#Hair care contract manufacturing
fairygene · 9 months
Superior components, recipes, and appropriate packaging will give your business a chic appearance that will attract potential buyers. All you need to do is let us know what you envision for your own-label Hair care contract manufacturing line. Which scents, which ingredients, and what kind of look are you aiming for?
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beaucience · 1 year
Beaucience: Your Preferred Choice for Skin Care Product Manufacturing
When it comes to choosing a reliable and reputable manufacturer for your skin care products, Beaucience stands out as a trusted brand in Delhi, India. With their commitment to quality, innovation, and ethical practices, Beaucience has earned a reputation as a preferred partner for contract manufacturing cosmetics. Explore the reasons why Beaucience should be your go-to choice for skin care product manufacturing in Delhi and contract manufacturing cosmetics in India.
Get ready to discover the advantages of partnering with Beaucience and the benefits it can bring to your business. Beaucience takes great pride in delivering top-notch quality in every product they manufacture. With a team of skilled professionals and state-of-the-art facilities, we ensure that our skincare products meet the highest standards. From formulation development to production, Beaucience follows strict quality control measures to guarantee the effectiveness and safety of its products.
Choosing Beaucience means you can rely on our expertise and experience to create exceptional skin care products that meet your specific requirements. One of the key advantages of partnering with Beaucience is our ability to offer customization and flexibility in our manufacturing processes. We understand that every brand has unique needs and preferences, and we are committed to tailoring their services accordingly.
Whether you have a specific formula in mind, need assistance with product development, or
require private labeling, Beaucience can accommodate your requests. Our team works closely with you to understand your vision and translate it into high-quality skin care products that align with your brand identity. Beaucience places a strong emphasis on ethical and sustainable practices throughout our manufacturing process.
We are committed to using natural and eco-friendly ingredients, ensuring that our products are not only effective but also environmentally conscious. Beaucience follows stringent ethical guidelines, including cruelty-free testing and avoiding harmful chemicals in our formulations. By choosing Beaucience as your preferred manufacturer, you align your brand with sustainable and ethical practices, appealing to conscious consumers who prioritize eco-friendly and cruelty-free products.
Beaucience values collaboration and understands the importance of confidentiality in the business of cosmetics. We treat every client as a partner, fostering open communication and building long-term relationships based on trust and mutual success. We prioritize maintaining the confidentiality of your formulations, trade secrets, and proprietary information, ensuring that your brand's uniqueness is protected.
Turn your product vision into reality with us
Choosing Beaucience as your preferred skin care product manufacturer in Delhi and for contract manufacturing cosmetics in India offers numerous advantages. From our commitment to quality and expertise to our customization options and ethical practices, Beaucience stands out as a reliable and reputable partner for your skin care product manufacturing needs.
With our collaborative approach, regulatory compliance, and a focus on sustainability, Beaucience is dedicated to helping your brand succeed in the competitive cosmetics industry. Partner with Beaucience and experience the benefits of working with a trusted manufacturer that prioritizes quality, innovation, and ethical manufacturing practices.
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labdermasist2023 · 1 year
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You will get several benefits if you choose this lab as your cosmetic Contract Manufacturer for your Skin Care Formulations, Hair Care Formulations.
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natsumebookss · 2 months
MagiReco/Premiere Nebula EoS Crossover Story!
In the infinite cosmos of the universe, Iroha Tamaki had felt shockwaves rippling across the Record all day. Whatever a day still meant to a goddess, at least. Homura Akemi had finally abandoned this timeline for the next, and as long as that was the case, Iroha could no longer directly interfere. She could appear to other magical girls in visions, sure, but other than that, this realm was being locked off even beyond her influence now. It wouldn't be completely deleted, as a goddess beyond even herself kept it as her greatest treasure, but it would, to continue the metaphor, still go offline.
Iroha had steeled herself for such an end in the weeks leading up to the time jump but it was still...hard. Today, the final day before the event, was to be her last contact with many of the magical girls she held dear, and she'd spent most of it flitting from Puella Magi to Puella Magi, summoning them when necessary or letting them come directly to her. The holes in the timeline that Homura's jumps created, Touka had attempted to explain, allowed girls to find her in seemingly impossible ways.
And yet even then, the figure that'd appeared beside her was little short of a shock to her. If Iroha didn't know better, she would've assumed it was another goddess who'd just ascended, with its impossibly long wavy black hair, toga, and flaming blue wings. But it was just another magical girl, albeit one that wasn't supposed to interfere in this universe.
Not that Valka had ever really cared much about trifles like rules.
"So you actually went and did it," Valka started. "An automatic purification system for all magical girls, powered solely by your own magic. Color me impressed."
From the short amount of time Iroha had known the other magical girl, she could never quite be certain when, or if, Valka was truly being genuine with her words. She'd come from a place even more strategy-minded than Kamihama, and could just as easily propose an alliance as a compliment.
"It's a bit more complicated than that," replied Iroha, "but yes. It's been working well for us. We can finally live in hope, without having to hurt anyone for it. I finally feel like our struggles are over."
Valka simply gave a sad smile towards her fellow faction leader and stared out towards the skies. Whether by some coincidence of fate or completely intentionally, Iroha noticed the Actress's blue eyes moving towards the nebula that gave her own faction its name.
"Ours are only beginning, I fear. Now that Witches are out of the game, humans will have to find other ways to harness magical energy. Your plan will work in the end, and entropy will be countered with Doppels alone, but the Manufacturer doesn't know that. Likely, as magical girl contracts become a thing of the past, he'll decide to ramp up Actress production."
Even with the gentle tone in her voice reassuring Iroha that such a result wasn't her own fault, the possibility still shook her to her core. Valka's home country, Olympia, had found a way to create magical girls without a contract. They were kept inside facilities solely as weapons or left to rot until they became Witches, with no true quality of life at all. Some had even been subject to brutal experiments that made them less like the magical girls Iroha knew and more like energy vampires.
"No! Surely he knows more harm will come of that than--"
"I'll make sure he does," spoke Valka in the clipped voice of a soldier. "I'll make sure he never gets the chance to. But that's why...I can't pass on to the other world with you. I have to go back. You may not ever see me again, so listen up."
Out of all the words Iroha expected to come out of Valka's mouth, the last ones she expected were "thank you."
"F-for what? We barely even know each other!"
"Stelle hasn't had a flareup in weeks. Whatever you did works on Actresses too. Kamihama really is a place where all magical girls can be saved. I just wanted to make sure you knew that."
For probably the fourth time today, and certainly not the last, Iroha could feel tears welling up in her incorporeal eyes.
"Being a magical girl of hope is hard. I'd almost lost faith in it myself when I first came to Kamihama. But you were always there to rally the troops when the chips were down. Seeing you do that...it made me want to become a better leader to my own magical girls."
With another slight tilt of her head, Valka noticed the wormhole opening nearby her, beckoning her to her own world. A world that still needed protecting, one that not even Iroha could interfere with.
A world that, even so, she had absolute faith that Valka could save.
"Do you think we'll see each other again?" asked Iroha as the portal grew larger and larger.
"Who knows?" replied Valka. "What I do know is I'll be thinking of you this whole time. Keep making a better world for your kind, and I'll keep making one for mine. And if our paths do decide to cross..."
She crossed through the portal one final time, her wings sparkling like stars.
"I'll catch you on the other side, Tamaki-san."
✨Premiere Nebula will continue...✨
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bythenineshards · 5 months
Hook and Lace
Welp... Here's the Croc x Syre smut lol
Summary: Croc catches a scantily clad Syre in one of his coats.
Warnings: Rough sex, vaginal penetration, oral, little bit of shame, and exhibitionism, no aftercare in this scene (sorry).
Minors... please dni. This isn't for you.
A/N: So there's some context needed for this scene. I'll try to keep this short. Syre met Croc in Impel Down. She saved his life, and the two of them got...friendly. She also accidentally dropped her last name. Syre's family owns a generations old weapons manufacturing empire. Magellan didn't think it was wise for her to disclose her name to inmates for that reason. During the jailbreak, Croc rescued her from the prisoners and got her to safety (killing a few men in the process). After Marineford, Syre was released from duty in hopes that Bonne-Aventure Arms wouldn't drop their contracts with the World Government. Syre returns home, and life goes on normally for a short time. Crocodile then shows up and gives her a proposition. She marries him, he gets introduced into the society of her island, a partnership with Bonne-Aventure Arms and he doesn't take evidence to the WG that her family were friends and business associates of Gol D Rogers. Syre agrees. Thus begins a time in which Syre is torn between being attracted to him but obligated to hate him for threatening her family.
Syre liked the way she looked in lace. She admired the delicate patterns in white against her skin and the twinkle of a garter belt holding up her stockings. She played with her hair, pulling it up, contemplating in the mirror then letting it bounce around her chin. The maid would be back with her clothes soon. Not soon enough if she was being a little spoiled. Winter had fallen on Bella Violette and left her bedroom chilly this morning. She was about to grab her robe when she noticed something in the mirror.
A monstrous black fur coat was draped over one of her chairs. Syre glowered at it. Ridiculous man. Leaving his belongings all over her room like he owned the place. She had half a mind to burn it to warm up her room more. He must've forgotten it after his visit last night. A huff left her body with a shake of her head. She reached for her robe and was left wanting. It was lovely but too thin. Gerta had better get back soon or she was going to freeze in here.
Her eyes drifted back to the coat.
Stupid man, leaving his things all over my house, she grumbled internally as she padded over to it.
Her fingers ran through the luxurious black fur and her lips formed a soft smile. She lingered there, listening for footsteps to tell her that Gerta was approaching. Crocodile wasn’t home. He had business with her mother that morning and wouldn’t be back for at least a few hours. She bit her lip, well if it was going to be in here, it might as well be useful. Syre was glad she wasn’t in heels. She might’ve toppled right over with the weight of it as she pulled it from the chair and draped herself in it. Heels might’ve kept it from brushing along the floors though. It was comically big for her but she was warm in a matter of seconds under its weight.
If he’s going to leave his things in my room, they belong to me now… Another justification. Syre had gone back to the mirror and swayed a little to make the coat do the same. Her hands stroked the thick fur and pulled it tighter around her. She shrugged the fur closer up and inhaled. It smelled of his cologne, rich, heady and twisted with cigar smoke. It smelled of him. She had no justification for the warm feeling it gave her. A husband should make his wife feel comforted yet sensuous. Crocodile was not her husband. He was a filthy pirate that was blackmailing her family. He made her sick. He was scum and Syre hated him. Who cared that he smelled good and made her come undone so easily?
A dry rumbling chuckle sent warm prickly terror blooming in her chest, “Isn’t that a sight…”
Syre whirled to face the door, catching the coat and pulling it tight around herself. She didn’t want him to see the lacey things underneath and get laughable ideas. Curse this mansion and its well-oiled doors, “Were you raised in a barn? Barging in here like a heathen!” She chastised like a cornered animal.
Her vitriol was met with another chuckle as Crocodile closed the door behind himself. It was a pleasant contrast. Her pink and sugar features and his midnight black fur. The only thing that didn’t please him was the cocktail of fear and disdain in her doe brown eyes. It was a far cry from the sultry look he’d seen in her mirror.
“What do you want?” Syre spat at him, taking a step back as he moved closer.
“I believe that’s my coat,” he replied, “I was going to meet with your mother and came back for it.”
“You left it in my room.” She retorted, clutching the coat tighter.
“My mistake,” He gave her a wicked look, his eyes hungry, "It won't happen again.”
“Good, now begone with you.” She dismissed him with a wave and strode toward her vanity.
“My coat, Syre.”
She stopped, searching for something to say. “I'll have this sent when I am properly dressed. Have a servant fetch one of your others and leave me.”
She continued to the vanity and casually dabbed her wrist with perfume. Crocodile followed, eating up the distance with his long legs. Syre caught sight of him in the mirror and spun to face him. He was closer than she expected. Her startled step backwards jostled everything on the vanity. Her hands grabbed the tabletop for support as he loomed over her. With nothing holding it closed, he was able to glimpse the ensemble. His hook glinted in the faint morning light, coming to move the coat aside so he could get a better look. A satisfied groan eased from him as freely as cigar smoke.
Crocodile drank her in greedily. This coat had never adorned anything more lovely. He never tired of seeing her like this.
“Stop staring, cretin, and leave.” Syre mumbled, avoiding his eyes. She could smell his cologne and it was making her dizzy.
His brows lifted with amusement, the round side of his hook trailing down the center of her belly, “If that is what you desire…”
Syre made no move, said nothing. She trembled with the graze of his hook on her bare skin.
Crocodile leaned in closer, inhaling her subtle perfume, “Sweet girl, if that is what you want, look me in my eyes and say it again.”
Her eyes remained averted but her words were tart, “I want nothing to do with you.”
Quick as a flash, his large hand came to jerk her chin to look at him. A startled squeak rattled through her as his fingers squished her face. Her cheeks were pleasantly pink and her eyes, settling down from the brief shock, held the same guilty need he'd seen time and time again since their wedding. Since Impel Down.
“I see,” A smirk tugged at the smolder on his face as he released her and she looked away again. He seized the opportunity to place a kiss on her neck. A breathy whimper escaped her, making his smirk deepen. He whispered in her ear, “do you know what I think?”
“No. I couldn't care less.” She rolled her eyes.
“I think you've done well in pretending to hate me.”
“I will not have you slander me in my own home.” She snapped.
“Our home, Sweet,” he corrected in a deep purr. He leaned down, his lips barely brushing her neck. “No one's here to see you enjoy me. I won't tattle. So why don't you drop the spiteful hellcat act and be the sweet girl we both know you are. The one that gave me kisses in prison.”
Syre said nothing but her blush was reaching her ears now. After giving her neck one last kiss, he slowly sank down to his knees. Surprise made Syre look at him quizzically, “What are you doing?”
“I'm going to make you miss me. Even if you say you won't.”
Syre bit her lip as he gently pushed on her collarbone, guiding her to sit on the vanity. His hand slid under her thigh, prying it open with little resistance. The lace tore like tissue paper as he dragged his hook down her body. Despite the sharp tip causing no damage to her skin, she still gasped.
“Shhhh, I'll buy you more later.” He said, nuzzling the lace that the top of her stockings with his nose then the pink curls. His breath was hot on her exposed sex. It seemed like she was going to gasp again when his tongue came out to separate her folds with one long stroke. The sound came out breathless, soft and bordering on a mewl. He chuckled in response.
“So defiant yet already so wet…” He taunted, teasing her entrance with a thick finger. She could feel how easily the broad fingertip slipped over her beautifully displayed pussy.
Syre squirmed as his hook came to wrap her thigh but seeing he meant no harm, she relaxed. She watched as Crocodile’s tongue lingered on her aching slit, rolling torturously but never caving to her desire to be stretched around it. A soft sound made his violet eyes immediately meet hers.
Crocodile savored his feast, coaxing out breathy moans as his tongue lapped at her growing arousal. His eyes never left hers. Syre's legs trembled and her hips bucked of their own accord.
“See…” He drawled, pulling away to breathe. A string of saliva and arousal was wiped away as he panted. “Such a good girl… my Sweet Girl, blushing while I lick her cunt…”
Syre's lips parted to bite back that she didn't belong to him. She wanted to rebuke the idea but the heat in her cheeks made her silent. Holding back the desire to taste his name as a moan was challenge enough. Forming a coherent argument to rebuff him was a herculean feat. Especially as he yanked her closer and lavished her neglected clit with slow messy kisses. His fingers gripped her thigh so hard she feared it might bruise. His tongue flicked the small bud, swirling around it in tight circles and sucking on her parted lips. It all left her body warm and fuzzy with pleasure. Sinking her fingers into his hair felt sensitive and unreal, borderline ethereal. She was a delicate doll cast in sugar, poised to dissolve in his mouth.
“Sorry, Doctor Bonne-” Gerta said as she came bustling cheerfully through the door carrying Syre’s clothes for the day. She stopped dead at the picture before her, eyes widening in shock.
“Out. Your Mistress is busy.” Crocodile commanded, his tone leaving no room for questioning. Syre’s cheeks burned knowing that Gerta had seen how exposed and shamefully aroused she was. Part of her didn't care, she wanted to plead for him to keep going. Her fingers hadn’t left Crocodile’s hair. She just met her maid’s eyes, her own weak with desire. Syre's body was taught but her legs were held firmly open. Her eyes looked down at her husband. The indecent man wasn't going to wait for the poor older woman to leave. Returning to his feast leaving Syre to burn more vibrantly with embarrassment and the moans she was withholding.
Gobsmacked, Gerta fumbled with what to do. Decorum warring with the harsh order from the master of the house and the astonishing scene before her. She scurried to lay the clothes down on the chair, wiped her sweaty hands on her apron and went to ask her usual “will there be anything else, Doctor?” then realized how silly that was. Her mouth opened and snapped shut twice like a fish, her eyes seeking refuge on the polished wood floor. The maid then fled the room before she could be ordered to leave again.
“T-The servants gossip…” Syre managed to say.
“Nothing they didn't already know, Darling,” Crocodile retorted, rising from the floor. He practically slithered up her body to kiss her. She accepted the kiss without thinking about it, tasting herself on his tongue.
“See how sweet you are?” He asked, his hand easing the coat from her shoulders.
Syre wasn't particularly fond of being manhandled, or that's what she would say if asked in polite conversation. Crocodile on the other hand, enjoyed it thoroughly. Once the coat rested on the vanity, Croc had her bent over before she could squeak out a protest.
“Wait…what are you-” She began as he unbuckled his belt.
“If you want me to stop, use your words.” He demanded. When nothing came from her, he smirked, “that's what I thought.”
Syre's fingers gripped the fur underneath her. She abruptly sank down with a firm kick to her ankle. It wasn't meant to hurt her, just spread her legs further apart. She felt the blunt tip of his cock wetting itself in her folds. Croc hummed with satisfaction at just how soaked she was.
“Breathe,” he warned, as he lined himself up and pressed inside her heat with a groan. Syre's resolve was breaking as he, inch by glorious inch, stretched her.
Her legs went to jelly the moment he'd felt her relax enough for him to move. His pace was nowhere near as gentle as his initial easing inside. He pulled out slowly at first only to ram back in completely, bottoming out with a startled moan. His large hand running fingertips up then down her back. She didn't have long before the pace of his thrusts became merciless. She whimpered and moaned into the fur, feeling her walls squeeze his cock deliciously. Her shame caused her to melt into the fur and bury her face, amplified by the teasing low chuckle behind her.
"I wish you could feel how greedy your pussy is. Already trying to milk me like a spoiled brat. You can cum on my cock all you want, Princess. But you're going to earn what your cunt is begging me for.”
All Syre could do was whimper and mewl, too lost in the pleasure of being stretched around his cock to care that he was taunting her. Listening to the mingling of her cries and his grunts and deep groans. Every so often he'd utter a, “Good sweet girl.”
She was ripped from her haze when the cold metal of his hook wrapped her neck and yanked her upwards. His massive chest was flush against her back, pinning her to the vanity with hard muscle. Crocodile forced Syre to meet her own gaze in the mirror. His pace never relented as he growled in her ear, "Look at your pretty face. I want you to remember this face every time you say you hate me. Because I damn well will."
He nipped at her ear, her head filled dizzyingly with his panting. Her own breath caught when his free hand left its position steadying the vanity to rub her clit. She didn't even try to prolong her climax. He groaned feeling her come undone, fresh heat and arousal coating his cock with each wave.
“Atta girl…” He chuckled, giving her clit a pat causing a wave of aftershocks to clench him. Her soaked sex reinvigorated his pace.
The various bottles of lotions, perfumes and cosmetics teetered and fell without his support, rolling over the edge and hitting the floor. Those that found the rug were salvageable. Those that hit the bare wood floor met a messier fate. Crocodile’s merciless pace moved Syre's jewelry chest closer and closer to the edge with each thrust. The small cushion lined chest joined the shattered bottles not before erupting on impact, sending necklaces, bracelets and earrings scattered all over her room.
Syre boldly broke eye contact with herself to look at her husband. He was practically cheek to cheek with her, rutting her like a wild beast. Unruly locks of hair had fallen over his face as he kept his rhythm. Sweat was beading at his forehead and dripping down his face. He didn't notice her looking, his eyes were closed, savoring the feel of her weakly squeezing him for his seed. The sight of him was intoxicating and she felt her walls spasm, threatening a second climax. Syre was sure he felt it too, a smirk came before a growl as he nuzzled her face affectionately, "Again? So soon?”
Syre didn't have the wherewithal to answer. Instead she returned his lust drunk tenderness with some of her own in the form of a soft kiss to his cheek amid her breathless moans.
Her second release was more subdued. A pathetically weak plea for him to join her. She wasn't sure he'd accept the offer with how pitiful her offering was. His name drifted from her lips accompanying her begging.
“Please Crocodile… I need it… please fill me…”
His hand returned to her drenched sex to persuade her to give him a third, “I'm so close… just one more Princess and I'll give you what you want.”
Syre whimpered that she couldn't. He called her bluff with sinful circles at the apex of her thighs. Helplessly, she submitted to the pleasure and let it build. She was in a daze as the third orgasm had her trying to escape him. He yanked her back with a groan. Crocodile held her in place as she felt him pulse inside her. His body was tense above her, his hand bruising her hip as it kept her still. They stayed like that for a while after he finished. Syre was too weak and shaky to move leaving Croc to kiss her jaw and cheek, whispering to her.
“Good girl…”
Her neck felt bare without his hook around it. As he withdrew from her all of her was suddenly cold and lonely. Syre's legs trembled, his hot seed spilling out of her, the only thing keeping her on her feet was the vanity underneath her and that shook almost as much as she did. Her hooded eyes watched through the shaky mirror as Crocodile buckled his belt and smoothed his hair back into place. She made a slow turn, trying to straighten and face him, grasping the tabletop for dear life. Noticing her staring wide eyed, he sauntered over, glass crunching under his shoes, and took her chin in his thumb and index finger. His thumb grazed her bottom lip. He leaned down and gave her a quick yet mocking kiss.
“I'll tell your mother you say hello,” he said with a smug grin before departing her room without the coat he'd come for.
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dorizardthewizard · 9 months
Galactik Football season 3 rewatch, eps 4 - 6
Episode 4:
Aww Tia and Thran talking about TV shows, I like seeing more interactions between characters we don't see together that often.
Also Tia looking out for D'jok by getting the video checked! We see her check up on him a couple of times in these episodes, I love their friendship. Here it's like a little reversal of when D'jok was looking out for her when the whole Rocket Netherball thing was going down
Hooooow does Thran's filter program somehow let him see what happened before the explosion?? That's not filtering anything out, it's straight up new footage!
Artegor putting his hand on Aarch's shoulder after D'jok's disappearance... they're such a divorced couple with messy history who still care about each other
Clamp: Without D'jok here, we don't have a captain!
A complete non-issue since D'jok only started being the captain because Rocket left, but he's back now so
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Aw that little moment of the Snow Kids being a little star struck, getting to play against Aarch and Artegor at their prime. Although I still don't know how that works exactly with the holo-trainer and their irl physical fitness but whatever
Standing all cool as they tell their Snow Kids to take a break and then immediately crumpling with their middle aged bones ajshahaha
Why does Sonny's English dub voice sound so forced now. "It COULD be a TRAP!!"
Aaaaand now D'jok's leaving as well, that was quick
Are they... you know 😳😳😳
No seriously Sonny's delivery just sells this ahahaha
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I love team Paradisia's designs btw, very y2k. We've even got Clover from Totally Spies here!
Ok quick rant about the attempts at portraying "girl power":
Honestly idk about D'jok being annoyed they're all girls, this with the Elektra's comment earlier are examples of S3 being more heavy-handed like, “yeah these players are girls, but ACTUALLY that doesn't mean they're not good players!”. Compare this to the previous seasons where we just... had players that were really good and happened to be girls, and no one needed to comment on it? Like, Kernor is the top goal keeper and Lun-Zaera is the best striker for the Wambas, plus Tia was the Snow Kid's biggest weapon in season 1 so I don't think D'jok would immediately dismiss the girls like that. Maybe he would be disconcerted at being the only boy, but still. It's like in the lego n/in/ja/go movie where they were like “she's a GIRL, but she can still be a NINJA!” which has a weird psychological effect of actually enforcing to kids that there is some sort of disparity between men and women, when instead they could just portray her as an equal and let that do the talking, no need to manufacture sexism so you can call it out like “hey, we're so progressive!” (not that you can't have stories with that too, I just don't think it makes as much sense in this situation and shows a different approach than the first two seasons).
Rant over <3
I like Team Paradisia's football outfits but what's the point of the visor?
They kind of have the Cyclops' style of attacking, lmao
D'jok you're such a bitch
Y'know at this point Aarch is like. Wow don't we have contracts with any of these kids? With notice periods?
I feel like S3 could have been more fun if the player switching had been more planned like, mix up the teams! The Snow Kids knew they'd have to get a player from another team but for some reason did not seem willing to let go one of their own, even though logically they would have to?
Artegor: He was bad for the team and we're better off without him!
Ah nice to see Artegor's no chill side still comes out sometimes
GASP! What a twist!
Episode 5:
Ooooh new name for a Ryker's player! Kinda wish it was the blue hair one just to distinguish easier lol
Nihla!! Although apparently Nihlis in secondary material. Not sure if it's clear what their gender is in the og French but I hc that the Shadows fuck around with gender anyway
Ok what, I remember this All Stars game happening but I thought it was later. I thought I skipped an episode for a second there because what, there was no mention of this mixed all stars game before at all??
Nikki-4 sounds like the actual name Nikifor. heh
Rocket and Tia's H2O t-shirts! iconic nerds
My reaction to the Mice-delight advert breaks are the same reaction I have to any advert break
Ah ok so they were all contacted by other teams lol, in my mind Tia got contacted for the All Stars game but she turned them down because things were tumultuous for the Snow Kids and she wanted to be there for them <3
Also why are they dismayed that everyone's been contacted by other teams, that's kind of the point of this mixed flux tournament, no? It means they're good players!
Ah ironic, Rocket can't make the flux jump and he falls, as opposed to season 2 when he saved Tia from a fall with the flux. Now I'm imagining Tia jumping up to save him and carrying him bridal style. It should have happened, writers
Rocket: Yeah I'm okay! Rocket: Actually, I take that back
We love a self-aware king who knows his limits <3
Christ it's just disaster after disaster for the Snow Kids, huh
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Callie giving Nork the STINK EYE lol DRAG HIM she at least has some journalistic integrity
D'jok's being such an ass with the way he's talking about the Snow Kids, at least Mei showed there were no hard feelings when she left. What did they do to you, man? I can understand him feeling hurt and needing to get away, but now the show's going back to “D'jok only cares about winning” again. Like sure that could definitely be a front, but the show doesn't really look behind it as far as I remember
Surprised we didn't start this match with D'jok and Sinedd taunting each other
How dare you use the Pirate's soundtrack and not have a Pirate on the field >:(
YES KERNOR! weird to see her tired out though
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The animation 😭😭😭
ooo call back to Netherball with this resonance thing, glad that has consequences. Cool that they show it affecting other players too, Kernor was the Netherball champion before Rocket after all
Does Simbai get dressed in her flux society clothes just to have a zoom call with them?
Ah wish we had more of that all star game
Episode 6:
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Oh come on this is just sloppy now, he says the Shadows vs Rykers but that's the Pirates' logo. They got it right on the previous shot as well!
Is Mice practicing confessing to Yuki? I thought they were already dating lmao, surely they're past this
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Why is Mark drawn with nipples but Micro-Ice isn't? Wait no he has them too in the next shot, what are the rules here 😂
Ah this scene is a classic. But 🅱lease give Micro-Ice some development that's not just comedic relief, even his stuff with Yuki is played for laughs. What about the fact that his best friend, no, brother, just up and left and shits on the Snow Kids on live TV?
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Kernor enjoying her little treat <3 I love when we get to see tough characters doing mundane things like eating ice cream.
I love this butler guy who hates his job. His wince when Tia says she needs someone to talk to before he reluctantly offers an ear, LOL. An icon.
Awww I'm glad to see Tia and Mei still being good friends. Mei I missed you!
THE SHADOWS WALKING IN UNISON UNDER THE UMBRELLA DSFJKFSSDF I know I shit on the animation but they do try to put in little things like that. They didn't have to animate that, but they did, for us.
Artie and Bennett shenanigans yaaay
Not Ahito and Thran deciding to watch the Shadows match instead of supporting Yuki
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It's so fun watching the Rykers with how intimidating they are. Unfortunately my brain has been ruined and I keep getting reminded of something else when I see this gesture
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He looks so unbothered 🤣😭😭
Again, what's the point of the Elektra's visor? Their flux looks so cool though
What position is Mei even playing now
Why didn't Kernor use her flux? Honestly goalkeepers should just use their flux for every save considering they don't have to run around as much
Is it just me or is Ahito not falling asleep as much as before
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The look Tia gives Lun-Zia, wtf man, this whole jealousy plot is just ridiculous. SHE WOULD NOT FUCKING DO THAT!
Why ya'll being so mean to Mice, dafuq ToT He just got violated by the paparazzi lmao show some sympathy
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Sidney's reaction to Kernor sfsdfjksfjk good taste sir
Ooooooo Pirates lore!! So they were already a thing before Sonny, he just took control from Magnus Blade and gave them a PR change
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Hello, this is the Oldie Chinese Diaspora™️ Anon here. Someone asked about these dolls that they found in their local import shop and wants to know more about them. Well, here we go. Let me take you out on a journey of meandering rabbit holes.
First things first, it should come as no surprise that these dolls were manufactured in China. However, it -is- difficult to find a specific manufacturer for them. A big part of this is due to the fact that they are classified as toys, and produced in massive quantities without much in terms of copyright enforcements. There are a few things we know: They are not BJDs. They have mechanical joints much like Barbies. They have inset plastic eyes and rooted hair. They can be customized the same way a playline doll can be customized – needs a bit of work, but it can be done. (For example, here:
The face sculpt of the smaller, “Leisure Girl” doll is based off of Lina Chouchou BJDs (closed mouth version: Baby Piyo
and open-mouthed version: Mingky https://linachouchou.net/product/mingky/240/?cate_no=27&display_group=1
There is a trend of using a head sculpt from another source and casting them into a vinyl mould to produce toys. It saves on R&D costs since there’s already a head that people find attractive/cute out there. Considering that it often takes years to sculpt a head from scratch, “repurposing” someone else’s head becomes a lucrative option. These heads can be “recycled” and further “repurposed” into different things. And one Chinese netizen has chronicled the descent of Baby Piyo from the legit version, to a recasted bjd, then all the way down to a cheap (creepy?) decorative keychain: https://www.zhihu.com/question/314739696/answer/940578818
Incidentally, Napi Doll’s Carol was among the first and probably the most “recasted” vinyl head in China. They are invariably made of vinyl and were sold as “toy heads” or “practice heads”. According to another Chinese netizen, they are so ubiquitous that they were sold in toy stores outside of schools.
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- Sleeping Carol, eyes opened by recasters, as explained in the graphic.
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- sleeping Carol
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- faceup “tutorial”
The second, larger doll is most likely DBS’s Dream Angel doll (
It’s tough to be 100% sure if this is a perfect match from these photos, unfortunately. They are most likely the 1/6 dolls used by the same artist as above for her customization efforts
) According to the Taobao sites that sell them, these were “extras” made to the specifications from an foreign company (meaning a company like Mattel contracted the factory to make 10,000 MH dolls, but the factory made 15,000 instead. And they are trying to sell off the extra.) Despite this description, I find it hard to believe. There are multiple companies that claim to be the manufacturer for these, almost exact, dolls, after all. The story simply doesn’t hold. However, if they really are DBS’s dolls (like these ones here:
Then they are copied from @ngell $tudio’s LiuRuShi. There was a prior post here about this specific “recast” earlier in the blog, I think.
That takes care of the head. The more “legit” version of the 1/8 body most likely came from the company Ding Xiao Ma (AKA “Ding Pony”
based in Shantou, Guangdong, China). They are advertised as “completely designed and made in China” and features a one-part body with articulation in the arms and legs. (13 joints in total, best seen here:
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Unfortunately, due to their low price point, many unscrupulous on-line stores and drop-shippers would buy them for resale. And since they are considered “legit”, their prices can be highly inflated (
The less-than-reputable version of the 1/8 body is created by companies like DBS, the grey-area recasters. (
DBS has a two-part body with a swivel joint in the hips whereas Ding doesn’t. The original “swivel hip” doll body came from YeLoLi (which is legit:
but has been shrunken down to the 1/8th size. Incidentally, the YMY doll body also appears suspiciously like a shrunken-down YeLoLi body as well. There have been voices in the anti-recast BJD circles in China to recommend OB11 or Nendoroid bodies instead of YMY for that reason.
The larger dolls are 1/6th sized, and they are an interesting story, too. Supposedly, the DBS 1/6th is original (and therefore “legit”
And the company is now advertising them as being compatible with BJD heads if you use their “proprietary” neck adaptors. The body has 28 joints and is a swivel hip that was originally from YeLoLi. But this one has a modified crotch area that was taken from Xinyi (also a legit vinyl doll company
The DBS body might be seen as the illicit love child between these two companies. However, there are still hybrid 1/6th dolls that uses a “recasted” YeLoLi body along with another “repurposed” head, like these listings:
For those of you who made it this far with me: Thank you! Definitely pat yourself on the back for making it through such an arduous journey. While your mileage may vary, I hope this is something helpful.
Long story short: these dolls were cheaply made and they could probably trace their ancestry back to a more legitimate source. After several different rounds of recasting, sometimes into a different material, the features muddy and their price points drop. And they end up wrapped in plastic bags and being stuffed by the dozen in baskets.
Note 1: This is not to say there are no legit vinyl BJDs or MJDs. I hope that I have shown you that there are still legit sources and we should do our best to support them in the face of massive “repurposing”. These companies are really fighting an uphill battle.
Note 2: Shopping sites usually have a tracking serial when you try to copy and paste their listed content. This is how these websites track your geolocation and if you have shown repeated interest for targeted marketing. I have removed all tracking codes in the html in this post, even for folks who uses a VPN, this should still work. (Fingers crossed!)
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firespirited · 2 years
I was wondering why Mattel is really on my using Saran or Poly hair instead of kanekalon or nylon. Is nylon no longer being used for dolls? I did see that kanekalon has health risks now, so I assume that is why it is not used anymore? I was just wondering if you had some insights/theories as to why those seem to be the only hair fiber found in their current dolls? Or maybe I completely misread the whole doll hair thing…anyways, thank you for your time. :)
Hi! in 2002 Bratz released a couple of lines with cheap Nylon or doll grade Kanekalon hair and it was speculated that it was because Mattel had bought out the stock of saran PVDC manufactured by Asahi Kasei, Bratz used saran almost exclusively until what was deemed budget lines and clear corner cutting (as evidenced by how simplified dolls were compared to prototypes).
The issue's no longer so clear-cut: multiple manufacturers create nylon in high qualities and many colours. The issues surrounding Kanekalon concern it's human sized fiber and high heat which wouldn't be a problem for doll grade kanekalon which melts on the low temp of a hair straightener if you're not really careful.
I can't explain why Mattel has chosen to go with poly hair which feels unpleasant and doesn't hold up to brushing, why Hasbro systematically undermined their own products with terrible nylon that made even Disney princesses with straight hair unbrushable. MGA seems to be favouring Qiyue Kiwi hair (but not on LOL OMGs), is some kind of exclusivity contract why other dolls don't use it? DongGang make a very nice nylon, why hasn't Mattel gone with them? None of it makes sense. Maybe there's a good reason and I have no clue.
Maybe the reason is the same as the short sack-dresses and skirts designed to fit multiple body types: they've chosen to invest in face-molds, accessories and body diversity over makeup, clothes and hair. Maybe there's been a supply chain issue or unknown chemical instability?
It's baffling that we have more direct access to designers than we have in a long time and no-one seems to know about the hair. I'm not sure we will ever get an answer, we never did about the glue-head syndrome. The disconnect between what the designers want to create for people and what a company is willing to produce is wide: we know from pleather and glue head issues that many dolls are not manufactured to be long term collectibles. Some aren't really supposed to be redressed and restyled: the clothes are sewn on and the bun comes down to reveal a nub of hair or an empty head.
I wish things looked like they did in 2002 where the excuse for hard to brush 'Style It' dolls was potential corporate meddling, by 2008 you were lucky if the doll didn't come with a rat's nest on her head. Nowadays, we have these confounding decisions to stick badly rooted coarse hair on expensive collector dolls, on dolls with an implied collector value as long-lasting items and then other dolls priced seemingly at random (collector Rainbow High ranged from $40 to $100 for no discernable reason). It's not even clear when profits are being reinvested into the toy lines and we speculate that some toy lines are operating at a loss to get a foothold in the market.
Let's just say that a bunch of companies have shown they don't even have the sense to invest in brand loyalty with quality product recently, the media companies have exhausted so much goodwill it's embarrassing to anyone who's ever cared about running a business. Even banks can't seem to think five years ahead. It's why I'm delighted MGA is getting sued, yeah it's frivolous and far-fetched but we might get some insight on how they're running things and what the design process might be. It is absolutely not the "collaborative" Monster High/Barbie mermaid "voting process" we've seen on social media and more of a "Oh shoot, we gotta make the Krystal Bailey doll darker skinned, people are furious!"
TLDR It could be that whoever's running these divisions knows nothing about dolls, let alone hair. They just look at numbers and make decisions on numbers, short term ones too, no long term projections or testing.
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cray-cray-anime · 1 year
Number of reasons why freefonix was pretty cool
Let's ignore the weird slang and could be better plot (tho the creator was told to avoid an overarching plot)
Apologies in advance for the pixels i just took whatever in galleries on the wiki
@obscure-song-tournament if you're interested to read my rambles go for it lol
The music obviously- they literally mentioned there's over 100 songs made for this show and covered alot of genres w different artists; tho honestly idk who done all the singing as the cast list doesn't mention all the characters singing and searching said cast can you get you multiple ppl
I can't remember all of the songs but some of them just has a nice message behind it like do want you want and being yourself which ye typical but still nice
The characters designs I love so very much, from the clothes and general art style. (The episodes are better quality i swear lol)
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Especially appreciate they didn't do those ugly black lip that some other cartoons do. Sugar Che is just so pretty and her afro is like those art where people's hair is like a plant or outerspace
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Bonus her and Freezone (other black character) is voiced and sung by a black person
Also like expanded on black inspired/based (?) music as a kid who only would hear "those bad raps that kids shouldn't listen too" or that they're the jazz guy + occasional pop song that come on radio; i think I'm more appreciative oh hip hop/ rap partly cos of it
Totally anticonsumerism like prob add on the start of my anticapitilistic views lol
They literally fought with music like the instruments would literally shoot stuff in the sound clashes; also the instruments itself looks cool (the clip is from the first episode so miiight not be the best show of it but ya get what i mean)
The antagonist band Mantyz isn't bad cos they're a rock/metal band, but the fact they just do the same music to keep being rich/famous and don't really care abt staying original
They also used to be free wavers which freefonix is. Which really all abt making your own music (cos they love/really get music) that's against "prepsie" or better known as corporate/manufactured music
Oh ye the other villain Mya who done a contract Mantyz is literally just rich CEO and want to rule the world. Bonus is the accent w/o stereotyping accent and like nothing to do w becoming evil cos of a guy. Plus her suite is cool
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I can't remember exactly but there's some interesting concepts around the show like vox, the bigger villain trapped by sugar che that if freed by the "13th note" could rule the world (i mean typical but he doesn't look typical) and destroy sugar che and freefonix
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There's also some sci fi stuff idk like time affected by the music powers
General plot is people who are musically talented are one of the guardians of the 13th note which have alot of power
From wiki "Freefonix have discovered a sophisticated way of fighting their battles against rival band Mantyz, by using the power of the Thirteenth Note, an awesome force that can bend space, time and minds when the perfect sound is created. When the two rival bands meet, the result is an explosive Soundclash, where the opposing forces do battle as all the energies of the Thirteenth Note are released."
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severed-ties-uf · 1 year
Chapter Seven: Nosferatu
This takes place two months after the last chapter. Chara sits in the living room, alone on the couch, silently listening to their father and brother having a conversation.
Asgore standing in the middle of the room, explains to his son. “Construction on the CORE has begun, and it’s making progress quite rapidly, as you know. However, large amounts of rock must be cleared in order to completely construct it; not to mention the rock that will need to be cleared in order to connect everything to it, and it’s off-site sections.”
“So how are we planning on dealing with that?” Asriel asks, back leaning against the wall.
“I was getting to that. Tomorrow, me and your mother will be having a meeting with Doctor Gaster and members of the Dalv vampire family at their estate. As you know, the Dalv's are arms manufacturers. We are going to see if we can get a mining explosives contract with them.” Asgore states. “You’re free to join if you’d like. We’re leaving at 0900 tomorrow morning. You don’t have to attend the meeting, you can just hang around the area, and chat with the others.”
Asriel looks up to his father. “Alright, sounds good.” Asriel responds; before looking over at Chara, making eye contact with them. “Can I bring Chara with me?”
Asgore looks over to Chara, and then back to Asriel, sighing. “Fine, you can bring it if you desire. But be careful, I’m sure many of the vampires would jump at the chance to taste human blood, and I don’t want anyone getting its soul before I do. Understand?”
“Understood. Thank you! I’ll make sure they’re always within my sight; besides, I’ll probably steer clear of most of the people there anyway. I only really care to interact with Jackie.” Asriel says, looking up to his father.
Asgore makes eye contact with his son. “Good. Then that’s, all.” He says, as he turns around and heads back to the throne room.
Asriel walks over to the couch and sits down next to Chara. He begins to run his hands through Chara's hair.
“Will Sans be there, do you think?” Chara says wide eyed in an excited tone.
Asriel quietly chuckles, ruffling their hair. “I don’t know. Probably, Gaster usually brings Sans with him whenever he goes somewhere.”
“Yay!” Chara exclaims, full of joy.
The next day, Asgore, Toriel, Gaster, and the head of the Dalv family are all meeting in the conference hall of the Dalv mansion. Asriel and Chara walk through the halls, side by side, eventually getting to one of the multiple common rooms, this one located in the basement. On the couch sits a young (12 year old) vampire boy. He has white hair; paper-while skin, with black veins visible through; a mouth full of razor sharp pointy, shark-like teeth; hands with sharp, claw-like nails; red eyes; and stands a bit shorter than Asriel.”
The boy looks over to the pair as they enter. “Hey, Asriel!” He says, turning into a bat and flying over to them before changing back. “How are you, man? Been a while.”
“Hey, Jackie! I’m doing great, how about you?” Asriel responds, giving Jackie a couple firm taps on the shoulder.
“I’m doing alright as well.” Jackie looks over to Chara. “Oh, and this must be Chara.” He says, holding out his hand.
Chara looks up to Jackie, giving a cordial smile. “Yup. That’s me! It’s wonderful to meet you, Jackie!” Chara takes his hand and shakes it, giggling a little bit.
Jackie gives a smile back, before looking to Asriel. “They’re so cute, I can’t handle it.”
“I know, right?” Asriel says, ruffling Chara's hair.
They all move over to the couches and sit down. Once there, Jackie looks over to Chara and speaks. “You know, Chara. Your human heartbeat sounds a lot different than any monster’s I’ve ever heard. Same with your breathing. Not to mention — what I assume to be your blood — smells way different than any monster's.“
Chara looks over to Jackie, and giggles. “Interesting. Monsters and humans are very different, so it makes sense that they’d be nothing alike.”
Jackie looks back to Asriel. “So, your highness, how’s all the royal, boring ass, Prince stuff going?” He says, jokingly.
Asriel laughs, before responding. “Boring as ever. I swear, I haven’t had an exciting time performing my duties, since that one guy tried to assassinate me with a bow and arrow, and missed. That day was actually kind of fun.” He half-joked.
Jackie laughs in response.
Chara looks over to Jackie. “Hey, Jackie.”
“Asgore said that your family members would be extremely thirsty for my blood, are you different in that regard, or do you just have better restraint? No offense, of course.” Chara asks, genuinely very curious.
Jackie chuckles in response, eventually looking back to Chara and speaking. “I have very good self restraint, and am also something some would call, y'know, a decent person, unlike most of my family members. Don’t get me wrong, all of my instincts are telling me to attack you, but I’m not gonna listen to them. You’re way too nice, and also Asriel would murder me in three seconds if I tried.”
“Damn, right.” Asriel says, before both him and Jackie begin laughing.
Asriel and Jackie continue to converse for a couple minutes, before Jackie suddenly snaps his head toward the door on the far side of the room. Asriel does the same. Both of them hearing movements (Jackie before Asriel, then finally Chara).
The door opens revealing Sans, who immediately starts looking around the room for Chara.
“Sans!” Chara excitedly yells, running towards him, arms open for a hug.
“Chara!” Sans replies. They embrace in a big hug for a solid minute. “I missed you so much, Chara.”
“I missed you too, Sans!” Chara says, as they part. Chara begins reaching into their pocket; Sans reaches into his pocket as well. Simultaneously they each pull out flowers. Chara has a couple tulips, while Sans has a rose.
They both blush, and happily take each other’s gifts. “Thank you!” They both say, in unison. Smiling at each other.
“How have things been?!” Chara asks, smiling, holding the rose Sans gifted them in their hands.
“They've been… fine, I guess. Not too good, but not too bad.” Sans says, looking down.
“Good, I’m glad! Things could always be worse.” Chara replies. Happy that their friend is doing alright. “Also, you look super tired!”
“Yeah. I guess. Things have just been a bit stressful with father, and the CORE.” Sans replies. “And yeah, like I said, things have been pretty stressful, I haven’t gotten enough sleep.”
“I can only imagine; that sounds miserable.” Chara once again gives Sans a short hug.
Jackie calls over to the two of them “Hey, guys. Come sit over here with us, we don’t-“ Jackie pauses, holding his fist in front of his mouth. “We won’t bite.” He corrects himself, letting out a chuckle, which is reciprocated by Asriel.
Chara and Asriel both head over to an unoccupied couch, and sit down next to each other, close.
Jackie looks over to Sans. “You’re the son of that crazy scientist wackjob, right? No offense, of course. That’s kind of- just what he is. My name is Jackie.”
“Yes, I am. And that’s a very accurate description.” Sans responds, and laughs a bit. “Nice to meet you, Jackie.”
“So what were you doing prior to finding us, Sans?” Chara asks.
“I was listening in on the meeting, but eventually got bored. From what I’ve heard, they’re settling on a twelve-million G contract for something called ‘ANFO’, and detonation equipment.” Sans says, while sneakily placing his hand over Chara's; Chara smiles, and holds his hand.
“Holy shit.” Asriel says under his breath.
“Twelve-fucking-million?!” Jackie yells, sitting up in surprise. “Holy hell, I knew they needed a lot, but I had no idea they needed THAT much. Hell, yeah!”
“What is ‘ANFO’? Is that the name of the mining explosive?” Asriel asks, looking over to Jackie.”
“Right you are.” Jackie says confidently.
Asriel and Jackie continue to talk for a while. Eventually, the tiredness gets to Sans; he lays his head on Chara's shoulder, and falls asleep.
Author’s notes:
Jackie is the ancestor/relative to one of my UF OCs, named Kaiden. That’s where he comes from. Jackie will grow to be old enough to meet Frisk.
The vampires don’t have offensive magic (like magic projectiles) instead, all of their magic goes into their powers. Basically, all classic vampire powers (incredible physical ability, and senses; shapeshifting; telepathy; you name it).
ANFO is a real mining explosive, the most commonly used in the world as a matter of fact. It’s just as powerful as dynamite, but it’s properties make it much safer, much more reliable, and overall just a better mining charge.
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fairygene · 10 months
Welcome to natural cosmetic products in Pennsylvania. Made in the lush landscape of Pennsylvania, these products invite you to embody beauty that's not simply pores and skin deep.
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beaucience · 1 year
We are your go-to partner for cosmetic manufacturing
Are you an aspiring beauty brand looking for a reliable and trustworthy cosmetic contract manufacturer? Look no further than Beaucience, the leading name in the cosmetics industry in India. With a stellar reputation for quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction, Beaucience is the go-to partner for businesses seeking a reliable and experienced contract manufacturer. In this blog, we'll explore the reasons why Beaucience stands out as the top choice for cosmetic contract manufacturing in India.
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Unparalleled Expertise and Experience:
When it comes to cosmetic contract manufacturing, experience matters. Beaucience boasts a team of industry experts with years of experience in formulating and manufacturing a wide range of cosmetic products. From skincare to haircare, makeup, and personal care products, their expertise covers a vast array of cosmetic categories. With Beaucience, you can trust that your products will be manufactured to the highest standards, using cutting-edge technology and innovative techniques.
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Beaucience takes pride in its state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities, equipped with the latest machinery and technology. These facilities adhere to stringent quality control measures to ensure that every product that leaves their premises meets the highest industry standards. From formulation development to product packaging, Beaucience has the capabilities to handle every aspect of the manufacturing process, providing a comprehensive and efficient solution for your brand.
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One of the key advantages of partnering with Beaucience is its ability to offer customized solutions that align with your brand's unique vision and requirements. They work closely with clients to understand their brand ethos, target market, and specific product needs. Whether you're looking to create a new formulation or replicate an existing one, Beaucience team of experts will work hand-in-hand with you to bring your vision to life. With their vast library of ingredients and formulations, they can help you create a product range that stands out in the market.
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ayubalwellness12 · 1 month
Exploring the Opportunities in Third-Party Manufacturing of Ayurvedic Products in India
India, the cradle of Ayurveda, is witnessing a resurgence in the popularity of its ancient medicinal practices. The global shift towards natural and holistic health solutions has catapulted Ayurvedic products into the limelight. For businesses looking to tap into this booming market, third-party manufacturing presents an attractive and efficient pathway. This blog explores the nuances of Third party Manufacturing Ayurvedic Products In India, highlighting its benefits, essential considerations, and steps to get started.
Understanding Third-Party Manufacturing
Third party Manufacturing Ayurvedic Products In India, also known as contract manufacturing, involves outsourcing the production of goods to specialized manufacturers. In the context of Ayurvedic products, this means that a company can have its products produced by a third-party manufacturer who handles the production, quality control, and sometimes even packaging, while the contracting company focuses on branding and marketing.
The Surge in Demand for Ayurvedic Products
Ayurveda, with its holistic approach to health and wellness, emphasizes natural and preventive care. The global rise in health consciousness, coupled with a preference for natural products over synthetic alternatives, has driven the demand for Ayurvedic products. This growing trend is not only confined to India but is also gaining momentum worldwide. Products such as Ayurvedic supplements, skincare, hair care, and wellness products are seeing a significant increase in demand.
Benefits of Third-Party Manufacturing
Cost Efficiency: Setting up an in-house manufacturing unit involves substantial capital investment in infrastructure, machinery, and skilled labor. Third-party manufacturing eliminates these costs, making it an attractive option for startups and small to medium-sized enterprises.
Expertise and Quality Assurance: Third-party manufacturers specialize in their field and adhere to stringent quality control measures. Their expertise ensures that the products meet high standards of quality and regulatory compliance, which is crucial for consumer trust and brand reputation.
Focus on Core Competencies: By outsourcing the manufacturing process, businesses can concentrate on their core activities such as product development, branding, marketing, and sales. This strategic focus can lead to more effective business operations and market penetration.
Scalability and Flexibility: Third party Manufacturing Ayurvedic Products In India offers scalability, allowing businesses to adjust production volumes based on market demand. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for new and growing businesses that may face fluctuating demand.
Key Considerations for Choosing a Third-Party Manufacturer
Reputation and Experience: Select a manufacturer with a strong reputation and extensive experience in producing Ayurvedic products. A reliable manufacturer with a proven track record ensures consistent quality and reliability.
Certifications and Compliance: Ensure that the manufacturer complies with industry standards and holds necessary certifications such as GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) and ISO. These certifications are indicators of the manufacturer’s commitment to quality and safety.
Infrastructure and Technology: The manufacturer should have modern facilities and advanced technology to produce high-quality Ayurvedic products. This includes state-of-the-art machinery, a clean production environment, and efficient supply chain management.
Research and Development: A manufacturer with a robust R&D team can offer valuable insights and innovations, helping businesses develop unique and effective products.
Customization and Flexibility: Look for a manufacturer that offers customization options for product formulations, packaging, and labeling. This flexibility can help your brand differentiate itself in a crowded market.
Steps to Get Started with Third-Party Manufacturing
Identify Your Product Range: Determine the range of Ayurvedic products you want to offer, such as supplements, skincare, haircare, and wellness products.
Research and Shortlist Manufacturers: Conduct thorough research to identify potential third-party manufacturers. Evaluate them based on their reputation, experience, certifications, and capabilities.
Request Samples and Assess Quality: Request product samples from shortlisted manufacturers and assess their quality. Ensure that the products meet your standards and align with your brand’s vision.
Negotiate Terms and Agreements: Once you have selected a manufacturer, negotiate the terms of the agreement, including production volumes, pricing, timelines, and quality assurance protocols.
Collaborate on Product Development: Work closely with the manufacturer to develop your product formulations and packaging. Ensure that the products are aligned with your brand’s identity and meet regulatory requirements.
Launch and Market Your Products: Once the products are manufactured, focus on marketing and distribution. Utilize various channels such as online platforms, retail stores, and partnerships to reach your target audience.
Third party Manufacturing Ayurvedic Products In India offers a strategic and cost-effective opportunity for businesses to enter and thrive in the Ayurvedic market. By leveraging the expertise and resources of established manufacturers, companies can focus on building their brand and expanding their market presence. As the demand for natural and holistic health solutions continues to grow, the Ayurvedic industry in India is set for substantial growth. Third-party manufacturing provides a viable path for businesses looking to capitalize on this burgeoning market, ensuring a win-win solution for both manufacturers and brands. Ayubal Wellness, since 2019 is manufacturing a wide array of Ayurveda Products, Nutraceuticals & Food Supplements, Pravahi Kwath, Skin Care, Agriculture Products, Toiletries & Wellness Products. Offered products are prepared by making use of the finest quality ingredients. These products are widely acclaimed due to their excellent purity, accurate composition, easy to use and longer shelf life. We have been able to touch new dimensions of success owing to the support from our professionals.
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How to Find the Right Cosmetic Manufacturer & Wholesale Supplier for Your Needs?
A.G. Organica is a prominent cosmetic manufacturer and wholesale supplier based in Noida, India. The company specializes in a wide range of products, including essential oils, skincare, haircare, and personal care items. Established in 2019
Manufacturing Capabilities
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A.G. Organica offers private labeling, white labeling, and contract manufacturing services. They provide tailored solutions for brands looking to launch their cosmetic lines, ensuring compliance with quality and safety standards.
Skincare Products: Anti-wrinkle creams, moisturizers, cleansers, scrubs, and facial kits.
Haircare Products: Various formulations aimed at maintaining hair health.
Color Cosmetics: Lipsticks, eyeliners, highlighters, and other makeup products.
Their manufacturing process adheres to ISO and GMP guidelines, ensuring high-quality production through advanced technology and a skilled workforce. A.G. Organica has developed over 2,500 cosmetic products and is equipped with state-of-the-art laboratories for research and development, allowing for innovative formulations tailored to market needs.
Commitment to Quality
The organization places a strong emphasis on using sustainable processes and natural components.
Their products undergo rigorous testing and quality control to meet both domestic and international standards. A.G. Organica is recognized for its ethical practices and commitment to customer satisfaction, aiming to deliver products that cater to diverse skin concerns while promoting holistic well-being.
Market Position
A.G. Organica is positioned as a leading player in the Indian cosmetics market, known for its high-quality organic products and comprehensive service offerings. They have established a reputation for excellence, making them a preferred choice for brands seeking reliable manufacturing partners in the cosmetics industry
A.G. Organica is a prominent cosmetic manufacturer and wholesale supplier based in Noida, India. The company specializes in a wide range of products, including essential oils, skincare, haircare, and personal care items. Established in 2019.
Here are some tips for finding the right cosmetic manufacturer and wholesale supplier for your needs:
Identify Your Requirements
Determine the type of cosmetic products you want to manufacture (skincare, haircare, color cosmetics, etc.)
Decide on the product formulations, packaging, and labeling requirements
Set a budget for manufacturing costs and minimum order quantities
Research Potential Manufacturers
Search for cosmetic manufacturers in India using keywords like "cosmetic manufacturer", "cosmetic supplier", "cosmetic exporter", etc.
Look for manufacturers that specialize in the product categories you need
Check if they have the necessary certifications like ISO, GMP, WHO, etc.
Evaluate Manufacturing Capabilities
Evaluate their delivery schedules, quality control procedures, and production capability.
Inquire about their experience with private label manufacturing and custom formulations
Ask for samples of their work to gauge quality and packaging standards
Consider Reputation and Reliability
Seek out suppliers who have a track record of success and satisfied customers.
Ensure they have a professional approach and prioritize client satisfaction
Verify their legal status, business licenses, and regulatory compliance
Establish Clear Communication
Discuss your requirements in detail and get a clear understanding of their capabilities
Agree on timelines, minimum order quantities, pricing, and payment terms upfront
Maintain open communication throughout the manufacturing process for smooth collaboration
By following these steps and using relevant keywords, you can find a reliable and capable cosmetics manufacturer in India that meets your specific requirements. Look for manufacturers like Akums, Cosmenova, Bo International, and others that offer high-quality products and excellent customer service.
For more information
Mob. +91 8929 440 683
Website: https://www.pureoilsindia.com/cosmetics-manufacturer 
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chemicalbrothers212 · 2 months
Cosmetic Contract Manufacturers in India | 9041070303
Cosmetic Contract Manufacturers in India
India's cosmetic manufacturing sector has witnessed significant growth, leading many companies to adopt the third-party manufacturing approach. This method allows businesses to focus on their core strengths without the hassle of establishing their own production units. Among these manufacturers, Chemical Brothers stands out as a leading name, renowned for its timely supply and high-quality products. Known as the best cosmetic contract manufacturer in India, Chemical Brothers excels in this approach. Contract Manufacturers Cosmetics in India
The Importance of Third-Party Manufacturing:
Establishing a production unit can be challenging and resource-intensive.
Companies can alleviate the stress of managing large manufacturing plants and hiring production teams by relying on third-party manufacturers.
This approach enables brand marketers to concentrate fully on marketing and selling their products.
Chemical Brothers also offer contract manufacturing services, making operations seamless. They specialize in manufacturing silicones, organic raw materials, and cosmetic chemicals, earning their reputation as top cosmetic contract manufacturers in India.
For skincare products that add softness and radiance, top-quality ingredients are essential. Chemical Brothers is a trusted supplier of high-quality cosmetic ingredients. They provide ingredients for:
Bath products
Hair care products
Skincare products
Their unique ingredients enhance the softness and color of beautifying and cleansing products. Chemical Brothers is recognized as a leading supplier of ingredients used in personal care products across India. They are committed to delivering the highest quality ingredients and offer contract manufacturing services. By handling the complexities of manufacturing, they provide top-tier products tailored to clients' needs. Their passion for innovation is evident in their advanced formulations for bath and beauty products.
Chemical Brothers is your go-to choice if you seek a supplier of high-performance cosmetic ingredients in the Indian market. The growing awareness and trend toward personal grooming have increased the demand for cosmetic formulations.
Recognizing the need for reliable and high-quality chemical ingredients, Chemical Brothers has also ventured into cosmetic contract manufacturing in India. They cater to manufacturing companies seeking high-end ingredients, supported by a team of expert professionals dedicated to delivering cutting-edge cosmetic ingredients. With decades of experience, Chemical Brothers offers a diverse range of products and ingredients, making them a top choice for cosmetic contract manufacturing in India.
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