Just two dorks
118 posts
An RP blog for canon(ish) Neptune, Noire, and Uzume! Sideblog of dorkindustri. Please read the rules before interacting.
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dorkiestgoddesses · 8 years ago
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dorkiestgoddesses · 8 years ago
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And look who just so happened to stumble upon the Nep. And... she’s just gonna lowkey ruffle her hair. And internally squeal because of how cute she is.
I’m amazed how well she’s keeping herself composed.
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For totally no reason in particular, behold a Nep near freshly out of bed, complete with a cute bedhead.
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dorkiestgoddesses · 8 years ago
This question is for you Miss Uzume, so when do we get to see you arm-wrestle with Mizuki Reighs?
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“I dunno who this ‘Mizuki’ is, but I suppose the answer to that question is ‘when she wants to’. ‘Cause I’d be down for it.” You’d probably lose. Maybe.
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dorkiestgoddesses · 8 years ago
If there was one thing this Nep was grateful for, it’s that this landing could once again be a cushioned landing. The chain has yet to be broken!
She took a moment to recover from the immediate impact, letting the dust settle, before getting back up. It sure is a good thing she was used to this.
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“ Oof… at least I can always count on havin’ something to land on. Sorry ‘bout that, person under me. ”
At least she seems to be a little more genre savvy about it now that she’s been through it before. She takes a moment to roll off of whoever it was she landed on, looking and seeing.
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“ … Uh. Me, I guess…? ”
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“...” Cue a groan as she realizes who just fell on her. “It figures, for all the time’s I’ve landed on Noire, I now get to land on myself! Or something like that.” She now stumbles to her feet, dusts herself off, and...
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“Oh well, it happens! Though I have to ask what brought you- er, I guess, me?- to fall like that. Had to have fallen quite a distance to land that hard.” ...she’s completely unfazed.
I wish I could say I was surprised.
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dorkiestgoddesses · 8 years ago
And guess who she lands on.
Yep. That’s right.
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“Owww... I’M supposed to be the one doing the landing...” Another Nep.
And suddenly, falling out of the sky, was… a certain Neptune. What a new, unique scenario this was.
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“ Incomin’ Nep bomb!!! Look ooooooout!!! ”
… Either way, if you can’t take the impact of a falling teen-girl-sized girl falling from the sky, I’d recommend getting out of the way. And if you can, just wait there. It’ll be fun. I promise
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dorkiestgoddesses · 8 years ago
👀 to Noire (thepurplebasilicom, from Neptune)
True to the meme, here we have a Noire, in a... just a bit too large black shirt.
In bed.
Sniffling and generally looking rather sickly.
Hey, the meme didn’t specify context. :D
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dorkiestgoddesses · 8 years ago
Send “👀” to find my muse wearing nothing but an oversized shirt.
Send “+👀 “ for the reverse. 
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dorkiestgoddesses · 8 years ago
The only proper response Noire gets in response to the headpats is adorable grumbling, as she gently rubs her cheeks, trying to take away some of the soreness.
“ Unh… you still totally went too far. You coulda messed with my cheeks way less than that. ”
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“ … Could ya at least gimme one more kiss on the cheek? To help ‘em get better more quickly after all the cheek pulling? ”
… She’s playing herself surprisingly straight with this right now.
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“...really?” Cue a bit of grumbling, before... “Fiiine.” Aaaand... there she goes, smooching Nep on the cheek again.
And immediately turning into a beet. Again.
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dorkiestgoddesses · 8 years ago
And in response, cue Neptune basically deflating in relief as she can finally feel her face again. It still hurts a little, but oh how she missed her cheeks…
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“ Un… that was so cheating…! ”
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“Just think of it as payback for all the time’s you’ve teased me.” And- she’s just patting Nep on the head a couple times.
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dorkiestgoddesses · 8 years ago
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“Man, did not know Uzume was a shipper. Learn something new every day.”
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“…I can help with that, Noire!” And she’s just… covering Noire’s ears. Amazing.
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“...thank you.” And now cue a bit of nuzzling from Noire.
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“See? There you go, proving my point!” And that’s giggling from the Uzu. Good thing Noire can’t hear her now-
OH LOOK, IT'S AN UZUME DRAGGING A NOIRE BEHIND HER. "Hey, Nepsy! Noiresy wants to talk to you!" (dorkiestgoddesses)
Neptune’s eyes widen a bit in surprise as she processes what is even taking place before her eyes.
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“…Well, okay then!” She’s sounding less sad now than she was yesterday, at least-
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dorkiestgoddesses · 8 years ago
Oh, perfect, a compromise. She was losing resolve - the thought of pushing this situation to aggravate her further for more comedy didn’t even cross her mind.
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“ Okay, okay, fine! I’m sorry! Now c’mon, I wanna feel my cheeks again!! ”
And let go, she does!
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“Ah, I feel much better now.” Needless to say, she’s had her amusement for today. By way of tormenting Kokoro, but still-
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dorkiestgoddesses · 8 years ago
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“Th-There’s nothing to admit! And I’m absolutely not a tsundere!” So far, it’s almost as if this was scripted straight from the games. …That being said, her attempts to struggle out are pretty pitiful.
Almost like she actually wants this
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“Oh, really? Then, pray tell, how are you not a tsundere?” Well, that’s an unusual route to go. “Seriously, I’d like to hear your counterargument! Preferably one that doesn’t include the phrase ‘shut up’.”
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dorkiestgoddesses · 8 years ago
And cue Neptune bursting into laughter at Uzume’s interrupting.
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“Aw, c’mon. At least give her this one moment of sweetness before flustering her, Uzume.”
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And she’s just happily snuggling into Noire now.
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“Awww, but you two are like, perfect for each other! Even if Noiresy is a total tsun!”
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“Not listening, not listening, not listening...” She’s even steaming a little. RIP Noire.
OH LOOK, IT'S AN UZUME DRAGGING A NOIRE BEHIND HER. "Hey, Nepsy! Noiresy wants to talk to you!" (dorkiestgoddesses)
Neptune’s eyes widen a bit in surprise as she processes what is even taking place before her eyes.
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“…Well, okay then!” She’s sounding less sad now than she was yesterday, at least-
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dorkiestgoddesses · 8 years ago
@dorkiestgoddesses from here
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“EEEK!” Surprised Noire is surprised! “N-N-Nobody said anything about that! You were hearing things!”
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“Yep, and you’re totally not a tsundere!” This response probably surprises exactly 0 people. “Come on, just admit it!”
She’s not letting go, of course.
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dorkiestgoddesses · 8 years ago
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“I heard something about someone needing affection?” SUDDENLY NEPTUNE.
She’s. She’s already hugging Noire.
She’s not even the variant capable of teleportation and super-speed, and yet she went from 0 to hugging in less than a second.
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Aww, do you want affection, Nowa - 
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dorkiestgoddesses · 8 years ago
Just as Noire enjoys inflicting the punishment, Neptune suffers from enduring it.
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“ You’d totally miss it if I left you alone…! You know it! So spare my cute cheeks! You’d be just as sad if anyone else if you messed ‘em up too much! ”
… Jokes aside, they are starting to get a kinda sore. But if Noire thinks that’ll be enough to stop Neptune and her incessant flailing and struggle to survive the p a i n.
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“No, I definitely wouldn’t. Though I suppose other people MIGHT be upset if I get too carried away... fine, I’ll make a compromise.” Uh oh.
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“Give me a proper apology for your previous transgressions, and I’ll consider it even.” Pff.
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dorkiestgoddesses · 8 years ago
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“…It’s alright. I mean, it’s not like it was completely unjustified.” Neptune stays quiet for a few seconds before speaking up again. “Can… can I have a hug, though?”
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“...I guess...” And now she shifts onto her side so she can pull Neptune into a h-
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“Uzume thinks you two should totally kiss while you’re at it.”
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“WHA- SHUT UP!” And now poor Noire’s red as a beet.
Good job, Uzu.
OH LOOK, IT'S AN UZUME DRAGGING A NOIRE BEHIND HER. "Hey, Nepsy! Noiresy wants to talk to you!" (dorkiestgoddesses)
Neptune’s eyes widen a bit in surprise as she processes what is even taking place before her eyes.
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“…Well, okay then!” She’s sounding less sad now than she was yesterday, at least-
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