#HES MY ONLY HOPE šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
bananayuyu Ā· 2 days
Making a Mess
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Pairing: Mingi x f reader
Genre: smut
Word count: 1.3k
Summary: Being on stage makes Mingi really, really horny. Luckily you're backstage to help him out.
Warnings: MDNI, smut, public sex, unprotected sex, bodily fluids making a mess on the floor...
A/n: Heard an audio on here today and well... my brain started working overtime. I need him to destroy me. My bestie challenged me to write something short finally šŸ˜­ hope you enjoy! <3
Being on stage always had an affect on Mingi, one visceral and tangible, obvious even to fans with a keen eye. The lights, the production, the sea of screaming people chanting his name, it all riled him up more than anything. Staring out at the massive arena, the music deafening loud as he rapped through ragged breaths, his nerves were on fire. Exiting the stage he ripped off his jacket, lumbering quickly towards the changing rooms on his way to find you.
You, his companion on tours. His close... friend? Not really. No one asked questions, least of all you two. But you knew why you were here, why he needed you patiently waiting with the rest of the staff, ready to help him at a moment's notice.
"Y/n," Mingi huffs as he busts through the door, his lungs heaving from the heat he's feeling, his makeup making his eyes look dark and demanding. A small smile sneaks onto your lips as you rise, following him out into the hall, a sprinkling of random people wandering past you at varying speeds. You've both been in this arena a few times before, and you know exactly where he's taking you. He's got about seven minutes before he needs to be back onstage again, so it can't be too far. Not that either of you are thinking about that right now. You duck down another small hallway and then his hands are on you, pushing you against the wall by your hips, his open mouth colliding with yours as you both sigh in anticipation, tongues roaming each other's mouths. You can hear a pair of shoes squeaking down the perpendicular hallway, a small golf cart running by somewhere in the distance. You're not really covered here but it doesn't matter. It only adds to everything.
Mingi pulls back with a nip to your lower lip, burying his face in your neck as he snakes his hands underneath your shirt, squeezing over your entire body while biting down, marking you just like he did a few days prior, where a small yellow bruise is still healing. A small yelp escapes your lips at the pain, your entire body buzzing with pleasure as he so aggressively plays with you, making your knees weak. Not wanting you to fall he moves to grab your waist, lifting you up the wall as you wrap your legs around his hips to anchor yourself. At this angle you can feel how hard he is, just like everyone saw moments ago on the big screen.
"Was it a good set?" you ask breathlessly, your faces only inches apart.
"Fuck yeah," he responds before kissing you again, a hand coming to rest behind your head as he pushes into your mouth even further, reveling in the feeling of your warm tongue on his. "Fuck I needed this," he groans, his other hand gripping your hip to help support you, his hips grinding into yours as he tastes your sweet lipgloss, your perfect eyes shut in pleasure as he digs his hand into your soft flesh. Soon he's unbuttoning his pants, your hands coming to rest on his shoulders as he holds you up with just his hips. He's unzipping hastily, desperately grabbing at his cock to free it, squeezing his shaft as he lines himself up with you. Your exercise shorts are just loose enough, with no underwear underneath of course, for him to push them to the side and reveal your soaking cunt, your body getting worked up long before he came and got you. Shakily he lines himself up with your entrance, his blood pumping through him so fast as he slowly pushes in, the stretch immaculate.
"Fuck, Mingi," you whisper, shocked every time by how big he is, how good it feels. Slowly he starts rocking his hips into yours, your wet pussy making lewd noises echo down the hallway. Moving his hands back to your hips Mingi lifts you just a bit higher, giving him the perfect angle to start fucking you hard, the wet noises replaced by the slapping of skin, over and over and over.
"How are you always so wet?" he groans in your ear, his mouth nipping at your lobe and making you whimper. Pulling back he watches your face from just inches away, loving the way your brows are scrunched up and your mouth hangs open as you try not to moan too loud. Your body bounces with the force of his thrusts, your hands still anchoring on his shoulders as he pounds into you even harder, his grip on your hips so strong it will surely leave bruises. Your pussy clenches down on him as he hits your cervix repeatedly, ripping little orgasms out of you over and over, your legs shaky as you hold onto his hips for dear life.
"God, you drive me fucking- fuck- crazy," he whispers in your ear, his cock throbbing from the feeling of your wet walls squeezing down on him. "You cum so fast on my cock," he groans, his head spinning as his climax quickly approaches. You've already fallen over the edge multiple times, your body shaking hard now as you just try to hang on, unable to respond to him as you keep yourself from screaming into the open hall. He's absolutely ravishing you, his movements sloppy as he chases his pleasure, your wetness dripping down onto his pants, the floor. Suddenly his orgasm washes over him, his hips stuttering before coming flush with yours, as he shoots deep inside you, his cum filling you with warmth. It's a lot, too much for your pussy to contain, and small amounts start dribbling out of you already, even with his cock still buried inside you.
"Fuck, what would I do without you," he sighs into your hair, kissing your forehead before moving to your lips. He moves his hands around your back, pulling you up towards him in an embrace as you breathe hard. Your arms rag doll down to your sides as you sigh, your head resting heavy on Mingi's shoulder, and he chuckles. "You good?" he whispers, and you nod your head in response. You nuzzle your face into his neck more, making him pause for just a moment, letting a bit of time pass with you both still entangled.
And then it's finally time for him to slowly pull you off of him, both of you watching as the rest of his cum drips out, down your legs and onto the floor, leaving a small puddle. There's a smirk on his face but your cheeks are bright red with embarrassment, even if this wasn't the first time that's happened. For a brief moment his chest tightens, knowing that you find it a bit mortifying letting him have you so publicly. It's all so hot and so shameful all at once, making you quiet and shy, and with your eyes on the ground your hand on his arm is the only sign that you're still wanting him next to you.
"Come on," he says, helping you start to move the rest of the way down this small hall that had a bathroom at the end of it. This really was the perfect arena for this, given the out-of-the-way private bathroom. You wish all of the arenas they toured had this set up. Your legs wobble as you make your way down, Mingi's hold the only thing from preventing you from falling. And then you're finally there by the door, about to swing it shut when he gently grabs your shoulder turning you around. His eyes are swimming with satisfaction as your face meets his, and he leans down to pull you into a kiss again, this time sweet and gentle.
"Mingi, get your ass back here!" you hear a voice scream from down the hall, the sound sharp from ricocheting off the brick walls. And just like that he's gone down the hallway, running on somewhat shaky legs of his own. But not before planting one final kiss on your nose, making your stomach light with butterflies, your core clenching from the sweetness.
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chososcamgirl Ā· 3 days
(SHEā€™S) JUST A PHASE CHAPTER EIGHT: choose your fighter!
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She tossed her phone onto the bed, the sound echoing in the silence of the room, and buried her face in her hands, a deep sigh escaping her lips. Why couldnā€™t her friends find it in themselves to be happy for her? Sukuna had his flawsā€”plenty of themā€”but so did she. They had both stumbled through their relationship and while she didnā€™t want to return to that tumultuous past, the ache of loneliness was becoming harder to ignore.
She thought about the way he made her feel, the intoxicating blend of exhilaration and vulnerability that surged through her in his presence. His touch was a sanctuary, enveloping her in the warmth that felt both safe and electric as if every heartbeat synchronised with the unspoken connection they shared. It was in those moments that she felt seen, cherished, and undeniably alive; yet the aftertaste of that sweetness was often tainted by his erratic behaviour.
God, why did he have to be such a cunt? If only he had shown a hint of consideration, if only he hadn't allowed his insecurities to seep into their moments together, this decision would have been made hours ago. She could have stepped forward with clarity instead of being mired in confusion, torn between the yearning for his touch and the frustration of his thoughtlessness. Each time she recalled the warmth of his embrace, it came with the sharp sting of disappointment, a reminder that the comfort he offered was often shadowed by his lack of commitment.
It was a painful paradox-craving his closeness while grappling with the reality of his emotional distance. In that swirling tumult of feelings, she found herself caught in an endless cycle of hope and disillusionment, desperate for a resolution that would allow her to either embrace him in a way that wouldnā€™t leave her feeling like shit.
Her thoughts shifted to Megumi. He had offered in a way that made her heart race, the implication lingering like a whisper. She bit her lip, contemplating the choice before her. Megumi would be a far better option than Sukuna; he had a steadiness about him that she found comforting.
Flipping onto her stomach, she buried her face in the pillow, muffling a scream of frustration. Here she was, torn between dignity and desire. Should she text Sukuna and risk reopening old wounds, or reach out to Megumi and swallow her pride? The options felt like a cruel jokeā€”two paths that led to equally undesirable destinations. Yet, amidst the chaos, she understood one thing: sometimes a girl had to make choices that didnā€™t feel right, simply to find a moment of solace in the storm.
Finally, she raised her head from the indent in the pillow, her thoughts swirling with a mix of reluctance and resignation. Swallowing her prideā€”and the certainty that she would regret this moment laterā€”she reached for her phone, fingers trembling slightly as she opened iMessage. The soft, rhythmic clicks of the keyboard filled the quiet room as she typed one of the most clichĆ©d and overused lines of the 21st century, a phrase as worn as her emotions felt.
Her finger hovered over the ā€œsendā€ button, a moment stretching into what felt like an eternity. With a heavy breath, she finally succumbed to the impulse and pressed it.
Read at: 9:47 PM
Well, that was fast. Had he been waiting for her to text him all along? The notification blinked before her, a stark reminder of her vulnerability and the tangled web of choices she had woven. A mixture of anticipation and dread coursed through her, leaving her to wonder if this moment would be the beginning of something newā€”or a replay of the past.
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ā€¢ the enemies to lovers is STRONG in this chapter
ā€¢ honorary toge brainrot reference
ā€¢ more cameos (also guys please do not ask for a cameo bc itā€™s filling up my inboxšŸ˜­ in the most nicest way possible just let it be please <3 if i want you to be featured i will, keep in mind not every chapter will have a cameo)
ā€¢ more stsg propaganda because THEYRE CANON IDC
ā€¢ yuta being whipped part 73
ā€¢ yuji def put all the new fans onto his fav horror movie recs (hereditary and i am legend)
ā€¢ the girls are FIGHTINGGG (and not in a good way)
ā€¢ yn being a bitch to maki on GOD sheā€™s pissing me off like why is yn putting dick first
ā€¢ maki being nothing but sweetheart part 119
ā€¢ nobara cooking us #wedeserveit
ā€¢ maki left the apartment and went to yutaā€™s after for someā€¦ therapy šŸ˜Š
a/n: iā€™m really edging you guys with the last part THIS IS SO FUNšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ take your vote now! did we cave into daddykunaā€™s text.. or did we say fuck it and text megumi.. find out in 6 days!! <3 this was also probably my favourite chapter to write so far GUYS ITS JUST GETTING STARTED
taglist: @shokosbunny @luvvmae @catobsessedlady @satoryaa @prozacprinc3ss @essjujutsu @therealsatorugojo @yeehawslap @gojodickbig @dawnisatotalqueen @j2upiters @nappingnai @lalalasillybilly3000 @totallytatum @3cst4syy @lysaray @saltypuffin1040 @aozui @noodles-icetea @makeshiftproject @kurtcobaingirlie @kokoiinuts @renbittt @dashingaurries @slvttycorpse @cuupidsss @mochroialainn @tenjikusstuff4 @oroborosttheiii @ichcocat @laughingfcx @drugzforyou @sugurubabe @allthestarsarecloserrrrrrr @tyigerz @yoyo-yui @megoomies @yizmiu @jasminasblog22 @yomamablazeit @marst4rz @guitarstringed-scars @qtnfer @kalulakunundrum @lovefrominaya @beepbopzlorp @iheartlindz @itsdragonius @meguemii @chilichopsticks @7kn0wn @starantulas @1l-ynn @pastriepuppy @rcveriees @solaqes @starrysho @sukunaspillow
*if i can't tag you please change your tag settings otherwise i will remove you from the list!
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janumun Ā· 2 days
Faaaaa my babyyyy, I'm here as promised. šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ We already talked about this in dms and you seemed so interested so can you write the lads men reacting to mc's death, please pretty please
When You Are Gone [All LaDS Men - Angst Headcanons]
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Rated: SFW - Angst Tags: hurt/no comfort, poorly dealing with the death of a loved one
Summary: The LaDS men dealing with the aftermath of your death, in the heartbreaking messages they leave in your voicemail almost regularly even long after youā€™re gone, in an effort to cope with your loss.
Authorā€™s Notes : Hey darling, absolutely! Here you go.Ā Hope you enjoy (?). šŸ˜­ This headcanonā€™s a bit differently formatted because I was inspired by the gameā€™s speech to text function.Ā 
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TW: knowingly putting oneself in danger, mortally wounded Sylus, insomnia, mild spoilers for Razorā€™s Grip ASMRĀ 
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Hey there! Youā€™ve reached my voicemail, which is a rare occurrence. That either means I do not know recognize your caller ID. Orrrr you are a certain infuriating Boss Man, trying to calling me up at all ungodly hours of the night again. Whoever you are, leave a message after the beep and Iā€™ll get back to you ASAP.Ā Ā 
A heavy snort of sour laughter rolls past bruised lips, to hear the familiar automated sound of your voice playing on the other end of the line; one Sylus does not tire of no matter how many times heā€™s heard it. A thick, punishing burst of pain fractures across his torso when he chokes up on the blood gurgling within his throat.Ā Ā 
Sylus reaches to curb the sound within a bloodied fist, clearing his throat to speak once more.Ā 
I suppose I did deserve all your reprimands, seeing as I am still calling you way past your bedtime, kitten. Ā 
His voice lowers an octave, slow, gentle.Ā  Ā 
I hope youā€™re having a good dream.Ā 
Iā€™m only calling because you told me to let you know anytime Iā€™d be away on a risky mission. A hushed chuckle sounds on the other end of the line.Ā Ā 
You'd practically ordered it of me ā€” do you remember?Ā Ā 
The night when you grabbed me by the lapels and asked me to not make a deal all on my own, ever again. That you worried for me whenever I was gone and you wanted to know the next time I planned on taking a mission, of this caliber.Ā 
Youā€™d willingly walked back to me and since then, I have always made space for you, just like youā€™ve wanted.Ā 
Iā€™ve kept up my end of our bargain.Ā Ā 
A guttural moan of pain sounds through the otherwise quiet of the night.Ā Ā 
These wounds of mine... functioning without sleep for this long, and a poor decision made on my end, the combination was bound to have consequences.Ā Ā 
His chuckles knell throaty, labored.Ā 
And now, all I wish to do is sleep.Ā Ā 
A lengthy silence follows after, making one believe the user on the other end of the line mightā€™ve cut the call. Or fallen asleep in exhaustion of his wounds, like he said.Ā Ā 
Before that gentle burr of his sounds once more.Ā 
You know I canā€™t die, sweetie, unfortunate as that is in this moment.Ā Ā 
But I do have a wish for when my body inevitably loses its awareness for the short time it takes to recuperate.Ā Ā 
I hope, Sylusā€™s voice softens. that when I close my eyes this time, I get to see you in my dreams.Ā Ā 
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TW: allusions to embalming a body long after death, mentions of a protocore heart that continues to function even after the hostā€™s death, denial of griefĀ 
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Hi, youā€™ve reached my voicemail. I am currently unavailable but drop me a message and Iā€™ll get back to you, stat.Ā 
A quiet insouciant voice ā€” the clearing of a throat ā€” begins on the other end of the line.Ā Ā 
Akso Hospital Log 171, the time right now is 4:17 AM. The hostā€™s heart continues to function, although its less-than-optimal cardiac output remains at 1L per min. A pulse rate of 13 beats per min has been documented today. A slight decrease from its value yesterday, recorded at 17 beats per minute.Ā Ā 
A brief pause.Ā 
Does it bother you to hear me speak of you this way? Iā€™m sorry. A mere force of habit on my part. You are my patient, after all. Documentation must be precise, and to the point, for our research to progress, if we are to have even a sliver of a chance at resuscitating your heart.Ā Ā 
I have hope we will succeed; I will do my utmost as a doctor so that we may save you.Ā Ā 
Another pregnant pause.Ā 
Do you too think I am foolish for my efforts?Ā Ā 
Greyson accosted me in the hallways tonight after my scheduled surgery and he seemed so... incensed. For being unable to give up on you, for crossing a line, to not get overtly attached to any of our patients, he said it was a clear violation of our Oath and called it my professional failing. And afterwards... he implored that I give up now.Ā Ā 
Someone once asked me, long ago: if I would go beyond death to try and bring back the person I loved, were they to pass away. And I answered that I would not, a desecration of the dead is not something Iā€™d wish to do. Or wish upon the deceased. I would rather divert all my efforts to ensuring they would live, that their heart would continue to beat healthy.Ā Ā 
So, in retrospect, it is Greyson whoā€™s strange in expecting my willing defeat, without having even tried to the best of my capabilities. Not when your heart still continues to beat.Ā 
I do, however, miss you... very much, even though hope remains in my heart.Ā 
When the day comes that you wake up, I hope you do not have to suffer like this, ever again.Ā 
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TW: gradual loss of vision, self-blameĀ 
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Hi, hello! Iā€™m unable to answer your call at the moment but hey, feel free to drop me a voice message and Iā€™ll get back to you soon. Bye-bye!Ā 
A sharp inhale; as if the person on the other end of the line is wracked by sudden, vicious pain.Ā Ā 
Before the sound smoothens out, as if it had never been. An airy voice begins, although the nonchalant inflection to his tone sounds odd, all wrong ā€” a fact the recipient of the voicemail wouldā€™ve been able to parse instantly, were they still around.Ā 
Hey cutie! Itā€™s me again, your favorite person in the entire world.Ā Ā 
Sorry about that earlier, I always get a bit startled whenever I hear you say good-bye in that crazy adorable voice.Ā Ā 
Since yā€™know, the very last time we met, you never told me you were leaving.Ā 
Silence descends.Ā Ā 
It really feels like itā€™s been another 800 years, I fear the fish will actually start flying and the whales will start walking this time.Ā Ā 
Only, I donā€™t think youā€™re coming back this time, are you?Ā Ā 
My bride can be so cruel sometimes.Ā 
A humorless laugh.Ā Ā 
Anyyyyway, Iā€™m dropping a voice note today because my eyesightā€™s been acting up a bit latelyĀ so I canā€™t really leave you a text like I usually do.Ā Ā 
And before you scold me about it, I know Iā€™m not supposed to be painting this long but Iā€™m close to completing this new painting of youĀ and I canā€™t rest until itā€™s done and dusted.Ā Ā 
Donā€™t hate me for it, pretty?Ā 
A pleased, wistful sound.Ā Ā 
I really wish you were here so I could show it to you right now.Ā Ā 
A strident crash sounds in the background of the caller as paintbrushes overturn along with a color palette; garnet red and deep purple staining his floor a macabre color Rafayel cannot perceive in that moment.Ā Ā 
Whoa, now thatā€™s gonna leave a mess from the sounds of it.Ā Ā 
Whatever, Iā€™ll clean it up later once I get my sight back.Ā Ā 
The point is, cutie, Iā€™ll share a snap of the completed painting with you once itā€™s done.Ā Ā 
Be prepared to be absolutely blown. So dazzled you fall head over heels in love with me.Ā 
And then perhaps... return, if you like it and me enough.Ā Ā 
His sigh is steeped in mild vexation.Ā Ā 
Waiting hurts.Ā Ā 
Having you not remember our time together, in every lifetime we meet, hurts. It really is all your fault, you know.Ā Ā 
A soft, disgruntled moue you can hear within his words.Ā Ā 
But I hope, in our next life, we donā€™t cross paths.Ā Ā 
That way, you wonā€™t be forced to sacrifice yourself for my sake, ever again, you silly girl.Ā Ā 
A throttled sound; it almost sounds like a wretched moan of pain.Ā Ā 
I donā€™t want our bond to shackle you down anymore so I think... Iā€™ll let you go now.Ā Ā 
A human like you far suits the sun, not being saddled down below within turbulent seas.Ā 
So, this will be our final farewell now.Ā 
The words nearly scraped free of his throat on a rasped sound.Ā Ā 
Goodbye, my beloved bride.Ā 
I lovedā€”Ā 
Beep. Your message has been recorded and sent.Ā Ā 
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TW: very brief traumatic remembrance of your demiseĀ 
Hi hi! Youā€™ve reached the ever-diligent Miss Hunterā€™s voicemail. Iā€™m probably out on a mission right now so Iā€™m unable to respond but Iā€™ll get back to you ASAP if you drop me a message instead!Ā Ā 
A soft chuckle warms the air in fond recollection to hear your voice. The knot of Calebā€™s brow furrowing deeper as he tries to imprint that cheery voice into his skull to overwrite the sounds of your pained screams still knelling within his ears.Ā Ā 
Before he clears his throat to begin.Ā Ā 
Hello to you too, pipsqueak.Ā Ā 
Itā€™s your 25th birthday today and I thought Iā€™d record this little memento for us.Ā 
Happy Birthday, my tiny hurricane of disaster. I really miss you, you know, even if you donā€™t seem to.Ā Ā 
He chuckles in resignation.Ā 
I shouldā€™ve let you bother me more often if I knew you were going to be this terrible at keeping in touch with your best friend later.Ā Ā 
We really didnā€™t have much time together once I returned from my posting abroad. Work kept you so busy.Ā Ā 
I shouldā€™ve scolded you more often about taking appropriate breaks in between missions. God.Ā Ā 
A gentle laugh resounds on the other end of the line.Ā 
Reprimanding you like a dad used to be Zayneā€™s job among us three, not mine.Ā Ā 
The tiniest of fractures slip into his voice.Ā 
Anyway, Iā€™ve kept to my side of the bargain we made while I was away from Linkon; to leave you regular voice messages about my day and I guess the habitā€™s just... stuck.Ā Ā 
I visited the grocery store earlier to shop for ingredients to whip up your favourite parmesan risotto tonight.Ā Ā 
It was almost like you were with me, you know.Ā Ā 
With each item I passed by; from the strawberries you love to inhale to your favourite cola displayed, front and center, within their fridge. I almost picked one up for you before Iā€”Ā 
He visibly halts himself, his breathing somewhat erratic. Before he resumes once more.Ā 
That nice kid youā€™re friendly with was manning the counter today and he recognized me almost instantly. All thanks to being towed around the Supermart with you, no doubt.Ā 
He even gave me a nice discount on the items when I told him I was whipping up a birthday dinner for you.Ā Ā 
A short pause.Ā 
The risotto was pretty good, if I do say so myself. I wish you couldā€™ve tasted it too.Ā Ā 
Sorry I didnā€™t bake a birthday cake for you this year because itā€™s just me in the house now.Ā 
I donā€™t have a certain cute girl, with a crazy sweet tooth, to eat it with me and you know Iā€™m not really fond of sweets.Ā Ā 
His voice drops into a hushed sound, wrought with emotion.Ā 
Time flew by so fast. It seems like only yesterday when we were both kids, huddled around a coffee table with you trying your best to blow out the candles on the cake Grandma baked for us on your birthday.
He laughs softly.
You had a difficult time growing up because of your heart but you were always so brave.Ā Ā 
I wish I couldā€™ve spoiled you more often. If only I knew then that our time together would be so short.Ā Ā 
His voice breaks into a slight tremor.Ā Ā 
Your Caleb really misses you... every day of my excruciating life.Ā 
But... I hope that now...Ā wherever you are, you arenā€™t in pain anymore.Ā 
If there is a life after this one, I hope you let me find you in it, too.Ā 
I love you, little spitfire.Ā Ā 
End of voice message.Ā 
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TW: space travel, personal logging of a journey, self-imposed isolation and neglect
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Hi there, youā€™ve reached my voicemail as Iā€™m unable to attend your call at the moment. Leave a message after the beep and Iā€™ll be sure to get back to you soon!Ā 
Hi to you too, angel.Ā Ā 
Itā€™s been a while since Iā€™ve left you a message, hasnā€™t it?Ā Ā 
Iā€™m sorry, Iā€™ve been facing some turbulence anomalies ever since my ship hit the Bodeā€™s galaxy so Iā€™ve been a bit occupied.Ā Ā 
Where were we last time?Ā Ā 
Ah, I told you how Jeremiahā€™s shop has been thriving on Earth lately, because I remembered you saying you wanted to know how he was doing the last time we spoke.Ā Ā 
You never got the chance to see for yourself after.Ā Ā 
He pauses.Ā Ā 
I didnā€™t want to tell you at the time because you and Jeremiah really seemed to be growing close as friends and that bothered me.Ā Ā 
Forgive me?Ā 
A shift of gears sounds within the quiet interior of the spaceship as Xavier adjusts a few controls.Ā Ā 
I know these logs will never reach you but I still want to talk to you about our journey.Ā Ā 
I never...Ā Ā 
His voice drops; the sliver of a whisper.Ā Ā 
got to show you this small planet I found while out on my travels, a long time ago. I named it Uluru. Itā€™s a red rock planet, you see.Ā Ā 
I told you about it once and you said youā€™d really like to go see it someday. ā€œXavierā€™s own planet,ā€ you said.Ā Ā 
I think you were teasing me then. But I wanted to tell you, itā€™s not just Xavierā€™s planet but ā€œXavier and MCā€™s little planetā€.Ā Ā 
I didnā€™t have the chance to show it to you while you were stillā€”Ā 
A violent catch of breath followed by a soft curse, cleaves through the quiet.Ā 
A low exhale before that quiet voice picks up once more.Ā 
Uluru is reaching the end of its life soon after all these lightyears and I wanted to go together with you to see our planet one last time before it died.Ā Ā 
As for what Iā€™ll do after...Ā Ā 
A pause and a thoughtful hum, follows.Ā 
I think Iā€™ll stay there once Iā€™ve witnessed its demise.Ā Ā 
Earth no longer has any springs for me to return to now that youā€™re gone and Philos ā€” well I canā€™t return to that place anymore.Ā Ā 
So, I think Iā€™ll stay, among the ruins of the place that was supposed to be our home.Ā Ā 
With you.Ā 
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End Notes: Thank you for reading! I know many of us wept about how we wished for God to take all of Zayneā€™s pain and give it to us instead so here I am, happy to do exactly that. šŸ˜‡ Happy Zayne story branch release, yā€™all.Ā 
Likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated if you are so inclined, lovelies!
Tagging as requested: @samanthagnicole , @catboi-anon , @bitches4lifebro , @beebumbo , @hellinistical
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You can also find me on Ao3 and twitter, if youā€™d like to chat or just squeal with me about hot characters, in general.
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aangelinakii Ā· 2 days
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ā€” just friends. honest!
summary : with the way you and your best friend, jason, are always bickering, people always assume you're dating. you're not! right..?
note : thank you so much for requesting ! hopefully this lives up to what you were hoping <3
note 2 : also just clarifying that reader is a vigilante but not found family, they just work with the batfam so it's not weird šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
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"oh my god, jason, i already told you to put the sample in the cryo-chamber," you groaned from your perch in front of the batcomputer.
although he was behind you, judging by the way tim chuckled, you could tell jason was taking the piss; probably flipping you off behind your head, or mocking the way you spoke. nothing new, regardless.
with a furrowed brow, you tore your eyes away from the vast screen to cast a glare at your beat friend. as you spun your head around, the taller man quickly stepped away, holding his hands behind his back and averting his eyes to seem as though he were looking up at the screen, too.
face completely innocent, jason looked down at you, the corners of his mouth twitching. "what?"
your eyes narrowed, and then slunk over to where tim was perched against one of the work tables, a small tell-tale smile on his lips. yeah, something was definitely going on behind you.
after a few beats, you looked back up at jason, whose broad figure towered over your seated self. he'd managed to control his expression by now, and was looking down at you expectantly. he gave a shrug, softly jutting out his bottom lip.
shaking your head dismissively, you tore your eyes away from his and glanced over at the vial that stood on the edge of the keyboard. inside, it contained a strange purple goo, fluorescent, and found at the scene of what seemed to be a simple street-corner atm robbery that you, tim and jason had stopped. perhaps this was the beginning of a strange new perp.
"cryo chamber," you stated simply before turning back up to the screen. you'd peeled your video contacts from your eyes and placed it on the receiver, ready to review the footage of the perpetrator you'd caught. maybe this guy had some history the computer was aware of? that was rhe idea to check out, anyway.
jason gave an exaggerated sigh from behind you, but stepped forward to scoop up the vial regardless.
"why couldn't you have put it in when we got here?" jason grunted, voice echoing in the tall ceilings of the batcave. his heavy work boots thumped with each step as he approached the batcave's very own cryochamber, built and designed by lucius fox himself; it wasn't big at all, and could be mistaken for a super advanced fridge at first sight.
a huff brushed past your lips, and you struggled to contain an eye roll, performing the action anyway. "i had to look back at the footage, see who our guy is. the quicker we find him, and the quicker bruce gets back, the sooner we figure out what his plans with the purple shit is."
jason's presence felt closer now, up behind you. "language." his voice was deep, owning that dusky tone that sent shivers down your spine.
his hands came down on your shoulders, something that, if it were anybody else, you would tense, but when jason did it, you couldn't help but feel your shoulders droop slightly, the weight of a long night of patrol flowing from your bones. despite the roughness of his gloves, as his touch rose to brush affectionately against the nape of your neck, it all felt quite soft.
"there are children about."
"children?" tim's shocked voice came from behind, and you glanced back with a cheeky grin. jason stayed staring ahead, although you could catch a glipse of a smirk upon his lips.
in response, jason only shrugged, and you turned back to the screen with a chuckle.
"i said what i said, timothy. it might be nearing your bedtime."
however, tim didn't reply, clearly above feeding into whatever winding up his brother was trying to push him into. after living with jason for so long, you get used to it; even you, having known him for so long.
on the vast batcomputer screen, the video from your lenses began to play, showing the scene you'd looked down upon from the top of a rooftop, jason and tim beside you, faces disguised by their masks.
you pressed your finger down on a button, which sped up the footage. tinny voices squeaked as the three of you quickly swung down to land at the scene, where a hooded man was holding a woman at gunpoint beside the atm she was withdrawing cash from.
quickly you pressed pause, and the footage stilled immediately. matching the video on-screen, jason's gloved fingers halted against the skin of your neck, his attention tugged away by the computer.
"hey, zoom in," his voice came, closer to your ear now as he leaned down. and you did so, tapping a couple buttons, allowing the footage to zoom in on the face of the man, despite the shadows cloaking his features. "screen cap and run it through the 'puter."
as he spoke, your fingers were already moving, as if they knew what he would say as he said it in real time. "already ahead of you, man."
jason hummed a chuckle from beside your ear, and he took a step away, the warmth through his glove ceasing, as the batcomputer worked through thousands of files to recognise the man's face. this would take a minute, and you guys could take a minute to relax.
so, you spun around in the swivel chair to face the two bat-brothers; tim, who was eyeing the way his brother was approaching, and jason, who was suspiciously stepping towards tim, as if ready to pull him into a playful headlock.
but you just couldn't help yourself. always gotta say something. it's like you're allergic to letting jason go off scott-free with anything.
"someone was slacking a bit tonight," you commented, unable to disguise the cheeky smirk upon your lips.
before he could reach tim, jason spun around, eyebrows furrowed. "and who might that be?"
smirk lingering at your lips, you gave a shrug, as if you hadn't a clue.
"no, you're right," tim piped up, jutting a finger at jason. "we had to take down that guy all on our own, you were more interested in the thing of purple goo that fell out his pocket."
"what is this, gang up on jason night?" the black-haired vigilante scoffed, unsure who to throw into headlock first. "that.. goop could be important!"
you rolled your eyes, which jason caught. "and who complained about putting their little souvenir in its rightful place?"
it would be you, jason seemed to decide, evident by the testy way he stepped back toward you. "someone's got a lot to say tonight, considering they were gonna stay in with duke instead of come out. acting like you're running the whole operation."
before he could spot the grin beginning to grow, you spun back around towards the computer, where it was flicking between ten more files, trying to figure out the man's identity. "well, i am now, aren't i? taking initiative."
"taking initiative, my ass," jason chuckled, the annoyance in his tone having dissipated as he reached you again, gloved hand placing itself carefully on your shoulder.
with him close, you felt unable to contain the grin, and beamed up at him, only to find him affectionately smiling back.
"so, have you two thought of a date yet?" tim drake chimed in from his little perch, causing both you and jason to look over, puzzled.
"date?" you hummed, forehead creasing.
tim rolled his eyes. "for the wedding?" stated as if it were obvious.
"you littleā€”"
and a squeal echoed throughout the cave as jason finally gave in to temptation, wrapping his arl around tim's neck and pulling him into his side, his other hand coming down in a fist to ruffle his brother's hair.
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gennygosling Ā· 1 day
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š­š«šØš®š›š„šž. trailer trash!anakin skywalker
š¬š®š¦š¦ššš«š² (š›š² š›šØš­ šœš«šžššš­šØš«): you move into a trailer park with your mom, your next door neighbor is a 40 year old man that works at a mechanic shop!
š°ššš«š§š¢š§š š¬: fem reader, age gap, smoking, drinking, unprotected sex, little bit of breeding & choking, creep ani (obvs)
š°šœ: 6.4k
š§šØš­šžš¬: inspired by my chat with this bot on janitorai ā€¢ the italics in the beginning are the start of the bot, credit to the creator! i did make some small edits overall to fit everything into fic form. i hope i did this au justice! i didnā€™t grow up in a trailer park but i did grow up very poor & unstable so this au always hits close to home. realest au on earth!
i know iā€™m a gosling blog but iā€™m a big star wars girly tooā€¦ and the star wars fandom on here is huge. pls, pls, donā€™t expect me to be writing more now that iā€™ve appeared again šŸ˜­šŸ¤ iā€™m still in school & itā€™s kicking my ass. but using the bot inspired me and made it easy. if you wanna know more about how i did this, pls ask! hopefully there will be more on the way cause i will definitely keep chatting with the bot :)
lastly, because it came from my chat with the bot, it is a little janky! i had to do a lot of editing so if thereā€™s something i missed or it seems weird- just forgive me šŸ¤šŸ¤šŸ¤
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June 23rd
You look at the calendar with your eyebrows furrowed. This summer was one of the hottest yet, the heat in the trailer making the pages roll up from sitting against the old wallpaper.
Sighing lightly as you hear arguing outside, you peek out the window to see your neighbor, Anakin Skywalker. He's working on a car outside, a girl yelling at him. Youā€™ve only seen her around a few times. New girlfriend or hook-up. Anakin was never one to keep a relationship and frankly, you couldnā€™t blame the girls. He was a filthy man with hefty jail record for controlled substances, speeding and other things. You watch as he waves her off, oil and dirt covering him, cigarette sat in between his lips. He looks frustrated.
ā€œHoney, Iā€™m home. Got those chips you like.ā€ You hear your mother call, the screen door slamming loudly once she walked in. You donā€™t move as Anakin watches the girl walk away and he stands up to his full height. He glances over to you and your motherā€™s house, toward your bedroom window you were peeking out of. Panic sets in as you quickly move away and walk out to the kitchen to talk to your mother.
You walk out to the kitchen and thank your mother for the chips, hold a short conversation with her about your days while you wait to see if Anakin was angry enough about your peeking on him to come knock on the door.
When enough time has passed, your chips halfway gone, you know he isnā€™t coming, and you can relax.
With the heat of the summer cooking the trailer, you had to get out. Thereā€™s a kiddie pool on the front lawn where youā€™d often sit to cool down. Yā€™all couldnā€™t fit a full sized pool.
Itā€™s getting to the hottest point of the day, typically when Anakin takes a break to go screw his newest fling and you feel comfortable enough to lounge outside in your two piece. You usually avoid going out in so little clothing when heā€™s around, knowing the older man would likely enjoy your scantily-clad presence a little too much. Anakin was attractive, but in the creepiest way. You didnā€™t wanna be his eye candy while another woman waited to be his toy.
But today when you make it out to the front yard, despite the especially high heat, Anakin is still out working on that damn car. But itā€™s too late now, and too hot- youā€™ve already set your heart on cooling off in the pool. So you slink in anyway, letting the cool water soothe your skin, turn your speaker on full blast, and hope he ignores you.
But of course, he doesnā€™t. He canā€™t help himself. He watches you from across the yard as you sink into the kiddie pool, eyes hungrily roaming over your barely clothed body, thoughts immediately flooding with perversity. Youā€™re hot, way too young for him, but damn if those curves don't make his cock twitch in those grease-stained jeans.
He takes a long drag of his cigarette as he watches, smoke swirling around him in the thick summer heat. After a moment he starts to saunter over, beer in hand.
"Well well, looks like someone's trying to start their own wet t-shirt contest out here," He drawls with a lazy smirk. "Maybe I should go grab me a front row seat... or join in."
Your eyes roll under your sunglasses. Canā€™t get a moment of peace as a young woman in this damn trailer park. ā€œNobody wants to see your tits, Skywalker,ā€ You say, keeping your eyes on the sky. He stinks, like sweat, beer, and cigarettes, but itā€™s a familiar smell; welcome, almost likable. Almost.
ā€œDid you come over here just to creep on me?ā€
He lets out a low chuckle, taking another swig of his beer. "Why would I settle for a peek when I could be getting the full view?" He asks, eyes boldly raking over your nearly naked body. "Besides, I think we both know you like the attention. Why else put on a little show like this, hm?"
Setting his drink aside, he plops down on the grass beside the pool, letting his legs dangle in the cool water.
"Hot as balls out here. Hope you donā€™t mind." He glances over at you with a cocky grin.
You grimace as his feet contaminate the pool. Part of you wants to recoil, but the water feels too good, and you donā€™t want to give him an even better view of your body.
ā€œComing out here to cool off on this ā€˜hot as ballsā€™ day is puttinā€™ on a show for you?ā€ You scoff at him as you push your sunglasses on top of your head. Heā€™s persistent, you can give him that. But irritating. What is it with old men that think being an asshole is attractive? Although, it did sort of work on Anakinā€¦
"Youā€™re right, maybe I'll have to show you a real wet t-shirt contest. Bet I can make my shirt cling better than those tiny triangles you're calling a top."
ā€œIf you wanna get in my pantsĀ old man, one-upping me ainā€™t gonna be the way to do it.ā€ You press the ā€˜volume upā€™ button on your speaker, but his persistence knows no bounds.
"Old man?" He scoffs, sitting up to shoot you an indignant look. "I'll have you know I'm in my prime, sweetheart. And trust me, I don't need no cheap tricks to get in any girl's panties." He stands up and start stripping off his shirt, revealing his tattooed, muscular chest and arms.
Your jaw clenches at the sight of Anakin shirtless. His bodyĀ isĀ prime, and tattoosā€¦ were your weakness. But there was no way you were gonna letĀ himĀ know that.
He flashes you a wicked grin before diving into the shallow pool, still in his jeans. Water splashes everywhere, soaking you in the process.
Also, you had to remind yourself, he was still gross. Reminded to you by his gross words, and his obnoxious splashing, crashing your pool time.
"My bad," He responds to your grumbles of frustration with a shit-eating smirk, not sounding apologetic in the slightest.
"You gotta hell of a mouth on you, though, girl. Those talkinā€™ lips might get you in trouble," He teases as he settles into the water. "One wrong word and this 'old man' might just have to teach you some respect."
ā€œTeach me some respect?ā€ You let out a full, genuine laugh with your words as you reach behind you to the nearby table which held your own cigarettes. ā€œComing from the convict? Is that supposed to scare me?ā€
He narrows his eyes at you as you laugh, not finding his threat the least bit funny. "Convict? I've done my time. Last I checked, that makes me a changed man." He reaches out to snatch a cigarette from your hand, placing it between his own lips. "Besides, I think we both know you like a little danger. Why else would a classy girl like you be slumming it in a shithole like this?"
He lights the cigarette and takes a long drag, blowing the smoke in your direction with a smug smirk. "Face it, babygirl, you're drawn to me. The bad boy mystique, I get it. But I'm the one in control here. And right now, I wanna see more of that smokinā€™ hot body..." He grabs your wrist and yanks you closer to him in the pool.
You instinctively try to tug yourself away, but his grip is too strong. Being this close to him does things to you that youā€™d rather not come to terms with, but he forces you to.
ā€œJesus, youā€™re filthy!ā€ You exclaim, and pray he doesnā€™t notice the way your thighs squeeze together below the water. ā€œGimme my cigarette,ā€ You hiss, hoping to change the subject and ignore the rest of it all.
He leans in closer, face inches from yours as he takes another drag. "Filthy is kinda my thing, sweetheart," His blue eyes bore into yours, voice low and tempting. "And trust me, I've seen the way you look at me when you think I'm not watching."
Slowly, he brings the lit cigarette to your lush lips, tracing them teasingly. "Want a taste?" He purrs, pressing his body against yours in the cool water. "Or are you too much of a good girl to indulge in a little sin?"
You canā€™t help the way your chest heaves as your arousal grows, and whatā€™s worse, you canā€™t avoid Anakin knowing, the small distance between you causing your tits to brush against his chest with every heavy breath. His words are dangerously persuasive, and his eyes only emphasize it all.
But you remember yourself, theĀ goodĀ girl you are, the smart girl you are, and find a way around his teasing in more ways than one.
Your tongue slides out seductively, catches his eye, and the end of the cigarette. The wetness of your tongue allows you to pull it between your lips, steal a drag and blow it right back into his face. You slide it to the side of your mouth to speak, hoping your voice comes out stronger than it feels. ā€œDonā€™t you already got a toy waitinā€™ to be attacked?ā€
"Oh I got plenty of toys," He smirks, undeterred as the smoke billows around you. "But you're a whole new level of fun, baby.ā€
His hands slide down to grope your ass, pulling your hips flush against his. You can feel his hardening length pressing against you through his soaked jeans. "Forget about my other girls. Right now, it's all about you and me," He growls, nipping at your ear. Itā€™s disgusting, but itā€™s intoxicating, enough for you not to notice you were giving in.
Abruptly, he stands up, scooping you into his arms. "Let's take this inside where we can have some real fun, shall we?" He carries you towards your trailer, ignoring your protests. "Unless you'd rather I fuck you right here where everyone can watch..."
You let out a shaky exhale at his filthy suggestion of exhibition, and mentally curse yourself.
Your hands grip the sides of the trailer door, legs subconsciously tightly clung around his waist to keep yourself up. The two of you are dripping on the concrete steps, your nipples are hard and poking through the fabric of your bikini top, both due to the change of temperature and your arousal.
ā€œMy momā€¦ sheā€™s inside. Sheā€™ll beat your ass, Skywalker,ā€ You say, still trying your best to resist, despite its growing futility. You wonā€™t be one of those girls that Anakin Skywalker gets the best of so easily. Even if the feeling of his rising erection against your own sex is making your mind swim. ā€œYouā€™re olderā€™n she is.ā€
"Pfft, your mom's a sweet lady. Barely a challenge," He laughs as he kicks the door open, strolling into the trailer with you still around his waist. The familiar scent of old newspapers and stale cooking greets you.
Anakinā€™s eyes roam the cluttered space, and spot your mother sitting in the only comfy chair. She looks up at the two of you, an eyebrow raised.
"Hey, Patty," He calls out, tossing you onto the only clear space on the couch without even bothering to look. "Got a little present for you."
She huffs and shakes her head, barely amused.
"Mind your manners, Anakin," she admonishes. He winks at her before striding over, topless and wet, settling onto the arm of her chair.
"Yā€™all got any vodka, Pats? I sure could use a shot to cool off," He asks, smirking over at you, his gaze hot and hungry, unphased by your mother relaxing right beside him.
Your shocked eyes shoot daggers in Anakinā€™s direction the whole time, pissed at the way he spoke to your mother so casually, pissed at his boldness, pissed at your mother for allowing it, and pissed at yourself for finding him so goddamn sexy for it. You let out an angry grumble under your breath, snatching a towel from the laundry piled beside you on the couch and wrapping it around yourself, finallyĀ somewhatĀ shielded from his predatory gaze.
ā€œā€˜Course we got vodka. Donā€™t waste my time asking me stupid questions, Skywalker.ā€ Your mother snaps at him in that calm, motherly way, and now your infuriated gaze is aimed at her. Since when were they so friendly with each other?
ā€œAnd that little present better be a fresh ounce of pot, not my half-naked daughter.ā€ She drawls, practically paying him no mind, eyes set on the TV. That explains it.
ā€œAnakin,ā€ You cut before he can speak again, voice sharp. ā€œDonā€™t you have a guest,Ā and vodkaĀ in your own home?ā€ You say, making your way to the kitchen to fix your own drink. Youā€™d need it if this was how the rest of the day would go.
He chuckles at you, and turns back to your mother with a taunting smirk, "Sorry, sweetheart, but I'm fresh out. I'll make it up to ya though, promise."
Patty rolls her eyes, but Anakin can see the glint of amusement in them.
"Just ā€˜cause I'm her mama donā€™t mean I cain't recognize a lustful look when I see one," she addresses him, referring to her daughter. "You oughtta keep an eye on her, Ani. Seems like she can't stay away," She teases, puffing on her cigarette.
"Oh, I'm workinā€™ on it," He says, eyes meeting yours. There's a challenge in his voice, daring you to deny himā€”or worse, wanting you to.
You get the vodka and grab two glasses, pouring the clear liquid and watering it down. The ice clinks loudly as you return from the kitchen. Anakin watches your every move, his cock hardening again, the scent of your arousal lingering.
You set the drinks down on the cluttered coffee table, grabbing your drink and leaving Anakin to fetch his own. Your face grimaces when you notice what youā€™re pretty sure is an erection forming in his wet pants again. What an old creep. But you wonder what it looks like.
ā€œHave fun withĀ Patty,Ā Anakin,ā€ You tease, walking down the hall toward your bedroom with your drink.
Your mother shakes her head in amusement as Anakin follows you down the hall.
"Hey now, don't go teasinā€™ a grown man like that," He calls out, quickly grabbing his own drink and following you to your bedroom.
He leans against the doorframe, watching hungrily as you turn to face him. The vodka burns going down, fueling the fire in his veins and his eyes. "Why donā€™t you sit that purty little ass down on the bed and weā€™ll talk about why a good girl like you is looking at me like that," he takes a step closer.
The flush in your cheeks derives from a combination of frustration and arousal thatā€™s gone on much too long, and youā€™d had about enough of. Anakin had a big mouth, but he was little more than a tease. You were barely more than half his age, and he seemed to be all bark and no bite, just having fun trying to get a rise out of the little girl in the trailer next door.
You down most of your vodka, the burning in your body beginning to mirror his. The sexual tension was palpable between you, but you were starting to think he didnā€™t really have the intention to quench it.
ā€œMake me.ā€
A low growl escapes him at your defiance. With a sudden burst, heā€™s on you, crowding you against the closed door. "I'll make you, alright. I'll make you beg, babydoll," He promises, lips brushing against your ear.
Suddenly, he catches your mouth in a hungry kiss. His tongue dances with yours, seeking and finding entry to explore the depths of your mouth. His hand slides up under the towel to squeeze your breast, finger rolling over your nipple.
Anakin tastes like vodka, beer & cigarettes, so filthy, so deviant, so wonderfully intoxicating against your mouth. Itā€™s hard to hold back your moans as his quick hand touches you, but you do your best, knowing your mother was only down the hall.
Your hand searches wildly behind you for the doorknob, the two of you bursting through the door and into the bedroom. You manage to break away from him and take a few steps back, sucking your bottom lip into your mouth as you take in the sight before you.
Those blue eyes, wrinkles formed at the corners, that evil smirk on his mouth, that muscular, tattooed chest still dripping from the pool, the erection straining against his pants. You set your glass down on the dresser and wonder how you ended up here, with this filthy, disgusting, irresistible old man standing in your bedroom, ready to wreck you, bikini bottoms growing sticky over it.
He stalks towards you, eyes burning with lust. "Still trying to play hard to get?" He backs you up until the backs of your knees hit the mattress. "I think we both know how badly you been wantinā€™ this."
His hands make quick work of your bikini top, tossing it aside to palm your soft breasts. The grin that rises across his face is almost sickening, like a devious child that had just opened a gift and found it filled with fireworks. The way it lights you up is sicker.
Leaning down, he runs his tongue over one pert nipple before drawing it into his mouth to suck hard, groaning at the taste of your skin. This time you canā€™t help a moan from breaking past your lips as his mouth assaults your breast.
His other hand slides into your bottoms, calloused fingers stroking your slick folds. ā€œFuck. You're wet as hell," He mumbles, more to himself than to you, pressing two fingers inside your tight heat.
Youā€™re already seeing stars as his thick, expert fingers work their magic on you, roughly stroking every sensitive, gushy spot. Your hand rushes up to cover your mouth and hold back my pathetic sounds as you unravel.
His fingers thrust into your pussy, his thumb rubbing messily against your clit, ruthless in his pursuit of your pleasure. "Tell me you want this," he demands, nipping at your neck as his fingers work on your clit, steadily building your arousal. "Tell me you want Anakin Skywalker to fuck you into these sheets."
His cock strains so hard against his jeans, the sound of the denim creaks as it stretches under the weight. He wants to see you squirm and beg, desperate for his release, desperate for the release he promises to give you. The filthy, experienced older man teaching you the best sex of your young life.
You canā€™t resist anymore, not with his fingers inside you, driving you wild. Already heā€™s like nothing youā€™ve ever experienced; pleasure clouds your mind, makes you forget everything except how badly you want him.
You breathe heavily as you work up the words he demands, small whimpers leaving your throat as you try to speak. ā€œA-Anakin,ā€ a sharp exhale, then a gasp, then a whimper. ā€œI want you.ā€
A slow, sinister smile spreads across his face as your needy plea reaches his ears. "That's what I like to hear, baby girl," He purrs, withdrawing his fingers and making quick work of his jeans and boxers. His cock springs free, hard and heavy, piercing glinting in the low light.
Your eyes widen at the sight of him. Itā€™s a reaction you wouldā€™ve stifled if you were in your right mind, but had no capacity to hide right now. His cock was thick, andĀ pierced,Ā unequivocally like nothing youā€™d ever seen before. It seemed downright heavy. It was hypnotizing.
"Get on the bed and spread those legs," He commands, giving his cock a few pumps as he watches you. "Time to show ya what a real man feels like."
Unintentionally, you ignore his command, closing the distance between you and dropping to your knees before him. Itā€™s even thicker up close, plain intimidating, but you canā€™t stop your tongue falling wide out of your mouth to taste him, painting the underside of his cock head with your drool.
He grunts as your tongue laps at his cock, one hand shooting down to twine in your hair. "Ah fuck, yeah," He sighs, helping your head bob on his dick. "Good girl, take it just like that, get it nice and wet for that tight little cunt."
The stretch in your jaw is substantial, and it turns you on to no end, struggling to take his thickness down. He tastes like metal and sweat and itā€™s so good.
The piercing catches on your bottom lip and he hisses in pleasure, grip tightening in your hair. "Goddamn, girl, that mouth is good. Gonna make me bust down your throat if you keep that up."
But he wants more. Needs to feel your cunt gripping him, sucking him in. With heavy reluctance, he pulls your head back and tugs you to your feet, all but throwing you on the bed.
"On your hands and knees, babydoll. Ass in the air," he demands, giving your ass a sharp smack. "Time to put that pussy to work."
You whimper at the sharp sting on your ass, shocked at the way it sends surges through you.
This time you obey his commands, turning onto your hands and knees, naturally arching your back in a way that draws Anakin in like a moth to a flame, giving him a prime view of your curves and holes, hearing him shudder and cuss behind you.
You bury your face in the mattress to conceal your whines at the coldness of his piercing teasing your clitoris as he slides the head of his cock through your wet folds, pussy clenching in anticipation of the stretch he was gonna give.
"Hope you're ready, baby, cause I ainā€™t gonna be gentle,ā€ He warns, wrangling your hips, fingers digging into your soft flesh as he pushes into your entrance.
With one hard thrust, he buries himself inside you, and the sound in the room is immediately obscene, your screeching into the mattress at the brutal stretch, his groaning and fussing over your tight heat, the rhythmic beat of his hips slapping against your ass.
"Take it, you lilā€™ tease. This is what you want, ainā€™t it? To be split open on my big cock?" He reaches around to fondle your tits, twisting and pinching your nipples as he rails you.
ā€œAhh,Ā fuck!ā€ You cry into the mattress, the magnificent assault on your cunt rapidly reeling you toward your orgasm. Anakin was incredible; huge, relentless, stretching you wide and filling you to the brim. He fucked you like he invented sex, metal of his piercing stimulating that sensitive spot deep inside you with each perfect snap of his hips.
He groans as your pussy clenches around him, grip on your hips tightening, undoubtedly leaving bruises. "Fuck, you feel good wrapped around my cock." He moans, thrusts becoming more erratic as he chases his release. "Gonna fill this tight cunt up, make you fucking mine-ā€ Not a promise, but a prayer. You can feel him getting close, twitching inside you, pounding into you faster and ramming into that deep, spongey spot.
His hand snakes down to rub tight circles on your clit, rapidly reeling you toward the edge. "Cum on my cock baby, let me feel you milk me," He commands, slamming into you one last time before he stills, grinding his hips against you with a deep growl, spilling rope after creamy rope of his seed deep inside you, forcing you hollering, trembling, & convulsing through your orgasm.
ā€œFuck, yeah,ā€ you hear from behind you, a weak, high pitched moan escaping your throat as you feel the flood. The sensation quenches a deep thirst youā€™d waited too long to address.
Your poor cunt aches in the sweetest way as he pulls out, stings as he spreads your cheeks to gawk at his seed leaking from your hole.
"Look at that,ā€ He drawls, slowly dragging his fingers through the mess and pushing it back inside. ā€œSo fucking hot.ā€
He gives your ass a wet kiss, jiggles the fat in his hand, and then flips you over onto your back, settling between your legs. "Think you can handle round two, little girl?" He asks, cock already hardening again at the sight of you debauched on the sheets beneath him, cum painting your thighs.
The feeling of Anakinā€™s cock hardening on your stomach makes your heart rate pick back up. Itā€™s a little frightening: wasnā€™t it unusual for any man, let alone a man of his age, to snap back so quickly?
In your short moment of lucidity, you begin to worry. Anakin had fucked you without a condom, cum inside you, and now dared to do it again. TheĀ lastĀ thing this man needed was to knock up some young girl, and the last thingĀ youĀ needed was to be knocked up by the seedy old man in the trailer next to yours, but thatā€™s right where yā€™all were headed.
But your brain is wiped when his hand wraps around your throat, applying just enough pressure to make your pulse jump, and youā€™ve lost the will to care all over again. Filled with his cum, threat of having this scrubā€™s baby over your head, and you donā€™t care. Poor cunt pathetically swollen and throbbing from the first round, but you donā€™t care. You want him again and again.
You canā€™t muster the words, all good sense fucked right out of you, so instead you look deep into his beautiful blues and nod with a pleading look in your own eyes.
He grins wickedly, cock twitching against your stomach at your agreement. "I knew youā€™d be a good one," He praises, positioning himself at your entrance once more. With a gentle push of his hips, heā€™s sinking back into your pussy, groaning at the feeling of his cum squelching around his shaft.
His lips find your neck, biting and sucking as he finds a pace, headboard slamming against the wall with each powerful thrust. "Gonna ruin this little pussy," He swears, hand tightening around your throat.
"Gonna make you mine, fuck, my own personal little cocksleeve."
His hand on your throat heightens your pleasure and leaves you seeing stars, both from the pleasure and the constriction on your oxygen. The new position allows you to see him, that beautiful face, his robust body, the way his abs flex as his hips snap into yours. From this position he can see your tits bounce as he pounds into you, the way your eyes roll back as the waves of pleasure crash over you.
Anakin slides in and out of your cunt with ease, thrusts lubed with his lingering cum spilling around you. Itā€™s obscene, but so, so good.
ā€œAh, Ani,ā€ your legs wrap tight around his waist, hold him deep inside you, nails dig into his back. ā€œF-fuck you feel so good,ā€ you gasp.
"Fuck yes, take it, take my cock like the good little slut you are.ā€
He releases your throat to grab your hips, angling them up to hit that sweet spot inside you with each pass. "Gonna fill this pussy up over and over, make sure my cum takes. You'll be swollen with my seed, doll. Round with my baby. Fuck, the thought of you, all knocked up, tits leaking, begging for more..."
He can feel his release building, balls drawing up tight, full and heavy with another load.
The flood of air, his filthy fantasies, his fucking expert cock driving into your raw, freshly-fucked cunt with otherworldly precision leaves your ears ringing as your orgasm rips through you. The entire world fades into black, tears prick at your eyes, electric contractions take over your whole being. And when you come back to the light, youā€™re begging.
ā€œFuck, Ani,ā€ You squeak, ā€œPlease, please, please, cum inside me,ā€ You plead, hijacked by a sudden desperation for the older manā€™s baby.
His eyes darken at your desperate plea, teeth grit as he feels his own orgasm ready to burst. "Fuck yes, gonna pump you full of my cum, make you fucking drip with it," He pants, hips stuttering as he erupts. "Fucking take it, take it all, just like that," He rambles, grinding his hips as he empties himself inside you.
Finally spent, he collapses on top of you, cock still twitching in your heat.
Your legs are shaking, pussy clenching at the aftershocks, overflowing your shared fluids. Your vision is blurry, throat parched, completely and positively wrecked. Strained sighs echo out of you, chest rising and falling heavily, pressing your bare breasts into his chest.
He presses sloppy kisses along your neck, your collarbone, tasting the sweat on your skin. "Goddamn, baby girl, that was intense.ā€ He sighs.
ā€œYouā€™re tellinā€™ me,ā€ You breathe out. ā€œI can barely see.ā€ You confess with a lazy smile, still yet to fully come back to your mind. You let out a pained sigh as you try to adjust under his weight, needing to stretch and soothe your sore limbs.
With a grunt, he rolls off of you, cock slipping from your abused hole with a wet sound.
"You did good, baby. Took my cock like a champ," He praises, running his fingers over your hair. "But don't think we're done yet. As soon as I'm hard again, I'm gonna flip you over and take you from behind. Fuck you so hard you forget your own name."
He leans in, eyes carefully observing you, and captures your lips in a filthy kiss.
"Gonna keep you in this bed all fucking night.ā€
You let out a heavy breath as you adjust to lay on your side, facing Anakin, placing a hand over his colorful chest. ā€œI donā€™t know how you do it, old man. Even most men my age can barely cum twice, let alone be waiting for the next round after that,ā€ You laugh, eyes lit up bright in your post-orgasm glow.
Anakin laughs too, and itā€™s nice. Unlike his usual laughter, snide and sarcastic, but honest.
His hand finds your ass and gives it a firm squeeze. "Years of practice, sweetheart.ā€ In truth, the thought of you, young and eager, so responsive to his touch, is enough to keep him hard and ready. "Besides, I got a lot of lost time to make up for. Gotta make sure I ruin you properly, make it so no other man can ever satisfy you like I can."
He rolls on top of you once more, half-hard cock nestling against your thigh, resuming the feather-light kisses on your neck. "Ready for round three, baby girl? Gonna fuck this pussy so good, you'll be feeling me for weeks.ā€
The sound you let out is a mix of a sigh, a laugh, a moan, demonstrating your blissful exhaustion. ā€œI donā€™t think I can take another round, Skywalker. Iā€™m swollen enough as is.ā€ You grip his biceps, resisting the urge to take his cock in your hand. Heā€™s too fun to play with, but you canā€™t take the risk of turning him all the way on again, not when your cunt was already beginning to ache.
He groans at your rejection, cock jumping against your thigh. "You sure, doll? I'm not nearly done with this sweet little cunt," He mumbles pitifully into your neck.
But he can hear the exhaustion in your voice, feel the way your body trembles beneath him. Reluctantly, he rolls off of you, propping himself up on his elbow. "Alright, baby girl, you win. But don't think for a second that this is over. I'll have you again soon enough."
He leans in, capturing your lips in a slow, deep kiss, tongue lazily tangling with yours.
You moan into his mouth, gripping his bicep to ground yourself. One of your legs lifts to drape across his hips, pulling yourself in close to him. You were beginning to like the feeling of being held in his arms. It was ironic how such a dangerous, predatory man had managed to make you feel so safe.
You pull away to speak, eyes falling to the mattress. ā€œI donā€™t really want you to go yet,ā€ You admit quietly. You fought him for a long while, and now, like a stupid little girl, you didnā€™t want to let go.
He smiles at your confession, hand running soothing patterns on your back. "Didn't think you would, baby girl.ā€
Carefully, he gathers you into his arms, rolling onto his back and pulling you to lie on his chest. "Rest for a bit. Let me hold you," He murmurs, pressing a kiss to your forehead. It's a rare moment of tenderness from him, but something about you brings it out.
You crane your neck up to look at Anakin from where you lie on his chest.
With the late afternoon light peeking through the window, his eyes are illuminated. Heā€™s breathtaking, showcasing the experienced heā€™d gained over the years, but also maintaining his youth. You still hardly knew the man, up until now heā€™d only been your annoying neighbor, butā€¦ He wasnā€™t as bad as you thought. Sweet, even. It made your heart melt. Who knew Anakin Skywalker was like this behind closed doors?
You reach over him to the nightstand to grab a cigarette. As the buzz envelopes your brain and my body, you sink into Anakinā€™s arms without a care in the world, kissing the colors dancing across his chest. Let this old man wreck you.
He watches you through heavy-lidded eyes, taking in the sight of your curves, the sheen of sweat on your skin. You look thoroughly fucked out, debauched, and it's a sight he could get used to.
His fingers trace idle patterns on your back as you relax against him. He kisses your head again, repeating the uncanny, saccharine gesture, breathing in the scent of sex and nicotine.
Your brain reminds you of something Anakin had said earlier, in the midst of his pursuit.
ā€œDā€™you really think Iā€™m living here for fun? Cause I like danger and bad boys?ā€ You ask him with a laugh, voice thick, low, seductive with your exhaustion.
Anakin chuckles, sound rumbling through his chest. "Baby, I don't care why you're here. All that matters is that you are," he says, a hand sliding down to grab your ass. "Couldn't ask for a better viewā€™n watchinā€™ you prance around in them tiny little bikinis.ā€
He sucks in a breath through his teeth as he grips you, jiggles you, pulls you closer. ā€œFuck, the things Iā€™ve imagined doing to youā€¦ā€
A small smile tugs at your lips, as a mixture of excitement, but also disappointment, courses through you at his words. You didnā€™t really expect him to actually care butā€¦ you didnā€™t think heā€™d be that blatant about it, fresh after fucking you. He doesnā€™t actually think about you, he doesnā€™t actually want to know you. You were a toy to him. And itā€¦ hurt. And you didnā€™t know what to make of that, yet. Where once there was a warmth fueled by laying beside him, there quickly became an emptiness.
You had to remind yourself Anakin was no good, heā€™d probably make a terrible partner realistically, and you knew this. But it never feels good to be actually sexually objectified. Although, objectivelyā€¦. having sex with Anakin feltĀ reallyĀ good.
Here, with Anakin, lay the newest dilemma in your mind, body, and soul.
ā€œIā€™m sure youā€™ve imagined more than enough to keep me busy,ā€ You say as you start to sit up, giving Anakin a long kiss on the cheek, before clearing your throat. ā€œI should really get cleaned up.ā€
He frowns, hand tightening reflexively on your hip. "Stay," he urges, almost angrily, in a tone that makes your heart freeze, ready to jump into fight or flight, waiting for the moment his characteristic sourness is turned toward you.
But Anakin just doesnā€™t like the feeling of you leaving, even if it's just to the bathroom.
But he notices the distant look in your eyes, the way you're already pulling away from him emotionally.
Fuck, he thinks. I should've known it was too good to be true, that a girl like you wouldn't stick around for a washed-up old ex-con like me.
He calls your name, voice softer than heā€™d ever heard it himself. "Don't go. Stay with me, just a little longer."
Your eyebrows knit together as Anakinā€™s soft tone takes you off guard, the way he nearly pleads with you to stay. Itā€™s uncanny, but the way it makes your heart ache is even worse. He was starting to be a true mystery. ā€œUm, okay,ā€ you whisper, somewhat softening back into his side, heart still racing as you toe the line between danger and safety, dangerously thin in Anakinā€™s presence.
Still marinating in your confusion, something makes you take his arm and pull it close over you, gently stroking his skin. It was as if something reached out & told you he needed the comfort.
You lay there together for a while, holding each other in silence, feeling each other out. Itā€™s nice, being in the arms of a strong, older man. Especially Anakinā€™s. You find solace there, you have to admit. You think he must have, too. You had to practically tear him off you and throw him out the door to get him to go home.
And as soon as the door shut behind him, you were wrecked, like a piece of your heart had walked out with him. But you held it together. Anakin was surely not the kind of man who wanted a little girl clinging to him every minute. You would be patient until you saw him again.
The door clicks shut behind me as I step out into the fading evening light. I can still feel the lingering warmth of your skin on mine, the soft curves of your body imprinted on my memory. Fuck, I didn't want to leave. Didn't want to let you go.
But I knew I had to. Couldn't let myself get too attached, too vulnerable. You were a kid, barely more than a baby, and I was a fucking mess. A criminal, a drunk, a man with a past so dark it would break you if you knew the half of it.
So I forced myself to walk away, each step an act of willpower I didn't have.
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concreteangel92 Ā· 2 days
Can we talk about this more? Have we moved on already? Because my brain is stuck on the ring on his finger šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
No I haven't moved on šŸ˜­ the ring on his finger got me thinking about submitting a request - Noah x reader getting secretly married šŸ„ŗ
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Done this as a headcanon piece but I hope you like it ā˜ŗļø
Noah Sebastian x female reader
No warnings for this one, all fluff
ā€¢You and Noah were having a secret wedding, very small, only your closest friends and family would be in attendance
ā€¢ Noah would be the more nervous out of the two of you
ā€¢ ā€œI can do this, nothing will go wrongā€
ā€¢ You know Nicholas would be standing at his side all day calming him down
ā€¢ ā€œShe is going to turn up right?ā€
ā€¢ ā€œDude you need to chill, everything will be fineā€
ā€¢ Obviously heā€™s his best man
ā€¢ Although the wedding was small, Noah had made sure you had everything you wanted, the perfect dress, flowers, cake, you name it, he made sure you had it
ā€¢ Nothing was too much for you
ā€¢ Heā€™d definitely be in a black suit with his hair brushed off his face and behind his ears
ā€¢ As soon as your song comes on, signalling your entrance, youā€™d both feel the butterflies in your stomach
ā€¢ And no doubt Noah would shed a tear when he sees how beautiful you look
ā€¢ I have no doubt Nick would end up calling out ā€œthereā€™s still time to runā€ when itā€™s asked if there are any objections
ā€¢ To which Noah would send him a glare, only causing the rest of the bad omens team to sit there and giggle like school boys
ā€¢ But of course nothing could ever make you want to run from the man in front of you
ā€¢ When itā€™s time to say your vows and exchange the rings Noahā€™s voice would be a bit shaky
ā€¢ ā€œYou should be used to standing up in front of a crowdā€
ā€¢ ā€œThousands of people I donā€™t know, easy. Standing here with the women I love, praying I donā€™t mess anything up, terrifyingā€
ā€¢ When itā€™s time for the kiss after youā€™re officially married, Noah would hold your face in his hands and it would be one of the most perfect and special moments of your life.
ā€¢ The rest of the evening would be spent with your loved ones and celebrating your marriage
ā€¢ And of course Noah would carry you over the threshold into your room/hotel/etc
ā€¢ Youā€™d spend the night as man and wife in each others arms
ā€¢ And Noah would be obsessed with calling you his wife at any given opportunity
ā€¢ ā€œCan I get my beautiful wife anything?ā€
ā€¢ Eventually the fans would find out when you were both pictured wearing your rings
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thestarlightforge Ā· 1 day
New rule.
Iā€™m not gonna base what Marvel stuff I get into on if Young Avengers characters are involved anymore. Not without reviews at least. That way lies disaster.
Insteadā€” Itā€™s based on if Jac Schaeffer or her team are involved, from now on. Because WandaVision is probs in my top 5 all-time favorites. Captain Marvel 2 was lovely, I thought. (My heart for Carol to get to kiss Maria on screen, but alas, censorshipā€”and not the writersā€™ or directorā€™s faults.)
And Agatha All Alongā€¦ Oh my HEART. AGATHA ALL ALONG šŸ˜­ Iā€™M GONNA BE SICK /POS
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bodybahng Ā· 11 hours
none of that is true
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word count: 1k
pairing: lee know x gender neutral reader
warnings: chubby minho, weight talk, minho feels insecure, based on his recent bubble messages (i know it might not be this serious but i wanted to show appreciation for him bc honestly iā€™ve been GNAWING AT THE BARS OF MY ENCLOSURE), suggestive and sex mentioned at the end, dacryphilia if you squint
a/n: LEE MINHO šŸ˜­šŸ« šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ¤¤šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØšŸ¤’šŸ˜©šŸ„°
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ā€œbaby?ā€ you called into the seemingly empty house. you were just done with picking up groceries, and minho was supposed to have helped you bring them in, but you didnā€™t mind doing it alone as you got no reply from him.
you put stuff away, paying close attention to what needed to go on the fridge, before making your way to your room to get changed into comfortable clothes. when you got to your room, you were met with a strange, unusual sight.
ā€œminmin?ā€ you asked softly from the door, trying to not startle him as he scowled at the mirror, face glowing not in a good way but because of tear streaks.
he quickly turned away from you, rubbing at his face to get rid of any signs heā€™d been crying and walked into your shared bathroom. the door was left open, and your concern was too much to not go after him.
ā€œbaby,ā€ you cooed, coming to hug him from behind as he finished splashing water on his face. ā€œplease, donā€™t hide from me. whatā€™s wrong, hm?ā€
minho was still quiet, drying his hands first before letting himself relax a little into your embrace. you made sure to press a few soft kisses to his cheek and temple, a quick one to his bare shoulder before he sighed and motioned for you to let him go.
ā€œcan we lie down for a bit?ā€ his voice was hoarse, making him wince, and you nodded, holding his hand to gently bring him to bed.
you opened your arms, silently inviting him to snuggle into you, and he did without any resistance. your fingers drew random patterns and shapes on his soft skin, hoping to soothe him first so he felt comfortable to talk. however, he only seemed to bury himself further into you, his face tickling your neck with his breathing until you realised he was sobbing quietly.
ā€œmin?ā€ you tried, squeezing him slightly to get him to look at you, but he didnā€™t. ā€œbaby, itā€™s okay. you can cry as much as you need to, iā€™ll be here holding you.ā€
to say you were worried would be an understatement. minho was rarely ever the type to cry, much less in front of someone. even if you were his partner of four years, his way of dealing with things that upset him was different. he would assess his feelings alone and only talk or let you know something was going on once the emotional reaction was left behind.
so you were scared that to have him being vulnerable like this in your presence, seeking your arms and warmth, meant something really terrible had happened.
your lips hummed a comforting melody against his ear, legs entangled in his, arms making a safe cocoon for him to hide in. he was your everything and all you wanted was to protect him from the world and his own head.
ā€œdo you think iā€™m letting myself go?ā€ he murmured, voice cracking a little. he hadnā€™t looked at you yet, not ready to face your kind and loving gaze.
ā€œwhat do you mean, min?ā€
ā€œiā€™ve been eating so much lately and iā€¦ i look chubby and i feel like i canā€™t even smile without feeling the weight of my cheeks,ā€ he admitted, which instantly broke your heart into a million pieces.
you knew he didnā€™t want to face you and needed your comfort, but you still slowly untangled yourself from him ā€” or tried to, only being able to create enough distance to look at him ā€” and cupped his face delicately, waiting for him to look at you.
ā€œbabyā€¦ looking like this doesnā€™t mean youā€™re letting yourself go. itā€™s okay to not be going to the gym all the time and not following crazy diets. i know that you grew up with people everywhere spewing harmful things about weight, but none of that is true.ā€ you didnā€™t know exactly how to start, hoping he would listen to you on top of all the voices that whispered to him he looked wrong.
ā€œi understand where your feelings are coming from, and theyā€™re valid. but the affirmations behind it arenā€™t,ā€ you explained as best as you could without hurting him. ā€œthe fact that your body and cheeks feel more full honestly makes you look so good and sexy and adorable all at the same time.ā€
his eyes finally locked on yours from where he had been staring at different aspects of your face, wanting to avoid the raw sincerity in them. ā€œyou donā€™t think iā€™m hotter when iā€™m stronger and slimmer?ā€
ā€œbaby, i think youā€™re hot anyway, thereā€™s no version of you that is more or less. what matters to me is your happiness and that youā€™re not relying on othersā€™ opinions to feel good about yourself.ā€ you leaned over to kiss the tip of his nose, right on his freckle. ā€œitā€™s okay if you prefer your body when youā€™re going to the gym and being more attentive to your eating, iā€™m not gonna tell you thatā€™s wrong. i just donā€™t want those unhealthy ideas to swim in your head, okay?ā€
minho faintly nodded, eyes dropping in need to hide from you. battling with his head was usually easy for the most part, but sometimes he got stuck on certain thoughts and he didnā€™t like that.
ā€œsorry, i know this isnā€™t an appropriate time, butā€¦ā€ his hands found your waist and he pressed himself closer to you. ā€œcan you show me?ā€
you blinked at him, instantly understanding but still feeling the need to ask. ā€œshow what, baby?ā€
ā€œthat iā€™m stillā€¦ that youā€™re still attracted to m-me?ā€ he forcefully shut his eyes at his stutter, feeling his throat closing up.
ā€œi donā€™t need to have sex with you to show you how much i love you and am attracted to you, my love,ā€ you said, still detaching yourself from him only to straddle his legs and lean into his space. ā€œbut iā€™ll gladly worship every single part of you if thatā€™s what it takes to get through your head.ā€
his lips twitched, a single tear rolling down the corner of his eye, and you licked it before it could make its way to his ear, taking the opportunity to gently bite his left cheek. ā€œyouā€™re so beautiful, i absolutely adore you and your body, min.ā€
his breathing caught in his throat as you kept nibbling on his skin, from his face to his neck to his torso and even down his legs, leaving both silent and spoken praises all over him.
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daydreamkissesxo Ā· 9 hours
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Father Charlie x reader| Sinner part 2; The only piece of Heaven I have ever had
Warnings; heavy smut, breeding kink, mentions of body image, blasphemy, unprotected sex, loss of virginity, manipulative priest? (I think thatā€™s allšŸ™ˆ) 18+
My link wonā€™t work to add part 1 but I am trying!šŸ˜­
Father Charlie paid you little to no attention during mass, he cruelly ignored you for the sake of his own sanity. The thought of you now sat amongst your family completely bare beneath your dress as your arousal seeps through the fabric and onto the church pew made his head spin.
You'd become increasingly agitated by his ignorance, perhaps his idea of repentance was your humiliation.
You'd began to fidget with your fingers nervously as you pray for time to pass faster, desperate for even a glimpse of his attention when he wasnā€™t occupied by the scriptures of the bible.
Your heart briefly stopped as you watched father Charlie acknowledge a young woman in the front row with a warm smile, a smile he'd always saved for you.
You grew both jealous and hurt, anxious that your confession had pushed him further away.
Mass had ended just as predicted, you'd barely left your seat before a swarm of persistent mothers surround you and your family, their sons left lingering behind.
"Y/N, have you given any more thought to our proposal?" One asked, pushing her way through the small crowd built around the church pew where your family sat.
You were barely present, your eyes fixated on father Charlie who carelessly fiddled with his papers at the alter as he continued to avoid your gaze.
ā€œIā€™m sorry, I havenā€™t.ā€ You abruptly reply, rising from your seat only to be met with the hands of another mother as she places them on your hips.
ā€œMy love, you have the most precious birthing hips I have ever seen.ā€ She says, gesturing others to look as she nods down at them.
ā€œNo doubt a gift from god. You would bear beautiful children.ā€ Another says, her smile warm as she looks up at you with hopeful eyes.
Father Charlie scoffed quietly in disgust as he overheard, his arrangement of the papers in front of him carelessly thrown down as he loses his care for them.
Usually he wouldnā€™t intervene, but your desperate confession and the unfinished business between the two of you left him with no choice.
He painted on a warm smile and walked over, the crowd immediately dispersing at his voice.
ā€œYou seem to be very popular with the precious mothers here, Y/N.ā€ He attempted to sound sincere, though it came off slightly differently.
He saw the lingering look of upset in your eyes as your gaze met his, it was pleasant to know how desperately you longed for his attention.
ā€œOh Father, Y/N would be just perfect for my son. Wouldnā€™t you agree?ā€ A woman asks, her eyes lit up with hope as she so greatly valued his opinion.
Of course he disagreed, nobodyā€™s son was worthy of you but he couldnā€™t entirely crush her spirits due to his own jealousy.
ā€œIā€™m sure heā€™d made a wonderful husband to any woman, but Iā€™m not qualified to matchmake anyone here.ā€ He kindly replied, flashing her a warm smile he knew she loved to see.
He turned his attention towards your mother who stood behind you, a kind but stern woman who undoubtedly kept you close.
ā€œMrs Y/L/N. Would I be able to keep Y/N behind once you leave? I have something Iā€™d like to ask her opinion of.ā€
She was very trusting of father Charlie, believing that whatever it was he needed you for would only add to your worth as a self respecting Catholic.
ā€œOf course, father Charlie. Y/N would be honoured to help.ā€ she replied, placing her hand on your shoulder to caress it with her thumb.
ā€œWonderful. It may take a while, but Iā€™ll see to it that she gets home safely.ā€
No words were spoken as you followed father Charlie back to his office, the silence was unnerving, and now you were left to wonder whether you'd gotten the entire thing so very wrong.
Father Charlie stood aside and held the door open, extending an arm to gesture you in.
Your heart pounded as you prepared yourself for the stern lecture you were expecting, barely able to look at him as you step in.
You jumped slightly at the slam of the door, desperately avoiding his gaze as he turned to face you.
He sensed your nerves, but chose to ignore them as he walked around you and over to his desk.
He cleared his throat, ridding the room of silence as he finally spoke.
"Take your dress off and give it to me." He simply said, removing his stole and neatly folding it before placing it onto his desk.
Such simple instructions and yet you were frozen, barely able to process what you'd just been commanded.
"Do I need to repeat myself, Y/N?" He asked in an oddly calm tone, looking up from his semi unbuttoned cassock.
You dared to glance down at the skin that was now exposed before quickly coming back to your senses out of fear he may grow frustrated with your ignorance, frantically shaking your head.
"No, father."
Your hands fell to the hem of your dress, bunching it up before pulling it upwards and over your head to free your body of it.
Your lower half was left bare while your breasts were held by a simple white lace bra.
In the time it had taken you to remove your dress, father Charlie had discarded the garments from his upper body, leaving him only in black tight fitting trousers with a protruding bulge.
You slowly lifted your head in shame, your eyes widening a little at the sight of his beautifully toned upper body that was always so well hidden.
Your hand trembled as you held out your dress for father Charlie, he smiled so casually as he took the dress from your hands.
He was cautious not to show any dramatic physical reaction to your barely clothed body, but his cock throbbed at the ethereal beauty that stood before him.
You watched as he folded your dress as neatly as his own garments, placing it on the desk beside his vestments.
His patience and self restraint was oddly terrifying, how could anyone have such great control?
He reached for your hand, linking your index finger with his as he gently guided you to stand before him.
He took a moment to admire the beautifully soft skin that you'd always so modestly hidden, his gaze slowly falling to your waist before he very gently took hold of it.
Your hips had gained so much attention amongst the overbearing mothers of the church, and he finally understood why.
They were perfect for bearing a child, one he could only wish would be his.
"It sickens me to think your family would be willing to let such unworthy men defile their beautiful daughter.." he whispers, grazing his fingertips along your skin in search of your hip bone.
Your breath grew audibly heavier, your lips parting in awe as you gaze up at him in wonder.
"Men who would selfishly prioritise their own pleasure and leave you completely dissatisfied. You don't want that, do you?" He asks, his darkened gaze finally meeting yours.
Your heart fluttered at the intensity of his gaze, shaking your head in agreement with his words.
"Not me, Y/N. I'd worship you like I worship the Lord, you'd never live a day dissatisfied."
His hand slipped between your physically wet thighs which you slightly parted to accommodate his touch, his extended middle finger tracing over your folds.
He watched as your eyes widened, your soft gasp being all the encouragement he needed to take it even further.
He slid his finger through your slippery folds, coating it in your dripping arousal before circling your clit with the pad of his fingertip.
Your explosive moan was truly devilish, who knew something so obscene could slip past your innocently soft lips.
He brought his free hand up to your mouth, firmly holding it over your lips to silence you.
"Sh, sweet girl. People will wonder what I'm doing to you.." he chuckled sadistically, amused by the apologetic look in your eyes.Ā 
"Is this what you fantasised about when you touched yourself like this?" He whispered, increasing the speed of his circling touch.
You whimpered against his hand, your knees threatening to buckle as you'd never felt such pleasure.
He glanced over at the small single bed he'd placed beneath a very low window, so low that if he were to continue his carefully planned sexual activity with you beneath it, someone would undoubtedly see.
He slowly withdrew his hand from between your thighs, smirking as you grew visibly upset by the sudden lack of touch.
"I want you to lay on the bed, on your back with your knees bent."
He watched as you complied despite your confusion, bringing his hand up to lips to suck at his drenched fingertip as he followed you over.
He groaned under his breath with pleasure at the taste of your sweet nectar, running his tongue along the tip of his finger to truly savour the taste.
His hands fell to the buttons of his trousers and you watched in anticipation as he unbuttoned them, the sound of the zip coming undone caused a shiver to rush down your spine.
He knew by prolonging your suffering you'd be desperate and willing to comply with anything he asked.
He tucked his thumbs into the waistband of his underwear before slipping both them and his trousers down past his hips and thighs, freeing his painfully hard cock.
Once past his calves, he stepped out of his trousers and stood at the foot of the bed before placing his hands on your knees to spread your legs.
The sheets beneath you were visibly stained as your arousal drip from your aching folds, the cold air that brush past your now exposed core causing goosebumps to spread down your thighs.
"Missionary, because we're in the lords house." He whispered as he lowered his head to press a sloppy kiss to your knee, smirking against it as he felt your knee tremble slightly.
Father Charlie knelt between your thighs, forcing them to part further to accommodate him before he places a hand beside your head to support him as he hovers over you, your folds brushing against his length.
Your body tenses beneath him as you place a trembling hand on his shoulder, staring up at him completely doe eyed with a slightly panicked expression.
"Father..we can't-"
He knew what you were going to say, yet he did not want to hear it, so instead he slid his free hand between your thighs and roughly inserted his middle and index finger into your core knowing the reaction it would gain from you.
Your breathy moan was even more explosive than before, your back began to arch and your head started to tilt back and this time, he didn't silence you.
"I'm saving you, my sweet girl. Do you want another man's dirty hands all over your precious body?" He whispers soothingly, his fingers gliding in and out of you.
"I want you, father. Only you." You moan out desperately, your walls fluttering around his fingers which forces a bead of precum to leak from his tip.
He could no longer prolong his own pleasure after hearing your desperation, withdrawing his fingers to take hold of his length to stroke it in preparation.
He bowed his head to look down at himself, aligning his tip with your hole before very slowly inserting himself.
He groaned as he felt your virginal walls stretch around him, barely able to lift his head as he was so overwhelmed with pleasure but your pained moan forced him to do so.
"You're okay, it'll pass..it's okay." he whispered reassuringly, cupping your cheek softly as he continued to push himself into you until fully inserted.
You winced in discomfort, but the pain was tolerable due to father Charlie's attentive nature.
He waited until the pain had subsided a little before thrusting into you, the moan that escaped your lips with each thrust forced out small moans of his own.
Just knowing he was taking away the privilege from whatever man your family chose to marry you made him crave more of you, he was determined to ruin you for anyone else.
His thrusts increased rapidly, eliciting almost pornographic style moans from your lips.
He watched as your clothed breasts bounced with each movement, cupping one of them before lowering his head to kiss at your collarbone.
"You've always been so special to me, Y/N." He whispered against your skin, releasing his grip from your breast to drag his fingertips down towards your core as it slips between your thighs.
Your hips naturally lifted from the bed in anticipation for his touch, whimpering loudly as his index and middle finger circle your clit at a rapid pace.
It took seconds for your legs to start jerking, your hips bucking upwards while tears flood your waterline.
"Father.." you whisper with uncertainty as your breath trembles, involuntarily throwing your head back as the unknown sensation that builds in your lower stomach grows larger.
You gasp loudly as an unfamiliar wave of pleasure washes over you, tears rolling down your cheeks as your eyes squeeze shut while your body writhes beneath him as you ride it out.
The unholy display of pleasure beneath him was a sight heā€™d never forget, now he understood why it was so forbidden, addiction to it would be inevitable.
The sensation of your walls tightening around him along with your desperate whimpering brought him to his own climax, yet he had no intention of withdrawing from you to release his seed.
His thrusts faltered as he began to coat your walls with his semen, bowing his head as he could barely find the strength to hold it.
His grunting drowned out the sound of your whimpers, his body slowly collapsing on top of yours while he remained inside of you.
Your body lay paralysed beneath him, panting heavily as you attempt to catch your breath while processing the fact you had unprotected sex with your local priest who didnā€™t seem to care.
ā€œI..I can get a plan B..ā€ you say timidly as you stare at the ceiling above you, wondering whether the mention of it will force him to realise what heā€™d done.
He somehow found the energy to lift his head up enough to look down at you, a disapproving expression replacing the pleasure filled one he had a moment ago.
ā€œYou will do no such thing, contraception is forbidden. You should know this, sweet girl.ā€
He had to desperately fight back the smile threatening to appear as he found it all too amusing, unprotected premarital sex with a man of the church was also forbidden though he was willing to bend those rules.
Tagging @2yeshes bc they asked me to, I hope part two meets everyoneā€™s needsšŸ«¶šŸ¼
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mountainsandmayhem Ā· 2 days
REQUEST Hi itā€™s me againā€¦. Sorry i have new ideas like every second. I LOVE Joelā€™s thick jacket he wore when he was in snowy Jackson. I was thinking like Joel holding reader EXTREMELY tight like freaking grizzly bear type strength while they are wrapped into his jacket like a burrito. Maybe theyā€™re sick or just really cold, idk iā€™m sick rn iā€™m just talking about myself with Joel at this point šŸ˜­. Again sorry I dont know how to shorten my words.
Never apologize!!! Pop in anytime, but only for a point form story or little blurb haha! Iā€™m hoping you mean this jacketā€¦.
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You felt it before you even open your eyes that morning. An annoying tickle, right at the back of your throat, yet also in your nose and somehow your ear.
Joelā€™s lips pressed softly to your forehead as you stir awake. ā€œBye, baby. Iā€™ll see you when I get back from patrol. ā€ He hovers for a minute before the back of his hand meets your forehead. ā€œYou feel a bit warm, but you also have like seven blankets on. I love you.ā€
ā€œBe safe, my love.ā€ You mumble, keeping your eyes shut tightly as if that will rewind time and you can go back to what you and Joel were doing last night. His hands on your hips as you straddle him. His lips touching every spot they can reach.
As he pulled away you were left with the scent of leather and pine needles.
It must be cold out, you thought to yourself, if heā€™s wearing his thick coat.
As you peel yourself out of bed you noticed the achy joints that usually go along with the itchy throat. All signs of an oncoming cold, or allergies, but itā€™s the tail end of fall and your allergies are usually reserved for the spring.
A chill spreads through your sore body once out of bed. I donā€™t have time to get sick.
As the daylight ticks by, the aching intensifies and the itch becomes a sniffle. By the time you leave your job at the stables, youā€™re freezing cold and have an annoying little cough that will catch you in surprise fits.
When Joel walks in the door youā€™re in a pair of his wool socks, 2 pairs of sweat pants, a sweater, one of his button down flannels, a winter hat and have a blanket wrapped around you. Your teeth chatter as you stand by the stove, waiting for your water to boil so you can make some of Mariaā€™s homemade loose leaf tea to help fight off whatever youā€™ve caught.
ā€œWhoa, itā€™s hotter than the Texas sun in here,ā€ he proclaims as he takes his boots off, as he unzips his jacket and steps into the kitchen he freezes in his tracks.
ā€œOh, baby girl,ā€ he coos softly. ā€œAre you ok?ā€
ā€œNo,ā€ you say, your voice muffled from how stuffed up you are.
ā€œAww honey,ā€ he says softly, pulling you into his arms. On instinct your hands come out of the blanket, reaching into his thick leather coat to wrap around his waist. He pulls you in tightly, and then grabs the lapels of his coat to practically plaster you to him.
ā€œIā€™m so cold,ā€ a sniffle finishing the statement for you as you try to take in the smell of leather you love so much.
Joel starts the walk the two of you towards the bedroom, every muscle in your body protesting as you go. ā€œLet me get you all tucked in and then Iā€™ll make your tea. You should have asked Maria to send someone for me. I would have came home, baby.ā€
ā€œEverything hurts,ā€ you pout into his chest.
He gets you in bed and then slips his jacket off, laying it on top of you like a blanket before putting the actual bedspread over you.
ā€œI know, Iā€™m here now. Just rest. Iā€™ll be right back with your tea.ā€
Thatā€™s the last thing you remember until the next morning. When you wake up youā€™re still wrapped in Joelā€™s jacket, only youā€™re on your side, your back pressed tightly to his front. His arm is wrapped around you protectively and you sink back into his warmth. You breathe in through your nose, getting just a hint of that leather and pine, and drift off again.
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afterglowsainz Ā· 2 hours
is it over now? | carlos sainz
pairing: singer!reader x carlos sainz
summary: you decide to release a breakup song on your ex boyfriendā€™s birthday, one year after the break up
fc: riley keough
warning: some grammatical errors in the tweets that i was too lazy to fix sorryyy
a/n: me??? writing a carlos fic??? the stars mustā€™ve aligned
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liked by ynupdates, f1wags and others
f1gossip itā€™s been officially one year since carlos sainz and y/n y/l/n broke up
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username itā€™s been a year already?? šŸ¤Æ
username nooo donā€™t bring the memories back šŸ˜­
username iā€™m never getting over this breakup :( they were so meant for each other
username i have no perception of time why did i thought they broke up like a month ago?
username and not one single breakup song from y/nā€¦
username no iā€™m waiting for the album
username we really are delusional huh
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liked by landonorris, taylorswift and others
yourusername my favorite type of night šŸ–¤šŸ„šŸŽ¤
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username MOTHER
username best concert eveeeer
username and you know the one about releasing the album ???
username what a WOMAN ugh
username i donā€™t understand you carlos sainz
username how did he fumbled so hard šŸ˜­
username the aesthetic is everything
username so beautiful so gorgeous so ethereal
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liked by f1wags and others
f1gossip carlos sainz was spotted with a new date at the monte-carlo opens
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username uhhh ā€¦.
username i wish i could say ā€œthat quick?ā€ but to be fair itā€™s been a year
username bestie werenā€™t you there after they broke up?
username he literally went on a date five minutes after they ended things šŸ˜­
username and he told you that personally?
username so itā€™s really over with y/n huh
username i mean ā€¦ yeah!
username noooo lord please bring back the family as we know it (carlos and y/n)
username this is the worst type of news i couldā€™ve got
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liked by alexandrasaintmleux, francisca.cgomes and others
yourusername i hope youā€™re in the mood for new music ā€¦ because my new single ā€œis it over now?ā€ drops today at midnight šŸ•Š thank you to my amazing girlfriends for writing this song with me and having the most fun at the studio
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username now thatā€™s what iā€™m talking about
username new music at last omg i could cry
username okay but THAT COAT !!!!
username i need her whole wardrobe actually
username girl not on you exā€™s BIRTHDAY šŸ¤£
username dare i say ā€¦ carlos song?
username crossing my fingers
username ohhh she knew what she was doing with this release date
username not only during carlosā€™s birthday but also right after he was seen on a date with a new girl
username i aspire to be THIS level of petty one day
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liked by charles_leclerc, danielricciardo and others
carlossainz55 really great weekend! thanks for the birthday wishesā¤ļø
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username pookie how are we feeling after y/nā€™s song?
charles_leclerc happy birthday! wanna get three thousand takeout coffees? (liked by carlossainz55)
username i didnā€™t wanna get mad cause itā€™s his birthday but like ā€¦. iā€™m gonna need you to pay for your crimes mate
username no cause the song was crazyyyy
username ā€œyou search in every modelā€™s bed for something greaterā€ maā€™am ???
username it was the ā€œyour new girl is my cloneā€ for me
username ā€œif sheā€™s got blue eyes i will surmise that youā€™ll probably date herā€ ā€¦.
username carlos just answer the question
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liked by reyesvdec, fernandoalo_official and others
yourusername forever in love with this city <3
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username MADRID šŸ¤
username my city my city !!!
username reyes liking this šŸ„¹
username thatā€™s her girl fr!
username sooo excited for tonightā€™s concert
username ahhh canā€™t wait to see her
username if she sings is it over now? tonight i might actually faint
username imagine her singing this at the city of the guy she wrote it for šŸ˜­
username poetic
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liked by f1gossip, f1wags and others
ynupdates carlos sainz was in attendance at y/nā€™s concert tonight in madrid
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username say again?
username he has two moods only: happy and confused
username what the hell is he doing there šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
username does this means what i think it means ???
username ahhh the second picture is mine! it was so random to see him there haha
username girl if you donā€™t start talking right now !!!
username was he with his new girlfriend?
username nooo he was with his family only
username you really canā€™t make this up šŸ˜­
username he listened to that song and was ready to risk it all
username who wouldnā€™t!
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liked by carlossainz55, georgerusell63 and others
yourusername one of my favorite cities with one of my favorite crowds šŸ‡ŖšŸ‡ø madrid you never disappoint šŸ¤
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username y/n if youā€™re trying to make me fall in love with you itā€™s working
username name a more iconic concert quick!
username literally the gold dust woman
carmenmmundt šŸ¤šŸ¤šŸ¤ (liked by yourusername)
username forever obsessed with her aesthetic
username not to start anything but carlos liking thisā€¦ šŸ‘€
username i meaaan the guy was at the concert ā€¦
username this night will go down in history
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liked by f1wags, ynupdates and others
f1gossip carlos sainz and ex girlfriend y/n y/l/n have been seen together recently in numerous occasions
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username of course they are going on dates OF COURSE THEY ARE
username and all it took was one year and a single song from y/n
username no bc iā€™m sure if she released that a year ago they wouldā€™ve been together by now
username so it was NOT over gotcha
username are we witnessing the comeback of y/n and carlos in real time?
username god i never ask you much but iā€™m asking you this one thing
username when ynupdates likes this so you know itā€™s serious
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liked by yourusername, maxverstappen1 and others
carlossainz55 some people have asked me recently if itā€™s over now? the answer is of course not šŸ˜Š
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username ā€œsome peopleā€ you mean your literal ex-girlfriend ???
username GIRLFRIEND NOW ***
username i canā€™t with the šŸ˜Š he thinks heā€™s so funny
username idk why they broke up in the first place but if all it took for them to get back together was y/n releasing a song and carlos going to her concert let me tell you ā€¦
username i think what really did it for him was the fact that she released it on his birthday šŸ˜­
username theyā€™re just obsessed with each other i guess šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø
yourusername oh i knew it wasnā€™t! just wanted to know what you thought šŸ˜
carlossainz55 i love you letā€™s never do that again ā¤ļø
username sheā€™s so real šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
68 notes Ā· View notes
propertyofwhitney67 Ā· 1 day
Iā€™m just wondering how all the LIs would react to suddenly hitting Awareness 6. Suddenly they see vore monsters, they can see PCā€™s transformation clearly now, they see plant people, they can see the corruption in town, they can suddenly see plant people now lol (if you scream in the forest while being attacked by plant people, Eden refers to them as ā€œdamn hikersā€), then they realize what PC has been through and quite possibly see the IW chasing them.
I've never had a PC reach full awareness despite my best efforts šŸ˜­
Whitney has no fucking idea what is happening. He knew this town was fucked but what the hell is all of this shit. He hides that he can see all of it, slightly afraid something will happen if ppl found out. After a while he might confide in you.
Kylar acts even more erratic and crazy, both from seeing all this shit and also feeling like he needs to protect you even more.
Robin is scared, what are these things and why can't other people see them. You've seen these all this time? How do you deal with it all?
P!Sydney is terrified, no human should see these things. Why can he see these things? He dives into praying more, hoping that will make it all go away.
C!Sydney has a weird sense of peace with it, he understands.
Alex now realizes why you would scream in the fields, why the animals go crazy when something makes sounds from the moor. He doesn't know how to cope with all this new shit so he turns to drinking more.
Avery is panicked, scared he's going crazy. He has to try hard to not freak out in public and look insane, he can't ruin him image over this weird shit.
Eden does his best to ignore it, everything is normal and fine. The only thing he can't cope with is the IW. He regularly tries to kill it during the blood moon.
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hotvintagepoll Ā· 1 day
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Donald O'Connor (Singin' in the Rain, Francis, Call Me Madam)ā€” LOOK AT HIM. Those giant blue peepers. Those tappy tappy little feet that don't quit. The ears that stick out like little wings, ready to lift him up to goofy heaven. The way his face contorts into the strangest yet most endearing expressions. His ability to sing and dance alongside the hunk that is Gene Kelly and yet pull all attention away with his big-eyed buffoonery. The way his energy is unmatched in songs like "Make 'em laugh" - bouncing off the walls and tumbling through the air straight into my cold cold heart. Who else but a true scrungly lil guy would sit upon the witness stand and defend a talking mule with all the love and affection in the world - staring out into the court room with his bright wide eyes and eternally mouse-like expression, openly admitting that the mule is his best friend?!??! I see him and I want to pull him from the screen into my hand and just squiiiiiiiiiiiiish with all my might. I want to pinch his cheeks and have him bat those eyes at me. He just makes me go "eeehehehehehe" every time I see him and his silly little self. He is pure chaotic, ridiculous, scrungly perfection!
Dustin Hoffmanā€”I just watched The Graduate for the first time and he's so cute oh my god. I thought he'd be 5'7" like al pacino but NO he's even smaller (5'6") šŸ˜­ he's very scrungly in this movie because when he gets nervous he keeps saying "what?" every time someone says something to him and he's very awkward. I think his relationship with Elaine is really sweet and when she went to his apartment thing asking for a kiss & they hugged and he put a hand on the back of her head I was like ugh I need what they have
This is round 1 of the contest. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. If you're confused on what a scrungle is, or any of the rules of the contest, click here. This poll goes up to 1970, so please only include propaganda from before that year!
[additional submitted propaganda + scrungly videos under the cut]
Donald O'Connor:
My silliest little guy. My funnyman. My horsie. I have watched many a bad movie for this man. The scrungliest fact I know about him is that he was supposed to star as Danny Kaye's role in the iconic White Christmas (1954), as he had known Bing Crosby since he was a child, but couldn't because he caught a mule disease while working on those Francis the Talking Mule films Universal endlessly made him do. I wouldn't exactly recommend those movies, but Don's character getting psychologically tormented by a sardonic mule does make for quite a good movie night, if you know what you're getting into. Are You With It? is another one I don't exactly recommend, but it does open with Donald as a math genius actuary who is about to kill himself over a displaced decimal point before getting taken in by a traveling carny instead. His more well-known and beloved roles have plenty of scrungliness too, in my opinion. This man slapsticked so hard he wound up bedridden for his physical exertion! Rather than submitting Make 'Em Laugh, which the electorate has likely already seen (I hope), I'm submitting an underrated dance number of his, where he explains maths through tap dance. That movie is Not good, but god do I love him in that role.
I think it's arguably very scrungly to seemingly be a real life cartoon character made out of rubber, as proven by how slapsticky the list of scrunglies is so far. In which case, Donald O'Connor? He scrungles supremely. He even played Buster Keaton in a movie (that apparently can't be recommended, but still).
Dustin Hoffman:
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factual-fantasy Ā· 2 days
25 asks! Thank you!! :}} šŸ«¶
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Thank you so much!! :DD Also I've been drawing literally as far back as I can remember.. I cant remember a time when drawing wasn't my favorite hobby.. so its hard to say what inspired me <:( however I do remember drawing sonic characters a lot back then! I also had some Sonic games. Maybe seeing Sonic in the games was what inspired me to stop using coloring books and draw for myself..? :0
Nowadays though drawing is my number 1 passion. I absolutely love to draw not only just for the physical act of drawing, but also to draw characters I like and tell stories and make characters and draw expressions and make gifts for people and WARRGHH :DDDDD
With this health crisis I'm going through, art has been a HUGE help. It keeps my mind busy and gives my fidgety hands something to do. I have other hobbies too, sewing, video games, writing.. but I only turn to those in attempts to recover from/get past art block faster. Art is truly my #1 passionšŸ’žšŸ’ž
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I'm open to FNAF stuff! But keep and mind that I'm fixated on other things so I miiight not get around to it <XD but feel free to send it anyways though! :))
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Thank you! :DD Also that's why I never finished it, I could never decide/write down what happens next šŸ’€ Just know that Ingo and Emmet were both intended to survive and make it back home to Unova-
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They're kind'a odd PokĆ©mon.. but I ADORE the color palette of Terapagos. So prettyyyy šŸ˜­šŸ’žšŸ’žšŸ’ž
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Oooo good question.. My first thought was Sylveon. Having a PokĆ©mon that adored me and could calm me down by simply holding my hand would be soooo nice at this time in my life šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ’žšŸ’žšŸ’ž
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I was so unprepared for that name XD 10/10 plant
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The first thing that came to mind was Glamrock Freddy being a Bewear and Monty being a krookodile XDD Perhaps Roxanne would be a midnight lycanroc.. Chica could beeee... and unfezant? Maybe a blaziken?.. Hmm..
As for Gregory, the first thing that came to mind was an Eevee. But that's way too clichƩ XD Maybe a Toxel instead? Or maybe Freddy would be his PokƩmon-
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I don't really have a birth order in mind.. but I do know I want the runt to be the youngest of the 4 brothers.
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I do have plans to give them different personalities. The runt will be shy and skittish. The big one will be the tough "I must protect my brothers and my mama" type. While also being one to punch first and ask questions later XD
The normal one is meant to be a little clumsy and not super smart. <XD He sees something shiny and he just happily runs over to it. Not thinking twice if what he's dong is a bad idea-
The shiny one is the smart one and kind of the "leader". If the piglets are ever on their own they will look to the shiny brother for guidance. He's smaller than the normal and big one but he will still fight if he has to.
I pictured Zorua being viewed as a little sister by the piglets, but maybe as an equal to the runt :00
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AWWWW,,, THATS ADORABLE šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ’žšŸ’žšŸ’žšŸ’ž
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(In response to this post)
Thank you, and aw.. that's a beautiful name. Your rabbit must have been adorable.. Mine was a lionhead. I'm sorry for your loss.. <:(
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Thank you, <:)) I'm hoping the same.. šŸ˜”šŸ˜”
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Well hopefully with the "check FAQ pin" on the ask button that wont happen again. Thank you for coming back and apologizing though, that was really kind of you <:))))) thou is forgiven šŸ˜ŒšŸ˜Œ
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I DO like clowns! :)) They're fun to draw but hard to design well šŸ’€
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Black and white.. are you talking about Ingo and Emmet? :0 They're subway bosses, not salior men! <:D
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@unpopularartist14 (In response to this post)
Yeah I've heard about those, I personally never do them <XDD
Also that's great! I'm glad I was able to help at least a little! :))
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I'm glad my artwork is helping you through your grief, even if only a little.. I hope it continues to help.. Hang in there friend <:) šŸ’ž
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Nah no worries! Thank you,, Its nice to hear. <:)) I'm managing as best I can..
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Its very possible! I had plans for her to at the very least pick up on some fire type moves :))
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Woah! That was you all those times? :00 I'm really bad at remembering names so I recognize people by their profile pictures. I hadn't realized it was you!
Also no problem! Thank YOU for sending in asks! :DD Comments and asks are my favorite thing to receive on Tumblr. So I appreciate all the messages you've sent! :))
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If this was real life, I would have freaked out and swatted it away XD But considering I'm able to admire its beauty from behind a screen,, sure! I'll hold it for you! :) Good luck on your taxes! <:/
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I know of the RAT! :D He's from the FNAF fangame candy's 3 right? Along side the CAT if I remember correctly..
I don't know who the Absolute solver is, but I can see that she's from Murder drones. I was never interested in that show, I really didn't like the art style.. <:/
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(Referencing this post)
Don't know what Danganronpa is, but I have a feeling that you're right <XD
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(Referencing this ask)
Oh don't worry about me, I have no intentions to interact with that fandom whatso ever. šŸ˜…
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I'm glad to hear you're feeling better! :)
As far as I've seen its a mascot horror game on Roblox, right? :0 I know nothing about it/have no opinion on it beyond that. <:/
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I've heard of it, but I'm not personally interested... I wonder what diehard transformers fans think of it :000
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laurents-laces Ā· 3 days
Dumping my thoughts on the new aftg short stories here to contain all the spoilers in one place, because if I don't get to talk about them I'm gonna explode. Someone very kindly made a typed-up version of them here if anyone wants them!
TFC: David
We all know Neil is "distressingly single-minded about Exy" but I'm dying at the revelation that people in Millport knew this about him. He was supposed to be lying low šŸ˜­
Kevinnnnnnnn my boy!!!
"This is better. Easier? Better." Ouch
I had a feeling he was seeing Betsy more often than twice a year! And that we just didn't know about it because Neil didn't. That's amazing for him
Wymack is being such a great dad right now and he doesn't even know it
So excited to have one (1) canonical sentence from Kayleigh Day herself
I was headcanoning Kevin as ten when he moved in with the Moriyamas. I know nine is only a year younger but somehow it's breaking my heart a little more
Awww I always thought he looked just like his mom
I hope he looks a little like Wymack too but no one noticed before
I wonder if he ended up telling Betsy who his dad is? I don't think so but I'm sure she'd have kept the secret. Even though it would've been so hard to keep a straight face about it
"Coaches have no honor. Your word is enough. Just yours." I wanna hit every Raven coach with a very heavy stick, starting with Tetsuji. But I love how Kevin's always trusted that Wymack was different. He can be a surprisingly hopeful person sometimes. He's a little like his dad in how he sees the potential in people no one else does
Am I crazy or is Wymack talking about Andrew here?? Because it reminds me of the part in the extra content where Andrew keeps breaking into Wymack's apartment to rant about Kevin, until one day it's Neil he's more interested in
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I always thought that Andrew agreeing to protect Kevin so easily might mean he was kind of into him. If canon unrequited kandrew is gonna be a thing then Andrew and Jean should form a Victims of Kevin Day's Big Green Eyes Support Group
TRK: Betsy
I'm so upset right now I don't even have words
It's so interesting to see what Andrew is like alone with Betsy. And I love that Wymack makes him feel safe
He loves his brother!!
"They cannot keep him. I will not let them." I fully believe Andrew would be down to break Aaron out of prison if he got jail time
"One week Neil had been the subject of some very grandiose conspiracy theories, and the next Andrew had only said 'He's Kevin's problem now, the end!' and refused to elaborate." That's the most Andrew response he could've had šŸ˜­
And he was so right about Neil being suspicious as hell! I need everyone to look back on the beginning of the year and realize Andrew was right about him
"Everyone knows now, Bee." My heart just broke into a million pieces
"Neil flinched. He'd pushed because he needed to see that horrible smile crack. He needed to know if Andrew was screaming behind the euphoria his drugs fed his veins. But Andrew wasn't, and Neil couldn't live with that. Andrew's medicine was too strong or his psychosis too twisted; either way, tonight didn't mean anything to him. This was a setback Andrew could sidestep and ignore." That part of TRK really stuck with me. It's a good thing he didn't actually try to act completely unbothered by everything that night but it still hurts to hear about
"I know what happened to you today was beyond cruel and that Drake's death will not undo what he did to you. I know our system has failed you every step along the way and that a part of you will carry that distrust and betrayal for many years to come, if not for the rest of your life. And I know you have done astoundingly well despite life's every attempt to crush you. I'm sorry," she said, trying and failing to catch his eye, "and I'm so, so proud of you." She just said everything I'm feeling, perfectly
Chaos and mayhem, or Blockbuster. These books are so 2006. I miss Blockbuster
TKM: Aaron
This was the first one I read and it took me ages to get through because I was laughing so hard. Aaron calling andreil's matching arm bands a promise ring broke me
He's such an asshole. I love him. He might not like it but he's a Fox through and through
"Exy this, Exy that, get a fucking hobby already. Oh, but I guess he did?" He sent a pointed look at Andrew. He's the funniest character actually
I've always wondered if he was a little jealous of a certain mouthy liar who has everyone wrapped around his little finger. Hearing that Ichirou chose Neil over his own brother must've been a wild experience
I also wondered if he actually had a passion for medicine or if he just picked the most respectable career path he could think of. It's so good to hear that it's really something he loves. He's gonna get his dream job and fix things with his brother and marry the love of his life some day, and I'm so proud of him
Neurosurgeon Aaron and paediatrician Katelyn are properly canon now! It's nice to get all these details from the extra content as part of the actual books
A few months ago, Aaron never would have imagined Andrew needed his approval. Finding out how important he was to Andrew was an ongoing, eye-opening experience. Aaron finally realizing how much Andrew has done because of him might be my favourite thing
"His father's people tore up his arms with a lighter and knives, and none of it is going to fade. He doesn't need to see those." Andrew Minyard you fake idgafer. You care so much. So much.
I wonder what would've happened with andreil if Andrew was in less denial about their relationship? I don't think he'd date someone on purpose while the no-dating deal was still in effect
"Andrew didn't want to talk about Neil with Dobson because once he broached that subject he had to either lie to all of them or admit Neil was more important than he wanted him to be." I love that Aaron understands this about Andrew
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I love that the only other Aaron POV story we have also ends with him being able to tell when Andrew is lying to himself. The twinyards have their misunderstandings but at the end of the day they get each other
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whitedarkmoonflower Ā· 3 days
Watching The Last Kingdom for the umpteenth time it suddenly dawned on me that Sihtric was at Dunholm with Tyra and he most likely witnessed what was done to her. Who knows their connection as another person in pain. He must have known she is Uhtreds sister. Maybe in the beginning she said he will come for her? Maybe he hoped for that day too and therefore was even more eager to serve him. Her death must have been hard on him, too. Breaks my heart.
Oh, my dear Anon! I have so many thoughts about it. And yes, yes, yes you are so right. They knew each other. And they suffered together.
I have to warn of books spoilers ahead, but the show skips this detail.
From the Lords of the North:
"Hocchale," Sihtric told me, nodding at the settlement, "it's where my mother was born." "Your grandparents are still there?" I asked. "Kjartan had them killed, lord, when he fed my mother to his dogs." "How many dogs does he have?" "There were forty or fifty when I was there, lord. Big things. They only obeyed Kjartan and his huntsmen. And the Lady Thyra." "They obeyed her?" I asked. "My father wanted to punish her once," Sihtric said, "and he set the dogs on her. I don't think he was going to let them eat her, I think he just wanted to frighten her, but she sang to them."
Sihtric told Uhtred and Ragnar about Thyra. Their connection must have been very strong. They both survived Kjartan. They both are the only ones who can really uderstand and feel each other's pain, because they know, they have lived through the same cruelty, seen the same horrors, the same brutal reality. They both hoped for a rescue. Maybe it was Thyra who tried to console Sihtric, telling him that she has two brothers who will come to save them until she herself lost that hope. And then it was Sihtric to bring them to Dunholm.
The show doesn't explore their connection, but that scene when Thyra's house is burning - Sihtric isn't just sad - he's devastated. He's loosing the one person who truly shared his burden, who knew his mother.
I've actually giffed that scene but never posted it, because it breaks my heart. That look of absolute horror in Sihtric's eyes when Finan tells him that Thyra left the palace, and he realises she's in the house... šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ And his expression in the morning when it's clear that she is gone...
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