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obsob · 2 years ago
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a self portrait in watercolour :3
✹prints shop!✹
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inoreuct · 1 year ago
omg hiiii i love your work🥺🫶
can we get the crew’s reaction to when zoro reveals he’s a weretiger / when they realise that zoro is a weretiger?
WAJWHAJSH THANK YOU ANON ��🏽 let's get into it hehehe
he definitely tells the east blue crew first. luffy before anyone else, of course; he works himself up to it so much that he gets nervous and they end up having a stress-induced back-and-forth (“WHY ARE YOU YELLING” “I’M NOT YELLING YOU’RE YELLING”) and he eventually just growls at the heavens in frustration and poofs into a tiger.
it’s barely dawn; the sky’s a watercolour of orange and pink and blue and the silence that comes after is painfully loud. he sits there with his tail-tip flicking at the deck in agitation and watches luffy’s face go from unreadable to awed to unrestrainedly joyful, his grin wide and white as ever but edged with something soft. “can i touch?” he asks, quietly for his standards, and zoro has just enough wherewithal to give him a rather shell-shocked jerk of the head before his captain’s fingers are in his ruff and luffy’s laughing like it’s the most natural thing in the world.
(he should have known that he’d had nothing to worry about. luffy had wanted him as a half-dead stranger tied up in a marine base courtyard, and they’re nakama now. his captain is not someone to judge based on appearance. he is still luffy’s first mate, tiger or not— and he knows that after this, with his captain’s approval, his acceptance, telling everyone else will come easy.)
sanji’s next. zoro strides into the galley with conviction and the cook scoffs at him about stealing more liquor before zoro says his name and he turns, stunned and off-guard and concerned all at once, just in time to see the swordsman shift forms. his mouth falls open and he stares, wide eyes flicking about like he’s trying to process, for long enough that zoro starts getting shifty; like come on, now. you either react positively or negatively, what’s the hold-up?
he chuffs impatiently when sanji steps closer, muttering you have got to be kidding me under his breath. something settles slowly in the cook’s gaze, the furrow between his brows smoothing as zoro’s whiskers twitch at the brush of his fingers. “you’re gonna clear out my damn fridge, aren’t you,” he sighs, already resigned, and zoro lets out a happy, unrepentant mrrp.
(in this form, he finds himself reaching for sanji the most. his tail wraps around the cook’s ankle and his first instinct when he wants to sleep is to seek him out, curl around him like a dragon hoarding treasure; perhaps it’s because sanji takes to the shape of his soul as easily as breathing, blatantly unafraid as ever of zoro’s roughhousing (albeit however much he gentles it on his account of his claws and fangs and sheer mass), of putting him in his place when he’s unimpressed with his bullshit. sanji snarks and snipes and sometimes runs his nails through zoro’s fur absentmindedly as if zoro couldn’t snap his neck in half or bleed him out with a single bite; but he knows the cook is aware of just how dangerous he is. the trust is intoxicating— especially from him.
he tells himself he’s drawn near just because sanji gives him prime cuts of meat to snack on and nothing more.)
nami and usopp are having breakfast together when he finds them. their sniper does a double take at the massive green tiger and sucks down a sharp breath to scream before nami slaps a hand over his mouth, lightning-quick, pressing against his shoulder to keep him in his chair. zoro’s a little insulted; his control over his instincts is damn near impeccable. he’s not just gonna chase should usopp really decide to bolt.
but he can see nami’s mind racing, a smirk revealing the tips of his canines as he noses through one of sanji’s cabinets for show— and he catalogues the moment their navigator clocks his earrings and his green fur and realises it’s too much of a coincidence. she slumps back into her seat with a disbelieving, exasperated huff, leaving usopp to give himself whiplash looking between her and zoro and muttering a rapid-fire stream of panicked words that zoro pretends not to hear.
he takes great pleasure in putting his front paws on the table and grabbing an apple from the bowl there in his fangs (usopp squeaks like a dog toy being stepped on) before he tosses it up and slips back into his human form to catch it. “good morning,” he offers casually, grin growing, and as soon as he steps out of the galley he hears usopp absolutely lose his shit. the apple is sweet and crunchy and he’s having the best day ever.
when chopper, robin, franky, brook and jinbei join, luffy always finds a way to slip in a “oh, yeah, zoro’s a tiger by the way” at some point and he thinks they hear it but don’t really process it until they see him prowling around the deck in his shifted form. chopper had jumped about twice his height into the air and sprinted below deck before a laughing sanji coaxed him out; robin had accepted it with a singular nonchalantly raised brow and then a smile; franky, brook and jinbei had pretty much just blinked in surprise and laughed it off.
zoro had thought it’d be better to prepare his crew in case he ever had to shift in an emergency; better for them to know than to freak out in the middle of whatever situation if it ever came down to it. it takes some time for them to get used to him, but it becomes the norm— and he’s grateful for it.
before he joined luffy, before he showed all of them who he was, he’d never really had the chance to be in shifted form but now? he has the luxury of strolling about as a tiger, sprawling on the deck with the sun in his fur, his tail bobbing as he walks the rails for fun. none of them bat an eye anymore; nami yells at him to stop ruining the main mast with his claws while luffy cheers at him to climb it higher. usopp and franky make him what essentially amounts to a giant scratching post. robin always has a hand to spare for a quick behind-the-ear scratch. not having to worry about being hunted is the best thing he’s felt for years.
but amongst all of his nakama, luffy and sanji are the ones who touch him like it’s second nature. the cook hooks his fingers behind zoro’s fangs to pull him close and tease him about whatever, so terrifyingly blasé about willingly putting his hands near the mouth of a predator; zoro bats at him with a giant paw and a growl once and he just laughs with all the confidence in the world that zoro would never actually hurt him. his captain has seen fit to deem zoro his personal space heater/bolster/arm rest, and he drapes himself over zoro like it’s nobody’s business; pushing his face into zoro’s fur, arms around his neck, leaning against his side when they sit on the ground and—
it’s good. zoro curls around them, his cook and his captain, on the rug in the galley that the crew’s set near the oven because they know he likes it warm. even with all of sanji’s snarky fire and luffy’s happy-go-lucky glee their hands are gentler than he’s ever known, and zoro basks in their presence with an ease and eagerness that he will likely never admit. they are the sun and stars to his moon and he feels their call like the pull of the tide.
zoro does not fight it. he is the right hand to his king, the battle mate of one of the strongest, most infuriating people he’s ever met. they call, and he answers. their heartbeats are a steady thrum in his ears, their weight a welcome, grounding burden, and he has an inkling suspicion that for their acceptance, for their affection— there isn’t much that he wouldn’t do.
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satoruhour · 1 year ago
t!! how are you!! am here with some flowers and sparkles to brighten up the season!! ✨💐 i hope you’re having a wonderful weekend 🥺
and i am curious!! (again 🤭) if you were to receive/give a gift from/to your fave/s, what would it be!! 🥺
heheh youre welcome to be curious in my inbox any time sel 💟 im watering my flowers and giving them back to you my love! i hope theyll thrive cause im not sure if its snowing where you are 🥹 i hope you had a wonderful weekend muah x
i have trouble making decisions always but i would love a lego flower set from either of the boys!!! i feel like more gojo bc then we would build it together <3 i mean it’s nice to receive something i like - like maybe a keyboard for writing or new watercolour brushes but.. i dont work on my hobbies enough to be confident in them so usually i have no idea what i want 🥹
things to do however are just great to do in general!! like gojo would enjoy the lego. i think geto would enjoy puzzles together. both of them would love those mystery solving books or mazes?? idk!
i think both of them would appreciate hand made gifts quite a bit since my side job involve paper crafting 🥹 i actually planned to make my boyfriend a paper bouquet before shit happened lol, so i didnt have the opportunity to. purchasing wise, geto would love things that is functional to his apartment/dorm or whatever. like a google home, or something to aid in his hobbies (easel, typewriter) or whatever!
gojo would just be cheesy and say my presence is enough lol but tbh give him anything and he would be grateful, i think its just the way he was brought up ... hes been shown a lot of things but when it’s coming from someone he cares about he cherishes it a lot ❤️ even if that something (that the product is known to be popular and expensive for one brand) is bought from a smaller, less expensive shop, he would love it sm bc he doesnt care abt the price 😭😭😭😭 like im p sure his sunglasses cost literally a mortgage but if u just wanted to buy him smtg similar at a cheaper price i promise you he would wear it at every take 🥹
send in an ask! 💌
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inner-sakura · 2 years ago
ooh fun! thanks for the tag @moondancer35 💖
1. Are you named after anyone?
nope. my parents pulled my name out of a hat (i wish i was joking........) 
2. When was the last time you cried?
ummmmm maybe like a few weeks ago?? i’m not really a big crier lol
3. Do you have kids?
i do not!
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
constantly. it is my crutch and my burden. 
5. What sports do you play/have played?
used to play softball, volleyball, and basketball. played rugby very briefly and did some track & field as well (shot put and discus). uhh not sure if this counts as well but i currently do kickboxing? 
6. What is the first thing you notice about someone?
7. What's your eye color?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
ok i love scary movies but if we’re talking about writing then im always gonna pick a happy ending :) 
9. Any special talents?
um i sing. professionally lol. but im also a pretty slick whistler so i’m gonna say it’s a tie 
10. Where were you born?
east coast of canada
11. What are your hobbies?
oh god. uhhhhhhh. i like reading. sometimes i do watercolour painting?? why does this question always overwhelm me so much LMAO
12. Do you have pets?
sort of. a childhood pet that lives with my mom! she’s a black cat and a little bastard and i love her sm
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
probably english and music? i mean it’s been a while so my memories are... a little hazy   /cries in old
15. Dream job?
singing and actually being able to make a living doing it hehehe
15 Question 15 Mutuals
thanks for the tag @coffeebanana !
Are you named after anyone
No, but I share a name with a well known character.
2. When was the last time you cried?
last night at church, not in a good way lol.
3. do you have kids?
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
me? sarcastic? neverrrrr (/s)
5. what sports do you play/have played?
I've played soccer and softball, but my favorite sport to play is basketball.
6. what is the first thing you notice about someone?
their smile.
7. what's your eye color?
according to @eggothemusicalwaffle "dark roast coffee bean brown", almost black. i usually say "shit brown" but that was vetoed.
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
happy endings 100%. i am a WIMP when it comes to scary stuff. when i go see scary movies with my friends i end up grabbing onto them and hiding my face its BAD.
9. Any special talents?
making dirty jokes.
10. where were you born?
what are you, a cop?
11. what are your hobbies?
i solve rubiks puzzles, read, play guitar, write, and recently i've been trying to draw.
12. do you have pets?
no. my grandma has a dog but i dont interact with her much.
13. how tall are you?
5'5.5". closer to 5'6", really.
14. favorite subject in school?
it was history until i took a sociology class this past year.
15. dream job?
writing for TV/film but with better conditions and pay. thank you WGA for working to make my future and others more sustainable.
okay so i know a lot of ayu have been tagged already but i barely know this many people so forgive me. @eggothemusicalwaffle @sunfoxfic @sfigatino @wackus-bonkus-maximus @redundant-lava @bocadelicate @heartfulselkie @maridotnet @lesbitorte @sirompp @nothing-particularly-exciting @aanabear2803
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sakasakiii · 3 years ago
hello!! you may or may not remember me from the random bursts of spam-likes, but i really want you to know i am a HUGE fan of your art & your comics always make my day 💖💖 # maedhros deserved better
HELLO!!! oh gosh, i do remember you!! especially bc ur handle is so memorable heheh... ok i hope that doesn't sound as creepy as it does now that its been typed bUT I DIGRESS ahem 😙 thank you so so much ahhh!! it really really does warm up my heart, especially bc u took the time to send such a sweet message?? pls. my heart cant handle this op 🥺 it makes me so very happy to hear my art makes your day-- and likewise, your kind words do the same for me! 💖
LMAOO #maedhrosdeservedbetter indeed!! say it louder for the morgoths in the back 😤 in the spirit of happy mae before Silmarils™ happened, have some chill valinor boyos in a wip style(?) i call walmart watercolour
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thank you so so much again for your kind ask!!! happy 1st of November (oh how quickly time passes...), and have a spectacular rest of your week! 🥰🥰
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archived-lestrangelokii · 4 years ago
Hello! What is your favourite medium in art, or the one you feel is most valuable? 🫂
heya!🫂(✿◠‿◠) weeellllllll im a silly flower and i get excited and hypnotised by any art i see, it's very true! and i do not know much about it but i through and through enjoy it very much!!!!! i cannot choose but i would say i really am enticed about ink arts ! and watercolour crayons heheh! take care , and stay safe chandaaajaaaan
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animated-moon · 4 years ago
Good evening my lovely, How was your day today?
I was pretty busy today. I decided to actually start baking the cookies that I was supposed to have done before the 26th. So far I have the dough finished, and all i have left is to make the frosting and to decorate. Then those cookies will be all ready for you my sweets <3.
Speaking of presents, what do you plan on doing for your upcoming birthday? Its starting to get very close isn't it (only 9 days away :0)?
Everyone on the team is dying to know if you have plans, because they all want to wish you a 'happy birthday' (I say 'they' because i'll have plenty of time before to wish you my moon).
By the way, that special day isn't the only day getting close right? There's still a certain wedding day 3 weeks away (which I feel greatly excited about), and Wakatoshi-Kun and Semi-semi have already started fighting over who gets to be my best man. Do you have any ideas on the guest list so far my dear (only the ones you have so far, do not take this as a green light to start overworking yourself for it as you still have some time)?
Love you my paradise~
- Satori
TORI BABE!! i just got this sudden urge to jump and hug you ugh. it’s been a good but very tiring day. OH!!! I DID A WATERCOLOUR DRAWING OF YOU THAT IM REALLY PROUD OF WAIT-
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ooohh, i see!! well, that means getting sugar cookies earlier for me, hehehe. hmmm, i’m not sure, actually. i planned for it to be just a normal day, buuut, my moots do think otherwise. it’s nothing that big, if i do say so myself. besides, i still have school on that day! (i wish i could skip..)
oH YES!! i have been preparing a number of things for the wedding, my sun!! the preparations are coming along quite nicely, and hmm, i’ll probably invite all my moots to the wedding. after all, theyre all my friends, and theyve all been nothing but nice to me! heheheheh, i wish i could see that in person, it sounds like an interesting sight to behold. also, i promise i won’t overwork myself! ,,,,,,well,, even if i do, probably not too much anyway. sometimes i do get carried away
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heartillian · 6 years ago
watercolour character maker / rinoa heartilly
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tagged by :     @heavensarch​ !! (thank you!) tagging :    @castholy​ and uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh anybody else idk who has & hasn’t been tagged & i don’t wanna clog up activity feeds asdfd feel free to say i tagged u (also @nightscaped​ i’m tagging myself hehehe)
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accio-artwork-blog · 7 years ago
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AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH! I just got my first ever tablet, the Wacom Intuos Pro Medium (PTH660)!!!! This was a big moment for me... ;-; I never tried digital art before and, heheh, of course my first ever digital sketch HAD to be Harry Potter... I’m pretty satisfied with the sketch except the hand looks terrible, but that’s nothing new lol. Going to try colouring and inking it soon. Just saying, digital art is MUCH harder than I thought it would be! I knew it would be a challenge but this is like...super complicated: all these multiply stuff, layers, brush settings, tools etc. It’s like learning watercolours for the first time (but like, even harder than watercolours because there’s thousands of mediums in one. Does that make sense?). There’s like, a whole different set of rules and boundaries, lots of advantages but I wouldn’t call them “cheating”. It’s like how you can erase pencil but not marker, but no one ever says erasing pencil is cheating at art! Anyways, I can honestly say that I feel like a 12 yr old at art again, which isn’t such a bad feeling! I also want to mention that in no way will I ever leave traditional art! I’ll definitely keep doing coloured pencil realism, sketching, watercolours, and now I’ll be adding digital too! Lol umm... I’ll end this rant here! P.S. I’ll be doing a review and unboxing for this on my YouTube Channel after I get the hang of this monster!
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comicteaparty · 5 years ago
May 13th-May 19th, 2020 Reader Favorites Archive
The archive for the Reader Favorites chat that occurred from May 13th, 2020 to May 19th, 2020.  The chat focused on the following  question:
Which comic has your all-time favorite artwork, and why do you like it?
Oh yes i can say this with certainty but the webcomic with my all-time favourite artwork by far is 榴花不及春 https://www.manmanapp.com/comic-1404769.html. it's not just that the art is beautiful but the way the artists create mood and tone is just jaw-dropping. I actually got chills a few times while reading it from the art alone and that's not something that i can recall happening when reading a lot of webcomics, or actually any fiction in general. there's such a elegance to the line weight and movement of the art that brings life to the characters. the artists' use of lighting adds such depth to the scenes, sometimes creating a warm and inviting atmosphere and other times a haunting and foreboding chill. the time i've spent with this comic is not something i'll soon forget(edited)
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
This is such a difficult question for me. Gahhh, so many pretty comics out there.... I guess, in regards to artwork alone, my favorite is the 2015 version of Countdown to Countdown by Vel. (https://tapas.io/series/Countdown) Just... such beautiful work. I'm a sucker for detailed painterly styles I will admit, but also the color and lighting is phenomenal. The way Vel sets up the mood with color and movement is amazing. The textures and brush strokes are simply gorgeous! Unfortunately, Vel rebooted the comic to a new style last year, and while it is still really gorgeous, I must admit, I don't like it nearly as much as the original. (What can I say? I have a bias for painterly styles.) Still highly recommend it! (https://tapas.io/series/CTC) I do want to point out some honorable mentions for me: * Ghostblade by WLOP (https://tapas.io/series/GhostBlade) - another painterly comic * The Sixth Dalai Lama by Ze Zhao (https://tapas.io/series/thesixthdalailama) - discontinued as far as I'm aware, but painted traditionally with watercolor! * Wind Rose by Sfera (https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/wind-rose/list?title_no=54306) - Painterly again (later on as the artist improved) but also great expressions I will say, I also love deliciously detailed lineart, but I don't see it a lot (especially in webcomics), and I cannot think of one right now :/(edited)
ahh ghost blade is a great choice @Cronaj (Whispers of the Past) and while i agree that countdown to countdown's new art isn't as sumptuous as it used to be for a comic it works better and the simpler art style allows vel to release at a more consistent rate without injuring herself so i really respect the change(edited)
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Yeah, definitely understand why they changed styles, because oml can a painterly style be taxing
I can't pick just one! But to start off I love the art of Lost Honey (https://www.losthoney.com/), everything about it is so soft, the linework, the colors the character designs, the panelling, it all has such a nice feel to it. The creator's use of color is sooo easy on the eyes, it fits so well with the comic. The linework has such a nice flow and movement, there is never a feeling of stiffness, it almost reminds me of water. Also I'm a complete sucker for traditionally drawn comics. Even though it's discontinued as far as I know, Thicker Than Blood also has really nice aesthetics! (https://tapas.io/series/Thicker-Than-Blood-), it has such a unique style almost like classical art mixed with glass. The designs are detailed yet highly stylized. The quality varied from time to time, given the amount of work that goes into them, but overall I really liked the look of this comic. Carciphona is another one I like aesthetically. (https://tapas.io/series/carciphona) The art of this one has improved immensely since it started, and while I'm not a fan of the look of the earlier pages, I'm loving how their work has evolved. The style is very Japanese inspired, there is a lot going on sometimes, but has its own unique look and is very well crafted. Also I love the action scenes, how they're handled makes the scenes look intense, sometimes grandiose.(edited)
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Oh my god I love carciphona’s art! I always get shilin’s art whenever she sells at Anime North I’ve been meaning to read carciphona for a while so thanks for reminding me!
Hands down it is Black Out Cityhttp://blackoutcity.ca/lvl10.php Jay does these amazing illustrative panels when they introduce a new chapter and it has me hooked on each update! The way that the title is incorporated within the panel is beautifully done, and their attention to detail and effective use of contrast is breath taking. Definitely a huge inspiration of mine! I also want to shout out to O'Sarilho by @Capitania do Azar . The palettes she uses are unique and dynamic, and the layouts read like the comic is animated (there's even animated parts in it!) the way she draws action and portrays horrific parts is phenomenal!https://sarilho.net/en/
(also i love this prompt but i could def go on forever with it hehe)
Deo101 [Millennium]
I wholeheartedly second O'sarilho ^^ it's a comic I regularly reccomend and I probably won't ever get over how lovely it looks! (I'll have to look for more comics who's art I love later)(edited)
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I'll throw in Heart of Gold https://heartofgoldcomic.com/. The ethereal palette, the clean and crisp architecture, the panels that work perfectly with the church imagery, and the energy of the lines and brush strokes. SO GOOD.
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
I agreEE
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Okay for me it's two webcomics One of them is Tracy JB's Lackadaisy https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/lackadaisy/list?title_no=39790&page=1 https://www.lackadaisycats.com/ Everything she does is wonderful; colour, expression, character, plot.....her art inspired me to embark on expression work. I remember being younger and being so inspired by her webcomic. Hands down can't find a flaw. The other one is Muted by anidoodles https://www.webtoons.com/en/supernatural/muted/list?title_no=1566 I was introduced to her from her Heather animatics on youtube. I love how her inking and cell shading is simple but VERY effective; the use of bold bright colours and watercolours was amazing. My art style is heavily inspired by hers and overall, I love how she captures people's attention with it.(edited)
Oh I love Muted!
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
looks at your profile pic heheh
I mean, I'd have to say I love "Nothing Special" by Katie Cook. Her art style and color scheme is just easy on the eyes and I love her intricate filled backgrounds. https://www.webtoons.com/en/fantasy/nothing-special/list?title_no=1188&page=1 Phantomarine is another favorite. I absolutely love the painted look and it's been inspiring my newer pages. Every page is just a work of art and I love the color choices and just everything about it. http://www.phantomarine.com/
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I’m also going to say Phantomarine
Theres also one I found recently called Bybloemen that has a really cool art style
ohhh Bybloemen is gorgeous and is so up your alley Sssfrs!
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
Its so good
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Woah, it's like woodcuts!! I like it!
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
Ooh this is a hard choice since I see beautiful webcomic art alot. Recently my favorite art and coloring style I've been inspired by are: - The Glass Scientists https://www.theglassscientists.com/ Some of the pages are well executed, I like the character designs, fantasy with alchemists, werewolves and more. Ghost Teller https://www.webtoons.com/en/horror/ghost-teller/list?title_no=1307 I enjoy QTT use of gradient coloring and spooky atmosphere, it looks like alot of time were used to make each strip. I like how the characters are linked to each story, it's not as spooky as more dramatic. They are all short stories Gourmet Hound: https://www.webtoons.com/en/drama/gourmet-hound/list?title_no=1245 When I think of slice of life with a soft pleasant color palette, this story comes in mind. I like to refer to her work as well as other SoL comics for inspiration on coloring.(edited)
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
@carcarchu ooh I love the different comics you recommend. It's always unique and pretty. I hope there's a tranlation strip for '榴花不及春'(edited)
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
Funnily, the webcomic with my all-time favourite art is Order of the Stick. Love how much expression and narrative work this simple style does.
Definitely Rising Sand https://risingsand.glass/. The art is immensely detailed in ways that are relevant to the world and story, has beautiful color choices, beautiful compositions, amazing light effects, great backgrounds, and so on. And just overall the skill level is so high I'd need another 20 years experience with art to even be able to begin to point out a single flaw.
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
^Ooh yes! I don’t know how Rising Sand keeps that quality so high. From their posts, it seems like a bit of a nightmare sometimes But the end product is like its own animated film!
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
Omg I'm often in awe with those artists making high quality art that looks like it belongs in graphic novels or film. I can imagine those big details will take alot of time to put together. (edited)
I once happen to meet the creators for Rising Sand. Very passionate writer and artist team who have quite some experiences and strong teamwork. (Life goals!)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
so many comics to check out :0
Deo101 [Millennium]
wow rising sand is really gorgeous
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Whoa rising sand is really good
actually reminds me of Tigress Queen by Allidraws https://www.tigressqueen.com/comic/page-0001(edited)
especially the parts where she draws glass and architecture it's very vibrant and full of life
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
Gosh I realized I have a trend of loving slice of life stories, so I might end up recommending that genre afew times!
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
(don't forget webcomic_recs for recommending good comics in general outside of the weekly topic!)
Unfortunately Korean-only at this time, but I am in awe of the art in this comic. It's not very polished, but you can tell the artist really knows what he's doing in terms of anatomy, perspective and composition. https://comic.naver.com/webtoon/list.nhn?titleId=701535&weekday=wed
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
oops I remembered that, I'll go repost there instead. Thanks Keii. Wow that comic(edited)
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
I really want to read more Korean and Chinese webcomics, they have a different vibe and story atmosphere. I enjoy looking into them as inspiration on how to stage my webtoon scenes.(edited)
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Hmmmm, I wouldn't recommend the one above for how to make vertical scroll comics. That one was originally made for print and then adapted afterward, and it shows.
Still absolutely amazing action art, though!
Holmeaa - working on WAYFINDERS
@LadyLazuli (Phantomarine) Heart of Gold is SO beautiful! I agree with you 100 procent!
I will add The Ocean Soul. Holey damn this comic is SO gorgeous!!!! https://tapas.io/series/The-Ocean-Soul
Gonna add this before this prompt changes. I think Oren's Forge has the best artwork I've ever seen done in a webcomic. Every panel has a setting that's so bold and pristine in color, layout, and background that it begs to be animated. Every color used paints a different mood to show character development and the style of the characters is so stylized and interesting to look at. Even the story is interesting enough that it gets you hooked and wondering what will happen next. Also talking animals, what more can I say? :) There's more discussion in FurAffinity than there is on Tapas so I'm putting two links https://m.tapas.io/series/OrensForge https://www.furaffinity.net/full/18260576/
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