#im hhhhh why it so warm hhh
realtoasted · 5 years
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HhhHH here's a Dem drawing since I'm trying to draw her more HhH sorry for the bad lighting its late hhh
(Please don't repost anywhere and if you use any pics please give credit!!)
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chickenkooks · 7 years
so i was reading your answer to ask and your previous answer has smth on the tag like "i wanna know if you guys read in a poker face" snsjjsjhh just to let you know i read the chapters after i got home at school at night so like i have my teddy cuddled and im wrapped in warm covers and you know that giggly 😊 face ksjsjj thats what i look when im reading hhh except when its smut im pokerface so they wont notice but what i do when i read smut is i glide my foot against the matress softly (1/2)
idk why i do that eitherndjsjhh but like idk it feels good hhhhh and when it gets to emotional scenes i go :( i get very emotional and giddy as well i giggle a lot when i readjsjsjj and when its like super good hhh i hope that made you feel a lil better and im on anon so im not embarrassed admitting it lmfao (2/2)
JA895STOILSJTGKAO;KGAIOUSGIJO THIS IS SO CUTE!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!! I WAS CURIOUS BUT U JUST FUCKING DELIVERED!!!!!! i didnt htink anyone could be all giggly reading about jungkook and the oc BUT I GUESS U CAN ANON!!!!! but this just means u enjoy the series and it brings u happiness so thank u for taking the time to tell me this!!!!! it really means the world and im happy i can bring u that happiness :-D DONT BE EMBARRASSED BUT ALSO DONT FEEL LIKE U NEED TO COME OFF ANON I 100% UNDERSTAND THAT
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gemini-exe-blog · 7 years
 tagged by @diabolic-piro​ and @doooomsday​ hhhhh
1. Always post these rules 2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you 3. Write 11 questions of your own 4. Tag 11 people
Ahhh you both tagged me ; v ; I guess I’ll answer 22 questions? 
Eggo’s Questions
1) Do u like ice cream if so what kindddd
Asdfghjkl I LOVE ICE CREAM. I’m a pretty bland person, so strawberry and plain ol’ vanilla is good enough o/////o
2) do u do extracurricular stuffs
I wish I did, but Imapieceoflazytrash I’m going to have to start next year though, apparently colleges look at how active you are and I’m currently potato level.
3) How many hours do u sleep per day
4) Wats ur favorite food omg im running out of questions help m e
shhh bby you’re wonderful I can only make instant ramen so... i guess that? imgonnadiesoyoung
5) Whats ur favorite video
Ummmm, I’m a sucker for cute things, so these videos with families revealing they’re going to have a kid really warms my heart.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2sM7tzILeE2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LwHISfFFLc
6) fav song rn?
I love the entire Hamilton sound track to pieces
7) Wat inspires u?
You :)))) and all the other amazing people I look up to
8) when ur sad wat do u do 2 cheer urself up?
I suck at cheering myself up. If I’m sad i make myself even sadder by watching or listening to something sad ; - ; I don’t know why I do this to myself.
9) how long can u hold ur breath
I suffocate after 3 seconds ; - ;
10) can u type nose with ur nose?
ka7be < I guess not lol
11) whats ur favorite thing like anything uh ok
Idk??? Um, I rlly like cala lilies??
Pearo :))
1)What do you do in your free time?
what is free time even, ; v ; I only know essays and projects
2)What’s your favorite color/s?
I like really pastel colors like lavender or a light blue green.
3)Do you have any pets? If you do, what pet/s?
I have a pair of really pudgy albino rabbits. They eat like 24/7. I used to have beta fishies but they dead ._.
4)When you are low on energy, what will you drink?
I’ve had so many energy drinks it’s probably a part of my bloodstream at this point. I’m just digging my own grave orz
5)What do you wanna be in the future?(help i dunno what to ask)
Ummmmmmm I’m aiming to be a game designer, but my back up plan is to be an animator of some sort. If that doesn’t work out, maybe a journalist? I’m really indecisive hhh
6)What’s the craziest thing you did?
In middle school, I decided to join a musical on a whim. I have many regrets :)
7)What kind of music do you like?
My tastes are all over the place, but my obsession for the past two years is HAMILTON
8) Pc or Console?
9)What scares you the most?
Spooders. PLs. They are cool to look at but I don’t wanna touch it. I hate killing things, no matter how disgusting they are ; - ;
10)Whats the sentence/words you say most of the time? (example: I say shit happens a lot)
My catchphrases aren’t really words, they’re more like incoherent dying whale sounds. I do say “hhhhhh” a lot though hahahaha o//v//o
11)What flavor do you like? (in food)
I like sour tasting foods as well as the salts becauseimrllysalty
Uhhhh question time?
1. Are you a morning person? 2. What’s a weird fact about yourself? 3. Places you wanna travel to before you die? 4. Any pet peeves? 5. What would you want engraved on your tombstone? 6. Uhhhh, what is the color of your shirt right now? 7. What’s your favorite flower?? Um 8. If you were a mythical creature, what would you be? 9. What languages can you speak or which to you want to learn how to speak? 10. When you die, what do you want to go down in history as? 11. Ummmm, what’s a terrible pick up line that you know?
hhhh I taggggg:
@suzukamizuchi @harmonia99 @crystal-pandora @thing-we-love @xxwindlightxx (ahhh, I know you guys just tagged me, but I have like no firends ; v ;) @diabolic-piro @diabolicegghead
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okaypie · 5 years
Asks 1-50
im gonna gun whoever this is down
What’s your favorite thing about yourself? i have,,,good choice in clothes n now i smell like peaches due to my mom going ham w peach scented stuff for me (also getting me a dress w peaches on it, someone stop her)
What’s the best joke you know? ok im only good at one-liners so here’s a recent one: “KERMIT THE FROG HERE AND I LOVE SENSELESS VIOLENCE” also: “the only man that can eat THIS pussy? Is Jesus”
If you could only have one of your non-canon OTPs become canon, which would it be and why? hhhh i don’t actually do a lot of shipping anymore but i might get back to u on tht
What’s your dream vacation? AMSTERDAM/THE GREEK ISLANDS,,,
If you have a girlfriend, what’s the cutest thing she does? If you don’t, what’s something you do that you think is super cute? tbh i don’t really know!
How do you prefer to spend your free time? uhhh sims and recently i’ve been scouring monologues to prepare for class next semester lmao
What’s a random fun fact that you learned recently? the play by the title “Slave Play” that’s hitting broadway and the writer/director has made it to where 10,000 seats will only cost $39 bc he remembers growing up without access to see shows and knew that some of his friends wouldn’t beable to afford broadway tickets, it’s very good i think
When you play truth or dare, do you tend to choose truth or dare? Why? I tend to choose truth only bc i tend to get too embarrassed to do dares ppl give me and it Feels Bad Man
What’s your favorite thing about being sapphic? yall seen sapphic aesthetic? it’s nice, soft hands, lavender,,,very good (it’s not every saph but its what I like yknow)
Who was your first lady crush? HHH like most of the girls from the band Little Mix
If you’re out, who was the first person you told? The last? (If you aren’t out, who is the first person you want to tell?) the first person i told was my sister Jakie, the last person i told was? i cant remember lmao,,,ppl don’t normally ask or i just don’t feel the need to, if they are curious i’ll tell them but otherwise if i’m dating a girl they’ll figure it out
What scares you the most about the future? Global Warming! Also money
Do you have a type? If so, what is it? Freckles, messy hair, good smiles n good music
Funniest childhood pet story? i had a dog named oliver (he was my stepmoms dog but yknow) and he used to chase me around the house bc he got too excited. I was like,,,six maybe
What’s your aesthetic? Modern 50s fashion if that makes sense lmao, 
What’s your idea of a perfect date? Have you been on it yet? I don’t really have one, i’d like to be taken somewhere nice tho i’ve never been on a date like that before. 
What does your favorite color remind you of? Sunflowers
Quiet studier or loud studier? Quiet for the most part
Coffee, tea, or energy drinks? Tea
What’s your stance on glitter pens? 10/10
Do you believe in love at first sight? no, love takes time
Who knows you the best and how did they get to know you? gaytown, i’ve known them for a few years now n we’re all p open with each other lov them
What’s your favorite question to ask? To answer? anything abt music lmao,,mostly playlist stuff
Do you like camping? Sometimes! I don’t very much like bugs but i like nature so it’s a 50/50 deal
Cats or dogs? (Hamster is an acceptable answer) Cats!
What does your dream house look like? Cottage in the woods w nice flowers around it and we have a cute lil fireplace 
What’s your random, useless superpower? I’m good at digging up music ppl haven’t heard of/finding songs i know my friends will like. I’m also decent at reading ppl
Tell me about the most beautiful thing you can think of right now. wildflowers
If you could only hear three songs for the rest of your life, what would they be? Hey fuck this question i think, 
What’s the most stereotypical gay thing you do?? (Besides being attracted to women) hhhhh hands
If you could time travel without any negative consequences, would you? Would you change anything? i would and it’d be for selfish reasons but i want things to not be as shitty lmao
What were you most afraid of as a child? Are you over that fear? loud voices and i’m still scared by them but i can control myself enough tht if i need to i can keep my voice level and talk to them like the child they’re being
Favorite mythical creature? fairies
Have you ever dyed your hair an “unnatural” color? Would you? I have!! I dyed it blue w green, purple, and dark blue streaks n some of it glowed in the dark
What’s your favorite book? The Night Circus or The Little Prince
If you could live inside one fictional world, what would it be? let me live in the night circus universe it slaps
Most embarrassing story? No,
Proudest moment? 
What’s the most comforting smell you can think of and what does it remind you of? Maple n it reminds me of my grandmas house
Do you like fluff or angst more?Fluff
What’s the last thing that made you smile? Alexis calling me a human peach
What’s the first thing that draws you to a person? (Romantic or platonic or both) Are they funny? Are they chill? Do they give off a good vibe?
Your favorite place to be kissed? cheek
What’s your opinion on zoos? That’s a whole can of worms tbh, it depends on the zoo they’re not all the same
Do you have any siblings? Are you close? Many, all sisters, and jakie is the only one i actually like ngl
Did you have a favorite movie that you would watch over and over as a child? What was it? It was tuck everlasting and also the third cinderella movie
Do you have any tattoos? If not, do you want any? If so, what are they? I don’t n i do want some
What’s your go-to hairstyle? Brushed or up in a ponytail
What’s your favorite flower? Poppies
Are you the first person to fall asleep at a sleepover or the last? Or somewhere in between? Usually the first i am a week beech
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