#Hadzuki You
synestheticdragon · 4 months
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I think this is my favorite result for these two-colour portraits - Hadzuki Yōu!
Like his name, he is bright, flashy, and warm. A little bit terrible at expressing his own emotions, but would fight to the death for his friends.
Responds with well-practiced outrage to ANYTHING Shun says or does. Refuses on principle to get used to the weirdness that is his life now.
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greetingsfromuranus · 5 months
I have really good ideas for ojamajo doremi fanfics
All I'm saying is Hadzuki transmasc headcanon could be the most tragic thing ever....... luckily Aiko doesn't play any games and cracks that egg immediately
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elderflowerprince · 2 years
finally caved and looked up these project sekai characters
i've been LIED TO about their names? >:0 tenma tsukasa was not 天魔 but in fact 天馬! kamishiro rui was not 神城 but in fact 神代!
...which makes rui a completely terrifying character to me, combined with his description. i saw 神城 in someone's tags and thought "castle of a god, that's a cool last name" but 代, oh, this shiro is shiro as in "substitute". shiro as in 依り代, "a being that hosts the spirit of a deity or divine being". shiro as in 形代, "the object used to represent a deity being worshipped at festivals". or, if you prefer, it could be because the alternate reading of 神代 is jindai, meaning "the era of the deities' reign".
i haven't played, so i have no idea whether this is unfounded and everyone's names mean nothing or this is an already known fact and considered obvious, but... mad inventor, thought of by everyone as a strange person? last name "substitute body for a god"? no, this rui person scares me!
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charmedojamajo · 8 months
Chapter 3.
I love how this chapter starts with @pippelulu and I complaining about how bad we are at writing weddings and musing over when they'll happen in the story. I don't think a single wedding happened over the course of 31 chapters.
This was... probably the most confusing opening scene ever written. And I can't remember which one of us is responsible for it. Why do Aiko and Hadzuki think they're doomed? Why does Onpu say "who would want to do that" after Doremi says she's getting married when 1. Onpu is already engaged and 2. It seems later on in the scene no one even heard Doremi anyway? And again WHY did we have to ruin Momoko for ✨comedy✨.
"bluenette" - yeah that was PippElulu and also very 2000s fanfiction coded.
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Now at this point it's well established that this story could not care less about continuity and plot holes and everything that happened was just for the sake of "random xD" but WHY was this mentioned lmfao. The scene opened with everyone sitting around in the living room before the conga madness. So were they all just chilling watching porn together? Did the TV malfunction at that very moment? Also love the idea of Aiko beating the shit out of a conga line while some corny porn music plays in the background lmao
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Spot the kids who knew nothing about currencies and the cost of jewellery lmao. Also wouldn't that be forbidden magic? Inflation bro...
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lmao sorry bestie but I love how PippElulu called Aiko getting excited over the engagement of one of her best friends being "childish and silly."
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Momoko forgive me... you are so smart and intelligent and wise and not the melon lord. I beg you.
Again with the "random xD" lol why is there a whole scene of the FLATY5 fighting like kids in their own home before Aiko just appears out of nowhere.
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Lmao pippelulu and I were laughing over this the other day. Homie really wrote a whole paragraph of Aiko turning into a pixie and it was just never brought up again. Where is the LORE.
Oh, and Leon transforms too (of course).
Leon took Aiko's chin and leaned in, pressing his lips to hers. They stayed like that for at LEAST 6 seconds.
This sentence reminds me of when my friend and I were flipping through 50 Shades of Grey looking for the worst lines and one was "we stayed like that for minutes. Many minutes."
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I totally stole that first piece of dialogue from a Charmed episode and that's probably why I kept it in.
PippElulu and I would send each other our parts over ffn pms and there is in fact a conversation where we argue over this.
This was posted on PippElulu's account originally so she could have just taken it out instead of adding in her author's note... OR AT THE VERY LEAST CORRECTED MY YOU'RE
"The others are acting hormonal; they're acting like 12 year old boys"
Well, makes sense given it was written by 12 year old girls 😀👍
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I don't have anything to say about this scene, I just need to make sure PippElulu reads it.
But the next line has Hadzuki summoning a bubble wand? Literally what were all the random ass abilities we were giving these girls. We fr went "magical girls? oh so any magic will do then, right?"
Momoko I am so sorry...
And Aiko has electrokinesis too????
I genuinely had no idea what "overrated" meant when this was written so I have to laugh every time I use that word to refer to the fic. Like bestie you have no clue what you're yapping about 😭
< ch2 | ch4 >
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mspaintbunny · 10 months
haiiii i have a Question 4 you..... do you like sanrio ? and if so,, who is your favorite sanrio character ? i have a lot of favorites but my melody is my absolute fav !!!!!
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^ look at this Absolute Cutieeeee >_<
yes!!!! my melody is my fave too!!!! i love kuromi as well and ofc i love the two of them together, i also think id love my sweet piano if i didnt associate sheep with a friend of mine, if i started making her my fave it'd kinda feel as if im taking away from my friend; same for keropi, frogs and another friend i love the collab sanrio did with ojamajo doremi, tho personally i wouldnt have paired my melo with hadzuki, but onpu and kuromi is so inspired in the sailor moon collab they paired makoto with maroon cream and i like her, but she looks so out of placed next to the rest >_< i have pairing my melody and kuromi keychains, a plushie of my melo as a maid, a plushie of my melo as french fries, and there was this gashapon figure of my melo in black with pink and white highlights that ive always thought is the coolest thing tysm for asking <3
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*brings two cakes* Sorry for forgetting you both…. *looks sad and sorry* *es behind Murasakibara* ~No Problem thanks anyway ~ B…. But…. ~Hey you doing it now. So don’t worry about it!!~
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teddybearty · 4 years
I forgot to add that another reason I haven't been really posting is that I've been binging the Ojamajo Doremi series and I'm having lots of fun with it.
I'm just starting Sharp and I might just post some art either later on today or tomorrow.
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plutodile · 4 years
hi wawa ^-^ tell us more about the magical girls!! they're absolutely adorable aaaa 💕💕💕 love you and hope ur doing well :) - wawa anon <3
I AM SO GLAD U ASKED OMG they live inside my head they’re all i think abt....
i dont really have a lot of like Plot Details or anything they’re just sorta there but i really love all of them a lot :) and i have some classmates as well !!
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momoe made by my buddy @pumpoen and mozie made by my other buddy palmwine on dA heheheheh.. kaori and clancy are not magical girls they are just kinda there as classmates/friends (FOR NOW) (also clancy is just a humanized version of one of my old ocs from when i was 11 i thought it would be sweet to put her in this universe)
the main 4 girls are all super trope based but i think as i add more 2 the roster im probably just gonna be making magical girls for magical girls sake. it is so fun. look at clown magical girl
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anyway i think it is important u all know inukos personality is like dog. she would say woof. the only other one thats like considerably thought out so far personality-wise is miko :) she plays netball and is tomboyish&hardworkingoh my god shes just applejack. shes apple jack. im terrible at describing personalities actually ok just imagine nanase (whos a year above them) like twilight(mlp)+hadzuki(doremi) and rosie like a friendly horsegirl . also inuko and rosie are autistic
i have a lot of random stuff of them lying around :]
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if anyone has some suggestions/advice for anything im so willing to take some!!
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An Error List for “Evillious Chronicles: 101“
What it sounds. I was very incensed at seeing this latest of Evillious “explanation” videos that not only was full of misinformation, but also repeatedly insults mothy as a writer for things that are clearly misunderstood or misremembered by the presenter (who doesn’t seem to have actually read the novels). Given that this video is over 2 hours long, it feels more likely than other cases that people might take the information in it seriously, and so I felt it was worthwhile to write a comprehensive (but not all-encompassing) list of the errors in it.
I am going to try not to argue with the writing critiques and just focus on factual errors.
In the interest of transparency, here is a link to the video that I am responding to [here] (epilepsy warning--the first 5 seconds or so of the video has flickering bright colors as the camera starts up).
Under a cut for length.
NOTE: I am not including errors that were later corrected (such as saying that Levia studied alternate worlds when she was a psychologist), and just to be nice I am going to leave be areas where he leaves out information or characters (which he does quite a bit especially near the end) unless he explicitly claims that the information or character does not exist.
1. The Second Period is not a real universe. It is entirely a simulation. The people within it are real, insomuch as spirit data has been made indistinguishable from real souls, but the world itself is not. They were believed to be parallel worlds because the Second Period did not realize it was a simulation and mistook the real world for an alternate universe.
2. Behemo is not a Len in appearance and Levia is not a Rin. Mothy himself said that he and Levia are not VOCALOIDS in design.
3. Behemo was not married to his maid, they were simply dating.
4. Behemo was not a member of the team that made the Second Period, he was a relative of one of the programmers.
5. HERS does not affect the First Period. It is more strongly suggested that the First Period was destroyed by nuclear fallout. HERS was deliberately created by the Second Period programmers.
6. Behemo does not go into the Second Period as himself. He creates an avatar of himself to enter into the program. At the point where Levia goes to the First Period and meets Behemo for the first time, there is no physical transference going on--all of the "inter dimensional" crossing is entirely "spirit data" ONLY. As in, no one from the Second Period went to the First Period without having bodies made to put their soul data into when they arrived.
7. The Climb One was never a real rocket ship. Behemo in the First Period tricked the programs into thinking they were on a ship going to another world, but what he actually did was create bodies for them in the First Period that he downloaded them into, using a real world equivalent Climb One to make them think they'd traveled there physically. This is why the Second Period individuals believe they are on a new world, rather than realizing they are on Earth (which they renamed Gudnatia, incidentally).
8. No one survived the Climb One crash (except Luna Hadzuki, I believe). This is why they were trapped in the ship, because they had no physical bodies to leave with and their data was stuck onboard.
9. Levia's motivation to destroy the world does seem to be implied to be a result of her HER, however Behemo's motivations are slanted more towards "starting over and doing a better job next time". This is why he drops it later when the world has already progressed.
10. The phrase is "Mem Aleph", not "Mem Alpha".
--. The Venom is not why Eve's twins were stillborn (however, with this note I am going to forgive anything that goes against recent revelations in the OSS novel because it may not be widespread fan knowledge at this point).
11. Pretty much the entire timeline of Project Ma as he describes it is wrong. Adam and Eve were a part of the first Project Ma, not something separate from it, and Seth only became in charge of the project after Adam and Eve disappeared. The Clockworkers only became involved in the 7th iteration of the project, not the first. Meta's part of the project took place during the 2nd iteration (his notes indicate he is aware that he f--ed up the timeline, but they don't adequately explain what the correct information is so I am still counting it as an error).
12. Seth does not spread HERS unintentionally--HERS is not a disease that you can catch during your lifetime (except in Judgment era when all the rules are being explicitly subverted). It is a genetic anomaly that you have from birth. It is extremely rare, though less rare if your parents have it.
13. It is actually explained pretty well--there's an entire segment of the Venomania novel's prologue that explains how it works.
14. Levia and Behemo's motive for reaching out to Kiril is because they were tired of waiting for the project to succeed (given its numerous failures) and wanted to use him to get a body to escape the arc with. They did not tell Kiril to kill everyone, they simply told him to put Elluka's body in the arc. The explosion was an unintended consequence of his actions.
15. The Climb One is not in a dungeon, it is in a religious temple.
16.The cat that becomes Irina is not a live cat. It is a cat plushy with a Black Box inside it. 
17. The spelling of “Grettle”.
18. Meta very explicitly has HERS.
19. Hansel and Gretel are kidnapped some time after Meta escapes, not the very same day.
20. Hansel and Gretel are abandoned by Adam and Eve in the woods, and they kill them once they find their way back home. They do not kill them just because they discovered they were adopted.
21. Eve's soul was never split into 7. The demons were people from the Climb One, yes, but they were reborn into demons via Hansel and Gretel. Eve simply "became" the Demon of Sloth.
22. Irregulars are explained. They are people born outside of the world's rules who are able to perform "Re_Birthday events", which destroy and rebuild things (often on a large scale such as reshaping the world, but it can be on a small scale as Hansel and Gretel show).
23. The explosion did not bring Elluka back from the dead. The Clockwork Secret Art Kiril used before the explosion repaired the decay of her body so that it was a usable vessel, which is how Levia and Behemo were able to get inside.
24. Behemo does not go to the moon after the explosion. He goes inside Elluka's body with Levia, but remains dormant. He only goes to the moon after Ma is formed.
25. Levia was not cured of HERS (this is vague, but her HERS is suggested to be why she tried to destroy the world as Nemesis).
26. Elluka's original body does not become "decrepit" after swapping with Lukana, it just ages normally.
27. Her name is Banica, not Bianca.
28. The deal with Gluttony was to keep Banica from dying of her morbid obesity, and to pursue dangerous cuisine. It was not because she wanted to be thin.
29. Carlos is not in line for the throne of Marlon.
30. Carlos got over her being overweight, but he did think negatively of Banica for her weight on first meeting her.
31. Carlos never cooked human meat for Banica.
32. Arth does not give birth to Allen and Riliane, Anne does (yes, I know he probably just misspoke but he said it multiple times).
33. Riliane was possessed by Gluttony in the childhood incident that separated her from Allen, not Pride. Pride only occurred later.
34. Elluka was the one who went to Held looking for new apprentices, Held did not call her back.
35. Michaela and Gumillia were forest spirits in between being crewmember data and becoming human.
36. Kyle is not a descendant of Conchita. He is the descendant of one of Carlos' brothers.
37. Allen killing Leonhart is closer in the timeline to Riliane's downfall than the video implies.
38. Michaela was not employed by Kyle in Marlon. Michaela and Clarith were employed by Keel in Elphegort, who was friends with Kyle.
39. Riliane's Green Hunting genocide was a result of not knowing which green-haired girl was Kyle's crush, and so killing them all to get this one person. It was not simply to get revenge on green-haired people.
40. Kyle and Germaine partially allow Allen's death for revenge (Kyle because he thinks Allen killed Michaela, Germaine because Allen killed Leonhart). It is not just for the sake of the public.
41. The demon of Pride was no longer in Riliane by the time of the twin switch (I don't recall if it's said explicitly but I believe the implication is that Ney took it when she escaped).
42. The doll is a doll. It does not look like a person--it is doll sized. People perceive it as looking human due to Eve's brainwashing power. There is of course also the issue of how this video describes Eve's soul as "breaking" is incorrect, which is made especially clear here, but that was covered earlier.
43. Kaspar was not a doctor. Margarita's father was the doctor.
44. The Duel of Merrigod Plateau does not occur during the Sloth event. It occurs much later.
45. Pere Noel is in Lucifenia, not Marlon.
46. Pere Noel is the name of the crime organization, not the name of its leader.
47. His name is Lemy not Lenny.
48. Irina is entirely behind Pere Noel, not just one of its main operators--she is the leader and founder.
49. Irina did not bring Lemy to the duel of Merrigod, he went there on his own.
50. Gumillia and Elluka did not have the vessel of Sloth during the duel. Eve was inside Elluka's body at the time, which is why she was present.
51. Gumillia did not die when she was sent to the Hellish Yard (this is, in fact, why she can't leave to the Heavenly Yard).
52. Seth does not promise to allow Gumillia to survive being in the Hellish Yard with demon powers. He promises to use his scientific expertise to solve the problem.
53. Kayo is not a hairdresser, she is...as the name of her song implies...a tailor. She cuts clothes. Not. Hair.
...Am I being trolled?
54, 55. Not only does he not bring up any of the plot twists of the Tailor novel (primarily that Kayo's actions were not done out of her psychosis but a result of a deliberate revenge plot), but he makes no indication that he's aware they're a thing, so I'm going to say that's two errors.
56, 57. The timeline for the Greed arc is messed up (again, does not seem to know what happens in the novel). Gallerian does not become a greedy judge until after he loses Michelle, which is waaaay after he met Ma, and way after their affair. He does not do this out of simple greed, but because he needs the resources to collect the vessels of sin, which he hopes to use to bring Michelle back to life, in a sense (I'm oversimplifying here but the point is I’m adding another two errors).
58. Gallerian is not actually a sin contractor.
59. Ma knew that Gallerian was her son and deliberately had a child with him while knowing this.
60. Nemesis is her birth name, it is not a name that she took for herself.
61. Ma did not put Eve into the doll, she put Irina into the doll. Irina is Master of the Court.
62. Ma does not have her own soul (this is why she tries to absorb other beings to, in a sense, create one for herself). She is consciousness without a soul.
63. Gallerian does not “abandon” Nemesis. He had no idea she existed until she came to kill him. He didn’t even know she was working for him in PN.
64. The "sins" do not "manifest" in the Theater arc until after Gallerian's death.
65. The way that the theater arc is described as coming about is wrong (Waiter is revealed to be Lilith Baldured, Gear is just Adam, etc). Again--doesn't seem to be familiar with events of the later books despite referencing reveals that are shown in them.
66. Seth as the mask is not able to shapeshift. It is Grim the End, the vessel that he is inside, that can shapeshift.
67. Hanma somewhat took care of Nemesis in her infancy--she was not completely alone.
68. Nemesis did not kill Michelle out of wrath. It was accidental. She didn’t even know that she’d done it.
69. Gallerian does not actually believe the Clockworker's Doll is human, he just believes that Michelle’s spirit is inside it.
70. The Pere Noel of Gallerian's era is not the same organization from Lemy's era. They only share a name.
71. Nemesis did not have to break into anything to get Punishment, she was in charge as the dictator of Elphegort.
72. No one is alive after the world's end except for Nemesis. They are still dead. They are disembodied souls.
--. Capriccio Farce is really the only primary, clear evidence that Allen is the one inside Master of the Court, Re_Birthday is not necessarily about the Irregular that she births, and Waiter's name does not necessarily mean she is waiting for Allen to be born to MOTC specifically (this is too contentious for me to list it as an error though, but my point is the level of retconning is not necessarily as severe as he makes it sound--I believe mothy began retconning this much sooner than people think).
73. Adam and Eve are blonde because they are Irregulars. This is also how they do the Court ending, not a result of “all the stuff their souls have been through”.
74. The Court ending people are not trying to kill the demons, they are trying to collect the contractors’ souls specifically--Ma tried to make a soul for herself using the demons but found them inadequate, and so she instead sought to use the contractors for the demons to sustain herself.
75. The contractors are not possessed anymore, but they do still have the abilities that their contracts gave them.
76. Very large inaccuracies here on how the confrontation with Ma goes but to sum up--Ma was lying dormant in Riliane's soul to stop herself from completely disintegrating into nothingness. She activates herself when all the sinners are assembled and draws them into her consciousness to remain stable, essentially becoming a conglomeration of all of them with Riliane’s appearance. This is incomplete because she does not catch Nemesis.
77. Gallerian is not part of the Court Ending, because he was drawn into the Ma conglomerate and was not present in the theater when it started.
--. Ironically, his (albeit brief) description of how the Court Ending functions is the one I believe to be the most accurate.
78. Most of the Second Period people did not ever learn that they were a simulation (save for Sickle and potentially Held).
79. It's not confirmed that Allen and Riliane fall in love in the Fourth Period (or that it's even them in 10 Minute Love).
80. Seth's motives for saving the world are explained. He is not "evil for evil's sake", he does things out of scientific curiosity. He still has HERS, but his goal as an HER has already been fulfilled with the destruction of the world.
All of this is not including the host of things he omits that, if present, would have made the events sound much more coherent.
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fuffyfuufooker · 4 years
Its Hadzuki (the demon slayer anime based) i tryed to draw the samurai sword and fhis is how it turned out im pretty proud of how i did it and if you want me to draw more of him then please comment down below and what idea you thought would fit him ^^ (like pose and funny stuff)
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sailoreevee018 · 5 years
Magia Record update
God it feels like forever since I have had time to update, however it is a new year and I know a lot of people have been busy with both Christmas and new year's business. I want to wish everyone a late Happy New Years and many more to come~
To everyone I hope and pray you get the magica girls you dream of coming home soon~
And now to update on all the girls I have recieved from last year to this year,
The entire Mikazuki houshold
Iroha, Yachiyo, Tsuruno, Felicia, and Sana
The Holy Quintet
Madoka, Homura (Moemura), Mami, Sayaka, and Kyoko
Momoko, Kaede, and Rena's group
Asuka, and Sasara's group
Nanaka, Kako, Akira, and Meiyui's group
Mayu, Manaka, and Ria
Oriko and Yuma
Ayame and Hadzuki
Koaru and Umika
Suzune, Chisato, and Arise
Tart, Riz, and Melissa
Ren and Rika
Hinano and Erimi
Shizuku and Ayaka
Aimi, Masara, and Natsuki
Konomi,and Kanoko
Mito, Reira, and Seika
Tsukuyo and Tsukasa
Holy Mami
And last but certainly not least~
Mitama (Hiragi ver.)
I wish the best to everyone this year I will try to update and if anyone wants talk, PM me a message and we can discuss Madoka or other things this year.
I love you all and have a blessed year~ ♡
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pochqmqri · 5 years
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Don't feel too bad, Hadzuki. Most wrestling fans are in the same boat as you!
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0zrockbitway · 5 years
OK how about: Ship that you have as an OTP: 🌹, Ship you find cute but don't ship:✌️, Ship you're curious about: 👀, and Ship that needs more love: 💖 for the ask meme :3c
Ship that you have as an OTP: 🌹
BCUZ IM WATCHING OJAMAJO.....masaru/hadzuki.......cute. its entirely nina’s fault lol but I love seeing their little interactions with each other so far and can’t wait to see more tbh
Ship you find cute but don't ship:✌️
haisuto! idk if thats what its called but haizaki/asuto. its really cute and I do like them but?? I just can’t get behind them in a full on relationship?? I’m not against it or anything my brain is just nah son about it. surprisingly I’m more behind the ares trio as an OT3 tho so???
Ship you're curious about: 👀
Sakuma/Haruna!! there was that one pic on them that was real cute and I’m low-key weak about that...I like to think Haruna does get along with the Teikoku gang anyway and normally her bro would be suspicious eyes at whoever she dates but like. he’d would trust sakuma with her.
Ship that needs more love: 💖
I want to be real lame and say hainosa- but how about kyoutaku! I see more of the almighty kyouten and takuten but not much on these two for whatever reason?? I feel like they’re the smallest ship out of break and gryphon trio?? (not counting ares since thats still ongoing)
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elderflowerprince · 1 year
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putting what i learnt in first semester programming class to "good" "use" by making some little buttons to count stats in my spreadsheet of ocs. clearly the most practical class i've ever taken
(still can't believe the final exam was on paper)
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charmedojamajo · 8 months
Chapter 7.
"She forced me into it." Yabu said with a bored face.
What a great start to the chapter. Dubcon confirmed to actually be noncon ☠️
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@pippelulu once again blessing us with the source of her references.
"Momo-chan's hormones are worse than mine, you're fixing them, buh bye!" [Aiko] slammed the door.
Oh lord, we're at it again with the hormone "fixing."
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Literally WHAT are you talking about Yabu, have you not been paying attention? Momoko's behaviour is totally consistent with her shit show of a character we have created so far.
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WHAT are we yapping on about. I completely forgot this was a whole "story arc" with each couple, if you could even call it that.
"I'm staying the night at Akatsuki-kun's house." [Doremi] said cheerfully and disappeared in a cloud of pink sparkles.
Lmao, more unexplained powers. Less hormones and more of this nonsense please.
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I am going to continue mentioning how we put our heart and soul into the LeAi scenes and just ignored everyone else. This is one of the rare few scenes Hadzuki is even in.
Okay they have "poofed" into Aiko's room, and Onpu is disappearing in "purple sparkles." This is the kind of unexplainable randomness I want to see.
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All of the cringe implied sex scenes should just be replaced with this. This I can laugh at.
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Man we were in such a hurry to get them all knocked up lmao. The story was supposed to start with them all getting married but now we're just speedrunning pregnancies. As I say in the end of chapter author's note: "one more to go."
Pregnancy that is. There's still 20 something chapters.
< ch6 | ch8 >
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ojamajodoremi · 5 years
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Hadzuki why are you at that angle
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