#He don’t bite
sad-emo-dip-dye · 11 months
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Remember to take your jinko out on walks for his daily enrichment time
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bigbarabelly · 7 months
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Here hold this
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Yoichi: My brother wasn’t always evil. When he was younger he was so nice 😊
Younger AFO:
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cranberrytea451 · 1 year
I mean, if you want to, you could draw your bitty interacting with my bitty. Auberon would like some friends. He is family with my sister's bitty, so he isn't lonely ber say, but friends would help him I think. If he's okay with it, you could hold Auberon too. Sooo... exchange for pats?
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Exchange for pats <3
So cute 🥺
Edit: click for better quality I made the canvas too small
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nekomataizzu · 3 months
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”hey Izzu you’re attacking people during Artfight right?”
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absent-enigma · 6 months
Mothman Horror x Reader compilation pt 3
“So, Horror does have a mate?” You questioned your taxi aka Reaper, a winged skeleton monster.
What a night. 
Meeting a cryptid and a hybrid in less than half a day. 
“Had.” Reaper emphasized, swooping low blocks away from your house. “If Horror finds you, tell him to back off. He’ll listen, but likely linger nearby.” Reaper touched down in a backyard. “Should I make him leave you alone?”
You think about it.
Horror hadn’t harmed you. From Reaper’s words, you could’ve convinced Horror to bring you home (albeit with soul-wrenching sadness in that eyelight).
“I think I’ll be okay.”
The home Horror shared with his mate no longer felt safe.
It was compromised.
Reaper had found the treetop home too easily.
Slowly moving about, Horror began to gather important belongings.  With a heavy soul, Horror carefully packed memories, courting gifts and other items into satchels that you’d designed for his bulky, multi-armed, winged body. Once done, Horror gave the long-held home a final look, before gathering up his satchels and left.
He’d store everything safely; reminders scored into tree trunks via claws.
Then, once Horror found his mate, both of you could find a new place to call home.
“If you change your mind, or have any other questions for me-“ Reaper landed and set you down, offering a feather from one of his wings. “Place this outside your door, any of them, with a candle. Light it and place paper underneath with ‘Reaper’ written on it. I'll show up.”
You take the feather with a dubious expression. When you look up, Reaper is no longer there. Holding the feather, you quickly make your way home.
The skeleton mothman found you in the middle of the highway at night, by chance.
There wasn’t any way Horror would bother, right?
Horror carefully kept out of sight, aware that he was getting into a more populace area filled with humans. Before he left the road, to venture into the…neighborhood (he thinks that’s the name you told him), a soft sound diverted Horror’s attention to the sky.
Horror’s wings rose, fur bristling as thick bony arms flex.
“Not here to fight.” Reaper kept out of Horror’s reach.  “I meant to relay a message before.  Your brother is waiting for you to come home, when you’re ready.”
Nothing about where his mate was.
Horror’s socket narrowed.
Reaper left without another word.
While waiting for a ride to go pick up your vehicle, you absently wondered about Horror.
Would he come find you?  
From the sound of it, he was mourning a lost mate. Perhaps you resembled this person somehow? Maybe you could be friends with him? It wasn’t like you had a wild social life, and all Horror had been intent on was making sure you felt safe. 
…But it didn’t seem fair for him to believe you were someone you weren’t. Not to mention that an urban environment didn’t seem a good environment for a cryptid as large as Horror.
Horror tracked down his mate while evading detection. 
He would wait until nightfall to go to you. 
Antenna fluttering, Horror approached the human dwelling that night, where your scent was strongest.
You were inside, but were you safe?
Horror's gaze was drawn to the back of the house.
A brightness.
Many moths, different than he, were gathered around it. 
Entranced by the light, Horror moved, his eyelight dilating wide as he halted before the gleam. Moths fluttered around him, some landing. Fortunately for Horror, he wasn’t seen by neighbors while he stood there, riveted by your back porch’s floodlights.
After a long day, you considered turning in early, until floodlights illuminated your back porch. Frowning in the dark of the kitchen, you approached the patio door.
Horror stood there, tiny moths fluttering around him, or relaxing on his large frame. 
He followed you home, just like Reaper said he might.
Interest in the floodlights vanished once Horror saw you. Perking up, skull swiftly turning, Horror eagerly approached the patio door to press two of his large palms to the glass.
This behemoth of a mothman loomed, filling the space, separated from you only by a single pane of glass.
There you were. 
Horror was ecstatic to have found you, antennae wiggling happily as he hunkered down in front of the thin barrier between the two of you. Horror’s hands pressed flat as his breath fogged up the glass. Crooning wordlessly, Horror pressed his browbone to the glass, gazing at you longingly.
You’d let him in, wouldn’t you?
Horror tilted his skull, breath spreading across the surface further. He reached with a trembling finger to trace a heart to encompass the sight he had of you, then added more around it. Horror scrunched up his socket proudly.
At 11:30 PM you were witness to Horror, this giant of a skeleton mothman, doodling little hearts in the sliding door while wearing an incredibly sappy expression of clear adoration. He was crouched, to be at your height, Horror’s red eyelight softening as he looked from the hearts to you.
This left you with a conundrum.
Did you open the door and let him in, or keep a safe distance? 
Maybe it would help if you turned on the lights in the kitchen? To distract Horror while you figured out what to do about this situation you found yourself in?
Horror stiffened up, his folded wings fluttering anxiously.  Were you…walking away from him?
Horror helplessly shoved his body closer, his other two hands joining the first pair to press flat to the glass as he let out a whine of despair and hopelessness. 
What did he do wrong-
Horror squinted when you turned on the lights, though dimmer than outside. Yet the light illuminated you in a soft glow. The saddened whine abruptly ceased as Horror flared out his patterned wings in an effort to regain your attention.
This seemed to work. 
Horror watched, enamored, as you approached him.
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scriptedencryptid · 1 year
Feral Kaz > soft kaz
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2headed-disaster · 2 years
Love that when the net’s empty Sully just unclips jake’s leash and says “sic’em, boy.”
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Some Kieran doodles because much brainrot over him.
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limblesstar · 1 year
it’s so mean that behaviour took wesker out back and shot him
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pangur-and-grim · 3 months
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once Belphie grows up and calms down a touch, these two will be such good pals
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hailsatanacab · 11 months
A Persuasive Argument - dpxdc
"Great!" Danny says, clapping his hands together to get everyone's attention. The dinner table falls silent as everyone looks towards him. It's a full house today and, honestly, Danny's a little nervous. "I'm sure you're all wondering why I gathered you here today."
"It's dinnertime. In our house." Duke mutters, while doing a very bad job of concealing his yawn. He holds his fork poised over the braised beef, but, just like everyone else, still looks towards Danny before tucking in. It's intriguing enough to wait.
"Yeah, no one misses Alfie's dinner." Dick says, with a brilliant smile that Danny can't help but return.
"Precisely! What better time to talk to you all than when you're all actually here!"
"Wait, I thought you came round to work on our English essays?" Tim asks, blinking owlishly.
"I'm afraid I've lured you here under false pretences, Tim."
"This is where I live."
"I would still really appreciate help on that essay though, I mean, what the hell is Hamlet even about? I just don't get that old time-y language, like 'Hark! A ghost hath killed me!' - absolute rubbish, what does that even mean?"
"The ghost never kills anyone in Hamlet, he's there to tell Hamlet that he was murdered. Have you actually read it?"
"No, but it sounds like you have. Tim, I want this guy to help me with my essay instead. I know for a fact that you haven't read Hamlet, either."
"So? We don't need Jason, I've read the Sparknotes."
"Hi Jason, I'm Danny, pleasure to meet you, summarise Hamlet in three sentences or less."
"Am I auditioning to help you write your essays? I can't believe you’ve gone through your whole school life without reading it, it’s good!"
"Hamlet, along with a number of other classics, was banned in our house because it portrayed ghosts as intelligent and sympathetic beings rather than evil, animalistic beasts. I didn’t even get to see The Muppet's Christmas Carol until last year with Tim! It was surprisingly good, and I hate Christmas because everyone always argued and it sucked. But we're getting off topic. I—"
"No, no, please go back to that, because what the fu—"
"Boys, please." Bruce interrupts, looking to the world as if he wants to hang his head in his hands. "Danny, you were about to say something?"
"Oh, yeah, Mr. Wayne! Thanks!"
"Please, call me Bruce."
"Well, that very succinctly brings me to my point, because I'd actually really like to call you dad."
Nobody says a word. Nobody even blinks, all as shocked as the other, watching open-mouthed as Danny pulls his laptop out from beside his chair. Bruce can definitely feel a headache coming on.
"Before you say anything, I've prepared a 69 slide PowerPoint presentation on why you, Bruce Wayne, should adopt me, Danny Last-Name-Pending. Please save your questions, comments, and verdict until the end, thank you."
#dpxdc#batpham#i forget - can we tag the parent fandoms? w/e#immediately alfred's like: while i do appreciate your initiative may i suggest it wait until after dinner?#and danny - who has barely eaten proper homecooked food ever - takes one bite and then absolutely wolfs down the whole lot#after he's finished he's like 'bear with - I've got to add that to the 'Reasons I Would Like to Live Here' section'#danny's powerpoint has tailored sections for each batfam member with lists of reasons why they'd get along#my au thoughts on this is that the fentons disowned danny when he told them he was phantom#and that this is after the ultimate enemy - wherein which he allied himself with the JL to fight against dan#(which didnt really work at all - BUT he knows some of their identities now INCLUDING batman's)#so one of the main reasons why he'd be a great fit is that he knows their vigilante status anyway so they don’t need to worry about secrets#dick just turns to tim like 'he’s your friend. he learnt this from you.'#tim: 'i didn't tell him our identities!! i would never!!'#dick: 'no i know that. it's the stalker tendancies. it's baby tim all over again'#tim: scandalised gasp#they all eat dinner in silence just super subdued and in shock and sending glances to bruce and danny#duke like: 'so i know I'm the last one in the family but like... this isn't how it normally happens right? did any of you make powerpoints?#tim gets all shifty because he absolutely did make a powerpoint he just never actually showed it to anyone#everyone stares at tim because they all know. it was in one of bab's blackmail files she has on him#damian's slide has danny offering to throw down at any time. 'tim says you like to prove yourself with your skills?#how about a real challenge? if i beat you then you have to vote yes to adopting me!'#damian is in two minds about accepting because... 1) look at him damian could take danny in his sleep! but#2) on the off chance that he does win... damian does not want any more brothers#(he takes the bet and its a suprisingly fun fight - and while he'll never say this... he would vote yes even without the wager)#on one of danny's slides there's a picture of ellie: you'll also get my clone sister! two children for the price of one!!#uhhh.... thats it now - I've been having fun with this haha#spent all day with the 'ive lured you here under false pretences' 'danny i live here' line in my head haha#anyway enjoy!!!!!! this was fun#i wanna make these slides so bad
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Husk: This is my boyfriend Angel, he's so smart and handsome and I'm so proud of him
Vaggie: This is my beautiful girlfriend Charlie, she's my angel and I love her so much
Alastor: this is Niffty she has rabies
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saturnsconstellation · 5 months
Barty Crouch Jr would be the uncle that would rant to 6 year old Luna about his issues with Evan while she paints his nails pink and puts hello kitty hair clips to hold his hair back, and then he would 100% follow her advice.
He’d be THAT bitch and that’s why he’s Luna’s favorite. (I’m kidding) (or am I)
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acesstark · 6 months
favorite thing ever is how Louis is hallucinating lestat having perfect hair. like, that man was walking around with a shoulder-length bob full of split ends and flyaways, but in Louis’s mind he has the perfect, fresh out the salon, sleeps in a satin lined bonnet, Brazilian blowout. hallucination!lestat discovered deep conditioner, thank god
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grondds-and-roses · 1 month
My favourite thing about AOT is that when Eren first met Armin and Mikasa, he scared the hell out of them
Like imagine this: You just had the worst day of your life. A bunch of kids beat you up/ you watched your parents get killed then you got kidnapped and out of nowhere a creepy little kid in a red scarf shows up and he is like “yo, wanna tatakae and be my bestie forever :)”
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