#Halo: Forward Unto Dawn
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gustavo-pereirar · 1 year ago
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Master Chief - Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn
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pathfinderlittleduck · 2 years ago
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Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn | 1/??
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ageless-aislynn · 10 months ago
Still haven't seen FUD but totally will one of these days! *fist thump* That aside, I love this and will definitely consider it as future canon whenever I see FUD in the future!
Great work, always well written and super entertaining! ⭐💖⭐
Inside Joke
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Wasn't planning on finishing this tonight but I had no work, sat down at my computer, and here it is.
Chief trolls Lasky over a line in Forward Unto Dawn. That's all you're getting. I've wanted to get this out for about a year so you can wait to find out more until you read the fic. No Chyler in this one.
This won't make a whole lot of sense if you haven't watched FUD.
@mrtobenamedlater @makowrites @ionlymadethissoicouldleaveanask @thearbiterthel @caffeineyum
@infinityactual @sarnakhwritesthings @threshergm @naranghim @helix-studios117
@sparkledragon04 @jintana-critical @rainintheevening @ageless-aislynn
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kj-ursa · 1 year ago
whole time Master Chief is rescuing the Corbulo cadets he's putting on his Batman voice to reassure them through the whole thing cus reminder John is 15 years old right there like that's a baby wearing a mech suit
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drrav3nb · 1 year ago
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HALO 4: FORWARD UNTO DAWN (dir. Stewart Hendler)
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halopedia · 20 days ago
Starship Saturday — Charon
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Primarily used for fleet escort and planetary defence, the Charon played an important role defending Earth during the final days of the Covenant War. Though lightly armed compared to its peers, it was also well-suited for deploying troops to a planet.
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abedofroses · 1 year ago
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Neil Ellice in 'Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn'
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your-fav-has-hemorrhoids · 8 months ago
Del Río halo
Andrew Del Rio from Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn has hemorrhoids!
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bloodgulchblog · 1 year ago
I'll drag you to Halo hell if you actually want me to, but I will also feel bad about it.
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Forward unto dawn
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doom-dreaming · 2 years ago
Forward Unto Dawn is what the Paramount show should have been. That's how you do live-action Halo.
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gustavo-pereirar · 1 year ago
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Master Chief - Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn
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rainintheevening · 1 year ago
Yes, I am dizzy because I have a flu/cold thing, but I also watched Forward Unto Dawn and holy smokes I LOVE THIS. I LOVE THESE CHARACTERS. I LOVE TOM.
I need SOOOOO many more fics about them, in your Chyler lives AU, of course. Especially right after the movie.
And about Tom and his brother too!!
Girl, I want to give you plot bunnies now!!!!!
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ageless-aislynn · 1 year ago
They are, indeed, my happy place and I sat here snickering for I can't even tell you how long. Tom is totally going to be reminding her of who "taught" Kate that word for the rest of their lives, lol! 😂😂😂
This is so sweet and funny and definitely has that "something in here is based off a real-life incident, I can just tell" feel to it, lol! Loved it and thank you so much for tagging me. I never want to miss anything like this! 😎👍💖
Chyler allowing herself to make a mistake in front of Tom from the vulnerability prompts? I feel like she's a big time perfectionist.
Also just gonna throw this out there, but "begging them to stay" sounds like it has great potential for some angsty injury feels with a Spartan pairing like John/Cortana or Fred/Kelly.
From these prompts.
Well this took me forever and ever to finish. And that was just the first prompt.
I had a more serious response for this, but I wanted to write something for this mini-AU ❤️
“Tom? You—hold on.”
Tom sat with a bemused smile as the video feed in front of him shook and jumped to the soundtrack of a small child’s squawking. He’d finally managed to secure a real-time video call to his family on Luna, and for the first time in months he could watch the chaos unfold without a time delay.
“OK.” Chyler set her device on the counter. “You there?” She leaned down into the shot.
“I am.” Tom raised the volume on his headset and made sure the noise canceling function was on. Even so, it was hard to block out the constant drone of Flying Fortress’s engines and the other conversations going on around him in the room colloquially dubbed “the phone booth.” “Should I ask how things are going on the home front?”
“It’s—Kate! What is that? Oh, just Teddy. OK. Yeah, we’re good.” Chyler answered.
“Sounds it,” Tom observed dryly.
“Kate! Honey!” Chyler picked up the tablet and started walking across the tiny apartment. “Want to say hi to Dada?”
The camera display flipped around and Tom saw his daughter sitting on the floor playing with a brown teddy bear. “Princess Kate!” He greeted.
“It’s Dada!” Chyler said.
“Dada!” The two-and-a-half-year-old dropped the toy crawled toward the screen. Her dark curls flopped over her eyes.
Tom ducked his face out of view. “Now, where’s that adorable Kate?” He sat up and feigned surprise. “Kate!” He placed his hand in front of the camera. “No Kate!” He moved his hand away. “Kate!” He covered the lens again. “No Kate!”
The little girl giggled and squealed at the familiar game. Well, familiar to Tom. He wondered if Kate even remembered the last time they’d played.
She’s so much bigger than she was then.
She looks so much like her mom.
“You’re not causing any trouble for Mumma, are you?” Tom asked, trying to take his mind off the gnawing sensation in his chest.
“Not for me, but the teachers at Launch Pad tell me she’s a little escape artist,” Chyler reported as Kate reached out to the screen. “You know I went to pick her up yesterday and found her running up and down the hall?”
Tom’s jaw dropped. “What?”
“She must have slipped out while they were changing shifts,” Chyler jerked the tablet away. “Kate, stop.”
“I hope you had words with them.” Tom frowned.
“Tom, she’s fine.” The feed jumped as Chyler stood. “They have those tags for a reason. If she’d managed to get out of the building somehow it would have tripped the alarm.”
“Why doesn’t that make me feel better?” Tom sighed.
“Because you’re paranoid.” 
Tom scowled. “Daddy instinct, all right?”
Kate stood up and batted the display again. 
“Kate, don’t—don’t hit the End button!” Chyler jerked the tablet away.
“Dada!” Kate called.
“Hi, baby,” Tom chuckled as Chyler held the screen out of Kate’s reach. “Dada loves you.”
“Say ‘I love you’?” Chyler prompted.
“Ah ya yoo!” Kate responded, her tiny arms wrapping around her mother’s legs.
“Oh, I love you, Katie Bug.” Tom bit his tongue. He missed her so much. “Dada’s gonna see you next week, OK?”
“I can’t wait for you to get back,” Chyler said wearily. 
“I can’t wait to be back.” Tom watched Kate toddle back to her toys. “Kate probably thinks her dad lives in a computer screen.”
“She does not,” Chyler assured.
“And I’m starting to get claustrophobic in this tin can,” Tom added. “I’m ready to breathe air that isn’t recycled. And not have metal dust all over me. And see a color besides gray.”
“The last couple weeks is always the worst.” Chyler turned the camera to face herself and sat on the couch. “We’ve both been down this road.”
“I know, I know.” Tom rested his chin on his hand and took in his wife’s face. “I ever tell you you’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen?”
“That’s your deployment goggles talking,” Chyler said with a poorly concealed smile.
“Learn to take a compliment, hon.”
“I—oh!” A crash interrupted whatever Chyler was going to say. 
“Chyler?!” Tom sat up straighter in alarm as the tablet clattered to the floor.
“Shit!” Chyler exclaimed. “Kate!”
“Chyler!” Tom called loudly enough to draw some glances from the phone booth’s other occupants.
“I’m fine. Everything’s fine.” Chyler made a grunt of frustration. “You didn’t hear that, Kate.” Chyler picked up the tablet and pushed her hair off her face. “She knocked over that toy kitchen from your mum. I was afraid—”
Tom’s jaw dropped. Chyler’s gaze shifted past the tablet.
“Shit!” Kate repeated the word with a toddler’s pride.
“Kate, remember, you didn’t hear Mumma say that,” Chyler said without looking at her husband.
Tom’s “Looks like she did” rebuttal got lost in laughter.
“Tom, stop laughing,” Chyler ordered.
Tom just shook his head. He was surely drawing even more attention to himself now.
“This isn’t funny,” Chyler continued.
“Yes, it is,” Tom managed to wheeze.
“Shit!” Kate hollered again.
“Kate, stop it,” Chyler admonished uselessly.
“Don’t give an order—” Tom had to stop and gather himself. “Don’t give an order you know won’t be obeyed.”
“What’s up with Lasky?” Tom heard someone ask behind him.
Tom wiped his eyes. “And you were always afraid she’d hear it from me.”
Chyler glared into the camera. “You’d better not tell any of your buddies about this.”
“There’s—” Tom looked around the room. “Eight other people in here! It’s too late!”
“You know what? You can stay in that tin can,” Chyler said. “And I hope you choke on metal dust.”
If he choked on metal dust now, at least he’d go happy. “Love you!” Tom grinned and waved at his bride.
Chyler ended the call, but not before Kate got the last four-letter word.
Flying Fortress is a reference to the B-17. I thought it was a good name for a carrier.
The daycare story is based on Mr finding Bum Bum escaped from his Sunday School room one day.
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clankryze511 · 2 years ago
Forward Unto Infinite Diversity and Infinite Differences
Just something for a little idea I have cooking up in my brain.
Music: Halo Canticles from the soundtrack of Halo 5 Guardians by Kazuma Jinnouchi
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halopedia · 4 months ago
Lore Thursday — Circinius IV
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The Outer Colony Circinius IV was home to the Corbulo Academy of Military Science, a UNSC officer training school. In 2526, the planet was attacked by the Covenant before the existence of the alien threat was made public.
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