#He also suggested that I make it a lil series and I am tempted by this
teethhoarder · 12 days
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I think Liet should be put in a lil teacup. that is all.
I drew this for @badlydrawn-baltics mainly but you can all look at it too.
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xviiper-rents-houses · 2 months
Yandere Clone Commandos!!
General analysis and headcanons. Inspiration from: Republic Commandos, Star Wars film franchise and comics.
Is this requested? No, no it's not. :') I'm taking a short break from writing for yandere Sonic fics to write some self-indulgence, which is why the whole thing here is so long 😭
Also! I wanted an excuse to introduce my yandere Republic Commando squad, consisting of: Trickshot, Shaft, ZZ and Heyday. Headcanons, suggestions, ideas, (anything really) is welcome for these obsessive boys!
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Thank you so much to @yanknowalready for the book suggestion, I started reading the first one and I absolutely love it! I'm so interested to see what happens to Etain and Darman next, (they have such good chemistry!!) and I can't wait to read more of the series as I go on. Never thought I'd get so invested but my lack of activity is a testament to how invested I am into this book 😂
Anyhoo, I suppose I should share my thoughts about the commandos being yandere, based on what I've read in the book, what I've watched and what I know so far about the commandos.
Romantic/platonic. More romantic leaning.
TW: Frank talk of death, killing and typical yandere shenanigans. Shenanigans include: stalking, possessiveness, obsessiveness, murder, forced affection (have to squint a lil) and delusions. This writing also has some suggestiveness at the bottom, for my yandere Republic Commando OC, you might have to squint at two of his quotes for that.
Republic Commandos from the book are treated like cattle for the most part. Well, cattle that act like dogs. Give them an order and they usually obey. Usually. They are also meant to be independent thinkers, working in squads of four. Republic Commandos are mainly used for infiltration, performing covert operations, as well as sabotage, demolition and assassination being the standard expectation.
They are kept in isolation, separate from their regular brothers and designated captains. This is so they can remain on task and focus on their rigorous training. As said before, they work in squads of four, so they do not get much time to socialize. While reading the first few interactions the commando characters had in the book with their Jedi superiors, I have noticed the amount of genuine intrigue and interest in picking apart who these lightsaber users of the Force are.
It's no surprise that a Republic Commando would feel a strong pull to learn more about who he works for. A life of loneliness, apart from your squad, tempts the human mind to want to seek more. He doesn't need to know why his Jedi General is, as they are mainly given missions to complete and an explanation is usually added to the equation, he wants to know whom. Identity. Republic Commandos do want to have some sort of connection with their Jedi, leaning more towards professionals. They are told stories of just how powerful Jedi are and look up to them.
In some cases, like the Republic Commando series, (I've delved into some spoilers because I really like Darman and Etain) this pressure can turn romantic.
The Republic Commandos trained so hard on Kamino just to get to this point, surviving multiple exercises off world—most commandos don't make it back—just so they can see a Jedi for one chance. Commandos are usually trained by hired mercenaries, just like their brothers but, often under more deadly circumstances. Commandos who don't have a firing and killshot above 95% are marked for dead by the Kaminoins, including their whole original squad batch, executed in favor of a better batch. The Republic Commandos don't all get the luck in the world, often dying before meeting the Jedi. Which is why I'd think they'd be real desperate sons of a gun. So, it's an honor to serve with one, to protect a Jedi.
Republic Commandos are well-disciplined to a fault. With their lives in constant threat, they want to make sure they survive long enough until they slow down and die on the battlefield, rather than die to their rapid aging, because they want to see as much as they can before it's their time to pass. Republic Commandos become observant, skilled, patient and most importantly, intelligent in their training and exercises. Combining all of these skills together with their strength, Commandos are a four team force to be reckoned with. Even when on their own, a Republic Commando is a dangerous foe to enemies.
Republic Commandos are rugged from their training, as said before, regularly facing death. Other clones look up to these individuals, just as they do their Jedi. The Republic Commandos are a symbol of pure, unadulterated power. No average clone nor Arc trooper picks a fight with a Commando because of this. In addition to being strict and tacticionary killing machines, Republic Commandos are known to have a bit of a temper when their patience is tested. Taunt them and you walk away with an ugly assortment of bruises, deece pointed at your head moments before, (threatening to fry your brain with a lazer) and perhaps a cut or two. You're lucky to walk away unscathed.
The reason why I believe that Commandos have a bit of a temper is because, when reading Hard Contact, in the first few pages of the book: one man questions why the commando waits so long, only to be threatened with concealed viroblade hidden within the commando's wrist guard, right under his chin and dangerously close to his throat and general lifeline. And even further down the line, one commando named Niner, is physically and mentally fighting with himself to not insult the Jedi padawan, Etain out loud. She tested his patience plenty of times and he has gotten mad at her, even though he never verbally expressed it as much.
Republic Commandos are also fiercely protective. If they can help it, they do not leave their brothers and general people in charge, behind. They are loyal and most thoughtful men, not cattle, men. Even if they don't believe they are men, they are constantly reminded by their gentle natured Jedi who now have to direct a war by using violence, the opposite of what an actual peace keeper would do. If push came to shove, just like any clone, a Republic Commando would gladly lay down his life as a final sacrifice. They care for their loved ones. And try as they might to not form personal connections, they still do and it heavily affects them.
So, bringing yandere into the forefront, I'd say that once a Republic Commando gets hooked on their Jedi/person, there's no going back. Their connection would be hard to break, even in death. Their obsession could even kill them and they wouldn't be too upset because, in the end, they were meant to be expendable, only living up to 20 years or so. With such little time that they have, if they can help it, Republic Commandos try to spend as much time as they can with their loved ones. I can see a common theme being that they work together to get to their connection.
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As said before in my "brief" analysis, regular clones don't pick fights with commandos. Which leads me to believe that if a squad of commandos or just a singular one was obsessed with you, you would have a powerful guarding force of smothering clones, scaring off most competition. Not all. The Republic Commandos face many a challenging foe, in the form of daunting tasks and assigned missions. Oftentimes, their enemy is much more powerful than they are. However, that won't stop them from trying to "protect" you. Regardless if it's just one commando obsessed, I like to imagine that the whole squad would work and support their brother.
A drawback, (to them and probably not to you, depending on your situation) is that they are in a constant threat of being killed on deployment, as well as training sessions on Kamino so often that they cannot spend as much time as they want with you. If given the chance, the Republic Commandos would stop at nothing just to be with you, securely watch over your hobbies and interests and memorize everything that you do. Unfortunately for these lovesick boys, they don't get in contact with their darling because the commandos are separated from the regs and the real world to fortify their integrity. So, the time they spend with you is precious.
Republic Commandos are meticulous with keeping their gear clean, compact, safe and functional. They pay very close attention and if there are any outliers, the commandos do what they can to perfect or improve the situation. I believe that the commandos would be obsessive, possessive, definitely stalkers and very desperate for attention and love once you give it to them. It's unwise to form a connection. They do NOT let go. Especially if you are Jedi. Maybe you met your forever squad as a padawan in training, leading the squad as commander. Or maybe a civvi who helped out one too many times to be forgotten. If you were a Jedi, the commandos would look up to you, supporting your decisions and challenging your wit all for the effort of making a smart plan.
They are loyal to the end, ready to lay down their lives. The Jedi are like a deity to these troubled men, cursed with accelerated growth, giving them so little time to live. However, not all seek that life of religion as a Jedi or are gifted with the ability. Let's say you're what they call a "civvi," a civilian for clarification. It's gonna be damn near impossible to see you again then. A commando, (or a group of commandos) would have to do a grand old break the rules policy just so they can get to you. The commandos would stand as close as they physically can, without directly violating your personal space but, still staying in close contact. They will likely ask to hold your hand, or to be kissed by you because, well, they don't know if they're going to die the next day. Just give it to them once, please? Very repetitive in asking you because they're that touch starved.
In addition to their want for physical touch, (or some commandos who don't like physical touch OR the ones who sorta listen to you when you say you don't want to hold their hand or any of that) when in close proximity to the commandos, rarely do their eyes ever leave you. You're just too important to them and so, you have to stay in their eyesight to ensure your safety. For the commandos that are denied physical affection and the privilege of watching you up close, they resort to watching from afar, hiding where you cannot see them, staring at you through their DC-17's scope. If you don't want to be watched all the time...why don't you try asking to wear their helmets? I believe the commandos would be absolutely ecstatic that you asked to wear their calling card. It would be very difficult to get them to shut up after that.
Due to the nature of the Clone Wars, even if the commandos wanted to, they cannot take you back to their barracks or anywhere locked up. The best that a commando or group of commandos can do is take a photo of you to display on their holocron each time before they go on a covert mission. They might be dead the next time they try to come home, leaving you to be stuck in an uncomfortable situation where another squad might try to take you in as their darling or the worse, being stuck in a building deep on an unknown planet, with no means of escape. For some commandos, you dying isolated rather than in their living arms is a better option of seeing you again in the after life.
Speaking of death, not all commandos die on deployment. Many are left behind. In that case, if the commando is desperate enough and willing, he will desert the Grand Army of the Republic, (commonly referred to as the GAR) and devise a plan to take you with him. If his brothers are alive, you bet that the commando would find a way to convince his brothers to join him, leave behind that awful life they had known before in favor of a bright new future with you in it. They wouldn't have to wear such heavy gear anymore, be in constant threat of a battlefield death, (though the rapid aging would steal their chance of a full life) and best of all, you are there to enjoy every single day. Maybe the commandos might go and search Kamino for a cure to try and reverse their rapid aging before they get to you? Sure sounds like an interesting fic!
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But wait, there's more! I wanted to share with you guys some of my yandere Republic Commando OCS that I came up with in the process of writing this self-indulgence blurb. Still figuring out who will be what but, I can give you their squad name and personal names. Only one guy has actual stuff written about him in the image below.
May I introduce you folks to the Champ Squad, led by RC-1237, known as Trickshot. He works with his brothers Shaft, ZZ and Heyday, being a very successful yet, controversial squad. Wherever they go, there are rarely any survivors. They might like killing a little too much. I still need to draw the other three, as well as give them their RC numbers.
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Meet Trickshot, my lovelies! Everything on that paper is gonna be written down from top to bottom so you can make sense of my goofy writing. I said I was only going to write a little bit about a yandere oc. A little.... WELP
Trickshot, RC-1237— The “Boss” of Champ Squad.
• He has a grim sense of humor, being the squad's designated demolitions man. Trickshot's name is deceiving because many expect him to be the sniper, (which he is a very good shot at that) but he is a phenomenal explosion's master.
• Trickshot's serious, keen, cunning and silent for the most part. He has the highest kill count out of his squad, taking genuine pleasure in killing Separatist scum. He especially takes joy in killing anyone he deems getting too close/hurting/potentially hurting his cyar'ika (sweetheart).
• The “Boss” is brutal, straightforward and overall, a hard man to be around. The Champ Squad has its high success rate thanks to Trickshot's harsh methods.
(author's note: next bullet point might change but I wanna know y'all's opinion!!)
• Trickshot's DNA was mixed with another diner, (alongside his bros) giving him sharper features. Unfortunately, he's aggressive.
• Bears distinctive purple painted armor. Symbolizes the dark feelings and bad dreams he has, though others assume it must be ego talking.
• You compliment him on it? He wants you to add something to it. Can't paint or any of that? Here, let him take your hand and help you.
• Promise you'd hold his hand? Just once? He might die on his next mission, please. Trickshot loves you.
• Trickshot “accidently” killed a Jedi padawan, (shame the kid got on his nerves). His brothers covered for him, saying the child died to battle droids. Yeah, they (meaning Shaft, ZZ and Heyday) were also fed up with the padawan.
• Claimed the lightsaber fell down the heavy waterfall rapids, (Trickshot lied) keeping the sacred weapon for personal use.
• “ Look, cyar'ika, (or sweetheart) I ain't itchin' to make you blaze up just yet. ” (He laughs).
• “ Relaaax, I'm not gon' hurt ya. I'm gon' hurt 'em. ” (Guns and bombs ready).
• “ Just 'lax up, will ya? I don't bite! Unless you want or I really wanna. ” (You're sitting on his lap).
And that's everything! Lemme know whatcha guys think! Yes, Trickshot's quotes were suggestive but, I feel like that would blend in with his personality? Idk, maybe it's just my opinion.
Fanart, ideas, suggestions, (anything really lol!?) is appreciated for Trickshot and his brothers in the Champ Squad! Thanks for reading!
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What Do You Think?
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Part 4 of the Boys with Luv series
Pairing: Yoongi x reader, Yoongi x Jimin
Summary: Yoongi goes to the fansign without Y/N as she feels that she is going to be shunned and hated by the rest of the members. There, he realises that they aren’t all angry with him.
Warnings: Smut, swearing, Yoongi being a slight dick to Tae
Tags: @calling-dips-on-j-hope, @fic-recs-by-moon, @luvtaeha, @aretha170, @xicanacorpse, @kookieebangtan, @fangirl125reader, @seoul9711, @channiespup​, @lindsayjoy444​ ​​​​​
AN: If any of you would like to be added to the taglist, just let me know and I will add you :)
Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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Taehyung POV:
It was hard to describe what I felt when I was that girl with my boyfriend. My Yoongi. He had his arm wrapped tightly around her way. He called her baby. That was my nickname. I was always his Taebaby. Kookie was his prince, and Jiminie was his pretty boy. 
Yes, I was jealous. Yes, I was angry. I had hoped that none of us would find our soulmates because I didn’t want our dynamic to change. We were fine just the seven of us. We didn’t need anyone else in the equation.
I glared at the pair of them as they checked out. I wasn’t really in the mood to buy new lingerie anymore. The girl turned to look at me, Joonie, and Hobi, and me and her made eye contact. Suddenly, colours flooded into my vision. I stumbled backwards, my back colliding with Hoseok’s chest. He and Namjoon both looked equally surprised.
“Taebaby, you okay?” Namjoon asked, wrapping his arm around my waist to keep me steady. No, this was not okay. I was not okay. This wasn’t possible.
“It doesn’t make sense.” I mumbled. “It’s not possible.” I shook my head. “No, no, it’s not possible.” I repeated. “What just happened? Why can I see colour?”
“I can see it too.” Hoseok admitted quietly.
“And me.” Namjoon agreed. He looked confused. I glanced up at him, silently asking what we should do. He knew my facial expressions. When I got nervous, I sometimes wouldn’t talk so Namjoon had learnt to read my face to know how I was feeling. “I don’t know what we should do, Taebaby.” He looked over to where Yoongi and the girl had been stood, but they were gone now. “We’ll talk to him tomorrow at the fanmeet.”
“Is it possible, hyungie?” I asked, looking at Namjoon.
“I don’t know. It is, but I don’t know why.” Namjoon replied. “Do you want to buy anything or go home?” He asked, looking at me and stroking my hair out of my face.
“I don’t know.” I said looking around. All the lace and silk was tempting me. “I’m not really feeling it at the moment.” 
“Okay, baby, we can go home and cuddle?” Hoseok suggested. I nodded.
“That would be nice, please, hyung.” I said, allowing Hoseok to pull me into a hug and the both of them to lead me out of the store and back to the dorm.
I twisted my fingers around nervously. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go through with the plan anymore. They hated me. It was clear to see. Taehyung was glaring at me. I was sat in the living room, letting all the thoughts cloud my head. Taehyung was never going to like me.
“Baby, dinner’s ready, are you okay?” Yoongi raced to kneel in front of me. “Baby, what’s wrong?”
“They hate me!” I said, letting the tears roll down my face. “It’s not going to work!” I sobbed. “Taehyung was glaring at me, and Namjoon looked so disappointed and disgusted!”
“They what?” Yoongi looked pissed. “Okay, baby, look at me.” He took hold of my hands. “They don’t hate you. They are angry because of what happened.”
“But that’s not my fault!”
“I know, jagiya, I know.” Yoongi kissed away my tears. “If you don’t want to, you don’t have to come to the fanmeet tomorrow, okay?” He said. “Not if it’s going to upset you so much.”
“I’m sorry.” I apologised. I didn’t want him to be disappointed with me.
“Don’t you dare apologise.” Yoongi said. “Don’t worry, okay, let’s eat and then we’ll cuddle and watch a movie.” He said, taking hold of my hand and pulling me up with him.
Yoongi POV:
My alarm went off early the morning of the fanmeet. I groaned and sat up, turning it off not wanting to wake up Y/N. I leaned down and pecked her on the lips before leaving her a note and getting dressed. I was out of the door within ten minutes, knowing I would have be at the dorm before the van came to pick us up. 
I made it to the dorm ten minutes later, the cold air biting at my exposed skin on my face above my mask, and my uncovered hands. I shivered, pulling at my beanie as I realised that the van was already waiting outside. I walked over to it and got on. There was no one there yet so I decided to sit right at the back, making sure to put my bag on the empty chair next to me. 
The six of them appeared at the same time. Instantly, the van was filled with awkward tension as none of us knew exactly what to say to each other. I was angry at them, and they were angry at me. My phone buzzed with a message from my princess. I smiled as I read it.
Jagi ❤️️: I love you too, oppa! Don’t get too angry at them today, remember ARMY is always your top priority. Send me a pic of your outfit please! Have fun and don’t be too grumpy!
I chuckled at her message, quickly typing one back. I missed her already.
My lil meow meow ❤️️ 🐱: I’ll try not to be too grumpy, princess, but I’m annoyed at them for how they treated you yesterday. There’s some leftover noodles in the fridge if you want those, or you can order something if you want. There’s money in the drawer by the front door. Be safe!
She sent me back a red heart along with a screenshot of her breakfast order, saying that she was having both. I looked up from my phone, seeing that Jimin had turned around in his seat and was staring at me carefully. It was hard to tell what he was feeling - he was always good at hiding his emotions if he wanted to. We made eye contact and he shot around in his seat, leaning his head on Hoseok’s shoulder, earning a forehead kiss. I felt a pang of sadness shoot through me. Usually Taehyung would be sat next to me, curled up into my side, scrolling through social media and giggling when he found something funny. Now he was sat next to Namjoon, not even bothering to look at me.
My phone buzzed with another message. It was a picture from Y/N showing her breakfast. She had also taken a selfie with the leftover noodles, saying they were the best thing ever. The van stopped, signalling we were here. The others got off first and then I followed, wanting our interaction to be as little as possible.
Hair and makeup sped past and I found myself dressed and ready, waiting to be called out. I was first done, and then it would normally be Taehyung. I sat on my phone after sending Y/N a pre-fansign selfie. The door opened. I looked up and saw Taehyung. I looked back down at my phone, knowing that if I talked to him now, I would explode with anger. 
“Hyung?” Taehyung sat down on the couch beside me, leaving some space to be respectable. “I need to talk to you about something.” He said. 
“About what, Taehyung?” I asked, not even looking at him. He needed to know how annoyed I was. He needed to know what he had done wrong.
“It’s about your soulmate.” He said, making me scoff. Y/N was the one thing I didn’t want to talk to him about. 
“What do you want to tell me this time, Taehyung? That she’s a gold digger? That she’s just using me for money? All of that is a lie, Taehyung! And I am sure of that, okay?” I said, my voice harsh. He flinched at the tone of my voice.
“I wasn’t going to say that, honestly.” He said, his voice small.
“Until you apologise to me for what you said, I honestly don’t want to hear it.” I said, pocketing my phone and standing up. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go and calm down.” I walked out of the room.
I knew I was harsh with him. I waited until the door was properly shut behind me before I slid down the wall, burying my face in my hands. I loved Taehyung with all of my heart, but what he said was wrong. He had to know that Y/N was going to be a part of my life now, whether he liked it or not. 
“Hyungie?” I looked up, seeing my precious little Jimin. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, Jimin.” I said, sighing slightly as I sat up, leaning the back of my head against the wall. 
“No, you’re not.” He said, sitting down next to me. “What’s wrong?” He reached over and took hold of my hand, his small fingers wrapping around mine.
“None of this is my fault, Minnie.” I said huskily, knowing that I was on the verge of crying. “I can’t chose when I meet my soulmate or who they are. And nobody understands that!”
“I understand that. I know it’s not your fault.” Jimin said, looking at me, his eyes full of sympathy. “I wanted so badly to come over to your apartment and see you. I really want to meet her. I think we all need to get used to her being around and possibly being a part of our relationship otherwise our dynamic is going to be off.”
When he said this, my heart skipped a beat. At least one of them cared about me still. “Why didn’t you come over?” I asked softly.
“Joonie wouldn’t let me.” Jimin said. “He said we needed to give you time and space, but I knew that was something you didn’t need. I wanted to speak up so badly when he told you to leave but I knew my opinion wouldn’t matter to him.” His eyes searched my face. “I’m sorry.”
“Hey you do not have to apologise. You have done nothing wrong.” I said, stroking his hand. “You tried your best, Chim, and that’s all I’ll ever ask.” He smiled slightly at that. “Tell you what, after the fansign, how about you come home with me and you can meet Y/N.” I suggested.
“Is that her name? It’s beautiful.” He said.
“You’re beautiful, pretty boy.” I said, making him blush. I stood up, pulling him up with me. “I missed you so much.” I pulled him closer, wrapping my arms around his waist.
“I missed you too, hyungie.” He said, kissing me gently on the lips. I groaned slightly, feeling myself go hard.
“Do we have time for a quickie?” I asked, checking the time, seeing that we still had thirty minutes. “Okay, come on, quickly. I need those pretty lips around my cock.” I dragged him into an empty bathroom, pressing him against the door and attacking his neck with my lips, being careful not to leave any marks.
“Yoonie.” He whined, pressing his hips against mine. He was hard against my thigh. 
“Okay, baby, take off your clothes and put them neatly on the counter. I don’t want the stylist noonas to kill us.” I ordered as I undressed myself, folding up my clothes neatly.
“Hyungie please.” Jimin begged, palming himself through his boxers. He looked desperate, his full lips shiny red. His tongue swiped across them as he let out a breathy moan.
“Shh baby.” I said, pushing him down slightly so he would drop to his knees. “Now suck my cock like a good boy and I’ll eat you out after.” He nodded eagerly and pulled down my boxers, freeing my dick from its confines. It sprung up, the head a dark red colour. He stroked it a few times before taking the tip in his mouth and sucking on it like a lollipop. “Fuck Chimmie.” I groaned, having missed the feeling of his mouth. “You feel so good, baby. Gonna make me cum so hard.”
He smiled around my cock and swallowed, deepthroating me. My hands itched to pull at his hair, but I knew it would ruin all the stylist noonas hard work, so I grabbed hold of the counter behind me. He hollowed out his cheeks and moved his head up and down before taking me out of his mouth and licking the prominent vein on the underside of my cock, staring up at me seductively.
“Are you gonna cum for me soon, hyungie?” He asked, taking me back into his mouth and sucking hard. I could feel the knot begin to form in the base of my stomach. His lips were stretched around me as he gagged slightly from the intrusion in his throat.
“Fuck!” I moaned when I felt my tip hit the back of his throat. “Yes baby, I’m gonna cum.” I said, tightening my grip on the counter so my knuckles were white. “Stay still and open your mouth.” I thrusted into his mouth, his hands coming up to rub my hips. His 13 tattoo showed through the bracelets he was wearing on his wrist. “Fuck baby, such a pretty mouth.” He smiled up at me around my cock, swallowing as I entered his throat.
When he did that, the knot in my stomach became impossibly tight. “Baby, I’m going to cum!” I groaned, thrusting a few more times before the knot snapped. “Good boy, take it all.” I crooned as he closed his mouth around me to keep all my cum in his mouth. I pulled out of his mouth. “Swallow.” I ordered. He opened his mouth wide to show me that he had swallowed it. “Such a little slut.”
“I’m hyungie’s slut.” Jimin purred as he pulled down his boxers. I pulled him close to me, thumb brushing over his nevermind tattoo on his chest.
“Want me to eat you out, or finger you kitten?” I asked. He hummed in thought.
“Both please, hyungie.” He requested, bending over so his upper body was resting on the counter.
“You are such a little slut for me, kitten.” I said, running my hands over the globes of his ass. I pulled them apart slightly to expose his hole. I bent down and moved my tongue over it, making him shiver and moan out softly. ched round and pushed my fingers into his mouth. “Suck.” I said. He got to work, swirling his tongue around each individual digit, coating them in saliva. After a few minutes I pulled them out of his mouth before pushing two into him, making him cry out. I use my tongue as well, making the wet muscle lick over and around his hole.
He moaned out as he panted slightly, his legs shaking. “Already close, baby?” I asked, knowing the tell tale signs of him about to cum.
“Yes, hyungie. Ahhhh.” Jimin moaned as I added another finger, moving down to lick at his perineum. “Hyungie yes, right there.” He cried out as I pushed against his prostate. “Can I cum, please, can I cum.” He begged.
“Go ahead baby.” I said, allowing him to splatter his cum on the counter in front of him. “Such a messy boy.” I chuckled, making him whine in embarrassment. 
“Thank you hyungie.” He said, catching his breath. I grabbed some tissue and wiped him down. 
“I love you, Yoongi.” Jimin said, pecking my lips.
“I love you too, pretty boy.” I replied. “Come on, get dressed, they’re going to be looking for us soon.” He nodded and quickly got dressed, putting on some leather pants that clung tightly to his ass and thighs. “I think you just gave me another boner, pretty boy.”
“Oh really?” He smirked, turning around, his chest bare.
“Put your shirt on.” I laughed, making him giggle. It’s strange that you never realise how much you miss someone until you see them again.
Throughout the entire fansign, Jimin stuck by my side, sometimes holding my hand underneath the table or I would have my hand on his thigh. We took selfies together and made each other laugh. It made me realise just how much I missed being around them and also how different things were going to be now, and just how ready I was for it. 
The other members noticed this, and some had small smiles. But Taehyung and Namjoon still looked unsure. It was as if they didn’t trust me anymore, which is something I didn’t want.
Before long, the fansign was over and we were piling back into the minivan to take us back to the dorm. Jimin was tucked up next to me, his legs pulled up and curled to his side. He was scrolling through his weverse, replying to some comments from ARMY. He soon came across the selfie that I posted of me and Y/N, making him smile.
“She’s really pretty.” He said softly as the van pulled off and started driving. 
“She is, but she’s had a really horrible life.” I said, making him nod in understanding. “So just be careful with what you say about here. And don’t, whatever you do, bring up her ex.”
“Why?” Jimin asked, resting his chin on my shoulder.
“Because he abused her a lot. She had run away, which is how I met her. She was going to sleep in the park.” I explained. “He just wasn’t a very nice person, and she was terrified of him. But that’s okay because she has us to protect her.”
“Is she an ARMY?” Jimin asked.
“Yes, she is.” I replied. “She was dancing to ‘Spring Day’ when I found her. She’s a dancer too.”
“Really?” Jimin sounded excited. “That’s so cool. We can do dances together and stuff.” 
“Yes, we can.” I said with a smile, wrapping my arm around him and holding him close. My phone started to ring, making him jump. It was my baby.
“Hey, baby. You okay?” I asked as I answered.
“Yeah, I was just looking at photos from the fansign today. Have you and Jimin made up?” She asked, making me smile knowingly.
“Yes, we have. Is it alright if he comes over? He really wants to meet you.” I said, making her gasp.
“Really?” I knew how insecure she was about meeting them as she thought they all hated her. 
“Yes.” I nodded. Jimin tried to grab the phone from me. “He wants to talk to you.” I said, making her give an okay.
“Hi!” He said excitedly into the phone. I could hear the murmur of her voice as she spoke back to him. He chuckled. “Yeah, it was fun. I got a lot of things from ARMY.” He paused as she spoke. “Really?” He laughed. “Of course. Oh, please order some of that. I’ll tell Yoongi.” I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. He mouthed “She’s ordering food for us.” I nodded. “We are almost at the dorm, so see you in about fifteen, twenty minutes. Of course, I can’t wait. See you soon!” He handed the phone back to me.
“Jagi?” I said, seeing if she was still there.
“Yes, oppa.” She replied.
“Are you okay?” I asked. “Feeling any better?”
“Yes, actually. I’m really excited to properly meet Jimin. It sounds like he is really all for me being added to the relationship.” She said, sounding happy. “I’ll see you soon. I’ve ordered pizza for us and we can have a movie night.”
“Sounds good princess. I’ll see you in a bit.” I hung up the phone and turned to Jimin. “Excited to meet your new girlfriend?” I asked, making him nod, a big smile on his face.
“I can’t wait to give her cuddles and lots of kisses.” He said, settling back against my shoulder. “We’re going to watch a movie together tonight. Can I stay over, we have a day off tomorrow?” He looked at me giving me puppy eyes. “Please hyungie?”
“How can I ever say no to this face?” I asked, cupping his cheeks and squishing them together, making him giggle. I pushed his blond hair out of his face as the van pulled up outside of the dorm. “Do you need to grab anything?” I asked.
“Nope. I’ll just steal your clothes.” He said with a small smile. “Come on, come on, come on! Let’s go!” He took hold of my hand and pulled me off the minivan and started dragging me towards my apartment.
“Jiminie, where are you going?” Namjoon shouted after us.
“I’m going to stay at Yoongi hyung’s tonight.” Jimin replied. “If you have a problem with it, I really don’t care.” He turned to me, dragging me again. It was quite sweet seeing him so determined to meet my soulmate. He really did care. Especially since he sassed Joon like that. “Come on, let’s go! The pizza is probably already there!”
“Okay, Jimin, we’re going!” I said with a laugh, allowing him to lead me to my apartment. 
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silverlightqueen · 6 years
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Ruin My Life
Based on Ruin My Life by Zara Larsson
RML masterlist
(fratboy!Jimin bc I’m a slut for douchey Jimin🤷🏽‍♀️) - smut, flirty banter, angst and fluff to come
Word Count - 8.7k+
Summary - After an eventful afternoon in the library and an unexpected reunion, you end up sending a text that you might regret...
Warnings - v v smutty!!! dom!Jimin, daddy kink, oral, dirty talking, intercourse, spanking, thigh riding, a lil bit of everything ig
a/n: so this went in a very different direction than I intended it to when I started writing it lol, but I actually like the plot twist so here ya go. also, this is definitely going to be a series and hopefully I’ll be uploading part 2 very soon bc I've already started on it lmao. Please tell me what y’all think, I’d love to get some feedback💕
Edit: Part 2 is out now, link in my masterlist💕
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I love university. Everything about it. My course is super interesting and there’s never a moment when I think I’d rather be doing a different course. My lecturers are super cool and understanding, all of them young, so they know what we’re going through, and considerate. My friends and roommate are all amazing people and they’ll never give me a chance to be sad or bored, always on hand to cheer me up and take me out. The parties are always so much fun and I’m lucky enough to have never had a bad experience with a drunk and horny boy, or a group of bitchy girls. So yes, unlike some others around here, I love university with my whole heart and soul. I’m one of those annoying people who shows up to early morning lectures with a coordinated and pristine outfit, a full face of makeup and perfect hair, my laptop and matching stationery ready, as well as a Starbucks and breakfast. I wake up happy in the mornings and go to sleep happy at night. And this isn’t one of those stories where I’m going to rattle on about how much I love university and then say that there’s one exception to the rule. No, definitely not. This is a slightly different story. Because I was pondering how much I love university whilst sat at a desk in the library, book in hand, both headphones in, just as something happened which would cause a chain of events which would in turn change my view on my university for the rest of my life. Maybe even ruin my life as it is, for better and for worse.
Someone leans against the desk beside me and pulls out one headphone, Drake being cut off mid-rap, and I look up, expecting it to be my roommate, Mija, or one of my other friends, but instead, it’s a surprise, and not exactly a nice one. ‘Hello, darling,’ Kim Taehyung says, looking down at me with a small smirk. He’s dressed in the school’s football kit, shorts to his knees, and a loose t-shirt, and he holds his varsity jacket over his shoulder. I sigh, knowing that this probably won’t end well. ‘My name isn’t darling,’ I say quietly, but he reacts to the words like I shouted them in his face, flinching slightly. ‘Well, obviously, y/n,’ he chuckles, saying it with emphasis as a way to prove that he knows my name, and I raise an eyebrow. ‘Can I help you, Taehyung?’ I ask, putting my book down and leaning back in my seat, knowing he isn’t going to leave easily. ‘Yes, actually, babe. I wanted to ask something of you,’ he says, his jawline clenched once the words leave his mouth, and I roll my eyes. ‘Ask it then, and I’ll see if it’s worth my time,’ I say, and his lips quirk up in amusement.
Now, I feel like I should explain something. I’m not a bitch, okay? I’m super nice. I’m one of those girls that gets along with everyone, little kids, old people and everyone in between. I could get along with a brick wall if I had to. I’m sociable, kind and easy to talk to. But frat boys… frat boys are the one exception. I’m lucky enough to not have to see them most of the time, my schedule conflicting with theirs, and we don’t really run in the same social circles. But Taehyung and his friends, I’d been unfortunate enough to encounter them a few times more than I would ever want to. Not direct encounters, though. Through my friends, and their heartbreaks, one-night stands, rejections and short relationships with the boys. I’d had to wipe away their tears, console them and spend nights chatting shit about the boys more times that I can count. It had become tiring to say the least. So, please, forgive me for the way I’m speaking to Taehyung, because he deserves it.
‘Let me take you out?’ he asks, and my lips curl up into a grin. ‘Ah, you and your stupid friends are really not as funny as you seem to think you are. Is this a bet, or a dare? Or are you getting something for it? Money, maybe? If you are, I’ll say yes, and I get half,’ I say, and he looks surprised, trying to keep up with my words. ‘Wait, what? This isn’t a dare, and it’s not for money,’ he says, and I raise an eyebrow. ‘So, it’s a bet then?’ I ask, and he shakes his head hastily. ‘Can’t a guy ask a girl out for the sake of it?’ he asks, tilting his head in a way he must think is endearing. It is, to be honest, but I wouldn’t admit it to him in a million years; he already knows how intimidatingly handsome he is. ‘What makes you want to ask me out? What’s special about me?’ I challenge. ‘Of course you’re special, baby,’ he says, mistaking me trying to catch him out as insecurity. The way the words roll of his tongue with such ease tell me he’s said them many times before, and it makes me even more annoyed. ‘I know I’m special, dumbass, way too special to be dealing with this right now. I wanna know what you think is so special about me to ask me out,’ I explain exasperatedly. ‘You’re, like, clever, and stuff. And you’re pretty,’ he says with a grin, thinking he’s done well. ‘I’m clever, pretty, and stuff?’ I ask deadpan, and he nods proudly. ‘Wow, thanks!’ I say sarcastically, and then he seems to clock that I’m not too impressed with his observations. ‘To save myself from any more of the bullshit that has been nonstop exiting your mouth for the past minute, I’m going to ask you to leave now,’ I say, and I hear choked laughter from behind me. I don’t bother to turn and look, knowing that it’s probably his stupid friends, and continue staring at Taehyung, waiting for him to leave. ‘I’ll see you around, y/n,’ he grins, strutting away. I roll my eyes, putting my headphone back in and getting back to work, incorrect in thinking that that was the end of it. Only a few minutes later, and I have another visitor.
‘I guess my desk is the place to be this afternoon, huh?’ I ask as I pull out a headphone, looking up to see Hoseok smirking down at me, dressed in the same kit as Tae, his varsity jacket on instead. ‘It’s not because of the desk, though,’ he says, and I nearly laugh out loud. ‘Can I help you, Hobi? Because I have loads of work to do,’ I sigh tiredly. ‘Fuck the work, do me instead,’ he says with a grin, and I choke. ‘Wow, you’re… straightforward, I’ll give you that. But you do know that no girl with more than one braincell would ever be flattered or turned on after being spoken to like that?’ I reply with a raised eyebrow. ‘And you’ve got more than one braincell, have you, y/n?’ he asks, a mischievous grin playing at his lips. ‘Yes, more than can be said for you and your friends. Now whatever stupid game it is that you guys are playing, give it up and leave me alone. I’m busy,’ I say in annoyance. ‘Too busy for me? Don’t hurt me, y/n,’ he says, his mouth constantly stretched into that stupidly handsome smile. ‘Even if I’m watching paint dry, I’m still too busy for you,’ I say, and he clutches his heart dramatically. ‘How can you hurt me this way, babe?’ he says, and I roll my eyes. ‘Leave, Hobi, I’m not dealing with your stupidity anymore,’ I say, putting my headphone back in, not waiting to see if he’s left or not. I’m lucky to be left in peace for a few minutes, until another of their stupid friends bothers me.
‘Oh, this had better be good,’ I say, putting my book down again, looking up to see Jungkook smiling his annoyingly cute bunny smile at me, his jacket tied around his small waist. ‘Trust me, baby, if it’s to do with me, it will be,’ he says confidently, my eyebrow quirking up. ‘Arrogance? Not the best way to seduce a girl,’ I say. ‘Who says I’m trying to seduce you?’ he asks, trying not to grin, and I laugh. ‘Don’t be silly, Jeon.’ ‘Who’s the arrogant one now?’ he says, and I give an impressed nod. ‘Touché. So, what have you come over here to ask me to do? Are you gonna beat around the bush like Tae and ask me out on a date, or are you gonna get straight to the point like Hobi and tell me to do you?’ I ask, and I can see him try not to laugh. ‘How about I take you out and then you do me? Or rather, I do you?’ he suggests, and I nod as I digest his words, trying not to let the way his words affect me show. ‘What a… tempting offer. But no, thank you, I have much more important things to do,’ I say, and he pouts at me. ‘More important than me? I didn’t think it was possible,’ he says ponderingly, and I hold back a laugh. ‘God, you’re annoying. You must be insane if you think you have any importance in my life,’ I say, and he hisses, pretending to be hurt. ‘Ouch. Come on, noona, you know you find me attractive,’ he says, and I laugh aloud. ‘What’s the game? Is it a bet to see who can get me on a date?’ I ask, and he raises an eyebrow. ‘You’re clever,’ he says, revealing it straight away. ‘I am, but even someone with your IQ could figure that out after having three morons from the same friendship group come up to you in the space of twenty minutes,’ I say. ‘I’ll have you know my IQ is higher than average. 128, to be precise,’ he says, and I raise an eyebrow at his IQ being mere points off mine. ’28? Sounds about right,’ I say, and he laughs a genuine laugh. ‘You’re a funny girl, y/n. I’m actually genuinely asking you out now, not because of the dare,’ he says, and I grin, amused. ‘Maybe some other time, Kook, when I’m not so busy,’ I say, taking pity on the boy before scrawling down my number on a piece of paper. ‘Don’t hit me up if you want your dick sucked, that’s not what this is for. Send me your name so I have your number, and I’ll let you know when I’m free if I don’t change my mind,’ I say, and he grins victoriously as he takes it from me, the boys behind causing a ruckus. ‘Can I have a kiss for the road?’ he asks, a cheeky smile on his annoyingly cute face, and I laugh. ‘Run along, Jeon,’ I say, and he does so, leaving me laughing to myself.
Only a few minutes later, someone takes a seat opposite me, and I supress a sigh. ‘I’m not gonna fuck around like those kids, I’m gonna get straight to it. Let me take you out,’ Seokjin says once I’ve taken out a headphone, and I raise an eyebrow at his straightforward statement. ‘Well, what a way to woo a girl, Jin. God knows how you’ve managed to get so many girls into your bed,’ I say, and he gives me a smile, staggeringly handsome with his dark hair hanging over onto his forehead, his kit the same as the other boys. ‘I get into theirs, they don’t get into mine. Imagine the germs. I’d let you, though, babe,’ he smiles, and my heart jumps. ‘Thank you, I’m flattered, but I’d rather not step foot anywhere other than the downstairs of your frat house for as long as I live,’ I say, and he laughs his endearingly loud laugh, sounding distinctly like a windshield wiper. ‘I don’t mind coming to yours,’ he offers. ‘So you took that obvious rejection as an offer to come to my apartment? God, you frat boys really are dense, huh?’ I say, and he raises an eyebrow. ‘So you don’t want me?’ he asks. ‘No, Seokjin, I don’t.’ ‘You gave your number to Jungkook,’ he points out, and I raise an eyebrow. ‘He wore me down. And he’s cute, I guess,’ I admit, and Jin gives me a sceptical look. ‘So I’m not cute?’ ‘No, you aren’t cute, and you know that that’s not an appropriate word to describe you at all,’ I say, the subliminal message obvious to him. ‘So you find me attractive, then?’ he asks. ‘So is this about getting validation or about asking me out? Because it’s sure seeming like the former,’ I say. ‘I don’t need validation, babe, I know I’m handsome. I just want to know how you feel about me,’ he says, tilting his head to the side inquisitively. ‘I think you’re handsome, but I don’t have any kind of emotional or physical attraction to you in the slightest, Jin. My apologies but go find a girl who will fawn over you like you want her to,’ I say, and he laughs. ‘Fair enough, I gave it a try, I guess,’ he says, getting up. ‘And it was a good one at that,’ I say, taking pity on him, and putting a sympathetic hand on his forearm, and the boys start to pipe up behind me. ‘See you later, Y/N,’ he says, and I smile at him.
Next, I have someone filling the seat beside me, and I roll my eyes, knowing this stupid roleplay is unavoidable. ‘Hey, y/n,’ I hear once I’ve removed my headphone, and the voice brings a smile to my face. Perhaps the only one I actually like out of them all. ‘Hey, Joon,’ I say, with a wide smile, hearing the boys whispering once more. ‘I… I’m sorry, this is so dumb,’ he says with a shake of his head, and I laugh. ‘It’s okay. I guess it’s kind of brought me some entertainment for this afternoon,’ I say. ‘It was a stupid bet to see if any of us would actually be able to get you to agree to going out with us,’ he says. ‘Where did it come from though? Why did it even come up into conversation?’ I ask, curious, the handsome man rolling his eyes. ‘We were supposed to have a meeting with the Dean of the school in here, something about the frat, but she had to reschedule, and we ended up staying in here because we had nothing else to do. Then Tae spotted you, and asked when you got so hot, and I said you’ve always been hot, because you have, and then one thing led to another, and Tae bet he could get you to go out with him, so all the rest of us bet too, because we’re mindlessly competitive morons,’ he explains, and I crack up at his last few words. ‘Well,’ I say in a low voice, smiling gently as I lean closer to him and place a hand onto his chest for effect, ‘you can go back and tell them that I said I’d definitely go out with you, and I said I’d take you home too, because we really are due a catch-up, and we haven’t binged a series since freshman year.’ He grins at my physical deception to the boys, my words about reconnecting as friends conflicting greatly with my actions, and brushes a piece of hair behind my ear. ‘I’ll text you soon,’ he says, getting up, and I smile at him. ‘Please do,’ I say, the boys reacting far too loudly for the library.
And then I get another visitor ten minutes later. ‘I’m gonna cut to the chase. What’s it gonna take for you to give me your number just so I can shut the boys up?’ Yoongi asks me, and I let out a laugh. ‘You need to convince me,’ I reply as he takes the seat beside me. ‘What did Namjoon and Jungkook do? Did they bribe you?’ he asks, his big brown eyes dancing as he grins mischievously. ‘No, neither of them bribed me. They used their natural charm,’ I say, and he grimaces. ‘I don’t have any of that so would you take a bribe?’ he asks, and I laugh again. ‘You are charming, and witty,’ I say, and he raises his eyebrows. ‘Why does it sound like you’re trying to get my number?’ he asks, and again, he has me laughing, effortlessly funny. ‘Aw, Yoongi, you’re funny. But no, I don’t take bribes,’ I say, and he fake scowls. ‘Not money? Or food?’ he asks, and I contemplate this for a moment. ‘Yeah, probably,’ I say, and he grins the most adorable gummy smile I’ve seen in my life. ‘Okay, I’ll buy you takeout of your choice on any given night. Just text me and I’ll order it to your apartment,’ he says, and I consider his offer. ‘I’ll one-up you; I’m gonna have Joon over soon for a day of binge-watching Netflix. You can come too as long as you bring snacks and then order dinner,’ I bargain, and he nods, ‘Deal.’ ‘Perfect. Let me put my number in your phone and then text me later,’ I say, and he hands me his phone with a smug look at the boys. They let out outraged noises as I put my number in his phone, trying not to laugh as I see the librarian stomping over in their direction. ‘Thanks, y/n, you’re a real one,’ he says, and I grin, shaking my head as he walks away. But the last visitor I get, around twenty minutes later, is definitely the most… unwelcome.
‘Hey, princess. Long time, no see,’ he says after plucking out a headphone, and his voice sends a chill through me. Okay, so maybe I lied when I said I hadn’t directly encountered any of them. One of them may or may not be an ex-fuck buddy (I hate that phrase but it’s the best way to describe it, because we definitely weren’t friends with benefits). It’d been a low point in my university life, when I’d broken up with a long-term boyfriend and wanted to go crazy for a little, and I guess that’s what I ended up doing. Or rather, who I ended up doing. No one other than my roommate knows about our fling, as far as I’m aware, and it’d ended after a few months. We haven’t spoken since, and every time I’ve seen him in real life, I’ve practically run in the other direction to avoid him. It’s not that we ended on bad terms; it’s just… awkward. And now, here he is. Sat on the desk beside me, looking as handsome as ever in his football kit, his thick thighs and strong arms straining against the material, his varsity jacket tied low on his hips. He runs a hand through his newly dyed dirty blond locks, smirking as he watches my eyes travel over his body.
‘Hey, Jimin,’ I reply, not really knowing what else to say. ‘That’s not what you used to call me,’ he says with a smirk, looking down at me with sparkling eyes. ‘It’s what I called you when we were around other people,’ I point out, and he grins widely, his pearly whites out on display. ‘How have you been, princess? I’ve missed you,’ he pouts, and I roll my eyes, trying to act like his nickname for me doesn’t affect me in the slightest. ‘I really doubt that, Jimin. Did you even have enough time in your… busy schedule to miss me?’ I ask with a raised eyebrow, his grin becoming even wider. ‘Now, babe, don’t get jealous. You know that when I was with you, I was with only you, no one else. So, don’t act like the scorned woman,’ he reprimands me, running a hand through his hair again, and I roll my eyes once more. ‘What a privilege,’ I say sarcastically, and he shakes his head at me. ‘Look how you treat me. After everything we went through together,’ he says. ‘The only thing we went through together was a jumbo pack of condoms,’ I say, and he bursts out laughing. ‘I forgot how funny you are, babe,’ he says, and I try not to smile at seeing him look so happy. ‘Listen, don’t be mad at me for moving on. As much as I hate to bring it up, you’re the one that ended things with me, though only God knows why. We were good together, right?’ he asks, and I nod, knowing he’s right; we were. ‘So why did you end it?’ he asks, and I sigh. ‘Do you really wanna know, Jimin?’ I ask, and he nods, watching me interestedly. ‘Because I started to catch feelings for you,’ I admit, watching his face for any kind of reaction, but he doesn’t show any sign of emotion, his face not changing in the slightest. ‘And?’ he asks after a few seconds, hand sweeping through his hair again. ‘Two reasons. One, I’d just gotten out of a relationship, and wasn’t looking to get into another one. Two, you weren’t, and still aren’t, the type of guy to even want a relationship, so there was no point continuing what we had, because I would’ve fallen for you more and more, and it wouldn’t have gone anywhere,’ I say, and he raises an eyebrow. ‘Because you know me so well?’ he asks, and I nod with a small smile. ‘I knew you better than you thought I did,’ I say, and he nods, digesting my words.
‘Well, what do you say we give us a go again, Y/N?’ he asks seriously, and I nearly choke. ‘What, like… do what we used to do?’ I ask, and he nods with a small smile, running a hand through his hair. God, it’s so sexy when he does that. ‘Obviously. Not a relationship, you said it yourself, you know I’m not that guy. Unless you’re gonna go catching feelings again,’ he says, and I scoff. ‘Don’t flatter yourself. I’ve matured. Just as much as you’ve become more of a douche,’ I say, and he holds his chest in mock pain. ‘Ouch, princess, you really know how to hurt me, huh?’ he jokes, and I stick my tongue out at him. ‘Thanks for trying to pimp yourself out to me, Jimin, but no, thank you. I’ve passed that stage in my life,’ I say, putting on a snooty voice, and he pulls a face at me, scrunching up his nose adorably. ‘Come on, princess, for old times’ sake. Just one more time. Then I’ll leave you alone,’ he says, and I shake my head. ‘Can’t you go ask some naïve freshman who doesn’t know you well and will think she’s ‘oh-so special’?’ I say, and he laughs. ‘Princess, you were the naïve freshman at one point, remember?’ he says. ‘We were sophomores,’ I point out. ‘Regardless. Nothing like a one-last-time fuck, huh?’ he says, his casual way with words igniting something long forgotten inside me.
‘Go ask someone else, Jimin,’ I say, looking away from him, knowing if he doesn’t leave soon, I won’t be able to resist him much longer. ‘Don’t you understand, y/n? I’m asking you because I want it to be you. I don’t just want any old sex, I want good sex, and, as much as this is majorly wounding my pride to admit this to you, you are the best I’ve had,’ he says, his tone honest and shameless, and my eyes widen. ‘Seriously? I’m the best? Out of like the other 200 girls you’ve fucked?’ ‘Hey! Don’t downplay me, more like 300,’ he jokes, and I try to hold back a laugh. ‘You’re probably a walking STD,’ I say with a disgusted shake of my head, and he lets out a small laugh. ‘Fine, y/n, but you have my number still, right? You know where I am if you need me,’ he says, getting up. But he hesitates before leaving. ‘I really did mean it when I said I missed you, princess,’ he says, our eyes locked together as he runs a hand through his soft locks, and I look away, embarrassed. He leaves then, and all I can think is, I missed you too.
And it is that thought, resounding in my mind all afternoon, for the rest of my stay in the library, on my way home, during movie night with my roommate, that leads me to do what I nearly do. My fingers ghosting over the screen of my phone, hovering over the send button, I look up at the screen briefly. ‘I can’t believe the main character died already. Her death was so sad,’ my roommate, Mija, says. ‘I know,’ I reply half-heartedly, looking back at my phone. ‘You bitch! You really haven’t paid attention at all! The main character hasn’t died! And he’s a guy!’ she shouts, hitting me repeatedly with a pillow. ‘Ow, Mija! I’m sorry, I’m sorry! Just stop! Mija!’ I shriek, the other girl finally giving up. ‘Right, explain. Why have you been staring at your phone for the past hour?’ she asks. I give in instantly, telling her of the events of the library, specifically my conversation with Jimin, and she gives me the perfect reactions, gasping and laughing in all the right places. She really is the best person to tell stories to. Once I’m done, she stares at me. ‘What are you waiting for then?’ she asks, and I stare stupidly at her, confused. ‘What?’ ‘Message him, you idiot!’ ‘Oh! Yeah, but what if I catch feelings again? He basically said today that he is not up for a relationship,’ I say. ‘So, fuck him once last time, and be done with it,’ she says. ‘You think?’ I say. ‘I know! He told you you’re the best sex he’s ever had, you dumb bitch! For Park Jimin to say that, it must’ve been fucking good, so don’t let that opportunity go to waste,’ she says. ‘Okay, okay, stop cussing me out!’ I say in mock hurt, and she rolls her eyes. ‘Text him, you moron. I’m gonna go see our neighbours, and you’d better put on that brand-new Agent Provocateur set we bought together,’ she says threateningly, jumping up from the sofa and leaving in her pyjamas, phone and popcorn in hand, before I can even say anything. I grab my phone and send the text before I psych myself out. I quickly put my phone on speaker for once and then begin to clean up the living room. I get a text back around a minute later and I practically pounce at my phone. The text I see simultaneously makes me roll my eyes and smile, before I lock my phone and rush around tidying. Then I quickly slip out of my comfies and into a black lingerie set; bra, pants, suspenders, lace, sheer, straps, the whole shebang.  I quickly tidy my room too, and then take a seat on the couch again, acting all calm and collected, flicking through the music channels on the TV impatiently.
Only sixteen minutes after I sent the text, I hear a knock at the door and wait until he knocks again before getting up to answer the door. I pull it open slightly, looking through the small gap, his dark eyes meeting mine. He looks positively delectable, dressed in a pair of light blue distressed jeans with rips that reveal strong thighs, and a white t-shirt with the word ‘Lovers’ printed across the front in black writing, a fitted black leather jacket over the top. A silver earring dangles from his left ear, a silver hoop in the other, and his hair is parted just slightly off-centre, a small strip of his forehead exposed.  ‘I hate it when you leave me waiting. I nearly ran a guy over driving here, and this is what I get in return?’ he growls, only half-hearted annoyance behind the words, and I pull the door completely open, letting him in. ‘Wow,’ he says, stopping in his tracks in the doorway, his eyes raking over my body shamelessly, ‘all this for me, princess?’ I smile coyly, shy under his burning gaze, and brush a lock of hair behind my ear. ‘All for you, Jimin,’ I say, and he takes a step into the room, throwing the door closed with a thud.
He practically throws himself at me, his hands gripping at my waist as his lips find my neck. ‘Now, now, princess, that’s not what you call me when we’re alone, is it?’ he murmurs against my skin, the feel of him touching me again nearly making me melt in his arms. ‘No, daddy,’ I breathe out, and he exhales shakily, his lips pulling and biting at the tender skin below my jaw. ‘Fuck, it’s been so long,’ he whispers, his hands snaking around my thighs, pulling me upwards. I get the hint, jumping up and wrapping my legs around his waist, my actions a result of muscle memory, and he walks towards my bedroom, his lips still working on my neck. He kicks the door open, the loud noise making me jump, and he lets out a gentle laugh at my reaction, before he virtually throws me down onto the bed. He climbs over me, his toned body hovering over my smaller frame, and he stares down at me. ‘God, I’ve missed you,’ he whispers before pressing his lips to mine, our bodies fitting together perfectly.
He parts his lips and I follow suit, his tongue easily sliding into my mouth to meet mine, and the way our mouths work together in perfect harmony brings memories of long nights past rushing back. The hand that isn’t holding him up grazes up and down my side as my hands grip his back, feeling the soft leather against my skin. I tangle my fingers into his soft hair, the locks sliding between them like silk, and pull on it, feeling him groan into my mouth. Our kiss becomes more heated and passionate, all dancing tongues and clashing teeth. The taste of mint and something distinctly Jimin has me wanting more. I didn’t realise how much I missed the feeling of him, and I relish every moment that his hand digs into my waist and his mouth works against mine. I pull his plump lower lip between my teeth before running my tongue over it, and he groans again, the sound heavenly. He rolls us over, so I lay atop him, and both of his hands furiously explore my body, tracing the curves of my back, waist and hips, and gripping onto my ass tightly. My hands rest on either side of his face, our lips still attached, my hair falling around us like a curtain. ‘Princess,’ he breathes out against my lips, and I pull away by a millimetre, our noses touching, the tiniest distance between our lips. ‘As much as I’m enjoying catching up, I’m getting impatient,’ Jimin says, grinding up against me, the hardening bulge in his tight jeans brushing against my stomach, and I let out a tiny whimper. ‘You like the feel of that, princess? I’m so hard, just for you,’ he whispers against my ear, grinding up against me again. I try to palm him through his jeans, and he slaps my hand away instantly, a dark glint appearing in his eyes.
‘Off,’ he instructs, and I climb off him, watching as he sits up, moving to the edge of the bed, his feet planted firmly on the floor. He pats his lap and I already know what’s coming. ‘Why, daddy? Haven’t I been a good girl?’ I ask, pouting at him with big eyes, and he lets out a harsh laugh, repeating the action again. I reluctantly bend over his lap, my ass up in the air, as he chuckles. ‘Good girl? You think you’ve been a good girl?’ he asks, and I nod. His hand lands on my ass without any warning, the slap hard and stinging, and I supress the yelp that nearly leaves my mouth, knowing it’ll only get me more. ‘That is for not replying to any of my texts or calls,’ he spits out before his hand lands another slap on my ass, even harder this time. ‘That is for avoiding me around campus and at parties.’ Another slap, painfully harsh, bringing tears to my eyes, slick beginning to pool in my black lace pants. ‘That is for flirting with all my friends at said parties, where you knew I could see you.’ Another slap, harsher again, causing me to lurch forward on his lap. ‘That is for giving Jungkook, Namjoon and Yoongi your number.’ ‘Namjoon already had my number!’ I say indignantly, and he slaps my ass harder than any of the previous slaps, causing the tears to spill over, my cheeks stinging and red. I’ll probably have bruises the shape of his hand tomorrow. ‘You never know when to keep your mouth shut, princess,’ he says, his hand landing against my ass again, a loud clap resounding against the room, and I can feel heat rushing to my core. ‘And that one is for how you’ve gotten even sexier over the past two years,’ he says before pulling me up off his lap and pushing me back down onto the bed.
He hovers over me again, pressing his lips against where the tears spilled over onto my face. ‘You are a good girl for me, princess. You always take your punishments so well. I just missed leaving bruises on this perfect ass,’ he murmurs against my face, his kind words making my heart warm. ‘Thank you, daddy,’ I whisper in reply, feeling him tense against me. ‘Such a good girl. My princess deserves a reward, right? You deserve a reward, don’t you, baby girl?’ he asks, and I nod, my bottom lip between my teeth. He ducks his head suddenly, his lips appearing at my jaw, slowly travelling down my neck to my collarbones, leaving blooming bruises in his wake, wanting to mark me as his. When he reaches the black lace of my bra, he lets out a deep breath. ‘You look so sexy in this,’ he says, looking up at me through his dirty blond locks. ‘Don’t rip it off, please, daddy, it was expensive,’ I say gently, and he chuckles. ‘I’ll buy you a new one, princess,’ he says, and I pout at him, not wanting it to go to waste after only wearing it once. ‘Fine,’ he huffs in mock annoyance, his hands snaking under my torso to unclip the clasp of my bra expertly. He pulls it off me, throwing it over his shoulder, and I shiver at the cold air hitting my newly exposed breasts, my nipples already hardening. Jimin exhales deeply, his breath hitting my chest, and I whimper at the feeling, watching him grin before ducking his head to wrap his lips around one nipple. His hand tugs and toys with the other nipple whilst his mouth pulls and sucks on the first, the sensations making me whine. I wrap my hands into his hair as he moves his mouth the other nipple, doing the same, making me numb. He moves further down my body, his lips pressing kisses down my stomach until he reaches the hem of my pants. With a roll of his eyes, he pulls my pants swiftly down my legs rather than ripping them off me like he used to, discarding them on the floor too, leaving me completely naked beneath him. ‘So fucking beautiful,’ he whispers, spreading my legs slowly.
‘God, I forgot how wet you get. Has anyone else managed to get you this wet, princess?’ he asks, and the question embarrasses me. The truth is that no one has. No one has ever pleased me the way Jimin used to. He grew to know my body well, knowing exactly what got me going and what I liked. It’s slightly humiliating how quickly Jimin can get me to my climax. ‘I asked you a question, princess. Has anyone else gotten you this wet?’ he asks, teeth gritted, fingers pressing into my waist. Jimin is all about validation, I’ve learned to realise. Praising him makes him feel fantastic, and when he feels fantastic, he makes me feel fantastic. ‘No, daddy, only you,’ I reply, a grin splitting his face before he ducks between my legs. He blows hot air out over my core, and I let out a small whimper. ‘Please, daddy,’ I say, unable to stop the words slipping out of my mouth, and ready myself for a reprimanding. ‘So needy, princess,’ he chuckles, surprising me by fulfilling my wishes, licking a stripe across my slit. ‘Tastes so good, princess,’ he praises as I let out a small moan, my feet curling up against the soft sheets. He licks at my core slowly, tongue lapping up my slit languorously, dipping his muscle in between my folds every few seconds, the process sending mind-numbing shocks through me. Without warning, he attaches his lips to my clit, sucking and tugging on the bundle of nerves, and I throw my head back onto the pillow, my back arching up. ‘Stay still, princess,’ he warns me, the vibration of his words against my heat having me shivering as one arm comes up to hold my hips down against the bed. His other hand comes up to between my legs and he slowly pushes one finger into my core, working his way in. ‘So tight, baby girl, am I not turning you on enough?’ he asks, and I know this question’s rhetorical, moaning out as he plunges another finger in, trying to open me up a little more. ‘I’m not gonna get my cock in at this rate, princess,’ he says, still with his lips wrapped around my clit, his two fingers slowly pumping in and out of me.
He gradually increases his pace, adding another finger in after a few moments, his mouth still working wonders at my clit. After a while, I can feel my orgasm building up, the moans falling more frequently from my mouth, Jimin only increasing his pace more and more, until his fingers pump in and out furiously fast, his tongue licking up and down my slit before pulling on my clit with his lips. My hands, threaded into his soft locks, pull him closer and closer to my core, and I can feel myself fast approaching the edge. He curls his fingers inside me, hitting that a particular spot, and I let out a loud whine. ‘Shit, Jimin, right there,’ I moan, and he stops his movements. I look down at him, already feeling my orgasm diminishing, and he stares back harshly. ‘What did you call me, princess?’ he asks sternly, and I pout. ‘Sorry, daddy, I forgot. It just felt so good,’ I reply, and a tender smile slips onto his face. ‘It’s okay, baby girl, you can say my name if you want,’ he allows before he goes back to his previous ministrations, and I feel myself tumbling towards the edge. ‘Come on, princess, you’re so close,’ he whispers, and I finally reach my orgasm when he curls his fingers and pulls on my clit at the exact same moment. ‘Fuck, Jimin!’ I cry out, back arching off the bed as my release washes over me.
Once I’ve come down from my high, Jimin licks up my release before he climbs off me, standing up beside the bed. He holds out his fingers to me, and I open my mouth, tasting myself on his digits, licking them clean. He slips off his socks and shoes as I take deep breaths, recovering, and he watches me fondly. Shakily, I push myself up, kneeling at the edge of the bed to help him undress. He shrugs off his jacket and then pulls his t-shirt over his head, throwing it onto the floor as I unbutton his jeans, tugging them down his legs, leaving him in a pair of plain black boxers, his bulge straining against the material. He watches as I run my hands over his chest, the muscles more prominent than they used to be, his skin more tanned now too. I bring my lips up to his collarbone, kissing and sucking to leave a mark of my own, threading my hands into the hair at the nape of his neck. ‘Princess, as much as I’m enjoying this, I really need you,’ he says breathlessly, obviously trying not to let out any noises, and I pull away from his skin. ‘Okay, daddy,’ I reply, pulling his boxers down just enough to let his hard length spring up against his stomach. He’s longer than I remember, thicker too, and his head is painfully swollen, the tip leaking precum. My mouth waters at the sight. I press a kiss to his tip, my tongue sliding out between my lips to lick up his precum, and he lets out an audible breath. I move back, spitting on my hands and running them up and down his length slowly, Jimin’s hands coming to gather up my hair and hold it back. I place my tongue at the base, licking up to his tip against the vein on the underside of his cock, feeling him tense as I do so. I take his head into my mouth, swirling my tongue around him, my hands rubbing him slowly. I look up at him through my lashes as I take him further into my mouth, feeling him hit the back of my throat, and his head falls back, a moan falling from his lips, the sound rushing straight to my core.
I build up my pace, steadily bobbing my head up and down, taking him as far in as I can, trying not to gag around him. ‘Fuck, princess, your mouth feels so good around my cock,’ he groans, saliva dripping down my chin and my eyes watering, not to mention the pain from how hard he’s tugging on my hair, but hearing the moans from him makes it all worth it. Just as I manage to adjust to him in my mouth, nearly backing down my throat, he becomes impatient. He begins thrusting into my mouth, controlling my head movements with the hand he has fisted in my hair, and all I can do is grab onto the back of his thighs as he fucks my mouth. ‘Ah, you’re such a good girl, princess. You make daddy feel so good, y/n. Taking my cock so well,’ he groans, and I moan at his words, the vibrations only making him thrust faster. The tears stream down my face, saliva now dripping all the way down my neck and chest, and I begin rubbing at my clit, already wet again. His thrusts into my mouth become messier and I know he’s nearing his edge, the moans and groans of my name becoming more and more frequent. I feel his cock twitch inside my mouth, ready for the hot cum that hits the back of my throat. ‘Shit, y/n,’ he moans, his head thrown back as he continues thrusting into me, filling my mouth with his release. Once he’s done, he pulls out of my mouth, his cum mingling with my saliva.
He looks down at me, my hair a tangled mess, my eyes streaming, spit and cum dripping down my face, fingers rubbing at my clit. I look up at him, hair pasted to his forehead with perspiration, chest heaving, lips swollen and shining. I swallow down what’s in my mouth as he collects up the liquid from my face and neck, his fingers entering my mouth. I lick them clean of all release again, still rubbing at myself, and I moan around his fingers, watching his eyes darken. ‘Already turned on, princess? You only orgasmed a few minutes ago! You always have been a greedy girl,’ he scolds, moving my pillows out of the way and sitting at the top of the bed, resting his back against the headboard. He pulls me up towards him and I think he’s going to want me to ride him, so when I try to straddle him, he shakes his head with a chuckle. He lifts me up and puts me down on his leg, my legs straddling his thigh, and he holds onto my waist. ‘You want me to ride your thigh, daddy?’ I ask gently, looking at him through my lashes, and he nods with a low groan, leaning forward to press his lips to mine. I can taste myself in his mouth, and I know it’s the same for him, our tongues and teeth clashing as his hands trail down to my ass, giving it a light slap before gripping it tightly. He flexes his thigh beneath my heat and I moan into his mouth, feeling him grin against mine before pulling away.
I begin grinding down on his strong thigh, holding on to his shoulders for support, and his mouth comes to my breasts. He begins licking and sucking on my nipples again and the feeling distracts me. It’s only after a little while that we both realised that I’ve stopped, and he flexes his thigh beneath me. ‘Jimin!’ I cry out, my head falling back as a result of the pleasure coursing through my veins, and he smirks. ‘Move, princess,’ he commands, and I slowly begin rocking down onto his bare thigh, the friction against my heat making me moan, Jimin watching me intently. ‘God, I can feel how wet you are. Gushing all over my thigh, princess. Such a dirty girl,’ Jimin breathes out, eyes on me as I grind down on his thigh. He grabs onto my waist, increasing my pace, and I moan out his name, the motion sending my mind into overdrive. ‘Look at you, grinding on my thigh like that, so beautiful,’ he groans out, licking his lips. Jimin’s eyes don’t leave me for a second and I know exactly what’s running through his mind; smugness and desire at the sight of me getting myself off on his thigh. ‘Fuck, Jimin, you feel so good, daddy,’ I whimper, looking down at his thigh to see it coated with my slick. ‘Be a good girl, y/n, work hard on daddy’s thigh, and I might just fuck you senseless afterwards,’ he whispers, and I let out a moan at his dirty words, a reminder of how vast and vibrant his vocabulary used to be. His length is already hard again, precum leaking from the tip, and I swipe a finger to collect it all up. The action catches him off-guard and he moans out, his head falling back and his thigh flexing, causing me to moan out his name. ‘Come on, princess, I know you’re near,’ Jimin urges, flexing and bucking up his thigh, the moans falling from my lips in rapid succession as I hurtle towards my climax. My orgasm finally washes over me and my back arches before I fall forward, my head buried in his neck, his scent of an expensive aftershave that I recognise from two years ago, his fresh soap and, again, something that just belongs to him, and him only, just something Jimin, floods my senses. He continues rocking me on his thigh until I’ve come down from my high.
‘I don’t think there’s anything more beautiful than the sight of you cumming on my thigh, princess. I wish I could imprint it in my mind,’ Jimin breathes out, lifting me off his thigh and laying me down on the bed, hovering over me. ‘Do you still keep your condoms in the same place?’ he asks, eyes flitting over to my bedside drawers, and I smile up at him. ‘I’m on the pill,’ I say, and he raises an eyebrow. ‘You’ve always been on the pill. Doesn’t mean we shouldn’t take precautions. I don’t want you pregnant,’ he says, and I roll my eyes. ‘Yes, I keep them in the same place,’ I sigh, and he grins, reaching over to the drawer and pulling one out. He hands it to me, shutting the drawer as I rip it open, sliding the rubber onto his length gently, hearing him hiss at the feeling. ‘Ready?’ he asks as I wrap my legs around his waist, and I nod, ‘Yes, daddy.’ He plunges into me, filling me up to the hilt, and my head drops back on to the pillow, Jimin’s head falling onto my shoulder. ‘Fuck, you’re so tight, princess, why don’t you ever loosen up? I won’t be able to last long,’ he groans, and I know it’s a lie, knowing Jimin will keep going for as long as it takes me to cum before he does, his stamina something inhuman. ‘Can I move?’ he asks. ‘Please, daddy,’ I moan, and he pulls all the way out, leaving me empty, before he slams all the way back in, hips snapping up against mine. ‘Fuck, daddy, you feel so good,’ I moan out, and he groans, setting a steady pace, his hips rocking up to meet mine. ‘Deeper, Jimin, harder,’ I moan and, after a few more thrusts, he gets impatient and unhooks one of my legs from around his waist, moving it to stretch up over his shoulder instead, slamming into me harder. ‘Daddy, oh, god, yes!’ I scream as he goes deeper than I thought possible, leaving me feeling completely and utterly full. He slams into me again and again, hitting the spongy spot deep inside me repeatedly, having me screaming. ‘Yes, fuck, Jimin, feels so good!’ I cry out as he begins rubbing at my clit. ‘That’s it, princess, scream my name. Let everyone know who’s making you feel so good,’ he urges, groaning and grunting as he thrusts into me at a fast pace, his thumb rubbing furiously at my clit. ‘Jimin, fuck!’ I scream out, my orgasm washing over me without a single ounce of warning from my body, having me quivering and convulsing under him. ‘Ah, fuck, princess, I’m gonna cum, fuck!’ Jimin moans, his thrusts slowing completely as he cums into the condom, his fingers still working on my clit. ‘Stop, Jimin,’ I say, slapping his hand away when the overstimulation kicks in.
Obligingly, Jimin pulls out of me, standing up and pulling off his condom, throwing it into the bin in the corner of my room. I slowly rise up from the bed, shakily walking over to my bathroom to go for a wee (no UTIs here, thank you very much), and when I go back into my room, Jimin’s redressing, beginning to pull his jeans on. ‘What are you doing?’ I ask, and he looks at me dumbfounded. ‘Um, I’m getting dressed,’ he says, his tone indicating how obvious it is. ‘I know that, I mean why,’ I say impatiently. ‘So I don’t show up to the frat house naked,’ he says in the same tone, and I roll my eyes. ‘Stay the night. It’s late, why would you go back home now?’ I ask, and he grins at me. ‘You sure, princess?’ he asks, and I nod exasperatedly. ‘Don’t make me regret offering,’ I say, picking up his t-shirt from the floor and pulling it on before grabbing a clean pair of pants from my wardrobe, pulling those on to. When I turn to face Jimin again, he’s lying in the bed, just in his boxers, watching me with a small smile. ‘You look so good in that shirt,’ he compliments as I climb into the bed beside him, taking a sip from the bottle of water sat on my windowsill. ‘How do you want me?’ I ask, and he smirks at me. ‘Another round already, princess?’ he asks, and I sigh tiredly. ‘You know what I mean,’ I say, and he chuckles. ‘I wanna spoon you,’ he says shamelessly, and I turn away from him, lying down. He lies down beside me, snaking his arms around my waist and pulling me closer to him so my back presses against his chest, my head tucked beneath his chin. ‘Goodnight, princess,’ he says tiredly. ‘Goodnight, Jimin,’ I reply, already drifting off to sleep, feeling so safe and comfortable in his arms.
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peachyzens · 6 years
car washer! junhui au
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car washer! junhui au
genre: fluffffff summary: the thought of working in the blazing sun all the day made you dread coming to work, but not if there was someone there to make everything better (2,363 words) a/n: i know i originally planned for jun to be a barista…but the thought of this was too good to pass but anyways idk if there’s a technical term for this job so !!! series masterlist can be found here!
alright so junhui
when he moved to seoul from china he needed a job that required little to no conversation with people since he was still learning the language
so he ended up finding a job as a car washer!!!
it was more labor intensive than what he preferred but it was something he could do
not to mention it was a great arm workout
so anyways, junhui would be THAT person out in the sun, wearing sleeveless white tanks, have his hair messily slicked back, while rocking a pair of aviators
we all know what happens to white clothes when it gets wet! it becomes see through
so needless to say, junhui brought in a lot of business LMAo
people would be driving down the street and then when they see him holding and waving around a sign for a car wash with a little smirk on his face, they are intrigued
like why is this model guy out here??? washing cars and not walking down a runway???
good question
junhui would ALSO be that guy that when he reaches over the windshield, he flexes
he knows the people inside are watching and probably drooling
so he just has that knowing smirk on his face
people would give him quite the generous tips, in which he responds with genuine smiles
who would’ve known that a job as a car washer could pay so well! only if you’re junhui
so anyways
you too were looking for a part time job
and after countless applications to restaurants, stores, basically anywhere
the only place that called back was for a car washing job!!!
you were honestly very tempted to turn it down, considering you applied not even thinking they would get to you
but luck works out in mysterious ways!!!
so you say screw it and go for it
and you got it!!!!! much to your despair!!!!!!
let’s just say you are not much of an outdoorsy person, you prefer to be in a nice air conditioned room rather than outside in the smoldering heat
but a job is a job, and you needed money
plus this was one of few jobs that would take tips so!!! extra $$$
so on your first day, dread filling your system, you walk up to the little kiosk that is your new workplace
where you are greeted by none other than the man!!! wen junhui!!!
and you were kinda starstruck for a moment because w o w he is a beautiful man
but then he kinda just gave you a small smirk and nod before he was off
snapping back to reality
you go in and greet your boss, who was expecting you
“y/n you’re here!!! oh, did you see junhui on his way out?? that’s going to be your new coworker!” he spoke enthusiastically to you
so now you had a name to the cute face
but then you realized he said coworker and you almost flipped
that means…you would be seeing that model man for the entirety of your career there
maybe it wasn’t that bad of a job after all heheh
so yeah your boss talks you through the basics
often referring to junhui as he was in the middle of washing a car right now
basically you were going to be his assistant lmao
so without further ado, you start working!
you and junhui developed a system where you would soak the lower parts of the car that you could reach, while junhui would take on the higher parts to flex
and by the time you were done with your first car, you were ready to take a break
but of course!!! another car pulls in
and you just have a done look on your face and you hear junhui chuckle a bit at you before nodding his head towards the car, a sign of him telling you to join him
so you do
and this is how the rest of your first day goes
you and junhui actually didn’t share any words at all, you thought he couldn’t talk until you heard him thank the customers that would come out to give him a tip
but you heard the little bit of an accent in his voice so you pieced all the puzzle pieces together
he was a foreigner unfamiliar with the language, not an unsocial butterfly!!
so the next day, you gathered up your courage to finally introduce yourself to him!!
“i’m y/n, by the way”
“i know”
“oh ok”
and that was IT
literally you cringing internally at that conversation
but you convinced yourself he would eventually open up to you!!!
so after that, you guys only did share the smallest talk
“hi how are you”
“good how are you”
the more you went to your job the more you didn’t mind it, you just wished you and junhui would talk more so you aren’t bored out of your mind
when it would be really slow, you both would go out to the sidewalk with your signs and just wave them around, gathering more attention
and even though junhui was smiling and putting on a show for the crowd, it was dead silent between you two
basically you thought junhui hated you and you were ready to quit
but one day, one day finally
junhui ACTUALLY started a conversation with you!!!
and you kind of just stared at him with a look as if he just saved the earth from global warming
and he just blankly stared at you back
“what brought you here?” he asked
and after an short and awkward staring contest, you finally snapped out of it to respond
“i needed a job”
“me too”
and it was silent again
but nope, you gathered your courage to continue a conversation he actually started because who knows when this would happen again!!!
“what brought you to this job?” you asked him
he kind of just stared at you with a blank look as he was processing your words
“i needed a job with no talking”
you nodded in understanding
“where are you from?” you asked, shocked at how you guys were ACTUALLy having a conversation after weeks of working together
“china” he responded, and you nodded in understanding
that ended up being the last of your conversation but its ok!!! that’s enough progress for a day
so the next day, junhui greets you with a smile that is bigger than his small little smirks he used to always give
and this time, he’s initiating the conversation with you!!
he’s asking you more questions about yourself, like about your family, your preferences
and you guys are actually having a good time talking to each other!!!
you noticed how much he improved in speaking his newly learned language confidently, and you told him that
to which he actually responded with a sheepish smile
“i’m sorry i didn’t talk much at first, i was nervous”
“it’s alright!! i understand, it’s hard learning a new language, but you can always ask me for help!!” and he thought about your offer with a smile!
and he really did take you up on that offer, because the next day at work he would ask you some questions he had about the korean language, and you would gladly answer
you even taught him more vocab!!
this would happen basically every day at work, junhui’s korean abilities grew while your friendship with him grew!
it grew to the point where you guys would even hangout on your days off!!!
junhui once mentioned how the only places he goes to are work and his apartment, which made you a lil sad
so you promised to take him out to some of your favorite spots!!!
even though you were inwardly panicking at yourself for suggesting what might seem like a date, junhui wholeheartedly agreed!
and that is how you guys found yourselves at one of your favorite barbecue places on your days off
you honestly thought it would be awkward, but it was not!!!
junhui has gotten way more confident in conversing with you
“by the way, i never got to thank you for helping me and my korean, also for encouraging me! so thank you” he said one day over a meal
you were honestly melting and your cheeks were probably blushing, but junhui was too focused on his food to notice
“no problem, i’m glad i could be a help!!!”
you two practically became best friends, mainly since you guys saw each other basically every day
now you looked forward to going to work, since you now had a good friend that made time go by way faster!
junhui would teasingly splash water on you, causing you to splash some back
and it ends up in a water fight that ends when your boss comes out to see the both of you drenched
and of course, junhui is in his white tshirt and you try to ignore the outline of his abs but you can’t help but take a few peeks
“are you checking me out?” he would call you out with a smirk
“w-what no!!!! i thought there was something on your shirt” you stuttered as you suddenly found an interest in the rocks in the pavement
“it’s alright, since it’s you i’ll let it slide” he spoke smoothly
and you were just cursing inside your head like when did he become so smooth!!! is this what you taught him????
“um yeah oKay then let’s get to washing cars a ha!!!” you said as awkward as possible as you just ran to the new car to avoid his knowing stare
junhui just chuckled at you
he has noticed you taking some sneak peeks of when his white shirt would get soaked
but he wasn’t in the position to say anything when he admired how you would run your fingers through your hair at times
you both harbored a tiny lil crush on each other but you both were too afraid to damage your friendship that neither of you acted on it!!!
until oNe day
when an old friend of yours came into town
you were just so excited to see him that you cancelled all your plans with junhui on your guys day off
“what am i going to do without you i’m going to be so bored and locked up in my house :(“ he would whine to you when you told him
you would just roll your eyes back at him
“jun i think you can speak enough korean to go out and about no problem”
“you don’t know that!!!”
“i DO know that since i taught you something like everyday for the past months”
“well still, i’m going to sit at home and wait until you come back :<“ he pouted
and your heart just melted
not only at his adorable little face but because of his WORDS
you have noticed that junhui would speak to you in flirty ways sometime but you would just brush it off, thinking it’s just his personality
meanwhile junhui..is questioning your density
he is wondering why you haven’t questioned him about anything when he has been so blatantly trying to make a move for the past weeks now
it did take him a lot of thinking of whether or not he should go for you or not, but he is determined that y’all are soulmates so he wasn’t backing down now!!!!
and when he was finally fed up with it, he kinda just confessed to you in a casual way
it all started on a day when you both were washing a car
and today you were more noticeably in a good mood
“why are you so perky today it’s so weird” he asked you from the other side of the car
“shutup and let me live, i know you love me” you retorted sarcastically
and this was where normally junhui would be like “gross no stay away from me” as apart of your guys friendship,,, but he just
“yeah i really do” he just stated, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world it was
and you were so ready to retort something sassy back when you were just like “wait what”
he just stands up from his side of the car and looks at you straight in the eye
“i don’t know if you noticed but i really do like you, i’ve been purposely flirting with you for the past month to get you to notice but you never did so i give up and i’m just saying it now”
noticing your reddening cheeks, he just smiled that happy smile that always came out when you were around
you couldn’t believe what you just heard so you just began cleaning the lower part of the car to avoid his adoring eyes and smile that made you melt
“s hutup and get back to work” you would say through the midst of your burning cheeks and beating heart
you were so caught up in your thoughts that you didn’t even realize junhui made his way over to your side
“so is that a yes?”
you yelped and fell on your butt, not expecting him to be there and put his face SO CLOSE TO YOURS
“oh my god i hate you!!!! and yes to what??” you smacked him as he bursted out laughing at your clumsy self, before rolling his eyes at you playing dumb
“to my confession, what else did i ask you in the past five minutes?” he stated nonchalantly, helping you clean your side of the car
and just when you thought you calmed down your heart and cheeks, it started to race again
“yeah i guess” you stated, trying to be nonchalant like him
junhui just looked over to you with an amused smirk and raised eyebrow
but when he saw your burning cheeks, he knew that you felt the same way
so with a quick kiss to your cheek, junhui ran off back to the other side
and you both were smiling like the little lovestruck dorks you were ❤️
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mittensmorgul · 6 years
Not all choices are created equally.
I'm really tempted to write something about free will vs Dean's "I don't have a choice" in 13.23, because he did have a choice... but the other option was to drink copious quantities of alcohol and wait for the inevitable blast wave, you know? Everyone keeps quoting the "we'll always end up here" nonsense from 5.04 as if it proves they never really had a choice. But the thing is, they absolutely didn't "end up there." Lucifer is DEAD.
They're in the bizarro world version of that original "end" because all their previous choices had led them here-- all those times they chose wrong (and right, or just chose what they could live with in the aftermath), all those times Lucifer didn't get shoved back into the box, and God's choice to leave Lucifer alive in the first place after 11.22. This is the result of Sam and Dean being left to clean up God's mess… So in a way it was inevitable, because you can't just lock up problems and hope they stay locked up. And AU Michael is actually a problem of Lucifer's own making… if he hadn't deliberately tried to spit in Chuck's face by making a nephilim, that doorway to AU Michael's world would never have opened in the first place.
At that point, Sam and Dean absolutely DID have choices. But by 13.23, all their choices boiled down to "which is the lesser of two evils."
Sometimes there just aren't any GOOD choices.
And anyone suggesting that Dean should've just locked the door to the bunker and waited for the end, as if that was in any way the better option… well I’ve got to really side-eye the rest of the entire season worth of choices and consequences. Because that’s the rub of free will. Dean said it way back in 6.20:
CASTIEL: I'm doing this for you, Dean. I'm doing this because of you. DEAN: Because of me. Yeah. You got to be kidding me. CASTIEL: You're the one who taught me that freedom and free will-- DEAN: You're a freakin' child, you know that? Just because you can do what you want doesn't mean that you get to do whatever you want!
Since then we’ve learned a lot about not only what Free Will is, but we’ve been more and more blatantly reminded about the fact that all choices have consequences. And sometimes Big Choices have Cosmic Consequences. Consequences that affect the future, narrowing down the potential future array of choices.
It’s no longer a matter of Free Will vs Fate at that point, it’s a matter of navigating through the consequences of PAST CHOICES until-- like Jessica the reaper told Sam and Dean in 13.19-- the only option is to go nuclear or go home.
Jessica: Rowena’s changing people’s fates. She’s killing them before their time and when a reaper shows… Sam: She torches them too. Jessica: Yes. Dean: Why? Jessica: You’ll have to ask her when you stop her because if she keeps this up she is going to throw off fate…. The whole greater machinery of death. Sam: That means? Jessica: Have you ever heard of the butterfly effect? Dean: Ashton’s second best movie! Sam: { looks at Dean incredulous} Yeah of course….. one small mistake can cause all kinds of bad. What about it? Jessica: If just one person dies before their time a lot of things that were supposed to happen… don’t. The ripple effect from just one early death can affect hundreds of lives and changing their fates changes even more fates until things just become sincerely unfortunate and we have to hit the reset button. Sam: What does that mean? Jessica: Usually? A mass kill off like the Black Plague or a mid sized war… Something to wipe the board clean. So… you’re help in avoiding that would be greatly appreciated by everyone.
So there is a sort of “fate” attached to death, because dying is the one thing we’re all fated to do, you know? It’s the one thing nobody can wiggle out of (well, unless they’re Winchesters, apparently, but the whole premise of the show has always been that they’re different-- and yes I’m including Cas in that because duh). And messing with life and death this way-- not to mention messing with alternate universes which was Billie’s concern in 13.05, wherein resurrecting Dean to deal with that mess was the lesser Cosmic Consequence-- has a wider-reaching series of consequences. It’s not fate, but the inevitable result of screwing with the Natural Order.
(and quick lil reminder that in 13.05 DEAN CHOSE to die, accepted his death... and Billie basically said... NOPE THAT’S NOT AN OPTION TODAY, in a tidy flipping of everything Dean ever thought Free Will was about.)
And this is what Death has been teaching to Dean since… ever. (see 6.11 for the major exposition on this point)
I've seen people saying it was pointless to have Dean say he didn't have a choice (and people who then make the entirety of his decision based on saving Sam and no one else), but Free Will doesn't mean there's always going to be a GOOD choice to be made. I mean, that's not how life (and the inevitability of death) works. It's not always "easy 100% virtuous option" vs "terrible and easily condemnable option." Sometimes the choice is between fighting and surrendering entirely, and there is no other viable option. (and on a meta level, from outside the narrative, this is the sort of narrowing down of options that drives the story to this sort of do-or-die choice that makes season finale cliffhanger drama happen.)
(and again, Naomi reminded us again in 13.18 that everything eventually ends... even when it doesn’t)
And surrendering entirely is just... not an option for Dean in any universe.
And of course Dean chose to fight, and NOT JUST TO SAVE SAM >.>
I mean he could have let Sam die and felt helpless, but there were absolutely stakes beyond that, like seeing Lucifer eat Jack's grace, and knowing what Lucifer would do with that sort of power. He hadn’t been up to his usual Threat Level all season long. Dean had seen a much weakened Lucifer in 13.13, but boosted with Nephilim Grace, and lacking any other reason not to just burn the world down, this was absolutely a DEFCON 1 situation here. Nuclear war was imminent.
(and largely out of Dean’s potential array of choices, here. It was basically a choice between which nuclear warhead he was gonna fire, and he chose the one he had at least a remote chance of being able to pilot himself)
(*spends 30 seconds imagining Dean waving a cowboy hat around as he rides the nuclear bomb as it’s dropped a la Dr. Strangelove*)
Lucifer’s depowered state and general apathy, and then his desire to get his hands on Jack to use him for his own purposes of elevating himself to a sort of stolen godhead, remaking the world (sans humanity, unless they learned their place and worshipped him because he believed he deserved that) in his own image, and basically using the entire planet to give a big fuck you to God… I mean, these aren’t obscure and unknown things about Lucifer. These have always been the stakes when he’s been in play. Dean learned this firsthand in 5.04.
But there’s also Jack. You know, the kid they spent the back half of the season trying to rescue (along with Mary) from the AU? The kid that Cas had told Dean he'd literally argued his way out of the Empty to protect? I'm... ?????
It’s not possible for Dean to look Cas in the eye and NOT acknowledge that he’s just as focused on saving JACK (who just had his grace ripped out in front of his eyes after finally rejecting Lucifer’s status as his “father” and completely throwing his lot in with Humanity, making the ultimate declaration of his place in the universe as a member of the Winchester Family and TFW 2.0) as he is on saving Sam. To say otherwise is just… disingenuous at best, and completely ignores more than half of the season’s major themes to do so.
Just because Dean said he didn't care about himself, but did care about his brother a few episodes earlier... that doesn't make him saying yes to Michael ONLY about Sam. More than half the season centered around the rescue mission for both Jack AND Mary, and to reduce the emotional struggle Dean went through over them to something entirely unimportant in this ultimate moment of choice is just… gross. Even if Sam had died in 13.21, Dean would press on to get them home, or or what did Sam even die for?
Going back to the Cosmic Consequences of previous choices, Billie sort of warned him all along that messing with the AU was gonna lead to trouble, and here we are. I wonder what Jessica the reaper reported to Billie when Dean said yes? And I keep thinking about this from 13.05 when Dean chose to die:
Billie: That doesn't sound like the Dean Winchester I know and love. The man who's been dead so many times but it never seemed to stick. Maybe you're not that guy anymore, the guy who saves the world, the guy who always thinks he'll win no matter what. You have changed. And you tell people it's not a big deal. You tell people you'll work through it, but you know you won't, you can't, and that scares the hell out of you. Or... am I wrong?
She said that to him like she was issuing a formal challenge. That was the bait that dragged Dean through the rest of the season, and it got an immediate boost when Cas came back to him at the end of that episode. Cas gave him the emotional carrot to push through to the end.
The reapers and their "clean hands" policy can't interfere, but Death can do the usual Death thing of nudging Dean to where he needed to be. Giving vague warnings, and even vaguer directions… Like in s6 Death’s warning about “the souls” didn’t help change the ending, but it kept Dean pushing in the right direction to eventually understand; even if he couldn’t stop the bad thing happening, at least he’d be forearmed to fix it once it was broken.
So going back to Dean’s choice to say yes to Michael. It was always only ever going to come back to this choice-- not in a replay of 5.04 or even 5.22, but in the ultimate subversion of it, with a few conditions attached. And in a truly disturbing twist, this is exactly what Jack promised in 12.19…
Cas in 5.22, after successfully stopping the original Apocalypse, at great personal cost:
CASTIEL: You got what you asked for, Dean. No paradise. No hell. Just more of the same. I mean it, Dean. What would you rather have? Peace or freedom?
Dean asked for freedom, and he got it. Just more of the same. But in 12.19, Cas swallowed the kool aid Jack’s powers served up-- the promise of peace and paradise. And this is the result. In 5.22, Dean wasn’t terribly content with the consequences of his choices, and I mean yes they very much did save the world, but at what cost? And he couldn’t even begin to see the future consequences of his cosmic interference yet (see: the rest of the series post 5.22 for evidence).
And this result in 13.23? Is the cosmic opposite. For reasons entirely beyond their control (because the Winchesters are not omniscient nor omnipotent-- not even Cas or Jack), and all they’ve ever done was the best they could in any circumstance, it’s unfair to suggest that this ultimate choice Dean had to made wasn’t entirely the result of a season-long (or even series-long) flow chart gradually cutting off options until the final coin toss could only be between these two final options. Peace or freedom, flee or die, Michael or Lucifer. He’d just reached the last chapter of the Choose Your Own Adventure story, where the only way out is through.
Sure, Dean absolutely had a choice. He could’ve chosen to barricade the door to the bunker and wait for their inevitable death at Lucifer’s hand, but we know what he does in that circumstance (hello 12.22). So even if it gets them all killed, he’ll use the grenade launcher, because really, Dean will always choose to go down fighting rather than surrendering to fate.
And now we know that drive has ultimately led him to the unthinkable choice to accept what he’d always been told was his fate. Because it was either that or watch the world burn.
And yes, he knows exactly what Michael wanted to do to our world, and he understood there was a bigger risk to this choice than anything else he’s ever had to do. He knows exactly what Michael intended to do to the world, because in addition to the rescue mission aspect of the back half of the season, this was the other Major Threat, and the other side of the coin that Cas suggested might be why he was resurrected. Michael brings War. And Cas believed he was resurrected to also stop that war from happening.
So there Dean was, looking Cas in the face. Cas, who’d been Dean’s personal win in 13.06, and yet NONE OF THAT was stated by Dean directly TO CAS, while Cas repeatedly stated that his two-pronged reason for even being alive was 1) to protect and save Jack, and 2) to stop AU Michael from making war on their world.
(not even touching on Cas’s PERSONAL issues with Lucifer, and his personal mission to-- if not kill him outright, at least grind Lucifer’s face into the ground in every possible way, from everything about how impotent he was to even stand up to the least of his creations to adopting and teaching human love to the greatest of Lucifer’s creations… I mean, THIS WAS NOT INSIGNIFICANT TO CAS)
And in that moment, immediately after Cas had to watch his first mission go up in flames as Lucifer undid Jack and stole his grace, and had to confront this ultimate personal failure against Lucifer and the ultimate personal failure of his promise to Kelly, and his ultimate personal failure to protect Jack… even in that moment there was still one final choice to be made.
Dean clearly negotiated terms (which we don’t know the entirety of, but hopefully will learn in 14.01), because Lucifer was the immediate threat RIGHT FRIGGIN’ NOW. Not only to Jack and Sam, but to the entire universe. They had one weapon that could stop him, which was utterly useless without an archangel to wield it. But they also had one slightly used archangel in the scratch and dent bin and one perfect vessel…
Sometimes the choice is really that limited, but to say it wasn’t a choice is doing a disservice to the entire season, and to the entire series going right back to the start.
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