#For some reason my synesthetic brain just hates it
synestheticdragon · 4 months
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I think this is my favorite result for these two-colour portraits - Hadzuki Yōu!
Like his name, he is bright, flashy, and warm. A little bit terrible at expressing his own emotions, but would fight to the death for his friends.
Responds with well-practiced outrage to ANYTHING Shun says or does. Refuses on principle to get used to the weirdness that is his life now.
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gdrawsthings · 6 years
Another ask meme!!
I was tagged by @savvyjabby ! This is a personal ask meme though. I put the answers under a read more for those who don’t care for personal jabbering (pun not intended at first, but then it fit with your url and I kept it lmao)
I’m tagging @lytorika (YES, AGAIN), @bandakajuwes and @walteinsamkeit 💚
Star sign: I’m a little fish swimmin’ in the sea
Height: 5’4” (165 cm)
Put your iTunes on shuffle. What are the first 4 songs that popped up?
1. Beethoven, Piano Sonata no. 3 in C, op. 2, mvt. III- Scherzo (Allegro) [performed by Alfred Brendel]
2. Billy Joel, Vienna
3. Yung Bae, Tropical Hysteria
4. Mutemath, Backfire
Ever had a poem or a song written about you?
Not that I know, haha. But a guy wrote 5 pages of prose about me last year. He wanted to shag me, mind you. Ugh. 😒
What was the last time you played air guitar?
I usually play air piano, aaaand 5 minutes ago, to Shostakovich (GOD I LOVE CLASSICAL MUSIC .°(ಗдಗ。)°.) I fear I annoyed the old man sitting next to me on the train. But he was crushing me with his body, taking up half of my seat for no reason except he was too rude to move and I too shy to tell him to leave me space to breathe. He deserved it a little.
Who is your celebrity crush?
No one in particular, tbh. I mentioned a favorite actress before, but yeah it’s no one that I think about on a regular basis. It’s more like she comes to mind every 6-7 months and I’ll go “oh yeah, she’s awesome” and that’s it.
What’s a sound you hate and a sound you love?
Sound I hate: old Italian people saying “pastasciutta” (“dry pasta” as opposed to pasta in broth; saying pasta is enough to be understood by everyone, but there’s also “pasta asciutta” which means the exact same thing. It irritates me to no end when I hear old people say it.)
Sound I love: the sound of rain and wind during an evening storm.
Do you believe in ghosts?
YES. Also I’m pretty sure there’s one in my apartment. My roomies and I call him Lucrezio. We wish he’d pay rent too, but sometimes the company (and freaking out the youngest one of us) is enough. Sometimes I also see objects moving by themselves in my parents’ home and I frequently see people shaped shadows when I should be home alone. It never scares me, it’s just a thing that happens to me. But concrete “proof” is not the only reason why I believe in ghosts. The shortest explanation is that it makes more sense to me that there are ghosts instead of not, and I usually like to believe what makes the universe seem fun when I have a say in it.
Whenever something really unexplainable and undeniable happens, I always do a little thing that my family traditionally does on November 1st: I take up a glass bowl and fill it with water so that the “ghosts can drink some”. It may sound ridiculous, but it’s something that I think is cute and reminds me of distant, special moments of my childhood.
Do you believe in aliens?
See my answer to the previous question. Also, GUYS, THE UNIVERSE IS HUGE, how self centered must we be to think that there aren’t aliens out there?
Do you drive?
Nope. Got my license in 2015, only used it once for an emergency. I hate driving. I prefer public transportation and my own two feet.
What was the last book you read?
Ramachandran, V.S.: The Tell Tale Brain – A Neuroscientist’s Quest for What Makes Us Human. I decided to read it again because it could be relevant enough to be put in my degree thesis bibliography. It’s a book written by a neurologist who tells stories of strange clinical cases and experiments. One of the most interesting stories was about his experiments with daltonic synesthetes. It was mindblowing. There’s a PDF of the book online if you happen to be interested in the topic.
Do you like the smell of gasoline?
Most of the time.
What was the last movie you saw?
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh. Uhhhh. Uuuuuuuuuuuhhhhh-
Oh, right. Predestination. I wanted to watch it a second time from the point of view of someone who already knew the plot. It was a week ago. Also I like sci-fi movies with twists.
What was the worst injury you’ve ever had?
Nothing too serious. It’s kind of a funny story.
A couple of years ago there was a family renting the apartment right under my parents’. They were really loud, and from what we could hear (which was everything they shouted every hour of the day) it was a pretty toxic household. They would throw furniture, insult each other and everyone in the building who tried to reason with them.
It happened on a Sunday morning, around 8AM, when I woke up to the sound of their shouting. I really wanted to sleep for another couple of hours that day, I had had a rough week and that was the last chance I had to get back the hours of sleep I lost in the previous days. I was still sleepy, but very, very angry, so, after months of enduring their continuous shouting I decided I finally had enough of it so I lifted my leg up in the air and slammed my foot on the hard wooden floor of my room to shut them up.
You have no idea how painful it was. I literally couldn’t feel my leg from knee to toe for a minute, and when I could again the only thing that my brain registered was immense pain. And I think the worst part of it all was that I didn’t even make that loud of a noise. If the pain weren’t that mind-numbing I probably would have thought that that was the perfect time to play The Sound of Silence over a still shot of my convulsing body on the floor.
I ended up borrowing one of my grandma’s crutches (she wasn’t using them anymore) for about a month.
I got told that I used crutches like I didn’t need them because I was always walking very fast to get everywhere. It made people laugh a lot. Not that I had a choice; either I spent a fortune on boat trips or I walked fast if I wanted to get to class in time (I was studying in Venice. Imagine having a leg injury and studying in a city made of bridges. HELL)
The entire situation was pretty comical in retrospect.
Do you have an obsession right now?
What do you think? 😂
Do you tend to hold a grudge on people who have done you wrong?
Nah. I’m the type who feels awful about it at first but forgets with time. It’s better for my mental health, so I don’t like to hold grudges.
In a relationship?
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