#HYUKOH in Jakarta
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Oh Hyuk ~ 241123 HYUKOH & Sunset Rollercoaster at JOYLAND Festival © yeyoungkim9
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Rainy Afternoon with HYUKOH
It was one of the chilliest days in November when we waited for the South Korean quartet. The rain reluctantly wetted Kemang road; creating a lazy rhythm to our ears as we look out from inside JUNI Records’ homey headquarter. It was a perfect timing for middle-class, young urban to think about coffee—I did too. And funnily enough, HYUKOH was thinking about the same thing too.
15 minutes before they arrived, they came up the idea of coffee, requesting five cups of Americano to indulge here. I was just about to volunteer and get them coffee from the nearest Warkop - perhaps to get some Indomie Ayam Bawang as well. Ain’t nobody would miss the chance to witness them caressing one of the best foods in our only known universe.
The four of them seemed to be really quiet in the first impression. They even entered the room with no slightest sound. If it wasn’t Oh Hyuk who rushed to ask where the toilet was, they could’ve won Santa Claus of the Year award for their sneaking prowess.
Dressed in their consistent wardrobe—coats and trousers 4 size bigger than their actual figure—they greeted us in formal way and sat on the seats prepared for them about 6-feet opposite to us. I sat exactly in front of them, right in the middle. Wasn’t a perfect spot either, because I look better with my face slightly facing the left side than facing the front.
So here they are: Im Dong Gun, Lee In Woo, Oh Hyuk, and Lim Hyun Jae—from left to right. We were given the chance to ask one question each, which we already rehearsed to each other. It was quite useless, though, since each of us already prepared at least a dozen questions—enough of a stock in case our intended question had already been asked.
Here’s the transcript of the ludicrous talk with the band earlier before the concert took place (DG=Dong Gun, IW=In Woo, OH=Oh Hyuk, HJ=Hyun Jae):
What can we expect from the concert at The Establishment tomorrow?
OH: We will certainly be playing all songs from (our latest album) 23. As for the others, let’s just see what we prepared for you.
We’ve known that you paid close attention to fashion; mostly for Oh Hyuk who has posed for certain magazines like Vogue, DAZED, and worked with brands like Nike. What is the fashion statement and where do you get the inspiration from?
OH: Each of us actually has different fashion taste, so it’s hard to exactly explain our fashion statement. As for our latest album, we talked to our team (including the stylist) and have decided to go on oversized outfits that just seem to fit the overall theme.
You guys have different musical background. How do you stay on the same page when it comes to music-making process?
OH: True, we have very diverse music taste, as well as influences. Our influences change over time, but there are few who stay as our main influence (in other interview, he said the major influences include Whitest Boy Alive and The Beatles, but I didn’t scrutinize every word from Oh Hyuk during our interview). I think that difference does not separate us from one music element from another—instead it gives us a chance to make our music sounds even more diverse.
We cannot ignore that you have reached mainstream music scene lately. How does that impact your music?
OH: First of all, I’m pretty glad to enter the mainstream market because it makes a lot of money *laughed awkwardly*. However, yes, sometimes I’m anxious if someday it (the mainstream market) may alter our musical identity. But so far we are still enjoying it.
Since it’s raining outside, what song from your own discography you would recommend to listen to on rainy days?
OH: Paul.
HJ: Paul.
IW: *one-minute pause* Paul.
DG: *three-minute pause that feels like forever* TOMBOY.
What is the philosophy behind your orderly album titles?
OH: The numbers mean our chronological ages by the time we are working on the album, so we can remember how old we were when we produced it. 20 when we were 20, and so on with 22 and 23. As for 21… There isn’t any just because… There just isn’t.
You are currently nominated for major awards like MAMA and MMA. What do you feel about it and how��s your preparation for the show?
OH: We are happy to get our first nomination ever at MAMA. As for the performance… Please just stay tune for the surprise.
Jakarta is your last destination for the World Tour before you return to South Korea. Do you have any expectation about it?
OH: We just expect no more flight *jokingly*. Since it’s our first ever live performance in Jakarta, we just have to make sure to perform our best.
What is the meaning behind your consistently artistic album artwork?
OH: To be honest, I don’t even know myself. There’s no actual interpretation about these. The man behind the artwork was my sunbae (senior) during school days. I just found his artwork very interesting and told him, “If someday I’m gonna make an album, I want you to illustrate the cover”. We just give him the tracklist to listen and let him illustrate it based on his own interpretation about the overall music.
What’s your favorite track from the latest album?
DG: TOMBOY. I think it has a really good melody—it rings a lot in my head.
IW: Die Alone. It’s the song that helps me to concentrate during a performance.
OH: I would say TOMBOY. The song took the longest process to produce, so I remembered every detail of it very well.
HJ: I have two favorites: TOMBOY and 지정석 (Reserved Seat). I like them because the outcome somehow fits how I expect them to be.
What can we expect from HYUKOH in the future?
OH: We have a motto that goes “Everything that is done with pleasure is cool”. In the future, we would like to present our music that is always done with pleasure for our listeners.
As the roundtable session ended, four of them grabbed their coffee and went straightly to the porch to light some cigarettes. As the smoke resembled fog amidst the rain, the oversized coats they wore made them looking like spectres from behind. Despite the grim combination of coffee, their serious-yet-witty look, and the overwhelming smoke, I still can’t deny I wanted so badly to join them and offer a pack of local wisdom called Gudang Garam Signature. There’s a chance they would suspect me as suicidal for smoking such high dose of nicotine though, but come on—you cannot be a smoker and wandering in Jakarta without tasting a kretek once.
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On regular nights i'm like a walking cliché absorbing the blue out of your songs, but yesterday night you finally filled me up with the red. Thank you❤
#hyukoh#hyukohjkt#hyukohinjakarta#hyukoh in jakarta#hyukoh jkt#hyukohliveinjakarta#hyukoh live in jakarta
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hyukoh: 24
sekedar memberitahu lagi, kalau misalnya aku unggah tulisan ini karena memang ini tulisan lama yang beberapa kali belum diterima sama portal tulisan, tp gapapa sih, aku seneng nulis review album kpop. okedeh, selamat menikmati aja <3. Disini aku nulis tentang album nya si kakak aka hyukoh cintaku selamanya yang enggak konser2 ke jakarta :(. iya, bahasanya habis km keep reading emang bakalan beda.
Berbeda terbalik dengan EP sebelumnya—dengan tajuk 23—dimana kita bisa melihat Hyukoh dengan formula; rasa naif anak muda, kebingungan, dan masa pencarian. Di album anyar mereka, Hyukoh mengajak kita untuk mengenal Hyukoh versi cah cinta. Cinta memanglah sesuatu yang tidak akan habis untuk dibicarakan, hal tersebut mendasari terciptanya album teranyar Hyukoh yang bertajuk 24: How To Find True Love and Happiness pada bulan Mei 2018 kemarin. Judul yang sederhana namun ternyata sedemikian nylekit ketika saya pahami secara mendalam. Ya, sebenarnya bagaimana cara menemukan cinta dan kebahagiaan? Bukankah kedua hal tersebut yang selalu dicari oleh manusia?
Dengan lagu yang 95% berbahasa Inggris, minim bahasa ibu para personilnya berbeda dari album sebelumnya yang lebih sering menggunakan percampuran antara bahasa Korea dengan bahasa Inggris. Hal ini menurut saya makin menjembatani interaksi Hyukoh dengan para penggemarnya yang notabene berasal dari berbagai belahan dunia lain.
Cinta yang berusaha Hyukoh definisikan kepada para pendengarnya tak melulu tentang cinta yang sedih, bagaimana ditolak atau disakiti lalu bagaimana mereka mendeskripsikan cinta? Hal tersebut langsung dijawab pada lagu pertama yang merupakan judul utama dari album ini adalah, LOVE YA! Dengan pangsa lebih kepada masyarakat internasional judul-pun dibikin dengan bahasa prokem.
Yang saya sukai dari lagu ini selain music video dengan sutradara Frank Lebon menggambarkan dengan apik lirik yang dinyanyikan, bahwa cinta adalah suatu hal yang dapat dinikmati oleh semua orang, tak peduli siapa kamu dan darimana asalmu adalah bagaimana Hyukoh mencoba menafsirkan cinta secara general dengan musik yang Hyukoh banget; perkawinan antara gitar elektrik dengan blues. Cinta ya hanya cinta. Tidak ada batas yang lain didalamnya. Lirik yang tumben benar benar terasa romantis untuk ukuran Hyukoh, terutama lirik pada bagian-
Let’s put a name On each of your Every single hairs Love this quiet moment
-coba sekarang bayangkan saja pasangan mana yang mau repot repot memandangi sela rambut kita kemudian menamainya satu persatu sembari menatap dalam kedua bola mata tanpa suara ditengah anda dan si pasangan. Waduh, saya sih ga kuat. Kemudian, lengkingan gitar elektrik, drum yang menggebu gebu, ditambah suara serak serak tak sampai ala si vokalis Oh Hyuk.
Walah, gimana saya enggak tambah jatuh cinta.
Total lagu yang berada di EP ini berjumlah enam lagu termasuk main track, LOVE YA! Membuat saya makin yakin bahwa musikalitas Hyukoh tidak perlu diragukan lagi. Sebelum merilis music video LOVE YA! Hyukoh sudah lebih dulu mengocok perut lewat music video Skyworld atau yang bisa disebut dengan bumi manusia ala Korea Selatan.
Bayangkan saja manusia gundul mempunyai bukit diatas kepalanya dengan kemunculan satu persatu personil Hyukoh berdiri disana, sementara lagu yang dinyanyikan sangat layak dgunakan sebagai lagu pengantar tidur. Skyworld langsung membanting ‘kebrangasan’ Hyukoh dengan suara nan lembut dari lagi Skyworld. Tetap aestetik dengan caranya adalah Hyukoh in a nutshell.
Di trek selanjutnya, Graduation yang membuat gebrakan karena kalau bicara tentang musiknya, lagu ini kehilangan citarasa Hyukoh yang saya sukai. Gebrakan drum Lee Inwoo memiliki andil yang cukup besar untuk menyelamatkan lagu ini. Sementara suara suara kecil—yang saya harapkan dapat mengembalikan identitas Hyukoh di lagunya—seperti gelas pecah, bunyi synthesizer yang makin mirip dengan mobil balapan karena berdengung dengung di sepanjang lagu, dan perubahan kentara yang terjadi pada lagu ini selalu ditandai oleh nada elektrik melengking membuat saya tidak mengenali lagi kepemilikan Hyukoh di lagu yang satu ini.
Beruntung trek yang merupakan kesukaan saya ini (Yay!) dapat menyelamatkan Hyukoh yang sempat kehilangan identitasnya di lagu Graduation. Citizen Kane. Tempo yang super cepat di bagian intro makin membuat saya berterimakasih kepada Im Donggeon karena permainan bas betotnya dapat membuat lagu Citizen Kane se-adiktif itu. Seperti lagu Tomboy di EP sebelumnya, Citizen Kane membiarkan kita ikut ber-ooh ria bersama Hyukoh disepanjang verse lagu ini.
Hyukoh bermain adil dengan menonjolkan para personilnya dalam EP tersebut, kita tak hanya dibiarkan mengenal Hyukoh hanya dengan kebolehan suaranya namun bagaimana tiap personil dengan kemampuannya bermusiknya dalam ter-eksplorasi dengan baik dalam porsi yang cukup.
Lim Hyunjae—si gitaris—menunjukkan kebolehannya dalam trek Gang Gang Schiele (sekedar fakta saja, ternyata dia ikut untuk memproduseri lagu ini), musik yang lembut beriringan dengan tambuhan tamborin memperkuat lirik yang menceritakan tentang nostalgia semasa kecil. Lagu nostalgia semacam ini melempar saya kepada salah satu lagu Epik High yang juga bertutur demikian, Us Against The World.
Pada penghujung EP How To Find True Love and Happiness, Goodbye Seoul memaksa kita harus berpisah dari album anyar Hyukoh. Tempo lagu yang tidak terlalu menghentak, sangat terasa layaknya lagu lawas yang terdengar di tahun 90’an, Goodbye Seoul seperti sebuah kereta yang membawa kita menuju penghujung dari suguhan nan apik album Hyukoh.
Secara keseluruhan, album 24 ini memang tidak ‘se-emo’ album album Hyukoh yang sebelumnya, namun tetap terasa unik dan membuat kita terkesan dengan lirik sederhana kemudian nada nada musiknya. Urutan teratas menurut saya di album ini tetap Citizen Kane, LOVE YA!, Goodbye Seoul kemudian baru seterusnya. Jika kalian yang ingin mengenal Korea Selatan tak hanya soal Kpop-nya, saya sarankan silahkan berkenalan dengan Hyukoh. Akhir kalimat, ada sebuah wawancara dimana jawaban Hyukoh seharusnya menohok siapapun yang membacanya:
“We weren’t made by a company. We’ll keep doing what we’ve doing so far. We’ll do what we like, do what we to do, and we’ll work very hard on it”
habis ini aku nge unggah tulisan tulisan lain deh yang bukan tulisan lama, hehe. makasih semwa.
x, ayas.
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🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 It's official, Hyukoh Live in Jakarta! 27 november 2017 at the establishment, SCBD. Stay tune at kiostix.com and juniconcert.id for more info! Indonesia, kami akan datang ke Jakarta! Hyukoh Live in Jakarta, 27 November 2017, di The Establishment, SCBD. Tunggu infonya di kiostix.com dan juniconcert.id. Sampai ketemu, Indonesia! #HYUKOH #혁오 #ฮยอกโอ #赫吴 #ヒョゴ #HyukohJKT
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EPIK HIGH (에픽하이) is a 3-membered alternative hip-hop group who debuted under Woollim Entertainment, but are currently under YG Entertainment. They debuted in 2003 with the album “Map Of The Human Soul”.
Music video(s): I Remember, By Myself (feat. Clazziquai), Day Of Peace, Fly, Paris (feat Jisun), Fan, Love Love Love, One (feat. Jisun), Umbrella (feat. Younha), Breakdown, Map The Soul (feat. MYK), One Minute One Second (feat. Taru), Wannabe (feat. Mellow), 트로트 + High Technology, Slow Motion, Run, Don’t Hate Me, Up (feat. Park Bom), Born Hater (feat. Beenzino, Verbal Jint, iKON’s Bobby & B.I & WINNER’s Mino), Spoiler + Happen Ending (feat. Roller Coaster’s Cho Wonsun), Love Story (feat. IU), Lost One (feat. NELL’s Kim Jongwan), Map The Soul (with MYK & Kero One), Home Is Far Away (with Hyukoh’s Hyuk).
Collaborations: Can You Hear My Heart (with Lee Hi), 풍파 (with 한상원), I Remember (with Kensie), 하늘에게 물어봐 (with Dynamic Duo), 10년 뒤에 (with Leeds), By Myself (with Clazziquai), Paris (with Jisun), One (with Jisun), Umberella (with Younha), Map The Soul (with MYK), Up (with Park Bom), Born Hater (with Beenzino, Verbal Jint, iKON’s Bobby & B.I & WINNER’s Mino), Love Story (with IU), Lost One (with NELL’s Kim Jongwan), 그녀가 불쌍해 (with Lyn), Street Lovin’ (with Joo Suc), Love Song (with 박성웅), 유서 (with TBNY), Watch Ya Self (with 디기리, Yankie & Double K), My Ghetto (with Kim Yeonwoo), The Basics (with Unknowndjs), 피해망상 Part 3 (with TBNY), November 1st (with WANTED’s Kim Jaesuk), Open M.I.C. (with SECHSKIES’ Eun Jiwon, TBNY, Tweak & Dynamic Duo), I Remember 70s Soul Remix (with Asoto Union & Kensie), Yesterday (with Brown Eyed Soul’s 고영준), Fly (with Soulciety’s Amin. J), Funkdamental (with Unknowndjs), 도시가 눈을 감지 않는 이유 (with Lee Jung & Infinite Flow), Follow The Flow (with MYK & D-Tox), Swan Song (with TBNY), Elements (with DJ Wreckx & MYK), Gift (with Park Jiyoon), Maze (with Dumbfoundead & MYK), Excuses (with MYK), Breathe (with 하���균), Heaven (with MYK), Orchestras. Spotlights. Turntables. (with MYK), Still Here (with Dok2), Wannabe (with Mellow), Rocksteady (with Kero One, Dumbfoundead, MYK & Dilated Peoples’ Rakaa), Madonna (with Mellow), Rocksteady Korean Version (with Paloalto, Dok2, Beatbox DG & Beenzino), Whitetip (with MYK, YDG & Dok2), It’s Cold (with Lee Hi), You Don’t Deserve Her (with Gaeko), Happen Ending (with Roller Coaster’s Cho Wonsun), Rich (with Taeyang), Burj Khalifa (with Yankie & Gaeko), We Fight Ourselves (with Younha), Amor Fati (with NELL’s Kim Jongwan), Life Is Good (with Jay Park), Eyes, Nose, Lips (with Taeyang), Shoebox (with MYK), Cipher (with Beatbox DG), Scenario (with MYK), Map The Soul Worldwide Version (with MYK & Kero One), 8 By 8, Part2 (with MYK, Minos, Paloalto, The Quiett, Verbal Jint, Kebee, E-Sens & Simon D), Fool (with Bumkey), Scales (with Yankie), Coffee (with 성아), Fallin’ (with Lucite Tokki’s Jo Yejin), Habit (with WANTED’s 하동균), Home Is Far Away (with Hyukoh’s Hyuk), No Thankxxx (with Mino, Simon D & The Quiett), Here Come The Regrets (with Lee Hi), The Benefits Of The Heartbreak (with Akdong Musician’s Suhyun), Munbae-Dong (with Crush),
Social media: YouTube, Facebook, Website.
TABLO — 타블로
Birth name: Daniel Armand Lee.
Korean name: Lee Seonwoong — 이선웅.
Birth date: July 22, 1980.
Birth place: Seoul, South Korea.
Nationality: South Korean.
Blood type: A.
Height: 172 cm — 5′8″.
Weight: 62 kg — 137 lbs.
Sibling(s): One older sister, one older brother.
Spouse: Kang Hyejung; actress (m. 2009).
Child(ren): One daughter — Lee Haru (b. 2010).
Position: Leader, rap, vocal.
Social media: Instagram, Twitter.
Language(s): Korean, English.
Education: St. George’s Boarding School, Seoul International School, Stanford University (Bachelor’s Degree in English literature, Master’s degree in Creative Writing).
Role model(s): Drunken Tiger.
Ideal type: An attractive woman.
Collaborations: Home (with Lee Sora), Bad (with Jinsil), Airbang (with Brown Eyed Soul’s Naul), From The Bottom (with Bumkey), Tomorrow (with Taeyang), Thankful Breath (with Yankee & Bong Taekyu), Talk Play Love (with BoA, Xia & Jin Bora), Promise U (with BoA, Xia & Jin Bora), Daydream (with BoA, Xia & Jin Bora), I’m Coming (with Rain), Rainbow (with Infinite Flow & NELL), I Love You (with Navi), Up All Night (with Lee Hi), Auto Reverse (with PSY).
Movie appearances: “Fantastic Parasuicides” (2007), “August Rush” (2007, cameo).
Was raised in Jakarta, Indonesia. Also lived in Switzerland, Hong Kong and Canada (kept moving because of his father’s job).
Published a book in 2008, named “Pieces Of You”. It became a best seller.
Appeared on reality show “The Return of Superman” alongside his daughter.
Birth name: Kim Jeongshik — 김정식.
Birth date: November 19, 1981.
Birth place: Seoul, South Korea.
Nationality: South Korean.
Blood type: Unknown.
Height: 176 cm — 5′9″.
Weight: 65 kg — 143 lbs.
Sibling(s): None.
Spouse: Name unknown.
Child(ren): One son — Kim Yeonwoo, one daughter — name unknown.
Position: Producer, turntablist, engineer.
Social media: Instagram, Twitter.
Language(s): Korean, English.
Education: Donga Broadcasting College, Technics DJ School.
MITHRA JIN — 미쓰라 진
Birth name: Choi Jin — 최진.
Birth date: January 6, 1983.
Birth place: Goheung, South Korea.
Nationality: South Korean.
Blood type: Unknown.
Height: 179 cm — 5′11″.
Weight: 78 kg — 172 lbs.
Sibling(s): None.
Spouse: Kwon Dahyun; actress (m. 2015).
Position: Rap, producer, lyricist, MC.
Social media: Instagram, Twitter.
Language(s): Korean, English.
Education: Gwangmyung High School.
Ideal type: Used to say Yoona is his ideal type.
Former member of disbanded group K-Ryders.
#epik high#epikhigh#tablo#seonwoong#lee seonwoong#sunwoong#lee sunwoong#daniel#armand#daniel lee#daniel armand lee#hyejung#kang hyejung#haru#lee haru#david#david lee#sunmin#lee sunmin#dj tukutz#jeongshik#kim jeongshik#yoonwoo#kim yoonwoo#mithra jin#jin#choi jin#dahyun#kwon dahyun#yg entertainment
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Rich Brian, Kang Daniel among lineup at 88rising's digital festival — The Jakarta Post
Rich Brian, Kang Daniel among lineup at 88rising’s digital festival — The Jakarta Post
Read more at The Jakarta Post
— Entertainment company 88rising will livestream a digital festival on May 6, which coincides with the start of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month…
Image courtesy of AFP/Jesse Grant
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#88Rising#Asia Rising Forever#Beabadob#CLC#coronavirus#covid-19#Dumbfoundead#HYUKOH#Josh Pan#Kang Daniel#Lim Kim#NIKI#No Vacation#Rich Brian#Stephanie Poetri#The Jakarta Post
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Hyukoh Live in Jakarta 2017 - Antusiasme Membludak, Promotor Tambah Tiket, Harga Lebih Murah!
Siska Menol Berita Hyukoh Live in Jakarta 2017 - Antusiasme Membludak, Promotor Tambah Tiket, Harga Lebih Murah! Baru Banyak Artikel Tentang Hyukoh Live in Jakarta 2017 - Antusiasme Membludak, Promotor Tambah Tiket, Harga Lebih Murah! Pencarian Artikel Tentang Hyukoh Live in Jakarta 2017 - Antusiasme Membludak, Promotor Tambah Tiket, Harga Lebih Murah! Silahkan Cari Dalam Database Kami, Pada Kolom Pencarian Tersedia. Jika Tidak Menemukan Apa Yang Anda Cari, Kemungkinan Artikel Sudah Tidak Dalam Database Kami. Judul Informasi Artikel : Hyukoh Live in Jakarta 2017 - Antusiasme Membludak, Promotor Tambah Tiket, Harga Lebih Murah! Antusiasme penonton membludak, promotor tambah tiket dan dijual dengan harga lebih murah! Begini cara pesannya, jangan sampai kehabisan! http://www.unikbaca.com
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Hyukoh Bakal Tampil di Jakarta Bulan November
Aruma Manis Hyukoh Bakal Tampil di Jakarta Bulan November Baru Nih Artikel Tentang Hyukoh Bakal Tampil di Jakarta Bulan November Pencarian Artikel Tentang Berita Hyukoh Bakal Tampil di Jakarta Bulan November Silahkan Cari Dalam Database Kami, Pada Kolom Pencarian Tersedia. Jika Tidak Menemukan Apa Yang Anda Cari, Kemungkinan Artikel Sudah Tidak Dalam Database Kami. Judul Informasi Artikel : Hyukoh Bakal Tampil di Jakarta Bulan November
Tiket konser Hyukoh di Jakarta masih tersedia di situs www.juniconcert.id dan www.kiostix.com.
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Azupan Live Muzik
"Malam ini bahagiaa, setelah sekian lama tidak mendapatkan azupan muzik yang bergizi" *Sent tweet* Benar sekali, sekian bulan berada di Jakarta, hiburanku hanya ke mall, mall, dan ke mall lagi. Tidak seperti di Jogja, tiap bulannya ada saja pertunjukan seni yang bisa dinikmati seluruh lapisan masyarakat, termasuk aku (ya karena banyak yang gratisan). Seminggu yang lalu tidak sengaja menemukan event musik gratis di detik(dot)com. Artisnya meen, Gugun Blues Shelter, Endah N Rhesa, dan Mocca. Ya iseng-iseng aja daftar, masuk pending list. Soalnya niatku buka website itu cuma mau ikutan kuis berhadiah tiket nonton konser Hyukoh. Eh nyatanya, yang diniatin nggak dapet, yang iseng dapet. Ya sudah nggak apa, nonton musisi lokal kesannya kan lebih cinta produk Indonesia. Pertunjukan musik itu bertajuk #MusicAtTheNewsroom, diselenggarakan oleh CNN Indonesia, bertempat di ICE Palace Kuningan. Di e-tiket, acaranya mulai jam 18.30, jadi aku berangkat dari rumah jam 17.13 sampai sana jam 18.00-an. Untung aja berangkat awal, bisa dapet antrian nomer 3, soalnya telat semenit aja udah antri di belakang banget. Begitu masuk venue, wah, terbaek dah. Kapan lagi nonton musik bisa sambil bobok-bobokan di bean bag. Santai banget bray, kayak di pantay. Aku pilih posisi yang lumayan strategis, tengah agak di depan. Duduk langsung bobok. Nggak deng. Tapi iya sih, duduk senderan di bean bag bikin ngantuk dan bikin jogetnya kurang maksimal. Emang dasar mental penonton dangdut nih. Performers pertama GBS, yang membawakan lagu favoritku "Jangan Berkata dalam Hati" sama "Forgive Me". Thumbs up lah nggak bisa komentar lagi. Yang kedua, Endah N Rhesa!!! Aaah, sepasang love-birds ini memang paling gemas. Nonton dan dengerin mereka cuma bisa senyum ketawa ketiwi sendiri. I'm happy just to see them singing and laughing on the stage. Serasa dunia hanya milik berdua, yang lain ngontrak. Mereka bawain beberapa lagu hits mereka dan juga lagu baru yang berjudul "Long Lost Friend", cek deh di YouTube, baguuss tidak diragukan lagi. Jangan lupa ya beli CD original mereka di website official, hanya Rp25.000 sajaa. Terakhir, Mocca. Jujur aja, aku nggak pernah ngikutin lagu-lagu mereka. Tau sih beberapa, bagus-bagus juga, tapi entah kenapa musik mereka nggak nyantol di telingaku. Kesalahan terbesarku adalah, ketika mereka menyuruh kami, penonton, untuk berdiri mendekat ke panggung, bodohnya nih, aku ikutan maju dan berada di barisan nomer 2 dari depan. Udah deh, waktu Mocca tampil, yang lain sing along, aku cuma komat kamit nggak jelas dan terpaksa buat sok asik. Eww me. Summary: menyenangkan, meneduhkan, mengenyangkan. Kecuali bagian Mocca lol (kemudian dihajar massa). Finally, aku bisa menafkahi telingaku dengan live music lagi. Acara selesai jam setengah 10 malam, aku memutuskan untuk pulang naik ojol. Aku pun hanya bisa pasrah dan berdoa sepanjang jalan agar diberikan keselamatan, minimal abang ojolnya nggak aneh-aneh aja. Eh, beneran aneh, nyetel lagu keras-keras di jalan, mana playlistnya sad songs pula. Okelah dimaafkan, mumpung suasana hati saya lagi bagus.
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Tampil Memukau, Hyukoh Awalnya Tak Bakal Didatangkan ke Indonesia. Apa Alasannya?
Tampil Memukau, Hyukoh Awalnya Tak Bakal Didatangkan ke Indonesia. Apa Alasannya?
“Terima kasih telah datang, kami adalah band dari Korea. Ini pertama kalinya kami datang ke Jakarta”. Itulah sapaan pertama Oh Hyuk vokalis Band Indie Hyukoh kepada para fansnya setelah membawa lagu Tokyo Inn, Comes and goes, dan Leather Jacket.
Ratusan penonton pun berteriak histeris. Bisa dibilang penampilan Oh…
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241123 HYUKOH & Sunset Rollercoaster at JOYLAND Festival | AAA TOUR BY HYUKOH & SUNSET ROLLERCOASTER in Jakarta
#hyukoh#sunset rollercoaster#jnkyrd's smile is so fucking beautiful <3#p: live#aaa tour in jakarta#joyland festival#hyuk#donggun#hyunje
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I get more and more scared. I'm running but my feet and heart forget why. Dreams just become baggage now. My only hope is just to leave it behind and run. Rushing myself to take just one more step. But when I looked up, I'm right in front of a cliff. I look back and all of these expectations are lined up behind me. It pretends to support me but it's pushing my back - Home is faraway by Epik High feat Oh Hyuk - #tablo#djtukutz#mithrajin#epikhigh#ohhyuk#hyukoh#we'vedonesomethingwonderful#korean#music#song#lyrics (at Jakarta, Indonesia)
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last night, i attended my first concert and it was hyukoh. IT WAS PHENOMENAL. hearing those songs live, truly an experience. i clearly spent my hard-earned money well, NO REGRETS. plus i rushed straight from work so i couldn’t eat dinner (although i managed to sneak in nuts and chocolate... which i didn’t eat COS HELLO AWESOME MUSIC).
just a few things i learned since i’ve never been to a concert. firstly, I DO NOT LIKE STANDING UP. i would much prefer to sit down, as much as people say that hinders from enjoying the music fully. it could have been due to the fact that i had been standing up the whole day cos of work. but then again, PEOPLE BUMPING INTO ME OR MY BAG ANNOYED THE HELL OUT OF ME. i mean i understand that everyone just wants to be closer to the stage but i just can’t stand it no matter how hard i try to ignore it. if i sit down, no one’s gonna invade my personal space (i hope).
secondly, going to a concert alone... is not that fun. i am a person who usually scoffs at people who ALWAYS need someone to accompany them to do things like eat out and all that. but for concerts, i think i prefer if i have someone with me, someone who can go crazy with me. there were plenty of moments whereby i wanted to raise my hand and screech out lyrics but i held myself back cos i was shy.
lastly, this is the first time i was exposed to so much beer. i could smell it and it wasn’t a pleasant smell. makes me wonder how the hell do people drink it. the stench made me feel a little bit uncomfortable but i could tolerate it for good music.
now, moving on to hyukoh themselves, and their music. in real life, they look like how they look on tv. hyunjae still looks like jaebum to me. so pre-con, i only knew oh hyuk and then when 23 came out, i noticed hyunjae since he looked like jaebum. but during the concert, INWOO STOLE MY HEART. he was cute, he was charismatic, he was everything. i was always interested in drumming so i tried to look at him as often as i could and it was a good choice cos he really played it well. he truly shined in wanli and reserved seat. PLUS HE WAS SO CUTE AT THE END, WHEN HE WAVED AND JUMPED AROUND. it really warmed my heart and makes them seem less unapproachable. (delusional me thinks that he made eye contact with me right before he started waving and jumping) also, he took out his jacket in the middle of the first or second song and that made me laugh.
okay, i gotta be honest. i love most of hyukoh songs. in fact, the percentage of songs that i like is quite high. but when hearing it live, some songs were just boring. there were times when i wished i could press a skip button and move on to the next song. having said that, i enjoyed most of the songs last night. i had a few goosebumps throughout the concert. i wished that i was watching it in korea though, cos i’m pretty sure the korean audience would know their lyrics better and would sing along. most of the time, no one was singing along. that was a disappointment. also, the crowd last night sang wi ing wi wing wrongly. when oh hyuk let them sing, it was supposed to be ‘bi ing bi ing’ but the crowd repeated ‘wi ing wi ing’. i was so embarrassed.
to wrap it up, last night was 10/10, i would watch them again. i wish i can go to jakarta right now and watch their concert again. i really, truly, sincerely want to see them perform again. PLEASE EVEN IF IT’S A BUSKING EVENT I WANT TO HEAR THEM AGAIN. hopefully, i can get some ticket to their concert when i’m in korea.
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Habis Terjual, Promotor Buka Kelas Tiket Baru Konser Hyukoh
Jangan sedih dulu kalau kehabisan tiket konser Hyukoh Live in Jakarta, karena kelas baru dengan harga yang lebih terjangkau masih bisa kamu dapatkan. Melihat animo penggemar, Juni Concert pun memutuskan menambah kelas festival B untuk konser Hyukoh mendatang. Tiket tersebut dijual seharga 625ribu rupiah (termasuk pajak). Kamu masih bisa membeli tiketnya di juni concert atau … Continue reading Habis Terjual, Promotor Buka Kelas Tiket Baru Konser Hyukoh → http://dlvr.it/Q1dwXn
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