#HRM Batch
townpostin · 3 months
XLRI Jamshedpur HRM Student Shresth Tiwari Wins Global Essay Competition
XLRI Jamshedpur’s Shresth Tiwari triumphs at the 53rd St. Gallen Symposium in Switzerland, highlighting concerns about data practices in the metaverse. Shresth Tiwari from XLRI Jamshedpur’s HRM batch of 2023-25 has won the prestigious Global Essay Competition at the 53rd St. Gallen Symposium held in Switzerland. JAMSHEDPUR – XLRI Jamshedpur proudly congratulates Shresth Tiwari, a student from the…
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cubbihue · 14 hours
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Timmy's graduation from Pixies' Academy was a very filled very chaotic day. Peri did his very best to behave! He didn't want to make a fuss on Timmy's big day!!!
But when you get a bunch of green stuff and no soda with your food, that's when you've had enough.
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fanfoolishness · 3 months
Written for @summer-of-bad-batch for the prompt “Need a hand?” Crosshair knows he can ask for help, but it’s harder than it sounds. Post-finale, 655 words. [This might work as a scene in a much later story later, but I’m having trouble with that one, and this stands perfectly well on its own.]
Crosshair yawned. He hadn’t slept well the night before, waking up several times and then sleeping long after the sun had risen. It was time to get up and get ready. He shambled down the hallway and into the ‘fresher.
He stared into the mirror, frowning at what he saw. The stubble on his face was slowly trying to turn into a beard, gray shot through with white, coarse hairs slightly curling. The hair on most of his head was much the same, scruffy and wavy. After their cadet years he had always kept his hair short, irritated by its curly texture and the maintenance needed to keep it from tangling. After Bracca he’d gone even further, keeping it nearly fully shaved, and even on Tantiss they’d allowed him to keep it shorn close.
But now --
His left hand curled into a fist. His stump hung uselessly at his side.
He knew Hunter or Wrecker would grab the clippers or razor and cut his hair for him happily. All he had to do was say the word. It shouldn’t be so difficult, and yet…
Crosshair let out a long breath. To hell with it. He glanced around, looking for the clippers, but they weren’t in their usual spot. His eyes landed on the razor instead and he hesitated. Before he could think better of it, he splashed his face with water and lathered his patchy beard with soap, then picked up the razor with his left hand.
How hard could it be?
He set the razor down five minutes later, dropping it into the sink to let it wash clean. Bloody water swirled into the drain, and he grimaced, wiping his face. Multiple streaks of blood came away on the back of his hand. Close enough.
He turned on the hot water in the shower. He stripped off his nightclothes one-handed and stepped beneath the water, his face stinging, his eyes burning.
“Hrm?” he muttered, toothpick wavering between his lips as he sat down at the table. Wrecker was already up, eating a bowlful of fresh fruit — probably his second or third helping — but it seemed Hunter and Omega were out with Batcher.
“You, uh, you shaved,” said Wrecker, giving him an odd look over his mug of caf.
Crosshair leaned back in his chair, shrugging. “Time for a change.”
“But you’re bleeding.” Wrecker reached over, holding out a napkin, looking concerned.
Crosshair froze. “Kriff,” he hissed beneath his breath. He reluctantly accepted the napkin, dabbing it at his face and wincing.
“You know, if you ever need a hand—” Wrecker began.
He glared at his brother, suddenly needled. “Very funny.”
“I wouldn’t joke about that!” Wrecker sighed, looking abashed and shaking his head. “You know what I was tryin’ to say. If there’s somethin’ you need, you can bug me any time.”
Crosshair looked down, balling up the napkin under the table. “I… didn’t want to ask.”
“I get it. Must be hard.” He pushed the bowl of fruit across the table. “You want some?”
“So… you gonna grow your hair out like Hunter?”
“Don’t. You. Dare.”
Wrecker broke into peals of laughter. “Just picture it! We could get you a bandanna with a crosshair on it!”
“Wrecker, I will end you myself,” Crosshair growled, before a grin stole over his face. He chuckled, shaking his head. “All right. If my hair starts looking anything like Hunter’s, I’ll ask you to shave it immediately.”
“Well, now that that’s settled,” said Crosshair. “How’s the fruit this morning?”
“Meilooruns are choice, but the berries coulda used another day or two,” Wrecker said. “Here. You take this bowl, and I’ll get you some caf.”
“All right.” Crosshair watched Wrecker bustling around the kitchen, considering. His face still stung from a dozen tiny cuts; he could feel them throbbing.
Maybe next time he couldn’t stand the scruff, he’d try asking Wrecker for a little help.
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infinitestarsdev · 8 months
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Hay, Hoy, It's Friday! That means devlog time!
This week has been much of the same– we're working super hard on the next content release!
All the planned main story line content for this batch has been coded. Most of the expressions have been done. I'm still working on the lore items for the game, which is coming together nicely! We're planning on having a total of 20 unlockable lore entries on release, with many more to come.
Talking about the lore items, here is a preview of what they'll look like once unlocked.
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Just look at that gorgeous artwork by Grace! <3
Tae is working on two surprise player portraits for all of you.
Stoffies is busy finishing up the last of the old backgrounds.
Crowbie is still on a well deserved break for the next 2-3 months.
Trix was invaluable in helping with the story controller for the system navigation screen!
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This isn't a mockup, this is the actual, in-game system navigation screen that we'll be using more and more for future content. If you were a Captain or Admiral patron during the planning phase, you'll notice a play on your name somewhere on the screen! <3
I'm writing and coding like a madman, and I'm slowly shifting gears to focus on the launch preparations.
We've got 6 new tracks in the making, and I received the first track's draft earlier today. It's looking promising.
If you want to be considered as a Beta Tester for the upcoming content release, please apply over here! We have limited spots available, so don't wait too long!
In other news, some of you might recall our Spooktober 2023 Visual Novel Jam entry, and as it turns out we finished in the top 2% (4th place!) The jam entry was coded as a HRM (one of the player made mods that Tabitha can run as a simulation) and we'll integrate it into the full game as a triggerable seasonal event during October/Halloween.
As you can see, it's been a busy week, made possible by all of our amazing fans and patrons! We love you all to bits!
Have a fantastic weekend, stay safe and I can't wait to share the new content with all of you!
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adelaidedrubman · 10 months
it’s the most wonderful time of the week:)
was tagged by my loves the legends @blissfulalchemist @katsigian @g0dspeeed this week for the wip thing.
same as last week: we’re officially on hallmark au lockdown. here’s another little excerpt of have faith in christmas. warnings for bliss/angel stuff/unethical experiments/brief description of injection with needles
“I’m sure Joseph would be far more disappointed to find one of his children was spending Christmas Eve cooped up in a lab than he would be over one lost batch of bliss.”  Faith hopped down from the table before Jenna could respond, too preoccupied with the bow at Faith’s back fluttering dangerously close to the flame of the bunsen burner as she spun to stand on the other side of Jenna, grabbing the chemist’s hands to pull her along in the direction of the door.  “In fact, I think the Father would be thrilled to have you join us for Christmas Eve dinner,” Faith offered with a beaming smile, leaning forward on the balls of her feet and bringing Jenna’s hands to rest between the women, delicately held. “We’re having a Seed family gathering over at the ranch, and we’ve all been welcomed to bring a guest.” 
Faith stepped backward, keeping a tight hold on Jenna’s hands as she did. “Forget all your data and equations for just one night to get into the Christmas spirit?” she asked, words soft and airy in their gentle coaxing. “Be my guest for dinner?” Jenna looked down from Faith’s eyes, taking in the sight of her fingers delicately wrapped in the blonde’s grasp as she considered the proposition, weighing the value of the anthropological knowledge that could be gained by attend a cult leader’s inner circle Christmas dinner against the biochemical knowledge that could be gained by completing the current production through to trial. Factoring in the almost crystalline sparkle in pleading green eyes, the warmth of lithe fingers squeezing —  “I shouldn’t, I’m afraid,” Jenna replied hesitantly, pulling her hand’s from Faith’s grip and turning back to her lab station. She reached for her rubber gloves, rolling them back up her arms with a sharp snap as she added, “Do send along my best, and let Joseph know I will plan to make it to morning services tomorrow, though.” Even with back turned, Jenna could tell the acknowledging hum Faith gave came from low in her chest, an unusually heavy sound.  Faith drew in a deep breath, as if resetting herself to speak in breezy sing-song once again and say, “At the first chime of Christmas bells in the morning then….” Jenna heard the soft padding of bare feet against the floor, the door creaking as it was pushed open for the herald to take her exit. “And I know in my heart and soul the Christmas spirit will have found you by then.” With that, the door closed, Jenna unable to get out a proper goodbye before it settled into the frame.  “Well,” Jenna remarked to the Angel that had been sitting silently in the stool beside the lab station as she inserted the tip of a syringe into a test tube to pull the plunger and suck up the green liquid, “let’s fill you with some Christmas spirit then, hm?” “Hrm-ragh,” the Angel growled in reply as Jenna pierced the vein of their neck with the needle to inject the solution — thrashing and jumping to their feet with a quick surge of aggression that never fully peaked into violence, leaving the subject standing there with awkwardly clenched and swaying fists.  Yes, it would be a typical night in the lab, Christmas Eve or no.
sending no pressure sharing tags out to my dears @socially-awkward-skeleton @corvosattano @inafieldofdaisies @direwombat @roofgeese @shallow-gravy @strangefable @8bitpizzacoupons @orionlancasterr @v0idbuggy @jackiesarch @quickhacked @firstaidspray @strafethesesinners @clicheantagonist @henbased @simplegenius042 @miyabilicious @nightbloodbix @thedeadthree @shellibisshe @deputyash @confidentandgood @captastra @voidika @just-another-wasteland-merc @poetikat @afarcryfrommymain @josephslittledeputy @florbelles @unholymilf @belorage @cassietrn
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clownery-and-fuckery · 2 months
Rules: IN A NEW POST answer + tag 9 people you want to get to know better and/or catch up with.
Tagged by: @lifblogs !!! Thanks for the tag!!! :D
Favorite color: at the moment? I'm into yellow :D
Last song: "WILDFLOWER" - Billie Eilish
Currently reading: Trucking through the Original Star Wars books at the moment, I'm on Volume 3: The Last Command (Timothy Zahn) !!
Currently watching: Constantly rewatching three episodes of The Bad Batch, but I'm also watching Ahsoka at the moment :>
Coffee or tea: Tea!!!!
Currently craving: erm, I suppose I'd love a decent 15 hours of sleep. I'm a bit too tired to really acknowledge my bodily needs lmao
A hobby you would like to try: I'd love to try sculpture!
A discipline you’ll follow during the Olympics: None. I've never ever seen it, I don't know the first thing about it. I don't know what disciplines are
An AU/Alternate Universe you’ve been plotting for: HRM. I've been cooking up a few aus with my friends but my favourites have to be this royal AU and a Fairy AU !! They're so, SO cool. I'd love to write more for them. Also, I'm cooking up my own cannon divergent AU for Plan 12 so.. that's cool!!!
Thanks again for the tag!! :>
NPT: @keef-a-corn, @moss-tombstone, @cc-cobalt-1043 !!
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pupmusebox · 2 months
Such surprising honesty of the King.
While Aristaeus slept the whole time it was evident as to how much been to start off this batch of little bees had due to the slow maturity start but it change quickly with time, groaning when he slept needing it very dearly and rubbing his eyes when feeling the slight change of weight before sighing while tiredness hung over him like a haze.
“Ngh… hrmm… ahh… mmm…? Ohh right… haa, our seasonal dancing has finished.”
Barely registering his body's need for nourishment due to carrying such a large brood this time and likely heard of it from a nurse, then again said nourishment be set up for him when surprised of how quickly his fellow bees were anticipating their Majesty's appetite. Given the milky like jelly that was mixed with the honey set within reach of Aristaeus and that drew him out of his hazy minded sleep.
A typical thing of following a long rest from been with all the drones and flustered when fulfilling the need of population making of his hive, feeling so darn hungry that he was having a moment of being gluttonous of the milky honey jelly before leaving the spoon in his mouth. Eager to check out his phone when purring of the taste and looking at anything that catches his eye.
[ TXT ] : “Good morning my love, ahh. I must've overslept, forgive me for not answering back. Mmm.”
[ TXT ] : “Oof, looks like everyone is on the ball like usual. Aha, I woke up quite hungry really. Also checking for anything from you, how about a funny photo of myself? Haha."
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Fumbling a bit with his phone while getting a nice picture while bashful on looking at the camera, his spoon being in his mouth although the unkempt look was something else compared to his usual appearance and laughing of how he looked but when it came to his human it was worth it. Grunting when this was only the mere beginning before the batch soon started to quickly grow in the coming days which was typical he would deal with.
[ TXT ] : “Are you doing well? Ugh… oh my… I believe my hunch of the number being more than usual be correct. It's not even a few days since the event either.”
[ TXT ] : “Thinking of you makes this all the more better feeling, I miss you so much. Your touching of my royal fuzz and kisses we share, ahh~ Is this how that human quote or meaning goes… ‘Absence makes the heart grow fonder?’ I wonder.”
Letting his demon form slip out while extra limbs come forth while he texted there and savoring the milky honey jelly with a deep purr when blushing, “Ahh~ I'm so dizzy… but I promised that I would hold my energy out till meeting again, hrm.” groaning slightly when adjusting a bit while the milky honey jelly was working and needing more when finishing off the remaining jelly.
[ TXT ] : “Dez? I like you dearly… truly, especially with how you make me feel dizzy and craving those soft touches. Holding you close like that when we last had our visit, I…”
[ TXT ] : “I… found someone to care for deeply, like how I care for my hive. That someone being you, ah! Mmm, forgive my forwardness dah… changes that I am going through but… maybe that's my innermost thoughts of you. Oh dear… my demon form, haha.”
[ TXT ] : “I feel dizzy again… aha, not from my condition right now. Mhm, I did have a wonderful dream of you… so adorable when under me in a mating press. I ahh, only thing… my demon form was out when I press into you… haa. I-I’ll stop there… I'm making myself get too worked up about that dream.”
Taking a moment to breathe and fanning himself due to sleep having him be loose lips, while so honest of the dream and trying to get his demon form to knock it off while really liking her to where he dreamt of her like that. As if his aching throbbing member was something to realize when his blanket be showing a tent.
[ TXT ] : “I'll talk again over text when I can… mmm. Till we next meet and kiss. From your sweet demon bee royal, Aristaeus… again I miss you and love you. 😘🥰💋🐝👑”
Putting the phone to the side when he was bright red and flustered, “Ahh~ What is going on with me? Mmm…” buzzing softly when fluctuating hormones are making the honesty quite interesting and missing the touch to his fuzz while resting a hand there.
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shraqsmuses · 1 year
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"F... Free doughnuts for everyone, you say? Oh gosh... I had so many doughnuts I was planning to give everyone as well but if you wanna be the one to do that, Sonia, then I guess I'll have to keep all of mine to my--"
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"Free doughnuts from Sonia every day? Oohoohoohoahahaha... I gotta see how much of 'em are stuffed with meat~"
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"... Why are you here?"
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"'Cause I wanna be. Why are you asking? In fact, why are YOU here? Shouldn't you be slinking in the shade, planning your next, huge evil plan or something?"
"Because I'm on the muse list and you're not. Also, I want to make my presence known to Sonia, potentially to see if there's anything I can do to make up for my previous treatment for her."
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"Wait a sec... I'm still not on there? Man... I've gotten have a spot in there some time, right? Hrm... That aside, I guess you're gonna get some free doughnuts too, right? I dunno if Sonia's giving them to you to placate you or if she really wants you to have them."
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"Sonia would be quite dull if she believes any amount of generous subsistence would be enough to quell my despairing tendencies, for the most truly effective way to be rid of them is to apologize to them along with abiding with whatever they wish of me."
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"I... Think I get what you were trying to say there, Jumbo. If only I had the willpower you had... Also, you better not try to steal any of my doughnuts! If you do, I'm gonna tell Sonia about it and I'm sure she has some huge, burly executioners who're gonna squeeze what you took from me outta you!
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"Even if it was for the purpose of filling them with a substantial amount of shredded pork, thus substituting around 90% of their flavor with their delectable, moist flavor and guaranteeing your satisfaction with all of the 4,320 doughnuts you shall receive this year?"
"Arck... Maybe? Still no? You're probably gonna fill the meat with something that's gonna make me sick or drowsy or something."
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"Weww, now that yow're expecting it, I guess that means yew want yowr doughnuts to dew something to your head~"
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"Alright, now you're just pushing me to say no! Why would I even want doughnuts to make me sick, anyway? So I can stick with meat instead? I'm not going to just stick to meat on National Doughnut Month! I'm pretty sure this month's gonna be the only one where all the doughnuts WON'T be hoarded by Aoi. Geez... If you're gonna do that, at least make sure to only do it with your doughnuts. I was going to ask you if I could have your doughnuts but now that I said that, I think you should keep them to yourself."
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"That's alright. If you aren't into being drugged, I can make an all-new batch of doughnuts just for you that'll do something else to you! I think I'm gonna keep it a secret, though. It'll be more fun that way~"
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"Mmm... Can't you just make something that won't do anything to anyone? I want to see what your doughnuts taste like compared to Sonia's without having my heart bump twice as fast or sweating much more than I usually would."
"I definitely can! Or maybe I might do that anyway. Doesn't that make eating doughnuts more thrilling, Akane?"
"That makes eating doughnuts more stressful! I don't want to worry about what will happen to my body just from doing something I enjoy. Just... Make doughnuts that don't do anything. Would saying 'please' help?"
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"Sigh. Fine. I'll just make normal doughnuts then. I don't know why people would just eat doughnuts like that during National Doughnut Month but if it's what you want, then I guess I can make them like that."
"Thank you, Jumbo. We'll see if you'll actually stick with that or not. I think I should do something if you end up making doughnuts that do more than make my stomach rumble and make my tongue taste really sweet."
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careerchoice-360 · 8 days
MBA Admissions 2025: IIMs, IITs, Top-B-schools
MBA Admissions 2025: IIMs, IITs, Top-B-schools All Over India || Courses || Cut-off || Admissions MBA Admissions 2025 Many famous business schools in India like IIM, XLRI, NMIMS, and SIU have opened MBA admissions for 2025. These courses have many changes in the accreditation process. Meanwhile, other business colleges like FMS, MDI, and SPJIMR are expected to open their programs like IMT Ghaziabad. This will give you the latest data on MBA acceptance 2025 and the minimum qualifications and acceptance data for each institution.
Table of Contents MBA Admissions 2025: IIMs, IITs, Top-B-schools All Over India || Courses || Cut-off || Admissions Admission Criteria and Cut-offs for IIMs in 2025
IIM Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Calcutta, Kozhikode, Lucknow, and Mumbai Admissions (via CAT 2024)
MBA Admissions 2025 in IIM Indore, Rohtak, Udaipur, Kashipur, and Trichy
MBA Admissions 2025 in IITs through CAT 2024
FMS, SPJIMR, MDI, and IIFT Admissions 2025 through CAT 2024
XLRI PGDM Admissions 2025 through XAT 2025
MICA, IMI, IMT, TAPMI, Great Lakes, and GIM Admissions 2025
NMIMS 2025 Admission through NMAT
Symbiosis Pune Admission through SNAP 2024
TISS Mumbai Admission 2025
MBA/PGDM Admissions in Other Top MBA/PGDM Colleges in India (City-wise) Kolkata Bangalore Delhi and NCR Pune Mumbai Hyderabad Bhubaneswar Jaipur WATCH THIS VIDEO FOR MORE DETAILED INFORMATION:
Admission Criteria and Cut-offs for IIMs in 2025 The IIMs have divided MBA admission into several categories. The main group format is as follows:
IIM Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Calcutta, Kozhikode, Lucknow, and Mumbai Admissions (via CAT 2024) MBA Admissions 2025 The following are some of the country’s largest MBA institutions that rely on CAT 2024 score to certify their MBA-related programs. It is also an approval of CAT which is needed in these organizations and the registration due date for CAT is 2024.
Institute MBA Programs Offered Expected CAT Cut-off Admission Status (2025-27 Batch) IIM Ahmedabad MBA, MBA-FABM (Food & Agri-Business Management) 97-99 Percentile Open IIM Bangalore MBA, MBA-BA (Business Analytics) 96-98 Percentile Open IIM Kozhikode MBA, MBA-Finance 94-96 Percentile Open IIM Calcutta MBA 96-98 Percentile Open IIM Lucknow MBA, MBA-ABM (Agriculture Business Management) 95-97 Percentile Open IIM Mumbai MBA, MBA-O&SCM (Operations and Supply Chain Management), MBA-SM (Sustainability Management) 94-96 Percentile Open MBA Admissions 2025
MBA Admissions 2025 in IIM Indore, Rohtak, Udaipur, Kashipur, and Trichy MBA Admissions 2025 Moreover, the confirmation of numerous IIMs has begun with the 2025 batch and the registration of CAT 2024 will begin from 1st Admirable 2024. It will be possible to decide about participation in the registration no later than September 13, 2024. Let popularizer-ese much as it likes obscure causation, here, for your consideration, is the CAT and cut-off current. Confirmation Status:
IIM MBA Programs Offered Expected CAT Cut-off Admission Status (2025-27 Batch) IIM Indore MBA, MBA-HRM 92-94 Percentile Open IIM Rohtak PGP 92-94 Percentile Open IIM Udaipur MBA 92-94 Percentile Open IIM Kashipur MBA 92-94 Percentile Open IIM Trichy PGPM, PGPM-HR 92-94 Percentile Open MBA Admissions 2025
MBA Admissions 2025 in IITs through CAT 2024 MBA Admissions 2025 Also, the IITs provide an MBA, which is popular for enlarging their infrastructure programs. MBA degree after CAT 2024 shall be initialized in the IITs. Below is the schedule of the program and the approximate cutoff for each degree. The diverse population by increasing the representation of minorities in their academic communities and other healthcare-related jobs.
IITs MBA Programs Offered Expected CAT Cut-off Admission Status (2025-27 Batch) IIT Delhi MBA 94-96 Percentile Opening Soon SJMSOM, IIT Bombay MBA 95-97 Percentile Opening Soon VGSOM, IIT Kharagpur MBA 94-96 Percentile Opening Soon IIT Madras MBA 94-96 Percentile Opening Soon IIT Roorkee MBA 93-95 Percentile Opening Soon MBA Admissions 2025
FMS, SPJIMR, MDI, and IIFT Admissions 2025 through CAT 2024 MBA Admissions 2025 Top universities like FMS, SPJIMR, MDI, IIFT, etc are offering MBA admissions based on CAT 2025 in 2025. FMS, SPJIMR, MDI, and IIFT are highly ranked and accredited MBA Colleges accepting CAT Scores, they will accept only CAT 2024 exam scores for MBA Admission.
Application start date- Sep/Oct 2024
Last date – Nov/dec 2024
Institute MBA Programs Offered Expected CAT Cut-off Admission Status (2025-27 Batch) FMS Delhi MBA 97-98 Percentile Opening Soon SPJIMR PGDM 92-94 Percentile Opening Soon MDI PGDM 93-94 Percentile Opening Soon IIFT Delhi/Kolkata MBA-IB 95-96 Percentile Opening Soon MBA Admissions 2025
XLRI PGDM Admissions 2025 through XAT 2025 MBA Admissions 2025 Known for conducting the XAT exam, XLRI decides its PGDM admissions for 2025 based on the XAT exam 2025. XLRI offers industry-relevant PGDM programs that are highly competitive. Here are the main features:
XLRI Campus MBA Programs Offered Expected XAT Cut-off Admission Status (2025-27 Batch) XLRI Jamshedpur PGDM-BM (Business Management), PGDM-HRM (HR Management) 95-96 Percentile Open XLRI Delhi PGDM-BM 92-93 Percentile Open MBA Admissions 2025 The application process starts on July 15, 2025, and ends on November 30, 2024.
MICA, IMI, IMT, TAPMI, Great Lakes, and GIM Admissions 2025 MBA Admissions 2025 There are many other MBA colleges including MICA, IMI, IMT, TAPMI, and GIM, that will accept CAT 2024, XAT 2024, and GMAT scores for their MBA/PGDM admissions 2025. Below are the limits and approval times:
Institute Programs Offered Expected Cut-off Admission Status (2025-27 Batch) MICA Ahmedabad PGDM, PGDM-Communication 90-92 Percentile Application Opening Soon IMT Ghaziabad PGDM, PGDM-Marketing, PGDM-Finance, PGDM-Banking & Finance, PGDM-DCP 90-91 Percentile Application Opening Soon TAPMI Manipal MBA, MBA-BKFS (Banking & Financial Services), PGDM-HRM (HR Management), PGDM-Marketing, PGDM-IB (International Business) 85-88 Percentile Application Opening Soon Great Lakes, Chennai PGDM 88-90 Percentile Application Opening Soon GIM (Goa Institute of Management) PGDM, PGDM-BDA (Big Data Analytics), PGDM-BKFS (Banking & Financial Services) 85-90 Percentile Application Opening Soon BIMTECH, Greater Noida PGDM, PGDM-IB (International Business), PGDM-IBM (Insurance Business Management), PGDM-RM (Rural Management) 75-80 Percentile Application Opening Soon Fore School of Management, Delhi PGDM, PGDM-IB, PGDM-Finance, PGDM-BDA (Big Data Analytics) 83-85 Percentile Application Opening Soon MBA Admissions 2025
NMIMS 2025 Admission through NMAT MBA Admissions 2025 NMIMS Mumbai, one of India’s leading driving schools, is validating NMAT exam scores for MBA admissions in 2025. It is important to know that NMIMS is accepting the first NMAT scores correctly. In addition to the Mumbai campus, NMIMS also has branches in Hyderabad and Mumbai.
NMAT Exam Dates: November 5 to December 20, 2024 Application Start Date: August 1, 2024 Application Last Date: October 10, 2024 Institute Name Programs Offered Expected Cut-off Admission Status 2025-27 Batch NMIMS University, Mumbai MBA, MBA-HR 240+ (Escalade score) Open MBA Admissions 2025
Symbiosis Pune Admission through SNAP 2024 MBA Admissions 2025 SNAP test is taken by SIBM which is one of the leading MBA colleges in Beneficial Engagement Universal College and admissions are given based on the scores obtained in the SNAP test. SNAP exam will be held in December 2024 in 3 successive days and effective interactive campuses in Pune and other cities shall authenticate these scores for MBA in 2025.
SNAP Exam Dates: December 8, 15, and 21, 2024 Application Start Date: August 5, 2024 Application Last Date: November 22, 2024 Institute Name Programs Offered Expected Cut-off Admission Status SIBM Pune MBA 95-97 Percentile Open SCMHRD Pune MBA 94-96 Percentile Open MBA Admissions 2025
TISS Mumbai Admission 2025 MBA Admissions 2025 TISS Mumbai offers a wide range of PhD programs and MBA admissions for 2025 based on CUET-PG and CAT 2024 qualifications. TISS offers over 45 unique MBA programs through its 20 schools, with centers in cities like Mumbai, Hyderabad, Guwahati, and Chennai. Earlier, TISS conducted its entrance exam called TISSNET, now replaced by CUET-PG.
Application Start Date: February 2025 Application Last Date: April 2025 Institute Programs Offered Expected Cut-off Application Dates TISS Mumbai MA-HRM, MA-LR, MA-Hospital Administration, MA-ODCL (Organisation Development, Change, and Leadership) 80-85 Percentile Start: February 2025, Last: April 2025 MBA Admissions 2025
MBA/PGDM Admissions in Other Top MBA/PGDM Colleges in India (City-wise) MBA Admissions 2025 Also, apart from the schools mentioned earlier, other business schools in various cities of India have opened their MBA and PGDM admissions for 2025. Below is the list of popular schools in the city and their selected categories.
Kolkata CBS, MDI-M, IMI-K, ISWBM, PRAXIS, Globsyn, IEM, BIBS, EIILM, United World, ADAMAS, BRAINWARE, Techno India, IMS, NSHM, MCKV, CIEM, BBIT. Bangalore ISBR, ISME, IBA, RCM, ABBS, AIMS, ALLIANCE, RIMS, MS Ramaiah, IIBS, Amrita, Welingkar, IFIM, Christ, MYRA, Soundarya, GIBS, Presidency University Delhi and NCR FOSTIMA, NDIM, FIIB, Jaipuria, SOIL, BML Munjal, JIMS Kalkaji, JIMS Rohini, ITS Ghaziabad, Apeejay, Asian Business School, Asia Pacific, GL Bajaj, GNIOT, Shiv Nadar Pune PIBM, PBS, DY Patil, IIEBM, MITCON, KIAMS, Indira, RIIM, MILE, SIBS, SIIB, SCMHRD, SIDTM, PCU Mumbai ITM Navi Mumbai, ATLAS, UBS, SIES, Chetana, N. L. Dalmia, S. P. Jain School of Global Management, Welingkar, Kothari Hyderabad Shiv Shivani, Vishwa Vishwani, Woxsen, VJIM Bhubaneswar IMI-B, Sri Sri, IMIS, BGU, KIIT Jaipur Taxila Business School
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manmath2k · 2 months
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Kronos consultants are specialists who assist organizations in implementing and optimizing their Kronos systems. Their role encompasses a wide range of tasks, including system configuration, integration, troubleshooting, and ongoing support. These consultants ensure that the Kronos system is tailored to the specific needs of the business, enabling efficient time and attendance tracking, payroll processing, and labor analytics.
Top Technical Skills of Kronos Consultants
Kronos consultants are essential for organizations aiming to leverage the full potential of their Kronos systems. Their expertise spans various technical areas that ensure smooth implementation, integration, and optimization of Kronos solutions. Here are the top technical skills that distinguish proficient Kronos consultants:
1. System Configuration
• In-Depth Knowledge of Kronos Modules: Understanding the functionalities of different Kronos modules, such as timekeeping, scheduling, and payroll. • Customization: Ability to tailor the Kronos system to meet the unique requirements of each organization. • Parameter Setting: Configuring system parameters to align with company policies and procedures.
2. Technical Troubleshooting
• Problem-Solving: Identifying and resolving technical issues that arise during system operation. • Diagnostic Tools: Proficiency in using diagnostic tools to troubleshoot system errors and performance issues. • Root Cause Analysis: Conducting thorough analyses to determine the root cause of problems and implementing effective solutions.
3. System Integration
• Integration Skills: Expertise in integrating Kronos with other enterprise systems such as HRMS, ERP, and payroll systems. • APIs and Middleware: Knowledge of application programming interfaces (APIs) and middleware technologies to facilitate seamless data exchange. • Data Mapping: Mapping data fields between Kronos and other systems to ensure accurate data transfer.
4. Database Management
• SQL Proficiency: Ability to write and optimize SQL queries for data retrieval, reporting, and system maintenance. • Database Administration: Managing and maintaining the databases that underpin the Kronos system. • Data Backup and Recovery: Implementing data backup and recovery strategies to safeguard against data loss.
5. Report Generation and Analytics
• Custom Report Creation: Developing custom reports to meet specific organizational needs. • Data Analytics: Using data analytics tools to analyze workforce data and generate actionable insights. • Reporting Tools: Proficiency with Kronos reporting tools and other business intelligence platforms.
6. Scripting and Automation
• Scripting Languages: Using scripting languages like JavaScript or Python to automate repetitive tasks and processes. • Automation Tools: Implementing automation tools to streamline workflows and improve efficiency. • Batch Processing: Setting up and managing batch processing jobs for routine system tasks.
7. User Training and Support
• Training Programs: Developing and delivering comprehensive training programs for end-users. • Support Services: Providing ongoing technical support to ensure users can effectively operate the Kronos system. • User Documentation: Creating detailed user manuals and support documentation.
8. Compliance and Security
• Regulatory Knowledge: Understanding labor laws and regulations to ensure the Kronos system is compliant. • Security Protocols: Implementing security protocols to protect sensitive workforce data. • Audit Trails: Maintaining audit trails and logs to monitor system activity and ensure accountability.
9. Project Management
• Project Planning: Planning and managing Kronos implementation projects from start to finish. • Stakeholder Coordination: Coordinating with various stakeholders to ensure project objectives are met. • Time Management: Ensuring projects are completed on time and within budget.
10. Mobile and Cloud Technologies
• Mobile App Integration: Integrating Kronos with mobile applications to facilitate on-the-go access for employees. • Cloud-Based Solutions: Implementing and managing cloud-based Kronos solutions for enhanced scalability and accessibility. • Mobile Device Management: Managing and securing mobile devices that access the Kronos system.
for more details - https://oditeksolutions.com/kronos-consultants/
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colleges2024 · 4 months
The Top Reasons to Choose the Best MBA College in Noida
An MBA course through the Best MBA college in Noida shapes a student's career by providing various opportunities with multiple events and projects linking the students to the corporate world. It enhances leadership skills, critical skills and global opportunities. Let's take a tour at SIBM Noida and understand why students are attracted and the value of money.
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The Importance of choosing the best MBA college
It is a very critical aspect to know the Importance of choosing the Best MBA college in Noida where it prepares students;
Shaping and making the career journey by gaining proficiency through leadership skills with dedicated coursework, practical experiences, and mentor support. 
Establishing a solid relationship with professionals through interactions with industry experts. 
Securing high-profile employment opportunities in leading companies and institutions. Enhancing strategic planning, problem-solving, and making effective decisions. 
Providing the necessary suggestions and ideas abilities to ensure profitable business projects. 
Promoting comprehensive development, self-recognition, and balancing personal and professional life.
SIBM is a hub for all these aspects, shaping students' careers and opening diverse opportunities to meet their desires.
Why is SIBM Noida attractive to students??
The top reasons to choose SIBM Noida is due to;
Curriculum Structure: It is a two-year comprehensive MBA program specializing in Marketing, Finance, HRM and Supply management along with opportunities for corporate. 
Experienced Faculties: SIBM Noida has seasoned professors who ensure holistic learning for students.
Events: Many events are hosted, such as the intra-cricket match, G20 University Connect, and the fresh wave (Welcoming new applicants through grand entry). 
Industry Connection: The institute has strong connections with top companies, encouraging students to take live projects and internships and be prepared for diverse placement opportunities.
Value for Education and Money with SIBM Noida
As a residential program, the SIBM MBA fee structure is per semester and has refundable options. Thus, it is affordable and ensures that quality education and resources are maintained to enhance students' productivity.
The program is shaped with an industry perspective, i.e., collaborating with top industries and providing industry exposure to the students. The institute also has strong placement opportunities, with many students securing high profiles.
SIBM Noida provides scholarships to eligible students, such as the Chief of Army Staff (COAS) Comprehensive Best Student Trophy and Honors for Academic Achievement, which reduces the financial burden on the students.
Hence, a comprehensive MBA program is provided along with the required SIBM MBA fees and a scholarship. This provides value in terms of quality education and safe financial transactions.
Some Testimonials and Success Stories
There are testimonials for each specialization offered at SIBM Noida that describe the students' skills, and they inspire the upcoming batch. It has helped students analyze consumer behavior through Marketing, build communication skills through HR, enhance financial analysis and portfolio management and improve their understanding of supply chain management.
To summarize, SIBM Noida is recognized as the Best MBA college in Noida because of its industrial experience, seasoned professors, and endless exposure. The fee is based on the quality of education, knowledge, and exposure.
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fanfoolishness · 2 months
a rain that sounds like home (4/8)
After the destruction of Tantiss, the Bad Batch is safe at last. As Crosshair begins to recover from his injuries, it becomes apparent that not all of his scars are physical, and that guilt and grief are wounds that cut deeper than any blade. His family is determined to be there for him -- if only he can let them in.
Canon-compliant, focusing on PTSD, amputation recovery, and sibling grief, with plenty of whump, hurt/comfort, and emotional catharsis. Set shortly after the return from Tantiss and my fic Breaching the Wall. 43,000 words total.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8
Chapter 4: Moving Day. Omega and her brothers move into their new home, but there are some stumbling blocks. ~5100 words, a Phee cameo, Crosshair & Omega POV.
Crosshair sat perched in the pilot’s seat of their stolen shuttle.  The cockpit was dark and close around him, unfamiliar and foreign, a different make than the shuttles he had been used to in his time in the Empire.  It took him a moment to find the comms.  When he did, he took a deep breath and flicked on Echo’s message, sent to his private channel.
Echo’s holo appeared from the chest up.  He’d found new armor, what seemed to be a combination of clone armor and stormtrooper gear.  He gave a crisp, military nod as the message began.  “Crosshair, Echo here.  Been working with Vik on this job with Rex.  He wanted to send his regards.”
Ah.  Vik.  CT-7243, as Crosshair had known him on Tantiss.  They had never been able to actually talk, but Crosshair couldn’t help but memorize the numbers of the other clones in the CX training unit, used when Hemlock mocked them for their failures.  Vik, like Crosshair, had resisted the training, even though it left him clearly weakened.  CT-8102 had washed out of training, his mind twisted, and had been diverted to other experiments.  CT-1744 had held out, like Vik.  CT-3392 had been a success --
He rubbed the scar at his wrist unconsciously, his heart rate speeding up for a few beats before settling back down.
“I’ll check this channel regularly,” Echo said.  “If you need to send anything privately.”
“If I need to,” Crosshair muttered under his breath.  Like Echo was expecting him to crumble, expecting him to be unable to figure things out.  He’d been through hard things before, and in far worse places -- the platform on Kamino, the icy wastes of Barton IV, the cell on Tantiss.  If he’d survived those, getting through a nonfatal injury with his family around him in one of the most beautiful places in the galaxy would be child’s play.  He wrinkled his nose, irritated that Echo didn’t think better of him.
“Keep at it, Crosshair.  Echo out.”  The holo flicked away into darkness, and Crosshair blinked.  That was it?  He sighed, leaning back in the pilot’s chair.
The door to the cockpit slid open, and Omega stood there in the dim lights from the rear cabin, holding Lula.  “I thought I heard something,” she said accusingly.
Crosshair crossed his arms over his chest.  “Shouldn’t you be asleep?  Big day tomorrow.  Moving in.”
Omega padded into the cockpit, the door sliding closed behind her, and sat down in the copilot’s seat.  She and Lula wore matching skeptical looks.  “Shouldn’t you be asleep?”
“Hrm.”  He looked away and out the viewshield.  “Tried it.  Then I remembered Hunter said Echo left me a message.”
“Everything all right?” Omega asked.  “We talked tonight.  He couldn’t tell us much about the new mission he and Rex were heading on, but it sounded important.”  She heaved a sigh.  “I told him we’re moving tomorrow.  I know he’s got to do what he’s got to do, but I still wondered --”
“If he might come back to stay,” Crosshair said.  He turned back to her.  “I’m sure he’ll visit in between missions.  Isn’t that what it was like before?”  He’d picked up that Echo had left the rest of the team well before things went wrong, and had been gone for a few months before he’d returned.  
“Yes, but things are different now!  Tantiss is gone, Crosshair!  We did that!  How come -- how come that isn’t enough for him?”  She let out a vast sigh, squeezing Lula.  “I’m not really mad at him, not anymore.  I know him, I know he can’t rest when things are so unjust out there.  I feel like that too sometimes.  But I also feel like I just miss him.”
Crosshair swallowed, then hesitantly reached out with his left hand, laying it on her shoulder.  He squeezed lightly, and she gave him a faint smile.  “Thanks, Crosshair.”
He let her go, then leaned back in his seat.  “So why are you awake?”
“I woke up.  Weird dreams.”  She didn’t elaborate, but instead ducked her gaze from him.  He noted it, troubled, but wasn’t sure if he should pry.
“Come on,” he said, getting to his feet.  “Get some rest.  Big day tomorrow.”
“Same to you,” she said sternly, but followed it with a warm, gentle smile as she stood.  “Shh.  Don’t wake Hunter and Wrecker.”
“I’ll do what I can,” said Crosshair.  “But no promises.”  He herded her before him, right arm brushing against her back.  He was heartened when there was no phantom pain, just the welcome sensation of guiding his smaller sister back to bed.
“You ready for this?”
Omega turned to look up at Hunter, taking a deep breath and nodding.  “I’m ready.”
Their front door slid open, and their home beckoned them in.
Omega skipped through first, heart pounding, stomach swooping.  The pack on her back jostled with her bounding, and she forced herself to step a little more carefully, remembering what she carried in it.  An enormous grin spread over her face as she looked around and her brothers set down the loads they’d been carrying.
It was small for a house, but massive for a shuttle or the Havoc Marauder.  A little entryway opened up into a simple living area with a prefab dining table, chairs, and a soft sofa.  The walls were bare except for a small inset alcove in the east wall, an area to display something.  She thought she knew what might go there.  There was also a small communication terminal installed near the table, easy to sit at if sending messages to Echo or anyone else.  
She rushed forward to the windows opposite the entryway, whistling at the view.  The wide windows revealed a little patio with green shrubs and a patch of bare soil, the rocky shore down below, and past that the sea, an azure ribbon glinting in the morning sun.  “Batcher’s going to love being closer to the water,” she said eagerly.  Batcher jumped up to look out the window, then gave her a slobbery kiss of agreement.  “Okay, okay, I know!”
She turned back to wander to the kitchen, mouth hanging open slightly.  “It’s all installed!” she said in delight.  
Hunter gave her a slight proud smile.  “We’ve been busy.”
The kitchen was cozy compared to Shep and Lyana’s, but quadruple the size of a ship’s galley.  Clean counters with room for real cooking, not nuking ration packs, stood waiting.  There was a stove, a cooktop, a conservator, all of them real-sized, not the efficiency-sized versions for military life.  “We’ll have to figure out how to cook,” Omega said. 
“That’s on you,” said Crosshair, raising an eyebrow.  
“We’ll see about that,” she laughed.  She moved towards the hallway, glancing in at the roomy refresher with an actual bathtub, when her eyes fell on the two doors at the end of the hall.  Excitement blossomed within her, but she forced herself to turn away from the hall and look at her brothers.
Wrecker stood in the middle of the living room, slowly turning with his arms spread, laughing to hear how his voice echoed in all the space.  
Hunter grinned at him.  “Look at that, lads.  We’re home.”  She’d never seen him look so happy, so unguarded.  The way the joy spread over his face made him look so young.
Even Crosshair wore a soft smile, looking from Hunter to Wrecker to her.  “Hard to believe it’s ours,” he said.  “But it is, isn’t it?”  He slipped a toothpick between his lips, rolling it back and forth thoughtfully.  He nodded to her.  “What do you think?”
“I love it.  It’s our house!”  She joined the circle they were standing in, looking at each of her brothers in turn.  She didn’t know what to say.  So she held out her arms, and they closed the circle, Hunter and Wrecker wrapping their arms around her, Crosshair squeezing her shoulder with his hand.  She closed her eyes, leaning against all three of them.  
They were safe, safe, safe.
“Maybe you should check out the rest of the house,” Wrecker said, sounding as if he was trying to avoid spoiling a surprise.  She pulled away from the embrace and nodded, her eyes bright.
She walked down the hallway slowly, reverently, her brothers following behind.  The starboard -- the right -- door opened for her, and Omega practically leaped into her room.
“Wow,” she said softly.  
They’d been in the house plenty before Moving Day, raising walls and installing things.  But she hadn’t seen what her brothers must have done yesterday while she was out with Lyana.  That was why Hunter had wanted to move in last night!  
They’d done so much.  A bed -- not a heated padded bunk, but a real bed with real handmade blankets -- stood in one corner.  There was a workbench with a small toolset all her own for if she wanted to tinker with tech or droids.  A colorful little rug of soft woven fabric from the marketplace kept the room cozy in yellow, her favorite color.  Several shelves were mounted and ready for Lula, or a dozen of her.  There was a whole dresser just for clothes, though the idea that she would have enough clothes to fill it was astounding.  Strings of tiny lights crisscrossed the ceiling, ready for nightfall.  
She slowly set down her pack on her bed, then turned around with her arms held wide, her fingertips still feet away from touching the walls.
“Wow,” she whispered.
“Like it?” Wrecker asked.  As she twirled around she watched her brothers enter the room, looking down at her with pleased, happy looks.  “I mean, I know it’s no gunner’s nest…”
“It’s perfect!” she gasped, charging forward and flinging her arms around his waist in a hug.  He leaned down to pull her closer, his huge arms closing gently around her.  “Thank you, all of you,” she said, pulling back from Wrecker and beaming at him, then Hunter and Crosshair in turn.  Even Crosshair grinned back at her.
“Well, what are you going to put in it?” Hunter asked her.  “We’ll have to get you a new bow, for one, but you’ve got room to expand now.”
“I don’t know!” Omega said.  “I mean I have my things, but… there’s so much space here!”  She opened her pack, pulling out Lula and resting her on her pillow.  Then she reached in, pulling out something wrapped gently in one of her spare shirts.  She hesitated, but it felt right to do this while it was just them, before the moving day party began.  
“What’s that you got there?” Wrecker asked.
“I -- I brought these, but I thought maybe they should be out there, where we can all see them.  It’s okay that I brought them, right?”  She folded open the shirt, lifting out Tech’s goggles.  “What do you think?” she asked, taking a deep breath.
Hunter’s face creased into something half like a smile, half like he might cry.  Wrecker sighed, nodding, a slight sad smile on his face.  A muscle in Crosshair’s cheek twitched, and his eyes darkened.  
“Yeah,” said Wrecker.  “‘Course it’s okay.”  He laid a hand on her shoulder, leading her back towards the living room.  “Let’s find a good spot.  Someplace he woulda liked.”  
Hunter stepped into place beside her at the end of the hallway.  “Maybe by those windows.  I think that’d be all right.”
“That’s what I was thinking, in the little alcove.  A place just for him.”
She turned around, looking down the hallway for her other brother.  “Crosshair?” she called.
He came out of her room slowly, rubbing the back of his head with his hand, his face gray.  Instead of joining them in the living room, he ducked into the refresher.  
She frowned, then looked up to Hunter for reassurance.  He laid his hand on her shoulder.  
“He needs more time, Omega,” Hunter said quietly.  “Come on, let’s see how these look over here.”  He led her to the alcove, and she carefully placed Tech’s goggles there, adjusting them so they sat straight.
“Looks good, kid,” Wrecker said.  He reached out to rub her back.  She nodded, her throat tight.  
The sun caught Tech’s goggles, and they lit up in golden-yellow, chromium gray, reflections playing over the walls of the little alcove.  They felt right, being there.  
It felt like Tech had come home with them.
So this was a party.
Parties were hard for clones to throw.  Difficult to have a party without an actual home, though he’d heard rumors of regs trying it in their barracks during lights out and getting extra refresher duty for their trouble.  But here they were with a real home around them, walls that belonged to them, and pockets of villagers standing around chatting, laughing, snacking.  It was an actual party, and it was choking him.
It wasn’t that Crosshair couldn’t appreciate what the villagers were doing.  They’d brought all kinds of things -- clothes in Omega’s size their children had outgrown, spare rugs, cookware, gifts of spices, even things like a painting of the sea and a woven tapestry to decorate the walls.  They’d also brought enough food for a week in addition to snacks and treats to eat today.  It was generosity on a scale he’d never imagined, and he was grateful for it.
It was just that there were so many people.
Laughter bellowed from the living room.  Mox and Stak were wrestling with Wrecker, while Deke stood by watching them, laughing uproariously.  “Go on, get ‘im!” he hollered, shaking his fist at his brothers.  Wrecker responded by picking up each cadet with one hand nearly by the scruff.  They scrambled to escape, trying their best kicks and grapples, but couldn’t come close to dislodging themselves from Wrecker’s grip.  He threw back his head and laughed.
Crosshair leaned against the hallway wall, teeth cradling a toothpick, smirking at Wrecker’s antics.  It wasn’t that long ago that Wrecker would still try to wrestle him down and pin him, which was a certainty if Crosshair couldn’t get away.  His long legs kept him out of trouble sometimes, but just as often Wrecker would catch him and crow, holding him down with as much effort as if Crosshair had been a tooka kitten.  
He sighed, shaking his head.  It wouldn’t be long before the cadets were nearly full-grown.  He’d spent some time with the boys before the Empire invaded, and since then the boys had grown several months’ worth of inches in the past few weeks.  It had seemed normal to him once, the rate they’d grown, what the regs had looked like at that age.  But now that he’d seen some of those kids from Tantiss, kids from around the island, the more and more he realized they’d been the strange ones.  All of them.
They had thought they were so different from regs then.
He gazed at Mox, and saw Rex and Cody.  He saw Echo’s face peering back at him from Deke’s.  He looked at Stak, and he saw Mayday.
These were brothers, just as surely as Hunter, Wrecker, Tech.  
He frowned.  He’d heard some of the cadets’ stories.  The boys had been from different batches, but each had lost the entirety of their batch or squad before finding each other.  They’d lost everyone.  They had seen terrible things.
But the cadets’ young faces still looked round and childish.  Shinies, all of them.  No scars, thick and fleshy at the temple, radiating starlike across the cheek.  No tattoos to mark a skill, a point of pride.  No blind eyes, no cybernetic implants.
No missing --
His stump brushed against his thigh, and he shuddered.
“Hey, Crosshair, want in on this?” Wrecker asked, letting the cadets drop to the ground.  “These guys are fierce!”  They bounced back to their feet, settling into combat stances with impressive scowls on their faces.  
“I’m good,” he said.  He lifted himself up from his leaning and wandered back to the bedroom he would share with his brothers, hoping for a little peace and quiet, but some kind of terrible racket was going on in there.  The left door opened for him and Batcher flashed past, hopping from bed to bed, chased by a howling, squealing tangle of island children in some kind of game.  Crosshair stepped out instantly and backed away, shaking his head.  Not an option, then.
Omega poked her head out of her room, followed closely by Lyana.  “Crosshair!  Tell them to keep it down out there, Lyana and I are trying to talk!”
“Yeah, is there some kind of battle going on out there?” Lyana asked.  The left door opened and Batcher came galloping out, a throng of children at her heels. 
“No, there is not,” said Crosshair, and strode out of the hallway before the kids could pass him.  He swung a left out of the hall as Batcher and the kids skidded out past him.  He let out a long breath, then rubbed at his wrist, his nonexistent hand clenching in ghostly pain.  He clamped down on his toothpick, grinding it between his teeth.  
He looked around the living room again, which was even more crowded now with Hunter, Shep, and the family that was fostering the Tarlafar baby from the lab.  The clone cadets had stopped roughhousing with Wrecker and were now discussing plans for some kind of island sport.  He glanced around at the walls, taking in the alcove in the east wall where Tech’s goggles now rested.  His eyes slid past them as if they were not there.
He slipped towards the front door, stepping out into the afternoon, and found himself on the patio in the sunny afternoon.
Their little patio wasn’t much, but it could be something.  There was room for a bit of furniture, a chair or two.  There was a sliver of shade from the house.  The patch of rocky soil lined with short beachgrasses was wide enough to stretch out on, and the whole little area was bordered by a ring of thick, lush green bushes up to his waist, glowing with pink flowers.  A short fence of dried beachwood at the edge of the bushes was just tall enough to lean on.  He rested his right arm on the fence, bracing it against the wood, massaging it with his left hand.  
He screwed his eyes shut, biting the inside of his cheek hard enough to taste blood.  The pain throbbed, an invisible vise grip coursing tidally up to his elbow.  He’d taken his medication this morning, but this was the hour between doses where the pain sometimes struck more severely.  He took a short sharp breath, then another, sweat beading on his forehead as the afternoon sun beat down.
Nothing’s there.  It’s healed.  It’s not real.  It’s in your head.
Like the tremors had been.
He shoved the fence away, breathing hard, anger flashing within him.  The rickety fence stretched backward, then swayed back into place still vibrating.  He glared at it, left hand curling into a fist, right stump held back.  His phantom fingers reached reflexively for a pistol that wasn’t there.  
“Argh!” he growled, now even angrier.  He paced in the narrow confines of the patio, ringing round and round, now counting paces back and forth.  Bigger than his cell on Tantiss, but not by much.  He counted them a dozen times before he slowed, coming to a stop again in front of the fence. The sensations in his arm had cooled and shifted back to nearly normal, leaving him spent.
He spat out his toothpick into the bushes and pulled out a fresh one, biting down until the ends splintered. He closed his eyes, worrying the toothpick back and forth between his teeth.
He wondered if a prosthetic would make these waves better. Maybe if there was something for the sensations to animate, they’d be less overwhelming.  He held out his stump, every detail writ large in his clear vision.  
A rippled sear of scar tissue, pink and roughly linear but thicker in some places than others.  The vibrosword blade had -- jittered -- when it hit bone.  The blow had chipped off fragments of some of the wrist bones, AZI had said, causing swelling and remodeling that was only now starting to improve.  All of it had left his right arm thinner and less muscular than the left due to disuse.
He sighed.  Would he feel whole with a cybernetic hand, mechanized fingers curling and uncurling, powered by gears and wires?  Would that fix him?  
He wouldn’t have to rely on Hunter to take care of his food for him.  Wouldn’t have to ask Wrecker to cut his hair.  Wouldn’t have to see Omega wearing that protective look of hers, every time she glimpsed his ruined arm.
But he wasn’t sure a new hand could fix the other thing.  The thing he didn’t have words for, the empty pit deep in the heart of him, the sleeplessness, the dreams, the way life felt so unreal these days.  He didn’t know what to call it, but it ached as badly as his arm.
“Hey there, Crosshair,” came a familiar voice.  He turned around.  Phee was carrying a crate, coming up to the front door.  She set down her crate by the door and edged past the corner of the house to the patio.  “You get lost on the way to the party?”
He stifled a faint snort of laughter.  She was sharp, he had to give her that.  “Not exactly.  Parties aren’t my… thing.”  He leaned against the fence, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Hm.  Can’t say I’m too surprised to see you out here,” she said.
“How’s that?”
“No offense, but I know being a sniper’s about more than just good eyesight.”  She drew herself up beside him.  “A good sniper’s at their best alone.”
Crosshair tilted his head in a brief nod.  “True enough.”
She smiled.  “Besides, I cheated.  Tech told me you weren’t big on crowds.”
”Or chatting,” he said, turning away, though his voice was without any real venom.  
“I can see that,” Phee chuckled.  “But hey.  Seriously though.”  He turned back to face her, and she saw her glance at his stump.  “You holding up?”
“Enh,” Crosshair said.  He ducked his head.
“Look.  I just wanted to say, I’m glad you all came home.”
He heard the words she didn’t say: This time.  He didn’t reply.
“All right, then… guess I’ll head in, since you don’t seem to be much for conversation.  You staying out here?” Phee asked.
“I -- wait,” Crosshair said, meeting her gaze.  She stopped, giving him a curious look.  “Thank you.”
“Thank me? For what?” Phee asked.  “Stopping by?  Checking in with you?  Just being a decent person?”
“For helping us,” said Crosshair firmly.  ”For Omega.”
She let him speak, her expression softening in surprise.
“We couldn’t have found Omega without your help.  If we’d been any later — or we hadn’t got Rampart — I don’t think we would have made it.”  His toothpick cracked in half, and he spat out the remnants, reaching immediately for another.  He rested it between his lips, biting down on it still harder than he meant to.  “So thank you.”
She gave him a bright smile, though there was a hint of something sad in it.  “Of course.  I love that girl, you know.  She’s special.  If I can do anything to help you boys with her, I’m there.”
He smiled quietly.  “She has that effect on people.”
She nodded, tilting her head as she looked closely at him.  “You know, I see the resemblance.”
He blinked at her, puzzled.  ”Well, we are clones.  We all resemble each other.”
She laughed, shaking her head.  “You and Brown Eyes, specifically.  You two were close, weren’t you?”
He went still.  We were, once.  But he couldn’t say that, not to an acquaintance like Phee, not to himself.  
“I heard the same about you,” he said instead.  
Wrecker had been the one to tell him, not long after the first escape from Tantiss.  Omega hadn’t even realized, but Wrecker told him Phee and Tech had been spending time together, watching the sunset, going on walks around the island.  Little things, but towering firsts for any of them.  Once he’d met her, Crosshair had seen why in an instant.  
She sighed.  “I wish — I wish there’d been more time.  We were just getting started, you know?”  She gave him a tight smile.  
More time.  
He could have been happy with her.  
But Phee and Tech hadn’t had enough time, Tech hadn’t had more time, and the weight of it pressed on Crosshair like a stone.
He swallowed, casting around to change the subject.  “What’s in the box?”
”Oh, this?  Just something I liberated.”  She brought back the crate to the patio, cracking open its sturdy lid.  “Not sure if you boys got to have toys back on Kamino when you were growing up way too fast, but turns out ships from the Grand Army of the Republic were pretty popular toys for younglings during the war.  I couldn’t get you guys a full-sized version, but I thought Omega might like this in her room.”  She pulled back the lid, and he peered down at a large model of a Marauder-class ship.  ”Not that it’ll be up to Tech’s specifications, but I think she’ll like it.”
Crosshair let out a long breath.  “She’ll love it,” he said with a chuckle despite himself.  “You ought to go give it to her.”
“Still trying to shoo me away?  You’re not exactly subtle.”  
He gave her a faint smile.  “No, not this time.  I just thought Omega would be excited.”
“I sure hope so!  Fine, I’ll head on in.”  She glanced at his stump, hanging at his side.  “But I was sorry to hear you fellas were hurt.  I know Tech said you were tough, but… that’s a hard blow for anyone.  I talked a bit with Echo about things before he left.  I’ll keep an eye out for prosthetics, too, if you’d like.  I got a lot of contacts, and if they can help you out…”
He didn’t want her pity.  Or her help.  But he thought of Tech here on Pabu beneath the weeping maya, maybe smiling at Phee.  He couldn’t even imagine it, and yet it had happened.  She’d been there for Tech; she’d made him happy.  And she’d helped them rescue Omega.  
He stuffed down his first response, a defensive no way in hell.  Instead he went with, “You don’t have to.  But… if you do see anything—“  He shrugged, gesturing around at the beautiful view.  “I’ll be here.”
”Fair enough,” she said.  “Now come on.  You want to see her face when I give this to her?”
”Yes.  I do.”
“Omega?” Crosshair said quietly.  She blinked, sitting up blearily.  
“Did I fall asleep?  Where are we?  Where is everyone?”
“We’re in the house, kid,” said Hunter.  “Our house.”  
“What about the party?” Omega yawned.  
“Everyone’s gone home,” Hunter said.  He knelt stiffly beside her, gently shaking her shoulder. She rubbed her eyes.  “Come on.  We should get you to bed.”
Wrecker stretched his back, preparing to reach down for her.  “I got her.”
“I’m not a little kid anymore.  You don’t have to carry me,” Omega said, still yawning, then broke into a tired grin.  She got to her feet, flinging her arms out in a big stretch.  “I’m going to go to my room.”  
Her eyes widened in delight.  “To my room!  There’s so much to do tomorrow.  I have to figure out the best way to show off the cool shells Mox and Deke and Stak brought, and where to put the jewelry from Lyana, and the ship from Phee, and my new clothes, and -- and --”  She broke out into sleepy laughter.  “I love all of this.  I love you, little brothers.”  She reached out, swooping Wrecker in a fierce hug, then turned to Hunter, throwing her arms around his neck.  He patted her, chuckling, and she turned to Crosshair.
He was ready this time.  It’d been the last thing he could have imagined once, Omega rushing to him, arms flung wide in a pure and emotional hug.  She’d known it was him, right?  But that night on the bridge he’d heard her weeping against his cheek, even through the rain, and he’d realized how wrong he’d been.
She reached out to hug him, and he hugged her back, cradling her briefly with his good arm.  He was getting better at this.  He closed his eyes for a moment, holding her close before releasing her, then bending down nearer to her level.
“Don’t stay up too late,” he scolded, half-smiling. 
“What he said,” said Hunter, though a grin stole over his face.  Wrecker laid a hand on Hunter’s shoulder as they watched Omega pick up the model of the Marauder from the table and carry it back to her room, cradling it carefully in her arms.
“Well, ‘spose it’s our turn,” Wrecker said.  “What a day, huh?  Man, when Phee brought out that Marauder… I gotta say, I got a little misty.”
“I think we all did.  That was special,” Hunter agreed.  “Kid loved it.”
“It was good for her,” Crosshair said.  “And thoughtful as hell.”
“Phee’s just like that,” Wrecker said fondly.  He rubbed his eyes.  “Shoot, I’m almost as sleepy as the kid.  You two coming to bed?”
“Yeah,” said Hunter.  “Having half the village visit us was uh, a lot.  It was good.  But it was definitely a lot.”
“You can say that again,” Crosshair said.  “You two go on.  I’ll be there in a bit.”
Hunter gave him a look, and Crosshair suspected Hunter knew what he was up to.  He waited as they both headed down the hallway.  Once the bedroom door had closed, Crosshair sat down at the table where their communicator was mounted.  He stared at it for a few moments, the sounds of the ocean in his ears, then reached out and picked up a commlink.  He adjusted the settings to where he wanted to call.
Echo’s signal beeped on the holo, but it was the code that indicated there was only a message option.  Of course, he’d told Omega this was around the time he was moving out with Rex.  Crosshair stared for a moment at the beeping comm, wondering what to say, knowing it needed to be brief.
He took a deep breath.  “The new house is ready.  There’s room for you if you need it.  Omega still misses you.”  
He thought about saying, Maybe you should look around for something for my hand.  He thought about saying, This is a real home.  I can’t believe it’s ours.  He thought about saying, Sometimes the phantom pain reminds me of Tantiss.  He thought about saying, Do you remember being young?
He swallowed, thinking of Omega’s joy, her shining face.  “It was a good day.  Visit soon.”
He nixed the connection, and sat there blinking until his eyes cleared.
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xansmenagerie · 6 months
SYJKR: Prologue
I had told myself I wasn't going to post much SYJKR here as I might like to publish if I ever finish it; that said, given how much I enjoyed of T. Kingfisher's work back when she was posting large chunks on LJ, it might be a tad hypocritical.
So. Reblogs are turned off, everything else is going under a Read More, and if you do read this bear in mind that this is very much the unedited first draft and I am going to be getting So Many sensitivity reads done if there's a chance it's going to a publisher...
A sorting office is far more alive than it has any right to be; the constant movement of letters and parcels dragging all the potential of futures along with them, the busy machines clicking and whirring away, the human staff doing their best to keep up even with addresses like "That Bloke On The Cookery Show, England".
Even in that rare quiet spot between the last of the day's local post being sorted and the bags arriving from all over for the morning delivery the machines still tick away, humming to themselves, and it's into this murmuring gloom that a small figure cautiously makes their way. It's not comfortable, being around all of this technology, but it could be a lot worse; so much now is plastic and aluminium that the small amounts of iron and steel left register no more than an itch.
But it has a job to do, and given the Whoms that have Commanded it it's going to get it done.
For one who in the not so distant past would have been responsible for swapping babies in cradles, the idea of swapping letters in envelopes is no great challenge. Finding the letters in the first place is a different matter - babies after all tend to be big, squally, and not generally found in large batches - and it wastes no small amount of time until it finally works out the system of bins and slots and the strange codes that govern them. A tiny touch of magic to bring the right envelopes to the surface, another to open the seals-
The pixie freezes. By Summer and Winter both there is absolutely no way anyone could have entered the sorting office without it noticing and yet there is someone standing in the corner, dressed in the uniform of the messengers.
"You do understand," the newcomer says slowly and deliberately, "that tampering with the post is a crime against the Crown itself?"
"Not a crime!" squeaks the hapless pixie. "A Command, a Command by the Crowns and Horns themselves!"
It takes some time and no small amount of patience on the postman's behalf to establish that they are talking about two very different Crowns. "Do you know why the…Crowns and Horns are interested in playing a postal prank on-" He glances back over the two envelopes. "-the Symonds families?"
"No, no, but no prank." For such a small creature the pixie manages a very emphatic smacking together of hand and fist. "Important, this is. Needed. Don't know why, but Crowns and Horns said so."
With an expression warring between extreme reluctance and acute distaste the postman extracts both letters and reads them carefully. One eyebrow slowly raises.
"I see. And this is important to their Majesties, you say?" The pixie nods vigorously, almost bouncing off the worktable it's perched on. The postman hrms, low and contemplative, then deliberately swaps letters and envelopes and holds them out to the pixie to be resealed. Rather than putting them back in the slots, however, he adds them to his satchel.
Before the pixie can protest the postman holds up a hand. "Given their Majesties are involved, I would rather deliver these myself than risk either letter getting lost in the post. Do give them my regards when you report back, won't you?" The pixie nods, beaming at a job not only done well but potentially Better; the postman steps back into the shadows, and once again the pixie is alone in the sorting room - and then it too vanishes, nipping between the sparkles cast by the first light of dawn in the dusty air.
0 notes
heylinfanclub · 7 months
birthday rapidly approaches and idk how to feel. doc appointment monday, no therapy on tuesdays for the whole month, wednesday peer support, my BURTHDAY ON THE SEVENTH, food stamps on the eighth (the day aFTER my burthday). Weekends hrm. I want to exercise. I want to do some sewing. Some drawing. Some writing. Need to brush my teeth (its self care dangit). I've showered and done my laundry and even changed my sheets (an annual event). Want to organize the side tables. Want to VACUUM REAL BAD (loud, unwieldy, have to move furniture sometimes, oof, oof-- but i broke a clear glass item on carpet with bad lighting so i rly cant tell if i picked everything up in that corner MY PEETS). I miss Jaaacckk (but i have appreciated completely blissing out from old hobbies. Burnout Real. Everytime I've burnt out from RP I've greatly underestimated how much time I needed to recover lmao. and hOW TO RECOVER.) Interested in budgeting my food stamps on like,,, routine batches of healthy food when I can (and snacks also bcause DONT NEGLECT PLEASANTRY). Soooo... Eepy. Hope the weather warms up. Cold makes me eep.... Got my meds for attention increased heres to god dang hopin Roomie mentioned pancakes goddd i should make pancaakkesss **brain rumbles from so many thOURGHTS** How 2 even conceptualize 'celebration' when ough, things, on the dome....
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onlinezealnepal · 8 months
School and College Automation Software
The only integrated system which covers School, Finance, HRMS, Asset, Inventory and Office Automation Process Flow.
School and College Automation Software
Features of Nimble Educational ERP
Student Information System
Pre-admission process (Student inquiry, shortlist, selection)
Student admission
Generate student ID card with QR-Code.
Recording student-related documents both personal (citizenships, father’s mother’s details, etc.) and academic certificates (migration, transcripts, character certificates, etc.)
Exam Management
Define grading criteria as per requirement. (Can apply different grading systems for different programs).
Define ranking criteria as per requirement. (Can apply different ranking systems for different programs).
Define exam type/assessment types
Define exam terms
Manage exam weightage
Board Exam Management
Board symbol number management.
Board exam registration.
Board subject registration
Exam registration reports
Subject registration reports
Rubric Marking System
Rubric Rule Setup.
Rubric Criteria Setup.
Reubric Scale Setup.
Continuous feedback and marking system
Reubric Ledger
Learning Management System
Course creation, allocation, and management
Course/ subject wise attendance
Curse content and resource management
Assignment and homework management
Ranking and grading of assignments
Student and Parent Self Service
Student and parent login portal
Student and parent can view all activities related the student such as student profile, attendance, marks, routines, notices and all student and parent related information.
Student can view course details, homework details and submit the homework details.
Parents can view the homework submission details and teacher comments.
All LMS features.
Billing Management
Automatic push data to financial accounting
Online payment integration (eSewa, Khalti, Connect IPS)
Managing fee titles
Creating fee structure for classes / batches
Provide discount/ scholarship to students
Financial Accounting
Managing chart of account (Up to 11 levels)
Manage customer/ vendor information
Manage cost center (Up to 7 dimensions)
Budget planning and controlling
Reconcile bank statements
Transportation Management
Define route and bus stops
Record vehicle information
Record driver information
Record vehicle activities
Record vehicle maintenance information
Library Management System
Define membership type
Manage library membership
Define book category
Define issue rule
Create book group/ subgroup
Communication and Messaging
Sending notices to students and parents (In bulk or individuals)
Push notification through web and mobile apps (In bulk or individuals)
Email notification for different activities such as fee due, exam result, exam schedule, book due and custom emails etc.
SMS, Email or push notifications on mobile (In bulk or individuals)
Custom reports
User can create custom report as per their requirements
Can create custom report template (Invoice, receipt, exam report card etc.)
Human Resources
Attendance Management
Link attendance with Attendance devices, auto marks present, absent, late, early etc.
Holiday settings
Online attendance options are available.
Download attendance logs, calculate attendance, and generate reports.
Generate monthly attendance for salary calculation.
Leave Management
Leave master setup as per organization leave rule
Leave balance, opening, encashment, Lapse, and closing transfer
Online leave application and approval to reduce paperwork and effective leave management
Employee Management (PIS)
Personal Information, Service Information, Other Official Information and Salary Information
Recording Pan, No, PF, CIT, Insurance Number, and Bank Account, etc.
Documents Attachment.
Record Family Details, Previous Employment Details, Record Education Details, Job Allocation Details.
Training Details, Award Details, Research and Publications, Medical Details.
Letter Generator
Letter generator system for employees.
User can generate all types of letters related to employees with predefined templates such as appointment letter, promotion letter, transfer letter etc.
Save your uses’ time and avoid mistake on letters by standardizing the letter generation process.
Can create salary titles according to requirements.
Complete formula-based salary titles, so easily customized with any type of organization.
Payment option for monthly, periodic or on demand etc.
Can generate any number of payment sheets in a single month.
Automatic TDS calculation.
Employee Self Service
Employees have their individual login account
Employee can create request for Leave, Attendance, Late/Early, Overtime etc. from their login.
Employee themselves can view their reports such as leave balance, daily and monthly attendance, pay slip, notices, organizational document resources etc.
Employee’s dashboard is available to summarize all the information related to the employee and subordinates.
System allows to manage all consumable inventory of the organization.
Organization can manage single or multiple stores.
Real time view of item stock in store.
Employee can request inventory and acknowledgement of receipt.
All required reports with dynamic reporting module.
Asset Management
System allows to manage all fixed assets of the organization.
Allow to generate asset label with QR code.
Calculate asset depreciation for any period such as monthly, quarterly, half yearly or yearly.
Manage all lifecycle of assets such as asset booking, allocation, transfer, issue, return, repair maintenance, warranty, service history.
Allow period reconciliation cycle.
0 notes
campusutra · 11 months
XLRI Summer Internship batch 2023-25: Highest stipend Rs. 7 Lakh
XLRI SIP 2023 -25 Batch: XLRI completed the Summer Internship Placement (SIP) process for the batch of 2023-25 for its flagship two-year programmes - Postgraduate Diploma in Human Resource Management (PGDM HRM) and Postgraduate Diploma in Business Management (PGDM BM) for both the campuses.  Recently IIM Lucknow and SIBM Pune released the SIP for the MBA/ PGDM Batch 2023 -25.
The highest SIP offered is 7 Lakh which is at par with past year for the batch 2022 -24.
XLRI Summer Placements 2023 Highlights:
100% placements for XLRI's largest batch of 591 students in the 2-year flagship BM and HRM batches across both XLRI - Xavier School of Management Jamshedpur and XLRI Delhi-NCR campuses.
Average stipend: Rs. 2.92 Lakh 
Median stipend: Rs. Lakh Lakh. 
Top stipend stipend: Rs. 7 lakh.
84% secured a stipend of at least Rs. 2 Lakh and 52% at least Rs. 3 Lakh.
SIP Duration 2 months.
Around 604 offers from 139 firms, with 63 first-time recruiters. Major roles spanned Consulting, Finance, Sales & Marketing, Operations & Supply Chain, Strategy, General Management and more.
Top recruiters are Accenture Strategy, Amazon, Bajaj Auto, BCG, Deutsche Bank, HDFC Bank, HUL, Ola Cabs and P&G to name a few.
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