#He has about 5 of each type of Follower I'd say
era404-skib · 3 months
TCam 3.0 Concept*
(*with very quick and rushed art, my usual shit is better i promise,,,)
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-Everything he previously had, plus the stuff he lost e.g. Blaster, hammer
-More shoulder blasters
-Return of the Ears :3
-Transmission receiver thing which allows him to receive broadcasted footage from ANY POV Cam, regardless of distance
-Wings, allowing him to fly more gracefully and still do a bullshit tough ram
So basically my HC is that the Cameramens main power is strength in numbers, so why not give TCam some followers to signify that?
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Upgraded Orbital Camera Satelite
-Hide above clouds, only come down to shoot when TCam distress signals
-Glitch toilet movement
-Absolutely BONKERS lazer power
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Orbital Engineer Camera Satelite
-Always surrounding TCam to protect him
-Equipped with two huge chainsaws
-Glitch Toilet Movement
-Lower down to the ground and uproot roads and other infrastructure in seconds with the chainsaws, killing small toilets in the process
-Ram into large toilets repeatedly to completely tear them apart
31 notes · View notes
serasfanfiction · 2 months
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3| Part 4 | Part 5| Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12
CW: For Valentino being Valentino. He doesn't do anything, but he does say some things.
The closer they came to V Tower, the more loud everything became.
Paper posters gave way to bulletin boards. Every street was lit with flashing signs and arrows, pointing the way to different businesses down the main strip. Advertisements were nearly plastered on every single available surface, competing with each other in a cacophony of bright colors and promises to make all of one's troubles go away, if only one bought the product.
Sinners wandered the streets, some glued to their phones as they typed out a text message, watched a video, or shouted at someone on the other end of a phone call. Some sinners loitered around various shops selling televisions, each screen showing an advertisement for the latest gadget VoxTek was selling.
The Vees made it ridiculously easy to learn their faces, as none of the trio were shy about plastering their likeness all over their wares. Vox was clearly unafraid to throw his reputation behind anything he supported, one advertisement proclaiming, "I'd buy it." Valentino left nothing to the imagination - figurative or literally - on what he was selling, with various larger than life posters that featured the moth scantily clad and in suggestive poses. Velvette was significantly more reserved, in comparison, with only a billboard advertising her perfume, named, Love Potion.
Quite frankly speaking, it was all a bit overstimulating.
Walking nonchalantly at his side, Alastor barely gave any of bombastic sights around him a second glance. He had made little commentary since they had set out from the hotel earlier in the day, falling silent as they had entered the Vees territory. Where all of this technology was practically invented yesterday, as far as Lucifer was concerned, Alastor had lived on Earth when most of the technology around them was still in its infancy stages. Advertising, likewise, was hardly new. Humans had been shouting at each other to buy this or to buy that since they'd first come up with the idea of selling a product. They may not have had flashing lights in the 1920s or 30s, but there had been posters, billboards, and radio ads.
Modern technology just made everything more... flashy.
Lucifer watched a group of sinners standing before an electronic shop, TVs stacked up in the window. Each TV was showing the same thing: an advertisement for the latest cell phone. He was a little surprised he still cared enough to be sickened as Vox straight up hypnotized the viewers into buying the phone. He shook his head in disgust a they passed group turned mob making a mad dash into the store. "Quite the salesman, Vox is," Lucifer commented, not trying to hide his judgmental tone.
Alastor snorted. He glanced at the group scampering out with their new cell phones as he drawled, "Vox has always had a... persuasive sales pitch."
It was Lucifer's turn to snort as they passed another poster of Vox, this time just the overlord and his VoxTech logo. His ever present slogan, Trust Us, curved around the logo. "You mean he hypnotizes people into doing what he wants." It was good to know in advance. No one had ever tried to hypnotize the Devil himself before and he wasn't keen to find out if it was possible.
"Hm," Alastor hummed in agreement. "Just so."
V Tower was easy to spot, even with all the noise going on in the background. The number of surveillance cameras also began to increase the closer they got to the trio's headquarters. Lucifer eyed one as it followed their trek down the street. "So much for keeping our arrival a surprise."
The redhead smirked, obviously pleased about something. Sing song, he assured, "I wouldn't be too sure about that."
The blonde sighed. He was walking right into it, he knew he was. He was going to do it anyway, because damn his curiosity. "Oh?"
Alastor twirled his staff around his fingers like a baton. "All the cameras we've passed so far have been laughably easy to take out." With a practiced hand, he caught the staff, it's tip pointing at the offending camera. As they passed it, the little button on the side of it blinked from green to red. "Vox isn't paying attention to his little toys. Dear me, he must be away from his surveillance room."
Lucifer squinted at the camera dubiously. "You can tell we're not being watched, by, what? The camera not coming back on?"
Alastor laughed, short and cutting. "Oh, it's more than lack of interaction." He leaned in close, as if he were parting with a juicy secret. "I can tell when Vox is watching." His smile was sharp and cruel and said everything about how pathetic he found the overlord in question. "His attention has a certain... desperation to it."
Lucifer wasn't certain which part of all of that to focus on first: the fact that apparently Vox had flat out stalked Alastor to the point Alastor knew when he was being watched or the fact that Alastor clearly found the whole thing hilarious.
Father, these sinner could be fucked up sometimes.
Lucifer grinned, unable to pass up the opportunity he'd just been handed to needle the deer demon. "Didn't do much about the camera that recorded the fight."
Alastor's expression soured around the edges. His ears flattened as he resumed his previous position, snide as he pointed out, "Yes, well, I was a bit distracted by doing all the work. You should try joining in next time."
Alastor hadn't let him get involved in any of the attacks, insistent that he had everything covered, and they both knew it. Lucifer had let him because he always half hoped someone would kill the asshole.
Lucifer let the conversation drop with little more than a roll of his eyes, his mind drifting as he processed this new information. If Alastor could indeed tell when Vox was watching (which, creepy) and had been surprised by one of the attacks being filmed, one could infer that Vox was keeping the hotel under a certain level of constant surveillance.
After returning from their day out, he had hauled himself up in his room as he scoured the news for mention of any attacks. Had tracked down the news reports Rosie had mentioned. There had only been a number written reports and many more reposted written reports, with a single video dedicated to the subject. The video itself contained footage from the first attack, despite the news articles having all been posted fairly recently. Judging from the general comments under the articles and the video, few people were interested in the hotel itself beyond wanting to know if it still stood or not.
They had been lucky the fight had forced the drone to retreat or risk being destroyed. Distance had rendered the video quality poor enough his bleeding hand wasn't visible for all of Hell to see. Everyone already knew angels could be harmed, killed even. It wouldn't do for anyone to get it into their pretty little heads that angel weapons might work on him or Charlie, however.
(Lucifer tried not to think about the main image he had seen, again and again, in those news articles. Tried not to think about how reverent Alastor had looked like as he reached his hand out to the Devil, as if he were the only God the sinner would ever be able to touch. The framing of the image had made it appear like it was something so different than it had really been.)
Light pressure on his shoulder drew him out of his thoughts. Out of the corner of his view, he caught Alastor withdrawing the hand he'd used to get his attention. It was a good thing he had, as it took a second for the sensor above the door to register their presence and trigger the door to open. He could only imagine what the media would have thought if a camera had caught Lucifer running right into the front doors of V Tower while lost in thought.
They stepped through the doors into a lobby themed in oranges and reds with purple accents. Hearts were definitely a motif, accenting arches and their support columns. Purple lanterns dotted every other column, more decoration than function. Lucifer took in the additional advertisements, some on the walls, some on a-frames. A large, flat screen tv displayed the VoxTek logo, but there was nothing currently playing on it.
There were a number of employees dotted around the lobby. A sheep sinner carrying a precarious stack of tablets raced off in one direction, while a horned rabbit sinner ran in another direction with an armful of clothing. A trio of sinners loitered off to the side, whispering back in forth in a frantic, hushed argument about what sounded like bottom lines and stocks. Near the back of the lobby, a blue and yellow sinner shouted about "messy actors" and "shitty wardrobes" as he frantically slammed his finger into the up button of the elevator.
At the center of the lobby, themed similar to the surrounding columns, was a welcome desk, currently being run by a white haired, fuchsia skinned sinner. Her tiny bat wings fluttered and drooped as she fielded calls. Distracted as she was, she failed to notice anyone had entered the lobby until Alastor and Lucifer had already reached the desk.
"One moment, please," she said to them, showing that she had at least noticed they were there. "Now where did Velvette say she wanted her calls sent to today...?" She bit her lip, finger hovering over one of a quite frankly insane number of optional extensions. Her eyes darted back and forth between two of them, before she shrugged and for all intents and purposes flat out guessed which one to send the line to. "Thank you for waiting," she said in a practiced, albeit polite monotone. "How may I... help..." She trailed off as she finally laid eyes on who had walked into the lobby, eyes going wide. She gaped as she recognized Lucifer but went completely blank as she took in Alastor's presence. The blonde was fairly certain that if he could read minds there wouldn't have been a single thought going through her head at that moment.
Lucifer fixed an equally practiced polite smile on his face. "Excuse me, miss," he began, only to pause when she failed to regain her senses, apparently still too flabbergasted by his companion. Brow twitching, he rapped his knuckles sharply upon the marble surface of the desk.
The noise seemed to do the trick, the sinner snapping out of her trance to jerk her head around. "Yes! Um." She swallowed, casting one last nervous glance at the Radio Demon. Between looking at Alastor and looking back at Lucifer, he could see her clawing her professional mask back on with the kind of experience that came from needing to remain calm when one's life was on the line. "How may I help you, sirs?" Her voice didn't even shake a little.
Noting the reaction and shelving the topic for later, Lucifer said, "Please let Vox know we are here to speak with him."
The sinner blinked, disbelief clear as day on her face despite her best efforts not to show it. "You..." Lucifer had the distinct impression the 'you' here was Alastor, even if she wasn't looking directly at him. "Wish to speak with... Vox?" Her tone suggested that had she not been speaking with Lucifer Morningstar, the literal king of Hell, she might have asked him if he was smoking something.
The noise, or lack there of, reached his ears. The general hustle and bustle of when they had entered had completely died down to be replaced by whispers and murmurs. Even without turning, he could feel all eyes on them. Lucifer glanced at Alastor, whose Cheshire Cat grin suggested he was internally laughing at all the fuss his being here was causing. His ears flicked to and fro as he followed different conversations.
Smile fixed in place, he affirmed, "Yup!" He waggled his fingers in the direction of her phone. "Now, please."
The receptionist stared off into the middle distance, the same blank look in her eyes he'd seen on soldier's who'd died at war. In the fatalistic tone of someone who didn't expect to have a job (or possibly be alive) in the morning, she said, "Whelp, this job sucked anyway."
Someone, a little too loudly, stage whispered, "Oh, I would not want to be in her shoes, right now."
Without turning, the receptionist flipped the person off with one hand while picking up the phone with the other. She pressed a seemingly random button as she put the receiver to her ear, a down right manic smile crossed her face.
Lucifer (and likely everyone in the lobby, as well) could tell the instant the phone was answered on the other end. A voice that matched the one's he'd heard in the advertisements bellowed, "WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT INTERUPTING MY MEETINGS?"
Taking advantage of the fact that it sounded like Vox was a sinner who needed to breathe on occasion, the woman said, voice picture perfect cheerful, "The King of Hell and the Radio Demon are here to see you, sir."
A very long, audible pause, both on the phone and from the lobby around them. Then, "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN ALASTOR'S HERE??"
Lucifer raised an eyebrow at the redhead, incredulous. Seriously? What kind of history did these two have that Alastor showing up at V Tower was causing this kind of fuss? It was almost enough to make him forget he had been totally overlooked in that last statement.
Around them, every camera in the lobby suddenly came to life, zeroing in on them. Lucifer could tell by their synchronous motion, someone was likely watching them. Alastor's whole posture changed as he turned on one of the cameras, head tilted just so and smile lazy as he waved at it.
As one, those very same cameras began to sizzle and pop as they were all taken out.
Lucifer noted the redhead looked far too pleased with himself for that to have been anything other than deliberate. He knew Alastor hated being recorded, but that was just petty. Turning his attention to the receptionist, it was only because of his heightened sense of hearing that he was able to hear Vox, voice considerably more in control and at a much more reasonable volume, telling her to send them down.
"At once, sir." She set the phone down at leisure, as if she hadn't just had her eardrums tested by her boss shouting in them. Still looking at something only she could see, she said, "Vox will see you now." She pointed behind her to a set of elevators. "Please use the elevator on the right, as this is the only elevator with access to Vox's personal office." Placing her hands on the desk in a deceptively casual way, she finished, "Please have a hellish rest of your day."
"You, too," Lucifer said on reflex. He watched her as they made their way around the desk, throwing glances over his shoulder after they'd passed it. Under his breath, he asked of Alastor, "Think the hotel needs a receptionist?"
They had a front desk, didn't they? And a land line? Maybe? There was no mail service in Hell and Alastor had to get communications somehow, seeing as he refused to touch anything more modern than a radio. He'd check on it when he got back.
"Ha!" Alastor side eyed him. "Come now, your Majesty, you don't want poor Husker to be out of a job, do you?"
Lucifer belatedly remembered that apparently Husk doubled as not just their bartender, but also as their receptionist. He guffawed. One the one hand, Husk was indeed an great bartender, even willing to be a patient ear for one's troubles, if he tolerated them. He was certainly an exceptional judge of someone's character. On the other, was he a good receptionist? No offense meant to the avian feline in question, but, not in the slightest.
Lucifer added the mental note to check in on the receptionist later to his growing list of things to do.
The elevator opened without them pressing any buttons, suggesting that Vox, the creep, had other ways of keeping tabs on them. Lucifer and Alastor stepped in, the former not thrilled with how tiny the elevator was. There was just enough room for the both of them to stand side by side with little to spare. Insult to injury, the most obnoxious elevator music he had ever had the displeasure to have inflicted on him played over head. There were no buttons to chose from, but there seemed to be none needed as the elevator began its decent on it's own.
Lucifer reiterated: what a creep.
More to fill the silence and distract himself from the growing need to destroy the speaker putting out that horrible noise, he asked, "You ever been here before?"
In the same way most people would say, 'I'd rather die, thanks,' Alastor scoffed. "Absolutely not! I'd never inflict such poor company on myself willingly." Still, it wasn't hard to notice the little ways Alastor was on high alert, very much aware of the fact that he had walked willingly into enemy territory. His ego didn't allow him to worry, but it still paid to be alert to potential surprises.
Thankfully, the elevator didn't take long before reaching its destination. This new room was vast, with a color scheme nothing like the lobby's. Where the lobby was warm shades of orange, red and purple, this room was all cool shades of blue, red, white. The room was dark, only illuminates by dozens upon dozens of screens, most glowing with white light, a handful with red light. Red light filtered up from what appeared to be a deep pit surrounding a bridge-like walkway. Attached at the end was a round platform and attached to the platform was a seat surrounded by even more monitors.
This wasn't an office. This was a surveillance room.
Walking down the walkway was none other than the founder of VoxTek, Vox himself, striding along with all the confidence of someone who was at the top of their industry and knew it. His smile was wide and Lucifer immediately pegged it as the fake kind he usually saw on car salesmen. "Your Highness! Welcome!" Vox greeted. When he was close enough, he offered his hand out for a handshake.
Lucifer eyed it, just long enough to make it look like he wasn't going to take it. He didn't expect anyone to actually bow to him in greeting, but something about this guy left him half tempted to push for it now. Taking the hand, he allowed Vox to shake it to be polite.
When it came time to greet Alastor, the TV demon merely gritted his teeth and said, voice dripping with venom, "Alastor."
Alastor didn't appear bothered in the least by the rude greeting. Matching vitriol with amusement, he merely said, "Vox."
Lucifer looked from Vox, to Alastor, and then back to Vox. Man, he was so sorry he hadn't asked for more details on these two before they'd gotten here. Predicting this could go on a while if they were left to their own devises, Lucifer pointedly cleared his throat.
Vox's smile smoothed out, salesman mask back on place. "Yes, of course. Now, your highness," the sinner held out his hand towards the bridge, indicating he'd like them to come into his "office" proper. Lucifer didn't fail to notice there was only one seat down that way and it was meant for Vox. "May I call you Lucifer? Lucifer--"
Oh, absolutely not. They were going to have to nip that in the bud. Even Alastor, who had somehow become his rival for his place in his daughter's life and literally lived down the hall from him, was smart enough not to call him by name.
"The word you're looking for is 'Majesty'."
Vox paused, body tensing. The fallen angel got the impression he wasn't used to being interrupted. "Excuse me?"
Lucifer effected a bored stance, one hand settled on his cane as he explained, deliberately just this side of hostile, "Your Highness is how you would address my daughter." He looked Vox dead in the eye, making it pointedly clear he was deadly serious and there was going to be none of this BS about who was calling the shots. "Your Majesty is how you address your king."
Vox interestingly grew more calm in the face of his king's ire. "Of course, your Majesty," he said, immediately correcting course. He offered they move the conversation to the platform again. This time, Lucifer nodded. He followed as Vox lead the way, noting how the TV demon never quite turned his back on them, seemingly uneasy having Alastor at his back, even this deep into what was his own territory.
Lucifer took the time spent crossing the bridge to exam the pit around them. While the red light obscured the bottom itself, he was able to make out what appeared to be a very large tank behind equally large glass walls. Swimming around without a care in the world were what appeared to be several glowing sharks. He followed one as it made its way from one side of the pit to the other, able to sense there was nothing natural in their design. These creatures may have appeared to be alive, but they were all circuits and wires, through and through.
When they reached the platform, Vox showed sense by not going for his chair. He did stop in the center of the circle, a subtle attempt to regain some control of the situation. "Now, your Majesty," he began, just sincere enough it was impossible to tell if it was fake or not. "Please, tell me how I and VoxTek can be of assistance today."
Lucifer watched him. Watched the way his face was turned to Lucifer, but his eyes kept ticking to Alastor. Noted the way his body was tilted ever so slightly in the redhead's direction, as if drawn by a magnet he couldn't resist. Vox may have been putting on a show of talking to Lucifer, but he very much only had eyes for Alastor.
Someone was obsessed.
Someone was obsessed really badly.
Something that felt suspiciously like possessiveness reared its head deep within his chest. Lucifer had no more of a claim on Alastor than Vox did, but Alastor had chosen to live under his roof and was his daughter's hotelier. Finicky to the last, with all the loyalty of a feral, stray cat, Alastor was theirs.
Smile all teeth, eyes gold on red, Lucifer raised his free hand until they were right under where Vox's nose would be if he had one. He snapped his fingers, once, twice, sharply.
Vox nearly went cross-eyed, as he zeroed in on the offending digits, leaning slightly back.
"I know Alastor is very eye catching," Lucifer drawled, voice deepening as he let his displeasure seep in. "But you are talking to me. Do you understand?"
The TV demon had the grace to raise his hands, not necessarily in surrender, but certainly in a pacifying manner. It was easy to see him cycling through possible responses, as he fished for the one that would deescalate the situation the fastest. "I apologize, you Majesty, for any offense," he settled on, tone so polite it reeked of falseness.
Lucifer let him have it because it seemed Vox was finally cottoning on to the fact that there was a larger predator in the room then either of the two sinners. The reluctant king withdrew a step, pleased when Vox's eyes followed him, with not a single glance at Alastor. Now that he had the CEO's full attention, he decided it was time to get this show on the road. "I have a message for everyone in the Pride Ring. I've noticed how many people have a TV or a cellphone. I've also noticed VoxTek's reach." Lucifer said this last part only because it was true. However they had managed it, VoxTek has even managed to make it's way into the other rings.
For the first time since they'd arrived, Vox's smile actually appeared real. It put into stark light how fake the one he had been wearing up until this moment had been. "We would be thrilled to feature you on one of our television shows, your Majesty." He was smart enough not to look at Alastor, although it was obvious the next part was directed towards him. "Our viewership ratings have been going through the roof over the last few years. Statistics show that almost every household in the Pentagram City has a TV these days."
It was a good sales pitch. It might even have been true. The hotel had even had a TV, although Lucifer had explicitly forbidden anyone from bringing one into the palace, the exception being the live-in servants' personal quarters. Regardless, Vox hadn't said that to try and sale anyone on anything, he'd said it to rub it in Alastor's face that Lucifer had chosen to pass his message along over Vox's medium, instead of Alastor's.
Although they hadn't discussed it ahead of time, Lucifer found himself saying, in all the casualness of it having been a given, "If Alastor wishes to broadcast the message simultaneously over radio for our viewers who prefer the medium, he's more than welcome to do so, but we're not here to discuss that." He was fairly certain, even without turning around, that Alastor hadn't given it away that this was news to him.
The idea was reinforced by the way that Vox's eye twitched before he could regain control over it. "Yes, of course we want it to reach all of the intended audiences." Hands coming to rest at the small of his back, the TV demon attempted to steer them back on course. "Now, about the content of the message."
Lucifer tilted his head to the side. "Does it matter what the content is? Unless you prefer I go somewhere else to do this." Something that was also true. Mammon may lack any talent of his own, but he knew a cash grab when he saw one. He jumped onto the bandwagon that was television sets, TV shows, and moving advertisements as soon as the technology had hit Hell. The only reason none of his products where seen in the Pride Ring was because Lucifer limited his exposure to sinners were ever he could. If he gave him the green light, Mammon would topple VoxTek within a matter of months, if not less.
Vox paused, sensing he was in troubled waters, but not quite sure from which direction. "No, no. We here at VoxTek simply prefer to make sure that all the content we put out is content we stand by--"
Lucifer leaned in. If his tail were out, it would have been thrashing. "Are you saying your king could say anything VoxTek wouldn't support?"
Vox's screen left eye widened ever so slightly, the sclera going from a solid red, to more hypnotic red and black. It was there and gone in the blink of his eyes. His voice sounded glitchy as he gritted out a, "No."
"May I suggest something, your Majesty?"
Lucifer broke off what was quickly becoming a staring match with Vox to turn his attention to Alastor. The redheaded sinner had been standing behind him, seemingly content to watch the drama unfold from the side as Lucifer took the lead. Considering their rivalry, Lucifer was a little hesitant to allow Alastor to enter the fray, lest he potentially make things worse. However, he did appreciate the fact that these two knew each other better than he knew either of them.
Giving away the floor, at least for now, Lucifer gave a single short nod, for him to proceed.
Alastor stepped up until they were side by side.
Unable to resist now that the redhead had center stage, Vox immediately shifted to face him, Lucifer all but forgotten. He frowned, almost all pretenses of being a businessman all but thrown out the window. "What are you doing here, Alastor?" He snipped at the redhead. "I know you'll take any opportunity to move up in Hell, but I didn't take you as a kiss ass."
Alastor smiled at him, as if he were a short sighted child. "We hadn't gotten to that part, have we?" He gave his staff a little spin, noting the way Vox's eyes narrowed as he took in it's repaired state. "His Majesty asked me to stand with him as he gave his address."
Vox snorted, doubtful. "You'd never agree to appearing on screen." He actually started to laugh at the idea, until he realized Alastor was completely serious. "Wait, you said yes?" Gaping, he turned on Lucifer, seeming in his shock to forget who he was talking to. "What the hell did you do to get him to agree to show up on TV?" He glared back and forth between then, baring his teeth as he asked, "What, are you two fucking or something?"
Lucifer narrowed his eyes, lip curling back. In one fell swoop, Vox had just reduced himself to less than scum on the bottom of his boots. The only reason they were continuing this conversation was because he didn't feel like dragging Valentino down to the Greed Ring. "Maybe you just don't know how to speak his language," he snipped back, mouth moving before he could think about what he was saying or how much it gave away.
Before Vox could think too deeply on it, the redhead cleared his throat. For all that he preferred to be an unseen voice on the radio, Alastor did how to play his audience in person. "Let me sweeten the deal," he said, his hand running down the pole of his staff, eyeing the TV demon as he did so. "If you agree to broadcast our King's message, I'll do that one little thing you wanted me to do when you asked me to join you." He pointed the microphone end at Vox, the tip perilously close to his screen. "From when you agree to the end of the broadcast."
Vox stared at the microphone. Slowly, he raised his eyes until he met Alastor's. Something that looked suspiciously like sadness peaked through his anger, although Lucifer was certain they weren't supposed to see it. "You'd really do that. For him?"
Alastor withdrew his staff, tucking it under his arm. With his free hand, he reached out until a single claw rested under Lucifer's chin. Encouraging him to look up at him, Lucifer let Alastor tilt his head up and around to meet that fond expression on the redhead's face. "As his Majesty said, he knows how to speak my language."
Vox's eyes widened, a dawning expression coming over him. Real horror followed shortly behind it. "Holy shit," he whispered, staggering back. Lucifer tore his gaze away from Alastor's just in time to see him drop into his chair as if his strings had been cut. Dragging a hand down his face, Vox said with absolute certainty, "You actually made a Faustian Bargain."
He said it like this was his worst nightmare came to life.
Beside him, Alastor practically radiated smug triumph. It was all the affirmation he needed to give.
All of the fight hadn't been been cut from Vox just yet. Unhappy as he was with this set back, Vox was already trying to figure out how spin this in his favor. An elbow resting on each arm of his chair, the knuckles of his joined hands pressed to his lips, he countered, "Alright, Alastor does his thing and I'll broadcast whatever you want." His grin took up most of his screen, all pretenses of friendliness dropped. "Give me an hour to prepare the studio for you."
Before Vox could run off, Lucifer placed one last little condition on him. "Vox. Make sure the other Vees are in attendance." At the TV demon's questioning tilt of his head, the blonde merely said, "I wouldn't want anyone to miss my message."
Whatever Vox thought of this was hidden behind his joined hands. Instead of bothering with any of the usual ways out of the room, Vox transformed into a bolt of electricity, disappearing into one of the monitors.
Silence descended over the room. Then, "You two have history."
Alastor snorted. "You know how to use your eyes, your Majesty. I'm impressed."
Lucifer ignored the sarcasm and the insult in favor of observing his companion. The redhead's brows were furrowed with concentration, eyes closed and the very air around him warped to a noticeable degree. To Lucifer, a creature who had existed before physical matter, picking up on the way Alastor was enhancing certain electromagnetic waves around him was child's play. Hoping to kill two birds with one stone - learning more about their shared history while figuring out what the sinner was doing - the little king gave into his curiosity and asked, "What did Vox want you to do?"
Alastor didn't answer for a moment, whatever he was doing taking quite a bit of his concentration. Lucifer patiently waited him out. Several minutes ticked by with nothing by the hum of the monitors and the swimming of the sharks to keep him occupied. Cracking open a single eye a slit, Alastor reached a point in whatever he was doing where he could split his attention. Lucifer noted the pupil of the visible eye was a dial.
"Do you know how the technology in that silly little device in your pocket works?" Alastor asked by way of response.
The only things Lucifer tended to carry on his person were his cane, which was in his hand, and his cellphone, in case Charlie tried to call him (rare that it was). His cellphone, which was indeed in his pocket. Fishing it out, he eyed it. He knew it worked. He knew how to work it. Did he really need to know more? Besides, it wasn't one of VoxTek's cellphones, which made him less wary of it. Confused as to where this was going, he said, "It works, isn't that all that matters?"
"Such a pedestrian response." Alastor hummed, his microphone coming over to point at the little device. "You device works because it's able to transmit data via radio waves." He used his staff to gesture to the room around them, his eye falling shut now that he no longer needed to see to engage in the conversation. "Vox's specialty is electricity. He can interact with anything that uses it."
Lucifer remembered the way the TV demon had disappeared into his monitor, a chill running down his spine as he imagined what all else he could likely interact with.
"Radio waves, on the other hand, are my specialty," Alastor continued. This fit with what Lucifer had observed both in the current moment and back at the radio tower. "Usually I simply use them to connect myself to any radio in Pentagram City, but I can also enhance them." His edges of his smile tightened. There was no strain in his posture, but Lucifer was suspicious they might see hints of it if this carried on too long. "When Vox wanted to introduce wireless technology to Hell, he suggested that we team up. He would create the technology and the demand, and I would enhance his reach." His expression sharpened into a sneer. "I had no interest in being a mere tool in elevating him to the top."
Judging from the short interaction he'd observed, Lucifer was suspicious Vox had wanted much more than just to use Alastor as a tool. Vox had done little to hide the depth of his anger and hatred, and no one reached that level of emotion without having swung in the opposite direction first. Lucifer wondered if Alastor had really turned Vox down because of his own lust for power or if Alastor had seen the way Vox had looked at him and hadn't been interested.
Since that question was more likely to shut down the conversation then receive an answer, resigned himself to never knowing. Either way, he supposed he should be happy that Alastor had turned Vox down. Lucifer didn't want to think about what they could have accomplished if they had somehow found a way to work together.
Instead, he went with, "So, you can interact with anything that receives radio waves, then. Not just radios?"
In response, his cell phone dinged. The screen lit up to the lock screen, showing he had a new text message. Though it should be improbable, there was nothing in the place of a sender's name. Lucifer silently frowned at it, suspicious of who was the sender, but unwilling to open anything he didn't know who it came from.
As if sensing his distrust, Alastor crooned, "Go on. I promise it's not spam."
Lucifer was still wary, but he unlocked his phone. If this was malicious ware, Alastor was getting him a new phone.
The text message was indeed not spam. When he opened it up, there were simply two words:
You suck!
Lucifer glared at the message. "So, what? How would this help Vox?"
Alastor wagged a finger at him. "I'm currently high jacking every TV and cellphone with it's WIFI turned on. 666 News has never been more popular than it is right now." He paused, as if searching for something. "I excluded most of the phones in the hotel, but I do have Angel's."
Lucifer whistled, giving credit where it was due. That was honestly incredible. Terrifying in it's reach, holy shit, but incredible. A thought crossed his mind, an unholy grin slowly spreading across his face as he wondered, "Wait, if I reply to this, will the message go straight to you?"
"Ha!" Alastor shook his head, using his microphone to bop the top of Lucifer's hat. An impressive feat, considering his eyes were still closed. "Sorry, but I'm merely a transmitter and an amplifier. My abilities don't work that way."
Lucifer straightened his hat, half tempted to try anyway, just to see if it were true. Perhaps he would another time.
He was interrupted from any further questions by one of the monitors coming to life over Vox's chair. A moment later, the sinner himself reentered the same way he had left. Vox settled back in his chair, legs crossed and significantly more calm than when he left. "The studio will be ready for you in half an hour." He glanced once at Alastor, who had opened his eyes upon the TV demon's return, before returning back to Lucifer. "Let's relocate there now, shall we?"
Lucifer nodded. Instead of leading them towards the elevator they'd come down in, Vox merely joined them in the center of the platform. It became apparent why when the very middle suddenly began to rise, revealing there was yet more ways in and out of the surveillance room. Once they were back in the lobby, he led them over to elevator on the left, only sticking with them long enough to press the button of the floor with the studio, before pulling back out of it. "I'll meet you up there."
The door closed, once again leaving just the two of them and that horrible elevator music.
Lucifer glanced at Alastor. He still looked fine, but he was definitely putting out a lot of power. Feeling concerned (Alastor had agreed to do this for him) and wary of insulting him, he asked, checking in, "You doing okay, still?"
Alastor's ear twitched, the widening of smile showing he wasn't insulted, but rather amused. "Oh, don't worry your little head, I'll be just fine, your Majesty." Eyes aglow with more than just the power it took to carry out his promise, he added, "But I expect a reward when we return to the Hotel."
Lucifer felt a jolt run up his spine. The chain around his neck didn't manifest, but he could feel it tightening ever so. Alastor was invoking their deal, officially giving him his 12 hour notice. He supposed he shouldn't be surprised, as Alastor had yet to actually invoke the deal since making it with him. Tilting his head so his hat hid his expression from both Alastor and the camera's gaze, Lucifer grumbled, "Should have known you'd do nothing for free."
The doors to the elevator opened, illuminating the redhead's sinister grin. A few sinners had paused to catch a glimpse of them as the doors opened, only to pale at the expression on Alastor's face. They quickly scurried off to carry out their tasks. Lucifer stepped through the doors, taking in the chaos in front of him. Numerous demons were running around, similar to the frantic energy he'd seen in the lobby, everyone getting the studio ready. A stack of papers and angry shouting from a blonde woman in a red dress (what was her name? It started with a K) suggested that something else had been planned for this hour, but had been cancelled due to Lucifer's abrupt interruption.
Lucifer might have felt bad, if it weren't for the fact that he knew without a shadow of a doubt this particular reporter was likely going to find some way to verbally eviscerate him later. He may not have remembered her name, but he did remember her particular brand of cutthroat journalism and the outright nasty things she had said about his daughter in the past. And her casual abuse of her co-reporter.
As if sensing she was being watched, the reporter turned her head a full 180 degrees, her smile down right unhinged and full of promises.
Not for the first time since landing in Hell, Lucifer almost wished he was still capable of creating Holy Water. There were some situations one just needed a spray bottle full of the hard core stuff for.
"Your Majesty," Vox pipped up, appearing from seemingly nowhere. The only reason Lucifer didn't jump was because he was still caught in a glaring match with a literal reporter from Hell. "This way, please."
Lucifer carried on glaring at her, right up until he physically couldn't. "I don't care who you've got sitting with me, I don't want her anywhere near me."
Vox followed his gaze, snorting when he saw who he'd been making a stink eye at. "Oh, no worries." He turned his own glare on Alastor. "I'll be copiloting right along with you."
Lucifer took in the two chairs. If he was sitting in one and Vox in the other, Alastor was going to be left standing. Judging from the gleam in the TV demon's eye, this was on purpose. Vox pulled out the seat on the right, the malicious reporter's coworker's usual seat, a smile so fake one would have to be blind to think it sincere spread across his screen. "Just a few more finishing touches, and then we'll be ready to begin." He turned on his heel and disappeared back into the bowels of the studio.
Lucifer blinked down at the seat. He could already feel the sheer number of eyes from the people in the studio, watching and waiting to see what he was going to do next. This was the first time almost every single one of them had ever seen him in person. He already hated everything about this. It was more than enough to make him want to retreat back to his room at the hotel and not come out for the rest of the month.
A gentle brush, an almost tickle, against the back of his neck, the feeling almost shockingly intimate, startled him. He inhaled sharply, not having noticed that he had stopped breathing. Instinctively, he turned his back on the growing crowd, his hand coming up to half way, before he aborted the motion. Turning to face him, Lucifer noted that Alastor appeared to have not done anything, standing in that default pose he favored. The only reason Lucifer could tell it had been him that touched him was from the way the redhead was watching him.
"Smile, your Majesty," Alastor murmured, voice pitched low and soothing. "The hardest part is almost over. I'll be with you the whole time."
How out of sorts had he been that even the Radio Demon was taking pity on him? That the reassurance was a comfort?
Lucifer breathed in slowly through his nose, breathing out even slower through his mouth. His racing heart began to calm, as he reminded himself that he had taken on far more terrifying beings than a room full of nosey sinners. This was all for Charlie and the safety of her dream, and for that, he could handle anything.
He dropped into the offered chair, the anticipation of a battle falling over his shoulders like a weathered cape.
A door opened off to the side, one that he hadn't seen anyone coming and going through. Stepping through were none other than Valentino and Velvette themselves. Velvette was typing away on her phone, muttering about an interruption to her photo shoot.
Valentino paused as he caught sight of Lucifer and Alastor. "Oh! If it isn't papito, himself!" The grin spreading across his face and choice of wording caused the blonde's skin to crawl. Sauntering over, Valentino nearly draped himself over desk, bringing his and Lucifer's faces far too close together. "You wouldn't want to hang around after this little show for some one on one time, now would you, mi pequeño rey?"
Lucifer had barely managed to do more than lean back in his chair, trying to escape the heavy stench of smoke and hard drugs that hung around the Overlord like a second skin, when a weigh settled heavily on his shoulder. He glanced up, finding that Alastor had stepped up beside him, hand placed in such a way that it wrapped possessively around shoulder and was beginning to snake around the back of his neck.
"Valentino." Alastor's filter was grating, a warning despite his pleasant smile.
Valentino lazily blew out a thin pink, heart shaped mouth of smoke. It hit Alastor in the face. His smile was filthy as he gave the deer demon a once over. "Don't be jealous, venado, my offer is still open to you, too."
The static glitch of a record screeching. It wasn't hard to pick out Alastor's distaste with everything from the offer to the Overlord himself. "Pass," he quipped back, shotting down the offer with extreme prejudice.
The pimp shrugged, viewing it as his loss. He turned his attention back to his original target. "What do you say, papito? We could--."
"Val." Vox's voice was barely recognizable through whatever filter he was using, the noise causing Lucifer to flinch as it grated at his ears.
Valentino pouted, somehow making it look aggressive. "Vox, querido, what have I said about using that tone with me?" He twisted around in a way that accented his figure. "Don't be upset because the Radio Demon's already turned you down."
"The show is about to start, Val," Vox pointed out evenly and sternly, despite the dig. Lucifer was beginning to pick up that when it was anyone other than Alastor, the TV demon might actually be able to keep a cool head. "How do you think it will look if we don't start on time?"
Valentino's pout to edge in the direction of a normal pout. "Spoil sport." He leaned back until he was facing Lucifer. He reached out, running a single finger along the underside of the blonde's chin. "Call me if you change your mind." Offer made, he thankfully, finally got off the desk and made his way back over to Velvette.
Lucifer was going to take a long, hot shower when he got back to the hotel. With acid. Regrow some nice, new skin that Valentino had never touched.
Alastor pulled him from his thoughts, giving the back of his neck a squeeze. Lucifer was almost sad for the loss of contact when he pulled his hand away so he could resume his prior position.
From where he stood, Vox watched the two of them, his expression unreadable. Several minutely later, the blue and black themed sinner dropped into his own seat, calling out to the cameraman as he did so. "How's the camera holding up?"
The cameraman peaked at Alastor, indicating this question was because of the redhead's tendency to take out anything with a camera around him. The sinner studied his monitor and then gave a thumbs up.
Vox clicked his tongue. "So," he gripped, irritation heavy in his voice. "You can be recorded without destroying my electronics."
Lucifer couldn't see Alastor from where he was standing almost directly behind him, could only hear the tapping on his fingers on his microphone. His taunt was malicious as he came back with, "We both know I can be photographed ...when I want to be."
The TV demon grimaced, the hit landing where it obviously hurt. He had little time to recover, as the cameraman began his countdown. As he hit zero, Vox's smile was back in place, just a lot less real.
"Top of the hour, folks!" Vox's voice was loud and boisterous, the rhythm and pace almost break neck. "Breaking news: in a rare interview, we're joined by none other than the King of Hell and the Devil himself, Lucifer Morningstar!" Vox leaned over, holding a hand out to indicate the fallen angel sitting beside him. "Please, give your people a little wave, your Majesty."
Lucifer resisted the urge to flip him off. Gave the camera a little wave with little enthusiasm.
Vox carried on, unphased, "Equally rare and unlikely to never happen again, fellow sinners, we also have radio talk show host, the Radio Demon himself, Alastor!"
Alastor didn't wave. He grinned straight into the camera, as if staring into the very souls of the views, eyes and teeth alight as reality itself threatened to warp around him.
The camera gave an alarming whine. The cameraman gave an alarmed cry as it threatened to give out.
Point made, Alastor seemed to remember he was supposed to be behaving. The camera stopped whining as reality returned to normal.
Vox's eye twitched. Smile strained along with his chipper tone, he said, "Your Majesty, I assume your being here is because of the attacks on the hotel your daughter is running?"
Lucifer gave him his own chipper smile. "You mean the attacks you only know about because of your voyeuristic habits?"
Vox laughed, a touch nervously. "You've clearly never dealt with the paparazzi, sire. One has to cross a few boundaries if they want to get the exclusive first."
Was that what he was going with?
Either blind to it or ignoring it, Vox glossed over Lucifer's offense, moving on to, "Please, tell us, do you have any idea who's behind the attacks? We're dying to know."
Lucifer highly doubted that. Or at least, doubted Vox cared. It was more likely he wanted the hotel to fail or get taken out, judging from his poorly concealed eagerness. He leaned his elbow onto the table, chin resting on his palm. "I'm not here to waste my time nor the listeners' with an interview." He took delight in watching Vox falter for the first time since the interrogation began. Over his shoulder, he called sweetly, "Alastor?"
Alastor's voice was just sweet and still more bloodthirsty. "Yes, sire?"
It was a show of how in tune Vox was with Alastor's moods that the TV demon was already beginning to sweat. He was doing a good job of hiding it, Lucifer would give him that. It was a pity he was sitting beside someone who could see right through him, when he chose to make the effort. Lucifer rose from his chair, the blue and black sinner nearly taking a screen full of wings as they manifested. "Be a doll and make certain Vox doesn't get any ideas. Like interfering."
"With pleasure." Alastor's words were nearly lost to his filter. The air around them crackled, the shadows in the corners of the room growing unnaturally dark. Vox dropped all pretenses of pretending he wasn't unnerved, leaning back as much to avoid the wings as to distance himself from the redheaded sinner.
Red and white wings fluttered, giving Lucifer the lift to make stepping up onto the desk look effortless. Papers flew everywhere and a few people made startled noises as they were hit with a few errant pages. His wings fanned out, allowing him to gracefully fall into a seated potion on the other side of the desk. He leaned to the side, placing his weight on the hand braced on the desk, head rolling until he was facing the other two Vees. "Velvette, if you value your life just sit there and look pretty for a bit."
Velvette narrowed her eyes to slits at him. "What the hell?"
Valentino waited to see what advice he had for him. When he received none, the pimp blew out a lung full of pink smoke. His expression turned sultry. "Nothing for me, pequeño rey?"
Lucifer didn't respond, not wanting to give the game away too soon. Relaxing his control over his form, he allowed the full extent of his corrupted, angelic form to appear on full display for all of the viewers to see. Far too many eyes focused in on not just the camera, but the cameraman and the sinners directly around him. Each of them instinctively shied away, hindbrains warning them they were out in the open and too exposed. Vox attempted to push his chair back, the area around the desk suddenly a little too hot, only to be stopped by the end of Alastor's strategically placed staff locking the chair in place.
Lucifer rolled his head back around, until he could easily stare into the camera. "Now, to clear up a few things: I could care less about sinner politics." He grinned in that way he knew looked off, even for a creature of Hell, leaning into the fact that he wasn't human and had never been human. "How you decide to throw away the one good thing you stupid, stupid little humans have going for you is up to you." His pupils were lost in a red glow as his temper spiked, the flame of hellfire blazing between his horns. " What I do take issue with is someone sending hitman to threaten my daughter over something as silly as potential lost contracts."
He slid off the desk, the sinners in front of him all collectively taking a step back. Only the cameraman stayed in place, too frozen to move. "Perhaps it's my fault, I've been away a while." He held out a hand, fingers searching until he found the particular contract he was looking for. "Perhaps it's yours for never reading the fine print." His hand closed around his desired target, a chain made of pink, translucent smoke, deceptively fragile, coming into being. One end led out the doors. The other end led off to the side, leading over to a certain Overlord.
Valentino's and Angel's contract.
The pimp held up his wrist, confusion evident on his face. "The fuck?"
Lucifer's grin was all teeth. He wrapped his hand around and around the chain until he had a nice, solid grip on it. Without warning, he viciously yanked on the chain.
Valentino was pulled so hard, his shoulder nearly popped out of its socket. The pimp yowled like a cat dropped into pool as he was sent crashing to the floor. Lucifer didn't give him the chance to recover, reeling him in like a particularly resistant fish, the Overlord shouting and cursing as he was dragged across the floor. The Devil gave no quarter, even when he had him where he wanted him, pressing his heel into Valentino's back and twisting moth's arm until it was just short breaking.
"You see," Lucifer carried on, tone bored and voice raised over the slew of insults being thrown his way, "There's this little clause in your contracts that say I have the final say in every single one of them."
"You little shit!" Valentino hissed, twisting in a way that should be impossible for someone who purportedly had a spine. "We had nothing to do with the attacks on that shithole your hija is running."
Lucifer pulled on the chain until he could hear the shoulder pop. The sinner's claws dug into the ground beneath him, glare baleful. "Maybe," Lucifer said, almost nonchalant. "But you're the lowest kind of sinner: the kind that profits on selling human flesh and locks people into contracts so they can never escape."
The moth demon snarled, composure gone. "Every one of those whores came to me willingly. I made them stars. They would be nothing without me."
The Devil peered down at him, unmerciful. All of Valentino's sins where on display for him to see and judge and he found him wanting. "Nothing gives you the right to abuse another human being."
Lucifer returned his attention to the camera. He wrapped his free hand around another section of the chain, pulling the links tight between his two fists. "Let everyone remember that your little deals mean nothing if I say so."
Without further ado, he pulled almost effortlessly on the chain, Valentino's strength that of a kittens next to his. A link, just off center, gave, pulling apart until it shattered. Each one of the links similarly followed suit, falling from his hand like crystalline shards. They vanished like the smoke they had originally appeared as before they could hit the ground.
Valentino's arm, free of the chain, fell to the floor with a heavy thud.
Lucifer stepped off his back, releasing him. Stepping around the desk this time, he held his hand out to Alastor. The Radio Demon blinked back at him, something delighted behind his gaze.
It looked a little like victory.
He took Lucifer's hand.
"The Hazbin Hotel and every one of its residents are under my protection," Lucifer declared into the stunned silence, voice projected loud and unearthly, raising the hair on ever sinner's head, save the one in front of him. He looked upon each of the sinners in the room, gaze coming to rest on the camera lens. "I will not have mercy upon anyone looking to cause my daughter anymore trouble."
To his right, a portal appeared. Without another word, he stepped through it, pulling Alastor along with him.
As everyone continued to stare, the portal vanished and they were gone.
-Papito: Little daddy
-Mi pequeño rey: My little king
-Venado: Deer or venison. I chose this word as a way for Valentino to make a dig at the fact that Alastor's demon form is a type of food source.
-Querido: Darling, used if you love or like someone. Chosen as a shoutout to the affair they're clearly having.
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mirai-e-jump · 10 months
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Animage October 2023 Issue ft. Aoto Watanabe Interview (translation below)
Publication: September 8, 2023 (between episodes 27-28)
"I'm on Top!"
Born and raised in the slums, Yanma Gast ascended to the throne with just his computer. He's the "President," who's earned the respect of the nation, or rather of his friends, for his passionate way of life. N'Kosopa has had a history of being forced to work as Shugoddam's supplier. Standing at the top is Yanma, who isn't afraid of any opponent.
"I won't flatter or bow down to you. Regardless of who my opponent is, I'll beat them down with guts and brains!"
It's his core belief
Charging down the path he believes in, Yanma claims to be a king of knowledge, and is by no means an bad person. He has the insight to see through both Gira's role as an "evil king" and Racules's true intentions. He's compassionate, someone who at times will subtly care for his friends, at other times, he'll show off a mature attitude. He's an exceptional engineer who's developed weapons such as the Ohger Calibur, and the mechanical lifeforms know as Shugod's. His many strengths are his main appeal.
The battle against the new enemy, Uchu King, is bound to be fiercer than ever. Yanma's engineering abilities, superior brains, and his belief to not give into anyone or anything will be a great source of strength for the royal Sentai.
-The cool things about Yanma, who can respect others-
"It's now been about half a year since the the start of the broadcast, how do you feel?"
Watanabe: Each day was long, but looking back, it felt like it went by in an instant, it's a strange feeling. I suddenly realized that we're halfway through filming, and every 5 episodes feel like the climax of the show, so now I'm thinking, "What's going to happen in the next 20 episodes?" (laughs).
"Since filming began, has your impression of Yanma changed at all?"
Watanabe: I felt that he was more friendly towards other people than I originally thought. As I'd said in one of my lines, I think that Yanma's stance is that he does what he wants to do, and only follows those who want to follow him. In the end, they all unite, and while I thought he didn't like helping others out, in episode 7, he talks about how friends should be, saying, "It doesn't matter if you're in the middle of a fight, you lend a hand when things get tough, and when it's done, you get back to fighting." Recently, there have been more scenes in which he offers alittle more help to the other kings, and I see him as someone who's opened up and discovered new sides to himself. For example, in the film, he tells Rita what he thinks, but when Rita says that they don't think the same way, Yanma backs off. Don't force your opinions onto others, and maintain a certain distance. I like the respect he has for the others. I also like the fact that Yanma isn't stubborn, and is able to accept other people's ideas, being flexible even if he thinks differently. Even though he has his own path, in order to follow it, he needs to think about things with an open mind, and see things from different perspectives. That's why he was able to come this far from nothing, and I feel that he's the type of person who'll grow the most in this world.
"In terms of his relationship with the other kings, he told Kaguragi in episode 17, "You'd never go along with anyone. In fact, that makes you more trustworthy"
Watanabe: In a way, that exchange with Kaguragi was cool, because it conveyed some good things about him.
"Furthermore, your relationship with Gira, Hymeno and Jeramie seems to be mutual ones.
Watanabe: That's right. Kaguragi and Rita are the type to put boundaries between themselves and others, so there's a sense of keeping a distance from them, on the other side, Gira and Hymeno are more direct. When it comes to Jeramie, I want to continue to be on equal terms with him. Jeramie comes off as rather cute, so I think we can have a relationship where Yanma pulls him along. But, what Jeramie has gone through is something we can't even imagine. So, I want to have a relationship with Jeramie where I can fight along side him in a normal way, to become alittle annoyed with him if he says something wrong, and to have a strong sense of respect for him. This is shown when we fistbump in episode 19, which is one of my favorite scenes.
"Is there anything you're conscious of in presenting the relationship between Shiokara and the others members of N'Kosopa?"
Watanabe: Honestly, I rarely discussed things like acting with them. Especially with Akka, Usuba, and Mayuta, I try not to get too close since those 3 have a relationship that is to follow Yanma's lead. Shiokara, played by (Yuhei) Chiwata-san, plays a more central role, and I'll see him thinking up his performance, but, he never bothers to tell me what he's going to do, and he doesn;t ask what we're going to do. Everyone just tries doing what they like when it comes to the performance.
"What was the most memorable interaction with Hirotsugu Mori-san, TomboOhger's suit actor?"
Watanabe: It didn't happen on set, but the first time we went out for drinks together was very memorable. Mori-san is a very sociable person, so we became good friends right away. We went out for drinks and both talked about how we got into King-Ohger, and what we wanted to do as Yanma, we talked so much that before we knew it, 5 hours had gone by (laughs). I'm not the best at socializing with other people, so I was really surprised by the fact that we had endless conversations during our first drinks together, and was impressed that we actually talked for 5 hours.
"It seems exactly like having a like minded partner."
Watanabe: Yeah. I felt like Mori-san created that kind of atmosphere.
"How is it doing the dub for TomboOhger?"
Watanabe: I think it's very difficult to perform using only my voice. In the beginning, when I would hear my own voice in the broadcast, I would sometimes think it lacked abit of energy or that it just didn't sound like Yanma. Now, I'm more conscious of performing while moving my body, throwing in more hand gestures than normal, and speaking in a lower tone.
-Interactions with children who reaffirmed his starting point-
"Do you have any memorable events, such as the stage greeting for the film?"
Watanabe: I was happy to be able to feel the enthusiasm of the audience. I usually spend time filming on site, so I only had a chance to see people's reaction by looking at their feedback online. When I actually saw the audience in person, it really felt like, "These people are happy to see us." In general, children don't get to post their feedback online, do they? Of course, I was happy to see the reactions of adults, but I was most excited for the children due to the fact that I myself watched Sentai as a child. When we were doing highfives, some children would come running up to me with their eyes sparkling, while others would be too nervous to look me in the eyes. When I was a kid, I was also the shy type, so I felt like I was looking at my younger self. I recognized that, "I'm acting for the sake of these kids," and it gave me more motivation for future filming.
"We're sure there'll be more opportunities to appear at events in the future, and we hope you'll be able to make more wonderful memories. Please tell us about your favorite episode so far, or what episode you have fond memories of."
Watanabe: It changes every time (laughs). If I had to pick, the scenes where everyone assembles are most memorable. The scene in episode 5 where the five of us finally stood side by side was very exciting, as we'd been playing our roles since the audition. There's the scene in episode 10 where we call for Legend King-Ohger, and I also liked the scene in episode 19 where all of us transform together. Things started out with just Gira and me, but then Hymeno, Kaguragi, Rita, and finally Jeramie, we grew one by one, and the process of seeing our group formation up close was probably why it's so memorable.
"Other than your role as Yanma, if you could name your favorite character, who would it be?"
Watanabe: For me, I'm a fan of Hymeno. I feel that the charisma Hymeno possesses is similar to that of Yanma's. Yanma gains allies by just doing whatever he wants, while Hymeno gets people to follow her through being selfish. I myself admire such people, and think it's cool that she's a loner, or rather, that she's selfish and doesn't follow others. I've always been more attracted to strong female characters who are willing to go ahead, rather than stand behind and offer support.
"Speaking of which, at the press conference to announce the film, you mentioned that your first love was Jasmine (DekaYellow) from "Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger."
Watanabe: That's right. Possibly due to the influences of Sentai, she gives off the image of the ideal woman (laughs).
"By the way, who's your favorite female character from anime and films?"
Watanabe: For anime, I really like Hancock from "One Piece." Films include Elizabeth from "Pirates of the Caribbean" and Padme from "Star Wars"…..The 3 people I mentioned are all either princesses who fight or high class ladies (laughs).
"You're consistent in the type of women you prefer (laughs)."
Watanabe: Yeah, I noticed that too. (laughs).
"As mentioned earlier in your conversations with Mori-san, is there anything you'd like to do as Yanma in the future?"
Watanabe: I want to do a scene where I'm in the rain, and Mori-san said he wants to do a 1 on 100 fight. So, we talked about wanting to do 1 on 100 fight in the rain (laughs). I was told we couldn't do that because I used to spray dye my hair blue, and the color would fade if it got wet. But, starting with the new chapter, I now have blonde hair, so I'm secretly hoping that we can finally do it. I have alot of things I want to do with my mentor, Gin-san (Ken Yoshizawa-san), and I can't wait to tell you all about it when it finally become a reality.
"We're looking forward to the day when Watanabe-san's visions are realized! Finally, please give us some highlights of future events."
Watanabe: The new chapter will not only bring in new enemies from outer space, but it will also explore the heart of the show's universe. I have a feeling that we'll be diving into the story of the world from 2,000 years ago and explore the roots of the Yanma and others. I'm very excited about it, and I'm sure that you'll enjoy the new developments as well!
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nightgoodomens · 2 months
Okay coming in hot and anon because I realized I was on my personal Tumblr and I'd already typed it all out...
So as a Brit, someone who's highly intuitive and has also got a narcissistic ex boyfriend I wanted to take a moment to say some things as I was kind of following this whole PR thing loosely at first but now I'm dead in on it.
Growing up northern I have a similar sense of humour and companionship with my friends/loved ones/family, we take the piss out of each other and stuff but it's all in good hearted fun. Yeah we might call each other names and stuff but it's never taken seriously, and we know when to read the room and not take things too far.
My narc ex would do this and disguise it's all under the premise of it 'just being a joke' or 'ive gone too soft', he whittled down my confidence to non-existent because he realized he was nothing without me (I got him into photography, contacts for that ECT) and he basically stole my personality and used it to further himself, all while keeping me in line and using me. It took me 5 years to leave him and I had to do it slowly because when I would try and leave on the spot he would ruin my life and defame my name. It was also hard to leave because I did love my ex and there were very good periods where everything was perfect. Any of this sounding familiar???
When I delved into this I saw a lot of my situation in the whole DT/GT, my gut screams the same messages about them as it did my ex, I also had a friend that helped me out, he did a lot for me and was my MS in the story. I understand the British humour side of it and how to others what GT does could be startling but to me it's just as much, and odd, like I would never do it so publicly all the time about my friends or loved one! If anything it's done privately or in the moment and if it is on socials it's toned down!
I also could be wrong and it might not be as severe but the evidence is well, alarming.
I hope for DTs sake, if all this is correct, he doesn't have to suffer any longer...
Thank you for sharing this anon, I hope he’s far far away from you now. And your situation makes me think of GT/DT too…
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quixtrix · 6 months
could the niji 6 theoretically function as a kpop group?
i found out last night that apparently the niji 6 is a group that while, yes they do commit war crimes and murder, they also are a performing group. the art book states that their moves are choreographed to at least some extent! now that begs the question;
could they rise to the top of the charts and become korea's eden's top group of the century?
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let's find out! let's begin with each member and how they're presented: - the captain, red. bombastic and arrogant - the tank, blue. silent and a tank - the sass, violet. snarky and quick-witted - the go-getter, black. excited and a bit too prepared - the smarts, yellow. knows bullshit and keeps the team on track - the green one. has a gun we have a lot to work with, obviously! now before we start, im going to say that we're going to ignore their canonical piles of bodies and child soldier endorsements they have under their belt! anyways, the main things for a kpop group to thrive, regardless of vocal talent, are coordination, visuals, and personality. starting off with coordination, we clearly see that bodily there is a lot of coordination! they get into perfect poses for their team intro stances AND they move as a perfect unit. it's honestly admirable. they even make a satisfying idle position. it shows off their personalities well!
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you can tell there is personality to each of them! from the imposing stature of blue, to the spotlight hungry red, to black ready to fire, it's clear this was practiced to exemplify their greatest personality traits! so for coordination, i WOULD give them 5 stars, however, clearly red's own desires override the entire group's objectives as whole, throwing off the whole balance that the niji 6 would have. so for red, 3 stars. he got them blown up for fucks sake talking about personality, unfortunately red really takes up all the space for it. we get snippets of it with the dialogue that they all (as in four of them) exchange with each other, with red being the most memorable. we do see a few bits within black, yellow, and violet though. black is clearly all too excited to fight against gay people, pink is teasing with the 'i was just asking myself, can i get the arm?' and yellow with the clear callout to his leader's ego. in fact, violet's personality seems to clash with red a lot, as when red is being cocky about taking care of the vr facility, violet is the one to say "thats fucking bullshit, you could barely handle rayman." the two of them were in fact about to get into an argument before yellow, clearly the voice of reason within the group, calls attention to dolph. so there is some entertainment value within the group dynamics, and there is thankfully a mediator of sorts. i would say they could possibly be a good group, but would have plenty of drama. if they can find a good balance between drama and friendship, they'd thrive. as they are now, i'd say 3.8 stars. lastly, visuals. i'll begin with the men, as they (of course) have the greatest visual variation. we get something for everyone here! to take from the ouran host club, blue is the silent intimidating broad body type, yellow is the cool and collected slightly skinnier type, and red has a big ass. no im so fr he has a big ass. why does his ass matter? let me tell you about monsta x. it's a group that is sadly disbanded but one of their most popular members, wonho, is known for a lot of things. his vocals, his charm, his big fucking muscles
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like holy fucking shit??? genuinely we dont get kpop stars like this he's on the uncommon side. thats why he's renowned. it's insane. women and gay men alike adore him. also idk if hes really that renowned im a casual kpop fan but TRUST. that man has millions of followers on instagram and i guarantee not all of them were monsta x or kpop stans. ik im not a monsta x fan but i still follow him now if we take in the fact that the ENTIRE niji 6 is built, then we could reasonably come to the conclusion that visuals? banger. the women are also definitely muscular as well. like wlw are the strongest soldiers the kpop industry have. they'd buy the shit out of every bit of niji 6 merch. so i'd say a tentative 4 stars, because what if they face reveal and the general population finds them ugly??? the allure is a major factor, but it goes away when the mask is gone. now, i would say that yes, absolutely, the niji 6 would thrive at the top as a kpop group. however, the bigoted nature of red would have them cancelled by the first promotion. so unfortunately, since red can't shut the fuck up, the niji 6 would be eaten alive by the kpop stans. at least their fan chant goes hard
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lineli225 · 1 year
A little essay about the TogaChako vs IzoCha situation
Ship wars happening 'cuz of TogaChako is so crazy and wild to me because:
-Toga is canonically Bi/Pan and in love with Izuku and Ochako.
-Ochako is canonically in love with Izuku but been thinking of Toga more and more to the point of promising to give her blood to Toga forever.
- Ochako is canonically bottling her feelings of Izuku down, yet she admired Toga for not giving up on her feelings.
- Izuku is canonically oblivious to both of them and denied Toga's confession.
- Toga and Ochako are canonically in love with Izuku and just been implied that Ochako loves Toga back, meaning they love each other despite Izuku not reciprocating. In summary:
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Easy to understand version:
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Looking at this graphic, what way seems easier to go? I'd say Toga x Ochako So it can only go two ways:
Either Uraraka gives up Izuku to date the one who actually loves her back so TogaChako canon.
Or Izuku accepts both of them so TogaIzoCha canon.
Cuz i doubt Toga will give up her feelings for them at all.
"oh but toga said she doesn't love them anymore-" bro no one loses their feelings that quickly in a switch, she is just processing her grief for twice and the rejection, i'm sure that with Uraraka's confession her love will surface again.
Could it go to the IzoCha route?
Where izuku suddenly realizes he was in love with Uraraka despite never showing it, Uraraka suddenly stops thinking about Toga and Toga suddenly stops being in love with them both after almost 40 volumes of things being this way?
Yeah, it can happen but:
1- Horikoshi never half asses things like this, he is too tender and spot on with details in his story, so it would be odd.
2- Just because it is a Shounen it doesn't mean Hori will follow it in the end, MHA is top sale so it wouldn't affect him when he make TogaChako canon on the last chapter, because after 9 years it will be over anyways, and MHA has a huge LGBT+ public.
3- Horikoshi already went all the way making Toga canonically bi/pan and in love with another girl, so why drop the ball now?
4- An end where Izuku dates them both is super possible, since it's normal in anime for Male MCs to have multiple girls.
5- Despite unofficial promo art, there is little to no Izuku and Uraraka moments from Izuku's part, he never showed to reciprocate, and once again, Hori isn't the type to fumble like this, specially since he reads tons of romance and loves the genre.
I genuinely believe TogaChako has a chance, and I genuinely can see TogaIzuCha being canon as well, but to see all of Toga's feelings suddenly disappearing and Izuku suddenly seeing Uraraka as a love interest just for IzoCha to be canon due to pure Shonen pressure is... unlikely, it would be very disappointing knowing the amazing writer Hori is.
IzoCha currently feels a lot like the first case of HeteroBait ever tbh, because if TogaChako is QueerBait then- wow, Hori REALLY wanted to bait us huh?
Anyways Poly win
Izuku, Uraraka and Toga all have two hands
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End of discussion, what is canon is canon.
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sniperct · 2 months
with xena being from the 90s is there anything specificically dubious or of the time that people should know of ahead of time before going in? ie the similar vein to warning people of tng test of honor and other drek in 90s trek?
hope you dont mind the ask, youre just one of the few people I see around still chatting about xena
some of it is YMMV. the entire show plays fast and loose with all kinds of mythology and magic from not just Greece/Rome but as far away as brittania, norway, china and egypt. (all the gods of each culture seem to exist simultaneously and occasionally interact/chat with each other.) But generally plotlines are one of the following:
Xena's evil past has consequences
Warlord/God acting up and needs to be defeated
A god is being mischievous and needs to be outwitted (aphrodite, cupid, some others are common here)
something silly/over the top/campy
Gabrielle is trying to figure out her life's direction
Xena's Personal Beef with Rome and Caesar in Particular
sometimes multiple or all of the above (see Fish Femmes and Gems)
Up to season 5 on my current rewatch, I'd say The Way is still probably the most culturally insensitive (they actually had to record a PSA on hinduism over it). The two leading up to that didn't seem to get any backlash that I could tell when reading about it. (its a three part story that's super important to the plotline and character development of the show and hammers home the soulmate angle, especially the second one). But I'm no gonna speak for that culture or anything, just what I read on the wiki. But the third part I know enough to feel uncomfortable with it). Ripped from the wiki:
The episode was pulled from syndication after protests from Hindu groups. It was finally allowed to be reshown with the addition of a public service announcement at the very end by Lucy, Renée, as well as a spokesman for the Hindu community explaining that the producers took liberties with the Hindu religion.
In general, jokes and silliness overall tend to land well, especially if you enjoy camp.
While it can be clumsy in some respects overall it handles gender and race pretty well, there's a variety of women of various roles. They had someone in drag at a fashion show episode who (who late IRL came out as trans) that was handled really well. The Amazons are very much sexy but also deep and spiritual.
Casting generally appears to be race blind with regard to heroic roles, evil roles and the more complicated grey area 'seeking redemption' roles and mostly seems to try to cast appropriately on a cultural basis. Like warlord casting seemed to be like 'are you a big guy? you're hired!'
Nothing ever seemed to approach test of honor's level of bad IMO, except maybe The Way.
(I'd argue there's even some meta commentary with regard to centaurs and centaur culture and how its treated)
Its got some of your standard 'guy likes girl, does stupid shit for girl' type stuff but he gets character growth and ultimately he's family. He's the little brother, 'only we can bully him but god help you if you bully him' type of dynamic. Someone hurts our proto-himbo joxer and xena and gabrielle go for the throat. Then ten minutes later are roasting him.
The only episode I really skip is the gross one involving lice and a skin rash(but at least they let the lady heroes be gross, quite frequently in fact). Maybe also skipping the married ...with children parody episode too. The Way could maybe get by with a summary but I wanted to watch it again specifically to see where it fell on the character part. Pretty important to jumpstarting Gabrielle's peace arc.
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babiebom · 8 months
yeah me too! my friends and I actually do have some plans of streaming together, so that should be fun... if we ever stop procrastinating 😆
a whole week?? wow that's some top notch commitment 👏
props to you guys lmaoo
I hope to see the fnaf movie soon, but the 5 of us can't settle on a date so it's tricky :/
hopefully soon we can actually watch it tho lol
unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a romance mod for Mr. qi yet 😕 😞
im half tempted to attempt making my own, but I dropped coding agess ago lmao.. don't know where I'd start 😅
altho I think if i were to make one, he'd not move in w the farmer. idk he just doesn't seem the type. he's got the vibes of rich hubby on vacation who sends you stuff.. that might just be me tho lol
speaking of, may I request nsfw mr. qi headcanons with an ftm! reader?
tysm :]
A/N:omfg? Idk how I didn’t see this until now I’m no sorry! I hope you’ve gotten to see the movie by now especially with how many spoilers are on EVERY app. If you ever do make the mod let me know! I wanted to get back into coding but then remembered that I actually hated it so unfortunately I can’t. I do wanna try to make a game in itch.io(is that the website for the games?) that is the choose your own adventure fic that I’m writing but I don’t know how i would even do it. Also agree with the rich hubby thing. I don’t think he would ever actually settle down ANYWHERE. like he’d be home like 2 days out of the week at most.
Tw:Sexual content! Cursing
ALSO idk if this should go under warnings, but I would also like to say that I am not trans myself, so if I write something that’s inaccurate or offensive make sure to let me know, I’m trying my best to write from that pov I just wanted to….warn? Let you know? Like I do not mind writing this at all(no transphobes allowed) I just want to make sure that I’m writing/understanding well!!
Wc: 30 bullet points
Sdv Masterlist
Also fucking and making love are two DIFFERENT things
I 100 percent believe that gender identity doesn’t matter to Mr.Qi at ALL.
I also think he doesn’t care about bottom/top surgery at ALL
Like he is a fan of mystery, of the unknown that’s what he likes, and he likes people that also have those interests, or people that make him interested in a similar way.
(I think he would be pansexual? Demisexual?)
So in his mind he knows that you have nothing to worry about. He also knows that emotions don’t follow logic half of the time and that your nerves can’t be dispelled just by him saying that you have nothing to worry about.
So he shows you.
Depending on if you’re a romantic/sentimental person or not he does different things
Like would set up and entire display with roses and everything, music playing and snacks to make you feel loved and comfortable
but if you’re not the type of person to like that sort of thing he would probably do something more chaotic like a scavenger hunt for you throughout the day(which arguably could be seen as more romantic) that leads you on a wild goose chase and allows him to set something up at home(your home but like whatever)
Making love to him is very sweet. He tries to keep the teasing to a minimum
By minimum I mean he only teases in the beginning, and not how he usually would. Would probably edge you for a little just to make your first orgasm mind blowing then would get on with it.
He does slow his pace down for love making because it’s more…spiritual(?) like it’s an exchange of love and it’s not only for pleasure y’know. It’s literally to express how you feel for each other.
I do think he would be on the more dominant side, preferring to tease and take control, coaxing out things you didn’t know you had within you
Will let you take control though
He is a man of curiosity
Wonders how you will behave when given a dominant position
Doesn’t refuse anything you want to do, but is mischievous the entire time. Has a stupid smirk on his face that makes you think that you have absolutely no control.
Idk if it’s magic or what but always does SOMETHING to make everything more sensitive.
Is VERY into blindfolding
Wants genuine reactions without self consciousness getting in the way.
Good/smart/naughty boy are a part of his vernacular and he will use it only when you’re too fucked out to react to him saying it in any other way than incoherent whining.
Probably into shibari and likes to be tied up and tying you up.
Blindfolds + shibari is a normal night ngl.
The glasses stay on during sex idc
He makes sure by the end of it that both of you are sweaty and out of breath
Likes having sex in different locations with a tiny bit of risk. Like he doesn’t want the two of you to get caught
But he wonders what would happen if you did…
The sexual experience with him is always a good one somehow even when he wants to try out weird kinks.
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chaeinedup · 1 year
First encounter
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"Can the day go any slower?"
You couldn't agree more with Innie, sure working at the diner is not as bad as it could be. You get to dress up a little, be in character for a few hours and since the rest of the employees is your friend group, it's almost the perfect scenario. Until you want to rip out Beomgyu's hair when he jokes around a little too much, but that comes in the contract you sign when you choose to be friends with a guy like him.
"We just have an hour left until our shift is over and then we can finally rott in bed for the rest of the day."
Lily always tries to make everyone see the bright side in everything but poor girl is stuck with two sarcastic bastards (You and Jeongin) and a very impacient pisces man. She's the perfect balancing factor, she tries her very best to bring the excitment out of each and every person in the room, works for 5 minutes and then she joins the misery bandwagon.
The bell above the main door made all of you perk up and fix your posture, this sound means business.
"Okay, I'll take their table", those are words you never expected to hear from Beomgyu's mouth on a toasty Tuesday at 6pm. But everyone just assumed he was trying to impress god knows who, or he just couldn't stay still anymore.
"Here, so three cheeseburgers menus with two vanilla milkshakes and one chocolate. I'm gonna go to the kitchen to help Jeongin, you and Lily take care of the drinks."
"Sir yes sir" you jokingly roll your eyes at him.
Your favorite part of this job was making the milkshakes, number one because you can make them really pretty and number two there's a recorrent "joke" you have going on with your coworkers.
For each costumer that orders a milkshake, they will get an extra cherry on theirs if any of you think said person is cute, crush material cute. This has led to many discussions on who has questionable taste, who pulls absolutely no bitches and who's always thirsty. Safe to say you don't belong to any of these categories, thankfully you have not only a type but standards as well, something Beomgyu couldn't brag about.
Once Lily was finished with the vanilla ones she approached you while widening her eyes.
"TWO CHERRIES!!", she whisper-yelled, "Do you even know which one of them ordered the chocolate???"
"No, but I have a feeling I'm gonna get it right, one of them is sitting alone while the other two are sitting on the same side, I bet you a month of kitchen duty that he's the one who ordered this one."
"I'LL BET ON IT", Innie shamelessly yelled from the kitchen window.
You threw a glare his way that made him giggle in amusement. Beomgyu quickly grabbed the plates to serve and you followed right behind him with the biggest question known to mankind. !Is the cute guy you have an eye on, the one that actually ordered the chocolate milkshake!
Once you said "Chocolate?" and he let out a "for me, thank you." you cheered knowing Jeongin had yet again lost another bet and will be heading to his third consecutive month in the kitchen. Victory feels good.
You went back to the counter, doing some cleaning, when Beomgyu approached Lily.
"Wait tell me my eyes are decieving me, but... not one... but two cherries?"
"Hey don't look at me, it was y/n."
Beomgyu was frozen in place, he actually thinks he just witnessed a serious crime.
"Hey and proudly, I'd do it again, I mean have you seen him? It was worth whatever you're about to say."
His words didn't seem to be real, there's just no way that you just gave one of Beomgyu's best friends... two cherries....
Your world was falling apart mainly because your actions will definetely have consequences, but also because Beomgyu couldn't seem to be able to hide his resentment.
You had to just smile and say everything was okay so the costumers wouldn't just run out the door, as they probably should.
While coming out of the kitchen doors Jeongin cheerfully announces "I'm the one that lost the bet but it seems like you're the real loser" and you might just have to agree with him.... again....
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previous// //next
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radiant-reid · 2 years
2 fics in 2 days? you’re spoiling us cate !!! what’s next?! 😊😊
omg i know i haven't written that much in so long. honestly i was looking at my 117 drafts and i was like 'girl, you gotta finish some of these' so i did
as for what is next, here are my most current wips, some of these are 1% started but i feel like i'm on the right creative wavelength to write them and if y'all have an opinion on what i should finish first, i'd love to hear it
angst about the aftermath of the Jeid confession
smut where they finally have sex after spencer's knee injury
my personal fav 🌟 an angst fic based on the vibe/plot of a recently released song and i don't want to give too much away but it's very new england
fluff (most likely) fic based on the song Mastermind, but not in a stalker type of way
heavy, heavy angst fic about a parallel between Spencer kissing Lila in s1 and Cat in s15
angst fic where reader gets amnesia (i know some people hate this trope but i freaking love it) and she doesn't remember spencer is her husband who she's close to divorcing
smuttttt but it's a foursome, sort based on that scene at the start of ahs: hotel before anyone gets murdered
college!spencer who's really in love with the most popular girl who actually likes him back
one night stand... but she gets pregnant trope (lots of people hate this, too, but i do not) and of course they end up in love
the second Cat Adams situation (where she says she's having his baby) but Spencer has a wife... who is pregnant
part 2 to the spencer x reader x hotch threesome but it's a little more intense
reader visiting spencer in jail (i'm not really sure where this will go
just some more smut but it's giggly because they're drunk
reader meeting each member of the team
just this whole bunch of dad!spence fluff where it's one fic comprised of little blurbs about him being a cute dad
a wedding fic !! but it's enemies to lovers... and they're the maid of honor and best man
this kinda random angsty fic where spencer feels himself becoming his dad to his own kids
reader fake-dating derek 😈 to make spencer jealous
angst sort of based on the Maeve situation but the stalker takes reader who spencer is actually in love with
so friends with benefits, but reader moves away just when spencer's ready to tell her he loves her
strip poker smut
reunion trope sort of, where spencer sees reader again and they were romantically involved in the summer before she went to college
(this is going back all the way till feb) a fic about the typical chaos of the Reid house with their kids and they're sort of trying to get it on but they have like 95 children so it's difficult
also this list is not even going through my asks ahaha
my series ideas
forbidden love, i guess, but basically reader is Cat Adams' lawyer...
actually finishing love/hate island (i need someone to hold a gun to my head until i do)
a series following on from this and this part 2
Aaron Hotchner wips
fic about him talking about his childhood issues
frat boy!aaron but it's fake dating trope
another frat boy!aaron fic but reader sort of hates him
just this lil winter fluff fic
smut where reader is jack's friend from college (disclaimer, she's 21 and didn't know aaron as a minor)
fluff fic where reader's goddaughter and Jack are on the same soccer team
this series where he's actually wealthy wealthy
and i do have another 5 wips but all I've written is the first paragraph/line and i have no idea what the plot was going to be !!! how annoying is that
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So I was talking to my bf the other night and made this rec eps list for fun. The idea pretty much was like to challenge myself to see if I had to recc someone who was hesitant to watch the entire show due to length and wanted to get a general gist, which eps would I recc for them to get a good feel, esp if they've maybe onIy had prior experience fics/art or want to delve on that but wanted to have an idea of canon first. I llimited myself to 15 eps with 5 extra "reccomended ", my focus being character dev eps and plot stuff like the lead up to reign storm, valerie's plotline, danielle, etc.
To be honest it was kinda hard at points lol, esp since DP is episodic moreso than plot heavy so it's not really like making a list for like a long running battle shonen or something, but hey this was fun to do fndnd.
Also again this is not a "you must follow this or else" type thing, I only did this for fun, I'll even link the tiermaker I used in case someone has their own version and opinions they wanna post as well which I'd honestly love to see.
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To explain my reasonings
Req. Tier
Mystery Meat - First ep of the show, get introduced to main cast, set up yada yada
Parental Bonding - Introductuon to Paulina, first ep we get an idea for Sam and Danny's relationship.
What You Want - Tucker only really has two episodes during the show, so at the very least the first one focusing on him would be good to have to delve a bit into him.
Bitter Reunions - First Vlad ep, esp since he's Danny's arch-nemesis would be weird not to get introduced for later on.
My Brother's Keeper - Jazz finding out about Danny's secret, plus I really feel this is a great episode showing their dynanic and getting to learn more of how Jazz is.
Shades of Grey - best character Valerie gets introduced here, so felt it was pretty important to include esp for later on.
Public Enemies - This is the first episode where the status quo is changed and now Amity Park is just generally aware of Danny. Thinking he's an enemy yeah, buttttt still aware of Inviso-Bill i nearly typed in buffalo bill
Maternal Instincts - Danny and Maddie getting screentime together, Vlad's second appearance, and the start of Maddie straight up hating his ass lol.
Memory Blank - Mainly chose this one since it's where we learn how Danny first had the accident, so hey backstory stuff.
Reign Storm - The whole plotline with Vlad and Pariah Dark's ring and crown, more Valerie development, it's a fun episode imo. Too bad this didn't get followed in S3 but-
The Ultimate Enemy - Do I really gotta explain lol, Dan and Clockwork, Danny finding out Jazz knows his secret, etc etc like it's pretty much the episode every reccomends.
Flirting With Disaster - Big development for Valerie showing how she's developed imo, continues the Danny and Valerie stuff from Reign Storm, also again I'm biased towards Valerie lol
Reality Trip - Look I'll just be blunt I fucking love this episode, like it's genuinely my favorite of the three specials. It's a fun adventure, I love the Danny being revealed plot line, it's an exciting watch, could not leave it out.
Kindred Spirits - Danielle introduction plus more Vlad development as well, plus depending on your watch order I think this is counted as the S2 finale?
D-Stabilized - More on Danielle and Valerie's plotlines, and for a general bias honestly find it to be a pretty good episode and if any I'd say are "required" from S3 it would def be this one.
Recc. Tier
These were the most difficult cause there's still a bunch of episodes I'd rec.
Life Lessons - First ep where we see Danny and Valerie learn about each other outside of a negative context, plus pretty funny episode.
King Tuck - Again, Tucker barely gets any episodes so I do think his should be watched. Similar reasons to what I put for "What You Want".
Secret Weapons - First ep post-TUE where we see how Jazz and Danny are now that they're both aware she knows his secret. Get more development between them and more Vlad screentime too.
Eye for an Eye - This was such a hard one to choose between D-Stabilized and it, but I felt the former was more important in the end. Sets up the Vlad becoming mayor plotline that gies throughout S3 and also it's just funny like Vlad really rigged an election over a prank war with a 14 yr old.
Urban Jungle - I'm personally not the biggest fan of this episode, plus it's not really a special despite being advertised as such, but it does introduce the ice powers Danny gets that stays with him till the end so I felt it would be a good one to have listed as well.
Fun fact I actually had an earlier ver that incl. Million Dollar Ghost over Public Enemies, but when I thought about it I felt the latter had more bigger impact than the former simply setting up a plot line that Reign Storm goes more into anyway. Plus I really wanted to include Control Freaks cause it introduces Freak Show but again was limited 😭😭
Also it's very hilarious that for all the villains who's episodes I couldn't include, Desiree got BOTH her episodes in, like damn her impact 🤣
Anyways here's the Tiermaker I used in case someone wants to do their own!
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prince-of-elsinore · 8 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
How many works do you have on ao3?
32. (Three are orphaned, all old fic; one spn fic is under anon)
What's your total ao3 word count?
627,118 words (I assume the anon fic is included in ao3 stats, and I added the orphans manually.) That's more than I expected, but it does stretch back to fic I started writing in 2011!
What fandoms do you write for?
Under my current pseud, Supernatural and The Outsiders. I have WIPs underway for both! I also have a languishing WIP for M*A*S*H* :( In the past I have written for the MCU, The Walking Dead, Hetalia, Teen Wolf, and The New Adventures of Old Christine.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. Ephemeron (MCU, Starker), 1,393 kudos; 2. With A Bit Of Spit And Luck (SPN, Wincest), 401 kudos; 3. Is It Tomorrow (Or Just the End of Time) (SPN, Wincest), 304 kudos; 4. Closing Night (SPN, Wincest), 222 kudos; 5. Baton Rouge (SPN, Wincest), 205 kudos It's no surprise to me that my one MCU fic and the only multi-chapter fic on this list, though forever unfinished, has far and away the most kudos, and that all top 5 fics are rated E. If we knock Ephemeron off the top spot and just look at fics under my current pseud, then 5th place would go to Some Starless Night (Love May Come an' Tap You on the Shoulder) (SPN, Wincest), 184 kudos (and rated M!)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! I haven't always in the past, though I always liked engaging with readers, but ever since I returned to fic in 2020 when I started writing for spn I've made sure to on principal. Not always quickly, but eventually. I'm really so grateful to the small fraction of readers who leave comments so I want to express my gratitude that they took the time! I also love giving thoughtful responses to thoughtful comments. Sometimes readers have unique insights into my work!
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
A lot of my fics have fairly bleak or bittersweet/mixed state endings (my favorite type!); of my current pseud fics, I'd say the bleakest is either Plano: Some Town Halfway In Between (SPN, John/Dean) or Road Risk (SPN, Wincest). If we're looking at all-time fics, the angst gets--uh, angstier: Ludovicus Caecus (APH, Germancest), based on Oedipus Rex, ends with Ludwig killing Gilbert, gouging out his own eyes, and carrying his brother's severed head around in a bag; and When the Dead Do Not Rest (APH, Germancest) ends with Ludwig keeping Gilbert's severed head in a chest. Although in that case he's sort of happy with the situation so maybe it doesn't count...
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Baton Rouge (SPN, Wincest) and Like They Talk About In Books (The Outsiders, Ponypop) are pretty equally happy, with both ending on a hopeful note for the new relationship and the characters finding a sense of belonging in each other's arms <3
Do you get hate on fics?
Not outright! The worst I've gotten have been a couple rude, entitled comments along the lines of "why don't you write what I want you to write." I soundly told them off.
Do you write smut?
Yes :) I'm very thankful to various spn fandom smut events (Salt Burn Porn, Bro-Bang, and more) for helping me get my freak back on.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Not generally. I like to stay close to canon, for the most part. The only one I ever tried was my Teen Wolf/The Internship crossover Colors That Are Real, which used the fact that both starred Dylan O'Brien as the flimsy excuse for a twincest ship, lol
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Maybe more than one, I can't remember. I've definitely gotten several requests to translate, but idk how many of those people went through with it. The one I know of for sure is Ephemeron, which was translated at least partially into Chinese, and fully into Russian. I was actually really touched by what a robust following it had in Russian fandom. I used to go on the site and use google translate to read people's comments :)
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
What's your all-time favorite ship?
gotta go with the one, the only, the ultimate, Wincest.
What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
That M*A*S*H* fic I mentioned. It's post-canon Beejhawk. I've considered posting the two chapters I have; they sort of work on their own.
What are your writing strengths?
Rhythm and tempo! Creating an atmosphere. Dialogue. Pacing. Voice.
What are your writing weaknesses?
For spn, I really rely on good betas to check my characterization. Canon is so sprawling and the characters change so much and are so essentially complex and contradictory; it really helps to have a trusted second set of eyes to say 'hmm I don't think Sam would do that in that way at this point in canon' or 'this sounds a little like early seasons Dean more than late seasons.' They also point out where language can sound more specific to the character, which doesn't always come easy with spn's lingo and references. But honestly my biggest weakness is consistency of output/motivation :(
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
To be avoided at all costs. And if it must be done, you better know what you're doing or at least do your damn homework and try to get a native speaker to check it over.
First fandom you wrote for?
Hetalia (APH) 😅
Favorite fic you've written?
Damn that's so hard haha. I think I'd have to go with Baton Rouge, but Plano: Some Town Halfway In Between is a close second. I'm also happy to report that my current WIPs, for spn and The Outsiders, may well become my new faves. I'm very excited about both projects!
Tagged by @buddyaldridges--Thank you for the tag! This was a fun restrospective! Tagging @nigeltde-fic, @flownwrong, @zmediaoutlet, @balefully, @nevergettingoverwincest and anyone who wants to do it!
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landofsamurai · 1 month
Being a Vice Commander is Hell
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During this trip, all Kamui has done is talk to that damn earth girl. At the very least, Abuto was harassed by him a lot less. But usually he'd make everyone do a lot of sparring, given his obsession with strength, and wanting everyone to follow that ideal.
But no. Since the minute the girl came onboard, ALL the commander's attention was on her. It was as if no one else existed They were also really touchy feely with each other. Hugging, hand holding, cheek kissing. . . .
Not to mention he was pretty sure he heard Kamui call her cute and beautiful about a million times.
Yet were only best friends. They were both idiots actually. Especially after making everyone else witness this disaster.
When they finally did part from each other, it was only when Namida had went to the bathroom. Although, when that happened Kamui looked over at him. Abuto immediately looked away, noticeably sweating since he knew what was about to happen.
''A-b-u-t-o ~!'' His commander said his name with such a cheery sing-song tone it genuinely gave Abuto chills down to his core. The vice commander looked over at Kamui with a look of dread.
''What is it? Finally stopped flirting with that earth girl?'' Abuto questioned, though he noticed the smile immediately dropping from Kamui's expression which was never good.
''What did you two talk about when you bumped into her on earth?'' He got right to the point, not even acknowledging what Abuto said.
''Are you afraid of me stealing your girl or something?'' Abuto questioned with a quirk brow.
''Answer the question.''
An annoyed sigh breathed past the vice commander's lips, ''I happened to encounter her during an errand I was running, saw you two talking, and when she was alone I warned her you was too dangerous to be around.''
Kamui looked at him skeptically, ''Errand? The hell kind of business would you have to take care of on Earth anyway?''
A silence persisted between the two, just staring at each other.
A forced, and very pissed off smile was back on Kamui's face. ''Abuto, you know I hate liars. Are you trying to make me more mad?''
Kamui was unfortunately really good at seeing through lies, which Abuto absoutely hated. So there was no choice but to be honest. ''Me and the other guys were curious on what you were always doing when we came to earth, since we figured out it wasn't solely just to see your sister. So one day I followed you, and that's when I saw you and that girl.''
Kamui was quiet after hearing that, his sapphire gaze looking up at Abuto.
Abuto was currently counting the seconds. . . . .
1.... 2....3....4.....5.....
There it was, he felt Kamui's fist collide into his face. A feeling he's grown pretty accustomed to. At the very least, he only staggered back instead of completely falling to the ground this time around.
''I don't want you alone with her again, ever. If you go against what I say, I'll seriously kill you.'' The murderous intent behind those blue eyes managed to instill unease into Abuto.
''During this trip, I want her all to myself. You and no one else is going to ruin that for me. She's my best friend. And only mine. I don't care how dangerous you think I am.''
What was this character type? Oh yeah, a yandere. Except, the yandere in question didn't realize he was crazily in love with his so called best friend.
Abuto clutched his now swollen cheek, ''As if I'd be stupid enough to try anything with a girl you're fawning over.''
Anyone would have to be insane to do something like that. But this girl was insane as well for involving herself with someone like this.
The biggest idiot wasn't Kamui.
It was Namida.
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doubledyke · 1 year
Hi!! For eddeddy: 2, 3, 5, 6, 10 and 25.
Hey thanks so much for the ask! I'm gonna go ahead and answer the ones I got from the anon here as well, so I don't have to make a separate post.
2. (anon also asked) Who confessed? How?
So I do think that Edd would be the first one who's open with his feelings because he's the first one to accept his sexuality. I've delved into it a little bit in another post, but I essentially think that Edd is the one chasing Eddy for a while, at first. Then he gives up and decides to date other people, or remains single, either one. He basically drives Eddy crazy and they end up getting together after a weird on and off, will-they-won't-they type situation-ship. It could happen in many different ways, obviously. But that's my general outline, lol.
3. (anon also asked) Describe their first date.
This one's hard because I don't picture a first "date" per se, but if I had to choose, I'd guess something pretty casual. Probably dinner and a movie at one of their houses. Most likely Edd's since his parents are never home anyway. Eddy cooks something and makes a giant mess, which they argue about. He tries to clean, but Edd stops him, knowing he's going to have to come behind him and redo it anyway. They eat awkwardly at the table, since food is not allowed outside of the kitchen/dining room. Eventually, they get around to watching whatever gratuitously pornographic 70's movie Eddy chose. Edd barely pays attention because he's so wired. Eddy barely pays attention because he keeps picturing Edd's parents coming home and finding him in the house, after being explicitly barred. Edd only follows rules that are convenient for him, you see.
5. Describe their first time having sex.
Probably very drunken and uncomfortable. Edd pukes at some point. Memorable.
6. Who cooks? Describe their cooking.
Eddy is the cook! He is really good at it after working in a lot of kitchens and being someone who loves food. Never trust a skinny cook! He likes to try new things, and put his own spin on classic recipes. He learned a lot from his mom as well, so he makes a lot of homestyle foods from the family recipe book. His dad was definitely a BBQ dad, so he's good on the grill as well.
10. What is their sexual dynamic like?
I think they're fairly vanilla, with Eddy trying to bust out the occasional novelty move. How embarrassing.... Edd finds it hilarious and plays along.
11. (from anon) I already answered this one, but thank you!
14. (from anon) Who do they talk to when they want to complain about their partner, or when they have a relationship problem?
Poor Ed, having to deal with it from both sides. I don't know who else they'd go to. I have an HC that Eddy and May become good friends, so I'm sure they'd eventually confide those kinds of things in each other. I'd say in general they try to confront each other about their issues, even if it's in their own sarcastic asshole ways.
17. (from anon) What's each person's type? Does their partner meet this, or are they an atypical match for them? I think Eddy is attracted to "manly men", funnily enough. Broad shoulders, chiseled jaw, classic masculinity. He watches a lot of old Hollywood movies for a reason. So, no, Edd is obviously not that. Edd has his own form of masculinity, but that isn't what matters to Eddy in this case. Eddy appreciates Edd's perceived femininity because in a way, it makes him appear more "manly" himself. Edd's type is probably exactly Eddy. Or the female version of Eddy (bi representation matters). Aggro, chubby, and flamboyant with a devilish charm. And a nice smile 😁
25. Assuming they have children, what is their parenting like?
I highly doubt they'd have kids, for various reasons. If they did, I feel sorry for the kid. Mostly kidding, but I think they'd have very different parenting styles. Eddy would be the laid back, fun dad who lets the kid get away with murder. Edd would be the very structured helicopter parent. Edd would have a lot of very strong feelings about how to raise a child. His OCD would probably prevent him from wanting a kid, because he'd be so afraid of screwing up somehow. Eddy doesn't even like kids, but he's good with them. I can't really offer many thoughts on this topic because I just don't see them having kids to be honest.
Thanks again for asking! If you read this, you can bill me for therapy.
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mobolanz · 7 months
Happy birthday to Evelyn! 🥳 I actually have a question 👀 How does she celebrate and feel about her birthday? Does she usually gets any gifts from Reiner? If so, what was her favourite gift ever?
Now allow me to get ready for the party.
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Omgggg that's a great one! Also is the Vulpix gif a throwback to me mentioning that had she been a Pokémon it'd be this or what- (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
So for your questions!
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How does she feel about it?
So Evelyn remembered her ones during life back at the mansion being treated as so big and incredible and well anticipated... but maybe as big as it really can be in a space like that after all. She hoped she could remember it having more people than it really did and all of them were familiar faces of people that just worked there. Not going anywhere either despite it being in plannings every year.
Nowdays, she tries to not make a fuss out of it, in some instance even forgot it all together. Simply felt like getting her hair done a special way today and maybe add up some accessory. Not openly stating it or expecting anything from her current family either way since knowing them they'd probably ask her 'oh just how old are you 5? ' as in ,,mockingly.
Almost overwhelmed by surprise when someone wants to do something for it. Like, would actually bother and not consider it a waste. Give her anything or take her somewhere. They have their own day after all! Still it's in a good way, she's really thankful for that, and already thinking on what should she get them in their time, while enjoying it to it's own.
Any gifts from Reiner?
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It has a range. For a starter since she's awfully quiet about it, once actually realizing what this day is - Reiny can't help feel like it's a shame since that leaves him to a "rushed" resort of spotting a classic choice of good jewelry and getting her just that. Like he could do much more had he known earlier, get her anything at all make sure it's great and really match it to her needs and personality. Even if just by the end of the day or morning after.
That said, it being a strong sign of genuine care and also that he knows her well enough to see it'd be to her liking to choose it first is already endearing enough for her she can't help it. Actually even worrying he really bothered to THAT level 'but it wasn't too costly now was it...?' . Which he either way dismisses as nonsense argument with an ambiguous argument of "my budget allowed me just perfectly". Worth the smile she just couldn't wipe off even then.
Following birthdays have that too since it's already known enough she loves jewelries after all and cherishes it in any shape type and color; and let's herself put them on in public. But also more practical additions (one includes a small stand to actually place all her previous jewellery on 😆) , and more on the classic side a bouquet 💐 🤧 maybe even bring her somewhere , just them both really
Her favourite one would be... non-related to birthday ones don't count right? So I'd say,,, she has hard time picking. Maybe she'd say the one she just got this year every time, showcasing it gets better and better each year 🥰(⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
Evelyn birthday asks
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aseplant · 2 years
mildly rabid ember knight trivia
so i've been compiling a (slightly obsessive) mini wiki to write ember knight fics over the past year or so, since last i checked the fandom wiki page is a little... lacking? (then again, that was like back in december, so it may have improved since then.)
anyway, i figured i'd post some of the more useful bits as a resource in case anyone else is interested ✨
spoilers for both gilgamesh (the prequel) and ember knight, up to episode 80ish? i read the raws (sort of) so pls proceed with caution if you are not keen on that.
General World Notes
mechanics of an apprenticeship
the general populace are just considered citizens of the empire.
up from that is a knight-in-training, who is still considered a citizen. it's not clear to me exactly what this entails, but in gilgamesh, i believe tludia says that she mostly did menial tasks for the knights? and it seems the woodion apprentices were receiving training from fadiyan for this in the beginning.
a selection process is held after this; there are different proctors in different regions. if you pass that, next is knight's apprentice - these people are no longer citizens (ek 5). our delightful protagonist is mucking around in this stage rn.
a typical class seems to focus on training + gaining a good understanding of honor through knighthood lessons
these knighthood lessons seem to be directed by your peers, but the knights do comment on the presentations
noteworthy is that their class (2nd special class) functions differently than most - in anticipation of war with the eastern continent, the second special class is intended to also perform knights' missions while training (ek 8).
it's not too clear yet what happened to the first special class, but its survivors are introduced in ek 70 or so (forgot the exact number sry)
knighthood - "you either try to become worthy of the title, or are given the title because you are worthy" (ek 8)
slightly unrelated and possibly just speculation, but it seems that training the next generation is looked down upon (not sure if this is for all apprenticeships in general, or just for training the knights-in-training).
when tink gets assigned to teaching the knights-in-training, kandentia says "the trainee camp?! are you out of your mind? or did you not recognize his talent? he shouldn't be wasting his talent in a place like that!" - gilgamesh 112
knighthood as an institution
there are two types of knights - order knights and free knights. the five teachers & fadiyan in ember knight are all order knights, meaning they go through rigorous training and are therefore more consistently strong (gilgamesh 20 // i know zius mentions this in ember knight too but i don't have an ep for that).
free knights, on the other hand, are simply given a title - it seems to be bc they're exceptional/for political purposes, but uhhh don't quote me on that...
on honor:
knights are controlled through honor. they can't break their word and can only participate in wars/fights with permission from the emperor. but know that honor has no meaning if no one is watching... (gilgamesh 22). some spicy quotes:
"there is no set standard for honor. it can be different for each person. something that is dishonorable to me may not be to waron." tink, gilgamesh 67
"honor, for a knight, is in some ways more important than their lives. and entrusting it to another is to give up all personal values, even the emperor, and granting them a chance to command with absolute authority." ram, gilgamesh 88
geas is a knight's weakness. it is the method in which the emperor controls knights; knights swear one oath to the emperor, and another is bestowed upon them as a set of conditions that they must follow.
honestly, this isn't really something that has consequences, except for those that knights enforce upon each other after the devil knight.
recently tho there have been reported cases of (usually weak knights) developing supernatural abilities after swearing by their geas. like with narin weapons, it seems understanding how to use this power is instinctual once bestowed. zius's event horizon would be an example of this.
"truth be told, there's no price to pay even if the oath is broken. if anything, i guess there may be something to be gained by keeping it that way. i think the supernatural power of the knight may also have something to do with it" - zius, ek 61
this is also backed by an otherworldly being that intervenes when ram tries to destroy the world - he explains that the world is incomplete, so when things transcend the limits of the world a new rule/law (translations are not very clear on the difference) is established. a knight's strength is considered one of these things that is capped, and then he vagueblogs abt geas (gilgamesh 116)
anyway it's all v sus <3
quotes abt important qualities of a knight:
"never forget. knowledge is mightier than power. only one who knows that... can become a knight." fadiyan, ek 1
"you know you're the strongest here! and that teamwork is vital for knights...!" luzian, ek 1
"facing an opponent you could not defeat... the worst situation possible... you did not succumb. you kept your head held high, and chose to act in a righteous way. that is the true virtue at the basis of knighthood, and the most important skill you can harness." ludika, ek 18
"one cannot become a knight with strength alone. without the ability to persuade, even the strongest knight cannot lead. a knight must have their own sense of justice that is persuasive. to be able to do something on your own, unswayed by outside forces. that is justice. don't mock others for how they think. it's not your way or the highway." - zius, ek 20
world map
there's an official map at the end of gilgamesh 75 and a fan map here, produced by 0l0lmono. some notable locations:
west bridge - where knights fight against demons (the inhabitants of the eastern continent. they're not really demons, just a different race, probably). tink was once assigned here and demoted (gilgamesh 20 & 23), and waron replaced him at some point (gilgamesh 64)
the capital - the knights' stomping grounds. knight accolading is held here.
a note on the timeline between gilgamesh & ember knight
so... we know zius was knighted 5 years ago in ember knight, and that he met & fought with waron a couple months after being knighted.
meanwhile, in gilgamesh 106, when waron fights hinsher, she thinks there should be about 5 people who can beat hinsher, and zius's silhouette is displayed. it's clear she'd already met him at that point, then, and not recently either, since she'd been stationed at west bridge for a while - so ember knight is at most, let's say, 4 years out from the end of gilgamesh.
given the slight time skip at the end in which tludia's hair grows out, i have been informed by a friend that this would take about 2 years, so if we take that to be accurate ember knight is probably only two years after the events of gilgamesh.
(not that this matters too much, but thought i'd put it out there if anyone needs or is keen on constructing a better timeline.)
Factions Crash Course (past & present)
Malto - a religion of sorts (gilgamesh 20). here, knighthood means nothing, and magic power is everything.
lower ranks shave their hair off (gilgamesh 26); they are extremely cult-like and used very coercive tactics to force knights & knights-in-training alike to join their ranks
tludia was in fact expelled by tink to avoid this fate (gilgamesh 103)
they aim to discover and record everything there is to know about magic, starting from the 2nd great mage all the way down to the great immortal (gilgamesh 37)
in truth, the organization was created to protect the existence of magic after the first great mage went down the wrong path (gilgamesh epilogue)
at the end of the events of gilgamesh, malto is dissolved and their research propagated through the world
Oni - an elite group of warriors from the eastern continent. oni training starts at age 7 (gilgamesh 64). their throats are slit so that they cannot talk, and they are not taught to read or write so that their secrets may die with them.
they typically communicate through sign language
they are named after the notch of an arrow. unlike the western continent (where ember knight & gilgamesh take place), they attach onis (knocks) to their arrows rather than carving it into the arrow directly; the replaceable nature of the oni is where their name comes from.
Dragon's Descendants - the masked bandits. zius confirms in one episode (nooot sure which but it's probably late 70s) that they are not actually descended from dragons; it's simply their tribe name.
notable members include liamin and laurun - and, based on the naming scheme and hair/eye color, probably lauzun as well.
they seem to be seeking revenge for the destruction of their village under the knights' sanction. i think six or so years ago (?? don't quote me on this one tho), darang and a couple other knights slaughtered most of their tribe and burned the entire village down.
it's a fascinating parallel to what they have done with nagyunn!
not too clear what their connection with the real najin was, but many fan theories speculate that fadiyan had originally ordered najin to join them as a spy.
five years ago, laurun worked with zius & regia to research zius's geas-induced ability. he mentions that the dragon's descendants have been, for a long time, swearing oaths that granted similar abilities, and that the knights are late to the game (ek 65)
Free Knights - i'm going to take a moment to list them separately as a faction, bc it's clear atp that the free knights have their own agenda. the schism first started, according to darang, back in the war conference abt what to do with tink's body (final ep of gilgamesh), and she blames regia for it.
for his part, regia tells zius to his face that whatever happens, it's the order knights' karma coming for them. i wouldn't be surprised if they're colluding with the dragons' descendants in some way, but it's a little early to say.
Character Notes
age hell
so... we have like. next to no official character age data. here's what we do have from gilgamesh tho!
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waron is placed between hinsher and tink here, but god knows if that means she's between 22 & 31 or if she's been 22 & 531. (also - although it's labeled as ???, after the events of gilgamesh it's probably safe to say that ram is around 2000 years old.)
i'll talk about the knight characters first. here, tludia was a knight-in-training. i'm not sure if tanshirin was a knight's apprentice or a knight-in-training, though she does become a knight post-timeskip at the end of gilgamesh (which would put her at around 23-24 when she was knighted). tink was considered a genius but still young for a knight at age 22.
so we can see that ages can vary for characters. going off vibes alone, i would put the ember knight apprentices as younger than tludia, but probably still in their late teens, so all in the 16-19 range probably.
as for the ember knight teacher knights: it seems to be common to be knighted in your early 20s. ludika, zius, and fadiyan are all from the same apprentice class, so they're probably 27-30, i'd say? waron and darang are almost certainly older, though i'm not sure by how much; going off vibes alone i'd say darang is probably only one or two years older than zius & ludika, but who knows. no idea where to place fidorance because we haven't seen any of his past yet.
finally, i wanted to point out nepherin, the dragon. she's 600 but still a child. it's been hinted at in the raws (ek ep80-82?? somewhere around there) that dragons' development is not chronological, but instead contingent on their understanding of the world; the more they understand about their place as a magical being and the rules of the world, the more mature they will become. since nepherin was raised by an absentee human father, it seems she hasn't developed any of this awareness yet. so the youthfulness says less about dragons than it says about her, i'd say.
strength rankings
or my best guess of it, anyway. masked bandits not included, but they do seem to be better trained than their knights' apprentice peers.
kandentia/event horizon zius
fidorance (probably)
gatekeepers (senior apprentices)
normal zius/yulnia
other apprentices
random notes on how people refer to one another
take everything here with a grain of salt bc i can barely read the korean alphabet and do not have the best understanding of honorifics/speech patterns.
the kids never actually call her fadiyan - instead, they call her knight-nim (기사님)
ludika simply calls her deer/doe (not sure which is more accurate), but can be seen calling her fadi in flashbacks
fadiyan calls her 'crybaby' and ludi theyre gfs fr
the woodion apprentices initially also call her knight-nim, but begin to clarify that as fox-nim after episode 10
zius & fidorance call her fox (no honorifics)
darang calls her ludika (no honorifics) - i think this implies they are closer than the others...? dont at me akefhweewf i didnt watch enough kdramas for this
zius & fidorance call her raccoon
zius & fidorance: black hen, but have both referred to her as waron to others
ludika: has called her waron to others, not sure what she calls waron by to her face tho
darang: waron-ssi
waron & zius: wild dog
darang: haven't seen it yet, but probably fidorance-ssi
ludika, waron (probably fidorance too): qilin
darang: zius-ssi
ludika mentally refers to them as 에송이 (stripling, greenhorn, children) and 병아리 (literally "chicks", translated to "little baby chicks")
fidorance also calls them chicks in ek 35, i genuinely do not understand if there is some other implication here
lauzun & nagyunn both address najin as jin-ah (진아) which is supposed to denote affection, i think
it's interesting to note here that while pretending to be najin, nagyunn has always just called him lauzun. ouch.
after ~ep 24, the woodion apprentices (nagyunn included) start calling him jun instead of lauzun tho
najin simply calls nagyunn by name in ep 2&4, but calls him gyunn-ah in flashbacks (ep 3 & 9)
Miscellaneous notes:
tyr & nagyunn both refer to the knights as [animal]-nim (ex: raccoon-nim, qilin-nim), while lauzun & luzian do [name]-nim (ex: waron-nim, fidorance-nim). i've been told this is mostly up to personal preference, and in fact calling them [name]-nim might be more formal??? but i did not get a super clear answer on this.
nagyunn sometimes refers to knights by their full title (color + animal, ex: cerulean qilin zius) rather than [animal]-nim. notably, i've only really seen this in the episodes where he's pretending to be a spy for the skeleton, so that may be related.
zius has called both ludika & fidorance by name when they were arguing (ek 44) - it seems he tends to pull this card during emotionally tense situations?
Bonus: Knighthood Trivia
kandentia became the youngest knight ever at the unprecedented age of 14 (gilgamesh 146)
hinsher was the first female knight (gilgamesh 128)
zius graduated at the bottom of his class (ek 64)
and that's a wrap!
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