was shocked that you did, especially when he could sense your unease from being so close to him through the whole car ride.
Yoongi did have to admit he was a tiny bit jealous when you welcomed Jimin into a hug with open arms, not that he was really a hugger himself to begin with. But watching you be so relaxed around Jimin as you scratched his fluffy cat ears and giggled when he used his tail to tickle your nose made Yoongi feel a tinge of hurt. No one ever wanted to cuddle with a snake.
He could tell that you were slowly warming up to him but you were still cautious thanks to his dna. He wished more than ever that he could be cute and fluffy like Jimin, maybe then his life would’ve been much easier.
When the two of you returned home that evening he decided that he was going to attempt to cuddle. He had never done it before but watching you cuddle Jimin made him long for that comforting touch.
So he waited until he smelled the popcorn and he heard the television click on. He waited a few minutes to not make it super obvious that he had been waiting for this moment. Then he took a deep breath and shoved his shaking hands into his pockets so you wouldn’t see them and went downstairs to where you were located.
“What’s up?”, you asked after noticing him awkwardly standing in the doorway.
He shrugged, “Nothin, just thought I’d come watch a little tv.”
He sat on the couch next to you but made sure there was enough space that you weren’t touching so not exactly cuddling.
You were scrolling through the movie options when came across the Harry Potter films.
You were completely shocked when Yoongi said that he had never seen any of the movies so you excitedly hit play and handed him the bowl of popcorn to get a handful.
As the movie went on and you really got into it Yoongi started feeling his confidence increase. Slowly but steadily he started inching closer and closer to you until his body was just mere centimeters from yours.
Then he heard the gasp. He panicked thinking maybe you were freaked out that he was so close to you and he instantly regretted everything. He tried to scoot away but you grasped onto him burying your cheek into his shoulder. You kept your head swiveling between looking at the tv and looking at his neck. Your hands had instinctively grabbed onto his and you were fiddling with his fingers. He could sense that your heart rate had significantly increased from the few minutes before.
When he looked up at the screen he saw what was the cause of all of this. Harry Potter was talking to a very large Burmese Python. Then the glass was gone and the snake started slithering out of its cage and onto the ground as people screamed in fear. Yoongi could feel you tensing up as you squeeze his hand a little tighter.
Once the scene was over and the snake was no longer on the screen he waited for you to release him but you never did, instead you snuggled in a little closer and took some of your blanket placing it on his lap so he settled into the couch and tried to take in every single moment of his first ever cuddle session.
When the movie ended and you finally released your grip on him shyly admitting that you hadn’t planned on that Yoongi started to laugh. He realized something he hadn’t before.
“What is so funny?”, you asked amused.
“Nothing…nothing.”, he said unsure if he should bring it up.
“Seriously Yoongi. What is so funny?”
“Well I just realized something. Y-You got scared about the snake in the movie. And then spent the rest of the movie cuddle up to a…a…a snake hybrid. I just thought that was kind of funny.”
You thought about his words for a moment before chuckling yourself, “Yeah I guess I’m lucky you’re just so cute and cuddly.”
Your eyes widened and before he could respond you quickly grabbed your things and headed up stairs feeling overwhelmed with embarrassment.
Yoongi sat there for a moment basking in your words. In his life he had been called many many things but cute and/or cuddly we’re not it and it was you of all people to say those words. He loved it but it also terrified him in ways he never felt before.
Ever since your little cuddle session things were kind of awkward between you. You were stuck between really really liking him and wanting to spend every minute of the day next to him but no matter how hard you tried you still had it in the back of your mind that he was part snake and that you weren’t sure if you should have those kind of feelings towards him. And Yoongi was stuck between realizing he was falling in love with you and not wanting to get hurt because he knew you would never ever feel like that towards him. So he started distancing himself from you.
He had been doing his best to be as easy and simple to live with as possible. He didn’t tell you about how his room was a little too cold or how he had a little rash from the lack of humidity in his room. He didn’t tell you how all of the onions you always cooked with gave him heartburn. He was too afraid to anger you in some way for fear that you would return him.
But then one morning he woke up with a little issue that was getting harder and harder to ignore.
Ever since the first child ran in fear when they saw him, Yoongi begged the shelter director for contacts. He said they would help him get adopted. He had always worn glasses to help with his poor eyesight but he wanted the contacts to help conceal the snake like quality of his eyes. His red irises and large black pupils often made people look away in fear or uncomfortableness but with the contacts he looked human. His intimidating eyes replaced with soft brown ones that looked warm and welcoming instead.
He had been down to two pairs and since the director made it clear that he was no longer spending any money on him he was too afraid to ask for more.
So for the last couple of months he had been wearing the same pair 24/7 and much past their expiration date too nervous of what you would think of him if you saw his true form.
The thought of you running in fear made his heart hurt just a little bit more than he’d like so he wore the contacts even at night just in case.
Then this morning he woke up with swollen eyes that were bright red and hard to keep open. Every time he blinked it felt like he was being stabbed with a burning hot knife. The fear of permanently going blind started creeping into his mind.
To make things worse he could hear you calling his name from downstairs. Reluctantly he went to find you.
“Hey I’m going to the grocery store and just wanted know if there was anything you neeeedd…Oh my God!! Yoongi are you okay? What’s wrong?”, you said quickly walking over to him to get a closer look.
“Yeah yeah I’m fine. Just some allergies or something. You know Alice practically sleeps on my face all night.”, he chuckled.
“Um I think maybe I should take you to a doctor just to be safe. This looks worse than allergies.” Yoongi tried to protest but you were already on the phone calling the first office that Google provided. Thankfully they had an opening later that same afternoon.
“Nervous?”, you asked noticing his leg bouncing up and down for the last several minutes.
“Yeah I uh I don’t do well at doctors.”, he said which wasn’t completely a lie. He had spent the first half of his life being treated poorly by people in white coats so he grew to be uneasy around them, this time though he was more nervous about what the outcome would be once you saw his true form.
“Min Yoongi.”, the assistant shouted into the crowded waiting room.
“Need me to go with you or are you okay by yourself?”, you asked.
Yoongi had never even thought about that and suddenly he felt a huge sense of relief, “I can go in alone. It’s no big de-.”
But he was cut off by the same assistant, “She’ll have to come back with you. Sorry it’s a requirement for all first time patients.”
Yoongi and you both nodded and followed her back into one of the exam rooms.
“The doctor will be right in.”, she smiled before closing the door.
Taking in the view of the room you started to worry that maybe you accidentally booked a pediatric hybrid doctor. The room was decorated with brightly colored music notes and cute drawings of different animals. One of those motivational posters with a picture of a cat hung on the opposite wall. You were about to pull out your phone to double check when the door swung open, “Good afternoon. Hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long. My name is Dr. Hoseok Jung but you can call be Dr. J, Doc, Hobi, whatever you’re comfortable with.”
He walked in not looking like any doctor you’ve ever seen before. He was wearing jeans with neon paint splashes on them paired with matching neon Jordan’s and a tshirt you were pretty sure was from Gucci. No white coat and the only indication of who he was being the name tag he wore clipped to his shirt. He had a big bright smile as he shook your hand. You caught yourself wondering if he accepted human patients too because he seemed so bright and bubbly.
“You must be Y/N and you must be Yoongi! So, what brings you in today?”, he said clasping his hands together.
Yoongi too shy to speak looked to you for help.
“Oh uh well he woke up today with his eyes pretty irritated. He says it’s allergies but I just want to make sure it’s nothing serious.”
Hoseok studied Yoongi for a moment, “Hmm yeah I can see that. Well first I have some quick standard questions to go through. I just want to see if anything stands out as unusual or anything. Yoongi you’ll probably have to answer most of these yourself.”
He started typing away on his laptop before he paused to look at Yoongi, “Alright so just to confirm you are 31 years old, a male, and a corn snake hybrid. Is that correct?”
“Yes that’s correct.”
“Perfect! And how long have you lived with Y/N?”
“Probably like ten-ish months now.”
“Eating okay? Sleeping okay? Enough energy to get through the day?”
“Yeah yeah everything is fine.”
“Alright and no aches or pains other than your eyes?”
For a moment Yoongi thought about bringing up the painful rash he had since the humidity in his room wasnt right but he didn’t want to irritate you or scare you any more than you already were going to be so he decided against it?
“No, just my eyes.”
“Well that’s good. And lastly how is your libido?”
Your eyes widened and Yoongi nearly choked on his spit, “I’m sorry what?”
Hobi smiled unfazed and clearly used to getting that kind of a reaction. He continued, “You know your sex drive…your want to mate…your desire to breed? Would you say it’s below, above, or just about average?“
“I uh I um uh I…average I guess.”, he mumbled. His poor cheeks were nearly as red as his hair and you felt so bad but couldn’t get over how cute he looked like that. And then the doctor asked a question that embarrassed you just as much.
He was typing away on his laptop, “Mmhmm. Mmhm, that’s good. One more super duper awkward question and then we’re done. Do you notice an increase in your sexual desires when you spend time around an ovulating female?”
You kept your eyes focused on the silly cat poster in front of you not wanting to make this any more uncomfortable than it already was by looking in Yoongi’s direction.
You didn’t hear him verbally respond but the doctor must have gotten the answer he needed because he closed his laptop and walked over to the sink to wash his hands. Your cheeks felt hot and were probably just as red as Yoongi but thankfully no one mentioned it.
Okay this might hurt for a bit but I want to get a better look.”, he said pulling out a small flash light and shining it into Yoongi’s eyes while he gently tried to pry them open.
You felt awful watching him flinch in pain.
“Yoongi when was the last time you removed these contacts?”, the doctor asked.
He chewed on his lip for a second trying to buy some time, “It’s been a while. A couple months at least. I used to take them out for a little here and there but I’ve been keeping them in all the time lately.”
“I see…and are they colored contacts?”
He simply nodded.
The doctor was slowly piecing everything together as he started washing his hands again before reaching for a pair of gloves.
“Unfortunately they need to come out. You have quite a nasty infection going on.”
Curiously you watched on as the doctor put a few drops into Yoongi’s eyes to help them relax a little so he could get out the contacts. Hobi helped him wipe his eyes and then added a few more drops to give some additional relief.
Yoongi blinked a few times before trying to look anywhere but at you.
“I’m going to put a little of this gel in your eyes. We’ll give you a prescription to take home along with some eyes drops. Y/N, if you want to come over here I can show you how to apply the gel. He’ll probably need help with it.”
You nodded before taking a few steps over and stopping in your tracks. It was the first time you had seen his natural eyes. Gone were the soft brown eyes that you had slowly come to know and fell for. They were replaced with red iris’s surrounding large black pupils, the irritation only making them more prominent. There was definitely something snake like about them yet they were beautifully unique. You were a little taken back but you reminded yourself who you were looking at and his eyes didn’t change who he was.
And even though your brain was trying to admire them your body had other plan and Yoongi definitely took notice.
The way you moved to stand behind the doctor as a way of protecting yourself.
Your feet slightly turned and pointed towards the door like you were ready to escape.
He could sense your blood pressure had risen.
His worst fear had come true. But not only were you scared of his true form and he would most likely be heading back to the shelter, he also felt his heart breaking because he knew he was going to be going the rest of his life knowing he loved you and you only saw him as a monster.
The doctor showed you how to apply the gel and he gave you a couple bottles of drops. Yoongi was going to have to wear his glasses for a few weeks until his eyes cleared up and then you could take him to order some new contacts. He even gave Yoongi a bottle of medicated lotion “just in case” any skin issues were to come up and he gave you a pamphlet on how to properly care for a snake hybrid which you appreciated.
The drive home was silent. Yoongi declined your offer of dinner even through you suggested his favorite chicken place. You assumed it was probably because he was still embarrassed about all of the questions earlier so you didn’t pressure him and went home instead.
Yoongi spent the rest of the day locked in his room while you read through the info packet from the doctor. By the time you were done you felt like a horrible irresponsible person. You had thought you did enough research but you were really mistaken. Poor Yoongi was probably freezing and no wonder the doctor gave him a special lotion. The doctor had seen this before so he knew that his room wasn’t providing what he needed and was going to cause him issues.
So bright and early the next morning you headed out with a list of things to purchase to try and make Yoongi’s room more comfortable for him.
At the same time Yoongi was already up and packing. He only packed up the clothes he had arrived with not wanting to take anything you bought for him other than a couple pairs of socks that were really soft and fuzzy, he hoped you wouldn’t mind.
He also grabbed the stuffed mouse you had won him in one of those claw machines at an arcade. It had a pink bow and you had named her Petunia. He found himself holding onto the little mouse at night and he knew he wouldn’t be able to sleep without it.
He realized that it was getting quite late and that you were nowhere to be found. He searched the house and started wondering if maybe you were so scared you couldn’t even spend the night under the same roof as him.
Right as he was about to grab his bag and just leave on his own he heard the door open and you come barreling in. He could hear the crinkle of bags and boxes banging against the wall. You were clearly talking on the phone.
“Yeah I know Tae, thanks for telling me by the way…
Of course it was a mistake!…
I’m terrified! What if something happened?…
Okay yeah but still…
Well I’m just saying that it was something you probably should’ve brought to my attention when you asked me about adopting him…
I was so stressed all night. I left as soon as I got up this morning…
No way! I’m not doing that any more…
I’m gonna fix it right now actually. I just got home…
Okay bye…”
Yoongi could feel the familiar sensation of tears beginning to cloud his eyes although this time it hurt more than usual. Whether it was because his eyes were already irritated or because he knew this was his last chance or because he really liked you and didn’t want to leave…he wasn’t sure, maybe it was a little of all three.
He tried to compose himself sensing your footsteps coming towards his room but you were quicker than he was. He already had his coat on when you knocked, “Hey mind if I come in so we can talk?”
Yoongi nodded his head.
You took a seat at his desk and turned to look at him.
“Wow your eyes already look a little better…Wait! Are…are you crying? What’s wrong?”, you asked rolling the chair closer to him.
“Nothin, what time are we leaving?”
“Leaving? What do you mean?”
Yoongi scoffed, “You’re taking me back to the shelter aren’t you? I heard you talking to Taehyung.”
You felt your heart drop and your own eyes started filling with tears. You should’ve been more careful knowing everything that he had been through and that he could hear exceptionally well especially through the thin walls.
“Yoongi no no no. I’m not taking you back to the shelter. Quite the opposite really.”
“But…but you’re terrified of me. My real eyes make you uncomfortable. I can tell and you shouldn’t have to be scared in your own home. I heard you talking to Taehyung.”, he sniffled, “It’s fine. I’m used to not being wanted so you can just drop me off at the shelter or I can walk. I don’t mind.”
You watched him gently wipe away the wet streaks on his cheeks. “Oh Yoongi…”, you said moving over to the bed and wrapping your arms around him and squeezing him tight, “I’m sorry that I made you feel like that but you are wanted. I do want you Yoongi.”
He started crying even harder into your shoulder. His body convulsing with sobs as you tried to sooth him through your own tears.
After a few minutes he began settling down so you took his hand in yours.
“Yoongi I…I know I’ve put a big emphasis on the snake part of you but honestly I stopped caring about that a long time ago. I just didn’t realize it until recently. I like you Min Yoongi. I…I uh I might even love you. I’m sorry that I didn’t do enough to make you feel welcomed here.”
He sniffled, “But what about the stuff on the phone?”
“The stuff I said to Tae was about how I didn’t know that your room needed to be a certain temperature with specific humidity levels and I feel terrible that you’ve been suffering all this time. I was mad at him for not warning me and mad at myself for not being brave enough to do the research I should’ve have before you moved in. I’m sorry Yoongi. But if you want to stay here then I want you here too.”
His face was still buried in your neck but you could feel him nod his head bringing a smile to your face.
After you gave him some time to calm down you asked him to help carry everything you had bought upstairs to his room.
When you were all done setting everything up he had a brand new heated blanket that had several different settings, a new humidifier, and a space heater for when he needed a little extra warmth. You had an electrician coming in the following week to see about the options for installing a heat lamp or something similar onto the ceiling so that he could feel the warmth directly on himself much like a snake would do. You had also picked up some vitamins and a special body wash to help with his skin.
Which reminded you, “Oh! We should put your drops in. Dr. Jung said it was important not to miss a dose.”
Yoongi shook his head, “It’s okay. I can do it myself.”
“I know you can but if I help you it’ll be faster and more precise.”
Yoongi was hesitant but let you take him to the bathroom where all of the products were located.
He sat down on the floor with you on the edge of the tub as you fidgeted trying to get the bottle open.
You put one drop in each eye and told him to keep them closed before the second round.
“Once your eyes clear up we can go order you some new contacts if you want. You can get the clear one or colored ones. It’s up to you. But you don’t have to wear them all the time you know. If your glasses are more comfortable you should wear them, especially at home.”
“I don’t want you or anyone else to be scared.”, he whispered.
“Who cares what other people think. Their opinions don’t matter and I’m not scared of you Yoongi. Besides, I think you look really cute in those glasses.”
You smiled as you watched the blush crawl across his cheeks, “What else about me is cute?”, he playfully asked.
You added the second round of drops, “Well I think it’s cute how you try to hide the way you say your S’s so they don’t sound so snake like. And I think it’s cute how you do a little happy dance every time I stock the freezer with cookie dough ice cream. And I think it’s cute how you have the chubbiest little cheeks.”
You tried to give them a squeeze but he quickly swatted your hand away, “they’re not chubby.”, he pouted which only proved your point more.
After getting cleaned up you both plopped down on the couch ready for another movie night. Alice also joined this time, quickly taking her favorite spot in the center of Yoongi’s lap. You had already accepted that she was now his cat and you were merely the food bringer homer. But you didn’t really care. They were both happy which made you happy.
He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and you had no problem cuddling in as close as you could get.
“Hey Y/N.”, he suddenly spoke as you were scrolling through the movie options. You lifted your head to look up at him.
“ Th-Thank you…for everything.”, he smiled feeling like he had a true home for the first time in his life and it just happened the be with the woman he loved, “I just wanted to make sure I told you that. I don’t think I’ve really said it since I’ve been here.”
“Don’t thank me. You deserve it. I’m just happy you’re here.”, you said before giving his cheek a kiss and snuggling back in to his side.
“Ohhh what about this one?”, you exclaimed.
Yoongi looked at the screen and then at you with his eyebrows raised, “Snakes on a plane? Seriously Y/N? That sounds like a terrible idea.”
You shrugged, “Yeah you’re right. I’ll probably get too scared and have to find someone to cuddle with the whole time and then I know I’ll definitely be too scared to sleep later so I will for sure need to find someone to cuddle with and keep me safe all night.”
You started scrolling again but it didn’t take long for laughter to fill the room as Yoongi took the remote from you and quickly scrolled back to the movie. He hit play and settled back in before pulling you close against him and placing a small kiss to the top of your head, “Luckily I’m here to cuddle any time you need it.”
#bts#yoongi x reader#yoongi fanfic#min yoongi#bts fanfic#bts x reader#yoongi x y/n#yoongi fic#yoongi angst#hybrid yoongi#yoongi#yoongi fluff#bts yoongi
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Split Phantom
DP x DC Prompt
Danny sat in a cell in the GIW put him in, a suppression collar around his neck and fresh from being cut open and studied. Except he isn't alone. In other cells in the same room is other hims as well... but... he's like this because of his parents.
It was just another day in Fentonworks, Danny minding his own business while waiting for Jazz to return from her shopping to cook for all of them. Then his parents burst from the basement and revealed a new invention, he doesn't remember the name of it, because he was hit with it when it misfires and he wasn't paying attention. It split him into three different people.
One Danny has the smarts, the one who was put back in the cell, another has the Anger and some insecurities of being a Halfa, and the other has some fear and childlike tendencies that Danny had locked away to be a teen.
Currently, Anger is bashing against his cell, again, having woken up earlier and trying to break free and help those that have been imprisoned by the GIW, his other selves as well.
Kid is the one currently being experimented on in the labs, the pain filled screams and pleading from Kid only makes Anger, well, angrier.
After some time, Kid is brought back by an Agent and not a scientist this time, but the Agent isn't alone, Anger even pauses in his attempts to break out at seeing Operatives O and K, holding Kid like, well, a kid being led somewhere and not a thing being dragged, but what surprised Danny and Anger is what Operative O said.
"We don't have much time, but we're getting you out of here"
It's a whirlwind of many things after that, Anger had gone quiet, not trusting either of the Operatives, but wanting to be free and be with Kid and Danny again. They do leave the GIW facility and head to Gotham, the three boys are clearly struggling without ambient ectoplasm and they didn't grab any Ecto on their way out because it would get them caught, with how heavily guarded the ectoplasm the GIW had.
Now, the three boys wait for Kevin and Owen to return, they said that they are going to contact the Bats of Gotham to get the GIW shut down, that would also mean Kevin and Owen would be arrested as well, Danny knows this, but in the meantime, the boys think up of names for Anger and Kid while waiting in a hotel room.
Kid will be called Jamie, while Anger is called Dante, then when the boys were watching the TV, the door opens, Dante gets between the door and his brothers, a clear look of distrust on his face, Jamie is scared, clutching a teddy bear he found in the dumpster nearby, while Danny is calculating escape routes and makeshift weapons.
The boys see Batman and Nightwing enter with Kevin and Owen.
"Well," Nightwing starts. "You boys look hungry. How about something to eat?"
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Could you do a scenario about Nemona, Penny and Arven with a real who has type null please? Maybe something about it transforming in Silvally?
I have one in Sword who I call "Bestie", and it's carried me through the Crown Tundra DLC. I want it in Violet so badly aaaa
Also this just reminded me of my fic that I wrote prior to Sun/Moon's release. Ya'll can give it a read if you so desire <3
That being said, this scenario will be like a sequel of sorts
Revealing Type: Null--or "Nully" as you've affectionately called it--to your friends was something you were initially nervous about...
But today was finally the day.
Moving away from Alola to attend school here in Paldea was quite the stressful journey, especially for your masked companion who had never know any place besides stark white labs and sandy beaches.
People kept warning you about how dangerous it was, but you never listened...and now your bond with the mysterious normal type has never been stronger.
Ever since you rescued it from an Aether Foundation facility that exploded due to its rampage, it put its trust in you and loved you unconditionally.
Learning the truth behind that supposedly "good" organization and its leader broke your heart. Although nothing devastated you more than realizing Nully had been held captive there as both experiment and prisoner.
You've tried researching its species, checking for notes and hacking into secret files the foundation kept under lock and key--and you discovered that Type: Nulls were basically created as "tamer" versions of Arceus, even having memory discs similar to the plates manufactured. They were meant to kill the Ultra Beasts should they invade Alola.
Instead, they went on a rampage (of course, that's what happens when humans try replicating a god's powers) and were confined to masks and put into cryogenic stasis. The whole project was deemed a failure.
As tragic as it was...you were relieved to have found Nully when you did and get it away from that horrible place.
Even so the mask still made it feel absolutely miserable, but unfortunately you couldn't find any further information on how to remove it without causing your precious Pokémon serious injury. There were no visible clamps to unlock, pulling it off would only cause it great pain, and cutting seemed too risky.
The only benefit was that it made Nully immune to critical hits, but the cons definitely outweighed the pros.
Maybe one of your friends knew more about the Type: Null species, and so you decided to call them all over for a picnic if they had free time.
All you could do was pray that they didn't lose their cool and scare your companion.
That's the last thing either of you needed.
Arven was the first to arrive, with Mabosstiff at his heels as usual, but he stopped dead in his tracks upon seeing the bizarre-looking Pokémon standing by your side. You could tell he was trying not to look too worried, considering the poor thing was hiding behind you now.
Still, it's obvious that he didn't have the slightest clue what he was looking at, so you explained everything to him: where you found Nully, why it looked like a rejected Arceus, and the memory discs you kept in a small folder.
So far, you haven't figured out how to utilize them in-battle. But despite the space they took up in your bag, you refused to throw them away.
"Are you sure there isn't a slot for these somewhere on its mask?" He stared at one of the floppy discs, before glancing back up at Nully, squinting. "It looks like there should be one."
"We've been pals for nearly three years, Arven..I'm pretty sure I would've found the slot by now if there was one." Shaking your head, you took it from him, sighing. "My only option is to get that thing off. The slot's probably on its body somewhere."
"Right...maybe there's a stomach hatch or-"
"¡Mira! You were right, Penny! They do exist!!"
"Nemona, slow down!! They're not going anywhere!!"
Hearing the shouts of two certain ladies from afar, you and Arven looked to see both Nemona and Penny coming over the horizon. The student council president was dragging the poor girl by the arm, with her stumbling to keep up and not lose her glasses.
When they arrived, Penny was dazed and annoyed as she scowled at Nemona, tearing her arm free of her iron grasp. But her attention was quickly set on the peculiar Pokémon who was cowering behind you yet again.
"Wow...I..never thought I'd see one up close before.." Adjusting her glasses, she gazed at Nully with interest.
"You've heard about them before?" You asked.
"Back in Galar, I found some top-secret stuff about Macro Cosmos trying to make their own instances. They literally stole the blueprints from the Aether Foundation."
"...yikes." Nemona remarked, tilting her head as she tried getting a better look at Nully herself. "It seems shy. Maybe a battle will help it-!"
"No battles, at least not right now." You smiled apologetically, patting it on the head as you looked at each other. "I know you're nervous, Nully..but it's okay. They're nothing like the jerks back in Alola who used to pick on us. They're my friends. You can trust them, I promise."
Nodding its head, it relaxed its haunches as it cautiously stepped away from your side, gazing at the trio and seeing their smiles, too.
They weren't looks of pity.
They seemed genuinely thrilled to meet it.
It stood there for some time, taking in everything you've said to it and thinking about how far it's come since you rescued it that fateful day.
Somehow, it knew it was always meant to be your companion--from the very moment you held it as it cried in the Pokémon Center, reassuring it that it's not a monster, but a sweet creature worthy of love and care.
Ever since then, your friendship has grew...and now it feels stronger, willing to put its life on the line for you if need be. Even though most of its powers have been concealed, it didn't feel like some weak and helpless lab experiment.
Oh no.
It was far from that now.
Thanks to your bond, it felt unbelievably strong.
So much so that....the normal-type realized an extraordinary change was imminent.
And you were about to witness it.
"Look! Nully's glowing, [y/n]!" Nemona pointed, her eyes widening as your companion was basked in a familiar light. "Is it evolving???"
"Oh my god...I think so." You gasped, never realizing the possibility of it evolving, but you're now certain that friendship is what triggered it at last.
The most noticeable thing were the cracks that started appearing all over its helmet, pieces of what you assumed was indestructible alien material falling apart. Nully shook its head vigorously, trying to get rid of it as much as possible.
Then it turned its attention to a nearby boulder, letting out a cry before performing a move similar to a Headbutt, ramming into it and letting the rock shatter the helmet completely.
At last, it was free.
When the glow faded, you and your friends gazed in awe as Nully looked back at all of you.
With its mask finally gone, what lied underneath it was a beautiful creature made of both nature and machine, with a beaklike mouth that smiled proudly.
"Nully...?" You murmured, stepping closer.
"Ally." It chirped, walking up to greet you.
Tears began forming in your eyes as your grin widened. "I can't believe it...friendship was all it took to-"
Suddenly, your rotomphone decided to ruin the sweet moment by flying out of your pocket.
It displayed a new entry in your Pokedex, and you grabbed it to read what it had to say, while Arven, Penny, and Nemona checked their own phones.
"I see, you're Silvally now." You gazed back up at Null--Silvally, watching it bow its head respectfully. With a small laugh, you mimicked the gesture, before petting it lovingly as you sighed. "Wow..."
You noticed one of the metal bolts on its face open up like a CD player, indicating that something had to go in there-
"Wait.." Remembering the memory discs, you took one out and held it up. "Do you want me to use this?"
Silvally nodded, although before you could do anything, Arven interjected.
"Hold on, which memory is that?"
"The Dark Memory. It probably just changes its type, but I believe this represents all the pain Silvally had to endure while being trapped in that mask, not knowing what it did wrong or why people shunned it for simply existing." You placed a gentle hand under your companion's jaw. "But now I think it's ready to turn that painful memory into power. So let's see what happens.."
Carefully inserting the disc into the open slot, you watched as it closed up. Then you stepped back, seeing the colors and spikes on its body turn smoky black.
Even its eyes changed, and when they opened they looked even more menacing than ever.
And they stared directly at you.
With a low growl, it crept closer to you, while your friends held back..tense and worried that the pokedex entries were correct: this wasn't something you could so easily control.
There was probably a very good reason for the mask-
Yet any hostility Silvally seemingly expressed disappeared, as it smiled and licked your cheek affectionately, causing you to laugh once more. "Hey, that tickles! C'mere you!"
Hugging its neck, you grinned as you received even more kisses, hearing it purr with happiness. You petted its feathery crest, relieved that it completely trusted you now.
"Wow..it's way cooler than Arceus!" Nemona laughed. "Do you think I can battle it-??"
Silvally just shot her a wary look, and she immediately fell silent, a nervous smile on her face. "Haha, you're right. Not yet. But I swear we're gonna have an epic battle one day!"
"Yeah, one day. But for now, I have something special for this big guy."
You managed to regain its full attention with a simple yet supereffective move of your very own:
It's called "chin scritches", something that none of your other Pokémon could resist receiving.
The mask obviously made it difficult for Silvally to receive proper affection back then...and you vowed to find a way to break it so you can do just that.
Now it was free of that awful and heavy thing, having a brand new life to look forward to: battles, friendships with other Pokémon, and more.
Even better?
Your three closest friends in all of Paldea were here to witness its evolution--a sign that despite all the odds...your bond was unbreakable.
#clanask#anonymous#pokemon x reader#pokemon scarvi x reader#pokemon scarlet x reader#pokemon violet x reader#pokemon nemona#pokemon nemona x reader#pokemon penny#pokemon penny x reader#pokemon arven#pokemon arven x reader#nemona x reader#penny x reader#arven x reader#type null#silvally
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Chapter 1:Going Ghost
Ghosts!Ectoplasmic manifestations of post human consciousness, Literal creatures of the undead. Do they exist? Or are they simply fictional creatures created with the intention of scaring people?
Well some people believe that they are as real as you and I, while others believe otherwise.
If they exist Do they walk among us? Are they friendly?Do they pose a threat to human existence?Where do they come from?
These were all the questions that plagued the minds of 18 year old college students Tucker Chris Foley and Daniel "Dan"/Danny Fenton.After graduating casper high Danny and Tucker moved from Amity park to Amity City to attend AC university where they both majored in paranormal activity studies.
Dan was an average height Caucasian male with a slim to lean build.He had deep blue eyes and jet black hair and typically wore a red and grey varsity hoodie with a red A sewn to the chest he also wore blue jeans and black and white sneakers.Tucker was an African American male of similar height and build as danny with dark brown dreads.Atop his head he wore a red beanie with a light blue sweater atop a darker blue dress shirt, khaki pants and brown shoes
Dan and Tucker both shared great interest in the paranormal after they had a somewhat supernatural encounter with what could be described as a ghost many years ago.
Dan's father Jack always went on about how he and Dan's mother maddie along with their friend Vlad were researching ghosts in college until a lab accident caused them to quit it for good.Dan had never taken him seriously until an unlikely event led him to pursue the exact same field and Tucker who is Dan's best friend decided to join him.
Now they were college students working on their 1st self chosen assignment: a ghost portal.
While rummaging through his parents' old files Dan found schematics for one of their' old experiments: a “ghost portal” , a device that could in theory create a bridge between the ghost world and the human world..and allow beings from either side to visit the other worlds.The blueprints however were unfinished but Dan figured with Tucker's help they'd be able to get it up and running.
Both the boys got together in the lab after school and worked on the portal day after day until finally the day for testing had arrived but Dan seemed apprehensive l. He repeatedly looked over his clipboard of formulas and notes before directing his attention to the portal.
Dan:"Tucker y'know I'm not really sure about this.. how are we sure this thing won't explode in our faces or something."
He says sweat dripping profusely from his forehead.
Tucker very matter of factly gestures towards his notepad Which was filled with what can only be assumed as flawlessly solved equations.
Tucker:”I think the math speaks for itself” “Besides if it blows up..it won't just take our face, it'll probably take all of us.”
He seemed very proud of his joke until he looked over at Dan and realized that his joke did nothing more than add to his worries.
Tucker:"Dude Are you getting cold feet?” “Comeon Danny, I've never seen you back down from anything before, why start now?"
Dan:"Because we don't know if this thing will even work! And if it does I sure as hell don't think it'll work the way we want it to!"
He turns his attention over to the ghost portal.
Dan:”I mean…there has to be a reason why my parents ditched this thing…”
Tucker shrugged
Tucker:”Maybe…but I mean,what's the worst that could happen?”
Dan:”you're not doing a good job at reassuring me..”
Tucker:"Relax man it'll be fine.You're working with a genius after all."he smugly points to himself which causes Dan to throw his clipboard and hit Tucker square in the head.
Dan:" didn't you get locked in the bathroom this morning?" Danny says chuckling
Tucker:" Screw you man!"
Tucker was a technological genius. There wasn't any piece of technology on earth that he didn't know like the back of his hand. If he could build a supercomputer in under 30 minutes surely he could build a ghost portal or at least that's what he's been telling himself.
Tucker:"But seriously you got nothing to worry about so just chill." He placed a reassuring hand on Dan's shoulder and gave him a warm smile and that seemed to be enough to calm him down.
Dan: "I hope you're right."
Dan donned his lab coat and goggles in preparation for the 1st ever testing of the Fenton and Foley Ghost portal but as they are about to commence testing a girl shoots open the lab door, she wore a white open lab coat with a black dress and shoes and white thigh high socks she had dark hair and light brown skin.
????:"Heyyyyyyyyyyyy Dan!! I've been looking for you!!" She screamed in a loud nasally voice.
Dan:"What do you want, Paulina? Can't you see I'm busy?"
Paulina:"Why the attitude??I'm your girlfriend, remember?" she says feigning sadness
Tucker interjects
Tucker:"didn't you two break up like weeks ago?"
Dan:"yeah we did!"
Paulina:”You can't seriously still be mad at me,are you?”
Dan:”Mad at you for cheating on me?” “I totally Can!”
Paulina had been Dan's crush ever since he was 14 ,as a kid there was nothing he wanted more than to be her boyfriend and when they finally started dating a year ago he had felt like he'd died and gone to heaven. Things between them seemed magical until a month ago when he caught her at a party making out with the captain of the basketball team,his world was crushed and despite Paulinas numerous attempts at trying to explain herself Dan did not want to hear one bit of it.
Tucker, feeling the increase of Tension in the room, immediately jumped in once again in an attempt to prevent Dan from any further heartache.
Tucker:”You should leave Paulina, we're in the middle of something important.”
Paulina scoffs and storms out of the lab.
Tucker turns over to Dan
Tucker:”sorry about that man.”
Dan shook his head in response.
Dan:”No worries,let's just get to work.”
Now that they had no more distractions they could begin their work. Tucker powered up the machine and read the readings while Dan stood near it with his clipboard making notes of everything that happened. Then the readings began to spike, they were off the charts there was no way that these were normal. The entire room became enveloped in a green glow and everything around the portal with the exception of Dan began to float.
Dan: "Tucker, that's enough, we can turn it off now!.
Tucker:"I don't think I can!"
He tried shutting down the machine but his efforts proved to be in vain.
Tucker: "Danny get out of there, now!!!"
Dan tried running away but he had no such luck he got caught in the ghost portal explosion and his life from that day forward was forever changed.
Disoriented from the explosion Dan woke up trapped under a desk.The room is still covered in the same green glow ,struggling to get up he is unable to process what it was that just happened to him. He pushes the table off of him and stumbles to his feet turning towards his best friend who seemed to cower at his very presence.
Dan:"T-tucker what happened man?" He asked his friend in a weak voice.
Tucker looked on at Dan in horror.
Tucker:"Who the hell are you!!" Tucker responded, his voice riddled with fear.
Dan:"What do you mean who am I? I'm Dan, you know your best friend!"
Tucker:"D-Danny, is that really you?" He asked,the fear in his voice echoing through the room.
Dan:"Who else would it be?" Dan responded not understanding the reason behind Tucker's strange reaction.
Tucker picked up a nearby piece of shattered glass and handed it to Dan, still being careful not to get too close to him.
Dan was terrified to see the face that stared back at him in the mirror, his once straight jet black hair became an ever-growing white flame, his deep blue eyes were now a ghastly green color with no pupils. His pale Caucasian skin became supernatural blue and his ears, fingernails and teeth became pointed like that of a vampires.
Dan:"What the fu...!!" Dan screamed in horror, tossing the glass to the floor causing it to shatter.
He turned to Tucker, anger oozing from his very aura.
Dan:"Look what happened!!! I told you that the portal wasn't ready!Now look at what you caused! I'm a freak!”
Dan screamed at Tucker while snatching him by the collar.
Tucker:" Comeon Danny, relax man! "Tucker pleaded, trying to get out of Dans grip.
Dan:" Relax? RELAX!!!? How can I relax when I look like this now?? Dan yelled at him.
He flipped over a nearby table while angrily making his way towards Tucker.
Tucker:"Think about it man, If we turned you into this then we should be able to turn you back." Tucker said rather matter of factly. These words which were intended to calm Dan down only seemed to make him angrier.
Dan:"You don't know that!!." “What if I'm stuck like this!?”
Tucker let out a weak chuckle.
Tucker:”he he,well blue has always been a good color on you…”
Dan remained unamused and he tossed Tucker back causing the boy to land on his butt.
Dan:”This isn't funny man! I told you the damn portal wasn't ready!”
Tuck raised his hands in defense.
Tucker:”calm down man,I'm sure i can fix this!”
Dan raised an eyebrow.
Dan:”Are you sure?”
Tucker flashes him a grin
Tucker:”Sure I am!” “Remember I'm a genius!”
That Joke managed to get a small chuckle out of Dan and he finally seemed to calm down.
Dan:*sigh “I hope you're right about this…”
Tucker places a reassuring hand on Dan's shoulder.
Tucker:"Don't worry about it man, all we gotta do is head back to our place and sort this out and you'll be back to normal before you know it.
He looked back at the ruined ghost portal.
Tucker:”ummm we should probably take that with us too..”
As soon as those words left Tucker's mouth a loud banging was heard on the lab door.
????:" You boys better not be making a mess in there, other people need to use the lab!" The voice yelled
Tucker:"Crap it's professor Lancer, Dude u gotta hide We can't let him see you like this."
Dan panicked where he could hide?Everything in the lab was damaged beyond recognition. But just as he had given up hope something miraculous happened,as if responding to his desire to not be seen,almost like magic Dan's body turned invisible. No sooner than that had happened Professor Lancer barged into the LAB, when he entered the room and he was shocked to see the deplorable state that it was in.
Lancer:" Chicken soup for the soul!!! What happened here?" He asked.
Tucker:"Umm well me and Danny had just a little difficulty with our project."Tucker responded, shrugging it off as nothing.
Lancer:"I can see that… and where might I ask, is Mr Fenton right now?"
Lancer asked, the tone in his voice getting even more serious by the moment.
Tucker:" Danny went to the bathroom, can I take a message?"
Lancer sighed in exasperation.
Lancer:"Look you guys are 2 of my best students so I won't report you for this little mishap, I'll take care of the lab this time but don't let it happen again!!"
Lancer told Tucker while leaving to get cleaning supplies.
Tucker:"Psstt Danny he's gone, wherever you're hiding you can come out now."
As if on cue Dan became visible directly in front of Tucker. His sudden appearance startled Tucker, causing him to Fall back.
Tucker:"How did you do that?" He asked while sitting on the floor
Dan offers Tucker his hand and helps him up
Dan:"I don't know, I just kind of did it."
Tucker places a hand on his chin as if trying to solve a mystery. Then a light bulb went off in his head and a large grin formed on his face, one that left Dan very uneasy..
Dan:”why are you smiling like that?”
Tucker:”I have a theory about what happened to you.”
Dan:”Alright! Let's hear it.”
Tucker:"it looks like your body must-have absorbed a shit ton of the portal's ecto energy and it altered you somehow.
Dan:”great! Now how do we unalter me?”
Tucker:”I don't think it's gonna be as simple as I initially thought..”
Dan:”what!?but you said you could!”
Tucker:”if it was just your appearance That changed then sure it would've been hella easy but it seems this goes way beyond just your cosmetics.”
Tucker:”If my theory is correct then I think you may have ghost powers!"
Dan:”what?! No way!”
He waved his hand dismissively at Tucker’s suggestion.
Tucker:”Why not? The blue skin, the white hair and are we gonna pretend like you weren't just invisible a while ago?”
Dan had to admit that Tucker did have a point ,as crazy as his theory was, it is the only way they could justify what had happened to him.
Dan:”ok let's say i do have ghost powers now, what do I do about it?”
Tucker:”Well we'd have to figure out the full scope of what you're capable of.We gotta get back to our place and run some tests on you right away!"
After Disguising himself Dan and Tucker immediately set out for their house.
Dan:"Wait if I'm a ghost.... Doesn't that mean I'm dead!!??"
Tucker:"idk maybe" He shrugs.
Dan and Tucker made it back to their rundown 2 bedroom apartment being sure to avoid any form of human contact on the way back. Along the way the duo discussed different ways in which they could revert Danny back to his normal form.
Dan: “Any ideas on how we can turn me back?”
Tucker:”only one really.”
Dan:”Lemme hear it.”
Tucker:”I remember reading in your parents old notes that ghosts have the ability to shapeshift,so in theory you should be able to at least shift yourself into your human appearance.”
Dan pondered on Tuckers theory all the way to their rental house, it was an old building which had seen better days, most of the windows were broken, the once bright baby blue color that covered the house was practically non existent and the overall building looked like no one had set foot in it in years. Dan and Tucker were the only known tenants who lived there,the building was practically their own. They went in and walked all the way to the 4th floor where their rooms (which were much better kept than the rest of their building) were located. They got inside and immediately began trying to figure out Dan's new found abilities. Tucker sat on the bed with a clipboard in hand ready to mark down all of Danny's confirmed abilities.
Dan:”So what do I gotta do?”
Tucker: “So you got ghost powers right, we just got to figure out which ones.”
Tucker's words confused Dan, neither of them had any idea the true scope of a ghost's powers so how would he even know his limit?Sure they both were a bit more knowledgeable than the average person on what a ghost is capable of but they couldn't possibly figure out the scope of them.
Dan:”How many powers do ghosts even have?”
Tucker :”Alot, but Let's just focus on the basics for now. We already know that you can turn invisible now we just got to figure out if you can phase through walls and fly and shit.”
Dan:”Alright!! So how do we do that?”
Tucker: I don't know man, just try running through a wall or something.
Dan rolled his eyes
Dan:”haha yeah,no.”
Tucker:”comeon! Do you got any better ideas?”
Dan:”well uh no…”
Tucker:”come-on man, what's the worst that could happen?”
While rubbing his eyes and letting out a large sigh Dan decides to take Tucker's advice and runs directly into a nearby wall only to get stuck halfway through it. Dan remained still for a moment in bewilderment at what his life had become,eventually he spoke up.
Dan:”umm Tuck....”
Tucker :”Yeah bro?”
Dan:”I'm stuck in the door..”
Tucker:”Aren't we all stuck in this door of life.”
Dan, unamused by Tucker's jokes, began struggling to get free but to no avail. The sight of his friend stuck halfway through a door struggling to get out brought a small grin to Tuckers face amusement this however made Dan even more irritable.
Dan:”Tucker I swear to god , if you don't help me out of this door, you won't live to see 20!”
Compelled by Dan's words, Tucker finally decided to help him and together they eventually got him unstuck.
Tucker then picks up his clipboard and checks off intangibility, he then turns to Dan.
Tucker :”Well you can walk through walls and turn invisible now let's see if you can fly.1st we gotta find you a roof to jump off of.”
Dan, completely unaware that Tucker was joking, glances at the drop from the 4th floor to the 1st.
Dan:”I think I'll pass.”
Tucker:”Well then if you're not flying all that's left is to morph back to normal.”
Dan raised an eyebrow in response.
Dan:”And how do I do that?:
Tucker grabs a book from a nearby shelf and flips through the pages.
Tucker:”It says here that with enough concentration ghosts can use the ecto energy around their body and use it to manipulate their appearance!..maybe you can too! If you just think hard enough.”
Dan crossed his arms
Dan:”You make it sound real easy for someone who has no idea how it's done.”
Tucker shrugged.
Tucker:”Just think human I guess.”
A huge sigh escaped Dan's lips, he knew the idea of thinking human sounded ridiculous but he had nothing else to go off of,so he balled his hands up into fists and began concentrating as hard as he could. He did this for 2 minutes straight until a ring of light, flashed around his body and before he knew it he was human again. He looked at his arms and pulled his hair. He high fived Tucker and they both cheered in excitement.
Dan:”I can't believe that actually worked! I thought for sure you were full of shit!”
Tuck chuckled.
Tucker:”told you I knew what I was doing!”
Their cheers however were stopped by the sudden appearance of a muscular, hunched floating figure, he had blue skin, with a crimson red eye and was dressed in torn Gray overalls, with a matching beanie and gloves, on his left eye was an eyepatch and in his right was murderous intent. His evil chuckle echoed through the room as he slowly approached the boys.
??? :”Lookie here, a pair of humans with fresh souls ripe for picking. “
Dan:”Who the hell are you, what do you want from us??”
??? :They call me Box ghost….
He tosses a dresser at the boys which they both barely dodge.
Box ghost: “And I’ve come for your souls!!”
Tucker :”The box ghost?? “
The ghost opened up his hand and a green glow escaped from it as he aimed it at the duo he uttered a single sinister word.
Box ghost :Beware!!!!.
To be continued….

Thanks for reading the first chapter sorry it ended up being so long Hopefully the other chapters are much shorter😅
Im not the best at describing characters so Here are the character designs to go along with the story🤧
Chapter 2 coming soon do let me know what you think😬
Chapter 2
#danny phantom#going ghost#go ghost again#danny fenton#dp fanart#dp fanfiction#chapter 1#tucker foley#the box ghost#dp au#dp remakes#dp redesign#writing#creative writing#WIP#bloggers
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I need professional help at this rate I'm gonna end up writing an actual fic based on this bullshit when will I learn smh-
When Timmy loses his memories everyone reacts differently.
Spongebob is immediately upset and actually ends up breaking down. Because Timmy's one of his closest friends and his fellow free spirit of their team. So having essentially his other half of fun look at him unsure or uneasy like hits the sponge right in the chest. Despite his heartbreak over Timmy and his condition, Spongebob is the first one to try and reconnect with the magic user. He'll talk and ramble and recall events that they all experienced. In the vain hope that it might spark Timmy's memory and help him. But alas magic isn't always fair but that doesn't stop Spongebob from trying. Even when late at night when Timmy's gone to his room and everyone's retired for the day and he goes to his room and just sobs over the agony of losing Timmy, SpongeBob will continue to try to help for Timmy's sake.
Danny's reaction on the other hand is rage. Rage on behalf of Timmy, his little brother. Rage towards the threats that caused all this devastation amongst them. He's already planning on making them suffer in a nasty way. Because no one hurts his family and gets away Scott free. Other than anger, Danny also can't help but grieve. In a sick twisted way, Timmy not remembering any of them is like seeing his little brother die. To look at his guarded blue gaze is like looking at a stranger wearing Timmy's skin. And when Timmy flinches from Danny, it's like having a bucket of ice water thrown on him. Because Timmy has never done something like this. Never shown fear to the man who's partially dead and who has urges that can hurt someone when he's a ghost. It's an awful and bone chilling experience for Danny that makes him stare into the bathroom mirror wondering if Timmy had always been afraid of him that entire time. He doesn't go to Timmy right away, but he does become more protective of him.
Cosmo and Wanda's reactions is pure devastation. The two fairies can't help but grieve and torment themselves over Timmy's condition. Because they're his parents, they're supposed to protect him and instead they failed him. Wanda will hover around him, always keeping her distance to not make him comfortable. She's always fretting a bit, not wanting Timmy out of her sight. Cosmo on the other hand takes up the role of reassuring everyone that'll it'll be okay. Putting on a brave front for his wife and scared son because they need the support even if one of them doesn't realize it. Both fairies are scarily protective of him now, and work tirelessly to try to figure out how to help their son.
Yet out of everyone Jimmy takes it the hardest. He's immediately filled with guilt and frustration over the situation. Guilt for not being on top of his game and failing as a leader, and frustrated that Timmy Turner once again put himself in harms way to protect someone else. Timmy losing his memories essentially knocks Jimmy's world off its axis. Everything feels wrong and Jimmy suddenly feels so very alone as it becomes painstakingly obvious how much space Timmy took up in his life. He'll find himself lost on how to approach Timmy, not wanting to have him look at him like he's expecting Jimmy to hurt him. Experiencing it once was enough to last the genius a lifetime of haunting nightmares. He'll lock himself up in his lab, researching nonstop to try and fix it. In a way Jimmy will throw himself into denial about how bad this situation is because facing the reality is just too much for Jimmy to process properly. He works himself to the point of exhaustion because nothing is more important than Timmy. He'll literally tear the multiverse apart if it means saving Timmy's memories. He refuses to think about the other option. The possibility that Timmy will never remember them.
#oli talks#ooc#muns ramblings#mindless ramblings of a madman#my writing#kinda#nickelodeon#nicktoons#nicktoons unite#jimmy neutron boy genius#danny phantom#spongebob squarepants#fairly oddparents#the fairly oddparents#fop#dp#jimmy neutron#danny fenton#cosmo cosma#wanda cosma#wanda fairywinkle cosma#timmy turner#jimmytimmy#timmyjimmy#jimmy timmy power hour#it's gonna be Universal Collision all over again for fuck sakes when will I learn that my actions have consequences??????¿??
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The Liyue Lotus and the Merchant from Snezhnaya (Pantalone x Fem Reader)
MDNI +18

Cw: kidnapping, stalking, non con elements, graphic violence (later chapters), yandere content, pregnancy mentioned, forced marriage, female/ fem aligned Reader, *will update as the series goes on
Cross posted on AO3
Previous Chapter: The Tsaritsa and the never ending winter
Current Chapter : The Lotus Amongst The Dead (you are here)
Next Chapter: A hopeless engagement
Synopsis: Unfortunately, The Regerator develops a fixation with you while you are working undercover for Yelan. And there’s no one who can get in his way of his prized Lotus.
Whispered back, "You murdered him"
My heart strings broke and it was me
I pull, they stretch infinitely
In the summer silence, I was getting violent
In the summer silence, I was doing nothing
In the summer silence, I was getting violent
In the summer silence, I was doing nothing
It was late when Pantalone returned from Il Dottore's lab.
So far the experiment has been a success.
Key word, had, been a success.
Your small dulled Vision in Pantalone's gloved hand as he twirled the object around. The usual light ice blue color had now dulled to only a grey and lifeless gem. He had only seen it glow when you wore it the few times he’d observed you in the harbor.
Pantalone honestly had lost track of it, but the worry dissipated when Galina reported finding it in the far bottom steps of his estate before the departure to Snezhnaya. He thought maybe you had found it from his private hiding spot in his hollowed-out leather-bound journal in his office being the only explanation where it ran off to.
Despite you taking it for a spin, however, apparently wasn't enough energy generated to allow Il Dottore to make the matching Delusion for him from your own energy.
He needed more.
Pantalone desperately threw his money at him, anything, to be able to possess the powers you had with your vision, especially if it was from you giving him life, he'd sacrifice anyone.
Nonetheless, that's all Il Dottore could offer him.
"Maybe if you could trick (Name) into coming into the lab I could run some tests on her to see if it's possible to use her blood to-"
Pantalone had immediately dismissed the idea, only storming out the second time that week.
Maybe he would postpone his desire until after the wedding anyway.
After all, you were probably eagerly waiting for the wedding to arrive.
As he turned the hallway he didn't expect to be grabbed by the lapels against the wall, with blades of turning Hydro to be placed over his neck.
"You Bastard" she hissed as she pointed the blade over his extended neck.
Opening his eyes he unfortunately knew exactly who it was by the green eyes looking into his soul with fury, her mask gone revealing her long orange locks and her fair face.
"Were you going to even tell me? Or you thought it was cute for me to find out tomorrow with everyone else" she said roughly shoving him against the wall.
"you told me you couldn't even have a child when we were together" she yelled once more at him.
“It should be me sending a wedding invitation to my family with a baby on the way” She reached once more to hit him in the chest with her manicured nails.
His nose only twitched in annoyance at Nyla’s outburst, he felt anger but it was like something else flicked inside of him.
The surge of ice raged through his core and up to his chest as he felt something twist inside.
"Shut. Up"
Pantalone pushed her down to the ground dropping her blades with a loud crash, now Pantalone was above Nyla with his arm pulled back around her tinier wrists.
"What the hell" she said trying to pull herself out of the strong grip Pantalone had on her.
"H-how did you do that?" She stuttered looking up at him with scared eyes.
Pantalone was also too stunned for words looking at the cryo ebbing around her shoulder blade he had pushed back on.
"My word.." he backed away, his eyes trained on the disgruntled.
He knew he should confront Nyla, but right now he had to go back to Il Dottore's Lab in the main Fatui research facility.
"Where are you going you asshole" she yelled as she watched Pantalone once more retreat into the shadows of the hallways of the palace.
"So, it seems your body is reacting to the infusions" Il Dottore mused, he was sitting back on a large oak chair in the sterile lab, or it looked like a lab but with the abundance of test tubes and different pieces of gore Pantalone wouldn't want even to know where or who the pieces of flesh and blood came from in the tiled floor.
"I must record this, and of course run a series of tests on you to see if my hypothesis is true" he crossed his fingers, "unfortunately it means I would not need to use human test subjects anymore but all we would need is the vision of the desired element to infuse into a visionless person"
"but what would that mean for the other? I dont want to leave my darling (Name) without her powers" Pantalone crossed his hands together.
"We would have to see in time as I said previously" he looked lazily up at Pantalone, "If you ever get tired of her like that other woman I'm more than delighted to shelter (Name) for myself"
"hmm, I can do you one better and offer a beautiful redhead that is just your type" Pantalone cheekily smiled back at him with his closed eye smile.
"Eugh, I ain't trying to deal with Arle- She already looks at me like she wants to kill me every time I wander too close to her children"
Pantalone only chuckled at the mere mental image.
"Well if you want me to let you in on a secret the way to earn her trust is through money" Pantalone leaned in.
"Eh," Il Dottore waved away only turning in his chair to begin writing something in his journal most likely about what Pantalone had been showing.
"Curious but have you ever spoken to your soon-to-be wife about your grandiosity plan to be an artificial vision holder have you?" Il Dottore spoke as he furiously wrote in the book.
"Maybe down the line, but as for now I'd like to keep her busy with the wedding and getting her settled in Snezhnaya" Pantalone began to pace from the wall towards the gurney in the middle of the room.
"Plus I have to speak to her about something tonight after we run these tests" he crossed his hands behind his back.
Il Dottore looked up in curiosity at the wandering man,
"Do tell, you know I like to hear "drama" to keep me going in this underground hovel the Tsaritsa has me in" He mused to himself.
Pantalone smiled to himself before exhaling ceasing his pace in the middle of the lab.
"If what that psychopath that ambushed me had any truth to it..." Pantalone smiled.
"I might have successfully trapped my soon-to-be wife here indefinitely and on completely unintentional circumstances" he quietly chuckled to himself.
When he reached the room it was dark, shocking to him as he'd have expected you to bed up and wander around exploring as Galina and Fedor used to report to him when he'd ask for you while he was away.
But predictably you were in a bundle in the middle of the bed, snoring softly with only your thin bra and underwear on as you bundled up under the long white fur blanket.
You had probably been waiting for him to come "warm" you up.
But with this revelation that had been bestowed upon him was way more important currently, he could ravish you once the official bewedding would occur, next month under the winter eclipse due when you would be being wed together.
Changing from his thick layered dark overcoat until he reached his own nudity.
His eyes widened when he was staring down at his chest.
A dark vein ran from the middle of his chest, A blue splotch of cyro was ebbing into his trimmed chest.
He didn't feel different or touch something foreign to him.
Pantalone gazed back at you, Still in the same position as before.
He didn't want to worry you, but Dottore's words were tormenting him at the moment.
If the transformation were to be complete before the actual wedding how were you going to react to him?
Becoming what he despised the most to impress you was the main reason he desired a vision, to see the bright stars in your eyes when you realize he was like you made him emotional.
Shaking his sentiments he wanted to get in bed already, It already annoyed him most of his time away had been business or Dottore wanting to bisect and experiment with him a majority of your and his relationship.
Taking care to step with a quiet foot he reached the bed, the peace of knowing you were still curled up underneath the large insulated blanket he took his spot beside you, letting his nose press against the top of your hair, the scent of orange and warm spice mixed with cloves was what he instantly smelled, your natural scent was intoxicating to him.
He felt a small rustle from you, most likely stirring in your sleep like you did every other night with him.
Long fingers began to creep over your sides, focusing his attention on the small upturned bump.
As much as he wanted answers, it was pretty obvious you were trying to hide the truth of then weight gain and tiredness until after the wedding.
Maybe a liyuean thing was it supposed to keep a baby a secret if you had one out of wedlock.
It partly bothered Pantalone, being able to conquest the woman he loved and already having their union of love coming in the next three months if his timeline fit was something worth informing everyone, a soon-to-be beautiful wife and a child on the way.
A true man of success within the fatui.
Letting his lips stay ghosting over the top of your warm head, the swell where his hand was located didn't make much movement as the night when you both were sailing out of Fontaine.
No response from you, still laying silently on his arms underneath his protective grasp.
His eyes located your face underneath all of the blankets you were nestled up into, Peaceful, you always seemed to be like that when you were asleep near him.
Pantalone's other hand now was beginning to find purchase to your hair, playing with the strands laid perfectly onto the pillow below you.
“Tomorrow is the ring ceremony, It's still a little while until the official wedding but”
He intertwined his fingers, making sure to weave them through showing off your middle ring finger, moving it back over your bump letting it rest over the soft flesh.
“I know you'll love the jewel I made sure was handcrafted for you, The temptation to have gotten it from its secret hiding place to show you were driving me mad already”
You still didn't shift, only lying still. Pantalone desperately hoped for you to stir awake to talk with him, it was already driving him mad how less he'd see you compared to being on the ship, reading reports while you slept on his lap, or occasionally talking about different topics and interests you both shared.
Fondly twirling your hair he laid a peck onto the side of your exposed cheek, a soft goodnight he whispered into your ear before He himself felt his eyes becoming heavy
falling asleep himself, letting himself get entangled in the thoughts of you.
Carrying on with his morning business down in the chilly city front, surrounded by a roaring fireplace and a couple of documents about something the fatui had purchased a while ago.
To the best of his abilities, he wanted to rush out of here, hoping he could finish before the city hall bell rang to noon he could return to the palace to see you for a little while before he had to get fitted for his own traditional wear to meet you in the vast cathedral where most fatui affairs were taken care of ranging from celebrations to funerals.
It was a soft knock, unlike his guard's secret knock in a sequence of them, this one was light and casual.
He glanced up towards the dark purple and ebony door, watching with a cautious eye who was trying to enter he paused in return.
It was your voice.
“The door is open my Lotus”
You walked in, but instead of being greeted with your serene beauty, he was fond of…
Your lip was split, a few specks of dried blood on the bottom of your chin, a large bruise yellowing around the sides of your neck, The normally organized well-kept hair you had was tousled with another cut on the top of your head.
Instinctively he got up, the papers flying around his desk as he reached for you to mold you into his chest.
“I beat her up Pantalone” you breathlessly said, Pantalone only caressing the back of your head as you perched yourself against his sleek suit pocket.
“Your bleeding Liàn” Pantalone immediately scolded you pressing his fair lips to the few scraps and cuts on your forehead line to soothe them.
“Yeah, I'm bleeding but I couldn't stand her–” You erupted into tears, covering your eyes with your long bell sleeves as Pantalone felt the tremors against him.
“I just want to go home Pantalone, I don't think I can last here”
Pantalone could only console you as he felt you shake under soft cries as you tried to wipe your face as best you could.
He didn't have to even ask who did this to his beloved Lotus, He could see the mental image of her mistreating you while he was away.
Sighing, the bind and conflict were in short because if he brought it to the attention of the higher-ups that Nyla was in charge of guarding you then he'd have to divulge the fact she was his Ex at one point.
And that was already embarrassing in itself along with against Fatui guidelines.
If he could turn back time he'd have never walked near her in the royal garden that one day…
But you were so fragile, he couldn't leave you without a guard as the proof was right here why you couldn't be left alone in the large palace by yourself.
Reaching into his breast pocket pulling out his dark obsidian rich handkerchief he immediately moved your hands from your face wiping the few tears still settling under your own colored hues from spilling over your worn face.
“I swear I'll take care of it…Liàn” He sighed, “If you desire Galina and Fedor back I'll see what I can do for them to come back full time”
“No,” you said flatly.
“I don't want a guard anymore— I hate it It just feels so suffocating I do not want to be bullied my whole stay here”
“Dearest no one is going to mess with you while you're here with me” I'll be sure of it.
“After the ceremony, I can see about promoting one of my other underlings to watch after you—”
“Pantalone” You gazed up at him with stinging red eyes from where you were crying.
“You said it yourself that I could be free here in Snezhnaya to roam where I please” you sniffled.
“Just what happened to that, I got ambushed when I was supposed to be bathing”
His eyes twitched at the implication, Nyla wouldn't go as far as to try to kill you he assumed initially.
Pantalone's gaze flicked back to his desk looking at the papers and the large leather seat across from his hardwood desk.
“If you'd like you can stay in my office while I resume my duties” his hand reached the side of your face that wasn't badly hurt rubbing the corner of your mouth in circles.
“But I do think I need to call the Fatui nurses to look at you, the ceremony is tonight” He exhaled.
“Especially how fragile you are I don't want to find out you got wounded when I wasn't around”
He was surprised when your long-sleeved arms extended folded yourself around him, pulling him in for a warm hug.
Feeling the small pulse of your chest against his you laid your head against him fully.
He already knew it was going to be chaos amongst his fatui soldiers, You both had arrived together hand in hand after he treated you to some warm bread and seafood soup in the downtown square before you parted ways to get your gown fitted for the evening. Watching you for a little while in the shadows to be sure no one would be cruel to you, Your wounds were looked after too, a few cuts and a large bruise around your neck and right side were all that was inflicted upon you.
Besides the worry he was musing on the fact that you avoided getting skewered by Nyla's Hydro blade, at least he dug up about you was true.
“Hmm, a peeping Tom watching his wife undress”
Pantalone turned to see the familiar plague mask behind him, standing with his arms behind him as he lazily focused his gaze on Pantalone.
“Shouldn't you be getting ready for the ceremony in approximately 5 hours?”
“I want to be sure she's okay” Pantalone waved off Il Dottore.
“Oh? So it was true what I heard from the grapevine” Il Dottore chuckled.
“Pertaining to what?”
“The whole incident where your wife chased down Arle's daughter down the palace hallways in nothing but a towel tryingto kill each other”
“Not true, My wife was trying to defend herself from that abyss monster that is her” Pantalone corrected.
“I saw her wounds, Pantalone, if she was defending herself Nyla would have been more scratched up” Il Dottore spoke, “unless she's a fatui herself no way would she have been able to get her dainty fingers on her guard”
He supposed Dottore was right, but he knew you though wouldn't go asking for a fight, remembering you were still playing spy for the Harbor he assumed if you were smart you'd keep to your best behavior.
“Regardless something has to change if I want to keep her here long enough for the marriage to be unionized” Pantalonewent back to watching you be bound by the corset around your underdress flowing over your feet as the few attendants focused on asembling your outfit.
“You aren't going to reassign a new guard to her?” Il Dottore asked.
“She strictly yelled at me begging for her to not have a new one”
“You should be careful Pantalone, it seems she could be trying to lull you with crocodile tears” Il Dottore purred.
“Sure, whatever, right now I'm trying to find a solution to this problem, as much as I love my lotus I don't think I'd be able to occupy her in the amount of time I'd need to” Pantalone crossed his hands together.
“why don't you have her shadow one of the active Harbingers in the palace?”
“For the last time, I'm not giving you my wife to experiment on” Pantalone snapped.
“I am wounded but I mean more like she could shadow after one of your acquaintances”
Pantalone let his finger wander under his lip pondering the statement.
“Unfortunately as a good plan as that is I can't think of anyone in the palace that would be able to get along with my stubborn lotus root” He once more eyed you, mostly preoccupied with what you looked like in the floor-length mirror across the dressing podium you stood on, a beautiful petticoat was being last minute sewed besides your occupied self.
“With La Signora being gone there's a dwindling number of harbingers left in the palace”
“I'd suggest one… but I'm not sure how you feel about her being so close to your expecting wife” Dottore pointed to your abdomen.
“Who might I ask?” Pantalone eyed him.
“You remember her, the mischievous little thing that likes to torment me” Il Dottore gritted his teeth.
Pantalone had to reach in his mind to remember who he was specifically talking about.
“Oh, her” Pantalone Sneered.
“She has unlimited free time and she mostly stays inside the garden where it is humid, (Name) will probably thrive being in an environment like that”
“And she'll stop bothering my segments”
“I will consider it, but I doubt she'll want to collaborate with me” Pantalone sighed.
And with that, he set off away from his collaborator another task on his mind before he'd have to be expected at the cathedral.
You didn't see Nyla the whole time while you were getting dressed.
Now waiting in the Carriage in the brutal cold of the Snezhnayan capital, your head veil covered your body along with the dress that Pantalone had given you when he was away over here, the soft golden trinkets like stars twinkling around your neatly braided back bun, looking out the window waiting for someone to come get you.
But what she had told you this morning in the tub was sitting in your chest like a bad indigestion.
Your name.
The possibility that you were in love with the wrong man.
It made your skin crawl, but you could remember Pantalones features anywhere, his distinct amethyst eyes and dark pressed suit. He had no power prowess.
It would be more about when they switched identities.
Swatting away the thought with a fox fur glove you slumped back.
Nyla was just trying to fight with you.
But whatever, she did mail your S.O.S. before Pantalone would come and find out what was sent off.
You bet if Yelan was here she would have applauded you or told you your posture was lacking when you bashed her face into the large mosaic towel holder beside the vanity.
In all honesty, you were completely confused about what the purpose of this ceremony was, it wasn't an actual wedding per se but something along the lines of officiating it.
It was all too foreign for you, too aristocratic for your brain; you were from Liyue harbor after all, even your rich acquaintances would just have a rather simple one-day wedding with red envelopes being sent and a huge dinner for everyone to enjoy.
You were also growing weary, who would exactly be at this thing anyway besides the Tsaritsa and the mayor as he was referred to on the intricate invitation that was sent out through the palace.
Meeting other harbingers including that creepy one was just not what you had in mind right now.
You ignored the feeling in your lower gut still waiting with your legs crossed.
Another small flutter began to tickle your gut like a gas bubble.
If what you read in a book ages ago back in Liyue by Dr. Baizhu that was apparently the child moving inside your womb.
Assuming that is the case.
In all honesty, you normally forgot they were there if you didn't look down at your stomach. Only the reminder of their existence would be confirmed by that annoying gassy feeling.
Speaking of if the worst-case scenario was true, You weren't sure what you should do.
It was already going to be difficult to escape the palace by yourself let alone bring along the small root with you undetected by the mass number of guards here.
You could just wait to birth and leave them here.
It was a bit of a brash thought, but it would cause more conflict having them away from Snezhnaya, everyone would notice if the harbinger's child was suddenly missing let alone the diplomacy that came with it them being half Snezhnayan they'd certainly be forced to return here anyway.
Just you didn't want to stay here.
You wanted your home, your familiar friends Ganyu and Keqing along with Beidou and Ningguang…
Those two kids; the one with the blue uneven bob terrorizing the fair white-haired boy about ghosts you always ran into with Yelan when you weren't spying on enemies.
You could feel your tears begin to rise from the corner of your eyes.
Certainly, you took them all for granted; your simple life in the harbor.
The latch on the other side of the carriage opened; taking this as your signal you carried your heavy dress escortingyourself off the carriage alone for once grabbing the hand of the male fatui agent in front of you.
The bitter cold stinging your well-done face, and makeup did wonders hiding the beating you endured by your brashness.
You could see it was solemn any people around, most likely inside the Cathedral already, treading through the graceful falling snow nipping the few exposed parts of your skin, the snowflakes falling around your veil as you approached the opened massive castle-like doors opening up into a wide, Deep hallway, the familiar blue and icicle-like architecture around the entrance was similar, possibly dismissing it as seeing it up in the palace as they gave similar energy besides the occasional large chunks of nature ice poking from the smooth swirled ice floor.
A slight symphony of music was softly playing, a pleasant melody with an organ being played lightly further down the hallway.
Reaching the hallway with calculated steps you almost stumbled physically over the large steps leading to the main cathedral; pews lined with many underlings were what you first saw, waves of them filled the long mahogany pews, A few turning their heads to look at you entering the room prompting a long chain of everyone turning to look behind them.
All eyes were on you as you were prompted to walk forward the attendant letting go of your veil as you treaded over the long Persian style Flower rug leading to Pantalone.
He was dressed incredibly flashy, with a golden embroidered Dress top reminiscent of the princes you'd seen wear in the portraits on the palace walls, blue and white were the main colors to pop out to you, his sleeves a white color matching with the dark navy Over layer on your own dress and veil.
Pantalone's pants flared around his nice dress shoes as he patiently waited for you under the glimmering lights underneath the opened stained glass mural above the center of the cathedral; The Tsaritsa was standing beside a small little man with an interesting face, it seemed everyone was waiting for you.
A few rustles and murmurs were heard from a few of the Fatui operatives around you, not being able to hear them over the crescendo of the melody as you neared though you could only assume it was about you.
After all, she did cry like a big baby after running off into the palace somewhere.
It was certain if you two weren't doing whatever tonight Pantalone wouldn't be staring at you so serene without his signature glasses on and more along the lines of furious enough to get huffy at you.
Your delicate silver-heeled stiletto boot clicked as you approached the alter, three pews beside you signaling you were so close to standing beside Pantalone…
A halt.
Everyone at the Altar reacted, Pantalone's brow raising as he reacted his golden tasseled sash swaying as he tried to reach for you, The tsaritsa looked with a haunted expression along with the short man beside her, Your mouth couldn't make words, feeling the cold blade against your Pronounced abdomen, Your veil falling with a resounding twinkle of stars falling onto the ice below your feet as you felt her rough hands around the back of your head.
“Come any closer and you know what I'll do”
The cold blade once again threatened your squishy flesh.
“I just want to talk; You like to do that right Pantalone?” Nyla said from behind you.
If only you had your vision, and you weren't surrounded by a million Fatui soldiers you'd be able to resume round two right now.

Note: Just a gentle reminder that in the upcoming chapters the warnings will apply (TW: Rape/Non con, and gore) so please check at the beginning of the chapter for the warnings before reading!
#pantalone x reader#yandere pantalone x reader#yandere pantalone#yandere genshin impact#yandere genshin x reader#fatui harbingers x reader#reader insert#fem reader#tw forced marriage#genshin x reader#genshin impact x reader
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Every Little Experience <3
BLLK Boys (mainly Karasu) x ???? reader (Fem!)
Warnings: Foul language, uhm I’m not sure yet I’ll just figure it out along the way. Gory descriptions, heavily traumatized reader, biases against guys, sarcasm lol.
Blue lock. Two words. Two little words, and behind them was an opportunity of a life time. Uncle Ego Was hired by a woman he called Anri-Chan, to make the world’ s best striker. You may not know much about the sport, but you knew this was huge.
Ego always included you any anything he did, in some way or another. Though this was by far the furthest he’d ever gone to involve you.
You were going to work in blue lock with him. As his assistant. As great as it was to build up experience as a sixteen year old getting into tech and psychology, Ego was…less than ideal to work with. He was demanding to an absurd degree, great, right? In the end, he is your uncle and provides great experience and opportunities. It, in the long run, was worth it.
But you pissed him off, so your first day in the eerie ass building, you were stuck doing maintenance checks and cleaning. Fuck. All you did was rig his noodles…wasn’t that serious, damn… and karma was pretty instant with that prank, you tripped on the rug and face planted immediately after the trap was set. Your poor eye. Bruised on your first day of work.
Now, like the soon-to-be candidates of Blue Lock, you were stuck living there. You were allowed to have your phone, you had your own room, bathroom, etc. It was fairly nice compared to what you observed what the candidates were being treated with. You also, depending on how many tasks you did and how well the job was done, got to pick your meals. Courtesy of your uncle. You got to come in a few days prior to decorate your space as you wished, go over the rules, learn the layout, etc. It was an uncomfortably large building, to say the least.
The biggest rule, or at least the one Uncle Ego and Anri-Chan emphasized the most was,
Limit your contact with the players.
Easy enough. You had no interest in a bunch of (most likely) stuck up, narcissistic jocks who only care about soccer. To be fair, here they were literally fighting for their futures that revolved around soccer, it would be understandable to be desperate and focused, no? Like rats in a cage, attached to a man’s face with one side lit ablaze. Desperate, scared, and tearing into each other just to survive. A raw instinctual thing, really. Always enjoyable to observe…
Well, anywho, not people you’d want to interact with.
So here you were, setting each and every room to be perfect, all because Ego was petty over a prank.
Last quarters, team Z’s. Each sleeping bag was perfectly laid out, the bathrooms organized, towels folded. What a shame it would be, hard work waisted on slobbish boys… sigh. They’d be here tomorrow, and the experiment would begin. Hurray!
Your alarm blared in your ears, the sun rising, though you couldn’t see it. No windows, how unfortunate. You sluggishly dressed, very casual clothing for today, you decided. You threw on leggings and a large hoodie, putting on a smidge bit of make-up as well. It fit the occasion. Today you’d be greeting the candidates and handing them their…uniforms? Outfits? You weren’t sure exactly what to call those uncomfortably skin tight data collectors. The word would come to you later, you were sure.
This was the only time you were allowed to purposely converse with the subjects- er hmm, “diamonds in the rough”, as Uncle Ego called them. In your eyes, they were kind of like lab rats. Soccer gods in the making, was a nice way to put it. Poor boys didn’t know what was coming, you felt….only slightly guilty to be apart of their torment. Only slightly.
Through the doors they charged, a large herd of brawny, muscle-headed, boys.
“Anri-Chan, I don’t particularly wan’t to be the one to take their phones. It’s like taking crack from an addicted drug dealer, bad news. I fear they’ll bite me, males my age are a bit peculiar, no?”
Anri laughed, finding your bias against guys hilarious. As well as the way you spoke, so odd for a sixteen year old. So amusing to her.
“Y/N! They won’t bite! God, what, do you think they’re wild animals?”
“They may as well be,”
She snorted.
Guy after guy retrieved his suit and info. Many grumbling about the rules, some refusing to giving up their addiction device. After some fierce battles and trickery, they gave it up. Willingly or not. Then navigated their way to their rooms. A sweet looking boy walked up, eyes wide with …maybe it was anxiety, or just uncertainty? You couldn’t tell, maybe a mixture of both.
“Hello Miss, I’m sorry but I don’t know where I’m going, I’m not great with direction. Could you help me? Oh god, am I being a bother? I shouldn’t have asked, I’m so sorry!” He was so quick to panic…
“Hey, hey, don’t fret, you aren’t a bother dear. It’s my job to help, let me guide you,” You baby talked him a bit, it oddly felt necessary with his anxious, meek demeanor.
You waved to Anri, letting her know you’d be gone, and walked with the anxious boy. He was muscular, obviously so. You found humor in how anxious he was for someone who could’ve easily beat the ever-loving crap out of anyone. He had short brown hair and eye-catching forest green iris’s. You found them lovely. They were large and noticeable, very cute. If only he’d stand straight, with correct posture he’d be tall, definitely would help him in the long run. More attractive, even…
“What team are you assigned to, dear?”
“Team A, I-I’m Tokimitsu, by the way…” He stumbled over his words, his nerves messing with him oh so obviously. He fidgeted around with his fingers. Poor guy probably needed therapy and meds.
“I’m Y/N, nice to make your acquaintance, Tokimitsu-sama. What led you to be here? If you don’t mind me asking, that is.”
He ranted a bit, he seemed to loosen up after you gave a conversation starter. He kept spewing soccer facts like it was his job, very cute. His love of soccer was impressive, but so would be everyone else’s. It would have to be, to end up in Blue Lock. You listened to him ramble as you showed him to his team’s room, adding your thoughts here and there.
Every so often people would catch your eye, their hairstyles, accents, outfits, posture, etc. Many unique and out there, those of which you loved to observe. Though, the comments from the tall, tan, blonde guy with pink ends were definitely not necessary…soccer perv.
Someone who really caught your eye, was a purple haired boy. He had a cute mole by his eye, hmm. You couldn’t find a perfect word to match it with. Made you feel weird, in a pleasant way. He was tall, as were many of the participants here, an air of confidence clung to him. Though, you had a feeling… mmm… maybe you were overthinking him. Over analyzing. When he spoke, oh when he spoke…sharp, intellectual, pleasant, hell it soothed a part of your brain you didn’t know needed soothed. Oddly everything about him tugged at your heart. What the fuck. He wasn’t even really polite, his gaze seemed judging. The same gaze you laid upon other people. The people you often deemed boring and a waist of time. Now on you. The look, about to title someone mediocre. You knew it, so similar to your own… He was so….interesting. Made your brain buzz with thought mere moments after laying eyes on him. If you were to struggle to not converse with any candidates, it would be him. Your brain wandered to the wonderful conversations you could have and analyze. Oh, and his eye’s fought yours as well. You thought Tokimitsu’s were nice, but this boy’s took lovely to a whole new level. Breath taking. Enchanting, if you dared. His hair reminded you of something, you just couldn’t think of it at the moment…a certain animal. Hmmm.
“Hey Miss, why should I hand over my phone to you, you don’t look particularly responsible. What if you lose it, or damage my property? Hm?”
You blinked and snapped out of it.
“I’m only following orders. If harm were to come to your addiction device of devil, then you’d be fully repaid. You’d receive a new device as well as money.” You gave a slightly irritated smile. Though he was charming, he’d be a pain in the ass. Much like how you imagined how doing his hair in the morning was. “Please hand it over, sir-“
“Tabito Karasu,” He interrupted.
“Mr. Karasu, then.”
He handed it over and you gently placed it in the bag, so he was reassured it was fine. Though, you suspected he didn’t actually care all that much.
“You certain you’re qualified to work here?” You’re sure he’s referring to your casual outfit, sure it wasn’t fancy like Anri’s but why would you get dressed up to greet a bunch of lab rats? Hm?
Oh, what an interesting experience this was going to be.
Pt.1 |Pt.2 Coming soon!|
#anime#fanfic#y/n#karasu tabito#tokimitsu aoshi#shidou ryusei#ego jinpachi#pt.1#series#bllk x reader#bllk#story
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The Adventures of Bucky Barnes and Y/n Stark | Madrippoor | Bucky's Doll
Warnings: Kidnapping, trafficking, @buse
Pairings: Buckyxreader BuckyBarnesxy/nStark readerxtoxicex femreaderxkidnnapper
Content: 18+ MDNI, smut, pet names
You backed away he followed every movement each step you took back he moved closer. You still couldn't see his face clearly despite how close he was it was dark. You kept backing up until you hit the wall the man smirked he had you right where he wanted you and you were scared even if you tried hiding it. As the man got closer to your space you started to make out small features of his face the scars that lined his face, his bright purple eyes it all looked so familiar the closer he got and that's when it dawned on you.
"Rowan?" you asked but it seemed like you already knew the answer
"Hi princess, miss me?" he says with a smirk you knew all too well. Rowan James Pierce son of Alexander Pierce former head of Hydra also the worst mistake you've ever made. You see before you met Bucky you were with Rowan you had no clue about anything dealing with Hydra until one night Rowan came home late he didn't come alone either he had brought home none other than The Winter Soldier, your Bucky. That's when things went downhill something had changed in Rowan he got mean and cold towards you and when You asked what was going on he got so angry and violent The Winter Soldier however did nothing and said nothing you would never forget that night for the rest of your life the night you were locked away by the love of your life like some kind of safekeeping the night where you were experimented on like some lab rat. The scars carved in your skin served as a reminder of what Rowan Pierce had done to you every scratch every burn and the bruises that are no longer there that you still see like they are burned into your memory.
You looked at him trying to keep yourself together as if he couldn't notice the tears welling up in your eyes begging to be released.
"What do you want from me, Rowan? Why are you here?" Your voice was shakey the fear was so obvious in your voice.
"Isn't it obvious? I want my best girl back" His smile was menacing as he wanted to claim you like some prize.
"Those days are over I'm not your puppet anymore." you bite out trying to hold back the tears that begged to be set free from your eyes.
He grins at you enjoying every moment of this "Don't be so sure of that darling because guess who just made a deal with Selby" Your expression turns to straight fear not caring if it shows anymore with that a tear slips free. Rowan brings up a hand and wipes the tear from your cheek
"Don't look so sad come on give me a smile" You bite your tongue trying to hold back all the cries and screams you want to make right now. Your heart sank at the thought of being his again you finally break your silence
"What do you want from me?" You repeated hoping to receive a direct answer this time.
"We're going home you get to go back to that lovely little cell for a few days and you're going to be a good little girl for me or else things you won't like what happens to you," He says grabbing your chin making you look up at him he wanted you to understand if you tried anything there would be consequences. You nod you are too scared to defy him in this moment his grip on your chin and instead, he wraps an arm around your waist keeping you close to him to ensure you wouldn't try making a run for it as he led you out of the club in Madrippoor.
#bucky x reader#sebastian stan#james buchanan barnes#smut#bucky x female reader#bucky x you#bucky barnes#the avengers#captain america#bucky smut#bucky barnes fanfiction#bucky barnes x you#bucky barnes x reader#bucky fanfic#bucky barnes smut#buckybarnes#buck x bucky#winter soldier#the winter soldier#james bucky buchanan barnes#bucky x female yn#bucky x y/n#bucky barns fanfiction#bucky barns x y/n#bucky barns x reader#bucky barns imagine
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This is long and I'm mostly just trying to explain why I think it's important for El to have a stable family life rather than a romance at this point. Her interpersonal relationships have been pretty rocky. I think the way she forms relationships with other people is realistic considering she spent the first 12 years of her life living in a science lab. We know now that there were other kids there with her, but they weren't friends. She was bullied and isolated. She had a brief friendship with Kali during this time but Kali left. We don't know too much about the timeline here. And El forgot about a lot of this. So for the most part, she was alone here. And after age 7, it was her and Brenner and some other lab employees. She was the only kid. It was obviously an abusive environment and she was forced to do things she didn't want to do until she escaped. She had minimal interaction with kids her own age up until she was 7 and this wasn't a positive experience. But she forgets this. She doesn't remember interacting with other kids.
When she escapes from the lab, Benny is the first person who she comes across who is nice to her. She's understandably distrustful of him at first but just as she is starting to warm up to him, he gets killed. Because the lab went looking for her and he got in the way.
When she comes across Lucas, Dustin, and Mike these are the first kids she probably remembers ever seeing (except Will?!?! she recognized his picture). She has trouble communicating with them and we see this from the flashbacks in the lab too. She doesn't have a lot of socialization so it's hard for her to explain herself.
This interaction with the boys isn't necessarily positive. It's good that she is out of the lab and found people who could help her but she is still being used as a useful tool. A weapon. Just like at the lab. And it's not just the boys, it's Joyce, Hopper, Jonathan, and Nancy too. They need her to find Will and Barb. And she does this voluntarily. I think she feels guilty for opening the gate. And it's something that tends to drive her to help everyone in later seasons too. So while everyone in this group is a lot nicer to her than the lab, she still has a purpose here. They need her.
It makes sense to me that she would get fixated on Mike during this time. She spend a little more time with him than Lucas and Dustin since she was at his house. He told her about the world and gave her things to look forward to (like a place to live and the Snow Ball). He's mostly nice to her during this time, but he isn't always. When she fails to find Will he gets mean. This is not unlike Brenner. For the record, I'm not saying Mike is abusive. He's 12 and doesn't understand her situation at all and he's scared. But the fact that she doesn't want to run away from him even though he isn't always nice to her is a problem. Because she is used to this behavior. She is used to being punished when she doesn't use her powers well. She's used to getting locked in a room, so Mike abandoning her on the side of the road would have been familiar.
Lucas does apologize for being mean to her and she apologizes for hurting him. The two of them don't have any issues in later seasons. But her and Mike consistently do (and there are no apologies made between the two). And a lot of that has to do with him still viewing her as a superhero and not knowing the impact that that has on her (because I don't think she ever told him).
Her time with Hopper after this is also complicated. The kid spent about a month living in the woods alone in the freezing cold before he found her. From what we know of their year together, it was mostly good. They played board games, watched tv together, and Hopper read to her and helped teach her things. It's the first somewhat stable home she's had. I say somewhat because while this is a much better situation to the lab, she is still locked in here. For a year. Mostly by herself. She spies on Mike a lot because she is lonely.
Her and Hopper start having problems when their communication breaks down. When she first moved into the cabin it seemed like she would only have to hide temporarily. But it's been a year. She understandably wants to leave but Hopper is scared. He doesn't have control of this situation. When he apologizes to her later, he explains himself a lot better than he does during this fight. He says some awful things here (that he'll send her back to the lab). He's grieving and depressed and isn't handling this situation well. Hopper isn't great at communicating his feelings when he's upset. He does this to Joyce and Mike in S3. He struggles with this for a lot of reasons.
But this is El's model for fighting. She's allowed to yell at Hopper in a way she was never allowed to with Brenner. So in that sense it's a good thing. She doesn't have to hold back. It shows she isn't scared of him. I don't believe for a second that Hopper would have ever sent her back to the lab. He was frustrated and said something he didn't mean and he does apologize for this later. But this is how she learned how to communicate her problems to people. Hopper wasn't giving her what she needed and she found out he lied. She then runs away. For the second time in her life she runs away from her home. The lab situation was obviously a lot more problematic, but this one to me had a lot to do with Hopper not communicating well and letting fear take over. Which I think is partly why El does come back home. Hopper is probably the first person she formed any long term relationship with (besides Brenner). She spent a year with him during a time when they were both struggling. So it was a tense situation. She finds very brief periods of feeling at home at her mothers house and then with Kali but doesn't feel like she belongs with either. She runs away from both situations. The Kali one was a little more dangerous but she is scared at her mothers when she overhears her aunt calling Hoppers police station. She isn't ready to go home yet.
El doesn't really feel like she belongs anywhere and part of the reason she returns to Hawkins is because they are in trouble and she can protect them. Her superpowers give her a role here. People need her to save them. They need her.
So El at this point has run away from 4 places that she considered home (the lab, the cabin, her mother, and Kali). I'm not including Mike's here because she was only there for a few days and it wasn't her home so much as a temporary shelter. She was planning to stay with her mother and then Kali for a while. She also didn't choose to leave Mike's and had to because it wasn't safe.
Season 3 puts her in a very different situation. She's at the cabin but she has the opportunity to have a somewhat normal life. Only she doesn't really. And it's because she is fixated on Mike. Up until this point El pretty much forms bonds with one person at a time. Briefly Mike in S1, Hopper for a year in S2, and briefly her aunt and Kali. There are other people around but she doesn't bond with Kali's friends or with Lucas and Dustin as much, mostly because she doesn't know them long. She only spends time with them for a few days.
So now when she is allowed to leave the cabin and see other people...she stays in the cabin with Mike. All the time. Honestly, Hopper is right to be annoyed and worried about this. He doesn't handle the situation well, but calling it unhealthy was correct considering all the other shit she's been through. And Hopper has a much better idea of what El has been through than Mike. I'm not sure Mike fully gets what happened to her in the lab. I don't think anyone ever told him, which is why he still calls her a superhero. He doesn't get that it's bad in this case.
But El now has the opportunity to form other friendships and she doesn't. She doesn't know how. Her relationship experiences are limited and boil down to what she's seen on tv and those aren't realistic. So it's not bothering her to run off with Mike and ditch anyone else. It's interesting to me that Mike gets himself a girlfriend who has no clue that his behavior isn't normal. He wants to ditch his friends and hide away in the cabin every day, he stands still with his eyes open and doesn't move when she kisses him, and when he does kiss her back it's awkward. He's far away and he's moving her hands off him, and interrupting constantly to sing or piss off Hopper. They are things that only someone with limited relationship experience would ever look past. El doesn't know any better.
When Mike lies to her, she responds the way she did when Hopper lied to her in S2. She runs off and ditches him. She finds herself a BFF. She previously ignored Max. Her behavior toward her in S2 wasn't ok. She hurts her and ignores her for no reason other than she saw her talking to Mike. It's possessive and it's because she is lonely and she doesn't know how to form healthy relationships with people. Thankfully she lets up on this and realizes it was a mistake and lets Max in. It's unclear exactly what changed her mind here. She immediately goes to Max when she's confused about Mike and they probably had some interaction over the few months since the Snow Ball. But this is clearly the first time they hang out together. Maybe it was just loneliness that drove her to go to her house? It drives a lot of her attachments to people.
It's a relationship that is good for both of them but I want to point out that this season it's focused on El. She is centered here. El is once again getting the world explained to her because she doesn't know something. In this case, she doesn't know what she likes. SHE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT SHE LIKES. She is 14 years old and this is the first time in her life that someone prompted her to think about what she likes. She is dressing the way that she wants to for the first time.
El mimics people in the way that little kids do when they are trying to understand the world. So in this case she mimics Max. And when she runs into Mike she does what Max told her to do - she dumps his ass. Sometimes this is a justified response. But in this case Mike isn't given much of a chance to explain - Hopper is largely to blame for a lot of this situation but Mike does make a lot of excuses for himself. However, El isn't willing to hear any of this out. She dismisses him and ignores him being upset that he was spied on. She is doing what Max would do and in this case that's not exactly what's best. Max is 14 and hardly a relationship expert herself and El still isn't communicating well. She doesn't even tell Mike why she is upset with him either or how the lying made her feel. It's not a conversation so much as her having a girlboss moment. It's not one that actually fixes any problems. She still doesn't know how to do that.
When Hopper dies and she's left without a home and her powers she decides to get back together with Mike. He's familiar and once again her loneliness drives this decision. His opinion is also not asked for. And she doesn't notice his awkward fumbling over the I love you declaration. Another thing that would have been a red flag to anyone who has been in a relationship before (I mean he point blank said it was heat of the moment stuff and tried to pretend he forgot). In S4, She has a new family now and it's somewhere completely new. This isn't necessarily a bad thing. Being in Lenora gave her a chance to have a normal life. She got to be a regular kid - one without powers who gets to go to school. But this situation leaves her feeling vulnerable. She's away from Max - the first positive relationship she's had, and she's getting bullied. She fixates on her bullies and makes it sound like they are friends, I think so she can feel like she belongs.
Because this is the first time El is confronted with the fact that she's different and kind of weird. Sure the boys said so when they first found her in S1, but she started dressing like everyone else so that was fixed. This group fully accepted El and her idiosyncrasies in a way that most people don't. This is the first time she interacts with a lot kids her own age and it's very obvious that she is behind academically and developmentally. She spent her childhood in a lab so this makes sense. But the other kids are awful about it. She is in a very vulnerable place here and feels defenseless.
I am assuming she didn't form much of a relationship with Jonathan during this time because he even pulled away from Will. Joyce was likely there for her and knew that she missed Hopper so they probably talked about it. But she does leave suddenly with little explanation. It was for a good reason but feeds into El's abandonment and vulnerability.
And I don't think her and Will were very close. They went to school together and probably talked about that, but Mike is unintentionally between them and making it hard for them to bond. So I think El probably felt alone a lot of the time. Her and Will clearly care about each other and are relieved to reunite, but I don't get the impression that they are friends. And a lot of that has to do with El not really knowing how to be still. Because when Mike shows up she completely ignores Will. She knows the two are friends but he is very much a third wheel here. She's never really had a relationship with more than one person at once before. Mike was struggling with this in S3 but he has the benefit of having friendships his whole life, so he's able to correct this more easily.
But she ignores Will's feelings and on the surface so does Mike (though he was paying very close attention to him the whole time). But she's also not really considering Mike's either. She decided they were getting back together without talking to him and gets mad at him for not saying he loves her. She fights with Mike the way she does with Hopper. A lot of yelling and hurt feelings. She dismisses his experience with bullying because she can only see her own pain. The miscommunication happening here is entirely El. Mike starts off this in the way that he should. He does the same thing to Will later. But Will responds in an emotionally mature way and El doesn't because she doesn't know how to. So the conversation quickly devolves into an argument.
She ends up running away from home once again. She runs away when there are problems. Sometimes, like the lab, that is the correct response. But sometimes, like here, it's because she doesn't know how to work through her problems with people. She doesn't know how to have those conversations because she never learned. She runs back to the lab because she's feeling vulnerable and alone. She also hears that people in Hawkins need her. She's their only hope. It's kind of an impulsive choice to go. She doesn't spend much time thinking about it and when she gets there and realizes Brenner is there she tries to get out. It's interesting to consider what would have happened had Joyce been in Lenora when this went down. I don't think she would have just let Owens take her and it may have made her not want to go (at least not alone).
But part of the reason why she wants to is because she feels like she has no purpose without her powers. And people need her when she does have them. She likes to be needed. Mike says a lot of similar things. He needs El to need him. He feels useless when she doesn't. It's not good that either of them think like this. She goes through a very traumatic thing once again and resurfaces memories that she forgot about. El never got the chance to deal with any of her lab trauma. She's young and likely didn't talk about any of it with anyone. But this has such a huge impact on her emotional well-being. Her self-worth is tied to her powers, and her powers are tied to her abuse, but at this point she is realizing she doesn't want to be a superhero. She does get some closure with Brenner though which is a good thing. I think it puts her in a place where she is starting to heal for the first time. But she's unable to save Max, a person who she has grown to care about a lot. She wasn't able to be the hero this time.
Which leaves El in an interesting place moving forward. Because Mike liking that she's a superhero is a big problem and her not being able to save Max is going to hurt her self-esteem. Mike calling her a superhero is something he doesn't notice is a problem because he thinks it's cool. And when he's called Dustin and Will that in the past they liked it. But he doesn't know her lab origin story. So he doesn't understand that her powers are tied to abuse and it's not an empowering thing for her to be called this. Mike and Brenner's attitudes toward her powers are similar - not the same. Both think it's interesting and useful that she can do this. Mike in a more childlike way where he idolizes superheroes. And Brenner in a creepy mad, scientist way.
So after knowing all of this. After knowing everything El has been through. How can anyone suggest that El needs to be in a romantic relationship with Mike? Because she has had nothing but an unstable childhood full of trauma. And obviously because of this, she doesn't know how to form healthy relationships with people or handle problems well. It isn't her fault. No one taught her. She didn't get to learn the way the rest of us do. But it doesn't change the fact that she struggles with this. It doesn't change the fact that Will and Mike have both had their feelings dismissed by her and she didn't notice or apologize. And it doesn't change the fact that what she actually needs is a stable, normal life. Which is why it is so so important that she now has a family. And it's so important that she learns to form relationships with people. Her and Max haven't spent that much time together, but it's also important that she spend more time with the rest of the group too.
I always assumed that El had Post-Institution Syndrome but I don't think that's ever been confirmed. I think it's far more interesting for her to go through this journey and end the series with a stronger sense of self and a stable support system than it would be for her to have a boyfriend she doesn't communicate with or understand. It would show character growth in a way that a romantic relationship just wouldn't at this point for her.
I think she's at the point where she is realizing this herself. She wants distance from Mike at the end of the season and she is happy to be reunited with her family. She deserves her lost childhood back.
Edit: Apparently this kind of post qualifies as El hate. This post explains why it's not.
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i think everyone focused so much about eleven character development that no one is talking about el season 1 anymore 🙁 I'm rewatching this season now, and there's so many things that needs to be spoken up and no one does it and i don't understand why. it's very important bc when we take a look at eleven now, her behavior, her feelings and worries, it's all connected to the little eleven from season 1. I have a couple things that i have noticed from basically two first episodes.
NUMBER 1: eleven is afraid of loud noises, i bet that it was really quiet in the lab, she was locked up alone (I'm talking about lab from season 1 not 4 to be clear) practically the only person she talked too is brenner, she was a scared kid and probably was scared of every noise bc she thought that papa is coming to her. Then we can see in season one how she reacts to every noise, she was afraid of the storm, she was nervous when Lucas and Mike were yelling at each other, we can see that she's scared and quiet all the time bc it's her first time at this world- we can't say that living in the lab was actually living 💀 she wasn't even treated as a human being but as an experiment. Everything is new for her, she's fascinating about everything, there are so many things she wants to see, try, learn but she's also scared of everything and then- we can see how she reacts to loud noises even when she's grown up, for example season 4- el is getting bullied in rinko mania, we can see how she's covering her ears bc the music is too loud-(also funny thing i have noticed, the first thing that Mike does when he finds out what's going on is yelling at Angela's friend to turn down the music, why? bc he knows eleven, and he knows that loud noises are hard for her so that's the first thing he does)
NUMBER 2: how useless eleven felt in s4 without her powers, remember s1? when she failed the experiment Brenner got mad and locked her up for a punishment, we can see that when eleven didn't have enough power to do something she was treated like an useless thing, so now, when she lost her powers she felt that she lost the only thing that makes her special, she was really insecure about herself, she thought that no one will love her without her powers bc for what? that's why I can't understand people who are defending brenner 💀like bffr.
NUMBER 3: her love language, she puts attention to words, why? bc all her life everyone lied to her, tricked her, "pretend" that they care using words but never actions, that's why she was focused on Mike's words and not actions, and here we have a problem bc mike is focused on actions and not words bc his parents probably use words but how their children can know that they are honest if there's no proof of actions? exactly. Mike cares about actions and expresses himself with actions, that's why the conflict between mileven was ever made. They have a different love language and they both didn't know what to do with that, so now, eleven though that mike doesn't love her bc he doesn't use words, and mike thinks eleven doesn't need him bc she doesn't use actions but words.
Also i would like to mention the fact that this poor girl didn't even know what privacy is. She wanted to get dressed in front of the boys and saw nothing wrong with that. The fact how bad she was treated in the lab needs to be spoken more







(btw i tried to put pictures in order to make it more clear but idk if it works 😭😭 it's kinda about mike tbh but let's focus about eleven here that's supposed to be about my beautiful girl this time)
#stranger things#eleven stranger things#jane hopper#eleven hopper#mike wheeler#mike and eleven#mileven#byler#stranger things 4#st5 speculation
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MiracOlympus- Theatre Deities
Here’s the next batch of gods! The theater class! Enjoy! @artzychic27 @imsparky2002
Goddess of joy and cheer
Can find a silver lining in any situation, negativity is a foreign concept
Personal cheerleader for any deity who needs it
Impossible not to smile around her
Great at talking people through their problems
God of death
Everything he says is morbid in some way, but he’s still a snark king
Only smiles around Jesse, otherwise he’s a dark cloud
Black Hair, black wings, black everything
SCARY when he’s mad
Muse of theater, specifically tragedy
Just as dramatic as his twin, Jean
Will start crying at the drop of a hat
Kind of a pessimist, worries a lot
Seeing him smile is a rare gift
Muse of history and records
Keeps METICULOUS files of all happenings on Earth and Olympus
Can be a bit OCD about her records
Can recite an unbelievable amount of trivia
Can be persuaded to sing with her siblings
Deity of Craft and artistic skill
Always working on some new project
Super critical of her own work
Loves visiting earth to find new materials
Can make anything into a fun art project
Godex of Retribution
Can be persuaded to forgive, but NEVER forgets
Believes very strongly in fairness and just punishment
Gives the most savage burns
Refuses to lose an argument
Goddess of order and lawfulness
The Responsible One™️
Huge stickler for the rules of the divine order
Gets stressed when things go off course
Aggie, Alix and Ismael drive her up the wall
God of wild creatures and nature
VERY protective of all wildlife
Sweet as a kitten with his friends and Evie
Doesn’t like being inside
Has some animal features, i.e. feline eyes, claws, etc.
Goddess of witchcraft and magic
Still gothic and theatrical as heck
Has a potion or spell for everything
Only likes to come out at night
Everyone is at least a little scared of her
Goddess of daring and impulse
Will NEVER turn down a dare
Harbinger of chaos
Giving the other gods heart attacks on the reg
Lacey’s parkour bestie
Goddess of the dawn
Wakes up the world with encouragement and affection
Still a romantic, Rose’s matchmaking buddy
Biggest morning person ever
Dresses like the sunrise
God of the east wind and fall weather
Quietest and most restrained of the winds
Still a nervous wreck, tbh
Tries to wrangle his fellow winds as best he can
Can be intense when it’s needed
Has wings like a falcon
Goddess of strength and fortitude
Can deadlift just about anything
Always up to fight for a good cause
Can be VERY stubborn
Best workout coach
Goddess of the ether and gloom
Emotions are impossible to read
Likes to hang out in the shadows
Still snarky like no other
Hangs in the Underworld most of the time
Muse of song and lyric poetry
Voice so pure it will make you cry
Still very proper, but cuts loose when singing
Master of wrangling her siblings
Writes love songs for Brecken
Deity of dreams
Half-awake 90% of the time
Things they say are confusing, but also profound
Cannot stop falling asleep
Keeps a dream journal for the whole world, great at interpretation
Goddess of prudence and deliberation
Consistent voice of reason on Olympus
Does complex math problems or puzzles to relax
Not the most versed in emotion, but a good listener
Always has at least three plans
Muse of science and space
Spends hours locked in her lab, working on countless experiments
Never goes anywhere without their telescope
Infodumps about the periodic elements
Is very…intense when curious about something
Goddess of health and medicine
Will punt any of her fellow deities if they’re not taking care of themselves
She cares, it’s just aggressively
Serves as Olympus’ doctor, nurse, physical therapist, nutritionist, etc.
Snarky, but it’s out of love
Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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El, Sarah and Shirley Jane Temple
Becky and Terry's aunt Shirley thinks that their house is haunted (**) and when El meets Axel, he calls her Shirley Temple.


Axel: Aw... Shirley Temple lost her sister. So sad. [...] If I have to ask again, Shirley, you'll start losing things. Starting with those pretty little locks.
Shirley Temple's full name was Shirley Jane Temple, and when she was a kid, she was famous for her golden locks. El does have locks, she's been associated with blonde girls/sisters since S1, and the child Terry sees in the Rainbow Room is blonde. But she doesn't have locks. I know, I know, maybe it's not important. But I keep thinking that there is a girl with golden locks who "haunted" Hopper, like a ghost. A girl who is connected to the lab, Eleven and Will. Maybe, Shirley Temple is a subtle reference to her.
Sarah (or the actual Jane?)

"After Sarah, I saw her, too" (other references to ghosts)


I'm still working on this theory to see if it makes sense, but the connection between Hopper and Terry is undeniable. We still don't know the whole truth, and I think this scene is more relevant than we think.

Sarah died in the lab.

In 2x07, this bald man says to El "You're dead! We're all dead!"

There's also this graffiti: ICU. Someone said that it could be a hint that Vecna is spying El (I see you). And Shippingfangirl013 pointed out that it could also mean Intensive Care Unit.

It reminds me of the I see you -> but do you see me? in the bathroom, in the scene of Chrissy's vision (of her mother), and the hand with nail polish, similar to the mysterious hand El sees in her memory.

One of the guards in Terry's memory resembles Hopper, and Becky resembles Diane. This seems intentional.

Becky says twice, with a smirk, that Hopper and Terry would've gotten along.

There are octagon tables in Terry's and Hopper's houses, and we see them when Becky is talking about MK Ultra and LSD, and when Hopper has just woken up after being drugged and is searching the house for microphones.


Octagons on Jane's blanket

The octagon fountain

This octagon in the russian prison. Joyce says that she lost Hopper for eight months, and in 2x04 Flo tells Hopper that Joyce called him eight times.

So, Hopper and Terry are both connected to number 8. Kali, who has the power to make people see or not see what she chooses. Basically, what drugs and mind control do. ("LSD mind control experiments -Powell in 1x03. "Elaborate experimentations in perusal of mind control" - newspaper article in 1x08) There's clearly something wrong, because Hopper never mentioned that Sarah died in the lab, but in S3 he says that he came back to Hawkins after her death, because he was running away from those sad memories. That proves that he doesn't know that Sarah died in Hawkins. He forgot (was drugged)
Kali mentions El's policeman a few times, she interrupts and scares El when she's listening to Hopper's message, and S2 literally starts with Kali being chased by the police.
It's also interesting that it's Hopper who mentions the lab turning parents' brains into mush, in the season in which the agents drug him and threat to kill him and make it look like overdose. Cigarettes are another big hint that Hopper and, imo, Joyce have been drugged. Almost every time we see someone with a cigarette, the scene is connected to Hopper, Joyce and their kids, the lab or Billy, the "new Will". I'm thinking about one scene in particular, I'll make a post about it.


Anyway, there are other hints at Hopper and Terry's connection. The clowns and the elephant in Jane's crib, and the clowns and elephants on Sarah's pajamas (and Will was afraid of clowns)

The russian elephant gas masks we see in 3x01, after the keys activate the Machine. At the end of the season, Hopper and Joyce take the keys.

Elephant Ears behind them, when they're looking for their children.
And the Elephant, the torture device the Russian use on Hopper.

This post is already long, but there are also mentions of coffee, donuts and police chases on Terry's TV and in her message, when she changes the channels. And mentions of kids' breathing that are always about Sarah, Will and El.
(**) Speaking of aunts, I'm also thinking about Joyce's crazy aunt, Darlene, and this weird line, when Becky asks Hopper and Joyce if they want to talk to her sister, and Hopper says: "If Terry Ives is your sister, then yeah, we do".
Why the if? Are they implying that Becky is not really Terry's sister? What does it mean? So much to think about!
#el hopper#terry ives#kali prasad#jim hopper#joyce byers#byers hopper family#st parallels#st theory#stranger things
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Hello! May I please request 3.) "You'll love me, even if we have to sit and wait for it to happen." For Colress from Pokémon, thank you! :)
Sure! I'll see what I got for this >:) My prompts were used for this.
I really do enjoy making my Colress completely delusional and unhinged.
Yandere! Colress Prompt 3
"You'll love me, even if we have to sit and wait for it to happen."
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Kidnapping, Isolation, Manipulation, Drugging, Delusional behavior, Forced relationship implied vaguely.
Being a scientist, Colress knew sometimes you had to be patient for results. Be it technological advances or research... it all took time. Although Colress admits he did get impatient at times.
Understanding you was one of these times he tried to be patient, but was quickly failing.
Colress saw power through bonds. The bonds between trainer and Pokemon were perhaps the strongest of all. However, humans themselves also have strong bonds.
You helped him learn this even if you never meant to.
In fact if you knew the scientist was like this you wouldn't have befriended him at all.
Colress spent days doing research when he had an experiment or subject to study. You were a subject he spent even longer on. For this, Colress adored you even more.
He wanted to gain results from the bond you held between the two of you.
What he had done was, in his eyes, necessary foul play. A sedative needle hidden up the sleeve and into your skin did the trick. Now he had you right where he wanted you.
You wondered if Colress saw you as a human from the start. If he did then maybe he'd be more considerate. Colress is unfortunately not a normal man...
He's a man that only sees results and subjects.
That was your only conclusion. If Colress was truly someone you could trust then he'd never stick you in a glass cell. If Colress truly cared, he wouldn't stand in front of you with a hard gaze and clipboard in hand.
Had he no shame for isolating another human?
You weren't some Pokemon to lock up!
You cry over and over to him in the cell. You want to know his reasoning. You want to know why.
The psychopath only smiles, closing his eyes and chuckling.
"It's because I love you!"
He says it like it's the most obvious reason in the world. His behavior leaves you horrified. Colress is completely insane.
"You do not...!" You argue. "Why would you lock me up if you love me?"
"You don't get it?"
Colress frowns, still standing in front of you.
"Love is the strongest bond of all according to my research. It's seen between humans and Pokemon all the time. The resulting bond makes both of them stronger."
He paces in front of the glass wall, flicking through the data in front of him.
"By that logic, the bond between humans is also strong. The moment you stepped into my life you made me more confident yet tormented my thoughts. Obviously I had to look into it. Now, I have you, and I plan to take care of you here until I find out just why I feel this way."
His tone is that of someone who's explaining an experiment to a crowd. You begin to wonder if he can't see the error of his ways. His response stuns you into shock.
"... It seems you do not feel the same way."
Your fearful eyes track him as he moves about the lab. His eyes still hold a certain coldness in them, his glasses catch glare from the lights above him to hide his gaze when he turns. You don't dare give him a look any longer.
"No matter!" Colress says in a sickly energetic tone. "This is a minor set back."
He then pulls a chair and sits in front of the glass. The two of you stare at each other. You're on your knees with the look of a scared Pokemon, while he looks at you with a seemingly cold yet lovesick gaze.
"You'll love me, even if we have to sit and wait for it to happen."
Those words strike fear into your heart. You feel cold suddenly while the heat drains from you at the thought of Colress's form of love. Chills consume you and Colress doesn't show any sign of regret or remorse.
Only a smile.
Perhaps he never had good morals... Colress may have always been a monster.
A monster that looks as though he'd dissect you in order to understand you with that look of his.
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basic summary of each star gazer diary char’s backstory? 🥺👉👈
Aight ig, but it won't be for everyone. (As this will mainly only focus on the Comets Squad members & one of the antags + a bonus character that I didn't introduce yet till now)
Chris: Was born in a normal family till both of his parents divorced. But was then completely neglected & ab*sed by his mom till his gramma took him away & then at the age of 15 he was adopted by the Lockes. At 20-22 years old there was a incident that happened with him which kinda turned him into the person he is today, was later abandoned but then found by his now best friend Konner.
Konn'a: Was born in a pretty wealthy family but was genuinely kind to everyone. Although in his teen years he kinda got in bits of trouble due to some... unspoken things.. At 18 he became a part of Stellowbark which eventually got him up the ranks of being apart of a squad, now eventually getting his own squad he can lead at the age of 23.
Kemor (ASGD! Konn): Was originally a normal kid but when & his best friend, Yor'iem (ASGD!Insidiae), were both kidnapped by a evil space colony. He went through a lot of horrible things only to actually escape with a help of some space rebels. This however made him have a major freaky scar on his face & a missing arm/leg. (Also his bug tail was ripped off in order to look more "human"). Now he wears a mask & lots of armor due to being very self conscious about his looks & also the fact his species is known for being perfect (as partners from his species tend to look for individuals with no flaws), so yeh uh... no bf for him. :(
Alazeria (ASGD! Alejandra): Originally a officer/sheriff working under King Malsokia but decided to quit & join Stellowbark as a squad member of Comets aftera break accident which made her go blind in her right eye (yeh she was attacked by one of her fellow WildBeaks, this is also where she gets her Squadron name from-). Also due to certain past reasons she doesnt seem to be wanting to be in love.. (Also doesn't understand some men like her frikin Co worker Kemor- But she doesnt h8 men. But i do think she did have a bad experience with a certain man back in the past)
Dr. Gerald Lyconoth (ASGD!Gwin): A scientist once apart of a research group of 5 only to be separated by them after a certain permafrost began to happen. Due to this permafrost his body was actually preserved for at least 300 years until his ice prison defrosted & he able to *somewhat* move again, minus the fact his legs were pretty much slightly broken now but he carried on. Eventually making a small lab for himself & in order to not feel lonely he created a duaghter for himself which he raised for 15 years, but over those 15 years he started to...not truly feel himself, like some voice was telling him to do bad things in a hypnotic way... He unfortunately succumbed to the effects leading to once a innocent man's life into a disastrous spiral which made it worse bcs during that period he was also unfortunately infected with one of the dangerous universal diseases to exist..
Bonus time!
Namria Lyconoth: Was the duaghter of a certain scientist... She decided to run away after her father's started to show signs of major aggression. But that was not after he pretty much started to trying to attack her which made her extremely scared. This was not the man she knew for 15 total years. After she ran away, she found herself with 3 wanderers who pretty much became like her adoptive siblings. Now she walks on the frozen planet with her new family in order to eventually find a cure to whatever the hell is currently happening with her dad & why did he decide to giver her that nasty scar on her left side.
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could i bother u for more thoughts on faith and max in a mock apple orchard 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
@gayafsatan — I would absolutely LOVE to brainstorm some fun ideas of them in a mock apple orchard!!
I've been replaying again so they've been rotating around in my mind a lot extra hard and was especially thinking about mock apple picking bc the botanical labs also has a lil orchard where you can pick mock apples up off the ground! But I'm currently in Roseway so oughhh.. ideas....
I want you now I am going to ramble a LOT so please bear with me I swearsies it'll be more fun if we get the full lore dump from my brain 😩💖💕
My thoughts are very chaotic and rambly so let me try to walk though my ideas lmao
Roseway is typically where I peg Faith's death wish arc happening, and to summarize what all that entails, it's when the mask slips and the weight of everything finally hits her in full force.
I always envision this story happening over a long period of time so a lot of time has passed since first arriving at Edgewater and the Groundbreaker.
Halcyon. Her situation. Her identity. The life Phineas threw her into abruptly and his expectations for her. Making split second moral decisions where no matter what someone is going to get hurt. Being so alien and alone, no one to understand her or believe in her predicament but having to be the mysterious competent captain regardless.
It finally gets to her. Bad. And she makes some self destructive decisions. She gets sloppy, careless, hoping someone else will end this nightmare for her. Until they almost do.
I am swiftly brushing past many details so we don't get too lost in the sauce. But Max went after her, found her collapsed and injured bad, carried her back to the ship for Ellie to do whatever she could, and then stayed by her side for as long as it took for her to wake up.
This is such a key moment for them getting closer. Because there was a lot of frustration and emotion and being forced to confront the possibility of feelings existing, but nothing they fully understand or are ready to acknowledge as such yet.
She tries to brush past the subject of what happened, deflecting everything until he raises his voice in a way he hasn't since she gave him the journal and she threatened he never talk like that to her again. And it was enough to break through her facade, for her to show just how utterly broken and vulnerable she is, and they have a proper fucking conversation about where she's at mentally. He still isn't ready for the truth about her life before. But it's a step forward.
There is a lot of patience and understanding and just. Yeah. A lot happens here. Some walls come down. There grows some room for them to become softer and closer over more time.
All of this is important because a short piece I had written a long time ago took place in this area roughly after this incident.
It was a personal outlet vent piece, I will be honest. When I wrote it it was after I had a very bad panic attack after an awful scare. And I wrote it into Faith because I just wanted to get some feelings from that experience out of my system.
The shortened version of that one is Faith recovering from a bad episode, trying to calm her breathing, waiting for her ears to stop ringing and for her vision to come back. Her legs gave out on her and she was sitting under the mock apple trees. Her voice locks up on her when she's seriously distressed. Yadda yadda yadda, Max had brought along his datapad so she could communicate anything important and she was incredibly confused because she knows he doesn't like using his datapad ever and then rendered even more speechless to know he brought it specifically for her in case something like this were to happen again. It ends with her just asking if he would keep talking to her, and they sit there under the mock apple trees for a while, in no particular rush to get anywhere.
And after this point, I think the mock apple orchards become a really peaceful, therapeutic spot for her when she just wants a moment to herself. Sits there, breathes, takes in the Roseway scenery and collects herself before jumping back into the horrors of Halcyon. Spends some time picking mock apples to take back to the ship.
I've been having a lot of ideas of her asking Max to go with her. I'm of the mind if she'd ask directly that he'd either decline, or at least pretend to be uninterested but she's the one who asked so he accepts the offer.
But I can see her being vague and just saying that she's heading out if he'd join her and she leads him to the orchards. By this point they're already often in each other's company, she indulges his interests often, letting him be the one who is finally listened to. But in general, they get along very well in conversation when it comes to a handful of similar interests and their personalities and attitudes bounce off of each other well.
(In my story anyway, since she spends an extended amount of time in Edgewater and the Vale, there was also a lot of time spent doing some early bonding with Max. So do with that info what you will. They're not likeee besties yet but they're much more than strangers by this point, ya'know? Just to get an idea of where their familiarity with each other is at and why there's enough respect and trust to some extent already existing. Not to mention how much time they had spent on the Groundbreaker).
They'd be having such a peaceful time away from the rest of the crew.
Oughhh hear me out, okay, Faith loves to bake. She doesn't even ask, she just makes Max hold her bag open while she starts collecting mock apples and after they finally head back to the ship she figures out how to make mock apple pie for the crew 😭 we already know Max doesn't care much for sweets (I wonder how sweet or tart a mock apple pie would be.. Faith girl what all Halcyon ingredients are you adding to that bad boy) but.. what if.... After everyone goes to bed...... He tries some anyway........ Because she made it..........
Most of what's bouncing around in my brain is them early on having wholesome bonding time in a spot just for the two of them. Just enjoying each other's company. Realizing they have genuine respect for each other, Faith feeling like she found a genuine friend who went to lengths further than anyone had in her entire life to make sure she survived. I am specifying Faith's feelings here intentionally. I write Max in a more complicated spot very blinded by his revenge scheme more or less unaware for a long while just how much the lines start blurring between his faith and his Faith. To put it succinctly. (Look I know I'm always drawing The Good Stuff™️ but in actuality their relationship is suchhhh a slow burn. They are not the most romantically inclined people lmao).
But also.. once she realizes she can talk to him when she needs to. I think coming back to this spot, off the ship, away from the crew, she just likes it there. She likes being there with him. She finds comfort in that spot.
OKAY BUT DO YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE WOULD BE CUTE.... they should come back here.. post-scylla and post-gorgon...... Ya'know......... The first being when they establish not wanting to be apart and the second being when they want to make that partnership a permanent one......... ASKING HER IN THE MOCK APPLE ORCHARDS WOULDN'T THAT BE DARLING ough okay I need a minute my brain is going too fast to comprehend
My Roseway ideas aren't the most cleaned up I know BUT so many important bonding moments exist and oughhhh LOOSE IDEAS ARE STILL WORTH TALKING ABOUT OKAYYYYY
I just want them to go mock apple picking together and learn how to get smiles out of each other and not understand why it makes their chests hurt but they know they need to do it again
ACTUALLYYYYY post-scylla when he's much more mellowed out and they're the closest they've been I think would be so so nice. they'd be so much softer and he'd probably be so much more involved in wanting to enjoy silly lil activities with her.....
Currently imagining him reading out loud to her, all the conversations they'd have, maybe he brings his tossball cards to show her, maybe they bring one of the lil games, have a lil makeshift picnic....
Godddd the transition between just how much enthusiasm he shows spending time with her is enough to make me explode. Can you see my vision. The reluctance, to the hesitancy, to becoming absolutely inseparable.
Literally feel free to add on or share your own thoughts I'm begging you lmao I promise there is so much room for ideas to be fleshed out and better put together, I'm mostly just spitballing what all I think would be incredibly fun ideas to work with. Plus I'm kind of thinking across the timeline and how much their relationship would change between each visit. And how over time they would enjoy it more and more and make each visit more special than the last.
WAIT BEFORE I LOSE THE THOUGHT!! They make a stop RIGHT BEFORE HEADING TO SCYLLA TO GO TO THE HERMIT'S LODGE!! Oh that could hurt so good omgggg. Okay okay I need to stop now I NEED TO STOP.
#MY DEAR FRIEND I WROTE SO MUCH I APOLOGIZE AHEAD OF TIME#I had a LOT of roseway thoughts I needed to get out of my system#that lead into why the mock apple orchards would be such a special spot they'd want to keep returning to 😭#my thoughts are all a mess tho I know I know I have a lot that's needs cleaning up and better fleshed out#but hey! what's the point of having ideas if you can't talk about them no matter what stage of development they're at!!#enjoy my long winded roseway ramble#I really do think the orchards would make such a lovely spot to just be alone and bond#not that it was ever their intention. it certainly wasn't supposed to happen he'd think.#yet there he is. unable to deny her invitation and realizing all too late how many details about her he has committed to memory#always so collected and calculated. never stumbling on his words. always knowing just what to say.#until it comes to her. until she days his name. until her voice like a siren song has his tongue tied in knots.#'vicar max if you prefer brevity' he tells her. yet maximillian she'll call him. letting his name linger on her lips for as long as possible#I think I need to go lay down#faith and max#my writing#long post#says*
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