#Harry hook headcanons
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dovesdreaming · 7 months ago
Harry hook relationship headcanons
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This wasn’t requested but I wanted to post something to do with descendants and I haven’t finished any of my requests yet!
Not edited yet
Warnings: none
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Once he knew you were single would be chasing after you like a dog to a bone.
-he’s quite naturally flirty, everything that comes out of his mouth seems to have a flirtatious undertone.
-despite people seeing him as dumb I think he’s quite observant and can read people very well. Is very in tune with your emotions and can always tell when you’re down. Though he isn’t the best at comforting but he’s willing to work on it.
-uses his hook a lot. He knows you find it attractive and uses it to his advantage. Would lift your chin with it and run it down your cheek.
-loves eye contact. Will never break eye contact with you and when he’s first getting to know you he uses it against you to make you flustered. He loves knowing he has that kind of effect on you and will always try to make you flustered around him.
-once he’s dating you will never leave you alone. I believe one of his love languages is quality time as he was never shown any other kind of love. He constantly wants to be in your presence which you don’t mind.
-it isn’t that he doesn’t like physical touch it is just something he has to become familiar with after being starved of it for many years. You start off slow together with hand holding and gradually grew more touchy with each other. He now loves hugging you and cuddling. I think he is actually quite fond of being the little spoon or lying on top of you because it makes him feel surrounded by love.
-while he doesn’t show much pda he is prone to flirting with you in public and he doesn’t care who hears it. He proudly and unashamedly flirts with you.
-is protective of what he loves because he doesn’t have many things like that. Harry would be ready to pick a fight with anyone who flirts or gets to close to you, he just can’t help it, he doesn’t want to lose you.
-this makes him a very jealous person. Will always think the worst of a situation and won’t always be the angry jealous. He could interpret the person flirting with you as you thinking he wasn’t enough for you which definitely isn’t true. This leaves him sulking until you reassure him with many kisses and whispers in his ear. Depending on the day he could react completely opposite and just walk right up to the interaction and lay his hands all over you to send a clear message to whoever is eyeing you up. He will drag you away from the interaction if he has to .
-deep into the relationship he becomes clingy and will want to spend every waking moment in your presence, preferably your arms.
-would find it odd if you got along with your parents but if your parents accepted him it would definitely help heal some of the deep rooted trauma within him,
-he will still try to act tough and intimidating to those around him but once you walk over to him he just turns to mush, the complete opposite of what he was trying to make himself out to be. He goes from staring down the people he’s talking to and then turns to you with the biggest smile. People soon catch on and tease him about it but he just lets them because he can’t deny the truth of how you make him feel.
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Thank you for reading!
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crazypsychonerdstuff · 11 months ago
If you've ever watched Disney's Descendants, could I get some fluff headcanons for Harry please?
I've only seen descendants 2, and that was years ago, so these are very short, a bit vague, and probably even more ooc than usual! Sorry! Hope they will suffice anyway!
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He might act tough and dangerous, but He's a sweetie really. At least with you.
Be warned, he Will flirt with you 24/7. Even more so in public. Everyone needs to know you're his, after all!
Protective boi. Anyone dares look at you in the wrong way, expect him to be threatening them likely before you've even noticed they'd done anything wrong.
Also a jelly boi. He gets sulky if he thinks you're paying more attention to someone else. And if it goes on for too long, expect him to physically move either whoever you are talking to or yourself with some offhand comment about how you were busy with something and didn't need distracting. Even though you weren't.
He also gets very clingy if he thinks you've been ignoring him; Pulling you onto his lap, Holding you tight, kissing your lips, face, neck. Anywhere he can, really.
Adventures = dates. The two of you will often go exploring, trying to find new places on the Isle. Your favourite spot by far is a small beach with a cave away from the rest of the chaos of the Isle.
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fictionalvillainenjoyer · 7 months ago
My top four Descendants headcanons:
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bucket-barnes · 1 year ago
I am slightly miffed about unrelated things: here’s some descendants headcannons
-if a version Rupaul’s Drag race exists in Auradon- Evie watches it solely for the design challenges and Jay will occasionally watch with her because he finds the lipsync for your life entertaining
-they complain about judges critiques together and Jay has a bias for any queen who can do acrobatics
-Gil sews (which is cannon- see Uma’s wicked book) so he ends up taking up a part time apprenticeship with Evie
-Harry has his sisters’ names tattooed over his heart. He didn’t tell anyone, but the lost revenge crew found out because of one of the massive holes in his shirt happened to act as a frame for the tattoos whenever his coat isn’t on
-once he comes to Auradon, he starts modeling for Evie and more people end up finding out about the tattoos and he ends up gaining a reputation in Auradon as a “bad but sad boy” which he has decided not to question…there are numerous fan edits
-while working his way through Vet school, Carlos ends up becoming royal tech support because king beast has zero clue how to use any form of technology and Ben has gotten tired of trying to explain it
-Gil adopted a dog during his and Jay’s travel around the world
-now he and Jay share custody of a perpetually angry looking Pomsky they named Scout
-they go on hiking trips together with Scout as family bonding time
- Mal still gets strawberries as fan gifts and gifts from other royals- castle beast now has a strawberry cellar to compensate for the overflow
-eventually the cellar became so full the “Auradon strawberry festival” was created to get rid of them. This has become an annual event, held the week after Mal’s birthday
- Mal also dresses up lizard Maleficent for special events with Gil and Evie making her little hats to put on the former mistress of evil
-Hades also partakes in this as a way to get back at his ex-wife
- As the unofficial “Queen of the Isle” Uma has to go to royal events, she brings Harry because he keeps the more annoying royals away by simply being himself
-Uma also comes in full pirate captain getup to these events for no other reason than she thinks the looks people give her when she walks into a room with a pirate’s hat and cutlass with Harry Hook on her arm are funny
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navia3000 · 11 months ago
b r e a k u p s o n g s
Includes : Matteo Riddle, Tom Riddle, Draco Malfoy, Lorenzo Berkshire, Theodore Nott
Genre : Angst
Warnings : No use of Y/N, mention of break ups, toxic situations A/N : It feels fairly obvious how sloppy I got toward the end of this but oh well. Let me know if you would like a part two!
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Matteo Riddle :
“We go ‘round again
We jump back in bed
That’s what you do when you love somebody
These bad omens
I look right through them
That’s what you do when you love somebody”
A knock jolted her from her sleep. She knew instantly who was at her door. She knew why he was there. She knew she shouldn’t get up, she should go back to sleep. She knew nothing would come from her giving her precious time to him. She also knew she would never be able to sleep without knowing what he wanted to say, even if it broke her tattered heart for the millionth time.
And so, she arose from her bed and padded towards her door. She stood in front of it. Maybe he left. No, he knew her better than that. He knew she could never resist him. And so he knocked again. She opened the door less than a second after.
Matteo Riddle stood outside the threshold, fist raised as though he was going to knock again. They stood staring at each other for what felt like eons, neither daring to speak in fear that it would break whatever trance was keeping her from turning him away.
Their relationship started badly, and it ended badly. They were doomed from the start, cursed into an endless cycle of breaking up and making up. They were toxic, a poison meant to kill a person inside out.
She got tired of the silence, and all she could say was, “what do you want, Matteo?” She saw the surprise in his eyes; he didn’t expect her to be so blunt. But she had to be blunt. She had to keep a barrier between them to keep herself safe from his persuasions.
“Can I come in?” his question made her shake her head.
“Matteo, we can’t keep doing this. We can’t keep breaking up. And you can’t keep coming here.”
A flash of hurt flashed across Matteo’s eyes, “what do you mean, baby? I love you. I’ll change, I promise I’ll do better.”
“No, Matteo. That’s what you say each time and each time I believe you. You’re not ready for a healthy relationship, and that’s fine, but don’t drag me into it. Don’t keep leading me on and giving me hope when you don’t deserve it,” she started tearing up while she spoke, Matteo trying to cut her off.
“That’s not true-
“It is! I can’t keep being led on by you, no matter how much I love you. Let me move on. You should too.” She shut the door on him, simultaneously shutting down any hope the boy might have had of rectifying their relationship from the grave.
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Tom Riddle :
“But you have more pieces of me
than the desert has sand
And I have less pieces of you
than I can hold in my hand”
Everybody warned her against dating him. They told her he loved no one but himself, that he would break her and leave her in the dust, and yet, she didn’t listen. She threw herself into the belief that he wasn’t like they said, that she could “fix” him. She wanted to believe he could change, that he could love her.
“Did you think this would last?” he had asked. “I don’t love you, I never had,” he had said. And even with his confirmation, she still held hope.
She still smiled at him when he walked by in the halls, she still sat next to him during breakfast, lunch, dinner. And he still walked by as though she were merely a ghost, still refused to acknowledge her presence when she sat with him.
Her friends constantly told her to face reality, told her what was honest. But, she still told herself what she wanted to hear, even though no one else would.
Their love was misaligned. She wanted him, he wanted nothing to do with her. She loved him, he loved that she hurt for him. She was a passing thought to him, whilst he was every thought of hers.
No matter how she pleaded and begged him, he would always shatter her heart into grains of sand.
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Draco Malfoy :
“We fit perfectly like milk and honey
But some things don’t mix like
young love and old money”
“I can’t see you anymore,” those five words shattered her. She saw the castles she'd built with Draco crumbling to her feet, the rubble bruising her in the process.
"Why?" she questioned. She couldn't understand why he, the love of her life, was ending their relationship so abruptly. Everything was going well, they were both happy, so, again, she asked "why?"
"Because," he paused, and she watched as tears pooled in his grey eyes. "Because we can't be together."
"Says who?" she questioned. "Is this because of your parents? Are they making you do this?"
"Yes!" He blurted. He seemed relieved to tell the truth, but the relief was short lived.
"So, you're breaking up with me because your parents ask you to. Because you're not manly enough to stand up to them." Her breaths were coming out short, and she found herself digging her nails into her hands. Draco didn't react, he only stared, watching as she unraveled in front of him. "You talk of Potter, of him being a coward, but you lie to yourself. You're the coward, Dray! At least Harry stands up for the people he loves." Still he said nothing, the only sign of acknowledgement were the tears falling from his eyes. "You want to break up with me? Fine. But don't come crawling back once you realize how big of a mistake you're making."
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Lorenzo Berkshire :
"We can't be friends But I'd like to just pretend You cling to your papers and pens Wait until you like me again"
"How was your day?" The question made the girl tear her head away from her Herbology homework and turn towards none other than Lorenzo Berkshire, the boy who broke her heart. She was confused as to why he was sitting here, in the library, with her, when only two weeks ago he was telling her they wanted different things and couldn't be together.
"It was good," she said hesitantly. An uncomfortable silence fell over the two.
"Mine was great. I was walking by the lake and thought I saw a mer-"
"What are you doing, Enzo?" She cut him off.
She watched as his face fell, and said, "what do you mean?"
"I mean, what are you doing? You broke up with me two weeks ago and now you are acting as though nothing happened."
Lorenzo struggled to find words, his excuses flying out the window. He couldn't find the right thing to say, but he couldn't tell the truth. "I just thought we could be friends. I thought that-"
The sound of her book slamming shut shocked him into silence. "You can't do this to me, it's cruel. You know we cannot be friends. You broke my heart, Enzo. Why would you ever think I wanted to be friends with you?"
He knew she was right, which is why he let her walk out of the school's library.
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Theodore Nott :
"I'm gonna kiss someone else Say 'it's not about you' Pretend I don't care, my arms aren't around you It hurts just a little, that I won't mention The things I would do just to get your attention"
Pansy watched as her friend danced with some random Ravenclaw boy, her knowing the only reason her friend was even giving him the light of day.
The girl smiled her fake smiles, and pretended as though she was having the time of her life. When, in reality, she was trying to catch the attention of a certain Slytherin. She saw Theodore Nott leaning against a wall out of the corner of her eye. His indifference only made her grind against the Ravenclaw harder. All she wanted was to catch his eye. She wanted him to care.
She turned her head, pressing her lips onto her dance partner's. They kissed for a while, breaking apart for a breath. Her eyes moved themselves to the boy who holds her heart, and her heart broke in his hands as she watched him talk up some Gryffindor girl.
Pansy saw her friend's whole interaction, and rushed to save her. They left the party together, her friend balling next to her. They made it to their dorm, the broken girl falling to the floor in tears. "It's alright," Pansy cooed, "it will be okay."
"No, it's not okay," the girl sobbed. "I just want him to notice. I want him to... I want him to hurt the way I hurt."
Pansy felt bad for her friend, for she knew her best friend would never get the attention of the cold Theodore Nott.
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extremereader · 5 months ago
Headcanon that on the Isle of the Lost, Peter Pan is like their equivalent of the Boogeyman.
Like "don't go out at night, or Peter Pan will snatch you up and take you to join his Lost Boys!"
Adding onto that, Harry's probably terrified of him. So imagine one day, he's been an absolute dick to Jay and Carlos, so Jay sneaks Carlos into Harry's room and has him pretend to be Peter to scare him.
Carlos is nearly killed, but Harry still can't sleep for a month without someone guarding him.
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descendantsramblings · 7 months ago
Descendants Rambling Masterlist
♡Welcome to my page/Master list♡
My Requests are always open
I'm willing to write readers with she/her, he/him, or they/them pronouns
I'm willing to write 1-2 love interests
I only write for villains/vks unless it's a VK x reader x Ak situation (ex: mal x reader x ben, Jane x reader x Carlos)
I'll make suggestive comments/make out sessions but I don't write smut, these characters are all underage regardless of their actor's age
♡ personal favorite
✎ least favorite (i might eventually rewrite)
⋆ head canons
♤ AU
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𝓒𝓸𝓻𝓮 𝓕𝓸𝓾𝓻
Mal Bertha
Game Planner (He/him) After finding out how much she misses Halloween on the Isle, Mal's boyfriend does everything he can to bring her a slice of home. - Written 10/2021
Candy Apple (She/her) Evie's family history leads to her trying to back out of a chemistry project. - Written 09/2021
Carlos de Vil
Saved ♤✎ (She/her) Going back to the Isle leads to the Hook!Reader being kidnapped by her own brother, leavig Carlos to save her. - Written 10/2017
Carlos Having a Crush on You ⋆(she/her) Ben's Twin!Reader x Carlos -Written 12/2017
I've Got You✎ (She/her) Carlos has a nightmare about his mother. (Trigger Warning!!)- Written 07/2018
PB&J (They/Them) Finding out their boyfriend hates their favorite holiday leads the reader to graveling to give him a good Halloween. - Written 09/2021
I Loved You First ♡ (They/Them) Inspired by "Loved You First" By One Direction. Carlos didn't expect them to wait for him to come back to the Isle, but that doesn't make it easier to see them with someone else. (minor Gil x reader) - Written 10/2021
Dating Jay ⋆ (no pronouns used but the reader wears leggings) Jay x Cheerleader!Reader - Written 10/2018
Spidermonkey (she/her) Gothel!Reader has Jay surprise her when he sneaks through her window. Loosely inspired by twilight- Written 04/2020
Stuffed Spook (They/Them) Jay's partner gets excited by a stuffed bat and he's determined to win it. -Written 09/2021
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𝓢𝓮𝓪 𝓣𝓱𝓻𝓮𝓮
Letters to the Sea♤♡ (They/Them) Soulmate AU: everything you write on your skin appears on your soulmate's skin too. Uma and the Reader write letters until they can meet. - Written 07/2021
Baking (They/them) Uma watches her partner try to prepare for the Halloween escape room. Evie's Sibling!Reader - Written 10/2021
Hook's Daughter ⋆ (She/her) Harry's younger sister is Gil's closest friend (minor Gil x Jay) - Written 07/2021
Orchard (They/Them) Gil's partner takes him apple picking during his first September in Auradon - Written 09/2021
Harry Hook
Jafar's Child ⋆ (They/them) A flirty joke leads to Harry dating Jay's sibling - Written 07/2021
Fever ♡ (She/her) Harry and Captain take care of his sick girlfriend (requested) - Written 06/2021
Haunted Castle (He/him) Harry drags his scaredy-cat boyfriend to a haunted castle - Written 09/2021
Making a Splash (she/her) One wrong move leads to two people panicking and one person hurt on the docks. Jay's Sister!Reader. (Requested) - Written 12/2021
Flirting Pirate (She/her) She only hangs around the fish and chips shop to watch after he brother, it would be easier if she didn't have to deal with the flirty first mate. Gil's Sister!Reader (Requested) - Written 02/2022
Sealed With a Kiss ♡ (She/her) Ben's twin gets kidnapped with him by a pirate who's had a crush on her his whole life. Ben's Twin!Reader (Requested) - Written 04/2022
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𝓓:𝓡𝓸𝓡 𝓥𝓲𝓵𝓵𝓪𝓲𝓷𝓼
Morgie le Fay
Sunday Night ♡ (She/her) After his friends let him down, Morgie runs to his girlfriend for comfort. - Written 08/2024
In Another Life (he/him) When Rapunzel's son gets thrown back in time he finds himself to be the object of two villains' affection. Minor James Hook x Reader (Requested)- Written 08/2024
I Would Be Yours (he/him) He never thought the lips he spent years thinking about would appear to him again 3 years later. Sequels to “In Another Life” (Requested)-Written 09/2024
True to Heart (he/him) Without the pressure of parents and villains, how hard is it to be true to heart? Especially when you’re holding a book that tells you your truth. (Requested)-Written 08/2024
Tree Bark (they/them) Everyone deserves their time alone, sometimes though that well deserved time alone has to be interrupted by the sound of animal noises coming from a tree. (Requested)-Written 08/2024
Crushing (they/them) Morgie had never been good at hiding when he had a crush on someone, and they don’t mind playing the long game with his affections (requested) - Written 08/2024
Win You Over (they/them) Magical history had always been their favorite class, but this assigned partner situation had the ability to dampen that. (Requested)-Written 08/2024
Mindless Touch (she/her) Morgie hasn’t meant to upset her, he only wanted to have his hands on what was his. (TRIGGER WARNING: body image issues) (requested)-Written 08/2024
The Dominant Type ⋆(no pronouns used/GN reader) Hook x reader x Morgie head canons with a dominant leaning reader (requested) - Written 08/2024
Warm Greens (she/her) Red discovers she has a secret aunt when she sees her face next to the people who ruined her mother’s life. (Requested)-Written 09/2024
Cool Reds (she/her) She would do anything to keep him, wouldn’t she? Prequel to “Warm Greens” (Requested) -Written 10/2024
One Sided (he/him) If he has to listen to Morgie talk about Uliana one more time, he’s going to be sick (requested) -Written 09/2024
Love Letters (he/him) Morgie was growing far too attached to those little silver envelopes (Requested)-Written 09/2024
Babydoll ⋆(no pronouns used/GN reader) Hook x reader x Morgie head canons with a submissive leaning reader (Requested) -Written 09/2024
Scales (They/them) Morgie could think of 100 things he would rather do than parent a dragon with the sweetheart of Merlin Academy (requested)-Written 09/2024
Doesn't Matter (he/him) Morgana le Fay is coming to Merlin Academy's family day, and she has no idea that her son's boyfriend is a prince (Requested) - Written 09/2024
Second Place (he/him) Just once he wants to feel like his boyfriend’s first choice (Requested)-Written 09/2024
Emerald Comfort (he/him) Morgie might just be dating the sleepiest boy to ever live -Written 09/2024
Snake Eyes (she/her) Lions, tiger, and bears; just anything but snakes (Requested) - Written 10/2024
Flash Photography (She/her) Who would have thought that they would make such a good pair? (Requested) -Written 10/2024
James Hook
Call of the Sirens (She/her) As Hook sells his ship to Uma, he and his wife recall a time that she had to save him back in their prime. (Requested)- Written 08/2024
Side Effects (she/her) If Hook knew the side effects that came with those Malibu sprites, would he take them? (Requested)-Written 08/2024
Red Dress (she/her) He hadn’t meant to upset her when he picked the dress out, now Hook was set on making her see how good she looked in it. (TRIGGER WARNING: Body Image issues) (Requested) - Written 08/2024
The Dominant Type ⋆(no pronouns used/GN reader) Hook x reader x Morgie head canons with a dominant leaning reader (requested) - Written 08/2024
Eyes on Me (They/Them) The fairy wasn’t thinking about the pirates past when they excitedly called for him. They definitely didn’t mean to upset him. (TRIGGER WARNING; animal attacks and panic attacks) (Requested)- Written 08/2024
Wake Up Slow ♡ (she/her) Everyone needs a place to fully relax, and he found his in a heavy duvet and needy hands (Requested)-Written 09/2024
Babydoll ⋆(no pronouns used/GN reader) Hook x reader x Morgie head canons with a submissive leaning reader (Requested) -Written 09/2024
Bloody Charming (they/them) Hook’s flirting leads to an argument being blown way out of proportion (TRIGGER WARNING: just, yeah. I got a little too silly) (Requested)- Written 09/2024
Studious ♡ (they/them) Hook might not mind tutoring, as long as it’s for them. (Requested)-Written 09/2024
Body Better (he/him) Sometimes the weight of life can lead to your insecurities coming out in peculiar ways. (TRIGGER WARNING: Body image issues) (Requested)- Written 08/2024
Let me See (she/her) Her need to be independent keeps getting her hurt, and she really did it this time. (Requested) - Written 08/2024
Play With Fire (they/them) their mother warned them not to play with fire, now look at them getting burned (requested) -Written 09/2024
Hitting Every Mark (she/her) Turns out she had nothing to worry about, her fans love him (requested)- Written 10/2024
Family Lines (she/her) After seeing Bridget's sister at Family Day, Uliana will do anything to earn the girl's affection. Even being nice to her ray of sunshine sister. (Requested)-Written 08/2024
Rivalry (She/her) It was only a matter of time until the two groupd of VKs either came together or tore themselves to shreds. (Requested) -Written 08/2024
Double the Trouble (she/her) Uliana might be able to date Hook’s sister, but that doesn’t mean she’s able to make Hook like the whole ordeal. (Requested) -Written 08/2024
Breathe (they/them) Sometimes the biggest villain is not knowing how people see you. (TRIGGER WARNING: Anxiety attack) (Requested)-Written 09/2024
Strongest Tides (she/her) When the leader of their crew is emotionally taken out of commission, it’s up to her girlfriend to pick up the pieces (requested)-09/2024
Stylized (she/her) Artistry is the highest form of flattery and Maleficent has found herself as a princess’ muse. (Requested)-Written 08/2024
Play (she/her) watching your girlfriend study can get just so boring (requested) - Written 09/2024
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𝓝𝓸 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻
Descendants, Not Made for Kids ⋆ Changes I'd make if I made the Descendants movies as a series for teens or adults. - Written 06/2021
Style Headcanons ⋆ How I'd restyle the main characters from the OG Descendants movies - Writen 06/2021
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blizzardheart12 · 7 months ago
Descendants 4 headcanon/theory || the Hook family
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking ever since I first watched Rise of Red, and I mean a lot. In recent days, that old middle school mystery I used to ponder about who the Hook childrens’ mother is has come back to haunt me once again. So, after a lot of reliving my past Descendants obsession (and a fair amount of fanfic reading), I came up with this theory— it’s really just headcanons— about Harriet, Harry, CJ, and Red’s parentage. Let me know what you think! This is the first time I’ve actually posted something on Tumblr so we’ll see how this goes lol.
Captain James Hook and Bridget, the Queen of Hearts
Harriet Hook’s mother is the Queen of Hearts. Harriet and her fraternal twin sister, Red (bear with me), were born shortly after the creation of the Isle of the Lost. During this time, James lived in Wonderland with Bridget and helped command her army while she ruled the kingdom, thus avoiding imprisonment on the Isle. James, who had a passion for traveling, often left to visit with his crew and other villainous friends there by permission of Auradon, which sparked jealousy in Bridget, unbeknownst to him.
When Auradon Kingdom informed the Kingdom of Wonderland that the doorway between their worlds would soon be sealed for good, a massive argument ensued between Bridget and James. James wanted to leave Wonderland and live on the Isle with his crew mates and friends, and he wanted Bridget and the twins to come with him. Bridget was adamant on keeping her throne, however, and she forbid James from setting foot outside of Wonderland. After some time, it became clear that their relationship was over, and Bridget could no longer stand keeping James imprisoned in her territory.
They made a heartfelt agreement that they would part ways, and James left to go live on the Isle, taking Harriet with him. This separation caused the Queen of Hearts to turn extremely bitter, and she never told Red about her sister or father. Because time passes at a slower rate in Wonderland than it does everywhere else, Red aged much more slowly than her sister, so much so that by the time she began to attend Auradon Prep, she was younger than CJ, the youngest of James’s children. Harriet began to age at a normal rate the second she and her father left for the Isle, and that day is often considered to be her birthday despite her having been alive for nearly two years in Auradon-time (she was physically only a few months old though). As a result, she is essentially two years older than her brother, Harry. Try not to think about it too hard.
Captain James Hook and Sarah Sanderson
Harry and CJ Hook’s mother is Sarah Sanderson. James and Sarah never really had an official relationship, seeing as both quite enjoyed keeping up with their own long lists of love affairs during their time on the Isle. One would say that their blatant disloyalty to each other is what enabled them to get along as well as they did.
It was thought that Sarah maintained a relationship with James not only because he was attractive and a total flirt— not so different from her— but because he reminded her of Billy Butcherson when he was alive, or rather, a version of him from her dreams that boasted a much more unruly personality. Similarly, James found himself drawn to Sarah not just because of her beauty and flirtatiousness, but because she reminded him of Bridget, or rather, a version of her from his dreams where she was still sweet and playful and wasn’t totally blinded by her power.
It should also be mentioned that their relationship lasted a while because without access to magic, Sarah (and her sisters) couldn’t cause James any real harm as that is what usually happened with her unfortunate lovers.
Of the two, James was the better parent. He (mostly meaning his first mate Smee) took sole care of the children since their birth. He was coldest towards Harry yet somehow earned the most admiration from him despite not really warming up to his son until he grew past Peter Pan’s age. Sarah did show a bit of an uncharacteristic affection towards her children when she was with them, but ultimately her loyalty towards her sisters prevailed and she remained rather distant, only visiting with them before full moon rituals (when she didn’t forget, that is). It sounds cold, but she was one of the more caring parents on the Isle, and James was one of the best, personally teaching each of them important skills about survival, fencing, sailing, and literature (Harry never caught on to the reading thing, though, and James didn’t have the patience to make him sit still long enough to teach him).
Winnifred and Mary only knew of Harry’s existence. This is because Sarah is an awful liar and did not do a good job of hiding her pregnancy. Winnie was furious when she discovered this, but because there was no magic on the Isle, she couldn’t do much about it. When the baby turned out to be a boy, she began crafting a plan to get rid of him, but Sarah told this to James in secret and he had his crew steal back the child.
Sarah’s visits with James frequently became more prolonged after that, to the point where her spending months away at a time with him—expecting their daughter— hardly phased her two sisters (they thought unseriously of her and assumed she was off galavanting around with more lovers or searching for potion ingredients). They never found out about CJ and were pleased to see Sarah return not long after the baby was born.
Harry inherited his parents’ flirtatious (and slightly unhinged) nature. He has his father’s dark hair and his mother’s eyes. CJ has her mother’s blonde hair and her father’s eyes. Harry grew up not caring too much about maintaining a relationship with his mother because he felt offended that she always acted colder towards his sister, Harriet. He didn’t think it was fair that she be neglected of attention because she had a different mother— in his eyes, Sarah was Harriet’s mother as well. CJ, however, took a great interest in witchcraft as she got older and began to seek out Sarah’s company more and more with time.
So, that was pretty much all of it. Hope you enjoyed reading! Ignore the badly edited photo I made, I just needed something relevant😭
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bananaactivity · 6 months ago
I’m super busy with uni stuff so I haven’t been able to make much progress on my MBAV comic but I have art to look at 👅
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Harry bought that, Jay took the picture Prince goody two shoes in the back is appalled at the blatant substance abuse
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A quick sketch of what Ethan Morgan’s Seer eyes look like, you can tell it’s quick because it doesn’t have the features I gave Ethan… he looks like a basic black haired main character.
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Some comic progess. Technically the flats since I’m waiting to finish all the character work before I add the final shading. Yeah it’s gonna take decades to finish that. I’m probably gonna draw some Victorious stuff next for posting.
This comic is gonna be a background project just because i know if i only focus on just it ill burn out and get bored.
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dovesdreaming · 7 months ago
i think it would be more interesting w/ an auradon kid but isle is totally fine lol! just let them get together at the end!!
thank you in advance!!
I’m glad I met you
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May change title yet
I’m obsessed with this request and really hope it’s as good as I wanted it to be! Thank you for requesting hope you enjoy <3 (this is my 50th post already 😱)
Word count: 1k
Warnings: none
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When the barrier came down Harry expected nothing of it. He was ready to cause mischief with the Auradon people. He hadn’t met anyone from there before but he assumed that they were stuck up and wouldn’t want to associate with isle people, Harry thought it wouldn’t be long before they tried putting a barrier back up again.
Harry was enrolled to the school and he wasn’t expecting anything he was interested in to happen, especially not from the big welcome they did for all the new students. He could already tell this was gonna drag well, that was until he saw you.
He was assigned to shadow you for the week so he could get to know the school and the classes. Harry was suddenly interested in what this school had to offer, or more so you.
He was immediately infatuated with you. He wanted to follow you everywhere and luckily just for this week he could. You would spend all day together and part to go to different dorms yet Harry would still think of you til he feel asleep, you were constantly on his mind. Similarly, Harry had grown on you since his arrival. You had been keen to be a welcomer for the isle kids because you felt they deserved a chance and you wouldn’t listen to certain kids that were opposed to it. You wanted the isle people to feel welcome and here you were halfway through the week of Harry shadowing you. It had been amazing so far, much better than you could have ever thought. You had become close friends fast as it turned out you shared the same humour and his quick remarks he made during class would always make you laugh. You ended up even spending your breaks and lunch with Harry because you couldn’t get enough of his presence.
When the end of the week came and Harry got his time table you were praying that you shared at least a few classes together. It turned out that you did in fact share classes while not all like the past week, it was enough to satisfy both of you.
Since Harry had joined the school there hadn’t been a dull day. He joined your group of friends and he managed to get along with many people. While he had become better behaved he hadn’t completely given up his ways, he managed pull quite a few pranks off with many not being tied back to him. He had even managed to convince you on occasion to join in, you didn’t know how he did it but you guessed it had something to do with the way he would lower his voice to a deeper tone and that pirate accent of his.
Many months of being friends with Harry had made you both feel very deeply for each other, it coming to a head one night when you were sitting on a roof you had snook up onto together at night under the stars. In the quiet, no words needed to be spoken as you and Harry were comfortable in each others presence. As you both turned to look at each other the air felt heavy with many unsaid things. Harry made a move first and slowly leaned in. You hurried the moment along and crashed your lips into his. From that night on it was a whirlwind of feelings. The love you shared was exciting and new, you had never felt anything like it.
Harry was obsessed with you and he would say it all the time himself. He worshipped the ground you walked on and he would follow behind you everywhere you went if he could. You had changed him and he became malleable at your will. He would listen to every thing you said and would hold onto to your every word. He would still act tough and domineering in public but behind closed doors he would beg for the smallest drop of your attention. It was like a switch and initially it had shocked you to see such a stark difference in personalities. But you loved every inch of him and he would say the same for you, he would be forever grateful for the barrier being brought down and cursed whoever for it not being brought down a while ago so that he could have known you sooner.
-Would want you to wear his clothes so that they would smell of you. He would want the name of your perfume so that he could always have your scent near by but it would never be the same as you, something was missing. Would be the type to hug your pillow if you ever couldn’t be with him at night.
-Would put his hat on you and immediately fall in love, would fall to his knees at the sight and would always beg you to wear it.
-Would always flirt with you and his weakness would be if you ever flirted back. He would become besotted with you and become silent from the rush of emotions it caused within him.
-Would be so whiny. Would never want to leave your side behind closed doors. Just wants to be in each others arms all day.
-He just couldn’t get enough of you once you were together. Would love staring at you and into your eyes. He could listen to your voice forever.
-would always have a picture of you close by. Whether it be in his pocket, it tucked away safely in his hat, he wanted you close to him. Would also always be taking photos of you and would catch amazing candid shots of you where the light in your eyes shone.
-He may not have much but he would do whatever he could for you. He offered you his all and would hope it was enough for someone like you.
-With how obsessed he was with you he would have doubts about not being enough for you, especially with his background. You’d be quick to reassure him with words and kisses though.
-Overall though Harry is smitten and no amount of teasing would ever change the way he feels for you. You make his heart beat and have made him a better person, he could never be more grateful for having someone like you be in love with him.
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Thank you for reading!
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cc-tinslebee · 4 months ago
descendants parent hc hookling addition 🗣️
ladies and gentlemen, Captain Harriet Hook!
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for those ouat fans ;) Harriet’s mother isn’t exactly Emma Swan, but is a lot like her. Hook considers her one of his few true loves in life. She dies in childbirth because we can’t have anything nice on the Isle and Harriet’s gotta practically raise her siblings :(
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okay… so realistically, I think Harry was from a hookup and was kinda just left on Hook’s doorstep. they actually don’t know who his mother is
BUT Harry’s got that manic behaviour that is very AIW! Queen of Hearts. …boy’s got his mama’s mental illness /hj
the underrated baby of the family, CJ Hook 🙏
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Lieutenant Helga Katrina Sinclair from Atlantis is CJ’s mother! She and Hook had a bit of a rivals with benefits situation (they cannot stand each other fr 😭), and CJ is also kinda dumped on his doorstep when the whole affair ends
CJ is extremely adventurous by nature, loves swinging in to make a grand entrance, it makes sense to me that both her parents would be adventurers!
the lesson here is that James Hook has a terrible track record with keeping women around 😭 shoutout to Morgie for being a really good uncle and practically raising Harriet
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humaforever · 10 months ago
Sometimes for fun Harry and Uma would just fuck around and pretend they were in a soap opera. Being dramatic as hell, really pretending like they were on camera, it always made them laugh. Bcuz that's what was always playing on the television at Ursula's.
But one time they got really into it and acted all romantic and what not. Then suddenly it got too real, and it was awkward as hell.
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hannahhook7744 · 6 months ago
Random Descendants Headcanon;
All the Wharf Rats/Pirate Kids count cards when gambling.
Some are better than others.
(and some of the other isle kids have picked up on this).
"Hook, stop counting cards!"
"I'm not bloody counting cards, you just suck at this game imposter."
"Stop calling me imposter! You don't own the nickname Harry-"
Everyone else at the poker table: "WE ARE NOT HAVING THIS ARGUMENT AGAIN!"
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loreofthelost · 2 years ago
Language Headcannons
All the VKs speak multiple languages due to the fact that the Isle is a cultural melting pot, because even villains care about their culture. Most people speak 3-4 languages fluently, it is one of the advantages the VKs have over the AKs.
Everyone knows at least 2 languages fluently.
Everyone knows random words and phrases from languages they don't speak.
The most common languages are English, French, Chinese, German and Arabic
The least common are Faire Speak, Latin, Greek and Atlantican due to the lack of speakers on the Isle.
The Pirates know the most languages out of everyone because their parents wanted them to be able to travel anywhere. They also know Atlantican, Greek, Latin and Faire Speak because Uma, her cousins/siblings and the Hook Siblings taught them.
Freddie and Celia speak French and Creole
Most VK’s just speak their parent’s language as a first language
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queerclownaf · 1 year ago
Wow, it's incredible how every character on Disney Descendants is canonically transgender :0 I can't belive Disney did that!!
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dead-arcane-detectives · 2 months ago
Descendants Headcanons
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Mal - Pansexual - Genderfluid
Evie - Lesbian
Carlos - Bisexual
Jay - Pansexual
Ben - Pansexual
Chad - Omnisexual
Doug - Gay
Audrey - Pansexual
Lonnie - Aroace - Neutrois(they/he/she &any)
Jane - Biromantic - Asexual
Uma - Aromantic - Lesbian
Harry - Bisexual
Gil - Gay - Asexual
Celia - Pansexual - Demigirl(she/they)
Dizzy - Bisexual
Hades - Aromantic - Bisexual - Genderqueer(e/ey/em)
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