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forgettable-au · 6 months ago
You guys don't yet comprehend the mess I made to make the undertale timeline make sense in this AU LMAO😭😭😭but you'll find out soon enough.......
But like....what was I supposed to do? The timeline makes no sense to begin with.....
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beryllineart · 2 months ago
The Cost of Mercy
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This is my 100th post, I wanted to do something special and I liked this idea. It was not originally going to be this long. (20 pages! Wow!)
Because this took me half a month to create, I think I'll probably do a little "making of" post just to discuss how the end result differed from my original plans for this comic. I wish I could say I have a backlog of art to post, but I don't, and this comic might have given me burnout.
Ughhhh, my stupid brain has been telling me non-stop how "talentless" I am and how all of my drawings look terrible and that made making this comic an uphill battle. But I did it, and I hope that eventually I can feel proud of it. In the meantime, I think I need to do a couple of art tutorials so my brain actually acknowledges that I've been improving.
(Update: took a break between page 10 and 11 which improved my mental state, I still feel it's important to acknowledge that time of low self esteem and how I pushed through it. Also, I learned what a pen stabilizer was on page 12.)
I deserve a small ramble about this comic, right? Actually, it's pretty much as long as the comic itself, so you have been warned.
Yeah, so, this was inspired by my Susie vs. Lancer comic. In that, Susie does not admit her vulnerability to herself in time and that leads to her making a mistake she regrets. I wanted to show Asriel showing false vulnerability (my headcanon of him being an actor coming into play here) and creating a betrayal similar to Susie's, only this one was on purpose.
"But Beryll," I hear you say, "doesn't Asriel think Frisk is Chara? Why on earth would Asriel kill his best friend?" Well, besides the fact that a) Asriel is both a god of hyperdeath and a LV 9999 maniac b) he's already killed Frisk dozens of times in this battle alone and c) the image of black silhouettes on a red background with a glowing white sword is too cool to pass up, I have a little interaction I couldn't fit in the comic that should explain things.
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That's my way of reconciling the whole "I thought you were Chara" thing when Chara and Frisk do not physically look alike at all. Remember, Flowey's genocide dialogue in the Ruins says, "I have a plan to become all powerful. Even more powerful than you and your stolen soul." Meaning that he knows this human physically is not Chara come back to life, but something in their mannerisms or something is so similar to Chara that Flowey convinces himself that they are. And in this comic, Asriel was so desperate for Chara to remember him that he takes Frisk's soul for himself, in the hopes that when they are reunited Chara will come back as well. (And he had to get up close and personal because of the soul's annoying tendency to crack before he can take it, also, glowing white sword. That's why I don't show the heart as broken on page 4, even though that would give the off the "dead" vibes more clearly.)
And now we come to the part where he says, "Hey, remember that time you wanted to kill all of those humans? Want to try again?" I think Flowey has been holding on to the whole "kill or be killed" mentality because he thinks it was his fault that he and Chara died. He fears being weak and being a coward, which is why he became a sadistic LV 9999 psychopath. Again, the whole acting headcanon thing that I rambled about in a different post.
Asriel's last memories of being with Chara are of feeling Chara's anger towards the humans, and when they finally reunite, he can't accept that, as a ghost, Chara learned to let go of that anger, having realized their own mistakes and realizing that it was their anger that got them into trouble. But Asriel has been holding on to that anger that wasn't even his own, all because he believes that it was his fault that they both died, since he fought against that anger.
So yeah, Asriel and Flowey's strongest emotions are actually guilt. Flowey's got a bit of survivor's guilt because he was brought back, albeit as a flower. But most of the guilt comes from convincing himself that it was his fault he and Chara died. That guilt causes him to reject all of the positive emotions that come his way and hold on to the hurt for so long that he hardly realizes it's there, causing that empty feeling that he thinks is a lack of emotions. But if he ever managed to actually let go of his guilt, he would realize that he actually can feel emotions. I have never believed that soulless = emotionless, given the way Flowey acts.
I just want to say, when Asriel resets in this comic, I'm definitely imagining a thing like when Majora's Mask Link plays the Song of Time, where all of the souls are leaving him like Link's items leave as he falls through the void, finally waking up as Flowey. Also, from a mechanics standpoint, Asriel has access to several save files when he's got Frisk's soul. He can reset to the moments after he got Frisk's soul, to when Frisk took away his control over resets, and to when he was first brought back as Flowey. He can't go further back than that because he can't go back to a time he didn't have that power. The only reason he can go back further than the moment he stole Frisk's soul is because of the enormous amounts of determination from all of the souls he has, both monster and human.
Okay, now I want to talk about the ending of the comic. All sweet and nice because Flowey's finally learning to let go of some of the things that made him evil and mean, right? I'm writing this ramble halfway through drawing the comic, so I'm assuming how that ends. (Also, if it's not clear, Frisk has forgotten their entire time in the Underground before. To them, this is the first time they've been down here.)
Well, that leads me to wonder, how will Flowey act since he has decided to be nice and stuff? Honestly, I don't know how the boss battles would go, but I think he and Frisk would develop a genuine friendship. He would hang around places he's pretty sure have save points, maybe give some tips and share a joke or two. Basically, imagine something like what he does for Clover in Undertale Yellow.
But, because we can't have happy Flowey, let's give him a new source of guilt. Now, Flowey lives in fear of Frisk finding out what he did, how he preyed on their sympathy just so he could kill them and steal their soul. He's been acting nice now, and enjoying their friendship, but he can't convince himself to fully commit to it (acting headcanon mention three) because he's afraid he might lose that friendship. Which is why, when Frisk chooses to hug and forgive Asriel, he refuses both, since he remembers what happened last time they hugged (on page 4) and he doesn't feel he deserves forgiveness when they don't even remember the truly horrible things he did. (Again, I'm not completely sure what the boss battles would have been like.) <Actually, I've taken a few days since writing this ramble and have figured it out but will discuss it in a future post.
But Frisk is a determined kid, and after they watch the sunset with everybody (and decide to live with Toriel of course) they go all the way back to the Ruins where this happens.
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I hope you are noticing the parallels between Frisk and Chara that help defend Flowey/Asriel's confusion, because I worked hard on integrating that. They are very much alike.
So, that's the end of my ramble. I guess a long comic needs a long ramble, huh? Despite my brain's attempts to convince me otherwise, I actually really enjoyed making this comic. If you did read this whole thing, good for you! I'm not the best at explaining these things in an understandable manner, so I know it might have been hard to read.
Also, January 16th is/was Appreciate a Dragon Day. So here's Douglas, who guards my things while I do art. (I did 6 pages today, so Douglas got plenty of work in.)
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othertalearchive · 1 month ago
Othertale Asks
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(This is not all the asks, just the ones I thought were important, funny, or relevant. More could possibly be added if I find any.)
English isn’t youmna’s first language, she’s from Egypt.
Is Othertale Youmna’s story, or did someone else write it?
Is Othertale a comic that’s already out, or is it just going to be videos?
Caring Short is an extra scene.
When are you going to update Othertale?
Othertale is an alternate timeline, NOT an alternate universe.
Othertale is an AT, not an AU. There is no 7th soul. Sans is forgotten but not in Gaster’s position. And what funeral?
What did pre-core Gaster look like?
Refs for Othertale Chara & Frisk?
What kind of personality does othertale Frisk have?
Frisk doesn’t exist anymore.
Frisk was supposed to have a great role even though they no longer exist like Sans doesn’t.
Does Flowey exist, if the six souls don’t?
Who created Flowey in this timeline, Gaster or Alphys?
Chara falling down and Asriel’s creation into Flowey still happened.
Othertale monsters can’t break the barrier, but they still have hope.
Does Papyrus know he has a brother, does anyone know about Sans?
Where did Youmna get the idea for Othertale?
Is there a swap AU to othertale?
Is Othertale an animation? Comic?
Differences in Othertale vs Undertale bc of Sans & the souls erasure.
Othertale focuses on everyone.
After the Hack means season 2.
Who’s stronger: Othertale or Undertale Toriel, Asgore, and Flowey? Othertale MTT is stronger than Undertale MTT because he got his body earlier, Alphys main research was to turn monster souls into weapons since the human souls don’t exist, meaning MTT is more of a weapon than a famous star.
Amalgamates don’t exist in Othertale.
Do Gaster, Chara, and Frisk exist?
Are there royal guards in Othertale?
Alphyne is canon, Soriel is not, Chara and Asriel happen as usual though youmna cannot say what happened after Chara and Asriel died.
Are Asgore and Toriel still married?
Is it okay to create an alternative version of Othertale?:
Dreemurr’s designs never changed from Undertale.
Are the souls like MPD/DID for Color?
Color is stronger than Killer and Murder, Error will cause him problems.
Color’s views on canon NM according to rahafwabas: he hurt a lot of people, innocent people and aus, he hurt Killer the most, nightmare doesn’t deserve mercy.
Color is sure Killer will choose a new name someday, but thinks he just needs time. (Also canonically calls him buddy. :] )
Both Gaster and Sans are forgotten.
Are there hints in the Underground that Sans existed?
Like a mysterious sock?
Anyone can do what they want with Color.
Sans only has control over the game from the Void, which is how Undyne got out.
Did he die?
Color gets his name. (+ possible old peek of his soul.)
Color doesn’t like the idea of being shipped with someone he doesn’t know.
Bro doesn’t like the joke.
Explosive flames when he sneezes.
Color, Geno, & Seraphim as Pokemon evolution.
Flames take on longer colors when he has a characteristic trait.
Color’s okay with being a 2nd favorite.
Heya Color!
Is Gaster with you, C? (First use of C as a nickname)
C still loves ketchup.
Color prefers the Patience trait/soul because he cannot control his feelings and Patience calms him down.
Color is sad and looks sad all the time because Papyrus doesn’t remember him.
After absorbing the souls, does Sans feel different? He regrets what he did, and wishes he hadn’t, he misses the good old days at Grillby’s. He can still eat and sleep, but there is no time in the Void, no food, but hunger cues seem to have been taken away as well. He can’t really do anything but sleep anymore. Color has the ability to heal just about anything, except for the dead.
Does Color get headaches when looking at himself too long in the mirror?
Can I get a hug from Color!Sans?
Color!Sans 2C.
Why didn’t Sans get Gaster out? Why isn’t Gaster out yet?
How did she get the ability to teleport?
Undyne & Papyrus are siblings, Sans in the Void.
Undyne is Paps’ sister, is more responsible, and did not join the royal guard.
In the Royal Guard armor in trailer, didn’t join the Royal Guard.
Undyne would not be stronger than Color, though she has a portion of his powers.
Who is the big sibling?
How did Undyne get Determination?
Undyne can use Gaster Blasters.
Undyne’s “f” heart locket.
Does Papyrus have a necklace that says “best”?
Drawing of Undyne saying thank you.
Undyne drawing.
Are After the Hack Undyne’s stats the same, weaker than, or stronger than Undyne the Undying’s?
After the Hack Undyne is 3x stronger than Undyne the Undying.
Undyne has an important role in Othertale.
Undyne 1A.
Othertale Papyrus is weaker than Undertale Papyrus, he doesn’t have royal guard training and never aspired to join. Sage is nice and kind, but he works as a math teacher as he likes problem solving and children.
Since Papyrus doesn’t want to join the Royal Guard, what does he do? Does he have a job?
Undyne is youmna’s fav character.
Undyne reminds of the Underfell AU itself.
ATH Undyne looks like Underfell Undyne’s design.
Does Undyne have a special attack?
How old are Undyne and Papyrus?
Undyne & Papyrus animation short sneak peek.
Undyne still likes anime and manga. She spends every weekend at home with Papyrus, waiting for Alphys to come over with a new anime.
Are the Gaster Blasters a special attack, or just a slightly more powerful regular attack?
1C Undyne.
Othertale meets Undertale Undyne. Ivory thinks lifting rocks is irresponsible and would never do that, is highly protective of Papyrus and describes him as the only person she cares about in this world. She can play piano, she cooks for her and Papyrus, and she and Papyrus watch the MTT show together.
Ivory would not like Undertale Undyne or troublemakers. Ivory is a lot more careful and cautious with new people.
Papyrus & Undyne live in the same house, in Snowdin.
What happened to Undyne’s parents? Did she have parents? Did they die?
Smiley face can be attributed to anyone, not just Chara.
Have we met her in classic Undertale?
Is she Core!Frisk?
She could be the Player.
She is not Undyne or Chara.
She just wants fun.
Is she a specific person with a name?
She is the Player.
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undercholy · 5 days ago
No one asked for this, but here's my opinions/theories on deltarune Asriel.
I think he'll be the character with the biggest difference in personality from his Undertale counterpart. Most of the characters, if they have differences, they're just different circumstances. Bratty and Catty aren't friends, for example, but they would make great friends still. But Asriel, I think, has been shown to have a different characterization, in my opinion, and it mostly amounts to one big thing.
UT!Asriel is very timid, and DR!Asriel seems much more bold. In Undertale, Asriel notably isn't making a lot of decisions for himself, and even goes along with Chara's plan even when he stops agreeing with them because he's too timid to go directly against them. He does, later, when he keeps control of the body to prevent Chara from killing humans, but he let it go for longer than he should have. In addition, as Flowey, even when he was thinking of killing people and felt no compassion for them, he was timid about it at first.
DR!Asriel, in comparison, has shown a relative boldness, even in the few stories we hear about him. He's making more decisions for himself, and even kisses someone even knowing his parents wouldn't approve. Some of that might be the age difference, since UT!Asriel was pretty young and DR!Asriel is college age, but it is still a notable difference that many of the other characters aren't affected by.
One of the interesting differences in circumstances for Asriel is his parents' divorce situation. It happens in both universes, and for (What I believe to be) very similar reasons. So in Undertale, Asriel dies before his parents separate - it's part of the situation that sparked the breakdown of their marriage. But in Deltarune, he witnessed them before, during, and after the divorce. His reaction to it is also interesting, and I suspect this might be another characterization difference. I don't know how Flowey felt about children dying, since he wasn't really around for that bit, and he just popped back up long into his parents' separation - but he didn't feel anything towards them anymore, so there was no reason for him to be bothered by it. He was completely separate from the situation (I am playing with that a little in the CoreSoulsAU). DR!Asriel was not only directly affected, but also had to watch Kris be affected by it as well. They're very close, so I think that would majorly affect his reaction to everything going down. So here's my take on the situation (up to Chapter 2):
Asgore was police chief when something happened to Dess Holiday. My read on it is that there was some ambiguity over whether or not the negative outcome of the situation was Asgore's fault - my take is that Dess is fully dead, or believed to be. There was huge fallout from this, since it seems to have screwed up the relationship between the Holidays and the Dreemurrs a bit - they still interact just fine, but they have a lot of emotional baggage weighing it all down. I figure that Mayor Holiday, Toriel, and Asgore each blame Asgore for Dess's death, while Rudy doesn't blame Asgore. And the blame Toriel and Asgore place on Asgore leads them to split, her because she can't stand to look at him and know that his screwup led to the death of a child, which could have been one of their children just as easily, and Asgore sort of accepting it as part of his life falling apart because he figured he deserved all of that.
I think Asriel might be angry at both Toriel and Asgore for how they dealt with that. While Dess was probably close to Asriel, and he probably cared a lot about her, worrying about whose fault her death was didn't bring her back. In fact, all it did was isolate Kris, between the fact that the kids didn't hang out all together anymore and they don't seem to be encouraged to visit Asgore, though they're allowed to. It also ruined the normal routines and family interactions they used to have. So Asriel took up the slack of that, taking Kris to get hot chocolate and being their friend through all of this. But, at the same time, having all that on his shoulders and having the expectations of a small town who knew him his whole life, it's no wonder he went off to college. He probably didn't want to live his life the way everyone else expected him to.
I think the setup that he's the golden child who wins awards and is beloved by all is setting that up. People view him a specific way, and it's a kind of pressure - he's the dependable one, the good kid, the good influence. He's the town's best example of the next generation. He's been through a lot but he's never wavered. And I think that's hard for a person to keep up with.
For that last reason, I suspect when we do see Asriel again, he'll have done something that surprises everyone but Kris. Maybe a relationship, or a life choice or something that his family wouldn't approve of, showing that there's an emotional barrier between him and his parents that he didn't feel comfortable enough to share something about himself with them (though of course Kris knew about it). I doubt he's the knight purely for proximity reasons (he's not there). But it could be that his actions are related to it anyway, like if he taught Kris how to open dark fountains. But I think there will be something else, unrelated to all of that, that everyone will be grappling with because he's finally broken the mold of their expectations in some way.
And kind of unrelated to all that I think of UT!Asriel and DR!Asriel as completely different people in a lot of ways. So I headcanon UT!Asriel as aceallo, but DR!Asriel as aroallo. Based on not a lot but that's my headcanon
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harmless-pest · 1 year ago
I thought i didn't write down any of my plans for this blog, but it seems like I did? so here's some character bios I wrote and the synopsis of what was gonna happen in epilogue (unfortunately without visual direction)
The following content was written in 2017, only meant to be read by myself and is mostly unedited
The underground is going empty. Slowly. Mostly he stays at charas grave, bc he's a fukkin flower and would die without sunlight. The only other place with light is the palace and there's too much traffic there in and out of the underground. He wants to avoid people after what he did. Not that anyone remembers any of it, resets or the god thing (it was kinda cool he doesn't super regret that. More later) but he feels like. Bad about it and doesn't know how to deal with THAT baloney. he'll still go out every now and then though to see the state of the UG, explore abandoned places, hear word of the surface from locals who decided it wasn't for them or just came back to visit. None of them know who he is, but some are familiar with a weird flower they've seen popping out of the ground and suddenly disappearing. He absolutely idolizes frisk for saving the underground, doing what he and chara never could. But after a while alone with himself he realizes that frisk just coincidentally came at the right time. First he idolized chara, then frisk, and then he realized HE was the one who became a GOD and broke the barrier himself and sure frisk helped but he could have done it on his own! He's charismatic enough! Who needs frisk, they aren't even that great or cool! They had the power to reset and didn't even do anything cool with it! They went around one whole time and that was it, they weren't even interested in the experimentation and mind games... He gets very lonely without frisk. He only knew them for a day but they were kind and forgiving to him unlike anyone else has ever been. He misses them. Sometimes frisk will come back to visit but he'll hide in the other buttercups, ashamed he's a flower again and afraid to talk to them. He's fuckin constantly monologuing he's so lonely. Without someone to cut him off he just keeeeeeps gooooooing He kidnaps absolutely everyones mannerisms and gets so mad if you point it out He's been around for 2-3 months in reality, which is a fuckton of time for resetting esp compared to frisks single day. He had to get real bored to stop for so long and let it all play out. He's just glad he chose to stop on a timeline where everyone was relatively happy so they could all be saved. Where is chara? He doesn't know. He still misses them but he doesn't care much to see them again anymore. Chara wasn't that great, but they also weren't that bad. They were his best friend and he idolized them. Chara was sure they were the angel sent to free the underground and he believed them. He hates what happened but he doesn't blame chara for it. For a minute when he 180s on them he does! But he's just angry and the more he thinks about it he can't stay mad. They were just kids. They didn't know. this is what they get. He doesn't care for humans one bit. He's only met 2 and the rest tried to kill him on sight. As a whole he doesn't hate all humans, but he certainly doesn't trust any of them. He was once obsessed with humans, its kind of like having your favorite celebrity be a jerk but worse. Part of the reason he stays underground is to avoid them, but touristy humans go down there sometimes so it doesn't always work. Many times when he goes to ask how the surface is, its to affirm his beliefs about humans. And often the bias in the underground is on his side. Grillbys is still open down there so he mostly goes there for Intel.
The vague amount of time it’s been since chara and asriel died is fairly short. Short enough for chara to know snowdrake, short enough for chara to have instigated the gyftrot thing and introduced the underground to christmas
Primary motivations: fear of death, fear of loneliness. Fear of death trumps all, as being with friends puts him on the surface where theres too many people and things that have killed him before.
He’s dependent, picks a favorite person and latches on. Personality is largely a construct of traits he pulled from others. 
He’s self-obsessed in that he’s constantly analyzing his own behavior and thinking about what he’s doing. May be an asriel trait refined by ages of carefully shaping himself to behave in certain ways at certain times. He’s not actually that snappy and quick to anger? At least not normally. He’s in a bad mood lately but when he wants to, he can stay perfectly composed. The threats are just a mechanism to get others to fuck off.
He’s an open book who will keep going on about himself if prompted, and if he’s not trying to hide something from a specific person. Exacerbated by the fact that he’s been talking to himself for so long.
Nasty cognitive dissonance. He will carefully look at all potential issues and outcomes but will find excuses and land on the one that benefits himself/his desires. (ie, he wont admit it but he knows theres nothing really keeping him away from frisk)
He’s been living a long time “without consequences” yeah but he’s extremely critically aware of all consequences. Every action he takes is calculated, he’s just roleplaying 100% of the time. Now that he can’t reset, there are consequences, so he’s very afraid of doing things and fucking up. Part of the reason why he doesnt want to see frisk is because he can’t believe they like him and he thinks that if they learn more about him, they’ll stop. He doesnt know they know everything about him. Frisk is his special person, he cant stand to lose them.
A lot of this is devoted to him figuring out who he is as a person
Doesn’t care for life but fears death because he doesn’t know what’s going to happen without a soul: he fears the unknown
Has the patience of a god but he doesn’t like puzzles that much? He wants the story not the challenge, whereas chara and frisk enjoy the challenge (puzzle enjoyment goes chara>frisk>flowey). Like me, he’ll do the same thing over and over again for hours until it works, but if he gets stuck at a puzzle for more than 30 minutes he’s gotta leave for a while out of frustration. That isn’t to say he’s bad at puzzles, in fact spending so much time with papyrus has made him pretty good at them! At least in theory.
On the surface he has fucking AWFUL crippling panic attacks and he finds it hard to do anything or go anywhere, at least without frisk. 100% dependency and he hates it
First reaction when people do things for him is “no this is bad and I hate it” even if he likes it actually. He doesn't realize he does it until its too late and he's too stubborn to admit anything after the fact. Its a defense mechanism after being taken advantage of, developed because he's so complacent and fine with anything
Unrealistically high and vague expectations placed on him all his life (ur gonna do something big, ur gonna change the world, etc)
His feelings toward Frisk
Theyre his favorite person right now, he’s obsessed with them and loves everything they do. This will wear off and he’ll resent them for a while until he manages to get over it and stop idolizing them. The spite could come out of them having “moral highground” and gently scolding him over little things that add up over time, out of them taking care of themselves poorly because they prioritize others, and by the fact that they’re just as bad as he is as it turns out. He’s afraid theyll stop loving him since he can’t love them. Hes fairly candid about how he cant love them, even asking them if theyre aware he’s just using them for attention and being a leech. What he doesnt know is that frisk is using him as well to stop chara, so once he finds out about that there will probably be some kind of relief.
His feelings toward Chara
They were always the right one, the smart one, as much as he loved them and was fascinated by them and loved to learn things from them, he really hated that part of them deep down though he never snapped and shared it. In the future he will since he’s less tolerant.
His feelings towards the relationship those two have
He’s jealous that they’re so close and know so much about each other. They’re really closer than any two people ever could be since they’ve shared a body for so long. There’s also such a strange mix of love and hate between them that he really can’t read their relationship. He resents the idea of being the third wheel so deeply and he’s particularly spiteful of chara for this since he loves frisk.
He super do have them, eh?? He super is actually just very traumatized and lonely and confused eh?? Almost as if he absolutely can and does still love everyone, he’s just detached himself from it. Something very easy to do.
They’re kind of a little bitch and a goth. Rebellious teen days now!! They’re hard to read which can either work for or against them. They don’t really give a shit in a large part about much of anything, especially not now when they’re very concerned with themselves and their problems. They don’t get along with humans or much of anyone their own age for this reason.
Resetting was largely on their hands and they got pretty fucked up by it. Chara did encourage them to do some shit, it wasnt helped that flowey who had forgotten about them was encouraging them too. It was just a bunch of irresponsible kids playing games with peoples lives. There’s also a touch of frisk getting to points on the surface where things are new and changing which scares them into resetting for fear of the unknown future. 
Frisk thought everything was fine until they got to the end of all the genocide stuff, that’s when chara lost it. In the whole “you think theres no consequences for this shit u pulled” manner and tried to hold frisk to it. It was a 2 souls one body case where they shared equal control, this was the first time neither cooperated. Frisk wasnt immediately freaked out by chara, they’re both friends and frisk knew they were a weirdo. Frisk gave in and “sold their soul” so chara would let them do anything other than sit around in an empty void. Chara played the next game like their regular old friend. Then they killed everyone. That’s when frisk freaked out and realized their friend had lost it. When frisk learned to regret what they did. They reset to a world where their friends could be alive again and fought their hardest, but Chara still had their way. This timeline, Frisk went out of their way immediately to get any kind of protection from chara. All kinds of supernatural charms and tricks to keep ghosts at bay. As a result, it’s been a while since they saw chara. And they miss chara a lot. But they know that chara watches them and is waiting for the moment when frisk lets their guard down. 
Frisk pushes so hard to get flowey to come home with them because they know he’s asriel and they know he knows chara. Maybe he’ll know a way to talk some sense into them. And after everything they did, frisk feels betrayed by chara and can’t call them their best friend. Floweys the only person they know wouldn’t do that, he’s faithful to the end.
Frisk is a fixer though, they still love everyone despite what they did and feel genuinely sorry for the way they fucked up. Including chara after all theyve done. It breaks their heart that they can’t play with chara anymore
When frisk finally explains all of this to flowey, chara’s sitting there busting in loudly at every chance and every disagreement like the fucker they are and flowey’s doing everything in his power to tune them out and just watch frisk’s hands
Backstory and reasons why they climbed the mountain are unknown. They will not under any circumstances talk about their old life, which concerns some people, but prying accomplishes nothing. They try to act as though nothing bad ever happened to them to make them want to climb a mountain no one ever returns from, because life is good now and they’ve got loving friends and family. Even other humans who knew Frisk before don’t know much about them since they never really spoke. For Frisk, pretending it never happened is as good as it never happening, at least so they try to think. But they’ll have some triggers, just need to figure out what.
Frisk talks in their sleep, however it’s only very quiet nonsense gibberish. This shocks flowey, as he didn’t think they were capable of talking at all. It makes him more curious about their past too.
Are they soulless? It’s hard to say since really theyre nothing but a soul, just fractured all to hell and lingering long after they should. I still like the idea of their soul being a little infused with bits form asriels soul too
Before the underground, they were the youngest of a large family that mistreated them. They went underground after the death of their mother. In the underground they were best friends and great siblings with asriel. They hung out with kids they shouldnt have though. They werent treated super great underground either, as a human. They and asriel both got up to shit they shouldnt have.
Sans: Frisk assumed he knew everything already so they told him that they and flowey could reset. Didn’t tell him that they’ve killed everyone multiple times
Papyrus, Undyne, toriel, asgore: Doesn’t know
Alphys: let in a little on the reset business
The next section of the document covers the meetings, which were all made into finished comics, and therefore will be skipped.
(note from present Stem: this is all way more uncooked and hard to read than i thought it might be)
Flowey has nightmares that charas coming to kill him. Notably one comic where chara in shadow approaches and then it’s revealed as frisk
The inciting action
Kids make fun of Frisk for being “dumb” and flowey for being a flower and never wanting to be outside (he needs a roof over his head). At one point he snaps back a little too much and loses it a little. Frisk, as a result, tries to stuff him in their bag but this doesn’t calm him down. He blows up the backpack with magic and hurts a bunch of kids in the crossfire, including frisk
She walks into the room where flowey is. They say hi to each other. Then she asks if he's feeling well. He's confused, but says he's fine. She says that's good. Then she says he's been behaving strangely lately. Floweys upset by this. “Did my acting get worse or can you see straight through me?” she giggles, “I think its your acting, dear.” she asks him what's wrong, if he's not happy on the surface. He says no, he's happy and he never wants to go away again. He decides that he’s comfortable enough with toriel to tell her this, she was once his mom after all, and in a way she is again. He's confused. He doesnt know what to do while frisk is away at school, since he can't join them after he had a weird episode and threatened other kids. He can play with papyrus and that's fun, but he doesnt really want to do that. He doesnt want to leave or go anywhere without frisk really. Toriel asks if that's why he's confined himself to this little pot. He doesn't really know, and he doesn't want to admit being scared. Toriel catches on though. She sees that he really is just a regular kid in there, and a kid at that since its hard to tell with him being a flower, and hes scared of this big world. The underground has always been the same, small and hardly changing even after all the years since they were trapped down there. By contrast the surface is huge and full of new people and everything changes all the time, and it’s scary. By now she's caught on that he has issues with humans. She says that he can trust anyone in this house, but she understands if frisk is the only one he can really count on. He finally cracks. He admits that hes afraid of frisk getting sick of him since he's such a pathetic mess like this and can't do anything about it. Toriel tells him that frisk never would. They love him too much. But if he's still that afraid, then he needs to try and be better eventually. Sitting around in that pot all day waiting for frisk to come back won't do it.
Frisk finally breaks because flowey is being so insufferable and snaps at him. They both feel extremely bad, so toriel says that flowey needs to stay somewhere else for a while (because he won’t get along with anyone else in the house lately so sending frisk away is silly). Flowey hesitantly agrees to it and requests to stay with alphys and undyne. Which means i finally have to try writing for undyne lol. He probably hung out with undyne during frisk’s gym classes since he can’t exactly exercise as a flower. But he can’t go to work with her because he isn’t allowed at the school, so if he goes to work with anyone, it’s with alphys. She might take some time off for his sake too because she wants to get to know him and while she doesn’t fully understand why he’d go out of his way to choose her to stay with, she appreciates it. They watch some anime and al finally gets a chance to pry at him scientifically with a lot of question asking. He holds back on life questions except for ones that pertain only to this timeline and are least incriminating. Watching anime on netflix one night while the autoplay is loading he suddenly says he’s asriel. Alphys chokes on her popcorn or something and jumps to stop the autoplay like “what did you just say?!” “Don’t tell toriel. Or asgore. Please. don’t tell anyone.” ‘i won’t! I promise i won’t say anything to anyone!b-b-but did you really say youre--” “prince asriel. The one who absorbed the soul of the first human to fall underground and got killed on the surface” “b-b-b-b-b-but h-how is that possible?? Y-y-y-you don’t… you d-don’t have a s-soul, i-if you were--” “the flowers in asgore’s garden were growing out of my dust. That determination brought me back to consciousness.” “o-o-oh my g-g-god, I-i…” he finally looks up at her in the eye “alphys, you’re going to take this really badly. I’m gonna tell you everything. If you’re ready. I’m warning you now because this is going to get…. Really… really dark. And it’s going to make you feel awful. But you at least deserve to know. If you aren’t ready, I’ll stop. But there’s no promise I’ll ever be willing to say this all again.” alphys centers herself and turns to face him “i’m ready”
CHARA the first time they see chara again is shortly after frisk takes him home when chara possesses frisk and stumbles out of bed in the middle of the night. 
he catches them and theyre like “so at long last you caught on to me” 
f: “get out of frisk’s body” 
c: “what makes you think I’m not frisk?” 
f: “they don’t talk like that. no one’s as bad at roleplaying as you are, chara.” 
c*leaves frisk’s body*: “Why that tone, asriel? Are you not surprised to see me? I will admit, I did not think you would take this long to figure it out.” 
f: “I had my suspicions the whole time but you were always pretty well hidden.” 
c:”hm,,, that doesn’t sound right… oh… Oh! You let yourself forget!” 
f:”What are you talking about? why are you possessing frisk’s body” 
c:”Frisk never told you? Our sweet savior of monsterkind has been bad. they reset and reset and reset until they destroyed the entire world and I was happy to let them live in the void they created, the hard earned fruits of their labor, but they would not accept it. So they sold their soul to me in order to reset once again. They tried to fix all their mistakes and make the world as if they had never done any wrong. They have forgotten that their actions have consequences, so I am here to remind them.” 
f: “chara- chara. Chara. They sold their SOUL to you?” 
c: “yes they-” 
f:”did they sign a contract for it?” 
c:”A contract? What? No, of course not. I am a ghost, I don’t have paper-” 
f:”then it’s not legally binding” 
c: “what?” f:”it’s not legally binding! You can’t just take people’s souls, chara!” 
c:” Yes I can! I can? And I did.” 
f:”you’re being ridiculous! Give frisk their soul back and leave them alone!!” 
c:”no! ugh… we will continue this later” and then they leave
--- c: frisk has taken to wearing special charms and making all kinds of wards to keep me away. I don’t think they trust me anymore f: i wonder why
--- f: frisk taught me that anyone can be a better person if they just try, so I’m trying. They want to try too! c: frisk also went about systematically murdering every last one of their friends immediately after that f: chara. ohmygod.
--- c: I’m not going to swear. it’s rude and unintelligent f: it’s more fun tho
Chara makes mention of things they and flowey did in past timelines that were so fun and he can’t remember them, it makes him feel left out
Frisk’s room is covered head to toe in objects and symbols that ward off ghosts and evil spirits. They wear crosses and gemstone rings, they have objects scattered around their room and steal spices from the kitchen that supposedly help, and a circle of salt around their bed. Chara comments later that a lot of the things are meant to keep evil spirits away and therefore don’t actually do anything to them. No one really knows what to say to that
Flowey to frisk after he discovers they were just using him: so i guess… we’re even?  You were no better than me all along?
Frisk shrugs
“But um… i was using you because you loved me. So.. do you really…?”
Frisk frantically shakes their hands and waves their arms to tell him no, then scoops him up in a tight hug
Frisk laying in bed after a bad day
“Aw, is someone grumpy because they have too many friends?”
Frisk pushes his pot off the bed to crash down onto the floor while flowey snickers
Frisk has gotten in trouble for texting flowey during class so they have to put their phone away now
*insert some kind of normal convo. Then: frisk. Frisk reply. Reply. Reply. Reply. Reply. (cont.) all with very close together timestamps*
Frisk hours later: <3
*conversation continues as normal*
chara keeps possessing frisk and it drives flowey and frisk up a wall bc they can barely do anything about it other than by being constantly vigilant. theyre both exhausted and sick of it since charas spectral and doesnt run out of energy. and theyre so obnoxious. they go to alphys for help since she knows how to bond souls to things. she asks them why they dont like call an exorcist or something and flowey and frisk both hesitate before admitting they both love chara too much despite how shitty they are. alphys tells them that chara has to accept the body in order to bond to it, and everyone agrees it’s unlikely that they’ll go for anything unlike their actual human body. alphys says she may know something they can do, she just has to call a friend first. she gets on the phone with a mysterious human who they can’t hear on the other side. actually she might give her opener over text and then immediately get a phonecall in response. she opens by bringing up their interest in necromancy, says that she has a ghost, no not a monster ghost, a human ghost, then has to hold the phone back bc they’re screaming on the other side. she calms them down and starts asking about any ways they can think of making a body for someone. she might just tell the two to take off and give them a thumbs up, she’ll text them later. alphys finally gets back to them and tells them they might be able to build a type of hybrid human-monster body for chara, but they need their buried remains and powerful magic in order to do so, and it only makes sense that it be the magic of their parents used to resurrect them. she might sprinkle in that if this works, flowey might be able to get his asriel body back too. of course, nothing is possible if they can’t get chara to agree to all of it. and of course they don’t. their lack of body is punishment, appropriately earned. for them and flowey both. they can’t go back to their bodies just as they cannot undo the wrongs they have done. they cannot escape the consequences of their actions. it would be great if chara said “thats a funny trick to play on god!” flowey tells them that this isn’t some kind of fucked up divine punishment. what they did wasn’t so bad to warrant this. if anything, taking these forms has made them both WORSE. if it were supposed to be punishment they wouldn’t have these chances to get out. he was punishing himself for so long and it didn’t make any difference, but accepting everyone’s help and trying to do better with them DID help him. doesn’t chara want a body back? don’t they miss the ability to feel… anything? don’t they want to live the life they never got a chance to have? chara goes quiet for the first time in their life and undeath. then they agree to it. after that, the three of them go to asgore and toriel to finally break the news that their dead kids are still here. chara doesn’t show themselves, but the point still gets across. they agree to it wholeheartedly and without hesitation the next step is to prepare chara’s body. alphys has a small team of humans helping her out, or maybe just one very enthusiastic one. chara’s body is dug up and there are complements to how well preserved it is, this could be easier than anticipated. a mixture of science and magic is used to heal it and make its human processes function again. just before chara’s to go in frisk tells them that they can’t wait to finally hug them and they’re like “i take it back?? i can’t do this” once in their body chara’s just a clumsy weak little fuck and so very grouchy about having to feel things again.
When asriel gets his body back, the first thing he does is stomp out the old flower. Only frisk notices, it worries them. They try to ask him later but he gets offended like, “what you wanted me to keep it to remind me of my horrible life or something?! You think i need it in case something happens and i have to live in it again? I’d rather die!” the reality is that he thinks he’s cured and better and brand new now that he isnt a flower anymore, but that couldnt be farther from the truth. He’s now convinced hes perfect and can do no wrong which makes him do a lot of wrong
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m0rang0z · 3 months ago
Undercircus archieve 01
Dividers from (click here) ──★ ˙🍓 ̟ !!
This "story" (more like a list of everything that was going on or happend) is during the end of the pacifist route, before the circus was formed and after the barrier was broken
TW : this story is mainly safe, but if you dislike mention of death Specifically, i wouldn't recommend you to read it!
Plus english isn't my native language! So I'm sorry if there's any grammar errors, feel free to correct me any time!
And ehhh the AU and all that is kinda cringe so uhhh idk
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‌Flowey have been secretly following frisk during the time they have spent on the underground
‌ flowey was "born" after the first human has died, and does have asriel's memories, because they're the same person but without a soul, he's aware of experiments and archives that have tried to bring the dead to life
Experiments that, used artificial souls, and that could have been one of the main reasons it rarely worked out
‌But flowey never really tried to do something about this information, even if it could bring his sibling back
‌frisk has finally freed everyone, monsters from all the corners of underground was grabbing their stuff and ready to move on
‌and flowey.. He was there, in the entrance of the ruins, trying to figure out what he's going to do with his life when nobody else will be living here anymore
‌frisk passed by flowey, walking around the underground one last time cuz they knew they wouldn't be back again soon, maybe not even ever
‌noticing how depressed he is, the kid approached trying to communicate with him
‌flowey was reluctant, but decides to spill it out, to tell everything to the child, as he do, he immediately regret it, since it wasn't the type of information that should be shared neither he's the type of monster that likes to vent
‌Feeling bad for Flowey's situation, Frisk decides to give him a offer, what if they try to share their soul with the first human? Just a tiny piece
‌flowey was unsure, even acted sarcastic about it, but accepted either way, guiding the human to where his sibling wasn't exactly burried, but in a coffin made of glass, exposed somewhere in the King's castle like a artefact, much different from how the other humans that have fallen was treated after their cruel destinity
The room was dark with the exception of only one lighting, the atmosphere dark and morbid
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‌the corpse of Chara have been hardly decomposed because of the magic and even substances used to keep it just like it once was
‌that was a request from toriel, to keep the memory of one of their kids forever, and that promise have been kept even after the divorce
‌after all, it was toriel's choice, not asgore's, and the king never really moved on, never really stopped loving her
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‌Frisk would gently and carefully open the coffin, needing help from flowey himself
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After that, frisk would expose their own soul and break a tiny piece out of it, not enough to kill them, but the pain was still horrible, like the child just got stabbed in the chest
‌The kid cried loudly, but we're able to place it on the corpse's chest, making what was left of Chara consume the tiny piece of determination
‌for a moment flowey waited beside the Frisk, hoping this would work, the experiments and archives from the Royal scientists haven't tried a actual human soul filled with determination, so the possible results was filled with uncertainty
‌when the two were about to lose hope and leave, where the corpse was started to decompose, it begin to bleed just like fresh wounds, Chara gasped like someone who have been holding their breath for so long
‌sitting down on their own coffin they look at Frisk and Flowey, confused
‌it took enough to explain to Chara was just happened, the situation at first causing Chara to panick, they didn't even recognized Asriel, or what was once the prince...
But it didn't really mattered did it? They were alive again, and flowey was happy with this, even crying, which it was such a rare sight
‌either way, as the two children were going to leave, to join everyone else out of the underground, Chara had a idea
" hey, if i was able to get back to life with your soul... Why don't we try this on flowey too? It will certainly work."
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kiko-e-t · 1 year ago
Different from Undertale, some of the monster in underground was a demon. The underground also very spacious than the original underground in Undertale, half of the underground was almost like Hotland. The king is Asgord, know as the demon king. While Toriel know as queen of the monster. Asgore and Toriel was in love and married and they born a young prince name Asriel. The young prince was accept by the both race with big celebration of the born young prince. The both was peacefuly live together for many generation.
Until..... A human found out about this, humans shouldn't know about monsters and demons. Knowing monster and demons power can be excreted from their bodies, some greedy human inciting others to evade the underground. Not only the monster and demons that was powerful in here, the human was also powerful. Then, the war happen. Many of the humans, monsters, and even demons die. No one can stop the war.
After so many death, the monsters and demons held the victory. The humans beg to them to not evade the human, they will do anything for mercy. Asgore, as the ruler give them a choice. They have to send 20 humans to the underground as a return every one years. Like human do, they just agree and the agreement has been made.
It have been 20 years since the war ended, the humans will always send 20 humans to the underground every years. And that day, Frisk and Chara, the twin sister have been choose to be send to the underground. Frisk and Chara was around 16, their parents was already pass away when they were children. They both arrive in the underground and was send to the place for humans for some training before getting sell for the other monsters and demons. Frisk and Chara life was really awful in there, they almost died because not giving food and starving to death.
After two years of suffering, Frisk and Chara were send to 'Human Centery'. A place for selling all the humans that send to the underground. Frisk and Chara hoping they don't get separated from each other. But.....The fate said other wise, Chara was bought by a monster. Frisk beg and cry to not take her sister, it was useless. They take her twin sister away, from here.
After day, a demon go to the Human Centery. The demon do not seem as a normal demon, the aura was powerful enough to scared monsters and demons that pass by. The demon eyes catch interested on Frisk, so they bought her.
The demon get closer to her as the guard put safety collar on her neck.
"Hey there kid, you got me pretty interested in ya. The name Frisk doesn't it? Seem like, im own you now. You can call me, Sans."
And that is how they meet, their first meeting.
That was long, pretty long.
(I'm not good at explanation, im really suck at it. Hope this was good explanation about Daemontale.)
Daemontale by me.
Note :
Frisk - Yuzuki
Sans - Daemon
Chara - Yume
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sukifoof · 2 years ago
My goodness this is such a captivating AU, my mind is racing with different possibilities. Flowey follows us all throughout the game, I'm not sure if Asriel would be able to do the same without attracting attention? His friendship with Papyrus might not come to pass. How would his reactions to our different actions in the Ruins change? Would he defend Toriel if we tried to kill her? What about Asgore. Would he even know his son woke up in the most recent reset or would he assume that he finally died? And how would Asriel's/Flowey's involvement in the Asgore boss fight change? Would he still kill him, and still take the Human SOULs? Or the True Pacifist ending, since he's still a Monster in this AU he wouldn't be able to take the SOULs of other Monsters to equate that 7th Human SOUL, completely changing how shattering the Barrier could work. Perhaps he would discover over the course of the fight or in the leadup to it that he still has Chara's SOUL, and then coming to accept that have to let go of it at the end to destroy the Barrier (and also free himself, more metaphorically)?
Or the entire Genocide Route, Asriel's involvement in it would be different from Flowey's, simply due to them having different forms. He would obviously have a greater capacity to fight back, would he be the final boss after sans? Or replacing the sans fight altogether?
Or even the simple question of what happens to him in the various Neutral endings?
This is an AU with such great potential for anything and everything to change, it deserves to be developed into a full thing
(Although the question of how Asgore's and Toriel's aging was affected during Asriel's coma would also have to be addressed, since Undertale as it is takes place at least 100 years after Chara's death)
HI I MEANT TO ANSWER THIS EARLIER but this week has been so busy </3 my General Thoughts on it is that it pretty much just stays the same and asriel is just an elusive guy.... like.. u know how the amalgamates are gooey?? he just kinda learns how to slip out of sight after who knows how many resets. so if it were to come down to papyrus or toriel or whoever else everything would pretty much have the same dialogue and scenes, except for Specifically Toriel who would probably be. really worried about asriel all the time. especially if u tried to kill her. she would probably be like "Oh God My Son Has Already Lost So Much Oh My Baby Boy" and then asriel would show up at the end of the ruins like "ok Wow u didnt even Try to spare her! u kind of remind me of myself ahaha" and then he follows u like flowey does via amalgamate goo. i think sans would probably be mildly worried about this Goat Friend papyrus talks about but overall i think he would be like "oh sick my brother has a pal. even if hes imaginary"
BUT as for the true lab i think some things would be different. asriel was kept there for a VERY long time and since he was on the verge of death he didnt take much Soul Power from his parents so they barely aged, just like him. toriel and asgore figured there wasnt much hope and everything goes pretty much the same way as it does in canon. but asriel wakes up alone in the lab and FREAKS OUT cuz hes like "oh my god how long have i been out where am i is chara dead what happened to their soul whats going ON" and when he sees asgore and feels numb he immediately thinks that there MUST be something wrong with his soul. that maybe he died and hes living off of charas soul and theyre gone because of him or that charas soul is gone and that Did something to him. he doesnt know but hes pretty much convinced that theres just something Wrong with him now. and thats when he realizes he can reset and he goes about all his resets and whatnot
i think what really happened is that after he went into a coma, charas soul stayed but they pretty much disappeared kinda similar to how chara "wakes up" when frisk falls, but asriel cant tell. i think he wouldnt find out about his soul until he kills asgore and absorbs the six souls and turns into an abomination and the six of them revolt... like he Knows charas soul is There Now but hes convinced that its frisk hes sensing, so he still ends up believing frisk is chara especially after frisk goes through the true lab. i think the true pacifist end would be different in like.. a way that he just uses his Various God Powers to isolate him and frisk like in the photoshop flowey fight. he breaks the barrier after accepting that chara is gone and he Literally has to let them go to break the barrier and hes just a Regular Monster now who is mildly fucked up and dripping cuz of the dt. at least those are my rough thoughts
im sure theres a lot of holes cuz im still trying to think of how i wanna go about it...... i might just have charas soul be gone if i think about it more but either way i wanna try to keep that idea of him having to let chara go to move on from his trauma... most of his issues with his parents would probably be a post game thing where he still avoids asgore but lives with toriel and frisk cuz of his time in the ruins with her. i hope my rambling makes sense i think about asriel so very much
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glitchthedemon · 1 year ago
Possible Deltarune Theory
I’m going feral send help /lh
I’ve been thinking about this for a while and while it is a little far-fetched I would love to hear other peoples opinions on this to check I’m not connecting dots that aren’t there
anyways v long post so click if u dare
Okkk so general knowledge:
Deltarune shares its name with The Delta Rune. The Delta Rune symbolises The Angel, a being who has seen the surface prophesied to save the Underground and free the monsters. Some interpret it as bringing them to the surface, others interpret that as killing them. It’s often though that the Angel is either Frisk, Chara or Asriel
At the end of Undertales True Pacifist route, you face Asriel - The God of Hyperdeath. In some cultures, Asrael is the name for the Angel of death. His God of Hyperdeath form resembles the symbol of the Angel a.k.a The Deltarune. During his fight, he talks about purging the timeline and create it anew, so he can play with Frisk, who he believes to be Chara, forever.
Main Theory:
What if Deltarune takes place as an alternate timeline where Asriel beat Frisk and remade the timeline. Of course, still being technically a child, and a monster not fit for determination, he likely couldn’t handle that power, which is why everything in Deltarune is so similar but so different to Undertale like the characters roles and relationships. It would also explain why characters like the amalgams have died, because the experiments would’ve never happened 
Kris is an interesting part. Since Kris is the only human (just like we were in the Underground) and we don’t see Chara or Frisk appear, I think the in Asriel confusion, he accidentally created a brand new person when trying to create Chara from Frisk. Of course, since he didn’t erase things, only remake them, Frisk and Chara are still alive. Maybe they’re part of Kris’s soul, maybe they’re in the void with Gaster and Dess or maybe we just haven’t seen them yet and I’m wrong - who knows? It’s why Kris looks like a fusion of the two, and if Kris is spelt Chris, it’s also a perfect amalgamation of their names.
I think it’s possible that the new timeline was created we we inhabited Kris body, not from the beginning as kids. Every memory anybody has has just been fabricated for the timeline.
If Asriel is some kind of god that oversees the timeline, it would explain why we don’t see him in world. He possibly just created the college story to explain it away.
Problem is, if Asriel can control everything, what about the Knight? Why is the knight there? Why are they creating the Dark Worlds? 
The Problem of the Dark Worlds:
Gonna get a bit meta here TwT
I think the Dark Worlds are created to restore balance. Like I said before, he didn’t erase the timeline, just changed it beyond recognition. Undertale couldn’t exist without the separation between humans and monsters, it would mean the main character has no purpose. You can’t have a game with no rules, after all. 
The dark world are created to replace the Underground. Instead of Humans and Monsters, it’s Light and Dark. It’s the same story - human falls into a new world with new people, either makes friends or kills them all, either way they get back to where they came from.
There’s just one problem…
That now leaves the age old question of: Who is the Knight?? It could be someone that would remembers the previous timeline in order to know that there has to be balance, or maybe they’re trying to put the timeline back how it was. Now of course, when it comes to timeline shenanigans, Asriel, Frisk and Chara are the first names I think most of us think of. So: is any of them the Knight? Could they just want things back the way the were? These ideas are enforced by the fact Queen said anyone can open a fountain if they are determined enough, which again, sounds a lot like Asriel, Chara and Frisk.
Other Notes:
Hopes and Dreams (not just Asriel’s theme, but The God of Hyperdeath’s theme specifically) appears several times throughout the soundtrack in both Chapter One and Two, it’s clear that Asriel is definitely going to be an important character. 
There are some hints to Undertale itself as well, mainly the fact that you can find Ariel’s design for a final game boss is a “creature with giant rainbow wings” - sound familiar?
The Delta Rune symbol is scattered all over the place, but since it wouldn’t symbolise freedom from the Underground, it shouldn’t be that important, yet it appears in both the Light World and the Dark World
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captn3 · 2 years ago
man hold on why are most of the monsters in undertale always prepared to fight and kill a human. especially in the first half of the game when no one even knows a human has fallen down yet. how often do humans fall down. how long has it been since chara and asriel died. like i know when frisk falls down theres one more soul left needed so theyd be anticipating the final human falling down and extra on top of everything but also. were they that desperate to go above ground that at every possible moment they were on guard and ready to kill????? its so fucked up
in general i wanna know more about the specific timeline of humans falling down and each of their stories. how did toriel react to the first human after chara. how did they each die. did two ever come down together? shit like that. i feel like there could be a whole prequel made out of the concept of playing through as the different humans that fell down. what would snowdin be like before papyrus and sans showed up?? shit like that. as the player seeing how the underground grew over time, what changed and what didnt. how old were each of them. how did asgore go about killing the first human. honestly how did most of the monsters react to seeing a human again. was the second fallen human violent or peaceful? etc etc theres so much potential there.
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kytea · 5 years ago
I just wanted to clear up some misconceptions about 2019 being the last year that Undertale could have taken place and that anyone could fall down.
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Here we have the opening cutscene, it says 201X. But this isn’t when the events of the game occur.
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In the next scene we see a fallen human, but this is not Frisk, this is Chara, the first fallen child. Notice there are no Golden flowers yet to break their fall.
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This scene is also continued later during the Asriel fight, and it shows that the human that fell in 201X during the opening cutscene was in fact Chara, not Frisk.
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Furthermore, during the Pacifist Route, in New Home there is an old calendar from the end of 201X with a date circled on it.
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During the No Mercy Route when Chara’s personality begins commenting on things, they say “The date I came here.” when you check this calendar. Remember the Dreemurrs lived in the ruins for a time before moving to New Home, and while this date could reference that move, regardless, we can confidently say that Chara fell into the Underground sometime in 201X.
Now here’s the important part:
The dates that the other fallen children and Frisk fell are never explicitly stated in game, but there are some hints as to how long it’s been since Chara died.
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After the Asriel fight, he says Chara has been gone for a “long time”.
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While sans is talking about practicing knock-knock jokes with Toriel from behind the door, he offhandedly says that it seems like his joke was the best she’s heard in a “hundred years”, and we know how perceptive sans is. Toriel has been in exile since Chara and Asriel passed and most monsters around now have never seen her.
So in Summary,
Chara fell in 201X, but the other fallen children and the actual events of Undertale as Frisk happen an unknown amount of time after that date, and could easily go into 20XX (or even 21XX if sans remark is anything to go by).
Undertale is just beginning.
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caretaker-au · 4 years ago
an ending.
eruto says:
it may be hard to believe, but the caretaker of the ruins is finally over. finished. it took a long time, and we put countless hours into it, but it feels great to have it done. when ellipsis came up with the concept originally, minty and i knew we just had to make a project out of it. the three of us have been an unbending team this whole time, ever since the nochocolate days.
what an experience! we’ve made so many fun memories together, all based on one question: “what if chara never died?” we took a lot of creative liberties on the character designs, but wanted the story to be at least plausible based on undertale’s canon. based on guesses a lot of readers made, i think we did a pretty good job! 
based on the tapes in canon, as i’m sure a lot of you will be aware, we don’t think that chara is very good for asriel. we thought that their behaviour would only grow worse into adulthood, especially with a power like that. it made sense to us to put an emotionally abusive relationship at the forefront of this: it looks welcoming on the outside, but belies a darker underbelly. the growing discomfort from readers as it became more clear how chara treated asriel was encouraging in its own way. if you didn’t see it immediately, try rereading caretaker from the start! there was a lot of effort put into making chara’s behaviour around asriel questionable. the cutesy bonus art was all part of the mask.
i remember the shock from readers when frisk died for the first time, and then again when chara killed frisk with their knife. that was when people realised what they were in for, i think. but it was never supposed to be all doom and gloom: it’s the story of a horrible day (and the events preceding it), followed by a future full of hope. the plot never veered off track from our initial outline and went exactly where it was supposed to go.
well, i hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as we enjoyed being able to share it! the support from everyone who sent asks, who read, who shared, who discussed things with each other on other websites really filled us with strength. determination, even, one might say. from the bottom of my heart: thank you.
minty says:
Wow, it feels unreal to have finally finished this story! It took countless hours of planning, drawing, and writing, but we did it! Thank you so much for sticking with us, I hope you enjoyed it as much as we loved writing it.
In the early drafting period, we went through a few different ideas for the ending, but ultimately I’m really, really pleased with how we decided to bring this story to a close. Even though no one got what they wanted, everyone ended up with something they needed, and I think that’s pretty beautiful. 
(On that note, ask me read about our scrapped endings, they were terrible!)
There were all sorts of ups and down we experienced while writing this, but writing Caretaker will always be something I look back on with fond memories. It’s a little sad to finally write “The End” but I’m proud of what we accomplished. To all our readers both old and new, thank you so much for joining us on this journey. We truly would not have been able to finish this story without your excited feedback and enthusiasm. We hope to see familiar names following us to our next grand creative endeavor!
ellipsis says: 
To this day, I'm amazed at how far Caretaker has come. After answering that “what if” question, I mused on the hypothetical situation of an older Chara meeting Frisk—and this Chara had not given up on their plan. They took matters into their own hands instead. After all, if you want something done, do it yourself!
I took this idea and wrote a short story, which I shared with Eruto and Minty. I did not expect anything big to come out of this. My ideas tend to live just as drabbles I usually keep to myself. But they both loved the idea so much, and the rest is history.
Seeing the story come to completion has been surreal, especially after so many years. It grew so much bigger than I could have ever imagined, and the support we receive is tremendous. As much as I (jokingly) cried about how many messages I had to read through to make compilations, it always brought me so much joy to see the reactions and support from our readers. Thank you all for reading Caretaker. <3
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furiosity-wills-the-cat · 4 years ago
Chara, the fourth Blook cousin:
A crack theory that accidentally become way more serious than it should have because it somehow, despite my best efforts, ended up making sense
Brought to you by my idiot conspiracy brain (affectionate) and by encouragement from my Tumblr followers
Under the cut for the sake of your dashes and sanity
Ok here we go my very elaborate accidental theory, because in order to answer the complex questions simply you must first make simple things more complex or something
First, you need to know that Chara became a Blook cousin by adoption.
All of the Blooks are adopted.
Ghosts are not born into families, they make their own.
Got it? Great, because we’re about to start running
so first, im gonna make surprisingly uncommon claim in this fandom, and I am going to say that undertale ghosts are all dead
I’m taking the tiny details we know about ghosts and sprinting with them to new places
Ghosts also do not have souls I decided
Undertale souls do not work the same as souls in traditional mythology
So every ghost is soulless Unless and Until they become corporeal
Evidence: Monster souls cant exist without bodies, and ghosts are monsters, therefore ghosts cannot have souls without bodies
Further evidence: Asriel doesnt steal blooky’s soul, blooky is unkillable, we have no concrete evidence that blooky has a soul
What about mettaton? He only has a soul after he has completely committed to being corporeal and to a specific body.
Also maddy and mettaton are both only killable while corporeal
Im also connecting the dots we have about souls in a new creative way so let me live for a second
Additionally, i am going to claim that there are a lot more ghosts than just the blooks, some evidence given below
Theres like actual scientific knowlege of ghosts in the undertale verse which seems unlikely if theres literally only three or four
The underground is so much bigger than you think, theres that giant forest in snowdin, a large town in the ruins, the huge city of new home, who knows how much space in the large open areas of waterfall etc. Its really really big okay
Also based off evidence of blooky, we can conclude that ghosts can turn invisible whenever they want to and/or haunt objects to hide
So I personally think that ghosts are, generally speaking, extremely reclusive
And the blooks are just a special exception, a beautiful family, amazing for them
So anyway im going with typical ghost lore for now, for the sake of ease, so im gonna say ghosts generally come from monsters who are particularly restless or unsatisfied when they die
HOWEVER i dont think they remember being monsters or anything before being a ghost. They just kinda fizzle into existance with a fully formed personality and immortality while being unkillable and feeling vaguely uneasy
ALSO i personally think that chara was a ghost for a long time before they became a blook by adoption
Based on game lore, i think ghosts can possess any inanimate object and just kinda wear it? But it takes a lot of strong emotion to become corporeal
And chara is the super weird exception because they were a human not a monster.
They dont have a soul (i headcanon that their soul got destroyed when asriel died)
And they KNOW this, which is a huge part of why they kinda just... give up
Because they lost their ability to fulfill prophecy
Also, without a soul, they lost their ability to reset, so for the first time since falling underground, theyre subject to the relentless march of time
But theyre still weirdly strong and powerful and more emotional
ALSO they DO still remember being a human but they catch on pretty quickly that other ghosts dont have memories and because chara is stupid they just lie to fit in
Theyre too tired to explain themself, they just want to be alone and feel awful
Now back to ghost lore
Emotions are a lot harder for ghosts??? I decided
And they dont know why,, they tend to blame it on the soul thing
But realistically its actually more of the immortality thing making actions not have consequences and/or or not having a body so they cant have a sense of touch or have physical effects of emotion
They all know that ghosts just tend to be way more floaty and bored and numb
And thats part of why the blooks are so special
Maddy’s rage and Mettaton’s yearning and Napstablook’s misery are like... not great all of the time...
but theyre also way way more emotion than most ghosts have,,, they are just a family supporting each other, being as functional as they can,, just an emo(tional) ghost family
most ghosts barely do anything except like stare at walls but the blooks have their snail farm and that helps them have purpose and it is good
And they hold each other accountable and it is nice
So anyway chara just chills and is in a depression coma for a few decades before the blooks find them and are like “our child/baby cousin”
and they raise them for a cool minute
They are all very protective of the new baby emo blook
And chara doesnt get therapy but at the very least they once again have a family, and they decide they want to try to become corporeal eventually just like mtt and maddy
So anyway chara starts hanging out in the ruins a lot more and they finally tell the blooks theyre leaving to go become corporeal in the ruins
This is actually because they are trying to hang out with toriel
because they miss their mom ;;
but chara’s not gonna admit that to anyone, especially not to themself
And because theyre still repressing their emotions constantly and pretending to be fine, they cant become corporeal
And they hang out in the ruins for a long time because they feel guilty lying to everyone about everything
They still feel like its their fault that all the monsters are stuck underground, because they were SUPPOSED to save everyone and they COULDNT and it HURTS
But again, they are doing too much repression to use this guilt to become corporeal,
so instead they just kinda hide and watch toriel from a distance and cry
Blooky visits them the most, thats why blooky is chilling in the ruins so much at the start of the game
Theyre just there to visit their shy baby cousin ;;
Ofc they wont tell frisk about this because chara wants space and privacy and blooky respects that
but maddy and mtt also visit them a lot
Oh also when mtt and maddy start dissapearing, blookys mental health plummets as their family and support system starts to dissolve
Blooky was actually doing extremely well (for a ghost) for a long time, i headcanon,
but theyre doing the worst theyve been in a long long time during the game, because of family issues
So anyway, chara dissapears when frisk shows up, and maddy assumes this is becaude frisk hurt their fragile feelings
Maddy spends hours desperately searching the ruins for chara and cant find them and assumes that they had their heart crushed and went to hide and disappear in a depression coma for another few decades, and thats part of why maddy is so furious with frisk
Like,, to be clear, maddy is still jumping to conclusions and throwing blame around with no proof, but also, its a logical conclusion to come to
And mettaton has already disappeared too and been gone for a while, too, by this point, so it hurts even worse
But anyway, what actually happened to chara is that;
Because chara is a human ghost, not a monster ghost, normal ghost rules dont apply to them
And they can possess living things too they find out
Maybe they knew it a long time ago, maybe its a new discovery, but for whatever reason they end up possessing frisk and theyre like “what the heck”
And frisk still has most of the control
But now chara is like,,, “this is my chance, im a human again, gotta save the world for real,,,”
and they cant explain this to anyone without revealing their past
so they just chill in frisk’s mind while being super crypic and trying to figure out how it works
Pacifist route, this is pretty much exactly what happens
They manage to help frisk save the day
And in my headcanon, the no mercy route is started by frisk who is scared when faced by monsters attacking them
And then chara, who was aready hiding in a semidepression coma for a while, immediately transitions to a panicked “gotta protect this body, gotta protect my chance to be human, i died and threw away my chance to save everyone the first time, i CANNOT lose this chance again”
And so the combination of both frisk and chara is the genocide run
Because frisk kills in self defense, and whenever frisk hesitates, chara jumps in
Also theres leftover feelings from the whole asriel incident
Because again, ghosts come from monsters who died unsatisfied
And chara’s main source of unsatisfaction is how they were trying to get asriel to kill people before he died and then he didnt
So thats a strong strong feeling ruling them
So anyway by the time they both realize how bad its become they figure its too late and also the amount of LOVE has made them numb
And thats when chara who, despite everything, still has idiot hero complex and thinks they need to save the world
So, while panicking, they step in at the very end, and erase the timeline and delete everything
And also to clarify
They DONT HAVE this power at any other point in the game
Because, guess why
They become corporeal
Just like maddy, the no mercy route is the only thing that gives them strong enough emotion to spontaneously become corporeal
So they become corporeal and as soon as they have a soul again and can reset again, they just erase everything
Ok back to fluff
Post pacifist route, they are still a non corporeal ghost
They can still float around and look just like the other blooks
And it takes them a while to open up about things, but they do end up moving back in with blooky so that blooky isnt completely alone
And also they do way better with a family
Also they can float through the mountain and talk to flowey down below and bring him news
And now that they know about him, they can bond with him and explain that they dont have a soul either but that doesnt mean theyre worthless
The other dead humans dont have ghosts
ghosts only come from restless dead MONSTERS
and chara is the weird special exception
Because they were a monster when they died
They became a ghost and asriel didnt because they were way more restless and stressed than asriel was when both of them died
Like sure, asriel felt awful, but chara was the one who was way more like “this is my fault, i CANT die now, the world NEEDS me”
So anyway
charablook the emo tween ghost and asriel flowey the eldrich goat daisy are siblings once more and they hang out and eventually they are okay and have a family again
Thank you for reading, this has been my thoughts on a crack theory that accidentally went too far
This isnt even everything, maybe i’ll make a part two eventually, but i promised to have this post out like two days ago, so i wanted to post SOMTHING
Anyway leave your thoughts if youd like
Im not looking for people to disprove it, i already know its crazy, i dont think it was intentional by the game writers, but i do think its a fun concept
thats the fun of it, so if anyone wants to run with it im all for it lol
Thanks again! Have a nice day!
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zoradementio · 3 years ago
Deltarune Theories and Observations Part 2
Since it’s been like three weeks and this game still hasn’t left my god damn brain, here’s some more things that I felt like noting or theorizing.
~Parallels of Noelle and Kris~
So, I ended my last Deltarune longpost with a comparison between Kris and Susie. But, interestingly enough, Kris and Noelle also have a lot of similarities. Both of them have an older sibling figure who was a very prominent crutch in their lives (Asriel for Kris, Dess for Noelle). Yet, in present times, this elder sibling is not present (though Dess’ is a bit more permanent, whether she died or went missing.) And compared to these older siblings, Kris and Noelle are the more introverted sibling, with Kris barely having a social life until the start of the game and Noelle being the biggest pushover since a card tower. Then, there’s their parental dynamics. Asgore and Rudy are both the carefree, laidback father figures, with Asgore immediately throwing Kris in a bear hug when seeing them and Rudy encouraging Noelle to ask Susie out and playing Dragon Blazers with her. This contrasts with the more proper, if strict mother figures. While Noelle’s mother is certainly the more egregious, if the fact that Noelle would rather stand outside her home’s gates likely for hours on end than to attempt to ‘bother’ her mother during work for a house key, there are a few signs of Toriel being a little strict in some areas. Apart from some dialogue from Bratty about her kissing Asriel and anything involving the big school dance being signs that Toriel does not approve of her kids, or any of her students for that matter, getting into anything even remotely romantic, the flavor text for the closet in Kris’ Dark World room being ‘You could wear whatever you want’ suggests that Toriel imposes some sort of a dress code on Kris and likely also Asriel when he was living at home. They’re also the two characters most susceptible to the SOUL, in other words you the player. Kris’ is a bit more direct, as they are the character we control in both their movements and what they say. While Noelle, considering she has such a weak will, she is fairly mailable if we impose our will onto her, as demonstrated in the Pipis Route. Finally, they both have a strong attachment towards Susie, though whether Kris’ is romantic or not is not entirely clear as of yet. Oh, and speaking of Noelle...
~The Return of Noelle~
In at least one of the future chapters, I believe Noelle will make a come back as a party member. I don’t think Toby Fox would make it this easy to just lose whatever equipment you put on her, especially if you give her the Jevilstail or if the Pipis Route has been fully completed you will lose a component of the Twisted Sword, which will presumably be available in future chapters. Therefore, I believe that Noelle will be playable again, at least at some point.
~Misanthropic Dysmorphia~
So, many people have seen the connections that Kris has to Chara (or The Fallen Child) from Undertale. They both love chocolate, are the adopted children of Toriel and Asgore, and seem to have an affinity for knives. But if there is one more connection they have, it’s that they both seem to hate humans. Now, while don’t know the reasons as to why Chara hated humans, it was enough for them to want to slaughter an entire village of people, going overboard with the body count when only 6 souls were needed to break the barrier. While Kris likely isn’t as genocidal as Chara was, their distaste for humanity runs just as deep. However, Kris’ misanthropy manifests as a form of body dysmorphia. As a child, they wondered when their horns would grow in like their brother and parents, showing that, at least at that point Kris didn’t understand the biological differences between themself and those around them. Not only that, but in Chapter 2, when going upstairs in the library and reading the book ‘How to Care for Humans’, when looking at the pages Kris immediately closes the book when seeing the pictures of humans in seeming disgust. It wouldn’t be too much of a surprise if Kris hates the fact that they’re human, seeing as that is the big thing that makes them an outsider to Hometown. It would also explain why they seem to hate the SOUL/Player, even if you play as pacifistically as possible and don’t do anything to intentionally upset Kris like throwing away the Ball of Junk in the Light World. After all, Kris’ description in the Dark World as soon as you enter it in Chapter 1 is ‘A body containing a human SOUL’. Apart from just generally being upset that some outside force is controlling their actions, Kris is also likely pissed that a human is the one controlling them, because, assumedly, you or anyone else that plays Deltarune is going to be a human. That could be just some extra salt in the wound, that even Kris’ own soul is not only human but not even their own.
~Darkner’s History(?)~
This is something strange that I don’t think a lot of people think about. So, I notice a lot of people point out that Ralsei knows that both his Dark Fountain and the Fountain from Chapter 1 are located in a supply closet and a classroom respectively. Most people point to this as evidence that Ralsei knows something, however Ralsei isn’t the only one with knowledge of the Light World. Queen does have a line or two about knowing that her Dark World is within a library. So clearly, Darkners have at least some awareness of the Light World, or at least enough about their enclosed spaces and possibly limited to appointed rulers or some such. What isn’t so clear is how long these Dark Worlds have lasted. Sure, portals to the Dark Worlds seem like only a recent thing, there is talk about the history of these characters. Just within Chapter 1 there’s King overthrowing the other three card kings and taking the throne all to himself, Jevil meeting a mysterious figure causing him to go mad and thus needing to be locked up by Seam, a presumably long series of puzzle makers syphoned out before Roulxs became the Duke of Puzzles, and some kind of falling out between Queen and King (which also brings up the question of when and why was Queen’s laptop in the abandoned classroom). My point being, despite these Dark Worlds being open for maybe a day or two at best, there seems to be almost years worth of history to these places. It could be a case of ‘one day passes inside, but only about an hour has passed outside’ thing or it could be that Dark Worlds still technically exists even without a Dark Fountain. So far, though, I can’t offer any concrete answers to this. And actually, since I brought up his suspicious behavior once again...
~Communication Issues~
I already talked about how Ralsei is suspicious in an out-of-universe perspective here, but in universe he is acting rather suspicious. Namely, around Susie. When Kris and Susie return to Castle Town, Ralsei tells Kris to gather everything in the adjacent classroom and bring it here. Everyone becomes their Darkner counterparts and Susie is naturally excited to see everyone, especially Lancer. Ralsei then says, and only says, that ‘when the Dark Fountain was sealed, that area returned to a normal classroom. And when Lancer decides to become one of you KEY ITEMS, Ralsei doesn’t explain that Darkners become regular objects in the Light World, causing Susie to think Lancer ditched them when Kris and Susie leave to work on their group project. And during the Chapter 2 epilogue, Susie even suggests finding a way to bring Ralsei and Lancer into the Light World, despite that seeming to be an impossibility. That’s not even mentioning the post Spamton NEO dialogue where Susie is the first to bring up the oddities of the whole scenario, and Ralsei immediately chooses to shoot down any questioning. Ralsei seemingly keeps Susie out of the loop on a lot of important things about how the Dark World works. Now, Susie doesn’t really question these things, but that’s mostly because 1. she is a very ‘only cares about the here and now’ type of person and is very excited about the whole Dark World shenanigans her, Kris and Ralsei get up to, and 2. this girl is dense enough to not immediately catch on the Noelle is crushing so hard on her a neon sign saying ‘SHE LIKES YOU’ would be a more subtle message. Now, it could be that Ralsei sees Susie in a much more ‘need to know’ basis, that since she is isn’t really the group plan-maker, she doesn’t need to know the intricacies of how the Dark Worlds, the Fountains, and everything works. It also could be that the player, and by extension Kris, are more important and thus will be needed this information more than Susie. However, I still hesitate to say that Ralsei is malicious in action. What I think would be the most likely reason, if his explanation of the Roaring and Queen’s reaction to it are any indication, it looks like Ralsei’s fatal flaw is assuming his knowledge is common knowledge. After all, he assumed that Queen was opening another Dark Fountain because she wanted to destroy the world, when that couldn’t be further from the case. In all likelihood, Ralsei could be overestimating how perceptive Susie really is when it comes to putting details together.
~Only One Ending...?~
This is something a few people have been debating for a while now. Back when Chapter 1 was released in 2018, Toby Fox said that Deltarune would only have one ending. However, with the addition of Chapter 2′s Pipis Route, many of us are wondering if that was a flat out lie or not. My assumption goes one of two ways. Option A: It was true at the time. During the three year development of Chapter 2 a lot, and I mean a LOT, of things about Deltarune have changed. Initially the game was going to be another mostly solo development similar to Undertale. But, with the larger workload and Toby Fox working on other projects like developing music for the Pokemon games, and on top of all of that going through some pretty bad wrist pains, Fox decided to get a small development team for Deltarune. There were debates on whether to switch Deltarune’s game engine to something like Unity, before settling back to Game Maker. And even when Chapter 1 was released, it was more of a proof of concept than anything, with barely any of the rest of the story being written down. It wouldn’t be too much of a surprise if Toby Fox decided to add some more endings because he thought that would work better for what he was going for. Or, Option B: It will be one ending, but in the same way the Normal Ending in Undertale is ‘one ending’. See, while Deltarune likes to emphasize that ‘your choses don’t matter’ and in Undertale ‘your choses do matter’, in actuality, the choses in both games have roughly the same weight. Sure, in Undertale it seems like your choses have more of an impact, but the basic story beats of the game are all the same. You will always fall into the underground, get quasi-adopted by Toriel, go through a wacky puzzle romp with Papyrus, get hunted by Undyne through Waterfall, guest star in Mettaton’s shows with Alphys as your guide, and finally make it to New Home. And there were still some minor questions in Undertale that really had no bearing on what you answered, such as Toriel’s question of if you prefer cinnamon or butterscotch. But because Undertale frames it with ‘your choses matter’ and Deltarune frames it in ‘your choses don’t matter’ we see it as such. So, when it comes to the endings, there really are only three endings in Undertale. The True Genocide ending, where you go all the way through with killing everyone and everything in the Underground, the True Pacifist Ending, where you SPARED everything you came across and completed the necessary friendship side quests, and the Normal Ending. Now, the Normal Ending sounds like a pretty narrow term, considering there’s like at least around 10 different variations of this ending, but the basic plot beats are still the same: You finish the fight with Asgore, fight Omega Flowey, and using the power of the other six souls you (as Frisk) are able to return above ground. Most of what makes this ending different is pretty much flavor text at the very end, with Sans and which ever other characters that are alive/befriended chiming in. I feel like Deltarune’s ending could play out in a similar vein, with larger plot beats being consistent, but specific character’s reactions and what not would change up the ending slightly. And, if we are only given one ending, I feel like there would be a good reason to word it like that. Similarly to what was said some time after on Toby Fox’s twitter about the True Pacifist ending, ‘This is the best ending, nothing more’ when people were wondering if there was a way to save Asriel from his fate in the end. So, if we are told there will be only ‘one ending’ that implies that there’s going to be something we’ll want to change. And what will this change be? Well...
~Don’t Forget, I’m With You In The Dark~
I believe that the ending of Deltarune will involve sealing the Castle Town Fountain. A lot of what’s set up in Deltarune seems to be leading to this. From the suspiciousness of Ralsei, to the premonition of the world ending if too many fountains are open, to the fact that Darkners are unable to consciously interact with the Light World. I’m pretty sure that we’re going to have to say good bye to Ralsei, Lancer, Rouxls, Seam, Queen, and all the rest of the Darkners by the end. And let’s face it, this ending would be the best punch to the gut that the game could offer. But I don’t think it will be all sad. After all, the Darkners will still be with us in spirit, will still be with us in the dark.
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dirt-apple-productions · 4 years ago
Undertale fic writers, I have a question. For anyone who writes retellings or adaptions of the game, how do you fit the Genocide run into your story? I’m trying to represent all three paths Frisk can take, and here are my ideas. I am a Chara neutralist who portrays Chara as amnesiac in my fics so please keep this in mind.
In my stories, Frisk has a sister named Adellavanadath (Frisk’s full name is Friescadellavanadin, the humans of her time have crazy long names). Frisk wants to get back to her sister, but when she escapes after the Omega Flowey Fight™️, she finds that her sister died and this makes her crazy enough to do the Genocide route. Chara learns that humans killed her and Asriel at the end and wants to get back at them, creating the perfect storm for Genocide.
A similar idea to the one above, but Frisk learns toward the end that her sister was one of the humans Asgore killed and goes crazy enough over it.
Neutral-Pacifist goes as planned, but Frisk “wants to know what happens” and does Genocide. That, or she’s goaded by Gaster (Gaster has an important role in my fics). There’s still a happy ending, but not before the huge trauma train.
I have problems with all these ideas. The issue with #1 and #2 is that it’s hard for Frisk to have a “redemptive Pacifist arc” if no one but her remembers the consequences of Genocide except for Sans, Flowey, and Chara (and possibly Undyne, since she’s a more Determined monster). I suppose I could brainstorm it more, but Idk.
The issue with #3 is obvious - the happy ending has already been achieved. It doesn’t make much sense for Frisk to go crazy by her own volition after she’s saved everyone, and I want to retain the perspective that the Genocide route and its consequences rest on her head alone.
Can someone help me brainstorm?
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darkedgey · 3 years ago
Glitchtale S2 - Finale
So, kinda just wanna make a post, sort of just to ramble about my thoughts on the finale episode. Took me awhile to get around to it cause of life stuff, but finally watched it last night! So obviously this post will have spoilers! You have been warned.
Had some thoughts that I wanted to share, as I’ve been watching the series a long time. Like ever since the first two episodes were literally just an animatic and a cool Sans/Gaster/Frisk battle lmao 
These are kinda just my own opinions, so is fine if no one agrees or if Camila sees this and is like bro shuddup it’s my plot which is fine hehe! You create what you want - is honestly really damn amazing that a series like Glitchtale has been going for this long. 
But anyway. Was honestly a pretty good episode. Fights were awesome as always, art was great. I really, really loved how Toriel and Asgore sort of had their resolve. How Toriel accepted that Asgore wasn’t the only one in the wrong, that she was just as broken as he was. Because that was always my pet peeve with Undertale. How Toriel acted so self righteous, even though she literally sent children out of the ruins without her protection, knowing that they were going to die. It doesn’t matter how you spin it - you also caused their death, whether you were the one to lift your hand to them or not. So it felt very satisfying to have that resolve and have her say: hey, I’m sorry, I know I also did wrong. That was all very lovely.
But I do have some pet peeves - mainly with the story over anything. And some of these points might just me forgetting things that have happened, and if that is the case I apologise! After all there are usually a few months between episodes cause obviously animation takes A LOT of effort and time for just one person. So if I make any mistakes with my grievances then feel free to dismiss the point.
I think I will just start with the biggest pet peeve I had in this episode: why were Chara and Asriel the ones who defeated HATE? I don’t know about anyone else, but when the fight ended, and it seemed like Chara and Asriel had won, it just felt... Very unsatisfactory? HATE had been built up every episode to be this huge unbeatable villain who characters like even Gaster and Sans couldn’t even put a dent in. So for Chara and Asriel to defeat HATE in the span of roughly 11 - 12 minutes after characters continuously getting screwed over left right and centre by them, it just felt... Weak? 
I just think it wasn’t Chara or Asriel’s victory to have. Don’t get me wrong, the fight was AWESOME. The animation was great, the music with it was superb as always. But it just felt all wrong when it seemed like they had had their victory. In my personal and honest opinion, I feel like this victory should have belonged to Sans and Frisk, and here is why. 
I really would have liked some kind of resolve between the two characters. In the first few episodes of the first season they’re demonstrated to be pretty good friends. Frisk risks their life for Sans on multiple occasions and even visa versa. So when they had their big falling out because Frisk was talking about resetting everything to resolve the problem with Betty, and Sans died, it really left a mark. Because it’s like damn... These two characters who are usually so close had such a big, stupid fight, and now they can never resolve it. Now Frisk has to live with the fact that they made their friend hate them and caused them to walk into their death feeling like he hated them. 
Now think: they have this villain - HATE - and they have to team up to defeat it. Sans is still furious with Frisk, still feels like they can’t trust them, doesn’t even want to talk to them. But if they DON’T team up together, then everyone is DOOMED. Everything that Sans cares about and fears losing will just all disappear anyway, as if Frisk had reset. So they may as well try and fight, right? 
It would have been very nostalgic to the first few episodes where Sans would use Frisk’s soul to defeat their foes. It would have been their (platonic) LOVE that would have defeated HATE, and at the end of all of this, maybe you could have had a little moment where Sans realises, hey, maybe hating Frisk for the past just isn’t worth it anymore. That LOVING each other and being there for each other as friends is just way more important.
I know that probably sounds cheesy and cliche haha, but I would have personally found that super sweet and satisfying! 
My other pet peeve is a smaller one, and not one I need to rant about as long hehe cause this post is already becoming a school essay lmao (congrats if you’ve made it this far through my ramblings!) but I think there were just WAY too many character deaths. Or rather, too many situations where characters kept getting put in situations where they were about to die, or seemingly going to die. 
By this final episode I just felt nothing when characters seemed like they were going to be killed off? I don’t know if that was just me being detached because it had been so long between episodes so maybe the emotional attachment did wear off a little. But so many characters in previous episodes just kept getting put in similar situations, by the finale any time a character got hurt or seemed like they were dead it was just like... Okay, so that may as well happen.
Those were sort of my main criticisms of the finale episode. Obviously I know working on a series and animating it all to one person is a difficult task, and honestly I do think that Camila is extremely talented and a great story teller! There were many times I was on the edge of my seat or there were moments very early on that seriously made my heart hurt. Alphys’ death will never NOT be painful. Haha 
Just because I have these criticisms doesn’t mean I think the episode was overall bad. It was pretty decent. And the cliffhanger really has me looking forward to the next season. I just don’t want this post to come off that I’m attacking or even expecting anyone to take in what I’m saying. Just thought I’d share my own little thoughts and if anyone wants to read them they’re free to do so hehe.
Thanks for reading!
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