Sicktember - 'But if you stay, you'll get sick too."
Fandom: my ocs Sophie and Casper.
Words: 2116
Author's notes: Final part of the trilogy with these two. I really enjoyed writting these characters so I think they'll make a return in the future. I hope you've enjoyed them :)
Part one, part two
Rain hammered against the window, a storm had been raging for hours but it wasn’t the sound of the wind howling that woke Capser. He rolled over in bed, coughing harshly. He’d gone to bed feeling a bit run down and tired only to be woken up with a cough and fever. He shivered, pulling his duvet up around his ears, his throat felt like he’d swallowed knives and he couldn’t breathe through his nose. He knew the flu had been doing the rounds and he’d meant to get his flu shot but Christmas was a busy time for the bookshop and he’d forgotten about it. Now he was regretting it, along with every decision he’d ever made that led him to this moment. 
“hh..HHh-HGHT-Hew… hh..HH…HHhh-HGHHST-Hhw…Ew…” Casper sneezed into his cover and sniffled thickly.
He thought about trying to go back to sleep but his body had other ideas, forcing him to sit up as he coughed productively into his sleeve. He groaned, his head felt like it weighed a thousand pounds and his joints ached like an old mans, still he forced himself out of bed. Pulling his blanket with him, Casper stumbled to the sofa in search of his phone and for the first time ever he called in sick. Mr Ludwig was a good boss and even asked if Casper needed anything before telling him to get some rest and they’d speak when he felt better. Casper then too tired to crawl back to bed, curled up on the sofa still coughing and tried to sleep.
Sophie opened Wildcraft as usual, serving her normal batch of early morning customers and noting Capser wasn’t among them. They’d grown a little closer since the laryngitis incident and Sophie found she looked forward to their daily conversations.  As the clock ticked on she started to feel anxious, Casper wasn’t normally one to be late and she kicked herself for never bothering to get his number.
She tried to continue as normal though when the clock struck eleven, a full two hours after The Nook would usually open its doors and no one appeared, she decided she couldn’t ignore it anymore. 
Sophie put the ‘back in ten minutes’ sign in the window and started the walk to Capser’s flat. There was a alleyway to the right of the chinese restaurant that led to a set of stairs and then a door, Sophie could only assume it was Casper’s. She knocked at the door and waited. A few minutes passed but no one came. 
“Casper? Casper, it’s Sophie,” she knocked again, a little louder. 
There was a shuffling behind the door before it opened a crack and Casper peaked out. Even through the gap she could see he was ill, he was pale, eyes glassy with fever and his nose and cheeks were flushed.
“Soph? What’re doi’g here?” His voice was so stuffy it was almost inaudible. 
“I came to check on you and Jesus, you sound awful.”
“Thigk it’s the flu..” he had to stop to cough productively into his arm, thick and chesty. 
“No kidding, can I get you anything?” she asked. 
“I… hhHHHHH-HTGHHT-HWW… HH..hhhHH-HGZZHT-HHWW..” He sneezed harshly and shivered miserably, clutching his blanket around his shoulders.
“What I am doing letting you stand here? Go sit down before you get any worse.” 
Casper considered her for a moment, debating whether to let the almost stranger in his flat before shrugging and shuffling back to the sofa. 
Sophie followed, closing the door behind them. Casper’s flat was small but inviting, it had a little kitchen diner with one chair at a table, a bigger living room with a large sofa and a hallway which no doubt led to the bathroom and bedroom. He collapsed onto the sofa with a stuffy groan, wrapping his blanket around himself. 
“Sorry about the mess,” he croaked. 
“No, no, don’t worry about it. I’m the way who invited myself over… Sorry about that, I just got worried when you didn’t show up for work.” 
“Called in sick, first time ever. Feel like ‘m dying.. hhHHhhH-HTGZH-TSHH… HTGZHH-TSGHH… uuHUH-TISSHHEW…” Casper sneezed wetly into his sleeve which triggered a coughing fit, forcing him to upright as harsh coughs tore through his chest. 
“Oh you poor thing,” Sophie sat beside him, patting his back as he struggled to calm his breathing. 
“Well, that hurt,” Casper rasped, pushing his sweaty hair out his face. He looked so pitiful that Sophie’s heart went out to him. 
“Can I get you anything? Tea, soup, medicine?” she asked. 
“I’ll be fine, don’t worry about me.” 
“Too late for that, I’m already worried about you. No offence Cas but you sound like death.” 
Casper raised a tiny smile and coughed lightly into his fist. “Some tea would be wonderful.” 
“Okay, just try not to die while I’m gone.” 
It took a few minutes to locate everything she needed in Casper’s kitchen but she managed to make the tea. She’d used the largest mug she could fit, it was shaped like a dinosaur with the words ‘Tea-Rex’ on the side. 
“You found my favourite cup,” Casper croaked as she passed it to him. 
“Well, it was definitely the best one in the cupboard.” 
“Thank you Sophie, for everything but if you stay, you’ll get sick.” 
“Don’t worry about that, I should be getting back to the bakery anyway. I just want to make sure you weren’t dying.” 
“Not dying, just sick.”
“Are you sure you don’t need anything else?” she asked. 
Casper shook his head, sniffling. “I think I just need to sleep it off.” 
After an extra five minutes they’d exchanged numbers and Sophie was on her way back to the bakery, a queue of people had assembled outside and she had to make some lie about needing more coffee. 
For the rest of the day Sophie couldn’t get the sick man out of her head, she tried texting him at lunch time to see if he was awake but got no reply. Hopefully that meant he was sleeping. Though when the time finally came to turn the sign to closed and lock the door she still hadn’t heard from Casper. She’d tried texting him a few more times but it all came to nothing, she even tried calling but it just went to voicemail. 
Now it felt like something was definitely wrong. When she’d left him he’d taken no medicine and god knows the last time he’d eaten. The anxiety washed over her and before she knew it Sophie was out the door and on her back to Casper’s. 
When Casper woke up he somehow felt worse. It was like all his symptoms had ganged up on him. He’d fallen asleep on the sofa not long after Sophie had left, hoping it would make him feel better. Seemed he’d been wrong. His head swam as he pushed himself up and coughed miserably into his fist. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been so ill, probably when he’d had pneumonia in college and his mum had forced him to go anyway. He’d ended up spending nearly two weeks in the hospital. 
“hhHH-HTSHH-UHW… HHhhHSH-UGHHW…” Casper sneezed and reached for a box of tissues he could not remember buying. In fact his coffee table was filled with medicine that was definitely not there earlier. It was only after blowing his nose he realised that his kitchen light was on and despite the stuffiness in his ears he could hear singing. Casper dragged himself to his feet, pulling his blankets tightly around his shoulders and trudged toward the light. 
Sophie was standing in his kitchen, a pot on the stove boiling as she chopped up some veg. She hadn’t heard him approach and may not have done if he hadn’t started hacking up a lung. 
Sophie was at his side in a second, helping him over to a chair as he continued coughing, each one feeling like it was coming from the very bottom of his lungs. 
“Shh, just breathe. I’ve got you.” She fetched him a glass of water and patted his back until he was finally able to breathe though his chest felt like it was on fire. 
“Oh honey, you’re so sick aren’t you,” Sophie stroked the sweaty hair from his forehead, feeling his fever. 
“No offence but what are you doing here?” he asked, trying not to lean into her cool touch. 
“Sorry, sorry I keep barging in like this. It’s just I texted you to check you were okay and when you didn’t reply I came over. I knocked but the door was unlocked, you must have forgotten to lock it after I left and you just looked so miserable I thought I’d get you some things. I hope that’s okay..” 
She was rambling but Casper found himself smiling. “So you broke into my flat to make me soup and give me medicine?” 
“Hey, it’s not breaking in if the doors are unlocked!” 
Casper chuckled, coughing lightly into his fist. “Thank you Sophie, this is all very kind of you. No one’s ever bothered to take care of me like this before.” 
“What, never? Not even like your mum?” 
Casper shook his head and sneezed miserably into his elbow. “hhHHISH-THEWW… hhUUHHS-GSHTTW…” 
“Bless you,” Sophie passed him a pack of tissues and he blew his nose though he did little to clear his congestion. 
“And no, my mum sucks. She made me go to school even when I had pneumonia, she only relented when I passed out and ended up in the hospital.” 
“Jesus Casper, that’s terrible. I’m glad I’m not the only one in the mum sucks club though,” 
“Oh, you too?” 
Sophie nodded, turning the soup off before it boiled over everywhere. “Mine fucked off when I was four, turns out raising a kid was putting a damper on her partying.” 
“Oh shit..” Casper cleared his throat, coughing a little. “Sorry Soph,”
“It’s okay, it was a long time ago. Now how about I get you some soup? I bet you haven’t eaten today.” 
It turned out that as well as being a great baker Sophie was also an excellent cook. The chicken noodle soup was delicious, it helped clear his sinuses and sooth his raw throat.  
“That was so good, I can’t thank you enough,” Casper said, running a hand over his nose. The heat from the soup had made his nose run. 
“You’re welcome. How are you feeling now? Because you’re still looking very pale and clammy.”
“Okay, but kinda hot and sweaty,” he replied. 
“Is it okay if I take your temperature?” she asked. 
Casper nodded, coughing into his elbow. He expected her to get a thermometer but instead he felt her cool hand on his forehead again then his neck and finally his cheek. It took all his strength not to lean into her. 
“You’re still burning up, let’s get back to the sofa and some medicine in you.” 
Casper let himself be guided back to the sofa, curling up in his pile of blankets as Sophie poured him doses from various bottles. 
“Sophie, can I ask you a question?” Casper asked as she passed him a cup of medicine. She had one for everything, his cough, his fever and even one to help him sleep. 
“Why are you being so nice to me? You barely know me.” 
Sophie sighed, sitting down beside him. “Maybe because in the last two years I look forward to seeing you every day, you’re one of the few people in my life that seems to care about me and isn’t just making small talk waiting for their next train. Because maybe I want to be your friend or maybe more than that? I guess I want to figure that out, if you do.” 
Casper’s heart was in his throat, it felt everything in his life had led up to his moment and he was too sick to properly enjoy it. 
“Sophie, you’ve been the best part of my day for two whole years and… hhHH-SGXHT-uhh.. hi..hii-HITX… Ew sorry, I just mean it would be an honour to be your friend or maybe something more.” 
Sophie leant over and kissed the top of his head, bringing him in for a hug. “I might like you and all but if you give me this flu I will kill you.” 
“It would have been worth it.” 
Sophie laughed and kissed his forehead, wrapping her arms tightly around his waist. It certainly the meet-cute that either of them had imagined and it wouldn’t be the story they’d tell their grandchildren, if they ever got that far but it was the start of something, maybe, hopefully. 
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n3hmof1sh · 2 months
Hh h hhh h hhhhh h hhhh h hhhhhh h h hhh hhhhh hhhhh hhhhh hh h h h h h hh h h h h h h
I wanna cry hh h h h hhhhhhhh hh hh h h hh h h h. H h h h h h. H h h h
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77angelnumbers77 · 11 months
Panasonic Blu-Ray, 99 dollars
32-inch LCD TV, 299
LG 42-inch HDTV, 489
Everything's on sale during Christmas in
Panasonic Blu-Ray, 99 dollars
32-inch LCD TV, 299
LG 42-inch HDTV, 489
Everything's on sale during Christmas in
Panasonic Blu-Ray, 99 dollars
32-inch LCD TV, 299
LG 42-inch HDTV, 489
Everything's on sale during Christmas in
Panasonic Blu-Ray, 99 dollars
32-inch LCD TV, 299
LG 42-inch HDTV, 489
Everything's on sale during Christmas in
Panasonic Blu-Ray, 99 dollars
32-inch LCD TV, 299
LG 42-inch HDTV, 489
Everything's on sale during Christmas in
Christmas in
Christmas in
Christmas in
Christmas in
Christmas in
Christmas in
Christmas in
Christmas in
Panasonic Blu-Ray, 99 dollars
32-inch LCD TV, 299
LG 42-inch HDTV, 489
Everything's on sale during Christmas in
Panasonic Blu-Ray, 99 dollars
32-inch LCD TV, 299
LG 42-inch HDTV, 489
Everything's on sale during Christmas in
Panasonic Blu-Ray, 99 dollars
32-inch LCD TV, 299
LG 42-inch HDTV, 489
Everything's on sale during Christmas in
Panasonic Blu-Ray, 99 dollars
32-inch LCD TV, 299
LG 42-inch HDTV, 489
Everything's on sale during Christmas in
Panasonic Blu-Ray, 99 dollars
32-inch LCD TV, 299
LG 42-inch HDTV, 489
Everything's on sale during Christmas in
Panasonic Blu-Ray, 99 dollars
32-inch LCD TV, 299
LG 42-inch HDTV, 489
Everything's on sale during Christmas in
Panasonic Blu-Ray, 99 dollars
32-inch LCD TV, 299
LG 42-inch HDTV, 489
Everything's on sale during Christmas in
Panasonic Blu-Ray, 99 dollars
32-inch LCD TV, 299
LG 42-inch HDTV, 489
Everything's on sale during Christmas in
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penulisamatirsblog · 1 month
Yang tidak suka baca jangan baca || Kepanjangan hh
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Telah kita ketahui dan sepakati bicara tentang pengetahuan tidak ada buruknya, apalagi mengkaji dan memikirkannya. Akan tetapi, ketika saya merenungkan perjalan hidup, saya sangat sadar tidak cukup lama meniti kehidupan yang fana ini.
Bicara pengetahuan sangatlah luas bagaikan lautan tak bertepi, namun sayang usia kita sangat singkat untuk mengkajinya bahkan untuk mempelajari pemikir barat pun, apalagi tokoh-tokoh pemikir islam yang kitabnya super tebal-tebal.
Wahai teman-teman mediaku-----yang hanya sekedar berteman tapi tidak memberikan kontribusi like apalagi komen dan share. Saya tidak begitu paham dengan jalan pikiran kalian dari maksud pertemanan ini hhhh
Jadi begini teman-teman ghaibku, dari kata-kata yang saya tulis diatas (difoto) untuk menyampaikan kesadaran saya dari hasil perenungan akan kebiasaan-kebiasaan saya dalam membaca buku yang tidak disiplin dengan yang saya butuhkan dari pengetahuan sehari-sehari (sok kutu buku hhhh) Setelah melalui proses panjang (gaul onggu pas proses panjang) sampai saya tidak bisa lepas dari kebiasaan itu, saya kehabisan bahan bacaan (buku yang saya miliki) saya iseng-iseng nyari pdf dimedia lebih-lebih di Telegram; disitu ada grup yang memfasilitasi perpustakaan online untuk mereka yang enggan ngeluarin duit untuk membeli bukunya dari penerbit langsung hhhhh bercanda jangan diambil hati.
Nah, disitu saya ketemu buku (pdf) yang bertajuk "BAGAIMANA SEORANG MUSLIM BERPIKIR." Karena cukup menarik bagi saya sebagai seorang muslim saya download itu Pdf----untuk kalian yang ingin membaca bukunya; karya Harun Yahya yang diterjemahkan oleh Catur Sriherwanto. Penerbit Robbani Press. Ketebalan buku terdiri dari 116 lembar. Dan bertajuk "BAGAIMANA SEORANG MUSLIM BERPIKIR."
Setelah saya membacanya, ada beberapa poin yang saya dapat dan itu cukup menarik (menurut saya siiii gac tahu menurut kalian hh). Iyaaaaaa salasatu dari beberapa poin yang saya dapat ,saya buat kata-kata itu untuk merenungkan, "apa yang telah saya pikirkan mulai kemarin-kemarin"----- Jadi ingat sama murid Imam al-Ghazali yang minta nasihat pada beliau (baca kitab Ayyuhal Waladul Muhibbu) gayanya saya nyuruh-nyuruh (bahasa se gaul) baca kitab sok tahu baca kitab hhh.
Karena saya tidak cukup yakin kalau anda pasti membaca, maka saya rasa sangat perlu saya kemukakan sedikit yang saya maksud dalam kitab tersebut:
Ketahuilah, bahwa ada salah seorang murid di zaman dahulu, senantiasa berhidmat pada seorang guru besar Imam Zaenuddin Hujjatul Islam Abu Hamid Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Muhammad Al-Ghazali. Ia tidak pernah absen dalam belajar dan membaca ilmu pengetahuan di hadapannya, sehingga ia berhasil mengumpulkan ilmu pengetahuan tersebut secara mendalam. Ia berhasil menyempurnakan jiwa. Namun pada suatu hari ia berfikir tentang keadaan dirinya dan terlintaslah dalam hati kecilnya seraya berkata dalam hati, "Saya telah membaca bermacam-macam ilmu pengetahuan. Lalu, manakah ilmu yang bermanfaat bagiku esok? Dan menghiburku di dalam kubur? Dan manakah yang tidak bermanfaat bagiku sehingga aku dapat meninggalkannya?"
Pemikiran semacam ini selalu menghinggapi dirinya
sehingga ia menulis surat kepada gurunya yakni Imam Al-Ghazali. Ia menanyakan berbagai masalah, meminta nasehat, dan do'a. "Walaupun karangan-karangan Imam Al-Ghazali seperti
"IHYA ULUMIDDIN" dan sebagainya telah penuh berisi jawaban-jawaban pernyataan saya, namun saya berharap agar Syaikh menulis surat untukku, dan insya Allah akan kuamalkan isinya" begitu tulisan sang murid pada Gurunya. Akhirnya Imam Al-Ghazali membalas suratnya sebagai jawaban pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang telah di kirimkan oleh
muridnya. Dan jawaban itulah kitab tersebut yang sudah saya sebutkan diatas. "apa yang engkau peroleh pada waktu silam atau apa yang sedang anda pikirkan?" Wallaahu A'lam.
Singkat saja iya teman-teman Ghaibku biar tidak terlalu kepanjangan:
Dahulukanlah pengetahuan yang kita butuhkan (ini bagi seseorang sebagai pembaca yang aktif) dan secukupnya yang kita butuhkan (ini untuk seseorang yang malas membaca seperti anda kalau tidak disini tidak mau baca parah banget lo hhh bercanda). Karena nanti kita akan sadar sendiri "betapa banyak yang telah kita sia-siakan dari apa yang telah kita pikirkan atau yang kita kaji.
Dalam kitab Ta’lîm al-Muta’allim Tharîq at-Ta’allum karya Imam al-Zarnûji, disitu dikatakan yang paling utama sebagai penuntut ilmu mestinya mempelajari ilmu hal-----yang dimaksud ilmu hal adalah ilmu yang benar-benar kita butuhkan sehari-hari.
Tamsil: sebagai seorang muslim maka mestinya ia mempelajari rukun islamnya. Mempelajari rukun islam tidak hanya menghapal saja; rukun islam ada lima. Tapi lebih dari pada sekedar menghapal itu, semisal; pertama, syahadat. Iya kita harus mempelajari ilmu Teologi atau Tauhid; nanti mengara ke rukun Iman. Kedua, shalat. Kita harus mempelajari tentang shalat bagaimana syarat sahnya shalat dan lain sebagainya. Dan seterusnya. Iyaaa, kurang lebih seperti itu teman-teman ghaibku!!
Karena dari atas banyak bercandanya, sekarang saya mau mode serius dulu:
Nah, dari situ saya memantapkan niat dari belajar dan buku apa saja yang harus saya baca. Tulisan ini bukan bertujuan menyempitkan pengetahuan atau anti dari pengetahuan yang dikemukan oleh pemikir barat sama sekali tidak. Justru saya memberikan waktu luang untuk membacanya. Hanya saja kesadaran ini sangat menggugah saya.
Jadi, saya ingin mengajak kalian untuk merenungkan apa yang telah kita pikirkan sejauh ini atau belajar. Dan apa potensi kebaikan dalam kehidupan sekarang dan nanti atau lebih kentalnya sehari-hari.
Sudah sampai disini saja. Kalau diperlukan saya buat part2. Capek bulis panjang-panjang hh
"Coba ingat-ingat apa yang telah kita pikirkan pada suatu hari, lalu renungkan hari ini dan kedepannya, dan kita akan sadar betapa banyak yang telah kita sia-siakan dari apa yang kita pikirkan."​
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nordicbananas · 10 months
hhh. hhhh. hh. hhhhh. im hungry. i. want.
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yearning-star · 2 years
hh hhhhh h hh hhh hh hhhh h ihave to be his sugar sweet boy n
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fakedself · 6 years
"the script is gonna have some changes + at least one entirely new song” i’m losing my mind on main
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moonrabbitisgay · 4 years
Here’s the beginning of a Revalink WIP from a few months ago, feat. ADHD Revali and depressed Link because I am incapable of not projecting. When will I finish it? Will I finish it? Who fucking knows!
The first time Revali meets Link, he thinks nothing of him.
He’s so nondescript that Revali doesn’t even register his presence until Zelda’s blathering gets repetitive enough that he completely stops paying attention (she seems earnest enough, but really, she could’ve wrapped up a good five minutes ago). When his gaze inevitably slips away from her and lands on the boy standing behind her, it takes him all of five seconds to deem him even less worthy of thought than whatever’s coming out of the princess’s mouth. With a great effort, he manages to drag his attention back to her instead of just letting it wander off into the wilderness.
Just in time, too, as she seems to (finally) be wrapping up. She thanks him for his time, and he nods vacantly. She says she hopes he’ll consider her offer, and he nods again. Then she leaves, and the boy follows silently. Revali assumes he’s just a bodyguard, although he looks awfully young for the job.
Someone calls his name, no doubt wanting to know why the Princess of Hyrule had been looking for him, and instantly his mind is elsewhere. He preens himself briefly before hurrying out of his roost, eager to tell everyone all about the great, prestigious responsibility he’d been asked to shoulder.
(Maybe, just maybe, it’ll convince them to treat him with the respect he deserves.)
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astronomy-is-cute · 4 years
me wanting to post the drawings of fursonas i made for my irl friends vs the fear of them finding my tumblr: fight
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jujuoh · 5 years
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repost because I fucked up the post by trying to add a tag on mobile and it deleted the readmore and then wouldn’t let me add it back in because this website is fucking broken 
body/eye horror/g0re
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realtoasted · 5 years
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HhhHH here's a Dem drawing since I'm trying to draw her more HhH sorry for the bad lighting its late hhh
(Please don't repost anywhere and if you use any pics please give credit!!)
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f0r-evxr-haunt3d · 6 years
u shuld shw ur f4ce ugLy shit
hey sour bitch anon!!
the war is over your god (the amazing blog you came from)
has givin up! dont believe me?? 
take a look! :D 
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oh nice, they also called a follower of theirs ‘retarded’ 
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your* lol
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Alright so apparently I’m a ‘’menstrual bitch’’ ok lol
(also please tell me how talking about fictional characters that you didn’t even make, makes you an artist?) 
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and now I am also ‘’retarded’’ and ‘’autistic’’ 
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(I basically stopped caring at this point)
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ooo they really hate autistic people huh?
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I think they want to be a teacher when they get older. Nice
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lol I literally said ‘’goodbye’’ twice but they continued. 
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 and thats where it is (for now) until they decide to be hysterical and hypercritical (I know this is long but now you know its over. Everyone go follow @creepynyah for amazing quality content!) lol
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faemoria-arch · 5 years
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for someone who just had their first proper sleep in three days , i don’t feel very . . .  what’s the word ? alive .
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maruwualexexex · 6 years
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xiaoxiongmaoyuugi · 7 years
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Amusement Park 2017 scout features Twinkle Bell and POP’N STAR! Mutsuki and Runa are the LEs!
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ichorousapparatus · 7 years
wwhat i gotta do
to get famous on any fucking socail media platform ever do i need typos? do i need red circles? do i need a lack of sleep? help
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