#Halbrand whump
dinosaurswant2rule · 1 year
This is my super later entry for @haladrielweek
Life rather took over, so I couldn't write more. Anyway this is my wildcard entry
Halbrand as a gladiator/slave is forced to fight an unknown opponent
It's not really an AU exactly as I've not quite worked out where it's going :D
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5ummit · 22 days
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"Pain... must be something you enjoy"
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raointean · 2 months
Alright! Time to dissect the season 2 trailer!
Under a cut due to speculative maybe-spoilers, and because this is going to get loooong! Enjoy! (Please. I spent way too long making this)
I apologize for the quality of the pictures. I did my best to clean them up, but that trailer was very blurry, and I'm not exactly a tech wizard 🙃
So, we start off with a shot of Halbrand on a horse through a metal gate/drawbridge thing granting him entry into a city (Probably Ost-in-Edhil, based on the color of the guards' armor and the direction of the plot this season). In the background, we hear Galadriel's voice saying, "Sauron sees himself as master of all Middle Earth." Great establishing shot, no notes.
We quickly cut to a shot of two of the elven rings (Nenya and Nilya) falling to the ground in the tree courtyard in Lindon. Notably, we do not see the ruby ring, Narya. In canon, that one was given to Círdan who later gave it to Gandalf, so maybe he's already accepted his by now?
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After that, is a shot of Sauron's iconic stabby crown being carried on a platter by an orc, presumably to him in some kind of coronation ceremony. Galadriel continues, saying, "He seeks to rule it, not only through conquest..."
Then we cut to several half-second long shots. Nenya (which will become Galadriel's ring) tumbling down the stairs (seemingly a continuation of the falling rings scene, but from a different angle), Durin III looking up holding an ax in a hand that is also wearing a GIANT blue ring, the new Adar staring at someone or something with a horde of orcs behind him, and Nenya still tumbling down the stairs and finally coming to rest at Galadriel's feet. Through all this, Galadriel is saying, "But by bending the minds of all its people to his own."
We cut to a view of the tree of Lindon surrounded by elves seen through a stone archway, probably still part of the falling Nenya scene. I definitely see Galadriel and Gil-Galad there (and I think Elrond's back) but I don't recognize anyone else.
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Then, Galadriel stoops down to pick up the ring and Elrond steps forward and shouts, "No!" Galadriel ignores him and slowly, as if entranced, places the ring on her finger. Throughout all of this, the voiceover continues with, "And for that, he needs not armies, (Elrond: *No!*), but rings."
The logo fades out and we see a shot of the tree of Lindon again (this time in bloom, where before, it was half dead (maybe winter, maybe before they start using the rings?)). I see two guards, five handmaidens, Galadriel, Gil-Galad, and a mysterious silver haired or white-blond elf. It's POSSIBLE that this elf has their hair falling in front of their face, but it looks more like a beard to me (*chanting* Círdan, Círdan, Círdan) I think it's the distribution of the rings.
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It then cuts to the famous shot of the three of them in a circle with the rings on their middle fingers, ready to flip Sauron off. Elrond says via voiceover, "In choosing to wear those rings, you have all become his (presumably Sauron's) collaborators."
Then we see that shot of Elrond and Galadriel riding through the forest/plain place on horseback. Then we see two figures (presumably still them) riding up a mountain ridge, and then standing on the edge of a broken bridge on a cliff.
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I really still think this is the two of them riding to and discovering the Hidden Valley. Throughout all of these shots, Galadriel is saying, "I know you believe this ring is deceiving me, but I believe... it is guiding me."
Next, there's a brief shot of a snarling orc and then a shot of Halbrand. The Halbrand one is kind of interesting. He's standing in a city at night next to a pitch black horse (because what kind of Dark Lord would he be if he didn't live and die by the ✨️aesthetic✨️), but the interesting part is- I can't tell what city he's in. Given the direction of the plot, I think it's Ost-in-Edhil, but it COULD be Armenelos in Númenor... Through this bit, Elrond is saying, "All this may be by his design."
Next is a shot of someone in a greyish robe/tunic and sandals, wearing a ruby ring, dipping his hand in a pond or a tidepool. Next to him is what I think is a shoe and a dress matching the exact shade that Galadriel wears. The man HAS to be Círdan (I can't think of anyone else it could be) and I think Galadriel is kneeling beside him to talk.
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Círdan dips his hand in the water to play with a fish and a man (possibly Círdan himself) says, "These rings may be how he will gain power."
Then there's a bright light surrounded by a circle of people and the light explodes. I... have zero idea what that is.
That cuts to a scene of Galadriel, Elrond, and Gil-Galad alone with two guards having some kind of council. Elrond says "They must be destroyed." (I believe that's in-scene)
Then there's a wider shot of that same scene and Gil-Galad says to Galadriel, "We will discuss the rings once you have answered the question."
Next, it cuts to a scene of Halbrand (Halbrand, mind you. Not Annatar) and Celebrimbor at night during a rainstorm. Halbrand is kneeling and Celebrimbor is hastily shutting the doors behind them. Is Celebrimbor questioning him? Imprisoning him? Hiding him from someone else? Honestly, given Celebrimbor's outfit, I think the Annatar reveal actually comes later on in this scene!
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Then we cut back to The Council of Not-Elrond (because no one ever listens to him) where Gil-Galad poses his question. "Who. Is. This. Man?" Galadriel looks up at him looking terrified, resigned, and on the edge of tears, and says "He is no man." *side-eyes Eowyn*
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Next we cut to the circle-around badass fighty scene we saw in the teaser (and now we know who two more of those characters are!) and see a glimpse of the Barrow-whights. (Don't know how that's going to work, but whatever, I can roll with it)
Then we see Celebrimbor looking disturbed and confused as the room is lit up by a blaze of fire from the fireplace(?) Galadriel says in a voiceover, "He deceived me. He is Sauron." and we get our first look at smoking hot Annatar, straight out of the furnace!
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Seriously, the man is SHOOKETH!
Celebrimbor asks "What am I to call you?" and Annatar replies, "A sharer of gifts." (Y'all, the NOISE I made when he said that-)
Next we cut to a Gwaith-i-mirdan bellowing the furnace (not Mirdania, notably. This lady is brunette, not blonde) and then the workshop during the day with an anvil lowering from the ceiling. Annatar says in the background, "Our work begins now."
Now, onto Rhûn! We see the sunrise/sunset in a desert full of mound-like rock formations and a solitary rider on horseback carrying a tattered flag. Great establishing shot, though I have no idea who the horserider is.
Next, we see two figures (almost certainly Nori and The Stranger) alone in a rocky part of the desert, but what's really interesting about that is that we see them through a blurry, fractured lens. It then cuts to a group of masked horseriders (maybe the earlier one was some kind of scout or messenger?) one of which removes a telescope from their eye (their clothes are super layered, so I can't tell male or female). Nori speaks, saying "I have walked across mountains and desserts."
Then there's a shot of The Stranger moving gravel with magic. I don't know about you, but I don't remember Gandalf of any iteration doing that, so it COULD be pointing to the blue wizard theory.
Next is a face shot of Nori finishing her sentence with, "to help my friend find his destiny." She looks older and less plant-y, which makes sense, given that she's in a desert. She also seems to be in a village and I can see AT LEAST two people in the background so- Yay! Rhûnic culture worldbuilding!
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Then we see one of the priestesses with a swarm of moths in some kind of temple. The moth symbolism connected to the witches that connect to The Stranger is also really interesting because I've also always associated moths with Gandalf. I think they're going to do another, much smaller scale, mystery box plot with the "which wizard is it?" game. Nori is also speaking during this scene, and she says, "One the fate of the world may depend on."
Next, we see The Stranger slam a walking stick into the ground and seemingly cause a tornado that nearly blows Nori away. During this he's saying (quite eloquently, now) "Is it my task to stop the fire?"
Then, we see him in a candlelit stone home, presumably Bombadil's, asking, "Is it my task to face Sauron!?" We get a glimpse of Bombadil before the screen cuts away, but it looks like he's taken The Stranger in and he's started interrogating Bombadil.
Then, we get a brief glimpse of Pharazón using the Palantír (probably after he completes his coup) and it shows him fire. That's probably prophesying the Fall of Númenor.
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We see a quick glimpse of Annatar staring at something burning (seriously, not even a full half second), before cutting to the balrog going on a rampage. It flies up, creates a flame sword, and takes out a rock thing, though I don't see any definite signs of civilization, so it could be an uninhabited area. Durin IV says "To try and cheat death might lead to an even greater catastrophe."
I think it's FASCINATING that it's Durin IV saying this. Last season, it was his father talking about cheating death, which Durin IV had a very strong reaction to.
Next, we see a close up of Durin III's hand with the massive blue ring and another hand holding it (his own? his son's?). We pull out to see the Durins talking in the throne room and Durin IV says, "Father, take off the ring." If the last bit of dialogue was from the same scene, maybe Durin's using his father's own words to remind him who he is? Anyway, immediately after that request, Durin III backhands his son across the room (*chanwills0 voice* ah! abuse!). I think this could also be showing us that one of the powers of that ring is super strength?
Next, we see a dive-down overhead view of the palace of Armenelos (built JUST like Minas Tirith) with the words "ON AUGUST 29" in gold lettering. Then we see a quick series of images; two gwaith-i-mirdan pouring hot metal into a mold and a giant boulder falling in Khazad-Dûm (probably during a balrog attack).
Then we see Disa speaking to Durin. It looks like it's either in the throne room (unlikely) or their dining room (much more likely) due to a very ornate chair in the background. Disa says, "I'm afraid, Durin." I have no idea what specifically she's talking about because there are SO MANY possible reasons. There's the political tension between Durin III and Durin IV, there's the corrupting effect of the ring, there's the balrog, AND there's the siege of Eregion right outside their doorstep (we'll get to that in a minute).
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Next up is a shot of the shore of Nmenor with the words "DARKNESS WILL BIND THEM" in gold lettering. It then zooms in on Miriel walking into the ocean (maybe to commune with that sea monster we saw in the teaser)
Then, we get a view of The Stranger and Bombadil talking in the desert (I'm starting to think he and Nori get separated at some point). Bombadil says, "Every soul in Middle Earth is in peril, will you abandon them to their doom?" Notice! The repeat of the word "Peril"! That was pretty important last season! Also, it looks like they're going with a more serious Tom Bombadil, which I don't love, but maybe he just became more cheerful after meeting Goldberry (or maybe he's on a long journey and is sad because he misses his wife)
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They cut to a troll smashing something in a battle (maybe in Ost-in-Edhil) and then we see one of the mirror lights in Khazad-Dûm.
Then, we see a furious (and almost... underfed) Celebrimbor slam something on his desk and whirl around shouting, "No (Oh?), what have you done to me!?" I think we're going to get some DELECTABLE Celebrimbor whump this season, no matter what else happens. Given his fury, what I know of Sauron, and the exact wording of his question, I think there might be some kind of mind control maybe...? Please...?
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Immediately after that (and I think that order is important) we get a shot of Ost-in-Edhil on fire and then a shot of Sauron walking through the burning city and only barely being missed by a flaming missile. But who's attacking? Celebrimbor doesn't really have any major enemies... but Sauron does. It's HIGHLY unlikely that Adar is attacking Ost-in-Edhil, so I think it's Lindon and that's the conflict we're getting all those smoking hot Elrond stills from.
Then, we see the new Adar (who doesn't look half-bad, by the way! And, more importantly, he sounds great!) sitting in a throne and saying, "Leave Sauron to me." and it cuts to a shot of him with Sauron's crown, teeth down, in his hands. He stabs it into a redheaded person kneeling before him. A lot of people are saying this is Sauron, but if he is, why is he kneeling? That being said, I have no idea who else it could be.
Next is a quick shot of an elf backlit by an explosion. Several beings in the background are on fire and there are at least five dead bodies in the shot. The elf is shot through with several arrows and, at first glance, I got really excited, thinking we were getting Celebrimbanner. Then I noticed the long hair (definitely not Celebrimbor) and the bow the elf is holding, so I think this is our new OC, Rían.
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Then we get a shot of of curly-haired Elrond (yay!) and Galadriel. I think Galadriel says "Caress me, Elrond." and he reaches out to touch her face which I just- Whaaaat? They've been really good about keeping that relationship clearly platonic so far, so I'm going to trust them, but they better not mess that up. Brings "Stacy's Mom" to a whole 'nother level.
Then we get an epic wide battle shot of trebuchets and a charging army, but I can't tell if they're orcs or elves.
Next, we get peak wet-cat Elrond, blood streaming down his face and a thousand-yard-stare to match. I think I also see Aeglos to the side, so maybe Gil-Galad is fighting too? In the background, Galadriel says, "He will not stop until he is destroyed."
Then we cut to a charging horde of orcs and a shot of Adar running at the front of his forces.
After that, we see Bombadil settling his hat on his head.
Next, we see Arondir with his bow half drawn talking to an ent-wyf (YES! WE'RE GETTING ENT-WYVES!!!) who says "Forgiveness takes an age."
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Let me pause and repeat that. Forgiveness. Takes. An AGE!!! This is the end of the Second Age, around where the ent-wyves disappeared. We meet Treebeard at the end of the Third Age. Forgiveness! Takes! An! AGE! DO YOU SEE WHAT THEY'RE SAYING HERE!? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, freakout over now. Anyway-
Next shot is of Elrond speaking to Durin saying, "I need your ax, old friend." Guys! I think the dwarves are going to fight in the siege of Ost-in-Edhil! That would also be a good facilitation of Celebrimbor meeting Narvi. Maybe he's ousted from Ost-in-Edhil for a while, lives as a refugee in Moria, makes the doors of Moria with Narvi, and is recaptured trying to retake his city (and then we get Celebrimbanner... please.)
Then there's a shot of Númenor's harbor, which then cuts to Elendil walking the streets of Armenelos. Interestingly, there are several youngish people behind them holding folded up sea-guard uniforms. I don't know if they're turning them in or receiving them, but both of those options have FASCINATING implications.
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Next we see Disa and Narvi side-by-side holding hefty weapons as Durin IV says, "Fight with me!" I think they're trying to raise an army to fight with them at Ost-in-Edhil and Disa and Narvi are there to look intimidating.
Then we get a quick shot of Isildur battling a spider. I think he's going to go through Cirith Ungol trying to escape Mordor and run into Shelob and maybe some of her kids.
Next we get a continuation of the last clip and see Durin giving his rousing speech. "FIGHT! With our friends!" Then it cuts to the crowd listening and it is... very enthusiastically received!
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Then, we see the ent-wyf again attacking what is rumored to be Isildur's future bride. (By attack, I mean it looks like she's going to backhand her into oblivion and beyond)
That shot transitions into Galadriel on horseback shooting a bow and making something explode in midair. This is probably also during the siege of Ost-in-Edhil (I have a feeling that's going to take up a major chunk of the season)
Then we see Arondir fighting orcs (maybe near Ithilien?). Notably, he's alone. Bronwyn's not with him (probably because she's super dead) and Theo isn't there either. Did they go their separate ways after Bronwyn's death? Did Arondir try to look after Theo, but you're-not-my-real-dad syndrome got in the way? Either way, Arondir's voicing over in the background, "When the darkness falls, there are always some who rise [inaudible] (forth? for it?)... and shine".
Next, we see Disa watching giant bat-like creatures fly over her head. I... have no clue what that is. Sorry.
Then we get our second-favorite blorbo, Celebrimbor. Very dirty, very disheveled, still looks underfed, and he's dropping some of the rings into the forge fire. I'm not sure, but I think these are the Nine.
Next we see a giant eagle land at the palace in Armenelos and Pharazón approaching it. I don't know what EXACTLY is happening here, but I know that Eagles=Manwë and Manwë does NOT end up liking Pharazón, so it's definitely important.
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Next, we see some flaming misiles being launched at Ost-in-Edhil. I wonder what the ethics are here? There are still good people trapped inside the city with Sauron, including it's ruler! You don't want to hurt them on accident!
Again, we see miserable, disheveled looking Celebrimbor holding up a ring and it cuts to Annatar, who says, "You will give me the Nine." This leads me to believe that the ring he's holding is one of the Nine.
Then we see a troll, more fighting, Galadriel ducking under a sword, and then running into a forest attacking orcs, it looks like. Maybe Adar's forces did make it there, maybe Galadriel is somewhere else entirely, or maybe Sauron brought them along with him.
Next, we get our hot Elrond shot of him pulling out his sword dramatically and yelling, "Death to our foes!" in Sindarin(? I think... they've been using a lot of Quenya in the show, so I'm not sure).
Finally, the trailer ends with this screen.
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wickedrum · 13 days
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whumpypepsigal · 2 years
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LOTR The Rings of Power s01e07: “The wound soured overnight.”
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aceofwhump · 15 days
Hi Ace, hope you're keeping well
Wanted to pick your epic whump brain to understand something
Been rewatching Rings of Power- love me some Halbrand, anyway, there is a bit of whump in it that gives me whumperflies like nothing else, but I don't really know what it's called. Perhaps you can help, this character Halbrand has ridden wounded for six days and is basically on the verge of collapse and he's barely standing at this point in the story - and when he groans/is carried away wounded, half falling by soldiers - whumperflies go wild - anyway what would I call this?
I highly recommend rings of power for this scene alone in terms of whump :P
Hi there! Ya know I've been enjoying seeing Halbrand whump on tumblr. It's NICE. Makes me want to check out the show for sure lol.
Ooooh that's a good trope! Love when that happens. But what to call it. Hmm. It's kinda a mix of tropes. You've got exhaustion or worked to exhaustion, carried, helped to walk, probably a little dragged. But I don't know if there's something short to call all of that. You might have to do a little multi tag searching for more.
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ao3feed-tolkien · 1 year
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/L1QDpAm
by AliaoftheKnife97
Yes Haladriel week is long over, but I'd like to belatedly submit this as my 'wild card' idea
Halbrand fights an unknown opponent in the ring, he's a kind of gladiator/slave in this. The Elves rule the world but are not very nice.
Do I know where this going ? Not really, but it's fun to write
Words: 1377, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (TV 2022)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: Halbrand (The Rings of Power), Galadriel | Artanis, Celeborn (Tolkien)
Relationships: Celeborn/Galadriel | Artanis/Halbrand (The Rings of Power), Galadriel | Artanis & Halbrand (The Rings of Power)
Additional Tags: Rings of Power, Halbrand whump, being forced to fight, Blood and Gore, Blood and Injury, Halbrand having complicated feelings for Galadriel, Rings of Power AU kind of, Awesome Galadriel, Galadriel and Halbrand - Freeform, Alternate Universe - Gladiators, kind of, Halbrand as a Gladiator kind of, Elves, the elves are kind of dicks in this, being beaten up
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/L1QDpAm
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dinosaurswant2rule · 2 years
My desire to whump Halbrand goes stronger :D
Written for @whumptober-archive with the prompt “blood-covered hands” in mind. 
Halbrand is tortured into working in the forges of Morgoth 
Halbrand was dragged through the corridors, he slipped in and out of consciousness. He could feel the restraints cutting into his wrist as he was moved along. His eyes opened periodically, and he registered the unchanging corridor and flashes of white light from torches. It was all rough, hard black rock. The route seemed endless; the cell he had inhabited for months was now very far away. Finally, they came to a set of stairs. He could barely stand and stumbled a little at the top as he tried to position his bare feet against the stone, a set of hands pushed him down. He fell with a crash, he smashed his head repeatedly and all his limbs, his broken aching limbs got tangled on the way down. He landed in a heap at the bottom. He was amazed he was even alive. Halbrand managed to get himself onto his knees leaning against a nearby pillar, ignoring the pain pumping through his body. He blinked trying to get a sense of where he was.
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wickedrum · 13 days
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dinosaurswant2rule · 2 years
@milaeryn - This is the fic based on your fabulous picture...stabby...stabby :) 
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dinosaurswant2rule · 2 months
fanfic recommendations please
Hi, am keen for some fanfic recommendations please. I'm a big halbrand/galadriel fan + sauron/galadriel too. I'm into whump. I like smut too
No sexual assault stories please or references to long term diseases in the whump, neither of my leads can be dying of cancer or MS that kinda stuff
I'd also prefer ideally that's complete
Anything that's got me some good angst too
Other than that, I'm pretty much game for anything
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whumpypepsigal · 2 years
Happy Whumpmas (•∇•。) 🎅🎄🎁🦌 🍪 🥛!!! You have just been snowballed by a secret whumper. Help to keep the snowball fight going by anonymously sending this to five other whumpers with a whump-related question of your choice: Who are your top three new whumpees/blorbos you have found this year?
oh dear anon, this is hard to choose 😭 haha! okay, my top three new whumpees/blorbos are *drum rolls*…
Adrian Chase/Vigilante: he is a (sweet) psychopath but he is my baby and must be protected.
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Dimitri Belikov: the stoic yet vulnerable dhampir (they better give us s02 because i need of him in my life and i really wanna see the whump aftermath when he gets turned into a strigoi)
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Halbrand/Sauron: the man who wanted to be done with his righteous evil-doing past and live his life in peace, only to get enamored with galadriel, join in her quest to defeat the “evil”, falling in love with her and then attempting to propose to her to be his queen + getting the confidence to get back to his evil doing life asdfghkhkl ahhhhh where is s02 already?
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honorable mentions:
Aemond Targaryen in HOTD, Marc/Steven in Moon Knight and (my baby) Eddie Munson in Stranger Things s04
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dinosaurswant2rule · 2 years
Rings of power - some thoughts 
So like a lot of fantasy nerds I have been watching Rings of Power. I've followed the commentary back and forth from the racist reactions to the "it's destroying Tolkien" rants to "they're ruining my childhood." complaints.
Anyway I decided that while I think the series is deeply flawed, there a whole set of things I really like about it, so I'm going to put them out there to try and put some positivity on the internet.
Galadriel - she's not a perfect character by any means, but she's got lots of room to grow and develop, which is always a positive. One of the opening shots of her climbing the ice also looked amazing!
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Arondir - I was very unsure of this guy initially, but I actually think he's brilliant. He looks incredible in the fights and his romance that's not quite a romance with Brownyn is the definition of a slow burn. I LOVE IT!
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Brownyn and her son Theo - A set of characters that are difficult to get right, but I think the writing of both them has got better and better as the series has gone. Brownyn is seriously bad ass, some of her fights are epic in scale!! Theo has actually matured as a result of everything he's had to go through. I really hope that these two and Arondir survive, I'm v invested in this little family.
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The numenorians arrive on middle earth - I admit their arrival to take down the orcs absolutely hits the spot for me. I love cavalry charges and this is a wonderful scene (the score is truly massive in scale too, it's as if you're there with them, just fabulous). Not only does it look great, but you absolutely buy Galadriel as a commander charging to the rescue at the head of the army with Halbrand close behind :)
Halbrand - He intrigues me as a character, dysfunctional and damaged and terribly mysterious :) And he has fabulous hair and looks great in armour and on horse back. This sword trick is really cool too. He has also got great whump potential *coughs*
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Adar and the orcs - the series acknowledges the tragic origin of the orcs and how they in some ways can't help what they are. What would anyone be if they were formed from torture and agony. I'm not exactly sympathetic, but they're more understandable. It makes Adar a more interesting character as a result.
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Elendil - he gets a special mention for having to deal with all the crazy in Numenor and keeping it together in a silly helmet :)
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Elrond and Durin - I love this friendship, when Durin shouts "You missed my wedding!" my heart broke for them. For me this is one of the best relationships of the series.
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Disa - she gets a point all her own because she has great hair and jewellery and a gorgeous outfit. Her singing voice is almost ethereal in quality too. She is also an ideal match for Durin and gets some of the best dialogue "That's mighty strong gravy" makes me smile :)
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The dwarves in general - while the way they are portrayed isn't necessarily "true to tolkien" (I don't know enough Tolkien law to comment on this one way or the other). I would argue that you absolutely convinced by them as a race, a people with a world all their own in the series.
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That's it really, we'll have to wait to see what the finale brings!
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ao3feed-tolkien · 2 years
One last time
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/4lfUb67
by AliaoftheKnife97
This was just too perfect for Halbrand
Words: 673, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (TV 2022)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Gen
Characters: Halbrand (The Rings of Power), Galadriel | Artanis, Bronwyn (The Rings of Power)
Relationships: Galadriel | Artanis/Halbrand (The Rings of Power)
Additional Tags: Whumptober 2022, Whump, Die a Hero or Live Long Enough to Become a Villain, Halbrand whump, Halbrand wounded, being stabbed, Bleeding Out, feverish
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/4lfUb67
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ao3feed-tolkien · 2 years
Let's make a deal
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/ElJk1Ly
by AliaoftheKnife97
Halbrand is tortured by Adar for Galadriel's location
Written with "tied to a table"
Words: 673, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (TV 2022)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Gen
Characters: Galadriel | Artanis, Halbrand (The Rings of Power), Adar (The Rings of Power)
Relationships: Galadriel | Artanis/Halbrand (The Rings of Power), Halbrand and Adar (The Rings of Power)
Additional Tags: Whumptober 2022, Whump, Halbrand whump, Adar torturing Halbrand, being tied to a table, having your fingers broken, being racked, Broken Bones, Torture, joints popping out, Blood and broken bones, Halbrand protecting Galadriel
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/ElJk1Ly
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ao3feed-tolkien · 2 years
I will make you mine
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/RViN6Zd
by AliaoftheKnife97
Inspire by this
It's a great image, please go check it out!
Words: 1049, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (TV 2022)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: Galadriel | Artanis, Halbrand (The Rings of Power)
Relationships: Galadriel | Artanis/Halbrand (The Rings of Power)
Additional Tags: Rings of Power, Halbrand whump, Awesome Galadriel, Whumptober 2022, say goodbye, hair's breath from death, Galadriel gets stabby, Blood and Gore, being stabbed, Hurt No Comfort, Whump, Blood and Injury, lots of blood
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/RViN6Zd
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