myself-85 · 5 years
Rock you!しか知らない…僕はイヤだ!
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witchhuntress · 7 years
KEYAKIZAKA46 is my fav girl group in Japan (if not the world)! They have great songs with great meaning, and their lives are always amazing~ Their atmosphere and synchro can give you chills 😍😍😍So glad to see them in Music Station Live with BTS this early morning!! 😭
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volempaamboli · 7 years
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hunter934 · 6 years
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The gap between her 20-year-old self she once imagined of and her 20-year-old self in reality makes her feel disappointed. More or less, everyone feels the same way. So, the future will change depends on whether she rejects it or sees it as an aspiration.
She has been already mature since she was a teenager. Quiet, and less talk. Therefore, our first impression towards her was “humble”. However, the more we watch her activity, the more we understand that she is “action before words” type of person, who keeps her determination inside and transfers it into action. Moreover, as the years pass by, and she is getting more experiences, her speech and conduct become more visible, like she already broke the shell that kept her invisible until now. And there Risa Watanabe is… longing for further growth when she approached 20.
- Risa-san, what is big turning point during 20 years of your life? One thing apart from becoming member of Keyakizaka46…
Risa: Hmm… there are many things, but maybe joining volleyball club in the middle school. In my middle school, we’d have to join at least one club, that’s why I started playing volleyball, but instead of being taught the volleyball techniques, we had been taught the importance of human relationship and manners, mostly we had been taught about things we’re supposed to know in our life. That kind of thought, still remains in my heart even now. 
- So, you had been mentally trained, and been taught the important things you’re supposed to know as human, is that correct? For some reason, do you think yourself as hate-to-lose person?
Risa: Hmm, maybe I don’t have any thought like “I don’t want to lose to other”. But perhaps I should say that I don’t want to lose to myself.
- It’s really great to have that kind of thought in such young age. Because, usually teenagers and people in early 20s tend to blame another person and society. 
Risa: I never really thought about that, I don’t have any clue why people think that way… whenever I can’t do something, I think that it’s my own fault. So it’s really frustrating if there’s something I can’t do.
- That logic is really to the point. Perhaps it’s kind of exaggeration if I say that that kind of thought is sort of philosophical or aesthetic, but what is exactly thing that shape the present Risa Watanabe? Is there any person or culture that influence you?
Risa: Eee, I wonder… (thinking for a while) Hmm, maybe I haven’t met that kind of existence yet. I haven’t found something that makes me able to say “This is the one!”, even though I try to think about it. Maybe I already did, but I myself haven’t realized it yet…
- Is there any influence from your friends? 
Risa: Ah, it is (laugh). I have one bestie, if we have free time, I will meet and talk to her, we will hang out together, she is very important to me. I met her for the first time in the mid-school volleyball club, we were not really close back then. But, we attended the same high school… we went to school together, we got closer, and we became best friends. She is really reliable, she can notice something that I even can’t, like “Ah, so there is that kind of perspective!”, I always discover something new every time we meet, she always makes me realize something. That’s why, even though we are of the same age, I really admire her as human.
- I think having best friend that you can admire means a lot to you that can’t even be described in words. Actually, fellow member Nagahama-san said, “I really admire Risa who never lost a sight of anything at any moment”. By the way, what kind of person is Nagahama-san, that is of the same age as you, in your perspective?
Risa: I really admire Neru too. Among Keyaki’s members, she is always busy especially with her job outside Keyaki, however she always pays attention to people around her, she always notices even the small changes. I think Neru is strong. 
- Nagahama-san really wanted to become 20 immediately since she was a teenager, she even said “I’m finally 20” on her birthday . The moment you turned into 20, what did you think? What did you feel? 
Risa: On my birthday? What did I do again...? However, I also want to become 25 immediately, just like Neru wanted to become 20 (laugh). I never thought “I want to become teenager forever”, so I didn’t consider turning into 20 as something special. It only feels “Ah, I’m another year older”.
- I see, by the way, why do you want to become 25 immediately?
Risa: Because I want to become a real adult. 20yo person is already an adult from society perspective, but I think we’re not really adult… Everyone often says that when we’re elementary or mid-school students, 20yo person looks very mature, but when I turned into 20 myself, I’m still a child, nothing changes. That’s why I want to see myself as real adult immediately. 
- I will ask you something about that. How is your image of ideal adult woman? Or, what kind of woman do you consider as adult?
Risa: Hmm… people who enjoying their life. People who doing their job well, and taking a break as well, I really admire adults that have some time to spare. But, if we can live our life to the fullest everyday, I think it will be so much fun, so at first maybe I will start from cherishing every single day. 
- Why do you portray 25yo women as lively people who live their life to the fullest?
Risa: Because I imagine people in that age start to prepare how to face life in their 30s, so I think they are more mature than 20yo me. I want to immediately start that kind of preparation too. 
- Meanwhile, Nagahama-san said “I want to become 40 immediately” (laugh). Is it because both of you experienced working together with wonderful adults?
Risa: Ah, it might be correct. Araki Yuko-san who always helps me in modelling job is also 25, so maybe she became one of my indicators. 
- I see. Okay, with that kind of perspective, how is your ideal “adult love” and “adult date”?
Risa: Adult love…? Maybe I got too much influence from drama, but when I watch “Chuugakusei Nikki”, I think the relationship between the protagonist Hijiri-chan’s ex-fiance and his boss played by Yoshida Yo-san is very interesting. I always laugh every time I watch it. A man that is always being abused by his reliable senior, that kind of composition somehow makes me think, “Ah this is adult love”. But it’s not like I want to abuse someone (laugh). However, if there is love relationship between boss and subordinate in the same company, somehow it sounds interesting. Though it seems so complicated if it really happens in the real life… 
- That’s right (laugh). However, Yoshida Yo-san is certainly a wonderful person, both as an actress and adult woman. 
Risa: I really like her. She is not only beautiful, but also cool. How should I put it… my image of “a complete adult woman” is someone like Yoshida Yo-san.
- So, she is sort of your ideal image. Okay, let’s talk about real life, what kind of adult do you want to be in the future? Use your imagination, and imagine how you see yourself in 2-3 years. 
Risa: Okay… I want to work. Then, what kind of work I want to do… basically I want to do kind of works where I can move my body.
- In short… you want to do active works, is that correct? 
Risa: I want to work while searching for a hobby, and then devoting myself into it… I want to try that kind of life too. For example, I want to attend cooking class, and meet something that somehow I can be enthusiastic about. There are adults who are always enthusiastic about their hobbies no matter how old they are, I think they are so wonderful, I want to be that kind of adult too in the future. 
- I think it’s really a wonderful guideline. Okay, let’s back to the topic, is there something you want to do when you’re still 20? For example, something big like “climbing Mt. Fuji” is okay, or something more familiar is also okay. 
Risa: When I’m still 20… I want to challenge myself by doing something I want to do while fully enjoying the pleasure of this age. When we were doing photoshoot just now, I could see Mt. Fuji, and suddenly I want to climb it, so I think climbing Mt.Fuji is not a bad idea.
- Ah, I see! Today, I didn’t realize at all that we could see Mt.Fuji from this neighborhood, it was a random example though. 
Risa: I could see it! That’s why it caught my eyes (laugh).
- However, you became able to clearly say what you think year after year. In our interview before, you also said “I want to do radio job”, then you got chance to fill the position of “School of Lock” personality as Hirate Yurina-san’s pinch hitter. What on earth is this change of mind? 
Risa: Up until now, even though I want to do this, I want to do that, I don’t say what I think very much. Though I think “action before words” is way cooler (laugh). However, I finally realized in this past year that saying what I think would be a benefit. I feel that it might be better to say what I think particularly in this work. So, I think maybe it’s okay to say what I want to someone around me even it’s only a little bit. From now on, I hope I can be more greedy like that, even though it’s only little by little.
Using words “only a little bit”, “little by little” is indeed reflecting her humble personality. Meanwhile, from this one phrase “greedy”, it can be perceived that her sense of responsibility and confidence that were born from standing at the front row in 2 consecutive singles, are certainly being her flesh and blood now. And her desire to immediately become an adult perhaps is the embodiment of her thought that wants to have stronger mental and more capacity to carry the group… maybe we are reading her mind little too much. However, we cannot help but to feel her high potential and room for growth from her every single word, once again it is the reality. Anyway, it cannot be denied that we should pay attention to the evolution of Risa Watanabe in the future.
*sorry for my bad English
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sakamichidiary · 7 years
2018.01.18 | (no title)
Member: Moriya Akane Source: Moriya Akane's Official Keyakizaka46 blog Post date: 2018/01/18 11:37
Many Kanji Keyakizaka46 members have started to chime in with their thoughts on the 3 day Budokan live concert being handed over to Hiragana Keyaki, following Hirate Yurina's arm injury. Here is Akanen's take on it. She doesn't really express her own opinion on the matter, but nonetheless, she gives her support to Hiragana Keyaki members.
As a note, the tone of her blog post this time is very formal and serene, compared to her usual blog posts.
To all of you who support Keyakizaka46, I deeply apologize for the sudden change and cancellation of the live concerts at Budokan that were scheduled for January 31st and February 1st. Since it was to be the first live concert held in a while, I think that there are many who were looking forward to it and had made plans. I sincerely apologize for this. However, it's been decided that it will now be a 3 day Hiragana Keyaki Nippon Budokan concert with all of the Hiragana-chan✨. They deserve this because of all the hard work they've put in up until now, and because of how they grew from their solo lives. It will be their big stage, for the very promising Hiragana-chan. Please give them your support <(_ _)> For what we weren't able to realize this time, we'll improve our true ability, and give it our best while moving forward, in order to make our next live concert a wonderful entertainment. So please support us from now on as well. I want to show [to all of you fans] something that we can be proud of, with all 21 of us. I would be happy if you could keep on looking forward to this moment, until that time comes. Thank you very much for reading😊 Please give it your best today too!!♡ Moriya Akane
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keyakikun · 7 years
「Things I learned from Na-chan」
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Kato Shiho Interview Brody August 2017
「Things I learned from Na-chan」
— It seems opportunities of gravure photosoots are increasing, do you get used to it? Kato: I still can't get used to it (lol). But to be able to have those photoshoots are awesome. So I want to have more to polish my skills.
— Is there anything you're working on? Kato: I do face yoga. eventhough i intend to laugh by myself but it became a serious face instead, I'm exercising my facial muscle.
— I think today, those efforts are showing its results. recently keyakizaka46 (hiragana typed) and Kato-san personally, are gaining notable attention. Kato: Eeeh~! But it's true, recently everyday felt so productive. That's why whenever i get massaged i thought it seems i've worked hard. Just imagining if jobs like photoshoots like this is getting rarer is making me sad. So I want to work harder.
— if opportunities to be covered in media is increasing, then surely your own goal would come closer. On that note, what are your goals? Kato: I entered this world because i admired Idols, so I wanted to be my own ideal idol.
— Do you have an image of ideal idol? Kato: I want to be an idol who have powerful performance. I want to have expressive power to attract people's eyes like hirate-san.
— So you admired Hirate-san. But you are Nagasawa-san Oshi right? Kato: I really like naako-chan!
— In the first place, why do you like Nagasawa-san? Kato: Before I entered Keyakizaka, I watched [Keyakake] haunted house episode, there I fell in love at first sight....
— That's not a performance, right (lol). Kato: Aah. But i learned a lot from Naako-chan.
— What did you learn from her? Kato: Once, on Zenkoku Akhushukai (Nationwide Handshake Event) we should make pairs, and that time, I was impressed seeing her until the very end, the very last, shake fans' hands one by one without releasing. That was an amazing lesson. Naako-chan is really amazing! After this I'm gonna buy naako-chan's birthday present!
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39-sakuchan-blog · 7 years
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Miyawaki Sakura Senbatsu Sousenkyo Official Guidebook English Translation
I want to be a light shining on the future
“I decided to become a person standing in front of the whole AKB48 Group”
Our generation can’t move on if we don’t raise to the top
Last year, the best rank she ever received, 6th position, became Miyawaki Sakura’s first ‘black spot’ in the Sousenkyo. 
“I cried for the first time. Last year, I was chosen to center AKB48′s 10th Anniversary single, ‘Kimi wa Melody’, and received so many chances, more than ever yet... When I thought about that, I felt really sorry. Up until now, every year, I’ve been able to reach my goals of getting into Senbatsu, or Kami 7, however last year, I couldn’t enter the top 5 I aimed to get in. I have never disliked the Sousenkyo, but last year, for the first time, I tasted the bitter side of the Sousenkyo.”
You said you felt sorry, is that your feelings regarding to the fans?
“Of course, it is my feeling against the fans who supported me, but I felt sorry against all of the AKB48 Group. Our generation can’t move on if we don’t raise to the top, yet... I felt irritated against my own uselessness. Actually, last year, even before the rankings were announced, I didn’t have any confidence. To be honest, the walls of the top five (Sashihara Rino, Watanabe Mayu, Matsui Jurina, Yamamoto Sayaka, Kashiwagi Yuki) were too high, and I worried if I could break through with my own strength”
As the result, she couldn’t enter the top 5. Exactly what is lacking in Miyawaki Sakura?
“Comparing with Jurina-san who cancelled her kennin with AKB48 and became focused on SKE48 only, or Sayanee who is NMB48′s ace and leader, I seemed like one member joining the Sousenkyo only for myself. I thought it shouldn’t stay that way. However, nobody knows if it’s right if I stay as a AKB48 kennin or become focused on HKT48 only. That’s why, I thought I should do my best for the AKB48 group as a whole. I decided on becoming a presence standing in front of the AKB48 Group, regardless of the sister groups.”
“What we need now is a frantic and absorbed approach.”
On the background of thinking about the AKB48 Group as a whole, there lies a reason, which grew bigger rapidly this year. 
“On this one year, the thing I’m most concerned about is Sakamichi Series-san’s presence. While thinking about Sakamichi Series, there have been many times I cried this year (laugh). They are making rapid process, like Keyakizaka46-san being chosen for Kouhaku. I acknowledged that fact and was jealous. I know that kind of a feeling isn’t nice, but my pure feeling of not wanting to lose is very strong. But I really like both Nogizaka46-san and Keyakizaka46-san, and I go to their lives sometimes, also I went to eat with Hirate-chan (Keyakizaka46) before. However, we can’t act like we aren’t rivals, and I think it’s better if we’re encouraged by each other and move forward by lifting each other. Like that, I say, but truthfully speaking, it can’t change that easily, after all (laugh). Nonetheless I’m frustrated, and can’t stop thinking about it. However, I don’t want to just run after the hands of the clock, so in order to explode sometime, I want to do my best day by day.”
To Miyawaki, who speaks these words, there are worries for AKB48 Group’s present state, but there are also dreams for the future.
“Right now, I think it’s a period where everyone, including me, should each consider if they are doing their best. With everyone feeling as senbatsu members, feeling desperate to do their best, I think we can get get better. I think, if the AKB48 Group isn’t absorbed, and reckless enough not to care about hair or anything, the group’s true virtue won’t come out. I too, fell in love with that kind of AKB48, so I think there is a need for us to remember those times. For that sake, I think the pride we have now is a hindrance. I want us to shine so bright that the graduated members can think; ‘Why did I graduate after all?’. Because I believe that this group has a future.”
“At the end of my 10′s, I want to show the best results”
For Miyawaki who wants to shine on the group’s future, this year’s Sousenkyo result is extremely important.
“Yukirin and Sayanee retired on this year’s Sousenkyo, so they became presences that I can’t pass. And, Sasshi and Mayu-san are saying that this is their last Sousenkyo. Thus, this year is my last chance to pass them. Even if I get good results in next year’s Sousenkyo where they aren’t participating, the meaning of that is a little different for me. After all, I’m entering the Sousenkyo in order to pass the Senpai’s. That’s why, I will bank on this year’s Sousenkyo! Between Sasshi, Mayu-san and Jurina-san, I want to pass at least one. For example, if I don’t pass them and because of Yukirin-san and Sayanee’s spaces are free, I rank 4th, I think I still will be frustrated even though I entered top 5.”
It makes you expect something from Miyawaki’s figure, who declared in the event of crushing the walls of those 3, she will lead the AKB48 Group. Just like the time when in her speech when she entered Kami 7, she declared “I want to break AKB48!” 
“I think it’s not good if you don’t properly say your decision. I want to say it... I will! I surely can! For some reason, I feel as it may be good if it’s stormy during the time of my speech. If I say “From now I will lead! Please follow me!” during a storm, it will leave an impression, right? (lol). At any rate, at this year’s Sousenkyo, I want’s to leave the best result in the last year of my teens, and I want to become a light shining on AKB48 Group’s future!”
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gocchisama · 7 years
Nadeshiko Glass Cannon : Story of Hirate Yurina (平手友梨奈)
Today marks the day of Keyakizaka major debut. 6 April 2016, 20 girls were introduced to the press to become Nogizaka sister group. What kind of music they would produce, what kind of appeal they would develop to grow a fanbase, all was unknown. Among those girls stood a rather young and plain one, wearing a mushroom haircut. With a calm and poised speech, she declared her will to do her best on behalf of the group. Little did we know that she would become the unmovable center of Keyakizaka. The further we dove into her world, the more questions roses. Just who is Hirate Yurina? But this is precisely her appeal : this mysterious side of her. Fans wants to know more about her, and for each layer of her personality lifted, the more fascinating she become.
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“Techi” comes from her name “hirate” (平手)and friendly suffixe “chan”. To make it more original, “Hirate-chan” became “Hiratechi” then “Techi”. Credit to  @yurina46tento.
Prior to their first release, Silent Majority, there was roughly 2-3 months of introduction during “Keyakitte, Kakenai?” their regular variety show. Hirate isn’t the extrovert kind of girl, and started the series as very quiet and humble. This shyness is quite understandable after all, this is the first time most of the girls step into the idol world. You could catch sparkles of excitement from her when MC (Tsuchida & Sawabe) talked about japanese comedians (she’s fond of them), but overall she was just waiting for the two host to ask her questions and react from it. It can be seen as passive. Furthermore, her lack of reactivity encouraged Tsuchida to tease her in some extent. It is true that, at the beginning, Yurina was intimidated.
A girl whose hobby is to listen to music, who practice basketball as main club activity, and dislike haunted house. Techi’s profile is not what you could call uncommon. To be honest, with girls with unexpected skills like Horsemanship or past modeling work, Yurina comes pretty average. But is it really a rebuke? To be reserved makes the girls look cute and innocent (and thus explain why people want to tease them). Granted, she is not creating opportunities of wide laughter in the studio like Oda Nana or Ozeki Rika, but many times her airheadness brought comical situation and liven up the mood. For example, when doing the monomane of GO!Minagawa (a comedian) she was the only one who accompanied the move with his “sound” signature, making her embarassed.
The innocence of a 14 years old, makes her lovely. It could be just that, but fate was preparing a different path for her. TAKAHIRO-sensei, the main choregrapher of the group, had authority of the first senbatsu choice as he was in charge of Silent Majority dance. And while Techi ability to dance and facial expression weren’t outstanding, he felt Yurina’s strong feeling toward her dear Keyakizaka, and his intuition lead him to chose her as Keyakizaka first center. From there, early fans witnessed a change. The change.
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“At crossroads brimming with people, where will you go? (Being washed away) Wearing the same clothes, wearing the same expression...”  
Silent Majority, the first and most well known track of Keyakizaka. A rugged location, filled with an heavy atmosphere where girls in military outfits shout their opposition to a crooked society of hypocrite adults. This powerful message, needed the appropriate attitude to be conveyed accurately. Techi did better than that; she traded her feeble character and became an avatar of rebellion. Her grip exploding in strength, her stare you can’t escape from, and sharp moves made people forget she was only 14. Despite her discrete debut on Keyakitte, she turned out to be a formidable vessel to deliver the meaning of the song.
Was it thanks to an incredible amount of training? Sometime it’s about something else too. In Sekai ni wa Ai Shikanai, there was this particular shoot where the MV producer had to screen the girls at the Gymnasium, the choregraphy sequence in particular. While the girls started moving, Techi was remaining still, fixing her hands. “what is she doing?” he thought. Because she was supposed to move at the same time as the girls. And when asked, Techi said “i realized how grateful i was to be part of them, and wanted to picture it deep in my memories”. After consideration, the producer noticed that standing still when everyone else was moving, naturally created a focus on her. Also, her smile toward Yonetani nanami felt natural and expressed this very gratitude she talked about, making the scene soothing. He then decided to keep it.
If a song is bland and plain, to be cute or excellent in dancing won’t change anything. But when the song has the potential to be a tube, it’s important to choose someone who has the style/character that fits the song to release his full potential. Yurina has this particulary skill to “understand” a song. Listening the track over and over, feeling the emotion rushing in her mind, and finally embodying it. In Futari saison, each performance is different. Whenever she’s happy, and look at her comrades dearly, her dance will become lively. If she’s feeling down, her solo will have a tormented feeling on it.
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“People often say they want to see the past me, but past is past, and all I can do now is now.”  -Hirate Yurina
There’s a theory that seeks to explain why Yurina did so well as Silent Majority center. An answer to where she draws all her bottomless energy. In a song that express anger, rebellion and freedom, the best way to convey those feelings is to actually have lived it in the past. This theory rose when fans noticed that during Yurina’s “jibun history” (my story) instead of taking pictures of her younger self or family, she’d prefered to talk about her favorite comedian duos. To incarnate “the girl in the train”, people speculated her past hid somber events that caused this emptiness within her. All in all, the reason why she fits so much in songs about pain and suffering is simply because she’s hurt as well. What makes her want to run forward so much, if not to run from a painful past?
The truth is, i was also fascinated by this theory. I wanted to know Techi’s past. However, i also realized that adhering to this theory was also comforting myself in what i wanted Techi to be : the girl from the train. But Techi is Techi, and the gloomy girl from the Yamanotesen and her are two different person. Hirate Yurina has this burning desire to change because deep inside her, she wants to live a fulfilling life. And by that, it means to live any kind of experience, to the fullest. Her way to apprehend a song is the same way she apprehend her life : She lives it and grows from it. The Yurina during the first Silent majority performance is not the same Yurina during Kouhaku utagassen. The yurina from the past is not the same Yurina as now.
And this is striking at how we also perceive idols. Fans knows : Stereotypes picture the idol genre as sub-music making money out of girl’s cuteness and innocence over delusional single middle aged japanese men. But the truth is, Idols are just the reflect of mankind : girls who want to find their way, who they are, through a bumpy road with many obstacles along the way. Instead of crying over their fate, they work for a way out. Even if there’s no guaranteed success, even if it’s painful, the girls show lot of courage and move forward. Yurina, with all her workload, opportunities, and newfound nakamas, embrace everything to grow and get stronger. This courage inspire me to do my best. Supporting her, is like supporting myself. By being courageous facing the future, she became a great idol. By being herself, she became a great individual being.  
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“Backstage, Yurina is all lively and kiddy. But when the times come to perform, she switch on to Keyakizaka Ace. It gives me goosebumps” - Imaizumi Yui
Nadeshiko is an ancient japanese word for “loveable girl”. Glass canon is a gaming vocabulary that define someone with high attack/damage but weak defense. Yurina proved many times she had great mental resilience (able to perform 10 songs+ in ariake colosseum), although she also stated many times she doesn’t consider herself as “able” to perform as Keyakizaka unmovable center. A self criticism very severe, implying her power unleashed during performance lean on frailness of mind. She did thought of quitting, and with her young age, it can’t be helped to be inexperienced. A giant of paper, who risk of consuming itself if not able to manage his energy properly.
Center is a lonely place. Despite the light of the spotlight, the 0 position is actually a dark ceiling, where mistakes are prohibited, where there’s the most pressure. But I beg to differ, Keyakizaka is not all about Hirate Yurina. Those many hands bolstering her back, this warmth surrounding her, is what makes her keep going. Those experiences she mentioned earlier, are also meetings. Coming across her newfound nakamas changed her life. Moriya Akane with whom she can act like a spoiled child, Suzumoto Miyu with whom she can share her everyday life, and Nagahama Neru with whom she can confess her worries. Being around her friends, is also where Techi is in her most natural state. Her teammates put her at ease, as well as being fuel for doing her best.
Earlier we supposed Techi drew her energy from pain. My new theory, or faith, is that Techi draw her bottomless energy from gratitude. Even though she has been pro active to make things work, she always have this kind humility toward what the present brings to her, like american family who thanks God for the food. Doing her activities to the fullest, not wasting one bit of energy, is a way to express her gratitude toward the staff, her friends, and family. This is also Keyakizaka motto: humility, kindness, and bonds.
“She looks so serious and cool on Stage, but she did also pranked me when i was sleeping! And used a scooter in Handshake even though Staff forbid it! And...” - Suzumoto Miyu
There’s no “true” Yurina. No character, no fake attitude. The girl who entered Keyakizaka “in order to change”, like a diamond glass half-full, half-empty, has finally become whole by focusing on “becoming” instead of “being”. To follow Yurina, is like walking on a journey where each day is a surprise. Because we don’t know which Yurina will come up next. The 48group is about “Idols you can meet”. What if the secret motto is “idol you can see grow”? If that the case, Techi, from the very fiber of her being and will, incarnate those words.
A courageous girl, not naive but conscious, fragile but resolute, sometimes childish but always grateful. It isn’t this oversimplification where an Ace is a girl with perfect dance, singing or comical abilities. Techi has qualities and imperfection as well, but it’s how she faces it with a brave heart that makes her incredibly beautiful and interesting. All in all, her ability to absorb, convey, sublimate Keyakizaka46 songs justify her position of Ace. The potential of Yurina might look like exceptionnal, but is it really relevant, since what she’s only doing, is being herself? Maybe she just excels at... being human.
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Sobre a Saída de Manaka Shida シダ真中。
Pessoal eu comentei no meu blog sobre a recente saída da Manaka Shida シダ真中ela era membro do Keyakizaka46 um dos grupos de J-Idols mais famoso e bem sucedido do Japão essas meninas quem eu sou e me tornei fã no ano passado elas são bem mais conhecidas dos que os outros grupos, e como todo grupo de K-pop e J-pop elas se envolvem em polêmicas quando é a vida privada de uma dos membros do grupo.  Antes da Mona que é apelido da Manaka-chan entrar em hiatos em maio do ano passado foi no dia 03 de maio de 2018 ela interrompeu as atividades dela com o Keyakizaka46 けやき坂46, ela se envolveu em polêmica, pois, algum membro do grupo estava stalkeando ela e foi vazadas na internet fotos dela com um rapaz japonês que é namorado dela assim, aconteceu com um dos membros que saiu do Keyakizaka46 a Imaizumi  Yui porque ela estava namorando o ex- professor dela. Outra também saiu do Keyakizaka46 ela estava afastada das atividades dela com Keyakizaka46 a Harada Mayu que se graduou no ano passado antes da Manaka Shida anunciar a graduação dela que foi no dia 16 de Novembro de 2018. E no mesmo ano Hirate Yurina entra em hiatos por causa da saúde dela que não está muito bem ela foi afastada do Keyakizaka46 interrompendo as atividades dela, tudo indica e mostra que Manaka Shida se graduou não foi pela saúde dela mais porque ela estava namorando e como os contratos com a empresas japonesas do mundo do entretenimento proíbe namoro de J Idols, elas não pode sobre as regras do contrato com a gravadora namorar de jeito nenhum e foi por esse motivo que ela saiu assim aconteceu recentemente nessa semana o escândalo do mebro do NGT48 a Maho Yamaguchi que teve suas informações privadas vazadas por um membro do grupo. Bom galera isso foi a analise da minha opinião sobre a saída da Manaka-chan eu fiquei triste mais o que mais vale a felicidade das meninas sendo a decisão por parte delas.
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escagara · 7 years
(Sub Indonesia) Kochi Hoshi #41 (HIrate, Kobayashi) - Hardsub
Yohohohoho~ minasan, ogenki desu ka? Bulan puasa harus sehat dong ya, biar puasanya bisa full sampai lebaran nanti ^ ^ . Nah, saya balik lagi nih buat merilis another episode of Kochi Hoshi. Kochi Hoshi kali ini kedatangan Kobayashi Yui sebagai partner-nya si Hirate-chan!! Episode #41 ini disiarkan tanggal 6 Januari 2017, tepat 5 bulan yg lalu ya, soalnya sekarang tanggal 6 Juni. Wah bisa aja kalo ngepas-ngepasin hehe. Nah, langsung aja deh saya kasih bocoran dikit buat episode ini. Apa aja isinya? Jadi kali ini mereka berdua pura-pura jadi tim investigasi yang menyelidiki informasi rahasia tentang Keyaki yang dikirimkan oleh pendengar. Informasi apa aja yang diselidiki? Langsung simak videonya! Oh, ya di akhir acara Hirate-chan bilang ingin melakukan sesuatu bareng Tsuchida-san. Kira-kira apa ya? Langsung cekidot aja deh!
*Subtitle ini pasti punya banyak kekurangan, karena manusia tidak pernah luput dari kesalahan. Saran dan kritiknya sangat ditunggu loh ^^
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witchhuntress · 7 years
😍😍😍 The thing about Keyakizaka46 is that they don't just sing meaningful songs. Their stage presence is incredible. The way they comport themselves, their choreo, is just ART. I love watching their performances 😊
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hunter934 · 7 years
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Dalam majalah bulanan The Televison edisi Juli, member Keyakizaka46 diberi sebuah angket yang berisi 3 pertanyaan. Berikut ini adalah ketiga pertanyaan tersebut!
Seandainya kalian berada dalam kondisi seperti di drama, siapa member yang menurut kalian paling pertama bisa keluar?
Akhir-akhir ini, adakah artikel atau blog dari member Keyakizaka46 yang kalian beri “like”?
Kepada penonton (=penggemar), adakah hal yang membuat kalian penasaran sampai-sampai kalian ingin bertanya apa yang sebaiknya dilakukan?
Dan berikut ini adalah jawaban mereka!
Ishino Sae (Ishimori Nijika)
Yang pertama adalah Oda Nana. Karena sepertinya dia akan berinisiatif melakukan hal yang lucu. Aku di urutan tengah-tengah. Yang terakhir adalah Uemura!
Selfie Miipan (Sasaki Mirei – Hiragana Keyaki) yang sangat imut.
Gaya rambut yang cocok untukku selain rambut lurus.
Uchimura Nagisa (Uemura Rina)
Menurutku semuanya akan berkemauan keras untuk keluar. Aku di urutan tengah-tengah. Aku tipe yang mengikuti orang lain tapi tidak mau di urutan terakhir. Yang terakhir adalah Nagasawa-kun yang tidak mempedulikan soal urutan.
Akhir-akhir ini aku tidak melihat (blog) semua member…
Setelah ini, sebaiknya aku menjalani hidup yang seperti apa? (XD)
Okamoto Yuki (Ozeki Rika)
Yang pertama adalah Moriya. Sepertinya dia bisa membuka pintu dengan semangatnya. Aku di urutan ke-9. Yang terakhir adalah Koike Minami. Sepertinya dia akan tertelan gelombang member lainnya.
Blog Saito Fuyuka tentang GirlsAward.
Karakter seperti apa yang cocok untukku.
Onda Haruka (Oda Nana)
Yang pertama adalah Imaizumi Yui yang pandai menangani masalah. Aku urutan ke-3. Yang terakhir adalah Pee (Rika). Dia tidak akan keluar dan mengatakan “Aku di sini saja”.
Blog tentang Kobayashi, Habu, Hirate, Rika, dan Risa di GirlsAward2017.
Bagaimana cara supaya tidak tidur 2 kali?
Koga Nao (Koike Minami)
Yang pertama adalah Naako-chan (Nagasawa) yang menggunakan kepintarannya. Aku di urutan tengah-tengah karena melihat yang lain dulu. Yang terakhir adalah Oda Nana yang hanya berputar-putar.
Ponkansatsu-nya Oda Nana.
Aku tidak berteriak meskipun melihat serangga. Menurutku itu tidak terlalu feminim.
Koyanagi Ikumi (Kobayashi Yui)
Yang pertama adalah Oda karena dia lucu. Yang terakhir adalah Suzumoto yang sepertinya ketakutan dan tidak bisa melakukan apapun.
Blog Nagasawa tentang softcream super besar. Hebat bisa menemukan hal seperti itu.
Apa yang sebaiknya kulakukan agar menjadi tipe outdoor?
Nagamine Miko (Nagahama Neru)
Yang pertama adalah Rika-chan. Sepertinya dia punya semacam keberuntungan. Aku kira-kira di urutan ke-10.
Blog Nanako-chan (Nagasawa) yang selalu mengupload tentang makanan lezat.
Aku tidak kuat berendam di bak mandi, aku pasti langsung keluar.
Nagano Fuuka (Nagasawa Nanako)
Yang pertama adalah Rika-chan, soalnya dia imut. Aku yang malas-malasan mungkin urutan ke-2 dari belakang.
Blog Rika-chan yang jarang diupdate.
Sebaiknya aku pergi ke arah mana?
Suhara Misora (Suzumoto Miyu)
Yang pertama adalah Neru (Nagahama) yang otaknya pintar. Aku di urutan tengah-tengah. Yang terakhir adalah Sugai-chan. Soalnya dia melihat sampai semua member keluar.
Blog Yonetani tentang coklat tanggal 8 Mei.
Kenapa tertarik pada Keyakizaka46?
Sugisaki Rin (Sugai Yuuka)
Yang pertama adalah Kobayashi Yui. Sepertinya dia bisa membuat keputusan dengan tenang walaupun di kondisi yang genting. Yang terakhir adalah diriku sendiri. Saat aku ingin melucu, ujung-ujungnya jadi garing.
Cosplay-nya Habu-chan.
Aku ingin punya sneaker warna hitam sih, tapi sepatu apa yang fashionable dan mudah dipakai berjalan?
Shiina Kate (Shida Manaka)
Yang pertama sepertinya adalah Koike Minami. Yang terakhir mungkin Watanabe Rika? Soalnya gerakannya lambat.
Aku jarang membaca blog member.
Aku terlalu menganggap serius informasi di internet. (XD)
Sano Shizuka (Sato Shiori)
Yang pertama adalah Oda yang leluasa menggunakan berbagai macam pengetahuannya dan sepertinya langsung bisa lolos. Aku penakut, jadi kira-kira di urutan ke-18.
Blog Saito Fuyuka. Soalnya dia memikirkan tentang member.
Aku ingin bergerak lebih cepat.
Sakamoto Hana (Saito Fuyuka)
Yang pertama adalah Moriya. Sepertinya dia bisa keluar bagaimanapun caranya. Aku ingin berada di bawah urutan ke-10! Yang terakhir adalah Uemura yang sepertinya akan gagal terus.
Blog Shida Manaka yang sangat singkat.
Mungkin tidak ada… (XD)
Hashimoto Runa (Habu Mizuho)
Yang pertama adalah Moriya Akane yang agresif. Yang terakhir mungkin Yonetani yang bisa melihat sekelilingnya dan memikirkan member lebih dari dirinya sendiri.
7 Mei. Saat staff merayakan hari ulang tahun member.
Aku ingin membentuk otot perut!
Hamano Kaede (Harada Aoi)
Yang pertama adalah Rika-chan yang bisa melarikan diri dengan cepat. Aku urutan ke-8. Yang terakhir adalah Hirate.
Moriya Akane yang memberitahukan peralatan makeup-nya.
Seandainya potong rambut baiknya sampai seberapa pendek dan cara menambah tinggi badan (selain minum susu).
Hayama Yuzuki (Hirate Yurina)
Yang pertama Watanabe Risa atau Shida Manaka. Aku mungkin sekitar urutan ke-5? Yang terakhir adalah Uemura.
Artikel diumumkannya Keyakizaka46 tampil di “ROCK IN JAPAN FES.2017”.
Tidak ada sih… (XD)
Mochitsuki Koto (Moriya Akane)
Yang pertama adalah Nagamine (Nagahama) yang otaknya pintar. Dia bisa mengatasi masalah dengan tenang. Yang terakhir adalah Chloe (Shida). Dia tidak bisa serius.
Blog Nagasawa tentang “Apa hal yang ingin kucapai ya”.
Cara melupakan hoax di internet?
Yoshimura Azusa (Yonetani Nanami)
Yang pertama adalah Moriya Akane yang menurutku bisa keluar berkat semangatnya. Karena aku juga ingin cepat keluar, jadi aku urutan ke-3. Yang terakhir adalah Nagasawa Nanako yang tidak terlalu mempedulikannya.
Akhir-akhir ini, aku tidak bisa melihatnya (blog member).
Bagaimana caranya membuat setiap hari menjadi menyenangkan?
Wakamoto Anna (Watanabe Rika)
Yang pertama adalah Oda yang punya banyak lelucon. Aku juga berjuang keras jadi kupikir aku akan keluar duluan. Yang terakhir sepertinya adalah Ozeki.
Blog Moriya Akane. Saat bermain di sungai dan makan yakitori.
Cara supaya tidak gugup di televisi.
Waku Ayano (Watanabe Risa)
Yang pertama pasti adalah Oda. Soalnya dia lucu. Yang terakhir adalah Uemura! Aku tidak masalah di urutan tengah-tengah.
Karena aku tidak membaca blog member, jadi aku tidak tahu…
Tidak ada sih…
Seperti itulah jawaban dari masing-masing member. Sayangnya tidak ada jawaban Zuumin di sini, mungkin angket ini diberikan waktu Zuumin sudah hiatus. Sayang sekali ya…
*Bisa dibaca juga di web Keyakizaka46 ID
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akb48girldaisuki · 8 years
For now i think i like Hirate the most... Sugai's face sometimes looks just like Sayanee's.. it's scary ahahahha Well... i just hope i can find an oshi, because i'm becoming a DD lately... (after so many grads in the 48 groups i don't know how to chose oshimens anymore...), still for now Boss is my n.1 :P, hope we can keep talking about the Keya-chans ^w^
don't even start on how sugaii face is fully taking over sayanee it might as well get a copyright straight :’D 
I hope you could! really, find boss some friend in your heart (??) where boss will rule them all from her high mighty throne (???) 
lol i don't know much but sure! lets talk more about Keyaki girls volempaamboli san!! its fun 
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keyakikun · 7 years
Long Interview Watanabe Rika Keyakizaka46 (Brody August 2017) 
Part 2: Not even one left out, Until 37 years old still Keyakizaka46
— Earlier we were talking about whether Watanabe-san is a nervous type, but have you ever felt any emotional ups and downs? Watanabe: Not so much.
— Feelings like anger, sadness, are there none of it? Watanabe: Not so much.... Yep.
— Recently, what made you angry? Watanabe: Thing that made me angry.... Recently, someone doodled a face on my earphone.....
— Ahahahahaha! Watanabe: I was jokingly angry (lol)
— How about thing that made you cry? There is not much impression that you'd cry in public, except in haunted house or something like that. Watanabe: No, I cried in front of people, too.
— Did you cry recently? Watanabe: Ummm... recently no.
— Is there any drama or movie that made you cry? Watanabe: Ah, sometimes there is.
— Is there anything in particular which you like? Watanabe: The Beauty & The Beast movie was really moving.
— That being said, who is the member that could make you comfortable to express emotions naturally? Watanabe: Naako-chan (Nagasawa Nanako).
— Location planning on your 「KeyaKake」 episode was amazing. ( 「Keyakitte, Kakenai?」 on 8 May 2017, titled 「Nagasawa-kun and Watanabe Rika's holiday」 ) Watanabe: Fufufufufu.
— it was the real thing, isn't it. Watanabe: that was honestly (done).
— Do you talk a lot when you're with Nagasawa-san? Watanabe: Yup... I think so.
— Also consulting about problems? Watanabe: consulting about problems... maybe a little.
— Is it about idol related problems? or private things, too? Watanabe: About me.....
— it might be rude to hear those things.....Do you have any problem, Watanabe-san? Watanabe: I cannot lose any weight.....
— you might go window shopping to the department store alone, right Watanabe: I felt really happy when it's time to eat.
— That being said, you also wrote in your blog that you wanted to go to buy bread in Togoshi Ginza, right? (T/N: a famous shopping street in Tokyo). Watanabe: Yes. I want to eat rice flour bread (Komeko Pan)
— Rice bread? Watanabe: But I also like Croissant.
— What are food that you're deeply addicted right now? Watanabe: I wonder what.... but I looked up a lot in the bakery.
— Can you make it by yourself? Watanabe: yeah, I want to try making it. I want the tools.
— Do you want to go to baking class? Watanabe: Aa~ That seems fun.
— I think Watanabe-san has a lot of ways to deal with differences/changes, from your point of view, who is becoming the most eccentric member (in keyaki)? Watanabe: (immediately replied) Naako-chan.
— That's somehow to be expected, no? Is Watanabe-san who comes out in the media and the real-life Watanabe-san not so different? Watanabe: Umm... in reality (I am) a bit more talkative.
— Is it because you're nervous that you talk less in interviews? Watanabe: I don't go really well with answering questions....how should I think about it, I can't make sentences in my head.
— that means you'll answer with single character words, no? Watanabe: Yes. Even when i was in conversation with my friends, speaking with a single word is pretty good (T/N: one word is understandable? as expected keyaki members are amazing lol)
— But I heare you're talking positively in the handshake event. Watanabe: Fufufufufu....but I replied with one word.
— During handshake event, what was the most often thing told to you? Watanabe: Umm....
— For example, if someone says 「I will support you!」 ? Watanabe: I'll say 「Thanks!」
— That was a sure thing, hmm, how about 「What did you have for breakfast today?」 Watanabe: 「Bread!」 . Fufufufufu.
— So it's indeed one word (lol). But there must be a time when the fan was nervous and couldn't say anything. In that case can your voice come out? Watanabe: Yes. like 「Where are you come from?」
— What do you have in mind about handshake events? Watanabe: Because (fans) have come by queuing so long, (I) want to make them feel it was exciting.
— Watanabe-san's handshake has known to have a reputation of being extraordinary and exciting, right. Watanabe: If I say I will do it, I want to do it as best as possible.
— Then, (you) have done 「REVOLUSHON!!!」 countless times? Watanabe: Yes.
— Did giving the best response/reply was something you always keep in mind since you joined the group? Watanabe: But at first I was not very good in speaking (T/N: having conversation?) so I was kind of scared.
— When you joined the group, how long do you think that you'll continue to be an idol? Watanabe: Fufufufu.... I wanna do it until 30 years old.
— so, until 30 years old. That's one of a goal, right? Watanabe: yup... until how old do you think (one) could (continue being an idol)?
— (do you) Want to keep on going until your limit? Watanabe: Yeah......
— What made you think like that? We really want to hear it. Watanabe: I hope everyone could do it until 30 years old.
— And why is that? Watanabe: I cannot imagine if we lack of even one member.
— But that one, 「I hope everyone could do it until 30 years old」, if you think about it, not all member are of the same age, no? Watanabe: Ah you're right! When the youngest member reached 30 years old, I might be 40 years old.....
— When Hirate-san were 30 years old, then Watanabe-san would be... 37, no? Watanabe: Surely.... no~ it's frightening! (T/N: she actually said kowai kowai kowai~~~)
— Then Watanabe-san would continue being an idol until 37 years old? Watanabe: Fufufufu.... I knew it was impossible, probably (lol) .
— Does wanting to continue being an idol until 30 years old comes from your affection towards members and the group? Or is it because you enjoy being an idol as a job? Watanabe: Umm, both are true.
— Do you think you're fit for this job (being an idol)? Watanabe: If I were to quit I don't know what should I do next....
— In a sense, the fittest one to be an idol in the group? Watanabe: Eeeh!!!
— Because, you can't imagine doing another job besides being an idol. Watanabe: Fufufufufu.
— I wonder what you'd be doing if you weren't an idol Watanabe: Maybe become a hikikomori....fufufufufu.
— Do you think that becoming an idol is a calling? Watanabe: I do.
— At first I don't think that there is anyone who would say that. Because many people are doing this halfheartedly, I think. Watanabe: Eee--h, I don't know......
— I think it had been heard from many people that Watanabe-san's audition episode was really liked by many people. Watanabe: Why is that?
— It is said that you hit 50 companies in job hunting. Watanabe: Ah-- (lol). I don't remember....fufufufu...
— This is never a foolish thing, for Watanabe-san 「being an idol is a calling」 is a supporting fact, I think it's a very great episode. In the first place, why did you auditioned for Keyakizaka46? Watanabe: Actually I've been interested for a long time, but I've never been called for audition even once.
— Ah-- So that was your first audition. It would be easier to enter ordinary companies....Really miracle girl, I think. Watanabe: Fufufufufu.
The last part will come.... soon, probably. I want to enjoy summer holiday~~ lol
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recentanimenews · 5 years
BOFURI TV Anime 3rd PV Introduces ED Song "Play the world" by Rico Sasaki
    In addition to the second PV featuring its OP theme song "Kyukyoku Unbalance!" (Ultimate Unbalance!) by girls idol group Junjo no Afilia, the official website for the forthcoming TV anime adaptation of Yuumikan's fantasy light novel Itai no wa Iya nanode Bougyoryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu. / BOFURI: I Don't Want to Get Hurt, so I'll Max Out My Defense. has started streaming a two-minute third PV introducing its ED theme song "Play the World" sung by 22-year-old voice actress Rico Sasaki.
  Sasaki first made her stage actress debut in 2009 when she was 11 and solo singer debut as Rico in 2014. Her first anime leading role was Kyoko in Bishoujo Yuugi Unit Crane Gale/Crane Game Girls in 2016. She is currently playing Dia / Dia Nijinosaki in the second season of Kiratto Pri☆Chan. "Play the world" is set to be released as her fifth single under the name Rico Sasaki on February 26, 2020. She sings an insert song for the anime, "Good Night," which will be also included in the single.
    3rd PV:
  / 2020.2.26 CDリリース決定! TVアニメ『痛いのは嫌なので防御力に極振りしたいと思います。』のED曲・挿入歌を担当させて頂きます???? \ これまで以上に笑顔溢れるED「Play the world」と情熱と癒しの挿入歌「Good Night」。1月から放送のアニメと共にお楽しみに✨https://t.co/stGbOXHcWT#防振り pic.twitter.com/dAJDHnP2uy
— 佐々木李子@1/13(月祝)2ndワンマン公演! (@sasakirico) December 24, 2019
    Shin Onuma (Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya) and Mirai Minato (Miss Caretaker of Sunohara-sou) co-direct the TV anime adaptation alongside series composition writer Fumihiko Shimo (How Heavy Are the Dumbbells You Lift?) and character design/chief animation director Kazuya Hirata (Miss Caretaker of Sunohara-sou). SILVER LINK. (ORESUKI Are you the only one who loves me?) works on anime production. It is set to premiere in Japan on January 8, 2020.
    2nd PV featuring the OP song:
    Its story is set in the world of the VRMMO called "NewWorld Online." The protagonist, Maple, is a newbie when it comes to games, so she allocates all of her ability points into defense power (VIT). As a result, Maple is ponderously slow, she can't use magic, and she can be kicked around even by rabbits, but she feels no pain and takes zero damage. Because of her intense focus on VIT, Maple acquires the "Absolute Defense" skill and overcomes all obstacles with her "Lethal Poison" skill, and so she goes on fun, stress-free adventures with her friends as a "Mobile Fortress-type Rookie". 
     \????キービジュアル公開????/ 主人公・メイプルはじめ楓の木が勢ぞろいしたキービジュアルも公開です✨✨ あわせて公式サイトもリニューアルしましたので、ぜひ遊びにきてくださいね????#防振り pic.twitter.com/JbK30drcLg
— TVアニメ「痛いのは嫌なので防御力に極振りしたいと思います。」公式 (@bofuri_anime) December 24, 2019
    Source: TV anime "Itai no wa Iya nanode Bougyoryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu." official webste / Twitter
  ©2020 Yuumikan, Koin/KADOKAWA/Bofuri Production Committee
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