Late '00/ early '10's writers about two male characters: They had this deep bond that transcended life or death. They were mourning like a widower when they thought the other had died and had their own inside jokes that no one else understood or appreciated. They could only be comfortably themselves when the other was around. The world was saved several times because of their bond, and they would willingly die if it meant the other lived. They were the bestest of buddies.
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tma-thoughts · 2 months
Taking the word "queerbaiting" away from deadpool and wolverine fans and putting it on a shelf because what on earth are you people on about
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sunforgrace · 11 months
you guys please understand they were going to say “CASTIEL’S PERSONAL HEAVEN” and paper the walls like a teen girls room with pictures of dean pictures of dean’s face PLASTERED onto the bodies of beefcakes all while cheek to cheek blares out. as brought to you by fucking metatron
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wolfpoets · 11 months
what is with the like - fear of criticizing tv shows all of a sudden. if you're a loyal fan of a tv show and you put time effort and money into engaging w media? you get to have Opinions about it. on the internet, even! where others can see!
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will80sbyers · 4 months
Of course it would be homophobic if it didn't happen
it's 2024/5 and they spent years torturing Will emotionally while also making all the straight couples make up and get together, MULTIPLE straight couples since season 1
Robin & Vickie for how much I love them have a side role and Vickie was underdeveloped in S4 and they are waiting for S5 to develop her role so it's very beautiful and important too but it doesn't have the same impact Byler could have and not making byler happen too is just being cowards
stranger things is not realistic but byler would be realistic because they are childhood friends going through the weirdest stuff anyone ever lived through so being queer is not the strangest thing for them in their universe the time of acceptance gets speed up very easily + it did happen in the real world too that queer people fell in love in the 80s even during their teen years, believe it or not
But also consider this: It's fiction!
there is queer coding into the show- written and added to the background and they queerbaited because they used the possibility of their relationship to generate hype between volume 1 and 2 and now they won't say a simple "byler won't happen" directly from the writers to squash the speculation that they know about and avoid heartbreak for millions of QUEER fans
But in any case byler will happen so don't worry about it
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usercelestial · 1 month
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i genuinely think i might kill myself
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voguewoozi · 1 year
can't believe people are still out here accusing real ass people of queerbaiting. at this point just admit you like forcing people to come out before they're ready because that's what the result of this continues to be. coming out to anyone isn't an obligation for any queer person and people shouldn't have to alter their behavior or personality or presentation just because you personally think they're cishet. that is literally your own personal problem to work on. keep it to yourself
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lokiiied · 11 months
thinking about loki’s 400 year long stare at mobius when he says, “it’s about who”
and then how he looks at sylvie and says, “i can rewrite the story” and how she has her own story - without romance. how she told him to “write his own story” and how he’s now canonically god of stories/storytelling.
thinking about how if they make lokius canon, marvel’s first major canonically queer character will have “rewritten” the cishet centred narrative that a major audience is expecting and just how powerful that would be.
because, as much as i like the bisexual “confirmation” scene - it was very easy to look over if you’re a homophobic viewer or don’t know what bisexuality is. because they never had either of them say the words, “i am bisexual”. that and how they “dealt” with loki’s genderfluidity.
but a major gay couple?? with the healthiest and most intimate relationship i’ve EVER seen marvel write?? that would not be so easy to ignore. especially when you go back and see that it’s been there the whole time. if you knew what to look for. which, is honestly probably the queer vision in a nutshell. because cishets will be blind to anything if they see a man + woman option. they need “undeniable” proof. marvel knows that & it’s why they’ve gotten away with this. why they’re still “safe” for most of their anti-queer audience.
but just imagine, if loki fixes all this, get his friends back, and shows mobius know how he really feels and basically says “this has been the love story the whole time” THAT will be his legacy. in all the glorious i’m a god and i’ve been bad and i’m good and i’m queer and i have inherent worth just like everybody else and i don’t give a fuck loki fashion. and i hope to gods we get to see that.
that’s the story i want to see.
because if they turn around and give us sylki — (and in doing so say here’s a perfect example of a healthy gay relationship but instead we’re gonna give you a toxic genderbent selfcest romance) regardless of the fact we know they are both queer — that is not what a homophobic audience is going to see. they’re going to be satisfied that they didn’t see two men kissing on their screen and call it another win. and marvel would be continuing to encourage the idea that us queer fans are delusional - despite the clearly intentional writing.
not to mention the exhausting, intrinsically homophobic harassment & clowning lokius shippers have endured would actually not be for nothing if lokius were canon and marvel were to decide btw queer people are real and so are their stories and so is their love.
if the show about the genderfluid bisexual god of stories can’t accomplish that after all this character development then. idk.
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"athelnar is queerbaiting"
Absolutely not. You must have NOT watched the show.
Media literacy is at an all time low but come on! Ragnar told Athelstan he loved him, straight up in the face and people will still say "he meant it as brothers/friends" how about the time he asked Athelstan to sleep with him? Can't remember him asking Rollo or Floki that!
In my opinion, it just proves that some people are homophobes. Yes, Ragnar was also married to Lagertha and later Aslaug, but there's this funny thing called Bisexuality and Ragnar was not all that known for never cheating.
Sure, he wanted kids, but if you seriously think he wasn't absolutely in love with Athelstan and only wanted these kids because of the way he was raised, in a culture where having children to remember him and make people remember him is everything!
Just because they never kissed of intercoursed (on screen, atleast) doesn't mean their relationship wasn't canon. He intercoursed with Aslaug multiple times, doesn't make them be all in love and shit but hell was Ragnar in love with Athelstan
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s-aprua · 2 years
high card ep7 is so funny they somehow made the scenario with the highest likelihood to be gay straight
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sunflowerdigs · 6 months
911 has never fucking queerbaited and I am sick to GOTDAMNED death of this narrative as though there's not a well developed queer couple already on the show
the show is not responsible for your baseless assumptions not coming true and your ship not going canon is NOT FUCKING QUEERBAITING
A canon queer couple does not stop a show from queerbaiting (particularly if half that couple isn't a regular and can only show up for a handful of episodes a season). I'm so tired of straight people putting quotas on queer rep like "well you already have one, why do you want more!?!" Because y'all never ask that same question of other straight fans who beg for more straight ships when straight relationships of all ages are already fully represented on the show. But anyway
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This is not me being a meanie and trying to get 911 canceled or some other ridiculous bullshit, it's just...the truth. By definition, if Buddie doesn't happen after the show has opted to spend so much marketing time teasing that relationship, the show is queerbaiting. This isn't something to get angry and throw things about, it's just a fact. What people want to do with that fact is up to them. But you yelling and cursing and saying it's not true will, in fact, not change 911's S7 marketing campaign, which has centered Buddie to a huge degree.
If this isn't a textbook example of queerbaiting then we might as well just say that queerbaiting doesn't exist and that nothing harmful is done when queer ships are advertised in the same way that straight ships are but then never materialize. That the double standard doesn't send a loud and clear message about which kinds of love are socially acceptable and which aren't.
And again, obviously, if Buddie happens, it's not queerbaiting. The season isn't over and, I for one think the show isn't stupid enough to bite the hand that feeds it this badly. I think Buddie likely will happen. But if it doesn't, then, I'm not going to blame people for having feelings about it after this huge Buddie marketing push. Queer people shouldn't have to put up with this kind of othering in 2024.
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queenofthyme · 3 months
writers room of monster high 2
exec 1: isn't this duet about gal pals not wanting to part...kinda gay?
exec 2: no exec 1, you idiot!!! they both have boyfriends nobody cares about and are conveniently somewhere else right now.
exec 1: they are singing kinda close to each other in a bedroom tho...
exec 2: hmm. okay, to be super safe we'll just add a cameo from a crowd-favourite they/them character at the end and make it a super straight trio. problem solved.
exec 1: oh no
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to-junipterandmars · 7 months
I haven't finished the show but from the very beginning I've kept wondering why wilson sticks with house like he definitely has issues of his own but he clearly has no problem finding other friends and house is objectively speaking absolutely Terrible at being a friend. I love him but to me he's the fictional medical malpracticer who lives in my screens, not my asshole friend who's ruined my relationships including my marriages, so what's wilson's excuse?? no wonder they've been driving people insane with their relationship since the show started
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kritischetheologie · 1 month
I'm gonna be so honest, if you didnt tag 'daddy's shipping hockey wag' on your post i would legit thought you're just celebrating a lesbian celeb marriage
unfortunately I'm not sure I would be freaking out this much about an actual lesbian wedding. you know that post about how bad media is better than good media because you watch something good and it's over but you watch something bad and you get to spend the rest of your life thinking about what if it was good? that's me with queer representation. I don't want another canonical gay bridgerton sibling I want 3 seasons of eloise and pen's character arcs making no sense if they're not queer. I don't want a celebrity lesbian wedding I want a close up photo of two beautiful girls' engagement ring clad hands in vogue weddings that happens to be a photo from one of their straight marriage to the other's fiancé's teammate. I recognize that this is a character flaw.
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eisforeidolon · 11 months
The entire basis for D/C in the show is that the two characters are not blood related and interact relatively frequently. That's it.
Now, plenty of ships people ship don't have substantially more than that either. Shipping it isn't crazy. Even thinking that relationship could hypothetically turn romantic isn't entirely crazy. Baseless, sure. Contradicted by everything Dean has ever legitimately indicated about his sexuality, yes. Deeply unlikely because of how fundamentally SPN is based around a different platonic relationship, no kidding. But shows have done weirder shit.
However? Thinking that relationship must be turned romantic because you ship it and dissect every scene - including the scenery and number of eyeblinks - for clues to convince yourself everything is romance-coded so the show owes you to make it a thing? Is absolutely fucking batshit.
Furthermore? Calling the writers, actors, production staff, whoever ~*HoMOpHoBiC*~ for not believing they owe a bunch of randos on the internet to change the story they're actually telling to include something they never intended and repeatedly told you they didn't intend? For thinking it is, in fact, an absurd joke for fans to continue to demand a storyline that doesn't exist outside fanfic and bad meta to be written into the canon? Is batshit with delusional entitlement and faux internet activism on top of it.
The cherry that's inevitably on top of this shit sundae is being supposedly very upset at ill treatment of LGBT+ concerns by SPN ... and yet never holding King Queerbaiter accountable for all the shit he did to lead fans on in trying and keep himself relevant and employed. The guy that repeatedly lied about the writers' intentions. They guy that repeatedly lied about Jensen's feelings about the ship and still makes creepy sexual comments about him. The guy who repeatedly leaked info about original versions of scenes cut or changed because they might mislead fans into thinking that ship was a thing in the canon. The guy who repeatedly teased fans to wait and see, or implied specific upcoming scenes would be D/C. The guy who had a year to realize Bury Your Gays is a bad thing and literally joked about it before fans yelled at him - but hey he was busy planning the ship merch he could sell before his rubes realized Castiel wasn't in the final two episodes. The guy who went through with making that clownshow Castiel's final scene, under the known conditions it would only be done if it was that inherently ambiguous and that unreciprocated. The guy who, at the very same Denver convention Jared is STILL getting shit over, dodged a question about what that scene meant by saying he has his interpretation of what Cass was thinking but doesn't want his answer to be the definitive one on what was happening - in contradiction to all his other bait-y blather at other conventions that it was totally "a homosexual declaration of love" and fans should be mad at anyone saying otherwise or whatthefuckever! So you can't even pretend he queerbaits with conviction - because he has the spine of a jellyfish and the integrity of a Misha Collins. But ~*somehow*~ that's not even questionable, let alone bad, compared to the utter evil of consistently telling them no over and over and over again and finding it ridiculous they won't take that for an answer! OmG HoMoPHoBIA!!! No.
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the-knife-consumer · 1 year
"Yona was just added bc Nintendo wants people to stop shipping sidlink!" Literally what the hell are you talking about
#yes nintendo is homophobic. no they do not give a singular shit about what their fanbase does??? what are you talking abouuuutttt#they literally dont care what people do as long as they get money??? like what#listen im upset abt yona having so many unanswered questions. mainly she came from another zora's domain#meaning she came from outside of hyrule. so that leads to a lot of questions.#but howww do you come to the conclusion that she was just added as a 'no homo' indicator#dont even get me started on the people genuinely unironically calling this queerbaiting. what are you onnnnnnn#'and oh but sidon said he used to see her as a sister! so its gross and wrong!' sidon literally thought out loud to links face abt how#had things been different and link had gotten married to mipha he would be his BROTHER IN LAW. SAID THAT OUT LOUD TO HIS FACE. so shh#imo. yona was added for one 'ohh wow exciting new character look at this' and two. as a way for sidon's trauma to be acknowledged#bc it was veeery briefely shown in botw. for like. a singular second if you snuck up on him at mipha's statue#but yona's defining scene in totk was her forcing sidon to confront that he wasn't being himself because of that trauma. and that#he needed to let go of the fear around it. if only temporary. because his people needed him.#so tbh?? sheis very important to the plot. she new mipha. admired her. knows why sidon still struggles with this and#how difficult and frightening everything becomes when he views the world through the lens of 'what if i lose someone again'#like. they added yona for his struggles to be spelled out to the audience even further#so to just boil her down to 'ewww woman gets in the way of my gaybies 😡😡😡'. hello. did you play the game.#do you even know who these characters are. quick gimme ten facts about sidons character that you didnt make up for shipping purposes.pronto
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