#Halloween? yes
noogit9000 · 1 year
Fall? Cannot wait. I am ready for spooky season.
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plushieanimals · 2 months
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build a bear candy corn Cinnamoroll and zombie Pompompurin 🎃
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egophiliac · 12 days
I think the theme is more loungewear than straight-up pajamas, but hey, I'm not complaining! (and -- look, we still have the groovies, I'm not giving up hope for animal kigurumi until I gotta)
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dcxdpdabbles · 2 months
Oh my god, you laid out freelance inventor perfectly for the justice league to mistake Danny for Batman, especially with John Jones already making his thoughts known that Bruce wayne would be the perfect himbo for Batman lol. Does the entire league pull together to make a beach day seem intentional and end up making so many mistaken assumptions along the way? Either way, I adore what you have going. I'm kinda curious if you had any thoughts on Damians' first reaction to meeting Danny? If not, that's okay. I just love the thought of Danny bonding with Damian in a feral way or through sparing like ghosts tend to in this fandom
The first time Danny meets Damian Wayne is when he comes to the Manor for a surprise visit. He usually would have called ahead or messaged Alfred, but it was a last-minute decision to stop by Gotham on his way to Metropolis.
Initially, Danny was going to a technology expo hosted by Lexcorp, but it was delayed due to a giant fight. A robot had flung Superman through the convention hall, causing severe damage.
Since he now had a weekend free while Lexcorp searched for a new venue, he figured he would spend it with his favorite one percent. Imagine his surprise when he noticed the first thing he noticed was that Bruce had a biological son, one he had told to stay hidden.
He had told his displaced son not to venture out of the manner because he didn't want the public to know about him. Danny hadn't felt this angry in a long, long time.
The glare he sent Bruce had the man flinching, causing Damian, fresh to the Manor and not used to seeing his Father as anything but commanding, to raise an impressed eyebrow. "Kids. Bed. Now. I want to talk to your Father."
"No." Bruce cowered. "Please stay, kids."
"Sorry Bruce, I actually have to touch up some photos for this month's photo op," Tim was quick to say, jumping from his seat.
"I also really need to get started on some paperwork for the gymnastic gym." Dick laughed nervously, dropping out of the handstand he was in. Danny never understood how the young man could randomly spring into flips and handstands.
Damian did not inch from his chair, though. He meets Danny's gaze with a cool upturn of his nose and crossed arms.
"You have no control over me or my actions, Harlot," Damian hissed, but a pale Dick and Tim pushed him out. Jason had been out on some far-off island trip with his friends- Roy, Kori, Artemis, and that delightful Bizzarro who spoke like it was an opposite day every day.
He was the only person to whom he would not talk to Damian. Everyone else would look Danny in the eye and justify why they would assume that a child should be treated as a secret was the correct thing to do.
"Well?" Danny asks when all Bruce does is sit there, hands on his lap and sweating. He narrows his eyes, crosses his arms, and watches the sweat drip down Bruce's head. "Explain yourself."
"Danny, I swear I wasn't aware of Damian. His mother told me she had a miscarriage. If I had known, I would have told you-" Bruce started but was cut off by Danny marching across the room and practically snaring into his face.
"That's not why you're in trouble, Bruce. Why are you treating a nine-year-old boy like a dirty secret?!"
"um..well, that's...you need to understand he's a bit unstable-"
"Choose your next words very carefully, Bruce." Danny cuts him off, recrossing his arms. Bruce swallows before he seems to gather unknown courage and straightens out his back.
"Danny, I don't think Damian needs to be a secret forever, but he needs to adjust before he can go out. He had a hard life with his birth mother and tends to lash out in violent outbursts. Just last week, he pushed Tim off the stairway!"
That's alarming. In fact, it isn't very good to think Tim would not be safe in the same household as Damian. They talk more about it, especially the part where Damian makes clear he wishes to replace Tim and would do nothing to remove him.
Damian is a threat to Tim's well-being. He mentions this to Bruce, who waves it way like a damn fool.
"Tim can handle it."
"Just because he can doesn't mean he should," Danny growls, throwing his arms into the air. "I can't talk to you right now. I can't even look at you."
"Danny, please-"
"Nope. I will tell Tim to stay with me, and I will make plans to take Damian out and about. If you treat someone like a criminal, they will act like one. I'm going to help that young boy settle here, but I will not do it at the expense of another. Don't call or message me." Danny growls, strutting out of the room only to practically run into Damian.
The boy raises his chin as if daring Danny to tell him off for eavesdropping. For one second, Danny is reminded of Jazz, back when she had been so insistent that she was an adult.
His eyes soften, and he knows Damian can see based on his surprise blink. "H kid have you had the chance to go into Gotham yet?"
"Why would I waste my time with the peasants? I am an elite warrior, destined to rule over them."
Huh. He reminds Danny a lot of Jazz now, with her anti-social tendencies- not that she refused to be around people, more like she refused to make friendships with people her age because she thought herself too mature for them- and a little of the battle-hungry ghosts in the Zone.
He can handle that.
"You are to be a general, right? Why are you acting like a common foot soldier?" He asks, watching the boy's entire demeanor freeze over. "A good ruler is not just combat strength. They can take command and can easily step among their fighters. How can you do that if you do not understand the common folk's way of thinking?"
Damian opened and closed his mouth before narrowing his eyes. "You mock me."
Danny shakes his head, falling to his knees so Damian won't need to strain his neck. He keeps the baby talk out of his voice but only barely. He gets the sense that like his sister, Damian would prefer to be treated like a mini adult. "Never. I'm genuinely interested in your thoughts, but you must know that all knowledge is power. Know thy enemy..."
"...as one knows thyself," Damian finishes his quote, looking vaguely intruded. He considers the offer before nodding. "I shall accompany you on your outing and gain valued observations of the average American child."
"Only after you apologize for attacking Tim and tell him to his face how you will not be doing that again," Danny warns, raising a finger at Damian's clouded face. "A good leader does not want insubordination. Attacking Tim did not prove anything but how unreliable you are and how much you fear Tim."
"I do not fear Drake!"
"Then why does his presence so threaten you? Bruce told me how out of all his kids, you seemed so sure you could take him in a fight but not a battle of wits."
Damian's eyes grow cold before he lashes out a hand. Danny catches it quickly, much to the boy's shock. He clicks his tongue, shaking his head. "Not bad, but not what a regular American child would behave. You would have been singled out as a spy the second you stepped in the street."
"....I shall work on my reaction and emotional regulation." Damian yanks his arm free, striding away but not before glancing back at Danny. "You are strange."
Danny smiles. "Thanks, kiddo."
The boy vanishes from sight, and Danny sighs. He must now find Tim and help him pack to stay with him. He also needs to yell at everyone in the Manor, including Alfred. Honestly, that man enables Bruce far too much.
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the-phantom-peach · 11 months
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happy halloween folks
behold. neither trick nor treat, but a third more cursed thing (dark clump)
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alphashley14 · 1 year
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reunitedinterlude · 2 months
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we are chained together
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halloween-sweets · 8 months
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perilusjax · 3 months
Title: Queen of Shadows
Danny and Bruce have been dating for years before Bruce joined the JL. After the Dracula incident, Danny gave Bruce a few guardian spirits. They only come out when dealing with magical problems, so most others don't know about them.
Unknown to either of them, the whole JL think Batman is an amalgamation of shadows. Thanks to the shadows disliking how they treat the Queen.
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Meme Prompt 11
A three-way crossover this time
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tommarvoloriddlesdiary · 11 months
Tom: I can't love anyone more than I love myself.
Harry, exists: ...
Tom: What a relief that the Horcrux in you is a convenient loophole.
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egophiliac · 1 year
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this is all I can muster right now, too busy having my brain absolutely melted by the September schedule, what is happening
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Halloween prompts year 2 day 9
Au where the accident happened when Danny was like, 7 and Danny starts to see his parents are really crappy people. Like full narcissists. Luckly hes young enough that the conditioning hasn't set in and he's just mad about it
Tired of being talked over, ignored, neglected, guilt tripped and otherwise emotionally abused, he wanders around the ghost zone to vent his frustrations through combat. Eventually a fortune teller/seer/oracle ghost makes him an offer, a fraction of his power in return for finding the family he seeks. He agrees and she tells him his birth fathers name is Jason Peter Todd and that he will require proof to believe this.
She then punts him into the portal that opened up behind him.
Danny seeks out Jason, excited for a family who might actually care about him. But when he finds him he remembers the ladys words and decided he needed to steal some of his dads hair for a dna test so he'll have proof both to prove to himself that the lady wasn't just messing with him and to show Jason. The problem was that Jason was a ridiculously light sleeper and kept waking up to Danny standing in the doorway/ at the foot of his bed/ next to his bed/ or invisible and making the room cold out of frustration.
Jason is freaking out cause he thinks hes hallucinating his child self standing in doorways and around his bed at night.
...and when he discovers the truth he has violent flashbacks to when he was searching for his birth mother and how that ended. So hes like extra overprotective of the kid that he suddenly can't freaking find cause he scared the crap outta him earlier thinking it was a demon/ manifestation of his trauma or something
Bruce and his flock are not coming within 500 feet of his kid
Unfortunately, Danny discovers that Jason is a crime lord as well as some of the horrible things he had done and thinks Jason is worse than his adoptive parents. It probably doesn't help that Jason threatened him and scared him off before finding out who the kid was.
Now Danny is trying to silence his sobbing (and failing) outside inthe Gotham rain. He's terrified and one of the other bats find him and they wind up chasing him around as a group because this kid is so slippery and obviously terrified.
Who would have thought that the only person he would be willing to talk to Robin, a fellow kid
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modmad · 11 months
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oh no i gtg afk and so many trick or treaters showed up in my inbox!!! uh okay kids
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stand back im just gonna *throws a brick through the window*
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oh SHIT!!!!!
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sp00ky-p00ky · 1 year
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dcxdpdabbles · 11 months
Cave Boy Danny is a dad and that one fact makes Tim less suspicious of him.
Because the contingency plan for Bruce is his kids. It's also really concerning HOW young Bruce is a parent. (How old is he?!)
And this story won't be complete without Dani showing up to cause mayhem while calling for her Father.
She commits to the bit without even knowing all the details. Or the bit.
So, in Cave Au, I had planned to have Danny call Dani, his adoptive sister, instead of his daughter to make the Waynes much more nervous about him, but I'll write a different Au for you to make up for it.
Dani Fenton is the new kid in Tim's class. She's moved with her single father, Daniel Fenton, from a small town in Minnesota. At first, there is not much to her, even with her large brian.
She's a scholarship girl with a mind for chemistry that could make any scientist green with envy. Her uniform must be better tailored, likely second-hand, because it hangs loosely around her body as if made for a taller girl. She doesn't talk to other students, often popping in headphones when they are dismissed to the next class or during breaks.
Most of Gotham Acadamy doesn't want to interact with her, and she's completely fine with returning the sentiment. Personally, Tim only noticed her because she had a Dumpty Humpty sticker on her laptop.
He's surprised to find anyone in his generation who even heard the band, much less enjoyed it enough to have merchandise. It was a rock band that was popular twenty years ago when Bruce was a teenager.
Tim only knows about them because Bruce sometimes puts them on when he wants to work on any Bat vehicles.
He recognized her sticker, but it wasn't a reason to go over and start a conversation with her. The only action this realization caused was Tim pulling up his playlist and pressing one of Dumpty Humpty's songs.
No, what caused him to talk to her was an incident that happened three weeks after she arrived at Gotham Acadamy. It's a well-known fact that scholarship kids were picked on. Even though Waynes attempted to curb the bullying, it still happened to the kids they gave financial assistance to.
Tim had stumbled across a group of girls surrounding Dani by the soccer field. She was sitting on the grassy hill overlooking the field, and around her were various art supplies. Dani had likely been painting when the girls had rudely interrupted her.
It didn't take any of his Bat training to see how they were mocking her, and he sped up just as one girl reached out to try and snatch her screech book out of her hand.
The key word being tried.
Dani had been much faster, for she not only tugged her book out of the bully's reach but also kicked out the feet from under the girl in the same motion.
"Nice try." Dani taunted, her accent just peeking through. "Now, do me a favor and get your daddy to buy you a yacht you can't drive instead of bothering me."
"At least my Dad has money!" The other girl screeched.
Dani snorted. "Oh boy, you really cut me where it hurts. How will I ever recover from that comeback?"
"You Bitch!" A blond girl yelled. Tim knows her. Tina Lumière, the youngest of Harry Lunmiere- a family who ran luxurious vacation services. A family that was always quick to lure in investors. She's been trying to flirt with Tim since Bruce took him in, convinced he'll fund her family business if she bats her eyelashes hard enough.
Tim hates interacting with her.
"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. I'm a poor bitch that won't amount to anything, and I need to stay away from Timbo Dragon so you can go make rich stupid babies with him."
"That's not his name-"
"Look, I only have one day of the school week where I have a free period, and you're wasting it on this." Dani waves her hand around the group with an over-exaggerated squint. "I mean, honestly, why would I go after some guy? I'm a lesbian."
"You are?" The brunette in the circle of bullies asks, with too much interest. Dani sends her a wink, and the girl actually blushes. Tim is suddenly reminded of Steph, and that causes him to smile.
"That's not his name!" Tina shouts, stepping in between the flirting girls. Dani's face clouds over in distaste as she continues. "His name is Timothy Drake. I know you're lying about not being interested in him! I saw you staring at him in biology."
"I was looking at his rock band sweater. It's a band my dad likes-"
"Shut up!" Tina slaps Dani across the face, seemingly smug, but it doesn't last long since the raven-haired girl springs up with a nasty right hook.
It hits Tina right in the eye, knocking the girl down like her friend. She screams, which triggers all her friends to jump at Dani. Despite being smaller and outnumbered, Dani gives as good as she gets, throwing a girl over her shoulder and punching another in the throat.
Tim picked up his speed, walking into a fast run. He barely has the mind to pull out his phone and point it in the group's direction. "Hey, break it up! Break it up!"
The two holding onto Dani's hair let go like they've been burned. If a teacher had tried to stop the fight, they wouldn't have gotten far, but Tim is a Wayne. They have much more power than some poor staff.
"Tim," Tina wails. Her eye is already starting to bruise. She's going to look terrible for a while while it heals. "She attacked me!"
"No, she didn't," He says, rolling his eyes. He waves his phone at them. "Don't lie. I recorded the whole thing. Also, harassing others is super unattractive."
He didn't, but they don't know that. Tina's face falls apart as he helps Dani get her things and then escorts her to the main building. He doubts that will stop her harassment, but hopefully, it will detain them long enough for him to find a better solution.
"Thanks," Dani says after they finish walking. "That was cool of you."
"Don't mention it." He gives her a standard Wayne-dizzy smile. "What of mine sweater were you talking about?"
She grins. "The Dumpty Humpty one.'
"Oh yeah, that's my dad's. He loves the band."
Her eyes light up. "Mine does, too. Maybe we can get our dads to meet and discuss it."
Great. Dani Fenton was another opportunist trying to get Bruce to meet her parents. Pity.
"I'm sure there will be a chance in the future. Maybe the parent-teacher conferences, we'll run into each other," He says with a laugh, not giving her a direct answer. Dani nods and then walks off to her next class. He reports the girls, compiles enough evidence, and when he's sure the school will step in, he doesn't think about the afternoon.
Then, four months later, it's parent-teacher conferences. Bruce and Tim are just about finished visiting all his teachers, that are falling over themselves to get on Brucie's good side when Dani appears, dragging her dad behind her.
"That's him." She says, and Daniel's face lights up.
"You're the Dumpty Humpty fan?" He asks Bruce. His dad has no choice but to play along even though Tim knows he's dead tired and wants to go home.
"Of course. Who doesn't love a good Fairy Tale Ending to listen to on the way home?" Bruce laughs, and Daniel's grin widens.
"That's great, but I like Bloody Prince Charming more. Daniel Fenton, by the way." He holds his hand, and Bruce shakes it slightly more interest now. It's not that Dumpty Humpty isn't just old; it wasn't popular in this part of the country, so it's even rarer to find fans in Gotham.
"Bruce Wayne."
"Nice to meet ya!" Daniel chirps- seeing anyone other than Dick be that cheerful is odd. "Wish we can talk more, but I got to get to this one's art class."
"Of course," Bruce says, even though he's surprised they walked away so quickly without asking for anything more of them. Most try swinddle a second meeting somehow.
Dani waves Tim goodbye, and the Fentons are off down the hall, chatting between them in ordinary, eased tones. It's odd but a forgotten interaction for Tim after a few days.
Not so much for Bruce.
Tim finds out a month later that Bruce not only met up with Mr. Fenton again but even asked for his number on their second meeting. Then the two men went out for dinner, went to the mall, went shopping, and even did some charity fundraiser together.
Bruce would often message Daniel that it felt like he was the new teenager. Tim still did not think it odd.
Only when Damian burst into his room, dragging the rest of their siblings in. The youngest had called on a sibling meeting to discuss a new issue that worried him about Bruce.
"Tim, who is Father's suitor, and what are his intentions with Father?" The boy asked after everyone had settled.
"Babybat has a point. I haven't seen Bruce this interested since Catwoman first appeared," Dick added. "I really hope this lover sticks around."
"What lover?" Tim questions Jason, who shrugs.
"A Daniel Fenton? The old man has been going steady with him for about a month now. Haven't you noticed? You were the one that introduced him."
"No, I've been focused on the Phantom case," Tim says, gesturing to the board covered in red yarn and a news clipping of the new hero.
Phantom had appeared a while back, going through the city and helping the little people. He's even harder to catch a glimpse of then Batman, but he's been helping to slowly cut down the pity crime and muggings, letting the Bats focus on the big guns like the Rouges.
The Bats had been trying to pin him down to offer assistance and gradated for all his hard work. They just catch him since Phantom is a meta and always slips away at the last second.
"Whatever the case may be." Damian started up again. "We must protect Father from those with less than honorable intentions."
"Hear, Hear," Steph and Duke cry, lifting up their juice boxes that Cass had passed out. It wasn't a proper sibling meeting without snacks.
"He can't be all bad," Tim said. "He's a single father."
"Having a kid makes him more worthy?"
"In my experience, step-parents have been really great." But Dana was incredible like that, so maybe Tim put too much faith in Bruce's dating life.
They all agree to closely monitor Daniel Fenton and his daughter Dani. There may be more than meets the eye.
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