diamondnokouzai · 5 months
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im a dc fan because nowhere else do they massacre characters the same way black manta massacred meras first baby
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Dragon Dancer IV: Odin’s Mask
As soon as we exited the steam room, Chu Zihang stopped and leaned against the wall.
“What do you need?” I asked. I bent over, settling Ru’Yi back on my back and tying her with the wrap.
“I need water.” He gasped.
I looked around the hall and spotted the wall mounted hose. I pulled the hose out from the reel. “Hopefully, you didn’t blow the whole water main.”
I pulled the wheel to open the tap and immediately a blast water struck him directly and he had to shield himself with his arm. 
“Sorry!” I turned the wheel the other way to soften the flow.
“No, this is fine…” He picked up the hose and held it over his head until he was completely drenched.
Blood Rage and repeated use of Royal Fire raised his body temperature and increased his thirst. His took sips out of hose even though it probably tasted disgusting. 
He let the water run over his body for a few seconds and then let out a breathy chuckle.
“What’s so funny?” I asked him. I wet my hands and reached behind me to clean Ru’Yi’s dirty face.
“She… she used Blood Rage. Susie did. I didn’t think she would be able to understand that text.” 
I reached out and touched his neck with the back of my hand. “You’re really warm.”
“I’ll be okay.” He straightened up, still looking exhausted.
We heard a soft sound, like skittering feet disappearing into the distant hall. The monsters were still fleeing from us. 
Zihang glared after the sound. “We have to take those things out. Cassell’s no longer what it was. And even if it was the same… it’s shameful that they keep these things.”
He looked at me. “I want to take these things down to the lowest deck of the ship and release Royal Fire there. Burn them all.”
He was awfully weak. It was the first time he’d used his Soul Skill in months.
He grasped my chin in his hand and kissed me. His warm lips caressed mine and tears sprang to my eyes. 
“I won’t die. Don’t worry.” He murmurred.
“I don’t want to let you out of my sight again.” I sobbed.
He gently stroked the tears from my face, looking into my eyes, they were still dark but a yellow light shone in the center of his pupils. “No, Meixiu. I’m here. There’s no need to drag Ru’Yi into danger again. Go back to Lu Mingfei and Nono and protect them while I work. We have to be ready to go. If Susie’s here, Lancelot can’t be far behind.”
With one more parting kiss, he turned and ran away from me, swift like a leopard.
I hurried through the hallways, completely safe from the harassment of those monsters. My heart was beaming with joy. Chu Zihang - my Chu Zihang - was back. If we were strong before we were even stronger now. We would find who was behind this hideous Soul Skill and run him through, and then burn him to ashes!
I reached the heavy steel door, unlocked it, threw it open and was immediately knocked over by Lu Mingfei who had been pushing hard against the door to try to open it. I had to twist myself to avoid falling on Ru’Yi!
“Oh you idiot! What are you doing?!” I yelled at him.
“Sorry! Sorry! Where’s Zihang?” He helped me up off the floor. 
I gathered a sobbing Ru’Yi in my arms and rocked her back and forth looking at Lu Mingfei reproachfully. “He’s gone to kill those monsters, that’s where. But we need to be ready to leave. Susie’s here and she’s bound to bring the rest of her crew!”
“We have to find Zihang right away.” Nono walked out, looking better, but her eyes were flashing with concern.
“No, he’ll be fine!” I grinned. “Guys, his memory returned! He can use Blood Rage, and Royal Fire! He’s really back!”
“That’s… that’s amazing!” Lu Mingfei grinned. “But we still have to find him!”
“He took Odin’s mask!” Nono said, her expression grave.
My smile faded. “What does that mean…?”
“Odin’s mask has tremendous power. When he puts it on, he turns into Odin.”
My heart dropped in my chest. “Can he change back?”
“Who knows!”
My mouth closed. I felt suddenly very cold. In my life, I had met men so willing to throw their lives away. Chisei Gen, Lu Mingfei, Crow… and, until that Christmas Eve, Chu Zihang was more than willing to throw his life away for the cause of chasing dragons. But that night, I heard a different Chu Zihang, one who wanted to give up dragonslaying and live with me.
“He won’t use it. Unless he absolutely has to. He said he wouldn’t die.” I licked my lips. “He wouldn’t lie to me.”
Nono looked at me silent and serious. “I hope you’re right.”
A blast shuddered through the entire ship. I thought maybe we were being bombed or had been struck by a torpedo! The floor tilted and I shouted, backing into the wall. Panicked, I summoned a light spear and embedded it in the wall to hang on for dear life. I watched as Mingfei and Nono tumbled about, running into each other coming apart to slam into the walls.
Finally, the ship settled on its side, vibrating like it was having a seizure. A tremendous popping sound was followed by the sound of rushing water. A huge wave of frigid ocean pushed us all back into the tiny room and rapidly began to fill it. 
There was no time to think. I started cutting through the hull with my light spear. “Nono! Hold Ru’Yi above the water!”
Mingfei held on to Nono and Nono held on to my baby. My eyes burned with dragon blood and I thrust my spear up into the thick wall above me. A piece of hot metal fell into my eye and I cringed back, screaming.
My head went under. The pain was unbearable. I popped back above the water and heard a voice. “Meixiu! Mingfei!”
Suddenly, the bulkhead tore open, peeling back from where I had tried to cut it. Zihang had to force it back with all his strength, shouting with the effort, his eyes a blaze of red and gold. Even with his Dragon blood high from Blood Rage, it wasn’t easy tearing through this steel plate. A hand grabbed me by the back of my collar and hauled me out of the water.
I sobbed with pain. 
“Are you alright?” His face was close to mine.
I looked at him, one hand over my eye and nodded.
Ru’Yi was next, Zihang reached down to pull her out and gave her to me. The hull was violently shaking as the weight of the crashing waves began to tear it apart.
“After I get you guys up, I have to go and find Susie.” Zihang was saying. 
“You’re going back in there?” I squeaked.
Zihang grabbed me by my arm. “I’m okay. I promised.” He said, looking me in my eyes. 
“Okay…” I said, a little stunned.
“Nono’s still hurt!” Lu Mingfei’s voice came from back inside. I could only sit stunned, wet and cold. Ru’Yi was shaking and may be suffering from hypothermia. I quickly looked around but it was impossible to stay dry and warm in the constant seaspray. I could only pray that the strength of her dragonblood would keep her alive.
“I can’t use Don’t Die on her again. It draws on the body’s own resources. If I do, she might die even if the wound heals.” Mingfei’s voice echoed from the hull.
“Okay. Let’s get her out first.” Zihang was saying, reaching down.
At this moment, a steel cable about an inch thick caught him by the neck and pulled him hard enough to break it had he not been in a state of Blood Rage.
I screamed when his face went pale from strangulation.
The massive clawed monster from before lifted Zihang to shield its face and reached up with its claws to cut his head off. It was smiling at me, reveling in our seeming helplessness. It must have seen us embrace. It must have seen the love in our eyes, because it laughed, not at Zihang, but at me.
This was revenge on me!
Behind him, it was another beast holding the steel cable and several more immortals were rising out of the sea after him!
“Nono! Quick…” Zihang gagged. “Get out of…”
An explosion of gunfire ripped up from the gap in the hull and the clawed creature was forced to drop Zihang and shield itself from the bullets. It whirled to the hole and slammed its claws down to where Mingfei and Nono were.
As soon as Zihang fell my light spear, dazzling like a comet, shot from the void and pierced the beast’s head. I held out my hand and closed my fist and the spear split into seven shining spires tearing the creature's head into chunks. Burning with rage and grief, I sent those spires after the one holding the cable and they pierced his head all at once. It fell with a limp thud.
But its hand still gipped the cable. Zihang had been pulled several feet away and now dangled off the curve of the hull. He’d stabbed Tongzi into the hull to keep himself from sliding off but the weight of the monster on the other end of the cable still constricted his throat. He pulled at it with his free hand to breath. “Get Nono out!”
I scrambled over to the gap. But both Nono and Mingfei were gone. There was only the the black water in the cabin.
I stood there with my baby in my arms, silent and still. Tears falling from my eyes. 
“Mingfei….” I whimpered.
The sound of a helicopter. I looked up into the bright spotlight shining down on me. I looked over at Chu Zihang who was still struggling to breathe.
My daughter…
“Daddy?” I whispered. His voice was resounding in my mind. Louder than the helicopter, thundering like the sea.
I see you… standing on the threshold.
“It’s a terrible place…” I whimpered.
Your time is near. Do not be frightened.
“Okay…” I whispered.
I crouched down and scooted closer to Chu Zihang as the spotlight drifted from me, down to him.
“No!” He called out. His voice hoarse. “No… Meixiu! Run! Find Susie!”
I could tell he was losing strength. I wanted to tell him that they were going to kill him. But the words wouldn’t leave my throat. His struggles were becoming weaker and less frequent. It was all he could do to hang on to Tongzi.
Suddenly, someone came running. The immortals, still holding back out of fear of me, ignored her. It was Susie! She was shouting! “Stop! Don’t shoot! Don’t!” She waved her hands at the helicopter. 
She was still bloody. Her clothing was torn. But she smiled and gave me a thumbs up. Then she turned and slid down the hull to reach Zihang. 
That’s when I saw the sudden beam of a laser sight move toward him. Susie must have seen it as well, because she converted her slide into a sudden leap.
Susie’s body burst apart. Momentum still carried her and she landed directly over Zihang.
His anguish swept over me like a white hot tidal current. I fell to my knees and lifted my face, screaming it into the sky. Chu Zihang was holding her, ignoring the pain and breathlessness of the cable, rocking her back and forth like she was a baby in his arms.
For a moment, I could hear his mind, his thoughts flooding out my own. “Susie, god no… please no… no… Susie… why?”
He was going to get her. I was going to go back and get her. Why did she come? Why did this happen?
There was no further gunfire. The crew in the helicopter must have realized they had made a terrible mistake.
A huge rocket suddenly shot from the helicopter. Not at Chu Zihang and I, but at the immortals. They turned and looked at it dumbly for a second before they were hit directly, swallowed by a pillar of fire that roared upwards and felt hot even at this distance.
They were ridding the ship of their weapons. I took that to mean we would be next. The boat was still sinking and the waves had reached Zihang and Susie now. He was still holding onto her but the explosion caused a huge wave to sweep over them both. When I saw him again, Susie’s body had been pulled from his arms.
“Susie!” He called out to her.
Her body floated away in the dawn light, her white face distinct in the among the floating debris, like a lost doll.
I hadn’t heard anyone cry like this, not since the mourning of Chisei Gen at the death of Sakura Yabuki, perhaps because this was something similar. Zihang didn’t have very many close people. I remembered his laughter just minutes ago when she had learned blood rage and his smile when he told her how strong she was.
I was one of the few people he still had feelings for. And one of the few others had been Susie.
I felt his emotions suddenly shift. I knew what he was about to do. His last person left in this place was still at risk. He wasn’t about to lose me.
I lowered my head, giving my silent consent. 
I heard a collective roar. The immortals were not killed by the helicopter missile and together they raised their voices, like wolves before a hunt. A wave of scorching heat radiated from Chu Zihang. A reciting of various dragon texts resonated in the air and the immortals began to echo them.
Chu Zihang forced himself to stand against the hull of the ship, surrounded by a black and red aura. He tore the steel cable from this throat with hands that had converted into heavy claws.
The wind, that had been steadily blowing out from land, suddenly shifted direction three times in three seconds. My hair tossed about my face as I watched him, a fondness growing in my own heart.
I closed my own eyes and focused on raising my dragonblood, if not to fight, then to be in solidarity with him. He was not alone in the world. He was not a monster.
They were the monsters.
The clouds that had floated so tranquil above us gathered together, thickened and darkened. I looked up, feeling the rain on my face as they descended over us in a dense column of elemental turbulence.
I looked down at Ru’Yi who was now very still and quiet. But she was okay. She was listening. “Do you hear Daddy?” I asked her gently, stroking her hair with crystalline claws.
The ship was suddenly rocked with violent explosions and fire and smoke. They’d opened fire on him. 
However, every time it appeared a piece of shrapnel would strike us, a flash of lightning came from the cloud and incinerated it. I took a deep breath and felt my back ache as those large white feathered wings pushed through my skin from between my shoulders. 
I heard the sound of hooves on metal and felt their heavy vibration through my feet.
An eight-legged horse covered in dark armor plating emerged from the cyclone. It snorted lighting and mist from its nostrils and shook its head vigorously.
Its rider, wearing a dark blue cloak, reached down his hand to me. I took it and he lifted me to sit behind him., side saddle, like a princess. My feathered white wings trailed over the horse’s rump like a wedding train.
Together, we looked up at the darkened sky. Where our eye looked, a group of golden fireworks exploded. Those golden spears of light streamed down like meteors. The surrounding area of the sea was covered by this dense meteor shower. Only when the spears of light pierced the immortals could I see that every one was a twisted tree branch.
The spears pierced every living thing, including the helicopter in front of us, sending it deep into the waves where it exploded with a dull boom.
I looked at Zihang. He was still looking at the sky and where his one eye glowed, a lava-like trail flowed down his mask.
My consciousness faded and I felt like I was in a dream for a moment. Zihang was standing, head bowed, staring into a deep abyss. He lifted his head and looked at me and I took his hand. “Let’s go.”
When I woke up, I was standing next to him, still holding his hand and time had passed. The sun was up and we were surrounded by groups of boats and helicopters.
It was the Crane group from Crow. All they found as a derelict and disabled vessel, the floating helicopter wreckage, as well as the immortals’ shrunken, mummified corpses.
Chu Zihang, Ru’Yi, and I were the only known survivors.
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lyz-fics · 5 years
Hawkeye X FEM! Reader: Better Than You
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Hey Guys! Lyz Here!
Ok, so, first of all, this is my first attempt at a fluffy/sassy Hawkeye fanfic. Luv u lots my babies. If you’re reading this can you guys please message me on how long you think stories should be. I get anxiety if I write something that is under 800 words but sometimes I feel you guys just want a cute story that’s like 500 words so it’s short and right to the chase. I don’t know, message me, please. BTW thx so so so much @dest-ai-ni for the help!!!
Word Count: 1,041
Summary: You are just as good, if not better, with a bow than Hawkeye and you are determined to prove it to him.  
You took a deep breath in, you cleared your mind as you did. In through your nose, the sweetness in the air being eminent in the soft scent of flowers. You could feel the air fill your lungs slowly, filling, filling, filling you to the brim. You pulled back gracefully on your bow, the string tightening with every inch of pull. The tips of the bow tensed as you pulled pith all your strength. Your hand gripping the bow tighter and the ends tensed but the middle remains strong. You held your breath as you anticipated the movements of the targets in front of you. One, two, three, you counted them as they swung back and forth on the automated belt. You needed them to connect for this shot. You let your breath float out of your lungs as you exhaled at waited for the target to reach the optimum firing range.
On the last second of your breath, you let loose your arrow. It flew like a torpedo through the air and you watched as it went. It flew through the air. It spun as it went and with such ferocity, it punctured all three of the targets with ease. You let out a sigh as you heard someone approach from behind you.
“Are you actually practicing or was that just a lucky shot?”
You scoff at the gruff, and gravely man’s voice as you walk over to the targets to retrieve your arrow. You grab your arrow and turn to face the scraggly, but built man in front of you. His hair falling down into his face as the wind blew softly through the trees
“Pick a place and a time little bird and I’ll beat your ass no matter what,”
“Oh you wish Barton.” You aimed to a hanging target a few yards away. Before you could let the arrow fly, Barton’s arrow shot passed you. You growled in frustration and the man eyed your annoyance, satisfied with his achievements.
“I bet you couldn’t hit 10 targets that far away.”
“You know I can Barton” He stood back, signaling for you to step forward.
“Do your best little bird” You lifted your bow, Wind blowing softly against your cheek. You pulled an arrow out from the quiver, placing it gently by the bow. You eyed the bullseye of the target and aimed, pulling the string back. Just before letting go a gush of wind blew onto your cheek.
“Watch yourself Clint” you stated bluntly, not moving an inch. The arrow flew fast, tearing through the air and striking the center of the target. “Bullseye,” You smirked to see Clint slightly annoyed that his sneak plan failed. Thinking it was the end of that you pulled out another arrow, letting it fly to another target. Clint Barton, Hawkeye, did nothing but watch as you hit 3 more perfect shots.
“7 more little bird. You’ve done good so far but can you keep it up?”
“I’m yet to see you shoot Barton,” you said with an as-a-matter-of-fact tone.
He picked up his bow and aimed to a target, hitting it in the center perfectly. You let out a slight hum of approval, before quickly shooting your own arrow at the same target. The arrow split through his in a matter of mere seconds. “6.” You turned to a target with one of your arrows already poking through. He watched in awe as you shot 2 more bullseyes, both splitting already shot arrows.
“5,4. Oh, I’m almost there Barton, must be worrying now…hmmm?” You taunted, a cheeky smile plastered on your previously concentrated face.
“You’ll lose your grip soon enough” He chuckled, a silly idea slipping into his thought box.
Just before you shot the 7th arrow Barton nudged your arm, making the arrow fly into a tree.
“Oh goodness, (Y/N) I am so sorry, must’ve slipped” He gasped, almost too obvious that it was on purpose. You turned around, of course, he would push you. Clint Barton never lost a bet… and if he did, it was because he pitied you.
“Oh shut up” you seethed out.
You pulled out the second-last arrow and aimed at a target. Breathing deeply as you pulled the string back, watching as the bow tensed up, ready to shoot it far and at a fast pace. Before letting loose, Barton jumped behind you and began crawling his fingers on your waist. 
“C-Clint s-s-stop i-it,” you giggled, letting the arrow loose, it flew curved, staying straight for a bit then flying into the dirt ground.
The other avenger kept tickling you, till you managed to wriggle off of him.
“Sorry little bird,” He smirked, playfully. You rolled your eyes and turned back to the targets. Pulling your last arrow out, you aimed carefully, taking as much time as you needed to get it perfect.
“Clint, go stand over there,” You said, moving your head slightly but keeping the bow in the same position. The arrow shot out of aim, slowly moving towards its target in a clockwise rotation. Barton stepped over, gently nudging the bow as the tail of the arrow passed. If he was a second later it would’ve hit the bullseye. You almost instantly screamed at the man.
“Clinton Francis Barton! How dare you!” You raged, pushing him over.
“Little Bird, I did say you couldn’t hit all the targets” He reasoned, wrapping an arm around your waist, pulling you to his chest. “But I never said why,” he sighed, lifting your chin slowly. He moved your head to the last arrow you shot. It had hit a straight bullseye but just missed the perfect center.
“B-But h-how?” you stuttered, confused. How on earth did it hit the bullseye? He…Did he move the bow just in time to sabotage the shot?
“Pure luck little bird, pure luck” he smiled down at your face. His blue eyes looking straight into your big (e/c) eyes.
“I still won the bet though” He added, looking down at your hardened expression.
“What do you want?”
“Join me...I want to show you something” He smiled, not revealing anything of his plan.
“I somehow don’t trust you Clint Barton” You giggled, walking away from the practice area with him.
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halloweentv · 7 years
Netflix and chills!
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Celebrate Halloween on Netflix! Below is a list of Halloween themed shows and movies available on Netflix streaming that you can play for Halloween! Enjoy!
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Stranger Things
S1 After a game of D and D with his friends Will disappears. His friends try to find him but instead find a mysterious girl
Takes place during Halloween and the boys dress as the ghostbusters. 
Supernatural S4 It’s the Great Pumpkin Sam Winchester” Investigating two mysterious deaths in a small town, Sam and Dean discover a witch is sacrificing people to summon a dangerous demon. 
S8 “The One with the Halloween Party” At Monica’s Halloween party, Phoebe becomes attracted to her two sister’s fiancé.
S5 “Halloween” Niles hosts a Halloween party for the Library Association where the guests dress as literary characters.
S9 “Room full of heroes” Frasier has a Halloween party and asks his guests to dress as their heroes. 
American Horror Story
S1 “Halloween Part 1 & 2″ the ghosts can leave the house on halloween night. Tate runs into some ghosts from his past. S3 “Fearful Pranks Ensue” the witches raise the dead on Halloween S4 “Edward Mordrake Part 1 & 2″ the freaks don’t want to perform on halloween in fear of a ghost coming to visit.
Freaks and Geeks “Tricks and Treats” - Lindsay spends Halloween making mischief with her new friends while Sam goes trick or treating even though he’s in High School now.
Parenthood S2 “Orange Alert” The Bravermen’s gear up to celebrate their favorite holiday, Halloween! Max wants to go trick or treating for the first time, so his parents do their best to prepare him for the night, since he is on the spectrum.
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Parks and Recreation S2 “Greg Pikitis” Leslie enlists the help of Dave and Andy in order to catch a local teen vandal. Meanwhile, Ann struggles to make her Halloween party fun and gets help from an unlikely source. S4 “Meet n Greet” Ben is mad when Andy and April decide to throw a Halloween party at their house without asking him. Tom emcees an event for Leslie’s campaign but manages to also promote his company. Meanwhile, Ron and Ann give Andy and April an unusual wedding present.
13 Reasons Why
“Tape 2 Side B” Its Halloween in the present and Clay strikes back at someone who wronged Hannah. In the past Hannah thinks someone is stalking her. 
S2 “Trick or Techrat” Jem and friends encounter spooky mishaps while preparing an old opera house for a Halloween concert
Fuller House
S2 “Curse of Tanner Manor” DJ attempts to throw the scariest Halloween party for Max. Stephanie works as a zombie at a haunted house.
Star Trek TOS
S2 “Catspaw” Kirk and the crew land on a planet with a spooky castle and witches.
Pac’s Scary Halloween
Sinister Dr. Pacenstein schemes to swap bodies with Pac during a Halloween party.
Pac Man and the Ghostly Adventures
S1 “A Berry Scary Night”  Count Pacula attempts to drain the last yellow orb in Pac World on Halloween night. 
S2 “The Shadow of the were-pac” Pac and his friends are confronted by spooky space ghost pirates. 
The Real Ghostbusters
S1 “When Halloween was forever” An ancient spirit shows up in New York to make Halloween last forever. And Frankenstein is groovin!
S2 “Halloween II ½” While everyone is trick or treating on Halloween Sam Hain escapes.
S4 “The Halloween Door” Crowley wants to end Halloween once and for all and does so even without the help of the ghost busters. 
Cult of Chucky
Chucky has some scores to settle with some old enemies.
Young Frankenstein
In this pitch perfect parody, the grandson of the infamous Dr. Frankenstein follows in his footsteps and creates a monster and puts on the ritz!
Tales of Halloween
Anthology series of shorts set on Halloween. Including trick or treating aliens and kidnappers in way over their heads.
Mr. Young
S3 “Mr. Candy” The gang are hungover from too much candy the previous night and struggle to put together the events from Halloween.
S3 “Fairy tales can come true” Cliff meets the woman of his dreams at the bar on Halloween night but is afraid of meeting her when he’s not in costume. 
S10 “Bar Wars V: The Final Judgement” Sam’s latest trick may have killed Gary, but is it really Gary who is playing the trick on Sam?
Charmed S3 “All Halliwell’s Eve” The sister’s go to the 1600’s to save a witch and her baby
Family Guy S9 “Halloween on Spooner Street” Stewie’s candy is stolen by bullies
F is for Family
S1 F is for Halloween” Frank secretly torpedoes Sue’s shot at a real job and a bully leaves Bill afraid to don his costume.
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How I met Your Mother S1 “Slutty Pumpkin” Ted holds out hope of seeing the Slutty Pumpkin, a girl he met at a Halloween before. S7 “The Slutty Pumpkin Returns” Ted finally meets the slutty pumpkin again.
Girl Meets World
S1 “Girl Meets World of Terror″ Augie hosts scary Halloween tales and meets a monster under his bed.
S2 “Girls Meets World of Terror 2″ Riley and Maya discover the ghost a flapper living in the bay window. 
S3 “Girl Meets World of Terror 3″ Augie does a scary time theater and shows what the world would be like if Riley and Maya never became friends. 
Power Rangers S1 “Trick or Treat” Kimberly goes on a Halloween game show…cuz those exist. S1 “Life’s a Masquerade” Isn’t set on Halloween but has a cool Frankenstein monster in it. and costumes. S2 “Zedd’s Monster Mash” Tommy faces some real Halloween monsters after he’s kidnapped by Goldar. 
Power Rangers Samurai “Party Monsters” and “Trickster Treat”
Power Rangers Megaforce “Raising Spirits” 
Power Rangers Dino Charge “The Ghostest with the Mostest” and in Dino Super Charge “Trick or Trial”
Dreamworks Spooky Stories “Scared Skrekless” Shrek and Co tell scary stories “Monsters vs Aliens Mutant pumpkins” Ginormica and co battle mutant pumpkins! Dreamworks Spooky Stories Vol. 2 “Monsters Vs Aliens: night of the Living Carrots” Picks up right after the previous special Also included another MVA short, Megamind, and Shrek.
From R.L. Stine: Monsterville A group of kids find out a haunted maze at the carnival is more realistic than they thought.
Mostly Ghostly 3
As Max tries to help his ghost pals Nicky and Tara find their parents, he stumbles on an enchanted crystal–and an evil new plot by Phears. 
Good show for the season but the Halloween episodes in particular are S5 “The Haunted Mask” Carly Beth’s scary mask begins to change her. S5 “The Haunted Mask 2” A boy’s creepy Halloween mask won’t come off and begins to harm him. S2 “Attack of the Jack O'Lanterns” Jack O‘Lantern aliens terrorize some trick or treaters. 
Goosebumps Movie
A teen moves to a new town and falls for the girl next door but soon finds out her dad is R.L. Stine and his book characters become all too real. 
The Haunting Hour series
Another good show for the season. The halloween episode is S2 “Pumpkinhead” - a group of siblings fear the legend of a farmer who takes kids heads and turns them into pumpkins.
————- Glee S2 the class attempts to out on a performance of Rocky Horror for Halloween. 
New Girl S2 “Halloween” Jess gets hired as a zombie at a haunted house. S3 “Keaton” Jess hosts a Halloween party and a Michael Keaton batman costume helps cheer up Schmidt. Spooky Buddies The buddies encounter the Halloween Hound and evade an evil sorceror on Halloween night. . Louie S3 “Halloween/Ellie” Louie takes his daughters trick or treating and encounter some punks.
Malcolm in the Middle S2 “Halloween Approximately” -Malcolm and his brothers build the ultimate stealth weapon. S7 “Halloween” - Reese and Dewey evade an old man they egged while Loos tries to get out of work so she can trick or treat. 
My Babysitter’s a Vampire S2  "Halloweird" In a total “not rip off” of Buffy, a mask makes people turn into real-life versions of their costumes.
The Vampire Diaries S1 “Haunted” Matt takes Vicky to a haunted hous ebut the night takes a terrifying turn
That 70’s Show S2 “Halloween” The gang visit their old burnt down school while Kitty remincies about their first Halloween in the house. S3 “Too Old to Trick or Treat, Too young to Die” A Halloween episode filled with parodies of Alfred Hitchcock movies: “Rear Window”, “Vertigo”, “The Birds”, “North By Northwest” and “Psycho”.
CSI Miami “By the Book” A body is found that appears to have had the blood drained by a Vampire
Bones “Mummy in the Maze” A mummy found in a Halloween maze leads to an investigation. Bones has a Wonder-ful costume!
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The Office S2 Halloween Downsizing leads corporate headquarters to order Michael to fire somebody by the end of October. Michael procrastinates until Halloween, when he still has not decided whom to fire. When he decides to fire Creed, Creed manages to convince Michael to fire Devon. S6 Koi Pond While on the way to a business meeting, Michael falls into a koi pond. The staff tease him so he holds an anti-bullying seminar. Pam and Andy go cold-calling to stir up some new business; they reluctantly use clients’ mistaking them as a couple to their advantage. S7 Costume Contest Michael freaks out when Darryl goes over his head by taking an idea to corporate. The employees partake in a Halloween costume contest in the office. Meanwhile, Pam tries to get the truth from Danny about their dating history. S8 Spooked Erin works to make a spooky, non-childish Halloween party, with help from Gabe. Dwight becomes friends with Robert’s son, and Pam and Jim debate the existence of ghosts. Meanwhile, Robert tries to figure out everyone’s deepest fears in order to culminate a ghost story.
It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia S6 “Who got Dee Pregnant” The gang think back to their Halloween party to figure out who got Dee pregnant.
Pretty Little Liars S2 “The First Secret” in a flashback some backstory to the mystery of A is revelaed. S3 “This is a Dark Ride” The girls get aboard the Rosewood ghost train S4 “Grave New World” A clue suggests that Ali may still be alive so they crash a cemetery party to find her.
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