#Hallowed wings - ooc
mythicfieldwork · 4 months
”Who says you can’t teach facts with fiction?” 🪶
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[RP and IC biology rant blog for Seraphim “Phi” the birdfolk zoologist]
📕 No NSFW (unless you’re just saying “yeah this species does reproduce that way” and leave it at that) because we are MINORS
📙 No flirting with the bird without permission
📒 If you try to use unethical means of research, especially in regards to a sentient species, she will ruin your career. be warned.
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Research Outings - Thread 📋
Research Notes - OG post 🪹
Bird Up! - Starter 🪶
Hallowed Wings - OOC 🪽
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orangetintedglasses · 21 days
( so modded Terraria, right-- )
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verilly · 2 years
Friendly First Meetings
Angel Devil x Reader
Part 1 {CURRENT} || Check for other parts on my MASTERLIST. (Pinned link)
What is to come: OOC, reader pining for Angel unintentionally (?), you curse ONCE for funsies, chainsaw man violence but not really
Description: Makima oversees everything. She knows who you are, and from all the time you’ve spent in Special Division Four, she trusts you enough… no. More as in, Makima forces you to house Angel Devil in your apartment.
“Makima? Er- Miss Makima? You wanted to see me?” You make your way fully into Makima’s office and close the door behind you. Makima is sitting at her desk with a simple smile on her face. In the left corner of her room, there was someone with wings and a halo standing by themself.
“Hello [name], it seems as if this is our first time meeting… I’ll get straight to the point with you already. Since your last partner died due to unforeseen events,” her voice was soft. In fact, this was the first time you ever heard her speak, “I must assign you someone new. This is the Angel Devil.”
“A devil? Full on?” You slightly questioned, but shut up before you get on her nerves
“Yes, a devil. You won’t have to worry though, Angel here is a special case. He isn’t hostile towards humans, so it’ll be fine. Just don’t get too close. Whenever Angel makes contact with a human, he consumes the lifespan of the one he touches.” Makima shifts her gaze to the person in the corner, “Not only will you two be partners, I will also make it so that living arrangements are made for you two to stay together.”
“Wait- living together?!” You stutter out
“What? Is something wrong with that?” Makima looked a little disappointed
“Well no, it’s just that… are you sure? My apartment isn’t even that big…”
“No, it is suitable for at least two people.” Makima turns her chair to face the window, “That is all. You two have work now. Patrol route 14, have fun.”
You take a good look at the Angel Devil. He was pretty, he had long hair, beautiful wings, and a shiny hallow. You then go and look back towards Makima, you bow and say goodbye and signal the Angel Devil to come with you.
Route 14 was in a secluded and almost empty part of the city. Probably because the Angel Devil’s extra features would stand out in a crowded area. The patrol was silent for almost fifteen whole minutes before you spoke up and tried to start a conversation
“Did you know you were gonna come live with me?” You tilt your head towards him, he was looking up at the sky
“No, Makima didn’t tell me anything.” He responded nonchalantly, not taking his eyes off the sky
The walk was silent yet again. He didn’t try adding anything at all, you two made a turn into an alleyway to get to your next destination.
“Where were you living before?” You look at him again, his eyes were locked onto you. He looked… a little annoyed.
“In that big building behind bars. I’m still a devil, they don’t really care for me. I’m sure your place is a lot better.” He took his eyes off of you after finishing his sentence, he enjoyed the silence.
Though, the silence wasn’t there for long. The next turn you two made was one where you two were in front of a somewhat large devil, blocking the way to continue your route. It locked its singular eye onto you and tried to move its body away, leaving a trail of goo on where it used to sit.
“Alright then,” you turn your way to the Angel Devil, “Why don’t you show me what you can do?”
He let out a sigh and summoned a sword from his halo after saying something you couldn’t quite catch. He made his way slowly towards the devil and cut through its body. Goo splurged out as it let out an annoyingly loud shriek. But the devil quieted down and inflated its body larger to cover to wound in its body. The Angel Devil backed up and murmured, “I don’t think we can do this by ourselves. You should get out of here.”
“That’s not happening” You back up a little and grip your spear tighter, “We can do this.” You throw your only weapon at the devil and it plunges deep into its eye. The devil cries out again.
“Are you serious? That’s your only weapon. You must be dumb-“ you cut off the pretty devil
“Yeah but, can’t you spawn a new one for me or something? Or you can make a new one for yourself, because I’m gonna be using this.” You take the sword from the Angel Devil’s grip, making sure you don’t touch him. You shift your gaze towards the large devil and get ready to fight.
“Good job Team [name]. You two have slayed the Claustrophobia Devil all my yourselves.” Makima smiles at the both of you, who are both covered in the devil’s blood. You more than the angel, “You two can reward yourselves by going home, it’s about time you two sign off anyway. You can show Angel his new home, [name]. Take care.”
You thank Makima and head off with the Angel Devil back to headquarters, “Is there anything you need to pick up to take to my apartment?”
“No, they didn’t really let me have anything.” the angel looked towards the big building and sighed
“You don’t have any other clothes?”
“I have more uniforms, we could take that.”
“You actually don’t have normal clothes??”
“That’s sad.”
The walk back was silent yet again, the Angel Devil takes extra uniforms and puts them lazily into a plastic bag. Meanwhile you, still covered in blood, fill out paperwork on the Claustrophobia Devil while it’s still fresh in your memory and so you wouldn’t have to do it later.
You received congratulations from Himeno and a few other devil hunters in the building while you try and figure out where the angel was. He was sitting down at the lounge with his plastic bag full of clothes sitting next to him. He looked tired.
“Alright, that’s all. Thanks for waiting for me~” you laugh a little
“I don’t really have a choice. So…”
“Okay whatever, my apartment’s not that far, but we’ll be getting a- hmm. Do you think anyone’s gonna let us get in their taxi while we’re covered in blood?” You sit down next to him
“Probably not.”
“I wonder if Himeno is still here…”
“Thanks for driving us! You’re the best, Himeno!” You wave a goodbye to Himeno, who graciously drove you back to your apartment.
You two use the elevator and rise all the way up to the sixth level and walk towards to your apartments entrance. Unlocking it quickly, you opened the door and allowed yourself and the Angel Devil in.
“This is my humble abode. It’s small, you can go take a shower first… it’s that door, the one with the blue sticker on it.” You gesture to the correct door, “And after you finish your shower, I’ll get you some actual comfortable clothes!”
The Angel nods and takes his shoes off and makes his way towards the bathroom. You close entrance door and relock it. You take your shoes off and take the jacket of the suit off and let it drop onto the floor. The blood’s already dried, gross. You make your way towards the only bedroom and check out your closet to see if the angel could wear any of your clothes. After you found something, you laid it out on a chair in the kitchen.
You knock on the bathroom door, “Just call my name whenever your done! I have the clothes for you.”
“Angel Devil, are you alive? Hellooo?”
“… I don’t remember your name.” His voice echoed quietly
“That’s right, isn’t it? We never introduced ourselves to each other!” You smile to yourself, “My name is [name]. What should I call you? Angel Devil doesn’t really roll off the tongue.”
“Angel is fine.”
“Alright then Angel, call my name when you’re done.” You turned back to get your own clothes for when after you bathe. You sit down on the couch and hum a tune.
Now you won’t be so lonely.
“[name]? I’m uh, done.” You hear Angel’s voice through the door
“Alright! I’ll be right there.” You walk to the bathroom door with Angel’s clothes in hand, “I can hand you your clothes if you just crack the door open” The door opened slightly and you could see a part of Angels wings, “I’ll close my eyes.” You push Angel’s new clothes into the bathroom door and he grabs them from you quickly.
You back up from the door and go back to sit on the couch, sooner or later, the bathroom door opens and Angel slowly walks out. You turn your head to look at him
“Hey! You look just like me” you joke
“These clothes are… nice. They feel nice, thanks.” Angel murmurs out
“How are your wings?”
“They’re fine.”
You nod in response and go into the bathroom yourself while holding your own clothes, “You can take a look around or whatever, there isn’t a lot to see or anything though, make yourself at home.”
“Man, I’m starving… you must be too!” You say as you walk towards Angel with a towel laying on your neck, fresh out of a shower
“Yeah, I’m hungry. Give me food” Angel was looking out the window, there wasn’t a real interesting view, maybe he just didn’t want to see you?
“Well what do you eat? You’re a devil… so do you just eat blood and flesh or whatever?” You joke, but it was still a genuine question
“I’ll eat anything that’s edible, including what you just said, but I don’t think you exactly have a supply of blood. Do you?”
“Haha, nope! But if you wanna eat normal food…” you shuffle your way to the fridge to see what you had in store. It was somewhat full of small snacks. Nothing that would be considered a meal. What were you really expecting though? You weren’t the best cook, so most of your time eating was when you were out with your now deceased partner or getting take out.
You sigh as you check cupboards and shelves to find any sign of food. Nope. It was like a barren wasteland. Though, you check the last drawer to find a few ramen packets that weren’t expired. You gleefully pick them up and get ready to cook by picking up a pot and placing it onto the stove.
After a few minutes of waiting, the food was finally ready. You carefully place the bowl in front of Angel with free wooden chopsticks you get at some restaurants. You hear him mumble a “thank you” in response, your heart felt happy. Soon after you placed your own food down in front of him.
Though it was silent, you two enjoyed a meal together! One step closer into becoming the best partners public safety has ever seen, hopefully.
It was already 8PM, and there was still a lot to do before you were ready to sleep.
“Okay Angel, there’s not a lot to do at my apartment. Forgive me! Just sit on the couch and… you can read? Or you can watch TV? I don’t know if there’s anything good playing right now though- whatever! Have fun, I have to clean some stuff!” You huff out and smile when Angel nods in response.
You make your way to you room and start tidying things up to look somewhat approachable. Putting away clothes laying out on the floor, vacuuming, clearing up your desk, emptying the trash, and putting your things in a presentable manner. The last thing you had to do was wash your bedsheets and blanket.
“Angel, where did you put your dirty uniform?” You ask with a Laundry basket in hand
“Uhm, I think it’s still in the bathroom.”
“Alright, thanks”
You went into the bathroom to see both yours and Angels uniforms still covered in dried up devil’s blood. They were separated, you could barely tell whose was who’s but picked them up anyway. On your way out you decided to tell Angel to try and mark his suit in some way so they wouldn’t get mixed up.
Laundry was almost done. Finally you could rest, and so could Angel. All you had to do now was set down bedsheets and fold your now clean clothes. Angel was still sitting on the couch, skimming through a magazine that was sitting on the kitchen counter.
“Hey Angel, do you know how to fold clothes?”
“Yeah?” He looks up at you, his eyes were big, and oh so pretty
You stare for a moment before speaking up again, “Okay then, could you fold these? Also find out which one is yours. I just have one more thing to do, so I’ll be back soon with a surprise!”
Angel agrees to fold the laundry after he questions your actions for just a moment. You head back to your bedroom and struggle to put on the bedsheets on your own, but succeed after one last attempt. The room was finally finished for Angel to sleep in.
You make your way back to the couch and let out a happy sigh, “So. Everything done? Because I’m ready for you!” You put your hands on Angel’s shoulders, he jumps a little from the sudden touch.
“Do you have a death wish or something? How are yo-“ Angel’s words were threatening but his eyes were full of concern
“Don’t worry, it’s through cloth, right? So it doesn’t hurt one bit! Anyways are you done with the laundry? I have something to show you~” you laugh at his surprised state and take your hands off. To be honest, the touch was out of instinct.
“Yeah. I’m done. It wasn’t a lot so-“
“Great! Follow me to your room!” You said as you watch Angel stand up from the couch
“What do you mean? There’s only one-“
“Shush, just follow me! Sorry I keep cutting you off too by the way”, you lead Angel to the bedroom, it was newly cleaned so that he could rest his body in peace. Your posters and pictures were still there for you to enjoy, but the bed would be his now, “Tada! You’ll be sleeping here, be grateful. I spent so much time cleaning this shit.”
“Uh, thanks. Your room is, very… nice?” Angel looked confused, “But where are you going to sleep?”
“I’ll sleep on the couch, it’s always available y’know.”
“I just don’t understand, why am I getting your room?” He questioned you, perhaps he felt like it was a trap? You didn’t really understand
“The couch is pretty small and cramped, so I just thought it wouldn’t be good for your wings. Is that bad?” You sweat a bit, maybe what you did was offensive to him is some way?
“…thanks.” Angel’s wings perked up a little bit, it was quite noticeable. How cute.
“Don’t get too comfortable though! I’ll still be using that room for my closet and what not, I’ll have to buy a wardrobe for you too now, huh? Well, we can think about it later.” You yawn, Angel looked happy to see the room. That made your heart tingle, just a little bit.
“Good night, [name].” Angel’s mouth perked up into a smile slightly before coming back down to his resting face. His lips looked soft and plump, you smile back in return
“Good night Angel! Sleep well, we have work tomorrow. Oh yeah! Good job today, too!” You turned back to go to your new sleeping area, the living room. The bedroom door closed softly. You could hear Angel’s steps going towards his new bed. This was all so new, when did you become so nice?
Laying down on the couch was just a tad uncomfortable, you couldn’t help but miss your bed. You had a soft blanket on top of you and a few stuffed animals to keep you company. Though, most of them were still in your room. Maybe Angel’s enjoying them? Hopefully he likes them.
Why was Angel occupying your mind so much? Was it his small stature? His long beautiful hair? The way his eyes are laced with concern whenever someone accidentally touches him? Was it his magnificent ivory wings that you could enjoy with your eyes from miles away? Maybe the way his mouth slightly shifted into differing emotions, but always morphed back into his normal expression, which was just as pretty? Or it could be that shiny halo that followed his every move. You didn’t really know, but your glad that you have someone again. And perhaps, he’s thinking about you just as much as you think of him. Just maybe.
I like him too but I LOVE angel. This might just become a Angel devil fan account
Also yeah I came back from a four month break because of him so that MIST mean something
This blog also’s gonna turn into a multi fandom thing definitely.
Did you know nutrience isn’t a word? And that the correct spelling is nutrients? Well I didn’t. Anyways I spelled it as nutrience in here so 😀👍
-Yours truly, 💟
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alice-of-hightable · 5 months
Since the Hallowed Lodges are relatively new, I am laying down the ground rules for those who don’t know.
1. No business on the grounds, I have game cameras everywhere and will know
2. No hunting without a guide unless express permission is granted, and allow the crows to check you for ticks whenever you return, no exceptions
3. Keep a silver lodge pin on you at all times when residing here, keeps the rougarous and most ghosties and things at bay because they hate the stuff.
4. Because we are in the middle of nowhere and pretty far out out from towns and cities, we have a small hospital wing of the lodge. If you’re not a patient, relative, or staff, stay out.
5. Absolutely do not go out at night without a guide, the concierge, the owner, or some sort of protection. If you get grabbed by a spirit, an alligator or whatever big predator is in the area, or get possessed by something because you went out on your own, that’s your own fault
Basic safety and conduct rules.
Oh, rule number 7:
If you go out at night, even if there’s a good reason, you will be quarantined in your room for three days of observation
//ooc: If you’re roleplaying in the “john beat the high table” idea, the High Table crest near the door is “broken”. If you’re playing in a rp with an active High Table, the crest is whole.
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fluffyanimalsilike · 4 years
Looking for Drarry RP!
Hello! I’m a 20+ looking for someone to do Drarry with :] I’ve got lots of RP experience, I don’t mind playing either of the boys, and I’m not a stickler about length. I don’t even mind if they’re slightly ooc. I’m just looking to have some relaxed, casual fun with some plots I’ve always wanted to do with Drarry. I’m also down for ns*w, though I don’t want that to be the focus of the RP.
Plot idea 1: Draco and Harry somehow become friendly during the beginning of fourth year, maybe around when Ron and Harry are fighting, and thus Draco helps Harry through the Tournament and they become closer.
Plot idea 2: Draco runs away from Malfoy Manor during Deathly Hallows, accidentally stumbling upon Harry in the woods. Harry winds up bringing him back to camp and offers him a chance to change to their side.
Plot idea 3: The classic Sectumsempra scenario. Either Harry walks in on Draco in the bathroom and decides not to attack or Harry feels guilty after attacking and goes to apologize to Draco in the hospital wing.
If you’re interested, send me a message or reply to this post. :D
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vraelgard · 4 years
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You’ve seen the signs, or heard the news - All Hallow’s Eve is coming up, and it’s coming up fast. The local citizens have explained that it’s a tradition that’s been around as long as any of them can remember, one that was originally meant to keep them safe. They said that children and adults alike dress up in costumes and spend the evening and night scaring away evil spirits in exchange for candy and treats, and all the new arrivals are welcome to participate. In fact, you may have noticed some businesses promoting costumes, and independent companies opening up the seasonal service of making, or even helping others make their own costumes. It’s said that some of their traditions come from elsewhere, but the specifics of where are highly unclear.
The week passes joyously and peacefully, and the closer it gets to All Hallow’s Eve, the more decorations are set up. The day of the holiday, the whole of Terra and Blackgrove are adorned with everything from webs to ooze, even some black flame lanterns and friendly spirits can be found near some of the most eager areas. The sun begins to set, and Princess Lilliana makes an announcement.
“Citizens of Vraelgard, thank you all for your eager preparation and buzzing excitement. To those of you new to our lands, I and the rest of the council welcome to you to enjoy All Hallow’s Eve as much as our native residents. While the likelihood of evil spirits stirring up trouble is low, it certainly can’t hurt to be cautious, or to have a bit of fun in the meantime, can it? I hope you all have a wonderful and safe evening.”
There’s a cheer resounding throughout the gathered crowd, as the end of the Princess’s speech marks the beginning of the festivities, yet elsewhere, something is amiss. The Witch Princess Cica of Ciemnica is gathering up the last of her ingredients for a spell with something akin to a devilishly mischievous grin on her face.
“They’re going to love this - it will be the greatest All Hallow’s Eve in history, mark my words.” She tosses in the last ingredient and mutters a brief incantation over a boiling cauldron, accompanied by a few of her most trusted and powerful sisters. The room is filled with a brief, sudden silence, and then the bubbles overflow and the steam rises higher and reaches further. Soon, Cica’s fellow witches begin changing - one who had dressed as a dragon sprouts wings and grows scales, another dressed as an oni grows a horn and her skin turns a deep red. Immediately, Cica realizes something went wrong with the spell, though after a hasty check of her process, there’s a sigh of relief upon noting the effects will only last until sunrise. “Well… it will certainly be one worth remembering, and I can think of no safer way to ward away evil spirits at any rate.” Perhaps she should be more concerned, yet as her faux gumiho tails and ears become real, Cica can’t help but wonder if there isn’t more fun to be had elsewhere. She and her sisters leave the chamber and join the rest of Vraelgard in the beginning of a most wondrous All Hallow’s Eve.
                       ———  🎃 ——— 
Hello everyone, and welcome to our second mini-event, the first annual All Hallow’s Eve! In case you didn’t catch it, this event will feature your muse taking on the traits of whatever their costume is until sunrise. For example, if your muse dressed up as a vampire, they’ll grow fangs and their skintone will be ashy. If they were a ghost, they’ll be transparent and perhaps even intangible. The exact effects are up to you, though we ask that you don’t use this as a chance to say, turn into a dragon and burn the city down or anything like that. You’re welcome to pick any mythical creature (i.e. kirin, phoenix, hydra, mermaid), fantasy race (i.e. spiderling, goblin, tiefling, cathar) or figure-type (i.e. pirate, emperor/empress) so long as it isn’t a specific person or something you think could be considered cultural appropriation or offensive. We’d also like to see people pick things that would be more fantastical, rather than things like occupations. Feel free to explore both Terra and Blackgrove to search for witches to find a cure, scare away some evil spirits, score yourself some candy, or play around with your newfound tails and/or wings and/or extra limbs! Or panic. You’re totally welcome to panic. If you have any questions, feel free to fire away at our inbox.
As with the Sages’ Solstice, this event will count towards your rank-ups. You will need to post one paragraph length post, two mini posts, OR a 300 word drabble. Of course, that doesn’t mean you can’t write more, these are just the minimum requirements for participation to count toward your ranking up! Please remember to note this on your threads page or tracker along with your current thread counts for when you’re ready to send it our way!
All Hallow’s Eve 2020 will run from October 24th to November 7th OOC, though in character it takes place from sundown to sunrise on a single night! Please note this event won’t be extended, so make sure to get your spooky threads started while you can because they’re welcome to be continued after the event’s end, but the 7th is the cutoff for starters and opens!
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heavenlyborne · 4 years
ooc-someidioticurl said: For the fallen Dragon Shalria // What is it that you miss the most?
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Snowy-white feathers ruffled indignantly at the question, the dragon letting out an icy breath of cold at the thought of her old home that once stood so proudly up in those hallowed peaks. For centuries her kind had ruled unopposed, worshipped as gods by the insignificant specks dwelling down here in this world below... but as always, nothing lasted forever and time could bring down even the mightiest of beasts. Not that there had been many of her kind left. Generations of comfortable living had weakened the potential of their blood over the aeons, rendering the common males unable to achieve their true form while many females struggled to manage in doing so at all. Shalria had been one of the lucky few, remaining one of the last few true dragons thanks to her family’s strict practises when it came to preserving their ancient bloodline.    Her brother may have been an unfortunate wretch, but she had been born perfect. "What do I miss the most?” Shalria hissed in response, her multiple wings fanning in an invisible breeze. There were a number of things she missed such as her kind, loose as her attachment to her family had been but first and foremost had been her rightful position atop of the world, where life had been so easy and good. Food was plentiful, tasteful upon her ‘human’ tongue while being served by a multitude of servants who were none of the wiser as to what really lay beneath her unassuming appearance. Now she had to hunt and feed herself, forced to survive alone in a strange new world where her kind hadn’t truly existed for thousands of years... Celestial Dragons were cruel, ruling over all others with an iron claw but more importantly they lived to be served, and it was an affront to have to do anything by themselves.
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carewyncromwell · 4 years
Jacob. Do you like to read? If you do, what's your favorite book? Or is there a book you don't like?
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“Dude, totally! Libraries are my Heaven, and books are my wings, baby. Doesn’t matter what kind -- textbooks, novels, comic books -- it’s all my jam. My personal favorite genre is science fiction, though I also totally dig Muggle fantasy -- hey, it might not be much like how magic really works, but it still gets damn creative! My favorite books are I Robot by Isaac Asimov and The Once and Future King series by T.H. White...I was a sucker for the old Arthurian legends, back in the day. One of my favorite Christmas presents when I was a tyke was going to see Disney’s The Sword in the Stone when it was re-released to theaters...guess I would’ve been, what, eight? It was, like, right before Pip was born.
“As for least favorite, hmm...reckon there have been a few unpleasant books I stumbled upon in Flourish and Blotts. I opened up one of Barrett Fay’s books once, for instance, purely out of curiosity...but yeah, once the introduction started crowing about Muggles being ‘silent aggressors’  against Wizardkind, I pretty quickly snapped that tripe shut. Then there’s always Rita Skeeter’s rubbish. I remember once Olivia had been doing some research on Newt Scamander, so she borrowed Skeeter’s ‘tell-all’ book about him from one of her dormmates. She showed it to Ashe and me, and the three of us spent the whole afternoon reading passages of it to each other in over-the-top, stupid voices, mocking the whole thing and laughing our arses off.”
((OOC: Carewyn actually references Jacob’s love of the King Arthur legend in this old roleplaying post (one of the very first I wrote!) where she got her new wand, which she nicknames her “Excalibur wand.”
Barrett Fay is referenced in the film Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 as the author of a book seen on Umbridge’s desk called When Muggles Attack.))
Talk to Jacob Cromwell!
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thehuggamugcafe · 6 years
❝ did you hear about the witch roaming around this town on halloween night? ❞
OOC: I spy with my little eye… A classy writer!
I’m suddenly in the mood for this sort of ask, yes indeed!
By the way… I did some research on witches and such, so I’m sorry if some things aren’t accurate.
Cheers, and do enjoy, you marvellous writer! ☕
“Hey, Boss. Did you hear? A witch is supposed to live in this area!”
The dark-haired head barista stared at the customer addressing her. She wasn’t surprised who it was. She was likeable enough, if Eira’s opinion was worth anything, but she placed too much faith in the rumour mill that circulated throughout Tokyo.
“Hah?” Eira drawled, clicking her tongue.
The foreigner looked as bored as she sounded, her icy irises shining with vapid interest.
“A witch? I don’t believe in that sort of nonsense.”
“It’s true!” One of the customers insisted, nodding enthusiastically. “I saw her last Halloween, but I didn’t get a good look at her!”
So they’re not completely sure if the witch is actually real, but they believe in her anyway? How stupid are people nowadays? Eira thought, pursing her lips.
“Hey, hey, Halloween’s in two days! We should totally try and catch a better glimpse of her this year!”
“Yeah! Ooh, ooh! I’ll bring my camera this time!”
“Doofus. She’ll get spooked if you bring your camera! Or she’ll get pissed and hex you!”
“True, but maybe she’ll curse you with bad luck! I’d like to see you trying to snag the guy you like then!”
Sometimes, customers believe in the silliest things. Witches exist? Don’t make me laugh.
The whole thing stunk of superstitious bull if anyone were to ask her what she thought about the “witches exist” belief, a belief that was surprisingly popular among teens and young women.
Apparently, even in modern times, such an old-fashioned trend was still romanticized, and still demonized by the people who claimed to be intelligent, however…
The fact that the customers immediately jumped to such conclusions that they’d be hexed or cursed, should they anger the witch spoke volumes of their intelligence, or lack thereof.
Eira sighed and shook her head; it was best not to dwell on meaningless things. She had a business to run, after all… She couldn’t afford to let herself be distracted by things—and conceptions—that didn’t interest her whatsoever.
The foreign barista’s icy blue gaze fell on a blonde, violet-eyed woman sitting by herself in a table near the window. A few books were set in front of her, lying flat open, their pages bared to her sight. Her brows furrowed every now and then as she gripped a pencil in her dominant hand, scratching down notes.
The heels of Eira’s suede shoes clicked as she approached the customer’s table, and the blonde glanced up, blinking once.
“Would you like a refill? Any dessert you’d like to go with it?”
“…A slice of tiramisu cake, if you have it, please.”
“Coming up.”
Eira nodded and took the customer’s cup, pausing as she stopped to glance back at the woman.
“…Excuse me.”
The blonde glanced up at being addressed by the manager of the Huggamug Café, violet eyes meeting Eira’s icy stare.
“What’s your name?”
A pause, but then…
“…Mellows. Raven Mellows.”
Eira nodded and smiled slightly. “I’ll be back shortly, Raven.”
Eventually, night fell, and aside from the two baristas, and a few customers who lingered before closing time, the café was almost empty. Almost. The nearly constant giggles, simpering coos, and flirtatious remarks (remarks that borderlined on inappropriate) floated up into the atmosphere.
“Hey, nuisance. You’re free to go home for the evening. Here’s your pay.”
Eira all but forcefully shoved an envelope into the clothed chest of her smirking employee, his warm onyx irises twinkling merrily behind the black-framed glasses that sat on his nose.
“Aww. Just when the loitering was beginning to get exciting.”
Eira voiced an annoyed tut, rolling her eyes heavenward as the giggles of some nearby customers rose up into the warm, brightly lit interior of the coffee shop.
Akira lingered behind his workplace long enough to hang his barista apron in the prep area, smile and charm his way past the customers who still lingered in the café.
“Hey, Akira. When will we see you again?”
“In your dreams, sweetheart.”
“Heeey, that’s rude of you to say so.”
“I’m serious, dear.”
“But, c’mon~. Come home with me tonight. Please?”
“I’m sorry, darling, but I’ve already chosen my companion for tonight.”
“You’ll treat us better tomorrow won’t you, Akira?”
“Of course I will. You’ll be treated as a lady should be treated.”
Smiling, no, smirking, Akira’s bespectacled eyes fell on the blonde, violet-eyed customer who was beginning to put her books, notebooks, pencils and such into the small backpack, slinging it over her shoulder.
“Well, shall I see you home tonight, my dear Raven~?”
Violet irises stared long and hard at the noiret, still bearing the small, tooth-filled smirk as he raised a hand, gently pushing the black-framed specs up a bit.
“…Let’s go.”
“Yes, yes, my fair lady. As you say.”
The pair left the café, the soles of their heels clicking on the sidewalk. Concrete gave way to a patch of gravel as the duo bravely took a shortcut through a cemetery.
The moon hung behind a thin cover of cloud, shining its cold glare down upon the ground. Stars twinkled in the nocturnal horizon, and a crow cawed a few times before it flapped its wings, flying off of the headstone it had been perched on seconds earlier.
“…Do you think Eira suspects anything?”
“Not at all.”
“…I sure hope not. It would be… troubling if she ever caught on.”
“She won’t.”
“She’s not stupid, Akira.”
“She’s also not superstitious, my beautiful Raven. She doesn’t believe in ghosts, witches, magic, and what-have-you.”
Raven breathed a quiet “hm” in response to the frizzy-haired barista’s words.
“…Hey, did you hear about the witch roaming around this town on Halloween night?”
Raven’s question earned her a short, hearty laugh from the onyx-eyed man, smiling as his glasses glinted, and for a moment…
There was a flash of crimson in his eyes.
“Perhaps I did… Did you hear about the demon who will be accompanying this witch on Hallows’ Eve this year?”
Raven smirked.
“Maybe I did.”
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beneathshadowsrp · 6 years
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Nightmare of Elm Street: Day 2
When the black cats prowl and the pumpkins gleam…
May luck be yours on Halloween.
For centuries, All Hallow’s Eve (or Halloween) has been the night for all of the things that go bump in the night to walk among the human and mortals. Over the years, the meaning behind Halloween has taken many interruptions and forms depending on each culture. But, in North Carolina, in a little town called Shadow Falls, one of the states most popular ghost stories reign. In Sleepy Hallow, they may have the Headless Horseman, but down south, Shadow Falls is the town devoted to the Siren of the French Broad. Tourists come from far and wide to catch a glimpse of the ghost with the long dark-hair out in the water and to try their luck to hear the call of her song. In Shadow Falls, townsfolk are urged to for their difference to fade away over the next few days and come together for a day of ‘unity’ and ‘acceptance’. But, not everyone looks at Halloween this way…
This is the list  of the activities happening on Day 2 of the event. 
The event will be concluded on October 20th at midnight EST. It will however only cover October 17th to the 20th in game play.
The tag for this event is #shadowhalloween1. So, please remember to tag all event related threads, pictures, outfits, etc. as such. Also, remember when posting a starter, to use both the event tag as well as the start tag. This event is mandatory, because of all the plot drops we will be having. If you do not want to participate, you do not have to, but we ask that you put your character on Hiatus for the time being or message the main, so that we can be aware if you and another player want to have your characters doing a private thread where they’re away for the weekend instead of participating. Also, because of this, we have decided to close acceptances off during the two weeks of the event.
PLEASE LIKE THIS POST AFTER YOU’VE READ IT. For any questions or concerns regarding anything about the event please feel free to message the main. And note that as per any major plot, if you want to INJURE your character, KILL an NPC (human or Supernatural),  or any other MAJOR plot related occurrence during this event, YOU NEED TO MESSAGE THE MAIN FIRST TO ASK FOR APPROVAL. And last but not least, just have fun!! We hope you enjoy this event just as much as we enjoyed making it for you!
ACTIVITIES for DAY 2 aka Halloweekend:
So, what’s happening in town on Day 2?
We have several activities for citizens to take part in listed below. Feel free to post starters in any order which you like. For example, feel free to make a starter about a party and then later post one about a prank. The times associated next to each activity are just in case you want to describe if it was sunny out or your character is grumpy that it’s super early etc.
Clean up Crew/Silent Dance Party:
After all of the teepeeing and pranks that were pulled last night, the mayor has sent out a request for volunteers to help get the town’s streets prepped and ready for trick or treating. So if you’re an early bird or someone whose house was hit last night, make your way down to town hall to borrow some industrial trashcans, replacement decorations, and have some morning bagels, pumpkin spice lattes, and mini pumpkin pies all courtesy of the Pie Hole. Thanks to the Shadow Falls Public Library, the town will also be renting out headphones that you can pick up to par-take in a silent dance party of sorts in order to make the town clean up just a little bit more fun! So, jam out to some music and help get the streets all suited up for today’s activities.
When: 8 to 10 am.; Where: Town Hall
The Haunted House:
The corn maze and hayrides will still be running all today, as well as, the Spookfest Street Fair. But, with an added bonus of one of the largest Haunted Houses this town has ever seen. The entire Library (including the street outside of it which has been transformed into a zombie run inspired obstacle course that you’re welcome to go through) has been transformed into an incredibly interactive experience that is sure to give you goosebumps. All of the proceeds from the tickets will go to new books  and each floor of the Haunted House has a different scare level.
Participants: Don’t worry if you’re a scaredy cat, the first floor of the building is the part of the Haunted House that is for all ages from kids to adults. If you have the heeby-jeebies from only that, feel free to leave through the back entrance. But, if your a horror fanatic or a haunted house enthusiast, take the elevator up to levels 2 and 3. If you make it through all three levels, you’ll not only get a sticker and a pen that looks like a syringe, but bragging rights for all your friends.
Volunteers: If you have signed up to work the Haunted House, then you will be transformed into a scary monster of your choosing and be given a post where you can jump out and scare whoever is walking through. You can be a severed head in a fake dinning room table or one of the zombies in the zombie run. Just remember, you’re not allowed to touch the participants just as they are not allowed to touch you and don’t forget to say boo!
OOC: Because the SpookFest Street Fair is still going on, the added stuff about witches and sirens are still in effect today too.
When: 10 am to 7pm;  Where:  Shadow Falls Library
Trick or Treating:
No one can forget one of the most popular parts of Halloween being Trick o’ Treating! And it’s no secret that in Shadow Falls, the best street to hit during your candy run is Elliswood Avenue. This picture-esque street is dominated by upper-middle-class families who love to compete for the best-decorated homes each year. It’s famous for the elaborate decorations and king-sized candy bars. It’s a perfect street to take the little ones trick-or-treating. Your character could be a resident of Elliswood Avenue, someone who appreciates the effort, or a chaperone for some kids for part of the night. (For a better idea of the houses on Halloween, check out these links [x] [x] [x]). There is even a magnetic sword in a stone at the street sign where young and old can try to see if they are the ‘chosen’ one.
Temporary Freedom: Once again, every supernatural in town has temporary freedom. If a species would like to walk around freely with their wings stretched out, reveal their fangs, etc. The risk of being caught for indulging in supernatural pleasures and appearances is low seeing that many hunters and cops cannot distinguish the difference between species throughout the weekend. Yet, cops are still on duty, patrolling the streets more heavily than usual, so even though supernaturals won’t be arrested for wandering around in their true form, hunters and supernaturals don’t get the complete freedom they have during the Full Moon (aka killing and feeding on other people in the streets is a no, no).
When: 5pm to Midnight;  Where: Elliswood Avenue
The Monster Mash:
On night two, there are one again two separate parties you are welcome to attend:
Neverland: Neverland will be putting on an all out costume party. Come donning your scariest garbs, your sparkliest make-up, or your cutest couples costume. There will be THREE main categories: 1. Best Couple’s Costume (can be funny, extra spooky, or cute!) 2. Scariest Overall (the scariest costume of the night.) 3. Cleverest Clown (not actually a clown costume, but a costume that the judges deem hilarious or clever.) Tag your character’s costumes with #shadowinspos and #shadowhalloween18
When: 8 pm to 2 am  Where: Neverland Speakeasy
Saints and Sinners: For those looking to indulge in the more hedonistic aspects of the night, Saints and Sinners is the place to be. With live musical performances and generous bar tabs, this is the club to live out your dark fantasies. Bring your costume, or as others would put it “lingerie with animal ears,” grab a drink, and hit the dance floor.
When: 9 pm to 2 am  Where: Saints and Sinners Club
Open Carry
Open Carry: The open carry policy is still in effect, so after the clock strikes 9 pm, the open carry policy begins. This means that you are allowed to take whichever alcohol beverage you’d like the streets as you wandered through the night. And for Vampires, special drinks will be offered all weekend with blood infused in it thanks to the Local Blood Drive and to the Hamlin Group’s newest creation- blood tablets. Drop one tablet into a glass of water and it instance becomes artificial blood for you to enjoy.
When: 9 pm to Midnight. Where: All Over Town
The Siren on French Broad Spotting:
Last but not least, as the time ticks to midnight and the fog rolls in, make your way down to Elm Street, the Trails, and the Pier to catch the Siren show on the water and a glimpse of the ghost herself. The show won’t start until 2 am, but if you’re smart, you’ll try to get there early to grab a good seat and get some good old fashioned hot dogs, turkey legs, and other traditionally american style food from the Devil’s Diner food carts set up along the water.
When: 11 pm to 1 am, Where: Over the Water
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thesundowncrew · 6 years
The Sundown Crew’s rp plotting cheat-sheet
Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.
Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, and repost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
Mun name: Dee OOC Contact: Tumblr IM
Who the heck is/are my muse(s) anyway:
In the main crew, we have Sammy, a nerdy ghoul boi who is the embodiment of Samhain (of the Celtic calendar) and Guardian of the Veil; Nightshade, his soul-sister and cat-turned-human witchy familiar; and last but not least Axel, the sadistic, cannibal crow mythos who’s only interested in revenge and fucking people (up).
They’re all super old and supernatural and 2/3 are always happy to meet new people!
Points of interest:
Samhain & Nightshade: guarding the Veil, keeping the balance, protecting innocent humans and mythos alike, adventuring and exploring new places, meeting people and learning new things. Sammy enjoys reading, treasure-hunting and getting lost in his research. Nightshade enjoys cooking, eating, listening to music, and keeping up with the latest memes.
Axel: looking for the biggest, baddest, toughest rivals he can fight to the death with, enjoys challenges, exploring new places, witnessing genocides and mass-murders, causing genocides and mass-murders, fucking people (up) psychologically and physically.
What they’ve been up to recently:
Samhain & Nightshade: their work and responsibilities as Guardians of the Veil. Though the Veil is at its thinnest during Hallow’s Eve (31st Oct), they work 24/7 by hunting malicious spirits and whatever dangerous creatures threatening both humans and mythos that are already existing in the world. When not on the job, they’re either out sight-seeing and visiting friends or chilling at home. They also run a small business from home by making potions, charms and selling spells or rare ingredients. Merchants and traveling caravans often stop by their place so they always have a lot of stock to trade.
Axel: whatever the fuck he wants. Mostly spends his time hunting down prey in the human world, or spreading his wings and exploring new and faraway lands/dimensions. He’s still on his quest to journey to Hell and get his revenge on the demoness who killed his whole family. Always easier said than done, but he’s patient and he plays the long game better than anyone.
Where to find them:
The crew live on an abandoned, magickal island called Sundown. Geographically, it’s somewhere up in Northern Ireland but can’t be marked on any human map. It was magickal long before any of them settled there and because of its supernatural properties, it can hide itself from the naked eye. At the same time the island and its forests are connected to every labyrinth, maze and neck of the woods across worlds and dimensions.
Samhain is always saying that the island has a mind of its own and likes to spirit people away, regardless if their living or dead. People either end up in Sundown when they least expect it, or because it’s where they’re supposed to go.
While you can easily find Samhain and Nightshade at home, Axel can’t stay cooped up in once place too long and travels all over the place. When he’s not hunting, he escapes to the quiet of the wild or the bustling big cities.
Current plans:
The narrative starts with Samhain and Nightshade already experts in their fields and doing their jobs as Guardians of the Veil, and continues with them helping Axel achieve his goal of ultimate payback. The timeline for this blog is infinite after that because I haven’t quite figured out the endgame for anything just yet. Which is why any plot that involves Axel killing Ketele, getting his heart back, and even Nightshade’s life after Samhain’s death, is considered an AU.
In terms of plans for this blog, I’m still working on things so that they can fall into place and serve as proper material for a comic. Once I’ve gotten all my ideas sorted out, those AUs might probably not stay AUs and end up being one huge main timeline.
Desired interactions:
I’d love more threads that explore the darker side of Samhain, whether it’s in the Mainverse or in any of the AUs where he’s not his usual, warm, friendly self or where he’s morally grey. Which is why I love writing him in his criminal verses! Some of my faves are: - Pirate AU: He’s the first-mate and quartermaster who has the gift of ‘Sight’ but he’s as pirate as they come. - Green Eyed Devil: Human-Ghoul hybrid bandit whose crew would do almost anything for money. - Mobprince AU: Classy and more reserved, the quiet but bloodthirsty type. I’ve always been a fan of mobs/gangs/syndicates. - Dark!Samhain: Angsty, overpowered hermit. I rarely get opportunities to write him in this verse which is a shame because I’d like to develop it more.
Nightshade’s all fun and games but once in a while, it’d be refreshing for Nightshade to do a serious thread. Like maybe deal with heavier, more sensitive topics. I’ve emphasized how she’s seen the same amount of horror Samhain has seen but comes out more mentally resilient in comparison, so I’d really like to explore that more about her. I also feel like she hasn’t been able to really connect with anyone as a real friend?? Idk how to explain it but like, I feel like she just floats between different muses and she’s so friendly with everyone, it’s hard to pinpoint whether there is a real connection between them or if it’s just Nightshade being...Nightshade? It’s none of my partners’ faults BTW! I’m reminding me to fix that about myself and how I write her.
Speaking of darker topics, I don’t mind pushing the boundaries when it comes to Axel as long as it doesn’t make anyone uncomfortable. I used to write some disturbing shit with him back in the day (like he broke into a drug lord’s flat and killed everyone in it so he could use it as his personal nest, killed and ate two police officers who were investigating the break-in, mutilated, tortured and ate a rapist alive after catching him in the act etc.). But the partners I used to write with are long gone and I feel like Axel needs to get back into the game again.
Offered interactions:
All of the above as well as anything else from my list of AUs! As mentioned on the page, that list is not the TOTAL list of AUs I’ve got. Some are just really small and still in development, and not enough to justify getting a spot on that list. Honestly, I’m open to plotting and coming up with more AUs so if you’ve got an idea, just hmu! I’ve also got a tag for ‘au ideas’ so you can browse there too if you like and tell me if anything strikes your fancy~
Current open post/s:
I don’t make open posts or starters. I prefer writing starters once my partner and I have something in mind and we’ve plotted enough to go about it.
Anything else?:
Though the blog is advertised as a WEEKEND blog (cus I work 9-5 on weekdays), I am usually lurking online thanks to mobile and will answer IMs when free. I don’t like replying to threads on mobile so I’ll usually reply on the weekends. Unless I’m busy that weekend, then sometimes I change up the rules and reply on a Friday or whenever I’m able.
When I reply to threads, I like to release a bunch at a time and then I’ll tag my partners so that they can see how many threads I’ve replied to out of the total count, like so! The total count often changes because we could have dropped threads in between, or partners go on hiatus and they get moved from ‘ongoing’ to ‘cold’ threads. Because of this, I have a threads page which I try my best to update.
Tagged by Stolen from: @bengalisms
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viscrra · 6 years
 ---   tag drop !
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cto10121 · 8 years
The Riddle of Man
Fandom: Harry Potter Genre: Poetry Sites: ao3, ff.net Ships: Tom/OC, Tom/Bellatrix, Harry/Ginny Summary: An orphaned boy rises to become the most powerful and feared wizard of his age. But when he hears a prophecy about a boy destined to defeat him, his own deadly action spells his undoing. Or should we say, his inaction? The true story of the man who became Lord Voldemort. AU. OOC for good reason. 
A/N: This is the impostume of reading too much Shakespeare, which outward breaks and knows not why potential readership dies. But for those who don’t mind this weird marriage of poetry and fanfic, here it is. For anyone unused to verse, try reading aloud, softly, to yourself. It will make better sense that way.
The Riddle of Man
Though oft the sweet-sung tale of late renown Among our common laud, a troubled mind Did lead me once to quiet witness sound, Whose tale obscure too late did wisdom find, Ere he was laid on fruitless ground to rest: So this, in’s memory, I’ll tell to test. 
There lived a boy of raven hue, whose eyes All eyes did draw to praise, like midnight sheer On iv’ry marble smooth, that, realized, Did show to all his beauty’s moonlight clear. And groped to him describe in just compare, As dark Adonis of renownèd fair.   
His charms did charm, his pleasing wit bewitched, Enchanting craft which swiftly won the grace Of wondered wizard and of swooning witch, Which easy skill had shown the telling trace Of ancient Slytherin, his mother’s line, That all gave due to noble blood’s divine. 
His talent known, at school he rose to fame, For in all of curse and jinx and hex excelled, And there grew known his stranger’s Muggle name, Though in his vein coursed blood of Peverell. And soon him followed in a loving throng A motley court that sued for favor longed. 
A love had he, one Coralina Smith, Niece to old Hepzibah, Hufflepuff’s heir. Though Slytherin-sorted, of cunning pith, Her heart was golden gentleness’ fair. Her grace he wooed, courted, and present won, And with her went after schooling done. 
But lo, it cannot be that matchless form Can spotless match within; for violent birth Of need-imbibed desire, like the worm, Does seethe and chafe to prove its scanted worth In ancient world of magic’s right and might, Where strong seize all, and weakling fall from sight. 
So young Tom Riddle (hight) like fury strove At Borgin’s worked till morning’s shadow eye, His lover like a wife, balm to his behove, His confidante in every act and lie. This love like coin resembled, on each side, Where mirror twins of blackest fair resides.
“Master Burke for your advancement speaks,” Said she in whispered confidence of bed, “A vacancy, which falls on thee to seek! Lest some popinjay take it in thy stead; For even lowly Ministry hire May rise to fill his dark desire.” 
So up, our Tom preferred, like blooming rose, Or special magnet which success draws near, Or moon the ocean’s tide attracts it close, Did climb to ranks of rank ambition’s dear, Which seeks the earthly fruit of polis crown That grants immortal heights from humble ground. 
A politic career had made him well, And soon a loyal twelve, who called him lord, Of talent profit and in leisure dwell, With selfsame hungry want for power’s hoard. And in this pledge did swear to serve ‘a true At his command by wand of phoenix yew. 
What then, in spring success, could augur bring? His lover now his wife, his lordship’s queen; The Phoenix order fled on frighted wing, The Ministry at heel, his power seen; Why, then, this leaden flash, this dew of cold, That harrows up the bone to press him old? 
“A prophecy, my lord.” Thus plague begun. His man Severus, bone-white, spoke in few: “Your death’s proclaimed by newborn summer son, Whom you must end, or risk your state undo. This Sibyl Trelawney with rasping speech Spoke fearful fortune; hear it, I beseech. 
“The sons of these two enemies, both alike In dignity and danger they present: Fair Longbottom, and Potter in his spite, Which your success they bitter most resent: As families of ancient line and clout, Your hard-won right they scorn, your blood they doubt. 
“O, good my lord, do not this augur heed, The vague pronouncement of uncertain word, To mark each penny-filching doctor’s greed And loose your judgment to reason most absurd. For augurs are like rakehell oaths, all bawds, And this Trelawney shy of certain fraud. 
“O, yet while you’ve your strength, take care defend The triumph of your state through power’s just! For sudden acts precipitate their end, Like lover’s frenzy dead in passion’s dust. What need, therefore, to spur from glory’s sun, And plan a fell attack on Lily’s son? 
“Darling Lily’s son, and Longbottom’s too, Are nothing to your lordship’s grace compared; Say they’ll grow to do you wrong, say that’s true: ‘Tis common known that common ends by rare. Your patience stay; but if you needs must act, On Longbottom fall your preventive tact. 
“Your mercy, lord, commends your mercy’s grace, In granting me your humble servant’s plea, To spare that love that love itself did lace With beauty’s rose and fortune’s starry lea. Then in your wisest censure judge Whether greater lord would lesser plea begrudge.” 
“I do conceive,” (this in reply), “thy plight, Severus; so I here confess me free From fond gain-giving or too-credent fright In piercing shallow mists of prophecy. For when I give consent to fear invest Pronounce me bankrupt in both wit and rest.” 
And yet it’s often seen that jealousy, When faced with Fortune’s accidents, Runs sweaty mind with sharp conspiracy, And nurtures compost seeds of false intent. So ‘twas the seeress proved her risky lie, When both that month his motion’s plans defied. 
To Dumbledore the fam’lies swore an oath, And joined his Phoenix order to prevent The fearful promise of his office troth: By courting the pureblood constituent, Prestige and power gain, in nation rule, And nevermore play fortune’s motley fool. 
But dark and queer, the dreams that haunt the life, Like swinging pendulum of nightmare trance! So deep his brood it did alarm his wife, Who stayed the loose-held reigns of augured chance To tell him this: “This seeress is but light; Stay, therefore, do not order judgment’s flight. 
“’Tis always been the truc of prophecy, Itself to realize its self’s belief With vague announcement garbed as certainty, Of which, for proof, their own self proof is chief. Thus builds a hollow case in iron proof, Like lawyer’s edifice’s absent roof. 
“To do this deed, your credit would undo, Which yet some eye of public favor holds, For trophies, trinkets, offices that honor you Their luster lost, their waste is present sold. Advancement by this act so would fly Your fortune forfeit, that hour’s honor dies. 
“I say this not to stay, oh, understand, Thy mounting name; but thou must yet fear With too-small pause to dye thy spotless hand, And easy fall in murder’s blackened smear. Oh, do not thee so: For all greatness must The jealous mass attract like scented lust. 
“This Sibyl is a punk, a drab, a pass, Who never spoke in life a word of truth: Cassandra’s blood, though not her See she has, And so she’s worked as pandlar-bawd since youth. To credit her a minute past her rate, Would soon reduce ye to a beggar’s state.”
“This advice of caution’s well” (so spoke he) “And therefore caution will I best employ: To crush the bud before it flowers me With pestilence, else spell my end in joy. For sickness left untendered deathly rage To leave one simple mark upon a page.” 
“Wilt thou aid me, Cora? Dost thou approve?” They clinging fast, a little world in room, And, silent, understood the force which moves The trembling thread through steady weaving loom, And weave the silky purse with icy will Which glory’s expectation helps keep still.
The night of Hallows’ Eve drew velvet black. The moon, forewarned, had cloaked herself from see; In laden streets a masquerade was wracked Like glimm’ring jewels in solemn ebony.   But lo, how starless was this hallowed night, As if these loyal guards had quit in fright! 
And if some common portents there were seen, As owl’s daylight pass or talking horse; The dire thunderclap, the lone wolf’s keen, A ghost relating horror in blank verse, None bore the fruit of witness or of deed; But horror more than these did proceed. 
And, ghosting, cloaked through village festive’s streets, The riddle walked with slow, ungainly tread. A flask through gripless fingers, flavored sweet, Empty rang the streets as slipping courage fled. Each step proclaimed: Let fall life, usher death, For only fools dare barter precious breath. 
A child, no more, a life to say but one, Untested thought that grows in’s promise doubt. Then kind enough t’eclipse this flaming son, Lest fiery growth in danger scorch him out. What lacks he, then, but strength of chosen will, To banish evil life with goodly kill? 
Fair or dark, dark and fair, or darkly fair, To ravel future fall from stars divine; Which peril’s boy discern, which wizard’s heir Would one day claim, “This life were mine”? And then unbidden came the knowing spark – Fair and dark had fought; so won the dark. 
The hallowed Hollow in evening’s Hallow, Rose rosy vision of a mountain mist. Whiskey quickened blood and breathing shallow, The web of fogging doubt that must desist. Till in his memory’s abstract lived this creed: To never stay till ending of this deed. 
So banish doubt, sink feeling to the bone; And flaming mind abate with cooling patience. Make lily-livered heart to practice stone, Leave mother mercy off with temperance. And should in this endeavor triumph can, You’d prove yourself a more than mortal man. 
Within was dark without a sound. A chance Of pause him stayed: Was this a trap, a trick? Had the Potters warning of his advance? A furious stream of light replied, a lick Of smarting curse – the jealous father stood, Armed and ready to defend his brood. 
No discourse, all instinct, marked the first exchange, And silent house her secret soon disclosed. They fought as teething beasts, deranged, Where one opponent fell, the other rose. Till both in struggle had about the neck; A moment’s beat before the fatal wreck. 
The flash of jade this shattered mirror caught, The slash that chasm tore the living place – What eye would horror glimpse, received unsought, The cleanly break’s irrevocable case? The body fell, and so fell too marred youth, That bit of soul that so betrayed its truth. 
In silence rang, though never heard, the moan Whose mournful treble for her husband’s death Would have stole the general ear and sown In ev’ry sleeping conscience anguished breadth, And make the stones themselves on murder cry Which joined his racing blood where conscience lies. 
The lick of flame that vanished on the stair At his trespass and sequent wizard’s duel Now flashed in desp’rate quickness ‘round the fair It gilded, like porcelain of queenly rule, Now fleshly pale at horror’s hasty side Her tender hidden from the wicked hide. 
“Desist, depart,” she cried. “No more, I pray – Take me instead; I do throw my life of care, And your hand upon my head fear not stay. But not my boy, no, not my son, him spare, And I will do you any service, now, So changing mercy with a servant’s vow.” 
“I have no quarrel nor no use for thee,” Quoth he. “Stand aside. Mercy will I give If thou my business let unhindered free, ‘Less like thy husband thou wilt scorn to live. So quit thy begging – no, I cannot hear – Leave hanging from my sleeve, come not so near.” 
“Kind master, good lord,” she sobbed. “Don’t refuse; You cannot be so kindless, no, you must, Nor can you my frankness so abuse And kill for naught the simplest sense of just. Have pity, then, upon my state, have soul, Which you know I know you have, that yet is whole. 
“Or better still, take him alive; how great Your triumph then, to turn a dreaded foe To friend, to son, to chief of highest state; How can he turn, raised to love you so? For all the best do know for war to end You must a present foe turn future friend. 
“Oh, raise him, then, be father and mother To him, and use me as pleases your will: As your servant, woman, both, or other, At table, bed, or secretary’s quill, At hand to do whatever needs be done, So long as he may live your honored son.” 
“What mother mothered, what father fathered! When I was this boy’s age, a stranger filled My cup of need along with several others Orphaned by indifferent fortune, whose will Decreed the curse of life of endless want!” This spoke with maddened eye and favor gaunt. 
“Be grateful, then, thy son will never know The orphan plight of raising tear-flesh shame, That must surrender constant proof, or grow In banished self the cancer of his name. Such little lives in fettered darkness lead, That souls that leave are blinkered by their need. 
“Forbear! Thou silly wench, think’st thou me kind? This kindness lost, if ever had, is bar To acts of heightened pitch which will find A greater glory reaching farther star. Then come what fate and sorrow follow: Beyond them lies the hope of better morrow.” 
So shoved she aside, but no sooner done Than she with stinging hex attempted wide, Which, blocked, ended what had scarce begun: Avada Kedavra answered her pride. And struck her to the core of living life The light extinct with cut of fiery knife. 
And this exchange the child witnessed all, Unknowing eyes that nursed the wounded gash And humor mild at his mother’s fall, Consumed by eerie glow of em’rald lash, Which stole his loyal mother from his right Into the plunge of everlasting night.
The murderer, the infant in its crib, For a moment’s beat formed a painted scene, As if the sortilege of fate had dimmed And froze the famous pair in Avada-green. A frescoed Tom and Hal in rival’s sort: The Boy-Who-Lived with so-called Voldemort.
But as we know from ancient faded writ, That time-worn tales do lose their little truth, Traditions turning legend, legend myth, Till age gives faded fancy fancy’s youth, So too this tyrant-beast, so hight, did stay Like statue frozen: Nothing neither way. 
Nothing! Yes, nothing. Wracked in wonder, I Made question, disbelieved this calm report. But him I sounded, with a saddened eye, Knew I knew him true on Voldemort. He stayed his fell, and hidden world did see This Voldemort turn present Voldevie. 
Unseeing stared at the unheeding boy; The moments rolled and lengthened to a crawl. The child, smiling, proffered him his toy,  A furry griffin wrapped in crimson shawl. As if in friendly peace and gesture just, To stranger, if his liking tended thus. 
Decline your wand of yew; it’s over now. Do not with vainest show a falsehood keep. In war a soldier fights to hold his vow, But ever after never finds his sleep. For who would, kindless, innocence slaughter In guise of potential son or daughter? 
He thought on Cora, on himself, his state, The sibyl’s oracle, Snape’s petition. But as he anguished, there heard Apparate The Phoenix, which surrounded the partition. Which forced him to employ his plan’s escape, With friends to hide, join Cora, send for Snape. 
Round, like a circle in a spiraled wheel, The space constricted in an eyelash wink, Through coaxing whirl its spinning thread unreels His liquid essence pooling in a sink, Until the hearth of Riddle House appeared At Cora’s feet, demanding him her fear. 
“I heard rumors from the Hollow,” she said, Pale as ash. “Thou quakest with fear, thy favor’s wild. What happened? Are thou hurt, are they dead? The Phoenix is called; didst thou kill the child?” “No,” he groaned. “No, no. Cora, I am through. I’ve murdered sleep, and sleeping killed I you.” 
“What speech is this? My lord, you shake. Do bend Your discourse into some frame; what occurred? The night’s bleak horrors could no spell forfend; The elves did tremble at each trifle heard. Is the mission undone? Yet tell me so, So flee this place, to further safety go.” 
“Ay, ay, to flee,” he breathed. “We must, ‘tis true. But let us not, sweet wife, ourselves deceive. Forbear all counsel. Here’s my wand of yew: Perform Priori, then break it. Conceive, And let us haste, and there embrace our doom: A burdened life, which must in us assume.” 
Gone was the triumph that had come before, Gone were the fruits of warlike state enjoyed, Gone were safety, peace, the sanctum’s core, The undefiled piece of man and boy. Hope forsaken, vows forsworn, lives undone, They to shadows turned from midnight sun. 
Alone, forsook, in tower languishing, Beneath a sky that held no hint of peace. What little hope that keeps from perishing In’s shrunken breast the fine of shortened lease, Did pace in fev’rish-ill round restless cage, While cold-eyed stars played witness to his rage. 
His orders foiled, his men in blind retreat; His Cora gone, and Severus long since fled; The Hogwarts siege a failure uncomplete, And on each side the living reckoned dead. Now warlike Harry, in his eager pride Flies to Riddle House with heated stride. 
Or so spake rumor; he no longer knew The diff’rence ‘tween a moonlit night and noon, Between autumnal’s chill and springtime dew, Between a loyal man and sycophant’s croon, But dealt each toy with jealous sputt’ring rant, Spurned good and ill alike in scornful cant. 
“What, Yaxley! Malfoy! Rosier! Are all fled? A pox ‘a fops and gulls that cannot stand! Fie, Bella, dost thou hear? Thy husband’s dead, And would his fellows proved so true a man! Go to and hang, ye lily-livered knaves! Is this to pay the graciousness I gave? 
“What, Nott defaulted too? Then traitors, hence! O shamed deceit, these yellow whoreson curs, That feel sans feeling, lose their common sense!” He beat his chest; his lover too did hers, And brought his person level to her eyes, Who comfort gave to ease his great despise.
“Have cheer, my good lord, all is not lost yet; The beasts are fresh, the battle scarce begun; But give me leave to seek out Marsenet – Prithee, lord, give me leave to seek our son, Whom honor pricks in mortal vengeful plan, Seeking young Potter’s death at thy command.” 
“Bella, do not stir from hence! Thee I told A thousand times remain, and so thou wilt; Let Marse his importunity strike bold; Fiori has too much his mother’s milk. For loving Cora’s favor lives in him, And tortures me with madness as its whim.” 
“Proud I am,” said she, fierce, “of Mars’ might, For son so mewed I’d scorn to breathe the name. My honor’s better served to join the fight, And change each Phoenix blow with fatal same. Then let my duty better show in this, Fair warrior die than live in coward’s bliss.” 
“Oh, coward’s bliss,” he sighed. “Would it were mine, And inner calm restore the balm of sleep! Revive the luscious spring of barren time, That left me drowned in crimson ageless deep, Until our self like factious jealous state Undoes itself in chaos rebel’s fate.” 
“Do not so speak,” she hissed. “Oh, fie, oh, fie! Are you a man? Is this proper bearing? Oh, once you could the wrathful gods defy, And now like timid beast thy hairs rise staring! Oh, good my lord, renounce this woman’s chatter; Thy power yet is more than mortal matter.” 
“Leave me, Bel. By Salazar, forbear! Go, then, with Marsenet, take up the cause, And seek Fiori’s stay. Content thee, fair: My years, a tangled scarf of torn-up gauze, Is skinlike stretched to ephemeral taut And seeks a knitted rest from weary lot.” 
But desperate thought, as Bella left, crept in, And colored gaping absence’ memory With too-fine fears that, heartened, slither in, The tempest clouding up his wat’ry see, Till bare and stony tower mirror turned To mock his face, his folly dearly earned. 
For oh, how vile the flesh in loathing steeps, Like poison-vat that thinking gives a cure! Dry lesions in his bony hands, which creeped And tried to tear proud body’s insecure! His beauty’s gone, a shadow coarse’d by years, And manly form weathered by kindly tears. 
Without the distracted lord’s chamber door, In base of winding stair a foot did rest. Gazing up the helix (oh, true Gryffindor!) Was Harry Potter, crown of Hogwarts’ best, Whose Godric’s sword did grip with master right, In churning lust for coming master fight. 
Blood did gild that form unmatched in breadth, That broad poitrine of sleek and wiry strength, Glistening with the salt of valiant breath, That amorous wet each sinew of his length. The dark-fair rose of youth, this golden boy; A wizard prince, Dumbledore’s pride and joy.
“Fiori,” he said, low, “You’re sure he’s there?” “Ay, sweet Harry,” the latter, grim, replied,  “With his own fears made drunk and mad with care, A beast who wallows in the filth he lies; To put him down would be a mercy’s act, And you yourself the sealer of that pact.” 
“Join hands with me, Fiori,” (so said he) “And pardon it, with all thy heart, that fell That ended thy brother’s life. Let, for thee, This cancel crime, foul words between us quell. And let grow fruit of golden amity Thy service honor banished enmity.” 
“Merlin be with thee!” Clasping him, ‘a cried, “Marse’s death fall not on thee. O thou great, O thou most good! An thou wert now to die, What feeling loss would pang the tott’ring state!” “Do not yet speak of death,” said Harry, bleak. “I hate the word, and do defy its weak. 
“Tell Ron of Fenrir, of poor Hagrid’s plight; Break gently news of Fred and George’s fall; Hunt Dolohov, for Remus’ death requite; Send brave Hermione to McGonagall. Bid them join the rest, not to stay for me; Riddle I must face alone, or ne’er be. 
“And one last thing –” He swallowed thickly here. “If by any chance thou see’st Ginny –” But love, which speaks through storm and silenced fear, Through god-ruled fate and mortal tyranny, Did tie his ready tongue with struggling pause: Love too great for words makes speechless cause. 
His friend regardless understood. “Ay, I shall. Never thee fear.” He gazed at him, And laden chest exhumed a pregnant sigh, As if regretting some old childhood whim. And sans another word the two did part, In silent gesture speaking heavy heart. 
The long and slow ascent, the torches’ shade, That led with clammy step to Riddle Tow’r, Took warlike Harry to each passing grade, His noble heart grow fierce with trembling pow’r. For dark his heated purpose, ice his breath, To pay the lord at last his parents’ death. 
He met the door; Alohomora made It yield. The dreaded sight appeared, appalled, The shrunken shadow’s shadow, merest shade. That stood near window with a darkened pall, And did not turn to greet him at the door; So went ignored the noble Gryffindor. 
Neither did silence break with needless speech, Nor flourished wand or blood-caked sword withdrew, Nor cleaved the other’s ear with verbal breach, Or faults with ringing condemnation spewed, Nor even gave with name avenger’s cry, As, “You killed my father. Prepare to die.” 
Instead he turned, and, startled, met his twin, As if in glass or master painter caught, No change without reflecting change within – Tom Riddle had appeared, unwilled, unsought! How could this be? But no, his eye had erred: His mind had hasty jumped to dream preferred. 
No, Harry was himself, his father’s spit, In form and bearing a dark and well-made youth; But in the fire of his almond pit, The emerald Lily lived to blaze her truth: And once again gazed in her killer’s eye, And once again his person she defied. 
“Is’t you at last?” he murmured low. “My foe, Or savior – I’ve long forgot the which. Have you then come to pitch my overthrow, My friends supplant, undo, restrain, bewitch? Or like a sheep in wolfish garb dost come To reckon up my debt to force a sum?” 
“Thy reckoner’s here,” said Harry coldly. “Stand, if you be man, and we our strength shall try. My parents’ loss my glory’s gain shall be, And prove those ancient words which prophesied The fate which knits us in her threaded gyves: ‘Neither can live while the other survives.’” 
“Thou wretched boy!” Rounding in a flashing break. “I’ll see thee ere I go with thy parents sent! Life’s a candle flame that, with slightest quake, The smallest breath may careless usher rent; So stint, thou seed. Take heed to tender light That youthful wick which soon is swallowed night.” 
“Thou thing! Thou paper-king of rags and patch, Thou serpent-prince of foul and ancient rot! The germ of evil and of fell dispatch, That knits disasters in its wedded knot! And now, thou shadow’s shadow, here must end The canker ill of ill’s allowed propend!” 
And not a word thereafter spoken, no, Nor slightest breath of air exchanged; When words do fail, the greater is the show, That follows fast with furious martial range; And so they to’t, wand to wand, man to man, To guard till final breath their person’s stand. 
The grim-eyed chamber lit with charging spell, Some dying splattered on unyielding stone, Exploding firecrackers that did quell On dusty ground extinct by ashy loam. Or else that mortal lash of hex that missed And brushed their robèd arms like streaking kiss. 
Which side more desp’rate and which more maddened, To deal the final blow? Their worth Were equal on both, and Fortune, saddened, Knew well the justice of their troubled birth. And quit her post, leaving weaving wheel, For mortals to decide their own fate’s seal. 
And oh, who did not hear the scream of Bellatrix, But heated blood did freeze in fearful vein? When she her Marse’s death found out the trick That stole his life and she her honor stained, Then sobbing tore through house with vengeful aim; Till stayed by Molly Weasley, grieving same. 
“Thou scorpion, thou scullion poison-well, Thou dram – no, don’t thee dare not walk away! My darling twins thy stainèd hand had felled And now thy debt is mine to make thee pay. Oh, I’ll assure my strike won’t be in vain, For thou wilt harm my children ne’er again.”
“Traitors! Murd’rous knaves and thieves! The fount of foulest, villainous evil! Oh sweet my brave, my darling son!” So grieved, Like tempest gales the heart’s upheaval, It stopped her speech; and blindly struck her wild, In vengeance ‘gainst the world for darling child. 
A clash of opposites, of vicious reach, Twin whirlwind furies of a crimson pitch. Each mother’s grief a circle feeding each, Which called one weasel whore, the other bitch; And fought till Molly caught her on the ground; Her wand like knife to neck did put her down. 
Did he feel, I wonder, his lieutenant,   Before her mortal strings of life were caught? Hope her house had quit, and left as tenant The want that craves its end in naught. And silent begs the mercy-giver act To kill the sullied flesh of shameful fact. 
As Bella went, her lover was disarmed, And slipping, with arm outstretched he fell; Quick Harry poised to execute that harm That soon would send him kicking heel to hell. And this advantage quickly moved to seize: Himself still armed, his rival on his knees. 
But as in life beyond a paper fame, Oft the things we mean to do miscarry Or never realized, or change in aim, Purpose, circumstance, or name. So Harry, Like a painted character dumbly stood And let his doubting “should” o’erwhelm his “would.” 
And in that space where silent counsel streams, Entire worlds of words conveyed through gaze, The time between did pass like sluggish dream   Like years and not some seconds passed in haze.   So youth and age, dark and dark, fame and fame, Like statues stared, dumb in unfinished game.   
The winds without had calmed, as eye of storm, Before a thunderclap the silence rent; The air did lose its biting frost and warmed, Which all of mercy’s hope in second spent. So to it went again the foes; but then Wands met in Priori Incantatem. 
A golden thread the several streams enjoined, The honeyed warmth that, streaming, intercourse; A rushing surge of pow’r in chaffing loins That meet with fervor in deep-throated force. Two wills in one, and one in that one will, In battle fought; but impasse kept them still. 
The spell forced memory; the wands confessed Each wrathful kill, each calculated hurt. Not one did stint in shame, but rather tressed In essence same, though meeting briefly curt. How loath the one to undo its brother! How warm they greeted, like open lover! 
And yet it could not be but their joy was brief: The phoenix of the holly trumped the yew, Though not without the pain of magic’s grief, That made its brother’s spell dissolve like dew. Oh sorrow’s cross, to bear that loving strife, To be the one to end beloved life! 
So Voldemort, then Voldevie, now naught, His riddle solved, but wants its puzzle piece, That in his raging sorrow desperate sought The pardon that would give his trial peace. Now dearly found, and dearer bought by youth, Who now stands heir to all his state and truth. 
The hush that fell, the fury’s storm’s recede, Though not a mite abated, made a pause To give a panting Harry back his need And room to bring the truth of triumphed cause, Before the joyful sight of living friend: The evil scarce begun has present end. 
But oh, what joy, what cheer did start And filled with lusty roar the bleak lacuna: For who did meet him, these loyal hearts, But Ron, Hermione, Neville, Luna? His faithful warriors, and more, and more, Did come to throng him at the door. 
Exhausted, weary, words but breath and air, He made no sound except to say his deed, And thought on nothing but his ended care, That sixteen years of strife did lead. And soon looked forward to a life well fed, With fierce-proud Ginny by his side to wed.  
With ringing bell, the Hogwarts flag was hung And draped across old Riddle senior’s hall. Requiems for the lost and hymns were sung To victory dearly won by brother’s fall. And triumph over wicked wizard dead, Now gone to goblin’s hell below sans head. 
For Tom Marvolo Riddle, his body found, Was tossed and thrown in playful wizard’s game, And for a trophy, as from bear or hound, Off went the severed head of wicked fame, To join his fiendish wife and cobra lover As butcher king in markless tomb uncovered. 
His eldest son, Fiori, now his heir, Was guarded for a time without his room, His treason known, that made him present fair By Harry, who made him a courtly groom. Although his tyrant sire’s blood did make Suspicion’s odorless smoke trail his wake. 
Fior did not last, but fared much better Than oily Malfoy, now past all earthly care, Or kindless Crabbe with brutish Trevor, Both fiendish fire’s meat of Ron the Bear. With Dolohov through, cut by Ginny’s curse, The rest were carted off for fate much worse. 
Then wisdom blanched, his trickling tale he stayed. I, in puzzlement, inquired for his health. “Oh, fie,” he moaned. “I was a fool to say What none should dare for all his land and wealth! But enough. ‘Tis done, and I must perforce Vouchsafe my life in safety’s hidden course.” 
And so I wait, evading looming fate, My mystery hid deep in key-locked breast. This final thought that good with ill equates Confounds me so it’s loath to leave me rest: What laden price for soul to understand The story monsters made from riddled man! 
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