peaches110 · 2 years
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Day 13: Blue
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just--mizu · 1 year
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Some Feral Pride characters
I haven’t watched Feral Pride in years but I just remembered it out of nowhere and decided to draw some characters, I might draw more some other day
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sbnkalny · 1 year
Tooku de kikoeru koe wo hinto ni hitori mata Hitori tachiagaru doushi Kurikaesu dake no fudan doori kutsugaesu Junbi iize are you ready? you're the first to get THEIR balls into Mr
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thelaughingmerman · 1 year
I enjoy the freedom in BOTW but I do wish there was some form of forced path in some regards. The choice to seek out the memories puts a damper on the game from the pov of someone who isn't used to LOZ games. I don't know much about Zelda and won't without the memories. But the game makes it optional to seek out the memories and idk it makes me not care as much about the ultimate quest if that makes sense?
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dummy-dot-exe · 4 months
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Easter Bunny Noise by hinto@hintobento
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hazel-van-lowe · 1 year
Some names I like: (Found in a baby names book)
Killian (Gaelic) One who is small and fierce
Hinto (Native American) Having deep blue eyes
Cafelle (Welsh) A priestess who is an oracle
Merona (Hebrew) Resembling a sheep
Tuuli (Finish) Of the wind
Neirin (Irish) Surrounded by light
Vanir (Norse) Of the ancient gods
Akona (Maori) One who excites and enthuses
Deverah (Latin) Goddess of brooms
Khai (American) Unlike the others; unusual
Firthe (Scottish) Woman of the sea
Simeen (Iranian) A silvery woman
Arno (German) an Eagle-wolf
Hanisi (Swahili) Born on a Thursday
Manzo (Japanese) The third son with ten thousand fold strength
Oddrun (Scandinavian) Our secret love
Rendur (Hungarian) One who keeps the peace
Ballari (Indian) One who walks softly
Jindrich (Czech) A great ruler
I feel like a lot of these would work for both sci-fi and fantasy
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flickynightdarkness · 3 months
Info about my Crash Bandicoot OCs
Allies with Crash Bandicoot
Oldest daughter of Craig and Marlene
Oldest sister of Tango
Allies with Crash Bandicoot
Youngest child of Craig and Marlene
Youngest sister of Charlie
Doesn't like clowns after seeing them in a circus her family and her friends went to
Henchmen/Ally of Neo Cortex
Adopted father of Ember
Elder child of Berī and Hinto
Older brother of Mandy
Adopted daughter of Sage
Created by Cortex
Allies with Sage
Aids Cortex
Hated by Sage because he was sick of her stalking him
Attempts to kill Sage's allies so that she can love him forever
Frostbitten from a blizzard in a frozen area
Friends with Sage, Quills and Ember
Created by Cortex to kill Crash
Hates Cortex for leaving him to frostbite to death
Father of Sage and Mandy
Husband of Berī
Lieutenant of his own fox army
Wife of Hinto
Mother of Sage and Mandy
Father of Charlie and Tango
Husband of Marlene
His accent is inspired by Bill Cosby
Met Marlene at a party
Wife of Craig
Mother of Charlie and Tango
Met Craig at a party
Distant cousin of Charlie and Tango
Isn't remembered by her family except Charlie and Tango, since they have known memories about her life
Distant cousin of Sage and Mandy
Hates Sage because Cortex considered him as his favourite
Has a scarred eye from being attacked by Tiny, he covers it with an eyepatch
Older brother to Slash
Younger brother of Crimson
Completly insane
Hates Sage and wants him dead for being favoured by Cortex
Distant cousin of Sage and Mandy
Younger sister of Sage
Youngest child of Hinto and Berī
Friend of Sage
Hench-rabbit of Cortex
Owns a secret lab under Cortex's lab
Uncle of Charlie and Tango
Father of Cole and Sally
Husband of Paulina
Aunt of Charlie and Tango
Mother of Cole and Sally
Wife of Larry
Cole and Sally
Cousins of Charlie and Tango
Children of Paulina and Larry
Siblings to eachother
Friends with Charlie and Tango
Member of Catz Fever
Friends with Charlie and Tango
Member of Catz Fever
Friends with Charlie and Tango
Member of Catz Fever
Member of Catz Fever
Friends with Charlie and Tango
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aberooski · 1 year
Can you imagine if Syrus' friends are just as confused as the audience regarding the fact that Syrus never snapped or became evil?
Imagine them being like, "Are you sure you don't want to go apeshit now?" quite a lot of times and Syrus always shrugging like, "Nah, not right now."
Even Zane would be a bit on the edge by the time Syrus is in charge of his recovery.
Honestly Syrus had every right to snap at some point over Zane's treatment of him. Zane treated him so bad for so long that he suffers debilitating anxiety and extremely low self-esteem and self worth. But he never held a single thing against Zane. Honestly no one did for more than a single episode for the purpose of the episodic narrative.
Syrus looks up to Zane so much that he believes everything Zane says about him is right and that he has every right to treat him as poorly as he does. He adores his brother, he loves him and idolizes him and tries so hard to make him proud and after meeting Jaden and start to gain a little more confidence and learn to believe in himself, try to prove Zane wrong.
But no matter what people still see him as being in Zane's shadow. They tackle that in episode 4 season 2: "Sad But Truesdale" one of my favorite episodes btw lol which is really the only time we see him even remotely snap or get confrontational and stand up for himself, or at least it's the first time we see that.
But the thing is, at that point he and Zane have.... sort of made amends, namely Zane telling Sy he proved him wrong about saying Sy didn't belong at Duel Academy and saying he loves him before sacrificing himself to protect him from Camula back in episode 32, but being in season 2, Zane is about to go dark himself. which therein lies the reignited of the big issue.
Because after all of that progress they made, when Zane goes dark he reverts back to not caring about Syrus but even worse than before. Even back in season 1 they try to give you hints that he might actually care about Syrus a little bit not that I believe it for a second, but now he truly doesn't care at all. Not just not caring about Syrus but not caring about anyone. But it really comes to a head in episode 95, when Syrus duels Zane to try and remind him of who he used to be, but also to prove to Zane that he's strong enough to face him and strong enough to be a true duelist. Which only serves to land him in the hospital with Zane just writing him off as weak and just as worthless and weak as he had always said he was before. Just pure emotional whiplash for Sy to deal with after the progress they started making in season 1. I literally wrote an entire one shot about it that episode fucks me up so much and makes me so mad and upset But then there's even more whiplash in season 3 because Zane comes back and protects him in Dark World and helps him work through his conflicting feelings about Jaden, and then after basically bestowing Sy unto Jay:
"You can’t leave Syrus! 😢 He needs a big brother! 😭"
"He's got one. 😌"
and telling Syrus he's proud of him he says literally nothing to Sy in the sub and I hate that just dies right in front of him.
Boom. More trauma.
And then they back pedal on his death and he's alive again in season 4 and Sy dedicates so much time and effort and attention and love hinto being his caretaker. When he has every right not to. Syrus is too good to be Zane's brother. Zane doesn't deserve him.
I know I've been blabbing on here and, but listen Sy's my favorite ever I have a lot to say akaksk 😂 Syrus had every right to snap at some point, that's my whole point, and the whole point of this whole ask I'm sorry for the whole dissertation happening here akksksk
Syrus needed to have his
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Moment at some point. He deserved to get frustrated with Zane, to hold him accountable for everything he said and did to him. I hate that no one ever held anything against Zane and just gave him a pass for his abusive behavior. Syrus can if he wants to, that's his right and his choice but the others shouldn't have allowed it to continue happening and not call him out on it more than the one time Jay did in episode 8 and then just dropped it.
I know if I were his friend I would be very surprised he hadn't snapped ever. I think they all should be surprised, but also at the same time it's just not the type of person Sy is. He gets into arguments and is confrontational with people sometimes it's Hassleberry 9 times out of 10 lol but generally speaking he's very timid and is just content with his situation because Zane has beaten him down so much over the years. If anything they would be more surprised if he did snap or go dark, but I think if he did it would open their eyes to how they contributed to the problem by not actually holding Zane accountable for his actions.
But for the sake of this scenario, I think they might even encourage him to just let loose because holding all that stuff in isn't healthy, but he'd say no even though he definitely would want to deep down.
A real:
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Kind of moment if you will. That's what they'd be trying to get him to do, but Syrus not allowing himself to let those feelings out and just having them pile up and fester while putting on the facade that he's okay and isn't angry about everything Zane put him through... yeah I think everyone should be worried and surprised that he hasn't snapped at that point and Zane should be very nervous about Sy taking the role as his caretaker. Because when he finally does snap? All I can say is yikes and good luck because when he finally does allow himself to snap in this scenario I think he would reach a really low spot because he's already there. He would just sink even lower.
They're gonna need all hands on deck to bring him back from that eruption of emotion and pain. Because letting the floodgates open to release that much hurt, I can tell you, not for the same reasons but from being hurt by people before, it's extremely difficult to close those gates again.
And one last point to that end, you know who I think would be integral to saving Sy from that? Chazz. Because he also has horrible and intense older sibling trauma and pain that he's trying to heal from himself, and it's not even all that different from his in some ways. He can understand Syrus's feelings better than anyone, and really sympathize with him and having someone who can even remotely understand his hurt would help Sy so much when he finally does snap. It would be double special too because they never really mixed all that well, but as shitty of a thing to relate to is, this they have in common. And I'd love to see them not like... trauma bond, but trauma bond if you know what I mean aksksk like kinda actually be friends. Because Jaden loves his bestie, but he and the others could only help so much because they know what he's been through, but don't really understand.
Chazz does.
Me currently typing this out:
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quillpokebiology · 1 year
Venting about my Inteleon
Look. I love Squirt 'till the end of the Earth. She was my first pokemon, and without her, I wouldn't have gotten to where I am today.
But MY ARCEUS need to vent for a sec. Because this thing has about James Pond level confidence here. She also remind me a bit of that one ditto from the one Poryflix? Their name was Double Trouble, I think.
She has flirted with everyone on my team, opponent pokeom, and other wild pokemon. She also has a crush on this one greninja named Hinto. And I have to deal with that bullshit-
She's also incredibly sneaky? Combine that with inteleons intelligence, and it becomes a whole other thing. At this point, I think she just does it for the meme at this point. (SHE STOLE MY CROSSOINT AND ATE IT RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME LITTLE DINGUS)
Plus, Squirt is a drama queen and makes a big deal out of EVERYTHING.
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(Translation: Stole my bed >:(
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penname-artist · 2 years
when I say horse phase, I merely mean the time Wind was most interested in the subject. Windlifter has always loved horses - and I'll add more notes around that further down - but he was most prominent in his interest between the ages of 10 and 16.
Also a quick warning, this is me very quickly dumping ALL of my ten plus years of horse hyper-hyper-hyperfixation history into one backstory and I am not sorry
Both his parents and grandparents have owned horses off and on, so he's always kinda been "around" horses in some manner. But his parents didn't use theirs very much and they each went to new homes around the time of their second child (cue Hinto), so Windlifter only remembers the horses at his grandmother's home growing up
The areas he grew up around had lots of riding trails and many folks owned various livestock, so people would ride around all the time (which probably instigated it)
For the longest time growing up, he held a fascination with horse things on television (ie the Triple Crown races, etc), and although he isn't able to appreciate it now, he does think fondly of the time that he did [AN: added this because I'm the same way. I used to love the horse racing thing but then when I got more into actual horse knowledge and psychology and such, the whole sport just leaves a bitter fucking taste in my mouth.]
Often spent the whole day out in the fields with Hinto, watching horses and then going off to play their games. But they kept the two things separate; from an early age they were taught to respect the animals and not scare them.
Despite the fact that he was crazy about them, his grandmother wouldn't let him actually ride the horses until he was twelve. Or at least, that was the original deal. She decided to tone back to eleven when she took account of the fact he had done everything to convince her he was ready
There were four horses in the herd she had out there, although only two were properly fit for riding. Most were older horses, former cattle herders from their ranch before her husband's passing. Since then they'd been turned to pasture and left to roam.
The one that Wind was always the most interested in was a mare named, ironically, Wind Chime. She was probably some kind of Appaloosa from her build and colors, but she was a Mustang, wild caught - which was a big part of the reason grandma very quickly implemented 1. Respect horse, and 2. Be old enough to be sensible before you do aaaaaanything with riding
Wind Chime was bay in color with points (ie dark legs and ear tips), and had blanket spots across her rear and flanks. For being a relatively short horse, she moved 'big' and had wide-footed gaits. But she was a sweetheart, and extremely responsive to the very slightest tap.
Windlifter rode with WC for a long time, mostly just around trails and things, before moving onto his first job, and eventually moving away when he started with the lumberjack thing. WC passed away before he switched to PPAA though.
Post-fire station switch, Windlifter's actually gotten himself a nice mare, with a different name and look, but a similar quality to old Chime. She's a sweet horse, also a Mustang but a bigger build, potentially a little bit of Friesian blood. He ended up naming her Doe, even though he had a whole list of really thought out cool native names, simply because his grandmother really liked deer and how horses also had those big dark eyes. So, Doe it was. [AN: Doe, a deer, a fe-male deer-]
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kirihoon · 1 year
Filipino!Todoroki as that rich af conyo guy that every friend group has. You know what I'm talking about.
"Let's lakad to Starbs na ba? I need my coffee fix na eh"
"What if we make punta sa elyu this weekend, bro? Sponti trip, bili na lang tayo food on the way."
"Let's order out na lang, i think. Huling beses na nagcook ako, the pancit canton was nasunog."
"Oh look guys, may jeep na, we should para it na! The taxi's are all puno na eh"
"Uhm manong jeepney driver, do you make hinto po ba sa may mall?"
"Let's go to BGC na pare (pronounced puhreh)"
a/n: fine! it's a bit ooc. maybe not just a bit but like let's just imagine shouto as ✨not traumatized✨ and madaldal 😇. Also try imagining Iida saying that shit, it's fucking hilarious 😂.
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gh0ztk1ssr · 1 year
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Unicorn Wars oc time!! (even tho they’re technically not ocs) I just gave those guys that were helping Azulin with his assassination names and stuff. From left to right, their names r Hinto, Clemente, Mintie, and Fern they’re all such silly fellas. Ask me anything u want abt them lol
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Miraculous Tales of Ladybug & Chat Noir
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Emeline Gaius {The Longtime Childhood Friend}-Bisexual, 15, Lawful Good
Christopher Cameron {The Blue-Eyed Guy}-Pansexual, 16, Chaotic Good
Samuel Lane {The High IQ}-Straight Ally/Transmac, 16, Lawful Good
Adan Long {The Enthusiastic Athlete}- Demiboy/Biromantic Demisexual, 15, Chaotic Good
Darcy Rogers {The Astro Loving Female}-Bisexual, 15, Chaotic Good
Jabez Rogers {The Bright Student with Mad Skills}-Asexual, 17, Lawful Good
Teagen Fuller {The Lively Cyber Chick}-Intersex/Demigender, 15, Neutral Good/Good
Sampson Gordon {The Goth Guy}-Biromantic Demisexual/Nonbinary, 16, Neutral Good
Juan Martín Andrade {The Tanned Attitude in a Can}-Bisexual, 16,  Chaotic Neutral/Neutral Good
Hanita Brown {The Strong, Silent, and Giant  Genius}- Sapphic/Butch Lebsian/Genderfluid, 16, Good
Electa Bourne {The Plays By the Rules Army Cadet}-Genderfluid/Bi-Curious/Demigirl , 16, Lawful Good
Chesiree Payne-Long {The  98 ½ Pound Brainiac}-Bi-Curious/Demigirl/Polyamorous, 14, Chaotic Good
Dwayne Galloway {The Ethereal and Mysterious Moonchild}-Abroasexual/Agender, 15, Lawful Good
Diana Brady {The Mega Queen Bee}-Mean Lesbian/Demigirl/Lipstick Lesbian, 16, Lawful Neutral/Lawful Neutral-Good
Kyong Cheon-Sa {The Very Sweet Sweetheart}-Bisexual/Omnisexual/Demigirl, 16, Chaotic Good
Jenson Davis {The Heartless Tomboy}-Achillean, 16, Lawful Neutral/Neutral Good
Joey Lee {The Cool Musician}-Demiboy/Demisexual, 16, Neutral Good/Good
Loralei  Marie Francoise Bien Aimé-Mero {The  Sassy Fashion Blogger}-Lipstick Lebsian/Girlflux, 15, Lawful Good/Neutral Good
Maximus Rich {The Total Affluent Brat}-Straight Ally, 17, Chaotic Bad 
Dawson Sharp {The Superstar Wannabe}-Pansexual, 16, Lawful  Neutral/Neutral Good
Dashanique King {The Pretty Jockette}-Demigirl/Sapphic/Transfeminine, 17, Chaotic Neutral Good
Mattie Ballard {The Gal Who’s Has a Great Personality and then Some}-Bigender/Transfemale/Demigirl, 15, Chaotic Good
Sophia Harrington {The Ultimate Sweet Gamer}-Omnisexual/Polysexual, 15, ChaoticGood
Kenji Hashimoto-Santana {The Playful Student}-Demi-Acesexual/Agender, 16, Chaotic Good 
Beckett Nà Zhōng-Chéng (Graceful Loyal) {The Guy Who’s Deep & Mysterious}-Polysexual, 16, Chaotic Good
Shaney Ross {The Devious & Dirt Disturber}-Nonbinary/Pangender, 16, Chaotic Neutral 
Patricio Santángel {The Jaw-Dropping}-Transmac/Demiboy/Bisexual, 16, Chaotic Neutral/Chaotic Neutral-Good
Solomon John {The Quiet Hunk-to-a-Munk}-Gay/Achillean, 16,  Lawful Neutral/ Lawful Neutral-Good
Isabella Alexander van Azéma {The Desirable & Classy Lady}-Aceflux/Nice Lesbian, 15, Lawful Good
Tyndall Junior Nicholas-Mathis {The Wicked DJ}-Nonbinary/Omnisexual, 15, Lawful Good 
Roméo Beauchamp {The Class Jokester}-Demiboy/Biromantic Demisexual, 15, Chaotic Neutral-Good/Chaotic Good
Noémi Hinto (Dakota)-Quint {The Determined Reporter}-Bisexual/Demigirl, 15, Lawful Neutral-Good/Good
Stanley Thomson {The Mr. Chatterbox}-Gay,  16, Lawful Good
Zephaniah Wiley-Toshiaki (Bright And Happy) {The Indie Dude}-Pansexual, 16, Chaotic Good
Prosperity Davison {The Affluent Brat’s Sneaky Cousin}-Straight Ally, 17, Chaotic Bad 
Tyndarus Maro {The Big Outside}-Arosexual, 16, Lawful Neutral/Lawful Neutral-Good
Miraculous Tales of Ladybug & Chat Noir (Belongs to and Created by Thomas Astruc)
Based on the Main Characters of Totally Spies, Danny Phantom, Total Drama Return of The Island (Belongs to and Created by David Michel & Vincent Chalvon-Demersay, Butch Hartman, and Fresh TV, Inc)
Main characters and The Drama Kids of 👑✨TALES OF GOLD QUEEN’S GOLDEN EMPIRE✨👑(Belongs to and Created by @gloomycherub-mysterious/@sullenwriter-log/@glazedwriter-mystery0014)
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taongwalangchoice · 11 months
Ako naman.
Masayang makihalubilo sa kanila, lalo na 'pag ang panahon ay kakaiba. Walang hinto ang pagsabi ng "oo" kahit pagod na, itutuloy pa rin ang pagtawa kahit may pangamba. Ako naman.
Sa pagsara ng kurtina ng kaganapan, ang langit at lupa ay muli ka na naman pinagsakluban. Ang buhay na parang gulong, hindi ba maaaring magdahan-dahan? Ako naman. Oo.
Ako, ang taong pabaya, ang taong walang ibang hiniling kundi magpasaya. Wala eh, ganun talaga pag hindi mo nakasanayan isipin ang sarili kesa sa iba. Ako o sila, kayo o ako, hindi na dapat tanungin 'yan diba?
Kamusta na ba ko? Ako naman kaya? Wag na. Ganun din naman. Depresyon na pala ang aking natuluyan nang ako'y maligaw sa mga salitang "walang anuman". Ako naman.
Ako naman sana ang kamustahin, ako naman sana ang tanungin. Dahil hindi na alam kung ano pa ang dapat gawin, sa matagal na panahon na aking pasanin.
Ang aking ulo ay aking itutungo, at ang luha at lungkot ay pilit na itatago. Kasabay ng pag ngiti sa harap ng maraming tao.
Iiyak, tatawa, di ko na alam ang dapat na maramdaman pa. Sa kalungkutan na aking nadarama, gustong gusto ko na sumuko talaga. Ipipikit ang mga mata at hihintaying iwanan na ng sariling hininga, katulad ng pang iiwan na ginawa nila.
Sana sa pagkakataon na 'yon ay may makapansin. Na ginawa ko ang ang lahat upang hindi balewalain. Ginawa ang lahat para maging tunay at hindi alisin, ang mga ala-ala at ngit na aking inihain. Upang sa ganon, ako'y hihimlay at sasabay na lang sa hangin.
Salamat sa babaeng manunulat na naging basehan ko ng mga linya. Pasensya na kung may mga linyang saktong sakto sa mga kataga mo, sakto din kasi sa kwentong nais kong ihayag.
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Floating Labyrinth - Lyrics + Translation
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Please do not repost/retranslate without permission.
(Floating Labyrinth)
瞼にキス 味わいましょう
今宵だけの秘密(スペシャル) Honey taste
とろける時間を もたらす招待状(インビテーション)
甘い香り 誘われたのなら
その程度では 足りないだろう?
Hold on to me.
(Floating Labyrinth) 落とした Kiss mark(サイン)
(Floating Labyrinth) ここまでおいで
褒美なら (Pursue) その唇
くすぐれば (Pleasure) 甘美な夢
(Floating Labyrinth) 表と裏
(Floating Labyrinth) 好きなように
Take it. 酔いしれよう あるがままに
(Floating Labyrinth)
トけない ICE CREAM 零度のプライド
簡単には辿り着けない My place
Try chanting it.
(Floating Labyrinth) 知ってるだろう?
(Floating Labyrinth) 溶かす暗号(キーワード)
踏み込めば (Pursue) もう戻れない
満たされる (Pleasure) 至高のDeep night
(Floating Labyrinth) 駆け引きさえ
(Floating Labyrinth) 戯れだと
Time-out 過ぎるまでは思うままに
真実でも偽りでも 全て心のまま
Hold on to me.
(Floating Labyrinth) 落とした Kiss mark(サイン)
(Floating Labyrinth) ここまでおいで
褒美なら(Pursue) その唇
くすぐれば(Pleasure) 甘美な夢
(Floating Labyrinth) 表と裏
(Floating Labyrinth) 好きなように
Take it. 酔いしれよう あるがままに
(Floating Labyrinth)
(Floating Labyrinth)
Mabuta ni kisu ajiwaimashou
Koyoi dake no supesharu Honey taste
Torokeru jikan o motarasu inbitēshon
Tanoshimu manā wa nozomu mama ni
Amai kaori izanawa reta nonara
Sono teido de wa tarinaidarou?
Maku wa aita bakari
Hold on to me.
(Floating Labyrinth) otoshita sain
(Floating Labyrinth) koko made oide
Hōbinara (Pursue) sono kuchibiru
Kusugureba (Pleasure) kanbina yume
(Floating Labyrinth) omote to ura
(Floating Labyrinth) sukina yō ni
Take it. Yoishireyou aru ga mama ni
(Floating Labyrinth)
Hinto wa nokku tobira no mukō
Tokenai ICE CREAM reido no puraido
Kantan ni wa tadoritsukenai My place
Okusoko made mo hoshī nonara
Abaite miseru ga ī
Try chanting it.
(Floating Labyrinth) shitterudarou?
(Floating Labyrinth) tokasu kīwādo
Fumikomeba (Pursue) mōmodorenai
Mitasareru (Pleasure) shikō no Deep night
(Floating Labyrinth) kakehiki sae
(Floating Labyrinth) tawamureda to
Time-out sugiru made wa omou mama ni
Shinjitsu demo itsuwari demo subete kokoro no mama
Hold on to me.
(Floating Labyrinth) otoshita sain
(Floating Labyrinth) koko made oide
Hōbinara (Pursue) sono kuchibiru
Kusugureba (Pleasure) kanbina yume
(Floating Labyrinth) omote to ura
(Floating Labyrinth) sukina yō ni
Take it. Yoishireyou aru ga mama ni
(Floating Labyrinth)
Let’s savour a kiss on the eyelids
A special honey taste reserved for tonight
An invitation to an enchanting time
I’ll please you just the way you wish
If you have been seduced by the sweet aroma
That much alone is not sufficient for you, right?
The show has just begun
Hold on to me.
(Floating Labyrinth) A kiss mark left behind
(Floating Labyrinth) Come here
As a reward, (Pursue) a delightful dream
In which (Pleasure) our lips touch
(Floating Labyrinth) Whichever way
(Floating Labyrinth) You like the most
Take it. Let's get drunk on each other, just as we are
(Floating Labyrinth)
A hint knocks from the other side of the door
A pride of 0 °C like unmelting ICE CREAM
My place is not easy to reach
If you want it from the bottom of your heart
I will reveal it to you
Try chanting it.
(Floating Labyrinth) You know it, right?
(Floating Labyrinth) The melting keyword
Once you set foot inside (Pursue) there’s no going back anymore
A supreme deep night (Pleasure) that leaves you completely satisfied
(Floating Labyrinth) Even bargaining
(Floating Labyrinth) Is a form of flirtation
Time-out The way you wish until the end
True or false, everything is from the heart
Hold on to me.
(Floating Labyrinth) A kiss mark left behind
(Floating Labyrinth) Come here
As a reward, (Pursue) a delightful dream
In which (Pleasure) our lips touch
(Floating Labyrinth) Whichever way
(Floating Labyrinth) You like the most
Take it. Let's get drunk on each other, just as we are
(Floating Labyrinth)
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burgerrat · 11 months
I WILL TELL YOU THE CONCEPT: young witch is trying to practice summoning ghosts for the first time to get back at a group of people targeting him and a friend at uni and harassing them at work, said friend who's not really a witch is there too but just to be supportive/encourage.
A ghost with a bad reputation and rumors of being extremely dangerous/plotting to take over the world (but is also admired by witches for how powerful he is) is summoned by accident, however he just seems annoyed that he was summoned on accident instead of just. Being evil, like one would assume given his reputation.
Tries scaring them a bit while giving his "never summon me again" speech but witch friend clings to him and begs hinto take him to his home in his ghost dimension, or wherever the hell ghosts live- and help teach him proper magic, be a mentor of sorts- his friend's apprehensive obviously given the rumors around this one dead guy, but there's nothing she can do besides watch the now-entertained entity strike a deal with him- at the cost that he gives up his life in the real world and stay in his dimension.
Obviously at first the ghost has no intention of being an actual mentor to the young wizard, if anything he played around with the idea of just eating him and call it a day. Spoiler alert: he grows soft towards the witch as he shows 0 signs of being frightened by him and is genuinely interested in his craft. He tries any way he can to scare the witch from time to time but nothing works- witch guy's either just confused or unphased completely, it frustrates him but also finds it endearing.
Ofc the witch is allowed to go back to his world to live his life while he still has it, but he deliberately goes back or intentionally summons the ghost because he wants to spend time with him.
Monster romance ensues
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