#It was nice to write a bit more of Dragon!Shalria again!
heavenlyborne · 4 years
ooc-someidioticurl said: For the fallen Dragon Shalria // What is it that you miss the most?
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Snowy-white feathers ruffled indignantly at the question, the dragon letting out an icy breath of cold at the thought of her old home that once stood so proudly up in those hallowed peaks. For centuries her kind had ruled unopposed, worshipped as gods by the insignificant specks dwelling down here in this world below... but as always, nothing lasted forever and time could bring down even the mightiest of beasts. Not that there had been many of her kind left. Generations of comfortable living had weakened the potential of their blood over the aeons, rendering the common males unable to achieve their true form while many females struggled to manage in doing so at all. Shalria had been one of the lucky few, remaining one of the last few true dragons thanks to her family’s strict practises when it came to preserving their ancient bloodline.    Her brother may have been an unfortunate wretch, but she had been born perfect. "What do I miss the most?” Shalria hissed in response, her multiple wings fanning in an invisible breeze. There were a number of things she missed such as her kind, loose as her attachment to her family had been but first and foremost had been her rightful position atop of the world, where life had been so easy and good. Food was plentiful, tasteful upon her ‘human’ tongue while being served by a multitude of servants who were none of the wiser as to what really lay beneath her unassuming appearance. Now she had to hunt and feed herself, forced to survive alone in a strange new world where her kind hadn’t truly existed for thousands of years... Celestial Dragons were cruel, ruling over all others with an iron claw but more importantly they lived to be served, and it was an affront to have to do anything by themselves.
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