#Haru my sweet...
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haliaiii · 1 year ago
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yusuke doodle I colored in :)
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novadragoness · 5 months ago
Logan: *Gets Married*
Haru, a heavy burden suddenly lifting from his shoulders: Oh good, now it can be someone else's job to keep these fools from getting themselves killed. Good luck, and thank you!
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blushblushbear · 2 months ago
🥰 - Aki, Haru and Fuyu
🥰 - What pet names do their partner(s) use for them? How flustered do they get by them?
What he uses on his partner: I think he mostly sticks with bunny, but he'll also whip out the occasional babe-- though he really does mostly stick with bunny
What his partner uses for him: depends on the partner but I think he'd really get a kick out of stuff like 'Love' or 'Heart or some variation of 'My Fox' and honestly give him any physical affection while calling him that and he's putty in your hands-- absolutely melting
What he uses for his partner: he canonically uses a lot of positive physical descriptors like Beautiful and Gorgeous, but I think the deeper you get into it the more he starts using more sentimental things. I'm really partial to him calling his partner 'Blossom' in a romantic sense but I think love and heart come up a lot too. And the occasional dearest.
What his partner uses for him: I think he'd readily accept a wide range of the general fair-- so stuff like babe, sweetie, honey, etc. But I think the only things that really get to him are the ones where he can tell they're being super sincere and affectionate towards him. Also he's been called handsome dozens of times throughout his life, but something about it hits SO SO different when they tell him it. The fact of the matter is, give Haru your sincere and ernest attention and affection and he's all yours and then some.
What he uses for his partner: so I think for the most part he sticks to 'curse-breaker' since it's really special and also true and at the core of how you met. But I think later down the line he starts to branch out, though all of them are just as poetic of a mouthful as 'curse breaker'. My fate, my own heart, the sky above my mountains, the moon in my darkest, my sun and stars. Also sometimes dearest.
What his partner uses for him: so I feel the more grounded affections are gonna be the ones Fuyu is the most comfortable accepting. So stuff like love, heart, dearest, etc. He also will take some sweeties and honeys here and there. But yeah idk why but I'm pretty obsessed with the idea of his s/o calling him Treasure. I'd why but I feel like it fits him well and he'd really like it. He's treasured, and it warms him so much.
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queenharumiura · 4 months ago
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This is a gift that I received from Tenka last year for my birthday that I was hoarding because greedy dragon-ing, but I decided I can share it this year to show off to people //jazz hands
Do not steal, do not edit, do not use, and do not repost. I was given permission to post this onto my blog. Okay to reblog.
Art by: @dyingresolve
Haru Miura © Amano Akira
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shyguygubbs · 1 day ago
infold PLEAE let me make nikki a comically large hammer induct nikki into the pink characters wielding giant weapons hall it would be so silly she deserves a spot she would fit in so well
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xviistrings · 1 year ago
i have the personal belief that makoto deserves to get lesbian kissed. as a treat.
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fakemenenjoyer · 10 months ago
Me, personally, I am obsessed with the idea of MC stealing (or asking for---depending on who) one of their favorite ghoul's t-shirts to just wear around in the dorm.
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oyasleepy · 2 months ago
hi! i really love ur ocs and art style both so pretty 💚💜✨
im v shy so i don't interact very much w your posts but i really love seeing ur art pop up on my tumblr every now n then :3
HIII I LOVE UR ART AND OCS AS WELL !!! 500 forehead kissies for u
iam similar... i love seeing u on da dash !! instant day brightener
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tamedgod · 2 months ago
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Thinking about how soft and kind haru comes to be as she grows more and more out of her animalistic tendencies. How it was so instinctual for her to be defensive and fearful when that half of herself was more present, and it would have been so easy for her to remain that way. Yet she chooses goodness. She chooses to care for others and slowly starts offering more trust with new people. These changes are slow and gradual, but just. Ugh. Despite others thinking of and treating her as lesser for being beastkin, despite her fear, she chooses to be sweet...
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foxships · 3 months ago
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I know I don't talk about platonic f/os a lot, but Haru means a lot to me and she makes me very happy!! Do people have main platonic f/os because she'd be one of mine!! I love her a lot!
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minty-bubblegum · 1 year ago
❤️ - within the 5'2" - 5'4" bracket (158 cm)
🌝 - personally, there's not a show I could recommend to everyone because I like darker content, but to people who are interested definitely criminal minds!! I was balls deep into the show before they removed it off of Netflix 💔💔
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bells-of-black-sunday · 1 year ago
I do want to talk about something with Tarhos that I don't think I write about often enough:
How he treats Haru is not at all how he'd treat others. While he may be irritable with other killers and won't outright harm them, it is often a few steps away from having him at your throat. He's had his teeth bared at the world for so long he's learned to get along with people, but not tolerate a lot of things. He's tired. He's half blind, his body aches all the time, he wants to bask in the silence and be at peace with his decisions. If someone brags about doing something that would make him upset he is more than likely to hurt that person w/o warning than he is to sit there and grit his teeth.
He enjoys the thrill of the hunt, he loves making others suffer for what he's been through to get here, because it brings him back to the sense of normalcy he had outside the fog. War was the only place he ever felt free, same with violence. He'd happily try to drown someone for even looking at one of his companions weirdly, that was his way to relieve stress and have some sort of agency over his life of course he's still going to do things like that in the fog where there's even greater stakes for him.
This clear line drawn is extended to survivors, except he has even less patience for them. He's heard all the insults, been hit and stabbed more times than he can count and while he can't blame them, he trusts them even less than other killers. He knows that if one speaks to him there's usually ulterior motives and he trusts those close to Vittorio even less. Tarhos is still the same beaten dog he was when he was a slave, he's never been given a chance to heal and thus will act accordingly with what he knows.
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anthyies · 2 years ago
the thing about the people who are really into the (normal, not with adult women or his sister) m/f joker ships is that joker is literally a girl in them okay. and they don’t get that….. not like i do….
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blushblushbear · 4 months ago
Hey, I was wondering if you create headcannons for the Blush Blush boys. If so, I was wondering 👀
Can you describe how any of the immortal characters (Stirling, Seth, Reece?, Aki, Haru, Fuyu) would react if their SO/MC/Love interest reincarnates after they die of old age for example?
I’m a huge fan of reincarnation x immortal stuff, cause it gives off a happy ending and hope that their love will never die even if they’re reborn in a different time💖
I wanna start at the top by saying I think all of them freak out at least a little bit when they see their long dead lover seemingly up and alive again
I'll get into each one individually but needless to say, it's a bit of a shock to the lot of them
also I did a thing about The Immortals dealing with your death (that I will but a link to here later but right now I can't be bothered to shift through my many bullshit posts to find it atm OOPS SORRY)
(ps: love your stuff btw!!! <3 )
I think he's gone through this too many times and loves the drama of it all too much to ever have him claim that he will never love again after you (at least not forever)
but suffice it to say he doesn't think he'll ever have a love like you again in any of his life times worth of living he has left to get through
he also didn't become a vampire to kick the bucket quickly nor does he think he'll be headed in the same direction as you when he eventually does so he's in no particular hurry to 'follow you' as it were
so he has made his peace with forever longing for you and eternally mourning your passing a little bit all the time
until one day he happens to spot
I mean it can't be you but he knows that face
he knows that body
that aura, that smile
it's definitely you
your face was probably in the crowd at one of his competitions
he did loose points for how he fumbled when he clocked you
(but he still won don't get it twisted)
I think the moment his routine is done he b-lines it to his dressing room then directly to go find 'you'
he does find you in a crowd and nervously and suddenly asks if you'd like to go for dinner with him
right now.
how bout it??
you tentatively say yes and you two end up having the most awkward dinner of either of your lives
he's trying so hard not to flip out cause it's definitely you but also it can't be
can it????
he slowly begins to romance you
the new you
which is a lot like the old you
I think he's the handsome yet mysterious man who is romancing you and he doesn't fully let anything slip until one night you stay over and you find a painting of what is definitely but also so not you on the wall
cue him finding you staring at it and accidentally scaring you
only to calm you down then explain the whole sorted mess
and how he believes you are the reincarnation of his lover
I think no matter what there's going to be some push and pull moving forward
he has to decide if he loves you or just the idea of you that acts as some theoretical replacement for his great dead love
will there be a happy ending??
will love prevail??
can love continue on even after death??
only time will tell...
but he does not intend to give up on you that easily...
you being reincarnated is actually his doing
against his best laid plans, you didn't end up in hell with him when you died
I think he could only stand it for a few months before he called in a favor and got your soul entered into the reincarnation program
that DOES mean he'll have to wait 18+ years to even attempt to make a move
and also that you won't remember him
or much if anything of your previous life
which means there's a 50/50 toss up that you'll be happily taken when he can actually find you again
he doesn't watch over you as you grow cause that's too creepy
but he does put some lesser demons/spirits to keep an eye on you and keep you safe
he doesn't want to have to start this process all over again
nor does he know how many otherworldly favors he can rely on for this
I think he 'randomly' bumps into you one day when you're old enough and he starts flirting and asks you out
I think whether or not he tells you about the whole deal will depend on how things play out
he doesn't necessarily see the need to but on the other hand
maybe it's worth you knowing
also it's the biggest romantic move he ever pulled
also honesty is nice in a relationship
but all in all it's just nice to have you back again
where he can see and hold and kiss you
also he probably had to call in a favor just to get to the mortal realm in the first place
idk he's burning a lot of big favors for this meet cute to go down but it's worth it
I think with Reece it's less of a reincarnation and more an alt time line version of you
one where you never met and you got to live your life without it being crash landed into by a space traveling cat boy
I think at first he meant to keep his distance
you're not HIS you after all
but he couldn't help but watch you just
for a bit
he missed you
and I think one thing lead to another and he ended up bumping into you and you gave him that cute smile and he didn't mean to but he heard himself asking you for coffee before he could give it a second thought
and then before he could give it a second word you had said yes
and then he was just over come with joy cause you said yes to a date so excitedly and quickly
it all kinda just
I think you have a wonderful first date and he spends most of it working up the courage to tell you everything and also just enjoying the date
but towards the end of it he finally fesses up
you guys had done all this before
well, a different version of you in another timeline/universe
but all the same
he has already gone down this road
and now he's just doing it again cause it's hard for him to stay away from you
but you are gone
were gone
in his version of things anyway
and this was fun but maybe...
maybe it should end here
one last night
where he got to tell you goodbye
(with a kiss)
but this is Definitely Not Dr Who bby--- something crazy happens at the end and the goodbyes are put on hold while you two go on Just This One crazy space adventure (that is totally not just this one lol)
no grace, no decorum, no hesistation
he sees your face in a crowd and runs up and hugs you and begins to tear up as he says how much he missed you
meanwhile you are in the iron grip of big excitable fox man (time has past since your death and he's grown some) whom you definitely don't know and also he's calling you bunny
you try to tell him he's got the wrong person sorry
cue him telling you all about your lives together and talking you to the home of the autumn clan and doing anything and everything to desperately rejog your memories
if you do get your memories back then commence Aki's great romance two electric boogaloo
but if you can't then he will get so heart broken
he'll ask you to still stay
let him learn the new you
let him show you the him you forgot
let him love you again
please don't leave him
(if you do decide to leave low key Aki will follow you and try to check in on you from time to time)
(if not out right sneak stalk you)
(please accept his feelings reincarnated love-chan)
shocked, stunned, shook
he sees your face from across the bar and he can't believe it
like actually he can't believe it
he ends up staring for a really long time
then he's just watching you from different spots around the bar
getting better looks at different angles
keeping the biggest eye on you and drinking you in
it's definitely you
but it can't be
they must just look like you
a lot like you
like exactly
must be a distant relatives
genetics are crazy
or maybe you had a love child...???
no no no no
you were Haru's loyal mate until the day you died
you wouldn't
and even if you did, you def would've invited him to the threesome
(one of the reasons he loved you so much)
he must be so drunk out of his mind and crazy lonely that he's seeing shit
whatever, they're hot and he could use a you substitute in his bed (not like he's had many people in his bed after you anyway-- too heart broken)
so fuck it, fuck them (like, in the sex way not the angry way)
so he goes up and starts hitting on them and when they turn around
oh no
they're definitely you
right down to the look they're giving him
I won't lie, he panics and bolts
he can't stop freaking out about last night all the next day
so he goes to that bar again and low and behold there you are again
Haru can't tell if he's relieved or more panicked by that
but still he has to dig some more
so he goes back over, trying the whole time not to absolutely loose it
gives you some line about being overcome by your beauty which is why he left in a panic haha
but seriously he'd love to get dinner with you sometime, here's his number, give him a call
oh also what's your name
he again can't tell if he's happy or freaked when you do actually call
he spends the whole dinner gently prying for info and just generally vibe checking to see if they're like his dead lover
and they really are
they definitely look it
and thus begins Haru's new torment of being so fucking CONFLICTED
he's so freaked that it's like you're alive again but also so happy to have you by his side
I think there's a lot of push and pull until he spills the beans
and then even more after he does
this is about to be the messiest relationship of Haru's life
which is saying something
Fuyu bumps into you by chance and he's the most torn up about it of the lot of them
and visibly so too, he can't hide his feelings on this even a little bit
I think he is the quickest to tell you the whole thing
and also he calls you by the name of your past life (which may or may not be your name now)
he really does believe you are his heavenly gift sent back to him because your love is so fated
he takes some time getting used to
it's actually funny, this is the exact opposite of who you two were the first time
he's so unbelievably open to you from the word go
he bares his heart and feelings so much
you look so much like yourself before you left him, he can't help it
you were his safe place that he let all his walls down around
he can't put them back up now
his heart is beating open and bloody for you
he doesn't try and play it cool, he doesn't beat around the bush
he let's you know who you were to him
ARE to him
and asks you to be his once again
steam rolling you with love
and then waiting 'patiently' (not patient, he's sitting by like a puppy who wants a bite of your food) for you answer
it's quite a situation you find yourself in, isn't it
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queenharumiura · 7 months ago
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Did I say I was gonna slow down on getting art for a while? Well--
This is a piece I commissioned for. Do not steal, do not edit, do not use, and do not repost. I was given permission to post this onto my blog.
Fiore Rossi is my OC for the Primo Generation Vongola
Artist is CHIMCHILLA from dA
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alien-ally · 1 year ago
Any more of a deep reason required to love a show if you find all of the characters that ever appear on your screen endearing? Main cast or supporting or the most inconsequential roles.
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