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When to use adjusted body weight
When ideal body weight exceeds 120%, you can use adjusted body weight.
And then recall that ideal body weight equations.
Hamwi method for men:
106lbs for a height of 5 feet + (6lbs*each additional inch)
Hamwi method for women:
100lbs for a height of 5 feet + (5lbs*each additional inch)
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Hey, I'm Bread, I'm trans and queer, I'm emo, I have diabetes, I'm an artist, I'm in high school, I also enjoy writing and reading and this is my blog
I like art, alt styles, percy Jackson, the first to die at the end, I like my neighbor tortoro and bsd and more
I love summer camp and I can talk to you about it for forever, I can also talk about hrt for forever
I hate school
Uhhh yeah, send me asks, dm me, I'm always open to having new friends
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Exclusive: Syria's new rulers back shift to free-market economy, business leader says - Reuters
Syria's new government has told business leaders it will adopt a free-market model and integrate the country into the global economy in a major shift from decades of corrupt state control, the head of the biggest Syrian business lobby said on Tuesday.
"It will be a free-market system based on competition," Bassel Hamwi, head of the Damascus Chambers of Commerce, told Reuters in an interview, three days after rebel forces toppled President Bashar al-Assad
10 Dec 24
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Shaykh Muhammad Salih al Hamwi رحمه الله would never stop his tongue from doing Dhikr or sending salawat on the Prophet ﷺ, he was intense in his love, constantly shedding tears of longing and love for the Beloved ﷺ.
He used to say: O my son, even an atom of love opens the path
#salawat#dikhr#tumblr daily#peaceful#muslim#poets on tumblr#writers and poets#wordsbyhisheart#islamicpost#tumblr poetry#quotes#islamicquotes
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La Syrie djihadiste sera une « économie de marché » annonce le régime fantoche d’Erdogan.
Merci Moktar, maintenant il faut savoir passer à autre chose.
Smotrich, ministre des shekels de Tel Aviv, a un deal pour les djihadistes de Damas : leurs terres contre quelques pièces d’or
Les premières positions fondamentales du gouvernement djihadiste de Syrie sont intéressantes à observer. Elles sont sans conteste dictées par la Turquie néo-ottomane.
Premièrement, l’économie sera une « économie de marché ». Il s’agit pour la Turquie d’obtenir la reconnaissance de son projet politique en Syrie en échange d’une ouverture privilégiée au business de la « reconstruction » (les dollars juifs).
Reuters :
Le nouveau gouvernement syrien a déclaré aux chefs d’entreprise qu’il adopterait un modèle de marché libre et intégrerait le pays dans l’économie mondiale, ce qui représente un changement majeur par rapport à des décennies de contrôle étatique corrompu, a déclaré mardi le chef du plus grand lobby d’entreprises syriennes.
« Il s’agira d’un système de marché libre basé sur la concurrence », a déclaré Bassel Hamwi, directeur de la Chambre de commerce de Damas, lors d’une interview accordée à Reuters, trois jours après que les forces rebelles ont renversé le président Bachar al-Assad, ouvrant ainsi un nouvel onglet, mettant fin à une autocratie familiale qui durait depuis 54 ans.
La presse occidentale présente déjà le système national-socialiste syrien comme une espèce de nuit économique.
C’est ce système, tiré du désert syrien par le parti baasiste, qui a créé un état moderne avec une économie en pleine ascension. Ce sont les succès du gouvernement de Bachar al Assad qui ont contribué à aiguiser les appétits des requins internationaux habituels.
Les chiffres parlent d’eux-mêmes. La richesse nationale était en pleine ascension.
Le gouvernement autoritaire de Bachar al Assad veillait à ce que l’État reste l’acteur central de l’économie dans un pays hétérogène et encerclé par des acteurs hostiles, foncièrement déterminés à détruire l’État syrien.
Ceux qui gémissent à propos du système autoritaire en place en Syrie sont des idiots qui n’ont jamais eu à naviguer dans un environnement aussi violent et prédateur que le Proche-Orient. Si l’on doit blâmer Bachar al Assad, c’est pour sa trop grande magnanimité.
Pour que le système fonctionne, il fallait que l’élite biologique du pays soit en charge – les Alaouites. Contrairement à ce racontent les médlas juifs, c’était dans son propre intérêt. Minoritaires et essentiellement concentrés sur la côte, un énorme déséquilibre économique en leur faveur aurait rendu impossible leur centralité politique en Syrie. Le système socialiste, même s’il souffrait de corruption, garantissait leur position politique moyennant la redistribution à l’échelle du pays dans une perspective nationale dégagée des influences sunnites extérieures.
Pour détruire l’État syrien, il fallait que les puissances hostiles détruisent le pouvoir des Alaouites en excitant la majorité sunnite contre les Alaouites, pilier du succès syrien.
Nous y sommes.
À présent, la masse sunnite issue des coins les plus éloignés de la Syrie, veut bouffer gratuitement, en application de la démagogie djihadiste. Cette propagande démocratique lui fait croire que sa seule majorité démographique lui assure la prospérité. Pour prix de sa stupidité, elle ne va recevoir qu’une petite oligarchie protégée par des fondamentalistes coupeurs de têtes.
Les tyrans sunnites au pouvoir n’ont plus aucune preuve de légitimité à fournir puisque le nouveau paradigme est purement religieux et démographique/démocratique. À chaque fois que la populace se plaindra, les médias sunnites de Damas les accuseront de vouloir revenir à « l’époque maudite du tyran alaouite Assad », celui-là qui, avec son père Hafez, leur a donné un pays digne de ce nom en premier lieu.
D’éminents hommes d’affaires syriens, qui, à l’instar d’une grande partie du pays, attendent des indices sur la manière dont la nouvelle administration syrienne, dirigée par un groupe islamiste, gérera le pays, ont accueilli favorablement les signaux indiquant que l’économie serait ouverte aux investissements, essentiels pour reconstruire le pays après la dévastation généralisée causée par 13 années de guerre civile. Mais ils ont déclaré qu’ils attendaient toujours de voir si Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, l’ancienne branche d’Al-Qaïda qui a depuis renié ces liens et mené l’offensive des rebelles, tiendrait ses promesses.
Ce n’est pas « l’ancienne ».
C’est Al Qaeda sans le nom.
« Les gens attendent toujours de voir s’il s’agira d’une société ouverte ou d’un État islamique », a déclaré un homme d’affaires syrien basé à Beyrouth, qui a demandé à ne pas être nommé pour pouvoir parler librement.
Est-ce que les Libanais peuvent arrêter d’être naïfs ou c’est de nature ?
Les sanctions occidentales, la destruction des grandes villes commerciales et industrielles d’Alep et de Homs au cours des 13 années de guerre et la perte des recettes en devises provenant des exportations de pétrole se sont conjuguées pour briser l’économie. Les dégâts sont estimés à des dizaines de milliards de dollars.
Cela me rappelle quelque chose.
De 2011 à 2015, Bachar al Assad et l’armée syrienne ont résisté héroïquement à tous les assauts, en dépit de l’armada colossale assemblée par l’OTAN, la Turquie et les états du Golfe pour le détruire.
Qu’il ait même résisté plus de quelques mois démontre la formidable résilience de l’État national-socialiste syrien. Le déséquilibre des forces était tout simplement colossal. Les djihadistes affluaient de tout le globe.
Avec l’aide russe et iranienne, les bandes djihadistes internationales ont ensuite été écrasées, mais le blocus économique a perduré 6 années sans aucune fin en vue. La Russie, l’Iran, la Chine n’ont pas voulu ou pu reconstruire le pays.
En 2024, un soldat syrien touchait 7 dollars par moi quand un djihadiste de Joulani touchait 2,000 dollars par mois, plus que bien des salariés français. Dans un pays en ruines, sous embargo, sans solution, c’était une situation insoluble pour le gouvernement syrien, malgré les efforts considérables pour tenter de sortir le pays de la guerre et de la misère. À la fin, l’état syrien moderne n’était plus que l’ombre de lui-même, réduit au racket et au trafic de drogue pour survivre. C’était le résultat de 13 ans de guerre imposée à un pays qui ne menaçait personne.
La propagande sur les « crimes de guerre » ou les « atrocités » est un classique des puissances occidentales. Elle permet d’utiliser les émotions pour faire disparaître le contexte du conflit, ses causes, ses responsables.
Avant que les manifestations de rue contre le régime d’Assad n’éclatent en mars 2011, la livre syrienne valait environ 50 pour un dollar. Aujourd’hui, elle en vaut plus de 15 000, ce qui a entraîné une inflation galopante qui fait que de nombreux commerçants ont du mal à fixer le prix de leurs marchandises. Les économistes considèrent que la stabilisation et l’ouverture de l’économie sont essentielles pour encourager les nouveaux investissements dont le pays a désespérément besoin et le retour potentiel de millions de Syriens, y compris de nombreux membres de la classe moyenne éduquée, qui ont fui la guerre. « La Syrie dispose d’une énorme diaspora, instruite et relativement riche, qui voudra reconstruire le pays. Elle pourrait connaître une croissance à deux chiffres pendant des années », a déclaré un haut responsable financier régional, sous couvert d’anonymat.
Il y a zéro chance pour que ces gens se bousculent reconstruire l’émirat djihadiste de Damas. Ils le disent sans s’en cacher.
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M. Hamwi a déclaré qu’il recevait constamment des appels d’hommes d’affaires syriens à l’étranger désireux de comprendre comment le nouveau gouvernement allait aborder le commerce. Il les a exhortés à rentrer chez eux et a souligné les besoins d’investissement massifs pour la reconstruction, l’industrie et les services. « Ils seront les principaux contributeurs au développement de la Syrie », a-t-il déclaré.
Si les moudjahidines meurent pour une idée, aussi fumeuse soit-elle dans une boîte crânienne aussi comprimée que celle du bougnoule moyen, l’idéalisme, aussi brutal et archaïque soit-il, ne remplit pas les assiettes, ni les comptes bancaires. Ces gens qui se sont battus pour édifier un émirat fondé sur le monothéisme intégral seront vite contraints, pour ce qui concerne l’ordre intérieur, de se limiter à fliquer la tenue vestimentaire des Syriens et à bolosser quelques minorités, rien de plus.
Pour radical qu’il soit, notre ami Jolani reste un bougnoule et les bougnoules ne sont jamais véritablement de bons musulmans sans des montres en or massif, des tigres domestiques et des voitures italiennes qui vont avec.
D’ailleurs, la traînée Meloni se propose de fournir le gang djihadiste de Damas en Testarossa, Lamborghini et Ferrari.
Département des affaires politiques du nouveau gouvernement syrien :
Nous avons tenu une réunion avec les ambassadeurs d’Irak, de Bahreïn, d’Oman, d’Égypte, des Émirats arabes unis, de Jordanie, d’Arabie saoudite et d’Italie.
La réunion a été positive et les ambassadeurs ont promis une coordination de haut niveau avec le nouveau gouvernement.
Le Qatar ouvrira son ambassade à Damas dans quelques jours.
L’aéroport international sera mis en service dans quelques jours et les travaux de nettoyage et de maintenance ont commencé aujourd’hui.
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De son côté, Erdogan travaille au fonctionnement de sa future colonie dont il n’a aucune envie de financer le redémarrage. Pour que les capitaux occidentaux affluent dans sa « démocratie de marché » dont il veut se réserver les parts de la « reconstruction », il faut une vitrine démocratique compatible avec les standards exigés par la finance juive internationale et l’UE.
Des partis, des élections, bref, tout le théâtre habituel. Erdogan est confiant quant à sa capacité de monter cette fiction démocratique pour les médias occidentaux tout en structurant dans le désert sa plateforme djihadiste globale pour ses besoins à venir.
Tout cela sera négocié à huis clos avec les éléments malléables des groupes djihadistes et des éléments rapidement recyclés de l’ancien système.
Démocratie Participative
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Struggling to Hit Your Ideal Weight? Use This FREE Tool Instead
Feeling Stuck? You’re Not Alone
Hitting your ideal weight sounds simple — eat right, exercise, repeat. But reality hits harder than a gym session. No matter how much kale you chew or miles you run, the scale doesn’t always play fair.
If you’ve been battling this uphill fight, you’re not alone. Millions of people feel the same frustration. But what if there was a smarter, simpler way to know exactly what your target should be? No guesswork. No wild estimates. Just cold, hard numbers tailored for YOU.
The good news? There is. And it’s completely FREE.
Guesswork Isn’t a Strategy
Most people rely on outdated methods like BMI to figure out their "ideal weight." But BMI isn't the whole story. It doesn’t account for muscle mass, age, or body frame. Two people of the same height can have totally different healthy weights.
And if you’re basing your goals on vague, one-size-fits-all numbers, you’re setting yourself up for failure. No wonder it feels like you're spinning your wheels.
What you need is precision — a number that's personal to YOU.
A Smarter, Simpler Tool (And It’s FREE)
Enter the Ideal Weight Calculator from SolveMyDay. This isn’t another BMI clone. It’s smarter, sharper, and more personalized.
Here’s how it works:
You Enter 3 Simple Details — Your height, age, and gender. No need to enter personal info or sign up for anything.
It Runs 4 Proven Weight Formulas — Instead of one general number, it uses Hamwi, Devine, Miller, and Robinson methods to give you a range of possible ideal weights.
You Get Your Ideal Weight Range — Instead of one "magic number," you’ll see a healthy range specific to your body type, gender, and age.
It’s fast, simple, and you don’t have to pay a cent. No "free trial." No "give us your email." Just instant, useful info.
Why This Tool Works (When BMI Fails)
BMI might have been cutting-edge in the 1800s, but today? It’s a blunt tool. Here’s why this Ideal Weight Calculator is better:
Personalized Calculations — Uses four scientific formulas, not just one.
Adjusts for Gender & Age — Your body at 20 is different from your body at 50. This tool knows that.
No Single Number Guesswork — Gives you a healthy weight range, not one fixed goal.
BMI might work for a population, but you’re not a population. You’re one person. This tool treats you like one.
How to Use the Ideal Weight Calculator (3 Simple Steps)
Using it is as easy as tying your shoes. Here’s how:
1️⃣ Go to the Tool – Head to SolveMyDay’s Ideal Weight Calculator.
2️⃣ Enter 3 Details – Your height, age, and gender. No long forms. No personal data required.
3️⃣ Get Your Results – In seconds, you’ll have a range of healthy weights personalized for your body type.
That’s it. No confusion. No "premium version" required.
But Why Does Knowing Your Ideal Weight Even Matter?
Some people think, "I’ll just lose as much weight as possible. Lighter is better, right?"
Wrong. Here’s why aiming for YOUR ideal weight matters more than chasing "skinny":
More Energy, Less Fatigue — At your ideal weight, your body works more efficiently. More energy, fewer 3 PM crashes.
Better Heart Health — Too heavy or too light? Both can stress your heart. Hit the sweet spot, and your heart thanks you.
Strong, Lean Muscle — This isn’t just about losing fat. It’s about keeping muscle. A good weight range helps you stay lean and strong.
Boosted Confidence — Imagine looking in the mirror and seeing a reflection you’re proud of. That’s the power of hitting your ideal weight.
Your "ideal weight" isn’t a vanity goal. It’s a health goal. And when you know your personal target, every step you take toward it feels 10x more meaningful.
Don’t Set Goals Blindfolded
Imagine playing darts… blindfolded. No chance of hitting the bullseye, right?
That’s what it’s like setting a weight-loss goal without knowing your ideal weight. It’s frustrating, disorienting, and slow.
With this Ideal Weight Calculator, you finally take off the blindfold. You see your target clearly. You know what you’re aiming for. No guesswork.
Common Questions (And Honest Answers)
1. Do I Really Need a Range, Not a Single Number?
Yes. Your body isn’t a robot. Life happens — stress, muscle gain, pregnancy, etc. A range lets you stay healthy without obsessing over one number.
2. How Accurate Is This?
It’s based on FOUR scientific methods, not one. Most calculators only use BMI. This tool is smarter.
3. Do I Have to Pay or Sign Up?
Nope. It’s 100% free, and you don’t have to create an account.
4. Can I Use This For Kids or Teens?
This tool is designed for adults. Kids and teens have different growth patterns, so speak to a pediatrician for more accurate results.
5. How Often Should I Use It?
Once is enough for most people. But if your weight or health situation changes significantly, run it again.
Here’s What Happens When You Finally Know Your Ideal Weight
Knowing your ideal weight gives you clarity. Instead of chasing "as skinny as possible," you have a clear, healthy goal.
With clarity, everything changes. You know where you’re headed. You see progress. Every pound lost (or gained) feels like a win — because you’re working toward the RIGHT goal, not a random one.
Don’t make the same mistake as millions of others. Stop guessing. Start knowing.
Here’s Your Next Step
You’ve read this far, which means one thing — you’re serious about your health. But reading alone won’t change anything.
Here’s what will:
➡️ Go to the Ideal Weight Calculator
➡️ Enter your height, age, and gender
➡️ Get your personal ideal weight range
No fluff. No fees. Just fast, clear answers.
Click here to start: Ideal Weight Calculator
This time, you won’t be guessing. You’ll be moving with purpose. Your health deserves it.
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National Ice Cream Cone Day
Go out and get an ice cream cone, or make one at home to properly enjoy Ice Cream Cone Day, a day all about sticky, sweet, delicious ice cream on a cone.
National Ice Cream Cone Day seeks to draw attention to the invention of the ice cream cone; an important yet, sadly, often overlooked invention that allows people to enjoy their scoops of delicious ice cream combined with a handily portable and edible wafer cone, often whilst out and about.
All it takes to really appreciate this day is to just begin by imagining what the world would be like without the equally useful and also delectable ice cream cone. A scoop of ice cream would have to be eaten with a bowl–and popsicles would probably dominate in the world of on-the-go frozen treats!
But since the world does have ice cream cones, now there’s no need for a paper cup or plastic spoon when eating a cone, there’s less waste, making the ice cream cone a great contributor in helping to save the environment and reduce waste. This is certainly a delicious way to do something small to help save the earth!
Get ready for National Ice Cream Cone Day!
History of National Ice Cream Cone Day
Inextricably linked to the history of its partner, ice cream, the ice cream cone was created in the way of many other new fangled ideas–out of ‘necessity’. While an ice-cream-like food was recorded as having been eaten as far back as the 7th century AD, the cone didn’t make its appearance until much later on.
Many historians have attributed the invention of the ice cream cone to Italo Machioni, an Italian immigrant who had moved to the United States in the late 1800s. The cone was invented in New York City, first produced in 1896, and Machioni received a US patent for his invention in 1903.
However, a similar invention was credited to Ernest A. Hamwi, from Syria, who introduced his waffle pastry at the St. Louis World’s Fair in 1904. Though it was only meant to be sold as a pastry, when the ice cream shop next door ran out of dishes, Mr. Hamwi jumped in and offered some assistance. By rolling one of his wafer pastries into a cone, he was able to solve his neighboring business owner’s problem AND contribute to something that would eventually become an American icon.
In the early days, ice cream cones were sometimes called “cornucopias”, due to the shape. In fact, Mr. Hamwi named his business, the Cornucopia Waffle Company!
How to Celebrate National Ice Cream Cone Day
Eat An Ice Cream Cone, Of Course!
More than just a standard activity, celebrate National Ice Cream Cone Day by testing various different styles and combinations of cones and flavours of ice cream. Debate the merits of the ‘oyster shell’ versus the ‘half cup’. Forget the cup and spoon! Instead, go all out and indulge in that extra large Waffle Cone, which really should be classified as a treat of its own.
Dipped cones, sugar cones, pretzel cones, waffle bowls, and even twin cones (to house two tasty scoops) can be found in ice cream shops or grocery stores all over the world. Some specialty shops choose to hand bake their waffle cones right in the store. Whatever kind of cone is chosen, it’s enough to make an ice cream cone lover extremely happy!
Get Creative with the Kids
Encourage children to create pictures of their favourite ice creams and ponder on what the ice cream cone means to them. Obviously, this conversation and creativity related to ice cream cones wouldn’t be complete without a treat at the end, whether an ice cream cone hand dipped at home or heading out to a local ice cream shop!
Make Ice Cream Cones at Home
Although most people buy them at the store, a special activity on this day would be to start the tradition of making ice cream cones at home. The cake cone probably isn’t an option for a typical home kitchen, but a waffle cone is certainly possible and actually not that difficult.
The most important part of making ice cream cones will be the equipment: a waffle cone maker. This is not the kind that is used to make belgian waffles with those very deep grooves. Instead, it’s a round, shallow waffle maker that is especially for making waffle cones.
The recipe is fairly simple, with ingredients including egg whites, flour, heavy cream, a small amount of sugar, melted butter, and flavorings according to preference, such as cinnamon, vanilla extract, salt, and/or almond extract.
Once mixed together, simply place a small amount of batter onto the waffle iron and allow it to cook. When finished, place the piping hot waffle onto a towel and use it to roll into a cone shape. Hold for 15 seconds or until it will hold its shape.
Perfect, homemade waffle ice cream cones are ready for a scoop or two (or three!) of various flavors of ice cream !
Learn About the History of the Ice Cream Cone
This may be an area of hotly debated controversy with much discussion about the true origins and antiquity of the cone. So what would be a better day than National Ice Cream Cone Day to dig into the research to uncover the real, authentic story about how the ice cream cone was brought into existence and then placed into the hands (and mouths!) of ice cream eaters everywhere? Whether it was Mr. Hamwi, Mr. Machioni, or even someone else!
#National Ice Cream Cone Day#NationalIceCreamConeDay#Twistee Treat West#Massillon#travel#original photography#vacation#tourist attraction#landmark#architecture#cityscape#food#snack#USA#Ohio#summer 2019#2022#Lincoln City#New Hampshire#22 September#roadside atrraction
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Año 1904: puesto de helados de Arnold Fornachou en la Exposición Universal de San Luis. Los helados se servían con platos, pero Arnold tuvo tanta demanda que se le acabaron. Cuenta la leyenda que en el puesto de al lado, el panadero Ernest Hamwi de origen sirio, hacia zalabias (galleta persas delgadas y espolvoreadas con azúcar) y no vendía demasiadas. Cuando vio que al otro se le acaban los…
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02 - Hami El Hima حامي الحمى - SoundCloud
Listen to 02 - Hami El Hima حامي الحمى by Majd Al Hamwi on #SoundCloud
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Basi, dhambi isitawale ndani ya miili yenu
Basi, dhambi isitawale ndani ya miili yenu ipatikanayo na mauti, hata mkazitii tamaa zake; wala msiendelee kuvitoa viungo vyenu kuwa silaha za dhuluma kwa dhambi; bali jitoeni wenyewe kwa Mungu kama walio hai baada ya kufa, na viungo vyenu kwa Mungu kuwa silaha za haki. Kwa maana dhambi haitawatawala ninyi, kwa sababu hamwi chini ya sheria, bali chini ya neema.Ni nini basi? Tufanye dhambi kwa…
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Ice Cream Cone Cups - Step-by-Step DIY Guide
ce cream cones have a fascinating history that can be traced back to the 19th century. Early ice cream vendors realized that by putting ice cream in a crispy, thin rolled pastry, they could provide a convenient way for customers to enjoy their treats with added texture and flavor. This marked the start of the traditional rolled waffle-style cone that we know today.
However, it was in the early 20th century that the ice cream cone’s design gradually evolved into its recognizable form. A Lebanese immigrant named Ernest Hamwi had a key role in this development. Legend has it that in 1904, during the St. Louis World’s Fair in the United States, Hamwi encountered an ice cream vendor named Arnold Fornachou. Fornachou had run out of bowls and utensils, so Hamwi had the idea to bake his crispy waffles into a cone shape to hold the ice cream. Fornachou loved the idea, and soon the cone gained popularity.
Shortly after this encounter, an American ice cream merchant named David Avayou capitalized on Hamwi’s invention. Avayou applied for a patent in 1904 and established the first-ever ice cream cone manufacturing company. Initially known as “The Cornucopia Waffle Company,” it later became “The Drumstick Company” and is still a renowned brand today.
Since then, the ice cream cone has become incredibly popular worldwide as a common way to enjoy ice cream. It not only adds texture and fun to the experience but also provides a convenient way to eat it. Today, ice cream cones are a staple in ice cream shops and supermarkets, offering people a variety of delicious treats.
To make your own homemade ice cream cone cup , you can follow these simple steps:
1 cup of flour
1/2 cup of sugar
2 teaspoons of vanilla extract
3 egg whites
6 tablespoons of melted butter
1/4 cup of milk
In a bowl, mix together the flour and sugar. In another bowl, beat the egg whites until they become foamy and form stiff peaks. Add the vanilla extract, melted butter, and milk to the flour and sugar mixture. Stir well until there are no dry flour particles remaining. Gradually fold in the beaten egg whites into the batter, gently mixing to ensure the egg whites remain fluffy. Allow the batter to sit at room temperature for 15–20 minutes to allow the ingredients to meld together. Heat a flat pan over low heat. When the pan is hot, scoop approximately two tablespoons of batter into the pan and spread it out evenly using the back of a spoon to create a thin circular shape. Wait until the bottom of the batter turns golden brown and the edges begin to crisp. Use a spatula to carefully remove the ice cream cone from the pan. Quickly roll the ice cream cone into a cone shape, optionally using a cone-shaped mold to help with shaping. Place the ice cream cone on a cup or paper cone holder to cool and maintain its shape. Congratulations! You’ve made your own homemade ice cream cone. Now you can fill it with your favorite ice cream flavors and add your desired toppings. Enjoy the deliciousness! Just remember to be cautious of the heat and temperature during the process to avoid burns.
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Make use of an ideal weight calculator to save time!
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/5594e505935a890c1590e540efc1e914/620cc6837e6ddfb0-ea/s540x810/d1a7784ba8fa0637164aa95738fa4c9044621438.jpg)
Mention the Ideal weight for men and women.
AllCalculator.net’s The Ideal Weight ranges for men and women are mentioned based on the formulas are:
Ideal weight calculator for men!
Robinson formula (1983) – 52 kg + 1.9 kg per every inch over 5 feet
Miller formula (1983) – 56.2 kg + 1.41 kg per every inch over 5 feet
Hamwi formula (1964) – 48.0 kg + 2.7 kg per every inch over 5 feet
Devine formula (1974) – 50.0 kg + 2.3 kg per every inch over 5 feet
Ideal weight calculator for women!
Robinson formula (1983) – 49 kg + 1.7 kg per every inch over 5 feet
Miller formula (1983) – 53.1 kg + 1.36 kg per every inch over 5 feet
Hamwi formula (1964) – 45.5 kg + 2.2 kg per every inch over 5 feet
Devine formula (1974) – 45.5 kg + 2.3 kg per every inch over 5 feet
Are there any limitations to the IBW calculator?
Ideal weight calculator has a general guideline based on formulas. The results are not intended as strict values; a person is considered an ideal weight.
The formula is designed to apply to a wide range of people as possible
The formulas factor are based on height and gender
There are no special considerations for physical handicaps
How should I weigh?
Age - A large determinant of an IBW is past 14-15 for girls and 16-17 for boys after people stop growing. Human males and females lose 1.5 and 2 inches in height by age 70.
Gender – females weigh less than males and have a higher body fat percentage. Women have lower bone density, whereas men tend to be taller than females.
Height - The taller persons, the more muscle mass and body fat they have, which results in more weight. A male at a similar height to a female should weigh about 10-20% heavier.
Body Frame size – it impacts the measurement of ideal weight.
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Camp Hamwi appreciation collage post
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Abdulaziz El Hamwi (LBN)
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Harris-Benedict is for basal energy expenditure
Harris-Benedict for men: 66 + (13.7*weight in kg) + (5*height in cm) – (6.8*age)
Harris-Benedict for women: 655 + (9.7*weight in kg) + (1.85*height in cm) – (4.7*age)
Mifflin-St. Jeor is for resting energy expenditure.
Mifflin-St. Jeor for men: (10*weight in kg) + (6.25*height in cm) – (5*age) + 5
Mifflin-St. Jeor for women: (10*weight in kg) + (6.25*height in cm) – (5*age) - 16
Ideal body weight is based on historical body weight that compares the relative disease risk and life expectancy of individuals of different height-weight combinations, the weight-for-height that correlates with the lowest mortality.
% Ideal Body Weight: (actual body weight/ideal body weight) × 100%
Adjusted body weight should be used for obese patients as not to over- or underestimate feeding. Adjusted body weight can be calculated for those with an actual body weight that is greater than 115% of the calculated ideal body weight.
Adjusted Body Weight: [(actual body weight – ideal body weight) × 0.25] + ideal body weight
% Usual Body Weight: (actual body weight/usual body weight) × 100%
% Weight Change: (amount of weight lost or gained/usual body weight) × 100%
Ideal Body Weight: (See Hamwi method)
Hamwi Method of Ideal Body Weight for Females: 100lbs for a height of 5 feet plus 5 pounds for each additional inch
Hamwi Method of Ideal Body Weight for Males: 106lbs for a height of 5 feet plus 6 pounds for each additional inch
Feed at 25-30 kcal/kg Adj BW if BMI <30 kg/m2
Feed at 20-25 kcal/kg Adj BW if BMI >30kg/m2
Protein: 0.8-1 g/kg (normal)
#dietetics#nutrition#body weight#ideal body weight#adjusted body weight#usual body weight#Hamwi method#weight#calories#protein#BMI#energy expenditure#basal energy expenditure#resting energy expenditure#stress factor
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Imagine what the world was like before the Ice Cream Cone?
Fortunately pretty much everybody on the planet at this point, minus possibly a few people that are 117 years old haven’t had to cope with life without ice cream cones ever. Back on September 22nd 1903, Italian immigrant Italo Marchiony who sold Ice Cream in New York City applied for a patent after producing an ice cream cone in 1896 for the first time.
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/51cceeb8eceabd72422985daa0c7a90c/944ff6c61a03e894-5c/s540x810/b6436784b202eed930bd7bde548284f4a2269bd9.jpg)
A year later at the St Louis World Fair, Ernest A. Hamwi put his own spin on Marchiony’s invention. While selling a crispy waffle type pastry called Zalabis directly next to an ice cream booth vendor, he noticed the ice cream vendor ran out of dishes to serve the ice cream in. He rolled his waffle like pastry into a cone and the rest is history!
What is your favorite Ice Cream Cone? We love Mint Chocolate Chip!
#National Ice Cream Cone Day#hungry#delish#tasty#yum#yummy#dessert#St Louis World Fair#Ice Cream Cone invention#inventor#Ernest Hamwi#Italo Marchiony
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