#Happy Holi Quotes 2018
kouspxssy 📌
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DIABOLIK LOVERS EPIC SHIP BATTLE (final round, masterlist)
DIABOLIK LOVERS AS QUOTES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
✨️special tumblr posts✨️
kou’s drug use in canon 
which drugs kou would use
aurolac - the drug kou would’ve used
alina - my OC
the mukami romanian lore
rosary OST - piano ver.
my dialovers tattoos
AO3 wrapped 2023
fengqing's gotcha for gaza fics
✨️diabolik lovers fics masterlist (newest to oldest) - updated regularly✨️
tainted love - kouyui non-con(TW)
the basketball diaries (16/20) - ayato addict fic, uni AU
auld lang syne (and never brought to mind) - new year's eve fic 2023
i found a way to your wild heart on christmas (2/2) - college AU xmas fic
one love, one house; no shirt, no blouse - reijiruki fluff
halloween fic 2023 - takes place pre-existing in xmas/NYE bartender AU
black hole friend - alina and ruki drabble
it's not like you to walk away in the middle of a song - subakou wrong number suicide hotline AU
i found a way and we built a life with it (2/2) - college AU sequel
reiji’s birthday surprise - reiji bday fic 
lover i don’t have to love (3/3) - OC origin story/kou drug fic 
bite my lip and spin me faster - kino bday fic, azushinkino modern AU
all this effort to make it look effortless (5/5) - alcoholic!shu shuuma fic
the drinking contest (2/2) - uni AU drinking contest 
do not disturb - reijiruki smut (ruki bday) 
i see my future in your eyes - subakou fluff 
modern love (3/3) - azusa/shin/kino modern AU
your tears don’t fall, they crash around me (and turn me on) - subakou smut
for forever - subakou engagement fic, edited and re-uploaded from 2018
love the way you lie - subakou abusive relationship fic
shake the magic 8 until it breaks (12/12) - VnC/DL curse bearers crossover
never have i ever - modern AU, edited and re-upload from 2017
i found a way to your wild heart (3/?) - sequel oneshots to fic below 
i will find any way to your wild heart (40/40) - high school AU
this town is heaven sent (but better when i'm face down under you) - subakou bday smut
giving it all, rising to fall to my grave (3/3) - reijiruki rehab AU 
merry christmas, kiss my ass and a happy new year (2/2) - xmas and nye bartender AU 
blue is the new pink (100/100) - crossover w/ pandora hearts and vanitas no carte, prison AU 
otherside (15/15) - tattoo/piercing parlour, drug dealer AU. edited and re-uploaded from 2017
te iubesc - subaru bday fic
this is halloween (but it’s in a hospital) - crossover w/ vanitas no carte, doctor AU 
in sickness and health - subakou sickfic 
you go down just like holy mary on a cross - reijiruki smut
this is primetime, reload, and— (10/10) - laito drug addict fic 
six degrees of separation - subakou break up fic
see you on the otherside - otherside (standalone, sort of) sequel
and the wisdom to know the difference - subakou narcotics anonymous AU 
karlheinz’s christ to the rescue program - vape shop/christian bookstore AU, pure crack
a blurred halation that’s begun to shine (like the sky i once dreamed of) - kou drug addict fic 
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crmsndragonwngss · 7 months
Can you share more of the Arch Enemy drama? Or did I miss a post you already did?
Oh no this happened a while back, long before I changed the direction of this blog. But sure, I’d be happy to! And I'm sorry this took so long! I wanted to get all my facts straight and cite all my sources, and then my brother called and I talked to him for like an hour lol
Anyway, here's a very lengthy rundown under the cut!
First, it’s fair to note that Jeff’s split with Arch Enemy in 2023 was amicable and he only had wonderful things to say about them. When the real drama went down with the photographer happened in 2018, he said absolutely nothing, which idk I think that speaks volumes. Jeff Loomis isn’t one to rock the boat and never really has been, so this wasn’t a surprising reaction at all. I’d love to hear his thoughts on it, but that will never happen. I'm not sure about whether the rest of the band weighed in on the controversy. I don't follow any of them and never have.
But anyway, basically what happened with Jeff was Michael Amott, founder, guitarist, and songwriter for Arch Enemy, essentially froze him out of the songwriting process. Jeff had expressed in 2018 that he had lots of ideas he really wanted to pitch to the band, but was always met with a firm pass because supposedly none of his ideas fit with the style Arch Enemy was known for. He went on to say that he had written several songs for Will to Power (2017), but they didn’t make it on the record, again because of style, but that he did get to do some solos that time around, which made him happy. He didn't get to write anything for Deceivers (2022) either.
Like imagine hiring Jeff Loomis, the lead guitarist and songwriter of Nevermore, one of the greatest bands that ever fucking existed, and then never giving him a chance to actually be Jeff Loomis. That’s not a coincidence. Alissa White-Gluz even said that she wanted to work with Jeff in her upcoming solo project, which has yet to happen because she's been too busy with Arch Enemy. She even noted in 2015, a year after Loomis joined the band, how good the band's chemistry is on stage, despite, y'know, the whole not allowing him to write anything part.
Now don’t get me wrong, Michael Amott is a genius and a legend in his own right, but holy shit, you call yourself the man’s friend and then let him stagnate in the band you asked him to join? The fuck? Also note that Christopher Amott and Nick Cordle were both credited as songwriters in albums they appeared on. Loomis is the only guitarist in their personnel history to only have one credit next to his name (not including a temporary touring guitarist). I guess we'll see how they credit Loomis's replacement, Joey Concepcion (who is Christopher Amott's... I guess you could say protégé, so do with that information what you will).
Also, as an aside, Michael Amott has a notoriously toxic outlook on the metal scene. He's stated that he doesn't listen to current metal, his reasoning being some better-than-you if you've heard it once you've heard it all bullshit. He's also said that he thinks metal should stay underground, stating that, "this is an alternative to the mainstream; it's an alternative to all that very premeditated, cynical approach to music. I mean, this is something that's from the heart and soul, and I want it to stay that way." Y'know, implying that only underground music can possibly be from the heart and soul, despite Arch Enemy themselves being one of the most mainstream death metal bands in the industry (which Blabbermouth hammered home in the lines below that particular quote). The dude has always read as an asshole to me, but that's just my opinion.
Now on to the meat and potatoes of why I strongly dislike Arch Enemy, which is what I have a feeling you're actually asking about. This is where the band outed itself as a vitriolic hit team, and the entire reason I will never listen to their music again. As a photographer myself who has had my work exploited because the thieves didn't value or respect my copyright, this hit real close to home for me, so I admit that I may have taken and continue to take this a little more personally than perhaps I should, but I digress.
The controversy centers around the tremendously talented J. Salmeron, a Dutch concert photographer and journalist for Metal Blast Magazine. He's also an attorney, and is no stranger to issuing take down notices. Essentially, one of his photos was reposted by Thunderball Clothing, who designed Alissa White-Gluz's stage outfit, in a misguided effort to use the image as advertisement. They reposted it from Alissa's instagram, who had reposted it from Metal Blast. Salmeron, and indeed many togs who do this sort of work, often allow artists to repost pictures of themselves without asking for permission first. It's... really not polite to do that, but it's usually not commercial in nature so most folks'll let it slide. People often wrongly assume that they are allowed to use photos of themselves for free and for whatever they want just because they're in it, and metal frontwomen are no exception. The photographer is the sole copyright owner of any image they take, full stop. If you wish to use a picture of yourself that a photographer took, you'll usually have to pay for it.
So Salmeron sent the clothing company a take down notice that you can read in full here, but this is the part that pissed everybody off:
In general, I charge a fee of at least €500 (five hundred Euro) to businesses that have posted my work in an unauthorized manner. In this case, however, I would be willing to forget about this problem and let you keep up the above post in exchange for a donation of €100 (one hundred Euro) to the Dutch Cancer Foundation. This is an organization that seeks to benefit cancer research as well as improve the quality of life of cancer patients. I can send you a link for the donation (which would be direct to the foundation, not through me) if you accept this method of payment.
Instead of responding to the take down notice, the designer of the clothing company decided to email Angela Gassow, former frontwoman and current manager of Arch Enemy, accusing him of threatening her. I really, really recommend reading Salmeron's article, because he gives a brief once over of what exactly is and is not legal regarding photography copyright, as well as highlighting the truly shitty and grossly exploitative behavior many musicians aim at photographers, who are fellow artists and who are just as essential to the music industry as actual musicians are. Also, keep in mind that the designer did apologize to Salmeron. She admitted to her mistake and attempted to rectify the situation, which Salmeron privately and later publicly accepted in an effort to shield her from a lot of really undeserved hate overzealous supporters lobbed her way. This hate was NOT a result of Salmeron's article, it was a result of Angela and Alissa straight up lying about everything.
Long story short, Salmeron ended up getting banned from all future Arch Enemy concerts for life, and so did his publication. Then Angela and Alissa both attempted to slander him all over the industry by copying in the label reps and booking agents they work with, whom Angela promised would alert promoters to the falsehoods she invented to demonize him in a blatant attempt to destroy his career. She ended up destroying the clothing designer's career instead, but she'd never admit to that. The best part? This isn't even the first time this has happened. Another Dutch concert photojournalist, Anouk Timmerman, was blacklisted from shooting Arch Enemy shows for life in 2009 after she asked Angela Gassow to take her photos off of her personal website, lest she be invoiced 75,000 euros per photo, for a total of eight photos.
So yeah, they're just really toxic, shitty people and I'm glad Jeff Loomis finally decided to ditch 'em lol
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2018 is a year of open doors with adversaries set who can’t keep you out.
Ignore the adversary - focus on whats past the door. If it wasn’t valuable there would be no resistance.
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scotianostra · 3 years
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Happy St Patrick’s Day.
St Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland, and always will be, however a long standing theory is that he was born in what is now Scotland. It makes sense, several of our saints, most notably Columba, are said to have been from Ireland, so why not?  A 2018 delves into the matter in depth, but the theory is by no means new.
It is said his father, whose name was Calpurnius, was in a respectable station in life, being municipal magistrate in the town in which he lived. What town this was, however, is not certainly known, whether Kilpatrick, a small village on the Clyde, five miles east of Dumbarton, Duntochar, another small village about a mile north of Kilpatrick, or Dumbarton itself. But these are only the areas quoted in what is now Scotland I wont go into the ones saying England.
His father is supposed, (for nearly all that is recorded of the holy man is conjectural, or at best but inferential,) to have come to Scotland in a civil capacity with the Roman troops, under Theodosius. His mother, whose name was Cenevessa, was sister or niece of St Martin, bishop of Tours; and from this circumstance, it is presumed that his family were Christians.
He was captured as a teenager by Niall of the Nine Hostages who was to become a King of all Ireland.
He was sold into slavery in Ireland and put to work as a shepherd. He worked in terrible conditions for six years drawing comfort in the Christian faith that so many of his people had abandoned under Roman rule.
Patrick had a dream that encouraged him to flee his captivity and to head South where a ship was to be waiting for him. He travelled over 200 miles from his Northern captivity to Wexford town where, sure enough, a ship was waiting to enable his escape.
Patrick’s devotion to Ireland started with a dream which he wrote about as…..
“I saw a man coming, as it were from Ireland. His name was Victoricus, and he carried many letters, and he gave me one of them. I read the heading: ‘The Voice of the Irish.’ As I began the letter, I imagined in that moment that I heard the voice of those very people who were near the wood of Foclut, which is beside the western sea-and they cried out, as with one voice: 'We appeal to you, holy servant boy, to come and walk among us.’”
The vision prompted his studies for the priesthood. He was ordained by St. Germanus, the Bishop of Auxerre, whom he had studied under for years, and was later ordained a bishop and sent to take the Gospel to Ireland.
Patrick arrived in Slane, Ireland on March 25, 433. There are several legends about what happened next, with the most prominent claiming he met the chieftan of one of the druid tribes, who tried to kill him. After an intervention from God, Patrick was able to convert the chieftain and preach the Gospel throughout Ireland. There, he converted many people -eventually thousands - and he began building churches across the country.
He often used shamrocks to explain the Holy Trinity and entire kingdoms were eventually converted to Christianity after hearing Patrick’s message.
Patrick preached and converted all of Ireland for 40 years. He worked many miracles and wrote of his love for God in Confessions. After years of living in poverty, travelling and enduring much suffering he died March 17, 461.
He died at Saul, where he had built the first Irish church. He is believed to be buried in Down Cathedral, Downpatrick. His grave was marked in 1990 with a granite stone.
Saint Patrick’s Day is observed on 17 March, the supposed date of his death. It is celebrated inside and outside Ireland as a religious and cultural holiday. In the dioceses of Ireland, it is both a solemnity and a holy day of obligation; it is also a celebration of Ireland itself, although recent events have meant it will be more subdued than normal. I once read many years ago that there is more alcohol in the world sold on St Patrick’s Day than any other day of the year, and I quite believe that, but again am not getting into an argument.
Find out more about the paper from the link below https://www.irishcentral.com/roots/history/saint-patrick-born-scotland
The second pic is St Patrick's Rock or St Patrick's Stone located in the River Clyde close to the Erskine Bridge. It is reputedly the location from which the 16 year old Saint Patrick was kidnapped by Irish pirates whilst he was fishing.
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haloburns · 3 years
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i've been working on this for literal fucking YEARS. i wish i had the original sketch that this was based off of bc it's not mine, but i started this...at leasted in 2018???? if not before. it's based off this quote: there is a halo in your mouth and i like the way it burns which is where my ao3 name comes from!
i wanted to share this somewhere bc im so fucking happy with how it turned out. i'm so much better than i was when i started and i'm so fucking happy.
(i may or may not also be planning a danny/mateo version 👀👀)
original version of my sketch below the cut
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here's the original sketch i was working from. look at how flat it looks and how rough those shadows are...i've come so far in three years!
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back-on-my-bucky-bs · 4 years
911 for the in depth fandom thing !
Oh hell yeah! Thank you for the ask btw! I’m doing all of them since you didn’t specify, which was probably been done on purpose. 
Send me a show/fandom and I’ll answer:
Top 5 favorite characters: 
Evan “Buck” Buckley
Athena Grant
Howard “Chimney” Han
Maddie Buckley
Henrietta “Hen” Wilson
Other characters you like: 
I loved Abby when she was on it, I’m glad she came back even if it was or a short time.
Least favorite characters: 
Honestly fuck Shannon, she was awful, selfish, whiny, like who cares how shitty your marriage is, don’t fucking abandon your child. 
Basically all the canon ships lol.
I’m pretty sure that’s it lol.
Favorite friendships: 
Chimney and Hen are amazing!
Buck and Christopher are so sweet.
ANd of course, Buck and Eddie are bro-goals!
Favorite family: 
Grant-Nash Family is so wholesome, I wish my divorced parents got along as well as Athena and Michael did, my mom would rather die than tell my dad she loves him. 
Favorite episodes: 
Can I say all of them? 
lol but really, the tsunami episodes were fucking amazing. 
Favorite season/book/movie: 
Season 2 and 3 are pretty great seasons. 
Favorite quotes: 
Maddie: Maybe you should stop talking now. Chimney: She had a meet-cute over an open chest wound! That's not right!!
Eddie: You want to do a rope rescue? Of course, you do.
Musical moment: 
There hasn’t been one yet, but I want it to play out like how it did in Grey’s Anatomy where someone is in a coma, and whilst in the coma, the musical happens. It would be beautiful. 
The moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: 
When Ms. Buddie Shipping Elf was like “you two have an adorable son” and baby Buck got all blushy and skipped away without correcting her
When it really disappointed you: 
Bobby you fucker, why the fuck did you not think Buck was ready to come back after his injury? Also, holy fuck Buck why SUE THEM?
Saddest moment: 
WHEN BUCK WAS TRAPPED UNDER THE LADDER TRUCK! I was a fucking wreck, especially when the crowd of people ran to help the team lift the truck to help save him. 
Most well-done character death:
Shanon because she died and I was fairly happy with it.  
Favorite guest star: 
When Abby came back! 
Favorite cast member: 
Oliver Stark, he’s baby.
The character you wish was still alive: 
Michael, in case the tumor kills him in season 4. 
One thing you hope really happens: 
Most shocking twist: 
When during taking back the dispatch it turned out the girl was the mastermind the whole time, she was fucking badass I kind of wish she and her bf got away with the paintings. 
When did you start watching/reading?: 
2018, Thanksgiving break, my mom was catching up with her DVR recordings, I was on the couch on Tumblr and she was watching Hen Begins and I was so intrigued with Hen’s story and the show from then on. 
Best animal/creature: 
Buck’s future cat. 
Favorite location: 
Athena and Bobby’s house is GORGEOUS!
Trope you wish they would stop using: 
mmm, I got nothing right now. If the show was still like season 1 with all the religious shit in it, I’d say to cut that down some. But they already did so we’re Gucci. 
One thing this show/book/film does better than others: 
Found Family actually being a family is one. 
But like my beef with a similar she, Station 19, everyone things with their dicks and the characters drama is solely sexual/relationship related and I hate it and yet 9-1-1 is a firefighter drama that doesn’t do that crap that Station 19 does and I’m eternally grateful for that. 
Funniest moments: 
Chimney and Karen getting drunk together was fucking hysterical! 
The couple you would like to see: 
Buddie of course, the hints alone are killing me, but I love a slow burn so I shall suffer in agony. 
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: 
For the future Buck Begins episode, I have my fan-cast for Buck and Maddie’s parents. 
I really enjoyed Tricia Helfer in Lucifer, so she would make a great Mrs. Buckley (even if she and JLH are like the same age lol, mostly because I hc that Maddie and Buck have different moms but Maddie never knew her birth-mom because she died when she was really young). 
As for their dad, I really love the idea of, Vincent Irizarry, playing him, especially if Mr. Buckley is as bad as we all think he is because Vincent knows how to play a bad guy.
Favorite outfit: 
Anything Buck wears tbh.
Favorite item:
Uh...I don’t know if there’s a significant item in the show lol. 
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: 
Nope. These types of shows don’t really have merch, though if Box Lunch has Grey’s Anatomy stuff it's only a matter of a time for there to be an overpriced Team 118 t-shirt in sizes that don’t fit me at the store lol. 
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: 
No clue, could I be in a poly ship with Buck and Eddie? Christopher needs a better mom and I am a great mom. 
Most boring plotline: 
I can’t really think of anything? 
Most laughably bad moment: 
Just when the elevator door was closing after the scene with the lawyer, and it was just awkward with buck on the outside looking it, kind of cringey too.
Best flashback/flashforward if any: 
Athena Begins was AMAZING and young Athena was gorgeous!
Most layered character: 
Buck for sure. 
Most one-dimensional character: 
I guess Bobby since season 2 he’s not changed much, which isn’t a bad thing because he’s a good guy. 
Scariest moment: 
When Athena was getting attacked. 
Grossest moment: 
Face Maggot
Best looking male: 
Best looking female: 
Who you’re crushing on (if any): 
Favorite cast moment: 
When Oliver Stark was doing the watch-live and Rafael Silva showed up and Oliver was like “Hey Rafa!” all cute like.
Favorite transportation: 
Riding in a firetruck would be cool lol.
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): 
The scene with the tsunami wave, it was amazing!
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: 
Best promo: 
The season 3 promo was pretty epic.
At what point did you fall in love with this show/book:
When I first saw the show with Hen Begins. Though I was really confused when I started the show from the beginning since I thought the whole show was about taking the story of one firefighter and doing a flashback of them becoming a firefighter. Which is dumb now that I think about it lol.
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globalworship · 4 years
Indian Classical Dance Recital with 5 Bible stories
Ruth Prithika is an award-winning dancer who has trained in Bharatanatyam classical dance of southern India since she was 5 years old.
This is a 12-minute solo recital with a lot of content. The full piece is about an hour, these are excerpts.
First is the list of biblical content, then the video, then the credits, then more about Ruth, then some information about the dance form.
A typical bharatnatyam recital or a complete performance routine is called a Maargam. It contains up to 9 elements - see them listed and explained at  https://kalyanikalamandir.com/bharatnatyam-maargam/
Ruth’s Maarga includes these 5 sections contextualized with Christian content. Some of this text is from her description on the Youtube page of the video. Text here in italics is from a review published at  https://narthaki.com/info/rev18/rev2185.html
1. Pushpanjali -  an offering to the Almighty. It is taken from the book of Genesis, the first chapter of the first book of the Holy Bible. The dancer offers her salutations (Pushpanjali) to each of the six days of creation [day and night, sky, earth/ocean/vegetation, sun/moon/stars, creatures, people]. Composition: Guru Vidyashree Radhakrishna; Raaga: malika; Tala:Adi; 
 2. Varnam - It begins with a short sloka , which describes Lord Jesus as the protector of the universe, a friend of the needy, a compassionate soul. The first half depicts the birth and the early life of Jesus, while the second half is based on His ministries and miracles. Composition: Guru Vidyashree Radhkrishna; Raaga: Simhendra Madhyama; Tala:Adi 
Varnam, the centrepiece of the recital, followed the path of bhakti that described the saviour, Jesus. The pallavi says, "Show me your mercy, grant me the joy of happiness." An interpretation of the pallavi described the different crisis an ordinary human being undergoes, be it physical, metaphysical or spiritual. In times like these, Lord Jesus is our helping hand. The anupallavi described Jesus as the loving son, born to Mary and Joseph. The second half of the varnam says, "I am eagerly waiting to listen to your preaching, grant these keen ears of mine a chance to listen to your remarkable words." It goes on to describe his miracles and how his teachings inspire the devotees.
3. Padam - a unique abhinaya composition which is structured on the conversation of Jesus with a Samaritan woman (scrutinized as an untouchable). It is portrayed by the dancer stepping into the shoes of a Samaritan woman where she goes on to accept Jesus as her Guru. Composition: Guru Vidyashree Radhakrishna; Raaga:Malika; Tala: Adi
4. Keerthanam - The cross symbolizes love. It is considered to be a gift of Jesus to mankind as he takes away all our sins, through His sacrifice, thereby drawing us closer to the Creator. It is depicted in two episodes - one, the crucifixion of Jesus and the other, how the entire folklore receives the cross as a symbol of his sacrificial love. Composition: Mr.Samuel Saadhu; Raaga: Desh; Tala: Adi
 A beautiful interpretation this came by innovating a new hasta [single-hand symbolic gesture] in Bharatanatyam to represent the cross,
5. Thillana - based on the resurrection of Christ as described in Luke 24. The recital, thus concludes with the message that Christ has risen and His spirit dwells among His people. Composition: Dr. E.V.S. Maben; Raaga:Sumanesha Ranjani; Tala:Adi (Khanda)
The words [for all the songs were] penned by her father, Dr. Suranjan Maben. The thillana was based on the resurrection of Christ as described in Luke 24. The dancer herself, peeps into the burial tomb of Jesus, and is overjoyed by the message of the angels who says that he is not here, but he dwells in our spirits. The dancer concluded the thillana on Easter day that Christ is risen and is dwelling in each one of us.
The 5 sections, composed by 3 different composers, are in 4 different raags and all use the Adi tala, a popular 8-beat cycle in Carnatic music.
Conceptualization: Dr. E.V.S. Maben Choreography: Guru Vidyashree Radhakrishna Music and Mridangam: Vid. G Gurumurthy, Bengaluru Natuvangam*: Guru Vidyashree Radhakrishna Vocal: Vid. Balasubramanya Sharma Flute: Vid. Jayaram Kikkeri Sitar: Vid. Sumarani Violin: Vid.Pradesh Achar Rhythm pad: Vid: Karthik Dathar Sound Recording: Prabhat Studios, Bengaluru
Presented  by: Ruth Prithika Email Id: [email protected] Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ruth.prithika
* Natuvangam is a pair of small cymbals on rigid cords. The one in the right hand is made of brass and the one in left is of steel. The intricate rhythms are connected to the footwork of the dancer.
Read more at https://www.thehindu.com/entertainment/music/in-conversation-with-nattuvanar-ksbalakrishnan/article24151554.ece
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In a FB post, Ruth wrote,
"Bharatanatyam is a dance form that symbolizes unity in diversity within the body. The dancer's body is like a spectrum of colors whose movements are painted across the canvas which is the stage, causing the spectator's gaze to wander all over the surface of the canvas. The unique expressions of the eyes, the hands, the legs and the feet synchronize with the music to create a perfect symphony."
See a terrific 1-minute video, made by Ruth (I think), that shows this at https://www.facebook.com/NatyaKalaConference/posts/156418545717482
This dance form has 55 root mudras (symbolic gestures), and some can be embellished. Read more at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mudras_(dance)#Bharatanatyam
Ruth Prithika, daughter of Dr Roshan Maben and Dr E V S Maben is currently pursuing computer science engineering at NMAMIT, Nitte. She has been learning this divine form of art since the age of five. She has successfully completed her vidwath exam in Bharatanatyam and junior grade in carnatic music. She has performed with Gaana Nrithya Academy at various stages in and around the country. She has also performed at Doordarshan Studio in Delhi for Prasar Bharathi during ABU dance festival held in 2016. She has won various awards in several classical and solo dance competitions held at district, state and national level. She has received training in Kathak and Odissi dance forms through the workshops organised by the academy.
Ruth also studied computer science at University College Dublin, her current location.
Ruth performed this piece for a large gathering of Christians for Easter 2018 in her town of Mangaluru. https://www.daijiworld.com/news/newsDisplay.aspx?newsID=502763
Mangalore, officially known as Mangaluru, is the second largest city and major port of the Indian state of Karnataka. See a map and more at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mangalore#Music_and_dance
The songs are sung in Kannada, a language spoken by about  57 million people in Karnataka and beyond. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kannada
A few photos from the news article above:
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From an article and interview with Ruth about the performance above in the Times of India:
According to Ruth, it was her father who conceptualized the idea and penned the lyrics. Her music teacher gave the lyrics a poetic form, got the music recorded from internationally-recognized artists in Bengaluru, and choreographed the performance.
Vidyashree, the choreographer, said the biggest challenge was that unlike depicting Shiva and Krishna, whose mudras (symbolic gestures] are mentioned in Bharatanatyam, she had to create mudras and costumes suiting Jesus. “We had to start from scratch. We were able to do it, and I am glad people appreciated it.” Read more at: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/63571445.cms?utm_source=contentofinterest&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppst 
See a 40-minute TV interview (in the Kannada language) with Ruth about the dance. Guru Vidyashree Radhakrishna, the choreographer, is also part of the interview.
A publicity poster for the event, from http://www.mangaloretoday.com/main/Kristha-Patha-Christ-based-Bharathanatyam-repertoire-in-city-April-1.html
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A note about the choreographer:
Guru Vidyashree Radhakrishna established the institution in 1994, choreographed several solo, group and thematic ballets and performed all over India and abroad. Many of her students have won state, national and International level competitions and received scholarships and awards. She is a graded artiste of Doordarshan. Having expertise in both Bharatanatyam and carnatic vocal, she has not only conceptualized and presented several child friendly ballets, but also scripted and choreographed concept based traditional repertoires. As a director, she has organized several festivals such as Aarohana, Nrityadhara and Nrityaniranthara under the banner of Gaana Nritya Academy . http://www.mangaloretoday.com/main/Kristha-Patha-Christ-based-Bharathanatyam-repertoire-in-city-April-1.html
A review of the dance recital is at https://narthaki.com/info/rev18/rev2185.html
Here are two photos:
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Some information on the mudras from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mudras_(dance)
The Abhinaya Darpa (a descriptive primer for dancers) mentions that the dancer should sing the song by the throat, express the meaning of the song through hand gestures, show the state of feelings in the song by eyes, and express the rhythm with his or her feet.
From the Natya Shastra, a text on the arts, this beautiful quotation and translation is often quoted by Indian classical dance instructors:
"Yato hastastato drishtihi"..."Where the hand is, the eyes follow"" Yato drishtistato manaha"..."Where the eyes go, the mind follows"" Yato manastato bhavaha"..."Where the mind is, there is the feeling"" Yato bhavastato rasaha"..."Where there is feeling, there is mood/flavour, sweetness (i.e., appreciation of art; aesthetic bliss)"
So vast are the subtleties expressed in the hand gestures of hasta that the vastness of what being human entails, and perhaps even what the entire universe contains, might be expressed by the dancer.
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colony22graphics · 5 years
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    ❝Alex...play Despacito.❞
◆ member since: dec. 18th, 2018 ◆ longest character: mitch douglas ◆
@mitch--douglas; Good fuckin’ grief, where do I even start with you. First of all, it both shames and pains me slightly to admit that Lottie and were immediate Stans of you when you applied. When we review applications, one of the things that’s actually quite high on the list of considerations is personality. If we get to see a little bit of who you a person is in an application process and we get a good first impression of attitude, it’s always worth brownie points because it demonstrates that they’ll be a good addition to the type of community we have built here. 
Well. Let me TELL you. Not only did you apply for a seriously under-appreciated bio who’d never before gotten any bites (which you would later repeat with Alois), but you were also so delightful to work with. You were extremely personable and easy to talk to and I remember feeling an instant and thorough connection with you. Now, I admittedly feel like I’ve known you for years, and I really have no idea how it’s possible that you’ve not actually been at my side the entire time I’ve been on tumblr. Furthermore, we are fortunate to have a community here ripe with great senses of humour and quirky personalities, but holy shit, Alex—you make me laugh an obscene amount and I thank the RP powers that be every single day that you became a part of this little family. 
We’ve talked before about how serendipitous your arrival here was, both for us as a community and for you personally, as you’ve told us. And since then you’ve carved out such a unique and significant space for yourself that I’m beginning to suspect there was actually a you-shaped-seat here from the very beginning, just waiting for you to come along when the time was right to fill it. In other words, you were kismet, Alex.
You’re an extremely talented and engaging writer and rp partner, with a huge heart and a phenomenal dexterity with character perspective and you have brought to us such a fantastic medley of characters that has helped the Colony to grow and diversify in ways we might’ve never otherwise. For that, and for so much more, we’ll forever be in your debt. I absolutely adore you, Alex, and I’m ten thousand percent positive I speak for all of us here when I say that. ❤
-Love Rory & Lottie
P.S. I’m sorry about the quote, but I tried to resist for like three days and I just.... couldn’t. I’m a weak man, my dear, but I have no regrets. 
                  —-     Happy Colony 6th Anniversary      —-
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kaylorevidence · 5 years
TS7 Era Masterpost
A masterpost dedicated to everything gay Taylor has done this in this era so far! 
If you’re more interested in reading the version on my website, here’s the link to that as well. 
Performing with Hayley Kiyoko (again) - December 5, 2018
As we all remember from the Reputation Era, during the tour Taylor brought Hayley out as a surprise guest. 
In December the tables turned and Hayley brought Taylor out during her performance at the Ally Coalition Talent Show. It's an event centered around raising money for LGBT Youth. 
They performed Delicate, which has been claimed by the gays (Taylor agrees).  She was a happy bean, and everything was right in the world. 
Also, this happened. 
Surprising a Gay Couple - February 23, 2019
Taylor surprised Alex Goldschmidt and Ross Girard at their engagement party. Taylor sang King of My Heart for them as well!
ELLE Essay - March 6, 2019
For the US version of Taylor’s Elle article, she wrote about 30 things she’s learned in the last 30 (technically 29) years.
Here’s a quote that really stood out:
“We have to live bravely in order to truly feel alive, and that means not being ruled by our greatest fears.”
Sounds an awful lot like this part of her pride speech right?
“But it’s even more brave to be honest about your feelings and who you love when you know that that might be met with adversity from society.”
If you pay close attention to the numbers in the essay, the colors resemble the lesbian pride flag (different shades of red and pink). Here’s Taylor in her lesbian pride flag dress from tour too!
Rainbow Instagram Post – March 14, 2019
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TEP Donation – April 8, 2019
Taylor donated $113,000 to Tennessee Equality Project, an organization that supports LGBT rights. Mike Curb from Curb Records also matched Taylor’s donation!
Single Announcement – April 13, 2019
Last October, Taylor posted this picture of her and Andrea playing Scrabble. Seems harmless right? Hahaha, no. This is Taylor Swift after all?? Fans speculated that because of the caption and the fact that National Scrabble Day is April 13th, that something would be happening that day. April 13th is also a day that was stamped on the calendar Taylor released.
Fans ended up being correct. On April 13th, Taylor announced that something (presumably a single) would be released on April 26th, 2019. April 26th also happens to be Lesbian Visibility Day. Coincidence? I think not. Here’s another post with tons of notes pointing out what day the 26th is as well. There’s no way Taylor didn’t know what day this was. 
Yellow Suit & Rainbow Rings – April 14, 2019
Taylor posted a close up of what appears to be her in a yellow suit wearing two rainbow rings.
It was eventually noticed that Taylor was wearing the two rainbow rings on her ring finger on her right hand. Here’s a post explaining more about what that means. There’s been heavy speculation that her and Karlie are engaged (I’ve also gotten it confirmed 4 times) so Taylor wearing those rings on that ring finger is quite interesting. 
TIME 100 Gala - April 23, 2019
While performing New Year's Day at the gala, Taylor very clearly sings "I want HER midnights" not once... But TWICE. It happens around the 21:15 and 21:58 mark. The second time is much clearer than the first, as it seems she worked up more courage throughout the song. Obviously this was important for many reasons!!
Other than this iconic moment, this is one of the clearest "hers" we've ever gotten from Taylor.
A few days later, the media started to pick up on it as well:
“My personal favorite theory hails from the Kaylor shippers, the faction of Swifties that believes that Taylor Swift and her former BFF Karlie Kloss were romantically involved. The theory is that Swift has been dropping hints about her love for Karlie Kloss since the Reputation era. On Tuesday night, Kaylor shippers picked up on something crucial: During Taylor’s performance of “New Years Day” at the TIME 100 Gala, Swift seemingly changed the lyrics from “I want your midnights” to “I want her midnights” not once, but twice. “New Years Day” is the final track on Reputation, which, in theory, could segue into the “next chapter…”
Buzzfeed News
“Then when Swift performed at this year’s Time 100 Gala, she apparently switched the lyrics in her song “New Year’s Day” from “I want your midnights to “I want her midnights.”
Single Release - April 26, 2019
The song is about individuality, and the video is chock-full of rainbows. Here's a great analysis of the video. It's all very gay.
V Magazine Article - April 28, 2019
V Magazine wrote an article noting the queer undertones to the new single, and Taylor liked it on Twitter and Tree retweeted it.
ME! Lyric Video - May 1, 2019
A smaller nod to her queerness, but worth noting I think:
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Entertainment Weekly Cover & Interview - May 9, 2019
On the cover, Taylor is seen wearing a pride pin. She also confirmed in her likes on Tumblr that it *is* a pride pin, shutting down any talk that it isn't. Taylor also liked this on Tumblr in support of her queer fans after the cover dropped.
As part of the spread, Taylor talked about how intoxicating, lovable and sexy Jodie Comer is as Villanelle in Killing Eve. Killing Eve is a show that revolves around Villanelle (a psychopathic assassin) and Eve (a MI6 agent) that are obsessed with each other. Taylor also talked about being obsessed with Killing Eve's creator, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, and talked about how she likes Fleabag (another one of PWB's shows). In an interview after the BAFTA's in May of 2019, Jodie said she ran into Taylor at the Globes earlier that year and that Taylor said she watched Doctor Foster, another show Jodie was in. Seems like Taylor binged all of Jodie's shows just like the rest of us. She's truly one of us!
On top of that, Taylor noted that she likes King Princess, a queer artist that makes explicitly queer music. Her latest single is called Pussy is God. That means that Taylor is familiar with King Princess, Hayley Kiyoko, and Kehlani (Taylor added Honey to a playlist).
Within the spread Taylor also said:
“This time around I feel more comfortable being brave enough to be vulnerable, because my fans are brave enough to be vulnerable with me. Once people delve into the album, it’ll become pretty clear that that’s more of the fingerprint of this — that it’s much more of a singer-songwriter, personal journey than the last one.”
Which is very reminiscent of her Pride speech from June of 2018 when she said:
“You guys, June is Pride Month, and I think a lot about how it’s very brave to be vulnerable about your feelings in any sense, in any situation, but it’s even more brave to be honest about your feelings and who you love when you know that that might be met with adversity from society…”
She also said something similar in her ELLE essay in March of 2019:
"We have to live bravely in order to truly feel alive, and that means not being ruled by our greatest fears."
Playlist by ME! - May 24 and May 31, 2019
Taylor created a playlist for Apple Music that included many LGBT artists explicitly singing about women. Here are a few of them:
Holy - King Princess (only on the first version)
Cheap Queen - King Princess
Back in My Arms - Carlie Hanson
Follow My Girl - The Japanese House
I Want to Live with You - Alex Lahey
When promoting her playlist using her animoji, she was wearing a sweater with a pride heart on it as well.
🌈HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!!!🌈- June 1, 2019
In kicking off pride month, Taylor took to Instagram to post a copy of the letter she sent Senator Alexander in regards to the Equality Act the House passed.
Within her letter and Instagram caption, she used language that appeared to include herself within the LGBT community. She proceeded to like these posts on Tumblr as well (x) (x) (x)
She also kicked the month off by donating to GLAAD!
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You think wedding planning is hard? Try doing it in the middle of a world pandemic, and an old fashion family feud.
Going to the chapel, and going to get married.
My daughter is getting married.  Her Fiancé and her have been engaged since summer of 2018.  They are a smart young couple who have all their ducks in a row.  Both have good jobs, dept. free (less a small amount of School loans) and have a nice little nest egg of savings to buy a house. They have traveled, had many adventures across the globe.  They were engaged in Barcelona, and this doesn’t even touch the list of places they have traveled together.  The love life and live it to the fullest each and every day. Even if it’s a walk on the boardwalk, or down to the local coffee shop, a nice lunch or bar for a cocktail.  They enjoy staying in and cooking new things, try new recipes and live a very healthy lifestyle. They love the Lakers, and very rarely miss watching a game. Even if not televised on their network of stations, they find a place to go watch. (when they are playing)
Better to vent on paper, than react with killing people.
Now to bring you to the reason I am writing this all out on paper.  My daughter is so excited to be part of this big wonderful Family, and we are so happy to welcome her Fiancé’ into our family. This young couple have been together for over 5 years, and have been planning their wedding for over a year and a half.  So Covid-19 has really set the Bride/Groom (everyone involved really) into a whirlwind of emotions, uncertainties and sometimes anger!  They asked themselves, are we going to be able to get married, do we have to postpone, cancel, move venues…. Nightmare Right!?  Some might think….. just postpone?  Well as you can tell a little about them by the beginning of this, they have a plan. The plan does not include postponing the wedding.  So as if a world Pandemic wasn’t enough, we have two dueling Mothers…. Hold on, not the Mother of the Bride, but the Mother (MOG) and Step Mother of the Groom (SMOG) acting like complete selfish, hateful and rude bitches! (sorry, I didn’t mention groom is from a split family). The two between each other don’t have a lot of communications, aside from a couple late night drunk text messages (from what MOG/SMOG have both shared), and just nasty words transmitted through other parties involved.  My daughter has tried to remain neutral and have relationships with both, as they will soon be her family.  She has a stronger relationship with one than the other, but that is based on the relationship her soon to be husband has with each.  Oh boy… to put it in a nutshell… these women have found a way to feud and put my daughter in the middle, along with many other victims.  My daughter has been used in a tug of war game between the two.  Mostly with assumption about how much one or the other is involved in the planning of the wedding, and even their assumption of my involvement has been miscued.  My daughter and soon to be son in law are very non-traditional and know their own vibe.  My daughter is very lucky to have a hands of fiancé that has helped plan and make decisions of what their wedding will look like.  So in all they have planned their entire wedding. (Keep in mind throughout this writing, that the parents of the Bride are paying the majority of the bill, with exceptions of a small cost of some rental furniture the FOG agreed to pay. The Bride and Groom have also taken on the complete Bar, and many other small things as well).  So to continue, there have been so many snarling comments from both MOG and SMOG that have been said to my daughter, things that are so unbelievably petty. As petty as they are at times, its abuse and becomes quite hurtful. I just ask myself why?  Why do these grown women treat my daughter so poorly?  My daughter is educated, has a BA, earned her teaching credentials and is working on her Masters. She holds a full time job earning a good salary.  She is beautiful, kind and generous with her time and sometimes goes above to keep the peace. Some might even be thinking; why would she still want to be part of this family.  Aside from the fact there are so many more amazing people in the family other than the MOG & SMOG, and of course the love she has for her soon to be husband, and the fact that he has stood by her side, one would of “taken the high road” (inside joke).  
A little to help you understand, or it will just seem unreal?
Back story…. Well, I won’t claim to know all the details, and don’t want to tell another women’s story.  Besides I have heard a little of both sides, and they don’t coincide.  Anyhow, I digress. MOG was married to Father of Groom (FOG)…. And one day she found out FOG was having a baby with the now SMOG. Now to clarify, the MOG and FOG were not divorce, but MOG thought (from how her story goes) she was a happily married with two young boys. (like 6 and 1.5 young). Fast forward 28 or more years later, the son is getting married to my daughter.  I’m sure it didn’t seem fast forward for all parties involved, but I wasn’t there.  I have heard stories from both women, and some a little crazy and neither paint a pretty picture of each other.  Hi I’m the Mother of the Bride… I’ve stayed neutral, stayed out of the drama and allowed my daughter to guide herself throw these rocky waters.  After all, she is the one marrying into this family.  Don’t get me wrong, I am 100% here for my daughter, I support her, give her advice and sometimes just hold her while she cries. Believe me when I say there have been times when I want to get in my car with a bat (and go play softball) or pick up phone and tell one of these ladies off.  However, my daughter is strong, smart and can handle herself.
This is where most of the fun begins.
These past two weeks have been a complete nightmare and a tale no one would believe unless it was in writing.  In the middle of a pandemic, we have riots and protest that engulf our lives. Police buildings being burnt down, looting, fighting and complete KAOS has taken over the world. Don’t get me wrong, changes need to be made and I am not saying the protesting is wrong, it just added a little more stress to a world that is already upside down with this COVID-19.   Not to even mention that USA is in the middle of an Election year.  This is just KAOS on top of KAOS, On top of KAOS…. And then you add the MOG & SMOG and it all seems a little un-real!
From the Start of the current storm.
Rewind about two weeks, and started with a little squabble between family (FOG side). SMOG went deep and attacked Brother of Groom, and then attacked a cousin and then continued to drag MOG through the mud with accounts that took place 25+ years ago?  I mean, my personal opinion, you sleep with another women’s husband, and wreck a household, you may have some consequences throughout your time.  Anyhow it came down to SMOG texting (not even a decent in person or very least pick up the phone) an apology.  My daughter let her know she accepts apology, but included how hurt she was that she was acting so hateful to the people she loves, and how it really has effected so many.  She added that she should get some help.  Well holy moly did that go off wrong!!!  SMOG came back with the a nasty, hateful Crazy effing text back!  Asking what help was she recommending.  Well my daughter is young, maybe a little naive to recognizing when a bomb is about to explode replied “you need to ask yourself that question”. After all anyone that would be so hateful, nasty and treat other people the way she had the previous couple days needs some kind of help.  POW POW…. Did that set off whatever unbalanced brain we are working with. SMOG came back asking my daughter where she got her Dr. degree and how she shouldn’t be giving advice she wasn’t qualified to give.  She added how wonderful of a SMOG she had been, and listed all her accolades of being a mother.  Most of which as mothers we all do.  I’m talking PTA, Volunteer positions at kid’s schools, taking to routine dr. and dentist along with toting them to all the extra activities kids participate in. So really just a bunch of noise, in addition to the continued bashing of the MOG. The straw that broke the camel’s back was the last comment she made attacking my daughter. She said that the only thig my daughter was worried about was this wedding, and to quote her “you don’t seem to care about much outside your white privileged wedding”.   Now that hit home a little funny because this wedding is not your Country club, spare no expense kind of wedding.  We have had to create a strict budget, and cut corners and find ways to have the dream wedding.  Yes, we are fortunate not to have run to Las Vegas or have a courthouse wedding, but definitely not a “White Privileged wedding”.   With all going on, we had to ask ourselves if SMOG learned a new saying amongst all the protest and riots. (ha ha).  Anyhow… that was funny, but incredible mean and hateful.  Some can already guess where this is going with upcoming wedding, if not let me illiterate. This was quickly finding SMOG on the un-invited list.  My daughters’ Fiancé got on phone and called his dad to find out what the heck was going on.  Not to share confidential information, the outcome was she would not come to the upcoming Bridal Shower and they would work day to day to see if she would be an invited guest at wedding.
Bridal Shower planning
My daughter has a large squad of friends who are amazing, and she has very special friendships with so many young ladies who she has met throughout her adolescent years, throughout her college and now profession life.  Many live out of state, and one even out of the country.  None local to host a bridal shower, so as the MOB I of course wanted my daughter to have an amazing shower, where we could come together and celebrate my girl.  Her Maid of Honor (MOH) who lives just a couple states away co-host with me and we worked together to have a “Garden” themed Bridal Shower at my house.
The Upcoming is here, enter the “Garden” with caution.
All is well, aside from FOG calling to have my daughter and his son reconsider having the SMOG at the shower.  Now, I was angry about her treatment of my daughter, it wasn’t about me banning her from the event.  It was the Bride & Groom who felt strong about not having her amongst MOG, mothers of others she had bashed and Grandmothers who also saw all the text, and hate messages she had rocket launched into the world wide world of text messages.   They thought it just might be best not to mix them, and not add fuel to the fire. In many ways they made the right call, because your soon to find out that with the MOG, and many family members from FOG side mixed was enough toxic energy to blow up a city block.  In all fairness, I must add that the FOG guest were on best behavior and I do not have any complaints.  Also I can understand how having to be in a space with ex-family would be stressful, but honestly after 28 years?  Well the MOG had her group of ladies rallied around, this group included friends and some aunts.  MOG brought tons of Champagne, and wine and they all sat and pretty much got hammered. It got raunchy and the group acted like it was a bachelorette party.  They disengaged during games and acted like school aged brats. While my daughter was opening up Shower gifts and trying to be graceful, they were in the back laughing, talking very loud. Taking pictures and totally oblivious to the fact they were indeed at a “Garden”/My daughter Bridal Shower.  I applaud my daughter for keeping her composure, and keeping it classy. She even called her soon to be Mother in Law (MIL) over when she was opening her gift to break up the frenzy that was taking place.  This was not a success; she went back to her own personal party within my daughter’s shower. Soon the presents were open, and this pretty much meant the end of event.  ALAJUELA ONE MIGHT BE THINGKING AT THIS POINT!  Even though this is supposed to be a joyous event.  Some quest had left, and some remained to just sit and talk. Well like a light switch, MOB was louder, flashing her legs up in air signally somehow towards the table that included some of the FOG family.  My daughter walked over and asked her future MIL to sit down, and maybe drink some water. I guess at this point you can guess my daughter is pretty good at lighting the bomb!  MOG went from crazy, to hysteria, slamming, pouring of wine on tables, crying to wanting to get behind the wheel and drive away.  Couple of her squad joined in, added to the madness…. It was basically an effing shit show!  
Back paddle for just a minute
Towards end of the shower, three of the most important men came home from golfing. The shower was a good excuse to get out of dodge, but they didn’t stay gone long enough.  My husband, my son and soon to be SIL arrived on time to witness the behavior of grown women acting like Sorority girls gone bad.  It was good and bad they came back a little early. Good because they would not have believed it unless seen for themselves. Bad because my SIL is so embarrassed by the poor behavior of his Mother and her friends/Aunts.
Back to the Garden
During MOG tyrant of throwing ice buckets and stomping out while giving the bird, she insisted she was going to drive home.  Many others (I stayed clear) tried to calm her down, and talk sense into MOG. She tried shoving another guest and continued to yell and scream.  My stern husband finally put his foot down and made MOG get into back seat and my husband ended up having to drive the MOG, her Trashy friend and poor sweet Grandma home.  My husband is good at deescalating a situation, and defiantly shows who the bigger person is to put himself in that situation.  In addition to the entire cost of Bridal Shower being on the Bride’s family, now my husband had to add additional expense to get home via Uber.
Was that all real?
Unbelievable right?  I left so much out.. but this is only a short blog to vent and get this all out of my head! After all was calm, we started cleaning up.  We stacked all the beautiful flower on one table, picked up trash, glasses. You know, all the regular stuff.  Small group of mostly my family and some of my girlfriends remained, and we indulged in a couple more drinks and ate some of the leftover food from shower.  We basically were kicking back having some relax time, played some corn hole, lit a small fire for one spoiled niece to make s’mores over.   Over all just a nice, change it up a little relax time.  Ended up picking up a couple pizzas and then ended the evening early. We were all so exhausted, it was time to call it.
Little did we know
Little did we all know, the entire evening and after my daughter and her fiancé left the madness continued. My soon to be SIL was getting rage texts from his mother.  I guess they were pretty bad, mean and hateful.  I don’t even want to know the details, because it would hurt my heart.
Hmmm…. What are you thinking about the Bride & Groom?
So maybe you’re thinking what kind of people the Bride and Groom are to be treated so poorly by these women in their lives?  The Groom grew up in a split home, going back and forth between Mom and Dads.  Again I only know what I have been told by conflicting people, but been around long enough to know that this young man is strong, determined, independent, kind and is always doing the right thing.  I mean doing right thing as always wishing his Step mom happy mother’s day, making sure he’s dividing his time between families, basically showing up to be part of a family regardless of circumstances.  As for his older brother, he checked out long ago.  Older brother shows up when he can’t get out of it, like Christmas dinner etc.   It appears both boys have a better relationship with their own mom, and that tells a tale all in itself.  I’m sure older brother who was about 6-7 years old when the home was split, must be a little angrier towards the Step Mom.  Older brother is successful, independent and lives further away than my daughter and fiancé.  My daughter in which I described earlier is a very loving and kind young lady. As her parent, she has never given us any grief.  Her fiancé and herself are ones who would rather avoid drama or any kind of atomicity and often pacify to keep everyone happy.  So bottom line, they are good people who do not deserve what they have been given during this already difficult time planning wedding during Covid19, protests, riots, looting and election year.
It started off romantic
In the Summer of 2019 my then daughter’s boyfriend asked my husband and I if he could ask our daughter to marry him. We were ecstatic, and absolutely gave our blessing. He had purchased a beautiful, sparkly and a fair size diamond ring. As I mentioned before they had a trip, to Barcelona. This is where he popped the question. The planning began, they had their vision and it was coming along great.  I didn’t have to do much, as they were doing it all.  It was kind of a relief, and knew that my daughter was being smart and planning a with a budget that met what we could afford. It was going to be in a beautiful Garden venue close to the Ocean. They had lined up all the vendors for the food, lighting, the rustic wood tables, DJ, Dessert bar, Bar tender, flowers, it was a beautifully planned wedding. Then along came COVID-19.
Four Months until wedding
So four months out, we had a lot of hope and were optimistic that COVID-19 wouldn’t cancel their dream wedding.  COVID-19 peaked, and was appearing to ease.  Stores, we’re opening and it appeared we were progressing. Stage 1, then stage two and then 1 month before wedding we were entering stage 3 in additional stages and requirements.  It was looking good, reports showed religious ceremonies a go, restaurants a go, bars open. All looks good for a wedding!  It was just about now, at the one month that the SMOG started the Family Feud. Funny thing was, my Future SIL, his Step Mom, Brother, Cousin and sister had just aired on the game show “Family Feud”.  Anyhow… 1 month and all the drama with SMOG, this is one-week shy of Bridal Shower, and we all know how that went down.  We are now at 3 weeks out and venue says, hold your brakes!  They now can only have 75 people for a wedding, and no reception. Went from 207 guest invited, due to covid and traveling across US borders and some of the guest that are higher at risk as elders or have underlining conditions opted out.  We were at a solid 150.  How do we cut this in half? What about the reception, that’s the fun part where we get to celebrate the Bride and Groom?
This brings us to today 6-22-2020
So with only 75 people allowed, we are looking for a restaurant or venue to accommodate at least 100 people for a dinner or a small reception.  Original Garden venue also wants to charge $2000 for just a 75 person wedding?  Little steep in comparison to what we were getting before.  So we are at the starting line, trying to figure this out in a three-week time.
My final thoughts
I want my daughter to have the most beautiful wedding she can possibly have under the current conditions.  We have thousands of dollars already invested in vases, votive candles, napkins, venue, caterer, photographer, and all the furniture and lighting vendors, the dessert table… and so on.  It must make sense, and not steer to far from her vision or the budget.  I suggested a “Backyard” wedding, which I know sounds trashy.  I have a pretty large size backyard, and it’s a blank slate for however her vision can transform it into.  It can hold 100-120 and they could utilize all the items that are already paid for and they wouldn’t go to waste.  My brother had his reception here 22 years ago, and we could make this backyard wedding look like a tropical garden in the middle of our City if she wants. Believe me, I don’t want it at my home.  It would be a lot of work!  We are already exhausted from all the drama and just wish this damn Covid-19 would go away and stop interfering.  Just pray for my daughter and her soon to be husband, pray that they find a new venue that fits the vision they both have.  They will soon learn that marriage is hard, and it takes sacrifices, and compromising to make it last as long as my husband and my marriage has.  We will be celebrating 30 years next May.  COVID-19 may stop these two youngsters from taking a honeymoon until next year, maybe we can do a 2ndhoneymoon with their first! LOL
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2018 Year in REVIEW: Part 2
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 Hello everybody, JoyofCrimeArt here, and it's time to wrap up Deviant-cemnber by finishing this recap. If you're just joining us I'm going over all the events that happened to the cartoon community thought the year of 2018. I'm also ranking all the new series from best to worse, and deciding which network was the quote unquote "winner" of the year. If you haven't seen part one, you can check it out here. 2018 Year in REVIEW: Part 1 But for everyone else, let's get on with the review. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  So at the end of the last part, we had to deal with that whole "Thundercats CalArts" debacle. Not exactly the most "positive" stopping point. So why don't we start this part with something light? Oh hey, look, people are talking about Butch Hartman! He's always good for a laugh. What's he up too?
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 Oh no...
 So Butch Hartman, America's dad, started a Kickstarter for his own streaming service. It's called Oaxis and is suppose to be a family friendly streaming service with original programming along the lines of Netflix. Butch asked for 250,000 dollars in order to get the basic groundwork for the site up and running. That's a lot of money to ask for, so there's no way he could actually...Holy crap, he actually did it! The madman pulled it off!  Now, there's a lot to unload here. Butch Hartman's streaming service initially was met with controversy due to how vague everything about it was. There were a lot of unanswered questions. We didn't know what kind of shows it would have outside of a few failed pilots that Butch had pitched to various networks in the years prior. Were there other creators had plans to affiliate themselves with the project? All of these unanswered questions lead a lot of people to think that this was all just a big scam. If I had to make a guess, I have a feeling that part of the point of the Kickstarter was to act as a proof of concept. A way to show investors that there was an interest in the service. While a quarter of a million dollars is a lot, that's still not anywhere NEAR enough to run an entire new entertainment platform.  However, I wanna be devil's advocate here. Butch Hartman has some experience in this field.The Noog Network, is an app that he developed that specializes in family friendly animated and live action shorts all created by Butch Hartman himself. Not exactly the same as a streaming service, but still. And consider that Butch has ties to people in the industry, and has experiences running a business in the form of his nonprofit charity The Hartman House, MAYBE he could pull it off? Maybe? Possibly...  But that's not where the controversy ends however! As footage leaked of old Butch-y boi speaking at a church event promoting Oaxis. Here he made several claims that many found to be a bit disconcerting. Such as claims that his streaming service would feature "Christian values" which is something not at all mentioned in his Kickstarter. As a Christian myself I've always thought of Christian values as things like kindness, generosity, respect. All things that aren't necessarily exclusive to Christianity. So maybe he meant like that. However, the fact that he was invited as a special guest to a church to speak about the service...It's definitely a little bit suspect. There's nothing wrong with making a streaming service aimed at Christian families, but you should at least mention it in the Kickstarter. That way people know what they're donating too. He later specified in a tweet that while the service wouldn't inherently be Christian themed, but since Butch Hartman is a devout Christian himself, that would always carry over into his work no matter what he does. It should be noted  that in the same speech he list his previous shows as containing the same "Christian values" and I don't think anybody was ever converted to Christianity by T.U.F.F Puppy. I don't know.  Man, between this and last years Castlevania, I love being forced to talk about my religious views in a article that's suppose to be about dumb cartoon shows.  He also made a controversial claim saying that suicides are more common now of days because of peoples addition to cell phones and technology. Saying that because of these technology people not talking to their parents as much as a result. I'm not a researcher on this, so I have no idea if this is actually true. I could definitely see that could at least be partially true with things like cyber bulling and the lack of communication with parents COULD possibly be a factor in the increases of suicides. But it defiantly feels like a disservice to just ignore issues like mental health being a factor. I can defiantly see how people could of taken offense.  All of this backlash lead to everyone's favorite 2018 game! "Attack people online until they apologize!" Cause as we all know, nothing makes an apology more sincere than when it's forced out of them by an angry mob! But eventually all the heat died down when all the "Butch Hartman Rant" videos stopped getting views, I mean, when there was nothing left to talk about. Overall, I think that the situation was just bad on all fronts. Butch should of said something to explain himself, and not be so vague in his goals. But also, we live in a day and age where I honestly wonder if that would of been the smartest move. It feels like once people have their opinion set, there's no going back. I mean how often to celebrity apologizes even work? Still though, smart or not, it would of been the right thing to do.  However, I would like to point out that all of this hate started simply because he reached his goal. All the stuff about the church and his suicide comments all came after he was already getting hate for being a scam artist. But the thing is, we don't even know if he is a scam artist or not. Sure, the fact that he's barely talked about Oaxis at all since the Kickstarter was funded doesn't bode well. But from what I could fine, he's given out most of the rewards he promised. And on the Kickstarter page he says the site wasn't expected to launch until mid 2020. Do I think Butch will be able to pull this off? Probably not...but I hope he does. I want Oaxis to be a thing, cause I am interested in some of the shows he's talked about putting on there, like Elf Detective. And if you hate Butch and hope for Oaxis to fail, that's your prerogative. But if you are hoping for it to fail, than you're hoping that nearly thirteen hundred people got scammed out of their money. Just saying.  Ugh! I'm sick of this drama. I want more uplifting Kickstarter news! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Homestar Runner was one of the first big web series that existed B.Y. Before Youtube. The series has been running off and on for about nineteen years now. And the creators, The Brother Chaps, decided to make a Kickstarter campaign to make a tabletop board game based on one of there series most popular characters. Trogdor, the Burniator. A poorly drawn dragon with an affinity for burning down cottages. The Kickstarter was set up for a goal seventy thousand dollars. Which feels like a lot for a board game, but hey, what do I know. While Homestar still has a very loyal fanbase, the series defiantly is nowhere near as popular as it was in the early to mid two thousands. And seventy thousand is a pretty hefty goal? Would a board game based on an outdated internet meme from 2004 really be able to make that kind of money?  It reached it's goal in less than a day. And by the end they ended up making over one point four million dollars! I don't know what exactly The Brothers Chaps are going to do with all that money, but it's nice to know that the Homestar fanbase is still alive and well after all that time. And it's also nice to just see a Kickstarter that reached it's goal, delivered everything it promised, and didn't get into any major controversies.   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Anyway, back to controversy. Cyma Zarghami, president of Nickelodeon since 2006, resigned. And people hate her because of some...controversy. Something about unions I think? Yeah, I didn't bother looking into this one. Between the Thundercats Roar drama and Butch Hartman stuff, I just couldn't go through all of this again. Sometimes ignorance is bliss, so I'm perfectly happy to be the ostrich with it's head in the sand on this one! However, like I said last time, it'll be very interesting to see what happens to Nickelodeon in the next couple of years. Without Butch Hartman, Dan Schneider, and now Cyma Zarghami I feel like Nickelodeon five years from now could be something completely unrecognizable from what it is today. And hopefully it'll be in a good way. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  But hey, this year wasn't all drama though. I mean look at all the new shows we got. Like Pinky Malinky.
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DELAYED!  Okay, well at least we finally have Young Justice season three...
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DELAYED!  The new Harley Quinn Cartoon...
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DELAYED!  FXX's Deadpool?
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CANCELED!  TBS's Close Enough from Regular Show creator JG Quintel?
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WHO THE FU*K EVEN KNOWS AT THIS POINT?  Seriously, what's with this year? It's like everything has been delayed! What the heck? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Nickelodeon announced that they're making a reboot for the Rugrats. And just...why?  Money-    Yes, I know it's money! But it's a show about babies! When you make a reboot of something, the entire point is to update it. But when your show is about babies, how are you suppose to do that? Babies today are still doing the same things that babies did back in 1991. And with the first show having one hundred seventy two half hour episodes. What stories are left to tell?  Then again, anything can be good. That Muppet Babies reboot (Which I didn't watch and isn't on this list) seems to be pretty well received. So maybe it could work. I don't know. I've never seen to much Rugrats growing up, so it's hard for me to get excited for this. But I'm sure someone will enjoy it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  So Netflix decided to drop all of their new series all at the end of the year. Their first one is Matt Groening's Disenchantment. 
 The series follows Bean, the princess of the magical kingdom of Dreamland. She's a bitter snarky alcoholic, cause AGAIN, NEVER SEEN THAT CHARACTER DONE BEFORE! The series follows her, as well as her personal demon Luci and her elf companion Elfo through various misadventures. Think what Futurama did with Sci-fi but with a fantasy setting and you have this show. Only...Comedy Centeral era Futurama.  I didn't really enjoy the first seven or so episodes of this show that much. The show wasn't bad per say, but it wasn't really anything great either. This show is aimed slightly more towards adults than Matt Groening's previous works, having a TV-14 rating instead of a TV-PG. The humor is a bit darker and edgier, and it lead to this very mean spirited feel over the entire show. The cast aren't particularly likable, and Dreamland just isn't a fun setting to be around. One thing I did like however was the fact that the show had an on going continuity and changing status quo. This is refreshing considering that Matt Groenings other shows (mainly The Simpsons) are famous for almost always returning to their status quo.  But here's the weird thing, starting with episode 8, the show suddenly has this MASSIVE spike in quality out of nowhere as all the plot points that have been building over the course of the season all start to pay off. The characters all become a lot more likable. The stakes are raised. Like, it's weird how different these last three episodes are. I'd go into more detail, but unfortunately I can't due to spoilers, but trust me, the show gets better. It's not "classic Simpsons" or "classic Futurama" good, but still. It's not THAT far off.  This sudden spike in quality makes it hard for me to decide how to rate this show. But since most of the run is pretty sub par, I kinda just have to average it out. Unfortunately due to the continuity you can't just skip till the end. It all really depends how patient you are. But even the bad stuff isn't awful or anything. It's just kinda bland. The show was picked up for a second season and I am looking forward to seeing where this show will go. I think that season two could be something great, but just talking about season one, it's...okay. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Hey, it feels like it's been a while since we had a controversy. 
 It seems recently there are so many streaming services out there creating there own original series, it's hard to keep track. You got Netflix, Hulu, DC Universe, Soon they'll be Disney+...Oaxis-  So it only made since for a site like Cruchyroll to start making they're own exclusive content. You'd think they would just hire some anime studio to make originals for them like Netflix does. But no, they decided to go with a more American styled series. High Guardian Spice. The trailer doesn't reveal much about the show, but plot wise it sounds eerily similar similar to RWBY. About a group of girls all named after different spices going to school to become "Guardians." Whatever that means.  There were a lot of reason people were upset. From it be a more Americanized looking series. To the fact that Cruchyroll's (from what I hear) site having some interface problems that some people would rather have them devoting the money on fixing. But the main reason people were upset was because of the series trailer spent more time talking about the diversity of the crew and characters than they did the show plot. Outrage was also sparked from the fact that they use the fact that they have an all female writers room as a sign of there "diversity." Even though having a writers room were everyone is the same gender isn't actually diverse.  I have no problem with diversity in my stories. But the fact that they chose to focus on it as a highlight when they talked so little about the story of the characters is what has me worried. It makes me worried that the crew aren't confident enough in the series premise and characters to carry the series on it's own. It's better to make a story that's good first, and diverse second as oppose to the other way around. When you do it the other way, you end up with Ghostbusters 2016. I think. I never saw it, but I hear it's "okay" at BEST. People don't like things shoved down there throats, even if it's something they agree with. Most people support diversity. But when you tell them that they HAVE to support it, that's what makes people start to hate it. Humans are very spiteful creatures in that regard.  However, despite all of that, I'm still kinda excited for this show. I LOVE the art style. And you all know by now that I love me a good girly cartoon. And many other shows that boast about their diversity (Like Steven Universe and She Ra, which I'll get to in little bit) still manage to be good. It can be distracting when you see a cartoon and know what ideals the creators are trying to push. I get it. But sometimes you just have to take the death of the author approach, and just see the show for what it is on it's own. You might be surprised by what you can enjoy. We'll have to wait to see how this show pans out. But if they're able to include some Mike Toole, I'm sold. 
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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  It seems like every year we have one BIG cartoon finale. 2016 had Gravity Falls. 2017 had Regular Show. And now after eight long years, it's time for Adventure Times Grand Finn-ale.  ...I'm not sorry.  Adventure Time ended with an hour long episode "Come Along with Me." I'll try to not spoil the special TOO much for those who haven't seen it, but if you want to go in completely blind I suggest skipping down to the next segment cause this is your SPOILER WARNING. The special revolves around the Gum War between Princess Bubblegum and her Uncle Gumbald. A plot that had been slowly growing all season. On top of that, Betty and Normal Man are trying to find a way to turn Ice King back into Simon.  The things I do like about the finale is just the sheer number of callbacks that were made. While I think a few did go over my head, as there are a few episodes of Adventure Time I've never gotten around to seeing, it's nice to see so many returning concepts and characters. I'm glad they included things from the entire series run, instead of just the "classic" episodes that most people would recognizes. It rewards fans who stuck around for the long haul. It was also nice seeing most of the series lingering plot points wrap up. And we finally got to see the kiss that we've all been waiting years for. And kudos to CN for allowing them to do it. It was very brave of them.  I am of course talking about LSP and Lemongrab, baby! Wooh! 
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 There's also the ending. Which is just a montage set to the end credits song showing where all the characters end up after the series. I love endings like this so damn much, and while it didn't hit me as hard as Regular Show's finales montage, it still hits the feels.
 The special does have it's flaws though. The Gum War really felt like an anti-climax and the shift to GOLB felt very out of left field. Also the fate of Uncle Gumbald left a very bad taste in my mouth. It kinda felt like they went against the whole point they tried to make. I admit that I didn't enjoy this finale as much as I did the Gravity Falls or Regular Show finales, but it's still sad seeing Adventure Time go. It defined cartoons of the 2010's. And I don't think they'res been a show since that's been quite like it. Even though the later seasons weren't as good, Adventure Time will always have a special place in my heart. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Netflix continues to pump out series after series with another new series, Dragon Prince.
 Dragon Prince is a series set in a fantasy world in the midst of war. On one side is the humans, and on the other side the Elves and Dragons. The series follows two human princes, Callum and Ezran as well as a elf assassin named Rayla, as they go on a quest that will hopefully bring peace to there world.  The series features a lot of crew and voice actors who previously worked on Avatar: The Last Airbender. And it shows. I mean both shows follow a group of kids traveling through a fantasy world in the middle of a war. The seasons are called books, and each book based on a different element of the magic system. I was worried this show would falls end up being just a carbon copy of Avatar. But luckily, the show does manage to have it's own feel despite having a lot of stimulates.  The animation is a bit of a mixed bag. It's cel shaded CGI, similar to RWBY. But despite the series being made by a company much bigger than Rooster Teeth, the animation is so much more lag-y. Something about the frame rate seems off at times. Also I noticed background characters being copied and recolored a few times in my watch. But none of this took me to much out of the experience.  The characters and writing are all really good for the most part. One of the best parts of Avatar was how it showed that both sides of the war had normal people. And Dragon Prince takes this element and brings it one step further. Neither side of the war are depicted as wholly right or wholly wrong, with both sides committing terrible acts. That's a lot of complexity for a show that's aimed at children. However, there is a villain who, while I won't reveal who he/she is, feels very cartoonishly evil for this otherwise complex world. Like, you could make this character complex very easily. A lot of the villains goals and reasoning makes sense, and are even justifiable. But the methods used are just the most mustache twirling ways of achieving these goals, even when there are less evil ways of accomplishing the same thing. It's weirdly out of place.  However, despite the flaws, Dragon Prince is a really good show that manages to feel similar to Avatar while still being it's own thing. I highly recommend you check it out.   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Speaking of Avatar, Netflix is making one! Particularly a live action reboot. And just...Why?  Money-    Yes, I know it's money! But everybody already love the original Avatar! What is there to change? What needs to be updated? And what can be done in live action that can't be done in animation. It feels like all these live action remakes only exist in order to "legitimize" their animated counterparts. Cause God forbid something animated be watched by adults. I dunno. There's a very good chance this could be good, but I doubt it'll be better than the original series. I have no interest in this. Netflix, you have Dragon Prince! You don't need this! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  But Netflix isn't done yet! Cause we also have Hilda! Based on the series of graphic novels of the same name.
 Hilda follows...Hilda. A young adventurous girl who spent her whole life living in a magical forest with her Mom. That is until one day her Mom decides to move to the city of Trolberg. Now Hilda has to learn to adapt to her new surroundings in the city, learn to make friends with normal humans, and deal with magical creatures. Cause despite the fact that Trolberg has a wall designed to keep magical creatures out, the city really sucks at doing so.    This shows really cute! The art style reminds me of a cross between Steven Universe and The Loud House. But with any series involving kids interacting with magical creatures the comparisons are going to be brought up. Is Hilda the next Over The Gravity Garden Falls? Seriously, ever video on Youtube about Hilda brings up this comparison.  And really, outside of the premise of "adventurous child exploring magical forest" Hilda isn't really like either of those shows. Hilda is a lot lighter in tone than those two series. The monsters aren't as scary and the humor is a lot less snarky. There aren't really that many "jokes" in Hilda as the series relies more on overall pleasantness. Also there isn't any real overarching mystery element in Hilda. It's more slice of life. Why can't Hilda just be the next...Hilda?  It's a quaint show. From the animation, to the tone, to the voice acting, it all just feels so cozy. I also love the creativity with all the different creatures they come up with. It's has a unique charm to it, and it's fun seeing a world where everyone just knows magic exist and society has integrated with it. If I had to point out a few flaws, I'd say that the subplot they have with Hilda's best friend Frieda wasn't very good. I really have no idea what they were going for with that. And the show can be a bit repetitive at times, but that might just be because I had to binge it in order to finish it in time for this review. But overall this is a really nice show. Check it out if you can. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  OK KO is well known for it's crossovers from Captain Planet to Mighty Magiswords. But this year, they created the ultimate crossover. And if we could just appreciate the dedication to the past that the crew for OK KO clearly had when making this crossover? You all know what I'm talking about right? OK KO meet Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School Baby! That's right, the crossover that we've all been waiting for.
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 ...  AND THEY SAID AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR WAS THE MOST AMBITIOUS CROSSOVER OF ALL TIME!  They were even allowed to use the original Hannah-Barbara model sheets. This is notable as I think it's the first time OK KO has ever actually used a model sheet. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Hey, everybody loves Fallout 76, right? While we all agree the game is a flawless masterpiece, I just wish there was a way to somehow make it even better. Like, what if we got the twitch streamer Ninja, The rapper Logic, and RICK AND MORTY to all live stream the game together? Now THAT would be a lot of IQ....
 ...  aNd ThEy SaId ThAt AvEnGeRs: InFiItY wAr WaS tHe MoSt AmBiTiOuS cRoSsOvEr oF AlL tImE!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I swear, Netflix won't be satisfied until they make at least one thousand original animated series a year. Here's She-Ra and the Princess of Power. Not to be confused with She-Ra: Princess of Power. That's the 80's show.  Good job naming your show there, Netflix! 
This is the cheesiest theme song ever, I love it so much!  Now, from what I understand, a lot of OG She-Ra fans don't like this reboot because it changed so much from the original. However, as someone who knows next to nothing about She-Ra or He-Man, I'm can't really comment on any inaccuracies. So I'm going to have to judge it as it's own thing.  She-Ra follows Adora, a child solider serving as force captain in The Horde army. But one day, after finding a magical sword in the forest, she gains the ability to transform into the Hero, She-Ra. Not long after that she finds out that, shock of all shock, the army that's literally called THE HORDE are actually the bad guys. so she defects from the Horde, and joins the Rebellion with her new friends Bow and Glimmer. Now Adora, along with a growing army of magical princesses, must find a way to fight back against the Horde. Meanwhile The Horde, specifically Adora adopted sister/possible...lover Catra try to bring her back to her "home."  I like this show. It's not amazing or anything. But it's a fun, girly action series. That's something I like about Netflix, it's one of the only channels out there that's not afraid to do action series. While the characters aren't that complex, they're fun and all have good chemistry together. Everybody feels like a real person. And this applies to both the Rebellion and the Horde. The show does a good job of juggling a lot of characters, while still keeping focus on the main cast.  AND YOU WANNA TALK SAD, LONELY LESBIANS! THIS WHOLE SHOW IS A SAD LONELY LESBIAN! Though did anyone else find it a bit strange that Adora's relationship with Catra seemingly bounces back and forth between "sister" and "lover." Like, I don't care which way you go with, but you really need to pick one or the other...  I know a lot of people are annoyed by the fact that a lot of classic designs and characters were changed to make the show more diverse. I didn't mind this to much. Adaptations change race, sexuality, and body types all the time. And I can only think of one time where it ever felt distracting, and even then it was brief. I never found it to bothersome.  Downsides though, the tone is kinda wonky at times. Nothing to noticeable, but sometimes it seems like the show is trying to be a serious action adventure, while other times it feels like it's trying to be campy like the 80's series. There's an episode called "Princess Prom" and it's one of the turning points in the season. Like, how am I suppose to take this seriously. But luckily it never gets that bad. I think the show is somewhat aware of a wink and nod nature to the show. It's a fun series. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  And unfortunately, we have to end the year on a downer note. As Stephen Hillenburg, creator of Spongebob, passed away at the age of 57 from ALS. I don't know what to say. I hate taking an entire human beings life and acting like there art is all that mattered. But as I don't know the man personally, I'll just say that he created one of the most well know fictional characters of all time. Spongebob is the first thing most people think of when you say Nickelodeon. And it's one of the few characters that I think will be remembered even a hundred years in the future, along the likes of Mickey Mouse, Bugs Bunny, and Popeye. Even in death, his legacy will live on. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  And with that, we end 2018 year in review! It's been a hell of a wild ride! But how does the year rank overall? First, we'll start with my old favorite. Ranking the series in a way that'll end up regretting in a month! Keep in mind this is a rough list. List aren't really my specially, and each show offers and is going for it's own unique thing. So sometimes it's hard to compare them. Also these rankings could change in the following year as new episodes come out. But if I had to rank them... 9. Apple and Onion 8. Craig of the Creek 7. Final Space 6. Disenchantment 5. Nomad of Nowhere 4. She Ra and The Princess of Power 3. Ballmastrz 9006 2. Hilda 1. Dragon Prince  And keep in mind that, due to both a lack of time and lack of cable, there were a lot of shows I wasn't able to check out or just wasn't interested in discussing. Like these!  (Big City Greens, Harvey Street Kids, Mega Man: Fully Charged, Muppet Babies, Our Cartoon President (HAHA! Trump jokes! Never seen those before!), Paradise PD (Cause we definitely need another show from the makers of Brickleberry!), Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Star Wars Resistance, Summer Camp Island, Super Drags, The Adventures of Kid Danger, The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants, The Hollow, The Shivering Truth, Total Dramarama)  As for the grade, it's a bit tricky. If I had to go just by the shows, I'd give it a B. They're weren't many shows I LOVED but they're weren't many shows I outright hated. Most shows this year were "good." But if we decide to count all the drama, that would drag the year all the way down to a C. There was just so much drama that, along with a few other personal reasons, I found myself kinda falling out of the animation community as a whole this year. And when the drama actually starts making you wonder why you entered this community in the first place, that's not a good thing. So take that for what you will.  As for best network, I once again have to give it to Netflix. I know it's kinda unfair since I didn't watch any Nickelodeon or Disney shows this year. But with so many more shows and channels watching a show from each is getting harder and harder. And Netflix is just pumping out series after series. And most of them are pretty good. It feels like the people at Netflix are really given free range to do whatever they want over there. And we get some really unique series as a result. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  2018 may not have been the best year for animation, but I really think that 2019 is going to be a really good year. I mean just with what's already been announced we've got so many good series to look forward to! There's Infinity Train, Owl House, Amphibia, Los Casagrandes, Victor and Valentino, Gen: Lock, Harley Quinn, Young Justice Season Three, Theoretically Close Enough! Plus a lot more! Seriously, next year I'm either going to have to cut out a lot of anticipated series or make this a three part-er. Which would you prefer? And what did you think of 2018 for animation? What series were the best, and which were the worst? Leave any thoughts in the comments down bellow, I'd love to hear em. Fav, Follow, and comment if you like the review. And have a great new year. And let's all hope that 2019 can have a little less drama.  Um, isn't Thundercats Roar and High Guardian Spice coming out next year too? 2019 is going to be the biggest dumper fire ye-  Have a great day. (I do not own any of the images or videos in this review. All credit goes to there original owners.) 
  https://www.deviantart.com/joyofcrimeart/journal/2018-Year-in-REVIEW-Part-2-779673316 DA Link
27 notes · View notes
regularbeans · 5 years
Best Artists of 2019
Hello and welcome to me forgetting how I do these things.
So as you may have noticed I got into kpop last year and then I continued getting into kpop this year. This year I got to know a lot of other artists in kpop and mostly spent my time listening to one specific artist (you will never guess whom) so this list is... just that ok. Also this category used to be called best newbies and only included artists I got to know in a specific year then I changed it to include any artist I listened to a lot but with a few exceptions all the music I listened to this year were new discoveries for me so...
Idk why I always overexplain these, huh.
Honourable mentions go to Monsta X, Nu’est, Chungha, Sunmi, Stray Kids, Bolbbalgan4, The Boyz, and returning artists Mamamoo ♥♥
7 - NCT (the whole of it but mostly 127)
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As a baby kpoppie NCT always seemed so intimidating to me with its many many members but the few songs I liked from them upon first listen eventually lured me into getting to know them. Now I’m no expert but to me NCT is a little frustrating because I feel like the label could do so much more with them (and by more I don’t mean to make certain members work even more). I have to admit I often don’t feel like a proper fan because I don’t follow them very closely but to me their music is always the best part of the package and I care very little for their vlogs and... whatever else they’re doing, honestly.
But as a group I feel like they really could do anything as they’ve already explored so many styles and concepts there really isn’t anything that doesn’t sound like them. My personal favourites are Superhuman, Touch, and Boss but this year NCT Dream made a really good comeback I was 100% on board with with Boom, and Wayv’s debut Take Off was also 👌👌👌👌👌👌
6 - Oneus
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I didn’t know a whole lot about anything when these guys debuted and I didn’t even know Valkyrie was their debut song for a long time. It was nice and I didn’t really keep them in mind any longer until they were on Weekly Idol with the other group I’ll talk about in a bit and then I mean, I just had to adopt them, I think we all did at that point. It was also around the time they had their first comeback and it was 👌👌👌👌👌👌 but they still only lived in my tiny brain as a group I’ll eventually get into. And then they released 가자 and I did!
They have two amazing rappers and a fairly versatile vocal line and a style that allows for both dynamic bangers and less radio friendly albeit still addictive tunes that defines their sound even further. I don’t know a lot about how they well-promoted they are, I know they have a shitton of schedules so I hope RWB calms the fuck down eventually and paces themselves because these boys are really promising.
I guess checking their title tracks, Valkyrie, Twilight, and *cringe* Lit should have to suffice but also Bingbing and Blue Sky.
5 - Tomorrow x Together
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I never said I didn’t like them so stop staring at me.
Obviously their debut was exciting and interesting and I was really looking forward to seeing what they would be like. It wasn’t 100% my cuppa though Crown was an amazing song, I was still happy for them and excited to see how they would evolve overtime. I kinda fell off the bandwagon around May and June cause they weren’t really putting out content based around music and I’m not super interested in variety shows and reality shows unless I’m really invested in the members, but their first comeback was also 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌 The songs are really poppy and catchy and cover a variety of themes I think most people interested in getting emotional value out of music can relate to and Yeonjun and Soobin are just, simply put, my boys.
If I could have one comment on what I’d like to see change in the future it’d be the endless masking and layering of the vocals. I can just about tell their voices apart in certain songs but then they pump ‘em full of effects in other songs and I’m jus like whomstdve the fuck am I listening to?
Check out Crown and Run Away, their two title tracks so far and also my personal favourite, Magic Island and maybe Can't We Just Leave the Monster Alive? too and this one as well whatever.
4 - Taemin / Shinee
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I’ll put these two together because yOU CAN’T SEPARATE THEM OKAY I mean it is true that Taemin’s solo material is vastly, vastly different from Shinee’s music but uh this is how I decided.
Shinee is very fun, very diverse, they have the most heart-wrenching songs and then the most upbeat melodies that kickstart the serotonin-production in my brain just like that. I mean they are just vocal powerhouses and they’re using it, but in the same time they have like, these low(er)-energy bops that are just so pleasant to listen to.
Shinee’s weird cause I have a Shinee playlist where I put all the songs I liked from them and I think I don’t know the title of a good half of them but I don’t think I’ve ever pressed the skip button while playing that playlist.
And then Taemin is just very different on his own. Vocally he’s way more strong than Shinee’s music would have you believe, and though he has a sexy concept going on most of the time he’s also not way over the top with it which is... weird to say because he’s very theatrical sometimes. But especially if you compare his most recent material to his solo debut stuff he just looks and sounds way more relaxed in what he’s doing (it’s almost as though he’s matured a little over the years. but only a little). Things you love to see: that.
From Shinee: Symptoms, Countless, The Reason, Drive, Don’t Let Me Go, 1 of 1 From Taemin: Stone Heart, Want, Move, Under My Skin
3 - Day6
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I want you to picture this: me, crying.
I had heard about Day6 from one of my two kpop mutuals on twitter lmao but I always heard Days Gone By mentioned as the best song ever and when I checked it out I didn’t think it to be very special at the time. It was only because I thought Time of Our Life was ok and cute and Shoot Me was very catchy that I made a playlist with all their songs on it and listened to it one time when I had to walk a mile to the train station at five in the morning. And then I heard 121U and Headache and that was it.
I don’t think I say anything outlandish if I say Day6 could be from any other part of the world if you take a look at their sound. They’re very easy-listening pop rock, they’re the kind of melodic rock music I loved when I was in high school. So what makes them special?
That I love them, that’s what >[ I don’t think they have anything more than any other group in their genre but I think they just have everything to steal my friKKEN HEART. First of all I don’t know what kind of demon deal JYP made to get a hold of four vocalists like this, I mean they’re all different but instantly recognisable and their range is just ????????? I think Jae is considered the weakest vocalist (outside of Dowoon but I mean he’s drums) and even the notes that boy belts out are blowing my mind. He has a very natural, almost untrained-sounding tone, Sungjin’s very raspy and emotional, Young K’s voice is very open and full (I think he actually has the biggest range? I could be wrong), and Wonpil has that boyish, charming, kinda slippery but still stable voice that first grabs your attention.
And of course a lot of the writing credit goes to the group’s very own Young K which makes me feel a lot closer to them when I’m listening to their songs. So good job, guys, on everything.
Truly, though, getting to know Day6 has just been so special this year and it just goes to show how even mainstream pop music in korea can be so diverse and anyone could find something they like at any corner.
Holy fuckbucket, what should I even recommend? I guess listen to Shoot Me, 121U, Headache, then also my first favourite song, Somehow, my current favourite song Beautiful Feeling and my current second favourite song I Need Somebody and also their most recent comeback Sweet Chaos and my recent new discoveries Lean On Me, Goodbye Winter, I Would and but also just check out my Spotify playlist for them I literally love every single song on there. Fuck, Like That Sun, Letting Go, Sing Me, Rescue Me, 365247 i’M DYING HERE, SUNGJIN
2 - Seventeen
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For the longest time, well, for about five months I guess, I thought these guys would be first place on this list forever. They were the ones who broke the big BTS spell I was under for the second half of 2018 and I really just, fell facefirst into the diamond life. Getting Closer didn’t quite get me in the first round and even Home was a bit like, okay, cute, best of luck for them. Then something happened and both Getting Closer and Home just hit me like a fucking truck even though they’re on two opposite sides of the scale. You know. The song scale. The famous one? That one.
I made a tweet once that I still agree with, that loving Seventeen really is just cutting your own heart up into thirteen even-sized bits and every single bit is filled with so, so much love.
Like many/some(?) of the groups I love, Seventeen is self-composed and for that I am so grateful because their label Pledis is a shithole so thank fuck to Mr. Lee Jihoon for carrying the industry on his back.
The group consists of three units, all of which have their distinct strengths (except for the performance unit, those theatre nerds just had to be good at everything, didn’t they) and Seventeen makes time to explore all of those units, sometimes even making other subunits from different boy configurations (or boyfigurations for short) and somehow it manages to feel balanced and patient and not rushed.
And I especially love how admittedly they started to stop caring about what the public expects from them and they’re exploring concepts that excites them personally. They caught a lot of flak for releasing songs like Hit and Fear after the astounding success Home had back in January and a lot of fans and non-fans alike quoted the groups unwillingness to keep doing what has been proven to work as the reason of their diminishing sales and public interest.
And even though I personally enjoy their brighter concepts also, I just, I can respect that attitude, you know? At the end of the day Seventeen has an obvious and visible love for their own craft and there’s nothing more enjoyable than that.
Now I’m really in trouble as to what to recommend, they have so many different types of songs x”) Okay, Our Dawn is Hotter Than Day, Clap, Adore U, Home, Getting Closer. Also Hit. And like, a billion of their b-sides, just check my spotify playlist for them ok.
1 - Ateez
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*feeling of fear*
Do I even have to go into why I love Ateez? Every time I think about them and just how big a part they played in my life this year I get this overwhelming urge to express just why and just how much I love them.
This year I really just... lost the ability to be happy about things that used to give so much happiness. It’s been a sad and scary downward spiral that I just don’t have enough strength to stop so I guess it’s no wonder that I’d latch onto the first thing that becomes an everyday positive presence in my life. Ateez and the memories connected to them this year have been the reason for the few and far between moments of happiness in my life in 2019 and for that I’ll forever be grateful.
It’s like. When it hits, it just hits, you know?
And I just can’t, can’t wait to scream my little heart out to their songs in March with Linn okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
I guess if I could just have one wish it’d be for them to play Twilight, and Treasure, Illusion, Say My Name, Utopia, Hala Hala, Win, Mist, Wave, my whole Spotify playlist.
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Happy Holi 2018 Images, Wishes, Quotes, Pictures, SMS
Happy Holi 2018 Images, Wishes, Quotes, Pictures, SMS
Happy Holi 2018 Images, Happy Holi Images 2018, Happy Holi Pictures 2018, Happy Holi Wallpapers 2018, Happy Holi Wishes 2018, Happy Holi Quotes 2018, Happy Holi SMS, Happy Holi Shayari 2018, Hindi Happy Holi Shayari 2018, Happy Holi Messages 2018
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Happy Holi 2018 Images, Wishes, Quotes : Holi is just a few days from now. So you must be exited for it. Not only you, everyone is. Holi is one of the biggest festival of India. It is known as the ‘festival of colors’ and is celebrated on the full moon day falling in the month of Phalguna . The festival signifies the victory of good over evil, the arrival of spring, end of winter, and for many a festive day to meet others, play and laugh, forget and forgive, and repair broken relationships.
HOLI DATE IN INDIA : 2nd March 2018
So if you come here while searching for Happy Holi 2018 Images, Happy Holi Wishes 2018. Holi Quotes 2018, Holi SMS, then you are at the right place. Here I am going to provide huge collection of Happy Holi Images 2018, Happy Holi Wishes 2018, Holi Quotes etc. These collections of Holi images, Wishes, Quotes, SMS has been extracted from different sources around the web and the you will get the best one here only. Scroll below to get the best Happy Holi Images 2018, Happy Holi 2018 Images, Pictures.
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Happy Holi 2018 Wishes | Happy Holi Wishes 2018
May the shines of this Holi brighten your path towards progress and continued success. Happy Holi!
May the spirit of Holi bring you joy. The gladness of Holi give you Hope. The warmth of Holi grant you cheer. Happy Holi
The festival of love, joy, and happiness has arrived. Celebrate the festival with lots of colors, water balloons and tempting sweets. Happy Holi.
Even though I am far away from you on the happy occasion of Holi, all my thoughts and good wishes are with you. Have a wonderful Holi.
Enjoy every colour of Holi and u will get every happiness u desire. Hey, God is always with u. Enjoy every moment. Happy Holi!!
Bright colors, water balloons, lavish gujiyas and melodious songs are the ingredients of perfect Holi. Wish you a very happy and wonderful Holi.
Holi is here bringing with it hues of fabulous colors. So, soak in all the colors of Holi and have a great time.
Rang lekar khelte gulal, lekar khelte Radha sang Holi Nand lal khelte…Bolo sara rara Happy Holi!!
Holi is the festival of colors. I wish with all my heart that it brings more colors to your life. Wishing you and your family a fabulous Holi.!
Holi is the day to express love with colors. It is a time to show affection. All the colors that are on you are of love!
Holi is a special time of year to remember those who are close to our hearts with splashing colors!
Sweetheart, U bought colours in my life. Thank U for being always with me. Wishing U a colourful Holi..
Holi is a special time of year to remember those who are close to our hearts with splashing colors!
Holi is a special time of year to remember those who are close to our hearts with splashing colors!..Happy Holi.
wish, this Holi U were with me. Wish U all success in life. Let the colours of Holi spread message of peace and happiness.
Best wishes Holi is the time to develop understanding and love for each other!
Feeling lonely without you. I wish I could celebrate this holi with you. I wish, this Holi you were with me. Wish you all success in life.
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Happy Holi Greetings 2018 | Happy Holi Greetings 2018
I wish you to have a colorful and joy able holi… May the color of happiness fulfill your life’s Journey throughout the Life. Happy Holi!
Best Wishes to you for a Holi filled with sweet memories and moments to have it for very Long. Happpy Holi!
Enjoy every color of Holi and u will get happiness you desire. Hey, God is always with u. Enjoy every moment. Keep smiling.
Enjoy every color of Holi and you will get every happiness you desire. God is always with u. Enjoy every moment. Keep smiling. Happy Holi.
Happy Holi Quotes 2018 | Happy Holi 2018 Quotes
Holi is the apt time to break the ice, renew relationships and link yourself with those that you wanted to with a bit of color.
Let the colors of Holi spread the message of peace and happiness.
Holi is a time to reach out with the colors of joy. It is the time to love and forgive. It is the time expresses the happiness of being loved and to be loved through colors.
May this Holi bring you all the happiness of life and make your dreams come true!
Red for love, green for prosperity, orange for success and pink for happiness. May God Bless you and your family with all these colours, Happy Holi!
Color sprayers water balloons delicious sweets and, delightful music. Hope you have a blast this Holi!
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Festivals are founders of Love and Joy, friends are the real ones to make this day as a great memory. I’m one of it. Happy Holi My friend!
Holi is the day to express love with colours. It is a time to show affection. All the colours that are on you are of love!!!!
Holi is a time to reach out with the colours of joy. It is the time to love and forgive. It is the time expresses the happiness of being loved and to be loved through colours.
Dipped in hues of love and trust has come the festival of Holi.
May God gift you all the colours of life, colours of joy, colours of happiness, colours of friendship, colours of love and all other colours you want to paint in your life. Happy Holi.
Let’s mix and spread colors of happiness, fun and peace. Let celebrate Holi and forget all differences.
May God gift you all the colours of life, colours of joy, colours of happiness, colours of friendship, colours of love and all other colours you want to paint in your life. Happy Holi.
Happy Holi 2018 SMS | Happy Holi SMS 2018 | Happy Holi 2018 Messages, Happy Holi Messages 2018
Celebrating the colors of our beautiful relationship, I wish you and your family all the bright hues of life. Have a colorful Holi!
I have mixed my love and wishes for you in the colors I’ll throw on you. Happy Holi!
Holi Mubarak!
Wish the colors of Holi paint your life with brightness and wipe out all that is sad and dull.
With My: 1 Heart, 2 Eyes, 5 Liter Blood, 206 Bones, 4.5 Million Red Cells, 60 Trilling DNA, Wishing To You A Very Happy Holi..
Bright colors, Water balloons, Lavish gujiyas and melodious songs are the ingredients of perfect Holi. Wish you a very happy and wonderful Holi….
H – Happiness O – Opulence L – Love I – Integrity Now that you know the meaning, let me wish you a happy Holi!
Moments of holi are to be celebrated together. So, that the memories can be relished later these are the memories i wish to live with forever. Have a wonderful and colorful happy holi forever. Wish You Happy Holi
May God gift you all the colors of life, joy, happiness, friendship, love and all other colors you want to paint in your life. Happy Holi.
If wishes come in rainbow colors then, I would send the brightest one to say Happy Holi.
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Happy Holi Shayari 2018 | Happy Holi 2018 Shayari | Happy Holi Wishes In Hindi
Pyar Ke Rang Se Bharo Pichkari, Sneh Ke Rang Se Rang Do Duniya Sari, Ye Rang Na Jane Koi Jaat Na Koi Boli, Aapko Advance Me Happy Holi.
  Holi tyohar hai Rang aur Bhaang ka Hum sab yaaron ka Ghar mein aaye mehmano ka Gali mein gali walon ka Mohalle mein mahoul waalo ka Desh mein deshwalo ka. Boora naa maano Holi hai Holi hai bhai Holi hai
  निकलो गलियों में बना कर टोली, भिगा दो आज हर एक की झोली, कोई मुस्कुरा दे तो उसे गले लगा लो, वरना निकल लो, लगा के रंग कह के हैप्पी होली।
  रंगों की हो भरमार, ढेर सारी खुशियों से भरा हो आपका संसार, यही दुआ है भगवान से हमारी हर बार हैप्पी होली.
  Rango Ke Tyohar Mein Sabhi Rango Ki Ho Bharmar, Dher Saari Khushiyon Se Bhara Ho Aapka Sansar, Yahi Dua Hai Bhagwan Se Hamari Har Bar, Holi Mubarak Ho Mere Yaar
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Happy Holi SMS Messages Greetings In Hindi
Aaj Barish Mein Tere Sang Nahana Hai, Sapna Ye Mera Kitna Suhana Hai, Barish Ki Boondein Gire Tere Honthon Pe, Unhe Apne Honthon Se Uthana Hai! Happy Holi!
  Bhar Bhar Ke Jaam Pilaao,Chang Aur Mridang Bajao, Gile Shikve Bhul Jaao,Man Galiyaara Chaheke, Aisi Satrangi Chadar Faihrao, Aao Sab Milkar Holi Manao!
  Sher Kabhi Chupkar Shikar Nahi Kartebujdil Kabhi Khulkar Var Nahi Karte Aur Ham Wo Hai Jo Happy Holi Kahne K Liye Holi Ka Intzar Nahi Karte.
  Jab D K Boss Song Me Bhag Sakta He, Pappu Pass Ho Sakta Hai, Shila Jawan Ho Sakti Hai, Munni Badnam Ho Sakti Hai To Kya Main Hum Din Pehle Holi Wish Nahi Kar Sakte? Happy Holi In Advance!!
  Fulo Ne Khilna Chhod Diya, Taro Ne Chamakna Chhod Diya, Holi Ko Baki Hai 2 Din, Fir Tumne Abhi Se Q Nahana Chhod Diya. “Happy Holi 2018”
Best Happy Holi Shayari 2018 In Hindi | Latest Hindi Holi Shayari 2018
खा के गुजिया, पी के भंग, लगा के थोडा थोडा सा रंग, बजा के ढोलक और मृदंग, खेलें होली हम तेरे संग. होली मुबारक..!!
  वो गुलाल की ठंडक; वो शाम की रोनक; वो लोगों का गाना; वो गलियों का चमकना; वो दिन में मस्ती; वो रंगों की धूम; होली आगई है होली है होली की शुभकामनाएं..!! हैप्पी होली
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ये जो रंगों का त्यौहार है, इस दिन ना हुए लाल पिले तो ज़िन्दगी बेकार है, रंग लगाना तो इतना पक्का लगाना, जितना पक्का तू मेरा यार है..!! हैप्पी होली
  थोड़ा सा हरा रंग है थोड़ा सा लाल रंग है होली खुशियों से भर गई मेरी क्यूंकि तू मेरे संग है आज मुझसे मत पूछ की इतना खुश क्यूँ हूँ मैं तू है जो मेरे साथ तो ज़िन्दगी में नई उमंग है..!! हैप्पी होली
  लाल” रंग आप के गालो के लिए “काला” रंग आप के बालो के लिए “नीला” रंग आप के आँखों के लिए “पिला” रंग आप के हाथो के लिए “गुलाबी” रंग आप के सपनो के लिए “सफ़ेद” रंग आप के मन के लिए “हरा” रंग आप के जीवन के लिए होली के इन सात रंगों के साथ आपकी जिंदगी रंगीन हो… इसी विश के साथ… हैप्पी होली 2018 ..!!
Happy Holi Shayari In Hindi 2018 | Hindi Holi Shayari 2018
Here is our shayari collection for Happy Holi 2018 In Hindi. Copy this and send it to your loved ones and wish them a Happy Holi 2018.
पूनम का चाँद रंगों की डोली, चाँद से उस की चांदनी बोली, खुशियों से भर दे सबकी झोली, मुबारक हो आप सब को खुशियों से भरी “होली”..!! हैप्पी होली!
  Rango ke tyohar me khushiyo ka ho bharmar, Dher shari khushiyo se bhara ho aapka sansaar, Yehi duwa hai bhagwan se humari har baar, Holi laye aapke jivan me khusiya apaar ”
  पिचकारी की धार हो आप पे, रंगों की बौछार हो आप पे, खुश रहें आप और आप का परिवार, मुबारक हो आप को होली का ये त्यौहार, हैप्पी होली टू यू एंड युअर फॅमिली..!!
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|===(,’,’,’,’,’,’,>~~ ये लो, होली का गिफ्ट “पिचकारी” अब मम्मी को तंग मत करना, ओके..!! “HAPPY HOLI” In Advance To U & Ur Family.
  अपुन विशिंग यू ए वंडरफुल, सुपर-डुपर, ज़बरदस्त, एक्स्ट्रा-बढ़िया, एक्स्ट्रा स्पेशल, एकदम मस्त एंड ढिंकच्याक, बोले तो एकदम झकास..!! “हैप्पी होली”
  Na juban se, Naa Card se, Na Gift se, Na Post se, Na email se, Is baar holi mubarak ho direct ;+””+.+””+; + Dil Se + “+. .+” “+”
  खुदा करे की इस बार होली ऎसी आए, बिछडा हुवा मेरा प्यार मुझे मिल जाए, मेरी दुनिया तो रंगीन है सिर्फ उस से, काश वो आए और चुपके से गुलाल लगा जाए..!!
Happy Holi 2018 Whatsapp Status | Holi Facebook Status 2018
Happy Holi Whatsapp Status Happy Holi 2018: Hello readers now we are sharing Happy Holi Status for whatsapp and Happy Holi messages for facebook in English .  In this day Many of People Share Happy Holi 2018 Greetings Images Wishes With Friends Family and Relatives. It is the festival of Enjoying and Playing with Colours with Near and dear ones. So you can selectthe best Holi status lines and Holi Messages Holi Wallpaper etc from the given below and above Collection.
Holi is the day to express love with colors. It is a time to show affection. All the colors that are on you are of love!
Holi is a special time of year to remember those who are close to our hearts with splashing colors!
Sweetheart, U bought colours in my life. Thank U for being always with me. Wishing U a colourful Holi..
Holi is a special time of year to remember those who are close to our hearts with splashing colors!
Holi is a special time of year to remember those who are close to our hearts with splashing colors!..Happy Holi.
wish, this Holi U were with me. Wish U all success in life. Let the colours of Holi spread message of peace and happiness.
Best wishes Holi is the time to develop understanding and love for each other!
Feeling lonely without you. I wish I could celebrate this holi with you. I wish, this Holi you were with me. Wish you all success in life.
Gul ne gulshan se gulfam bheja hai, Sitaro ne asman se salaam bheja hai, Mubaraq ho aapko ye holi ka tyohar, Humne teh dil se yeh paigam bheja hai Happy Holi !!
I wish, this Holi U were with me. Wish U all success in life.
Feeling lonely without u. I wish I could celebrate this holi with U.
Apki Jevan main hamesha khusiyon ke rang barse, Happy Colorful HOLI..
Happy Holi 2018 Images | Happy Holi Images 2018 | Happy Holi Pictures 2018 | Happy Holi Wallpapers
Happy Holi Images 2018 : Holi is one of the biggest festival of India. So the best way to celebrate Holi is by wishing someone by sending them Holi wishes, images, quotes, sms etc. Here I am providing you the huge collection of happy holi images 2018, happy holi 2018 images, holi pictures which you can easily download. So without wasting time, download these happy holi 2018 images and share them with your friends, family, relatives and wish them a Happy Holi 2018.
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ghosty-schnibibit · 5 years
fun fact, i listened to the first 15 minutes or so of the episode yesterday afternoon and then had to leave it there because my dad was picking me up to go home for the weekend and then taking me and my mom to go to the new norfolk ikea. i've managed to avoid spoilers but i did see one non-spolier  reaction from someone on my dash that was, quote-unquote, "I'M FUCKING SHAKING" so i'm still extremely nervous :)))
i know i say this literally every time but the description combined with the previously on has me so fuckin concerned
yay! my favorite son gets to go first! :D
“it's a cliffbar” ilu clint
clifford hanger
chomper fish
isn't there a map of kepler they're working off of?
10 miles is like a fifteen minute drive, pretty chill
oh great, can't wait to see how duck tries to explain this lmao
"i like this person immediately" me too trav me too
duck are you just assuming she knows you're a ranger or...?
b e a r a b o u t s
i fucking love you duck newton, holy shit
"i can't either" poor griffin lmao
we are indeed! also wondering what happened to the whole heathcliff artifact gathering quest since there hasn’t been one this arc :P
"explain homestuck to me" JUSTIN ILU SO MUCH
i love these good brothers
god i love this woman, she has no name yet i love her so much
"i've got the only weapon i need... hidin' like a chicken shit" bless you duck newton 
1988... so thirty years before if this is still set in 2018? that’s definitely significant
oh damn, it does look really cool :o
some secure building then lmao
duck you don't need to keep up the bear lie oh my god
welp, we have our ren of the arc lol
aww duck my sweet stoner boy
"yes" trav ilu
abandoned buildings are super creepy and i love them
ilu clint omg
wainscoting??? oh its those line thingies, okay
i was gonna say, maybe use the magic thing 
wasn’t he the aliens guy?
aww, eugine is a sweety
"eugine's no narc" bless
clint is on his game this season and i love it
nice! good travis rolls
she has???
oh nooo, spooky dead boyd music :(
our lady of bank
another lovely middle name for ned
do not make this poor boy into another leon omg
dang, they’re having some great rolls today, this makes up for all the failures last week and then some
there are two different characters named dani??? fair enough considering there were like ten different jerry’s in balance 
i've missed griffin's johann voice lmao
not liking the fact that this confirms the idea that the abomination shifted into ned to kill boyd :)))
"kind of a rust" ...so another red robe
oh his name’s denny, okay
yup, that confirms it!
yay! happy birthday griffin :D
duck there is no need to lie here
hmmm... so whatever this beam is it came from the abomination then?
this character is so good, i've forgotten her name already but i love her
g o o g a b i t e s 
that's super fucking cool!!!
well that is very suspicious :/
aubrey you do not have a good track record for grabbing shit
"hard move time" YIKES
i have never heard detritus pronounced that way before omg
well this a fun mental image
... so it’s tracking the pine guard? this is bad
if it’s stolen stern’s files then it’s been inside the lodge... i have a feeling our suspicions that the dani ned ran into while stealing shade tree wasn’t the real dani might be correct 
aubrey you dipshit you are hurt, you are going to die if you don't get healed, don't take on this thing right now
so it put all of ned's things back??? ... oh no, oooooh no
i'm willing to bet those hand prints are going to match up to ned
"like a golden corral" brutal 
ned don't answer t- god dammit ned >:|
clint you are a national treasure
eww, eww eww eww :(
"we're not gonna go to fantasy costco, give him the $35 dollars!" bless you justin 
bless you for giving us ned's thought process there clint
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fadedelegance · 6 years
I enjoy writing fanfics about the life Mary & Matthew would have had, had ITV not dragged the show out far past its shelf life because money. I enjoy writing moments with them and George and their other children. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Honestly, I don’t care to have Mary/Henry rubbed in my face. That pairing is toxic af, imo. The Henry Talbot character is gross. He’s possessive and just UGH. Holy male entitlement, Batman. GROSS. No thanks. That’s a hard pass from me. (Mary did NOT get a happy ending. She deserved her happy ever after with Matthew and eventually running the home she loved as Countess of Grantham. But no. She ends up married to a toxic loser used car salesman and socially outranked by her bitter, jealous, hypocritical sister. Joy.)
I don’t care to have Anna & Bates dragged through anymore drama. Everything they went through after season 2 was just excessive. Why can’t they just be happy?
I don’t care to see everyone fawning over Edith, who I don’t like at all. (I mean, Mary’s character had to be bastardized to prop Edith up as some poor victim. 🙄 Give me a break. Edith pulled plenty of crap of her own, especially in season 1!)
I did NOT like the writing in seasons 4-6, so I really have no desire whatsoever to see this film.
To quote Ariana Grande, “Thank you, next!”
Any other Lady Mary/MM stans feel the same?
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hereticaloracles · 5 years
TNO Watch: Eris
Helios on Eris– So, somehow in my accounting of the Transneptunians, I managed to overlook the biggest, most prolific of them all (however not the first to be discovered past Pluto!)- Eris! Now I can’t rightly finish off the archive without her, now can I? So without further ado, let me formally welcome back the most controversial dwarf planet back into the party! Gird your loins, y’all
The Astronomy– Eris is the most massive and second-largest (by volume) dwarf planet (and plutoid) known in the Solar System. Eris was discovered in January 2005, and in September 2006 it was named after Eris, the Greek goddess of strife and discord. Eris is the ninth most massive object directly orbiting the Sun, and the 16th most massive overall, because seven moons are more massive than all known dwarf planets. It is also the largest which has not yet been visited by a spacecraft. Eris was measured to be 2,326 ± 12 kilometers (1,445.3 ± 7.5 mi) in diameter. Eris’s mass is about 0.27% of the Earth mass, about 27% more than dwarf planet Pluto, although Pluto is slightly larger by volume.
Eris is a trans-Neptunian object (TNO) and a member of a high-eccentricity population known as the scattered disk. It has one known moon, Dysnomia. As of February 2016, its distance from the Sun was 96.3 astronomical units (1.441×1010 km; 8.95×109 mi), roughly three times that of Pluto. With the exception of some long-period comets, until 2018 VG18 was discovered on December 17, 2018, Eris and Dysnomia were the most distant known natural objects in the Solar System.[
Because Eris appeared to be larger than Pluto, NASA initially described it as the Solar System’s tenth planet. This, along with the prospect of other objects of similar size being discovered in the future, motivated the International Astronomical Union (IAU) to define the term planet for the first time. Under the IAU definition approved on August 24, 2006, Eris is a “dwarf planet”, along with objects such as Pluto, Ceres, Haumea and Makemake thereby reducing the number of known planets in the Solar System to eight, the same as before Pluto’s discovery in 1930. Observations of a stellar occultation by Eris in 2010 showed that its diameter was 2,326 ± 12 kilometers (1,445.3 ± 7.5 mi), very slightly less than Pluto, which was measured by New Horizons in July 2015.
The Myth– Eris is the Greek goddess of strife and discord. The most famous tale of Eris recounts her initiating the Trojan War by causing the Judgement of Paris. The goddesses Hera, Athena and Aphrodite had been invited along with the rest of Olympus to the forced wedding of Peleus and Thetis, who would become the parents of Achilles, but Eris had been snubbed because of her troublemaking inclinations.
She, therefore (as mentioned at the Kypria according to Proclus as part of a plan hatched by Zeus and Themis) tossed into the party the Apple of Discord, a golden apple inscribed Ancient Greek: τῇ καλλίστῃ, “For the most beautiful one”, or “To the Fairest One” – provoking the goddesses to begin quarreling about the appropriate recipient. The hapless Paris, Prince of Troy, was appointed to select the fairest by Zeus. The goddesses stripped naked to try to win Paris’s decision and also attempted to bribe him. Hera offered political power; Athena promised infinite wisdom; and Aphrodite tempted him with the most beautiful woman in the world: Helen, wife of Menelaus of Sparta. While Greek culture placed a greater emphasis on prowess and power, Paris chose to award the apple to Aphrodite, thereby dooming his city, which was destroyed in the war that ensued.
Another story of Eris includes Hera and the love of Polytekhnos and Aedon. They claimed to love each other more than Hera and Zeus were in love. This angered Hera, so she sent Eris to wreak discord upon them. Polytekhnos was finishing off a chariot board, and Aedon a web she had been weaving. Eris said to them, “Whosoever finishes thine task last shall have to present the other with a female servant!” Aedon won. But Polytekhnos was not happy by his defeat, so he came to Khelidon, Aedon’s sister, and raped her. He then disguised her as a slave, presenting her to Aedon. When Aedon discovered this was indeed her sister, she chopped up Polytekhnos’s son and fed him to Polytekhnos. The gods were not pleased, so they turned them all into birds.
Eris has been adopted as the patron deity of the modern Discordian religion, which was begun in the late 1950s by Gregory Hill and Kerry Wendell Thornley under the pen names of “Malaclypse the Younger” and “Omar Khayyam Ravenhurst”. The Discordian version of Eris is considerably lighter in comparison to the rather malevolent Graeco-Roman original, wherein she is depicted as a positive (albeit mischievous) force of chaotic creation.
A quote from the Principia Discordia, the first holy book of Discordianism, attempts to clear up the matter: One day Mal-2 consulted his Pineal Gland and asked Eris if She really created all of those terrible things. She told him that She had always liked the Old Greeks, but that they cannot be trusted with historical matters. “They were,” She added, “victims of indigestion, you know.” Suffice it to say that Eris is not hateful or malicious. But she is mischievous and does get a little bitchy at times.
The story of Eris being snubbed and indirectly starting the Trojan War is recorded in the Principia and is referred to as the Original Snub. The Principia Discordia states that her parents may be as described in Greek legend, or that she may be the daughter of Void. She is the Goddess of Disorder and Being, whereas her sister Aneris (called the equivalent of Harmonia by the Mythics of Harmonia) is the goddess of Order and Non-Being. Their brother is Spirituality.
Discordian Eris is looked upon as a foil to the preoccupation of western philosophy in attempting to find order in the chaos of reality, in prescribing order to be synonymous with truth. Discordian Eris teaches us that the only truth is chaos and that order and disorder are simply temporary filters applied to the lenses through which we view the chaos. This is known as the Aneristic Illusion.
Why She Matters– Okay, its no secret that Eris is fantastic and I love her. Yes, Eris is chaos, but you know what? So is life. You can try and plan and make things nice and neat, but then the Universe comes through like a toddler who just learned how to walk, hellbent on getting to the other side of the room- consequences be damned. Eris is that universal action. Make no mistake, she is a destroyer and lives for the battlefield, but she also loves to dance, finding the beat in the deaths of men clamoring to prove that they are right to unseen forces (but most of all, themselves). If Mars ever did drag, she would look like Eris (and you bet your ass there would be death drops and shablams like you’ve never seen before!)
When people (read: hecklers) try to come at me with proof that astrology works (but who don’t have their birth time handy for me to utterly eviscerate them) I point to Eris. I remember when she was discovered, and the excitement that her unveiling brought to all of us. And then I remember, quite vividly, the fallout from the IAU decision after she was named but then relegated to dwarf planet status. It was a repeat of the Judgement of Paris myth! She was snubbed, yet again, by the authority, and Pluto was caught up in the fallout as collateral damage just because she was bigger than him (men and size issues, amirite?). And the authority paid for it in the end! Even total luddites who don’t follow the whirling and twirling of the planets (dwarf or otherwise) have a strong opinion about the decision. It made people care about these crazy space rocks, which brings me great happiness.
We aren’t all running around fighting all the time in this modern age, so how do we look at Eris now? A primal force of chaos doesn’t really mesh with our modern sensibilities- or does it? One of the more enlightening views on Eris comes when we consider her in terms of Justice, especially against any kind of oppressive authority. This can be seen in almost every major social movement to demand better treatment, to deny an oppressive ruling class its ability to exploit those below it- Stonewall, May Day, Ferguson, Rodney King, The Arab Spring…. Hell, even the Boston Tea Party! Eris is that urge we feel to stand our ground and refuse to roll over to the bad guys. Eris is the urge to fight for our rights. Yes, it can get violent- but better short violence that changes things for the better than the long, slow violence of inaction. Far better to live boldly and bravely. More commonly though, Eris spurs us on to fight with our racist uncles on Facebook or send petty gifs in the group chats calling out our friends for being slutty… but like, in an endearing way. In fact you could solidly call Eris the Goddess of Shade. Hey, not every action can be a revolutionary one after all- sometimes you just want to get brunch with your girls.
Eris isnt just Chaos, by the way- she also represents Strife. More specifically, what you are striving for. What do you want out of this life? If you are lost, look to Eris and she can help you find your way when you’ve lost it. Mind you, you’ll be in for a HELL of a trip with her (more Thelma and Louise than Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas- That’s solidly Arawn territory) and you might not survive, but at least you’ll know!
Now, we all have all of these planets and asteroids SOMEWHERE in our chart, so in you is the seed of chaos- even the most holier-than-thou Libra. As with all of the Transneptunians, look at her house placement, not necessarily the sign, to see her effect. To find out where she shows up in your chart, go to astro.com, put in your birth details and in the extended options, all the way at the bottom of the next page, there will be a menu of additional objects. Under that is a blank space where you can enter the number 136199, for Eris. Once you have it entered, generate the chart! Where does Eris affect your life? Let us know in the comments below!
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TNO Watch: Eris was originally published on Heretical Oracles
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