#Harrypotter fictional characters
alunaloverworld · 4 months
Harry Potter Dreams
I dreamt of Harrypotter ever since I read the books and movies.
I keep getting dreams where I was sorted into the hogwart house as well as meeting Harrypotter and other characters.
The first dream was when I was younger I was rollerblading and saw Minerva McGonagall and Cedric Diggory congratulate me and I was placed into Hufflepuff I even saw Harry, Ron, and Hermione were in a room full of computers.
The second dream was that I was heading in the hallway and saw many Ravenclaws, and felt as if time was changing quickly but slowly and I saw that I was sorted into Hufflepuff and Gryffindor while on the hallway and headed towards the sweets and library and saw many wizard magic books in the library.
The third one was the same different, I was heading out to Hogsmeade but I stopped myself because I was a first-year and even saw the Weasley twins calling out to me and I think I was sorted into Ravenclaw Gryffindor.
The other dream I had was with Harry being late to Hogwart that we used the taxi to get there but I completely forgot to get my robe and before that, I was wearing my school robe but changed back to something else. Anyway, by the time Harry and I got there, we were already sorted and I think I saw Seamus on the computer and told me I was placed in Girls Gryffindor but I can't remember the number and letter it said as I was looking for the dorm but end up dealing with Slytherins who wouldn't let me in so I headed back, and I headed towards the Ravenclaw and they told me I was a Gryffindor.
The last dream I had was I saw Bill Weasely and Albus Dumbledore but Albus called my name and I was frightened as to why I was called by Albus as I felt I did something wrong but then it ended and woke up.
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theravenflawed · 1 year
james: i have good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first
lily: the good news
james: i won't do it again
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thebeautifuldreamer · 8 months
My Red Flag? 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩
My main book boyfriend is and always will be Tom Marvolo Riddle. ♥️
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heartstoppermybeloved · 3 months
Underrated fictional characters #percyjackson#thehungergames#heartstopper#harrypotter#herosofolympus via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfZixBCHtWM
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Tiktok fav
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shitpostingmar · 2 years
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i’m always terrified of finishing a book i swear
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ginny-anime · 4 years
Y’all I just found like a whole chat room called “Severus snape hate club”.
And one of their mottos or hashtags is anti-bullying. But yet they decided to waste their time and make a whole chat or club on hating snape.
At this point they are obsessed with him if they are reaching that point to make a chat hating and talking about him. Like they say that he deserved to die and he doesn’t deserve happiness. Like it’s just a fictional character but damn, they act like he was the villain when he wasn’t it was fucking Voldemort.
Someone said that the only tragic thing about snape life is that it happened.
But people just rather hate on a grey character than an actual evil one. Those type of people scare me and I try my best to stay away from that part of the fandom.
They also hate anyone who stans or like snape so I wouldn’t even try to go join that chat.
Anyways if there are any mauraders blogs out there that don’t have snape hate and is all positivity. Please contact me so I can see some good mauraders content.
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leeluvschannie · 3 years
Regulus Balck x Reader -The Vow of Hurt and Somber leavings.
" You're going to have to come in terms of one thing.." He steps in closer than he has to anyone.. a promixmity that has never crossed the borderline he'd placed.. Rigid stone walls.. " I will never love you." and with that he scorched his words through your heart and left... never to be seen again.. never to be known to the world... A mere corpse in an abysse of evil, heroism and all the wrong choices... His name was Regulus Arcturus Black.
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Hermione: What would you do if I died?
Tom: *creating horcruxes* Funny how you think death can get you out of this relationship.
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aforlornvampire · 5 years
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maybeisthemoon · 5 years
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It had been 10 days since you spoke with George for the last time, your mother kept sending owls asking if things were going well with you tow, and you only gave vague answers, you suppose George did the same with his mother, because if you knew Molly Weasley you knew she would do her best to see you two get along. Your work was very good, more than you had even imagined, getting along with your colleagues was difficult, not that you were antisocial or a hermit, or that they were rude to you, it had always been a bit difficult for you to make friends or start a conversation first, and now with your head in your 'commitment' or how to break it, and spend the nights remembering your childhood looking for some simple detail or clue that George was there, it was difficult to try to establish a relationship of camaraderie with your colleagues, except for one, Niles, is not that you completely disliked the guy, it was simply too heavy, always after you, wanting to talk, again it is not that it bothered you,but the fact that he stood too close invading your personal space, he touched too 'subtly', which made you feel uncomfortable, one day it was too far for your liking, taking as a pretext that you were standing having some coffee near the shelf where the others kept their cups put a reloaded hand very close to one side of your hip and with the other took a cup that was near the other side of your head , you smiled nervously and wanted to move but he did not take a step, you tried again moving the hand that was next to your hip but only took firmer the furniture.
 "Niles if you excuse me, this makes me feel uncomfortable" he just smiled halfway and brought his mouth to your ear that made your get goosebumps feeling fear and disgust
   "Come on, don't say you don't like it" before you could say something he interrupted you "and don't come with the fiance's story, because clearly there isn't a ring in your hand" yes you had told Nilles that you were engaged, not that you have done it for pleasure, but as a way to make it go back in his attitudes towards you, but it was true you did not have a ring and it is not as if you wanted one and less of George, at that moment you felt his lips too close to your neck , you closed your eyes and just like that you appeared elsewhere.
   "For Merlin, you took the shit out of me" you heard George's voice and slowly opened your eyes, you were in an office, well it seemed like a small laboratory, you supposed it was where all the 'magic' behind their products was happening, but what were you doing there? Well you had been in the store but never in all the places of this one, you looked again at George who was waiting for an answer, so you stood straight and cleared your throat.
 "What? Can't I visit my ‘fiance’ at work? “ It was a lie, a vile lie but you wouldn't even tell him what had happened seconds before and that you didn't know why you got to where he was, he would probably laugh at you and bother you for Niles, George just shrugged and he turned to the potion he was doing before, George was not stupid, he knew something was wrong, but he did not want to make you talk, he had things to do and probably being the stubborn you are, it would all end in screams and frankly he was not for that at the moment, days ago he had slept very little, thinking about the matter, your subject, why did he remember that about you, why couldn't he remember more? The whole thing between both of you didn't leave him alone and it didn't help that Molly will ask him every hour of the day how things were going, sending owls or show up suddenly, to which George lied saying that they were better and you were getting along, what it seemed you also said because her mother seemed happy with the answer, although he did not know how long it would last, since when she came to the store or him apartment you was never there, he was lying saying that you had many things in your work, which seemed to calm her again, Fred, Fred didn't help at all, he just joked about his situation and said that George's lack of concentration was for love.
  "What are you trying to do with that?" Your voice took him out of his thoughts again, now you were standing next to him looking interested in what he was doing, your closeness for a moment made him nervous but he answered
   "It is a potion that we will put in this candy, and the person who eats it their head will inflate like a balloon"
 "Nice, but ..." George looked sideways at you "that's going to explode"
   "Of course it won't explode," he said angrily and indignantly.
   "It will, the potion is fine in itself, but the amount of ingredients is incorrect, give it to someone and boom! instant explosion" George was going to start arguing with you when Fred entered the room rubbing his hands
   "Georgie ready the test of the new ... y/n?" Fred frowned looking at you, you just greeted him with a gesture with your hand and kept seeing the potion, he look at George who just shrugged
   "Not ready, this will explode"
   "It will not explode"
 "Yes, you wanna hear it in spanish? si"
   Fred just watched each other until George took the candy and handed it to him, "try it on" Fred looked at the candy suspiciously
 "I don't want to explode"
  "You won't, who will you believe your dear brother or she who doesn't know anything about this?" Fred looked fearfully at the candy and before he could do something you took it and put it in a jar where you put a solution saying a spell that turned it into a liquid similar to saliva and after 10 seconds boom, Fred and George looked at the action with surprise, and you look especially at George saying I told you
 "You were going to kill me," Fred said dramatically, George rolled his eyes.
   "You would not have died, maybe you would have lost some teeth" you said looking again at the potion and throwing things to make a new one "I told you, the potion is fine, but you did not pay attention to the ingredients"  said without looking to any of the twins and getting to work on the potion
   "Our George is very distracted lately" George hit his brother who had a mocking smile on his face, after a while watching you working, and then you happily turning to look at them and giving them the finished candy, Fred looked at George expectantly and then you
   "Come on, you think I would be able to blow you up, I've never had a bad idea," you said proudly.
   "Of course and the idea of lighting all the Muggle fireworks that Dad had gotten us and that almost caused us to set the house on fire was the idea of one of us" George said rolling his eyes, before you could say something about that memory that came to his mind the moment George said it, Fred took the candy and put it in his mouth closing his eyes tightly, after 10 seconds and no burst, Fred opened his eyes and the other two looked at him expectantly, at that moment his head began to swell in parts, first the nose and his ears and after 1 minute Fred's head was the size of a medium balloon, the three looked at each other smiling, George and you got a high five
   "Great, how long will it last?" Fred's voice came out as if he had sucked helium
   "A half hour or so, if you want it to last longer you just have to add more quantity" you shrugged proudly
   “This girl is great Georgie, marry her”
   "I have no other choice" George smiled halfway and and you hit him in the chest, but this moment was not like the previous ones, it was almost pleasant, after a while looking at the next projects of the twins and while Fred's head It was beginning to deflate.
   "It's a bit late, I should go home," you said, as the twins closed the store, the afternoon had passed quickly and pleasantly in the company of George and of course Fred, before you could say anything else, you noticed how Fred hit with the elbow to George and muttering things, you watched them frowning.
 "You can stay," said George, "to dinner, I mean." Fred rolled his eyes and you looked at both.
 "you can stay forever" Fred say and received a hit from George
   "I don't want to be a bother"
   "You're not," George yelled a little too fast and too loudly, so Fred went to the rescue of his brother
   "Mom has been sending too much food, since your fiance says you spend time here, so we have too much and it would be worth not to lie to Mom for a change for once" Fred smiled at you, you looked at George
   "Ok" you said a little hesitantly
   “Great,” said Fred, who pushed you toward the stairs to get to the apartment that was above the store, where they lived, you saw George sideways and he had a small smile on his face. After eating a substantial dinner, and some beers later, you and the twins were sitting in the living room, chatting pleasantly.
   "I need to ask this," Fred said, looking at George and you seriously, "can't you really remember?" You looked at each other and then at Fred, you just shook your head
   "Not ring any bells" said George, "you thought we were lying when we said it", Fred shrugged
   "Well you were always a little weird among you when we were children, to be honest, I was somewhat jealous" they both looked at him with a frown "Both were my best friends, I had this special bond with George because he is also my brother and a bond special with you for being my friend, but I never had what you had, it was as if it could be a room full of people who are having fun who are happy, but there was always this bond between you two, nothing mattered ” the silence between everyone was obvious "well it's too late for me, I'll go to sleep" when Fred said this, you got up from the couch ready to go "no, no, you love birds stay, I think you have things to talk about" you slowly sat down again and looked to George "good night" you both replied quietly to Fred
   "Another beer?" Asked George, you just nodded, while he went for it, you walked a little through the apartment, without realizing it you came to a room where a piano was located, which you thought was weird, however you approached and you sat on his bank. "so now we like to snoop in other people's homes?" His voice made you jump a little
 "I'm sorry, it just seemed a little weird that this was here" George came over and sat next to you on the piano bench, giving you the beer you took it and had a drink
   "It was here when we moved," he said with a shrug, "Dad likes to play it every time he comes, he loves muggle things, even though it sounds awful" you laughed a little and put the beer on top of the piano, ran your fingers through the keys "can you play it?"
   "A little, my grandfather taught me a few songs" you said without looking at him and you started playing a song that you liked a lot when your grandfather showed it to you as a child, you didn't even realize that you did it, not even the way that George saw you.
   "Wow, that was great" you smiled a little and took your beer for a drink "what's the name of that song?"
   "Canon in C" staring into his eyes while he smiled at you, you asked "why?"
   "Why what?" Said George frowning.
   "Why can you remember things about me, but I can't remember a single thing about you, it drives me crazy, and I want to do something that drives me even more crazy"
   "What do you want to do?" You drank your beer in one stroke "hey easy tiger" you inhaled and released the air loudly and deeply, you took George's face with your hands and while he saw you weirdly, you kissed him, and you didn't know why you did and did not understand anything, only something inside you wanted it, and when you realized what you had done, you separated scared of him, you looked at him with wide eyes just like he saw you. "I'm drunk" was what you said before disappearing from there and appearing in your apartment.
 and that's it for now folks I hope you reach my references of teen wolf and mulan hahhaha and again sorry for my grammar, english is not my first language lots of love
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theravenflawed · 1 year
Hogwarts houses as romance tropes:
Gryffindor & Slytherin: enemies to lovers
Slytherin & Hufflepuff: grumpy x sunshine
Ravenclaw & Hufflepuff: second chance
Slytherin & Ravenclaw: academic rivals
Gryffindor & Hufflepuff: childhood sweethearts
Ravenclaw & Gryffindor: forbidden love
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aloevendetta · 5 years
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By @/hannathearc on insta! Thought these were cute :))
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ourquotesandstuff · 5 years
What would hurt more, knowing the person you love will die or knowing they're alive but you cannot have them?
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One two three five
Why am I still alive?
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antonell-ah · 3 years
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(via which harry potter character is obsessed with you.)
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