#Haha. I woke up so exhausted and sore.
albino-parakeet · 2 months
Last Line Game
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like).
Thank you so much for the tag @desfraisespartout !!!
I was actually trying to write something when I got the notification lol.
Listen I am not a writer so this probably isn't the best. 😅 It's mainly just descriptions.
The sour smell of mold eating away at any exposed surface, slowly encroaching through out the skeleton of an isolated wing. It’s doors barred shut from the main body of the building, wooden boards haphazardly nailed in place showing its age with their splintering grain. The tile, once spotless and waxed, now broken and crunch under each foot fall. 
Deep clean sanitation chambers, revered for their excellent sterilization, harbor clouds of spores from the trapped moisture. Glass panels looking into the main room, all smashed long ago, long since dried blood littered what remaining shards still stood on the frames edges. Thin streams of rainfall finding its home in the crevices of high tech computers and machines left to rust away in the humid tropical weather.
Memories of snarling teeth and rotten meat still connected to something living. Loud screams and festering wounds, desperate pleads for help to no avail. Quick claws and cut lines. All still haunt the one remaining occupant of this rotting corpse that housed the products of genetic achievements. A single soul slinking through the backdrop of this waking nightmare
No clue if there is anyone I can tag but whoever is interested can participate!
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starrylothcat · 1 year
I wish you would write a fic where established relationship between reader and Crosshair gets a little angsty when reader has to treat/comfort Crosshair while he’s suffering from some sort of temporary sensory loss. (Sight is preferred but any would be cool)
Ohhh what an idea, I love this! Thank you! Sorry this took so long, haha!
I had a wild week at work and finally had time to type out this little angsty brainworm 🤓
This is in response to the “I wish you would write a fic about…” ask game that I can’t find the link to!
By My Side
Pairing: Crosshair x Gen!Reader
Warnings: Angst, loss of vision, mentions of drugs/imprisonment. Hopeful ending. Just some classic CrossAngst.
WC: 1300 (I got way carried away)
Summary/Fic Scenario: You and Crosshair were together before Order 66. Crosshair decided to join the Empire, you did not. You begged him to come with you and his brothers, but he made his choice.
You assisted TBB in rescuing Crosshair and Omega from Mount Tantiss and brought them to Pabu. You offered your home for Crosshair to rest, as he was unconscious from the rescue. Cue angst. Will I write a full fic about this one day? Do I have a WIP? Maybe. Hehe. I hope this is up your alley, anon!
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When he finally woke, it was to darkness.
Crosshair tried to control the panic rising in his chest, gripping the blankets tight under his fingers.
He blinked again, the darkness easing up just a bit, some fuzzy blobs of color visible.
Panic was still steadily rising, trying to choke out a word, any sound, but his voice was hoarse.
He slowly sat up, realizing he wasn’t restrained in any way, and the bed he was lying on was soft.
Crosshair focused momentarily, listening, his one sense that wasn’t currently disrupted.
He could hear distant waves and quiet cries of birds.
Laughter drifted in on a breeze, salt catching his nose.
He wasn’t on Mount Tantiss anymore, that was for certain.
His panic let up slightly as he desperately tried to rub his eyes, hoping to clear the fog.
If he wasn’t there, where was he? Was he dead, is this a dream? A new type of drug they had him under?
His memory was as hazy as his vision, not remembering anything or now he got to be here.
The last broken thought he had was speaking with Omega, her trying to comfort him, saying she knew his brothers were coming to rescue them.
He remembered scoffing at the notion, but deep down, wishing her hopeful statement was true.
Crosshair took a breath, trying to collect his muddled thoughts. His head was pounding and ringing, blood rushing in his ears.
His body was weak and sore, and he was completely disoriented.
While captured, they only fed him the bare minimum to keep him alive. If he had to fight his way out of wherever he currently was, he didn’t have much strength left.
It didn’t help that he still couldn’t see.
Crosshair couldn’t continue his plan of escape, hearing a door click and soft footsteps approaching.
“Who is there?” He managed to croak out, the panic and adrenaline that was coursing through his veins mixing with a crushing exhaustion that was now taking over his body.
He was feeble, vulnerable, but still wouldn’t go down without a fight. Crosshair tried to stand, his legs giving out and immediately falling to the ground, unable to make out anything but fuzzy shapes in front of him.
Something was suddenly touching his shoulder, and he scrambled away. He hit his head on what must have been a side table or dresser as he desperately swiped the air with his hands at nothing.
“Stay back!” He hissed, lost in darkness, trying to feel for anything around him to use as a weapon.
“Crosshair…Crosshair, it’s okay! It’s me.”
Crosshair froze, bristling at the sound of your voice. He curled himself into a corner like a wounded animal, ready to strike.
He must be dead. This must be hell.
It was your voice.
Pain gripped his heart, he couldn’t speak.
“You’re safe. We’re safe.”
A million emotions pulsed through his system as he processed the fact you were there. Was this a hallucination?
Crosshair felt a touch on his shoulder again, realizing it was your hand. He flinched at your touch, but didn’t pull away. Your contact was hesitant, unsure.
“Tech said your vision should return within a day or two. It’s a side effect of the drugs from the lab.”
Crosshair felt like he was falling, every word you spoke opening old wounds. He may as well be back on the operating table, being sliced open.
It was you. It had to be. Your cadence, soft yet affirming, the voice that haunted his dreams every night.
After all he did…you were here?
He was glad he couldn’t see your face, what expression did you wear? Disgust? Pain? Anger?
“We can explain everything later. We are all here, safe from the Empire.”
“Omega…?” He finally croaked out.
“Her too, she’s fine, just resting.”
Crosshair let out a breath. She was right, they did come for them. And so did you.
The last time Crosshair saw you, Kamino was burning, sinking to the depths.
He asked you to come with him.
Your hurt, tear-filled eyes still burned in his mind, the sadness on your face, your desperate words to get him to stay with you.
He did not forget the wrathful anger that practically ate him alive as you left him on Kamino, choosing his brothers over him.
Crosshair felt what you had shared never mattered, feeling foolish at ever letting you in, feeling betrayed that he had shown you part of him that no one had ever seen.
The one person he tentatively and slowly let inside was now turning their back, just like everyone always had.
He should have known.
At least that’s how he felt initially.
As time went on, and he lay alone in his small Imperial quarters, he thought of you.
He thought of his brothers.
He thought of what he left behind.
He thought of what Cody told him, his words taking hold in his brain more and more. Had he made a mistake?
Now here he was, back with them, back with you.
Fate has a funny way of doing things.
Crosshair stayed silent, letting you help him back into the bed.
What can be said after all this time? After the things he’s done?
Why were you here, helping him?
Crosshair felt the side of the bed lower as you sat next to him.
“Crosshair, I…” You started, also not knowing what to say.
“I can explain everything later, or your brothers can. They are right next door. They figured it was best to give you some space. But I…I thought you might need someone around when you woke up.”
Crosshair could pick up the weariness in your voice.
“I can go if you’d like.” You spoke quietly.
Crosshair wanted to reach out, touch you. But he didn’t deserve that, after all he did. He didn’t even deserve to be in your current presence.
“No.” He rasped.
He felt the bed rise as you stood up.
“Let me bring you some food. You’re probably starving.”
Crosshair heard your footsteps leave his bedside, and picked up on the uneven sound of your steps.
“Wait,” Crosshair called, your footsteps stopping.“Are you hurt?”
There was a few moments of silence.
“Just a few scrapes and bruises, nothing serious.” Your crooked footsteps continued out of the room.
Crosshair knew you were lying, obviously dealing with an injury received while rescuing him.
Guilt stabbed at his chest, knowing you were hurt because of him, carrying scars that you’ll probably have forever.
A reminder of what his family had to go through to rescue him, something he was unworthy of.
Yet here you were, caring for him, at his side, even after everything. Risking your life to save the man who tossed you to the side, abandoned you and his brothers for something he thought was right and was too stubborn to see before it was too late.
Crosshair laid there, hearing the occasional sound of a pantry opening, a plate being set on a counter.
He must be in your home, wherever this is.
You came back into the room, setting food down at the bedside table next to him.
Crosshair wearily sat up again as you touched his hand, guiding it to the food.
“Why are you doing this?” He whispered, your hand not leaving his.
Crosshair could feel your hand trembling.
“You were lost. So we found you.”
Your hand tightened around his.
“I said terrible things. I’ve done terrible things.” Crosshair could feel bile rise in his throat, nauseous at the recollections of what he did serving the Empire. Or maybe it was the drugs wearing off. Or maybe it was remembering how he left you.
He was dizzy.
It was all too much.
Crosshair felt your other hand carefully touch the side of his face, which he instinctually leaned into, desperate for contact that wasn’t medical machinery or hands forcing him into restraints.
“I’m sorry.” Crosshair felt hot tears sting at sides of his eyes, confused, lost, anguished.
Forgiveness isn’t something easily earned. He knew that.
It was going to take a long time to come to terms with everything, with his family, with you.
But for now, you were here, and the rest will come later.
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Taglist (y’all being tagged in this sorry lolol)
@littlemissmanga @maybethatfanfictionwriter @secondaryrealm @secretthegriffin @sinfulsalutations @anxiouspineapple99 @idontgetanysleep @starqueensthings @dystopicjumpsuit @wings-and-beskar @dreamie411 @coraex @aconstructofamind @multi-fan-dom-madness @freesia-writes @kashasenpai @sunshinesdaydream @clonemedickix @wizardofrozz @pb-jellybeans @wanderer-six @the-cantina @king-chaos-world @wolffegirlsunite @dukeoftheblackstar @523rdrebel @sleepingsun501 @sunshinesdaydream @kimiheartblade
Divider by @idontgetanysleep
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iikisa · 6 months
part 1
so. this is part one of a red dragon!krs fic ive been building up… this first chapter doesnt really have much much interesting scenes as of right now, and I’d love love love the input from everyone on how to continue, ideas for characters, and if theres anything i should consider changing!! that doesnt mean that i’ll be changing everything according to commenters, but i’d value all opinions to help build this plot 🥲
I’ve already finished around 3 similar length chapters and recently got stuck, so think of these posts as drafts and final revisions will probably go officially on AO3. thanks everyone 🤪
Oh, Pitiful Dragon (1)
Ever since his birth, the child longed for death. If it could take away his pain and grant his freedom, he’d trade anything he had so scarce of already. And on a particularly horrible day— the day that terrible man decided he would rip out his heart and use it for evil— the little child met a god.
The God of Death.
He thought it was ironic, seeing how soon his own demise was due soon. But this God didn’t come to reap his death, rather it came to propose a deal.
And the red dragon would accept any deal to be free of this pitiful life.
Kim Roksoo awoke suddenly from his slumber. His vision was black and only began to adjust to his blurred version after continuous blinking. Why was it so dark? And how had he fallen asleep? He was just finishing Volume 5 of The Birth of a Hero series and now— wait, are those chains?!
His eyes blew open and his vision was finally adjusted to the pitch darkness that surrounded him. He tried to stand but winced when pain spiked all across his body. Only then did he realize just how badly injured he was. Why was he so weak? Had someone kidnapped and beat him to a pulp?! He was completely blinded by the inexplicable pain that he hadn’t realized something much more important. No— wait, pain is important! It’s definitely concerning! But… why was his whole body covered in crimson scales?
‘Oh geez, well isn’t this new.’
Shortly after he had that thought he passed out from exhaustion and shock.
When Kim Roksoo woke again, he was practically being strangled. He quickly gasped for air and focused in on his current situation. He was being held up tightly by a metal collar on his (very, very sore) neck by some strange man in front of him. His hair was a long, spiky mess of blond and didn’t look very well-maintained. But his eyes… they were bloodshot red and had a crazed glint to them.
‘Crazy bastard…!’
Roksoo’s breathing was beginning to strain more and more, and suddenly he felt something prick beneath his scales painfully. He looked down and saw a clear tube running from his body all the way through an open passageway not so far from him. His blood began flowing through it.
‘Blood— They’re.. taking my blood?’
His thoughts were becoming even more incoherent by the second but after securing the clear tube into the little red dragon, the crazed man dropped him to the floor.
“You’re blood is so pure and vibrant, it’s so beautiful.. just like the color of your scales! It will definitely aid our liege and his cause. Haha!”
All Roksoo could think of was how crazy this lunatic was. He was still heavily panting, because honestly when was he not at this point, but thankfully he hadn’t passed out again. Instead, he glared with all his being towards the crazy bastard standing above him. Unfortunately, it only seemed to excite the lunatic even more.
“Maybe I really should visit you more. That look in your eyes gives me chills!”
Mumbling to himself, the psycho soon left the room through the very passage his blood was being drawn towards, and Roksoo was left alone; unprotected and cold. He hated feeling this way. These people didn’t seem to want him alive for so long, considering his “luxury” treatment. He was going to miserably die at their hands sooner or later. And he was too weak to do anything about it.
His eyes suddenly flashed with memories— no, records— of his fight with the second unranked monster to plague Korea. Lee Soohyuk and Choi Jungsoo… he had let them die. It was his fault and he knew it. It was something he’d regret for the rest of his life. But… they had told him to keep living. To keep living for them. He couldn’t die. It didn’t matter how he got into this situation. He’d rather crawl in shit than die this pathetically. He’d survive his new predicament— this new life that’s been granted to him. He’d survive.
He’d definitely survive to smack these bastards in the back one day.
Roksoo had spent weeks in that dark hell. His blood continued to flow from his body to somewhere unknown, he was paid violent visits by that lunatic, and he got weaker and weaker because of it. But his will didn’t waver for a second. Whenever someone came in to check on him, he’d mark it in his mind every time. Soon enough, he learned their patterns and found openings. He finally had a plan to escape this hell, no matter how many holes there were.. it was a chance.
With his limited information, there was only so far he could get, but somewhere deep inside him, he knew he’d manage. So, he followed his instincts. The minute his opening came, he used all the strength he had gathered and focused.
‘Concentrate. Concentrate on that feeling you’ve been accumulating, Roksoo!’
Suddenly, Roksoo felt as if he’d achieved some sort of enlightenment like the ones described in murim stories. He felt an overwhelming warmth spread throughout his body and a rush of adrenaline pumped through his veins exponentially. This power… He didn’t know where it had suddenly manifested from, but he was sure now. He could get out of here using it. His mind and body began working beyond their limits, and eventually everything around him felt like it was moving at a snails pace.
His second ability from his past life, Instant. Time would seize and he could move freely for a short while. With a heavy cost on his body of course.
‘But this… it’s similar to instant, but it’s not completely it. I think— No, I can definitely handle this much better than what I’ve been able to before in Korea.’
His new body must’ve integrated Instant into another power. And this new power was about to help him escape. A small smirk graced his torn and bloodied face. Perfect.
Shackles that were tying his limbs down shattered beneath the little dragon’s feet in the blink of an eye, and in a literal instant he was darting across the passage with his slashed and scarred limbs.
‘Keep going. I have to keep going and get out of here!’
He was sprinting through the corridors, and if anybody had looked his way all they would’ve seen was a long, red blur. A bright light was beginning to seep in between the cracks in the ceiling of the dark man-made cave he was confined in.
‘Screw the consequences, we’re blasting through!’
With incredible speed, Roksoo was right beneath the seeping cracks of light and expanded his unused wings for the first time. His wingspan barely fit within the wide corridor as he spread them out and up, blasting off from his spot on the ground and flying like a rocket towards the ceiling. He was making it out.
Just as he impacted and the dust and debris had shot up everywhere, he spotted a few individuals standing far off in the sunlight. The most notable was a red haired main of fairly tall stature completely frozen in place by Roksoo’s sudden escapade. He wore a strange white mask over his upper face, his eyes a bright red with hints of brown. The person looked far to similar to Roksoo. His prominent crimson red and his own piercing reddish-brown eyes. They would’ve looked entirely the same if it weren’t for Roksoo’s current form.
He only locked eyes with the man for a split second, and continued shooting up into the sky. He began to hear shouts and alarms blaring within his vicinity. He had been encaged in a mountain with a large encampment stealthily surrounding it. He’d remember this exact spot.
Massive fireballs and arrows began piercing the sky in an attempt to bring Roksoo down, but he clumsily maneuvered around each and just barely grazed a few on his crimson scales. Suddenly, a blinding white spear had crossed his vision. And before he knew it, another had pierced right through his wing, tearing it open a considerable amount. Roksoo stifled the cry of pain that threatened escaping his lips, and instead gritted his teeth and continued to fly towards any kind of safety. Anything other than here will be safe, he just needs to lose these bastards first. The adrenaline rush he had originally received numbed all the pain in his body, but he knew that wouldn’t last with his current levels. He had to make use of every last bit of this power that he had in him.
He flew over an ocean and kept flying as far away as he could. Eventually he reached the mainland. The forest underneath him was dark and vast, a perfect hiding spot. He glides over the tree-line and with his remaining strength he just barely managed a suitable landing right by a flowing river. His landing was a little on the rough side and he was still so sore, but… he had finally made it out. He was successful. Now, he could truly live a slacker life! Wait— he still needs to get back at the bastards who had tortured him in the first place. Ah.. he also needs to secure enough funds for his slacker life as well.
Roksoo had much to do before he got to live a peaceful life.
‘But first, let’s just lay here a little while longer…’
Roksoo succumbed to his exhaustion and pain, entering a deep slumber.
THANKS FOR READING to the end !! please let me know ur input, things i could change, add, etc, i lack a lot in this field and value ur feedback ! 😋
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theamityelf · 5 months
"Be still, don't move" + Makoto/Nagito
(Okay, I leaned pretty wholesome for the Kamuegi one, and I already have a hunch that this one is taking my brain in another direction, lol. If someone wants wholesome Komaegi, all you have to do is ask!)
Makoto woke to the sound of someone humming.
His whole body was sore– a soreness only interrupted by a few distinct points of sharp pain –but he could feel that he was in a pretty comfortable bed. As he worked his eyes open, he had to fight against the interference of crusted tears that seemed to momentarily cement them shut. Which told him that he'd been asleep for longer than normal.
"Ah. I thought my terrible singing might wake you up. Sorry about that."
He focused his gaze on the face hovering nearby. He felt the vague, niggling familiarity that meant he was supposed to remember that face. He'd recovered a lot of his school memories, with the Future Foundation's help, but some things took longer to come back than others. And surviving a helicopter crash didn't help.
Wait! The helicopter!
"I was just very excited to get to tend to your wounds, is all," the stranger (or non-stranger) continued. His tangled, white hair stuck out in so many directions, it seemed to defy gravity; a ratty, striped shirt hung loose on his narrow frame; and a peculiar radiance in his eyes spoke to an excitement that was triumphing soundly over a deep physical exhaustion. "Of course, for your sake, I wish you had someone a lot more competent to assist you. But for my own, well...I am of course more than glad to serve you any way I can." A pink flush filled his cheeks as he offered up a strangely enthusiastic smile.
Makoto shook his head, baffled beyond words. "Serve me? Where are we? Where's...?" He shut his eyes for a moment, focusing. "I was in a helicopter. The...The city was under attack, and my sister...My friends..."
"Wow! You're so selfless, for someone who broke his leg in a helicopter crash."
He noticed, then, that his knee had been crudely bandaged into a thick makeshift cast. "Broke my leg?"
"Well, I'm no doctor, so I suppose you can take my words with a few grains of salt. It might not be exactly broken, but...I wouldn't recommend trying to walk on it."
Oh, that was never in question.
"It's funny. Your sister isn't nearly this injured. Did you try to shield her with your body, or...are you just that unlucky?" He seemed to delight in the question.
"You saw my sister?! Where is she?"
The delighted expression sobered into an apologetic smile. "I’m sorry to say that she isn’t here. She was made a prisoner of the Warriors of Hope. Ah, sorry! I shouldn't use such an inapt title in front of you, of all people. But I was able to hide you away from them. Fortunately, this house’s previous owners no longer have need of it. Very lucky for us, don’t you think?"
The second reference to luck stirred something in Makoto's mind. A name was trying to rise to the surface, very slowly...But he couldn't focus on that right now. "Who are the Warriors of Hope? What do you mean, my sister is their prisoner? And...are we still in Towa City? How long was I asleep?" His voice cracked as it became too painful to support it; it felt like he might have at least one bruised rib.
The non-stranger laid a pacifying hand on him, smiling besottedly. "There's no need to strain yourself. The world's savior has more than earned a nice, comfy spectator seat for this round. It's someone else's responsibility to prove hope supreme, right now. It would be far too easy for you. Not worth your time."
"But you said my sister is someone's prisoner!" Makoto tried to sit up, but the pacifying hand turned restraining, guiding him back down to the bed. He couldn't try again; the pain that had flared in his ribs would have grounded him if the hand hadn't.
"Be still; don't move. Ahh, the pull to heroism that emanates from you...It's a good thing I'm here to serve you, or who knows what you'd get into. Haha, just imagining it almost makes me feel faint..." One of his hands grasped his opposite arm, whereas the other remained in his lap. The latter was covered by a thick-looking mitten. (It reminded Makoto of Mukuro's tattoo and Kyoko's scars.) He looked giddy, exultant, and it didn't make sense. It didn't go with the horrible things he'd said. Something was seriously wrong here!
A part of a memory came into focus. A part of a name. "Ko...Ko-something..."
The non-stranger froze, suddenly looking almost fearful.
"Isn't that your name?" Makoto asked. "I'm sorry, I still have trouble remembering some things..."
Kyoko and Byakuya both had warned against being too open about what he did and didn't remember. They said that telling anyone how unreliable the recovered memory sometimes was, risked informing enemies that they could pretend to be friends. He knew that he should be more careful, but he couldn't shake the feeling that this person was a friend, or close to a friend. Maybe...a fond acquaintance?
But the look of alarm on his face seemed to mean Makoto had made some kind of mistake. "There's no need to remember me! I'm nobody. I don't deserve to be named by someone as incredible as you. Oh, I certainly hope you haven't been wasting your mental energy on something so pointless. I wouldn't forgive myself!"
"Hey, it's okay," Makoto said. "Please, I just-" He winced. Yeah, too much talking for his poor ribs. "Just need you to explain," he whispered, "what's going on here. The city, my sister..."
Ko-something's face softened at the first sign of pain. He dabbed the sweat from Makoto's face with a cold rag, smiling dreamily all the while. "Poor hope. As I said, you're not allowed to be the hero for this round. Your sister is alive. The city is...well, it's certainly not thriving any longer, but it's not entirely defenseless, either. And you are perfectly safe here. I will use my every breath to ensure that, especially."
Makoto wanted to say something, but the throbbing in his ribs forced him to just focus on breathing, for now. There were so many things he needed to follow up on, with this person he had definitely known before. Why was there a chain around his neck? Why did he seem to know everything that was happening? What was happening? Where did he know him from? Was it from Hope's Peak? What did he mean when he said he didn't deserve to be named? And what did he mean by all that servant stuff? Why had he saved Makoto and not Komaru, if they had been in the same crash? If it was just Ko-something alone, it probably would have been impossible for him to carry two people at once...Most likely, he'd carried Makoto first, because he was so injured, and then he'd gone back for Komaru and found she'd been abducted by those Warriors of Hope people. That made sense, right?
And he still hadn't gotten an explanation about the Warriors of Hope. The name sounded friendly, but the assertion that they were keeping Komaru prisoner definitely didn't. Ko-something had said the title was inapt.
There was so much going on, and breathing hurt.
"My friends," he said weakly.
"They're both alive, too," Ko-something assured him sweetly. "Everyone is alright. They all have their parts to play. And you" (He wiped the cool rag over Makoto's lips, even though there definitely wasn't any sweat there. He did sometimes drool in his sleep; maybe some of that had dried on him?) "just have to enjoy your vacation. Consider me entirely at your disposal to make your stay here more comfortable. Unfortunately, I can't always be at your side; I do have another job. But I'll give you a way to call me, and I promise you I will always rush right over. Nothing over there is more important to me than you. Oh! And you can call me Servant." That smile seemed...really genuine.
Komaeda. That was his name. Komaeda. And...he was from Hope's Peak. Another class. Another...
"You're like me," Makoto realized. "Ultimate Lucky Student."
Komaeda's smile tensed into a rictus of...what looked bizarrely like shame? "You can call me Servant," he reiterated, almost desperately. "Or whatever else you'd like to call me. I can understand if you don't think someone as unworthy as me should be allowed to be called a servant to the Ultimate Hope himself."
"This is wrong....I...I just-"
"I'm privileged to be under the sound of your voice, but I think you should hold off on talking much right now. It's clearly taking a toll, and I wouldn't be a very good servant if I let you puncture a lung." He presented a bottle of medicine and poured a bit of it into the cap. Makoto noticed he held the bottle between his knees to open it, rather than using both hands; his covered hand still lay in his lap. But he did use that hand to hold the cap steady while he poured into it. "This should help with the pain and help you to get some real sleep. Here."
As Komaeda brought the medicine to Makoto's lips, he could just hear what Byakuya, Toko, or Hiro would say about accepting medicine from someone so suspicious. But...he was already at Komaeda's mercy in every other way. He couldn't move, couldn't leave. His hacking gun was nowhere to be seen, and he had no way of calling for help, at least for now. If Komaeda wanted to hurt him, why would he have gone to the trouble of bandaging him and...?
After only a moment's hesitation, Makoto parted his lips and took the medicine.
Komaeda's pupils dilated slightly. "Thank you for your trust," he breathed, maybe more exultantly than Makoto would have liked. "I swear, for all my filthy word is worth, that you will not regret it. I'll guard you with my worthless life, I'll keep you abreast of all the good news, I'll attend to your every need until my final breath. Of course, I mean, until the battle is won. Of course, I will return you to your friends once the danger has passed. Yes, of course."
The tone Komaeda used when he said "of course" reminded Makoto of the many times Komaru had dismissively said that she'd get to something "later" and then inevitably forgot.
"Komaeda?" he tried to say, but he found that his speech slurred on the way out. He blinked and found that his eyelids were heavy.
"Shhh," the upperclassman shushed him, with adoration in his eyes that didn't match the friendly but casual rapport Makoto remembered from school. "Don't fight it. As I said, my hope deserves a good rest. I'll be back with your dinner by the time you wake up. I'll...try to have something that's worth eating, heheh."
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just-anka · 7 months
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Took Ben's dad ski touring yesterday (his parents are out here visiting us this week) and he loved it, had a really nice day out. I woke up with a sore throat and feeling absolutely exhausted today though, I think I've done a bit much the past week or so 😭 at least I've got a sun-flooded house to be cosy in haha. Have spent most of the day reading and not doing very much, which was perhaps needed.
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simpsations · 13 days
Hello! Would be fun if u write sumth like, maybe male reader is sick, fever and its gotten so bad where he just lays in bed all day and character just tries his bad to comfort the reader? Can be any character u think is most canon to do this haha
I had to restart all of this because I had to reply to someone's comment... I was a good bit in...
I will try my hardest to be up to your expectations, I also made a character instead since I can't think of anyone off the top of my head.
I'm trying to go for Golden retriever vibes but I'm not good at tropes...
I got the picture from an ai. (I have art block...)
I made the first words he speaks in his color so you know who's talking.
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Sick Day
Warnings: none, fluff, sick reader, my autocorrect.
Waking up to the feeling of exhaustion was not something new to you, but the heat that coursed through your body was. You had to call in sick as not to spread whatever you came down with. Once you exited your room you were met with the sweet aroma of breakfast.
A figure stood in the kitchen his tall figure topped with a fluffy head of blonde and a tattoo starting at the base of his neck and tucking under his black shirt. The figure turned around to reveal the handsome face of your roommate, Calam, he smiled at you, "morning man, how'd you sleep?". When he got a grunt of an okay his smile dropped ever so slightly. "Are you feeling alright?" Stepping away from the stove and went over to you with a look if worry, as he stood in front of you, placing his palm onto your forehead. "You're burning up!" He spoke in shock at the the feeling of the heat that your body was radiating.
You moved his hand away, "I know, it's not that bad, I just need to get some medicine and sleep." You state as you walk past the kitchen to the shared bathroom, opening the mirror above the sink and gabbing some flu medication, you head back to the kitchen and get a glass of water to take the medicine.
A plate of food was shoved into your face, and it smelled and looked devine. "Eat something first." Calam said as he placed the plate onto the table that was set and arranged for the two of you. You were about to deny but the sound of your stomach stopped you, you were hungry. You sat down at the table with him. The pill bottle sat next to the cup of water on the counter as you ate.
"How does it taste?" Calam asked after a moment of silence between you two. You give a nod as response, not feeling up to talk. Calam sensed your desire to stay silent with understanding. As you both finished your meals Calam stood and collected the empty dishes to clean them and you went to take the medicine that was calling your name to soothe the sore throat and stuffy nose you're currently dealing with.
You return to your room to get more rest, and since you took the medicine and inhaled a cough drop you fell asleep pretty quickly.
When you woke up, you noticed that the sun was starting to lower. You try to sit up only to notice the arm holding you down. Looking down you see Calam sleeping soundly, lightly nudging him to wake him up he groaned in response and hid his face between your sude and the mattress. "Why are you in my bed?" You ask as you lay back down.
"I missed you." Came the muffled voice of Calam.
"If you get sick don't blame me." You respond with a smile as you just lay there enjoying the comforting hold.
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losersimpforsunjaesol · 5 months
Day 5 of getting my sh!t together!
Hiii! So after a very eventful and festive weekend, I am here to continue my journey of getting my life together!!
Ahmm ahmm! guess what? I woke up sick today! Haha! Such a fun start to the week, right???
Wrong 🥲 extremely wrong! I feel like I'm dragging my body and there's no life left in me. I feel super exhausted and weak. My entire body is sore.
Anyways, so workout wasn't possible. It's a given. I skip workout with any valid excuse I can find. I know I'm not the best yoga student! But, I promise I'll continue once I feel better.
I had a very dull start to the day but I had to report for work. Also, we a bit of a celebratory evening snack and dinner due to a good news. So, that was definitely the highlight.
Here's what I ate today:
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Chicken Salad
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Afternoon snack:
Fresh watermelon
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Evening snack:
1) 1 baked roshogolla
2) Green tea
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1)Tandoori Roti
2)Dry chilli chicken
3)Hariyali chicken kebab
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This was definitely not a good day of trying to lose weight but it was more of what would make me happy today and if food tastes good, it's zero calories. Judge me all you want! 🥰😍
I am trying to lose weight because of a prior condition for which I had to get surgery and post operative treatment consisted of being on steroids for almost two years. As a result, I gained a lot of weight and I've lost 50% of that weight but the next 50% is being particularly tough. I also have to keep my condition in mind before doing anything so I can't do extreme diets or workouts. My goal right now is to be healthy and happy.
Oh, as I have a sore throat and allergies, I drank a cup of warm water before bed.
That's all for now. I'm on my way to watch episode 3 of Lovely Runner 🥺
But, before that, here's my song recommendation for the day!
If you haven't guessed it by now, I'm an ARMY 💜 hehe💜
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chrisparagon · 3 years
Dean Winchester - Wound (Part 8)
Part 7!
Part 9!
Summary: Reader tries to cope with the death of her friend, but it's not the most pressing issue in this chapter.
Warnings: Ghost. Grief. Emotional sad.
WC: 2131
Sorry, this one took so long to upload! Midterms in uni, you know? Thank you to everyone who reads! I'm continually surprised to find ya'll around, haha.
P.S. I'm struggling with some writer's inspo, not sure exactly where I want to story to go. We'll get there! I've got a few ideas, they're just not on paper yet.
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You exited the bathroom, Dean’s soft, cotton t-shirt hanging lifelessly off your body. The clothes you changed out of were crumpled in your hand, dirty memories sticking to them. You stared at them, exhaustion, grief and guilt making your mind numb. Should you throw them on the floor? Put them in Dean’s bag? Hold them all night? You lifted your gaze around the small motel room; 24 hours ago you were fighting for your life to leave, now you were more than happy to spend the nights here. You had no concept that your life could yet again become any more chaotic- any more horrific.
Dean turns his head at your exit the bathroom, a bundle of clothes in hand. Your eyes were glazed over and your chest barely moved to show you were breathing. A pang of pity hit Dean’s heart as we walked over, He understood all too well. Your gaze turns to him as he approaches, trying to look like you were attentive, he could see through the mask. He grimaced as he takes your clothes, tossing them onto his bag.
Dean wrings his hands as he looks at you, forgetting how to be caretaker for someone that’s not his brother. You squint at him as he clears his throat.
“You ready for bed?” He asked awkwardly. Your vision moves up and down, seemingly in control of itself. Sam placed a hand on your shoulder as he brushed by.
“Y/N,” Sam said. Your eyes swing lazily to him. “I’m really sorry for your loss.” He said. You again nod slowly. Thanks Sam is what you wanted to say, or maybe that’s very kind or something other than nodding again. But it felt like your vocal cords has been ripped out, along with your emotions. You tried to smile, but it came out a grimace.
Sam moved into the bathroom, and it was only after you noticed you were staring at the empty space where Dean had been, did you slowly walk to bed because that’s what you were supposed to do.
Dean leaned on his arm as he watched you pull back the covers. His nervousness spiked as he waited to see where you’ll lay, with your back to him like the night before, or in his arms like earlier tonight. How quickly the tides turn. He felt increasingly guilty about dragging you into this mess, it didn’t get much worse than this. You slump onto the mattress, your limbs like lead. Grabbing the covers, you pull them tight as you move towards Dean. You didn’t ask- you didn’t even make eye contact as you snuggle your nose and body against Dean’s chest. The sheets slipped as Dean rested his arm over your waist, you couldn’t care. But Dean pulled the blankets higher, knowing it’s what Sammy liked when he was upset. His hand slipped onto your back, locking the blankets in place and pulling you closer, hiding you in the warm tent he created.
You weren’t sure what time it was when you woke, but Dean was already out of bed, talking in hushed tones with Sam at the table. You squinted and stared at the two, your eyes felt dry and crusty. A groan escaped your throat as you rolled onto your back, rubbing your eyes fiercely. Despite having slept so long, you felt tired, and your eyes and throat were sore. Something was off. Why were you back in this bed? Hadn’t you figured it all out? You thought the three of you had discovered the monsters and- *BAM*. In a flash, the events of last night unfold again. The blood and gore, the overwhelming feelings, the numbness. Ya that’s what was off.
Your lips quiver and you shut them tight before taking a deep breath. The brother’s discussion stopped as chairs scraped the ground, the sound of the door closing echoing around the room. The sound of blunt footsteps approached the bed, then the bed slowly dip. Dean’s presence was both comforting and brooding in the silence.
“Sammy went to the scene to see if he could find anything.” Dean explained. You nodded with your eyes still covered. What would you do now? Joanne was one of your best friends. Crushing guilt came over you. You should’ve stayed back and helped Sam. You shouldn’t have stopped research, shouldn’t have gone out on a stupid date with a stupid boy.
“I shouldn’t have stopped.” You said, opening your eyes to the ceiling and running your hands through your hair. “I should’ve came back with Sam, trying to find a way to kill that thing.” Your voice was thick and shaky as your spoke. Dean knew the feeling, the guilt- and the truth.
“You couldn’t have done anything, Y/N.” Dean said. “You couldn’t have saved her. It was the wrong place… wrong time.” He wasn’t trying to be mean, but it was the hunter’s life. You scoffed aggressively.
“I could’ve talked to her, kept her around longer.” You suggested as tears slipped out of your eyes again. “Drug her into another stupid conversation. Let someone else go in.” Your voice was low as you admitted it.
“You really think you could’ve stopped her? It didn’t seem like anyone could.” Dean said. You sighed. That was true, once that girl had something in mind no one could stop her.
Dean cleared his throat and shifted on the bed. He wasn’t sure when it was the right time, but it was better now than never. His voice was cautionary as he spoke.
“This guilt, this feeling? It will eat you from the inside out.” You peaked an eye at his change in tone. “Don’t let it consume you too.” He said. You frowned, not understanding the deeper meaning to his words. Could this feeling really dictate the actions of another? You turned over the idea as you stared at his hard gaze.
Through foggy thoughts, your gaze drifted as you mulled over his words. There were lines and wrinkles etched into the corners of his mouth, around his eyes, and you wondered if each one represented a story. He had a scar just above his jaw, the wear and tear of the job evident on his body. His green eyes had a depth, a shadow to the deep sea. It was then that you realized how much devotion this man had to the job, how hard he worked to keep people like you, like Joanne, safe when he could. If he said there was nothing you could have done, you believed him.
You pulled yourself against the headboard, dropping Dean’s gaze and sighing. You wiped your tears and sat quietly, already weary from the day.
“I had a good time last night,” Dean said with a shy smile, drawing your gaze back. “Well, before the…” he trailed off, hoping you’d catch his meaning. You grimaced and reflected. It was nice, it was good to be by Dean at that moment. Actually, there’s no one else you would’ve wanted around. No one else could’ve thrown off the weight of the hunt and made you smile. No one else could’ve understood what happened when Joanne died. No one else would’ve been as comforting to be around when shit hit the fan. You looked at Dean again, vowing to offer whatever you could to protect- to give back to these men. You nod at Dean’s comment.
“I did too.” You said quietly, but you meant everything, before and after Joanne. Dean gave a small smile back.
“You want some breakfast?” He asked. You clenched your jaw, shaking your head.
“Not hungry.” The thought of food made you feel sick right now. Dean nodded, he understood.
“I’m gonna do some more research.” He said standing from the bed.
It took you a while, but you too found yourself at the table. The words swam away from comprehension, like trying to catch a fish with your hands. But it was better than brooding in bed. You sat staring at the table, wanting to know if Sam had found anything, but not quite ready to ask. You sighed at looked out the window into the bright light.
It took a moment for your eyes to adjust, but once they did, you straightened your posture, pulling your shoulders back. You’ve never seen anything like this, but it gave the same bone chill as before.
“Dean.” You said in a small voice. Dean lifted his head from his hand, looking at you. Dean saw your wide eyes and followed your vision out the window. He saw it too, making his body cold.
“Dammit.” He said. He rose to get his gun, barely taking his eyes off the ghost.
You couldn’t believe you were seeing this. It was a woman in a pink dress, parts of her transparent. Her face was pallor, but her eyes were dark and menacing. You tried to move but were frozen in your seat.
“D- Dean?” You said. He rushed to you, pulling you away from the window. You stumbled as you tried to find your footing.
“Stay close.” Dean said. You stared out the window, looking at the specter one moment, then empty air the next. Confusion and panic washed over you. Were you imagining it? Maybe you imagined the whole scenario.
You didn’t have time to reason as you suddenly saw your breath. The room dropped to a considerably cold temperature, the outside of your body reflecting the inside. You looked back out the window, trying to see if the ghost had returned when a loud *BANG!* was heard from beside you. You yelp and drop to your knees, head swiveling around the room. You were quick enough to see something in the room trailing into a million dust particles. Dean scans the room again before reaching into his bag and pulling out an iron bar. He passes it to you.
“Here. If that thing reappears, hit it with that.” He commands. You rise slowly to your feet, both hands on the rod.
“What is it doing here?” You ask in a panicky voice.
“It probably followed the books.” Dean reasoned.
Dean places himself behind you, back to back. The apparition reappears, this time in front of you. You freeze again, suddenly not sure how to swing a stick. It moves at lightning speed and hits you square in the chest, sending you backwards into Dean. You and Dean hit the floor with a thud and a grunt, the crowbar flying out from your hand. Dean spins around, seeing the ghost. He scrambles to his feet and grabs his gun. He lifts it to aim but the ghost is too fast. It throws Dean through the air, supposedly by some magic, before his body hits the mirror, shattering it.
The hit stuns Dean as the specter slowly approaches him. You recognize the slow movement, it’s the same type of stalking an animal does before a kill. You have to act, need to do something. But what? Despite your shaking body, you scramble to your rod. You lift it, not sure if your shaking legs can bring you fast enough to the ghost. You solve the problem another way.
“Hey! You!” You yell at the specter. It turns its head, then its body. You have its full attention now. Your eyes go wide, you weren’t sure that was the wisest thing. In a moment of panic, you throw the bar, slicing straight through the ghost. It hit the wall, inches from Dean’s head, making him flinch fiercely. You watch in awe as the ghost again fades, like dust in the wind. With the immediate danger gone, you scramble over to Dean.
“Hey! Dean!” You say, shaking him. He looks at you, squinting.
“Was that necessary?” He asked aggressively.
“Dean what do we do?” Your voice was tight with fear. He grunted and rose.
“We gotta burn those books.” he said. You helped him to his feet. Dean grabbed the ammo bag while you took the books into your arms. They were the last thing you wanted to touch, but you couldn’t think, just follow orders.
You were still in a panic as you rounded the motel corner with Dean. He took a quick look around the alley- it was empty. He told you to put the books on the ground and reached into his bag, grabbing a squirt bottle and matches. You stood beside Dean as he doused the books in gasoline and lit a match. He was about to drop it when you stopped his arm. He quickly turned to you.
“Are you sure about this?” You asked. “The books may still be useful.” He looked at you then at the books.
“No.” He said before setting the books ablaze.
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@dean-winchester-is-a-warrior @deanswaywardgirl @ace-of-gay @schizonephilim @carry-on-wayward-girl @savourtheflavourgeez @cl0wnb0yyy @dean-winchester-lover99bu @littlehorse-standsby-bighorse
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nightwishesworld · 3 years
Morning Wood
Finally, I can take this sticky note off my wall! So sorry it took so long my friend, I've been buried in requests haha
Alcina’s bleary eyes slowly opened to the sound of soft snoring. Next to her, you slept cocooned in comfort. It was a blessing being able to wake up to such a pretty face, Alcina thought. Something was off this morning though she wasn’t awake enough to realize what it was. Alcina sat up, rubbing the crust off her eyes.
She felt hot. As if her blood was rushing through her. With a quick glance down, she quickly acknowledged the issue. The huge tent in the blanket made it very obvious. Alcina groaned, palming her head.
“Well that’s just fantastic,” she groaned.
Alcina considered her options. She could either take a cold bath or take care of it herself. Something told her a shower won’t cut it today. She’s already temped to abandon the bathroom all together and just get rid of it here. Then afterwards she can cuddle you and go right back to sleep.
She turned to watch you as you slept blissfully unaware of her conundrum. The last thing she wants to do is wake you up because of something as stupid as this.
Her hand wraps around the base of her shaft and starts herself off slow. The grip was loose at first and making a languid pattern of up and down motions.
You stir awake to the sounds of hushed grunting next to you. Through bleary eyes you could just make out Alcina’s form propped up on her pillow. It’s obvious what she’s doing. It’s been happening a lot as of late, not that you were totally complaining. Alcina found it incredibly embarrassing the more it happened. Most mornings she would relieve herself in the bathroom. It seems today that was just too long of a walk.
A loud groan pulled you out of your dreamy state. Alcina’s hands were shaking, her breathing even harsher and heavier than before.
Oh, she’s hit a wall.
It was the worst feeling, being so close to having what was just out of reach. It filled you with such a visceral sympathy you broke your silence. “Al?”
Her eyes go wide and she turns to you, but never relents under the sheets. “I’m sorry, Dove, did I wake you?”
You sit up and stretch, letting out a big yawn. “No, don’t worry. I was gonna ask how you slept, but I think I already know the answer.”
“I’m sorry. I was hoping to have dealt with it before you woke up.”
You chuckle and simply take in the sight of the ever elegant Alcina Dimitrescu servicing herself in bed. “Need a hand?”
A much smaller hand finds its way on top of Alcina’s. You don’t bother waiting for a response as you bat her hand away completely.
After a few minutes of this light, almost teasing grip, you tightened your grip until you had her erection in a firm squeeze, your free hand digging into her thigh. You kept your pace slow and measured for a while longer, though, rationing out each new increase in pleasure only when you had exhausted the last one. Then you started to pick up the pace, and now the quiet hums and moans would rise up from the back of Alcina’s throat.
“Get the lubricant, p-please. I need more.”
You bit back the desire to ask if she really needed any lube. She was already dripping and slick with precum. But if that’s what she wanted who were you to disobey? You grabbed the fruity scented bottle out of the bedside drawer and massaged it between your hands.
Alcina had already picked up where you left off, her pace much faster and desperate than yours. Instead of batting her away again you grab her wrist.
“If you don’t behave yourself I won’t let you finish.”
The statement caught you both off guard. It’s not very often you take control like that, and it’s even less often Alcina lets you. Which is why you were surprised when she pouted and brought her hand back down to her side.
“I’ll behave, Darling.”
“Good girl,” you give her a quick kiss and wrap your hand around her again. It was a little known fact that Alcina Dimitrescu could go from being a dominant mommy straight down to a pillow princess. Really the only one still living that knows besides herself is you. Being the dominant one always felt strange though. You felt a bit out of your element, but the look of innocence on Alcina’s face was well worth it. It amazes you every time she decides to play submissively; she’s just as captivating and sexy as her usual dominant self. There was something about the way she just laid down and took whatever you were willing to give that made you crave her even more.
To reward her good behavior you increase your pace and tighten your grip. Her moans and gasps were rapturous to your ears. You knew exactly how she wanted to be touched- how she needed to be touched. And you were more than happy to oblige.
“Close your eyes and relax, Alci. This is all about you. I’ll take good care of you.”
Alcina did as she was told and relaxed against her pillows, focusing solely on your ministrations. She thought there was something hypnotic in the rhythmic motion of your hand, something that felt more profound and elegant the more she felt it. You felt ritualistic against her. She felt like she was being blessed by the Gods.
It was only when she felt something soft cushioning her shaft that she looked down at you. Her jaw dropped as if she wanted to gasp but no sound came out.
You were rubbing your now glistening tits up and down Alcina’s shaft, properly oiling them up. The vampiress’ cock twitches when she feels your hard nipples pressing against the length of her cock and your lips peppering her head in kisses. Your eyes were hooded and filled with lust. It was probably the sexiest thing Alcina had ever laid eyes on; and it was all for her.
You lick her from tip to base. You sucked on her cock, circling her head with the tip of your tongue until finally taking her in your mouth. Alcina starts subtly thrusting her hips, desperate for more contact.
A large, warm hand settled in your hair and started tugging at it. And as the two of you looked at each other, as if no one else existed within the world, you eagerly returned to sucking her cock like you were trying to save your life doing it.
You take her head in your mouth and suck, the taste of precum fresh on your tongue.
She arched into your touch and busied her hand by massaging her breasts, tweaking and pinching her hardened nipples to give herself as much stimulation as possible.
“Does that feel good, baby?” Alcina hummed in response.
Meanwhile, your left hand was softly caressing the vampire’s muscular thighs, and a cute little whimper escaped from her when you pinched her skin. "Ah! Te rog, iubirea mea."
"Please what, Alci?" "Tell me what you want, Love. Use your words."
Alcina couldn’t seem to keep still, as she began unconsciously pushing her hips up towards your face, attempting to get you to deep-throat her as soon as possible. To prevent her from moving like that, you tried using enough force in your left arm to hold her hips down, with your right hand still holding onto her cock as she started to pick up the pace.
“I want your mouth, draga mea. Please, draga mea I need to be in your mouth.”
You grin up at her and chuckle lowly. “That wasn’t so difficult now was it?”
Maintaining eye-level with Alcina’s cock, you stuck out your tongue and licked a bead of precum from the slit. You continued this motion until the whole tip in your mouth, sucking out a lot more precum. Finally, you took almost her full length in your mouth, just enough to reach the back of your throat. You gagged.
Alcina couldn’t suppress her moans anymore, letting you hear her desperation loud and clear. She was panting, sweat forming on her forehead. The atmosphere of their bedroom suddenly got hot. Really hot.
"Nu te opri, te rog," Alcina whispered not realizing she was speaking at all. "Mmmm ...te rog, iubirea mea, nu te opri."
You heard Alcina mumbling but couldn't make out the words. No matter, you weren’t concerned with what she was saying. You could tell Alcina liked what you were doing because she'd grind her hips up closer to your face whenever your mouth parted from her cock.
Alcina shot her eyes wide open right before she came in your sore mouth, and filled you up so much to the point where you choked for a second. But you swallowed all of her semen, not allowing any to drip from your chin. You licked your lips again, feeling very full. “That was delicious, Love. You taste so fucking good. Thanks for breakfast.” Alcina looked down with a blush to see you staring at her lovingly, watching her penis rest against her stomach. You crawled up to look Alcina eye-to-eye, a smirk spreading across your face. “You’re welcome.”
Alcina laughed and pulled you down fully on top of her. “Thank you.”
You lowered your face to place what was supposed to be a chaste kiss on her lips. Alcina melted into the kiss, the softness of your lips driving her crazy on the inside. Things were getting heated, as Alcina stuck her tongue into your mouth when she got the chance. You just squirmed above her. Alcina could taste her semen on your tongue. She moaned into your mouth from the action. Then she bit your already swollen bottom lip, causing you to hiss. Neither of you wanted to pull away. You continued making out for a while, until you ended the intimacy and pulled away, a string of saliva connecting your tongues. “I love you, Alcina.” “I love you, too, Y/n.”
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kuronanox · 2 years
Forgotten memories- Kurosaki Ichigo
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(Authors note: this is the longest one shot I've written! Don't get on my ass because I definitely don't know much about people losing their memories so please bear with me haha I enjoyed writing this one! Also Kazui is readers and Ichigo child in the story disclaimer! Smh I really shipped Ishida and Orihime but FOOK aight I ain't trying to start any ship wars so ima just leave it at that. Story not edited)
"Mr.Kurosaki?" The doctor calls out as the orange hair man shoulders tense and he stopped looking at his shoes in interest. The room was chilly and he still had goosebumps but nothing could defeat how Ichigo felt after the doctor explain the situation to him.
"Your wife is fine but she doesn't remember anything up until her high school years."
It was as if the room got silent and he didn't hear any one else, the pain in his heart grew louder as a hand around his tighten. It was their child, the little boy didn't seem to know what was going on. Kazui could see that Ichigo wasn't acting right after the doctors had talked to him.
"Daddy? Can we go see mommy now?"
Reality hit Ichigo once again as he turned to his child and painfully gave a crooked smile. "Mommy still needs to rest, I'm sending you to grandpas tonight."
The night was restless for Ichigo as he broke down to his father that everything he built with (Your Name) would have been for nothing. The happy and painful memories of them would have been for naught. The adventure they shared would have been for nothing to see how much they have grown side my side.
He put Kazui into his old room and made his way back to the hospital after, Ichigo wanted to be the first person she saw when she woke up tomorrow morning. Even if she didn't recognize him as her husband. Staring at his wedding band and ring he took them off and carefully placed it in the cars hidden compartment.
(Your Name) eyes slowly opened as the sun beamed into the hospital room, her body was sore but the pain in her head had subsided a bit. The room was freezing as she moved into the covers more. Turning her head she could see Ichigo sleeping on the chair uncomfortably.
Confused and worried she sat up and walked to give him a pillow from her bed.
The familiar touch of his wife had woken Ichigo up as he grabbed her wrist and looked up to her with painful eyes, she seemed confused and she looked tired. "(Your Name) you shouldn't be out of bed." He scowls her as she tried to talk but he guided her back into her spot in bed.
"I'm sorry Ichigo I thought you were uncomfortable. Thank you for visiting me."
Those words alone made his face twist in agony. "Of course, I will always be here for you dummy."
After laying her down he scooted his chair closers to her as she observed his body language. Ichigo looked stress, unhappy and exhausted. He also looked older and more built in muscle. The boyish features were gone.
"Shouldn't you be in school right now?"
He swallowed his breath and got out of chair to get the doctors to inform them (Your Name) was awake.
They slowly explained to her the situation and how she got there. "A few nights ago we were hit with a strong storm and a car driving to fast hit yours and your head was hit pretty hard, you have been asleep for the past few days. We want to diagnose you with amnesia but yesterday you seemed distressed so we wanted to wait till you calmed down a bit more. From what we collected you can't remember anything after reaching adulthood."
Ichigo sat by her the whole time listening to the doctors but also staring at (Your Name) to see any reaction but there was none. Of course because she couldn't remember anything.
"I see. How old am I then?"
"29." Ichigo answered her as she turned to him and gasped, she couldn't believe she can't remember anything.
The doctor had informed Ichigo once she was out of the hospital to take her home and be patient with her, let her do anything she wanted but slowly bring back the routine they shared together.
The next few days for Kazui were hell to the little boy, he just knew his mom was in an accident and that she was coming home tonight. Isshin had him dropped off after they left the hospital.
"This is home." Ichigo tells (Your Name) with a smile as she gets out the car but not without his assistance. "I'm okay now." She assured Ichigo but he refused to let her walk alone without him by her side.
The place felt homey, it was small but it wasn't bad. There were toys all over the floor and picture frames on the wall.
"Are we married Ichigo?" She awkwardly asks him as he helped take off her shoes and he bit his lip, of course there was no hiding their relationship.
"Yes but don't feel as if you need to act or remember anything." He assured her but she could tell it was painful to watch her not know anything. Looking at all the cars and dinosaurs in the room she could sense they have a baby boy together.
"Take a look around." Ichigo tells her with a smile as he checks the notification on his phone. Kazui had just arrived but he wanted to speak to the boy first before seeing his mother. "I'll be back." He told (Your Name) and left the house.
She walked around the house slowly and took in everything, it wasn't messy but definitely not clean but she guessed it's because the situation of her in the hospital had left no time to worry about cleaning. The pictures on the wall were surprisingly to her, her memories from High School didn't help except she had a small crush on Ichigo at the time but she didn't expect them to be married or have a kid together.
"Kazui." Ichigo starts by sitting him outside the door, the boy looked so happy eagerly wanting to see mom. Ichigo was angry at the driver who caused her memory loss. It messed up his happy little family, how do you even tell your child their own mother won't recognize him. "Baby." He starts again as Kazui frown seeing that his father wasn't happy.
"What's wrong daddy?"
"Mommy isn't feeling well right now, I need you to be really patient right now. She is having some trouble with her memory." Ichigo tried to explain as easily as he could without telling his son that she actually doesn't remember anything.
"What does that mean daddy?" Kazui starts to frown as Ichigo pulls him into a hug and sadly smiles to his son. "That means if mommy ask who you are just tell her your name and help her with any other questions she has."
Kazui couldn't really understand what was going on but he had never seen his father so distressed before as he only nodded with a frown. "Okay, can I see mommy now?"
"Of course."
They walked into the front door and into the hallway making it into the living room, she was picking up the little toys and placing them in a basket.
"Mommy!" Kazui screamed and ran into her legs as she slowly lost her balance. Her eyes widen as she looked down to him.
"Hi." She greets as Ichigo watched from afar. Kazui smile was from ear to ear as it had not hit the little boy yet until she asks the question his father had warned him about. "What's your name sweetie?"
Kazui smile wavered a bit remembering the conversation moments ago. "Kurosaki Kazui, mommy." He quietly says and starts to tear up.
(Your Name) frown and suddenly felt sorry for the child hugging her, her child. The one she couldn't remember. It felt slightly off being called mom when she only had the memories of her teenage years.
"Kazui, such a strong name." She cheered on and picked up the child. "I like it."
"Well you and dad choose it." He states as Ichigo sighs and her smile fell.
"Okay kiddo, why don't we help clean." Ichigo orders to ease the tension out the room. (Your Name) sets Kazui down as she excused herself to the bathroom.
"Kazui, It's hard on mommy right now, try not say to much."
The little boy only nodded as he felt bad for making his father and mother feel awkward between each other. Ichigo could hear silent cries in the bathroom but chose to leave her in her own space. She probably needed it after taking in so much.
That night Ichigo tried to assure her if sleeping together was weird he could sleep in the guess room but she was determined to remember anything she could. The doctor did tell her routine is usually something that helps gain memories back. "Does Kazui not sleep with us?" She asks him as Ichigo settled down in bed next to her but put a space between them. "Sometimes, it depends how he feels a night. He usually crawls in here in the middle of the night."
She nodded and laid down, it was slightly awkward to her. She knew Ichigo in high school but they were just friends. Good friends not even close friends so she didn't know what to say to him.
"How did we end up together?" She asks him as he turned to his side and looked at (Your Name) with sadness.
"We got really close in college because we shared a lot of basic classes together, we only knew each other so we naturally were drawn to each other. We had kazui at 24 and we married at 21."
"Oo I see."
The rest of the night was restless for her, she couldn't sleep. Occasionally Ichigo sleeping form would hit her but he pulled back if he felt himself touching her skin. It was as if his body knew not to make her uncomfortable until she was ready to try again.
The door open as she closed her eyes and she felt a tiny body crawl between her and Ichigo, the litto boy was sneaking into their room to sleep with them. She smiled because of how cute it was.
His tiny arms wrapped around her waist and she was content with it, it made her warm. Kazui sleepy form was not content as he reached for his daddy arms to make sure it was wrapped around the both of them. (Your Name) stiffen, it was nice to be hugged like this but she knew this was probably normal for Ichigo and Kazui but for her it was as if it was the first time again.
Slowly the warmth of her baby boy and husband drifted her to sleep.
The next morning Ichigo woke up earlier than usual to see Kazui under (Your Name) as they were both in a deep sleep to even feel he had gotten out of bed. The older man felt so happy to see his little family again but he knew even if it looked like it everything else was different.
Shifting her eyes she saw Ichigo looking down at them with love.
"Hi." She greeted him as he blushed madly knowing he got caught staring at them.
"Good morning."
Giving herself a few minutes she got out of bed quietly not to awaken the child.
Ichigo was already downstairs in the kitchen. She looked at the back of him and felt warmth, his presence was familiar to her at least.
"Does Kazui go to school?" She asks him as he nodded and was working on breakfast for them.
Not really knowing what to do she decided to look for his lunch box and make him lunch. Ichigo was observing her every moment. So far she was doing good remembering where everything was and even packing kazui lunch the same.
"Wanna eat first." Ichigo asks her as she was about finished with packing lunch.
They sat across from each other and ate silently, it was surprisingly peaceful.
"Why don't you wear your wedding band or ring if we are married?" She asks curiously as she looked that her finger was also empty.
He wanted to choke on his food from how blunt (Your Name) was but she was genuinely concerned.
"Are we secretly divorced or something?"
Ichigo laughed heart fully at her comment, seeing how innocent she was with the questions made him feel lighter.
"No baby, I took them out because I didn't wanna overwhelm you with everything. Especially since we didn't get together till after we graduated high school." He adds as she nodded her head and blushes from embarrassment.
"I wonder if baby is his usual pet name for me?"
"I'm sorry I was just wondering."
"Don't worry, whenever you like we can put them back on. Don't feel sorry." Ichigo smiles at her as she smiled back gently.
Whenever Ichigo was not around (Your Name) she did everything in her power to try to gain her memories back, whether it was looking at picture albums or her phone from text messages and camera roll but it was harder than she thought. Closing her eyes really hard didn't help either. She felt bad and also mad at herself because she just couldn't remember.
She could see in Ichigo and Kazui eyes the pain sometimes when she asks question or if she didn't realize that they were a family and she was doing her own things.
"Can we cuddle?" She asks one Friday night as they were all sitting in the living room watching a movie that the boys really wanted to see and it seem familiar as if she remembered them talking about it in the past.
Ichigo was more than delighted, she had never asked for physical touch until tonight and even then he only got to it because Kazui would sneak into their room at night and make them all cuddle.
Excited kazui ran next to her side as he was baby spoon for (Your Name) and she was baby spoon for Ichigo.
He smiled as they watched the movie silently again. He felt whole again and he could see she was smiling as she was watching the screen but he knew it wasn't the movie making her smile.
A couple months had past, and (Your Name) had begun picking up the routine they use to have as a family except she couldn't work anymore so she stayed home. Although the expression of pain and sadness were still there from time to time she realize instead of looking into the past to start looking into the feature.
Ichigo wanted to feel the same way except he had way to many memories with her that he wished she remembered. It slowly was eating him inside everyday even though he remain positive and optimistic with everything she had progressed.
While doing laundry she had began to hear talking in the guess room next to kazui.
"She doesn't remember?"
"No Rukia! I told you she lost her memories, I wanted to tell you and everyone else in Soul Society but you guys had stuff going on. It's been like this for the past four months." Ichigo slightly raised his voice and she could feel shuffling in the room.
"What if she saw me, do you think it would help?"
There was silence in the room again as she tried to listen more carefully. There was sniffling and wheezing noises.
"Ichigo, it's okay to cry. I could never imagine the feeling of starting over again." Rukia had lighten her voice trying to comfort the orange hair man.
"I just don't know what to do anymore. I still love her the same but still. She doesn't remember me being a shinigami, how do I even tell her that?"
(Your Name) tilted her head "shinigami? Why does that sound so familiar."
"That's the biggest part of my life we shared together and she doesn't remember." He continued as she set the clothes down and opened the door.
There was an awkward silence as she felt the two pair of eyes look towards her direction. "I'm sorry I just heard talking in here and got curious."
Rukia shook her head and smiled. "This is your home too! I'm sorry I didn't get to say hi properly."
"It's okay but I feel like I kinda know you." (Your Name) starts to say walking closer to the shorter women.
"This is Rukia. You guys were pretty close." Ichigo tells his wife as he avoided looking towards her eyes holding back his tears.
There was a guilt inside her as she saw how much he was hurting as she sadly looks down towards her feet.
"You know, don't feel bad about what happen. I will always still be a close friend." Rukia cheered trying to break the discomfort the room as (Your Name) sadly smiled to her.
"Is there anything mayuri can do with her memory?" Ichigo asks getting up from the bed and taking (Your Name) hand in his.
"I'm not sure, wait. I think we know someone who can heal quite anything."
"INOUE." Rukia and Ichigo yelled as they ran straight to the car with a lost (Your Name) following behind.
"Where are we going?" She asks out of breathe as they stuck her into the car and sped off towards the hospital.
"Are you sure shes even here?"
"Well ishida is and she's usually with him during his lunch break."
Ichigo and Rukia were bickering as (Your Name) tried to get a word in.
"WHERE ARE WE GOING?!" She then yelled as the two simply had huge smiles on their face and said a close friend might be able to help them.
They were running like mad men trying to find ishida office and luckily he was on break.
"Kurosaki, Kuchiki." Orihime smiled happily as she sat across from Ishida who was eating lunch.
"Tch, can't even knock." He tells Ichigo slightly irritated.
"Inoue, we think you can heal (Your Name) memories." Rukia starts by sitting her down next to the busty women who was shocked to see that her friend didn't remember her.
"Hi my name is-"
"My love she knows who you are." Ichigo smiles wrapping his arms around (Your Name) from behind.
"Why didn't you tell us she was in a accident?" Ishida starts to asks concerned now as Ichigo sheepishly answered it was because he was overwhelmed and didn't think to tell anyone.
"Of course I can try!" Inoue happily says as (Your Name) smiled to Ichigo.
"Are you ready baby?" He asks her as she calmly smiles and held onto his hand for support.
Once she closed her eyes she felt a warm sensation hit her, the memory of that night was coming back. She thought she was going to die from how hard her head was hit and the feeling of leaving Ichigo and her baby boy behind as she laid on the concrete floor bleeding out.
She remembered Ichigo yelling at the doctor to do something as he ran with them to rush her to the ER. There college memories of walking to class and studying for finals together. The first time she witness a hollow and Ichigo had saved her.
The first time she heard her baby cry as she gave birth to Kazui. All of them were flooding back but was to overwhelming to bear as she passed out.
"Ichigo she's fine, she's probably tired." She heard Rukia voice and a hand on her forehead.
"I know she's fine but did it work is what I'm worried about." Her husband bit back a bit rudely. The shorter women sighed.
"I'm awake now." They heard (Your Name) say as she opened her eyes. There was anticipation in their eyes hoping she remembered.
"I love y'all, thank you for getting my memories back." She smiled as Ichigo threw her into a bear hug and Rukia sighed in relief.
"Inoue not here?"
"No she had to pick up her child from school." Rukia tells her as she pats Ichigo back. "I don't know how you deal with him. He is one huge baby."
"My husband is definitely a big baby, I almost was content with starting over again."
Ichigo let's her go and sighs in relief. "I missed you."
"I missed you too, I can't wait to see Kazui he will be so happy."
"Very." He smiled goofy and she couldn't help but laugh.
She definitely knew why she fell in love with him again.
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travellingarmy · 4 years
Requested from Wattpad.
Female reader as requested.
Word count: 4.1k
Liyue is a prosperous city that attracts many and all sorts of people from business-related work to thieves who wish to earn extra cash. Everyone goes to Liyue with something on their mind that they hope to find in the city. There's even you- a normal person and a vision user- who came to Liyue all the way from Qingce village to look for a job. Everyone in Liyue all came with different reasons, but was all tied to Liyue.
Originally, your goal was to make enough money for a lifetime and then return to the mountains and help the elderly care for the fields and other needed work. That's just how your character was, but then an unforeseen event occurred and now you were in Liyue for a person.
"(Y/N), can you go pick up a batch of qingxin flower near Qingyun Peak? I'd ask Qiqi, but I sent her already to look for another herb." Baizhu enters the back room where you were sorting out the herbs in alphabetical order. "Sure, Dr. Baizhu. I'll do it right after I'm done these," you said.
"Thank you, (Y/N). Sorry for troubling you. I would go if I was fit for such exhausting travels, but you know how weak my body is," he said and you nod in understanding. He was the great doctor, but can't even heal his own illness. You didn't care about that as it wasn't your business and depart for the pharmacy when you were done at the back.
Looking at the sky above you and the position of the sun, you could tell that you will return late at night even when you run. You left from the sight of the city with only a satchel for the flowers. It was dangerous, yes, but you can fully protect yourself just as Qiqi can with her petite stature.
You were exhausted even before seeing a qingxin flower, but you did not stop. If you did, you'd have to camp the night out in the wilderness and that was something you were never fond of. Right now, you could tell that it was somewhere 3-4 in the afternoon- soon to be evening- and you departed from Liyue around 10 in the morning. "Please, Geo Lord, let me find these flowers soon," you say a quick prayer before stepping foot in the mountain area.
As if Rex Lapis had heard your little prayer, you found enough to satisfy Baizhu for two weeks at least, but the time it took was too long and by the time you decided it was enough, it was seven at night. You cried when you thought about how long it took just to reach the outer edge of Jeuyun Karst. "No! I am not camping out here!" you say out loud and determinedly made your way down the mountains- a bit slower when descending- and use what little energy you had with your determination to push dismiss your aching feet.
However, it seems that Rex Lapis didn't allow your travel back to be safe as you were soon facing a Lawachurl. "For the love of..!" Your sword appeared on your right hand and made sure that the satchel was sealed shut before engaging to fight the beast.
The beast, although bigger and most likely stronger than you, had a slower reaction time and decided to use that as an advantage so you dodge its fists and jump when he smashes the ground, but then, a sudden jolt of pain shot through your whole body when a stone came at you. You dodged it by a hair's length but collapsed soon afterwards. "My damn feet..!" Your body- especially your legs- was exhausted from the nonstop walk which made your reflexes a bit slower.
The lawachurl made it's slow approach towards you with its towering stature. You thought of a quick escape, but you just needed your body to co-operate with you. "Come on. Move!" You were pushing your exhausted legs past its limits, but knew it was your end when it raised its two arms that was to crush your smaller frame.
Your body suddenly jolts with energy and you found yourself suspended in air. You took this chance and use your vision to enhance your sword and bash the lawachurl's head open. It cried out as you jump away from it and watch as it disintegrated like any other wretched beast. You were left panting and scratched up, but you were happy that none of the flowers had fallen out.
"Ho~ What's a beauty doing out here so late at night?" A voice suddenly made its way to your ears and turned to your right, your sword blocking your body. The owner of the voice suddenly appeared before you and clashed his make-shift weapon with yours in an instant. "Oh? You've got quick reflexes even when you're exhausted. I should praise you for that."
"What are you doing?" you say through gritted teeth and push your sword. Then to your relief, the person jumps back a couple metres away, their weapon disappearing, and you sighed as you collapsed on the ground, your sword disappearing. "Haha, sorry to scare you. I was passing by and saw that a beauty was in a pickle," they said. "I was deciding whether or not if I should help you out, but you already took care of it." They shrug and puts their hands on their waist and grins at you.
You look at the person before you with a cautious gaze. They were male with ginger hair, blue eyes, and foreign clothing, and by the looks of it, he was somewhere near your age. "So, you're saying that you saw me, but didn't bother on helping me right away?"
The male looks at you and shrugs again. "I was going to help you since you're cute, but like I said- you already took care of it."
"And if I wasn't cute, you'd just leave me here to die!?" You were exhausted, but still manage to pull the look of disbelief. You waited for a reply, but instead, got a change of topic. "Anyway, what are you doing here so far from safety?" he asks and made his way towards you, his weapon out of sight as to not make you alert.
"None of your business," was all you could say in your exhausted state. "Ouch, no need to be so cold," the male says, though not even trying to mask hurt. You were tired of talking to the irritatingly brunette and wanted to return to the pharmacy. Slowly, you pushed yourself off the ground and took a step slowly. But, your body failed in fulfilling that and you fell forward and into the arms of the man, his hands holding your arms out of reflex. "Oh, don't tell me you've fallen for me now--" He stopped his teasing when he noticed that you were out cold. "Ah, what am I going to do?"
When you awoke, you found yourself facing a ceiling and feel the the comfort of a soft pillow and mattress and a warm blanket covering your body. You slowly sat up, hissing at the soreness and pain that washed over your body with a now conscious mind. The first thing you notice when looking at your hands and arms was that they were bandaged up and even feel a bandage on your left cheek.
"Good morning, sleeping beauty. It's about time you woke up," an irritating voice comes and greet you and chuckles. You recalled the fight with the lawachurl and the brunette who suddenly jumped out of nowhere and pick a fight with you. You turn your head to the right and see the same brunette at a small table, sipping his drink. The sun shone from behind him which made him look as if he was glowing. Now that it was daytime, you can properly see his face and was almost taken aback by how charming he looked.
He could see how your irises expanded at the sight of him which made him smirk. "Oh? You suddenly interested in me now?" he teasingly say and you suddenly broke out from the trance you were in just now. "Don't joke around with me," you said, remembering to what you has awoke to. "Anyway, where did you bring me?"
"Straight to the question with such a demanding tone. That's quite new to me," the brunette says. "Anyway, you can call me Childe, but I rather you call me babe." He chuckles which really upset you and you didn't mask to hide your frown. "I don't care who you are. I want to know where I am."
He looks at you and sighs. "Man, you're going to be a difficult one, aren't you? We are at Wangshu Inn," he finally answers. "I don't know where you live so I brought you here and bandaged you up. On that note, you should thank me."
You looked at your hands and then at the brunette who rested his cheek on the back of his hands and a leg crossing over the other, grinning cheekily at you. "Thank you." You got up, your body still aching from the fight. You see that you were still fully clothed and you mentally sighed out of relief before snatching your satchel on the nightstand beside the bed and leaving the room and soon the inn.
"(Y/N), I was worried when you didn't return last night and was about to send Qiqi to help you," Baizhu greets you at the pharmacy. "Qiqi was worried," Qiqi greets as well, wrapping her arms around your legs as a mean for a hug.
"Sorry, Doctor Baizhu. I had ran into some trouble and was tired to walk back last night," you said. "Oh, and I gathered a lot of qingxin flower for you." You took off the satchel off your shoulders and handed it to the doctor. "Hope these are enough."
"I'm sure it is. Thank you, (Y/N)," he said and puts the satchel full of qingxin flowers on the counter. "Alright, why don't you go ahead and rest for two days to heal your wounds? He looks over at your bandaged arms and face. You were grateful and thanked him before leaving the pharmacy.
The second day, your body wasn't hurting as much, but your wounds were still wrapped up in bandages which you changed when you got home. You found yourself lacking of food so you were out early in the morning on grocery shopping. "Ham.. Eggs.. Milk.." you read your list loud enough just for you to hear. But, since your eyes were glued onto the thin sheet of paper, you didn't notice a person suddenly appear before you and block your way before bumping into their chest.
"Ah, my apologies. I wasn't looking ahead," you say and rub your nose. "Hoh~ Well, what do you know? I thought you looked familiar and I was correct. Seems like we meet again." The all too familiar voice spoke above you, making you freeze up on the spot.
Slowly, you raise your head and see none other than the male from two days ago. "Is it just me or are we possibly fated to be together? Do you remember my name?" he asks, a grin forms on his charming face. "I'm afraid I don't," you said half-heartedly and excused yourself before brushing shoulders with him as you walk away. But, he grabs your elbow and stops you from walking any further. You look over your shoulders and give him the 'what gives' kind of look. "Well, since you forgot, I'll remind you again; my name is Childe," he says and leans close to your face. His eyes were a deep blue even under the light and felt as if you were drowning under water, where the water was an alluring colour of a pretty, deep blue. You were mesmerized, but notice that there was more to what the little pond you had found in his ocean eyes which made you much alert. Childe notice the fiery flames in your eyes suddenly on guard and he chuckles before straightening up.
"So, what's your name?" he asks. "I'm sorry, but I don't believe we're on the comfortable terms to know each other's names, sir," you stated. Your words are constructed to be polite, but your tone says otherwise. "Aw, you're going to play it the hard way with your saviour?" He forces a pout that was definitely not going to make you feel guilty so you stood there just staring at the brunette. He laughs and puts a hand on his hip. "Very well, I will do whatever I can to make you tell me your name."
You were about to turn your head and walk away, when a voice rang out across the streets. "Master Childe~" A high-pitched, flirtatious voice calls his name, drawing you both behind him. By the way they dressed, you could immediately tell that the female before you two was one of the many scums that could be found in large cities and that being said, you know exactly what kind of person the man whom called himself Childe is like.
"Master Childe, I've found you~ Did you know how sad I was when you didn't show up for two days?" The female clung onto the male's arm, completely dismissing your presence. Now that he was distracted, you took this chance to slip away from him and do your grocery shopping.
However, just because you slipped away today, didn't mean you slipped away forever or that you can do it the next time, and with that in mind, Childe was seen hanging around you- well, more like pestering you. But, with time, you soon came to accept the fact that the man wouldn't stop any time soon and told him your name and exchange words with him.
Of course, you had your doubts and had your guard up around him, seeing as he had a scum following him around almost daily, but you soon realize that you could see past the one part of him that didn't make up even one percent of him.
In months, you felt something in your chest that you know was wrong, but you couldn't help it as it dealt with him.
"Hey, (Y/N), wanna go on a little date for dinner?" Childe asks, approaching you out on the streets. When he said 'date' you know that it wasn't an actual date; it was a thing he said meaning to buy you lunch or dinner as a friend.
"You'll have to wait for an hour for me to get off work," you said, making your way up the steps of the pharmacy. "That's not long at all, apropos to getting your name, that is. I can wait," he said and gives you one of his dorky grin. You shooed him away and he did just that, off to reserve a seat for the two of you.
The hour felt long and made you impatient that it even shows. Baizhu looks over at you and smirks, knowing the reason had to be related to the young man he had been seeing occupying most of your time and mind. "(Y/N), since your shift is close to an end, why don't I let you go now? It makes no difference and Qiqi is here to help out if needed," Baizhu said, seeing as you face light up. "Really? Thank you so much Doctor!" you cheer, not even hiding the fact that you were indeed impatient to see Childe. You made haste around the counter and leave the pharmacy.
"Where is (Y/N)?" Qiqi asks, coming out from the back of the building, holding some sort of plant. "She just left, Qiqi," Baizhu answers and see that Qiqi became sad and pouted. "Qiqi was going to ask her if she'd search for the cocogoat with Qiqi.." Baizhu chuckles and put a hand on top of the little girl's head. "Sorry, Qiqi, but she's on a date."
"A date? What do you mean?" With that, Baizhu was now occupied trying to explain to the best he could as to what a date meant in the said case.
Just a few metres in front of you, you see Childe's back towards you as he chatted with a Liyue local. You were about to call out his name when a girl suddenly steps into view, blocking you from getting close to Childe. "So, you're the one hanging around Master Childe, huh?" was the first thing she said and looks at you up and down in disgust. "I don't get it. I mean, you don't even got the parts to be Master Childe's best."
Oh dear.. You know the girl all too well as she was the one you saw running to Childe and throwing herself at him. Childe has many more of the scums around him, but this one was around him the most. You bet that she brawled with the other scums because she wants Childe all to herself- well, his money.
"Hey, look, I'm going to be really nice here and tell you politely to leave Master Childe alone. He doesn't have time to loiter around someone who's body is of no use," she says and gives you a wicked grin, putting a hand on her hip to show dominance. You were unfazed and gave her a blank expression. "I'm sorry, but who are you to decide who I can and can not hang out with?" you ask.
"Hah, don't get on my bad list, girlie. Just so you know Master Childe slept with me the most," she states proudly. The words did hurt you, but it didn't make you cave into a cowardice. You kind of guessed he has slept with many women, considering how he had scums all over him. "Okay, I get that you're a scum, but you haven't answered my question."
You could see that the girl was already breaking and you couldn't help but snicker at how easy she was. "Listen here, I bet you haven't even gotten a taste of what Master Childe can do, considering how small your breast is," she laughs, looking at your average ones. "And I bet once he's gotten a taste of you, he'd be done and leave you."
You honestly didn't know where this conversation was going, but you stayed calm and hear her. "Oh? Then, tell me how I should please him to make him stay with me for- let's say.. Forever?" You cross your arms, still not letting her get to you.
"Psh, you think he'd stay with you even if I tell you?" She was hysterical, her face twisting to make her look like a witch. "Look, I'm sorry, but I really don't have time to talk to you. Have a good day," you said. You were about to brush shoulders with her when she grabbed hold of your arm and weakily throws you back. "Hey, you're not going anywhere until I know you're not going to hang around him."
"Sorry, but I can't comply to your wishes as it was your 'Master Childe' that came onto me," you state, grinning with your own wicked grin.
The girl snaps and lunges herself at you, but before she could even lay her long nails at you, you pulled out your sword and point it at her throat, just mere millimetres to lunging it in. Your face was still cool as ice, but the girl's mocking face turned to horror. "Listen, scum, I don't have time for idle chit chat as I have a date with your Master Childe," you said and lean to her ears so that only she could hear what you had to say next. "I don't care who you are, what you are to him, and I know that you can't even touch me so you best behave before my patience runs out and I plunge this sword at your pretty face. I'm being nice here and have pretty high patience so you best run along now."
The girl nodded frantically and runs past you. You turn around and watch as the girl disappears from sight. "Maybe you should call me Master," a voice whispers, feeling their breath tickling your ears. You turn around and was faced with the grinning ginger. "That is not going to happen."
"Maybe some day." He shrugs, which you immediately said no to. "Haha, but you said this was a date so that's a step close, no?" Your face flushed, forgetting that he was close by and had heard what you said to the girl. "Gah, I was just trying to let that girl feel mad," you said.
"Oh? You sure you don't want to call this a date?" he asks, giving you that glimmering eye look. "You can call it whatever as long as I get a free meal," you say and brush past him.
"Well, I know another way for you to get a free meal, but I wouldn't call it a date," he snickers and your lightly dusted face heated up quickly, knowing what he meant. "Shut up!"
"What? I was saying that we can always hunt," he lies, acting innocent to frame your impurity. "If you're not going to take me on that 'date', then I'm going back to the pharmacy," you said. He chuckles and fall in step with you, leading you the an expensive restaurant.
After the meal, you two were walking along the docks in silence, the ocean in the background was shimmering and wondered if it was a million noctilicious jade instead of pure water.
"So, what did you talk about with that girl from earlier?" Childe suddenly asks in a light tone. Your mind suddenly thought back to the event that had occurred with the girl and what she said about Childe sleeping with her. You wanted to ask, but you felt as if it wasn't right since it was his life and you didn't even know how to approach such question. "I'm sure you already know," you said.
"No, I don't so do enlighten me, since it was about me," he says. Then, you thought that it was the perfect time to add what you wanted to ask and took the chance. "Eh, nothing much. She kept on bragging how you slept with her multiple times though," you managed to slip in and shrug, playing it cool.
"Woah, woah, woah! She said that!?" Childe stops on his tracks and you turn to look at him. "That girl.. I swear that I haven't slept with her, or anyone for that matter!" Childe says, seeing his eyes look almost quite desperate to reassure you.
Your heart felt lighter, but decided to go on with the teasing. "Oh, really?" He nods almost instantly and you had to conceal your laughter. "Well, she said how you good you tasted and how well you did in bed to the point that I believed in it," you said, covering your mouth with a hand to hide your devilish smirk.
"You don't believe me?" he asks. "Nope," you said, not giving in to his saddened eyes. Then, almost in an instant, Childe walks closer to you and grabs your shoulders harshly. "Hey, what are you--" Your lips were sealed with his own. His lips was soft which caused a spark to jolt within you and making your legs almost became like jelly, giving in to the kiss.
Your hands were on his chest as he wraps an arm around your waist and the other on the back of your head. His tongue easily slipped past your lips and was now in a battle with yours, but that battle had ended sooner than you wished for when he pulls back and found the both of you panting. "I swear to you, (Y/N), that I didn't sleep with her," he says in a low voice.
To his surprise, you laughed. "I was just teasing around with you. Of course, I believe you," you said and smiled. The brunette stare at you in disbelief and when your laughter died down, you were kind of worried if you made a mistake in doing that. Then, he brings his lips back to yours with much more tenderness and you wrapped your arms around his neck, bringing him closer to you.
He pulls away again to your disappointment. "You are the only one I'd ever sleep with," he says, his wrap around your waist becoming tighter. "Then you better ditch those other girls or you're sleeping with no one," you joked before bringing him for another kiss, this time being longer.
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Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope all my American followers are having a great night with good food and good company🧡🍂🍁
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shorkbrian · 4 years
Give in to Love
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so I have several thots about this. Like with Kiri, he would be like, relieved you’re being submissive but then he’d become like super depressed that you aren’t like idk seeming to live in your body, like you’re just a husk and he’d get so worried and sad and pamper you with so much love.
Yeah so aside from Kiri, a yan that I imagine this type of scenario is with someone like Victor Nikiforov from YOI 
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yes. This Bitch right here.
So first fucking off, he’s rich. Money is no problem for him.
Second off, he’s so confident that he would not hesitate to do whatever he wanted.
Third, he’s actually pretty kind (especially to pretty, vulnerable little things like you)
It’d probably start out with the man spilling coffee all over you or something SUPER cliche like that. 
(Warnings - not much. NSFW but only the teeniest tiniest bit. barely even a mention. but obvs Yandere, dub con, dark content.)
He’s in a rush, he was bursting out of the coffee-shop, you just so happened to be walking by and in the direct path of the door and so smacks into you, knocking you onto your butt.
Immediately, you’re being helped up by a silver haired man, he’s apologizing heavily, patting your clothes into place, smoothing your hair, steadying you onto your feet. He’s so sorry, he didn’t even see you! And then the man stops, looks at you, smiles blindingly and blurts out that you’re pretty.
You’re understandably stunned. but you quickly just brush it off, his accent is foreign, it’s probably just a cultural thing. 
Then he’s offering to buy you something to make up for him trying to give you a concussion, asking if you like coffee, sweets, maybe a sweater? You look cold.
And you’re just so tired, life is exhausting, you don’t really even care anymore what happens to you. You don’t protest as the man doesn’t wait for an answer, immediately grabbing your hand and marching you into the coffee shop he had just burst out of.
“Pick anything you’d like, my treat! An apology for not paying attention to such a beautiful thing.” He smiles, gesturing at the menu.
You study it for a second, but there’s too many choices, and it’d just be easier if you didn’t have to, and you’re so used to people telling you what to do and making decisions for you and you’re lost. Where do you even start?
After a few moments of silence, the man (who's been not-so-subtly watching you as you deliberate) speaks up. “Can I pick? I LOVE their raspberry cheesecake! So good!”
It sounds fine, and you’re somewhat relieved that he was going to choose, take the burden of responsibility off of your shoulders.
He buys one of the giant slices, ushers you to table, sits you down. The man watches you take a bite, his face lighting up and giving a little clap when you give a thumbs up. He has his own fork, and he takes bits and pieces here and there from the slice. While you eat, he talks.
His name is Victor, he’s from Russia, are you from around here? What’s your name? 
“That’s such a pretty name!” He says your name once, twice, rolling it around in his mouth like it’s something to savor. 
Victor is a ball of energy, confident, full of life. He’s frankly an intimidating man, with how attractive he is, the obviously expensive suit he wears, the way he dominates the conversation and expertly handles your awkward silences and uncomfortable pauses.
By the time you leave, he’s entered his number into your phone, quickly scrolling to find your own number (even though he was only supposed to put in his own - but you really didn’t care) and note it down.
You’re pretty sure he won’t actually be texting or calling you - he was just being polite, feigning interest in someone as boring and pathetic as yourself.
Lo-and-behold, that evening you get a notification that “Vitya! (:” has texted you.
Hello! Is your body feeling alright?
Immediately confused, you send out a reply
Who is this?
It’s Victor!!! From the coffeeshop, haha. 
Oh, hi (: your contact name says “Vitya” lol what a typo
Not a typo, I like it when pretty girls call me Vitya (;
Baffled, you don’t reply, and no further messages are exchanged.
A few days go by, Victor texts you on the fifth day, asking if you wouldn’t mind recommending some fun local activities. You have to apologize - you don’t get out much, you’re sure there’s info online though.
Victor asks why you don’t go out, you decide to be blunt and succinctly explain the fatigue, you’re anxious, this is your first time being out on your own and you’re so used to other people dictating your life that it feels uncomfortable and wrong to be able to make decisions. 
The man asks if you would go to that coffeeshop again with him. The switch of topic relieves you, but at the same time you’re frowning. You probably word-vomited all over him, complaining about your problems. 
For some reason, you agree.
He meets you at the coffeeshop again, this time not even bothering to ask what you’d like to order. Victor just gets a few cookies, leads you to a table and plops down, spreading them in front of the two of you 
“In case you don’t like one of them. And if you have allergies!”
You smile at his explanation.
Victor slowly becomes a constant in your life.
The texts turn into quick calls, inviting you places, begging you to come sit with him in the park, feed some pigeons. Go to the grocery store with him? He’s lonely, don’t make him go by himself!
Even if you refuse, you’re gently bullied into doing virtually everything he says. It’s not like you mind though, you’re used to it.
He starts showing up at your apartment, you aren’t even sure when you gave him your address, but now he invites himself inside.
The first time he had shown up, completely unannounced, you had protested only once before letting him in. You could tell he was scrutinizing your home, but what did it matter? Victor was wealthy, everything you owned seemed shabby and poor.
He came over most nights, sometimes bringing food, making you sit with him at your table and eat. Sometimes he brought a book, or his laptop, and quietly sat on your couch while you puttered around. He’d always get distracted from what he was reading though, chattering towards you about this or that or the other.
Victor was nice.
He made decisions for you, he made you eat, he quickly picked up on when you were too tired to function, when all you could do was collapse somewhere and fall asleep.
But Victor was also threatening.
If you tried refusing him too many times, or if you mentioned your coworker telling a funny joke (It’s not like he wasn’t funny, the joke was hilarious - Victor just didn’t seem to like it) Victor’s face would sour, eyebrows drawing low, a deep frown etched onto his face. HIs voice would take on a commanding tone, low, as if he was going to do something that neither of you would enjoy if he had to ask again. 
It was scary sometimes.
But he had invaded your life, and you had stood by and idly watched. It’s not like you had put up a fight. You didn’t even know why he hung around you so, with the way you were constantly tired, moving through life like a zombie, sad and sleepy all the time.
Months passed and like every other year of your life, you could barely remember them slipping by. When had Victor become so comfortable in your apartment? It made you uncomfortable, but you were used to discomfort.
It came to a head when you retreated to your room for a nap, body sore and fatigued from merely existing. Victor followed you, nagging about wearing something cooler, to drink some water, how he heard about this new thing recently-
He followed you into your bed.
Like it was normal. Crawling under the covers with you, still maintaining a respectful distance, still talking. You were so tired, you didn’t care about how it made you uncomfortable.
When you woke up, he was curled around you, holding you tight. When you shifted, he had perked up, peeking around your shoulder to see your face. He had been awake the whole time, just chilling.
It was weird.
You were too tired to fight it.
Victor started paying for too much.
Of course it started small, as everything concerning Victor did. Sweets, small little gifts, occasionally a week’s worth of groceries. 
Then it escalated. He was paying for your medications, for your therapies, for your health aids. He started trailing after you to doctor’s appointments, introducing himself as a concerned friend.
You knew this wasn’t good, wasn’t healthy. Something was wrong about this, but you just didn’t care. Something was always wrong, you were always being directed and pushed towards this or that. You just had to accept it.
Then Victor was paying your rent, buying you clothes (since when did friends buy each other underwear?) surprising you with bigger and more expensive gifts until you tried to put your foot down.
You had gotten a stern talking-to, treated like an ungrateful child. And maybe you were? Victor was doing so much for you, shouldn’t you just accept his care?
Victor suggested that you move into his house, since he practically lives at your little apartment anyways. 
“My place is so much cozier! I have a fireplace, I miss it! I want to spend time with you but we could hang out in a more-” He looked around at your apartment “-comfortable place?”
You tried to argue, you did. But it took one disapproving glance from Victor and you were subdued, meekly agreeing to do whatever he wanted.
He called your landlord to terminate your lease. He helped you pack your clothes (that he had bought) into boxes (that he had bought) and arranged for your furniture (that he had bought, always complaining that your couch was bad for his back) to be sold.
Once moving in with him, he got more and more affectionate.
Right from the start, you quickly realized that Victor was very tactile-oriented. He wasn’t shy about physical touch, always wanting to hold hands or giving super long hugs, or begging to cuddle. He didn’t think it was weird, so you tried not to think so either.
Now that you were in his house, his gigantic, expensive house, Victor became even more physical. He showered you with kisses on the cheek, pressed to your forehead, on your shoulder, your neck when he curled around you at night (because of course you slept in the same bed. Victor had just laughed when you asked where your bedroom was)
Eventually, he kissed you on the mouth.
You were surprised, but you didn’t fight it. Why would you?
A heartfelt confession followed - how he had fallen in love with you at first sight, and how every day he fell more and more in love with you. You were his everything, the light of his life, he would die for you.
Don’t you feel the same?
You did, because that’s what Victor wanted to hear.
So now the two of you were dating, sharing kisses and intimate touches and eventually sharing bodies, letting him touch you even though it made your flesh crawl, touching him because he asked you to.
He provided everything, it was simpler just to do what he asked, what he desired. You didn’t even really mind being told what to do, what to wear, what and when to eat - it gave you a sense of comfort, knowing that you didn’t have to make decisions for yourself like that.
Victor would take care of you.
Even when you didn’t want him to
After all, it was simply easier to give in to love
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myhockeyworld87 · 4 years
Bubble Wrapped - Part 5
Word Count: 4,711
POV: Reader
Warnings: Same as always, Language, Smut, NSFW, Please see the note in the Masterlist
Teams: Bruins, Caps, Flyers, Lightning and Pens
Notes: I’m not sure what happened here but here it is anyhow...haha! I hope you guys enjoy. If there’s something you’d like to see in the Bubble let me know. Feedback and suggestions are always welcome. Happy Reading!!!
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When you first heard the knock at the door, you thought it had to be your imagination. Why someone would be at your suite at this hour was beyond you. When the voice on the other side, finally spoke, you couldn't believe your ears. It was obvious why he was here and it had everything to do with the two men that had just given you an earth-shattering orgasm. Which he'd probably heard.
 "Fuck," Zach whispered. "He's going to kill us." Brandon nodded his agreement, as you all went to gather up clothing that was strewn throughout the suite.
 "Why does he give a shit?" You whisper yelled over to the guys.
 "We play tomorrow," Brandon said, and even though you knew this, he acted like that was an explanation in and of itself. "You know curfew and all."
 "You're grown men…" You went to say more, but the banging on the door repeated itself as you threw your shirt over your head completely forgetting to put on your bra. "Upstairs, second door on the right. It takes you to the pool, from there take the elevator back to your rooms. I'll stall as best I can." They both gave you a quick kiss on the cheek then ran up the stairs. "Just a minute," you called out grabbing your leggings and throwing them on. Your hair was a complete disaster, and you tried to smooth it out before whipping it on top of your head and opening the door. "Sid, what are you doing here?"
 Casually, you leaned against the door, cheeks flushed from not only your climax but also from the heat of having Sidney Crosby at your door. "I'm looking for Tanev and ZAR. Someone said they thought they saw them come up here with you." The look on his face told you he wasn't pleased with the thought of the two guys being in your room but was that from them breaking his supposed curfew or the fact that maybe the three of you had been up to something; you weren't sure.
 "Well, they're not here." You tried to sound casual and breezy about it, but instead, it sort of came out more breathless.
 "I have a feeling you're covering for them." His eyebrow raised at you questioningly before adding, "I could hear you, you know?"
 As if you couldn't be any more embarrassed about the situation, you turned an even deeper shade of red. There was no way he heard your conversation with Brandon and Zach, the walls were definitely thick enough to cover up the hushed whispers. It was definitely your loud moans that he was referring to, and if you wanted to cover for his teammates this situation was just about to get even more uncomfortable. "Oh, um…" you stammered a bit as you tried to find the right words. "It's been a long few weeks here. I was just blowing off some steam."
 "With some help?"
 "Um…no. It's just me here." You opened the door a little wider then realized you'd made a mistake as there were beer bottles on the table still, along with your bra hanging over a chair and your panties on the floor by the sofa. You needed an excuse and fast. "I mean, well Carly and a couple other employees were up here earlier."
 "Employees huh?" He gave you a skeptical look.
 "Well, I'm kind of the only one that has alcohol. I'm not opposed to sharing a couple if it keeps morale up." You were babbling you knew it, but you hoped it sounded like a plausible cover. "Did you want a glass or something?" Sid didn't really seem like the type that would take you up on the offer the night before a game, but at least the offer filled in the silence.
 "No, though thank you for the offer." He seemed to be mulling something over in his mind. "So you're telling me that neither of these guys are anywhere in your suite?"
 "You're welcome to look around, but they aren't here." Sid strolled around the room and you saw his eye flick from your bra and then back to you. Your nipples hardened under his gaze. He made his way over to you, as you stood by the sofa trying to push your panties under it.
 His eyes never left your body, yet still, he said, "No point in trying to make those disappear. I already saw them." Only six inches of space separated the two of you, as Sid stood in front of you. "Are you always that loud when you pleasure yourself?"
 One of his fingers trailed down your cheek, till it rested under your chin urging you to not look away under his scrutiny. It was a bit intimidating when you looked him in the eye and you now knew how his opponents felt when they faced him on the ice. "Sometimes." It was a vague yet honest answer.
 "And when it's someone pleasuring you?"
 "Depends," he cocked his head at you for further explanation. "There are some that…how should I say this…aren't as skilled as others."
 That single finger trailed down your neck to the swell of your breasts. "And where do you think I'd fall."
 "I'm not sure." You saw it then, the wanting in his eyes and you found the courage to finally say, "but I'm interested in finding out." He pulled you roughly against him then, covering his mouth with yours. His tongue sweeping inside immediately, controlling the kiss. You could feel him hard against you, as he pressed your back into his body, and though you'd just climaxed moments ago, your body tingled in anticipation of what Sid could give you. Your hands skated up around his neck as the kiss became hot, wet, and needy.
 Sid nudged his knee between your legs, never breaking the intoxicating kiss. Hands shifting to your hips, he urged you to grind down upon his thigh. Your hips moved of their own accord with his encouragement, pressing down on him as you'd fantasized about numerous times since seeing his body. Maybe it was the friction of your leggings or more likely his meaty thigh that was clenched as you rode him, but you could feel the orgasm building within minutes of your body rocking against him. "That's it," Sid coaxed, trailing kisses down your neck. A moan escaped your lips as your body started to tingle. "Look at me when you cum (Y/N)," Sid all but ordered and your eyes snapped to his at the same time the orgasm crashed over your body, and you screamed out your pleasure. Moisture flooded your pants soaking through your leggings, leaving Sid's thigh wet. "You're so beautiful when you cum," He captured your lips then, giving you a short but heated kiss before removing his thigh from between your legs. He didn't let go of your waist though and you enjoyed the feel of his hands gripping you. "Wish I had more time to see you do it again."
 "You're leaving?" God, you sounded whiny even to your own ears, but with just getting that little taste of pleasure from Sid, and he hadn't really even touched you; had you wanting more. You cleared your throat regaining your composure a bit. "I thought I could return the favor."
 "Another time, princess." The moniker wasn't something that you preferred to be called but falling off his lips you longed to hear it again. "I've got two guys I still need to find." For a moment you'd forgotten all about his teammates. "And a game tomorrow. Raincheck?"
 "It seems I have no choice," you said trying to keep the pout out of your voice. Sid released you, taking your hand so that you followed him to the door where he kissed you senseless before opening it.
 "I'll see you soon," Sid promised with a wicked gleam in his eye.
 "Good luck finding the guys."
 "I have a feeling you bought them enough time, not that I'm complaining." With that, he shut the door leaving you standing there gaping.
 Sleep came easily after everything that happened that night. You were literally exhausted, but you woke refreshed and headed down to the lobby to start your day. "So, how was last night?" You asked Carly when you saw her.
 "Amazing," she said a little louder than either of you would've liked as several heads turned in your direction and you pulled her off to the side.
 "Tell me everything."
 "Brayden is so sweet and so…" she sighed as her eyes practically rolled back into her head. "He really knows what he's doing in bed. I mean those hands. Fuck (Y/N), I seriously think he ruined me."
 "That good huh?"
 "He didn't quite have the equipment that ZAR had, but he sure knew how to use it. I'm so sore." You both started to laugh a little at her words but it was more the dreamy look in her eyes when she talked about it that had you giddy for your friend.
 "Just don't get attached Car," you warned your friend.
 "I know, I know. Love 'em and leave 'em." She echoed the words you'd told her many times before. "Though I wonder how that's working out for you?"
 "I'm sorry, I'm not following you."
 "I'll explain as soon as you tell me what happened after I left. Who stayed?" You felt your cheeks heat before admitting that they both did. "You didn't? Both of them?"
 "Not exactly, we kind of got interrupted."
 "By who?"
 "Oh god Car, you'll never believe it." She didn't say a word just stared at you impatiently until you continued. "It was Sid."
 "Seriously, keep it down. I do not need this getting out." She mouthed a quick and silent sorry. "I covered for them, but he…" shit you couldn't even explain how he made you feel.
 "Yeah?" Carly asked now bouncing up and down waiting for the details.
 "It wasn't like that." Your voice dropped down to an even lower whisper. "He had me ride his thigh."
 "You lucky bitch!" She whisper yelled at you. "I swear you are living out every woman's fantasy right there. He has the thighs of a Greek god. I'd kill to be you right now."
 "Please even after Mr. Point's night of pleasure?"
 "Ok well maybe not." She agreed. "But you've got to admit his thighs are a masterpiece."
 "Oh, I'm not denying that at all and given the chance, I will be doing that again." You'd hoped there'd be a lot more opportunities during his time here.
 "And will there be?" Carly asked.
 "He gave me that impression before he left."
 "Well, I might have something that changes your mind." You looked at your friend curiously as she led you back behind the registration desk that was unmanned as there was no one checking in or out of the hotel. "This came for you." Why she thought a plain brown box could change your mind about fucking Sidney Crosby you had no idea. "Look at the return address."
 You saw it and immediately knew who it was from even though it didn't reveal the person who sent the package. "Yeah so how do you know I didn't order this?" Carly gave you a look as if to say that she knew that you didn't.
 "There's also this one, but I have no clue what's in it."
 "Nor will you," and you took both of the boxes and headed back to the office that was shared by all the managers.
 "You'll eventually tell me," she called out after you, and you shut the door not knowing if you would confide in her or not. Once safely ensconced inside you sat down at the desk and stared at the boxes in front of you. Opening the most obvious one first, you weren't surprised when you found a new pair of Christian Louboutin red-soled heels in the box. They weren't flashy by any means, just a simple and classic black pump to replace the ones that were ruined when Marchand threw you in the pool. There was a note attached to them.
  (Y/N), Marchy's an idiot and I hope these make up for the ones he destroyed. I opted for something simple knowing that it's you who will make the shoes look good and not the other way around. Though if there's a pair you like better I'll buy them for you as well. Yours, Ty
 The note was typed and not handwritten, as it came from the store but you sort of cherished it all the same. Tyler could be awfully sweet when he wanted to and maybe in another time and another place, things could be different with him. You slipped out of your old shoes and placed your brand new ones on your feet. They fit like a glove, which had you wondering how he knew your size. It's not like he'd ever bought you anything personal like this before. Oh sure there were the occasional bouquet of roses here and there, and even a pair of earrings once, but never clothes or something of that nature. Maybe he'd called Carly and asked her, though you were pretty sure the two hadn't met. Still, Tyler had a way of getting information when he wanted it.
 Moving on to the other box, you flipped it over reading the return address and not having a clue who it could be from. When you opened it, you had no doubt that it came from Tyler as well, for inside was a vibrator. Your pussy started to tingle as you picked up the box and turned the product over to read about it. It claimed to be discreet so that no one would hear it when you wore it. Those words sank in as you skimmed the rest, reading where it had remote internet access for when you were away from your lover. It made perfect sense then why he sent you this particular vibrator instead of the millions of others that were on the market. You shoved it back in the box, then picked up the note attached to this gift as well.
 Babygirl, I miss you so much. Thought this would be a great way we could keep in touch with each other. Yours Always, Ty
 So now you were his babygirl, you thought. You didn't mind the nickname, in fact, you'd love to hear it falling off his lips. You boxed everything back up then headed back to out to the lobby before heading back to your suite. "So are you telling me what's in those boxes or do I have to guess," Carly hounded you the minute you walked out of the office.
 "You know he bought me shoes, that's ones not hard," you told her showing her the new pumps on your feet. "Did he call you for my size by the way?"
 Her nose scrunched up as she answered you. "Me? Why would he call me? I don't know the guy." It was just as you thought, which made you even more curious how he knew what with ones would fit you. "Which you totally have to introduce us next time he's in town."
 "Yeah, yeah. I will. I'm going upstairs to thank him."
 "Make sure you do it properly," Carly added with a little wink, which had you shaking your head at her. Thankfully, she didn't ask you about the other box.
 Edmonton was still three hours behind you, so it was relatively early there and you weren't sure if you would catch him before he left for practice or to workout but you Facetimed him anyhow. He picked up on the first ring. "Hey, babygirl."
 "Hey Ty, I just called to say thank you for my new shoes." You flipped the phone so that he could see them on your feet. "You didn't have to you know."
 "I know, but I wanted to. Plus you look hot in them." You smiled but also gave him a slight shake of your head.
 "It was still really sweet of you. The other present…" You trailed off knowing that sweet wasn't a word that you could use to describe that gift at all.
 "You like?" He asked a grin transforming his face that made him look a bit devilish.
 "It definitely has me intrigued. What exactly were you thinking? It's not like I can wear that all the time and you just turn it on when you want." That would make for some very awkward situations in this bubble.
 "I know baby, though I love that idea. You talking to some hockey player only to have this vibration inside you go off to remind you of me." He paused, and you could see him thinking of just that situation. God, he could be wicked at times. "Just thought we could set aside some time that we could play together. In fact, now works for me. I don't have to be at practice for an hour."
 You knew Carly would cover for you and that if it was a true emergency, she'd come to get you. So, what the hell, you decided to throw caution to the wind and give in to Tyler just this once.  "I have a bit of time."
 "Great, go get naked." You laughed at his eagerness then headed upstairs with your new little toy. "On second thought, why don't you give me a little show. I miss you so fucking bad."
 "Fine, but I can't be on here all day with you. I've got a hotel to run."
 "I know babygirl. Now prop the telephone up on something." You put in the dresser that was in front of the bed, then unboxed the toy, and cleaned it real quick before returning to Ty. Who was now naked from the waist up from what you could tell, though you expected he was completely nude as well. Positioning yourself so that he could see you fairly well, you began to slowly unzip the navy sheath dress you wore that day. He blew out a low whistle when the dress dropped to the ground leaving you left in the lingerie set that you'd worn. It had a matching garter belt with thigh highs, and you propped your foot on the bed, slowly rolling them down your leg at the same time giving Tyler a nice view of your cunt. "You're so fucking sexy. Do you know what you do to me?"
 You pushed your hair off to one side as you looked at the phone. "I have an idea." The next stocking followed the other one, then you stood up and went closer to the camera. "Bra or panties next?"
 "Bra baby. I need to see your beautiful tits." It was obvious now that he was stroking himself and you wondered if he was going to get off before you'd even begun to play with the vibrator. Using the same technique you used the other night, you slid both arms out of the straps, before unclasping the bra then cupped it to your breast before letting the garment fall away. "Fuck (Y/N), you know if I was there I'd be sucking on those gorgeous nipples." You let your hand glide up and gave each nipple a little pinch, moaning as sensations washed over you. "That's it babygirl," he groaned out loving the way you played with yourself.
 You skated your hands down to your panties, then hooked your fingers along the elastic at the sides. On a whim, you turned around and gave him a view of your ass. As you slid the small piece of fabric down your legs, you bent at the waist so he could see your ass and pussy. He hummed out his approval and you saw the phone go a little off-kilter as he stroked himself, before you turned back to your upright position. You spread your legs, back to the camera still, then purposely ran your hand down to your crotch, sliding a finger through your folds. A soft little moan escaped your lips. "Baby, stop teasing me like that. Turn around so I can see you," Ty hissed out and you did as he asked. This time crawling up on the bed and laying out. "God, I want to touch you so fucking bad." You grabbed the toy he'd brought for you and turned the switch on. "Wet it babygirl." You stuck it in between your lips sucking on the small vibe and making it wet. It was a poor substitute for his cock but you could tell your actions were driving him wild. Popping it out of your mouth, you slid it amongst your folds, before pushing it inside you. It took a minute to find the right spot, then you positioned its outside vibe on your clit as the diagram had shown you.
 "How are you…" you started to ask but then the damn thing started to vibrate and you lost all coherent thought.
 "iPad," he answered knowing where your thoughts were going since you were on Facetime with him. You had no idea what the app let him do, as you hadn't downloaded it onto your phone yet, but you were overwhelmed as the sensations would speed up and then slow down. It had you panting in no time. "You like that?" There was a pleased expression on his face and you could tell he'd abandoned his own pleasure in the pursuit of yours. Just when you were getting into a rhythm, the patterned changed causing a new tingling over your body.
 "Fuck Tyler," you moaned out as your hips rose of their own accord. He took it down to a low hum and you thought you were going to reach through the phone and slap him. "What did you do that for? I was so close."
 He chuckled softly, then flicked it up about halfway, or so you assumed as it wasn't as strong as before. "Can't have you cumming yet." He teased, then changed it yet again. This one was much more intense and you brought your hands up to play with your nipples as Tyler tweaked the speed. "Yeah babygirl, you look so hot for me right now." Your legs started to shake as the orgasm built once again, only for you to be denied as he kept torturing you.
 "Tyler," you whined, and he laughed more. The pleasure this man got out of edging you was quite evident on his face. "I swear if you do that again."
 "You'll what babe?" He teased then pressed something and turned the speed up again so that you couldn't even answer him. "God I could keep you on the edge like this for hours."
 "We…" fuck the vibrations felt so good. "Don't have…" The patterned changed again, a tingling sensation rolling through your whole body. "Time…" you finally managed to get that last part out.
 "I know, but we are definitely doing this again when we do." He played a few more minutes, taking you to that edge one more time before teasing it back down to a slow hum. "Ok, I think I know which one I like the best." He adjusted his phone on his end so that both his hands were free and you saw just a glimpse of his cock before he started to stroke it. "Let's see if we can time this together babygirl." He slowly built you up again, changing the vibration setting to the one that literally put you on edge within seconds. Its speed was low and you moaned out into the camera as a warm delicious feeling crept over your body. The more you played with your breasts the fast Tyler made the vibrator go until your hips were thrusting into the air. You closed your eyes as the orgasm started to creep up.
 "Yes, Ty, yes," you panted out wishing he was here and that it was his cock inside you throbbing instead of this piece of plastic.
 "Fuck (Y/N), I'm gonna cum," He moaned out, right as he flicked it on the highest setting and your eyes snapped to the screen as you screamed out his name. The orgasm came hard over your body, your pussy clenching as it spasmed around the vibrator. Your hips pressed upward as the climax continued on and you heard Tyler call out your name as he came as well. You could see him slump back after his orgasm, but the vibrations inside you didn't stop. Tyler was still coming down from his high as a second orgasm hit, or maybe it was still the first one that just kept going on, either way, you were moaning and thrashing your body on the bed as your clit felt over-sensitized.
 "Ty…" you panted. "I can't." It was too much and your hands reached down to pull the vibrator out if necessary, right as Tyler slowly turned it down. You were glad about the gradual decline.
 "Sorry baby, I forgot." You lay back on the bed trying to catch your breath and not really succeeding. "You ok?" You nodded as you couldn't quite speak yet. "Fuck that was so hot, babygirl." Again, you still couldn't respond. "Damn I wish I could just wrap you up in my arms right now." There was a bit of longing in his voice and you weren't sure but you swore your heart did a little flip. You chalked it up to it just trying to get back to its regular rhythm. "Seriously (Y/N), are you alright?"
 "Yeah," you finally breathed out. "For someone two thousand miles away, you sure know how to make a girl cum." You both laughed. Reaching down you pulled the vibrator out of your drenched pussy, a string of wetness trailed from your body to the toy as it was removed.
 "Fuck, I think I could cum again just watching you do that."
 "Good thing this is waterproof," you chuckled, as you sat up on the bed. "I should really go and you have practice." A frown appeared on Tyler's face. "Don't give me that look. You know I'll let you play again soon, that was too fun to only do once."
 His cocky little grin spread across his face. "You know, that company has a whole line of products made for long-distance. I might just have to order you some more."
 You shook your head at his antics. "Well after that, I'm not going to complain if you do." You gave him a wink, before grabbing the phone to say goodbye. "But seriously, thank you for the shoes." It was only then that you realized they were still on. "You didn't have to get them."
 "I know baby, but as I said before I wanted to." You both had the phone close to your face now, and it was hard to miss the smile on both of your faces. "Thank you for…well that. It was much needed."
 "Alight I've got to go."
 "Hey babe, be prepared for the rest of that collection to come." You giggled but knew he would follow through with that especially after what just happened. "I'll talk to you soon, babygirl." He blew you a kiss from the phone and you returned it.
 "Bye, Ty." You said then went to ask about how he knew your shoe size, but he had already hung up. Leaving you wondering what kind of inside track he had on you. It was only then that you saw that a text message had come through over your phone. The number not recognizable, but it could've been any of the players staying at the hotel. It was a pretty simple message.
I haven't forgotten. I’ll see you soon.
 You reread the cryptic message wondering who it was from. It could've been from any number of the guys that you'd been with over the last couple days. You really should’ve gotten some of their numbers before you started this whole journey. It was going to be interesting when you ran into them all that was for sure.
170 notes · View notes
jonah-aesthetic · 4 years
Fallin’/ Jonah Marais  WIP
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Jonah X Reader 
Plot: Corbyn had set the rule: My sister is off the table. Before he let her hang around the band, Daniel soon became her best friend after various piano lesson. It also wasn’t long before she started to become very fond of the oldest out of the band, Jonah. But the one and only rule Corbyn had given rang in her head every time she thought of him in a non-platonic way. 
Word Count: 3834
A/N: Hello hello I wrote this awhile ago it’s definitely a work in progress as it’s not finished. Haven’t edited or proof read it since I began to write it. I’ll try to finish whenever I can until then enjoy!
The October wind had a shiver run down your body and your teeth began to chatter as the wind grew harsher. Causing you to pull your black teddy jacket tighter around the waist. Picking up your pace towards your brother’s house. well it was more of a compound rather then house from how massive the place was. Corbyn shared it with four other roommates who he happened to be in a band with. They had been doing fairly well and were pretty well known internationally. 
The tall white palace came into view and small smile made it’s way onto your lips. Watching leaves twirl amongst the pavement, you silent dawned on yourself for not driving. Or wearing something warm enough to stop your obnoxious chattering teeth. 
Walking up the driveway fast almost into a small jog. The cold weather nipped at your ears and nose. Hands hiding in the sleeve of your jacket as you raised one to ring the door bell. The door was of frosted glass and a metal dainty pulling handle. Dipped in gold or made of gold you didn’t exactly know the structure to the house. 
You could hear footsteps through the door, too faded to know whose they belonged to. The door opened letting the warmth lick at your face and body through your coat. Eyes connecting with gorgeous pools of green, a breath caught in your throat as you took in the man in front of you. 
Dark eyebrow brought up in question as he leaned out the door a little. Looking left and right as if trying to spot something or someone else. His gaze locking on you again confusion written on his features. The day dream of him escaping your mind as he asked “Did you walk?”  Stepping away slightly so you could finally walk into the warm place. 
“Yeah I did, nice to see you too Jonah.” You say playfully rolling your eyes at his observation of your absent Jeep. He closes the door behind you with an almost soundless click. “I don’t think you should be walking when it’s this cold outside.” 
“Sorry dad I’ll ask you next time when I want to leave the house.” The sarcasm filled with venom as you hated when he showed he cared for you. It was hard to keep your growing feelings for him at bay. Walking off towards the den where you knew the rest of the guys were. 
“That would be most reasonable.” Jonah spoke behind you, heart pounding  inside your chest almost making you halt. Controlling your breathing you fought the urge to drop every thought of your older brother, to walk back to Jonah. Grab him by the collar and smash your lips to his. 
“Well if it ain’t our little groupie.” Zach’s voice caught you by surprise as you hadn’t realised you made it to the den. Too caught up in thoughts of the oldest member of the band. 
The den was one of the bigger rooms in the house, with the leather black ‘L’ shaped couch Where Zach was seated. A tv hung on the wall right above a gorgeous fire place with flames that flourished inside, producing natural heat. Entertainment systems laid a upon the mantle. Controllers, remotes, and various dishes rested on the coffee table. Along with magazines with the band on the covers. An elegant piano sat in the corner on the right of the room. A few of their favourite guitars lined the left wall. The same massive bean bag chairs scattered around the den. 
With a lazy smile towards the youngest of the band. You reached out and messed up his natural chocolate hair as if he were an annoying sibling. “You wish little one.” You teased him, sitting down in a white bean bag beside Daniel. Who had a black acoustic guitar decorating his lap. 
“Oh come on y/n just admit it, you’re in love with me already.”  
“Not this again.” Daniel chuckles at Zach’s joking declaration of love towards you. He did it often, but he didn’t like to when he was seeing someone. It was harmless flirting but he didn't see the honour in it. 
Jonah sat down on the couch next to Zach. Curling his thumb and pointer finger together, before flicking him in the centre of his forehead. “Behave yourself.” Jonah says like Zach was a misbehaving puppy. You and Daniel gazed at each other, the look you gave each other before you burst into laughter together. His blue eyes glittered in the light. 
Zach closed his eyes pressing his lips together not expecting the flick. His expression humorous causing your’s and Daniel’s laughter to sync together perfectly as if they belonged. 
“Haha, Very funny guys.”  Zach says mockingly. 
“To be fair I thought it was funny.” The familiar voice cut your laughter short, but you smiled once your eyes landed on Corbyn. When he first dyed his hair black your weren't too keen on it. After awhile you got use to it, noticing how in brought out his eyes and the sharpness in his features. And the new hair made him glow with happiness.
Corbyn’s eyes locked on you and his expression changed, “What are you doing here?” His voice rough as all eyes fall upon you, feeling immensely small and the happiness you felt a few seconds ago gone. Did he not want you hanging out here while he was absent? Which didn’t make sense since you’ve done it several times before. 
“Ah-I can leave..” Your voice trailed off weakly, Daniel’s eyes shining with concerned as he rarely saw you this vulnerable. When Cordyn sounded angry and gave you a stern expression like he was right now. You couldn’t help but feel weak and helpless, You looked up to him too much in your music too upset him. 
Corbyn’s eyes softened at your reaction, feeling guilty for making you feel so little. He hated seeing you that way, he always saw you as his sassy-I-take-shit-from-nobody-little-sister. But he also knew you starved for his approval. 
“No, god no. I didn’t mean it like that, Your Jeep isn't sitting outside so I didn't think you decided to come over.” The tension in the room eased at his words, Daniel reached over into your lap and intertwined your fingers with his. The comforting feeling washed into your veins calming your nerves. You silently thanked god Daniel knew you so damn well. 
Over the years Daniel learned you didn’t find comfort in words, but physical feeling. It was hard because every time he saw you upset he tired to talk to you, but you locked him out. He still tired and every single time you ran from him, Corbyn told had told him to leave you be. You’ve always been that way, never wanting to talk about what has been eating you alive. 
One day you fumbled into his room tears trailing down your cheeks. Eyes red and puffy as if you’ve been breaking down all weekend. Hair pulled into a greasy ball a top your head, wearing one of his older hoodies he gave you. Heart break was written all over you demeaner as he sat up instantly at the sight of you. 
It was the first time you came to him for comfort, the first time his hoodie hadn’t been enough. He said nothing as you fell into his lap utterly exhausted, Daniel didn’t want to scare you off. Dreading breaking the tender moment you decided to share with him. 
Daniel shifted himself in a laying position pulling you to his side. You curled into him as if you belonged their, resting your head on his chest. He began to hum the melody to ‘Something Different’ as he rubbed your back gently, Daniel knew you finally let him in. he knew you found comfort in his presence. He knew you were his best friend. 
With the soft and delicate moment you let your emotions fall out, sobbing silently into his chest. Vibrating vigorously against him, Daniel’s throat grew sore as his eyes began to brim with tears. It hurt him to see you like this, broken, despite it he continued to hum to you. Feeling your sobs turning into light snores. 
“The Jeep was a gift and I’d appreciate if you used the gift.” Corbyn said with a soft smile. Daniel pulsed his squeeze in your hand. 
“Of course.” 
Is not that you didn’t appreciate the gift, but you no doubt did. It was your dream car, a white manual four door Rubicon Jeep. A vehicle you couldn't turn down, especially during Christmas. All you got him that year was a pair of holographic  AF1′s. You adored your car, but you knew it was something you couldn’t pay back to him. There fore you only liked to use it when you needed to, like coffee runs, appointments, work, and school. You felt a deep guilt when you used it for anything else. 
You could feel Daniel lean towards you, pressing into your bean bag. Jonah Stared at you two across the room with his jaw clench. Corbyn glanced over at him knowing he had a soft spot for you. In all honesty he didn’t mind but he wanted too see if Jonah would betray his words. You are oblivious to all of it as you felt Daniel’s hot breath tickle against your neck. “You don’t have to feel guilty taking it for a joy ride, It’s yours.” 
Looking at him you watched as the smile never left his pink lips. “How’d you know?” You asked his accusingly giving him a suspiciously glance. He shrugged “Well I don’t know, but being friends for the last four years might’ve done the trick.”  
You woke up heaving, breathless as if you just got back from a run. Which you didn't do often enough. Sweat coated your body as your heart thumped hard in your heart, aching slightly. You didn’t remember exactly what happened in your nightmare just fragments of it. 
Green eyed wolf. 
Glancing around the room your body slowed your breathing without you realizing it. Spacious room, too much bed, big windows, a tv, and two massive bookshelves. Telling you were currently in the guest bedroom of the Why Don’t We compound. It was really more your room than a guest bedroom. Over the last year you made it your own, once Corbyn practically said you could move in.  You still had your own place though not ready to give her up just yet. 
The darkness in the room made you reach for your phone, the bright screen displayed the time 4:12am. Squinting your eyes and groaning you turned down the brightness. Staring at your screen that had a picture of you and Corbyn at a movie premiere last year. You were his plus one. 
Ripping the duvet from your body you made your way to your closet, it was a small walk-in closet. you grab and older band t-shirt you snagged from Daniel a few months ago and a pair of shorts. Stepping into the shower you were relived to wash the sticky sweat down the drain. You stood there with your eyes closed, feeling every single drop cascade down your body. It relaxed your mind and your body like nothing before. 
30 minutes later you were out of the shower and dressed, you didn’t crawl bad into bed but made your way to the kitchen. With the way your body reacted to the nightmare you knew you wouldn't be able to fall back a sleep. Opening the cupboards you spotted Jack’s favorite cookies that were calling your name, you swear it. y/n eat me, eat me! You grabbed five, hoping he might not notice but he definitely would. he counted each cookie before going to bed. You caught him doing it once before. 
The white piano glistened in the moonlight, giving it an extra glow. The last time your fingers touched it wasn't too long ago, maybe a week ago. you didn't remember. Sitting on the cold bench you set the the cookies a top it after popping one in your mouth. Your hands grew closer to the keys and started to play. It was almost like your fingers had a mind of their own once you heard the melody. 
You hummed the lyrics, warming your vocal cords before you sang them. You were a singer but you weren’t as famous as the boys. You were known locally with three songs out, you did preform at café once a month or so depending on how crazy life decided to try you. 
 When I’m around you I fee it in my veins
something about you that’s making me go insane 
we have a storm to weather 
my litte sweet surrender
The thought of Jonah entered your mind, making you lose yourself to the song not aware of the man behind you. Watching you with adoration and smile spread across his lips. The thought of his light brown natural curls, his green eyes the sparkled in the summer’s sun. His smile that felt the closet thing to home, the way he made you melt with a glance. He knew it too, because you also knew his mind went soft when you looked at him. 
oh baby I can feel the rush of adrenaline
 Im not scared to jump if you want me to
lets just fall in love for the hell of it
maybe just keep fallin’ 
If you didn’t respect Corbyn the way you did you’d probably would’ve been in Jonah’s arms for the last year. Falling in love with him everyday, making memories, sleeping in the same bed, kissing him, being vulnerable with him, sharing a life with him. Deep down you knew that can never happen, Corbyn set that rule. You loved him too much to break, to break his trust and a friendship. 
Did he know how much it would hurt you? To watch Jonah be with other girls, to kiss them and touch them in music videos? maybe he didn’t, but you were too scared to tell him you were in-love with his best friend. Cruel isn’t it? why couldn’t you like someone else? Someone who wasn’t one of your brother’s best friends? Because nobody was Jonah and nobody could make you feel the way Jonah does.
Oh you are my muse I feel so reckless
At the first note his vocal cords released, you mind froze and your body tensed. Missing a key as if you put the song on paused. Trying to brush it off you turned around, coming face to face with a tired looking Jonah. Who only wore grey sweat pants that hung dangerously lose on his hips. His v-line has become more defined since he started working out a few months ago and it definitely has done his body justice. 
A blush starts creeping from your neck as you noticed you’d been ogling him for a bit too long. Glancing to the left the heat began to drain from your cheeks. “Sorry, d-did I wake you?” 
“Ah no you didn't, I couldn’t sleep, came down for a snack when I heard you playing.” Sensing him you looked back up as he sat beside you on the piano bench. “how did you know it was me?” 
“Daniel didn’t answer my texts..” He trailed off, 
“Oh” You looked down at your fighting hands, nerves getting the best of you. “besides..” His hands came into view, reaching out for yours. “...I know when it’s you...” His touch is warm and comforting you as he holds your hands, stopping the fidgeting. “..You're more gentle with the keys...”  Jonah brought your hands to his lips and kissed each finger. “... And your voice is softer then Daniel’s.” His eyes grew darker as his glace drank you up. 
A delicate smile spread across you lips as you took in this intimate moment being shared between you two. You lost yourself within him, not an ounce of Corbyn on your mind. 
Jonah raised his hand, delicately capturing your chin in his palm. Heat danced around your jaw and cheeks, he guided your head to the side and leaned in. His hot breath exploded against your throat, sending a cluster of shivers all over your body. 
“Can’t stop my heart from beating, why do I love this feeling.” He sang into your ear making you giggle as his breath tickled your neck. He pulled away and connected his eyes with you, wanting to see how he effected you. 
“Make me a promise, tell me you’ll stay with me” The lyrics slipped from your lips without any need to process it all. He gave you this unknown feeling that engulfed you a delicious ecstasy. 
“If I’m being honest, I don’t know where this leads.” Both of your voices intertwined in perfect harmony as if they were meant to be sung together. Genuine smiles sprang to life before both of you erupted into light giggles. Glancing from his lips to his eyes made your laughter die down. Pink and inviting, you wondered what they tasted like. 
His eyes grew darker again, as he leaned in glancing at your lips as well. You hands snaked around his shoulders, finding themselves behind his neck and into his hair. Pulling him closer to you, he smashed against your lips with a grunt as your teeth clanked from the impact. His hands found their way to the small of your back, pressure through his fingertips as he drew you even closer to his body. 
he tasted of stale peppermint and honey, you know longer had to wonder. Mind hazy as the kiss grew hotter and faster. Lost in him completely, Forgetting you were both currently swatting spit in the den. Where any of the boys could see you in plain sight. 
The sound of someone cleaning their throat had both of you coming to realization. Wide eyes as you yanked apart as if the both of you been burned by the other. Falling off the piano bench you connected with the floor. Yelping as the pain was felt through your tailbone. 
Jonah glanced at the curly blonde before rushing to your aid. Helping you to your feet, you felt extremely small in this exposed situation. 
“I knew it was coming, I just didn't expect to just stumble upon it.” Jack spoke, his expression a little surprised to find you two. On instinct Jonah took a few steps in front of you, Protecting you from god knows what. You looked at the floor as you hugged yourself, a little ashamed of yourself getting caught. 
“We were just talking,,,” It was a lie, but what else could Jonah really say to him. Jack shrugged, “You do-are those my cookies?” He cut himself off, furrowing his eyebrows as he pointed. Following his line of vision you spotted ‘his’ cookies you snagged from the cabinet atop the piano. You didn’t remember moving, but you must’ve. 
Grabbing them you started for the stairs, “You don’t have to worry about it, it’ll never happen again. The cookie-napping or Jonah and me, ‘cause between us nothing happened.” 
“Y/n...” Jonah called after you but you continued towards your room. Leaving both of the boys in the den. 
--------December 7th update 
Loud obnoxious voices grew as you carried yourself to the kitchen. Anxious about what happened last night almost made you turn around, but the aching groans in your stomach made you continue your slow route. 
stepping over the threshold of the gorgeous room.You swallowed your expressive anxiety down and replaced it with a tired smile towards the boys. Pretending last night didn't happen, pretending you didn't have a taste of Jonah, pretending you didn't betray your brother. 
“Morning” you spoke praying to the gods your voice didn’t have a chance to break. You immediately noticed the absence of Jonah and Zach. Most of the anxiety lifted from your shoulders, calming your psychotic nerves. Still you silently wondered where he went off to. 
“Finally.” Corbyn is the first to greet me, “At this rate I was beginning to think you were Sleeping Beauty” Jack chimes in as if it was a normal day, like he didn’t catch you all over his best friend last night. You cross your arms and roll your eyes at him as if it were a normal day. 
“Nice shirt,” Daniel comments as you go on your toes to reach of a bowl on the second shelf. 
“Thanks, got it from Seavey’s, one of my favourite places to shop.” a smirk reaches your lips, Daniel always knew how to distract your mind from anything that unsettled you. 
Grabbing the fruit loops a top the fridge was usually easy with a jump or two. Today they were set back a bit too far, one more little jump and your finger tips grazed the smooth box. Pushing it back farther. You couldn’t but curse your damn height, Maybe just one more powered jump you could latch on to it. 
The feeling of someone coming behind you was comforting, Daniel pressed against your back. Breath fanning along your neck as he reached over your head. Grabbed the red cereal box you couldn’t. Placing it in your hands you were shocked to see green eyes staring into yours instead of the safe blue ones you were use to. 
messy curls framed his expressionless face, pink lips brought into a taunting smirk. non-heavenly thoughts entered your mind as if you two were the ones there. 
Be normal. Be normal. Be normal. 
It was a dream, all of it! 
“I think you guys should invest in a stool, So I can reach your damn fridge!” Turning away from Jonah you tend to your bowl. stunned how you managed to handle yourself around him. 
“You do know you’re the only one who eats cereal in the house right?”Corbyn asked. 
“What’s wrong with fruit loops?” 
“Absolutely nothing.” 
After fetching a spoon and asking Jonah to return the box to the fridge. You joined the boys at the island, stuffing your face with the fruity goodness. making Daniel laugh, “You didn't wait for the bowl to hit the table top before the spoon was in your mouth.”
“You’re just jealous that you don’t have a Seavey’s and this amazing cereal. Seriously it’s like an orgasm inside your mouth.” 
“settle down they’re not that good little sister.”
“This is why you're not my favourite sibling.”
“Shot fired.” Jack speaks, Corbyn sends him an icy glare across the island. 
Feeling eyes watching you, you glance to the left to see Jonah’s green eyes locked on you. As if you were the only thing in a five mile radius. He wasn’t an ounce subtle about it and not to mention you were stuffing your face at the moment. So attractive, You didn’t mind, Jonah’s practically seen every side of you. 
What bothered you was that Corbyn could catch him at anything given time....
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jjmaebank · 4 years
wish you were gay - jj maybank
A/N: So I wrote this based off my own first heartbreak haha fun! Yeah fr, this all comes from the heart and I literally poured my real emotions and experience into this so it’s really special to me. The song ‘wish you were gay’ by Billie Eilish just reminds me of it cuz I listened to it on repeat getting over it and I related to it. If you haven’t heard it I highly recommend! Also italics are flashbacks!
Summary: you and JJ had something you thought was real, you fell for him and you thought he’d fallen for you too, but this becomes an evident lie as he makes a rash decision that ends in disaster.
Warnings: angst, heartbreak
Words: 1,802
Heartbreak. Heartbreak is a perpetual feeling that something bad is about to happen. It’s grief, fur-lined with fear that joy has forever escaped you, that there will be no happily ever after for you. Heartbreak is a tightness in your chest; it makes air feel like razor blades moving through you. It’s waking up in the morning and having three seconds where you don’t remember, and those three seconds will be the only part of the day where the dread doesn’t sit and fester in your gut.
Heartbreak was what you were feeling. After a full day of acting alright, like everything was fine and going back to normal, you’d go home and cry. You’d cry until your body was physically exhausted, to the point where you had no tears left, to the point where your face was sore. You’d cry until you felt physically and emotionally drained and then you would just lay in your bed staring up at your blank ceiling, basking in your own self-pity.
What had gone so terribly wrong? You couldn’t wrap your head around it even weeks afterwards. It kept you up at night, gnawed at you incessantly, played in the back of your mind constantly. Were you unlovable? Were you never going to be good enough for anyone? Why was it that everyone you let in pushed you away, abandoned you as soon as you let your guard down?
You and JJ were lying on John B’s couch after a night of partying, the both of you still a little drunk. You were wrapped up in his arms as he stroked your hair and placed sweet kisses on your forehead. You looked up at him in adoration and placed your hands on his bare chest.
“(y/n),” he said nervously, meeting your gaze.
“Yes?” You smiled, his anguish causing your heart rate to quicken.
“I’ve just been thinking, like…we’ve been messing about for a while now…and I guess I uh don’t really know what we are, but I know that I um…like you, like a lot…” he blabbered, removing his hand from you waist to scratch the back of his neck.
You continued staring at him, your mouth curling up in a smile as you felt him squirm underneath you as he tried to pluck up the courage to say what he’d been meaning to for weeks now.
“I guess…I uh guess this is me asking whether you wanna go out with me?” He asked, avoiding eye contact, too scared to see your reaction.
You grabbed his chin gently and tilted his head down to look at you.
“You want me to be your girlfriend?” You smiled. You’d wanted to hear those words for a while now.
“I- uh, yeah,” he replied nervously.
“Well then, yes,” you grinned, watching his eyes widen and his cheeks go crimson.
“Yes? As in yes you want to be my girlfriend?” He stuttered.
“What else would I be saying yes to you dumbass,” you chuckled, making him go red.
He pulled you into a tighter embrace, his whole being consumed by joy.
“Thank god,” he gasped, “that shit was scary.”
You remembered that night clearly, you’d never been so elated. The confusion and uncertainty between the two of you completely erased as you finally confessed your feelings for one another. You’d never felt so good in your life. You loved him, you hadn’t told him that yet, but he wanted you to be his girlfriend and that was enough for you at the time. You finally got the clarity you needed, that he was yours and you were his and nothing would change that…or so you thought.
It didn’t take long for things to go south between you and JJ, perhaps a little over a month. One of the best months of your life soon turned into the worst, all in one night.
“What is up with you?” You yelled at JJ. He’d been ignoring you all week, coming up with excuses not to see you and avoiding your texts and calls.
“I’ve just been busy, alright!” He yelled back, his voice laced in frustration. He was keeping something from you.
“Bullshit, J! You’re not too busy for John B, for Pope, for Kie! You’re apparently only too busy for me!” You shouted. “What aren’t you telling me?”
JJ sighed and sat down on John B’s couch, running his hands through his messy hair.
“Did I do something?” You whispered, sitting down across from him.
“No…no…” JJ shook his head, staring down at the wooden floorboards.
“Then what is it?” You pleaded, your voice threatening to crack at any moment. “Why don’t you talk to me anymore?”
“I fucked up (y/n)…” JJ said, finally looking up at you. His eyes showed pity, guilt even.
Your heart felt like it had sunk to your feet. What did he mean he fucked up? Had he cheated? A million thoughts raced through your mind as you processed his words.
“W-what do you mean?” You stuttered, your heart now beating at a speed you didn’t know to be humanly possible.
“I lied to you (y/n),” his lip trembled; he was holding himself back from crying. You’d only seen JJ cry once, after telling you about his father, so it scared you that he was showing signs of it again.
“You lied? What do you mean you lied, JJ?” You asked, your voice raised yet still shaky.
“I told you I wanted you to be my girlfriend,” he stated, his eyes still glazed with guilt.
Your breath hitched as you took in his words. Out of the million things that had crossed your mind, this was not one of them.
“I’m so sorry, (y/n), I really thought I wanted this…” he continued, his voice strained. “We had a lot of fun and I really like hanging out with you, but I just…I can’t do this…us…”
You felt sick. You felt a sob making its way up your throat as you felt your heart breaking, shattering into tiny pieces.
“So this was all a lie?” You choked, “I never meant anything to you?”
You could see the hurt in his eyes seeing what he’d done to you.
“I’m so, so sorry (y/n),” he shook his head, “I never meant to hurt you.”
“Bullshit!” You stood up from your seat, tears streaming down your face. “You don’t just fuck with someone’s feelings on accident!”
“We were drunk (y/n)!” JJ stood up. “I thought I knew how I felt, but I didn’t and I’m sorry! I was wrong okay? Fuck! I was wrong!”
“Alcohol doesn’t give you feelings for someone out of the blue, JJ,” you cried, “so you must’ve lied that night. You must’ve lied right to my face when you told me you liked me! When you told me you wanted me to be yours!”
You could barely see through your tear coated eyes and the taste of salt stung your lips.
JJ simply stood there in silence, shame overcoming him. He knew he was an idiot and he hated himself for it. He cared for you, he really did, but he knew leading you on anymore would just hurt you more than he already had.
“I just don’t think I’m a relationship type of guy (y/n)…I’ve tried but I can’t be the guy you want me to be… I’m sorry…” he sighed, sticking his hands into the pockets of his cargo shorts, biting his lip and sniffling.
“To think I was going to tell you I loved you…” you muttered, wiping your tears with the back of your hand.
JJ’s eyes widened at your confession, “(y/n)…I-”
“Save it, JJ,” you interrupted, “You’ve made it very clear how you feel.”
“I’m so sorry, so fucking sorry,” he mumbled, letting a single tear slip down his cheek.
“I really hope you are,” you cried grabbing your stuff, “and I hope that you never do this to anyone ever again.”
JJ Maybank had broken your heart, that was a fact. The first boy to make you feel wanted, worthy, was the same to absolutely ruin you. You spent countless nights crying yourself to sleep, blaming yourself for what had happened, convincing yourself that you could never be loved. You had to spend time away from the pogues at first, you couldn’t bear to see JJ, you wouldn’t let him see what he’d done to you just. For him to pity you.
You were so embarrassed by what had happened that you longed to blame it on anything other than the truth, the truth that JJ simply didn’t love you and he never would. But what hurt the most was thinking that he could have. The time you spent together felt so real that you couldn’t comprehend how he could discard it with such ease, just pretend like it had never even happened. He’d given you a taste of the happiness you’d craved so dearly and then ripped it away from you in the blink of an eye, that’swhat hurt the most.
What a fool you were, thinking a boy notorious for one night stands and meaningless hook ups could ever settle down permanently with the likes of you. You dreamed of being the one who he came to when he was sad, of being the first person he confided in after a beating from his father, but that’s all it was, a dream. He hardly let you in, despite your many efforts. The truth was you weren’t the first thing he thought of when he woke up, or the last thing before he fell asleep. He didn’t fantasise about your lips and the way it felt to kiss you, or how it felt to hold you or hear you laugh; he took you for granted.
You wished you could have been that girl in the movies, the girl that gets the player to change his ways and fall for her, the girl that makes him never want to be with anyone else ever again, but you weren’t her and you never would be.
A/N: whoooosh I haven’t written in a good 2 weeks or something so idk there you have it
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