#Hage Geingob
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thenewsbulletnetwork · 7 months
Ramaphosa visit Nangolo Mbumba of namibia.
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nghubs1 · 8 months
Hage Geingob Biography, Career, Controversies, And Death
Hage Gottfried Geingob, a Namibian politician, served as the third president of Namibia from 2015 until his death in February 2024. He held various political roles, including being the first Prime Minister of Namibia from 1990 to 2002 and serving as the prime minister again from 2012 to 2015. Geingob also served as Minister of Trade and Industry from 2008 to 2012 and as president of the ruling…
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truetellsnigeria1 · 8 months
Namibia President, Hage Geingob Is Dies In Office
Namibia President, Hage Geingob is dead. Truetells Nigeria reports that the president of Namibia, Hage Geingob is dead. Announcement of the Passing of H.E Dr @hagegeingob, President of the Republic of Namibia, 04 February 2024   Fellow Namibians, It is with utmost sadness and regret that I inform you that our beloved Dr. Hage G. Geingob, the President of the Republic of Namibia has passed on…
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newsbites · 1 year
President Hage Geingob is pleading with the private sector to help create jobs.
Geingob said this in a statement issued on Sunday, ahead of Workers’ Day on Monday.
“Yes, the government will continue to create a conducive environment for jobs to be created,” the president said. “But to succeed in that endeavour, the private sector must be a major driving force in reducing unemployment, which is an important pillar in the fight against poverty.”
The country’s unemployment rate is estimated to be above 40%. Geingob cautioned that Namibians must guard against any issue that could threaten peace, and that the peace and stability that the country enjoys should at no point be taken for granted.
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gothhabiba · 8 months
Germany’s leading Jewish newspaper advocates genocide in Gaza
(January 21, 2024)
The largest Jewish newspaper in Germany, Jüdische Allgemeine has published an opinion piece on Thursday, effectively endorsing genocide in Gaza, amid Israel’s ongoing war against the Palestinian people in the densely populated enclave.
In the five-paragraph piece entitled “The civilians in Gaza are not innocent,” the “freelance journalist” Tobias Huch said that “If there is such a thing as collective responsibility for crimes, then this applies to Gaza’s people. That is the bitter truth.”
Ignoring the fact that Israeli military had been responsible for most of the deaths at the Nova music festival and killed many Israelis at a kibbutz during the Palestinian resistance operation Al-Aqsa Flood three months ago, Huch attributed the massacre to the “civilians from Gaza who had worked in the kibbutzim for a long period of time.”
Germany has been notable in having abstained twice in a UN vote for a ceasefire in the Gaza war, which has claimed the lives of over 25,000 Palestinian civilians. According to DW, this decision was because the General Assembly resolution “neither mentioned nor condemned the Hamas terror attacks.”
Last week, Namibia condemned Berlin’s “shocking decision” to support the occupation state in the genocide case at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) brought by South Africa. At the time, the President of Namibia, Hage Geingob, said in a statement that “Germany has chosen to defend in the ICJ the genocidal and gruesome acts of the Israeli government against innocent civilians in Gaza and the occupied Palestinian Territories.”
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thiziri · 7 months
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Princess Anne, Commonwealth secretary-general Patricia Scotland, and British High Commissioner Charles Moore gathered at Heroes Acre' to pay their final respects to late president Hage Geingob, on 25 February 2024.
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aimeedaisies · 7 months
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Princess Anne, Commonwealth Secretary-General Patricia Scotland and British High Commissioner Charles Moore at Heroes Acre' to pay their final respects to late president Hage Geingob in Windhoek, Namibia on 25th February 2024.
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princessanneftw · 7 months
The Executive Director at Namibia’s Ministry of Information and Communication has said that Princess Anne will attend the state funeral of former President Hage Gottfried Geingob on Sunday, 25 February.
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houseofbrat · 7 months
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Today is 28 February 2024. There is one day left in this month because it's leap year.
William has done less than ten engagements for the year. He's not going to reach double digits by tomorrow. Wimpy William hasn't worked "full time" since last December before the kids got out of school.
It's Wednesday, and as of this writing, The King with cancer has done more work this week than William. Because King Charles met with PM Sunak today while William was at home sucking his thumb.
Did William travel to Namibia last week for the funeral of former President Hage Gottfried Geingob? Nope. Is funeral duty part of the heir to the throne's job? Yup. But we all know that The Will & Kate Cult will tell you it isn't because William is never to blame for anything. Because Princess Anne will take up the slack and do her nephew's job when she should have been attending a rugby match with her husband. Because Anne is a chip off the ol' block, aka Philip, while William is proving himself to be more and more Spencer with every day that goes by.
All you have to do is look at all the excuses made by The Will & Kate Cult when it came to William's comments at the BAFTAs. William admitted he hardly had seen any of the nominated films, even though most if not all were released in theaters and available via streaming before the nominations were announced.
Oh, but then the complaint was that Prince Philip and Princess Anne didn't watch all the nominated films each year when they were presidents of BAFTA either. Guess what? Streaming wasn't available back then. Philip was president from 1959 to 1965 while Anne was president from 1973 to 2001. Guess what? When Philip was president, he would have had to see a movie/film in the theater or by special request at Buckingham Palace. Availability by VHS wasn't necessarily a thing for the first part of Anne's presidency because most films didn't come out on VHS until more than six months after they were out of the theater. When Batman (1989) was released on VHS in the same year of its initial release prior to Christmas, it was a HUGE deal. It was still playing in theaters when it was released on VHS, which was considered a quick release. DVDs didn't start being prominent until the end of Anne's presidency.
But really it brings it back to Anne and Philip being either president or patron of tens or hundreds of organizations, which neither Will nor Kate are. Will and Kate have said that they aren't going to do the ceremonial-type thing and would instead be more "involved" with their patronages, which--if people actually stop and think about it--is why most people assume William has an interest in film beyond meeting Tom Cruise. Except he clearly doesn't.
But then The Will & Kate Cult want William to be judged by the same standard as those who actually work in the film industry. Because they complained that even those who work in the film industry don't see 100% of the movies. Interesting how the standard always changes according to The Will & Kate Cult. There are people within AMPAS, who will be voting for Robert Downey Jr. for Best Supporting Actor for Oppenheimer, who haven't seen that film. And you know what? They're allowed to. Because they may have worked with him in the past. Or they might have voted for him before when he was nominated for Best Actor for Chaplin when he was up against heavy weights such as Denzel or Pacinao. But, you know, AMPAS members actually work in the industry, unlike The Prince of Wales who has a different job that he doesn't seem all that intent on doing.
But we're not supposed to mention that because William puts his "family first." Or whatever the new excuse is. The last one was "personal matter." Uh huh.
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royal-hair · 6 months
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Princess Anne, Princess Royal, at the state funeral of Namibia's late president Hage Geingob - 25.02.24
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readingsquotes · 8 months
“On Namibian soil, #Germany committed the first genocide of the 20th century in 1904-1908, in which tens of thousands of innocent Namibians died in the most inhumane and brutal conditions,” Namibian President Hage Geingob said in a press release posted Jan. 13 on X, formerly Twitter. “The German Government is yet to fully atone for the genocide it committed on Namibian soil.” Geingob wrote that he was shocked by Germany’s decision, announced a day earlier, to intervene as a third party in defense of Israel after South Africa brought a case against Israel in the International Court of Justice. South Africa accused Israel of committing genocide in Gaza, where thousands of civilians have been killed after the Oct. 7 Hamas attack on Israel. “Germany cannot morally express commitment to the United Nations Convention against genocide, including atonement for the genocide in Namibia, whilst supporting the equivalent of a holocaust and genocide in Gaza,” Geingob said."
Why Namibia invoked a century-old German genocide in international court
By DeNeen L. Brown
January 20, 2024 at 7:00 a.m. EST
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ptseti · 8 months
Namibia’s President Hage Geingob has died aged 82 while receiving cancer treatment at a hospital in the capital Windhoek. Geingob who played a key role in his nation’s struggle for independence from apartheid South Africa was a firm and unapologetic Pan-Africanist who did not shy away from putting former colonizers in their place when they crossed the red line. In his memory, we repost this clip where he scolded Germany’s ex-parliamentary speaker for his remarks about Namibia’s expanding Chinese population. May his revolutionary spirit soar high!
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stele3 · 8 months
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
Speaking during a visit to Botswana, Tshisekedi voiced concerns of "cohabitation" between rebels and the regional force that started deploying late last year[...]
The seven-nation East African Community (EAC) created a military force to respond to the crisis last June, with Kenyan soldiers deploying in November followed this year by Burundian, Ugandan and South Sudanese contingents. "There is cohabitation that we have noticed between the contingent of East African Community and the rebels," Tshisekedi said at a news conference. "That is a genuine problem when it comes to the mission assigned, and also compels to ask, what is the purpose of the mission?" he said, claiming that except for the Burundi troops, others "are now living together with M23".[...]
Tshisekedi said the EAC force's mandate ends in June, "and if we feel that the mandate was not fulfilled will return them and thank them for having tried".[...]
His comments come a day after a special summit of the 16-bloc Southern African Development Community (SADC), held in Namibia, resolved to deploy forces "to restore peace and security in eastern DRC".
"We have the confirmation of the coming of SADC troops which we will have to put in place," he added. Namibian President Hage Geingob on Monday emphasised the need "for SADC to work together with the East African Community... to better coordinate our efforts" to back Kinshasa.
10 May 23
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aktionfsa-blog-blog · 8 months
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Zur Eilentscheidung des IGH
IGH-Urteil: "Zivilbevölkerung in erheblich höheren Maß zu schonen"
Die Eilentscheidung des Internationalen Gerichtshofs in Den Haag, der einem Antrag Südafrikas teilweise stattgegeben hat die Schutzmaßnahmen für die palästinensische Bevölkerung erheblich erhöhen, kam sehr schnell. Eine Entscheidung in der Hauptsache, ob Israel im Gaza-Streifen Völkermord begeht, wird sicher einige Jahre dauern.
Doch die Eilentscheidung war sehr deutlich. Das Vorgehen der israelischen Armee gegen islamistische Milizen - also eigentlich eine Polizeiaktion - wobei nach Angaben der Behörden in Gaza mehr als 25.000 Menschen getötet worden sind, die meisten davon Zivilisten, entspricht nicht den humanitären und völkerrechtlichen Grundätzen. Lediglich dem Antrag von Südafrika  ein Ende des Militäreinsatzes im Gaza-Streifen anzuordnen, kam das Gericht nicht nach.
Auch in den UN Gremien gibt es massive Kritik am militärischen Vorgehen Israels. Nur einige westliche Staaten – allen voran die USA und Deutschland – halten an ihrer Solidarität mit dem israelischen Staat fest, ungeachtet von dessen Handlungen und der rechtsnationalen Regierung, die selbst in Israel zuletzt erheblichen Widerstand erfahren hat, schreibt Telepolis.
Telepolis verweist in diesem Zusammenhang auch auf die Aussage Namibias Präsident Hage Geingob, der seine "tiefe Besorgnis" über die Entscheidung der deutschen Regierung äußerte, die Vorwürfe Südafrikas zurückzuweisen. Er bezeichnete dies als "schockierende Entscheidung" und erinnerte an den Massenmord an Mitgliedern der Volksgruppen der Herero und Nama durch Deutschland in den Jahren zwischen 1904 und 1908.
Auch die Drohung westlicher Staaten die finanzielle Unterstützung von Hilfslieferungen durch die UNRWA - völlig entgegen der IGH Entscheidung zur Ausweitung - einzustellen, ist unverständlich. Weil 10 UN-Mitarbeiter von 12.000 UN-Beschäftigten im Gaza Streifen vermutlich auf Seiten der Hamas tätig gewesen sein sollen - also weniger als 1 Promille - die humanitäre Unterstützung für 1,7 Millionen Menschen einzustellen, ist mindestens Sippenhaft. Genau ein solches Verhalten kritisiert Südafrika auch in seiner Anklage.
Auch auf der Petitions- und Spendenplattform Avaaz wird gefordert, an Präsident Biden und andere wichtige Regierungen zu appellieren, damit sie Israel dazu bringen, der Anordnung des Gerichtes zu folgen. Journalistinnen, Journalisten und Menschenrechtsgruppen in Gaza brauchen dringend finanzielle Unterstützung, um weiterhin Beweise für Kriegsverbrechen sammeln zu können. Wir könnten sie mit Kameras, Computern und Schutzausrüstung versorgen und so dazu beitragen, dass die Anklage gegen Israel hieb- und stichfest wird.
Das höchste Gericht der Welt ist sich einig, dass die Warnsignale für einen Völkermord allgegenwärtig sind. Israel blockiert die Versorgung mit Lebensmitteln und Medikamenten. Unschuldige Zivilistinnen und Zivilisten werden kaltblütig erschossen und 85 % der Bevölkerung Gazas sind ohne Obdach. Nun hat das Gericht Sofortmaßnahmen angeordnet, um genozidale Handlungen gegen das Volk der Palästinenserinnen und Palästinenser zu verhindern.
Die Menschen in Israel müssen sich auch bewusst sein, auch wenn es ihre rechtsgerichtete Regierung aus ideologischen Gründen nicht ist, dass das Elend im Gaza Streifen nur weitere Menschen in die Arme der Islamisten treiben wird. Auch wenn inzwischen fast alle Krankenhäuser in Gaza zerstört wurden, sind dort allein in den letzten 110 Tagen rund 20.000 Kinder geboren worden. Verhindern wir, dass sie zu potentiellen Hamas-Kämpfer werden ...
Mehr dazu bei https://www.telepolis.de/features/Internationaler-Gerichtshof-Israel-muss-Zivilbevoelkerung-in-Gaza-besser-schuetzen-9610550.html
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3yE Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8665-20240129-zur-eilentscheidung-des-igh.html
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