#Haku Challenge Links
When They Know They're In Love ~ Hotarubi Edition
I will be doing the other houses and will link them here once they're posted (I only have Obscuary and Mortkranken left). I hope you like this and if you did, please feel free to send in requests for what you'd like to see.
Fandom: Tokyo Debunker
Characters: Subaru Kagami, Haku Kusanagi, Zenji Kotodama x gn! Reader
Frostheim | Vagastrom | Jabberwock | Sinostra | Hotarubi | Obscuary | Mortkranken
How do the characters know they're in love and what will they do when they realise?
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Subaru is going into absolute panic mode the moment he realises he has feelings for you. There’s no way this can be happening.
I think he would realise when he sees you interacting the Lyca or any of the ghouls from Obscuary.
Seeing you, a normal human, interacting so casually with ghouls even more dangerous than usual makes his heart flutter.
But I feel like Subaru struggles with self confidence so he would be convinced there’s no way you could like him back.
It would take him a long time to confess to you off his own back. Maybe Zenji, Haku, or Lyca can help the process along…
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Haku is a lot more open with his feelings than Subaru. He knows what he’s feeling and isn’t afraid to tell you.
I feel like it would almost be a love at first sight thing. He sees you and falls straight away but it takes him some time to realise the depth of his feelings.
He seems like the kind of person to give out compliments and flirt with a lot of people. Which completely backfires when he decides to court you properly.
There’s part of you that’s not sure whether he’s being genuine or not so he has to work extra hard to convince you that he does actually love you.
He’ll give you a lot more genuine and non-flirtatious compliments. If he’s going to make you fall for him as well, Haku knows he’s got to build something real.
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Zenji is such an interesting case because he absolutely knows he loves you but he doesn’t really know how to go about pursuing a relationship considering his condition.
I see him as someone who falls in love very easily but not in a bad way. He just sees the beauty in everything.
But when it comes to you and your appreciation (in his eyes at least) of art, and especially his art, it’s different. He really does love you with his whole heart.
He’ll definitely lay it on think, writing songs and poems for you and leaving love letters in your bag for you to find later.
No, all he can do is hope you can find it in you to love him back, even with the challenges in your path.
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sueske · 1 year
Sasuke's Acknowledgement
this is very rambly and not that well put together so it might not make that much sense but I just wanted to finally put this out. I was thinking a lot about naruto wanting sasuke's 'acknowledgement'... because it's set up to come in 3. in japanese there is one word that is consistently used in relation to this 'acknowledgement' that naruto wants from sasuke - it's 'mitomete'.
putting under read more because it's image heavy.
1. feelings
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so in chapter 3 sakura says that she wants sasuke's acknowledgement and would do anything for it because she loves him. this makes naruto think that he finally understands what he likes about sakura (because he too wants sasuke's acknowledgement, it's even emphasised in the manga panel)... so kishimoto made sakura want sasuke's acknowledgement in the context of romantic feelings and made naruto relate to that - even if naruto himself didn't realise the romantic aspect of it at this point and just related to wanting sasuke's acknowledgement generally. but the link between acknowledgement/romance/relating was still made. and of course there's this:
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of course kishimoto manages to bring up the love triangle after pein's invasion via tazuna, and by comparing and contrasting sakura's and naruto's thoughts/actions in relation to sasuke numerous times throughout the story. and after observing everything and seeing how sasuke treats naruto in comparison to her, kishimoto even made sakura say it aloud:
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because who can get close to sasuke? who can exchange blows with him (and see inside his heart)? who is to sasuke what sakura wishes she could be? naruto.
2. strength
during their kid days naruto would feel happy when he'd see sasuke, but due to his own jealousy and sasuke being good at everything naruto made him a rival instead. yet still he strived for sasuke's acknowledgement of his abilities.
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3. existence
the land of waves happens where sasuke gives up his life for naruto (like when iruka jumped in front of a big blow meant for naruto, when he acknowledged naruto's existence). naruto asks 'why sasuke' but sasuke doesn't give him a proper answer really even though the readers get to see sasuke's inner thoughts about it.
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see what I mean about how it comes in 3? the acknowledgement between naruto and sasuke is set up with 1) romantic feelings 2) strength 3) existence.
of course as the story progresses and sns' bond deepens, sasuke says he wants to fight naruto in the chuunin exams. it's an acknowledgement of naruto's strength at that point. then itachi comes and re-opens and creates new wounds and then sasuke is annoyed about his own progress and challenges naruto to fight him again to which naruto has an uhm interesting reaction to. 
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in vote1 sasuke says pain makes people strong; he acknowledges that. but at the same time says he doesn't think naruto could scratch his forehead protector (strength). sasuke thinks bonds are a weakness (thanks itachi/sarcasm) whereas naruto thinks the opposite.
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and throughout vote1 naruto questions his importance to sasuke, because after all that happened between them, sasuke still wants to kill him, so what is naruto to sasuke really? but by the end of vote1 it's clear to naruto. before the reunion naruto says that sasuke acknowledged his existence more than anyone else, referencing haku in the land of waves. 
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when they meet up in the reunion well. naruto says he's weak. there's too much of a gap between them. and in the kage summit arc, naruto is honest about his feelings for sasuke of jealousy etc, but at the end sasuke says he'll crush naruto. naruto even says 'no problem... since it's clear you still don't acknowledge me.' (strength).
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then vote2 happens and look at this - sasuke says 'he acknowledges it' and naruto looks shocked waiting to hear what sasuke will say... (reminiscent of sasuke's own shocked expressions when naruto said what he felt for him).
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then sasuke says he lost (he acknowledges naruto's strength and the idea that bonds don't make him weak, "you had a strength that I didn't"). then naruto goes grr because the fight was not about just winning or losing. sasuke then says again that he finally acknowledged naruto, out loud, something naruto's been wanting to hear, but naruto doesn't have an expression of wonder anymore.
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so by vote2:
1) naruto already knows sasuke acknowledged his existence more than anyone else.
2) naruto knows sasuke acknowledged his strength (both physically and mentally)
so with those two boxes ticked what's left?
the acknowledgement that naruto related to sakura with in chapter 3. 
during sakura's confession during vote2 kakashi says that 'sakura suffers by loving sasuke' to which naruto looks a bit worried about - because then later naruto himself defined his feeling for sasuke as 'hurting' for him. and even references the promise he made to sakura about bringing sasuke back even though he already said it's not about the promise. so I think by vote2 naruto is conscious of his feelings...
sasuke then has a monologue in 699 about how he feels about naruto but it's up to interpretation whether he ever actually conveyed those to naruto. at the end sasuke says "I'll hold onto the headband until we can finally settle things between us". well what's left to settle? they had all that time if it was a simple thing like a fight to see who'd win they would've already sparred. in gaiden naruto calls sasuke 'his rival' to sarada but in the boruto movie naruto's like 'still going on with that rivalry thing?' to sasuke. so... then what's left to settle except the acknowledgement of their feelings?
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Naruto re-read XXVII
Chapters covered: 218 - 226 Twentyfifth Volume of the manga
Site used: https://manga4life.com/manga/Naruto (VIZ translation of the manga)
Disclaimer: This is intended as a list and simple observations of the topics that particularly interested me in the aforementioned chapters, in that sense, do not expect a linear -or totally deep- analysis.
Tumblr’s update doesn’t allow me to attach more than 10 pictures, therefore, all of them will be LINKED. Apologies.
319) “This time is you, huh?” (x). Sasuke’s question is linked directly to Sakura’s attempt to stop him, which Naruto associates with on his own; furthermore, the more he remembers Sakura’s distress the more upset he gets (x, x), as he remembers their most significant times together. Finally, he remembers Sasuke’s words regarding not wanting to let his precious comrades die (x), which solidifies Naruto’s idea that they all share an emotional bond between them, which Sasuke is willingly leaving behind (x).
320) “Chöji, Neji, Kiba, Shikamaru, and bushy brows… they risked their lives for you…” (x) This is, technically, incorrect, and I’ll allow myself to quote a phrase from a future post I’ll be posting shortly:
Once Sasuke leaves Konoha, he’s “followed” by Shikamaru and his newly formed squad (you can see an analysis about sexism here), and in chapter 202, we find this phrase uttered by the leader: “I should place more value on the lives of my teammates instead of the person abducted by the enemy (...) besides abandoning a teammate to protect yourself? There’s no one in my squad like that.” (x, x). However, Shikamaru is lying, both to himself and Tayuya. Sasuke wasn’t abducted, he left of his own volition (x). Shikamaru isn’t risking his life to save a kidnapped comrade, he’s risking his life so Orochimaru wouldn’t have the last Uchiha descendent by his side, which is proved by the way Tsunade references Sasuke’s deflection and Orochimaru’s “attempt to have the power of the Uchiha” (here); he’s protecting more Konoha’s possession of the last Sharingan user than Sasuke himself. 
Sure, he does have a sense of duty in lieu of Sasuke being a comrade and it wouldn’t be weird for them to think that Sasuke was forced into accepting Orochimaru’s help as Tsunade is incapable of replying to Shikamaru’s question (she isn’t even sure of the answer as nor Kakashi or Jiraiya spoke to her about their suspicions); yet what interests us here is the weight that surrounds the use of the word “save” as it’s likely more for the children’s benefit to put them under a “savior” mindset in order to build their sense of duty and the imperative necessity of bringing Sasuke back; as it’s also likely that they gave sense to Sasuke’s escape by attributing it to kidnapping since they cannot conceive one of them deflecting. Here, the savior complex shifts, as we learn that it isn’t an individualistic ethos that it’s solely linked to Naruto’s character due to his background (it’s simply far more visible in his case), but it’s a learned mindset (un)consciously taught to ensure loyalty and obedience (“I’m not the bad guy, I’m saving you”; “this if for your own good!”; etc); it’s not really different to how real-life soldiers are told to perceive themselves.
321) “Does Konoha mean nothing to you?!” (x)
Peak perfection in the sense of the nationalistic mindset Naruto has been constructing during the whole first portion of the manga, here, Naruto’s sparkles of revolutionary interests are crushed –and I mean, they were never bright to begin with. He never questioned Konoha’s importance but rather Konoha’s structure when it presented challenges or preconceptions of his nature as Jinchuuriki that he needed to overcome or modify, as they did in Wave where he refused to become “just” a tool like Haku was (x), as a tool doesn’t need nor deserves recognition; which he craves. Here, the nationalistic mindset of Kakashi (which I’ll be posting soon I swear), gets reflected upon the student, as Naruto internalized the Will of Fire and exposes it (and rather clearly) here: He’s thinking of Sasuke abandoning him and Team 7, which is the primary fuel in his quest and hurt, he barely mentions the team that Shikamaru gathered (per Tsunade’s orders) to bring him back; these are individuals that put their life on the line to “rescue” him, yet Sasuke cares not. Naruto’s words are not a coincidence, he never states that they’re Sasuke’s friends (they aren’t, they never interacted in a significant way), the only thing they have in common is their village of origin and loyalty. For Naruto, that’s enough for a bond, for Sasuke, it isn’t.
Sasuke himself put no one in danger, as he fought nor hurt anyone, it was Tsunade who sent inexperienced gënin to search Sasuke in order not to give Orochimaru the “Uchiha’s power”, Sasuke deflecting put no one in any immediate danger as he was, at most, to be killed and possessed by Orochimaru (which, alright, can be argued his body might have been used to destroy Konoha later on –despite Orochimaru being quite capable of doing so prior to having Sasuke’s body as well, so him having or not Sasuke isn’t detrimental for possible retaliation from the Sannin) which, as he states, isn’t important (x).
322) Contrary to what people think of me, I do believe that this specific claim: “You think I’m just gonna let you go?!” which is the culmination of Naruto’s speech about how Orochimaru will grant him power in exchange for his life (x) is understandable as Naruto is both hurt by Sasuke abandoning them and scared for his friend’s life (Sasuke is even leaving despite being aware that he’ll be likely killed, which is quite worse as not only Naruto feels pain in lieu of his only friend escaping, but also him leaving to certain death). Naruto’s primary knowledge about Sasuke’s goal (killing Itachi) is that he’s willing to die for it (x) that, in regards to Naruto’s own goal, it’s unfathomable –as death is not one of the lengths Naruto is prepared to go through in order to get the acknowledgment he seeks. Furthermore, Sasuke’s death will automatically jeopardize his own objective, as Sasuke’s recognition is the one Naruto craves the most (here and here Naruto remembers Sasuke denying Naruto the equal status he wants, and Sasuke once again refuses: “Who cares what you want?”). Naruto, however, fails to understand Sasuke’s reasoning, and in doing so -at least by the end of this specific volume, he fails also to ask Sasuke if he can help him to achieve his goal (x), as he’s solely focusing on Sasuke’s current actions (leaving to go to Orochimaru) rather than Sasuke’s true ambition (becoming stronger to defeat Itachi).
323) I’ve spoken about Sasuke’s reasons for deflecting a little bit before, but here’s the gist of it: one and two. Not only do we get insight into how Sasuke considers Konoha’s shinobi to be weak, as Orochimaru (like Naruto states) killed their supposedly most powerful one, but also he found that he acknowledges that his strength dwelled as he formed bonds with those inside Team 7; and since once “accepting” Orochimaru’s seal (in the sense of exploiting its benefits as the Sound Four and not denying it as Anko did, since that seal was forced upon him) he became far stronger than before, being able to punch Naruto quite easily, his decisions get cemented (x).
Jiraiya stands there with a disappointed look, yet neither Kakashi nor he reprimands Naruto as Kakashi reprimanded Sasuke. Naruto’s desire is, first and foremost, to be recognized by Sasuke -which is the reason why he chases him; while Sasuke doesn’t allow himself to recognize Naruto, as in doing so he’ll acknowledge his (self-perceived) failure. What Kakashi doesn’t know -but we do, is that the core of Sasuke’s questioning doesn’t come just from Naruto’s growth, but rather the perception of him being left behind after becoming “too soft”. This is: he was just fine during the first stages of Team 7, excelling in every field, but after his sacrifice to save Naruto back in Wave Arc -and his growing feelings towards his comrades, he started “halting” in his growth, which is why he believes that Itachi’s dogma is correct.
“My dream isn’t in the future, my dream is rooted only in the past.” (x) –and since his dream has nothing to do with his future, he doesn’t care what happens to him after his goal is reached. Since Naruto’s whole dreams rely on him becoming Hokage (future), he can’t die. Here, we have the same dichotomy once again: Future bonds vs. Past bonds – Naruto vs. Sasuke.
Chapter 220 is called “Brothers”, a total of five entire chapters are dedicated to Sasuke and Itachi’s bond and their respective relationships with their father –this holds immense weight in the narrative as it’s made to throw light on which bonds and past Sasuke is choosing above Team 7.
324) Precious small baby (x)
325) “Our ancestors organized and founded the police force.” (x). Either Itachi is lying, or they taught a different story from what actually happened, as it’s canonically mentioned that it was Tobirama who founded the police force and gave it to the Uchiha clan. Furthermore, Sasuke’s first dream was to join the Police Force and be like his father (x) –I personally detest the fandom that paints Fugaku as abusive and evil towards Sasuke as if Sasuke didn’t love him and wanted to get his praise, he loved Itachi, he also admired him, yes; but Sasuke wanted to be like Fugaku, he wanted his father’s recognition (x, x).
I understand why Fugaku not attending Sasuke’s Entrance Ceremony to the Academy is seen as cruel (I mean, to me is far crueler to send twelve-year-olds into war-like scenarios, but who am I to judge?), yet Fugaku isn’t only Sasuke’s father, but also the clan’s leader (x), and since the clan decided the coup already, he had to move in concordance with the people’s wish. Furthermore, if the coup is envisioned enough to put Itachi inside ANBU, then why would Fugaku care for Konoha’s bureaucratic structure (the Academy included) if he deemed all of it to be constructed under a mindset he considered oppressive? (even Mikoto spell this for you lot)
Sasuke is constantly compared to his brother (x), who is deemed a gifted child (x). So much so, that he trains all day until night (x) –he’s naturally gifted, I won’t lie, but he trained hard to achieve praise.
326) Shisui was the best at teleportation (x).
327) It’s hilarious how Itachi accuses the Uchiha of being narcissistic and arrogant when they cling to their clan instead of their nation (and this is a direct continuation of his speech to Sasuke when he said that the strongest are isolated and become arrogant), yet he’s performing the exact same thing, as he too is narcissistic (as he thinks he’s not only physically superior but also smarter as he was able to “free himself from the clan’s chains”) and arrogant, he states that the clan “fears what they don’t understand” as if the bureaucratic system for which they’re considering uprising is not making it apparent their distrust and distaste for Uchiha since the village’s foundation. 
And while this might be an act in order to sell the idea that he became “power hungry” for Sasuke later on (x), it’s never canonically mentioned as such –furthermore, this could’ve been taken as an admission of betrayal (x) while at the same time, is pure idiocy: “Obsessing over wordless things like a clan (…) you can’t achieve real change as long as you’re bound by regulations and restrictions”, he claims, yet he’s bound to Konoha’s regulations and restrictions. If this is Itachi trying to be “smarter” than his peers, then he failed miserably, furthermore, is beyond stupid as he’s contradicting the dogma he actually upholds; one can easily use this same argument to defend their clan rather than Konoha for, as we saw previously (point 321), the only connection Sasuke has with most members of Shikamaru’s squad is that all of them are from Konoha, so why this bunch matters and why Uchiha’s do not?
WoF relies on the notion that their soldiers are expected to die for someone or something they don’t know or don’t especially care for under the premise that they were born and/or inhabit the same geographical space, yet that same mindset (albeit with minor tweaks) when used by a clan is frowned upon (CoH) –as dying in lieu of those born inside the confinements of your family or in lieu of obtaining something that’ll benefit your clan isn’t viewed as positively, somehow. 
What are the parameters to establish one is inherently good and the other one inherently bad? Uchiha detractors keep saying that Uchiha were jeopardizing Konoha’s stability and threatening “innocent lives” yet I can’t imagine something that will put it in such a grand-scale problem as their most powerful clan vanishing from one day to the next, innocent children amongst them. Furthermore, those same people that were killed were the ones that controlled and “monopolized” the Police Force, so not only Konoha had to deal with potential invaders that might consider not having to fight the Sharingan enticing enough to strike (yet somehow didn’t, hilarious, the threat of invasion is always present yet never materializes), but also internal struggles, as there still are, apparently, shinobi that commit crimes (which Itachi claims were so important they put an entire clan to survey them yet the moment Uchiha disappear so does vandalism who would have thought?).
“Those inconsistencies are Kishimoto’s fault!”
No. They’re not, I’m not as good to explain so I shall use @persephone-falling-into-darkness's post in order to convey why the issue isn’t as much Kishimoto’s writing but rather the system on which it is based:
WoF entails bearing hardship through cooperation, right to the bloody end, and quite idiosyncratically for the sake of the village at that. As Hashirama lightly puts it, shinobi are just people who endure to reach an end goal.
This new dogma is based on fascist gnosis and is meant to be syncretistic by definition. In this sense, "Syncretism" isn't to be interpreted as the mere combination of different forms of beliefs or practices; such a combination must tolerate contradictions.
Every Konoha shinobi blessed with the Will of Fire must love, believe, treasure, obey and battle to safeguard the village, as prior generations had done before them. The entire village must be perceived as one, like an extended family that transcends blood and clan…
All these catchphrasey axioms do contain a germ of wisdom, but when they clash with the other facets that permeate Konoha's ideology, producing oxymoronicity, it's only because they all allude, allegorically, to some primitive truth.
It doesn't matter that Leaf's horrific expansionist endeavours sacrifice countless children in the process, despite Tobirama's fervent emphasis on how striplings must be adamantly protected as they're destined to be the successors of WoF, because fascism incorporates incongruous and conflicting edicts by definition!
As a consequence, there can be no advancement nor development in the village's testament. The truth has already been announced once and for all, and shinobi can only continue to interpret its obscure message: with an impoverished vocabulary and limited instruments for complex and critical reasoning, shinobi can never challenge the status quo. There is only one acceptable language, and it's rooted in reverence of the village.
328) In every chapter around Sasuke’s bonds with his family (Itachi, Fugaku, and the clan) there’s a Crescent Moon (symbol of Indra - the Uchiha) x, x, x. Itachi (embracing WoF) killed his clan during a full moon (symbol of Ashura and the Will of Fire) -@fucktobirama made a post about it, I link it here.
329) Didn’t that Itachi Shinden, that awfully written thing say that Fugaku had the Mangekyou? Well, he doesn’t, here.
330) This motherfucker showed a child the death of hundreds (their parents amongst them) and people still use him as a moral parameter, you’re all insane. (x)
Fuck him (x)
331) Can you imagine what would’ve happened if Sasuke actually followed through with this? Even if that child wasn’t, you know, the nine tails jinchuuriki, Sasuke would’ve committed treason still. Why would he say this? Why wouldn’t he challenge Sasuke and go? Why did he have to add this stupid phrase if it put Sasuke in a similar type of danger to the one he was “trying” to get him away from? If he wanted Sasuke to obtain the MS… why did he lie? He knew he didn’t obtain the MS as he claimed he did, so why would he freaking do that? And I mean, Sasuke just saw you massacre his clan, your point about being “bad” and going “crazy” got across just fine already, you don’t have to lie to your brother thinking that he might do the opposite because there’s a fifty-fifty chance he’ll do as you say you stupid fuck! (x, x)
332) Sasuke had to wash his parent’s blood from the floor (x).
333) “In the Nanako shrine’s main hall… under the seventh Tatami mat from the far right, there’s a clan meeting place. There’s a reason why Uchiha have ocular jutsu… the truth is written there.” (x) Itachi is referring to the stone found by Madara (and manipulated by Zetsu, who changed its original meaning).
334) Children, that are shown to have no specific clan, know about the massacre and Sasuke being the only survivor (x); which means that Team 7 in itself (perhaps not Naruto, as he has no way to learn this information unless he hears it from someone else on accident) know about Sasuke being an orphan.
(previous post) - (next post)
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yayasiimsx · 1 year
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The Ingebretsons!
Boys from left to right : Makoa Ingebretson, Kingston Ingebretson, Aloha Ingebretson, Kimo Ingebretson, Azure Ingebretson
Girls from left to right: Lilo Lo, Kai Lefao, Lola Ingebretson, Alani Arnold (mom), Leilani Harwood, Keilani Lo, Koi Bullocks.
Not Shown: Kali Avelas
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In remembrance: Maui Ingebretson, Miko Ingebretson, Haku Ingebretson, Alani Arnold
This is the 3rd generation family from one of my first ever 100 baby challenges that has been completed already and I decided to continue on and turn their family into a casual generational lets play.
This save file includes over 100 sims each of the siblings shown here having families of their own. So I hope you follow me as I play along this gigantic Sulanian/Black family 🏠
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navigation links will be posted soon!
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🤎 family photo album
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ronovanwrites · 4 years
Haiku Challenge 347 Poets Collected.
Haiku Challenge 347 Poets Collected. #MondayBlogs #Poetry
Links to the 26 Poets with around 29 Poems from last week’s challenge of ACHE and Ease and their haiku. All links open in a new window when clicked on. PLEASE VISIT THOSE YOU HAVEN’T SO FAR. I KNOW THEY WOULD APPRECIATE IT. WE WRITE BECAUSE WE LOVE IT BUT WE DO LIKE TO GET THAT ACKNOWLEDGMENT SOMETIMES.   New To Us This Week: TBL | Lily:   …
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thepaladincosplays · 4 years
Return of Haku - Timeline
Hey y’all, Paladin here. Here’s that timeline I said I was gonna do a while ago! This’ll be updated over time with every additional fic, and as a little bonus there’s going to be themes for every fic. The titles are links to the fics, descriptions are links to the fics’ themes. Hope you enjoy!
A Friend Returns -
When Astro and Breeze visit the Field of the Fallen they’re treated with a visit from an old friend. One that has a few choice words, and actions, for them...
Father Issues -
A recurring topic pops into Visas’ mind when Astro leaves to train with his father in Tartarus, and after a heated argument she starts getting answers to a long unanswered question: Who was her father?
The Precursor -
Haku, imprisoned for fourteen years, breaks free from the Underworld’s most fortified prison, Tartarus. All along his escape he talks to a friend only known to him, carrying them in a vase...
Training and Gathering - 
As the Calamities and Handmaidens train and learn about the dangers the Cult of Haku possess, Haku himself, now free from his prison, searches for his followers...
The First Battle
Haku and his minions finally arrive, ready to succeed where they once failed. Ready to fight them, Visas, Astro, Breeze, and Slick prepare for a fight, although Haku has a few tricks up his sleeve...
Visas awakens to find herself in a strange land, surrounded by unfamiliar faces; Higgs finds herself in hiding with no sign of her daughter no where to be found; meanwhile, Haku finds himself irritated as he rests after his transformation.
Kroviir and the Plan
Visas is ushered to Kroviir’s home to find out a terrifying truth while he’s away, and the Sentinels have already taken notice of her movement through the Sanctuary; meanwhile, after talking with Typhon the Grandmaster informs Astro about what he has to do to rescue the hostages Haku has taken.
Freedom Through Fear
When Visas finally meets Kroviir she’s met with stunning news, along with a few uninvited guests…
The Rescue
Astro, Breeze, Sarasim, and Higgs all enter the castle grounds to rescue both the hostages and the Handmaidens, as well as recover the Handmaidens’ seeing stone; however, Higgs has other plans she wants to attend to. In the end, the group finds themselves in an unpleasant situation…
The Truth and the Accord
When Visas awakes in a cell beneath the elder council’s chambers, she’s treated to unpleasant news about her situation; Haku fulfills his promise of rewarding one of his minions, and brokers a deal with Glossaryck; the Grandmaster arrives with eye opening news for the elder council, and untold secrets for Visas…
The Ceremony and the Tournament
Haku and his minions reach the next step in Haku’s plan to bring the Precursors back to Mewni; when Astro and the others return from the castle raid, they’re met with a messenger who explains what Haku has in mind for fighting them again…
The Tournament: Hava the Raven
The Resistance Against Haku have arrived with all of their fighters. After a brief moment alone the Grandmaster returns and reluctantly shares a brief glimpse into her past…
The Tournament: A Better Goliath
While the tournament begins, the Grandmaster attempts a method to draw out Visas’ magical ability to help turn the tide of a potential battle against Haku; meanwhile, Puff stands off against Ar-Baruk in the first match of the tournament. With a threat against not just his life, but the life of the people he cares about, the young Goliath must muster up all of his strength against his adversary.
The Spirit Realm: A Family Reunion
The Grandmaster’s plan in motion, Visas finds herself in yet another strange land. She meets two particular individuals that see no threat in her, while one offers the wisdom and knowledge she needs to fight Haku…
The Tournament: A Truth Unknown
With Ar-Baruk defeated, the Cauldron Child meets Sirius in the center of the arena to face off against him; however, the Queensguard captain has other plans in mind than a fight. He wants to know the truth behind the Cauldron Child - what he is, and more specifically why he rebelled and what he wants to gain.
The Tournament: A Fair Fight
Visas awakens from her trip to the Spirit Realm and asks the Grandmaster an impertinent question; Sen faces off against Viper in their match, prodding at a topic they share: Haku.
The Tournament: A Heated Defeat
Ozedus and Amber face off, but with an ace up his sleeve the necromancer tries very little to actually fight the Septarian Princess. After an unexpected turn of events, Haku explodes in anger at his Cult and is issued a challenge by a familiar face.
The Final Battle: Familial Fighting
Kroviir takes a stand against Haku, who speaks his mind about his banishment while decimating his younger twin. With the fight only having just begun, Visas throws herself into the ring.
The Final Battle: Surmounting the Odds
Visas finds herself in a familiar setting; Haku attempts to put an end to the resistance against him, but finds himself quite outmatched even with his astronomical powers at his disposal...
The Final Battle: Evened Odds
A brief glimpse into Haku’s past; after his brother threw himself in front of Visas to protect her, Haku intends to ensure he won’t be impeded by her again. In the end, only one of them will survive…
With Haku defeated, Astro is requested by Sarasim to tend to a matter he’s been tasked with by the Grandmaster; in the Sanctuary, Visas and the Grandmaster are taken to a certain individual that the Grand Elder wants to speak with.
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loveoaths · 4 years
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haku’s ultimate dream was always to die for zabuza. if not on the bridge, then sometime in the future. because self-sacrifice, personal destruction, unwavering loyalty, & faith are the core tennets of haku’s idea of love.
to die for someone is the utmost expression of devotion. otherwise how would they know you truly valued them over all else if you do not value them over yourself ? 
canonically haku states, “my dream is to help zabuza achieve his dream. that is my purpose.” haku lives for other people. it’s a deeply engrained mindset after years of being treated like an object even before zabuza takes them in. 
because people forget this: when zabuza encounters haku for the first time sitting in the gutter, they’re wearing a collar with a broken chain. haku was owned before zabuza entered the picture. 
so when zabuza appears offering not only the safety & protection of a shinobi master rather than the cruel & predatory human collectors who had owned them previously, but a life’s purpose ? a strange validation for the cursed bloodline the rest of the world hates & reviles them for ?   they look into zabuza’s eyes, seeing a gaunt-eyed man, & thinks “every dead man needs a ghost, and every ghost a grave. i cannot think of a better place to die.” of course haku agrees. this is the first person who looked at them & saw something worthwhile. they will do anything to protect him & show their appreciation. in haku’s eyes, they have always lived on borrowed time. death is a patient expectation. why not make it count for something.
add to this the fact that they grew up in water country, in kirigakure, in a society where people like them weren’t people at all & did not classify as human beings, haku emotionally & mentally linking life, service, & purpose as innate & inextricably intertwined makes perfect sense. 
& in my personal headcanons, this is also a very yuki way of thinking. family is everything. the pack is everything. your sisterwolves defend you, they challenge you, they hunt with you, they never abandon you, they die with you. the prioritization of family over all is something haku’s mother would have inculcated them with from a young age.
additionally, haku has their own set of morals & principles that zabuza is canonically shown to respect to a surprising degree. they have strong principles & beliefs that they are not afraid to voice or act upon. haku disagrees with zabuza several times in the manga & vocally so. when zabuza goes to murder team seven with a surprise attack, haku deflects his blow because they don’t want to kill team seven. instead they request zabuza to allow them to non-lethally incapacitate team seven if at all possible, to which zabuza sighs & acquiesces to, with the strong implication this is something haku has done in the past. this is evidence, in my opinion, that sacrificing themselves for zabuza was not something zabuza demanded of them. if anything, i think zabuza would be surprised haku would do that for him, because let’s be real: no kiri nin would EVER do such a thing. it’s unheard of.   but haku does it unwaveringly, unthinkingly, without a moment’s pause. they’ve been ready for this moment since they were a child. it’s what haku wanted to do from the beginning. & in the end they got their final wish, bittersweet as it is.
haku has never feared death. they’ve always viewed it as a rightful reward for a job well-done.
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nightlydoodling · 6 years
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Heyo! So, I know I’ve disappeared off the face of the earth, whoops. No excuse, just kinda didnt draw for awhile, video games got me hooked--
Anyways! Heres some incomplete stuff I’ll likely never finish and/or might re-draw one day! First one is my Fr edition of Univa, Space Dragon Momma, and all other nicknames she has, and was my first lineless attempt in awhile so Im still happy that I’ve gotten better at lineless! Even if its unfinished.,.
Second is my character Lemon, I’ve had him for atleast a century, probably. ...Okay, exaggeration but he has been my son for awhile and I wish I drew him more- This drawing is very, very old, but never got finished and I still thought it was good enough to share
More art and Eevee Talking Too Much under cut
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Another old one! Back when I was still figuring out How Anything Worked, a doodle of my Persona I would’ve finished but overwhelmed myself with too much, maybe I’ll redraw someday
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A sketch I also was rather happy with, but never finished, a long time ago (Maybe the oldest one? Cant quite remember so dont quote me on that) Just my character Haku with a bunch of your average rainforest wildlife buds, he’s almost a disney princess except his mom is still alive I promise--
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Lastly, an art style challenge I attempted to do of some of my favorite online comics! I would’ve done more but, had a hard time choosing more.,,. The ones that are here are from the comics (Click names for links!) Lumine and Demon Street! this one is the most recent example of my art but still not super good since I kinda was just fiddling around-
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kondo-hijikata · 6 years
2018 Creations Tag Game
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite works you’ve created this [last] year (fics, art, edits, etc!) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you’ve brought into the world in 2018. Tag as many writers/artists/etc as you want (fan or original!) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works. <3
1. Nothing to Regret [Hakuouki]
Summary: Fifteen years later, some things are different…and some are the same. 
I enjoyed writing this because it just flowed naturally. It’s probably my favorite thing I’ve written in this fandom.
2. Enough [Hakuouki]
Summary: He’s a demon and he’s committed and he loves the commander...but something tells Hijikata that these things alone could never be enough.
I love when Kat-chan pulls Toshi out of his inner turmoil, and that’s what this is about.
3. Changing of the Guard [Shinsengumi!]
Summary: Kondo sets off for Hiroshima to attempt avoiding war, but the Hijikata he returns to is not the Hijikata he left only three weeks prior. Something drastic changed. And that's when Kondo realizes he needs to as well. 
I like some of the descriptive choices in this.
4. Champagne Paradise [Hakuouki]
Summary: Hijikata had a rough patrol. Kondo makes everything okay, at least for a little while.
I wrote this out of pure desire to output the most poetic thing I could.
5. The Fall [Hakuouki]
Summary: It’s spring in Nagareyama when Satcho surrounds the commander and his right-hand man. Only one can escape unscathed. The other is destined to fall. 
HAHAHA...this hurt.
Shout out to these works:
- The Listener [Hakuouki]
Summary: A meditation on where they’ve been and where they’re going—on Hijikata’s promise to make Kondo the most esteemed samurai and one that Kondo makes in return.
This was my first Haku fic and I have nothing but good memories about writing it.
- After the Rain [Hakuouki]
Summary: It's simple. Peddle medicine and find purpose. But after Hijikata is caught in a downpour that leads him right into Kondo's arms, he realizes things are a little more complicated than he'd like to believe.
This fic met me in hell and challenged me to a duel. Writing it has been problematic, but I’m proud of the historical research I did for it. I like some of the imagery. It was never supposed to be this long, but here we are today with those famous last words. lmao
tagging: @hidetheremote @shell-senji @iba-hime @hakuyamazakisensei @nanashi1869 @vicecommanderhijikata @impracticaldemon and everyonewho wants to. rec all your fave 2018 things to me <3
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kon-konk · 3 years
I was playing around with the incorrect quotes generator (https://incorrect-quotes-generator.neocities.org/) and it spit out one that's dead-on for the twins that came out of the Genshin OC creation challenge thing.
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Haru's more open and people-y, but will shut everything out if it gets between her and her brother. Haku, on the other hand, is much more reserved. On the surface, he seems to be the epitome of the "calm and controlled" type, but he's actually full of anxiety and a fear of being left alone in the world.
They call each other "Ha-chan" or Big Sis/Bro (they both call the other this interchangeably with no regard to gender and admit it's mostly to confuse others). They both say the other is the older sibling, so I don't know if they actually know the answer to that question.
Here's a link to the TikTok that inspired them:
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frances048 · 7 years
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My 2017 Summary Of Art by Fran48
Blank meme : https://dustbunnythumper.deviantart.com/art/2017-Summary-of-Art-BLANK-718337918 ..Here we go again..Another year is nearly at it's end so I decided once again to do this meme to show how far I've come with my art this year :) Here are previous years' memes if you're interested :D 2012: https://fran48.deviantart.com/art/2012-Art-Summary-Fran48-343638908 2013: https://fran48.deviantart.com/art/2013-Art-Summary-Fran48-422621435 2014: https://fran48.deviantart.com/art/My-2014-Summary-Of-Art-Fran48-503896864 2015: https://fran48.deviantart.com/art/My-2015-Summary-of-art-578886586 2016: https://fran48.deviantart.com/art/Fran48-s-2016-Summary-Of-Art-654040723 This year, like last year has been pretty bad This year in a nutshell..but I'm hoping (and praying) that surely next year can't be nearly as stressful..maybe I'll jinx myself doing that though ^^;..I managed to fit in artwork each month though, maybe I just did it as some form of stress relief this year..idk but seeing improvements and new pieces that I was satisfied with, definitely made me feel a lot better ^^ The resources I used this year included Ms paint, Watercolour paints, coloured pencils, mechanical pencils, fine liner pens, pencils, coloured pens, chalk , charcoal ,crayons, camera, phone, video camera, felt tip pens, and much later in the year, Paint tool sai, which I also used to edit this along with Ms paint.. January That month, I did quite a few paintings using the art set my Grandad bought for me last Christmas...They included the featured picture : , a few other naruto pictures,Painting Hokage NarutoKakashi and Obito painting a gravity falls picture Bill cipher paintingand Ruby rose picturePainting of Ruby Rose RWBY. I also drew some digital pieces and created a Naruto gifNaruto Hokage Gif..I also did traditional sketches and used some charcoal.. We also went to see the comedian Graham Fellows as his character John shuttleworth this month which was so funny and I drew a sketch of him too :)John Shuttleworth sketch February: That month I got into Mirai Nikki and Star wars animated series (recommended by my dear friend :iconkoikii: ^_^ )as you can see by the featured images: I also started watching some of sgt frog and drew art from it:KururuDororo and also finished watching One Punch man and drew a few pieces from it, including a speedpaint:Painting of TornadoSaitama ok colouredSpeed o sound sonic speedpaint I also continued to draw digital pieces and paintings including a Haku and Zabuza reunion piece which I was really proud of :When a person has something they want to protect March: In March, I got into Miraculous Ladybug so drew fanart of it including the featured picture: Marinette-Ladybug I also drew a few sketches that month and Naruto shippuden ended ;w;..Noooooo so I drew this pic..;w;..Naruto uzumaki wedding day- The end of Shippuden I also was thinking of getting to Evangelion in March so I drew Shinji..Shinji Iraki.I didn't draw much around this time as I was extremely busy struggling with my honours degree coursework ;w; April During April I continued to do some paintings and sketches but also continued to create digital drawings such asIva one pieceNarusasu -each other's coloursGiroro Sgt Frog Speedpaint (youtube link)...and the featured pictureTrafalgar law time skip I watched Evangelion during April and finished the main series feeling extremely confused ...I also did a Beamish vlog https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SZIAOa7X9k and took a lot of photos May In this month, I got into four different anime series as you can tell by the featured pictures: Kuro blue exorcistYuuri- Yuri on iceShiho Kimizuki They were, Danganronpa the animation, Blue exorcist, Yuri on ice and Seraph of the end (as told about by the awesome :iconrealrockandrolla1996: :D ) , because of this I drew some fanart from the series, mainly traditional pen drawings and ms paint drawings. I also continued to do photography when I could. June That month I turned 23! XD I got up to date with Attack on titan and created a couple of paintings of characters from the series.Ymir and HistoriaAnnie leonhart painting I also continued drawing Danganronpa pieces (two of which are featured :Gundam Tanaka Teruteru Hanamura) I also got up to date with Puella Magi Magica Madoka in June , as well as Kill la kill. So I drew a lot of ms paint, pen drawings and charcoal pieces. I also went to Sunnycon this year in Two cosplays..Mikasa and Konan and produced fanart for Bryce Papenbrook and Jessie and James' voice actors to sign..They loved my pieces which filled me with a lot of pride and made me so happy <33 I also took a lot of photos from Sunnycon so please feel free to check them out in my gallery ^_^ or in my sunnycon journal entry for this year ^^ Sunnycon 2017 :D July This month I finally graduated from Uni with a First Class Honours degree and published paper and not long after that I went on holiday to Scotland and lost my Grandma ...so I did most of my drawings later in the month..^^; I did a few digital pieces including my Mephisto speedpaint : Mephisto Youtube Speedpaint (link below)in July  but mainly did Photography and traditional pieces..my traditional pieces were drawn in fine liner pen and mechanical pencil and helped me practise shading techiques I also got through all the Ouran high school host club anime August Did A few speedpaints this month including the Oma one: Kokichi Ouma- Youtube speedpaint :D (link below)and started watching Magi and drew fanart from it..I also continued drawing Danganronpa artwork and a few ms paint drawings too :) and continued writing more chapters for my fanfics. September Continued drawing digital ms paint drawings including the two images featured:Haruhi speedpaint(link below)Yukio Blue exorcist youtube speedpaint(link below) Also continued drawing traditional artwork and started watching Rosario + vampire season 1 properly. I also did a Sarada Uchiha week challenge which I really enjoyed as I love Sarada so much and loved drawing her and coming up with different ideas to meet the themes :3   https://fran48.deviantart.com/gallery/64137303/Sarada-Uchiha-week-2017 Also later in September, on the recommendation of a deviant here, I started trying to use paint tool sai to produce some pieces :D : I also watched the Studio Ghibli film 'When Marnie was there' and drew a piece to show my appreciation for it ^_^ I also tried to incorporate Art deco into one of my pieces October: Through October, I worked on Inktober: https://fran48.deviantart.com/gallery/64332793/Inktober-2017 and Goretober : https://fran48.deviantart.com/gallery/64332822/Goretober-2017 Similtanously. I also did my very first drawing Livestream on instagram which was of K1-B0 from Danganronpa v3 https://fran48.deviantart.com/gallery/?catpath=%2Fflash&edit=0&q=livestream and started making song covers which I converted to Flash files. I continued to create ms paint and paint tool sai art, one piece was a Mental health awareness piece which I created as I was struggling massively with my anxiety at the time and needed to express it :Ruminiation-Mental health awareness I also did a few speedpaints including the two featured in this meme. I also went on holiday during October and made another Vlog  The suprise you guys were waiting for-VLOG! and took quite a few photos :) I also started doing Monthly polls for my watchers to decide on which speedpaints I should do first.. November: That month, I continued to create speedpaints and digital some of which were featured in this meme. Himawari speedpainting (link below).Moka speedpaint (link in description) Madoka and KyuubeyI also finished Rosario + vampire series 1..I started to create some Christmasy themed art as well as some black and white drawings and a few digital pieces. I also saw Paddington and watched Paddington 2 at the cinemas so created the piece featured due to my enjoyment of the film ^_^Paddington I also watched some of the playthrough of Ultra despair Girls and drew some art from it ^^ In addition, I also created an epilepsy awareness picture a day after having a seizure at work to make people aware of how debilitating it can be.. Even though I did a few different pictures throughout November, I started my apprenciceship then and so I drew inbetween work (though very tired) and at weekends so I wasn't as productive as previous months.. December: This month..I continued watching the current season of Rwby and drew two speedpaint fanarts from it, one that is featured in this meme Cinder fall (Youtube speedpaint :D) I drew some mechanical pencil drawings including Danganronpa, Naruto and DC comics pieces, I also saw all of the film Chicken Run all the way through for the first time and drew a picture of its main protagonist.. and finally got around to painting again after breaking up from work and managed to create this canvas piece of Rin Okumura from Blue exorcist:Rin Okumura finished Overall I feel I have got into quite a few different fandoms and series this year and tried different things with pieces such as incorporating art deco style in, using paint tool sai and livestreaming though I don't feel I have improved much this year but hope to do so in the following years.. Thank you guys for supporting me, your help has meant a lot to me ^_^ <33 Happy new year to you all
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What's Your Type? - Hotarubi Edition
This was originally requested by Anon who asked: "What kind of personality would each of the characters be drawn into?"
I had to split it up into a few sections, separating the boys by their houses so here's the next part. The links to all the others are below. I hope you like the headcanons!
Fandom: Tokyo Debunker
Characters: Subaru Kagami, Haku Kusanagi, Zenji Kotodama x gn! Reader
Frostheim | Vagastrom | Jabberwock | Sinostra | Hotarubi | Obscuary | Mortkranken
What sort of personality are the characters drawn to?
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The first thing Subaru will be drawn to is a kind heart. You don’t have to be perfect all the time but if you show kindness, he’ll like you.
The same thing goes for being polite. Of course people have to deserve your respect but if you do your best to be polite to people, he’ll find himself drawn to you.
Subaru’s also attracted to people with strong morals. He has things he stands by firmly and appreciates that in others as well.
It’s not mandatory, but if you’re a laid back person, Subaru will find it a lot easier to get along with you than if you’re really high strung or energetic. It’s just the personality he gels with best.
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Oh, if you’re a teasing person at all, Haku is going to be super drawn to you. He loves being able to banter with people that way.
In the same way, he’d love it if you can dish out comments and take them as well. It makes your back and forth banter even better if you’re both trying to see who cracks first.
I see Haku as someone who likes trying new things so he’ll be attracted to people who are daring or willing to step a bit outside their comfort zones.
But beneath all that, they have to be kind hearted as well. Haku might be a teaser but he cares deeply about those he loves. He wants to be with someone who cares deeply in return.
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Zenji will be immediately drawn to anyone who’s even the slightest bit creative. He can’t help it, it’s just such a bit part of his personality and who he is.
I think he would be attracted to someone more on the calm side of things. He likes being able to relax with his loved one and his biwa in a quiet environment.
Someone who is open with praise would also draw his attention. He faces a lot of thinly veiled annoyance towards his music so some genuine praise would be nice.
You’d also have to be open minded to attract Zenji’s attention. Being in a relationship with him brings a lot of challenging hurdles and you’ll have to be willing to work on overcoming them together.
Hey, did you enjoy this? If you like my writing, please consider donating to my Ko-Fi page! This will allow me to make some money off my writing, something I enjoy doing.
Important Note: Please only donate if you are financially able to. If you are currently in a position where you can't donate, a like, comment or reblog will mean just as much.
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"Everything happens so much“: In Betrayal
Betrayal was one of the most fun leagues imo, hence this allocation minigame is one of my favorite things to explain.
Some of the encounter mechanics get rather obscure, and this goes all the more for how to manipulate the charts and get a good safehouse.
Syndicate encounters happen starting at act nine. Each encounter advances a meter for its respective division, and when that meter is full you can access an according safehouse. Safehouses are miniboss dungeons containing the members of the given division.
As the Masters are undead, executing one includes their rank in the division, upgrading the rewards they’ll drop at the safehouse.
Interrogating masters decreases their rank and increases the intel meter in exchange. A master demoted to rank zero will quit their division and pop up at new ones, they need to be gain one rank in order to lock them in at the new division.
[Bargaining, betraying TODO]
Transportation: Masters are guarding a convoy, defeat them before it reaches its destination. Pretty mediocre safehouse rewards except for select members.
Fortification: A little fortress with masters inside. There’s doors to break down and healing totems, break those first. Pretty mediocre safehosue rewards except for select members.
Research: An underground lab where syndicate members are trying to destroy the materials they left behind. It’s usually best to check the floor plan and make a beeline for the masters, since their defeat ends the destruction of the evidence. Safehouse rewards tend to be situationally precious.
Intervention: An assassin jumps you without warning, often with a giant lag spike attached. For these it’s good to have chaos resistance, and learn how to strafe blindly, attack and use flasks while the screen is frozen. Intervention safehouse rewards tend to be scarabs.
There’s several good guides and charts out there, but people update them pretty sporadically and don’t account for the fluctuation of item values.
[Great spreadsheet], [quick lookup but out of date]
The fewer Masters currently occupy a division, the likelier it is that unallocated syndicate members will try to join that division.  So it makes some sense to put “bad” characters into filler divisions if someone else with precious rewards is going to be unallocated.
Masters with bad rewards can be cruelly used as interrogation fodder, never interrogate someone like It that Fled in Research though.
Safehouse strategy threads: [x]
Syndicate masters reviewed
Aisling: Kick or research. Her Research table of adding veiled mods to existing gear is like a neat spin of Exalted crafting. Otherwise, veiled items won’t help much outside of challenges.
Cameria: Great, keep out of research. Legacy uniques (Transportation), harbinger currency (fortification) and delve scarabs (Intervention) are good. Sulphite scarabs can be overfarmed though, check first.
Elreon: Kick. Swell guy, awesome voice, unfortunately his drops are a sad, sad joke.
Gravicius: Intervention/transportation. He drops divination cards and (Precious) divination scarabs. Fuck this guy though.
Guff: Maybe transportation, not for the faint of heart. This guy gives you crafting resources to use on a strict time limit. Can be profitable, can be fun for RTS gamers with hardcore APM, but not recommended for blood pressure. His transportation table is the best one.
Haku: Kick. His strongbox-related rewards are terrible, Haku was done dirty by the Masters update.
Hillock: Transportation or research for value, otherwise as needed. Hillock increases quality over the limit of what’s otherwise-available without corruption. Valuable unique flasks like Dying Sun with extra quality can be coveted, this might be easily over-farmed though. Quality also increases weapons’ damage (Transportation) for attack builds immensely, it can also help with armor (Fortification) for six-linking.
It that Fled: A+ in research, good in intervention. Upgrading breachstones is very profitable, but prone to overfarming (check PoENinja). They’re so endearing, too.
Janus: OK in research, fortification, and amusingly weasely. Espionagerate... Fortification is a pretty bad division except for Cameria, he’s good for padding it out.
Jorgin: Intervention if there’s Bestiary challenges, kick otherwise. Bestiary scarabs gain a lot of value if there’s a bestiary challenge, but they’re worthless in other leagues. Fuck this guy’s might-makes-right schtick also.
Korell: Fortification or research. The values of mortal/vaal fragments (F) and fossils vary between leagues, so do your research first.
Leo: Research or kick. His bench provides an exalted orb to use for crafting, at rank 3, but if you can’t get him into research and rank him up, his other drops are pathetic. He’s my PoE boyfriend (and Vorici’s) though, so that helps.
Riker: Transportation, others ok. High RNG. He lets you pick random currency/divination cards/rares/uniques, you need to be familiar with the game for the non-currency ones. He’s pretty rippy in encounters, too.
Rin: Fortification or kick. Conquerors of the Atlas screwed over the value of her map-related drops.
Tora: Intervention, research situationally. Her research reward adds experience to gems, but it can’t carry over levels, so only use it on Empower/Enlighten/Enhance, awakened gems, or level 19 gems.
Vagan: Transportation or intervention. Went from one of the worst masters for rewards to one of the best ones as he was updated to Legion rewards. Legion Scarabs and Splinters are highly desired for money and experience.
Vorici: A+ in research, bad elsewhere. His research table adds white sockets to an item without corrupting. This is a great way to get off-colour sockets without spending too much, best done by chroming one or two of the off-colour sockets into the item first.
Rivalries and friendships: TODO
Allocation by place:
Transportation: A mediocre spot for most masters, pad it out with mediocre ones. Cameria and Gravicius are exceptions. — WANT Cameria, Gravicius, Vagan, Riker, (Hillock) ** ACCEPT (if you’re the type for timed crafting): Guff ** WOULD RATHER BE ELSEWHERE: Tora, Vagan
Fortification: Another bad place to be in, again, Cameria thrives here. — WANT Cameria, Korell, Janus, (Leo)
Research: An easily crowded division, try to get important members in here and move out the rest. — NEED It That Fled, Tora, Vorici, (WANT Korell) ** SITUATIONAL: Leo, Hillock ** ACCEPT Janus, Aisling (They take up valuable spots for other members, but if they’re all nested up in there, get them to rank 3.) ** WOULD RATHER BE ELSEWHERE: Cameria, Jorgin
Intervention: Scarabs are valuable goods with high fluctuation, check their current prices. — NEED Jorgin (only in a beast challenge league), WANT Gravicius, Cameria, Vagan ** ACCEPT Riker, Rin
Veiled mods, signature mods: TODO
(Can Aisling drop others’ mods?)
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daleisgreat · 5 years
G1/RoH Supercard (of Honor XIII)
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Welcome to my annual Ring of Honor (RoH) blog for their annual Supercard of Honor show. 2019 was a wild year for RoH. They started the year losing access to Matt and Nick Jackson, Cody Rhodes, Kenny Omega and all three members of SCU (Christopher Daniels, Frankie Kazarian & Scorpio Sky) as they all departed after their contracts expired at the end of the 2018 to help launch All Elite Wrestling (AEW). Before that it was known that those seven wrestlers would be leaving, RoH collaborated with New Japan Pro Wrestling (NJPW) to announce a special live PPV they would be airing on WrestleMania weekend: G1 Supercard. G1 is a recurring PPV special for NJPW, and I am presuming Supercard is short for the Supercard of Honor PPV special that usually transpires during WrestleMania weekend which is why I am covering this PPV and treating it as Supercard of Honor XIII. There is another big reason I wanted to cover this show…. That is because this joint venture between NJPW and RoH emanated from the ‘World’s Most Popular Arena’ Madison Square Garden. This was a shocking announcement because going back several decades WWE had the exclusive rights to MSG and the last other promotion that ran a show in MSG was back in 1960! WWE tried pressuring MSG and briefly got them to remove the show from their schedule….that was until the owners of RoH, Sinclair Broadcasting, called up WWE and informed them they own roughly half the FOX TV affiliate stations that would be starting to air SmackDown on FOX within several months and have control of what time to air WWE’s new flagship show and that was reason enough for Vince McMahon to back off and G1 Supercard wound up running as scheduled during the 2019 WrestleMania weekend from MSG.
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NJPW and RoH have been lending talent to each other for years, but this is one of the first times they evenly split a card 50/50 for each promotion’s matches. When the tickets originally went on sale, it was shortly before the much hyped independent All In PPV put on by most of the Elite (at that time consisting of Cody, Omega, Young Bucks, Marty Scurll and Adam Paige) that RoH lent a lot of their talent for. The show wound up being a huge success and all the buzz for All In presumably was the catalyst for G1 Supercard selling out in under a day of tickets officially going on sale. By the time the G1 Supercard rolled around all of the Elite, save for Marty Scurll, departed RoH a few months earlier leaving a huge void of headline guys for RoH. The NJPW half of the card delivered with exciting match-ups, while the RoH half stuck out with a lack of top level talent. The PPV had two pre-show matches that are included as bonuses on the DVD. The first match saw Jenny Rose & Oedo Tai overcoming the handicap match odds and defeating Hung Kimura, Sumie Sakai and Stella Grey when Tai got the pin with a 450 in a bout that saw a lot of nonstop energy to get the crowd rolling. G1 Supercard will be the first PPV I can remember that had a 30 person Rumble match in a pre-show they billed as the ‘Honor Rumble.’ It was also the longest pre-show match I can recall at 49 minutes. Entrances were sped up at approximately 30 second intervals to keep up the tempo which made it enticing to see who would walk out next. Both RoH and NJPW stars competed and I only recognized roughly half of the competitors, but it was fun learning some new faces. Colt Cabana was on commentary for the night but took a breather to compete in the Rumble when Yano invited him to take his spot. Other faces I recognized were Justin Gabriel now going by PJ Black, Beer City Bruiser, Delirious, Kenny King, Cheeseburger and a trio of Asian wrestling legends in Haku, Great Muta and Jushin Thunder Liger.
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I do not care how aged Haku is because he still looks like one of the baddest guys on the planet I would not want to mess with. I have no idea how active Muta is, but he was not at all agile and seemed very careful with his movements. Liger could still go, but he was in the midst of his retirement year tour and it was apparent his best days were behind him. The end of the Rumble saw it looking like it would come down to Liger and Muta, but then Kenny King pulled the ‘ol hide under the ring trick card and emerged to toss Liger and Muta out to win it all. That was a fun crazy Rumble with the frequent entrances and it brought back memories of that bonkers Rumble match on a 2000 episode of Thunder with all kinds of unique entrants that were AWOL in that time of uncertainty for WCW and also marked the last appearance of Macho Man in WCW. The start of the actual PPV saw a ‘winner takes all’ match with two titles on the line in RoH’s TV Title and NJPW’s Never Openweight Title. Jeff Cobb beat Will Ospreay here to walk away with both belts in a bout that did not fail to deliver a ton of insane spots. Dalton Castle was the RoH champ on a previous SoH PPV I covered here, but now his stock has dwindled as he lost to Rush in 15 seconds here after three straight Shotgun Dropkicks. After Castle collected himself, he turned and obliterated his eccentric seconds, The Boys. The RoH Women’s Title was on the line next and saw Kelly Klein beat Iwatoni with an Airplane Spin slam in a decent bout. I had no idea TNA/Impact Wrestling’s The Beautiful People were still a hot commodity after their countless stop-n-go runs in that promotion, but when Velvet Skye and Angelina Love walked out after the match and attacked Klein the announcers put it over as the biggest thing ever to happen to their women’s division.
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DJ/Hip Hop artist Mega Ran came out for a musical performance next, the song is a decent catchy beat for the DVD menus too which is a nice relief from the generic basement-rock that dominates most other RoH releases. Anywho, Bully Ray interrupted and harassed Mega Ran and laid out an open challenge that turned into a six-man tag with Bully Ray, Silas Young and Shane Taylor taking on Flip Gordon, Juice Robinson and Mark Haskins. This was a surprisingly a fun weapons brawl with lots of creative spots. The finish saw Ray fall victim to the Wassup Headbutt and the Gordon hitting the 450 for the win. The IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Title was on the line next in a triple threat between Bandido, Dragon Lee and Taiji. In a bout that I will remember as having a sick tower spot, it saw Bandido capture the gold after hitting a variant of a driver-pin combination. Another winner takes all titles match transpired next for both the RoH and NJPW tag team titles in a four way between The Briscoes, Guerillas of Destiny, Evil & Sanada and Brody King & PCO. RoH contributed some production dollars for PCO’s electric (literally) entrance that saw him get the Frankenstein electric chair treatment in a thrilling visual. Speaking of production dollars, this is easily the best looking RoH show I have ever seen, especially compared to the first couple of SoH shows I covered here. The Guerillas of Destiny walked out with all the tag gold when they hit their double powerbomb finisher on Brody for the victory. RoH caught a lot of heat for running a ‘worked shoot’ segment after the match ended with the wrestlers formerly known as Big Cass & Enzo running out and attacking the Briscoes after the match before they got escorted out, but RoH never officially acknowledged it on camera and after all the negative reception it got did not request feature services from Cass & Enzo so I will link to this fan footage of the run-in instead.
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A third promotion contributed a match to G1 Supercard with Revolution Pro having their British Heavyweight Title on the card with Hiroshi Tanahoshi challenging Zack Sabre Jr. for the championship. I only remember Zack’s excellent work in the Cruiserweight Classic from a few years back so it was great seeing him again, doubly so since he was accompanied by another old favorite of mine I have not seen in over a decade in TAKA Michinoku. This bout saw a heavy emphasis on heavy duty technical and submission wrestling which was a breather from the spotfests that dominated the rest of the card. I want to re-emphasize ‘heavy duty’ because both Tanahoshi and Sabre did a superb job at conveying how much they laid into each other with a sick submission Sabre Jr. kept amplifying in unbelievable ways that I cannot even describe until Tanahoshi convincingly tapped out. Thinking about this now I would rank this as my favorite match from the night! The tenth contest of the night saw the IWGP Intercontinental Title on the line between Naito and Kota Ibushi. I recognize both guys from the handful of NJPW Kenny Omega matches I tracked down after hearing a ton of buzz for and also recognize Ibushi from his Cruiserweight Classic run too. This match delivered, and had a great NJPW produced video package too. Both guys delivered a lot of intense neck and head spots, and Ibushi wound up winning after a rising knee strike in another match that was close to my favorite for the night. The RoH World Title was on the line next in a triple threat ‘Ladder War’ between Marty Scurll, Matt Taven and Jay Lethal. Lethal was hyped going into this as having the title the most number of days compared to all other previous champions….but I could never buy into him as a top level guy, and I recall despising Matt Taven on previous RoH shows and Scurll I have bad memories of his match against Castle last year where he spent eons trying to find a weapon under the ring so I did not have a vested interest in the bout. It was a solid match with a few unique spots and saw Taven winning the title after fighting off Lethal in the end, but I felt rather ho-hum coming out of this, and apparently so did the crowd watching their tepid reaction to Taven’s title win.
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The headlining main event saw Jay White defend his IWGP Title against Kazuchika Okada. I love how NJPW produces their video packages, and this one got me amped up going into the main event. The duo told a great story, and White’s manager, Gedo found clever ways to get involved. I recognize Okada from another Omega match I saw that I believe went to a time limit draw, and this match also went on a while going just over a half hour before White fell victim to the RAIIIIIIN-MAKERRRRR Lariat with Okada capturing the IWGP Title. I saw online reception noting the weak RoH half of the show, and compared to the New Japan offerings, they definitely were a couple notches below, but RoH still had a couple of really good matches like the TV Title and bout and Bully Ray’s open challenge was the perfect refresher for this long of a card. I will give big ups for the Honor Rumble, Tag Titles and IWGP Title matches, but my two favorites that blew everything else away on here was the Zack Sabre/Tanahoshi and Naito/Ibushi matches. More than anything I came out of the G1 Supercard wanting to get more into NJPW, but with so much other wrestling out there to keep up with, I will probably only be picking and watching the occasional match or two a year that generates a ton of buzz. Collectively, I will give G1 Supercard a strong thumbs up and recommend to track down, especially seeing both promotions operate in a big time atmosphere like Madison Square Garden made the event truly special and standout like few other cards from RoH history. Past Wrestling Blogs Best of WCW Clash of Champions Best of WCW Monday Nitro Volume 2 Best of WCW Monday Nitro Volume 3 Biggest Knuckleheads Bobby The Brain Heenan Daniel Bryan: Just Say Yes Yes Yes DDP: Positively Living Dusty Rhodes WWE Network Specials ECW Unreleased: Vol 1 ECW Unreleased: Vol 2 ECW Unreleased: Vol 3 Eric Bishoff: Wrestlings Most Controversial Figure Fight Owens Fight: The Kevin Owens Story For All Mankind Goldberg: The Ultimate Collection Hulk Hogans Unreleased Collectors Series Impact Wresting Presents: Best of Hulk Hogan Its Good to Be the King: The Jerry Lawler Story The Kliq Rules Ladies and Gentlemen My Name is Paul Heyman Legends of Mid South Wrestling Macho Man: The Randy Savage Story Memphis Heat NXT: From Secret to Sensation NXT Greatest Matches Vol 1 OMG Vol 2: Top 50 Incidents in WCW History OMG Vol 3: Top 50 Incidents in ECW History Owen: Hart of Gold RoH Supercard of Honor 2010-Present ScoobyDoo Wrestlemania Mystery Scott Hall: Living on a Razors Edge Shawn Michaels: My Journey Sting: Into the Light Straight Outta Dudley-ville: Legacy of the Dudley Boyz Straight to the Top: Money in the Bank Anthology Superstar Collection: Zach Ryder Then Now Forever – The Evolution of WWEs Womens Division TLC 2017 TNA Lockdown 2005-2016 Top 50 Superstars of All Time Tough Enough: Million Dollar Season True Giants Ultimate Fan Pack: Roman Reigns Ultimate Warrior: Always Believe War Games: WCWs Most Notorious Matches Warrior Week on WWE Network Wrestlemania 3: Championship Edition Wrestlemania 28-Present The Wrestler (2008) Wrestling Road Diaries Too Wrestling Road Diaries Three: Funny Equals Money Wrestlings Greatest Factions WWE Network Original Specials First Half 2015 WWE Network Original Specials Second Half 2015 WWE Network Original Specials First Half 2016 WWE Network Original Specials Second Half 2016 WWE Network Original Specials First Half 2017
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welovefunassyi · 7 years
Current and Upcoming Funassyi Events, Week of September 12, 2017
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Here’s the latest roundup of Funassyi related events and so on. Check back every week for a new update.
Funassyi 5 Year On Earth Anniversary Project
More details in in this post.
Live events/appearances by Funassyi
September 18: Charesupo (Challenge Sports) event to promote the Tokyo 2020 Para Olympics, Tokyo International Forum; 13:00, 14:00 and 15:30 (official site)
September 30: Kumamoto Chara Fes at Kumamoto Castle Ninomaru Hiroba, Kumamoto, Kyushu (official site). Note that the festival itself is on September 30 - October 1
October 22: Gotouchi Chara Haku in Nikone, Gifu (official site). With Funagoro and Funyassyi. Note that the festival itself is on October 21-22. Funassyi will be there on the 22nd only, but Funagoro and Funyassyi will be there both days. Stage location/times not announced yet.
October 29: Funassyiland Nagoya Halloween event at Wink Aichi, 7th floor; 13:00 and 15:30 (details on Funassyiland site) . Get an entry sticker for the drawing for seats for every 2,000 yen worth of purchases at any permanent Funassyiland store from now until October 1st
November 18: 2018 Funassyi Calendar 5th Anniversary event at Toho Cinemas Screen 4, Lalaport Tokyo Bay, Funabashi; 14:00 (details on official calendar site). Reserve either the wall or desktop calendar from any Funassyiland between now and October 22nd to receive an entry sticker for the event seat drawing
November 26: World Chara Summit in Hanyu, Saitama (official site). Note that the festival will be on November 25-26, but Funassyi will be there on the 26th only. Both Funagoro and Funassyi will be there on both days.
Live events/appearances by Funagoro and/or Funyassyi
These are appearances by Funagoro and Funyassyi only. Since there are Funagoro and Funyassyi fans too, I’ve listed all of their appearances here, so some may duplicate the listings above.
September 17: Funassyiland Funabashi - Funagoro only
September 23: Funassyiland Funabashi - Funyasshi only
October 21-22: Gotouchi Chara Haku in Hikone (see above) - both Funagoro and Funyassyi
November 25-26: World Chara Summit in Hanyu (see above) - both Funagoro and Funassyi
TV, Radio, Live Webcasts, Movies, Music
Music: Available now: Spring 2017 Ketsugobou Tour DVD (release date: May 26). 274ch member order page. Also available from CDJapan, Amazon Japan, Funassyiland web store.
Music: Available now: Arukunashi Charamel CD Single (double-A side; on 274ch site also available now from Amazon Japan, CDJapan etc.
Online - Official music video for Charamel (details)  
Online - Official music video for Arukunashi (video link)
Online - Available for viewing now : Untouchable Shibata’s Animal Research Team program in 4 parts on 360.tv (details). Note that Funassyi will also be on the show and/or providing narration for the second season.
Movie: November 3: Last Cop The Movie, on Blu-Ray and DVD. Available fore pre-order now (Amazon Japan link to the various editions)
Special shopping events and exhibitions, restaurants etc.
The Funassyi livery train has been extended until December 30!! Funassyi livery train, Shin Keisei Railway (details; official page on Shin Keisei Railway site).
August 3 - December 30 The Misato station has been re-done in a Funassyi theme. In addition, in-station announcements are in Funassyi’s voice. Funassyi livery trains also has Funassyi-voice announcements during this period.
Until supplies last : 2017 Funassyi Funabashi Pear Boxes now available for preorder (details)
Apps, stickers and games
Funassyi themed calculator skin exclusive to 274ch members (details here; for iOS and Android, although some users have reported problems downloading the app for Android outside of Japan.)
New illustrated Funassyi sticker set for the LINE app - they are adorable! Only available in Japan at the moment unfortunately. (link)
Available now: Funassyi stickers for iMessage (the Messages app), iOS only - but available worldwide! (link to US App Store - check your local App store)
Available now : Minna de Aemen Funassyi themed noodles from Yamasa
Available now: Taiwan/Chinese version Funassyi LINE stamps (check in your LINE app; not available outside of Taiwan though)
2018 Funassyi Calendar
Official site.  Available for preorder from the Funassyiland online store now; available in early October from other sources such as CD Japan and Amazon Japan.
274ch.com, Funassyi’s official streaming video channel/fan club, is the main outlet for Funassyi’s video appearances. Videos are uploaded every couple of days, and are very funny, with Funassyi appearing far more loose and relaxed than he is on broadcast TV. Highlights include a cooking show, Funassyi imitating various Japanese entertainers (his imitation of Beat Takeshi aka Takeshi Kitano is priceless), Funassyi going camping, Funassyi going go-cart racing, and much more. There are also frequent live streams of The Pear doing interviews and so on.
There are also fan-exclusive meets with Funassyi, and fan-exclusive concerts too, such as the upcoming Zetsu Bushaa Tour (see schedule above).
Membership is 600 yen per month or 6,000 yen per year. You can now join from outside of Japan too, although the site is in Japanese only (and so is customer support and so on). Details here. You will most likely need a Japanese mailing address to receive materials from the site for now.
Note: Sometimes someone at the streaming video provider seems to turn on IP checking/blocking of non-Japanese IPs. If you can’t access the videos, just wait a few hours and it will usually get fixed.
274ch official Instagram account
Link here
Photo source - from the gotouchi chara festival in Susaki 
Last but not least...
I know the updates here have become rather scarce. The thing is, I have some serious health problems which make it hard to sit at my desk for extended periods - and I find it very hard to update Tumblr via my phone. I will try to update here at least once a week, but if you are on Facebook please join the We Love Funassyi group, which is quite active, with many enthusiastic Funatomo. See you there! 
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ronovanwrites · 4 years
Haiku Challenge 344 Poets Collected.
Haiku Challenge 344 Poets Collected. #MondayBlogs #MicroPoetry #PoetryCommunity #Haiku #Tanka #ShiRensa #Senryu #Poems #Poetry #Monday #PoetryBlogs #politics #life #introspection #love #poem #art #writing #thoughts #poetrylovers #nature
Links to the 27 Poets with ? New Poets from last week’s challenge of BITE and Teeth and their haiku. All links open in a new window when clicked on. New to Us: Laura Eliza Haynes:   Age Proof of My Existence | Robin: Loc’d Annette Rochelle Aben (Amazon):  winter worries But I Smile Anyway… | Rita Bhathal (Amazon):    Ronovan Writes #Weekly #Haiku #Poetry Prompt #Challenge 344 BITE and Teeth. |…
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