The Boyfriends:
Some self indulgence— again. School's getting a lil' trickier so I decided to write something to help out with my anxiety. Lemme know if you guys like it! There are two characters of mine here, just wrote them up. If you guys want to submit fanart or ask in character questions about them, feel free to! (P.S. I would love fanart! It's always so cool to see what people think of your writing and then play around with the description and make something outta it)!
Reader is referred to as you/your pronouns, as well as they/them.
TW: Yandere behavior; stalking, possessiveness, obsessiveness, killing, animal killing/abuse, degradation, threatening, killing family members. Murder is said blatantly but, not described in detail.
Short drabble:
Here in the big city, you had found yourself a comfortable place to live. It had all the necessary amenities; bed, bathroom, kitchen (that also served as your dining room) and since you had an extra room, you decided to let that become your office. You managed to strike a good bargain for your home, being able to pay the bills by yourself and without straining yourself over many jobs. Here in the big city, you were comfortable.
You weren't alone in your place. You had neighbors. You lived in an apartment complex at a busy intersection, so many people came and went. Moved in, moved out. More and more neighbors moved into the apartment complex you chose to live in because of the good costs and many moved out because of the quality of neighbors. Some of them were elderly and other middle aged. And a new pack of young neighbors disrupted and caused a major move. Besides that, all, for the most part, were kind, welcoming, even bringing you baked goods, as well as inviting you over to just learn about who you were.
You told them what you felt mattered and were comfortable with talking about. It would seem you left a good impression, since you were invited out a lot more. Your life was comfortable. Until you had new neighbors. Not just any new neighbors. A youthful couple that had moved in next door had caused quite a ruckus in the stark hours of the night. You didn't want to imply their actions but, it was getting to a point where you struggled to sleep. They were too loud. You felt very aggravated and just...wanted it to stop.
And so, the next morning, you knocked on their door. The day you knocked was the day you didn't have work, giving you time to take care of personal matters such as self expenses and maybe bills and perhaps, something that was fun. The door opened after a five minute wait, two heads poking out and what looked to be paint on their face. You narrowed your eyes to get a closer look.
No, it actually looked like blood. Oh God. Were your new neighbors actually serial killers? Had they moved in and decided to start their own horror film? Come to think of it, Meemaw Stacie, an elderly woman who baked you oatmeal raisin cookies every Saturday, had been missing for the past two weeks. She mentioned that she was going to go on vacation. But, that was only for three days. You felt your stomach knot and heart drop all the way down your chest and it must have shown on your face because that door slammed shut.
You stared at it for a good long while, thinking. Just what happened? Were you that scared? What about that thought of Meemaw Stacie? You didn't want to believe or assume but, now you were noticing a fowl smell coming from just under that door. You were about to turn around, leave and rush to your apartment. To trust your gut. To run and call the police, shout out for help or anything— then the door opened, again. You yelped when your hand was snagged out of nowhere, pulling you back.
I don't want to die! I don't want to go next! Please, just let me go! You weren't sure what you said exactly but it all meant the same thing: freedom. And just when you were about to sound the alarm, a hand softly sealed your lips and you got a better look at the new couple. There were no more red stains, there wasn't an odor anymore and everything seemed fine. Aside from...the shorter one, who appeared to be a thin male, having smeared ash on his face.
"It's not what you think!"
Sure looked like it. Now, who said that? It wasn't the shorter man. No, it was the taller man, who was by appearance's definition; a jock. The little man was ducked low, keeping your mouth shut with his hand and the taller man was holding your hand, keeping you in place. This was an uncomfortable situation, you could not stop breathing so quickly.
"Please, we were just preparing some beef tender."
You barely relaxed, easing up just a little bit when your mouth was free. The little man had shrunk his hand away but, his wide, crystal blue eyes didn't break their gaze. The taller man did not let go, he kept his grip. Why would you have blood all over your face if you're just cooking meat? Why did it smell so bad? You frowned, managing to tear yourself free from the strong man's grip and jump away for just some space. Something wasn't adding up; that couple's story just didn't make sense. It looked like they washed their faces and changed in a hurry.
"You don't believe us, do you?"
The little man walked out, his boyfriend trying to step in but, quickly, he was ushered aside. You looked down at the little kan. His pants were white. You were expecting them to be covered in blood. All you saw was a small man with icy blue eyes, white pants and a comfortable sweater. That sweater was a periwinkle pink, words embroidered, "Cute AF." Interesting choice of style, you thought. But that did not make you feel anymore comfortable around these peculiar neighbors. Their actions were obtuse.
"Damien, couldn't you have waited," the tall man who had a vice-like grip on your hand, asked, chiding his lover. Damien was the man in the periwinkle pink sweater. "You're being rude. For God's sake, you slammed your hand over their mouth!"
"I don't see anything we can't fix here. They (you) just have a problem with us, right? Were we being too loud?" Damien brushed off all the allegations, treating them as if it were only child's play. His voice was sickly sweet, too sweet. Damien's face looked...fake. Not genuine. You couldn't quite place it.
Slowly, though, you nodded. Yes, they were being too loud. You nodded, again. Yes, you wanted them to be quieter. They stared at you, oddly. Like they were communicating something through a secret language of movement. Damien, the only name you knew him by as of right now, tilted his head left and right, studying you like a painting. His boyfriend rested his chin in his hand, temple creasing as he thought over these silent and nonverbal meanings. The air suddenly felt colder. You didn't want to be here anymore.
You backed away, slowly. Your eyes didn't leave them, unsure of what could happen. You knew they were covering up something nasty. The taller moved forward, his frazzled and contemplating attitude replaced with a joyful and open behavior. His arms opened wide and he grinned a bright beautiful smile that anyone would fall for. That anyone would feel oh so comforted by. But not you. You didn't like the way it curled into a Devil's smirk just at the edges. He radiated bad energy.
"Why don't you come back for dinner in two hours? We'd love to have you over, " he said as he took your hands and held them to his chest. Damien squeezed in, planting his hands on your wrists and gripping tightly. You got to study them even more. Damien, he had those same icy blue eyes but freckles over tanned skin that stretched tightly across his face. He looked emaciated. And his boyfriend. He had blonde hair, sunglasses and overall, a muscular build. He looked like if a golden retriever became a man. "I'm Chris by the way, this is Damien, my boyfriend."
As charming as they were trying to come off, they could not erase the events that just happened. You quickly broke off the contact, just wanting to be out of that horrible situation. You didn't catch their looks as you ran down the hall and into your apartment dorm, locking it and deciding to take the fire escape down. Chris and Damien gave each other a shared look. Both smiled in a strange way. You were going to face trouble.
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Chris and Damien are a couple that recently moved into your same apartment complex. They bounced from their small town to a big city to take on more victims to satisfy their dry feelings of emptiness. Killing seemed to be the only way that brightened up those dull feelings but, with the amount of murders they were committing in that small town, it didn't feel exhilarating anymore— it started to feel like a routine. Plus, they were catching heat. Something had to be done and moving seemed to be the correct way to go about it.
Chris and Damien are madly in love with each other— they make sure to let everyone know that hat, especially when they're on the hunt. Very much yandere x yandere. The boyfriends work well together, killing as many people as they can, with no discernable pattern. The new city gave them new prey to play around with— starting in the lower levels, to mid suburbs and to tackling classic highschool clicks to get a rile out of the police force. But, even that got boring.
That is, until they meet you. That hallway encounter gave them a whole new purpose. Chris and Damien were going to provide for a new friend. A best friend, actually. In their own twisted way. You are the one person that they'll invite over almost daily so they can chat your ears off. You fit the description of the third wheel they wanted, someone that they could help by chasing away any romantic involvement. Chris and Damien decided that right there and then in that hallway, you were going to be a part of their little family. No one was going to get close to their best friend. Not ever.
Chris and Damien protect you and your interests, (well, for what they deem is good in your life). They are stupidly sneaky and manipulative in the way that they stay in your life. Chris is definitely the muscle in the couple, (aka— jelly jar opener) and Damien, the thinker. If you are going to rat them out, complain to your tenant or call the cops, the Lovers are going to track your existing family down and threaten them. Don't play around. Let's say you have a pet; Chris doesn't care how much it hurts you, he will kill it if you complain about himself and his boyfriend.
Damien even celebrates Chris's animal abuse, paying for the remains of that critter to be taxidermied and set on display in THEIR apartment. If YOU want to go see YOUR pet, you will have to knock on The Lovers' door. And if you go over and knock on that door, asking about your pet, they'll let you in and taunt you. "Oh your sweet cat's dead! Don't worry, we put some of the blood in this bottle. They don't call ketchup cat's blood for nothing!" Depending on your reaction, they will laugh at you if you express genuine hurt/sadness. It's just an animal. You've got your friends to comfort you now.
On another note, Chris and Damien are so cynical about their way of keeping you. They lay in bed, plotting out their next kills, (mind you, they have work the next morning as well!) and how to make the perfect targets that'll keep you shut up and compliant. Pets are easy to kill, people as well. Why don't they target an entire friend group that you had in highschool? Damien is howling in laughter and Chris is sneering at the sheer absurdity they'd go through to make a clear point. Those losers weren't actually your friends. You have Chris and Damien, the only friends that you will EVER need.
Chris and Damien aren't kind to you. They are very cruel. Meemaw Stacie had an unfortunate end, not because of you, (well, actually yes because the boyfriends just liked how you looked) but, because she would be their official first kill in this complex. And many more to come. The tenant died after you spoke with him, Chris and Damien made sure to make it a point that they were the ones who did it. But when the heat came on them by the media, their practiced theatrics threw the blame outside the complex and got Chris and Damien off Scott-free.
Less and less people come to live in your complex, the world putting shade on the place and claiming it to be haunted. Now, it was an attraction to gain money. You would wait for the next crew or group of people to come in, ask for help and pray that they would listen. And that Chris and Damien weren't around to keep you from fleeing.
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Thank you guys so much for reading! I really hope you guys liked it. I don't see much for platonic yanderes so I figured, “Hey! Why don't I add some more content?” As always, have a good day, drink water, eat food and rest. And the most important thing: write/read fanfiction <3!
(p.s. I didn't know what the <3 meant at first! I thought it was a little alien with its eye closed and doing a cat smile 😭 I thought: :3 = <3 I DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS A HEART)!?
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xviiper-rents-houses · 2 months
Oh they're only just horsing around!
Sonic vs Scourge, incorrect quotes
" Outta the way, wuss. They're sticking with me. You run laps and miles for your friends who just don't care and— HEY! "
" Put up or shut up, snot-head. If you could land a hit as much as you constantly chat, you might have a chance. "
" Bring it, Blue. "
" Let's go, Zucchini. "
Meanwhile, you, the reader.
Reader: " So ... Who gets a black eye first? " Proceeds to pull out an entire tally board. " This is getting old. "
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can I please request yandere romantic headcannons of scourge and sonic with incredibly smart reader? like, really really cunning and observant. thank you in advance!
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Of course! Man oh man am I excited! Thank you for the requests you guys! I looked at both of the requests and an idea popped in my head— the most clever one I have ever had (joking)— what if I combined them together?
A smart reader with two smitten hedgehogs fawning over them is a brilliant mix of unknown chaos and adventure! (And of course, danger). I sure do like the concept of a competition between hero and villain, a trope used since the dawn of time. I wasn't able to elaborate much on freedom fighter stuff because, no matter what I wrote, I just didn't like it lol.
Also, I made art for this! Looks a little cringe but, I couldn't help but try something new! Y'all can use them as pfps or whatever if you like them a lot but, please credit me! (Sonic's came out a little....interesting lol. I keeping on thinking of those Snapcube dubs omg).
Reader is gender neutral and uses you/your pronouns!
TW: cursing, physical harm (not to you but, definitely to Sonic and Scourge) blood, yandere shenanigans: stalking, possessiveness, obsessiveness, murder, sabotage. Another note! Sonic thinks about putting you, the reader, in danger.
Is it proof read? Sorta, not as much as I like to! School's getting busy and fanfiction is helping me survive! Figured if I was able to post this, then I am able to do anything that school has me involved in!
For Sonic and Scourge, it would be incredibly difficult, basically impossible for you to be shared with either one of them. You wouldn't get much down time with these guys around, constantly following and pestering you about: "Who's the better hedgehog?" Your life, Anons, will be a living Hell. Prepare for a game of tug-of-war between two idiots!
Let's start with talking about Scourge.
Scourge would be very adamant on trying to get you to join his team. You're smart and he knows this, much more clever than his compatriots and his now ex-girlfriend, Fiona. He's so desperate for your attention, picking fights with anyone who gets in the way of talking or being by you. And here's where the first problem comes from: you're on Sonic's team. You. You are a part of the Freedom Fighters. And that pisses him off.
Why are you wasting your talents on a bunch of babies? Scourge doesn't care if he has to travel across the zones to find you and take you with him. But, he doesn't count on you being much more smarter than he thought. In the midst of a battle with Egghead's badnicks, Scourge appears out of a portal to try and snag you away. He launches across the greenery, grinning madly. He's finally going to get you and—
Scourge could've sworn that his jaw was dislocated and then broken. It throbbed furiously and he struggled to gather his bearings. His head spun violently. You saw him coming from a mile away, despite his quills supposedly blending him in with the environment. That damn jacket of his gave him away. His prized possession! (Aside from his crown and you, of course). You sent a hunk of Dr. Robotnick's heavy machinery straight at him, letting the robot do the work for you and send him flying away. He was way too dizzy, blood dripping from his nose and a possible concussion. Hell.
You spared him a moment's glance and then took off to help Amy clobber some more tin heads. By now, Sonic had noticed Scourge and was already working his way over in record time, something even Scourge wasn't expecting. The expression on Sonic's face warned of a promised beating and perhaps, even worse, death. Scourge staggered to his feet, turned heel and bolted as fast as he could before he got a generous pummelling from the Blue Blur. He soared into the portal just in time, avoiding a nasty fate. Scourge hit the ground with a bone rattling thud, cursing when he bit on his lip too hard.
He's angry, oh yes he is but, he had to admit, he kinda liked that. Scourge hates to say that he did. You have the same quality that drew him into Fiona— your mind. It's really unfair that you're on Sonic's team though. Now he has to figure out how he's gonna come back, not get his ass beat and take you home with him. You're much smarter than he was anticipating. Scourge that night decides to spare no time for sleep, mind hooked on how you looked at him. How you outwitted him, not even using your own fists to take him down.
Scourge stares at a cabinet in his castle, pondering. Gutting Sonic doesn't sound like half of a bad idea. With that idiot out the way, Scourge gets to have all of your attention on him. The Freedom Fighters though...those mutts are still going to be in the way. Scourge has been itching to become the one and only Sonic, even if he liked the attention he was getting from the rest of the crew, Scourge needed to be in charge of things here. He's gonna figure out how to worm his way into your life and force you to work with him.
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Now, what about Sonic?
Sonic loves your intellectual prowess, constantly checking back with you. He wants to hear more about your ingenious creations, (maybe he can even use them to his advantage!) and in general, have you speak to him about everything you come up with. Sonic does not want to share you with your friends though, as much as he likes how they positivity impact your mind, he feels that he should have sole possession of your heart. (He might just go and take it anyway, don't worry, you'll have a mechanical heart to keep you alive!) Instead, Sonic encourages you to hang out with his friends. With you being around his friends, Sonic doesn't have to worry as much.
Whatever your brain delves into, Sonic wants to hear all about it, as said before but, reiterated. (Y'see, this is a really important point). Now, Sonic knows that another hedgehog, specifically the embodiment of a snotball, is also after your affections. He's not going to let that bully get any of your time, always being the first to rush towards Scourge and hit him with the old sucker (his fist). Sonic will do anything to get that vermin off your tail, even convincing Shadow and Knuckles to help him out. Now depending on whether Shadow and Knuckles are yandere will also determine on how much they're willing to help Sonic out. Either way, thanks to Sonic's undeniable charm, he is able to enlist assistance to fend off Scourge. Sonic is even proud of beating Scourge up.
And to make matters worse, Sonic will boast about beating up Scourge at every chance he gets. Now, that being said, it's not out of character for Sonic to gloat over his victories, especially bullies but, he goes further into detail. Sonic is happy that he gave Scourge a well worth punch to the snout to think about. And if Sonic hit Scourge hard enough to the point that Scourge was bleeding—he's ecstatic. From then on, Sonic will constantly bring up the subject of hitting someone so hard that they started bleeding. Sonic uses this as bragging rights and also, a not so well hidden reminder of how strong he is. You belong to him.
Sonic cannot help but replay that day over and over again in his head. Scourge slips through the portal, laughing out loud and being an overall idiot. Scourge's first move is to find and capture you, even stating it out loud. That was his first mistake, giving him right away to Sonic, who started hitting heavier on badnicks. Sonic remembered that he felt panicked, that he wouldn't get to you in time to save you. But, as it turned out, you didn't need any saving. You were just fine on your own. In fact, you had the time to set up a little surprise, just for Scourge.
Shock was an understatement to describing Sonic's face after your clever trick. Instead of fighting tooth and nail to get away from Scourge, (you didn't even have to worry about stepping close at all, due to your ingenuity) you had sent the biggest badnick catapulting at Scourge, hitting him smack dab in the face. Sonic was sorry that he wasn't able to catch up to Scourge, to give him a nice little beat down. That factor made him rather pouty for the rest of the evening, however, that didn't stop Sonic from singing praises about your smarts. He acted like he couldn't believe that you were able to do that. It almost felt like Sonic was being condescending. That you should have been captured, only for Sonic to save the day.
That day, Sonic sat out on the beach, daydreaming about the many different ways that he could save you. From that fight, he learned that you wouldn't actually need him and that fact hurt Sonic more than he liked to admit. Yes, putting you in a dangerous situation might be the trick to get you to fall even more in love with him. But, that could also mean that Scourge would be there to save the day instead. And knowing Scourge, he would definitely out Sonic for his actions, just to win your favor. Sonic had to think carefully on how he was going to handle this.
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xviiper-rents-houses · 2 months
Yandere Clone Commandos!!
General analysis and headcanons. Inspiration from: Republic Commandos, Star Wars film franchise and comics.
Is this requested? No, no it's not. :') I'm taking a short break from writing for yandere Sonic fics to write some self-indulgence, which is why the whole thing here is so long 😭
Also! I wanted an excuse to introduce my yandere Republic Commando squad, consisting of: Trickshot, Shaft, ZZ and Heyday. Headcanons, suggestions, ideas, (anything really) is welcome for these obsessive boys!
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Thank you so much to @yanknowalready for the book suggestion, I started reading the first one and I absolutely love it! I'm so interested to see what happens to Etain and Darman next, (they have such good chemistry!!) and I can't wait to read more of the series as I go on. Never thought I'd get so invested but my lack of activity is a testament to how invested I am into this book 😂
Anyhoo, I suppose I should share my thoughts about the commandos being yandere, based on what I've read in the book, what I've watched and what I know so far about the commandos.
Romantic/platonic. More romantic leaning.
TW: Frank talk of death, killing and typical yandere shenanigans. Shenanigans include: stalking, possessiveness, obsessiveness, murder, forced affection (have to squint a lil) and delusions. This writing also has some suggestiveness at the bottom, for my yandere Republic Commando OC, you might have to squint at two of his quotes for that.
Republic Commandos from the book are treated like cattle for the most part. Well, cattle that act like dogs. Give them an order and they usually obey. Usually. They are also meant to be independent thinkers, working in squads of four. Republic Commandos are mainly used for infiltration, performing covert operations, as well as sabotage, demolition and assassination being the standard expectation.
They are kept in isolation, separate from their regular brothers and designated captains. This is so they can remain on task and focus on their rigorous training. As said before, they work in squads of four, so they do not get much time to socialize. While reading the first few interactions the commando characters had in the book with their Jedi superiors, I have noticed the amount of genuine intrigue and interest in picking apart who these lightsaber users of the Force are.
It's no surprise that a Republic Commando would feel a strong pull to learn more about who he works for. A life of loneliness, apart from your squad, tempts the human mind to want to seek more. He doesn't need to know why his Jedi General is, as they are mainly given missions to complete and an explanation is usually added to the equation, he wants to know whom. Identity. Republic Commandos do want to have some sort of connection with their Jedi, leaning more towards professionals. They are told stories of just how powerful Jedi are and look up to them.
In some cases, like the Republic Commando series, (I've delved into some spoilers because I really like Darman and Etain) this pressure can turn romantic.
The Republic Commandos trained so hard on Kamino just to get to this point, surviving multiple exercises off world—most commandos don't make it back—just so they can see a Jedi for one chance. Commandos are usually trained by hired mercenaries, just like their brothers but, often under more deadly circumstances. Commandos who don't have a firing and killshot above 95% are marked for dead by the Kaminoins, including their whole original squad batch, executed in favor of a better batch. The Republic Commandos don't all get the luck in the world, often dying before meeting the Jedi. Which is why I'd think they'd be real desperate sons of a gun. So, it's an honor to serve with one, to protect a Jedi.
Republic Commandos are well-disciplined to a fault. With their lives in constant threat, they want to make sure they survive long enough until they slow down and die on the battlefield, rather than die to their rapid aging, because they want to see as much as they can before it's their time to pass. Republic Commandos become observant, skilled, patient and most importantly, intelligent in their training and exercises. Combining all of these skills together with their strength, Commandos are a four team force to be reckoned with. Even when on their own, a Republic Commando is a dangerous foe to enemies.
Republic Commandos are rugged from their training, as said before, regularly facing death. Other clones look up to these individuals, just as they do their Jedi. The Republic Commandos are a symbol of pure, unadulterated power. No average clone nor Arc trooper picks a fight with a Commando because of this. In addition to being strict and tacticionary killing machines, Republic Commandos are known to have a bit of a temper when their patience is tested. Taunt them and you walk away with an ugly assortment of bruises, deece pointed at your head moments before, (threatening to fry your brain with a lazer) and perhaps a cut or two. You're lucky to walk away unscathed.
The reason why I believe that Commandos have a bit of a temper is because, when reading Hard Contact, in the first few pages of the book: one man questions why the commando waits so long, only to be threatened with concealed viroblade hidden within the commando's wrist guard, right under his chin and dangerously close to his throat and general lifeline. And even further down the line, one commando named Niner, is physically and mentally fighting with himself to not insult the Jedi padawan, Etain out loud. She tested his patience plenty of times and he has gotten mad at her, even though he never verbally expressed it as much.
Republic Commandos are also fiercely protective. If they can help it, they do not leave their brothers and general people in charge, behind. They are loyal and most thoughtful men, not cattle, men. Even if they don't believe they are men, they are constantly reminded by their gentle natured Jedi who now have to direct a war by using violence, the opposite of what an actual peace keeper would do. If push came to shove, just like any clone, a Republic Commando would gladly lay down his life as a final sacrifice. They care for their loved ones. And try as they might to not form personal connections, they still do and it heavily affects them.
So, bringing yandere into the forefront, I'd say that once a Republic Commando gets hooked on their Jedi/person, there's no going back. Their connection would be hard to break, even in death. Their obsession could even kill them and they wouldn't be too upset because, in the end, they were meant to be expendable, only living up to 20 years or so. With such little time that they have, if they can help it, Republic Commandos try to spend as much time as they can with their loved ones. I can see a common theme being that they work together to get to their connection.
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As said before in my "brief" analysis, regular clones don't pick fights with commandos. Which leads me to believe that if a squad of commandos or just a singular one was obsessed with you, you would have a powerful guarding force of smothering clones, scaring off most competition. Not all. The Republic Commandos face many a challenging foe, in the form of daunting tasks and assigned missions. Oftentimes, their enemy is much more powerful than they are. However, that won't stop them from trying to "protect" you. Regardless if it's just one commando obsessed, I like to imagine that the whole squad would work and support their brother.
A drawback, (to them and probably not to you, depending on your situation) is that they are in a constant threat of being killed on deployment, as well as training sessions on Kamino so often that they cannot spend as much time as they want with you. If given the chance, the Republic Commandos would stop at nothing just to be with you, securely watch over your hobbies and interests and memorize everything that you do. Unfortunately for these lovesick boys, they don't get in contact with their darling because the commandos are separated from the regs and the real world to fortify their integrity. So, the time they spend with you is precious.
Republic Commandos are meticulous with keeping their gear clean, compact, safe and functional. They pay very close attention and if there are any outliers, the commandos do what they can to perfect or improve the situation. I believe that the commandos would be obsessive, possessive, definitely stalkers and very desperate for attention and love once you give it to them. It's unwise to form a connection. They do NOT let go. Especially if you are Jedi. Maybe you met your forever squad as a padawan in training, leading the squad as commander. Or maybe a civvi who helped out one too many times to be forgotten. If you were a Jedi, the commandos would look up to you, supporting your decisions and challenging your wit all for the effort of making a smart plan.
They are loyal to the end, ready to lay down their lives. The Jedi are like a deity to these troubled men, cursed with accelerated growth, giving them so little time to live. However, not all seek that life of religion as a Jedi or are gifted with the ability. Let's say you're what they call a "civvi," a civilian for clarification. It's gonna be damn near impossible to see you again then. A commando, (or a group of commandos) would have to do a grand old break the rules policy just so they can get to you. The commandos would stand as close as they physically can, without directly violating your personal space but, still staying in close contact. They will likely ask to hold your hand, or to be kissed by you because, well, they don't know if they're going to die the next day. Just give it to them once, please? Very repetitive in asking you because they're that touch starved.
In addition to their want for physical touch, (or some commandos who don't like physical touch OR the ones who sorta listen to you when you say you don't want to hold their hand or any of that) when in close proximity to the commandos, rarely do their eyes ever leave you. You're just too important to them and so, you have to stay in their eyesight to ensure your safety. For the commandos that are denied physical affection and the privilege of watching you up close, they resort to watching from afar, hiding where you cannot see them, staring at you through their DC-17's scope. If you don't want to be watched all the time...why don't you try asking to wear their helmets? I believe the commandos would be absolutely ecstatic that you asked to wear their calling card. It would be very difficult to get them to shut up after that.
Due to the nature of the Clone Wars, even if the commandos wanted to, they cannot take you back to their barracks or anywhere locked up. The best that a commando or group of commandos can do is take a photo of you to display on their holocron each time before they go on a covert mission. They might be dead the next time they try to come home, leaving you to be stuck in an uncomfortable situation where another squad might try to take you in as their darling or the worse, being stuck in a building deep on an unknown planet, with no means of escape. For some commandos, you dying isolated rather than in their living arms is a better option of seeing you again in the after life.
Speaking of death, not all commandos die on deployment. Many are left behind. In that case, if the commando is desperate enough and willing, he will desert the Grand Army of the Republic, (commonly referred to as the GAR) and devise a plan to take you with him. If his brothers are alive, you bet that the commando would find a way to convince his brothers to join him, leave behind that awful life they had known before in favor of a bright new future with you in it. They wouldn't have to wear such heavy gear anymore, be in constant threat of a battlefield death, (though the rapid aging would steal their chance of a full life) and best of all, you are there to enjoy every single day. Maybe the commandos might go and search Kamino for a cure to try and reverse their rapid aging before they get to you? Sure sounds like an interesting fic!
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But wait, there's more! I wanted to share with you guys some of my yandere Republic Commando OCS that I came up with in the process of writing this self-indulgence blurb. Still figuring out who will be what but, I can give you their squad name and personal names. Only one guy has actual stuff written about him in the image below.
May I introduce you folks to the Champ Squad, led by RC-1237, known as Trickshot. He works with his brothers Shaft, ZZ and Heyday, being a very successful yet, controversial squad. Wherever they go, there are rarely any survivors. They might like killing a little too much. I still need to draw the other three, as well as give them their RC numbers.
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Meet Trickshot, my lovelies! Everything on that paper is gonna be written down from top to bottom so you can make sense of my goofy writing. I said I was only going to write a little bit about a yandere oc. A little.... WELP
Trickshot, RC-1237— The “Boss” of Champ Squad.
• He has a grim sense of humor, being the squad's designated demolitions man. Trickshot's name is deceiving because many expect him to be the sniper, (which he is a very good shot at that) but he is a phenomenal explosion's master.
• Trickshot's serious, keen, cunning and silent for the most part. He has the highest kill count out of his squad, taking genuine pleasure in killing Separatist scum. He especially takes joy in killing anyone he deems getting too close/hurting/potentially hurting his cyar'ika (sweetheart).
• The “Boss” is brutal, straightforward and overall, a hard man to be around. The Champ Squad has its high success rate thanks to Trickshot's harsh methods.
(author's note: next bullet point might change but I wanna know y'all's opinion!!)
• Trickshot's DNA was mixed with another diner, (alongside his bros) giving him sharper features. Unfortunately, he's aggressive.
• Bears distinctive purple painted armor. Symbolizes the dark feelings and bad dreams he has, though others assume it must be ego talking.
• You compliment him on it? He wants you to add something to it. Can't paint or any of that? Here, let him take your hand and help you.
• Promise you'd hold his hand? Just once? He might die on his next mission, please. Trickshot loves you.
• Trickshot “accidently” killed a Jedi padawan, (shame the kid got on his nerves). His brothers covered for him, saying the child died to battle droids. Yeah, they (meaning Shaft, ZZ and Heyday) were also fed up with the padawan.
• Claimed the lightsaber fell down the heavy waterfall rapids, (Trickshot lied) keeping the sacred weapon for personal use.
• “ Look, cyar'ika, (or sweetheart) I ain't itchin' to make you blaze up just yet. ” (He laughs).
• “ Relaaax, I'm not gon' hurt ya. I'm gon' hurt 'em. ” (Guns and bombs ready).
• “ Just 'lax up, will ya? I don't bite! Unless you want or I really wanna. ” (You're sitting on his lap).
And that's everything! Lemme know whatcha guys think! Yes, Trickshot's quotes were suggestive but, I feel like that would blend in with his personality? Idk, maybe it's just my opinion.
Fanart, ideas, suggestions, (anything really lol!?) is appreciated for Trickshot and his brothers in the Champ Squad! Thanks for reading!
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xviiper-rents-houses · 2 months
damn, sonic and scourge both so equally deranged in how they would act as friends towards the reader i can't tell which one is worse tbh.
ngl i think i orchestrate the battle to the death between those two out of sheer desperation lol, you were too accurate with them there. // hopefully sonic sees the light and stops being that way if he survives the battle 😔 , or that scourge leaves everyone the hell alone for good cause he’s too injured to do anything at the moment and the reader ditched him
thanks for taking in my request.
No problemo buddy! Glad that you liked the headcanons, I had a whole lotta fun writing them! Took me a bit to think over how exactly Sonic and Scourge would go up against each other, given the chance but, I still prevailed.
Sonic and Scourge would definitely fight to the death as a last resort, disregarding whatever self-respect that they had for themselves in favor of saving their "best friend." Personal ethos and logos and general catharsis chucked straight out the window!
A funny thought occurred to me: reader is just sitting on the beach, trying to mind their own business and really just recover from the carnage that was Sonic vs Scourge. Both boys went home to lick their wounds and prepare to fight again, incidentally forgetting about reader and leaving them to just, well, relax for however long they can lol. And then in the midst of their relaxation, the hedgehogs appear simultaneously and clash heads once more and reader's like: "aw shit, here we go, again"
Who knows, maybe the boys will come to their senses! Maybe not. In this AU, likely not 🤪
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xviiper-rents-houses · 2 months
Actually yeah, can we see platonic headcanons for both Yandere Sonic and Scourge?
sometimes friendship can be equally as terrifying.
Platonic Yandere Scourge and Sonic
For sizzle Anon! Any kind of a relationship with a yandere, platonic or romantic, can be terrifying! I decided to do separate headcanons for each hedgehog, lemme know whatcha think! (I might have even included a bonus! 👀). Also, good to cya back Anon :D Thank you for requesting some more. We definitely do need more platonic yandere content, it's an underrated subject for sure :0
TW: Typical yandere tendencies: obsession, possessiveness, controlling and manipulative behavior. This is talked about in mild detail. This headcanon mentions the following: intent to kill, general violence, violation of boundaries ( by this I mean that you have established that you don't want your privacy invaded but it still is), stalking and overall, disregard for the reader's feelings. I do not condone yandere actions in real life. Do not repeat these characters' actions and seek help if you feel you are.
Reblogs, likes and comments are welcomed! Please enjoy, yandere Sonic and Scourge. Also, I'm so sorry for taking forever, Anon! We all know and love that stinking writer's block, don't we?
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Sonic and Scourge are polar opposites; Sonic being the original and Scourge, an evil recolor of the famous hedgehog. However, there is one thing that they can agree on, even if they don't interact with each other as much: you are their best friend. And they'll do anything for a companion such as yourself. Anything.
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Scourge was quick when he conquered Moebius. While his sweet ol' papa kept the world at peace, he ignored the major underlying issue that would set Anti-Mobius on its path, forever. His son. Anti-Sonic felt neglected by his father, powerless. All his daddy focused on was ruling the kingdom, keeping "peace," and heaven forbid Anti-Sonic ever went to his dad to talk or spend quality time because all Anti-Sonic ever was to his father was an item, a replacement in case all things went wrong and an example of the King's generosity and "genuine" connection to the people. He had no time to spare for a little child like Anti-Sonic.
So it was no surprise that Scourge became the hedgehog he is today, a byproduct of his father's blatant neglect. He was damn fast with taking over the kingdom his dad worked hard to create, killing the old man and casting him away into a cold casket, just as he cast his son out of the throne room. Deadly karma. Anti-Sonic would work hard to destroy any peace his dad worked to preserve. Anti-Sonic then focused on building himself up, branding from the lame-o' Anti-Sonic to Scourge. A real kicker and big baddie. But Scourge is still so insecure. With no validation from his father, he felt like he had to force it out of everyone he met. But you? When he met you, everything changed. Scourge used the same tactic he used to collect his friends, power and the planet. You flipped his world upside down when you treated him decently. Even fed into his ego. He had to keep you by his side.
Scourge wanted a friend like that to stay with him. Forever. It came to the point when his want was more of a need. Scourge would do anything to keep you. Even if it meant severing the bond and breaking you into submission. So what if you didn't want to be friends with Scourge anymore? Okay, not a problem. For Scourge. As for you, you'll have to come around eventually! Scourge is not bullying you, he's just correcting you, albeit harshly. And he thought that you could see all the sides of a coin! How could you be so heartless? No matter how many times you run from your best friend, (your personal tormentor), Scourge will go to all lengths just to take you back. Including murder, being the top option on a silver platter. (Though he wouldn't dare murder someone so fast because he needs to be known).
Anyone who tried to help you escape from him is marked as a prime punching bag, a brand new sparring toy for Scourge to smack down over and over. Any personal friendships you have, need to be kept a secret from your obsessive, BEST friend, lest he find them and unleash hellfire. Scourge is controlling in the "friendship" you have with him. He fully believes that he is the only friend that you've got and the only one that you actually need. However, Scourge gets to have as many friends as he wants to. His need to be acknowledged overpowers any sense of kindness or genuine respect he has for you. Scourge has to take the majority of the spotlight, only giving you some of it just because he feels like it. Scourge is no companion, he is your captor.
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Sonic the renowned hero of Mobius, saving the planet from invasion time and time again. The go-to guy if you're needing someone super fly, ready for the all-time high. He's the fastest hedgehog known all around! Almost everyone knows who he is, like Silver the hedgehog from the future and of course, Rob-of-Hedge from his hidden lands. Sonic's been around to do it all, had his best friends, (and even his girlfriends from the past and present) support him through his journey to heroics and finally, his family. Who are we kiddin'? Sonic's friends are also his family! And he loves his family. He would do anything for his friends and family. Anything.
Don't get him wrong, Sonic's all for a little rough and tumble, especially on his seventeenth birthday where Dr. Eggman surprised him with a robotic attack, but he's seen the dangers of fighting. And what it can do to the people you love the most— his dad, a living robot, his friend, Bunnie D'Coolette and so many more. And you, his best friend, every day get-it-going pal, Sonic doesn't want to see you hurt. You happen to be fighting one of Egghead's newest badnicks? Oh you betcha Sonic's zooming in to take the majority of the punches, fighting your battles for you. And you choose to confront him about it? No, listen, you're wrong. Sonic's trying to protect you—clearly you can't see that! That's fine, really it is, take all the time you need, Sonic doesn't have a limit at all. (Flat out lies, though Sonic hates to admit it).
He is constantly checking in on you, to the point where you don't get to have your own privacy because Sonic's made it a point to set up his sleeping space in your room. His excuse? A forever sleepover. Only the dynamic duo allowed— no additives. You kick him out? Okay, two can play at that game. He'll make sure it's difficult to get into his place because, well, you kicked him out! It's not fair that you did that, really. You're being unkind and just a jerk. Sonic will manipulate you into believing this, just so he can control what you do and how you do it. He will even control which of his friends you interact with, just so he can keep tabs on you. Sonic's not above stalking, even when you point out how uncomfortable it makes you. When it comes to your safety, he does not care if he's being overbearing. Sonic doesn't care if he's limiting you from seeing other people—you're not gonna get hurt, ever.
Sonic's gotta lot of unchecked and uncared for trauma that worms its way into your friendship, ruining it in the process. As mentioned before, he gets into your business when he clearly doesn't need to. Sonic overtime, grows frantic, speedy mind running itself into a tizzy all because you got punched square in the face by an unexpected badnick and Sonic wasn't there to block it. Or the time that you went out for a simple walk because, you felt cramped up inside. He often oversteps the boundaries that you set because, and quite frankly, he doesn't care about how you feel. He cares that he can protect his best friend from the worst things in the world, unknowingly being the exact thing he is fighting against. You're not going to get rid of Sonic anytime soon.
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In conclusion, Sonic and Scourge would both be very obsessed over you. They would both be controlling, Sonic out of trying to protect you and Scourge to keep you close to him. Any other friendships that you have are at major risk with either of these hedgehogs in your life because, they will stop at nothing to keep you "safe" and that all your precious attention is on them.
If Sonic and Scourge were to meet up ever again, especially with you in the equation, they would most definitely clash heads. Fights between the two wouldn't be all smiles anymore—lucky you— it's a blood bath. Punches are not held back and using weapons in fights is not out of the question anymore. It's kill or be killed when it comes to your attention. Scourge, as much as he likes the attention he gets from Sonic, will do everything he can to kill Sonic.
Forget Sonic. He's the better hedgehog anyway, so having that blue moronic bastard out the way is a welcomed treat. Scourge doesn't care how many times he has to beat Sonic down to a pulp; he's gonna get you in the end and no one will ever get in the way of your friendship. Sonic will fight to the death if it means that you stay out of whatever hell Scourge is bringing with him. He disregards his heroic nature when it comes to Scourge, leaning in on his ego and experience. Sonic isn't shooting to defeat anymore. He's shooting to kill.
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Hi! I am very interested in Trickshot's reaction to the fact that his beloved found a lightsaber and took it for herself. "You shouldn't have this." Or she just took it without saying a word. How angry will he be? Where does he keep the sword? (English is not my native language. I used a translator. I hope it turned out to be clear.)
Hello there, Nastasia (I hope it's okay if I use your name? I couldn't @ you because I wasn't sure how to spell your username 😭), thank you for the ask!
I'm assuming you meant to ask about Trickshot's reaction to his darling being shocked and upset that he had taken a lightsaber for himself? Also, no worries, I understand it can be tricky to translate to English since it's an amalgamation of all sorts of wacko lingos. Trust me, when I was taking Spanish and French classes, you can imagine my shock to the complicated simplicity 😭 🙏
Main character is referred to as: reader, cyare, cyar'ika and some use of you/your pronouns. I kept it gender neutral as much as I could!
TW: Yandere behavior, I do not condone this in real life. Stalking, possessiveness, mild violence (mentions of killing Jedi, stunning reader) kidnapping, light mention of gore. Read at your own risk.
EDIT: contains blatant beating, killing reader and oneself.
AUTHOR EDIT NOTE: I realized I hadn't said all that I wanted to when writing Trickshot's response! There were definitely some points I forgot to bring up so that's why you might see some more stuff 💚🩷🧡
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
I wanted to make this inclusive for all! I'm thinking of making one of my characters aro/ace but I need to do some research before I do that. (ZZ). I would love it if any aro/ace people reached out and told me about their experiences! I wanna make sure I write him right. 💚 🩷 🧡
Translations from Mando'a:
Cyar'ika - Sweetheart
Cyare - Beloved, loved, popular
Vod - Brother
How would Trickshot react to being told that he cannot possess the lightsaber he stole by his darling?
Trickshot would react rather badly to his cyar'ika trying to take away his illegal lightsaber. If cyare takes it back, his position and life is marked for death. He would rather die on the battlefield than to Kaminoin scientists or old age, as any of his brothers. His treasonous actions mean execution by either his fellow clones, the Republic Court or worse, putting he and his brothers down like dogs on Kamino. (Yes, I reiterated this).
(ZZ would most likely be the next one in charge if Trickshot dies— his Vod's silent but commanding nature will help keep Shaft and Heyday in check. As much as they all squabble with one another, the brothers will help take care of their cyares).
Trickshot is not afraid to commit a crime if it means he gets to keep "his" lightsaber; he might just stun his cyare and hide them somewhere where only he and his brothers can find as punishment. Trickshot trusts his brothers more than anyone else in his life, he believes that if he dies, his dear brothers, his squad mates, will take care of reader. And if reader fights back, Trickshot isn't afraid to put his obsession in their place.
Trickshot would likely kidnap and condition his cyar'ika to lie about the sacred weapon. No, he didn't kill a Jedi padawan. Not at all! What happened was he found the weapon at an old battle ground, covered and hidden well with dirt. Trickshot only kept it for so long because he couldn't escape that deathtrap that was his last mission without that saber. He apologizes for his use of such a blade. He brought his Jedi back with him and everything is fine.
Where would he hide his cyar'ika though? (If he takes such a bold move). Wherever he is deployed the most and most likely if he has rare friends who support his actions. Recently, Champ Squad has been deployed to infiltrate a Separatist planet and take down the command center, helping the regs (meaning regular clone brothers) below take the rest of the planet with their Jedi counterparts. Heyday is the most sociable of Champ Squad, so he's made a few allies that Trickshot would use as a last resort for hiding his darling and keeping her out of his business.
That lightsaber belongs to him now. And if his dearest cyare has to be chained up on a planet, left with little food, water and decency, so be it. When cyar'ika behaves, keeps their mouth shut and never brings up the subject of that damn lightsaber again, Trickshot will release them and formulate an excellent cover story for why reader went missing. "No sir, reader was held captive by weequay thugs for about forty-five standard rotations. Reader should make a quick recovery, if given the proper rest. I can standby and question if need be, they seem to trust me more than anyone."
If in the case though, he cannot get out of trouble for having a lightsaber, Trickshot will take a more aggressive approach to keeping his trophe. He might just beat his cyar'ika into submission, use his training and possibly die trying to force you to let him keep his saber. Or worse. Kill you and then himself. But that's a little too drastic, even for his taste. He'll force you to come with him and his brothers, to desert the GAR and live far out in the galaxy. Destroy all communication that you can get and live out life in this safe place.
When on missions or back on Kamino, or anywhere, how and where does Trickshot hide his illegal possession?
The lightsaber, originally belonging to a Jedi padawan named Merial Karin, is hidden not so discreetly on his utility belt. Trickshot had Shaft make a couple adjustments to the lightsaber to look like an extra rations pack to avoid suspicion but, he did not account for the Force sensibility of other Jedi, leading him to kill those smart leaders. Since then, Trickshot did some research with his brothers on how he could hide the Force surrounding the blade.
He learned that in an old Jedi prison, designed to hold Jedi who had lost their way from the light side of the force, that there was such technology developed to completely stop the use and of course, detection of Force-sensitive devices such as lightsabers. It was hard to get his hands on it but, after much effort, Trickshot had finally gotten the rare materials needed. Never did he ever want to visit a Sith planet again. He had to spend the next few standard rotations in a bacta tank and lie his way through detection.
Who knew Sith planets had creatures that liked to eat humans? A chunk of his thigh had been taken out, leaving a new and wicked scar. Either way, Trickshot got what he wanted. Shaft was able to work with the dangerous artifacts to make advancements to the lightsaber, cleverly hiding it from detection once again. Now, Trickshot would be able to wear it wherever he wanted. Hell, he could complete missions far faster and methodically than before.
When Champ Squad isn't on deployment, Trickshot hides his lightsaber in his backpack, placing it where all his rations go. It would take a Jedi or lightsaber architect to recognize that Trickshot had stolen something that doesn't ever belong in a clone's hands. Trickshot and his brothers joke about the close calls they've had all the time, easing off the guilt and looming punishment if they are discovered.
Bonus! I have a dialogue for my OCS!!
"Heyday, do y'think you could talk the Jedi generals outta duty fer' a day and into partying, " asks Shaft.
"Dunno, from what I hear I'm the most liked outta all of us. Probably why I pull the most fun. And 'course, introduce ZZ to a new friend every now and again." Heyday finishes cleaning out his Deece, looking up at Shaft with a coy smirk.
ZZ rolls over in his bunk, frowning but, he's now smiling. He didn't say much, ever. Quirking a brow, ZZ gave Trickshot a silent and obvious question to all of the brothers. All heads turned to look at the squad leader.
"At this point, Heyday's our professional negotiator. Able to convince my cyar'ika that my lightsaber is just a new viroblade, by the way, thanks Vod." Trickshot stopped messing around with his pack, sporting a softer expression for his serious face.
"Glad to know you don't have stone-face, Vod," Heyday joked, playfully jabbing at Trickshot's stoic nature. All the brothers broke into laughter, the same voices of Fett. The clones received the darker and sinister side of the Mandalorian and the galaxy didn't know what they were in for.
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How would Yandere!Scourge react, if Rosy tried to kill his darling? 👀
Not well.
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My writing motivation may have gone away but, not my art motivation!
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xviiper-rents-houses · 2 months
ik you got your rules but are character x character requests allowed?
I've never tried character x character before, good question! I suppose it's not a problem, Anon, as long as it's not incestuous, very big age gap, homophobic stuff, you know the whole shabang.
I think it'd be an interesting write to try! That being said, I'd be fine with writing character x character. It would also be interesting to play around with OC x character, mine or other peoples'.
Feel free to request a character x character if you'd like, Anon!
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Hiatus Page!
Hello friends, I wanted to make this post in light of recent events happening in my life. Some of the fandoms I'm in I feel I am losing interest in so, I figured making a post with all the requests listed would help when I'm ready to continue writing. This is so you guys know how your requests are coming along and when I'll start writing again.
School is starting up August 12th, so I will be in hiatus mode. I'm doing college and school at the same time (I'm still in highschool but I get free college), not sure what I am going to do with my life.
Below are the names of fandoms that I've died out of, names of requests and brief descriptions and status on whether I started it or not. For now, my requests will remain closed until further notice, I want to put my academics first. I will still write and post things every now and then but, it'll mainly be for self-indulgence and comfort. (A whole lot is going to be Star Wars).
My requests page is closed but my ask box is open for miscellaneous questions. Feel free to ask for my opinions on your OCS or ask about my OCS! Love you guys so much 🩷 💚 🧡
Sonic The Hedgehog
Current requests:
Yandere Romantic: Scourge x Fiona.
Where Fiona breaks away from Scourge, only to find out just how far he would go to get his foxy lady back.
Started? (No/Yes): No.
Yandere Platonic Sonic and friends x reader
Where Sonic and his main crew were isakaied into the reader's world. How will reader escape from the Hell they've accidentally caused?
Extra notes: Five Fav Sonic characters? To be answered..
Started? (No/Yes): Yes.
Yandere Platonic: Scourge & Sonic
Where Scourge is incessant with his pursuit of a friend who doesn't want his attention at all. (Or he secretly does 👀)
Yandere Romantic: Sonic x Reader
Started? (No/Yes): No.
Where Reader is in a relationship with Scourge, only to find out through a friend that Fiona and Scourge got back together behind their back. Sonic is trailing the situation, likewise.
Started? (No/Yes): No.
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Personal update!
Hello friends, Viper here.
Now I'm sure you guys are wondering when your requests will be written and posted— soon. School's been my top priority and as much as I like writing fanfiction, I've noticed that I've left some things unattended.
My requests will be delayed until further notice. I have to finish writing college essays, writing scholarships, work my job, go to the gym and still a few things more. I might post art here and there for requests if I don't feel like writing them, so keep an eye out for that!
Until next time,
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First official day of dual enrollment!! (College & highschool at the same time) :']
Wish me luck 😭
Requests will probably be out during Thanksgiving break, I know it's a long wait but gotta prioritize school
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Gonna be updating my hiatus list shortly! Also:
I thought I had made a decaffeinated coffee for the morning....I MADE A CAFFINATED. So, we're gonna see how jittery I am today because I have a low caffeine tolerance 😭 🙏
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At the very end of the text, they are no longer soldiers, but a real gang. As for Nastasia, this is one of the types of shortening of the name Anastasia. It is written almost the same way. They are so rarely cut now. But thanks to folk tales, he is still not forgotten. Do you know how this name is shortened now? Nastya. You can use it that way too.
Awesome! I think I like using Nastya the most as it's a name I can remember. I definitely struggle to remember long names, (I say as I have a billion characters with long names lol) so it works out in the end!
Also, thank you so much for the ask, I enjoyed writing it. Even though I've gotten a little bored with writing stuff for Sonic the Hedgehog, it's nice to get a Star Wars request to help me jog outta that writer's block for sure.
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xviiper-rents-houses · 2 months
Sev— Delta Squad, all voice lines.
Guys. Need I say more?
Need I say more?
After I finish writing some of my yandere sonic requests, I'm gonna do something for his squad.
I feel like he'd be a great friend..maaaaaybe.
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xviiper-rents-houses · 2 months
Question for y'all!
I'm looking to broaden my horizon on fandoms, what should I watch/read/learn about? Feel free to drop your suggestions down in the comments, tag me, message or drop in my ask box!
Now I've heard that The Acolyte is good, already have a few spoilers! I do agree with a lotta people, the mask is absolutely wicked! Maybe it's just my personal opinion but, I do love a masked character. Just adds to the whole mystique, am I right?
I've been thinking about looking into Overwatch, is that good? I remember I played the game once or twice but that was about it. Of course, me being me, I chose the green ninja and I also chose that one pink haired lady. I hadn't a clue what I was doing!
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